Secure Wireless EVP319 Secure Wireless Pet Immune PIR User Manual

Secure Wireless, Inc Secure Wireless Pet Immune PIR Users Manual

Users Manual

,TethnKal s..,~rlI8661908-1KHr.r-~U1'.#I-:E»  IE»  ~~P319  :  Secure Wireless  Pel  Immune PIRCompatible with REC3 ReceiversUSER  MANUALINTRODUCTIONThe P319 wos deligned to operote with lilY  Sow or C~sfollll,  Coddx orNupco ponel (to operate w~  Nopco ensure the outside of the box displays'Nopco Gemini Compatible"). This unff hIlS 0 unique Alarm Power Snver (APS)mechon5m whim enoblel ff to trigger only oller 2 minutes once the loslmovement hos been detected.f~860  Lbs Pet Immune8 High Whffe Ught Immunity850  x 50 Coverage8 Quod Element PIR8 Wall or Ceuing Mount Included8 Long Range Curtain (Optional)8 Ultra Hign Whffe Ugh! Immunity Lens (Optional)8 Calibration Free Inslallation8 State-of-the-art wireless PIR8 Low curren! ASIC PIR Te!hnology8 Powered by a 3VoIt lithium  ba"erv.Ba"ery  I~e:  up fo 4  years8  Buut in Automatic Power Saver (APS).Low  Banery condffion signoltransmission8 Telf mode for PIR coverage ood RF signalYe~n_l
OPERATIONThe WirelelS PlR lronO11ffs the following evool dataSUPERVISION. a p«;,dirollronO11jsgon Evpsy 60 minutes indicates detedor'spresO!l('AlARM.  alormlronO11~Km Iriggered by PlR in1rusion deled,,".LOW BAT .l\11eneverthe battery reomes a pre-'" WwlevelI2.4V)Batt«ylowsignaiwilibesentwiththenexlmessage(lupervis;,n"lJarm,ett)TAMPER -VI11eneverthe P319 (ov« is removed or theun~'s (ov« is put bali<, am~ewiUbeIrIllOnMedwith1amper'sign...APS .The unKju, API (Automat. Power laver) fund;,n boOt ilthe  d~edor enables abattpsy I~e ~oo up to four yeors The detedor willransm~ only when the WIlt eventhas O!(lJrredmore thlm 2 milutes pr'Kr to the (lJrrool oneSELEG MOUNTING LOCATION  IleIed the mounting w,cat;,n \0 that an mtllJderM11 crass the berl11S of the selededpatt«nAsthedeledor~ a wireless lranO11Mer, and mordertolokefullodvll1l~fromPlR ~Nicated  ~erat""'  do oaf insfallthe detedor m orerlS where w,r~e metal abiedsrouk! iIt«!ere with the Iransm...n of sigoo~. It is also advisoble ta avoid the foUawingw,(at;,.,s:-Facmgdiedsun~ght-FacmgorerlSthatmaymll!get~eraturer~idw.-Areas where th«e Ire aw dUds or Subsfooliol airflaws.-lnsfatWlt"" on m~.. wall.The P319 p«!onnsbetfer wen provided with a (onsfoof ood sfml, environmoolHEIGHT: The PlR lens was des~ned far mountmg height af B feet from thegraund foroptimalperiormo",ephJsarminuslfoot~OIcep!oble.MOUNTING THE DETEGORThe I""re  Wreless Pet Immune PlR can be mounted iI a corner like standard PlR's or byinsfaUilg the ilduded hordware 011 be eosiy mounted fa a wall ar ce~ing.S'mId«d COlIer MoOIIiIg11 Rernove the Screw at the battam althe (ase ood open the PIR2) IMunt the d~edor 8 feet from the ,oood I+/-  12 mmes) far aptmal deled,,"3) Corefully mount u~  the saew gl!ides frI flat surf Ole rnountmg M (orn.  rnountilg.ltisa(ep!Qbletobendtheoofenoo~ightlyinMd«tomountthecasetoth.waiordesied surface. PAGEl~  ~-_.~-_.;,-
MOUNTING THE DETECTOR continuedw"  CO' CeIiIg MoUltWe have suppled h..dwlleto oItod1 the PlR as 0 wi  or <eil;,g mount\eo below d~..n  ~ desied moun\i)g .needed.HEIGHT: The PlR lens was des9ledfor mOII1filg helqilt of 8 feellrom the grooodforopti11c1perform(l1(eplusormillslfoot.Q«(epttille.NOTE: We do no! mount tho bo<k !Jodi"  i1 (aseo (ornor mount.  desred If we mdmount the bOlk bro<ket i1 "odudioo and 0 lorn.  mount was desied the bO<k bracketwoohl neodlo be IMIIOVed and 2 hoIeswoo~th., e.s  ThwesfWd nev.  be 0 hole~.einseds(Onoot.asthey(",""..folseolllll1!.1  @  2 ~~1~3JJ  ~Dl~~~[§J  flfJ3~PAGE 2,'c~.,
r'SETTING UP THE DETECTORl1Ie sensitivity adi!s\monf swilm sets up the deledor for nOl111OI or harsh environmentcaooitioo. Sellilg the senOlivily ad~l1rnent I(PuIse Caunl)swilm (#7 althe diOJam anpage 6)1..PaOlian 1= HOmlall1l. moon' the deledor MlIr~~  the first line a p~san !lasses"'  beam sendilg a .vel",  akrrn conditioo.PaOlianAUTO= Harsh l1Iismeonsthebearn must be !lassed 3tmes befare ~w;II,enda.veless iIorm cond~klnSellilg  ~  Petlnlllnily;(#5  afthediagram an page 6)Slide the swilm ta 25~lar  lorge, pels up la 6IMbs IOeaeased sensitivity) or ISK~ for""all~  pels ooder 30~  IliIIIe senOliv~) l1Ie combmalmn af AUTO !lid  25K~ .IhebesI corOOilalian far t"'~  envronments"TO.V'EW co",~\4!l~~~~-l~.-1  LENS PATTERNSIDE  V[EW,.;...  ""  "...;,.L PAGE 3
lNROLLING THE DETECTORJr.O1rolingprocessofthe P319 0 the smne as addUlg onyath« PlRta '"  III, CocIdxorNilJcc!ys\em Be~othemethcdofelYclli1g",  III crCOddxdevite.SmcelhooaalltalbcsedtransmM« iWl11 operate'" EIrnERcryslalorSAWre<eiv«slrom IIIIllnstalilhebctt«yiltathePIREnsurelhepcicriy(+/.)ocorredcsycumsel1lhebatt«yiltathehlJl!er21Ent« Pr'!rommmg or a wieless DevKe ",the  III/Caddx pan~31 Press ",d r~ecsethe ramp« swifm ",the  PlR. (#8 '"  the diagram on page 6)4) Go 10 the 1ISTING' sectkln.NOrt: For Napca US«\ you press and HOILDthe ~cg'am button located on the PlR.Ev«y six seconds la, 1 fullmmutethe PlRwiU serid a fauh/resfore for the unit 10""orncIKal~ en,all the devicelE.SDNGlIereorelwclesflthctlhe P319(", perfcrm~id1wil h~yau  'a~~e",dlesfm;1mlatkln and~acementafthe unit'"  Enter a WALK test:Press ~  r~easelhe push button '"  the PlR (#4 oflhe dia'lom ~,ated an page 6)CI:you may take a mcgnelandsw\lei~KJdynex!tatherightsideafthe PlRhcusing1#3 01 the dmgr!l11 on P!Jge 61  PressingthepilshbunonORpa~amcgnelmomentcr~bythe'eed swifm will CIIJIe the lft1i 10 enl« a woD.lesf for 1 mr.rteW"'Tesl:Eum!inethe detedor Seel a NEWIrigg«, it will lum the OIue LED 'ON' momentarilyfuomodemkJwlyoolatesfthesensilivily~~cclionofthePlRi1stallatKmNOrt: Tho Wl11 not send ",d RF tr",wOsicn, it will on~ give a vi.,m LID OIink ~en  a~igger 0 detectedII  Enler ..RF  lest:Press ood HOLD Ihe push button OR pIc,e 0 magnet nex! to the reed switm for 2 secondsiF Test:rne RFlesfWl11 send a Fooh/Resfcre command ev«y 6 sec",ds for 1 mmute 10 al~arodeleilln or platanentlesf The UM dlu,n  it's LID 'ON' ecmlinethatit  troosnj,PAGE 4--"""
IAmRYA 3 V nthium ba11ery ~rs  Ihe ooit. ]\.,nks m Ihe exdulive APS (Au1>""fic PowerSaver) ~roderis1ks, Ihe battery provides about 4 years 01 continuous opem1ion(deper.&~ on Ihe amount of aHlrms). II the battery reaches afacm.y~t~~veI,  Ihe LOW BAillRY signal wil be sent and Ihe detector will remainoperational far 30 day! giving enaugh time ta replace Ihe 3VIjf;umbattery.BATTERY REPlACEMENToRenMlve~al1heba~oftherosetaopet1.0 Take out Ihe aid ballery.0 Using a Ilathead~river~r11he  lwapins lxaRd behind lhepos)tive\ide 01 the battery hakler far 10Ie(ands.11Hsmaoo!lrysha~willdi!!hargeall ,enllining power from the circuits anowing 0 'fresh' pOwer up.0 Instal a 000 OOl1eryO!contl~m~rilyCAUnON II!  RISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTFRY IS REPLACEO BY ANINCORRECT TYPE. DISPOSE OF USED BATTFRIES ACCOROING TOTHE INSTRUCTIONS.PAGE 5-
IIKEY1) RF crystal sedion of !he P3192) Boltery Holder ood correct polori1y  i3) Reed Swi1m. Best used 10 enter Wolk or RF lest n!he Ironl cover is ON. 14) Push button: Best used 10 enter Wolk or RF test n !he Iront caver is OFF5) Pet rnmunjty settils for 15Kgs (30Ibs) and 25KgI (601bsl6) PIR quod element delector7) Sensi1ivi1y (Pulse (aunl) sw~m.8) Tomper Swi1mPAGE 6rU
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSDo-. Pro~1  \e~ble  m/CoddxOl Napco (Nol 011 P319n.Jde\s~1 operole wi1h IIoplo O1e<k the OI~I.IpOI'KO~ng to see if il shows 'Gemni Compoib~'Modulolion Type  AIKEvenl Tronsmi,s;on  Amrm, Tomper, Test, luperlisiOll, lao Bollupervigon liming  60 minutesOeleclion Me1hod  Quod ~menlDeleclionlpeed  03-1.lm/...lens Type  Ipoorinl Htrd lensOeledion Cove~  90.S (SO x 101EnyironmenlCOIIdilions  lwi1!hforNomXlIOlHarshse~Ballery  lilhium3VType:Cl123ACurrenlConsumptionIkJndby  -10mATronlmillion  -16mAP~rlaving  AP5 (Au1O/1.stic Power IaYO/IInstall Test Mod.s  LED Ind"KOtor (Rf & OptilJ Walk Test andAmrm Transn1ssion TestOperoti~lempera1ure  .1D(Cto +SD(C RangeOimensions  61mmXI2DmmXSDmm(243'w X 4.2S'h X rdJfederal Co-nilt." CaIIIi5,..IICO SlatementTh. de...  compies~th pori IS of~  f{C Rules Operolion. subjertto the following~cOl.lJmons:(I)T1isdevice"W1lool(QUse honnfulinlerfererKe, and (2) this devicenws! o«epl any inlerference received, inlluding interference that "W1I causeundesired aperolionPAGE 7Warning:Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

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