Sato Cl408 412 Users Manual
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SATO Europe GmbH PROGRAMMING MANUAL SATO RISC PRINTERS CL408/412, CL608/612 (VA), XL400/410, M8400RV, M8459S, M8460S, M8485S, M8490S SATO Europe GmbH Im Hülsenfeld 13 40721 Hilden Germany Tel.:+49 (0)2103 9592-0 Fax.:+49 (0)2103 55322 Issued June 1999 © Copyright 1999 SATO Europe GmbH Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................... 7 1.1 The SATO RISC Programming Language .......................... 8 1.3 Selecting Protocol Control Codes ....................................... 8 1.4 Using Basic ......................................................................... 9 1.5 Printing with the Parallel Port ........................................... 10 1.6 Printing with the RS232 Port .............................................11 1.7 The Print Area .................................................................. 12 1.8 First Method: Using Base Reference Point ...................... 16 1.9 Second Method: Using Horizontal Offset Position ............ 16 2. Command Codes ......................................................................... 21 Bar Codes .................................................................................... 22 Bar Codes, Expansion ................................................................. 27 Bar Codes, Variable Ratio ........................................................... 28 Base Reference Point .................................................................. 30 Characters, Custom-Designed .................................................... 32 Character Expansion ................................................................... 34 Character, Fixed Spacing ............................................................ 36 Character Pitch ............................................................................ 37 Character, Proportional Spacing .................................................. 39 Clear Print Job(s) & Memory ....................................................... 40 Continuous Forms Printing .......................................................... 41 Copy Image Area ......................................................................... 42 Cutter Command ......................................................................... 44 Fonts U, S, M, OA, OB, XU, XS & XM ......................................... 45 Font, Vector ................................................................................. 47 Fonts WB, WL, XB & XL .............................................................. 49 Form Feed ................................................................................... 51 Form Overlay, Recall ................................................................... 52 Form Overlay, Store ..................................................................... 53 Graphics, Custom ........................................................................ 54 Graphics, PCX ............................................................................. 56 Job ID Store ................................................................................. 57 Journal Print ................................................................................. 58 Lines and Boxes .......................................................................... 59 i Line Feed ..................................................................................... 61 Mirror Image (From Firmware Version1E2050, 1E3002 for 6xxVA) .................. 63 Off-Line/Pause ............................................................................. 72 Postnet ......................................................................................... 73 Print Darkness ............................................................................. 74 Print Length, Expanded ............................................................... 75 Print Position ................................................................................ 76 Print Quantity ............................................................................... 78 Print Speed .................................................................................. 79 Repeat Label ................................................................................ 81 Replace Data (Partial Edit) .......................................................... 82 Reverse Image ............................................................................. 84 Rotate, Fixed Base Reference Point ............................................ 86 Rotate, Moving Base Reference Point ......................................... 88 Sequential Numbering ................................................................. 90 Start/Stop Label ............................................................................ 92 Calendar Option Commands ....................................................... 93 Calendar Increment ..................................................................... 94 Calendar Print .............................................................................. 96 Calendar Set ................................................................................ 98 Memory Card Option Commands ................................................ 99 Memory Card Function Clear Card Memory ........................................................ 100 Expand Memory Area ..................................................... 101 Fonts, TrueType Recall ................................................... 102 Fonts, TrueType Store .................................................... 103 Format/Field Recall ......................................................... 104 Format/Field Store .......................................................... 105 Graphics, Custom Recall ................................................ 107 Graphics, Custom Store .................................................. 109 Graphics, PCX Recall ......................................................111 Graphics, PCX Store ...................................................... 112 Initialize ........................................................................... 113 Slot Select ....................................................................... 114 Status .............................................................................. 115 ii Custom Protocol Command Codes Download ...........................117 3. Command Code Quick Reference ..............................................119 3.1 Instruction ........................................................................119 3.2 Calendar Option Commands .......................................... 129 3.3 Memory Card Option Commands ................................... 130 4. Bar Code Specifications ............................................................ 133 Codabar ..................................................................................... 134 Code 39 ..................................................................................... 135 Interleaved Two of Five (I 2/5) ................................................... 136 UPC-A/EAN-13 .......................................................................... 137 EAN-8 ........................................................................................ 139 Industrial Two of Five ................................................................. 140 Matrix Two of Five ...................................................................... 141 Code 128 ................................................................................... 142 MSI ......................................................................................... 145 Code 93 ..................................................................................... 146 UPC-E ........................................................................................ 147 Bookland (UPC/EAN Supplements) .......................................... 148 UCC-128 .................................................................................... 149 Postnet ....................................................................................... 151 Two-Dimensional Bar Codes Data Matrix, Data Format ............................................... 152 Data Matrix, Print Data ................................................... 154 Data Matrix, Sequential Numbering ................................ 155 Maxicode Vers. 3 ............................................................ 157 PDF417 .......................................................................... 158 QR Code (Optional Special Firmware) ........................... 160 5. Interface Specifications .............................................................. 169 5.1 Overview ......................................................................... 169 5.2 Interface Types ............................................................... 169 5.3 The Receive Buffer ......................................................... 170 5.4 RS232C Serial Interface ................................................. 171 5.5 Centronics Parallel Interface .......................................... 179 5.6 I/F Connector .................................................................. 180 6. Troubleshooting ......................................................................... 187 6.1 Overview ......................................................................... 187 iii 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Initial Checklist ................................................................ 188 Troubleshooting the Centronics (Parallel) Interface ....... 188 Troubleshooting the RS232C (Serial) Interface .............. 190 Error Signals M8400RV and M84S Series Printers (Some procedures are not NA for M-8459S) .................. 191 6.6 Error Signals CL408/412 ................................................ 192 6.7 Error Signals CL608/612 (VA) ........................................ 193 6.8 Error Signals XL400/410 ................................................. 194 7. Custom Protocol Command Codes ........................................... 197 7.1 Description ...................................................................... 197 7.2 Download Command Structure ....................................... 198 7.3 Download Procedure ...................................................... 199 8. Custom Characters And Graphics ............................................. 201 8.1 Custom-designed Character Example ............................ 201 8.2 PCX Graphics Example .................................................. 211 iv Programming Manual 1. 1. Introduction Introduction This manual presents the commands that are used with the SATO RISC Printers to produce labels with logos, bar codes and alphanumeric data. All of the RISC commands use the same syntax. Some commands reference a physical point on the label using horizontal and vertical dot reference numbers. The allowable range for these references is dependent upon the particular printer to accomodate different print widths and resolutions. These differences are noted in tables under the commands affected. H H H H H H H H Introduction Command Codes Command Codes Quick Reference Command Codes Specifications Interface Specification Troubleshooting Custom Protocol Command Codes Custom Characters And Graphics SATO RISC Printers 7 1. Introduction Programming Manual 1.1 The SATO RISC Programming Language A programming language for a printer is a familiar concept to most programmers. It is a group of commands that are designed to use the internal intelligence of the printer. The commands, which are referred to as RISC Command Codes, contain non-printable ASCII characters (such as, , ) and printable characters. These commands must be assembled into an organized block of code to be sent as one data stream to the printer, which in turn interprets the command codes and generates the desired label output. The programmer is free to use any programming language available to send the desired data to the SATO RISC printer. The command codes used by the SATO RISC Printers are based upon “Escape” (1B hexadecimal) sequences. Typically there are four types of command sequences: {Command} These commands generally tell the printer to perform a specific action, like “clear the memory.” {Command} {Data} Commands with this format tell the printer to perform a specific action which is dependent upon the following data, like “print X labels”, where the value for X is contained in the data. {Command} {Parameter} These commands set the operational parameters of the printer, like “set the print speed to 3.” {Command} {Parameter} {Data} Some commands can contain both Parameter and Data elements, such as “print a Code 39 symbol containing the data.” 1.3 Selecting Protocol Control Codes Protocol codes are the special control characters that prepare the printer to receive instructions. For example, the character tells the printer that a command code will follow and the character asks for the printer status. There are two pre-defined different sets of Protocol Control codes to choose from. Each set is made up of six special characters. The Standard Protocol Control codes are non-printable characters, and the Non-Standard Protocol Control codes are printable characters. The Non-Standard set may be useful on host computers using protocol converters or in an application where non-printable ASCII characters cannot be sent from the host. This manual uses the Standard Protocol Control codes for all of the examples. Alternately, the user may define and download a set of custom Protocol Control Codes. 8 SATO RISC Printers Programming Manual 1. Introduction The Protocol Control codes are selected by a DIP switch DSW2-7 (Refer to the Operation Manual,). Control Character Description Standard DSW2-7 OFF NonStandard DSW2-7 ON STX 02 Hex 7B Hex = { Start of Data ETX 03 Hex 7D Hex = } End of Data ESC 1B Hex 5E Hex = ^ Command Code to follow NULL 7E Hex 7E Hex = ~ Cutter Command ENQ 05 Hex 40 Hex = @ Get printer status, Bi-Com mode CAN 18 Hex 21 Hex = ! Cancel print job, Bi-Com mode 1.4 Using Basic It may be useful to test your printer using a BASIC program on a PC. You may also write your actual production programs in BASIC. Whatever the reason, if you will be working in BASIC, some of the following hints may help you get started: 1. Set the WIDTH of the output device to 255 characters to avoid automatically sending and characters after every line. The command string should be continuous and uninterrupted by and/or commands. The examples given in this manual are printed on separate lines because they will not fit on one line and do not contain any and/or characters. If these characters are needed, they are explicitly noted by the inclusion of and notations. 2. If you are using the printer’s RS232 interface, it is necessary to set the COM port on the PC such that the CTS and DSR signals will be ignored. Send your OPEN “COM” statement in the following way: OPEN “COM1:9600,E,8,1,CS,DS” AS #1 3. This sets the RS232 communication parameters of the host PC’s COM1 port for 9600 baud, Even parity, 8 Data bits, 1 Stop bit and directing the port to ignore the CTS and DSR control signals. SATO RISC Printers 9 1. Introduction Programming Manual 4. You may want to minimize keystrokes and program size by assigning the character to a string variable since this character is used quite often. The following two examples in BASIC show a typical example using these hints. Both of these examples use the Standard Protocol codes. 1.5 Printing with the Parallel Port 10 E$=CHR$(27) 20 WIDTH “LPT1:”,255 30 LPRINT E$;"A"; 40 LPRINT E$;"H400";E$;"V100";E$;"XL1SATO"; 50 LPRINT E$;"Q1"; 60 LPRINT E$; “Z”; 10 Sets the “E$” string as an character Sets the width of the output to 255 characters Sends an “ A” command code to the LPT1 parallel port Sends the data “SATO” to be to be placed 400 dots horizontally and 100 dots vertically on the label and printed in the “XL” font. Instructs the printer to print one label. Tells the printer that the last command has been sent. The printer can now create and print the job. SATO RISC Printers Programming Manual 1. Introduction 1.6 Printing with the RS232 Port 10 20 30 50 60 50 60 70 E$=CHR$(27) Sets the “E$” string as an character. OPEN “COM1:9600,N,8,1,CS,DS” AS #1; Opens the COM1 port for output and sets the parameters as 9600 baud, No parity, 8 Data bits, 1 Stop bit and instructs the port to ignore the CTS and DSR control signals. PRINT #1,CHR$ (2); Sends an (ASCII Code a decimal “2”) to the printer instructing it to prepare to receive a message. PRINT #1,E$;"A"; Sends an “ A” command code to Print Port #1 opened by statement 20 above. PRINT #1, E$;"H400",E$;"V100";E$;"XL1SATO"; Sends the data “SATO” to be placed 400 dots horizontally and 100 dots vertically on the label and printed in the “XL” autosmoothed font. PRINT #1, E$;"Q1"; Instructs the printer to print a quantity of one label. PRINT #1, E$; “Z”; Tells the printer that the last command has been sent. The printer can now create and print the job. PRINT #1,CHR$ (3); Sends an (ASCII Code decimal “3”) to the printer telling it that this is the end of the message. SATO RISC Printers 11 1. Introduction Programming Manual 1.7 The Print Area The maximum print area for the various RISC printers are listed in the table on the next pages. Most of your label applications will not require tags/labels that fill the entire print area, therefore it is important to understand how to work with labels that do not use the entire print area. The goal is to help you avoid printing where no label exists, which may lead to print head damage, not to mention frustration when you cannot see the printed output.. Label feed direction Label 50 x 75mm Max print width Max print length Max print width Label 50 x 75mm Base reference point OEM right-hand and desktop printer OEM left-hand printer The diagram above illustrates the maximum print area and a sample 50mm wide by 75mm long label placed within this area. As can be seen, your label will be oriented against the inside left edge of the printer as viewed from the front of the printer. The base reference point is located at the H1, V1 position of the print area in the normal print orientation (no rotation) 12 SATO RISC Printers Programming Manual 1. Introduction Print Area for CL Printers. CL 408 CL 412 CL 608 (VA) CL 612 (VA) Resolution 203 dpi 8 dot/mm 305 dpi 12 dot/mm 203 dpi 8 dot/mm 305 dpi 12 dot/mm Max print width 832 dots 4.1 in. 104 mm 1248 dots 4.1 in. 104 mm 1216 dots 6.0 in. 152 mm 1984 dots 6.5 in. 165 mm Max label width 5.0 in. 128 mm 5.0 in. 128 mm 7.0 in. 178 mm 7.0 in. 178 mm Standard print length 1424 dots 7.0 in. 178 mm 2136 dots 7.0 in. 178 mm 1424 dots 7.0 in. 178 mm 2136 dots 7.0 in. 178 mm Expanded print length using AX 2848 dots 14.0 in. 356 mm 4272 dots 14.0 in. 356 mm 2848 dots 14.0 in. 356 mm 4272 dots 14.0 in. 356 mm Expanded print length with memory card1 128 Kb 1257 dots 6.2 in. 157 mm 838 dots 2.7 in. 69 mm 860 dots 4.2 in. 107 mm 528 dots 1.7 in. 44 mm 512 Kb 5038 dots 24.8 in. 629 mm 3359 dots 10.9 in. 278 mm 3447 dots 16.9 in. 430 mm 2113 dots 6.9 in. 176 mm 1 Mb 9999 dots2 49.2 in. 1249 mm 6720 dos 22.0 in. 560 mm 6896 dots 33.9 in. 862 mm 4227 dots 13.6 in. 352 mm 2 Mb 9999 dots2 49.2 in. 1249 mm 9999 dots2 32.8 in. 833 mm 9999 dots2 49.2 in. 1249 mm 8455 dots 27.7 in. 704 mm 1.) When a memory card is used to expand the print length, the card capacity is used instead, not in addition to, the internal memory. 2.) Limited by the digits in the command field. SATO RISC Printers 13 1. Introduction Programming Manual Print Area for S-Type Printers M8485S M4890S M8460S M8459S Resolution 203 dpi 8 dot/mm 305 dpi 12 dot/mm 203 dpi 8 dot/mm 203 dpi 8 dot/mm Max print width 1024 dots 5.0 in. 128 mm 1344 dots 4.4 in. 112 mm 1216 dots 6.0 in. 152 mm 896 dots 4.4 in. 112 mm Max label width 5.2 in. 134 mm 5.2 in. 134 mm 6.4 in. 165 mm 5.2 in. 134 mm Standard print length 1424 dots 7.0 in. 178 mm 2136 dots 7.0 in. 178 mm 1424 dots 7.0 in. 178 mm 1424 dots 7.0 in. 178 mm Expanded print length using AX 2848 dots 14.0 in. 356 mm 4272 dots 14.0 in. 356 mm 2848 dots 14.0 in. 356 mm 2848 dots 14.0 in. 356 mm Expanded print length with memory card1 128 Kb 1022 dots 5.0 in. 127 mm 778 dots 2.5 in. 64 mm 860 dots 4.2 in. 107 mm 1186 dots 5.7 in. 146 mm 512 Kb 4094 dots 20.1 in. 511 mm 3119 dots 10.1 in. 259 mm 3447 dots 16.9 in. 430 mm 4678 dots 23.0 in. 584 mm 1 Mb 8190 dots2 40.3 in. 1023 mm 6240 dos 20.4 in. 520 mm 6896 dots 33.9 in. 862 mm 9360 dots 46.0 in. 1170 mm 2 Mb 9999 dots2 49.2 in. 1249 mm 9999 dots2 32.8 in. 833 mm 9999 dots2 49.2 in. 1249 mm 9999 dots2 49.2 in. 1249 mm 1.) When a memory card is used to expand the print length, the card capacity is used instead, not in addition to, the internal memory. 2.) Limited by the digits in the command field. 14 SATO RISC Printers Programming Manual 1. Introduction Print Area for XL and RV printers XL 400 XL410 M8400RV Resolution 203 dpi 8 dot/mm 305 dpi 12 dot/mm 203 dpi 8 dot/mm Max print width 800 dots 3.9 in. 100 mm 1200 dots 3.9 in. 100 mm 832 dots 4.1 in. 104 mm Max label width 4.0 in. 102 mm 4.0 in. 102 mm 5.0 in. 128 mm Standard print length 1920 dots 9.4 in. 240 mm 1920 dots 9.4 in. 240 mm 1424 dots 7.0 in. 178 mm Expanded print length using AX 2848 dots 14.0 in. 356 mm Expanded print length with memory card1 128 Kb 1168 dots 6.2 in. 146 mm 743 dots 6.2 in. 62 mm 1257 dots 6.2 in. 157 mm 512 Kb 4768 dots 24.8 in. 596 mm 2977 dots 24.8 in. 248 mm 5038 dots 24.8 in. 629 mm 1 Mb 9360 dots2 49.2 in. 1170 mm 5956 dos 49.2 in. 496 mm 9999 dots2 49.2 in. 1249 mm 2 Mb 9999 dots2 49.2 in. 1249 mm 9999 dots2 32.8 in. 833 mm 9999 dots2 49.2 in. 1249 mm 1.) When a memory card is used to expand the print length, the card capacity is used instead, not in addition to, the internal memory. 2.) Limited by the digits in the command field. SATO RISC Printers 15 1. Introduction Programming Manual There are two methods available to make sure your printed output will appear correctly on your label. They are as follows: 1.8 First Method: Using Base Reference Point Send the Base Reference Point command as part of your data to the printer to set a new base reference point for your label. Calculate the distance (in dots) from the normal base reference point to the closest edge of the label. Issue the Base Reference Point command A3 after the Start command in your data stream. Input: A A3HnnnnV0001. . . . . . nnnn: New horizontal Base Reference Point Formula nnnn = (Max print width [mm] - Label width [mm]) x Print head density [dots/mm] Example CL612 printer with 50mm wide label Max. print width: 165mm Print head density:12 dots/mm nnnn = (165mm - 50mm) x 12 dots/mm nnnn= 1380 dots For the above escape sequence this results in A3H1380V0001 Note: 1. This operation resets the reference point for all the following data in the non-volatile RAM 2. The A3 Base Reference Point command can also shift the reference point in the negative direction, towards the outside edge of the label. 3. This calculation is not necessary for OEM left-hand printers. 1.9 Second Method: Using Horizontal Offset Position Use the normal base reference point from the print area and use the horizontal position for each field to properly locate it on the label. Calculate the distance (in dots) from the normal base reference point to the closest edge of the label. Each H command would have the value “nnnn" (see above example) added to it to correctly position each field. >ESC>H position + nnnn For CL612: H position +1380 Note: 16 This calculation is not necessary for OEM left-hand printers. SATO RISC Printers Programming Manual 1. Introduction On the following 2 pages, the methods above are described with a sample tag/label output. These samples reflect how the printed information would appear on a 128mm wide label. If you want to test any of the sample tag/ label outputs and are using tags/labels less than 128mm in width, we suggest that you add the Base Reference Point command to the data stream in order for the images to print on your tags/labels. Warning You must be careful not to print off the tag/label surface as the tag/label provides a heat sink for the print head elements. Doing so will cause irreparable damage to the head. This damage is not covered under the print head warranty. The addition of the base reference point command to the sample data stream may help to adjust the print for your tags/labels. See the following two examples or refer to the base reference point command description. For example, the following illustrates a sample data stream for a CL612 printer and the resulting label assuming a 70mm wide label: CL612 CL612 Label Label 100mm 70mm If you are using a 70mm wide tag/label, the entire image may not appear on your tag/label. By adding the following Base Reference Point command to the second line of the data stream, the base reference point will be changed, causing the image to be shifted over toward the inside of the printer where it can be printed on the narrower label. SATO RISC Printers 17 1. Introduction Programming Manual Example for first Method, using base reference point Calculation: nnnn = (165mm - 70mm) x 12 dot/mm = 1140 A A3H1140V0001 H0070 V0100 L0202 XL0SATO H0050 V0200 B103100*SATO* H0170 V0310 L0101 XSSATO Z 70mm 18 Label feed direction Example for second Method, horizontal position offset A H1210 V0100 L0202 XL0SATO H1190 V0200 B103100*SATO* H1310 V0310 L0101 XSSATO Z SATO RISC Printers 95mm 1. Introduction 70mm Label feed direction Programming Manual 165mm The image is moved horizontally to the right 95mm (1140 dots) so that it can be printed on a 70mm wide label. For more information, see the Base Reference Point command description. SATO RISC Printers 19 1. Introduction Programming Manual This page is intentionally left blank. 20 SATO RISC Printers Programming Manual 2. 2. Command Codes Command Codes This section contains all the RISC printer Command Codes. The commands must be sent to the printer in an organized fashion in order for the label(s) to print. The objective of this chapter is to explain the different commands and provide examples of their usage, as well as to provide a detailed reference for programming the printers. Each command begins on a separate page with its own heading. A uniform layout is used to help you find key information about each command. For each Command Code in this section, there will be a sample data input stream to the printer and the expected print output. By studying the examples, you can learn how to use the particular command within a whole block of printer code. Pay particular attention to the “Special Note” with each command to learn other important information. The subject commands are highlighted in bold letters in the Reference Sheets. There are two parts of most, but not all, commands. The first is the command character which immediately follows the code. It is always an upper case alpha or a special character (such as an “&” or a “%”). It is never a lower case alpha character. If the command requires additional variable information, it is represented by a group of lower case alpha characters immediately following the command character. For example, if an aaaabb is listed following the basic command, the printer will look for six characters immediately following the command. The first four would represent the value of aaaa and the next two the value of bb. The maximum number of characters defined in a parameter is represented by the number of characters shown in the command structure. For example, a command followed by an aaaa can have up to four characters. In general, commands with only one parameter following the command can be entered without the leading zeroes. However, certain commands require the exact number of matching characters. A command with two parameters listed following the command code without a comma delimiter, such as aaaabbbb require the exact number of digits to be entered. If the value of aaaa is “800” and the value of bbbb is “300”, then the parameters must be entered as “08000300”. It is recommended that you make it a practice to always enter leading zeros to prevent any mistakes. Note: These examples assume the use of the Standard Protocol Command Codes and a parallel interface. The labels for all printers will be similar, but, because of different resolutions and print widths may be larger or scaled differently. SATO RISC Printers 21 2. Command Codes Programming Manual Bar Codes Command Structure: 1:3 narrow/wide bar ratio Babbcccd 2:5 narrow/wide ratio BDabbcccd 1:2 narrow/wide bar ratio Dabbcccd a: Bar Code Symbol 0: Codabar 1: Code 39 2: Interleaved 2 of 5 (I 2/5) 3: UPC-A / EAN-13 4: EAN-8 5: Industrial 2 of 5 6: Matrix 2 of 5 7: reserved 8: reserved 9: reserved A: MSI B: reserved C: Code 93 D: reserved E: UPC-E F: Bookland G: Code 128 I: UCC 128 bb: Number of dots (01-12) for narrow bar and narrow space ccc: Bar height in dots (001-600) d: UCC 128 only. Not used for other bar code types 0 No human readable text 1 Human readable at top 2 Human readable at bottom Example: BD103200 Placement: Immediately preceding data to be encoded Default: None 22 SATO RISC Printers Programming Manual 2. Command Codes Function: To print bar code images on a label. With this command, there are 13 standard bar code symbologies available to be printed and three two dimensional symbols. Each of the bar codes are unique, and it is important to know the differences. Input: A H0050 V0025 B103100*CODE 39* H0230 V0130 XS*CODE 39* H0050 V0175 BD20310045676567 H0215 V0285 XM45676567 H050 V0325 BD30215001234567890 H050 V0525 BD50310012345 H0250 V0635 XS12345 H050 V0675 BD60310012345 H0230 V0785 XS12345 H050 V0825 BA03100123455 H0170 V935 XS12345 H050 V980 BC03100081234ABCD H0155 V1095 XS1234ABCD H050 V1130 B002100A12345B H090 V1240 XS12345 H0530 V0025 BD303100123456789012 H0590 V0525 BD4031001234567 H0575 V175 DE03100123456 H0550 V0225 OB0 H0583 V0280 OB123456 H0325 V0325 D30315009827721123 L0101 H0295 V0400 OB0 H0340 V0478 OB98277 H0480 V0478 OB21123 H630 V0365 BF0313021826 H645 V0335 OB21826 H0450 V0675 D30315000633895260 L0101 H0415 V0750 OB0 H0465 V0828 OB06338 SATO RISC Printers 23 2. Command Codes Programming Manual H0605 V0828 OB95260 H0755 V0705 BF0314024 H0770 V0675 OB24 H0450 V0980 BG03100>GAB>B789>C123456 H0560 V1085 XS AB789123456 Q1 Z Note: Carriage Returns and Line Feeds have been added to the command listing for clarity and should not be included in the actual data stream Output: 24 SATO RISC Printers Programming Manual 2. Command Codes UCC-128 without Incrementing Input: A H0100 V0100 BI07150101234567000000001 Q2 Z Output: UCC-128 with Incrementing Input: A H0100 V0100 F001+001 BI0715010123456 7000000001 Q2 Z Output: SATO RISC Printers 25 2. Command Codes Programming Manual Note: 1. UPC and EAN bar codes are not affected by the different types of narrow to wide ratios. Instead, the D command adds descender bars to these codes where needed to meet UPC specifications. The BD command puts decender bars and human readable text below the symbol. 2. The Code 128, UCC 128, MSI, and Code 93 bar codes are not affected by the narrow to wide ratios. 3. The Codabar, Code 39, Industrial 2 of 5, and Matrix 2 of 5 bar codes are affected by the Character Pitch command. This command must be placed before the Bar Code command. 4. Because of their unique characteristics, two-dimensional symbols are covered separately. 5. For UCC128, the FNC1 code is automatically inserted and the Mod 10 and Mod 103 check digits are automatically calculated. 6. For the MSI bar code, the check digit is not automatically calculated. 26 SATO RISC Printers Programming Manual 2. Command Codes Bar Codes, Expansion Command Structure: BWaabbb aa: Expansion factor by which the width of all bars and spaces will be increased (01-12) bbb: Bar height by dot (004-600 dots) Example: BW02100 Placement: Immediately follows the BT command and precedes data to be encoded. Default: None Function: This command works together with the BT command to specify an expansion factor and the bar code height for the particular symbol being printed. Input: A H0050 V0200 BD103100*M8400RV* H0050 V0050 BT001030103 BW03100123456 Q1 Z Output: Note: 1. This command must be preceded by the Variable Ratio Bar Codes BT command. 2. The following bar codes will be affected by the Character Pitch command: Codabar, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, Matrix 2 of 5. SATO RISC Printers 27 2. Command Codes Programming Manual Bar Codes, Variable Ratio Command Structure BTabbccddee a: Bar Code Symbol 0: Codabar 1: Code 39 2: Interleaved 2 of 5 5: Industrial 2 of 5 6: Matrix 2 of 5 bb: Narrow space in dots (01-99) cc: Wide space in dots (01-99) dd: Narrow bar in dots (01-99) ee: Wide bar in dots (01-99) Example: BT101030103 Placement: Following print position commands and preceding BW Default: Current setting Function: To print a bar code with a ratio other than those specified through the standard bar code commands (B,BD, and D). This is done through individual control of each of the bar code elements (bars, spaces) as shown above. Remember that this command only applies to the five bar code types shown. Input: A H0050 V0200 BD104100*M8400RV* H0050 V0050 BT001030103 BW03100123456 Q1 Z Output: 28 SATO RISC Printers Programming Manual 2. Command Codes Note: 1. This command must be immediately followed by the BW Bar Code Expansion command. 2. You may use only one variable ratio bar code per label. 3. If the data specified in this command is incorrect, the command is ignored and the ratio used will be based on the previous setting. SATO RISC Printers 29 2. Command Codes Programming Manual Base Reference Point Command Structure: A3H-aaaaVbbbb -: This character is optional. When present, it specifies that the horizontal offset is in the negative direction. If it is left out the offset direction is positive. aaaa: Horizontal Print Offset (see Note 5 for field range) bbbb: Vertical Print Offset (see Note 5 for field range) Example: A3H100V0050 Placement: Preceding all images that are based on the new base reference point Default: Current V and H offset setting in the printer configuration Function: To establish a new base reference point for the current label. The base reference point is the top left corner or “origin” from where all print position commands are based. This command may be very helpful when using labels less than four inches wide to place images on the printable label surface. It may also be used to move images past preprinted fields on a label. Input: A L0202 H0100 V0025 XMNORMAL REFERENCE POINT A3H0300V0075 H0100 V0050 XMNEW REFERENCE POINT Q1 Z Output: 30 SATO RISC Printers Programming Manual 2. Command Codes Note: 1. Use of this command will set the Vertical/Horizontal Offset setting of the printer configuration until a new Base Reference Point command is issued or the setting is changed from the operator panel. 2. This command may be used more than once in a print job. 3. An alternative to using this command is to make changes to your current Horizontal and Vertical Print Position commands. Example: Let’s say the current base reference point is H=1, V=1 and you wish to move all the fields on your label downward vertically by 150 dots. You could either (1) add the Base Reference Point command or (2) change all the vertical position commands by an additional 150 dots. 4. For a more detailed example of the Base Reference Point command, see “Print Area” in this section. 5. The allowable field ranges for this command are: CL 408 Horizontal aaaa Vertical bbbb CL 608 (VA) CL 612 (VA) -0832 to 0832 -1248 to 1248 -1216 to 1216 -1984 to 1984 0001 to 1424 0001 to 2136 0001 to 1424 0001 to 2136 M8485S Horizontal aaaa Vertical bbbb CL 412 M8490S M8460S M8459S -1248 to 1248 -1344 to 1344 -1216 to 1216 -0896 to 0896 0001 to 1424 0001 to 2136 0001 to 1424 0001 to 2136 XL 400 Horizontal aaaa Vertical bbbb SATO RISC Printers XL 410 M8400RV -0800 to 0800 -1200 to 1200 -0832 to 0832 0001 to 1920 0001 to 1920 0001 to 1920 31 2. Command Codes Programming Manual Characters, Custom-Designed Command Structure: Store Command Tabcc Recall command Kab90cc a: Matrix size 1: 16x16 matrix 2: 24x24 matrix b: Specifies the character encoding method for the data stream H: Hexadecimal characters B: Binary characters cc: Memory location to store/recall the character. Valid memory locations are 21 to 52 (counting in Hex) or “!” to “R” in Binary {data} Data to describe the character Example: T1H3F K1H903F Placement: The Store command is typically sent in its own data stream to the printer, between the Start/Stop commands. The Recall command is sent in a secondary data stream to print the character,and follows any necessary position or size commands. Default: None Function: To allow for the creation, storage, and printing of custom characters, such as special fonts or logos. Up to 50 individual characters may be stored in the custom character volatile memory. 32 SATO RISC Printers Programming Manual 2. Command Codes Input: T1H3F 0100038007C00FE01FF03FF87FFCFFFE07C007C007C007C007C00 7C007C007C0 Z A H150 V100 L0505 K1H903F W2434SH Output: Note: 1. When printing the custom character using the Recall command, the character is affected by the following commands: 2. Character Expansion 3. Character Pitch 4. Line Feed 5. Rotate, Fixed Base Reference Point 6. Rotate, Moving Base Reference Point 7. The characters are stored in volatile memory and must be reloaded if the printer power is lost. 8. Do not use ASCII or characters (carriage return or line feed) as line delimiters within the graphic data or the actual image will not be printed as specified. SATO RISC Printers 33 2. Command Codes Programming Manual Character Expansion Command Structure: Laabb aa: bb: Example: Placement: Default: Multiple to expand horizontally (01-12) Multiple to expand vertically (01-12) L0305 Preceding the data to be expanded L0101 Function: To expand characters independently in both the horizontal and vertical directions. The command allows you to enlarge the base size of each font (except the vector font) up to 12 times in either direction. Expanded characters are typically used for added emphasis or for long distance readability. Input: A A H0100 V0100 XMM-8400RV