Samsung Electronics Co COBRA3 VCR User Manual
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd VCR
user manual
Auto Cinemam With Hi-‘Fi Sound Owner’s Manual Video Cassette Recorder SV—CSSM V C F: L , dUsInghthefM—ehfiurw’lffijfie 939,93, Control I. .. A. Tm: ..*w- Your VCR has ctr-screen menus (ha! allow you in access and warm the VCR‘s programmable Iwurss. You mil use urn unions on the vermin annual to work wan the madam progmmmmg Eadr button works not only PLAY. CH '\A M ulsu as a slum cursor rn ms on screen menus (X : MENU ON or OFF 'v‘ m DHEGOHD SPEED: [SP3 . AUTO REPEAT. [OFF] 'CH V\A or V\A cursor AUDIOOUTPUT (MONO? ANTfCABLE: [ANTENKHAj VCR OUTPUT CH' [3041 GAMR G :PLAV or b cursor NT, ] MENU) _—__— Pruss ma MENU button on your rarmle comm. The Mam Menu wrll appear on screen. PflECORD SPEED: AUTO REPEAT: Selecl the nam you wam to amust usmq AUDIO OUTPUT me > bulxon Iorlnwsd by the v buflon on your ANT/CABLE (AMEN-(NM (mm comm. VCR OUTPUT CH' [JCH' GAMR r! ma mam menu floss nor aopuar, mam sure ma TV rs tuned to me same channel as (he VCR output CHM on (he MAIN MENUI OI (he VCR I! {he VCR 5 m the TV mode was: me TVNCR bullnn on The remula oonlrol to rum n on. n N MENU VCR Operation _, se'til'n'g the‘MAIN Ms‘Nu. lags; Jamil ivy... \ To make all cl me VCR": lealurea avaslable, sex the VCR luncllons nelore playmg or recmmnq a tape. Record Speed The VCR can record al No legs speeds. The slower speed (SLP) allows the VCR 10 180016 more pcoqram malarial on a tape. Twas teamed ul slandam speed (SF) plavide a clearer plcluvel Salad the (scam speed on me MIAIN MENU Io ml the tape speed. You can velar lo the lollowmg table: 7-120 2 hrs. a Lhrs Y- we 2 hrs 40 m-nulese m: Aulo Repeal Aulo repeal set the VCR to play 5 laps repeatedly unless a (spa conuol ls activated (Slop, lul-lowalaov rewmdL Aud The VCR can record a pvogmm m sleloo. Hammobesellorecammsecovdaly Audio Hogan-(SAP) of any brvadcasl wilh sawnd lengume audio. The VCR "3ch ma same iLdIO on bolh me HwFl and Ilneal tracks on the tape. "MAIN ME DREOORD SPEED: [SLP] AUTO REPEAT: [OFF] AUDlO OUTPUT: [MONO] ANT/CABLE: lAN'TENKNA] VCROUTPUT cn- [SCH] GAMR IVA/fl [MENU] MAIN MENU" RECDRD SPEED [SP] DAUTO REPEAT: [CON] AUDIO OUTPUT. [MONO] ANT/CABLE [ANTENKNA] VCR OUTPUT CH: [SCH] GAME [VA/bl [MENU] “MAW MENU REmRD SPEED: [SP] AUTO REPEAT: [OFF] MUDlO OUTPUT: [Ml—Fl] ANT CABLE: [ANT ENKNA] VCR OUTPUT CH: [SCH] GAMR NAIF] [MENU] VCR Unnazwm '_—,———_ "Sem'ng “fiche“ MAIN MENU nan-nub“ Selling the Sourc- I! you recowe Ina signal ma ma antenna. 59! ANT/CABLE lo ANTENNAA RECORD SPEED: ESP! AUTO REPEAT 10FF! AUDIO OUTPUT N ' PANT/CABLE [ANTENK VCR OUTPUT G1 [SCH‘ f‘ PM VCR Output CH _—’__ VCR sendds ms consul Signals lo channel 3 or 4 on youv TV. Set the cutout channel on the menu to 3 CH DU 401, wmcnever I5 vacant in your area RECORD SPEED' {spy ‘ AUTO REPEAY: pm l AUDiO ourpm gnu-r? ANT/CABLE [ANTENKN _ won OUTPUT CH [3 ' GAME n»! MENU ' v - mjvww-v-rwlrfigg', g’flepbrdipg. -: Recording whllc you watch Insert a vndeo cassette mm the record prolecx salely lab imam. Check me laps speed. I! ma VCR undrcalor on the Mom penal IS not Ill, press Ina TVNCR human. ______—_-— Selecl a channd to record by pressmg CH rs or me number buttons. Press Ina REC buncn on the remote control or me Irom of me VCR. The REC indicator val] light. 4 11 you want to ear! out unwanted malenal dunng rscorunng, press the PISTILL bur-on whrle recommg and the VCR wrll pause. Ta resume recoramg. press me PISTILL bunon again. 5 10 em recording, press lne STOP button. Rocord protect lab Below recording on any new cusene, make sure ma record prolacl salely lab ls m place. To prewar“ aec-oenlally recording war a program, remove me record protad saloiy lab on ma cassette case. To record on a rape With us lab removed. cover the hole with adhesive rape. , fig fist?“ ptuucuhlynn mm mun. , bprmflm'y lomduln'rr mmwww mane Care and ill sultan“- «' __—____———— VCR - - Unplug your VCR lrorn the wall outlet belore cleaning, Use a dry cloth when matting your VCR. - - troper vemilsllon ensures that overheathg wtlt not damage electronic drcmts. Don't block ventilation Ideal - - Take care 0! you remote control. Keep the remote with your VCR. where ll ls unlikely to be lost or damaged. - - Keep liquids away lrom your VCR. irlcludtng beverages and daring Ilquios. Sptlllng arty liquid on the VCR can damage the electrorlltz, mulllrtg in art electrtc shodr or fire. - - Do not use llquid or aerosol cleaners that can echantetly get into the VCR. causing damage or creating a fire hazard. - - Do not allow any ebpect to be pushed into the oneinet slots. The uncludee come. dusters. cleaning cloths. papers and other collects. Any such oblocts can connect wrlh e voltage 90h! lnsloe the VCR, caustng dangerous shouts. or may short out pans all! Cause a lire or an electrrt: shock. Vldee Head Cleanlng tl poor ptctures wpear on e vartery ol cassettes. the mac needs may need clearnng. Thts us not a common problem and unless rt appears. the heads should not be cleaned ll necessary. purchase a heao-cteamng cassette. It the otcture qualtry does not improve alter cteamng. call 1-800—SAMSUNG lor servlce. When cleantrtg the vrdeo heads, read all the lnstructtens crowded mm the head-cleaning cassette. Incorrect head cleanmg can permanently damage the video heads. Video Cassettes - - High qualllyt brand-name casenes onen last longer and prov-fie a better Dtcture. - - Rewind your cassettes all the way so that the tape us not at e mldpomt. This can extend lhe Illa ol a cassette tape. - ' Do not touch or splice the tepe. Thts can damage the tape. and playth such a tape can damage your VCR. 00 not take apart any cassette you plan to use agaln - - Do not put any select insrde e vrueo cassette case a illbélliu l“- _____—___—-—————— Amanna mom/ovum lam-hats: UHFNHF: 75 n F Iype connacw Spgnu system: Standard NTSC HMWPIayback system: Racorumg: VHS Iofmal(SP. SU") Flam: VHS lormnuSP. LP. SLP)‘ Vlaeo cassm mm m mark Ream/Play Turns: 6 hour; mm 7420 ln SLP mode PM Source: 12V Dc Dlmnslons: 265mm(W) X 94mm(Hl X 260mm) 10.4"(W) X 3.7"(Hj X lDZTD) Welgnl: 2,4kgi5.3lns Your VCR can recewe 68 bloadcusl TV channels (M up to 126 unscramulud cable Chan new. Check your local cable company lo: complete compallnillly raquuamenls. Numbu Chum! un bl Chlnno On AI |2 VHF (Channels 2-13) 56 UHF (Channels ‘4-59) CATV 113 Channels lA-22 (A-I) Channel. 23-494 (J-Wosslam 100-‘25M059-W084) Cnlnnels 95—97 (A-5.A—4,A-3!' Channels 9B~99lA~2,A-|)' Channel 01 (Sky ”new manuals am nol avaubln ln Canaan 70133 18' Saiely instructions Tm mm manna men mun-mm!“ nun-two»: “my“ nmwwmmmmnmmmmm l-o'nmna. mums-um This and M you MW! Int-Inn mung when ”Mn“ mm“ m nun-um- nub-m mm mini-m sum Mon to CATV uyn-n mil-r: TM mum is provided no u! CATV nylmm manner: llluilon (0 mm 82040 a! Illa Nil“ Emmi C060 (Scuba 5‘ 01 Camdsan W Coda. Pm I) ma! prom- gun-hm m pmou pmmamq um. m 91min. upecmu ma: me am ground shall be mod to ma Mm lyllom oi the mm A: close u: [no pemi ol am unity as puma]. caution: FCC uguuhom ml. mm my unaumonuo char-gas or "mini-om w m- mevchlum-wmryhmum cuuon: To wont dean: you; mad! who Mal plug m we lbl. luuy hs-n‘ Annual: mmummmW-uwmhm hmdellhcbldlns ll mmwaahwtwpqu‘ww. "monumchd-umnmwmuwmnvmnaamwamm in an human-m ol us women In; WWnpw-mmthwmnnnmmyummnrmmmmum pmnuybe-vbhmolmmm. Tomtmmnmmnmlxnmmmmmrfl. wmmumhwmlouhmmuu. Important Salety Instructions . |. and mum/Al'- salary-mourning mum manner-ad mem- wow u mama a. mum Mutton-Th- may and spam nammu would u- mm m lulu nut-nu anmw-wsuwmym“mamanmmawmw-wwmmmm, «mmnvmuwmmuwmvmmuuum 5.Mancunian-unl-mmtun-mjomwmawmAwa-mw mmuuldunpdunlwuumq tAwmmmlmmlrmmwnWoflummumymlyuun mm. Imam-Domnmmmmmuuwmuuuhmmm wan nuwmhluwumnmm mun: ammmummmMm—amumum mannmummmmmummmwnn mwwmnmmmmunmwu mummumwmuummwn mmmmmm-MMWb/u mm. Saleiy erasirucnons s. cm tin-90A pron-m m an mmhuunon mum be mm: um um Duck stops. 0mm locus. and Mn when my ranu an uncut: m cm cum-Inn In uvemun. 1m Mummers me wanting: In he name! In ammo iov mum and lo «mun mans our-nonoun-ummuwmmnmmg.mummnmumu nomad. Tn. openings snow now- u- Mod by plasma mu m on A bad. nu. mu. a cum smufla.muwmmmhephmhnwmgnal lram con— nected equipment. 4AUDIO IN Use to output am some! lrom coo- nedad squ‘pmem. 5.T0 TRANSMITTER Use lo send audio 5497an (or FM trans- mmef. 6.AC 12V INPUT JACK Palm-m DC 12V power source connec- \|on 0! your unn (o a DC balmy‘ car banery. or AC/DC adapter. 7.lN FROM ANT Use (0 anul cable or antenna signal. BOUT TO TV Use 10 oulput VCR sngnal to TV or monnor. 12345 1. POWER BUTTON Fress Io (urn ihe VCR power an or on. 2. CASSETTE COMPARTMENT Insert a mac cassette. 3. EJECT BUTTON Press In e|ecl 3 laps or press In clear a tamer nrogram on me mama screen. 4. STOP BUTTON Press 10 slop laps or ores: to move a cursor Iu rtgnl on (he menu screen. 5. REC BUTTON Press In record or press to move a cursor Io let! on the menu screen. 6. POWER INDICATOR Lu! when VCR is Inn-red m. 7. REC INDICATOR Lrl when VCR rs rawrdrng on. 5759I0 111213 14 IS 8. SPISLP INDICATOR L1! when VCR rs rewrmng un SLP mode 9. DEW/HEAT INDICATOR When DEW rmicalor is on, (be VCR wwll not be able w work, whrch snows me VCR rs under a mgn mmsl crrcum~ slance, Then (he VCP wrll my use" uuromahcany and Ium me ugh: oftwnrlh mars! dranoeear and wc'x: normally 10. REMOTE SENOR 11. HEW BUTTON 12. PLAY BUTTON 13. F.F BUTTON 14. VIDEO IN JACK 15. AUDIO IN UR JACKS VCR Setup 1. PLAY Press to play a vioeo cassalla, 2. POWER BUTTON Press lo turn VCR pawn! ON. 3. REC BUTTON PrmmrscnrdaTVprogmmma mama: signal‘ 4. HEW BUTTON Piess lo raw-nu m stop mode of reverse Search "1 play mode. 5. CWT H K B UTTON Press In Chang channels. Press lo amust cassette tracking. 6. SHIFT BUTTON Press to move me cursor. 1. ENTER BUTTON Plus lo emu the data. 8. TVNCR BUTTON Pvass lo swncn between TV am VCR source. 9. MENU BUTTON Press lo dlsplay menu screen. 10. STILL/SLOW BUTTON Press to stop the tape on a alnghe stlll drama In play mode. Press for stem motion playback m the sun mode. 11. F.F BUTTON Press In last lower m stop mode 01 music gulch in play mode. 12. STOP BUTTON Press lo slop a nose cmna. Remote Control w“uw~u-un w A Battery Replacement 1 Rglrove me bamery Campanmenl in: ‘ r\ 2 Maw me nauevy wn the balluy sumuarlmenl 35 wndcaled IHSILIB he CONDWGN. 3. Recace me <1 VCR Setup LTumTV mamselamwvrdeornooe. 2. Lane a Video cassene lave. Than. VCR poorer turns on automancaiiy. 3. Press PLAY to stan playback Ii true rape doesn‘t have a saiely lab, VCR will piaymux automatically, When playback struts, the VCR automaiocaiiy adiuss the trading ior clear picture and sound. 4. To stop plawwx. press STOP. Important Saiety Instructions For the best picture queirty when piaying a cassens, Ine video mm must be aligned wim the recorded track This airgnment is called wanking. When playing back a tape. your VCR automatically miusts the tracking on a vase tape. but oocasronaily a cassette may require some manual mjusunerlt. Keep in mind tnal picture disrmion ohen occurs at me beginning 01 a we. Automatic Tracking Turn the TV on and insert a cassette into your VCR. Press me PLAY butlon. ii necessary, Aner a law seconds oi auio tracking. Kyou would near the sound lrom Ihe video laps, Manual Tracking Press the TRK canons on the remain control up TRACKING ===1 or down nulii the picture improves. NOTE : The none on inescreen maynoi be completely channeled depending on the (me mad, especially what the tape m recorded on another VCR.
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