Senao Co 2511AP2PLUS Wireless LAN Access Point User Manual SL 2511AP2 User Guide v1 04

Senao International Co Ltd Wireless LAN Access Point SL 2511AP2 User Guide v1 04


0SENAOSL-2511AP2 PLUSWireless LAN Access PointUser’s Guide
11 FEATURES.................................................................................................................................22 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION ..........................................................................................22.1 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................22.2 HARDWARE INSTALLATION....................................................................................................23 INITIAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION ..................................34 CONFIGURING THE ACCESS POINT THROUGH WEB BROWSER...........................54.1 SYSTEM SETTING ..................................................................................................................64.1.1 System Time..................................................................................................................74.1.2 Administrator Setting ...................................................................................................74.1.3 Firmware Upgrade.......................................................................................................84.1.4 Configuration Tools .....................................................................................................94.1.5 Status.......................................................................................................................... 114.1.6 Reset...........................................................................................................................124.2 LAN SETTING.....................................................................................................................134.2.1 LAN Settings...............................................................................................................134.2.2 DHCP Client Lists .....................................................................................................144.2.3 DNS Settings ..............................................................................................................154.3 FILTERING SETTING.............................................................................................................154.3.1 MAC Filtering............................................................................................................154.3.2 IP Filtering.................................................................................................................164.4 WIRELESS SETTING .............................................................................................................164.4.1 General ......................................................................................................................174.4.2 Enhanced Features.....................................................................................................194.4.3 Associated Clients......................................................................................................204.5 SNMP.................................................................................................................................204.5.1 SNMP Community......................................................................................................204.5.2 SNMP Trap.................................................................................................................215 CONFIGURING THE ACCESS POINT THROUGH TELNET .......................................225.1 ENTER THE TELNET SESSION ...............................................................................................225.2 COMMAND LINE FOR TELNET DAEMON...............................................................................245.3 CONFIGURING WIRELESS LAN THROUGH TELNET .............................................................325.4 CONFIGURING LAN THROUGH TELNET ..............................................................................375.5 CONFIGURING SYSTEM THROUGH TELNET ..........................................................................395.6 CONFIGURING FILTERING THROUGH TELNET ......................................................................435.7 CONFIGURING SNMP THROUGH TELNET............................................................................45
25.8 UPGRADING FIRMWARE THROUGH TELNET .........................................................................486 CHANGE HISTORY...............................................................................................................517 STATEMENT ...........................................................................................................................521 Featuresz Fully interoperable with IEEE 802.11b compliant products.z High-Speed data transfer rate up to 11Mbps.z 64-bit and 128-bit WEP Encryption.z MAC Address and TCP/UDP/IP filtering.z Web-Based Network Manager/Telnet for Configuring and Managing Your Access Points.z SNMP MIB I and MIB II supported.z Capable of acting as a DHCP Server.z Remote Management supported.z Firmware Upgrade via WEB/TFTP2 Hardware Configuration2.1 Hardware Configuration1. RJ-45 Ethernet connector    Provides 10/100 Mbps connectivity to a wired Ethernet LAN.2. Reset ButtonBy pressing this button for over 3 seconds, the AP will be reset with factory defaultconfiguration.3. Power Supply connectorIt is for connecting to the power adapter.2.2 Hardware Installation1. Configure your notebook or PC with Wireless LAN card.2. For Wired LAN, connect your PCs’ Ethernet port to any AP’s LAN port by an Ethernet cable.
33. For WLAN, locate the AP to a proper position.4. Plug the power cord into a power outlet.3  Initial Software Installation and Configuration1. Change the TCP/IP setting of your managing computer. Select the TCP/IP line that has beenassociated to your network card. Click the Properties button.2. Make sure the IP address of your computer and the AP are in the same subnet. The default IPaddress of the Access Point is and the default subnet mask is
43. For WLAN, open the WLAN client utility. Click Configuration tab. Type default SSID (defaultSSID: wireless) in the Network Name field. Choose “Access Point” for Network Type, thenclick OK button.Note: the default channel is 6.
54  Configuring the Access Point through WebBrowserThe Access Point can be configured through your web browser with the Web-Based Utility.Open your web browser and type the default IP address of the AP in the address field (default IP: and press Enter. Make sure the IP address of AP and your computer are in the samesubnet.After the connection is established, you will see the User Login page as shown below. Leavethe password field blank when the first time you open the Web-Based utility. You can change thepassword on the “Administrator settings” page.The system will be time out after idling about 1 minute. You have to login again to re-enter themain setting page. You can change the idle time out period on the “Administrator settings” page.On any page, you can click HELP to obtain more descriptions and explanations. To clear anyvalues you’ve entered on any page, click CANCEL and re-enter information.There are three tabs on the upper right-corner of each page. To go back to the main settingpage, press HOME tab. To log out of the web management, press EXIT tab. To complete anychange you have made, press RESET tab after clicking APPLY button.
64.1 System SettingThe system setting contains all basic configuration of the Access Point. It includes SystemTime, Administrator Setting, Firmware Upgrade, Configuration Tools, Status, and Reset.
74.1.1 System TimeConnecting to a Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) server allows the AP to synchronizethe system clock to the global internet. The synchronizes clock in the AP is used to control clientfiltering. The polling time is the time period that the AP sends requests for the correct time. Notethat the polling time can not be less than 3600 sec. Click APPLY to complete your change.4.1.2 Administrator SettingSet a password to restrict management access to the Access Point. If you want to manage theAccess Point from a remote location (outside of the local network), you must also specify the IP
8address of the remote PC.Password Settings:To change your password, enter your current password in the “Current Password” box. Enternew password in the “Password” box. Enter it again in the “Re-type password” box to confirm it.Click APPLY to complete your change.The “idle Time Out” is the amount of time of inactivity before the Access Point willautomatically close the Administrator session. Set this to zero to disable it.Remote Management:    By default, management access is only available to users on your local network. However, youcan also manage the Access Point from a remote host. Just check the Enable check box and enterthe IP address of an administrator to this screen.4.1.3 Firmware UpgradeThe firmware information is displayed on this page. You can find firmware version andfirmware date here. There are two ways to upgrade the firmware: “Using TFTP” and “Using WEB”.Click APPLY to choose the one you want.z Using TFTPOn the managed computer, run the TFTP Server utility. And specify the folder in which thefirmware file resides. After running the TFTP server, enter the TFTP server IP and the filename onthe following page. Click on APPLY to complete your change.
9z Using WEBType the correct firmware file path and file name on the File field. You can click Browse toselect the file location. Click on APPLY to complete your change.4.1.4 Configuration ToolsThis tool can backup or restore the AP’s configuration. It can also restore the original factorydefault settings.z Restore Factory default configuration:
10(1) Check the “Restore Factory Default Configuration” radio button then click APPLY.(2) Click Restore button to force the Access Point to perform reset and restore the originalfactory settings.z Backup Setting/Restore Settings:(1) Check the “Backup Settings/Restore Settings” radio button and click APPLY.
11(2) To save the Access Point's current configuration to a file named "config.bin" on your PC, clickBackup Settings button.(3) To restore configuration, you can use the "Restore Settings" tool to restore the savedconfiguration of the Access Point.(4) Enter the path and file name then click Restore Settings button. You can also click Browse tolocate and select the previously saved backup file.4.1.5 Status
12The Status window displays current information and settings for your AP. It has four mainparts - LAN, Wireless, System Information, and Others.For LAN, it displays AP’s IP address, MAC address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway. It alsodisplays the IP address of the DNS and the number of clients connected by DHCP server.For Wireless, it displays SSID, Channel, WEP security status, and Authentication type.For System Information, it displays system time, firmware version, firmware date, hardwareversion, and serial number.For Others, it displays the power level of the AP.You can obtain the most up-to-date information by pressing the “Refresh” button.4.1.6 ResetIn the event that the Access Point stops responding correctly or in some way stops functioning,you can perform a reset. Your settings will not be changed. To perform the reset, click on the Resetbutton below. You will be asked to confirm your decision. The reset completes when the powerlight stops blinking.
134.2 LAN SettingThe Access Point must have an IP address for the local network. You can enable DHCP servicefor dynamic IP address allocation to your clients, or configure filtering functions based on specificclients or protocols.4.2.1 LAN SettingsYou can change the basic settings of AP here, including IP address, Subnet mask, Gateway, IPPool Address, Lease Time, and Local Domain Name. Click APPLY to complete your change.
14(1) IP Address: The IP address of the AP. You should have a unique IP address to yournetwork. The default value is Subnet Mask: The Subnet Mask of your Access Point. The default value is Gateway: It indicated the Network’s Gateway. It’s optional.(4) The Gateway acts as the DHCP Server: By default, the AP can function as a DHCP server.The AP can automatically assign an IP address to a client. To disable this function, clearthe “Enable” check box.(5) IP Pool Starting Address & IP Pool Ending Address: The first and the last address in theIP address pool.(6) Lease Time: The period client can have the IP address assigned by DHCP server.(7) Local Domain Name: It’s optional.4.2.2  DHCP Client ListsThis page lists clients that are connected to the Access Point via IP address, host name, andMAC address. You can click Refresh button to obtain most up-to-date information.Note: The DHCP server only serves wireless clients. So LAN users cannot get IP address throughDHCP server.
154.2.3 DNS SettingsDomain Name Servers are used to map an IP address to the equivalent domain name. Your ISPshould provide the IP address for one or more domain name servers. The Access Point can be aDNS relay to send clients’ request to the Domain Name Server. You can do a DNS lookup to findthe IP address of some specific servers. Click APPLY to complete your change.4.3 Filtering SettingThe Access Point provides filtering function via MAC address or IP address for wirelessinterface.4.3.1 MAC FilteringThe maximum number of items is 64. Check the select  check box to include or excludecorresponding items. The clients whose MAC addresses listed in the “MAC address table” cannotget associations to the AP while the “Filtering type” is chosen to “Include”. On the other hand, onlythose clients’ with MAC addresses listed in the “Exclude” filtering list can associate to the AP. TheMAC address filtering function can be disabled by choosing the “Filtering type” to “Disable”. ClickAPPLY to complete your change.
164.3.2 IP FilteringYou can block certain client PCs accessing the internet based on time. IP Filtering can filter thepackets sent from clients. For example, you can ban WEB browsing by setting the port to “80”.Remember to select the Check box in the “Enable”. Click APPLY to complete your change.4.4 Wireless SettingThere are three filtering type: Include, Exclude, and Disable
174.4.1 GeneralIn this window you can make changes to the default wireless settings. For communicating, allcomputers on the network must be within the same IP Address range, and have the same settings forthe Radio channel and SSID. If you don’t want to utilize WEP Encryption, select “Disable” todisable this function.(1) SSID: The SSID is a unique name shared among all points in your wireless network. TheSSID must be identical for all points in the network. It is case sensitive and must notexceed 32 characters.(2) Channel: The channel shared by all wireless devices. The range of channel is 1~14.(3) WEP: Short for Wired Equivalent Privacy, a security protocol for wireless local areanetworks (WLANs) defined in the 802.11b standard. WEP is designed to provide the samelevel of security as that of a wired LAN. Select Disabled to disable this function.There are two WEP Encryption key length: 64-bit(10 hex digits) and 128 bit(26Select “Disable” to disable WEP Encryption
18hex digits). For Authentication type, you can choose between Open System1, Shared Key2 ,and Auto3. All station on your network must use the same authentication type. Check yourwireless card’s documentation to see what type to use.                                                1 Open System - An open system allows any client to authenticate as long as it conforms to any MAC address filterpolicies that may have been set. All authentication packets are transmitted without encryption.2 Shared Key - when both the sender and the receiver share a secret key. When "Shared Key" is checked, the AP sendsan unencrypted challenge text string to any device attempting to communicate with the AP. The device requestingauthentication encrypts the challenge text and sends it back to the access point. If the challenge text is encryptedcorrectly, the access point allows the requesting device to authenticate.3 Auto – No matter the authentication packets with encryption or not, the access point allows the requesting device toauthenticate.
194.4.2 Enhanced Features(1) Enhanced Security:1. Hide SSID name in Beacon frame:    By selecting this function , AP will not broadcast it’sSSID in the beacon frame.2. Block Responds to “Unspecified-SSID”: By selecting this function , AP will not respondwireless client’s association requests using “ANY” as the AP’s SSID.3. Wireless Client isolation:    By selecting this function , the AP will not forward uni-cast,multi-cast and broadcast packets to clients sent from any client.(2) Power Control: If you select MAX(Original), then the power is the same as the networkcard’s power.(3) 802.11 Enhancement: The setting is listed below.Field Ranges Default valueFragment Threshold 256 - 2346 (bytes) 2346RTS Threshold 0 – 3000 (ms) 2432Beacon Period Up to 4095 ms 4095(4) Load Balance: This is the maximum number of users that can associate to this AP. The newclient’s association will not be accepted when the number of associated clients reaches thisnumber.(5) AP Link Completeness:    If this function is enabled, the AP will disassociated all associated
20clients and ban all new association requested when the LAN Ethernet port gets no signals (e.g. itis unplugged)..4.4.3 Associated ClientsThis page lists all the associated clients. Click Refresh to obtain the most up-to-dateinformation.4.5 SNMPShort for Simple Network Management Protocol, a set of protocols for managing complexnetworks. SNMP works by sending messages, called protocol data units (PDUs), to different partsof a network. SNMP-compliant devices, called agents, store data about themselves in ManagementInformation Bases (MIBs) and return this data to the SNMP requesters.4.5.1 SNMP CommunitySNMP Community provides a simple kind of password protection. Access to the SNMPdevice is controlled through community names. The community name can be thought of as apassword. If you don't have the correct community name you can't retrieve any data (get) or makeany changes (sets). Multiple SNMP managers may be organized in a specified community. You canchange your SNMP community settings on this screen. Check the “Enable” check box to enable theSNMP function. Click APPLY to complete your change.
21Validity: You can enable or disable the SNMP function of the corresponding community item.Access Right: Select a access right for the corresponding SNMP community(Deny4/Read5/Write6).   Community: Specify the name of community for the SNMP manager( Private/Public). Byconvention, “Public” community is with a read-only access right.4.5.2 SNMP TrapTraps can be used by network entities to signal abnormal conditions to management stations.SNMP TRAP message can be sent to a host. Click APPLY to complete your settings.Version: Select the SNMP Version.       Select “Disable” to disable the snmp trap function of the corresponding item.       Version1: SNMP Version1       Version2: SNMP Version2IP Address: Specify the IP Address of the SNMP Manager for SNMP Trap Report.Community: Specify the type of community ( public/Private) for SNMP manager.Following are the traps supported in the access point:Cold-start trap:This trap indicates that the specified node's power has just come on. The cold-start trap isgenerated every time the access point is power-cycled. Cold-start traps are not generateduntil three seconds after the access point is power-cycled. This allows time for the hardware                                                4 Deny community will not allow a remote device to read information from a device or to modify settings on thatdevice.5 Read-only community enables a remote device to retrieve "read-only" information from a device.6 Read-Write community allows a remote device to read information from a device and to modify settings on thatdevice.
22providing the low-level IP network interface to start up and stabilize before attempting tosend a packet.5  Configuring the Access Point through Telnet5.1  Enter the Telnet session1. Click Start button, select Run to open the Run dialog box as shown below. Enter telnet192.168.1.1 (default IP address of AP is in the Open field. Then click OKbutton.2. After entering the telnet session, enter the User Name and User Password as shown below.(Default User Name is admin and there is no default User Password).No default password. Just press “Enter”
233. After entering the telnet daemon, you can first type help to see the available commands.            Command Line Interface v 1.0======================================================time      : Get current system time.     Usage: timesettime   : Set system time.     Usage: settime <hh:mm:ss> [yy/mm/dd] [TZ(GMT +/- hour)]help      : List all commands.     Usage: helpifShow    : Dispaly network interface.     Usage: ifShow <ifname>ipConfig  : Configure interface address and subnet mask.     Usage: ipConfig [ifname] [ip] [subnet mask]ping      : Ping a host..     Usage: ping [ip]routeShow : Show Route.     Usage: routeShowdhcpsStart: Start DHCP Server..     Usage: dhcpsStartdhcpsStop : Stop DHCP Server..     Usage: dhcpsStopexit      : exit this telnet session.     Usage:  ExitwlanShow    : Show the WLAN config.     Usage: wlanShowreset     : reset the system.     Usage: resetwlanSet      : configure the wireless part.     Usage: wlanset ACTION [arg1], [agr2], ...status        : Show the AP status.     Usage: statussysSet    : Change the System Configuration.     Usage: sysSet ACTION [arg1], [agr2], ...lanShow      : Show the LAN setting.
245.2  Command Line for Telnet daemon1. “time” command shows current system time. Just type “time” at command line prompt.2. Use “settime” to change the current system time.Usage: settime <hh:mm:ss> [yy/mm/dd] [TZ(GMT +/- hour)]cmd>timeTime zone:     GMT+6Local time:     Thu Jan  1 00:59:10 1970GMT time:     Thu Jan  1 06:59:10 1970cmd>
253. “ifShow” command shows all network interface information, including IP address, subnetmask, and information of packets.Usage: ifShow [ifname]To show all network interface, just type “ifShow” at command line prompt.lo - Loopback interface.adm – LAN interface.wlan – Wireless LAN interface.cmd>settime 15:50:00 2002/12/13cmd>timeTime zone:     GMT+6Local time:     Fri Dec 13 15:50:02 2002GMT time:     Fri Dec 13 21:50:02 2002cmd>cmd>ifShowlo (unit number 0):     Type: SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK     Internet address:     Netmask 0xff000000 Subnetmask 0xff000000     Metric is 0     Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1536     0 packets received; 0 packets sent     0 multicast packets received     0 multicast packets sent     0 input errors; 0 output errors     0 collisions; 0 dropped
264.      “ipConfig” command is used to configure interface address and subnet mask.    Usage: ipConfig [ifname] [ip] [subnetMask]adm (unit number 0):     Type: ETHERNET_CSMACD     Internet address:     Broadcast address:     Netmask 0xffffff00 Subnetmask 0xffffff00     Ethernet address is 00:01:02:03:04:05     Metric is 0     Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1500     1016 packets received; 686 packets sent     189 multicast packets received     21 multicast packets sent     0 input errors; 0 output errors     0 collisions; 0 droppedwlan (unit number 0):     Type: ETHERNET_CSMACD     Netmask 0x1114 Subnetmask 0x111c     Ethernet address is 00:02:6f:01:c0:3f     Metric is 0     Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1500     0 packets received; 209 packets sent     0 multicast packets received     0 multicast packets sent     0 input errors; 0 output errors     0 collisions; 0 droppedcmd>
27Iask]5. “ping” command is used to ping a host.Usage: ping  [IP address]6. “exit” command exit the telnet session. Type “exit” at command line prompt.7.   “wlanShow” command shows the wireless LAN configuration, including SSID, Channel,WEP Encryption information, threshold information, and security information. Just type“wlanShow” at command line prompt.Welcome to Telnet Daemon v1.00cmd>ipConfig adm0>Interface name IP addressof interface Subnet Maskcmd>ping time 14671Reply from time 14673Ping statics for Sent = 1, Received = 1, Lost = 0cmd>exitExit this telnet sessioncmd>wlanShow------- AP configuration ---------MAC address 00:02:6f:01:c0:3dSSID: CandiceChannel: 6WEP: DisableAuthentication algorithm: Open System
288.“reset” command can reboot the system. Just type ”reset” at command line prompt.  9. “status” shows current information and settings for your AP.  Default Wep key Id(1-4): 1WEP key len: 64-bitKey 1: 00000000000000000000000000Key 2: 00000000000000000000000000Key 3: 00000000000000000000000000Key 4: 00000000000000000000000000--- Wireless Enhanced Features ---Power Level: MAX(original)Fragment Threshold: 2346RTS Threshold: 2432Beacon Interval 100 (max: 4095 ms default :100ms)Max associated stations: 250Wireless Client Isolation: DisableHide SSID: DisableBlock Responds to 'Unspecified-SSID': DisableAP Link Completeness: Disablecmd>status--------- LAN  -----------------IP: Mask: MAC Address: 00:01:02:03:04:10Connected DHCP Clients: 1--------- Wireless  -----------------SSID: [(null)]Channel: 6Authentication type: NoneWireless MAC Address: 00:02:6f:01:c0:3dWireless MAC Address:
2910. “routeShow” shows the network routing table, host routing table and the ARP table.cmd>routeShowNet Routing Table:Destination     Gateway         NetMask         Flags   Used Hops Interface----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   U   C   0    0    adm0Host Routing Table:Destination     Gateway       NetMask         Flags   Used Hops Interface-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         U H     0    0    lo0ARP Table:Destination     Gateway       NetMask         Flags   Used Hops Interface------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    00:00:e2:7a:59:3f                 U H  L  3377 0    adm0192.168.3.25    00:02:6f:01:c0:3d                 U H  L  3142 0    adm0cmd>11.“dhcpsStart” command enables the DHCP server function. The AP can function as a DHCPserver and automatically assign an IP address to a client.cmd>dhcpsStartDhcpsStart: successful!12. “dhcpsStop” command can stop the DHCP server function.--------- System Information -----------------System Up time: 01:26:55Local time: Thu Jan    1 01:26:55 1970GMT time: Wed Dec 31 17:26:55 1969Current Firmware Version: [1.00.4455]Firmware Date: [2003.01.06]Hardware Version: [1]Serial Number: [0000011118]cmd>
30Welcome to Telnet Daemon v1.01cmd>dhcpsStopcmd>13. “lanShow” command shows the LAN configuration and DHCP configuration, including IPaddress, Subnet Mask, DHCP status, and IP pool information.cmd>lanShow---==== LAN configuration ====---IP Address: Mask: Server: EnabledIP Pool Starting Address: Pool Ending Address: Time:  One hourLocal Domain Name:---==== DHCP configuration ====---Item    IP              MAC Address        Host name  1     00:02:6f:01:c0:3e       wlan-w2kcmd>14.“filterShow” displays the MAC address filtering table, filtering type, and the information of IPfiltering.Welcome to Telnet Daemon v1.01cmd>filterShow---====== MAC control list ---======Filtering type: Disabled (Any station can access)Item    MAC                 Select---------------------------------------------1       00:02:6f:01:c0:3f       Selected2       00:00:00:00:00:00       Unselect3       00:00:00:00:00:00       Unselect4       00:00:00:00:00:00       Unselect…..…..…..---==== IP Filter Configuration ====-----------------------------------------          IP           Port  Type   Block    Day         Time  0     0-  0  TCP  Always  N/A- N/A     N/A- N/A   Disable  0     0-  0  TCP  Always  N/A- N/A     N/A- N/A   Disable  0     0-  0  TCP  Always  N/A- N/A     N/A- N/A   Disable  0     0-  0  TCP  Always  N/A- N/A     N/A- N/A   Disable
31  0     0-  0  TCP  Always  N/A- N/A     N/A- N/A   Disable192.168.3.0-  0     0-  0  TCP  Always  N/A- N/A     N/A- N/A   Disable192.168.3.0-  0     0-  0  TCP  Always  N/A- N/A     N/A- N/A   Disable192.168.3.0-  0     0-  0  TCP  Always  N/A- N/A     N/A- N/A   Disablecmd>15. “snmpShow” shows SNMP configuration. It displays the information of SNMP Communityand SNMP Trap. Type “snmpShow” at the command line prompt.                                        cmd>snmpShow---==== SNMP Information ====---SNMP Status: Enable---==== SNMP Community info ====-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Item    Access Right    Community         Validity1       WRITE          public            Enable2       CREATE         private           Enable3       DENY                            Enable4       DENY                            Enable5       DENY                            EnableVersion ofSNMPIP address for SNMPTrap report---====  SNMP Trap info  ====---Item    Version            IP         Community------------------------------------------------------  1     version 1     public  2     disable  3     disable  4     disable  5     disable
325.3  Configuring Wireless LAN through TelnetThe command “wlanSet” can configure the Wireless LAN part. Type “wlanSet” and the actionyou want to perform. You need to know actions for the Wireless LAN setting.Usage: wlanSet [ACTION] [arg1] [arg2] ….ACTION Description Usagessid Change the SSID wlanSet ssid [SSID]channel Change the wirelesschannel[1-14]wlanSet channel [channelnumber]frag Change the fragmentThresholdwlanSet frag [fragmentthreshold]rts Change the RTS Threshold wlanSet rts [RTSThreshold]keyid Change the WEP defaultkey id [1-4]wlanSet keyid [defualt keyid]beacon Change the beacon Period[0-4095ms]wlanSet beacon [beaconperiod]maxass Change the max associatedstations [1-300]wlanSet maxass [number ofstations]wepkey Change the WEP key wlanSet wepkey [keyid][key(hex format)]wep wlanSet wep [0|64|128] wlanSet wep [0|64|128]isolate Change the Wireless ClientIsolation: 0:disable,1:enablewlanSet isloate [0|1]hidessid Change the Hide SSID:0:disable, 1:enablewlanSet hidessid [0|1]block Change the Block Respondsto 'Unspecified-SSID':0:disable, 1:enablewlanSet block [0|1]power Change the Outpower level:0:Original, 1: 100mW, 2:50mW, 3: 20mWwlanSet power [0|1|2|3]aplink Change the AP LinkCompleteness: 0:disable,1:enablewlanSet aplink [0|1]authalgo Change Authentication wlanSet authalgo [1|2|3]
33ACTION Description Usagealgorithm: 1:Open system,2: Shared key, 3:Auto1. The “ssid” action can change the SSIDUsage: wlanSet ssid [New SSID]2. The “channel” action can change the wireless channel.Usage: wlanSet channel [New channel number]3. The “frag” action can change the frame’s fragment threshold.Fragment Threshold: 256~2346 bytes , default is 2346Usage: wlanSet frag [ New fragment threshold]4. The “rts” action can change the frame’s RTS threshold.RTS Threshold: 0~3000 ms, default is 2432Usage: wlanSet rts [Nes RTS threshold]cmd>wlanSet ssid WirelessLANOld SSID: WirelessNew SSID (after reset): WirelessLAN(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>wlanSet channel 5Old Channel: 6New Channel (after reset): 5(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>wlanSet frag 2000Old Fragment Threshold: 2346New Fragment Threshold (after reset): 2000(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).New SSIDcmd>wlanSet rts 2500Old RTS Threshold: 2432New RTS Threshold (after reset): 2500(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).
345. The “keyid” action can change the WEP default ID( the default is from 1 to 4).Usage: wlanSet keyid [New key default ID]6. The “beacon” action can change the beacon period.Beacon Period: Default is 100 ms. The maximum is 4095.Usage: wlanSet beacon [New beacon period]7. The “maxass” action can set the maximun number of users that can associate the AP.8. The “wepkey” action can change the WEP key.Usage: wlanSet wepkey [keyid] [key(hex format)]9. The action “wep” is for changing the WEP key length (0:disable/64 bit/128 bit).Usage: wlanSet wep [New key length]cmd>wlanSet keyid 2Old WEP default key id: 0New WEP default key id (after reset): 2(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>wlanSet beacon 3000Old Beacon Period: 100New Beacon Period (after reset): 3000(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>wlanSet maxass 20Old Maximum Assocated Stations: 250New Maximum Assocated Stations (after reset): 20(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>wlanSet wepkey 1 1122334455CmdWlanSetKey() key 1122334455Old Key 1: 0011223344New Key 1: 1122334455(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).
35 Example:To disable the WEP key, type following command:10. The “isolate” action can enable/disable the wireless client isolation function.0: Disable1: EnableUsage: wlanSet isolate [0|1]11. The “hidessid” action can enable/disable the “Hide SSID in beacon frame” function.0: Disable1: EnableUsage: wlanSet hidessid [0|1]cmd>wlanSet wep 128Old WEP Encryption: 64-bitNew WEP Encryption (after reset): 128-bit(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>wlanSet isolate 1Old Wireless Client Isolation: DisableNew Wireless Client Isolation (after reset): Enable(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>wlanSet hidessid 1Old Hide SSID: DisableNew Hide SSID (after reset): Enable(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>wlanSet wep 0Old WEP Encryption: 64-bitNew WEP Encryption (after reset): Disabled(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).
3612. The “block” action can enable/disable the ”Block responds to Unspecified-SSID” function.0: Disable1: EnableUsage: wlanSet block [0|1]13. The “power” action can change the power level 0:Original, 1: 100mW, 2: 50mW, 3: 20mW0:Original1: 100mW2: 50mW3: 20mWUsage: wlanSet power [0|1|2|3]If plug off the cable of LAN interface,14. The “aplink” action can change the AP Link Completeness. If enable this function, the WLANinterface will be disabled when plug off the cable of LAN interface,0: Disable1: EnableUsage: wlanSet aplink [0|1]cmd>wlanSet block 0Old Block Responds to 'Unspecified-SSID': EnableNew Block Responds to 'Unspecified-SSID' (after reset): Disable(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>wlanSet power 2Old Power Level: MAX(original)New Power Level (after reset): 50mW(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>wlanSet aplink 1Old AP Link Completeness: DisableNew AP Link Completeness (after reset): Enable(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).
3715. The “authalgo” action can change the authentication algorithm.1: Shared key2: Open system3: AutoUsage: wlanSet authalgo [1|2|3]5.4  Configuring LAN through TelnetThe command “lanSet” can configure the LAN part. Type “lanSet” and the action you want toperform. You need to know actions for the LAN setting.Usage: lanSet [ACTION] [arg1] [arg2] ….ACTION Description Usageip Change the LAN’s IP andmaskLanSet ip [IP] [mask]gateway Change the AP IP, mask,Gateway, DHCPlanSet gateway [gateway]dhcp Change the DHCP serversetting.lanSet dhcp ['disable'|startip] [end ip] [lease time][domain name]1. The “ip” action can change the LAN’s IP address and Subnet Mask.Usage: lanSet ip [IP] [mask]Example:Welcome to Telnet Daemon v1.01cmd>wlanSet authalgoCurrent Authentication algorithm: Open Systemcmd>wlanSet authalgo 3Old Authentication algorithm: Open SystemNew Authentication algorithm (after reset): Auto(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>
382. The “gateway” action can set the network’s gateway.    Usage: lanSet gateway [gateway IP]  Example:3. The “dhcp” action can change the dhcp server setting.    Usage: lanSet dhcp ['disable' | start ip] [end ip] [lease time] [domain name]Argument Description Usage'disable'|start ip disable: to disable the DHCP server functionstart ip: the start IP address of the IP poolend ip The ending IP address of the IP poollease time: The period client can have the IPaddress assigned by DHCP server.0: Half hour, 1: One hour, 2: Two hours, 3:Halfday, 4: One day, 5: Two days, 6: One week,7:Two weeks 8: Foreverdomain name: the domain name (needed bysome applications)Usage: To disable the dhcp server, type: lanSet dhcp 'disable'       To enable the dhcp server, type:lanSet dhcp ['disable' | start ip] [end ip] [lease time] [domain name]Example:       cmd>lanSet gateway gateway success.(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>cmd>lanSet ip 3, ip [] mask [](Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>lanSet dhcp disabledisable the DHCP server(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>
395.5  Configuring System through TelnetThe command “sysSet” can change the settings of system, including time and administratorsettings. Type “sysSet” and the action you want to perform. You need to know actions for filtersetting.Usage: sysSet [ACTION] [arg1][arg2]…..ACTION Description Usagepasswd Change the password. sysSet passwdidletime Change the IdleTimeOut. sysSet idletime [idle time(mins)]remote Change the RemoteManagement statussysSet remote [0|1][IP]fwupgrade firmware upgrade. sysSet fwupgrade [IP] [file]setdefault Set to default systemconfiguration.sysSet setdefaultreset reset the system. sysSet resetsntppoll Change the SNTP pollingtimesysSet sntppollsntp Change the SNTP setting sysSet sntp [0|1] [IP]sntpchangeip Change a SNTP server's IP. sysSet sntpchangeip[INDEX] [IP], index: 1-41. The “passwd” action can change the system password.Usage: sysSet passwdExample:cmd>lanSet dhcp 55 66 1 domainnameLAN set DHCP ok!(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>Welcome to Telnet Daemon v1.01cmd>sysSet passwd**** Change password ****Please enter current password:Please enter new password: ****Please re-enter new password:****
402. The “idletime” action can change the system idle time out.Usage: sysSet idletime [idle time(min)]3. The “remote” action can enable or disable the remote management function. You can enterthe IP address of the remote manager.Usage: sysSet remote [0|1] [IP of remote manager]0: disable1: enable     Example:  4. The ”fwupgrade” action can do the firmware upgrade.Usage: sysSet fwupgrade [IP] [file]    Example:cmd>sysSet idletime 98New Idle time value out is 98 min(s)(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>cmd>sysSet remoteCurrent Remote Management status: Disabledcmd>sysSet remote 1 Remote Management status: Enabled(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>Welcome to Telnet Daemon v1.01cmd>sysSet fwupgrade application.dlfCurrent Firmware Version: 1.00.4431Firmware Date: 2003.01.02TFTP download startTFTP download successed(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).
41     5. The “setdefault” action can reset system to factory default configuration. This command isthe same as the “Restore Factory Default Configuration” function of the Web-Based utility.Usage: sysSet setdefaultExample:            Note: You have to reset system to let this change effective.6. The “reset” action can reboot the system and refresh the AP’s connection.Usage: sysSet reset7. The “sntppoll” action can change the SNTP pooling time.Usage: sysSet sntppoll [polling time(sec)]     Example:Welcome to Telnet Daemon v1.01cmd>sysSet setdefaultLoad default system configurationLoad default system configuration finishedcmd>sysSet sntppollCurrent SNTP polling time value is 86400 second(s)cmd>Welcome to Telnet Daemon v1.01cmd>sysSet sntppoll 11000New SNTP polling time value is 11000 second(s)(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>
428. The “sntp” action can change SNTP function and set SNTP server.Usage: sntp [0|1] [IP]0: Disable1: EnableExample:9. The “sntpchangeip” action can change SNTP server’s IP.       Usage: sntpchangeip [Index] [sntp server’s IP]index: 0-4   Example:cmd>sysSet sntp 0New SNTP status: Disabled(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>sysSet sntp 1 SNTP configurationUsage: sntp [0|1] [IP], 0:disable, 1:enable---==== SNTP configuration ===---Status: EnablePolling time: 86400 secondsServer #1's IP: #2's IP: #3's IP: #4's IP: remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).cmd>sysSet sntpchangeip 1 setting:---==== SNTP configuration ===---Status: EnablePolling time: 86400 secondsServer #1's IP: #2's IP: #3'sIP:0000
435.6  Configuring Filtering through TelnetThe command “filterSet” can change the settings of MAC filtering and IP filtering. Type“filterSet” and the action you want to perform. You need to know actions for filter setting.Usage: filterSet [ACTION] [arg1][arg2]…..ACTION Description Usagemacshow Show the MAC filteringsetting.filterSet macshowmac Change the MAC addressfiltering.filterSet mac ….ip Show the IP filteringsetting.filterSet ip ….ipdaytime Change the daytime part filterSet ipdaytimeipstatus Enable or Disable the    IPfiltering function.filterSet ipstatus1. The “macshow” action shows the filtering type and MAC address table of MAC filtering.Usage: filterSet macshowcmd>filterSet macshow---====== MAC control list ---======Filtering type: Disabled (Any station can access)Item    MAC                  Select---------------------------------------------1       00:02:6f:01:c0:3f        Unselect2       00:00:00:00:00:00       Unselect3       00:00:00:00:00:00       Unselect4       00:00:00:00:00:00       Unselect………….………….………….
442. “mac” action can change the settings of MAC address filtering. You can change filteringtype. You can select ,unselect or clear those MAC address item.Description UsageSet filtering type to 'disable' filterSet mac disableSet filtering type to 'include' filterSet mac includeSet filtering type to 'exclude' filterSet mac excludeSet mac address filterSet mac setmac [index] [MAC address]index: 1...1291632,MAC address format : 00-00-01-02-03-04-05Select a mac address filterSet mac select [index]index: 1...64Unselect a mac address filterSet mac unselect [index]index: 1...64Clear a mac address filterSet mac clear [index]index: 1...64Clear all mac addresses filterSet mac clearall3. The “ip” action can set the IP and port to be block. You can set the protocol type to be block.Usage: filterSet ip [Index] [Start IP] [End IP] [Start port] [End port] [Protocol]Argument Descriptionindex: the (index)th item to be modified index : 1 .. 8Start IP the last byte of the Start IPEnd IP the last byte of the End IPStart port the first port being blockedEnd port the last port being blockedProtocol: the protocol type Type “tcp” or “udp”Example:cmd>filterSet ip 2 45 78 21 21 udpSet to index 2 Source IP Start: 45 Source IP end: 78 PortStart 21 PortEnd 21 protocol 2Ok
454. The “ipdaytime” can set the day and time to block the IP address.  Usage: filterSet ipdaytime index [Start day] [End day] [Start hour] [End hour]  Example: filterSet ipdaytime 1 MON FRI 9am 6pmArgument Description Usageindex: the (index)th item to be modified index : 1 .. 8Start day: the day start to block SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SATEnd day: the day stop to block SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SATStart hour: the time start to block 0am, 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am, 6am, 7am,8am, 9am, 10am,11am, 12am, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm,4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm,10pm, 11pmEnd hour: the time stop to block 0am, 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am, 6am, 7am,8am, 9am, 10am 11am, 12am, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm,4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm,10pm, 11pm5. The “ipstatus” action can enable and disable the IP filtering function.    Usage: filterSet ipstatus [index] [status]    Example: filterSet ipstatus 1 2Argument Description Usageindex: the (index)th item to be modified index : 1 .. 8status 0: disable, 1:enable, 2:always block, 3:blockon time        Note: If you choose 3 (block on time) for status, you have to indicate the day and time byusing the “ipdaytime” action.5.7  Configuring SNMP through TelnetThe command “snmpSet” can change the settings of SNMP. Type “snmpSet” and the action youwant to perform. You need to know actions for snmp setting.Usage: snmpSet [ACTION] [arg1] [arg2]…..
461. The “comstatus” action can enable or disable the community status.Usage: snmpSet comstatus [0|1]0: Disable1: Enable2. The “community” action can change the settings of SNMP community.Usage: snmpSet community [item] [Access Right] [Community] [Validity]Argument Description Usageitem item: 1 .. 5Access Right: Select a access right for thecorresponding SNMP communityType “deny”, “read”, “write”, “create” fordifferent access rightValidity: enable or disable the SNMP functionof the corresponding community item.0:disable, 1:enableExample:3. The “trap” action can change the settings of SNMP trap.Usage: snmpSet trap [item] [version] [ip] [community]       Argument Description Usageitem item: 1 .. 5Version: the version of SNMP 0:disable, 1: Version 1, 2: Version 2ACTION Description Usagecomstatus Enable or disable theSNMP community functionsnmpSet comstatus [0|1]community Change the SNMPcommunity setting.snmpSet community[index] [access right][community] [validatiy]trap Change the SNMP trapsetting.snmpSet trap [index][version] [IP] [community]Welcome to Telnet Daemon v1.01cmd>snmpSet community 1 read public 1SNMP community set ok.(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).
47Example:cmd>snmpSet trap 3 2 publicSNMP trap set ok.(Please remember to reset the Access Point if you made any change).
485.8  Upgrading Firmware through TelnetIf problem happens during firmware upgrading (e.g.. Power off abnormally), the AP may notwork normally. If this is the case, the AP will start a Telnet Daemon on the LAN interface. Afterthat,    user can telnet to the AP and make a firmware upgrade using TFTP method. By doing so,user can make AP works again.1.    You will see the warning message shown as below:2. Connect the managed computer and the AP’s LAN port with an Ethernet cable.3. Telnet to the AP. Make sure the AP’s IP Address is the one when problem happened.4. Type the fixed User Name and Password ( User Name: root / Password: tftp ) to enter the telnetsession.Verifying product code......FAIL***** WARNING *****Need to reprogram the Flash. Telnet initEnter into daemon : Telnet listen Port 23***** WARNING *****Need to reprogram the Flash!User Name :***** WARNING *****Need to reprogram the Flash!User Name : rootUser Password : tftp
495.  Type help to list all command.6.    On the managed computer, run the TFTP Server utility. Make sure to specify the folder inwhich the firmware files reside.7.    To perform the firmware upgrade, use tftp command.Usage: tftp [IP Address] [ File Name]cmd>help    Command Line Interface v 1.0==============================================time      : Get current system time.     Usage: timehelp      : List all commands.     Usage: helptftp      : tftp download.     Usage: tftp [IP] [file]ipConfig  : Configure interface address and subnet mask.     Usage: ipConfig [ifname] [ip] [subnet mask]ifShow    : Dispaly network interface.     Usage: ifShow <ifname>reset     : reset the system.     Usage: resetping      : Ping a host..     Usage: ping [ip] [ms]Welcome to Telnet Daemon v1.00cmd>tftp application.dlfIP address of TFTP server Firmware file name
508. After downloading successfully, the AP will be reset and start running normally.Telnet session will be closed after downloading successfully.Welcome to Telnet Daemon v1.00cmd>tftp application.dlfTFTP download startTFTP download succeedcmd>
516 Change HistoryDate Subject/Comment OldVe r s i o nNewVe r s i o n12/16/02 N/A V1.012/16/02 WEP(auto), FW upgrade through telnet V1.0 V1.011/03/02 Telnet V1.01 V1.021/06/03 V1.02 V1.031/07/03 correction V1.03 V1.04
527 Statement Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the useris encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:  - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  IMPORTANT NOTE: FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cmbetween the radiator & your body.  This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antennaor transmitter.

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