Salutica Allied Solutions Sdn Bhd BR1701 Fobo Tag User Manual Starter

Salutica Allied Solutions Sdn. Bhd. Fobo Tag Starter

User manual.pdf

 1 | P a g e                              FOBO TAG                      User Manual                               Version Draft - 01  (For iOS7.1, Android 4.30 & above)
 2 | P a g e   Contents   1 Introduction 2 About FOBO TAG  3 Description of FOBO TAG 3.1 Battery Replacement. 4 Description of FOBO TAG app screens 4.1 Login screen  4.2 Home screen before adding the TAG. 4.3 Home screen after adding the TAG. 4.4 Profile Details screen. 4.5 General settings page 4.6 Safe Zone.  4.7 Time Zone. 4.8 MySOS Profile. 4.9 Helper & Helpee. 4.10 SOS. 5 Start to use FOBO TAG  5.1 Installing FOBO TAG app 5.2 Pairing to your smart phone 5.3 Logout from FOBO TAG app 6 Re-pairing FOBO TAG with CrossPair  7 FOBO TAG Functions  1) PromptME 2) FindME  3) FindME  4) RemindME 5) Don’tMoveME 6) SOS.ME 7) WebSearchME
 3 | P a g e   8 Trouble Shooting Guide 9 FOBO Specifications 10 Warning 11 Regulatory Information 12 Intellectual Properties
 4 | P a g e   1 Introduction  FOBO  TAG  is  a  wireless  device  using  Bluetooth®  5.0  technology  to  monitor  your belongings. Please ensure that your smart phone has Bluetooth® 4.0 or above capability in order to use FOBO TAG.  Before starting to use FOBO TAG, please download the FOBO TAG app to your smart phone, FOBO TAG App is available free of cost on Google play store and Apple play store.   2 About FOBO TAG  As we go about our daily life, we are inundated with a lot of information and many things for us to remember. With FOBO TAG, we aim to bring convenience to your daily living by providing timely reminder or alert when you forget your belongings or about to lose sight of your loved ones. FOBO TAG working with your smart phone applications could monitor your loved ones or belongings from anywhere within Bluetooth range.  (Note: The distance varies according to different environment or surrounding e.g. building walls, metal objects, human body, vegetation & water could affect the RF signal).    Worried about losing your important belongings, your pet or loved ones? TAG a FOBO  TAG  to  them  for  peace  of  mind.  When  you  discover  you  lost  your belonging, pet or loved ones, simply enable WebSearchME. Any FOBO TAG app user who happens to be in nearby vicinity of FOBO TAG, anywhere in the world, will  alert you via  FOBO cloud the GPS  location of the lost  TAG.  With many existing FOBO app users all around the world,  you have good chance of locating your lost belonging, pet or loved ones.   Attach  FOBO  TAG  to  your  personal  items  be  it  your  handbag,  laptop  bag, luggage, car key or any important belongings, and FOBO TAG will monitor them for you. When you leave any Tagged belonging behind, RemindME function will trigger your phone to alert and remind you to take your belonging with you. We understand that at times you might not want to be disturbed by RemindME alerts; example your laptop bag is safely placed at home and you are on the way leaving your home to the cinema. Our smart SafeZone feature working with TimeZone will prevent an alert. However during weekday, when you leave your home to the office and forget your laptop, TimeZone will know it is time to go to office and it will prompt an alert to remind you. (Note: SafeZone utilizes GPS/AGPS of your smart phone to determine location. Turn on Wi-Fi on your smart phone for better accuracy.)  When you misplace any belonging you can use FindME to search for it. Example a car key misplaced under your sofa. FindME will be able to indicate the signal strength  for  you  to  estimate  how  far  you  are  away  from  your  belonging.  The FOBO TAG can also be triggered to beep for ease of locating your belonging. But if  the  TAG  is  not within  vicinity,  FindME  will also  display  the  GPS location (with time and date) where your belonging was last disconnected with the phone. This will help you trace where you misplaced your belonging. You can also locate your smartphone with the help of TAG, you just need to long press “FOBO button”
 5 | P a g e   on the TAG and your smartphone will loudly ring- even on silent. Provided the both are within the bluetooth range.  You can also use FOBO TAG to monitor your belonging to ensure nobody moves it. For example your desk drawer with important things inside. Just place a FOBO TAG in  your drawer and activate  Don’tMoveME function. Once the drawer is moved and you are within Bluetooth range, you will get an alert on your phone. If you are out of range, you will get an alert with movement records showing the movement history log when your phone gets back into Bluetooth range with the FOBO TAG in your drawer.    For  frequent  traveler,  you  could  imagine  the  boredom  of  waiting  for  your checked-in luggage at arrival hall after a long tiring flight. Activate PromptME feature  for  the  TAG  inside  your  luggage  and  you  will  get  an  alert  once  the luggage get into range with your phone, typically within bluetooth range (Note: Bluetooth  range  varies  depending  on  surrounding  things  or  building  structure). You are free to move around without having to wait beside the luggage carousel. (Note: Due to Bluetooth protocol, PromptME works best when the app is active in foreground when you are waiting for arrival of the TAGged luggage. Having the app in background, you may experience some delay in detecting the FOBO TAG. In  some  instances,  you  may  already  spot  your  luggage  before  the  PromptME alert).  When  you  need  to  walk  into  a  dark  and  quiet  area,  e.g.  back-street  or  under-ground car park, you may want a method to alert your family members or friends for  help  immediately  in  case  you  get  into  danger.  With  SOS.ME,  you  can  set FOBO TAG to  watch  over  you for  up  to  60  minutes. Place the  phone  in  your pocket and hold the FOBO TAG in your hand. When you encounter a dangerous situation, just throw the FOBO TAG away. Once the TAG is disconnected from the phone, an SOS alert will be sent out to the list of people you had pre-set to respond to your emergency situation. The SOS alert will also contain your GPS location as well as an audio recording to allow your helpers to review the actual situation that you are in. For other situations, you may use SOS trigger button in the FOBO app for immediate trigger without using the FOBO TAG or timer.  All the above are example use cases of how you could use FOBO TAG. There are many other ways of using FOBO TAG with all these smart features. Example, placing a FOBO TAG by the main door with Don’tMoveME activated, to warn of any intruder. All you need  is  to  understand how  the  features  work  and  with  a little  bit  of imagination,  you could make FOBO TAG work better and more suited to your lifestyle needs.  We have designed FOBO TAG to work with coin cell battery so that you do not need to worry about charging the device. FOBO TAG is also dust and splash proof (IP54) to allow you to use it outdoor without any worry.   DISCLAIMER: FOBO TAG IS NOT AN ANTI-THEFT OR ANTI-KIDNAPPING DEVICE.  PLEASE  CONTINUE  TO  TAKE  PRECAUTIONARY  MEASURES AND  TAKE  FULL  RESPONSIBILITY  OF  YOUR  BELONGINGS  OR  LOVED ONES AGAINST THEFT OR KIDNAPPING.
 6 | P a g e   3 Description of FOBO TAG                   Beeper hole     - For beeper sound.   Key hole                           - To hang TAG with the keys.  FOBO  logo  button            -  To  perform  various  functions  such  as;  Power      on/off,  click  picture,  locate  smartphone,  Open App etc.     Battery Compartment        - To insert/replace the battery.              Key Hole Battery Compartment FOBO Button  Beeper hole
 7 | P a g e   3.1 Battery Replacement  a) Hold the TAG within the area shows as shown in the below picture.                               b)  Shift/push the Lock, follows the arrow direction. Battery holder will automatically eject.                                                        Lock Battery Holder
 8 | P a g e   c) Rotate/Open the battery Holder.                              d) Insert battery in to the battery holder.                              Battery CR2025
 9 | P a g e    e) Rotate/close  back  the  battery  older.  Do  ensure  the battery holder is properly locked.                            The coin cell battery (CR2025) could last up to one year on normal operation. Frequent beeping  and  movement  of  the  FOBO  TAG  will  consume  battery  power  and  reduce battery operating life.   It  is  advisable  to  change  the  battery  once  you  get  the  battery  alert  to  ensure  proper performance of FOBO TAG. Do not wait until battery is fully drained as you may never know when you need to use FOBO TAG urgently.  You should be able to purchase CR2025 battery from your local electronics store or On-line stores (search CR2025 in your web browser).
 10 | P a g e    4 Description of FOBO TAG app screens  4.1 Login screen      E-mail address   –  Your  FOBO  account  and  TAG  information  will  be referenced  to  this  e-mail  address.  Please  use  a  valid  e-mail address.  Login button  - Click here to login after you have registered and activated an account.     Login button E-mail address
 11 | P a g e    4.2 Home screen  before adding the TAG            Switch Button                                            -   Prior to adding a TAG, use this button                        to  switch  between  FOBO  max  and FOBO TAG.                                                                         Add TAG Button                                         - Use this button to add a new TAG.     Switch Button Add TAG Button
 12 | P a g e   4.3 Home screen  after adding the TAG      TAG image  - Picture taken during adding of new TAG will appear as TAG image. This image can be  changed anytime under Edit TAG in Settings screen. This image will be blurred out  when  TAG  is  not  connected  to  smartphone,  i.e. outside of Bluetooth range.   TAG signal level  - Indicator of the signal level detected for each TAG. Note that the TAG uses low power Bluetooth for power saving feature. This low power signal level may be affected by human  body,  building  walls,  metal  or  other  RF  energy absorption materials in the surrounding area.  General Settings button       - Click here to get to the General Settings screen.   General settings RemindMe SOSMe DontMoveME PromptMe FindMe Battery Indicator TAG Signal level TAG Image
 13 | P a g e    Battery Indicator                 - To indicate the battery status.   RemindMe                          - Alert you the moment connection between the smartphone and TAG is lost.     FindMe                                - Use this option to find the TAG.          PromptMe                          - Use this option to activate the PromptMe function and App will  notify  you  when  TAG  comes  into  close  proximity with you.     DontMoveMe                     - Use this option to activate the DontMoveMe function and App will notify you immediately if your TAG is moved.     SOSMe                                  - Use this function to activate the SOS.
 14 | P a g e    4.4 Profile details screen             Home button  - Click here to go back to FOBO TAG App home screen.  Save button  - click here to save the TAG settings. Note that settings will not be changed if not saved.  TAG image  - Picture taken during setting up TAG profile will appear as TAG image. TAG Image TAG Name Home Button TAG Color SafeZone  Move Records Fobo Button About this TAG Release TAG Save Button
 15 | P a g e    TAG name  - Enter TAG name here.  TAG Color  - Choose the TAG color here, user can also choose to click picture or select from the photo library.  SafeZone                             - Click here to choose safe zone for the TAG from the list. User  can  create  safe  zone  under  General  settings  -> SafeZone in the App. Refer to the picture below, showing list of available safe zones.
 16 | P a g e   Move Records                      - Click here to get the movement records.
 17 | P a g e   FOBOButton                       - Click here to customize the “FOBO button” on the TAG.  User can select the desired action from the current actions available  in  the  App.  User  need  to  double  press  the “FOBO Button” on the TAG in order to perform the selected action.
 18 | P a g e     About this TAG                  - Click here to get the Firmware, BDA and Air-pair    information of the TAG.         Release the TAG                      - Click here to release the TAG.  Save Button                            - Click here to save the settings.   Save  Release TAG
 19 | P a g e    4.5 General Settings page                       Account e-mail  – E-mail used to login to FOBO app.  Ringtones                             - Click here to choose ringtone.  Angel Button                       - FOBO app will automatically help others to locate their lost  their  belongings  via  WebSearchME  platform.  User Account Email  Ringtones  Angel Mode SafeZone   TimeZone   My SOS profile Helper & Helpee Build Version Feedback Terms & conditions  Visit FOBO Website   Logout
 20 | P a g e   does  not  require  doing  anything  and  it costs  nothing  to help.  If  for  whatever  reason  you  do  not  intend  to participate  in  helping  other  people,  you  can  switch  off this feature. However we hope you can allow the app to remain in ANGEL mode to continue helping other people. Someday, this WebSearchME platform may help you in return.  Safe Zone                            - Click here to create safe zone and to get the list of saved safe  zones  (Refer  to  section  4.6,  Page  21  for  further details).  Time Zone                           - Click here to create Time Zone.  MySOS Profile                   - Click here to create SOS profile   Helper & Helpee                - Click here to Add Helper & Helpee.  Build version  - Display version of this FOBO app.  Feedback                             - Click here to contact FOBO Helpdesk.  Terms and Conditions         - Click here to view the Terms and Conditions.  View FOBO Web-site        - Click here to View FOBO Web-site.  Logout button    - Click here to logout from FOBO app.    Note: The app will cease monitoring all FOBO Tags once it is logged out. Please be very sure that you really want to logout!!
 21 | P a g e   4.6 Safe Zone   SafeZone is a useful feature to enhance the usefulness of FOBO TAG. When in a safe location, e.g. at home, user may not want to be alerted by out of range messages when moving around in the house. User can create SafeZone in the General Settings -> Safe Zone.  SafeZone  relies  on  signals  from  GPS,  AGPS  (via  GSM  network)  &  Wi-Fi  to determine the location.   User  can  set  multiple  SafeZone  for  each  TAG,  e.g.  home,  office,  friend’s  house,  etc. Refer to the below illustrations on how to set up a safe zone.                                Show list of safe zone -          Click here to get the list of safe zones. If there is no safe zone  created  then  this  option  will  appear  as  “Empty List”. Edit Button -                           Click here to enter in to the edit mode.  1  2  Show list of safe zone Edit Button
 22 | P a g e                                                                      Current location - Click here, My location option will pop-up  Click here to create safe zone. Safe Zone Name  Safe Zone Radius   Category   Add   3  4  5
 23 | P a g e   SafeZone name  - Click here to enter safe zone name.  SafeZone radius  - Use this to set safe zone radius.  Category  - Click here to choose the category.   Add Button                          - Click here to Add/Save the safe zone.  In order to change the safe zone details user need to enter the edit mode (Picture number 3 on page number 22) and then choose the preferred safe zone from the list.  NOTE:  Please turn on Wi-Fi for more accurate detection of SafeZone. Turning off Wi-Fi may cause wrong SafeZone alerts.  Note: In certain areas without Wi-Fi and with weak phone reception signal, user may encounter a delay or error in SafeZone notification. This is due to the phone is  unable  to  determine  its  location  accurately  and  the  instant  where  phone reception signal returns to normal and the phone is able to determine its location, the alert will sound immediately. At times this may be a few hundred meters away from the intended distance from SafeZone
 24 | P a g e   4.7  Time Zone  There could be times when user does not wish to be reminded, e.g. leaving home for a movie at night, a reminder to bring laptop may be annoying. To avoid this alert, user may use TimeZone. When set for a particular SafeZone tied to a particular TAG, there will be no alert when user leaves a SafeZone during any time that falls within the set TimeZone. However the reminder alert will still work in spite of TimeZone set if user takes  the  belonging  together  outside  the  SafeZone  and  accidentally  leave  the belonging behind.                                                     “+” Button Time Zone name  Start & End time  Repeat  Cancel Save
 25 | P a g e    “+” Button                                           – Click here to add Time Zone.  Time Zone name                                 – Click here to add Time zone name.  Start and end time                               – Click here to set start and end time.  Repeat                                                 – Click here to choose the days on which you would like  to  repeat.  User  need  to  choose  at-least  one day.  Cancel                                                  – Click here to cancel.  Save                                                     – Click here to save the Time Zone settings.
 26 | P a g e     4.8 My SOS Profile                           Name                                      - Click here to Add SOS profile name.    Email                                     - By default, this is an email used to login in to the FOBO TAG App.  Message                            - Click here to add SOS message which will appear on the helper’s device.   Name        Email        Message
 27 | P a g e   4.9 Helper & Helpee   A) Helper                                    “+” Button Name Email Add Helper Helpee
 28 | P a g e    “+” Button –                              Click here to add someone as helper.  Name     -                                  Click here to add helper name.   Email –                                      Click here to add helper email.  Add –                                         Click here to save the helper details.  Helpers are people who care for you and will respond to your SOS alert.      Helper Status                         - Display the status whether Helper accepted or rejected your  request  to  be  your  Helper.  It  will  show “Pending”  if  Helper  has  not  made  decision.  It  will show  “Accepted”  or  “Rejected”  depending  on Helper’s decision to agree to help you or not.   Helper status
 29 | P a g e    B)  Helpee                                                 Helpee – Click here to view the helpee list.  Helpees are people who you care for and will respond to their SOS alert.  .         Helpee  Helpee Status
 30 | P a g e   4.10 SOS                                        Timer Selection button  -  Click  here  to  select  timer  options.  The  timer  will  set duration for FOBO TAG to watch over you. During this period, when FOBO TAG is out of Bluetooth range from the phone, an SOS alert will be triggered. If FOBO TAG is in Bluetooth range with phone, an SOS alert will still be triggered when the timer is out.  SOS Trigger button  - Click here to trigger SOS alert immediately. This feature will work without FOBO TAG.   Start Timer                           - Click here to start the timer.  Timer Selection SOS Trigger button SOS Button Start Timer
 31 | P a g e    NOTE: The audio be recorded only when Helpee (the person requiring help) keep the FOBO app in foreground. When app is in background, the audio recording will not activate.
 32 | P a g e    5 Start to use FOBO TAG   5.1  Installing FOBO TAG app  Step 1: Download FOBO TAG app to your smart phone   For iPhone users, download from AppStore. For Android users, download from Google Play store.  Step 2: Launch FOBO TAG app & sign up a new user account  Sign up a new account with a valid e-mail address and password  NOTE: By submitting your information to sign up a new user account, you acknowledge  your  acceptance to  the  terms and  conditions of  our Software Licensing Agreement and Privacy Policy.  Please read the Software Licensing Agreement and Privacy Policy carefully before proceeding.   A verification email will be sent to your e-mail address  If you do  not receive the verification e-mail from FOBO Admin,  please  check your e-mail address entry to ensure it is valid without typo error. It may end up in the wrong e-mail address.  This e-mail may also be filtered by some e-mail servers. Please check the Spam mailbox.  Please sign up again if you still did not receive any message from FOBO Admin. Upon successful verification, proceed to Login  5.2  Pairing to your smart phone  Step 1: Add a new FOBO TAG   Select your TAG using the “switch button” at home screen (Refer to page 11, Section 4.2)  Select “+” at HOME screen.  Hold the TAG and  long  press  on  the  “FOBO  Button”  (Refer to page 6. Section 3) to initiate the pairing process.   Step 2: Set up profile for FOBO TAG  Upon successfully establishing connection between TAG and smartphone user need to setup the profile. Fill in the respective information, such as TAG Name (To identify the TAG), TAG Color or choose the picture from the Gallery.
 33 | P a g e    Save the settings.   Step 3: Confirming FOBO TAG paired successfully   The Picture Icon of the TAG will appear on the app main screen together with signal and Battery level indicator. The signal level indicator will be faded  (Grey out)  if there is  no  connection  to  the  smart  phone,  example when it is out of Bluetooth range from the smart phone.   Note: The FOBO TAG can only be paired to one Login account. This is to protect against possibility of tracking and control of the FOBO TAG by unauthorized users. In order to pair to another Login account, the user will have to select “Release TAG” under  the  “Profile details” (refer to Page 14, Section 4.4) screen menu.  This will remove the pairing information and all other configuration setting of the particular FOBO TAG. Be very sure of what you want to do before releasing the TAG.   5.3 Logout from FOBO TAG app  Once you are logged in, FOBO TAG app will continue to monitor all TAGs paired to  your  account.  In  any  event  when  the  app  is  terminated,  you  will  get  an  alert reminding you to re-launch the app. Or when your phone is powered off, you will get an alert as soon as the phone is turned on reminding you to re-launch the app. If you do not want to use the FOBO TAG app and want to stop the reminder alert, please  logout  from  FOBO  TAG  app.  The  logout  button  is  located  in  General settings screen.   NOTE: FOBO TAG app will stop monitoring all TAGs after logout. You will also stop receiving SOS alerts from your friends or loved ones after logout. Please be very sure that you want to logout!!  6 Re-pairing FOBO TAG with CrossPair  FOBO  TAG  requires  only  one  time  pairing  to  your  smart  phone.  All  the  pairing information and settings are stored at FOBO Cloud. In case you change to another smart phone  or  erased  all  contents  on  your  smart  phone,  you  could  retrieve  the  pairing information and settings by downloading the FOBO TAG app and login using your e-mail address.  Upon successful login, all pairing information and settings would be restored into your smart phone and you are ready to use all the TAGs just as the last time you used them. This CrossPair technology allows you the convenience of porting all the FOBO TAGs to another smart phone unit without the tedious process of having to pair and configure the TAGs all over again.
 34 | P a g e    7 FOBO TAG Functions  Functions are activities for the FOBO TAG to perform. All functions can be activated from main screen by selecting the particular FOBO TAG in HOME screen.   1) PromptME – to notify the arrival of a belonging; Examples below: a. Waiting for checked-in luggage at arrival hall. You will get an alert when the luggage is within the bluetooth range. b. Announcing  the  returning  home  of  your  spouse  as  the  vehicle  is  being parked outside the house.   2) FindME – when you need to locate your misplaced belonging, loved one. You will  be  able  to  use  sound  and  visual  level  to  guide  you  to  your  misplaced belonging or your loved one.   3) RemindME – This feature will provide reminder if you forgot your belongings or lose sight of your loved ones. This is a default feature. Examples below: a. When TAGged to a belonging, the applications will provide an alert when the smart phone is a certain distance away from the TAG. You could TAG to your laptop bag in case you forget to bring to office. b. However at certain times, you do not want the TAG to provide reminder. Example you might not want to be reminded about your laptop bag when you go to the cinema from home after work at night. With TimeZone, user can set certain timeslots within different days of the week when the FOBO TAG should not provide a reminder alert. c. For loved ones, this function monitors  your loved ones and  alerts  when they move too far away from you.   4) Don’tMoveME - to monitor your belonging to ensure nobody moves it without your knowledge. Examples below: a. Place a FOBO TAG in your drawer. Once the drawer is moved and you are within Bluetooth range, you will get an alert on your phone. If you are out of range,  you will  get an alert when the smart phone gets back into Bluetooth range with the FOBO TAG.  b. Monitoring  can  be  done  for  your  apartment  door  to  track  if  anybody uninvited opening your door. 5) SOS.ME – use this feature to watch over you and send SOS alert to people who care for you in the event of an emergency situation.. You can also use immediate trigger without FOBO TAG. Examples below: a. When you are walking into a quiet area, set SOS.ME. Place the phone in your pocket and hold FOBO TAG in your hand. In an emergency situation, throw the FOBO TAG away from you. Once the TAG is out of range from phone, an SOS alert will be sent to the list of Helpers. Your Helpers will also be able to review 10sec audio recording of your surrounding location
 35 | P a g e   as well as  your current  GPS  location.  Any commotion will  be  recorded and  will  be  confirmation  for  your  Helpers  that  you  are  in  danger.  This SOS alert will continue every minute to notify your Helpers of your latest where about together with latest audio recording. b. Imagine you are staying alone and notice some noise outside your room. You can use the  SOS  Control  screen  to  trigger immediate SOS  alert  to your Helpers as soon as you detect an intruder.   6) WebSearchME – This feature uses crowd-sourced tracking to locate lost Tags. Place a TAG to your important belonging or to your pet or loved one. When you discover  that  you  lost  your  TAG  and  cannot  locate  within  vicinity,  you  can activate WebSearchME to report this lost TAG to the FOBO cloud. As soon as an ANGEL (anonymous phone with FOBO app) detects the lost TAG, it will send GPS location to FOBO cloud. This GPS location will then be routed to the TAG owner who reported lost.     8 Trouble Shooting Guide   Could not sign up a new FOBO account (did not receive authentication e-mail)  o Check the e-mail address entry is typed correctly o Check the Spam mailbox, in case the e-mail was filtered by the e-mail server o Check  the  smart  phone  is  connected  to  WIFI/GSM  and  able  to receive e-mail   Could not sign up a new FOBO account (received authentication e-mail)  o Make sure  to  click  on  the  “Activation”  link  of the  latest  e-mail, in case there are multiple authentication e-mails o You should be directed to web page that clearly displayed “TAG is activated”.   Unable to Login after signing up to FOBO app  o Make sure your e-mail address and password is typed correctly o A verification mail will be sent to your e-mail address o Follow the instruction in the mail to activate your account before you can Login o Check if internet connection is available on your smart phone   Unable to pair FOBO TAG  o Launch FOBO TAG app o Choose TAG using the switch button in home screen.
 36 | P a g e   o Select “+” in HOME screen. o Long press the “FOBO Button” on the TAG until you hear the beep sound. o Make sure your smart phone has Bluetooth 4.0 and above capability. NOTE: BLUETOOTH 2.0 OR 3.0 WILL NOT WORK WITH THIS DEVICE. o Please check if  the FOBO TAG has been paired before to another Login account. You’ll need  to  “Release”  the  FOBO TAG from the Login account that it is paired to, before using on your account. The FOBO  TAG  is  designed  to  pair  with  one  Login  account  only  to protect your privacy. o Try to  reset  the  Bluetooth  manager  of  your smart  phone  (for iOS: Settings-> Bluetooth-> OFF->ON). At times the Bluetooth manager may be disrupted which may require manual reset.  Unable to connect FOBO TAG after pairing  o Make sure there is nothing blocking the RF signal between FOBO TAG and your smart phone. o Make sure  you Login with the same information (e-mail) that  was used to pair with this FOBO TAG. o Upon connection you should see a clear signal  bar graphics below the TAG on right side. o Make sure to change the battery immediately after you receive a low battery  alert.  FOBO  TAG  might  not  function  properly  of  battery level is too low. The CR2025 coin cell battery could last up to one year; depending on usage the battery life may be much lesser than one year.   Unable to see all paired FOBO TAGs after sign out and login again  o Note  that  FOBO  TAG  pairing  information  is  tied  to  your  login account using your e-mail address. o Make sure you login using the correct e-mail address that was used to pair your FOBO TAGs. o Make sure you did not save your FOBO TAG settings and Logout when  there  is  no  internet  connection.  This  might  cause  failure  to synchronize your FOBO TAG information with FOBO cloud server thus disrupting your Login account database.   PromptME did not alert when FOBO TAG in vicinity  o Try again with FOBO TAG app in the foreground when you want to detect an in-coming FOBO TAG. Due to power saving protocol in your  smart  phone  operating  system,  there  may  be  some  delay  in detecting a FOBO TAG signal if the app is put to the background. o Ensure PromptME feature is activated and your smart phone must be disconnected from the FOBO TAG for more than 20 seconds.
 37 | P a g e   o Ensure the FOBO TAG is not placed in a metal casing, metal bag or immersed in liquid which can seriously attenuate signals coming out from FOBO TAG.    SOS.ME does not work. Helper could not receive SOS alert.  o Check if the Helper that you added has accepted your request to add him/her as your Helper. The status should display “Accepted”. o Ensure that Helper is still Login to FOBO TAG app with the app in the background. o Check the Helper’s e-mail listed in Helper List screen is the same as the e-mail that the Helper used to Login to FOBO TAG app. Check Helper’s “MyInfo” screen in FOBO TAG app for his/her e-mail. o Ensure that your smartphone and Helper’s smartphone has access to cellular data or Wi-Fi.   9 FOBO Specifications    Bluetooth 5.0 Ready    Connectivity  range  –  Up  to  120  meter  with line of sight   (BT5.0)   Dimension (H x D):  36.5mm X 36.5mm    Thickness - 4.5mm    Dust and Splash Proof: IP54   Battery Type –  CR2025    Battery life span - Up to one year    10 Warning   Take note that FOBO TAG is not meant to function as anti-theft or anti-kidnapping  device.  In  some  use  cases  involving  SafeZone, unauthorized person may remove the belonging without triggering an alert on your smart phone.  Please take  extra  precaution  to acoustics  safety  when  operating the FOBO TAG. Note that the FOBO TAG beeper may be loud and may result in injury to the ear or permanent loss of hearing.  You shall not use the FOBO TAG in any unlawful way that violates any laws.  Avoid  exposing  the  FOBO  TAG  to  solvent,  fire  or  extreme temperatures.  FOBO  TAG  may  fail  to  function  properly  if  the  battery  is  below 100% level. Replace the battery immediately to continue enjoying full features of FOBO TAG.
 38 | P a g e    CAUTION  THERE MAY BE A RISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS REPLACED BY AN INCORRECT TYPE. DISPOSE ALL USED BATTERIES PROPERLY.    11 Regulatory information  Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide  reasonable  protection  against  harmful  interference  in  a  residential installation.  This  equipment  generates  uses  and  can  radiate  radio  frequency energy  and,  if  not  installed  and  used  in  accordance  with  the  instructions,  may cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  communications.    However,  there  is  no guarantee  that  interference  will  not  occur  in  a  particular  installation.    If  this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:  -  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that To which the receiver is connected. -  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible  for  compliance  could  void  the  user's  authority  to  operate  this equipment.  This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.   Radiation Exposure Statement: The  product  comply  with  the  FCC  portable  RF  exposure  limit  set forth  for  an uncontrolled environment and are safe for intended operation as described in this manual. The further RF exposure reduction can be achieved if the product can be kept as far as possible from the user body or set the device to lower output power if such function is available.
 39 | P a g e                      Industry Canada statement: This device complies with ISED’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’ ISED applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) le dispositif ne doit pas produire de brouillage préjudiciable, et (2) ce dispositif doit accepter tout brouillage reçu, y compris un brouillage susceptible de provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable.  Radiation Exposure Statement: The product comply with the Canada portable RF exposure limit set forth for an uncontrolled environment and are safe for intended operation as described in this manual. The further RF exposure reduction can be achieved if the product can be kept as far as possible from the user body or set the device to lower output power if such function is available.  Déclaration  d'exposition  aux  radiations: Le produit est conforme aux limites d'exposition pour les appareils portables RF pour les Etats-Unis et le Canada établies pour un environnement non contrôlé. Le  produit  est  sûr  pour  un  fonctionnement  tel  que  décrit  dans  ce  manuel.  La réduction aux expositions RF peut être augmentée si l'appareil peut être conservé aussi loin que possible du corps de l'utilisateur ou que le dispositif est réglé sur la puissance de sortie la plus faible si une telle fonction est disponible.  12 Intellectual Properties    FOBO™  is  a  trademark  of  Salutica  Allied  Solutions  Sdn  Bhd.    All  rights reserved.  FOBO™ wireless TAG incorporates a few patent pending technologies solely owned by Salutica Allied Solutions Sdn Bhd.  Bluetooth® is a registered trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG Inc.  iPhone® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.

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