Secure Wireless 433TF Wireless Temp/Flood Detector User Manual

Secure Wireless, Inc Wireless Temp/Flood Detector

User Manual

 AT&T Model SW-ATT-TF, Temperature/Flood Sensor   Description  The AT&T model number SW-ATT-TF Sensor is a fully supervised, tamper protected sensor that will monitor ambient temperature detect a flood/no flood condition.  It reports these conditions to the Digital Life Controller.  The sensor can be configured to detect temperature only  Flood Conditions—once the sensor detects the presence of water, the integral transmitter will send a flood alarm transmission to the Digital Life Controller.  The sensor will also send a restore (no flood) report when the presence of water is no longer detected by the flood sensor.  For flood reporting the sensor requires the installation of the supplied external flood probe.   Temperature Conditions—the temperature sensor will check the ambient temperature approximately once per minute.  If the temperature has changed by three (3) degrees F or more since the sensor’s last 3 degree report, the integral transmitter will send a temperature report to the Digital Life Controller.  (Check the installation section for required wiring for the sensor if it is used in temperature only configuration.)  The temperature sensor does not send a restore message, but does send ambient temperature approximately once every 70 minutes as part of the supervisory transmission.  Low Battery—if the battery voltage falls below a prescribed voltage level, the integral transmitter will a low battery report to the Digital Life Controller whenever transmitting.  (See the ―Changing the Battery‖ section of these instructions for information about changing the battery.)  Flood Probe Fault- if at any time the sensor detects that the wiring between the sensor and the flood probe is either open circuit (wire cut or missing) or short circuit (e.g. installation staple cutting into wires), the sensor will transmit ―sensor trouble‖ multiple times or until the fault is corrected.  Installing the Battery  When the system indicates the sensor battery is low, replace it immediately.  Use the recommended replacement batteries (See specification) or contact AT&T technical support for more information.
 To install the battery, do the following:  1.  Carefully remove the top cover from the base by pressing on the end release button (see Figure 1) and then remove the cover.  2.  Remove the depleted battery and dispose of the battery as required by local laws.  (Disregard this step for new system installation.) 3.  Insert the replacement battery with the + sign facing towards the middle of the sensor.  (The side with the spring is the – side of the battery.) 4.  Replace the top cover. 5.  Verify programming and RF communication with the Digital Life Controller.  Locating the Sensor  1.  You can mount the SW-ATT-SW on a wall or ceiling within the protected area for temperature only, sensor can only be mounted 4 foot or less from the probe when used for flood detection.  Care should be taken not to locate the sensor near air ducts as the effect of the airflow from the duct affect the temperature reading.   2.  Avoid mounting the sensor in areas with a large quantity of metal or electrical wiring.  Mounting the Sensor  The SW-ATT-TF is supplied with a mounting plate and accessory hardware.  While the sensor can be mounted directly to a surface, it is recommended that the mounting plate be used for ease of removal for servicing.  1.  Use the device mounting plate as a template for locating the mounting holes and mark the locations with a pencil (See Figure 2).  2.  Drill the holes for the screws 3.  Secure the mounting plate with the screws provided. 4.  Secure the sensor to the mounting plate by carefully guiding the sensor over the mounting plate.  The sensor will snap into place when it is secured into place (See Figure 2)  Sensor Set-up
 For Temperature Only Operation  1.  Install the supplied 2.2 Megaohm resistor between the Flood Probe screw terminals on the sensor circuit board. (See Figure 3) 2.  The sensor is configured for Temperature only operation.        FIGURE 3   For Temperature/Flood Operation  The flood probe is supplied with a four-foot wire.  Connect the flood probe to the screw terminals located on the sensor circuit board. Observe the polarity of the wires shown in Figure 4.                 FIGURE 4
 For Flood Only Operation  The sensor is designed to automatically detect the ambient temperature of the area where it is located.  For flood only applications, the Digital Life Controller will require programming to ignore the temperature reports.  The flood probe is supplied with a four-foot wire lead.  Connect the flood probe wires to the screw terminals located on the sensor circuit board. Observe polarity, Black wire connects to the terminal next to the tamper switch.  Locating the Flood Probe  Find a low spot on the floor of the area to be protected. Choose a location where the probe will not be disturbed by foot traffic and cleaning equipment. .....   Mounting the Flood Probe .... Mount the probe with the screws provided.  The best installation is where the plastic center foot is touching the floor which sets the correct probe height.   Enrolling the Transmitter  WHITE WIRE BLACK WIRE
(Per AT&T requirements)  Verifying the programming and RF communications  (Per AT&T requirements)  Case Tamper Detection  Removing the cover of the SW-ATT-TF will cause the integral transmitter to send a case tamper report to the Digital Life Controller.  This tamper condition will remain on the system until the case cover is reinstalled and the integral transmitter sends a tamper restore to the Digital Life Controller.  IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT RADIO DEVICES  1.  AT&T radio controls provide a reliable communications link and fill an important need in portable wireless signaling.  However, there are some limitations which must be observed. 2.  For US installations only:  the radios are required to comply with FCC rules and regulations including FCC part 15 devices.  As such, they have limited transmitter power and therefore limited range. 3.  A receiver cannot respond to more than one transmitted signal at a time and may be blocked by radio signals that occur on or near their operating frequencies regardless of code settings. 4.  Changes or modifications to the device may void FCC compliance 5.  Infrequently used radio links should be tested regularly to protect against undetected interference or fault. 6.  RF signals can be affected by metal objects including metal doors or large mirrors.  Care should be taken to avoid these objects during installation as they can interfere with proper operation.  FCC compliance statement  This device complies with FCC Rules and Regulations as Part 15 devices as well as Industry Canada Rules and Regulations.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1.  This device may not cause harmful interference. 2.  This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Conformité Réglementaire Ce dispositif est conforme à la réglementation de la IC et (Partie 15) de la FCC. Son fonctionnement est soumis à deux conditions : (1) ce dispositif
ne doit pas causer d’interférences nuisibles, et (2) ce dispositif doit accepter toute interférence reçue, y compris les interférences pouvant entraîner des conditions de fonctionnement indésirables.  WARNING:  The battery may explode if mistreated.  Do not discharge, disassemble or dispose of in fire.  Notice to users in California—CR Coin Cell Lithium Battery information:  This product contains a CR Coin Cell Lithium Battery which contains Perchlorate Material—special handling may apply See   General Specifications  Operating Temperature:  32° to 120° F (0° to 49° C) Operating Rel. Humidity:  5 to 95%, non-condensing  Operating Frequency:  433.92 MHz   Battery Type:     CR 2 3-volt lithium battery   Installation Kit:  Double-faced mounting tape, two (4) #6 flat head woodscrews

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