Savi Technology SATS-V1 RF tag reader/transmitter User Manual ULDReader

Savi Technology Inc RF tag reader/transmitter ULDReader

ULD Reade

ULD Reader Installation GuideSingapore AirlinesAFT 5
        iiiiiiiiFirst edition June 2000Part number 260-02920-001 Rev. BCopyright ©2000 Savi Technology Incorporated. All rights reserved. Printed in the UnitedStates of America.Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent acommitment from the vendor. The software and/or databases described in this document arefurnished under alicense agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software and/ordatabases may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. It isagainst the law to copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in thelicense or nondisclosure agreement.Savi, Batch Collection, and TyTag are registered trademarks and Adaptive Routing, EnhancedBatch Collection, Hand Held Interrogator (HHI), Savi Asset Manager, Savi Fixed Interrogator,Savi GateReader, Savi Mobile Manager, Savi MobileReader, SaviReader, Savi Retriever,Savi SDK, Savi System, SaviTag, Savi Tools, and SealTag are trademarks of Savi TechnologyIncorporated.Other product names mentioned in this guide may be trademarks or registered trademarks oftheir respective owners and are hereby acknowledged.This manual was produced by the Savi Technology Publications Group. Please address anycomments or requests for updates to:Savi TechnologyPublications Manager615 Tasman DriveSunnyvale, CA 94089-1707www.savi.comPhone: 1-888-994-SAVI1-408-743-8000Fax: 1-408-543-8650Author: John GambleContributors:Richard Wilson, Jan Hodges, and Van ClarkLayout Design and Production: John Gamble
    Regulatory ApprovalsRegulatory ApprovalsRegulatory ApprovalsRegulatory ApprovalsiiiiiiiiiiiiRegulatory ApprovalsFederal Communications Commission (FCC) NoticeThe Federal Communications Commission has established technical standards regarding radiofrequency energy emitted by computer devices. This equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for aClass Adigital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Theselimits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when theequipment is operated in acommercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructionmanual, may cause harmful interference with radio/TV reception. Operation of this equipmentin aresidential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will berequired to correct the interference at his own expense.Changes or modifications to this equipment that are not expresslyapproved by Savi Technology could void the warranty and theauthority to operate this equipment.Savi Technology is not responsible for radio/TV interference causedby using unauthorized cable or by making unauthorized changes tothis equipment.Product SafetyUsing this equipment in amanner not specified by the manufacturer can impair the protectionthat the equipment provides.
Conventions in this GuideThe following table explains guide conventions and typographyusage.Guide ConventionsExample Meaning and UseCaution notices call attention to the possibilityof damaging the product, the system, or yourwork (for example, potential loss of data).Warning notices call attention to the possibilityof injury to people.Examples provide ascenario to further explainthe preceding direction or procedure.Note: Notes call attention to facts or advice that deservespecial attention.Terminal Locked Bold type is used for prompts, window and fieldnames, and other text as displayed on the screen.A:\INSTALL Bold type is also used for text you enter exactly asshown.1005 DATA Monospaced type is used for system messages,examples of data files, program code, and other textwhere column alignment is or tag_id Italic type is used for emphasis of aword or phrasethat is new or especially important.Continue with ... Italic type is also used for notes.Ctrl +ZUsed for akeyboard control codes or manual key-strokes. This example tells you to hold the Ctrl keywhile you press the Zkey.Example
    Getting AssistanceGetting AssistanceGetting AssistanceGetting AssistancevvvvGetting AssistanceIf you have trouble with the product, after you have checked yourconnections and the ULD Reader Installation Guide,contact SaviTechnical Support.Technical SupportTo contact Savi Technical Support:• Telephone 1-888-994-SAVI (North America only) or 1-408-743-8000between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time.•Sendan e-mail to you contact Savi by telephone or e-mail, please havethe following product information ready, along with the exact sequenceof operations (if possible) that caused the error:•Equipmenttype and location• Model number and version•Serialnumber
        Getting AssistanceGetting AssistanceGetting AssistanceGetting Assistancevivivivi
ContentsULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide viiviiviiviiRegulatory Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiiConventions in this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ivGetting Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vTechnical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vChapter 1: IntroductionSummary ..............................................1-2Chapter 2: ULD Reader InstallationMechanical Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2ULD Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2ULD Reader Bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2Bracket Removal and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4Removing Deck Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4Reader Bracket Installation for TTTV, ETV, and BV . . . . . . . . 2-4Reader Bracket Installation for Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7Reader Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10Temporary Reader Housing Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10Final Reader Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10Required Installation Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16Installation Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17Reader Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18Installation Sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
viiiviiiviiiviii ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide
ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide ixixixixFigures 1Figure Page2-1 Savi ULD Reader -Side View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22-2 ULD Reader Bracket -Perspective View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32-3 Reader Bracket and Mounting Bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-52-4 Bracket Mounting Fixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-62-5 Reader Bracket and Mounting Bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-82-6 Bracket Mounting Fixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-82-7 Reader Lifting Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-112-8 Lifting Tool (Handles) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-112-9 Terminal Access Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-122-10 Power Terminals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-132-11 Communication Terminals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-142-12 Transient Suppressor Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-152-13 PC Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-152-14 TTV 1 - 3 Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-182-15 BV 1and 2Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-192-16 ETV 1 - 3 Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-202-17 Workstation 1 - 12 Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-212-18 TTTV1, Level 1Hardware Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-232-19 TTTV 2, Level 1Hardware Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-242-20 TTTV 3, Level 1Hardware Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-252-21 BV 1, Level 2Hardware Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-262-22 BV 2, Level 1Hardware Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-272-23 ETV 1, Level 1Hardware Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-282-24 ETV 2, Level 1Hardware Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-292-25 ETV 3, Level 1Hardware Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-302-26 Workstation 1-12, MCP 1, Level 1Hardware Diagram. . . . . 2-31
xxxx ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide
ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 1-11-11-11-11Introduction 1This guide provides information for installing Unit Load Device (ULD)Readers for Singapore Airport Terminal Services (SATS) in support of theULD Tracking System, for tracking cargo pallets and containers. SATSprovides cargo handling services for major international airlines in Singapore.There are five Air Freight Terminals (ATF) in operation today, with Terminal6currently under construction.AFT5 handles all Singapore Airlines and SilkAir cargo, while AFT1 to AFT4handle cargo from other airlines.This document details the procedures for the installation within AFT5.
IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction1-21-21-21-2 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideSummaryIn AFT5, pallets and containers (ULDs), are handled by aMaterial HandlingSystem (MHS). They are stored in amulti-level ULD storage system with acapacity of 1316 ULDs within the MHS. Electronic sensors are strategicallylocated on conveyors and equipment to monitor movement of ULDs.Signals are transmitted and analyzed by aDEC VAX mini computer through acomprehensive network. ULDs can be introduced into, transferred within, orremoved from the storage system through 12 Workstations, 3Turn-TableTransfer Vehicles (TTTV), 3Elevated Transfer Vehicles (ETV), and 2BridgeVehicle (BV) stations.The ETVs convey ULDs between the airside roller decks and landsideworkstations. The BVs travel along level Dand Fof the ULD storage systemand transfer ULDs from the import zone to the export zone. The TTTVsprovide alink between the ramp mobile equipment (dolly) and the airsideroller decks.To manage the ULD tracking within AFT5, aSAVI RFID system is to beinstalled which integrates with the existing ICS. This new Savi systemcomprises 26 readers and 12,000 ULD tags. It provides 99.9% successfulreads to the Inventory Control System (ICS) when ULDs are moving atspeeds of up to 0.5 meters per second.The Savi ULD Reader is to be installed between and below the conveyorsystem rollers on the transfer vehicles.The reader output interface is an RS-232 interface to ahost PC-computer.
ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-12-12-12-12ULD Reader Installation 2This chapter provides information for installing ULD Readers, including thefollowing topics:• Mechanical Description• Existing Bracket Removal and Reader Bracket Installation•ReaderInstallation• Installation Tools• Installation Materials•ReaderLocationsThis chapter also provides installation sheets which consist of:• Hardware diagrams for the installation locations• Sign-off fields to be filled out and signed when work is complete for aspecific location
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-22-22-22-2 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideMechanical DescriptionThe Reader and the two Reader Brackets securing it to the conveyor comprisethe basic components set for each ULD Reader system. This section providesdiagrams and abrief description of these components:•ULDReader on page 2-2•ULDReader Bracket on page 2-2ULD ReaderFigure 2-1 provides aside view of aULD Reader. Readers are installedbetween rollers and below the conveyor system. This figure also shows therelationship between the Reader and the ULD Reader Brackets and RetainingBolts securing the components together.Different locations require specific Reader configurations. Information onwhere and how many Readers are installed for specific locations is covered in“Reader Locations” on page 2-18.Figure 2-1 Savi ULD Reader - Side ViewULD Reader BracketThe Reader rests on, and is attached to the roller suspension rail with ULDReader Brackets. Figure 2-1 shows aside view of aULD Reader Bracketsupporting aReader. Figure 2-2 on page 2-3 shows adimensioned perspectiveof aReader Bracket.Retaining Bolt “A”Bracket
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-32-32-32-3Figure 2-2 ULD Reader Bracket - Perspective ViewBolt “A” hole
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-42-42-42-4 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideBracket Removal and InstallationDeck plates are removed before installation procedures are performed.Installation procedures include:•ReaderBracket Installation for TTTV, ETV, and BVon page 2-4•ReaderBracket Installation for Workstations on page 2-7Removing Deck Plates•Toremove adeck plate:1. Determine the mounting location of the Reader (see “Reader Locations”on page 2-18).2. As required, remove two Allen or flat-head screws from each end of thedeck plate (four screws total).3. Using apry bar, loosen the deck plate and lift straight up, until the plate isfree of existing brackets.Make sure that personnel are stationed at each end of the deck plate whileyou perform this step.4. Avoiding contact with rollers, lift and remove the deck plate.Store the deck plate for later use.5. Inspect existing brackets and bracket mounting holes for dimensional andwelding anomalies.Reader Bracket Installation for TTTV, ETV, and BVThis activity consists of removing the existing bracket and installing theReader Bracket (bracket) for TTTV, ETV and BV locations.You must perform the procedure, “Removing Deck Plates” on page 2-4before performing this procedure.
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-52-52-52-5•Toremove the existing bracket and install the Reader Bracket for TTTV,ETV, and BV:1. With open-end and adjustable wrenches, remove the U-bracket from theroller suspension rail.2. Inspect the bracket mounting holes for any dimension and concentricityanomalies.3. If required, hand-grind the bracket mounting surface smooth.4. Clean the bracket mounting surface and mounting holes with Xylene,then wipe clean with alcohol.5. Place the Reader Bracket in position with (2) mounting bolts.Figure 2-3 Reader Bracket and Mounting Bolts6. Attach alock washer and nut on each bolt and hand tighten.7. Attach the Bracket Mounting Fixture to the Reader Bracket, usingRetaining Bolt “A” (m10 -1.5 carriage bolt).
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-62-62-62-6 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideFigure 2-4 Bracket Mounting Fixture8. Align the Reader Bracket until the Roller Tangent Bar indicates properpositioning with the roller tangent.9. Tighten the mounting bolts to secure the Reader Bracket.10. Apply three spot welds to the Reader Bracket.11. Remove Retaining Bolt “A”.Refer to Figure 2-4.12. Remove the Bracket Mounting Fixture.13. Repeat preceding steps for the opposing bracket.
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-72-72-72-7Reader Bracket Installation for WorkstationsThis activity consists of removing the existing bracket and installing theReader Bracket (bracket) at Workstations 1through 12.You must perform the procedure, “Removing Deck Plates” on page 2-4before performing this procedure.Note: The existing brackets at the Workstation locations (1 through 12)are welded into place.•Toremove the existing bracket and install the Reader Bracket forWorkstations 1through 12:1. Remove the existing brackets using an acetylene torch or grinder operatedby aqualified on-site welder.Heat Shields must be placed between the mounting bracket and thebearings that support the rollers, to avoid Roller Bearing damage.2. After the existing bracket has been removed, inspect the bracketmounting holes for any dimension and concentricity anomalies.3. If required, hand-grind the bracket mounting surface smooth.4. Clean the bracket mounting surface and mounting holes with Xylene,then wipe with alcohol.5. Place the Reader Bracket in position with two (2) mounting bolts.
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-82-82-82-8 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideFigure 2-5 Reader Bracket and Mounting Bolts6. Place alock washer on each bolt.7. Place anut on each bolt and hand-tighten.8. Attach the Bracket Mounting Fixture onto the Reader Bracket, using theRetaining Bolt “A” (m10 -1.5 carriage bolt).Figure 2-6 Bracket Mounting Fixture9. Align the Reader Bracket until the Roller Tangent Bar indicates properpositioning with roller tangent.10. Tighten the mounting bolts.11. Apply three (3) spot welds to the bracket.
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-92-92-92-912. Remove the Retaining Bolt “A”.Refer to Figure 2-6.13. Remove the Bracket Mounting Fixture.14. Repeat the preceding steps for the opposing bracket.
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-102-102-102-10 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideReader InstallationReader installation consists of temporarily installing aReader Housing toensure proper fit, and installing the Reader.Temporary Reader Housing InstallationYou need to temporarily install aReader Housing to verify proper fit beforeyou begin the formal process of installation.•Totemporarily install the Reader:1. Set the sample Reader Housing in place and check for proper alignment.2. Remove the sample Reader Housing.3. Permanently weld the Reader Bracket.4. Paint the Reader Bracket to protect it from the elements.5. Replace the sample Reader Housing with the new temporary deck plate.Final Reader InstallationPreliminary RequirementsBefore actually installing the Reader, run the data communication and230VAC power cables from the control console to the required location underthe Reader housing.Place aprotective tarp and work blocks next to the prepared Reader locationcell, and place the Reader on two 2x4 wooden work blocks with the top (DockPlate) facing up.Installing the Reader•Toinstall the Reader:1. Remove one (1) m10 screw from each end of the Reader’s Deck Plate.2. Attach aLifting Handle to each of the Reader’s threaded holes, byinserting and turning the matching threaded end of the Lifting Tool untilsnug.
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-112-112-112-11Figure 2-7 on page 2-11 illustrates the lifting points where the liftingtools are attached to the Reader. Figure 2-8 on page 2-11 is an exampleof asingle Lifting Handle tool.Figure 2-7 Reader Lifting PointsFigure 2-8 Lifting Tool (Handles)3. Lift the Reader and carefully lower it onto the mounting Reader Brackets.Athird technician needs to be in aposition to guide the Reader to thebracket pins. These pins are at the Access Panel end of the Reader. Themounting holes at this end of the Reader are NOT slotted.
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-122-122-122-12 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide4. Attach the Reader to the Reader Brackets using Retaining Bolts “A” (seeFigure 2-6 on page 2-8).5. Check for Reader distance from the roller tangent (0.480 -0.5”) at bothends of the Reader.6. Check for any interference.7. Remove Retaining Bolts “A” from both brackets.8. Remove the Reader, and place it with the top (Dock Plate) facing downonto the two 2x4 wooden work blocks for communication and powerconnection, pulling two meters of cable slack from the pit.9. Remove the Terminal Access Panels for power and communication on thebottom of the Reader.Figure 2-9 shows the Reader face down with its access panels for powerand communication.Figure 2-9 Terminal Access Panels10. With power OFF to both the communication and power cables leading tothe Reader, use aMulti-meter to perform acontinuity check.11. Attach the 230VAC wire connections to the terminal block, as shown inFigure 2-10.Power AccessPower CableCommunication AccessCommunication Cable
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-132-132-132-13Figure 2-10 Power TerminalsTerminal connections are as follows:White (WHT) or Blue -Term # 1Green (GRN) -Attached to the chassis lug.Black (BLK) or Brown -Term # 312. Attach the communication cable to the terminal block (and PC), asdescribed in the steps below and shown in Figure 2-11, Figure 2-12, andFigure 2-13.•Insertthe communication cable through the opening in the bottomcover.•Clampthe Ferrite onto the communication cable.The ferrite must be installed as described to meet FCC requirements.Chassis LugWHTGRNBLK
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-142-142-142-14 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide• Connect the cable leads to the terminal block.•Removethe excess cable from the compartment interior.•Attachthe strain relief and press into the housing.Figure 2-11Communication TerminalsSnap-onFerriteStrainReliefL4 L3 L2 L1 GNDTransientSideRX -Data In (WHT)TX -Data Out (RED)Program (BLK)GND (BLK)Snap-on FerriteTo Female DB-9ProtectedSide
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-152-152-152-15Figure 2-12 Transient Suppressor ConnectionFigure 2-13 PC Connection13. Secure the cables to the Strain Relief metal loops, located on the bottomof the Reader.14. Reattach the Terminal Access Panel on the bottom of the Reader.15. Turn the Reader with the top (Dock Plate) facing up.Athird technician needs to be in aposition to guide the Reader to theBracket pins and help manage the cables at the Access Panel end of theReader.16. Using the lifting handles, lower the Reader onto the permanently weldedReader Brackets.17. Secure the Reader to the Reader Brackets using Retaining Bolts “A”.To PCBLK -GNDWHT -L3BLK -L1RED -L2ShieldTo ULD ReaderBLK - 8RED - 2BLK - 5WHT - 3DB9Female
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-162-162-162-16 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideRequired Installation ToolsThis section provides alisting of the required tools to perform the installationtasks outlined in this chapter. These tools include:• Acetylene Torch (on-site access)• Adhesives•ArcWelder• Phillips Screwdriver Set• Standard Screwdriver Set• Double Face Tape• Soldering Gun/Pencil•Solder•HandGrinder w/Misc. Wheels•SocketWrench Set (metric)•ViceGrips•CrescentWrench Set• Box/Open End Wrench Set• Extension Cords•QuadPower Box•WireCutters/Strippers• Multi-Meter•TerminalLug Crimper•AMPDB-9 Connector Crimper•MetricTape Measure•2ea. Mounting Bracket Alignment Fixtures•4ea. Reader Lifting Tools
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-172-172-172-17Installation MaterialsThe following materials are required to perform the installation tasks:•26ea. Temporary Deck Plates•52ea. Mounting Brackets•104ea.(3/8 in. diameter) Nuts, Bolts and Washers•A/R,AC Power Cable•A/R,Data Cable•26ea. DB-9 Female Connector•A/R,Misc. Wire Lugs/Connectors•26ea. ULD Readers
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-182-182-182-18 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideReader LocationsThis section consists of photographs illustrating Reader locations, including:• TTTV 1through 3onpage 2-18•BV1and 2onpage 2-19• ETV 1through 3onpage 2-20• Workstations 1through 12 on page 2-21TTTV 1 through 3Each TTTV location requires two Readers. AReader is to be placed at thefront of the Stops on both the airside and the landside.Figure 2-14 TTV 1 - 3 LocationStops
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-192-192-192-19BV 1 and 2Each BV location requires one Reader.Figure 2-15 BV 1 and 2 LocationStops
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-202-202-202-20 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideETV 1 through 3Each ETV location requires two Readers. AReader is to be placed at the frontof the stops on both the airside and the landside.Figure 2-16 ETV 1 - 3 LocationStops
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-212-212-212-21Workstations 1 through 12Each Workstation location requires one Reader.Figure 2-17 Workstation 1 - 12 Location
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-222-222-222-22 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideInstallation SheetsThe following installation sheets consist of hardware diagrams for thefollowing locations:• TTTV 1, Level 1onpage 2-23• TTTV 2, Level 1onpage 2-24• TTTV 3, Level 1onpage 2-25•BV1, Level 2onpage 2-26•BV2, Level 5onpage 2-27• ETV 1, Level 1onpage 2-28• ETV 2, Level 1onpage 2-29• ETV 3, Level 1onpage 2-30• Workstation 1 - 12, MCP 1, Level 1onpage 2-31These installation sheets also consist of sign-off fields to be filled out andsigned when work is complete.Installation sheets must be completed and signed by the InstallationSupervisor.
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-232-232-232-23TTTV 1, Level 1The Reader is positioned in front of the stops on the airside and the landside.This location requires:•2Readers•4BracketsFigure 2-18 TTTV1, Level 1 Hardware DiagramCheck list:Station test:Savi Supervisor sign-off:Notes:
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-242-242-242-24 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideTTTV 2, Level 1The Reader is positioned in front of the stops on the airside and the landside.This location requires:•2Readers•4BracketsFigure 2-19 TTTV 2, Level 1 Hardware DiagramCheck list:Station test:Savi Supervisor sign-off:Notes:
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-252-252-252-25TTTV 3, Level 1The Reader is positioned in front of the stops on the airside and the landside.This location requires:•2Readers•4BracketsFigure 2-20 TTTV 3, Level 1 Hardware DiagramCheck list:Station test:Savi Supervisor sign-off:Notes:
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-262-262-262-26 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideBV 1, Level 2This location requires:•1Reader•2BracketsFigure 2-21 BV 1, Level 2 Hardware DiagramCheck list:Station test:Savi Supervisor sign-off:Notes:
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-272-272-272-27BV 2, Level 5This location requires:•1Reader•2BracketsFigure 2-22 BV 2, Level 1 Hardware DiagramCheck list:Station test:Savi Supervisor sign-off:Notes:
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-282-282-282-28 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideETV 1, Level 1The Reader is positioned in front of the stops on the airside and the landside.This location requires:•2Readers•4BracketsFigure 2-23 ETV 1, Level 1 Hardware DiagramCheck list:Station test:Savi Supervisor sign-off:Notes:
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-292-292-292-29ETV 2, Level 1The Reader is positioned in front of the stops on the airside and the landside.This location requires:•2Readers•4BracketsFigure 2-24 ETV 2, Level 1 Hardware DiagramCheck list:Station test:Savi Supervisor sign-off:Notes:
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-302-302-302-30 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideETV 3, Level 1The Reader is positioned in front of the stops on the airside and the landside.This location requires:•2Readers•4BracketsFigure 2-25 ETV 3, Level 1 Hardware DiagramCheck list:Station test:Savi Supervisor sign-off:Notes:
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide 2-312-312-312-31Workstation 1 - 12, MCP 1, Level 1The Reader is positioned in front of the stops on the airside and the landside.This location requires:•1Reader•2BracketsFigure 2-26 Workstation 1-12, MCP 1, Level 1 Hardware DiagramCheck list:Station test:Savi Supervisor sign-off:Notes:
ULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader InstallationULD Reader Installation2-322-322-322-32 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide
ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guide IX-1IX-1IX-1IX-1Index 1A-Baccess panels, terminal 2-12attachmentcommunication cable 2-13power connections 2-12Bracketremoval and installation 2-4,2-7ULD Reader 2-2Bracket Mounting Fixture 2-8Ccommunication cableattachment 2-13Ddeck platesremoving 2-4F-GGuide Conventions ivhelptechnical support vH-IinstallationBracket 2-4,2-7materials 2-17Reader 2-10temporary, Reader 2-10tools 2-16LlocationBV 1, Level 22-26BV 2, Level 52-27EVT 1, Level 12-28EVT 2, Level 12-29EVT 3, Level 12-30Reader 2-18TTTV 1, Level 12-23TTTV 2, Level 12-24TTTV 3, Level 12-25Workstation 1 - 12, MCP 1, Level 12-31Mmaterialsinstallation 2-17mechanical description 2-2Nnstallation 2-10O-Ppower connectionsattachment 2-12RReadertemporary installation 2-10Reader installation 2-10Reader locations 2-18ETV 1through 32-20TTTV 1through 32-18Workstations 1through 12 2-21removalBracket 2-4,2-7removing deck plates 2-4SSavi Technical Support v
IX-2IX-2IX-2IX-2 ULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation GuideULD Reader Installation Guidesupportemail vtelephone vTtechnical support vterminal access panels 2-12the 2-10toolsinstallation 2-16ULD Reader 2-2ULD Reader Bracket 2-2U-Vwriting conventions iv

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