Seiko Epson FBP923A 9-Pin Dot Matrix Printer User Manual 28393

Seiko Epson Corporation 9-Pin Dot Matrix Printer 28393


Download: Seiko Epson FBP923A 9-Pin Dot Matrix Printer User Manual 28393
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize93.6kB (1170042 bits)
Date Submitted1999-03-19 00:00:00
Date Available1999-03-22 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-07-02 17:20:27
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-07-02 17:20:30
Document Title28393.pdf
Document Author: jsoscia

Proof Shh-oft

Rev. 8
A5 size
Rev. 3
1 1/30/98 Pass 0
Proof Sign-off:

Control Panel Buttons and Ughls
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cut-sneer feeder I: Imam.
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Chapter 3.
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Proof Stan—oft R4C3430
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1 ”30/98 Pass 0
9-Pln Dot Matrix Printer
All fish: “sewed. No pan oi mu pubucafion may be ism-alum, “and in - mam-1
symm, m n-aamimd inmy [om why my mm, min. Manila}.
record“ or otherwisz, wilhvul tit! prior written pemissim cf SHKO EPSON
CORPORATION. m informafian com-fined man is ddpwd only form with nu;
EPSON primer. EPSON is not lspflnsible fur any use of mi- infumaiienas applizd in other
Name: SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION nor its Male. shallbe lilbl: In the pludusunf
nu: produnm' mud parfis [er damages, luau, costs, or “pass may dwpuxham
or third paras Is a mull of: midm, misuse, er abuse or this pmdm or mun-mind
mndificanms, mini-m: Allentiuns lo nus product, oflexdudingh us) minim sh'kfly
mmply with SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION'S operating and manna-um! inn-union
SEIKO EPSON comamon sh!" mi be liable in: my damp or plvblflm arising
hum the use of any opium; orally consumable products other than m duipuud An
Original arson Pmducu or arson App-ma Products by saw Epsou
EPSON and EPSON ESC/P are registered trademarks cl SBKO EPSON convention
Mimic, Wmdflws, and Windows NT m regismd mdmnhofldinomfifirrponhm
mm is a regimmd trademark of lnlemtinml Business Medina Cnrpoflfion.
Galen! Nnkke: Other mam names used herein are for idol-imam purposes onlyznd
may be immune oi mu mpxfive owners. arson disclaims my and mum in m
Copyright 0 1995 by 551m EPSON CORPORA'HON, Nzgann, japan
8 Primed on Recycled Paper.
User’s Guide
Rev. B
A5 size FRONTiFM
1 1/30/98 P05 0
FCC Compliant: slut-mum
For Unllod Stat-1 Us.“
Thisequipmmlhasbeemsiedandfumld m
can-ply with the liiruu lur I Clm B digit-l
These liuuls are new to provide Mable
pmtecfim against harmful him-farms: in a
ram-uni instillation This equipmenl
gum—his, us, and (in ndiate radio frequency
xmrdmz with the irul-rueiieru, my cause
harmful mute-em: lu radio in television
reap-inn However, their is no guerunree llui
minim: will no! oecur in - penieuler
hut-nation If this aquipmalt dos cause
interference to India and ielevisinn reeeplicm.
which an be dmjud by naming file
lhe following mm.
D iieurienl ar relocate the receiving anaemia
D Incl-um the separation between the
equipmenl and receiver
D Com-en lhe equipment inio In outlet on a
circuit different firm that ie which the
receiver ls command
a Cmsult the dealer er en experimcsd ndie/
TV technician for help.
The «summon of a Mn-shieldad equipmenl
interface cable to this equipment will invalidate
thz FCC Czrtiiiliatlon of this device and may
cause inlerferente levell whith exceed the links
established by the FCC [or tlus equipment ii is
the reeporuilriiiry nl lhe urer w chain and use a
sluelded equipment lanai-(ace cable with this
deviczr "this equipment hu man than an!
interface connedor, do not leave (ables
connechzd to unused inlerlm.
Changes in modificatimis not erpruesly
approved by the mmufanuler could void the
users authority to uperale the equipmenL
Proof San-off.

This Ch- 5 digital app-"numb with
Canadian 1M.
cmppueil numériquedelatlassetimmdmz
i ii norm: Nun-om du Canada.
Mlnuilcnua: m m GDRPORATDN
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nglno-m 3924502 japan
Rtpusenhfivz: EPSON EUROPE l.Vi
Addnss MIJ-L Bavincklaan51133
AT Amalveen
The Netherlands
Deehm MI tlu Product:
Pmdud Nam: Du Mall-ix Prime
Modal: P922A
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adnomoma __ A5 size SUNGNITOC
1 1/30/95 PC“ 0
GaflIng to Know Your Printer
Easy-to-Use Features ........
Available Paper Paths .......
Printing on continuous paper
Printing on single sheets
Options ...............
Ribbon Cartridge .......
Important Safety Instructions .
Print Head Caution Symbol. . .
ENERGY STAR Compliance
For United Kingdom Users
Use of options .....
Safety information . .
How To Use Your Manuals ‘
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
Chapter 1 Setting Up the Printer
Unpacking the Printer ..................... 1—2
Choosing a Place for the Printer .............. 1-4
Positioning the continuous paper supply . 1-5
Installing or Replacing the Ribbon Cartridge . .1-6
Attaching the Paper Guide Base . ............ .1-12
Plugging in the Printer ........... .1-13
Connecting the Printer to Your Computer 4 1-14
Installing the Printer Software ............................. 1—17
Installing the printer software in Windows 98, 95,
or NT 4.0 ........................................ 1-18
Installing the printer software in Windows 3.1 or NT 35x 1-19
For DOS programs .................................. 1-20
12403430 ProofSlcn—off:
0mm _
RSV. B Kmuro
A5 size suusmoc sdnomame _
1 1/30/98 Pass 0
Chapterz Prinilng on Continuous Paper
Setting the Paper Release lever . .
Setting the Paper Thickness Lever
Using the Rear Push Tmctor .............
Loading paper onto the rear push tractor .
Removing a printed document from the rear push tractor 2-10
Using the Front Push Tractor ............................. 2-12
Installing the tractor in the front push position . 2-12
Loading paper onto the front push tractor ............. 2-13
Removing a printed document from the front push tractorZ-‘ls
Removing the front push tractor. . . .......... 2-19
Using the Tractor in the Pull Position .
Installing the tractor in the pull pos on
Loading paper onto the pull tractor . . . . ...... 2-23
Removing the paper from the pull tractor. ........ 2-28
Using two tractors in a push/ pull combination. 2-29
Removing the pull tractor .......... 2-31
Loading multi-part Forms ........... Z-33
Loading Continuous Paper With Labels. . .
Removing continuous paper with labe . .
Switching Between Printing on Confinuous Paper
and Printing on Single Sheets ...........
Switching to printing on single shees
Switching to printing on continuous pape
Adjusting the Top—of-Fonn Position ........
Advancing the Paper to the Tear-Off Edge
Using the Tear Off/ Bin button ......
Advancing the paper to the tear—off position automaticallyZ—42
Adjusting the tear-off position ....................... 2—42
Proofswff- mouse
Klmun: __ RSV. B
editomcrne __ A5 size SUNGNJOC
1 1 [30/93 Pas 0
Chapters Printing on single Sham
Using Single Sheets ........................
Available paper types and paper slots .
loading single—sheet multi-part forms .
Loading envelops ..............
Loading postcards ..............
Loading Single Sheets in the Top Paper Slot. .
Loading Single Sheets in the Front Paper Slot . HO
Chapterd Using the Printer Software
About Your Printer Software ....................... . .
Using the Primer Driver With Windows 95 or 98 ..... . .4—3
Accessing the printer driver from Windows applications .4—3
Accessing the printer driver from the Start menu.
Printer driver settings overview ............ .
Using the Printer Driver With Windows 3.1 ...... . .
Accessing the printer driver from Windows applicatiors A—IO
Accssing the printer driver from the Control Panel . . A 4-12
Printer driver settings overview ..........
Using the Printer Driver With Windows NT 4.0 . .
Accessing the printer driver from Windows applications .4—14
Accessing the printer driver from the Start menu ........ 4-16
Printer driver settings overview ............. .
Using the Printer Driver With Windows NT 3.5x . r . . . .
Accessing the printer driver from Windows applications t4~19
Accessing the printer driver from the Control Panel ..... 4-21
Printer driver settings overview. . 4—22
Using the EPSON Remote! Utility
Installing EPSON Remote!
Accssing EPSON Remote!
17403430 Fromm
Rev. B leuru —
A5 size SUNGNJOC ed'fomame _
1 1/30/98 Pass 0
Chaplar5 Changing PrlnhlSafllngs From lhe Prlnlar': Control
Selecting a Built-In Font .................
About Your Printer's Default Settings
Changing default settings .............
Chapter 6 Using EPSON Slalus Monitor 2
About the EPSON Status Monitor 2 Utility .......
Installing EPSON Status Monitor 2 ......
Accessing EPSON Status Monitor 2 ,
Checking Printer Status Information. .........
Using the EPSON Status Monitor 2 window .
Using the Printer Status window .........
Making Monitoring Preference Settings 4 .
Turning on background monitoring A .
Background monitoring icon ...................
Chaer 7 Troubleshoollng
Using the Error lndicators. 7-2
Problems and Solutions ....... 7.4
Power supply problems ...... 7-5
Single-sheet paper loading or feeding problems 7-6
Continuous paper loading or feeding problems 7-8
Wrong top-of-form position ............... 7-9
Wrong tear—off position ............. 7-10
Printing or printout quality problems 7-11
Clearing Paper Jams .................. 7-16
Aligning Vertical Lines in Your Printout . .
Printing a Self Test . .
Prinfing a Hex Dump
Proofslgn-cff. R4C3430
Iflmuro __ RSV. B
ednomflme _ _ A5 size SUNGN.TOC
1 1/30/08 Pen D
Appendix A Enhancing Your Printer With Opflons
Options .................
Paper handling options .
Optional interface cards .....
Using the Optional Cut-Sheet Feeders .
Irisialling the high-capadry or doublebm cut—sheet
Loading paper in the high—capadty cut—sheet feeder ..... A-6
Selecting the paper source (bin l or bin 2) .............. A40
Switching between continuous paper and single-sheet
paper in file cut—sheet feeder .................. A-ll
Using the R011 Paper Holder .......... . .A-12
Assembling the roll paper holder . . .A—12
Installing the roll paper holder . . . . .A-13
Loading roll paper .......... . ,A-14
Removing roll paper . r ........ . .A-16
Installing an Interface Card .............................. A-17
Appendix 5 Cleaning and Tramponlng "is Filmer
Cleaning the Printer .....
Transporting the Primer. .
Appendix C Specification;
Primer Specifications .................................... C-2
Mechanical ...... . . .C-Z
Electrical ...... . r .C-4
Environmental . . .C-4
Paper ........... . , .C-5
Paper alignment . . . .C—B
Printable area . . A ...... . . .C-9
Safety approvals . ...... . A . . . . .C—‘ll
CE marking ........................................ C-ll
R4C3430 Proof SIgn-off:
Ornod —
Rev. B aware
M size SUNGNJ’OC ed'fomme _
11/50/93 Pose
Command Lists ..................
EPSON ESC/P control codes. . ............ C-12
[BM 2380 Plus emulation control coda . . (3-16
Gunther Tables ............................ . . 017
International character ses for the Ilalic table .......... C»28
Appendix D Customer Support Intonation
Contacting Customer Support .........
Far North American Users . . . .
Electronic support services .
Automated telephone services ....................... D-3
For United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland Users . . D—4
World Wide Web
EPSON FAXBACK ............
EPSON Bulletin Board System . . . .
Inlemet URL http:/ /
Your dealer ......
EPSON Helpdesk
For Singapore Users . . .
For Hong Kong Users.
Internet home page..
Electronic bulletin board system.
Technical support hotline
For Philippines Users ..........
Era-gm R4C3430
40mm, —— Rev. B
 A5 size INTROEM
1 1/27/98 Pas 0
Getting to Know Your Printer
Your EPSON" 5-980 9-pin dot matrix printer provides
high-quality printing and great pm'forrnance in a compact design
Features include:
0 a variety of paper paths to suit your printing needs
0 the ability to handle a wide range of paper types, including
continuous paper, mum-part forms with one original and
up to six copies, labels, single sheets, envelopes, and
Cl high-speed printing of up to 569 characters per second at
12 characters per inch
Your printer also comm with printer driver software, the
EPSON Status Monitor 2 utility for Mia'osoftO Windows” 95 or
98 Lhatlels you check the status ofyouxprinter quickly and easily,
and other software. In addition, several options are available to
suit your individual needs.
Getting ta Know Your Printer 1
‘ I
C343 Proof S! n—otf:
R4 0 5.0mm?
A5 slze lNTRO.FM 
11/27/95 P050
Easy-io-Use Features
This section highlights some easy-to-use features that you'll
find helpful.
CI Use the tear-off feature to save paper.
If you load paper in the rear or front push tractor, you can use
the tear—off feature to advance your continuous paper to the
printer‘s tear—off edge whenyou finish printingJ‘henyoumn
easily tear off primed sheets and save paper normally lost
between documents. For more mformation. see Chapter 2.
Use the paper release lever to change the paper path
without removing continuous paper from the tractors.
Using the paper release lever, you can easily switch to
printing on single sheets without removing the continuous
paper loaded in the rear or front push tractor‘ You can also
easily switch to printing on continuous paper on a different
tractor. For more information, see Chapter 2.
Getting in Know Your Printzr
Proof Stun-off. [1403430
E.Omofl .__.
 __ Rev- B
 __ A5 alts lhrl'RO.FM
1 1/27/98 Put 0
0 Use the micro adjust feature to adjust the top-of-form and
tear—off positions. (See the Glossary for explanations of the
top—of-fovrm and tear—off positions.)
The micro adjust feature allows you to move the paper forward
or backward in l / 216 inch increments so that you can make
; precise adjustmens to the top—of~form and tear-off positions. For
more information, see Chapter 2.
Available Paper Paths
Your printer provides a variety of paper paths for printing on
continuous and single-sheet paper. As described below, paper
can be fed into the printer from the top, front. bottom, orrear. You
select the paper path that best suits your current printing needs.
Getting to Know Your Printer 3
memo mew
Rev. 8
A5 slze
l 1 /27/98

INTROtFM (Editor Nume>
Pas 0
Printing on continuous paper
You an choose from three tractor positions (from push rear
push, and pull) and three paper entry slos (front, rear, and
bottom) for continuous paper printing. This section helps you
determine which paper paths and tractor positions are best for
your continuous paper printing needs. See the appropriate
sections in Chapter 2 [or tractor installation and paper loading
Using a push tractor
If you often need to tear off sheets of continuous paper (for
example, if you are printing purchase orders or sales slips), it is
best to use a push tractor. This allows you to use the printer’s tear—
off edge to easily tear off printed sheets of continuous paper at
the perforation Also, when continuous paper is loaded on a push
tractor, you can load single sheets of paper from the paper guide
without removing the continuous paper from the tractor.
There are two push tractor positions: from and rear. The tractor
is installed in the rear push position when the printer is shipped.
See the table below for details about the push positions and the
corresponding paper—feeding paths.
C] Always load multi-partfanns with swan parts (one original plus
sir copies) fiom the front or bottom slat onto the pull tractor.
D The rear push tractor cannot be removed.
Gztting to Know Your Printer
Proof San-oft: R4C3430
 Rev- B

acmflmouspwevwnhmls. memfiwpupev
slotbecause mispaperpothkoimon mdmLTNs
raduoastha memos ofpuperyam.
1m bottom napalm hm the magmas! pope!
pawn such as murl-pomomuorcomhuom papa!
wl'h Imels.
vou can also lead cominuous pcper «am the my
pull "09101 posifion.
Paps/loadedlvom the marslohesum In carved
pape'pam which may affect loading
performance. so use he won! arboflam fiat
whenever newbie.
Dono'loadconflnuwspaperwirh Iabekn‘n the 1901
um,- me lobes may come of! mail baddng sheer
6 Getting to Know Your Primer
924ml sps
Hoof Sign-off:

— Rev. B
A5 sxze lNlR0.FM
11/30/98 Pos 0
Uslng the push and pull ”actors In combination
You can improve paper feeding and reduce paper jams, by using
two tractors at the same time. This is especially helpful far
printing on continuous pre~printed forms, mum-part forms, or
labels, and for printing high-quality graphim. When using two
tractors in combination, you can load paper either in the from
paper slot both the from push tractor and the pull tractor, or in
the rear paper slot with both the rear push tractor and the pull
needte remwsmnumord hectorlhot oomesln
pcpsrpam. lood'hemln memmf.
rear push
and pull
no no? load comhucus paper wlm lobes onto
merearpushlmctoreven whenl'lrmsdin
combination wlmmepullfmcromfyoulood
fractal, Malabelsmayoomeofifhelrbacklngmel
hslde Mamrefmdcause apopefiam.
To use lhelvonl pulsh'ructothlhlhe pmnoclor. you
need lo worms me pplionul pull tree's!
(emu) and install ll ln the pull position
front push
and pull
For more information cm haw la use lwo tractors in a push and pull
combination, see page 2-29.
Gzlfing to Know Your Printer 7
924mm in
11403430 Whom
Rev. B 
11/27/93 Posse
Printing on single sheet:
front of the printer. You can load ordinary single sheets from
either position, even with continuous paper already loaded in the
front or rear push tractor.
This section helps you determine which paper slot best suits your
single-sheet printing needs. See Chapter 3 for paper loading
Loading paper in the top slot
You can load ordinary single sheets, single-sheet mulIi-part
forms, envelopes, or postcards in the top slot.
Load envelopes in the top slut only.
8 Getting to Know Your Pn’nm
Proof Sign-off: R4C3430 R
 __ RSV. B
 A5 size INTRQFM
I 1/27/98 Pass 0
Loading paperln the from do! '
You can load ordinary single sheets, single-sheet mum-part
forms, or postcards in the front slot
Always use thefront paper slot to load glue-fastened single-shut mulh'»
partforms bound at the shit ofihzjurm.
Your printer comes with everything necessary to print on
continuous paper and single sheets using a variety of paper paths.
By adding options, such as a cut-sheet feeder, pull tractor unit, or
toll paper holder, you can further expand your printer’s
versatility Optional interface cards are also available to
supplement your printer’s built-in parallel interface and built-in
serial interface. For more information on options for your printer,
see Appendix A, ”Enhancing Your Printer With Options'fl
Getting in Know Your Printer 9
Proof ff.
R4C3430 51 Storm
A5 slze INTROlFM 
1 1/27/98 Pas 0
Ribbon Cartridge
Your printer usa the following ribbon mrtridge:
EPSON black ribbon cartridge 5015091
When printing becomes faint, you need to replace the ribbon
cartridge. Genuine EPSON ribbon cartridges are designed and
manufactured to work properly with your EPSON printer. They
ensure proper operation and long life of the print head and other
printer pars,
To replace a used ribbon cartridge, follow the instructions under
"Installing or Replacing the Ribbon Cartridge” on page 1-6.
Important Safety Instructions
Read all of these instructions and save them for later reference.
Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the printer.
D Do not place the printer on an unstable surface or near a
radiator or heat source.
D Place the printer on a flat surface. The printer will not operate
properly it it is tilted or at an angle.
D Do not block or cover the openings in the printers cabinet
Do not insert objects through the slots
El Use only the type of power source indicated on the printer’s
El Connect all equipment to properly grounded power outlets.
Avoid using outlets on the same drcuit as photocopiers or air
control systems that regularly switch on and off.
CI Do not use a damaged or frayed power cord.
Getting to Know Your Printer
Proof Sign—oft:

—‘ Rev. B
A5 size INIRO.FM
l | [27/98 Pan 0
El ltyouuseanextensioncordwiflithepdnter,makesurethe
total ampere rating of all devices plugged into the extension
cord dm not exceed the card's ampere rating. Also, make
sure the total of all devices plugged into the wall outlet dos
not exceed the wall outlet‘s ampere rating.
0 Unplug the primer before cleaning, and clean it with a damp
cloth only.
CI Do not spill liquid on the printer.
0 Except as specifically explained in this guide, do not attempt
to service the printer yourself.
D Unplug the printer and refer servicing to qualified
personnel under the following condifiors:
If the power cord or plug is damaged; if liquid has entered the
printer; it the printer has been dropped or the cabinet
damaged; or if the printer dos not operate normally or
exhibits a distinct change in performance. Adjust only those
controls that are covered by the operating instructiom.
Cl A Printer parts marked with this symbol may be hot
Turn off the printer and let it cool for a few minutes
before you touch any printer part marked with this
D If you plan to use the printer in Gemany, observe the
To provide adequate short-circuit protection and over—
current protection for this printer, the building installation
must be protected by a 16 Amp circuit breaker.
Note for German-speaking users:
Bei Auschlufi ties Druckns an die Stramvnsorgung mu}?
sichzrgrstellt wadzn, daji die Gebfiudeinstallntim mit rinem 16
A-szvstmmschaller abgzsichzrt ist.
Getting to Know Your Printer 11
Proof SI n—oft'.
[3463430 5: 9
A5 size INTROFM 
1 1/27/98 Pas 0
Print Head Caution Symbol
The symbol on the print head indicats that this
A part may be hot. Never touch the print head just
cool for a few minutes before touching it
ENERGY STAR Compliance
As an ENERGY STAR Partner, EPSON has
fizz determined that this produd meets the ENERGY
STAR guidelines for energy efficiency.
The International ENERGY STAR Office Equipment program
is a voluntary partnership with the computer and office
equipment industry to promote the introduction of
energy-efficient personal computers, monitors, printers, fax
machines, copiers, and scanners, in an effort to reduce air pollution
caused by power generation.
United Kingdom Users
of options
Epson (UK) Limited shall not be liable against any damages
or problems arising from the use of any options or consumable
products other than those designated as Original EPSON
Products or EPSON Approved Products by Epson (UK) Limited
Getting to Know Your Printer
Proot Sign-om ( 234 3
E.Omotl __ R4 0
 __ RSV. B
(Edna! Name> A5 size INTRO.FM
l 1 [27/95 Pas 0
Safety Information
\ Warm'n .
This appliance must be earthed. Refer to rating plate
[or voltage and check that the appliance voltage corresponds to
the supply voltage.
Important: The wires in the mains lead fitted to this appliance
are coloured in accordance with the fiillowing code:
Green and yellow — Barth
Blue — Neutral
Brown — Live
If you have to fit a plug:
As the colours of the mains lead of this appliance may not match
coloured markings used to identify the terminals in a plug, please
proceed as follows:
The green and yellow wire must be connected to the terminal in
the plug which is marked with the letter E or the Earth symbol (JT-).
The blue wire must be connected to the terminal in the plug
marked with the letter N.
The brow-n wire must be connected to the herminal in the plug
marked with the letter L
If damage occurs to the plug, replace the cord set or consult a
qualified electrician.
Replace fuses only with a fuse of the correct size and rating.
Getting to Know Your Printer 13
R4C3430 Proof 5mm
Rev. B «lmurc»
A5 size lNTROPM 
1 ”27/95 Pass U
How To Use Your Manuals
This User’s Guide provides detailed inflammation on setting up
and using your printer. Th: Quick szzmlzx Guide that also
comes with die printer summan'zes basic information on how
to use the primer.
Wamlngs, Cauflons, and Notes
This guide uses the following conventions:
Warnings must bcfollawcd to fluid bodily injury.
a Cautions must be observed to mid damage to your equipment.
Notes contain important infomafion and usqial tips on the operation
ofyour printer.
14 Getting to Kmrw Your Prinlzv
noofswm R4c3430
 A5 size CHAP'I .FM
11/27/98 Pcso
Chapter 1
Setting Up the Printer
Unpacking the Printer ..................................... 1-2
Choosing a Place for the Printer ............................ 14
Positioning the continuous paper supply ................ 1-5
Installing or Repladng the Ribbon Caruidge ................. 1-6
Attaching the Paper Guide Base . . ..................... 1-12
Plugging in the Printer ............................. , A 1-13
Connecting the Printer to Your Comp-mar .............. . . 1-14
Installing the Printer Software .............................. l~17
Installing the printer software in Windows 98, 95, or NT 4.01-18
Installing the printer software in Windows 3.1 or N'l‘ 3.5x . 1-19
For DOS programs . l . ......... 1-20
Setting Up the Prinltr 1-1
L R403430 ggfiwfi
RSV. B  —.
A5 size CHAPI .FM  _ Rev. B
 _ A5 size CHAP] iFM
11/27/98 Pan!)
There are several models of the printer designed fnr difi’erent 1
voltages, and it is not possible to adjust the pinterfor use with
another voltage. lfthe label on the back of the printer does not
show the correct voltage firr your country, contact your dealer.
You must remove all protective materials packed around and
inside your printer before you set it up and turn on the power.
Follow the directions on the N odce Sheet (packed with the
primer) to remove these materials. A screwdriver has been
provided for removing the truisportafion screw.
Save all packing and protective materials, including the
transportation screw and the pmtectivelocking dipson the paper
tension unit, in case you need to ship the printer in the future It
should always be transported in its original packaging or
equivalent materials.
Setting Up the Pn'rmr 1-3
Rev. B
A5 size
Prool Sign—oft:

Pass 0
Choosing a Place for the Printer
Follow the guidelines below when selecting a location for your
Place the printer on a flat, stable surface The printer will not
operate properly if it is tilted or at an angle.
Place the printer wtmre you can easily connect it to a network
interface cable, if necessary.
Leave adequate room around the printer for easy operation
and maintenance.
Avoid using or storing the printer in places subject to rapid
changes in temperature and humidity. Keep it away from
direct sunlight, strong light, heat sources, or excessive
moisture or dust.
Avoid places subject to shocks and vibrations.
Place the printer near a wall outlet where you can easily
unplug the power cord.
Notefor French-speaking users:
Phcez l'imprimante prés d 'unc prise dz contact 012 lafiche pent étre
Avoid electrical outlets controlled by wall switches or
automatic timers. An interruption in power can erase
information in the memory of your printer or computer.
Also avoid outlets on the same drcuit as large motors or
other appliances that can cause voltage fluctuations.
Keep the entire computer system away from potential source
of electromagnetic interference, such as loudspeakers or the
base units of cordless telephones.
1-4 Setting Up the Printer
Proof 519mm R403430 R
5.0mm _
 _ Rev. B
 A5 slze Chap! .frn
l 1 [30/98 Pass 0
El Use a grounded power outlet; do not use an adapter plug.
0 Makesurethepaperpsflxisdearand unobstructed before 1
you print on continuous paper. (See the next section.)
If you plan to use a printer stand, follow these guidelins:
El Use a stand that supports at least 22 kg (485 lb).
El Never use a stand that tilts the primer. The printer should
always be kept level.
CI Position your printer's power cord and intexface cableso they
do not interfere with paper feeding. If possible, secure the
cables ho a leg of the printer stand.
Posilioning the confinuous paper supply
Before using continuous paper, make sure you line up your paper
supply with the tractor feeder so the paper feeds smoothly into
the printer, as shown below.
Setting Up the Printer 1-5
R4C3430 mom-off:
Rev. B 
A5 size CHAPI .FM 
"I 1/27/98 Pass 0
Installing or Replacing the Rlbbon Caflfldge
EPSON recommends theuseofgenuine EPSON ribbon cartridges
(5015091) Producs not manufactured by EPSON may cause
damage to your primer not covered by warranties.
\ Warnin .
You will need to move the print head by hnmi to install or replace
the ribbon cartridge. If you have just used lhe printer, the print
head may be hal; let it malfor nfew minutes before touching in
1. Makesuretheprinteris mrmdoffl'rheprlnterisoffwhen
the surface of the Operme button is even wiflr the button
protectors as shown.
Moving the prim hand while the primer is on may damage
the printer.
2. If lheprinheris connected toanelectrical outlet, unplug itfrom
the outlet.
1-6 Setting Up the Printer
ProofSIgn—off: R4C3430
Em> Rev. B I
<5an Nurne> ____ A5 slze CHAP] .FM
11/27/98 Pass 0
3. Lift the printer cover by its back edge and than pull it
straight up and off. 1
4. Make sure that the print head is not hot; if it is, let it cool for
a few minors before touching it. Then slide the print head to
the ribbon installation position (the indented portion of the
paper tension unit) by hand.
Setting Up the Printer 1-7
Rev. B
A5 size
2.0mm __
damn!» __
Pos 0
When the pull tractor is installed, you can replace the ribbon
mrlridge when the print hand is not in the ribbon installation
. If a used ribbon camidge is installed, grasp it by grasping the
cartridge and pullit slightly forward and up; the ribbon guide
snaps away from the metal pins behind the print head.
Properly dispose of the used ribbon mm'idge.
Setting Up the Printer
Proof Sign-off:

— Rev. B
_ A5 size CHAPLFM
11/27/95 Pesto
. Remove the new ribbon cartridge from the package. Then
remove the separator from the middle of the ribbon cartridge
and discard the separator. Turn the ribbon—tightening knob
in the direction of the arrow to remove any slack in the ribbon.
nbbon—flgh'enhg knob
. Hold the cartridge with the ribbon—tightening knob up. Fit the
two from notches of the ribbon cartridge ova the small pegs
on each side of the printer as shown below. Then lay the
cartridge flat.
Setting Up the Printer 1-9
R4C3430 Proofsgmom
Rev. B
A5 awe
Pens 0
8. Make sure that the two tear notches ofthe cartridge fit over
the small pegs on each side of the primer. Then gently press
down the cartridge until both ends dick imo place.
9 Lift the cartridge’s ribbon guide (G) and insert it firmly over
the metal pins behind the printhead (0). Make sure the ribbon
isnot twisted or creased and that itis inplace behind the print
head‘ Then press down the guide until it dicks into place.
ribbon gu‘da
Setting Up the Printer
Proof Sign-o":

—' Rev. 3
A5 size CHAP1.FM
11/27/98 Pos 0
10. Turn the ribbon-tightening knob in the direcfion of the arrow
slide the print head from side to side to makz sure it moves
114 Replace the printer cover by first inserting the front tabs into
the slots on the primer and thenlowering the cover into place.
Push it down until it dicks,
Setting Up the Printer 1-11
Proof San-elf.
R4C3430 E.
Rev' B 
A5 size Chap! .fm  __ Rev' B
<5de Name> A5 size CHAPI .FM
11/27/98 Past]
2. Close the paper guide cover. -
Plugging in the Printer
1. Make sure the printer is turned off. The printer is off when ——
the surface of the Opercne button is even with the button
protectors as shown below
Setting Up the Printer 1-13
L 02403430
Rev. 9
A5 size
Proot Sign-off.

<5d|107N0m9> A5$Iza CHAP'I.FM
\ 1/27/96 Pass 0
2. Plug the cable connector securely into the printer's interface
connector as shown
Pororel Imerfoce
Plug the cable connector securely into flte pararel interface
5! -I 2-2.aps
Squeeze the wire clips together until they lock in place on both
sides of the connector. ._
Setting Up the Pn'nlzr 1-15
R4C3430 W“
Rev' B  —_
A5 size CHAPI .FM  _ Rev. B
 A5 57.9 CHAP1.FM
1 1/27/98 Pas 0
3. Ifyourmble has a ground wire,connectitw theprinter’s
ground connector as shown below.
4. Plug the other end of the cable into the computer.
After you connect the printer to your computer, install the printer
software as described in the next section
lnslalling ”19 Printer Software
After you connect the printer to your computer, you need to
install the software included on the EPSON printer software CD-
ROM shipped with your printer.
Your printer software includes:
El Printer driver
The printer driver is the software that runs, or "drives," your
printer» With it, you can make printer settings such as print
quality, resolution, and paper size.
El EPSON Status Monitor 2 (Windows 95 or 98 only)
The EPSON Status Monitor Znotifiesyou of printer errors and
displays primer slams information.
Setting Up the Printer 1-17
L “63430 Proof Sign-on:
Rev. 8 40mm,
A5 size CHAN EM 
1 1/27/95 P05 0
D EPSON Remote! (a DOS-based printer setup utility)
The EPSON Remote! utility allows you to easily change the
printer’s default settings from thecomputer screenIo use the
EPSON Remote! utility with DOS, see page 4—24.
To install the printer software, see "Installing the printer software
in Windows 98, 95, or NTMT’ or "Installing the printer software
in Windows 3.1 or NT3.5x" in this section. Ifyou are using DOS,
see ”For DOS programs” on page 1-20.
installing the printer software in Windows 98, 95, orNT 4.0
Follow the steps below to install the printer software in Windows
98, 95, or NT 4.0.
El Installing the printer soflwarefor Windows NT0 4.0 may require
network administration privileges. Askyournetwark administrator
for more informatian.
El ifyou wish to make a diskette version of the printer safiwareon your
CD—ROM, insert the CD and run the ESETUP program. In the
dialing box that appears, click the Drlver dlsk creation utlilty
button and follow the tin-screen instructions.
D ifyou are using the diskette version a] the EPSON software, make
a backup copy uf the EPSON printer sofiware disk or disks before
you begin installatiun.
1. Make sure Windows 98, 95, or NT 4.0 is running and the
printer is off.
2. Insert the printer software CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.
The Install dialog box appears. (If you are using diskettes,
insert the diskette in a disk drive, then double-click the drive
icon and double-click the Setup.exe icon.)
3. Click Insioii to start the printer software installation, and
follow the instructions,
1-18 Setting Up the Printer
E.Omari _
Proof Sign—off: [MC-3430 R
<|Gmurc> ROV- B
(Edl'Of N0m8> A5 size CHAPI ,FM
1 1/27/93 PCB 0
0 If the New Hardware Found screen or any other wizard appears 1
when you turn on yanrmmputer, clickCunceIandfollnw the steps
D Installation time varies depending on your computer.
For information on opening and using me software, see ”Using
the Printer Software" in Chapter 4. After you install the printer
driver for Windows 98, 95, or NT 4.0, you can install file EPSON
Status Monitor 2 utility program. See Chapter 6 for information
on installing and using the Status Monitor.
Installing lhe printer soflware In Windows 3.7 or NT 3.5x
Follows the steps below ho install the printer software on
Windows 3.1 or NT 35x systems.
Installing the printer safl-ware on Windows NT 3.5: may require —
network administration privileges, Ask your network administratar for
more infirmation.
1. Make sure Windows is running and the Program Manager
window is open.
2. Insert the printer software CD—ROM shipped with your
primer in the CD-ROM drive. (If you are using diskettes.
insert Disk] of your printer software in a disk drive.)
Setting Up the Printer 1-19
Rev. B
A5 slzs
l 1 [27/98
Proof Sign-oft:

(3le .FM 
Pass 0
3. Choose Run from the File menu. The Run dialogbox appears.
In the Command Line box, type D:SEl'UP, (lfyour CD—ROM
drive has a drive letter other than "D", or if you are using a
diskette, substitute the appropriate drive letter.) Then click
D If you wish to make a diskette version of the printer software
on your CD—ROM, type EPSETUP instead of SETUP. In the
dialog box that appears, click the Driver disk creation utlll‘l'y
button and follow the on—screen instructions.
4. The installation program begins copying the printer software
5. When the installation is complete, click OK to exit the
installation program.
The installation program automatically selects the FX-980 as the
default printer for Windows applications.
For information on opening and using the software, see "Using
the Printer Software" in Chapter 4.
For DOS programs
To control the printer from DOS application programs, you must
select the printer you are using or another available printer from
the printer list of your application.
Setting Up the Printer
mammoth mama
 _ RSV. B
<£d|for Nurne> A5 size CHAPI .FM
1 1/27/98 Pass 0
Choose the EPSON FX-980 printer at the appropriate step in the
setup or inshllafion procedure. if the list in your application does
not include the FX-980 printer, choose the first available printer
from this list
If none of these printers is Listed, choose the first one available
from the following:
EPSON printer
Standard printer
Draft Printer
ASCII printer
If your application does not list a suitable alternative, contact the
software manufacturer ta see if an update is availabler
Setting Up the Printer 1-21
L 12403430 mom
Rev. B «mm, —
A5 slzs CHAPI .FM 
1 1/27/98 Pass 0
1-22 Setting Up the Printer
Proovsawm memo
E‘Omori _
 _ Rev. B
édnor Nome> A5 size
1 1/30/93 Pass 0
Chapter2 '
Printing on Conflnuous Paper
Setting the Paper Release Lever ............................ 2-2
Setting the Paper Thickness Lever .......................... 24
Using the Rear Push Tractor ........................ 2—6
Loading paper unto the rear push tracto ......... 2—6
Removing a printed document from the rear push tractor . 2-10
Using the Front Push Tractor ............................... 2-12
Installing the tractor in the front push position ........... 2-12
Loading paper onto the front push tractor ............... 2-13
Removing a printed document from the front push tractor 2-18
Removing the front push tractor ....................... 2-19
Using the Tractor in the Pull Position .................. 2—20
Installing the tractor in the pull position . 2-21
Loading paper onto the pull rracmr . . 2-23
Removing the paper from the pull tractor . 2-28
Using two tractors in a push/ pull combinahon . 2-29
Removing the pull tractor ............................. 2-31
Loading multi-part Forms ................................. 2—33
Loading Continuous Paper With Labels .......
Removing continuous paper with labels . .
Switching Between Printing on Continuous Paper
and Printing on Single Sheets .............
Switching to printing on single sheets . .
Switching to printing on continuous paper
Adjusting the Top-ot-Form Position ......... . 2-38
Advancing me Paper to the Tear-Off Edge .......... 241
Using the Tear Off/ Bin button ......................... 2—41
Advancing the paper to the tear-off position automatically 2-42
Adjusting the tear-off position ......................... 1-42
Printing on Continuous Paper 2-1
“03430 Proof Sign-elf:
Rev- B 
A5 size Chqazxm 
1 1/30/98 Pass 0
Selling the Paper Release Lever
You can load continuous paper in the printer from various paper
sources, such as the rear push tractor or the from push tractor.
Use the paper release lever to indicate lhe paper source you want
to use. as described in the table below.
To decide which paper source and paper path best suits your printing
nerds, Set ”Available Paper Paths” on page -3.
slnglo-ahnl padlon
For loading single—sheel pope! llom ma lop a lion!
slot. Fm information on loading single sheen see
Chqalsr 3.
near pull my potlllnn
Folloodhgconflnwm paperlrom ms noctovinslniiad
“n lhe recv push posmon. Also Selma leveno lhb
posmon when using the raw push and pull node's in
Printing on Continuous Paper
2mm __ _ R4C3430 R
 A5 size Chap2Jm
l 1 (30/95 Pass 0
Forlocdm continuous papermihevrocioflmdled
oombfinuflon 2603”
Pul mm: pmlnon
Fov locum continuous paperwammehoclorirmdled
"odommhepll Damion, youcmlocdpupemihe
front roar. of boflom £101.
you can laud two difiermt types 49“ continuous paper unto thzfiunl and
rear push tractors, and easily switch between than using the paper
rzlzase 1mm. Before moving the paper release lever, always press the
Load/Eject button tafud thz paper in the paper path backward to the
standby position. _
Printing on Continuous Paper 2-3
E.Orncn _
A5 size Chapafm  _
11/30/99 Peso
Setting the Paper "rickness Lever
Setting the paper thiclmss lever allows the primer to
aceommodate various thicknesss of paper. The paper thicknss
leveris located under the printer cover. You can select one of nine
positims identified by the scale next to me lever.
Use the following table to set the paper thiclmess lever to match
the thickness of your paper.
Pam Mn“
Ordinary (singe sheet; on comlnuom pope!)
Thin paper
Ccllboflles mulflpcn 100115 wim:"
2 pans (original ¢ 1 copy)
3 parts (ovlglnal + 2 copies)
4 parts (oliglncl o 3 ooplss)
S pans (oflglncl 4 4 copies)
6 ports (ominol 0 5 copies)
7 put: (onglnol + b caples)""
Continuous paper with Iobels‘" _
2-4 Printing an Continuous Paper
onofflomfr- mama
E.Ornor| __
 _ Rev. B
 A5 size'n
1 1/30/98 Pas 0
' See Appendix C forcompbfie madam.
" nlsreoommended'm'mufi-pmfombeuedwfihmeapmm
“' Conthuuu pm”! wlm lobes cannot be used wnn he ran push
tracvao memem, Mclflhe opnmulhucvmunnhms from“
or pull position.
"" Always load mum-pen forms WW“ 7 puns (one offllnd plus 6
codes) from me ham or mmom do! onto me pull Nada.
0 If the printed image is smeared, you may need to set the yapcr
thickness Iran on: pasih'nn highzr to improve print quality.
0 Ifthe printed imagz isfizint or has many gaps, you may need to set
the pupa thickness lever one position Iownm imp1wepn’nt quality.
Printing on Continuous Paper 2-5
R4c3430 Mum
Rev. B 5m, ——
A5 size Chcpzim 
1 1/30/96 Pas 0
Using the Real Push Tractor
To use the rear push tractor, load continuous paper in the rear
slot. For information on when to use the rear push tractor, see
”Available Paper Paths" on page -3.
The tractors are installed in the front push and rear push positions when
the printer is shipped. The rear push tractor cannot be removed.
Loading paper onto the rear push "color
If a tractor is installed in the pull posilion, you need to move it
and install the paper tension unit as described on page 2—32 before
using the rear push tractor.
To avoid paper jams, it is best to load thick multi-partfirrms using the
front or bottom slot and the pull orfnmi push tractor.
n Caution:
Do not load continuous paper with labels in the war paper slot;
the labels may come ufithzir bacldng shut inside the printer and
cause a paper jam.
To load paper onto the rear push tractor, follow these steps:
1. Make sure the printer is turned off.
2-6 Printingan Continuous Paper
Proof Sign-elf". R4C3430 R
£01110” _
 _ Rev. B
 A5 size Chaplfm
1 1/30/95 Pass 0
2. Openthepaper guide coverand remove thepaper guide base
by holding the both edga and lifting it up.
3. Set the paper release lever to the rear push tractor position. 93494995
Set the paper thickness lever (located under the primer cover)
to the proper position for your paper’s thickness.
Printing on Continuous Pnper 2-7
R4C3430 P'oofSlqn-ofl:
Rev. 8
A5 sue
1 1/30/98
! l


R4C3430 R
— Rev. B
_ A5 size mourn
11/30/98 Pan
7. Make sure your paper has a cleanl straight edge. Then open
bath sprocket covers and fit the first three holes of the paper,
printable side down. over the nacho: pim. Then close the
sprocket covers
2 »
from of me Witter
8. Slide the right sprocket to remove any slack in thepaper; then
lock it in place by pushing the sprocket lock down
9. Attach the paper guide base as described on page 1-12. After
installing the paper guide, grab the center secfinn of the paper
guide, lift it up and lay it flat.
10 Slide the edge guides to the middle of the paper guide base.
Then close the paper guide cover.
The printer cannot print when the cover is open
Printing on Continuous Paper 2-9
Rev. B
A5 size
1 1 [30/98
Proof Sign-off:
I l

printer driver settings as described in Chapter 4. When the
primer receives data, it automatically loads the paper and
starts printing Tl'ieprinted page: arefed overthepaper guide
toward the back of the printer.
After you finish printing. follow the steps in the next sectim
to tear off your printed document If the first printed line on
your page appears mohighorlow, you can change its position
by using the micro adjust feature. See "Adjusting the Top-of-
Form Position” on page 2-38.
szer use the knob to adjust the top-offer?” position; this may
damage the printer ar cause it to lose the top-offann position.
Removing a printed document from the rear push tractor
To remove the printed document, follow these steps:
Make sure theTear Off/ Bin lights are flashing. (This indicates
your paper is at the current tear—oft position). You may need
to press the Tear Off/Bln button.
2-10 Printing on Continuous Paper
2-21 spa
ProofSiondl‘t R4C3430 R
5.0mm _
 __ RSV. B
 A5 size M21?"
1 | I 30/98 POSS 0
2. 0pmthepapexguidecover,andtearofflheprimed
document using theteaboffedgeoftheprinter.
If your paper‘s perforation is not properly aligned with the tear-4mr
edge. you can adjust the tear-of position using the micro adjust
feature. See ”Adjusting the tear—q? position” on page 2-42.
Never use the knob to adjust the tw~afiposittbm this may
damage the printer or muse it to lose the tear-of position.
3. Close the paper guide cover.
When you resume printing, the printer automatimlly feeds
the paper back to the top-nf-form position and starts printing.
To feed continuous paper to the standby position where you can
remove the paper, press the Loud/Eject button. (See the Glossary
for an explanation of the standby position.) Then open the
sprocket covers of the tractor and remove the paper.
a Caution:
Always tear ofiyuur printed damment before you press the
Load/Eject button. Reverse feedingseveml pagesata time may
cause a paper jam.
Printing an Continuous Paper 2-11
memo manner
Rev. B
A5 size

Post 0
g the Front Push Tractor
To use the from push tractor, load continuous paper in the front
slot. For more information on when to use the front push tractor,
see "Available Paper Paths" on page -3.
The trucmrs are installed in thefrant push and rearpush positions when
the printer is shipped. The rear trutor cannot be removed.
Installing the tractor In the front push position
I! a uactor is installed in the front push position, skip to “Loading
paper onto the front push tractor‘ on the next page.
[fa tractor is installed in the pull position. you need to remove it
and install the paper tension unit as desu'ibed onpage 2-32 before
using the front push tractor.
To install the tractor in the frontpush position, follow these steps:
1. Make sure the printer is turned off.
2. Open the front paper guide by pulling the tab at the center
of the guide. Then remove the guide by grasping both sides
and pulling it straight out of the printer.
Printing on Continuous Paper
mm R4C3430 R
l 1 [30/98 Pas 0
3. Insert the tractor into the printer's mounting slots and press
You are now ready to load continuous paper onto the from push
tractor as described in the next section. To remove the tractor, see
page 2-19.
Loading paper onto the front push tractor —
To load paper onto the from push tractor, follow thse steps:
1. Make sure the primer is turned off.
Printing on Continuous Paper 2-13
R463430 pmfsam
A5 size Chop2.frn r Nan»
l 1/30/98 Pass 0
2. Open the from paper guide by pulling the tab at the center
of the guide. Then remove the guide by grasping both sids
and pulling it straight out of theprinter. Check flint the tractor
is inshlled in the front push position
34 Set the paper release lever to the front push tractor position.
Also set the paper thickness lever (located under the primer
cover) to the proper posifion for your paper’ 5 thicknss.
2-14 Printing on Continuous Paper
mm mama R
 Rev- B
 A5 size Chcpflm
l 1 [30/95 Pas 0
4. Release the left and right sprockets by pushing the sprocket
lock levers backward.
5. Slide the left sprocket to the left margin of your paper using
the arrow mark inside the printer, (Printing starlsatthe arrow
mark.) Then pull the lever forward to lock it in place. —
2-1 7nn.eps
Szz ”Paper alignmmf” and “Printable arm” in Appendix C for
more information on the Iq‘} margin position.
2-1 snaps
Printing on Continuous Paper 2-15
Rev. B
A5 size
Proof Sign-off:
cnapzm <5an Narne> __
Pass 0
. Slide the right sprocket to maid] thewidth of your paper, but
do not lock it. Move the paper support midway between file
Mo sprockets as shown above.
. Make sure your paper has a clean, straight edge. Then open
both sprocket covers and fit the first three holes on each side
of the paper, printable side up, over the tremor pins. 111m
close the sprocket covers.
Slide the right sprocket loremove any slack in the paper; then
lock it in place by pushing the sprocket lock down.
Attach the from paper guide by sliding it along the printer's
mounting slots as shown below. Then close the from paper
2-16 Printing on Cunfinuous Paper
mm R4C3430 R
«hm» —— Rev. B
 A5 size ChapZJm
1 1/30/98 Pass 0
10. Slide the edge guides to the middle of the top paper guide.
Lift the center section of the paper guide up and lay it flat.
Make sure that the primer cover and the paper guide cover
Th: printer ammn print when the printer cover is open.
114 Turn on the printer. You may need to check and change the
printer driver settings as described in Chapter 4. When fie
printer receives dab, it automatically loads the paper and 2»27.eps
starts printing. The printed pages are fed over thepaper guide
toward the back of the printer
12. After you finish printing, follow the steps in the next section
to tear off your printed document
Printing on Continuous Paper 2-17
R4C3430 Proof SIgn-off:
E.Omori _
Rev. B  _
A5 size 
1 1/30/99 Pos 0
If the first line on your page appeaxs boohigh or law, you can
change its position by using the micro adjust feature. See
“Adjusting the Top-of—Form Position” on page 2-38.
Never use the lamb to adjust the top-ofifonn position; this may
damage the yrinter or cause it to lose the top-affirm position.
Removing a printed document from the front push tractor
To remove the printed document, follow these steps:
1. Makesure the Tear/Off Bin lights are flashing. (Thismdicam
your paper is at the current tear-off position) You may need
to press the Tear Off/Bin button
2, Open the paper guide cover, and tear off the printed
document using the tear-oft edge of the printer.
Ifyour paper’s perforation is not properly aligned with the tear~afi
edge, you can adjust the tear-ofi'positian using the micm adjust
feature. See “Adjusting the tmr—afiposition" on page 2-42
2-18 Printing on Continuous Paper
Proof 39mm R4C3430 R
semen __
 __ Rev' B
 A5 size Chopztm
1 1/30/98 Pass 0
Never use the lamb to adjust the tear—ofiposihbn; this may
damage the printer or muse it to lose the tear-of] position.
3. (lose the paper guide cover. .
When you resume printing, the printer automatically feeds
the paper back to the top—of-form position and slartsprinfing.
To remove the remaining paper from the printer, press the Load! 2.2903“
Ejechutton to feed the paperbackward to the standby position. (See
the Glossary for an exphnatinn of the standby position.) Then open
the sprocket covers nt the tractor and remove the paper.
Always tear of your printed document before you press the
Locd/EjecT button. Reomefeeding several pagesata timemay
cause a paper jam.
Removing the front push tractor
To remove the tractor from the front push position, follow these
1. Rental
2. ve any paper from the tractor as described in the previous Zx’lficaps
3. Turn off the printer.
4. Open the iron! paper guide by pulling the tab at the eenter of
the guide. Then remove the guide by grasping both sides and
pulling it straight out of the printer.
Printing on Continuous Paper 2-19
R4C3430 Proof Sign-off:
Rev. 8
A5 size

Pms 0
l I
5. Press the tractor‘s luck tabs, tilt the trantor up, and lift it out
of the printer.
6. Replace the front paper guide by sliding it along the printer’s
mounting slots until it locks in place. Then close the from
paper guide.
Using the Tractor in the Pull Position
Using the tractor in the pull position is ideal for printing on thick
and heavy continuous paper, such as mum-part forms or
continuous paper with labels. However, you cannot use flxe tear-
off feature with the pull tractor.
Because thick paper requires a straight paper path to avoid paper
jams, you should lead paper in the front or bottom slot when
using the pull motor.
2-20 Printing 4m Cantinuous Paper

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Create Date                     : 2001:07:02 17:20:27
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Author                          : jsoscia
Title                           : 28393.pdf
Modify Date                     : 2001:07:02 17:20:30-04:00
Page Count                      : 66
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