Sanyo Electric Co CPE-310-230 W-CDMA subscriber terminal User Manual quick reference guide front eps

Sanyo Electric Co Ltd W-CDMA subscriber terminal quick reference guide front eps


quick reference guide

Before beginning the installation, familiarize yourself with the top
and side panels of the indoor unit.
e lights on the top panel tell you when the SOMAport is ready.
Off The SOMAport is not receiving power.
Amber The SOMAport is booting and running its
internal diagnostics.
Flashing amber The SOMAport is upgrading its software.
Green The SOMAport is powered and operating
Red An error occurred. The SOMAport is not currently
Off The SOMAport is not receiving power.
Amber The SOMAport is attempting to locate a base station.
Flashing amber The SOMAport cannot locate a base station.
Flashing green The SOMAport has located a base station and is
attempting to establish a connection.
Green The SOMAport has located a base station and has
established a connection.
Red An error occurred. The SOMAport is not currently
Status Light
Network Light
When setting up the SOMAport, follow these guidelines:
Do not connect any third-party devices to the indoor unit,
CAT5 cable, or outdoor unit.
Do not use the outdoor unit indoors. It must be mounted on
a permanent outdoor structure.
1 Insert the connector of the power cord that is attached to
the power supply into the power jack on the indoor unit.
2 Insert the socket end of the AC power cord into the power
3 Position and orient the SOMAport in the location in which you
plan on keeping it.
4 Insert the plug end of the AC power cord into a power outlet.
e SOMAport takes up to five minutes to start, connect to your service
provider’s network, and acquire a radio signal. e light on the power
supply indicates whether or not it is receiving power. Wait until the
Network light on the top of the SOMAport turns green before you
begin connecting equipment to the SOMAport.
e Outdoor SOMAport consists of two parts: an outdoor unit and an
indoor unit.
After installing the SOMAport, simply plug-in the indoor unit and
connect it to your computer using the provided Ethernet cable. e
SOMAport will automatically connect your service provider and you
can setup your account using a Web browser.
If you are using your SOMAport to provide telephone service, you can
connect ordinary telephones to it.
e Ethernet cable is supplied with the SOMAport. If your computer
has an Ethernet port, use the Ethernet cable.
If your computer does not have an Ethernet port, you will need to
purchase an Ethernet card or an Ethernet-to-USB adapter.
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Part 006218 revision 01
Before pluggin in the SOMAport, make sure that the CAT5 cable from
the outdoor unit has been inserted to the ODU/IF port on the side of
the indoor unit.
If your service provider does not offer telephone service, or if you are
not connecting a telephone to the SOMAport, go to step 5 to connect
your computer.
1 Insert the telephone cord into the left jack (TEL-1) on the side
of the SOMAport.
If your telephone service includes one telephone line only,
you must use this jack.
If your telephone service includes two telephone lines, the
telephone you connect to this jack will be serviced by
2 To connect a second telephone, do one of the following:
If your telephone service includes two telephone lines,
insert the cord of the second telephone into the right jack
If your telephone service includes one telephone line only,
you must use a duplex adapter.
3 Pick up the handset and listen for a dial tone.
If you hear a series of tones (not a dial tone), the SOMAport
is still booting. Hang up and try again when the status light
turns green.
If you hear silence, make sure the cord is securely
connected to the telephone and the SOMAport. See the
SOMAport Setup Guide for troubleshooting information.
Follow this step if you are using Ethernet. If you want to connect
several computers to the SOMAport via a hub or router see the
SOMAport User Guide.
1 Insert one end of the Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port on
the SOMAport.
2 Insert the other end into the Ethernet port on the computer.
1 Restart your computer.
2 Launch a Web browser on the computer connected to the
3 Direct your browser to a known valid Internet address
(such as www.
If the page opens, full service has already been
activated and you can begin using your SOMAport
for Internet service.
If you are redirected to your service provider’s Web
page, you must complete the sign-up procedure on
the Web site to activate full service.
If you cannot open any Web pages at all:
ψ Go to Step 7 “Run the connection wizard” if you used
Ethernet to connect the computer to the SOMAport.
For information about chaging network settings on Mac OS, see the
SOMAport User Guide.
If your version of Windows 95 does not have the Get on the Internet
option or if you previously had a dial-up connection, you cannot use the
wizard. See the SOMAport User Guide for information about manually
changing network settings.
1 Start the Windows Internet Connection Wizard.
2 Do the following to complete the Wizard.
3 Restart your computer.
4 Launch a Web browser on the computer connected to the
SOMAport and direct the browser to a known valid Internet
address (such as www.
Version Choose
Windows 95 StartψProgramsψAccessoriesψInternet Tools
Get on the Internet
Windows StartψProgramsψAccessoriesψ
98/2000ME CommunicationsψInternet Connection Wizard
Windows XP StartψProgramsψAccessoriesψ
CommunicationsψNew Connection Wizard
Version Choose
Windows 1 Choose I want to set up my Internet
95/98/ME/ connection manually, or I want to connect
2000 through a local area network (LAN).
2 Choose I connect through a local area
3 Leave all check boxes on the Local area
network Internet configuration window blank.
4 Choose No when prompted to set up an
Internet Mail Account.
5 Click Finish.
Windows XP 1 Choose Connect to the Internet.
2 Choose Setup my connection manually.
3 Choose Connect using a broadband
connection that is always on.
4 Click Finish.
See the Enduser Product License Agreement in SOMAport Setup Guide.

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