Sarotech NHD-355 Network Storage User Manual Manual

Sarotech Co., Ltd. Network Storage Manual


Users Manual 2 of 2

42  E.  Rename ( ) This function is for changing the name (rename) of the file or folder you choose. ①  After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder in which you want to rename file or folder. In order to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder list of current folder to move to the upper folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or folder name to move to the sub folder you want to go. ②  Click the check box next to the folder or file you want to remane in the file/folder list of the current folder to mark the V using the mouse. ③  On the web folder screen of the user, enter the new name at the ‘New folder/Name’. ④  Select [Rename] button of the function button. ⑤  If the renaming is completed successfully, the changed name will be shown in the current folder. If a file having the same name exists already, an error message of “Same filename or foldername exist” will be shown. If you select multiple of files or folders, an error message of “Select one file or folder” will be shown.  If the target of renaming is a public folder in the current folder, then a message of “The sharing folder is canceled. Continue?” will be shown. If the user selects the [OK] button, then the rename function will be performed. If he selects [Cancel] button, the rename function will not be performed.  When the renaming target is a folder and it has a sub folder as a share folder, then the message of “There are share folders under the selected folder” and the rename function is not performed.
 43   F.  Delete () ①  After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder having the file/folder list you want to delete. In order to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder list of current folder to move to the parent folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or folder name to move to the sub folder you want to go. ②  Click the check box next to the folder or file which you want to delete in the file/folder list of the current folder to mark the V using the mouse. ③  Press the [Delete] button. ④  When the deleting targets do not have any shared folder in the current folder, a message to confirm the deleting file or folder will be appeared.  If the deleting targets have shared folders in the current folder,  then  a  message  of  “Shared folders exist in the current folder. Do you continue to delete the selected files and folders?” will be appeared.
44   ⑤  If you press the [OK] button, the selected files and folders will be deleted. To cancel the deleting, press the [Cancel] button. ⑥  If there are shared folders under the deleting folders in the folder/file list to delete, then a message of “There are share folders under the selected folders.” will be appeared. The deleting the current folders having the shared folders are canceled, and other files/folders are deleted. If the user has only the read authority to the current folder, then a message “Permission Denied.” Will be shown and all file/folder deletings are canceled.     G.  Copy (   ) ①  After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder having the file/folder list to copy. In order to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder list of current folder then you will move to the upper folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or folder name to move to the sub folder you want to go.
 45②  Click the check box next to the folder or file to be copied in the file/folder list of the current folder to mark the V using the mouse. ③  Select the [Find] button next to the ‘Copy/Move folder’. ④  The following dialog box for selecting the folder to Copy/Move will be shown.    ⑤  Select target folder to copy using the mouse so to move to the folder. ⑥  Click the [OK] button. ⑦  The selected target folder will be shown next to the  ‘Copy/Move folder’. ⑧  Select the [Copy] button. ⑨  If the user has only reading authority about the folder to be copied, an error message will be shown and all file/folder copy will be canceled.
46    H.  Move ①  After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder having the file/folder list you want to move. In order to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder list of current folder then you will move to the upper folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or folder name to move to the sub folder you want to go. ②  Click the check box next to the folder or file to be moved in the file/folder list of the current folder to mark the V using the mouse. ③  Select the [Find] button next to the ‘Copy/Move folder’. ④  The dialog box for selecting the folder to Copy/Move will be shown. ⑤  Select the target folder to move using the mouse. ⑥   Click the [OK] button. ⑦  The selected target folder will be shown in the ‘Copy/Move folder’. ⑧  Select the [Move] button. ⑨  If there are shared folders under the moving folder/file list, then a message of “Error: You can not move a share folder. At first, delete share function.” will be appeared. If there are shared folcers under the moving folder in the folder/file list to be moved, then a message of “The shared folder does not move." And the current folder having the share folders does not move, while others are moved. If the user has not the write authority to the current folder and moving folder, then an error message is shown and all file/folder movings are canceled.
 47   I.  Refresh Basically, the U-Stor refreshes the contents of the current folder in every 5 minute automatically. ①  Press the “Refresh” button to refresh the content of the current folder in manual.  J.  Mail When a file is sent by attached in a mail, it takes long time to send about 1MB or more file further, it is hard to send the 10MB or more file. The U-Stor suggests the function for sending the file link information in the remote folder of the U-Stor by attatching to the mail. The user just enters the text related to the file in the mail and attaches the file link of the remote folder of the U-Stor to the mail so that it takes very short time to send the mail. The mail receiver can download the files from the U-Stor by just clicking the file link.  ①  After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder having the file list you want to send via mail. In order to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder list of current folder then you will move to the upper folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or folder name to move to the sub folder you want to go. Make sure this folder is located under Private folder.
48  ②  Click the check box next to the file to be sent in the file list of the current folder to mark the V using the mouse. ③  Select the [Mail] button. ④  At the web browser screen of sending mail, enter the e-mail of the sender and the receiver, the subject of the mail and the message. Press the “Send this mail” button. When the mail is sending to multiple users, the e-mails of receivers’ should be distinguished by comer (,). Be careful that the mail encording methods of the sender and receiver should be the same. That is, the mail encording method should be set in Korea.  K.  File Link This function is used for representing the data stroed in the U-Stor to the bulletin board of other
 49web site by link.  ①  After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder having the file you want to link. In order to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder list of current folder then you will move to the upper folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or folder name to move to the sub folder you want to go. Make sure this folder is located under Private folder. ②  Click the check box next to the file to be sent via mail in the file list of the current folder to mark the V using the mouse. ③  Select the [File link] button. ④  At the file link web browser secreen, after selecting the contents next to the file link using the mouse and copying it using the Ctrl-C, paste the file link information at the wanted web site of document using the Ctrl-V or paste menu  1.2.3.  Share Here, the share function using the U-Stor file manager will be explained. The folder in the private folder (/U-Stor/private/) can be set to be used by other users with reading or writing authority. The  set  public  folders  will  be  shown  under  the  path  of  /U-Stor/public/. These folders can be limited to be accessed, downloaded or uploaded according to the user’s authority. A user having the writing authority to certain public folder has the reading and writing authority to all files and folders under the  public folder. A user having the reading authority  has the  reading authority to the files and folders under the public folder.
50  The  name  of  the  public  folder  shown  under  the path  of  /U-Stor/public/ has “user’s name_” in front of its name. For example, a user whose name is “User1” set the folder “Temp1” as a public folder under his/her private folder, then the name of the public folder will be “User1_Temp1”. The maximum length of the shared folder name is 16 characters.  ★  Caution: To the sub folder or upper folder of the current public folder, the share setting can not be performed. If you want to set the share setting, delete the share info of the shared folder and then set the new share setting. A.  Share Folder ( ) ①  After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder having the folder you want to set a share setting. In order to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder list of current folder so as to move to the upper folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or folder name you want to move to the sub folder you want to go. ②  Click the check box next to the folder you want to share. ③  Select the [Share Folder] button. ④  The dialog box for setting the Share Folder will be shown.
 51 ⑤  Enter a share name unique in the U-Stor system at the ‘Share name’ under the ‘Public folder’ showing the actual folder names. The default of share name includes the user’s name and folder name. If needed, the user can change the folder name. The user’s name can not be changed. The maximum length of the shared folder name is 16 characters. ⑥  Make a register of the share user list. The left  ‘Group/User list’  shows all user list of the U-Stor system. If you check users to be public members, then one of add authority buttons there-under will be activated. To grant a reading authority to the selected user, click the [Add Read] button. To grant a writing authority, click the [Add Read-Wirte] button.  ⑦  The registered share users are shown in the reading authority list or the writing authority list according to his/her authority. Using the [Delete User] or [Delete All] button under the Share user list, certain user can be deleted from the user list. The “Delete User” is for deleting one user selected in the Share user list. The “Delete All” is for deleting all users in the all users having the relative authority in the Share user list. Completing the share setting, select the [Save Share Info] button.
52  ⑧  If any problem exists in the sharing setting, the following error message will be shown and the sharing setting will not be proceeding. According to the message, please modify the setting value.     ⑨  If the sharing setting is succeeded, the folder icon will be changed into the share folder icon form the normal folder icon. Also, you can see the public folder name in the window explorer.  B.  Delete Share Information ( ) ①  After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder having the folder you want to delete the share setting. In order to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder
 53list of current folder so as to move to the upper folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or folder name to move to the sub folder you want to go. ②  Click the check box next to the public folder to be cancelled its public setting. ③  Select the [Share Folder] button. ④  The dialog box for setting the Share setting will be shown.   ⑤  Select the [Delete share info] button. Completing the deleting the share, the share information of the U-Stor system will be deleted. You can see the folder icon is changed to the normal icon. You can also see the share name is deleted under the shared (public) folder (/U-Stor/public). C.  Caustions using the Share function The followings are the main message related to the share setting.
54  ①  If a same share name exists already, the public setting can not be performed. It causes an error.    ②  It is impossible to perform the share set to the sub folder of the share folder.   ③  It is impossible to perform the share set to the upper folder of the share folder.   ④  When the share folder in the private folder (/USotr/private/) is renamed or deleted, a message inquiring whether the share setting will be deleted or not will be shown. To delete the share setting, press the [Y].
 55⑤  When the commands of move, upload, download, delete, rename or create new folder are performed in the share folder (/U-Stor/public/), a message of “Permission denied” may be shown according to the authority of the user. The following is the case in which the user has not writing authority to the share folder.    1.2.4.  Change the Password of U-Stor account Each user of the U-Stor has his/her own password. It is recommended that the password should be changed periodically for security. The method for changing the password is as follows.  ①  Select the [Change Password] item on the left main menu. ②  On the password changing screen, enter the old password into the ‘Current password’ and the new password into the ‘New password’ and ‘Confirm new password’. The password should be comprises of more than 5 digits and less than 8 digits of alphanumeric characters.
56    ③  Press the [Apply] button to change with the new password. If there are no errors in the current password, new password and confirm password, then the password is changed with the new one. If the current password is incorrect, an error message will be shown. When the password is identical with the user’s name, the new password is not identical with the confirm password or the new password includes less than 5 digits, an error message will be shown.
 571.3.  Using  the  Window  Explorer The U-Stor system supports the file server functions using the Samba. Hereinafter, the method for using the samba file server function through the Window explorer will be described.  There are some differences in using the program between the Windows9X  series  (Window 98/ME), the OS for the single user and the Window NT series (Windows 200/XP), the OS for the multi  user.  For  the  Windows  9x  series,  the  user  can  login  to  the U-Stor system just when the user’s ID registered in the U-Stor system is identical with the Login ID of the Windows.  When the user’s OS is one of Windows NT series, the user can login using the user’s ID and password registered in the U-Stor system regardless of the Windows Login ID.  The port number is 137,138,139. According to the Internet Service Provider (ISP), this port may be blocked. If the login using the Window Explorer is not possible, please check whether the port is blocked or not. The using method is like as follows. ①  Login to PC using the ID registered to the U-Stor system. For the user of the Windows 9x series, the ID registered to the U-Stor should be identical with the Login ID of the PC. ②  Run the Window Explorer (Alternately, run the My computer or Web browser). ③  Enter the IP Address of the U-Stor or DDNS name of the U-Stor in the address window. (Ex: For Windows series, enter Windows “₩₩”, “₩₩” at the Window Explorer, otherwise, at the web browser, enter “file://”, “file://”. For, Mac user, enter Mac “smb://”, “smb://” at the web browser)
58   ④  Enter the user’s ID and the password. For the user of the Windows 9x series, enter the password only. If the Login ID and password of the PC are identical with those of the account registered to the U-Stor, then connection can be accomplished without Login step.
 59⑤  After the first connection is succeeded, it is not need to perform the Login process for the next connections. ⑥  Now, you can use the U-Stor system as your own hard disk in your PC. The private folder will be shown with the user ID, and it is possible to read/write the private folder. However, for the share folder, the authority of accessing, reading or writing may be limited according to the share setting. On the screen, the “USERHOME” is the home folder of the login user and the others are the shared folders. The name of the shared folder is showing as the “User’s name_foldername”. To find the other user’s share folder, please find the user’s name and then find the folder name. If you have authority to a folder, you can not access the folder. In addition, the USB external disks (usb-hdd0, usb-hdd1) connected by USB ports and shared printers (lp0, lp1) are shown.   The USB external disk can be shown just when the USB extend disk option is used. When the USB external disk and the printer are not connected, they can not be accessed even they are shown in the list.  ⑦  You can easily use the U-Stor by connecting as a network drive. After selecting the shared folder by your U-Stor account and the USB expand disk (usb-hdd0, usb-hdd1) or other user, and pressing the right button of the mouse to show the menu, select the “Conent the network drive” menu.
60   ⑧  At the window explorer, select the Drive you want to showing as a network drive. If you want to connect to the network drive automatically at window logon, check the “Reconnect at logon”and then press the “Finish” button.  ⑨  Now, the drive will be shown in the window explorer like your own disk as follows. At the window explorer, you can use the network drive with file upload and download like the local drive. The following example, the network drive is allocated at Z drive.
 61  1.4.  Using  common  FTP The U-Stor file managing functions are performed by common FTP client program. The user of Window, Linux or, Mac OS can access to the U-Stor system using his/her favorite FTP program and  use  the  file  managing  function  including  file  transmitting  and  managing  functions.  The common FTP programs include the Al FTP, the Cute FTP and so on. However, using the common FTP program, the share function could not be used. Please be advised the following cautions. ①  To perform the Share, Mail and File Link, use the U-Stor file manager (for Window) or the Web folder (Web server). Using the common FTP program, the Share, Mail and File link can not be performed. ②  The share folder under the private (/U-Stor/private/) folder do not have the sharing mark (). ③  When you rename a share folder under the private folder (/U-Stor/private/), the share setting will be deleted without any warning message.
62  ④  When you delete a share folder under the private folder (/U-Stor/private/), the share setting will be deleted without any warning message.   ⑤  If you do not have authority when you access to any public folder under the public folder (/U-Stor/public/), the folder moving or the file transferring may not be performed without any warning message. ⑥  The user’s password can be changed through the web folder. 2.   Using as a private homepage 2.1.  Uploading  a  file  related  to  the  private  Homepage The U-Stor supports  each user  having the U-Stor account to maintain his/her own Homepage. To establish the private Homepage, please save the required files under the /home/user’s name/ftproot/private/public_html/  folder.  It  supports  the  htm,  html,  php  and  php3  file  formats. (However, the cgi file which should be granted with the execution permission is not supported.) For the contents of creating Homepage, please refer to other books or data.  ①  Using the U-Stor file manager program, the web browser or the Window Explorer, connect to the private account of the U-Stor.  ②  Upload the required files in the folder of /home/user’s name/ftproot/private/public_html/ of the private folder. For example, tf the user’s account is “test”, upload to the “/home/test/ftproot/private/public_html/” folder. 2.2.  Connecting  to  the  private  Homepage The address of certain user’s Homepage comprises of the DDNS web site address of the U-Stor and the user’s ID. If the registered DDNS web site is “” and the user’s ID is “user”, then enter “” at the address window of the web browser and connect.  If  DDNS  is  not  used  or  unauthorized  IP  address  is  used,  enter  “http://U-Stor  IP address/~user” at the address window of the web browser and connect. ①  Enter “” at the address window of the web browser to connect.  Now, you connect to your own Homepage.
 63  3.  Using as a mail server The U-Stor system  suggests the mail  server function. It  suggest POP3 service in order to help you to check your e-mails using the common e-mail program any where, any time.   The  followings  show  the  method  for  setting  the  mail  account  using the Outlook Express, the typical e-mail program of Windows. For the user using another mail program, refer to the manual of the mail program. ①  Run the Outlook Express. ②  Click [Tool] -> [Account] in the menu bar.
64   ③  Click the [Add] ->[Mail] among the menu located upper right side.
 65④  After enter a name in the  ‘Display name’, press the [Next] button  ⑤  Enter your E-mail address and then press the [Next] button.
66   ⑥  Select the POP3 at the  ‘My incoming Mail Server’. At the  ‘Incomming Mail Server’ and ‘Outgoing Mail Server’, enter the IP address of the U-Stor system or the domain name applied to the DDNS.
 67 ⑦  Enter the  ‘Account name’ and password into  ‘Password’.
68   ⑧  Now press the [Next] button to complete setting.
 694.    Using the U-Stor backup utility The U-Stor backup utility is rendered with the U-Stor file manager. It supports the backup from the  local  computer  to  the  U-Stor  system,  the  backup  from  the  U-Stor system to the local computer and the file synchronizing  between  the  local  computer  and  the  U-Stor  system.  In addition,  the  periodical  backup  can  be  performed  by  setting  and  managing  the  auto  backup scheduling. (This function is supported in the Windows OS series only.) ★ Caution:  Before using the backup function, synchronize the standard  time  at  the Mainternance -> Time setting menu of the U-Stor with the time of the PC performing the backup. Otherwise, by the synchronizing backup option, the old file may be treated as a upgraded new file.   4.1.   Installation  of  the  U-Stor  Windows  Application   After the U-Stor Windows Application is installed, the U-Stor file manager and the U-Stor backup utility are created. Please refer to ‘1.1.1.U-Stor Windows Application Installation’.  4.2.   Start  the  U-Stor  backup  utility After the U-Stor Windows Application is installed, the U-Stor backup utility will be automatically registered in the Start Program. Accordingly, when a user login to window, the backup program will start and then an icon will be shown on the Tray. When the U-Stor backup program is ended, the scheduling backup program does not work.    To start the U-Stor backup utility  in  manual,  click  the  [Start]  ->  [Program]  ->  [U-Stor Application]  ->  [U-Stor  Backup Utility].  Further, during  the U-Stor  file  manager  is  running the U-Stor backup utility can be started by clicking the backup ( )on the  tool bar. Alternately, it can be started by clicking the U-Stor backup utility on the Tray. Running the backup utility, the main screen will be shown as follows.
70   The follows are the descriptions for the functions of each menu. z Backup setting: It is possible to manage the backup scheduling, and add, delete and edit the backup section. z Manual Backup: By selecting the backup section, the manual backup  can  be  started immediately. z Backup Stop: This function is activated during the backup is running.  By  clicking  this button, the running backup will be stopped. z Show Log: This function shows the Log per each backup section.  To end the U-Stor utility, select “Exit” in the pop-up menu appearing by clicking the right button of the mouse with the cursor being on the program icon ( )  at  the  Tray.  Press  [Y]  to  exit program  then  all  backup  scheduling are cancelled. A message confirming  the  ending  of  the program will be shown.
 714.2.1.  Backup setting Here, explained are the backup setting functions such as the managing the backup scheduling and the adding, deleting and editing the backup section. To perform the auto backup or manual backup, a backup section should be registered using the backup setting. A.  Adding the backup section ①  Select the backup setting ( ) in the menu.  ②  If the program is run at first, a backup section should be added. Please select the [New] button. ③  The dialog box for backup setting will be shown. The number of figure is also used as the following explain number.
72   ④  Enter a backup section name in the  ‘Input Backup Name’. The backup name should be distinguished from the other backup names.  ⑤  Enter the  ‘Connection’. Enter the Host, the Port number, the User’s ID and the Password.  ⑥  To select the backup folder of the local folder, click the [Browse...] button. A local folder you want and select the OK button.
 73 ⑦  To select a backup folder of the remote folder, click the [Browse...] button and then select a remote folder you want and press the OK button.   ★ Caution: The backup folder can be selected when it is under the private folder. Using the U-Stor file manager, you should create a folder used as a backup folder under the private folder in advance. At the Brower dialog box for the remote folder, a new folder could not be created.
74  ⑧  Select the backup method. As a backup method, select one method among the  ‘From Local Folder to Remote Folder’,  ‘From Remote Folder to Local Folder’ and ‘Synchronization’. In the backup method to one direction such as  ‘From Local Folder to Remote Folder’ and  ‘From Remote Folder to Local Folder’, the option of  ‘Remove the deleted file’ can be selected. If the ‘Remove the deleted file’ is selected, the file will be automatically deleted if the removed file from the original folder exists in the target folder.     In the  ‘Synchronization’  method, the  ‘Remove the deleted file’ option will be inactivated. When the same files exist in the source and target folders, these files are synchronized to the latest modified file in the both folders.       ★  Caution: If the ‘Remove the deleted file’ or the ‘Synchronization’ is selected, the file will be automatically erased or replaced with new file. Please be aware of the usage before using this function.  ⑨  Select the Backup Schedule. The backup schedule has three options, Daily, Weekly and Monthly. Please select one of them and set the backup time in minute unit. ⑩  Select the [OK] button after completing the setting from the backup setting dialog box to save the setting values.   ⑪  When the backup setting has any error, the following message will be shown. Please confirm the backup setting and modify it.
 75    ⑫  After the backup section adding is succeeded, the backup section added in the Backup Settings dialog box will be shown.
76    B.   Editing backup section ①  Selecting the backup section which you want to edit in the Backup Setting dialog box, click the [Edit] button. ②  The Backup Configuration dialog box will be shown. The backup name can not be changed, the changing order is the same as  ⑤~⑫ sequences of ‘A. Backup section adding’.
 77 C.  Deleting backup section ①  Selecting the backup section which you want to delete in the Backup Setting dialog box, click the [Delete] button.  ②  Then the inquiring message to the deleting backup section will be shown. Select the [Y] button to delete the backup section from the backup setting list. Press the [N] button to cancel the backup section deleting. D.  Managing the auto backup scheduling ①  Select the backup section list of the auto Backup Setting. By checking the check box of the scheduling column, turn ON or OFF the backup scheduling. The backup section having the check at the scheduling column only performs the auto backup.
78   ②  Start the backup scheduling by selecting the [OK] button. The following main screen shows the status of the backup scheduling. At the status bar of the U-Stor backup utility program, the current backup scheduling data will be shown. At the backup status bar, the backup status will be shown in LED style for example, with red for during backup scheduling, green for no backup scheduling and blue for during backup. Further, the next backup scheduling data is also shown.
 79 4.2.2.  Manual backup ①  Select the Manual Bbackup ( ) from the menu. ②  The manual backup dialog box will be shown (The backup section should be registered using the backup setting in advance.)
80  ③  Select the backup name perform the manual backup from the dialog box list. ④  Click the [Backup] button. ⑤  During the backup item list is prepared after accessing to the U-Stor, a progrssing message will be shown. If the [Cancel] button is selected during the waiting, then the backup will be cancelled.  ⑥  The backup item will be added to the backup file list and the backup will be proceeding. The file transmitting status will be shown on the screen.
 81 ⑦  During the backup is proceeding, the Stop ( ) button will be activated on the menu. If the backup stop is selected, the backup stop confirming message will be shown. Select [Y] to cancel all backup proceeding.  4.2.3.   View the backup log ①  Select the Log view ( ) on the menu. ②  The Backup Log dialog box will be shown.
82   ③  If you select the backup section name you want to view, the related section log will be shown.  ★ Caution: The number of saved backup log is up to 10 at each section. 5.   Using  for  Mac,  Linux and  Unix 5.1  Using  under  Mac 5.1.1  Using  the  web  browser The  using  method  is  the  same  with  the  method  under  the  Windows  OS  series.  5.1.2  Using  the  common  FTP  program It is the same with the case of Windows OS series.  5.1.3  Using  the  file  server  using  SAMBA This  function  for  the  file  server  using  the  SAMBA  is  available  under  Mac  OS  X  or  the  later  version of 10.3.  To use SAMBA, at the “System configuration  ->  Share”  of  the  Mac  system,  check  the  "Windows  file  share"  item.     1) Access at the command window ①  Enter "smb://user’s name:PW@IP add/Sharefoldername" on the command window. When using the DDNS service or in the local group, enter the “hostname”  instead  of  the  “IP add”. The “user’s name” and the “PW” are not the required item.
 83If the IP address is, the user’s name is apple, the  Password  is  1111,  the sharefolder name is work, then enter as follows to mount the U-Stor as a network drive in Mac.smb://apple:1111@  2) SAMBA connect using the web browser ①  On the web brower address window, enter as follows. The sharefolder name of the home folder under the user’s name is fixed to “USERHOME". When the DDNS service is used or connecting from the local group, it is possible to enter the host name instead of the IP address. smb://IPaddress/sharefoldername ②  Enter  the  user  name  and  password.  (For  the  U-Stor,  the  login  password  is  the  same with the SAMBA password.) ③  Use  as  do  in  the  window  explorer.  5.2  Using  under  LINUX,  Unix 5.2.1  Using  the  web  browser The  method  is  the  same  with  the  case  of  Windows  OS  series.  5.2.2  Using  the  common  FTP  program The  method  is  the  same  with  the  case  of  Windows  OS  series.  5.2.3  Use  File  server  using  SAMBA 1)  Access  from  terminal ①  Enter as follows at the terminal and enter the SAMBA password. When the DDNS service is used or connecting from the local group, it is possible to enter the host name instead of the IP address. The sharefolder name of the home folder under the user’s name is fixed to “USERHOME". Please be noted that sigle quotation mark is used. #smbclient  ‘₩₩IPaddress₩sharefoldername’  –U  user’s  name or #smbclient  ‘//IPaddress/sharefoldername’  –U  user’s  name ②  Password: Enter the SAMBA password. (For  the U-Stor, the login  password  is the same with the SAMBA password.) ③  Using the SAMBA command, send the files. The command for sending  file is  “put”,  for receiving is “get”. For details, refer to the SAMBA manual. ④  To terminate, enter “exit”.  2) Using by mounting the share folder of SAMBA (it is available just when the user of LINUXis  “root”) ①  Create folders which will be used for mounting.(For example, /mnt/samba,  type  as
84  followings) #mkdir  /mnt/samba ②  Perform  the  mounting  as  follows.  Enter  the SAMBA  password  of  users.  When  the DDNS service is used or connecting from the local group, it is possible to enter the host name instead of the IP address. The sharefolder name of the home folder under the user’s name is fixed to “USERHOME". #mount  -t  smbfs  -o  username=user’s  name“//IPaddress/sharefoldername”  /mnt/samba ③  Password: Enter the SAMBA password. (For  the U-Stor, the login  password  is the same with the SAMBA password.) ④  If there is no problem, then connection is completed. After that  you  can  use “/mnt/samba” as common folder. ⑤  Release the mount. #umount  /mnt/samba  3)  SAMBA  connection  using  other  program  like  window After  downloading  the  necessary  program  from  the  “,,” use file server using SAMBA.
 85Chapter II. Miscellaneous 1.   FAQ Q: When connecting to the file manager window program after install the U-Stor, it is impossible to access  just  having  the  message  “Fail  to  access  to  the  server.  Please  check  the  User  ID  and Password.” A:  To  access  with  user’s  account,  after  login  through  the  web  browser  with  the  administrator account, the user should be added in the User/Password menu -> User menu. For details, please refer to the Administrator Manual.   Q: I forget the password of user mode. A: After login to the web manager through the administrator mode,  re-set  the  password  of  the user again.  Q: I forget the administrator password. A: Please press the “INIT” button at the rear panel of the U-Stor.  Then,  the  password  of  the administrator will be changed into the default value ‘admin’. Be careful of using the INIT button.  Q: In window98, the Login to U-Stor can not be performed. A: The Login should be performed using the same ID of the Window98 user with the ID of the U-Stor user. The user of Window 98 should register the Window Login ID as the ID of the U-Stor system.  Q: What kinds of the internet cable are capable to connect? A: You can access to the U-Stor through all kinds of the internet  service  line  such  as ADSL,  VDSL,  Cable model and Virtul Private Network (VPN).  Q: Even  though  it is  possible  to  access  to  U-Stor  using IP address,  it  is  not  possible to access using the domain name. A: 1. Please check whether the function of the DDNS is used or not  after  login  to  the  web manager.       2. Please check the network is running appropriately.       3. Even though the DDNS is checked and the network to outside is normal, if the problem is still remained, then the server of the provider may have an error. Therefore, please contact technical team of provider.  Q: It is impossible to connect to network. A:    1. Please make sure that the cable is normally connected to WAN network of the U-Stor. The WAN network connecting method should be set the same with the internet connecting
86  method used in old PC. 2. Please check the cable is normally connected to the LAN and WAN ports of the U- Stor. That is, check the LINK LED of the network device connected to the U-Stor.   3. Please check the power of the U-Stor is normal state. (Please check the power LED) 4. Please change the LAN cable with a new one.   5. Please check the IP address of the U-Stor is duplicated with that of other PC.   6. The network of client PC may have a problem. Please try access from other client PC.                 7. If the TCP/IP setting of the client PC is set to “Acquiring IP address” or “Acquiring   DNS server address”, then it is possible for the client PC to get the IP address just when   the LAN setting of the U-Stor should be “Use DHCP server:.   8. When the client PC is connected to the LAN and the IP address is acquired from the   DHCP, the IP address may not be acquired. At that case, select “Not use” at the “Local   Network Connection” and    then select “Use” again. Then the IP address can be   acquired.  Q: The connection in the local area (Intra net) is normal; however the connection from out of the intra net is not accomplished. A.    1. Please check the WAN port of the U-Stor and the parts relevant to the Internet. 2. When the Internet connection is normal through the intra net, but the connection to the U-Stor can not accomplished from the out side, the DMZ host, the port  forwarding or the  packet filtering may have problems. In that case, please connect to the web server via the PC connected intra LAN and change the Security settings.  Q: It is impossible to access to the SAMBA server from the outside.   A    1. The DMZ host, the port forwarding or the packet filtering may have problems. In that case, please connect to the web server via the PC connected intra LAN and change the Security settings. 2. The ISP provider to which the U-Stor is connecting may block the port for SAMBA server, port 137, 138, 139. Please request the ISP provider to open the port.    Q: When the U-Stor  is used  as an  IP sharer,  is it possible to connect a server (Web server, FTP server and so on) to the LAN port at the lower part? A: Yes, it is possible by using the functions of port forwarding, the DMZ host.  Q: How do the users using windows up/download files by accessing to the U-Stor? A: There are methods for up/download by accessing the web folder using the  web browser, by using the filemanager of the U-Stor, by using the common FTP client  program  and  by  using SAMBA at the window explorer.
 87Q: What kinds of hard disk could be used for the U-Stor? A:  You should  use  the  IDE  type (Parallel) Hard  Disk  hard  disk.  Do not use the SATA type hard disk.  Q: Is the hard disk being used in the U-Stor replaced with another hard disk? A: Yes, it is possible. Basically, the U-Stor has no hard disk. When replacing the hard disk, the installation should be performed again referring to the Installation Guide.  Q: Is it possible to upgrade the software of the U-Stor? A:  Yes,  it  is  possible.  To  upgrade, please download the latest software  from  the  U-Stor Homepage (  Q: What is the maximum tranferring speed of the U-Stor? A: The maximum transferring speed of the U-Stor is about 4.5 MBps.  This speed is for using at the intra network (100Mbps). On the internet, the speed depends on the user’s internet speed.    Q: Is the connection from outside possible as via the local network? A: Yes, you can access to the U-Stor anywhere the internet is possible.  Through  the  U-Stor domain,  you  can  edit,  modify,  upload  &  download  the  file  or  data. For the SAMBA, it may be inactivated because the ISP provider may block the port.  Q: How about the internet share function? A:  The  U-Stor  has  4  LAN  ports.  By  adding  hubs  for  expanding,  the  maximum  number  of  PC sharing the internet will be 253.  Q: Is it possible for many users to use the U-Stor at the same time? A: Many users can access to the U-Stor at the same time. Further, many users can access to the shared folder by other users at the same time to upload/download files and to create fofolders or edit files. However, when certain user is working with a file using  SAMBA  through  the  window explorer, if another user logon later tries to access  the file, then the file is open with only read option.  For using  many  users  at  the  same  time,  the  speed  of  upload/download  is  slower  than when a user is accessed.  Q: Is it possible to operate the mail server? A: Yes,it is. The U-Stor has the mail server function.  Using the mail function, large size filesin the U-Stor can be sent via the mail. The receiver can download the files from the U-Stor.  Q: Even the USB disk is connected to the USB port, it is not shown on the file manager window, the window explorer, the web folder and so on.
88  A: 1. Check if the USB disk option of the port is set to “Use as a USB ext distk”. If it is set to “Use as a USB backup of U-Stor data”, the USB disk does not appear.       To see the USB disk on the user’s PC, change the USB disk option setting  to the  “Use  as a USB ext distk”. You can see the disk after you login using the administrator account via the web browser, and go to the USB disk setting menu.       2. If the USB disk is HDD type, at first connect the power to the USB disk and then connect the hard disk to the U-Stor.   3. Check the power LED of the USB disk turns on. If the LED does not turn on, the U-Stor may not detect the USB disk. In this case, the USB control chip in the  U-Stor  may  be  damaged. Please contact our A/S center.  Q: Can the U-Stor be used under the Windows OS? A: The U-Stor is used under the Window  series,  Linux,  and  Machintosh  system.  However, underthe Linux and Machintosh, the backup function and the U-Stor  file  manager  can  not  be used. In addition, for the Mac, the file server function using SAMBA  is available  only under  the later versions of Mac OS 10.3 or Mac OS X.    Q: What browers are available to access to the U-Stor? A: We recommend the later versions of the Internet Explorer 6.0, the Mozilla 1.7, the Netscape 7.1 and the Moziall Firefox 1.0 for the web browser. The former versions may be not supported some functions. If you use older version of web browser, please upgrade your web browser. In addition, even other web browsers such as Opera are not recommended by us, we think they may not make any serious problem. If the user has not any problem, it is permeable to use any web browser.  Q: At booting, the HDD Access LED continues to be lightened with red. A: It is time for disk check. If the disk checking have not performed certain period or the time of disk is different from the system time too large, the disk checking is performed automatically. The lap time for disk checking depends on the volume of the disk.

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