Salto Systems S L RPOE Sallis Router PoE User Manual RPOE User Guide Notex
Salto Systems S.L Sallis Router PoE RPOE User Guide Notex
User Manual Notes
FCC Compliance Statements (FCCID D: UKCAE9, UKCL90 0, UKCG90, UKCRP POE, UKCNRF, UKCR R485, UKCA9XX, UK KCA9XW) This de evice complies with P Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) tthis device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this de evice must accept an ny interferrence received, including interference tha at may cause undesirred operation. Chang ges or modifications not n expressly approvved by the party resp ponsible for compliance could void the use er's authoriity to operate the equ uipment. equipment has been tested and foun nd to comply with the e limits for a Class B digital device, pursua ant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These lim mits are designed to provide reasonable Note: This protecttion against harmful iinterference in a resid dential installation. This equipment generrates, uses, and can radiate radio frequen ncy energy and, if no ot installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interference to radio communication ns. However, there is no guarantee that in nterference will not oc ccur in a particular in nstallation. If this equ uipment does cause harmful ed by turning the equipment off and on, th he user is encouraged to try to correct the e interference by one e or more of the follow wing interferrence to radio or television reception, whiich can be determine measures: Reorient or relocate the recceiving antenna. Increasse the separation bettween the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into o an outlet on a circu uit different from that to which the receiverr is connected. xperienced radio/TV technician for help. Consult the dealer or an ex Cana adian Complian nce Statement (IC: 10 0088A-AE9, 10088A-L90, 10088A-G90, 10088A-RPOE, 10088 8A-NRF, 10088A-R4 485, 10088A-A9XX, 10088A-A9XW) This de evice complies with Industry Canada licen nce-exempt RSS sta andard(s). Operation is subject to the follo owing two conditions:: (1) this device may not cause harmful in nterference, and (2) this device must accept any inte erference received, including interference e that may cause und desired operation. Ch hanges or modificatio ons not expressly approved by the party responsible for comp pliance the user's authority to operate the eq quipment. could void sent appareil est con nforme aux CNR d'Ind dustrie Canada appliicables aux appareilss radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux de eux conditions suivan ntes : (1) l'appareil ne e doit Le prés pas pro oduire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accep pter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fon nctionnement. Sta atement EU Compliance EN Hereby, Salto Systems S.L. (Arkottz Kalea (Pol. Lanbarrren), 9 – 20180 Oiarrtzun– Spain), declarres that this access control equipment is in compliance with th he essential requirem ments evant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC (R R&TEE). You will be able to find a copy of o the original declara ation of conformity at the following Interne et address: and other rele ES (Pol. Lanbarren n), 9 – 20180 Oiartzu un– Spain) declara que este equipo de co ontrol de accesos cumple con los requisittos Por medio de la presente Salto Syystems S.L. (Arkotz Kalea otras disposiciones aplicable es o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE (R&TEE). Podrá enccontrar una copia de la declaración de conformidad original en n la esenciales y cualesquiera siguiente direccción de internet: http://www.saltosystem FR L. (Arkotz Kalea (Pol.. Lanbarren), 9 – 201 180 Oiartzun– Spain)) déclare que l'apparreil access control eq quipment est conform me aux exigences Par la présentte Salto Systems S.L essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la a Directive 1999/5/CE (R&TEE). You will be able to find a cop py of the original decclaration of conformityy at the following Inte ernet address: DE Hiermit erklärtt Salto Systems S.L. (Arkotz Kalea (Pol. Lanbarren), 9 – 2018 80 Oiartzun– Spain), dass sich das Gerätt access control equipment in Übereinstim mmung mit den grundlegende en Anforderungen und d den übrigen einsch hlägigen Bestimmung gen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG (R&TEE). You Y will be able to find a copy of the origin nal declaration of con nformity at the followin ng Internet address: http://www.saltosyste DU art Salto Systems S.L L. (Arkotz Kalea (Pol. Lanbarren), 9 – 201 180 Oiartzun– Spain)dat het toestel acce ess control equipment in overeenstemmin ng is met de essentië ële eisen Hierbij verklaa en de andere relevante bepalingen n van richtlijn 1999/5 5/EG (R&TEE). You will w be able to find a copy of the original declaration of conform mity at the following Internet address: hanical Warnin ngs Mech In orde er to assure a good p performance for the device, Salto recomm mends to use a certifie ed mortise lock and make sure that it is in n good condition. Do o not knock the device e while mounting, if necess sary, loose the trims ffixation. Do not bring g the device into conttact with oil, paints orr acids. Do not paint the door with the mo ortise lock fixed to the e door. CLEAN NING THE ELECTRO ONIC FURNITURE: You Y can use a damp p cloth from soapy wa ater. Never use abrasssive soaps or sprayys.It is important to cle ean stainless steel re egularly. al Warnings Lega SALTO O shall not be liable fo or any losses, person nal damages or claim ms arising out of, or in connection with t he h wrong fitting of the e cylinders o r bad pro ogramming that can cause blocking of en ntries and ex xits i.e. blocking entra ance, exit of Injured or o people in danger. Do you u have the programm ming keys or management software (not in ncluded in this box)? If not, then take note e that when the doorr is closed without ha aving been programm med it will automatica ally lock, and can only be opened witth a Portable Programing Device. If in any doubt, please conttact your supplier or visit our Web site: ww Accord ding to the fourth poin nt on the SALTO SYS STEMS LIMITED WA ARRANTY documentt, the warranty does not cover product failures due to repair in nstallations, modifica ations or improper service perform med by non-Salto autthorised persons. The user is not allowed d to disassemble the inner electromechan nic structure in the SA ALTO furniture. (for instance, loosening the torx screws) In the case of a us ser intended interventtion at the inner partss, the user will lose any a warranty right fro om SALTO. N203 371 Copyright © 2013 SALTO Systems ED0 ‐ 22 21405
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : Yes Author : nshpilsher Create Date : 2014:02:13 09:43:08-06:00 Modify Date : 2014:02:13 09:43:08-06:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c041 52.342996, 2008/05/07-20:48:00 Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Format : application/pdf Title : Microsoft Word - RPOE User Guide Note.docx Creator : nshpilsher Producer : Acrobat Distiller 9.0.0 (Windows) Document ID : uuid:5bbfa060-c567-49cb-822c-62135eada75f Instance ID : uuid:00e78550-d3d6-44fa-b676-de7c5d312a8b Page Count : 1EXIF Metadata provided by