OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS: BATTERY LOADING: (FOR MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE, ONLY USE ALKALINE BATTERIES) Remember to take out all batteries from the vehicle and transmitter after playing. 1. Do not mix old and new batteries. 2. Do not mix alkaline, standard (Carbon-Zinc), or rechargeable (Nickel-Cadmium) batteries. BATTERY INSTALLATION VEHICLE 1. Make sure the ONIOFF switch of the vehicle is at the OFF position (See Diagram 1). 2. Open the battery lid (See Diagram 1). 3. Take out the battery pack. Insert batteries by matching (+)and (-)sign as indicated in the battery pack (See Diagram 2). Only uses alkaline batteries. 4. Snap the battery pack into the battery compartment with the contacts as shown (See Diagram 2). Replace the battery lid (See Diagram 3). TRANSMITTER 1. Remove battery cover and install 9 'V' battery by matching (+)and (-)sign as indicated in the battery compartment (See diagram 4). 2. Replace the battery cover. OPEN 4- -1 CLOSF w Diagram 1  Diagram 2 Diagram 3 Diagram 4 HOW TO PLAY START TO PLAY 1. Push the ONIOFF switch to the "ON" position of the vehicle. (See Diagram 5). FORWARD RUNNING 2. Push the Driving Control Stick forward for forward running. (See Diagram 6). REVERSE RUNNING 3. Pull the Driving Control Stick backward for reverse running. (See Diagram 7). STOP OPERATION 4. Release the Driv~ng Control Stick to stop the vehicle. (See Diagram 8). FORWARD Diagram 5 Diagram 6 Diagram 7 Diagram 8 RAMP CLIMB I FLIP OVER FOR BEST PERFORMANCE, ONLY USE ALKALINE BATTERIES. PERFORMANCE MAY VARY ON DIFFERENT SURFACES. PERFORMANCE TIPS: - Don't drive in grass, sand or carpet. - Don't go through water. - Use fresh alkaline batteries. - Be sure to rest your vehicle for at least 30 minutes after every 15 minutes of operation. - Make sure ONIOFF switch on your vehicle is OFF when not in use. - Don't bend antenna. - Electrical, CB interference, mobile phones, air conditioning, elevators and steel girders in building will affect the operation of your vehicie. - Don't leave the vehicle or transmitter near sources of heat or under direct sunlight for long periods of time. - Remove the batteries from the vehicle and transmitter when not in use. BATTERY CAUTIONS 1.  Do not mix old and new batteries. 2. Do not mix alkaline, standard (Carbon-Zinc), or rechargeable (Nickel-Cadmium) batteries. 3. Do not charge non-rechargeable batteries. 4. Remove rechargeable batteries from the toy before recharging. 5. Rechargeable batteries are to be recharged under adult supervision. 6. Different types of batteries, new and used batteries are not to be mixed. 7.  Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended are to be used. 8. Batteries are to be insetted with the correct polarity. 9. Exhausted batteries are to be removed from the toy. 10. The supply terminals are not to be short-circuited. FCC NOTE: THE  ANTENNA  PROVIDED IS  A UNIQUE ANTENNA.  BY  INSTALLATION OF  UNAUTHORIZED ANTENNA  TO  THlS  EQUIPMENT SUCH  UNAUTHORIZED INSTALLATION COULD  VOlD  THE  USER'S AUTHORITY TO  OPERATE  THE  EQUIPMENT. THE  MANUFACTURER  IS  NOT  RESPONS  BLE  FOR  ANY  RADIO  OR  TV  INTERFERENCE  CAUSED  BY  UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO  THIS  EQUIPMENT. SUCH  MODlFlCAT ONS  COU-D  VOlD  TrlE USER'S AUTHOR.TY  TO  OPERATE THE  EQUIPMENT. THlS  DEVICE  COMPLIES  WITH  PART 15 OF  THE  FCC  RULES. OPERATION IS  SUBJECT TO  THE  FOLLOWING TWO  CONDITIONS: (I) THIS  DEVICE  MAY  NOT  CAUSE  HARMFUL  INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THlS  DEVICE  MUST  ACCEPT  ANY  INTERFERENCE RECEIVED,  INCLUDING  INTERFERENCE THAT  MAY  CAUSE  UNDESIRED OPERATION. O 2007 SCIENTIFIC TOYS, LTD. CHAl WAN, HONG KONG PRINTED IN CHINA 0.I.NO.  3871

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