Sangean Electronics 010 INTERNET RADIO User Manual 20070830 WFR 20 381R101 A GB p65

Sangean Electronics Inc INTERNET RADIO 20070830 WFR 20 381R101 A GB p65


User manual II

30GBConnecting the radio using UPnP1. Usethe Select controltoswitchonyourradioandtoaccessthemenus.    If needed, use the Back option. Select the Media Player menu.    Rotate the Select control to highlight ‘UPNP Servers’.2. Press and release the Select control and the radio will scan for all    available UPnP servers. Note, this may take a few seconds for the    radio to complete its scan and before the scan has completed,    the radio will display ‘Empty’. The radio will continue to display    ‘Empty’ if no UPnP servers are found.3. After scanning, select your UPnP server (rotate the Select control    if more than one UpnP server is found), and then press the    Select control. Your radio will normally display ‘Access Denied’    at this stage.4. Your PC may now prompt you that a device has attempted to    connect to your UPnP server. Whether you are prompted or not,    in order to allow the radio to have access to the media files,    you will need to click the ‘Library’ tab in WMP 11 and select the    ‘Media Sharing…’ item to open the ‘Media Sharing’ window.5. From the ‘Media Sharing’ window, the radio will be listed as an    unknown device. Click on the unknown device shown to select it,    then click the ‘Allow’ button and then click ‘OK’.    Note:    If you are using Microsoft Windows’ firewall software, this should be    correctly configured by WMP 11. If you are using third party firewall    software you may need to manually configure it to allow your radio    and WMP 11 to communicate (see ’Troubleshooting’).6. Select the named server again using the Select control. If WMP 11 is    now able to communicate with your radio you will be presented with    some media selection options by the server software.20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1733
31Locating and playing media files when using UPnPOnce the UPnP server has been configured to share media files withyour Internet radio, you select the files that you wish to play as follows:1. Use the Select control to switch on your radio and to access the    menus. If needed, use the Back option. Select the Media Player    menu. Rotate the Select control to highlight ‘UPnP Servers’.2. Press Select control and the radio will scan for all available UPnP    servers. Note that it may take a few seconds for the radio to    complete its scan, and that before the scan has completed the    radio may display ‘Empty’. The radio will continue to display    ‘Empty’ if no UPnP servers are found.3. After a successful scan, rotate the Select control to highlight your    UPnP server and then press the Select control.4. The radio will now list the media categories which are made available    by the UPnP server - for example, ‘Music’ and ‘Playlists’. Rotate the    Select control to highlight which category you wish to browse,    then press the Select control to confirm your choice.5. Rotate the Select control to highlight a category and press the Select    control again. For example, you could select ‘Music’ and then select    ‘Albums’.Note:In UPnP mode the search criteria offered and the file types madeavailable to the radio are a function of the UPnP server softwareinstalled on your PC.20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1734
32GB6. Rotate the Select control to highlight the media files that you wish    to play and then press the Select control.    Do not worry if not all of your media appear in the menus    immediately. Windows Media Player needs to look inside each file    to identify the artist, album and track information from ‘tags’    embedded in each file. Additionally, Windows Media Player may    take time to access the Internet to obtain additional information    such as ‘album art’ which it can display when you examine your    music library on your PC.7. The radio will display ‘[Add to Queue]’. Press the Select control and    the radio will add all the tracks in the album to its queue and begin    playing them automatically.20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1735
33Media selectionWhether you access your files using Windows Shares or using UPnP,the file selection mechanisms are the same. The only differencebetween the two methods is that when using UPnP you will generallyhave a wider choice of search criteria, as determined by the UPnPserver software on your computer. Some third party server applicationsallow customisation of the search criteria and indexing methods, whichcan be useful if you have a very large collection of stored music files.The selection mechanism allows you to search by a given informationtype (Album, Artist, etc.) and then to narrow the search, either just to analbum or to a particular track within an album. The selected album ortrack is then added to a queue of tracks to be played. You can add morealbums or tracks to the queue while music is playing, or you can jumpbetween tracks in the queue. You can also clear the queue if you wishto make a fresh selection. The searches described here are examples ofthe possibilities available.Listening to a complete album1. Rotate the Select control until ‘By Artist’ is highlighted on the    display. Press the Select control.2. Rotate the Select control until the required artist is highlighted on    the display. Press the Select control.3. Rotate the Select control until the required album name is highlighted    on the display. Press the Select control. ‘[Add to Queue]’ will be    highlighted at the head of a list of tracks.4. Press the Select control. The album will begin playing and all of the    tracks in the album will be stored in the queue.20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1736
34Listing to a single track1. If you wish to play only a particular tracks from an album, first choose    the album as described in steps 1 - 3 on the preceding section    (section ‘Listening to a complete album’).2. ‘[Add to Queue]’ will be highlighted at the head of a list of tracks.3. Rotate the Select control until the required track is highlighted.4. Press and release the Select control. The track will begin playing.Queuing up albums for playback laterWhile the Media Player is playing, you may add additional albums ortracks to the media queue.1. Use rotary control (with the back option as needed) to search for and    highlight the required album (or use the Select, Back and Menu up    and Menu down buttons on the remote control).2. Press the Select control (or button) to choose the album. The list of    tracks for the album will be displayed, headed by ‘[Add to Queue]’.3. If needed, rotate the Select control or the Menu up button on the    remote control so that ‘[Add to Queue]’ is highlighted. Press and    release the Select control. ‘Tracks Added to Queue’ will be displayed. GB20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1737
35Queuing up tracks for playback later1. If you wish to add only particular tracks from an album to the queue,    first choose the album as described in steps 1 - 3 on the preceding    section (section ‘Queuing up albums for playback later’).2. Use the Rotary control (or use the Menu up and Menu down buttons    on the remote control) to search for and highlight the required track.3. Press the Select control (or button). ‘Track Added To Queue’will    show on the display.Controlling playback1. Press and hold the Play / Pause buttonon the remote control to stop    playback of the current track. If you press and release the button    again, playback will resume from the beginning of the same track2. Press and release the Play / Pause button to pause playback of the    current track.    If you press and release the button again, playback will resume from    the point where it was paused.3. Press the Rewind button to start playback of the previous track in    the queue.4. Press the Fast-forward button to start playback of the next track in    the queue.20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1738
36Browsing the list of tracks currently queued upfor playback1. Press the Queue button on the remote control. The currently playing    track name will be displayed, along with its position in the queue.2. Use the Menu up or Menu down buttons (or rotate the Select control)    to see which tracks are queued up for playback.3. If you want to jump to a particular track in the queue, press the    Select button (or the rotary control) when the required track is    displayed. Playback will then continue from the beginning of    that track.Clearing the media player queue1. When the radio is playing press the Select control to access    the menus. If needed, use the Back option to access the main    Media Player menu.2. Press the Select control and rotate the Select control until    ‘Clear Queue’ is displayed.3. Press the Select control. The display will then show ‘Queue cleared’    and all tracks will be erased from the media queue.4. Alternatively, a long press of the Queue button can be used to clear    the queue from any point in the Media Player without any need to    navigate the menus.GB20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1739
37Playing tracks in the queue repeatedly1. When the radio is playing, press the Select control to access    the menus. If needed, use the Back option to access the main    Mode menu.2. Rotate the Select control until ‘Media Player’ is highlighted on    the display then press the Select control to enter the Media Player    menu. Alternatively press the Media button on the remote control.3. Rotate the Select control until ‘Playback Mode’ is displayed then    press the Select control.4. Rotate the Select control until ‘Repeat’ is high lighted. Press and    release the Select control. The display will show ‘Enable’ with a    YES / NO option.5. Rotate the Select control to select ‘YES’, then press the Select    control to confirm that Repeat mode should be enabled. If you do    not wish to enable Repeat mode select ‘NO’.If Repeat mode has previously been enabled, then the display will show‘Disable’ with a YES / NO option after step 4. Select ‘YES’ to cancelRepeat mode.20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1740
38Playing tracks in random order1. When the radio is playing, press the Select control to access    the menus. If needed, use the Back option to access the main    Mode menu.2. Rotate the Select control until ‘Media Player’ is highlighted on    the display then press the Select control to enter the Media Player    menu. Alternatively press the Media button on the remote control.3. Rotate the Select control until ‘Playback Mode’ is displayed then    press the Select control.4. Rotate the Select control until ‘Shuffle’ is highlighted.Press and    release the Select control. The display will show ‘Enable’ with a    YES / NO option.5. Rotate the Select control to select ‘YES’, then press the Select    control to confirm that Shuffle mode should be enabled. If you do    not wish to enable Shuffle mode select ‘NO’.If Shuffle mode has previously been enabled, then the display will show‘Disable’ with a YES / NO option after step 4. Select ‘YES’ to cancelshuffle mode.GB20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1741
39Auxiliary input socketYour radio has a 3.5mm stereo jack socket for connection to externalaudio sources. This can be configured to two sensitivity levels to suitthe output level of the connected device.1. Connect an external audio source, such as an MP3 or CD player to    the Aux In socket on the back of the radio.2. Use the Select control to switch on you radio and to access    the menus. If needed, use the Back option to access the main    Mode menu.3. Rotate the Select control until Auxiliary Input is highlighted on    the display.4. Press the Select control. The display will then show ‘Aux In’ and the    external source will be selected. Alternatively, simply press the Aux    button on the remote control.5. If you are using a headphone output on the connected player,    adjust the volume control on the player to a mid-level and then    use the volume control on your Internet radio to set a comfortable    listening level.Note:In the event that the sound is either too quiet, or loud and distorted,it may be that you need to adjust the Auxiliary Input levelsetting - please see the following section.20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1742
40Setting the auxiliary input levelDifferent audio sources can vary quite significantly in the strength ofthe signals which they provide to other equipment such as yourInternet radio. In particular, some headphone outputs are at a muchlower level than others, and almost all headphone outputs are at alower level than so called ‘Line-level’ outputs.So that you may use your radio with a range of external audio sources,the input sensitivity of the Auxiliary Input may be configured to suiteither Headphone or Line-level outputs. The Headphone Level settingis the more sensitive of the two.1. When the radio is playing press the Select control to access    the menus. If needed, use the Back option to access the main    Mode menu. Rotate the Select control until ‘Configure’ is highlighted    on the display.2. Press the Select control to show the Configure menu on the display.    Rotate the Select control until ‘Auxiliary input level’ is highlighted.3. Rotate the Select control until either ‘Headphone level’ or ‘Line Input    Level’ is highlighted on the display, and then press the Select control    to activate the desired setting.4. If needed, select the Back option to exit the menu.GB20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/7, ¤W¤È 09:2643
41Setting the clockNormally the WFR-20 Internet radio will set its clock automaticallyto UK time after a connection to the Internet has been established.Should you need to set the time manually, please follow this procedure.1. Use the Select control to switch on your radio and to access    the menus. If needed, use the Back option to access the main    Mode menu.2. Rotate the Select control until the display says ‘Configure’.    Press the Select control to enter the configure menu.3. Rotate the Select control until ‘Clock Setup’ appears on the display.    Press the Select control to enter the clock setup menu.4. Rotate the Select control until ‘Set Time/Date’ is highlighted on    the display. Press the Select control to highlight the hour digits    on the display.5. Rotate the Select control to select the hour. Press the Select control    to highlight the minute digits on the display.6. Rotate the Select control until the correct date is highlighted on    the display. Press the Select control enter the date and to highlight    the month on the display.7. Rotate the Select control to select the correct month.    Press the Select control enter the month and to highlight the year    on the display.8. Rotate the Select control to select the year. Press the Select control    to confirm the clock setting. The display will show ‘Time and Date    Set’ and will then return to the radio station display.20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1744
42Setting the clock formatThe clock display can be set to 12 or 24 hour format. The selectedformat is then also used when setting the alarms.1. Usethe Select control to switch on your radio and to access    the menus. If needed, use the Back option to access the main    Mode menu.2. Rotate the Select control until the display says ‘Configure’.    Press and release the Select control to enter the configure menu.3. Rotate the Select control until ‘Clock Setup’ is highlighted on    the display. Press the Select control to enter the clock setup menu.4. Rotate the Select control until ‘Clock format’ is highlighted on    the display. Press the Select control to enter the clock format menu.5. Rotate the Select control to select either 24 hour or 12 hour format.    Press the Select control to confirm your choice of clock format.GB20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1745
43Setting daylight saving/summer timeThese 4 options are available:    European – Sets DST by European rules.    DST On – Sets Daylight Saving Time (offset +1 hour)    DST Off – Cancels Daylight Saving Time.    Local time zone – manually forward or backward by 30 mins/step.    Reset clock – removes any user set time, time-sonze or DST offset                         and sets them back to the factory state.1. Press the Select control to switch on your radio and to access    the menus.2. Rotate the Select control until the display says ‘Configure’.    Press the Select control to enter the configure settings.3. Rotate the Select control until ‘Clock Setup’ appears on the display.    Press the Select control to enter the clock setup menu.4. Rotate the Select control until ‘DST’ or ‘Local time zone’ appears    on the display. Press the Select control to enter it, then you will    be able to set the summer time.20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1746
44Setting the alarm clockYour radio has four separate alarms which can be set to wake you toeither a radio station or a buzzer alarm. Each alarm can be set to soundeither once, everyday, weekly, weekdays or at weekends. In the eventof a power interruption your radio has built in memory chip that willretain your alarm settings.Note:If no buttons are pressed for 10 seconds the radio will exit the alarmsetup. If you make a mistake at any point, use the Back option to goback to the previous screen.1. Usethe Select control to switch on your radio and to access    the menus. If needed, use the Back option to access the main    Mode menu.2. Rotate the Select control until the ‘Alarm clock’ is highlighted on    the display. Press the Select control to enter the alarm settings.3. Rotate the Select control until ‘Set Alarms’ is highlighted on the    display then press the Select control. The display willshow the    status of alarms 1-4. It will also offer a ‘Disable All’ option.4. Rotate the Select control until the desired alarm 1 - 4 is highlighted    on the display. Alarms which are not highlighted show the time of the    next alarm (if any) and the day of the week on which they will occur.    The currently highlighted entry will scroll through the full alarm details    including whether the alarm is daily, weekly, etc. and the details of    the alarm type (buzzer or radio station name).5. To change the setting for the highlighted alarm press the Select    control. The alarm hour will be highlighted. The 12 hour or 24 hour    clock format will be used according to the currently selected clock    format option.GB20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1747
45Setting the alarm cont.6. Rotate the Select control to choose the hour for the alarm.    Press the Select control to store this setting and the minute digits    will be highlighted.7. Rotate the Select control to choose the minute for the alarm.    Press and Select control to store this setting. The alarm day    option will be highlighted on the display:-        Once - will sound at one time only        Everyday - will sound everyday.        Weekly - will sound once every week.        Weekdays - will sound on weekdays only.        Weekends - will sound on weekends only.8. Rotate the Select control to choose one of the above options for    the alarm. Press the Select control to store this setting. If setting the    alarm to everyday, weekdays or weekends please skip to point 10.9. Rotate the Select control until the required day of the week for the    alarm is highlighted on the display. Press the Select control to store    this setting. The radio will enter the alarm mode option.10. The alarm can be set to a radio station or a buzzer alarm. The radio      station alarm may be set to any of the stations which have been      stored as presets or to the station currently being listened to.      Rotate the Select control to select either Buzzer or the required      radio station.11. Press the Select control to confirm the alarm settings. Your radio      will show ‘Alarm Set’ and will go back to the list of alarms with the      new alarm setting shown in the display.20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1748
46When the alarm soundsThe radio alarm will sound at the selected times for up to 60 minutesunless cancelled. The volume for the radio alarm will be the same asthe volume previously used when listening to the radio or media player.If for any reason the radio cannot connect to the requested radio stationat the time that the alarm is due, the buzzer alarm will be used instead.The buzzer alarm sounds for 10 minutes and the volume will graduallyincrease from a low level. If the radio is playing at the time that thebuzzer sounds, then the buzzer volume is based on the radiovolume setting.1. If the radio alarm sounds when the radio is in standby, the display    will show ‘Turn on Radio’ with a YES / NO option. If no action is    taken the radio will switch off at the end of the alarm period. If you    select NO, the radio will switch off immediately. If you wish to listen    to the radio, or to be able to select alternative stations, then select    YES using the Select control.2. If a radio alarm sounds and the radio is already playing, the radio will    change to the station specified for the alarm, and the display will    show ‘Stop alarm’ with a YES / NO option. Selecting YES will revert    to the previous radio station or the media player. Selecting NO will    allow the radio station from the alarm to continue.3. If the buzzer alarm sounds when the radio is in standby, the display    will show ‘Turn on Radio’ with a YES / NO option. If no action is    taken, the buzzer will stop after 10 minutes. If you select NO,    the alarm will switch off immediately. If you wish to listen to the radio    or media player, then select YES using the Select control.4. If the buzzer alarm sounds when the radio is already playing,    the display will show ‘Alarm’. If no action is taken, the buzzer will    stop after 10 minutes. If you wish to go back to the radio station    press the Select control.GB20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1749
47Disabling alarms1. To Disable all alarms enter the alarm setup menu and Rotate the    Select control until ‘Disable all’ is highlighted on the display.    Press the Select control to confirm. The display will show ‘All alarms    disabled’ for 3 seconds then return to the alarms list display.2. To Disable a single alarm enter the alarm setup menu and rotate the    Select control until the desired alarm is highlighted on the display.    Press the Select control. The display will show ‘Enable Alarm    YES / NO’.    If NO is selected alarm is cancelled and the display returns to the    alarm list.    If YES is selected the alarm details may be changed by modifying    any or all of the alarm options.20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1750
48Sleep timerYour radio can be set to turn off after a preset time has elapsed.The sleep setting can be adjusted between 15 and 120 minutes in15 minute increments.1. When the radio is playing, press the Select control to access    the menus. If needed, use the Back option to access the main    Mode menu.2. Rotate the Select control until the ‘Alarm clock’ is highlighted on    the display then press the Select control.3. Rotate the Select control until ‘Sleep timer’ is highlighted on the    display then press the Select control.4. Rotate the Select control until the required sleep time setting is    selected between 15 and 120 minutes or to Off. Press the Select    control to confirm the setting.5. The display will show ‘Sleep timer’ set. Your radio will switch off after    the preset time has elapsed.6. To cancel the sleep time before the preset time has elapsed and to    turn off the radio, use the Select control (or the remote control) to    turn the radio off manually. To cancel the sleep timer and leave the    radio playing, go back into the sleep timer settings (steps 1 to    4 above) and select the Off option in step 4.During the last two minutes of the sleep timer period, the radio willgradually reduce the volume before switching off.GB20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1751
49BacklightThis option allows you to alter the radio’s display backlight settingsto suit your needs. Separate settings are available for Active mode(while using the menu system), Inactive mode (when listening),and Standby mode (when the radio is off with just the clockdisplay showing).1. Usethe Select control to switch on your radio and to access    the menus. If needed, use the Back option to access the main    Mode menu.2. Rotate the Select control until ‘Configure’ is highlighted on the    display. Press the Select control to enter the Configure menu.3. Rotate the Select control until ‘Backlight’ is highlighted on the    display. Press the Select control to enter the Backlight menu.4. The backlight setting can be adjusted for‘Active’,‘Inactive’and‘Standby’    modes. Rotate the Select control to highlight the desired backlight    option then press the Select control.5. The radio will now display the setting for the selected backlight    option. You can alter this value by rotating the Select control to    increase or decrease it according to your needs.6. When the desired value is reached, press the Select control to store    the setting. If the value is not modi.ed or stored after .ve seconds,    the radio exit the Backlight menu and will return to its previous    display.20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1852
50Language selectionThis facility allows you to change the display language for the menus.1. Use the Select control to switch on your radio and to access    the menus. If needed, use the Back option to access the main    Mode menu. Rotate the Select control until ‘Configure’ is    highlighted on the display then press the Select control to enter    the Configure menu.2. Rotate the Select control until ‘Language’ is highlighted then press    the Select control to access the list of available languages (English,    French, Spanish, German, Danish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese,    Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian).3. Rotate the Select control to highlight the desired menu language.    Press the Select control confirm your choice and to restart the    radio using the chosen language.Software version displayThe software version display is provided for your reference only.1. Use the Select control to switch on your radio and to access    the menus. If needed, use the Back option to access the main    Mode menu. Rotate the Select control until ‘Configure’ is    highlighted on the display.2. Press and release the Select control to enter the Configure menu.    Rotate the Select control until ‘Version’ is highlighted.3. Press and release the Select control to show the current software    version on the display. Rotating the control will display additional    information. Use the Back option to exit.GB20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1853
51Network configurationThis menu enables you to configure your radio’s network settings,scan for a connection to an alternative wireless network, or tomanually configure the network parameters. This can be useful if youtake the Internet radio to another location where there is a differentnetwork setup.It is possible to configure your radio to connect to your network via anavailable Ethernet connection (RJ-45) or via a Wi-Fi router.Configuring the radio only to use a wiredEthernet connection1. From the radio’s Network Configuration menu, select ‘Wired /    Wireless’. This menu will present you with three options:    ‘Wireless Only’, ‘Wired Only’and’Auto’. Selecting ‘Wired Only’ will    allow cause the radio to restart and then to use only its Ethernet    connection to communicate with the network. The radio will also    disable its wireless network capabilities. This will require your radio    to be physically connected to a wired Ethernet using the RJ-45    socket on the rear panel.Configuring the radio only to use a Wi-Fi connection2. Selecting the ‘Wireless Only’ option from the ‘Wired / Wireless’    menu will allow cause the radio to restart and then only to use only    its Wi-Fi connectiontocommunicatewiththenetwork.    Theradiowillalsodisable its Ethernet connection.20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1854
52Configuring the radio to use either an Ethernet or aWi-Fi connection3. Selecting the ‘Auto’ option from the ‘Wired / Wireless’ menu will    cause the radio to restart. It will then attempt to establish an    Ethernet connection to the network. If no Ethernet connection    is available the radio will attempt to establish a Wi-Fi connection    to the network.    Having established a particular type of connection to the network,    this connection will remain in use while the radio is on.The Network Configuration menu also allows you to choose whetheror not the Internet radio displays a warning message when the Wi-Fisignal strength is low. You can enable this feature by selecting‘Signal Warning’ and then selecting ‘Yes’.Entering the network name manuallyIf your network is configured with a hidden ESSID, then you will need toenter the network name manually.1. In the Network Configuration menu, select ‘Enter network name’.    A string of characters will be displayed. You can scroll through this    list by turning the rotary control or by pressing the Menu up or    Menu down buttons. The centre character will be entered into the    network name each time that you press Select.    If you make an error, either use the Back button on the remote    control, or give a long press on the rotary control.2. When the name has been entered, locate the END symbol in the    string of characters and then press Select. The radio will then try    to connect to the named network.GB20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1855
53TroubleshootingIf you have difficulty connecting the radio to your wireless network,some of these steps may help to resolve the problem:1. Confirm that a Wi-Fi connected PC can access the Internet    (i.e. can browse the web) using the same network.2. Check that a DHCP server is available, or that you have configured a    static IP address on the radio. You can configure a static IP address    on the radio using the menu item ‘Configure -> Network Config ->    Edit Config’, and then select ‘No’ for ‘Auto (DHCP)’.3. Check that your network’s firewall is not blocking any outgoing ports.    As a minimum, the radio needs access to UDPand TCPports 80, 554,    1755, 5000 and 7070. The use of Windows Shares requires access    to UDP and TCP ports 135 - 139 and 445. Windows Media Player    11 will allocate a port number for UPnP media sharing and will     configure Microsoft’s Windows built-in firewall appropriately.    Other firewall software may require configuration for UPnP or to    allow particular IP addresses to have trusted access.4. Check that your access point does not restrict connections to    particular MAC addresses. You can view the radio’s MAC address    using the menu item ‘Configure -> Network Config -> View Config ->    MAC address’. Note that the WFR-20 radio has both wired and    wireless MAC addresses.5. If you have an encrypted network, check that you have entered the    correct key or pass-phrase into the radio. Remember that text-format    WPA keys are case sensitive. If your radio displays ‘Wireless error’    when attempting to connect to an encrypted network followed by a    5-digit number, then please ensure that you enter the correct    pass -phrase for the network. If the problem persists, then you may    need to consult your network configuration.If your radio can connect to the network successfully, but is unable toplay particular stations, it may be due to one of the following causes:1. The station is not broadcasting at this time of the day    (remember it may be located in a different time zone).2. The station has reached the maximum allowed number of    simultaneous listeners.3. The Internet connection between your radio and the server    (often located in a different country) is slow.4. The station is not broadcasting any more.5. The link to the audio stream used by the radio is out of date.6. The radio station is broadcasting using an audio format which is not    playable by your radio (although the WFR-20 does play almost all    formats used by regular broadcasters).Try using a PC to play back the stream via the broadcaster’s web site.If you can play back the station with a PC, use the form athttp://www. to notify Reciva so that they can update thestation data that is used by the radio.20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1856
54Factory resetIf you wish to completely reset your radio to its initial state this may beperformed by following this procedure.1. Use the Select control to switch on your radio and to access    the menus. If needed, use the Back option to access the main    Mode menu. Rotate the Select control until ‘Configure’ is highlighted    on the display.2. Press the Select control to enter the Configure menu. Rotate the    Select control until ‘Factory Reset’ is highlighted on the display.3. Press the Select control again and the display will show    ‘Are you sure?’. Rotate the Select control to highlight ‘Yes’ if you     wish to carry out a system reset or highlight ‘No’ if wish to return    to the previous screen. Then press the Select control again.4. A full reset will be performed, the station list together with any preset    stations will be erased and your wireless network connection details    will be lost. All configuration settings will be restored to their defaults,    and the language used for menus will be reset to English.In the event that you are unable to access the menus (or if the languagesetting has accidentally been changed to a language that you cannotunderstand) the Factory Reset may also be performed as follows:1. Remove all power from the unit and wait 30 seconds.2. Then, re-apply power while simultaneously pressing and holding the    front panel rotary control. Keep this pressed as the radio powers up    and until it displays ‘Factory Reset Complete’. This should normally    only take between 10 and 15 few seconds. Then, release the control    while the radio restarts.3. If this is not successful, please remove power for one minute,    and then repeat the operation.GB20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1857
55Upgrade firmwareFrom time to time, new software features for your radio may bedeveloped. For example, a new audio decoder may be added toallow an alternative audio format to be supported. You radio hastherefore been designed to allow its internal software to be upgradedusing your Internet connection. The upgrade mechanism is accessiblevia the Configure menu.Upgrading the software will remove all network settings, radio stationpresets and alarm settings from your radio. Do not attempt thisprocedure unless you have a good Internet connection and a reliablemains power supply. If you connect to your router using a Wi-Ficonnection, make sure that this is also reliable before proceeding.The Upgrade Firmware option allows your radio to download newinternal software from the Reciva portal on the Internet. If there is newsoftware available, then the radio will ask whether you want to downloadit or not. Selecting No or using the Back optionwill cancel the operation.A software upgrade may take several minutes.IMPORTANT:Do not switch off the power to the radio until the upgrade operation iscomplete and the radio has restarted, otherwise the radio may becomepermanently damaged.Once the software upgrade is completed your radio will restart.If you use a Wi-Fi connection, you will need to re-enter all networksettings in order to be able reconnect to your network. A firmwareupdate also erases all radio station presets, alarm settings,and configuration options.20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1858
56Headphone socketA 3.5mm Headphone Socket located on the rear of your radio isprovided for use with headphones. Inserting a plug automaticallymutes the internal loudspeaker.IMPORTANT:Excessive sound pressure from earphones andheadphones can cause hearing loss.Line out socket (3.5mm Jack)A 3.5mm Line Out socket located on the rear of your radio is providedfor connecting the audio signal to an external Inserting anaudio cable into this socket will not mute the internal loudspeaker.Set the volume control on the radio to minimum if desired.GB20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1859
57If at any time in the future you should need to dispose of this product please note that: Waste electrical products should notbe disposed of with household waste.  Please recycle where facilities exist.  Check with your Local Authority or retailer forrecycling advice.  (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive)SpecificationsPower RequirementsMainsBattery (Remote control)ConnectivityWired EthernetWi-FiAC 230 volts, 50 Hz, or AC 110 volts, 60 HzCR2032  only10/100M bits/sec via RJ-45802.11b and 802.11g supported WEP andWPA encryption supportedCircuit featuresLoudspeakerOutput PowerHeadphone socketAuxiliary In socketLine Out socketAerial System2 x 75 mm5 Watts RMS per channel3.5mm dia3.5mm dia3.5mm diaExternal Wi-Fi Antenna20070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1860
5820070830_WFR-20_381R101-A_GB.p65 2007/9/6, ¤U¤È 05:1861Notice : The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.IMPORTANT NOTE: To comply with the FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, no change to the antenna or the device is permitted. Any change to the antenna or the device could result in the device exceeding the RF exposure requirements and void user’s authority to operate the device.The antenna used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.FCC INFORMATION•The Federal Communication Commission Radio Frequency Interference. Statement includes the following paragraph:•The equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a ClassB Digital Device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designedto provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residentialinstallation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction, may causeharmful interference to radio communication.  However, there is no grantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment dose causeharmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on , the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:--Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.--Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.--Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the   receiver is connected.--Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.The user should not modify or change this equipment without written approvalform SANGEAN ELECTRONICS INC. Modification could void authority to use this equipment.

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