Secure Wireless PIRREC3 PIR Motion Detector User Manual

Secure Wireless, Inc PIR Motion Detector Users Manual

Users Manual

T«IIKm .1866)  ~1fOI~,~~PIR.REC3 : Seawe Wreless PetlllUlMlne PIRCompatible wilil REC3 Re<eiversUSER  MANUALINTRODUCTIONThe PIR-REC3 was designed 10 ~erole  wiri1lhe REC3 re<eiver and hOI 0unique !JOrTn Power Saver lAPS) me<oonism whidJ eriOOJes tronsminerocIivolion amy 2 mioo!es oher the lost movement hOI been deleded.FEATURES.60  lhs Pel Immune.High  ~ile  Ught Immunity.50  x 50 Covefoge.Quod  8ement PIR.WoIl  Of Ce~ing Moontlnduded.long  Ronge Curtain 10ptW).Ultra  High While lighllmmunity  lens IOpliord) I.Calibration  Free Installation.Slate-of-lhHrt  wireless PIR.low  current ASIC PIR Te<hnology.Powered  by 0 3Vo!IlithftJm bonery.Bonery  life:  up to 4  years.Bull  in Aulomoti( Power Saver lAPS).low  Baftery (ondition signm tronlln~sion.Tesl  mode for PIR [overage and RF signalVenioo_1
OPERATIONThe Wireless PIR tronsmitl  the following event dolo:SUPERVISION.o  periodicol tronsm~on.Every 60 minutel indicotes detector's presence.AlARM.  olorm tronsmission triggered by PIR intrusion detectKlnLOW  BAT. Whenever the buttery reachel 0 pre-set k>w level (2.4V) BotteryLow signol will  be sent with the next message (Supervision, Alorm, ett)TAMPER -Whenever the PlR-RE(3 cover is removed or the unit's cover is putbuck 0 melsage will be tronsmiffed with 10mper'  signal.APS -The un~ue APS (Auto~fic  Power Saver) function built in the detectorenoblel 0 battery life spun up to four years- The detector will  tronsmit on~when the kist event hos O(curred ~re  thon 2 minufel prior 10 thecurrent one-SELECT MOUNTING LOCATIONSelect the ~unfing  klcafion so thot on intruder will  (Joss Ihe beams of theselected pottern.As the detector is 0 wireless tronsmiffer, ond in order to toke full odvontogefrom PIR ~hisfiroted  operotKln, do not instoll the detector in oreos whereklrge metol objects could interfere with the tronsmission of signals- It is olsoodvisable to ovoid the following klrotions.Facing  direct sunlight..Facing  oreas thot ~y  chof!ge temperoture ropidlv..Areos  where there ore oir ducts or substontiol oirflows..Instollofion  on metol woll-The PIR-RE(3 performs better when provided wifh 0  constont ondstobie environment.PAGE 1
MOUNTING THE DETEGOR~  Secure Wireless Pet Immune PIR can be mounted in a corner nke standardPIR's or by insfolling the included oordware can be eosi~ mourned to a WlJIIor ceilingStandard Corner Mounti~1 ) Remove the screw at the bonom of the case and open the PIR.2) (oreful~  mourn using the screw guides for  flat surface mourning or cornermourning. It is oc(eptob~ to bend the ornenno ~ightfy in order to mournthe case to  the WlJII or desired surfaceWall or Ceiung MountWe have supplied hardware 10 onoch the PIR as a WlJII or ceiling mourn. Seebelow diagram ~ desired mourning is[If'23PAGE 2
MOUNTING THE DETECTOR continued"NOTE: We do not mount the bock brocket in cose a corner mount ~ desired. Ifwe did mount the bock bracket in production and a corner mount VIlIS desiredthe bock bracket wou~ need to be removed and 2 holes would then exist.There shou~ never be a ho~ where insects con enter as they can couse falsealarmsPAGE 3
SETTING UP THE DETECTORThe sensitivity ad[ustmenf switch sels up !he detectar for narrool ar harshenviranment canditian.Setting !he Sensnivity Adjustment (Puke WKI!h) Jumper.Pasitian  1= Normal.PosnKJn AUTO = HarshThe 'I'  position setting is for normal aperation.The 'AUTO' posnion setting is for harsh environmentlacations wnil air draMsor small anirools.Se"ing the Pet Immunity LevelSlide tlie swnch fa 25Kgs for larger pets up 10 60lbs or 15kgs lor smaller petsunder 30lbsENROLLING THE PIR-REC3The  enrolling  process  of Ihe  PIR.REC3 ~ lhe  some  os  odding  ony  olher  PIR.Although  lhe  REC3 will  eventuol~  work  with  every  manufocturer  leIs  ossumeyou  desire  10 make  Ihe  PIR.REC3 work  with  an  Ademco  pane!.  The  pro<ess issimilor  as enrolling  0 5890PI.I  )  Enter  Ademco  Progromming2)  Go to  the  Zone  you  desire31  When  the  keypad  asks  you  to  'learn  Serial  Number'  Prell  and  HOLD  Iheprogram  buffon  located  on the  PIR  board  for  2  seconds.  The PIR will  thensend  0  ser~s  of 'tesllransmillions.4)  Verify  the  loop  is  set 10 '2'.If you  teach  the serm!  number  by  pressing  the  tamper  switch,  Ioo~  4 will  bedisplayed.  You  musf  then  manual~  change  the  loop  number  10 2lromIhe  keypad.PAGE 4
MlliRrA  3 V  I~hium  battery  powe~  the  unil.  Thanks  10 the  exdusive  APS  (AutomaticPower  Saver)  characterisliCl,  the  ba"ery  provides  oooul4  years  of  continuous\iPeration  (depending  on  the  amount  of alarms).  If the  ba"ery  reaches  afactory  presellaw  level,  the  lOW  BATTERY signal  will  be  senl  and  the  detectorw~1 remain  operational  for  30  days  giving  enough  lime  10 replace  Ihe  3VlilhKJm  ba"eryBATTERY REPLACEMENT0  Remove  screw  at  the  bo"om  of Ihe  case to  open.0 Take  oul  the  old  battery0  Using  a  flat  head  screwdriver  shar1the  Iwa  pins  located  behind  the  positiveside  of the  ba"ery  holder  forI  0  seconds  This  monetary  shart  will  dischorge011 remaining  power  from  the  cirruifl  allowing  a  'fresh'  power  upolnsloll  0  new  battery  according  10 polarity.CAUTION  ill  RISK  OF  EXPLOSION  IF  BATTERY  IS  REPLACEO  BY  ANINCORREa  TYPE.  DISPOSE  OF  USED  BATTERIES  ACCORDING  TOTHE INSTRUalONS.PAGE 6
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSData Prato<oI  Serure WirelessModulation Type  ASKEvent Transrn~ian  Alann, Tamper, Test, Supervision,Law BotSupervision TH11ing  60 minutesOete<tian Method  Quod BementOete<tian Speed  0.3 -1.S  mise!Lens Type  Spherical Hard LensOete<tian Coverage  90.S (SO x SO)Environment Condition  Jumper for Nann~ or Harsh selectionBattery  liIhium. 3V Type: CR 123ACurrent ConsumptionStandby  -10 mATransmission  -16 mAPower Saving  APS (Automatil Power Saver)Instoll Test Modes  LED Indirofor (RF & Opfic) Walk Test andAlann Transmission TesfOperating temperature  .1 O{C to +SO{CRangeDimensions  61 mmX 12OmmXSOmm(2.43'w X 4.2S'h X 2'd)Federal COnIIMIkat-  Commission !FCC SlatementJhi,dewe (omp~es.;~ port lSol~e  FCC Ru~. Operatian is ",bjed 10 !he lollo.;ng~  condition, (1) l1Iis devile IntIy nat rouse harmful interfere",e, and (2) ~i, de."must accept any interferelKe roceiwd, including inlerlere",e thot moy causeundesired aperation.PAGE 7Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

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