Senao Co 2511BGPLUS Wireless Outdoor Bridge User Manual RBmenu ch0

Senao International Co Ltd Wireless Outdoor Bridge RBmenu ch0



SENAOWireless Outdoor BridgeSL-2511BG PLUSUser’s ManualBefore operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly, and retain itfor future reference.ContentsChapter 1 – Hardware InstallationBefore You Start    .................................................................................... 1-1Locate the Router/Bridge and Inline Power Injector Ports ………............ 1-2Preparing Installation  ………....................................................….......... 1-3Outdoor Installation      ...........................…………………………………… 1-5Chapter 2 – Quick SetupConfigure Requirements  ........................................................................ 2-1Configure the RB   ......…………………………….................…...….......... 2-4Configure the RB as bridge mode Root AP   .......................…...….......... 2-5Configure the RB as Root AP with PPPoE Ethernet connection   ........ 2-11Configure the RB as Root AP with dynamic IP address Ethernet    …..... 2-13Configure the RB as Root AP with static IP address Ethernet    ….......... 2-15Configure the RB as Remote Extension Bridge    ....................…...…..... 2-17Chapter 3 – Further ConfigurationConfigure Requirements  ........................................................................ 3-2Configure the RB   ......…………………………….................…...….......... 3-5Security  ……………………………………........................…...…......…. 3-20Configure DHCP server  …………………........................…...…......…. 3-24Configure Virtual Server    ………………….......................…...…......…. 3-25Configure Routing Table    …………………………….........…...…......…. 3-27Configure Bridge    …………………………........................…...…......…. 3-28Configure SNMP………………………………………..........…...…......…. 3-29Configuration Review and Apply the New Settings    …………….…..…. 3-30Utility  …………………………………….........……............…...…......…. 3-31Chapter 4 – Command Line InterfaceAppendix A – Specifications  Appendix B – Default Settings  Appendix C – Regulatory Compliance Information
1 - 1Chapter 1  Hardware InstallationThis chapter describes the procedures for installing the OutdoorRouter/Bridge.Note: Before you mount the Router/Bridge to a mast or on the side of abuilding, be sure to configure and test the device first.Here’s what you’ll find in this chapter:_ Before You Start_ Locate the Router/Bridge Ports_ Preparing for Installation_ Outdoor InstallationBefore You StartAfter unpacking the system, make sure the following items are present andin good condition, as shown in Figure 1.1:1.  MIL-C-5015 style Ethernet Cable 2. Router/Bridge3.    Reverse Polarity-N Female RF Cable 4. Cross over Ethernet Cable5.  Mast Mounting Kit  6. Wall Mounting Kit7.  MIL-C-5015 style RS232 Console Port Cable8.  Inline Power Injector  9. AC Power Cord10. User’s Manual1 - 2Locate the Router/Bridge and Inline PowerInjector Ports as shown in Figure 1.2z Special Ethernet port 1 for connecting the MIL-C-5015 style EthernetCablez Special serial port 2 for connecting the MIL-C-5015 style RS-232console port cablez  Reverse Polarity-N Male connector 3 for connecting the antenna or RFcable.z  Power & Data output port 4 for connecting the other of the MIL-C-5015style Ethernet Cablez  Data input port 5 for connecting the Ethernet Cable to a Hub SwitchRouter or a PC.z  AC power input port 6 for connecting the power cord.
1 - 3Preparing InstallationBefore installing your Outdoor Wireless LAN system for your outdoorapplication in a hard-to-reach location, we recommend that you configureand test all the devices first.For configuring the Outdoor Router/Bridge, you need follow the quick stepsbelow to power up your Router/Bridge:Step 1: With the unit powered off, attach one end of the RF cable to theantenna connector and then connect the antenna to the other end of the RFcable as shown in Figure 1.3.Step 2 Plug the female end of the power cord into the Inline Power Injector,and then plug the male end of the power cord into a power outlet or powerstrip. The Power LED on the front of the Inline Power Injector will light up.Step 3 Run the cross over Ethernet cable (included in your package) fromData Input Port (on the front of the Inline Power Injector) to the Ethernet Porton a PC.NOTE: This connection is required for setting up initial configuration1 - 4information. After configuration is completed, this cable will be removed, andthen you should run an Ethernet cable from Data Input Port (on the front ofthe Inline Power Injector) to the LAN connection (such as to a hub, bridge ordirectly into a patch panel).Step 4 Plug the MIL-C-5015 style Ethernet connector into the SpecialEthernet port on the back of the Router/Bridge.Step 5 Plug the RJ-45 Ethernet connector (the other end of the SpecialEthernet cable) into the Power & Data Output Port on the front of the InlinePower Injector.When the Router/Bridge receives power over the Ethernet cable, theRouter/Bridge will start its boot sequence and the Active LED on the front ofthe Inline Power Injector will light up.You can configure the Router/Bridge using the HTML browser, such asInternet Explorer or Netscape Navigator from a remote host or PC.(Please consult the “Quick Setup” section).
1 - 5Outdoor InstallationOutdoor Router/Bridge device can be mounted on the side of abuilding or mounted to an antenna mast as shown in Figure 1.5 andFigure 1.6.A wall (side) mountallows for mounting anantenna (mast) on theside of a building or onthe side of an elevatorpenthouse. This willprovide a convenientmounting locationwhen the roofoverhang is notexcessive and/or thelocation is highenough to provide aclear line of sight.In most situationsmounting an antennadirectly to the wall willnot allow you toproperly align theantenna with thecorresponding antennaat the opposite end ofyour wireless link. Aspoor alignment willtypically result in poor performance, we advise you to always mountthe Outdoor Router/Bridge and antenna to a mast.Antenna Mast RequirementsTo accommodate the outdoor antennas, the antenna mast must satisfythe following requirements:a. The construction of the mast must be of a sturdy, weatherproof andno corrosive material like for example galvanized or stainless steelconstruction pipe.1 - 6b. Typical diameter of the mast should be between 35 mm (1.4 in.) and41 mm (1.625 in.). Subject to the type of antenna that you intend toinstall other diameters may be possible as well.c. The height of the antenna mast must be sufficient to allow theantenna to be installed at least 1.5 m (5 ft.) above the peak of roof. If theroof is metal, then the height of the antenna should be a minimum of 3m (10 ft) above the roof.d. The mast or wall-bracket must be free from any substance that maypreventa good electrical connection with the antenna; for example, paint.GroundingA safety groundingsystem is necessary toprotect your outdoorinstallation fromlightning strikes andthe build-up of staticelectricity.So direct grounding ofthe antenna mast,Outdoor Router/BridgeandSurge Arrester is veryimportant. TheOutdoor Router/Bridgehas built in SurgeArrester. So Mountingthe  OutdoorRouter/Bridge on theantenna mast, youhave to connect theOutdoor Router/Bridgeto the same groundingsystem with the ACwall outlet.The grounding system must comply with the National Electrical Codeand safety standards that apply in your country. Always check with a
1 - 7qualified electrician if you are in doubt as to whether your outdoorinstallation is properly grounded.Antenna AlignmentFor optimal performance of your wireless link, make sure that theantennas are properly aligned (facing one another “eye-to-eye”). Toalign the antennas:_ Use a pair of binoculars and/or a map of the area and compass topoint the antennas to one another._ Use the Utility- “Wireless Link Info” in the Web Configure asdescribed in the "Utility " section to analyze the radio link quality.The “Wireless Link Info” will enable you to display the levels of signalstrength and link quality.Looking at the Wireless Link Info screen, you can interactivelyoptimize antenna alignment if required, by making small modificationsin the antenna orientation._ Alternatively, consult a professional Antenna Installation Service tooptimize the antenna alignment.Omni-directional antennas are characterized by a wide radiationpattern. Therefore alignment of this type of antennas is less criticalthan for directional antennas.
2-1Chapter 2  Quick SetupThis chapter describes how to easy setup and configure the OutdoorWireless Router/Bridge System (RB). The RB can be configured into tworoles: Root Access Point (Root AP) and Remote Extension Bridge (RemoteRB) to accomplish the broadband wireless point-to-point and multipointsystems (as shown in Figure 2-1.). Users can use a LAN-attached (wired orwireless) computer to configure the RB through a web browser or a telnetsession on a LAN computer.Figure 2-1In this chapter, we only describe how to quickly configure the RB with a webbrowser. For detailed descriptions of the many configuration parameters andnetwork configuration, refer to Chapter 3.Configure RequirementsBefore setup, we must install RB first1.  Connect power adaptor and power on the RB2.  Connect the Ethernet cable for connecting the RB to the network2-23.  Connect a computer to the same network with this RB4.  Start your Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser program from aLAN-attached computer. To access the web interface of the RB, youhave to disable Access the Internet using a proxy server function inView / Internet Options / Connection as shown in Figure 2-2 or addthe IP address of the AP (default IP address is to Bypassproxy server for local addresses as shown in Figure 2-3.5.  Type the IP address and HTTP port of the RB (default IP address is192.168.2.1) in the address field ( and pressEnter. Make sure that the IP addresses of RB and your computer are inthe same subnet.6.  After the connection is established, you will see the User IdentificationWindow as shown in Figure 2-4 Enter the proper User Name andPassword to see the web user interface of the RB. The default username and password is root and root, respectively.
2-3Figure 2-2Figure 2-32-4Figure 2-4
2-5Configure the RBThe RB can be configured into two operation roles:Root Access Point ( Root AP ) and Remote Extension Bridge ( Remote RB ),the Root AP can performed in four operation modes1.  Wireless Access bridge2.  Wireless Access router with PPPoE Ethernet connection3.  Wireless Access router with dynamic IP address Ethernet4.  Wireless Access router with static IP address EthernetThe RB is shipped with default configuration is as a bridge between anEthernet and wireless network. Users simply need to attach the RB to yourwired LAN. If users would like to configure the RB, please refer to thefollowing procedures.The web user interface can be grouped into Quick setup, BasicConfiguration, Advanced Configuration and Utility as shown in Figure2-5.Figure 2-52-6The left frame contains, in a tree structure, the contents of the RB webconfiguration interface. Move through the tree by clicking on an icon toexpand or collapse the tree. The nodes on the tree represent web pagesthat allow you to view and modify the parameters of the RB. In here, you canclick the Quick setup and following the setup wizard flow to configure thisRB step by step.Configure the RB as bridge mode Root APStep 1: Configure the operation role of this RB (as shown in Figure 2-6)Click Quick Config, select Root Access Point to setup this RB which playthe Root AP role and then click NEXT at the bottom of this page to completethe modification of this page.Figure 2-6
2-7Step 2: Configure the operation mode of this RB (as shown in Figure 2-7)Click Quick Config, select Wireless Access Point (Bridge mode) to selectthe bridge operation mode and then click NEXT at the bottom of this page tocomplete the modification of this page.Figure 2-72-8Step 3: Configure TCP/IP parameters (as shown in Figure 2-8)In this page, enter the Bridge IP Address (default is andBridge Subnet Mask (default is that are suitable for yournetwork domain. After that, click NEXT at the bottom of this page tocomplete the modification of this page.Figure 2-8
2-9Step 4: Configure IEEE 802.11b WLAN parameters (as shown in Figure 2-9)In this page, enter the Channel (default is 1), rts Threshold (default is 250),frag Threshold (default is 1600), SSID (default is rb8100) and StationName (default is ap) that are suitable for your radio network and then youcan clicked radio button to disable WEP or enable 64/128 bit WEP services(default is disable), if WEP is enabled, you must input correspondedDefault Key index and WEP Key. After that, click NEXT at the bottom of thispage to complete the modification of this page.Figure 2-92-10Step 5: Preview the configured setting of this RB (as shown in Figure 2-10)This page will present the current settings of the RB to the systemadministrator, the operator can easy to view all running configuration in here.After that, click Save button to store the changes to the RB.Figure 2-10
2-11Step 6: Restart this RB (as shown in Figure 2-11)In this page, you can click the RESTART button at the bottom of this page totake effect the previous configuration changes.Figure 2-112-12Configure the RB as Root AP with PPPoE EthernetconnectionStep 1: Configure the operation role of this RB (as shown in Figure 2-6)Click Quick Config, select Root Access Point to setup this RB which playthe Root AP role and then click NEXT at the bottom of this page to completethe modification of this page.Step 2: Configure the operation mode of this RB (as shown in Figure 2-7)Click Quick Config, select Wireless Access Point (Router mode) to setupthis RB operated in routing mode, you also need to select the Ethernetconnection type in PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE), and then click NEXT at thebottom of this page to complete the modification of this page.Step 3: Configure TCP/IP parameters (as shown in Figure 2-12)In this page, enter the Wireless interface IP (default is andWireless interface Net Mask (default is that are suitable foryour wireless network, and specify the Ethernet IP address (default is192.168.2.1) and Ethernet Net Mask (default is of theEthernet interface. And then, if you are an ADSL subscriber, you mayspecify that your personal ISP provided PPPoE Username and PPPoEPassword to enable ADSL broadband access.Sometimes users have to conFigure 2-correct network settings in Gatewayand DNS tab of your wireless client computers to surf the Internet, or youcan enable DHCP server services for all wireless clients (default DHCPserver setting of the RB is disable in wireless network). In general DHCPserver parameters segment, input Assign Default Gateway (default is192.168.2.254), Assign Net Mask (default is, Assign NameServer (default is, DHCP Start IP (default is,DHCP End IP (default is and choice Apply Interface onHWLAN to made your DHCP server services available for wireless network,at finally click NEXT at the bottom of this page to complete the modificationof this page.
2-13Figure 2-12Step 4: Configure IEEE 802.11b WLAN parameters (as shown in Figure 2-9)In this page, enter the Channel (default is 1), rts Threshold (default is 250),frag Threshold (default is 1600), SSID (default is rb8100) and StationName (default is ap) that are suitable for your radio network and then youcan clicked radio button to disable WEP or enable 64/128 bit WEP services(default is disable), if WEP is enabled, you must input correspondedDefault Key index and WEP Key. After that, click NEXT at the bottom of thispage to complete the modification of this page.Step 5: Preview the configured setting of this RB (as shown in Figure 2-10)This page will present the current settings of the RB to the systemadministrator, the operator can easy to view all running configuration in here.After that, click Save button to store the changes to the RB.Step 6: Restart this RB (as shown in Figure 2-11)In this page, you can click the RESTART button at the bottom of this page totake effect the previous configuration changes.2-14Configure the RB as Root AP with dynamic IP addressEthernetStep 1: Configure the operation role of this RB (as shown in Figure 2-6)Click Quick Config, select Root Access Point to setup this RB which playthe Root AP role and then click NEXT at the bottom of this page to completethe modification of this page.Step 2: Configure the operation mode of this RB (as shown in Figure 2-7)Click Quick Config, select Wireless Access Point (Router mode) to setupthis RB operated in routing mode, you also need to select the Ethernetconnection type in Dynamic IP address (DHCP Client), and then clickNEXT at the bottom of this page to complete the modification of this page.Step 3: Configure TCP/IP parameters (as shown in Figure 2-13)In this page, enter the Wireless interface IP (default is andWireless interface Net Mask (default is that are suitable foryour wireless network.Sometimes users have to configure correct network settings in Gateway andDNS tab of your wireless client computers to surf the Internet, or you canenable DHCP server services for all wireless clients (default DHCP serversetting of the RB is disable in wireless network). In general DHCP serverparameters segment, input Assign Default Gateway (default is192.168.1.1), Assign Net Mask (default is, Assign NameServer (default is, DHCP Start IP (default is,DHCP End IP (default is and choice Apply Interface onHWLAN to made your DHCP server services available for wireless network,at finally click NEXT at the bottom of this page to complete the modificationof this page.Step 4: Configure IEEE 802.11b WLAN parameters (as shown in Figure 2-9)In this page, enter the Channel (default is 1), rts Threshold (default is 250),frag Threshold (default is 1600), SSID (default is rb8100) and StationName (default is ap) that are suitable for your radio network and then youcan clicked radio button to disable WEP or enable 64/128 bit WEP services(default is disable), if WEP is enabled, you must input correspondedDefault Key index and WEP Key. After that, click NEXT at the bottom of thispage to complete the modification of this page.Step 5: Preview the configured setting of this RB (as shown in Figure 2-10)
2-15This page will present the current settings of the RB to the systemadministrator, the operator can easy to view all running configuration in here.After that, click Save button to store the changes to the RB.Figure 2-13Step 6: Restart this RB (as shown in Figure 2-11)In this page, you can click the RESTART button at the bottom of this page totake effect the previous configuration changes.2-16Configure the RB as Root AP with static IP addressEthernetStep 1: Configure the operation role of this RB (as shown in Figure 2-6)Click Quick Config, select Root Access Point to setup this RB which playthe Root AP role and then click NEXT at the bottom of this page to completethe modification of this page.Step 2: Configure the operation mode of this AP (as shown in Figure 2-7)Click Quick Config, select Wireless Access Point (Router mode) to setupthis RB operated in routing mode, you also need to select the Ethernetconnection type in Static IP address (Fixed IP), and then click NEXT at thebottom of this page to complete the modification of this page.Step 3: Configure TCP/IP parameters (as shown in Figure 2-14)In this page, enter the Wireless interface IP (default is andWireless interface Net Mask (default is that are suitable foryour wireless network, and specify the Ethernet IP address (default is192.168.2.1) and Ethernet Net Mask (default is of theEthernet interface. Specify the Default Gateway (Default is the IP Address of the ADSL/Cable modem connected to the RB or the IPAddress of the Gateway in your Ethernet environment and the IP address ofthe DNS servers provided by your ISP in the DNS server (Default is192.168.2.254) parameter.Sometimes users have to configure correct network settings in Gateway andDNS tab of your wireless client computers to surf the Internet, or you canenable DHCP server services for all wireless clients (default DHCP serversetting of the RB is disable in wireless network). In general DHCP serverparameters segment, input Assign Default Gateway (default is192.168.1.1), Assign Net Mask (default is, Assign NameServer (default is, DHCP Start IP (default is,DHCP End IP (default is and choice Apply Interface onHWLAN to made your DHCP server services available for wireless network,at finally click NEXT at the bottom of this page to complete the modificationof this page.
2-17Figure 2-14Step 4: Configure IEEE 802.11b WLAN parameters (as shown in Figure 2-9)In this page, enter the Channel (default is 1), rts Threshold (default is 250),frag Threshold (default is 1600), SSID (default is rb8100) and StationName (default is ap) that are suitable for your radio network and then youcan clicked radio button to disable WEP or enable 64/128 bit WEP services(default is disable), if WEP is enabled, you must input correspondedDefault Key index and WEP Key. After that, click NEXT at the bottom of thispage to complete the modification of this page.Step 5: Preview the configured setting of this RB (as shown in Figure 2-10)This page will present the current settings of the RB to the systemadministrator, the operator can easy to view all running configuration in here.After that, click Save button to store the changes to the RB.Step 6: Restart this RB (as shown in Figure 2-11)In this page, you can click the RESTART button at the bottom of this page totake effect the previous configuration changes.2-18Configure the RB as Remote Extension BridgeStep 1: Configure the operation role of this RB (as shown in Figure 2-6)Click Quick Config, select Remote Extension Bridge to setup this RBwhich play the Remote Bridge role and then click NEXT at the bottom of thispage to complete the modification of this page.Step 2: Configure TCP/IP parameters (as shown in Figure 2-14)In this page, enter the Wireless interface IP (default is andWireless interface Net Mask (default is that are suitable foryour wireless network, and specify the Ethernet IP address (default is192.168.2.1) and Ethernet Net Mask (default is of theEthernet interface. Specify the Default Gateway (Default is the Wireless IP Address of the Root RB and the IP address of the DNSservers provided by your ISP in the DNS server (Default is users have to configure correct network settings in Gateway andDNS tab of your wireless client computers to surf the Internet, or you canenable DHCP server services for all wireless clients (default DHCP serversetting of the RB is disable in wireless network). In general DHCP serverparameters segment, input Assign Default Gateway (default is192.168.1.1), Assign Net Mask (default is, Assign NameServer (default is, DHCP Start IP (default is,DHCP End IP (default is and choice Apply Interface onHWLAN to made your DHCP server services available for wireless network,at finally click NEXT at the bottom of this page to complete the modificationof this page.Step 3: Configure IEEE 802.11b WLAN parameters (as shown in Figure 2-9)Make sure the SSID parameter is same with the configuration of the RootRB.In this page, enter the Channel (default is 1), rts Threshold (default is 250),frag Threshold (default is 1600), SSID (default is rb8100) and StationName (default is ap) that are suitable for your radio network and then youcan clicked radio button to disable WEP or enable 64/128 bit WEPservices (default is disable), if WEP is enabled, you must inputcorresponded Default Key index and WEP Key. After that, click NEXT atthe bottom of this page to complete the modification of this page.Step 4: Preview the configured setting of this RB (as shown in Figure 2-10)
2-19This page will present the current settings of the RB to the systemadministrator, the operator can easy to view all running configuration in here.After that, click Save button to store the changes to the RB.Step 5: Restart this RB (as shown in Figure 2-11)In this page, you can click the RESTART button at the bottom of this page totake effect the previous configuration changes.Hint: Users may to configure correct network settings as following sampleRemoteExtensionBridge 1Root APRemoteExtensionBridge 2Wireless linkWireless linkWireless IP: : rb8100Channel : 1Ethernet IP: Route: Route: / 24 / / 24 / IP: : rb8100Channel : 1Station Name: ext2Ethernet IP: Route: IP: : rb8100Channel : 1Station Name: ext1Ethernet IP: Route:
3-1Chapter 3 Further ConfigurationIn this chapter, we give more detailed descriptions of the networkconfiguration and utilities usage.The RB can be setup as the Root Access Point (Root AP) or RemoteExtension Bridge (Remote RB).z  Root Access Point (Root AP): it can performed in four operationmodes:1.  Wireless Access bridge2.  Wireless Access router with PPPoE Ethernet connection3.  Wireless Access router with dynamic IP address Ethernet4.  Wireless Access router with static IP address Ethernetz  Remote Extension Bridge (Remote RB),To create an Outdoor Point-to-Multipoint network (as shown in Figure 3-1),select a centrally located station that is able to send and receive from everyother station in the network. This station is your “Root AP”. Each of the otherstations is setup as “Remote RB”.Figure 3-13-23-1 Configure RequirementsThe RB is shipped with configuration that can be utilized right out of the box.Default configuration is as a bridge between an Ethernet and wirelessnetwork. Users simply need to attach the RB to your wired LAN. Defaultwireless SSID is rb8100, respectively. If users would like to configure the RB,please refer to the following procedures.1.  Start your Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser program from aLAN-attached computer. To access the web interface of the RB, youhave to disable Access the Internet using a proxy server function inView / Internet Options / Connection as shown in Figure 3-2 or addthe IP address of the RB (default IP address is to Bypassproxy server for local addresses as shown in Figure 3-3.2.  Type the IP address and HTTP port of the RB (default IP address is192.168.2.1) in the address field ( and pressEnter. Make sure that the IP addresses of RB and your computer are inthe same subnet.3.  After the connection is established, you will see the User IdentificationWindow as shown in Figure3- 4 Enter the proper User Name andPassword to see the web user interface of the RB. The default username and password is root and root, respectively.
3-3Figure 3-23-4Figure 3-3Figure 3-4
3-53-2 Configure the RBThe web user interface can be grouped into Quick setup, BasicConfiguration, Advanced Configuration and Utility as shown in Figure3-5.Figure 3-5The left frame contains, in a tree structure, the contents of the RB webconfiguration interface. Move through the tree by clicking on an icon toexpand or collapse the tree. The nodes on the tree represent web pagesthat allow you to view and modify the parameters of the RB.If users want to connect multiple wireless computers to a broadband (ADSLor Cable) modem or an Ethernet switch to surf the Internet, you need toconfigure the RB as a broadband wireless router to share a single IPaddress with the multiple wireless computers as described as follows.3-63-2-1 Configure the RB as bridge mode Root AP3-2-1-1 Configure TCP/IP parameters1. Click Advanced Config, select Bridging, and then click Enable forBridge Function as shown in Figure 3-6. In the Bridging Parameterwindow, enter the IP Address (default is and SubnetMask (default is that are suitable for your networkdomain. After that, click FINISH at the bottom of this page to completethe modification of this page.Figure 3-6
3-73-2-2 Configure the RB as Root AP with PPPoE Ethernetconnection3-2-2-1 Configure TCP/IP parameters1. Click Advanced Config, select Bridging, and then click Disable forBridge Function as shown in Figure 3-6. After that, click FINISH at thebottom of this page to complete the modification of this page.2.  if you are an ADSL subscriber, you need specify that your personal ISPPPPoE username and password to enable ADSL broadband access, inhere, click Basic Config, select ISP (as shown in Figure 3-7), In thispage, enter MODIFY button to setup the correct ISP parameters: ISPName, ISP Phone, PPPoE Username and PPPoE Password to (asshown in Figure 3-8).Hint: Ask your ISP for the correct settings.Figure 3-73-8Figure 3-83. Click Basic Config, select Interface (as shown in Figure 3-9), In thispage, you can click radio button and enter MODIFY to choice which onethat you want to change it (as shown in Figure 3-10).In interface 1, Make sure this wireless interface status is Active, enterthe Wireless interface IP (default is and Wirelessinterface Net Mask (default is that are suitable for yourwireless network.In interface 2, Make sure this Ethernet interface status is Active, andspecify the Ethernet IP address (default is and EthernetNet Mask (default is of the Ethernet interface.In interface 3, Make sure this PPPoE interface status is Active, andspecify the Ethernet IP address (default is and EthernetNet Mask (default is, choice the ISP index that your areconfigured in step 1. After that, follow the default setting and Click theOK button to return to the Interface Parameter window. Finally, youneed to click FINISH at the bottom of this page to complete themodification of this page.
3-9Figure 3-9Figure 3-103-10Figure 3-11Hint: Make sure interface 4 within status Disable.Hint: Choice the Network Type in every interfaces to enable NATservice. For example, make sure PPPoE interface within Network TypeGlobal and others are Virtual, it means that every communicationsthrough the PPPoE interface needs NAT transfer.4.  The RB supports PPPoE auto dial-up, please make sure your defaultroute is zero. In here, click Basic Config, and then select System asshown in Figure 3-11. In the System Setup page, specify the DefaultRoute (Default is is and then click FINISH buttonat the bottom of this page to complete the modification of this page.
3-115. Click Basic Config, select DHCP (as shown in Figure 3-12) and makesure the DHCP client service is Disable. After that, click FINISH at thebottom of this page to complete the modification of this page.Figure 3-123-123-2-3 Configure the RB as Root AP with dynamic IPaddress Ethernet3-2-3-1 Configure TCP/IP parameters1. Click Advanced Config, select Bridging, and then click Disable forBridge Function as shown in Figure 3-6. After that, click FINISH at thebottom of this page to complete the modification of this page.2. Click Basic Config, select Interface (as shown in Figure 3-9), In thispage, you can click radio button and enter MODIFY to choice whichinterface that you want to change it (as shown in Figure 3-10).In interface 1, Make sure this wireless interface status is Active, enterthe Wireless interface IP (default is and Wirelessinterface Net Mask (default is that are suitable for yourwireless network.In interface 2, Make sure this Ethernet interface status is Active, andother parameters will obtain automatically by DHCP from your networkenvironment.Click the OK button to return to the Interface Parameter window.Finally, you need to click FINISH at the bottom of this page to completethe modification of this page.Hint: Make sure interface 3 and 4 within status Disable.Hint: In order to enable NAT service, choice the Network Type in theinterface Wireless and Ethernet. For example, make sure Ethernetinterface within Network Type Global and Wireless interface is Virtual,it means that every communication through the Ethernet interface needsto do NAT transfer.3. Click Basic Config, select DHCP (as shown in Figure 3-12) and applythe DHCP client service running on interface 2 (Ethernet interface),After that, click FINISH at the bottom of this page to complete themodification of this page.
3-133-2-4 Configure the RB as Root AP with static IP addressEthernet3-2-4-1 Configure TCP/IP parameters1. Click Advanced Config, select Bridging, and then click Disable forBridge Function as shown in Figure 3-6. After that, click FINISH at thebottom of this page to complete the modification of this page.2. Click Basic Config, select DHCP (as shown in Figure 3-12) and makesure the DHCP client service is Disable. After that, click FINISH at thebottom of this page to complete the modification of this page.3. Click Basic Config, select Interface (as shown in Figure 3-9), In thispage, you can click radio button and enter MODIFY to choice whichinterface that you want to change it(as shown in Figure 3-10).In interface 1, Make sure this wireless interface status is Active, enterthe Wireless interface IP (default is and Wirelessinterface Net Mask (default is that are suitable for yourwireless network.In interface 2, Make sure this Ethernet interface status is Active, andspecify the Ethernet IP address (default is and EthernetNet Mask (default is of the Ethernet interface.Click the OK button to return to the Interface Parameter window.Finally, you need to click FINISH at the bottom of this page to completethe modification of this page.Hint: Make sure interface 3 and 4 within status Disable.Hint: In order to enable NAT service, choice the Network Type in theinterface Wireless and Ethernet. For example, make sure Ethernetinterface within Network Type Global and Wireless interface is Virtual,it means that every communication through the Ethernet interface needsto do NAT transfer.4. Click Basic Config, and then select System as shown in Figure 3-11.In the System Setup page, specify the Default Route (Default is192.168.2.254) as the IP Address of the ADSL/Cable modem connectedto the AP or the IP Address of the Gateway in your LAN environment,and Specify at least one IP address of the DNS parameter (DefaultDNS server 1 is provided by your ISP in the DNS serverparameter and then click FINISH button at the bottom of this page tocomplete the modification of this page.3-143-2-4 Configure Wireless related parametersConfigure IEEE 802.11b WLAN parameters (as shown in Figure 3-13)Click Basic Config, select Wireless LAN page. In here, enter the Channel(default is 1), rts Threshold (default is 250), frag Threshold (default is1600), SSID (default is rb8100) and Station Name (default is ap) that aresuitable for your radio network and then you can clicked radio button todisable WEP or enable 64/128 bit WEP services (default is disable), ifWEP is enabled, you must input corresponded Default Key index and WEPKey. After that, click FINISH at the bottom of this page to complete themodification of this page.Figure 3-13
3-153-2-5 Configure the RB as Remote Extension BridgeThe RB series can easy build out Point-to-Point, Point-to-Multipoint wirelessbackbone infrastructure, you can configure your RB as the RemoteExtension Bridge that connect to the Root RB.1.  Configure the operation role of this RB (as shown in Figure 3-14)Click Quick Config, select Remote Extension Bridge to setup this RBthat play the Remote Bridge role and then click NEXT at the bottom ofthis page to complete the modification of this page.Figure 3-143-162.  Configure TCP/IP parameters on Wireless (as shown in Figure 3-15)In this page, enter the Wireless interface IP (default is Wireless interface Net Mask (default is that aresuitable for your wireless network, and specify the Default Gateway(Default is as the Wireless IP Address of the Root RB.After that, specify the IP address of the DNS servers provided by yourISP in the DNS server (Default is parameter.Hint: Designed your network infrastructure and assigned the correct IPaddress for the Root RB and the Extension RB.Figure 3-153. Configure TCP/IP parameters on EthernetSpecify the Ethernet IP address (default is and EthernetNet Mask (default is of the Ethernet interface that aresuitable for your Ethernet network. At finally, click NEXT at the bottom ofthis page to complete the modification of this page.4.  Configure Wireless parameters (as shown in Figure 3-16)
3-17Hint: Make sure the SSID parameter is same with the configuration ofthe Root RB.In this page, enter the Channel (default is 1), rts Threshold (default is250), frag Threshold (default is 1600), SSID (default is rb8100) andStation Name (default is ap) that are suitable for your radio networkand then you can clicked radio button to disable WEP or enable 64/128bit WEP services (default is disable), if WEP is enabled, you mustinput corresponded Default Key index and WEP Key. After that, clickNEXT at the bottom of this page to complete the modification of thispage.Figure 3-163-185.  Preview the configured setting of this RB (as shown in Figure 3-17)This page will present the current settings of the RB to systemadministrator, the operator can easy to view all running configuration inhere. After that, click Save button to store the changes to the RB.Figure 3-176.  Enable DHCP client on this Extension RBSometimes, the operator may use DHCP to manage the network. Inhere, you can enable DHCP client services on wireless interface. Youcan click Basic Config, select DHCP (as shown in Figure 3-12) andapply the DHCP client service running on interface 1 (Wirelessinterface), After that, click FINISH at the bottom of this page to completethe modification of this page.7. Enable NATSometimes, the operator may implement NAT on the network. In here,you can click Basic Config, select Interface (as shown in Figure 3-9),in this page, you can click radio button and enter MODIFY to choice
3-19which interface that you want to change it (as shown in Figure 3-10).In order to enable NAT service, choice the Network Type in theinterface Wireless and Ethernet. For example, make sure Ethernetinterface within Network Type Virtual and Wireless interface is Global,it means that every communication through the Wireless interfaceneeds to do NAT transfer.3-203-3 Security3-3-1 WEP encryption1. Click Basic Config, select Wireless LAN page, and configure it todisable or enable 64/128 bit WEP services (default is disable) asshown in Figure 3-13.2.  Key in the WEP Key and specify which WEP Key id you want to use it.After that, click FINISH at the bottom of this page to generate the realWEP key complete the modification of this page.Hint: If you enable WEP services on RB, all of the communication betweenstations to RB will be encrypted. You must make sure all wireless client andRB with the same WEP key.Figure 3-18
3-213-3-2 IEEE 802.1x Access ControlYou can configure Authenticator on RB:1. Click Basic Config, select 802.1X Access Control page, and choicethe IEEE 802.1x services is Enable or Disable. (as shown in Figure 3-19).Figure 3-192.  The RB supporting authentication which based on two kinds of userinformation base, Local User Database or Remote Radius Servers.You can specify which user database you want to use.3.  You can specify the username/password of a accessible 802.1x user. Alluser information entries in the Local User Database are permitted toconnect to the RB. You can also click ADD, DELETE, MODIFY button tomaintain this User Information table.4.  Some Radius server implements EAP authentication, like Microsoft3-22Windows 2000 server. To set up the Radius server and RB forauthentication, you must specify the Radius server IP address, Sharekey between RB and Radius server, authentication port andaccounting port on this Radius server.5. Click FINISH at the bottom of this page to complete the modification ofthis page.
3-233-3-3 MAC based Access Control1. Click Basic Config, select MAC Filter page, and choice the MAC Filterservices is Enable or Disable. (as shown in Figure 3-20)2.  You can specify the MAC address of a wireless client station. All MACentries in the MAC address table are permitted to connect to the RB.You can also click ADD, DELETE, MODIFY button to maintain this MACaddress table. After that, click FINISH at the bottom of this page tocomplete the modification of this page.Figure 3-203-243-4 Configure DHCP serverSometimes, the operator want to managing a large TCP/IP network requiresmaintaining accurate and up-to-date IP address and domain nameinformation. In this situation, it needs manually configure and enable theDHCP server service1. Click Basic Config, select DHCP (as shown in Figure 3-12) andEnable the DHCP server service (Default is Disable).2.  Specify the DHCP server parameters (Assign Gateway, AssignSubnet Mask, Assign DNS server, DHCP Start IP address, DHCPEnd IP address and Apply Interface) to allow any DHCP client toacquire the IP information.Assign Gateway: Configure the default router for the client.Assign Subnet Mask: Configure the subnet for the client.Assign DNS Server: Configure the DNS servers IP for the client.DHCP Start IP address, DHCP End IP address: Configure the DHCPIP address pool for the client.Apply Interface: Enable DHCP server service on Wireless or Ethernetinterface.3.  After that, click FINISH at the bottom of this page to complete themodification of this page.Hint: The operator must to configure correct network settings in Gatewayand DNS server of your wireless stations/Extension RBs/Ethernet clients tosurf the Internet.
3-253-5 Configure Virtual ServerSometimes, the operator can expose the internal servers on the localintranet to the public Internet. For this, you must create the Virtual ServerMapping for these invisible internal servers.1. Click Basic Config, select PAT (as shown in Figure 3-21) and clickADD, DELETE or MODIFY button to change to configure Virtual ServerMapping page (as shown in Figure 3-22). In this page, you can maintainthis Virtual Server Mapping pool (Default Virtual Server Mappingpool is empty) to enable the internal servers.Figure 3-212.  In configure Virtual Server Mapping page, you must specify someparameters (Service Name, Protocol, Public Access Interface,Public Access Port number, Virtual Server IP address and VirtualServer Port Number) to allow Internet user to access the Internalservers.Service Name: Alias name of this internal server, such as FTP.Access Interface: Indicate the translation occurs on which interface3-26(Wireless interface, NO. 1/Ethernet interface, NO. 2), such as NO. 2.Protocol: Indicate which protocol (TCP/UDP) you want to translate fromoutside to internal server, such as TCP.Public Access Port number: Indicate which socket port (1 ~ 65535)you want to translate from outside to internal server, such as 21.Virtual Server IP address: Specify the private IP address of the internalserver, such as Server Port number: Specify the socket port (1 ~ 65535) of theinternal server, such as 21.3.  After that, click FINISH at the bottom of PAT page to complete themodification for the Virtual Server Mapping.Figure 3-22
3-273-6 Configure Routing Table1. Click Advence Config and select the Static Route page. This page (asshown in Figure 3-23) will present the current configuration for therouting table. You can also click ADD, DELETE or MODIFY button tomaintain the Static Routing table (Default Routing table only containsingle routing entry: Default Route entry).2. Every Route entry contains three parameters: Network Address,Subnet Mask and Gateway.Network Address and Subnet Mask: Specify the destination network.Gateway: Indicate the forward gateway.3.  After that, click FINISH at the bottom of this page to complete themodification of this page.Hint: The operator must to configure correct routing settings following thenetwork infrastructure.Figure 3-233-283-7 Configure Bridge1. Click Advence Config and select the Bridging, and then click Enablefor Bridge Function as shown in Figure 3-6. In the BridgingParameter window, enter the IP Address (default is andSubnet Mask (default is that are suitable for yournetwork domain.2.  You can specify the MAC address of a Wireless/Ethernet client. All MACentries in the MAC address table are Permitted/Blocked/Learning toconnect to the RB. In here, you can also click ADD, DELETE, MODIFYbutton to maintain this MAC address table.3.  After that, click FINISH at the bottom of this page to complete themodification of this page.
3-293-8 Configure SNMP1. Click Advence Config and select the SNMP Community page. Thispage (as shown in Figure 3-24) will present the current accessiblesnmp communities and correspond Read/Write privilege. After that,click FINISH at the bottom of this page to complete the modification ofthis page.2. Click Advence Config and select the SNMP Trap page. In this page,you can specify the SNMP Trap host and correspond SNMP TrapCommunity in this page. After that, click FINISH at the bottom of thispage to complete the modification of this page.Figure 3-243-303-9 Configuration Review and Apply the New Settings1. Click Basic Config or Advence Config and select the ConfigurationReview page. This page (as shown in Figure 3-25) will present thecurrent configuration settings the operator has made.2. Click Basic Config or Advence Config and select the Save & Restartpage. In this page, you can click the SAVE button to apply the newconfiguration settings and click the Restart button to take effect theprevious configuration changes.Hint: It needs to take about 10 seconds for the RB to complete the restartprocess.Figure 3-25
3-313-10 Utility3-10-1 System InfoClick Utility, select System Info page (as shown in Figure 3-26), you canview some system information on this, such as Model Name, SoftwareVersion, CPU and RAM, …etc.Figure 3-263-323-10-2 Software Upgrade1. Click Utility, select Software Upgrade page (as shown in Figure 3-27),and then you can use TFTP to upgrade your RB. In here, you mustspecify the TFTP server IP and the File Name that you want to upgrade.After that, click OK button to start the TFTP upgrade process.2.  If the upgrade process is success, the RB will apply the new settingsand start rebooting right away.Hint: You must set up a TFTP server and this server must contain onenewest image.Figure 3-27
3-333-10-3 Wireless Link Info1. Click Utility, select Wireless Link Info page (as shown in Figure 3-28),and then you can view the Link Quality and the Signal Strength of thiswireless connection.2. The Link Quality and the Signal Strength are valid only in the role ofExtension RB. In here, you can also see the quality level for thiswireless connection.Figure 3-28
4-1Chapter 4 Command Line InterfaceThe RB is designed to operate as shipped from the factory without anyspecial set-up. However, it has many options and parameters that can bechanged if users have special requirements. Most of the managementfunctions can be accessed using TCP/IP protocol, it also configured byTelnet/Console.4.1 Telnet configurationThe user can use a LAN attached (wired or wireless) computer to configurethe RB through using a Telnet session on a LAN attached computer. To usethe Telnet session simply open a Telnet window using the IP address whichhas been assigned to the RB.1. Click Start button, select Run to open the Run dialog box. Enter telnet192.168.2. 1(default terminal type of Telnet is VT100, default IP addressof the RB is Then click OK as shown in Figure 4-1.Figure 4-12. In the Telnet window, enter the User Name and User Password asshown in Figure 4-2 (default User Name and User Password is user1and test) to see the main screen of Telnet user interface as shown inFigure 4-3.4-2Figure 4-2Figure 4-31.  The structure of menu tree is shown in Figure 4-4. Users can use thefollowing keys to select the parameter you want to change or add. Thedefinition of the parameters is described in Table 4-1 to Table 4-14.y  Up/Down or i/k key: move the cursor up/down to the specific item.y  Right or l or Enter key: select the item or enter to sub-menu. Left or jkey: return to previous menu page.y  Home or Ctrl-A: move the cursor to the first item of the menu page.y  End or Ctrl-E: move the cursor to the last item of the menu page.y  Ctrl-Q or F1: Show the help page.
4-3Note 1: * denote the function is displayed after enable configuration modeis enabled.Note 2: In item su, type default password root to enter the supervisorconfiguration mode.4-4Figure 4-4SuSetupSystemIanAddress <ip> <netmask>Attrib <Enable | Disable> <Global | Virtual>Bridge <Enable | Disable>WanAddress <ip> <netmask>link - Type <Disable | Ethernet | PPP  >Attrib <| PPPoEEnable | Disable> <Global | Virtual>ether_interface <interface>Bridge <Enable | Disable>ISP <ISP Index> <idle disconnect time> <Dial priority>ISP*ISP_ profile <ISP name> <ISP destination>*account - profile <Access account> <Passwd>Configuration <name> <pass_conf> <ip>Upgradeimage webimage bootstrap 2 <ip> <file><ip> <file><ip> <file>*EnableMonitorWan Config_access [Generic| Profile | Pool](CR)Passwd <pass_conf>*SystemOP _ mode <Router | Bridge | Host>hostname <name>default _ route <ip>PPPPeer_address <ip>User_profile <name> <pass_set0>
4-5Figure 4-4*Interface1address <ip> <netmask>link type <Disable | Ethernet>attrib <Disable | Enable> <Global | Virtual>bridge <Disable | Enable>2address <ip> <netmask>link type <Disable | Ethernet>attrib <Disable | Enable> <Global | Virtual>bridge <Disable | Enable>lanwan1address <ip> <netmask>link type <Disable | Ethernet | PPP | PPPoE>attrib <Disable | Enable> <Global | Virtual>bridge <Disable | Enable>ether_interface <interface>ISP <ISP Index> <dialup timeout> <Dial priority>2address <ip> <netmask>link type <Disable | Ethernet | PPP | PPPoE>attrib <Disable | Enable> <Global | Virtual>bridge <Disable | Enable>ISP <ISP Index> <Idle disconnect time> <Dial priority>ether_interface <interface>*PPPUser_editmodify (5)profile <name> <pass_set0>deleteaddress_poolip_pool <ip> <1~127>authenticate <Userpool | RADIUS> <Userpool | RADIUS>assign_address <Address_Pool | RADIUS> <Address_Pool | RADIUS>4-6Figure 4-4*IP _ shareaddprotocol <TCPIUDP>port <1~65534>interface <1~2>server <ip> <1~65534>name <name>patdalete <1~10>modify (10)protocol <TCPIUDP>port <1~65534>interface <1~2>server <ip> <1~65534>name <name>natlocalrange <1~5> <ip> <1~253>delete <1~5>globalrange <1~5> <ip> <1~253>interface <1~5> <1~5>delete <1~5>fixedmodify <1~128> <ip> <ip>interface <1~128> <1~5>delete <1~128>*ISP1isp - profile (ISP name) (destination string)account - profile (name) (pass - set 1)2isp - profile (ISP name) (destination string)account - profile (name) (pass - set 1)3isp - profile (ISP name) (destination string)account - profile (name) (pass - set 1)4isp - profile (ISP name) (destination string)account - profile (name) (pass - set 1)
4-7Figure 4-4*dhcpservice <Disable | Enable>interface <1~2>gateway <ip>netmask <netmask>ip range <ip> <number>name server 1 <ip>name server 2 <ip>name server 3 <ip>genericfixedadd <mac> <ip>delete*snmpcommunity (5)edit <Disable | Enable> <string> <Read_Only | Read_Write | Denied>deletetrap (5)edit <Disble | 1 | 2> <ip> <string>delete*tftp <ip> <file>*bridgegeneric <Disable | Enable> <ip> <netmask>staticmac _ address <mac>lan1_ port <Filter | Forward | Dynamic>lan2 _ port <Filter | Forward | Dynamic>wan 1 _ port <Filter | Forward | Dynamic>wan 2 _ port <Filter | Forward | Dynamic>adddelete (1~20)4-8Figure 4-4modify (20)mac _ address <mac>lan1_ port <Filter | Forward | Dynamic>lan2 _ port <Filter | Forward | Dynamic>wan 1 _ port <Filter | Forward | Dynamic>wan 2 _ port <Filter | Forward | Dynamic>stpmodule <Disable | Enable>bridge <number>lan _ port <1~2> <Disable | Enable> <number>wan _ port <1~2> <Disable | Enable> <number>activate _ stp <CR>WLANchannel <1~14>weprequired <Disable | Enable>rts Threshold <0~3000>frag Threshold <256^2346>SSID <string>station Name <string>defaultkeyId <1~4>defaultkeys <1~4> <hex>
4-9Figure 4-4*Show: Show the current configuration valuesinterfacePPPip _ sharedhcpsnmpbridgeisprun*reset - defaultwriterebootsusys infoPing <ip> [1~65534| - t] [1~1999]exitconfigurationmax _  user <1~5>telnet_port <1~65534>console _  port <com 1 | com 2 >user _  profileaddattrib <13~30><command | Menu><VT100 | ANSI | LINUX | XTerm>source <-1~10>profile <name> <pass _ conf> <Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Unlimited>delete (1~5)attrib <13~30><command | Menu><VT100 | ANSI | LINUX | XTerm>source <-1~10>profile <name> <pass _ conf> <Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Unlimited>legal - addressmodify <1~10> <ip>delete <1~10>modifyattrib <13~30><command | Menu><VT100 | ANSI | LINUX | XTerm>source <-1~10>profile <name> <pass _ conf> <Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Unlimited>
Appendix - 1Appendix A SpecificationsGeneralCompatibility Fully interoperable with IEEE802.11bcompliant productsRegulation Certifications FCC Part 15, ETSI 300/328Power Supply Output: –48 VDC/0.7A (power overEthernet)Input: 100/240 VAC; 50/60 HzTemperature Range   -20 to 70  ℃ (operating)  -40 to 80  ℃ (storage)Humidity (non-condensing) 5% to 95% typical Surge Arrester 20KA Surge CurrentRadioFrequency Band   2.4 – 2.484 GHzRadio Type Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum(DSSS)Modulation   CCK (11, 5.5Mbps) DQPSK (2Mbps)DBPSK (1Mbps)Operation Channels   11 for North America, 14 for Japan,  13 for Europe, 2 for Spain, 4 for FranceRF Output Power 13dBm(ETS,FR) [ model: RB-8100E],19dBm(FCC) [model: RB-8100]RF Connector   Proprietary N-type (Reverse Polarity)Network InformationEthernet Interface 10-Base T (RJ45)IP Sharing Supports NATRoaming Seamless roaming (IEEE802.11bcompliant)Security 64/128-bit WEP data encryptionAppendix - 2ManagementLocal Configuration   RS-232 serial portRemote Configuration HTTP, Telnet, SNMPFirmware Upgrade Upgrade via Serial Interface or TFTPIP Auto-configuration   Supports DHCP serverPhysical SpecificationsDimensions   245(L) mm x 200(W) mm x 70(H) mmWeight 2100 g
Appendix - 3Appendix B       Default SettingsB-1 Basic ConfigurationB-1-1 System (as shown in Table B-1) Parameter  Description  Default Value Supervisor ID   Supervisor’s identity code root Supervisor Password  Supervisor’s password root Password Confirm   Confirm the password again root Host Name   Host name for the AP HWLAN Domain Name   Domain name for the AP  Default Route IP Address  IP address of the gateway for  default route when TCP/IP filtering192.168.2.254DNS Server ParameterDNS Server 1 AddressDNS Server 2 AddressDNS Server 3 AddressIP addresses of the DNS Serversof your Local ISP B-1B-1-2 Interface (as shown in Table B-2) Parameter  Description  Default ValueInterface No.  No.1 Wireless Interface  No.2 Ethernet InterfaceNo.3 PPPoE Interface  No.4 PPP InterfaceNote:1. No.3 is effective  only when No.2 is  Active.2. Default No.3 &No. 4 is DisableStatus   Enable or disable the Corresponding interface ActiveIP address  IP address of the corresponding  interface. The user can use a  LAN attached (wired or wireless)No.1: - 4  computer to configure the AP  through using a web browser  or telnet program on a LAN attached computer.No.4: Net Mask  Consists of four sets of digits  that help divide a network into  sub-networks and simplify  routing and data transmissionNo.1: Network Type  Select the network type for NAT function.  Virtual <-> Global: NAT enable  Global <-> Global: NAT disable  Virtual <-> Virtual: NAT disableNo.1: VirtualNo.2: GlobalNo.3: GlobalNo.4: Global Bridging  Shows the corresponding  interface that joins to form a bridgeNo.1: Not JoinNo.2: Not JoinNo.3: Not JoinNo.4: Not Join ISP Index   Select the ISP index given in  the ISP pool ISP1 IPCP  Select IP Control Protocol  (Static or dynamic) for PPP/PPPoE interfaceDynamic  Idle Time Out (min)   Cancel the dial if not connected  within this period 3min Dial Priority   Set the dial-up priority of the corresponding interfacePPPoE: 3PPP: 2Dial-in  Enable or disable the dial-in  function of the corresponding interfaceDisable Dial-in Authentication  Selects the authenticationprotocol for the corresponding dial-in interfaceNoneTable B-2
Appendix - 5B-1-3 Telnet/Console (as shown in Table B-3) Parameter  Description  Default Value Maximum User  Set the maximum number of  the users that can login the AP  through Telnet session at the same time2 Telnet Port   The port number for Telnet Program 23 Console Port   The communication port that is  used to login the AP COM1 ID Number   Index for Telnet users 1 User Name   User name for Telnet session user1 Privilege   Select the user’s privilege level for Telnet session Unlimited  Max. Screen Line   Set the maximum number of  lines displayed on the screen 24 Show Mode  Select the type of display for Telnet session (Command/Menu mode)Menu Keyboard Type   Select the type of the keyboard for Telnet session VT100Table B-3B-1-4 Telnet/Console (as shown in Table B-4)Parameter  Description  Default Value ISP Name   Name of Internet Service Provider ISP-1 Phone Number  The phone number that is used  to dial up your ISP  Note: The phone number mustenter direct line phone number12345678 Username   The user name used to login ISP user Password   The password used to login ISP passTable B-4B-1-5 DHCP (as shown in Table B-5) Parameter  Description  Default ValueAppendix - 6  DHCP Client Setting  Enable or disable the specified  interface to obtain an IP address automaticallyDisable  Trigger DHCP Service  Enable or disable automatic IP  address assignment to wireless stationsDisable Default Gateway  IP address of the gateway for  default route when TCP/IP filtering192.168.1.1Net Mask  Consists of four sets of digits  that help divide a network intosub-networks and simplifyrouting and data transmission255.255.255.0Name Server   IP address of the DNS host  DHCP Start IP   IP starting address  DHCP End IP   IP ending address Interface   Select the interface to provide DHCP service HWLAN  Fixed Host Entry  Define a fixed Ethernet-to-IP  address mapping to limit the  client station with the Ethernet  address to get the IP addressTable B-5B-1-6 Virtual Server Mapping (as shown in Table B-6) Parameter  Description  Default Value Service Name   Specify the service for public access NULL Protocol   Select a protocol for public access NULL  Public Access – Interface  Select an interface for public access NULL  Public Access – Port Number  Specify the port number of the  interface for public access NULL  Virtual Server – IP   Specify the IP address of the NULL
Appendix - 7 Address  virtual server  Virtual Server – Port Number  Specify the port number of  internal virtual server NULLTable B-6B-1-7 NAT (Network Address Translation) (as shown in Table B-7) Parameter  Description  Default Value  Local IP Address  Pool – Base IP Address  IP starting address of local IP address NULL  Local IP Address Pool –Count   Number of local IP address NULL  Global IP Address  Pool – Base IP Address  IP starting address of global IP address NULL  Global IP Address  Pool – Count   Number of global IP address NULL  Global IP Address  Pool – Interface  Specify the interface as global IP address NULL  Fixed IP Address Mapping – Local/Global IP Address  Define a local and global IP  address pair for network address translationNULLFixed IP Address  Mapping – Interface  Specify the interface for  network address translation       NULLTable B-7B-1-8 Wireless LAN (as shown in Table B-8) Parameter  Description  Default Value Regulatory Domain Define the regulatory domain toWhich this NIC may be deployed 1 Channel   The operating radio frequency  channel for the AP 11 RTS Threshold   Set RTS (Request To Send) threshold value 250 Fragmentation Threshold  Set fragmentation threshold value 1600 SSID   Wireless LAN service area rb8100Appendix - 8  identifier of the AP (case sensitive) Station Name   Shows the name of the AP ap WEP  Enable or disable 64-bit WEP  (Wired Equivalent Privacy) key  to encrypt dataDisable Default Key  Select a WEP key to encrypt  each frame transmitted from  the radio using one the of the  Keys from the Key Panel1 Key Panel  When you use WEP to  communicate with the other  wireless clients, all the wireless  devices in this network must  have the same encryption key  or pass phrase.  Note: each key must consist  of hex digits, it means that  only digit 0 -9 and letters A-F  are valid entries. If entered  incorrectly, program will not  write keys to a driver.Table B-8B-1-9 Bridging (as shown in Table B-9) Parameter  Description  Default Value Bridging Function   Enable or disable bridging FunctionEnable IP Address  IP Address of the AP when in  Bridging mode. The user can  use a LAN attached (wired or  wireless) computer to configure  the AP through using a web  browser or telnet program on a  LAN attached computer. Subnet Mask   Consists of four sets of digits
Appendix - 9  that help divide a network into  sub-networks and simplify  routing and data transmission Operation mode  Enable or disable the operation modeEnableEnableDisableDisable MAC Address   MAC address to be considered  in forward/filter policy00-00-00-00-00-00 Interface  Select Filter(always block the frames), Forward(always  forward the frames) or  Dynamic(forward the frames if  the MAC address exists) to the corresponding interface1. Filter2. Filter3. ---4. ---Table B-9B-1-10 SNMP Community (as shown in Table B-10) Parameter  Description  Default Value Validity  Enable or disable the function  of the corresponding community indexEnable Access Right  Select the access right (Deny/Read/Write/Create) for SNMP ManagerRead Community  Specify the type of community  (public or private) for SNMP ManagerPublicTable B-10B-1-11 SNMP Trap (as shown in Table B-11) Parameter  Description  Default Value Index   Enable or disable the activity of  the corresponding communityEnable Version   Select or disable the SNMP Version1Appendix - 10 Version Version 1:  MIB1 Version 2:  MIB2 IP Address  Specify the IP address of the  SNMP Manager for SNMP Trap Report192.168.2.100 Community  Specify the type of community  (public or private) for SNMP ManagerPublicTable B-11B-1-12 Software Upgrade (as shown in Table B-12) Parameter  Description  Default Value  TFTP Server IP Address  Specify the IP address of the  TFTP server to upgrade the  firmware of the AP192.168.2.100 Upgrade Filename  Specify the filename of requested firmware  stored in TFTP serverSoho.binTable B-12
Appendix - 11Appendix C Regulatory ComplianceInformationRadio Frequency Interference RequirementsThis device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules and Canada RSS-210.Operation is subject to the following conditions:1.  This device may not cause harmful interference.2.  This device must accept any interference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any otherantenna of transmitter.Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Bdigital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules and Regulation. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructionmanual, may cause harmful interference to nearby TV’s, VCR’s, radio, computers, orother electronic devices. To minimize or prevent such interference, this equipmentshould not be placed or operated near these devices. If interference is experienced,moving the equipment away from them will often reduce or eliminate theinterference.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If the equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:  Re-orient or relocate the receiving antenna.  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Appendix - 12  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that which thereceiver is connected.  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Professional InstallationPer the recommendation of the FCC, the installation of high gain directional antennato the system, which are intended to operated solely as a point-to-point system andwhose total power exceeds +36dBm EIRP, require professional installation. It is theresponsibility of the installer and the end user that the high power systems areoperated strictly as a point-to-point system.Systems operating as a point-to-multipoint system or use non directional antennascannot exceed +36dBm EIRP power requirement under any circumstances and donot require professional installation.

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