Senao Co SN-920U A SPREAD SPECTRUM Telephone User Manual Revised

Senao International Co Ltd A SPREAD SPECTRUM Telephone Revised

Revised user manual

SN -920 U LTRAUser's Manual
CongratulationsH andsetB ase U nitC harging CradleG e tting StartedB asic O perationsDiagramFeaturesDiagramFeaturesDiagramFeaturesBase Unit S e t-u pC harging Cradle Set-u pModesMaking Calls    M anual Dail Pre-dial tone    M anual Dail Post-d ial tone    Redial    Dire c to ry D ial    M e m o ry  DialAnswering C alls    H andset in C harging Cradle    H andset not C harging CradleVoice Volum e13489101112-1313-1516-1920212121-2222-23252526Table of C ontentsCall On-HoldMuting a CallCall WaitingT ra n s fe rring a CallsDisconnecting Calls2-W ay R adio    H andset-to-H andset    Base-to-H andset    H andset-to -B a s eBase Unit Options    Ring Volum e    Voice Volum eMain M enu Function C hartH andset / B a s e  Registra tion    Registering a H andset        Registering additional Base Units    H andset M enu O ptions    K ey G uard    Dire c to ry    Caller ID    Sounds        Ring Volum e        Ring Type        Key Volum e        Key Tone    S e ttings        Area Code        Tone/P ulse        B acklight        Reset    A dvanced O perationsDe-registering H andset    Custom Name2631272828-3132333435353639425454545556565737-3940-4142-5050-5353-5457
596058-59    Call M anager    C o n tra s t    Dial PrefixProduct SpecificationsS a fe ty  In s tru c tionRegulatory Inform ationEnG enius Product G uide6167-686962-66This device com plies with  Part 15 of the FCC Rules.O peration is subject to  the follow ing tw o  conditions:1)this device may not cause harm ful interference, and2)this device must accept any interference received ,   including interference that may cause undesire d   operation.Privacy of com m u nications m ay not be en sured  w hen usingth is phone.W hen selecting a location fo r th e  base unit, it is bette r to  locate th e  base unit as high as possible to avoid obstructions th a t might interfere with the ra d io tra n s m ission and g e tting a clear signal.In  any case, the base unit must be located 8 inches (20cm ) fro m  any person to  be in com pliance of FCC s a fe ty  re g u lations.In  any case, the base unit must be located 8 inches (20cm ) fro m  any person to  be in com pliance of FCC s a fe ty  re g u lations. Person with  pacem aker: Should alw ays keep th e  handset more than 20 cm (6 inches) fro m  th e ir pacem aker w hen th e  handset is sw itc h  on. Should not c a rry th e  handset in a breast pocket. If yo u have any reason to  suspect th a t interference is ta lking place, sw itch off you handset immediately.For body-w orn h a n d s -fre e  operation of th e  handset, the device has been tested for RF exposure com pliance with  the E nG enius provided belt-c lip and leather pouch. O ther belt-clips, holsters or similar accessories th a t have not been tested m ay not co m p ly with  RF exposure requirem ents and sh ou ld not be used.CAUTION:
You have p urchased  an excep tional b usiness com m unications tool fro m  the leading Industrial Cordless  Phone System  m anufacturer.The EnG enius SN-920 ULTRA Industrial C o rd less  Phone S ystem  is th e  second generation of the  system . EnG enius system s are ideal for th e  Sm all Office H om e Office (SO H O ) user. The expandable design allow s the system  to grow  w ith your business. With  sophisticated digital signal processing and six tim es th e  pow er of typical cord less phones, the EnG enius system  provides cord less phone and tw o-w ay com m unications in a wid e  v a riety of business settings fro m  multi-level office buildings, construction sites, w arehouses, fa rm s , b usiness com plexes and other dem anding business environm ents. The EnG enius system  is capable of supporting up to 4 lines (4  b ase units) and 36 handsets. The EnG enius system  is able to provide you increased  mobility with in your b usiness environm ent.Another unique fe a ture of th e  EnG enius system  is the ability to use the handsets as digita l, full duplex, tw o-w ay radios. The digita l two-way radio mode allow s members of th e  work group to  be in contact with th e ir c o -w o rk e rs  while leaving  phone lines available for incom ing or outgoing  calls. Users can designate their handsets to re c e ive all incom ing calls or re c e ive only intercom  (2 -w a y ) a n d  transferred calls, with th e  Call M anager fe a tu re . Additionally, an incom ing call can be answ ered, placed on-hold or transferred to th e  appropriate person, fro m  any handset.The m any EnG enius system  fe a tu re s  include: long-range, 2-w ay radio and cordless phone operation, system  expandability, milita ry  level digital security, music or m essag e on-hold capability, 80 minute batte ry  recharge and th e  new  4-line LC D  display w ith  Caller ID/Call Waiting readout capability have given birth to  a new  product c a te g o ry  in th e  c o rd less phone industry  know n as Ind ustrial Cordless  Phone S ystem s. The convenience, m obilityTMTMTMLongest R ange Cordless Phone and 2-W ay RadioC ongratulations!~1~and flexibility of this unique telecom m unications system  cannot be overlooked fo r the Sm all Office / Hom e environm ent.~2~In te lle c tu a l Property Rig h ts  N o ticeEnG enius SN -920 ULTRA User's M anualCopyrig ht  2000 EnG enius Technologies.All rights reserved.N o part of this U ser's M anual m ay be reproduced, stored in a re trievable system , or transm itted, in any form  or by any m eans, electronic or m echanical, including  photocopying, re c o rd ing, or otherw ise, without perm ission of EnG enius Technologies.EnG enius is a tradem ark used herein under exclusive license and Ind ustrial Cordless is a tra d e m a rk  of EnG enius Technologies.All rights to patents, includ ing patents pending EnG enius products are the exclusive  properties of EnG enius Technologies.αTM
~3~H andset D iagram1. Antenna17. Status LED2. Earpiece16. End/O N /O FF7. Volum e key5. K eyp ad8. 2 w ay/Intercom¡E3. M icrophone12. H eadset Adapter Port9. Dialing keys6. Ta lk/Flash14. Right Soft Key15. Scrolling Keys4. LC D~~~4~H andset Features1. Antenna2. E a r p ie c e3. M icrophone4. Liquid C rystal D isplay (LCD)***** R eceive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)*  C a ll in-progress(O N /O FF H ook)   * Intercom  M ode: Active   * H andset ID     Functions as m outhp iece. The display has Light Em itting D iode (L E D ) fo r backlighting. The firs t line of th e  LC D  consists of eight icons. The next tw o  lines consist of user-p ro g ra m m a b le alphanum eric    C h a ra c te rs . The last line displays the soft key fu n c tions.         The num ber of bars is      proportional to th e  signal          strength of th e  RF signal      received .
~6~7. Volum e key(not show n)17. Status LED     Located on side of handset: up / dow n buttons contro l vo lum e.     Blinking: Stand by     Solid: O n a call or the firs t 8 seconds after power on8. 2-W A Y /IN T E R C O M9. D ialing K eyp ad10. Ringer (not show n)Single BeepD ouble B eepPeriodic Short Single BeepPeriodic Long Series of Beeps C ontinuous B eep11. Battery Pack Slot (on back of handset) 12. H eadset A dapter Port (on bottom  of handset)13. Left Soft Key14. Right Soft Key1 5 . S c r o llin g  Keys16. EN D     U sed  to place an intercom  call to another handset or base.     U sed  for dialing  phone num bers and entering alphanum eric      inform ation into Phone D ire c tory.     Em its several sounds to  ind icate various events or alarm s.       S uccessful operation       Failed  operation or invalid key. Also, ind icates      pow er on / off.       (every tw o seconds):      Low  battery warning.     (repeat every 30 seconds):     Indicates a call on-hold.      (2  seconds): Ind icates out of range while       in talk m ode.     On / Off for power and to end (hang-up) a call   * C a lle r  ID  Log* Tw o -d ig it N um ber D isplay* Line or Base Indicator   *  B a tte ry  Strength5. K eyp ad6. Ta lk / Flash      U nread m essag es: Closed  E nvelope      Read m essages: O pen E nvelope      No inform ation or no Caller ID Service:      N o Envelope is Displayed .         Tracks Caller ID log and Phone      Dire c to ry  re c o rd  location.         Ind icates th e  b ase that is active .       (E x a m p le:       )      Num ber of bars is proportional to  the       am ount of battery time re m a ining.     Answ er incom ing phone or tw o-w ay      radio (intercom ) call. Place an     outgoing phone call.       This button also acts as the flash      button fo r functions like call waiting      and toggling between calls.     19 button face keypad.      Backlight option can be set to OFF,      ON, or 8 seconds time out.~5~
~7~Additional H andset Features******* Call Waiting with  C a ller ID  (re q u ires Call Waiting  and Caller ID    services fro m  local phone service provider) Call M anager option: U ser program m able option for handset to     allow  all calls or only tra n s fe rre d  and intercom  calls Touch any key to  answ er call Call transfer to another handset with in the system Unique, system  assigned Security ID  (1  o f 65,000) Phone Dire c tory: up  to  30 phone num bers (2 0  d igits ) a n d   Flash   nam es (14 characters) 30 num ber memory sp eed dial fo r Phone Directory Last num ber redial Caller ID (require s  Caller ID  service from  phone service provider) Caller ID log: stores up to  30 calls of caller inform ation including    caller's nam e, num ber, date and  time Intercom  com m unications w ith  b a s e  unit H andset-to -h a n d s e t com m unication independent of th e  base    (D igita l, fu ll duplex tw o -w a y  ra d io) Three level ringer vo lum e ad justment (low, high & vib rate) Four ring types Six level voice volum e contro l adjustm ent Ring or vibration alert option To ne  / pulse dial option Low  battery alarm  and disp lay C hange batte ry  while call on-hold Keypad illum ination Three level ke y tone volum e contro l (low, high & off) Four different key to n e  sound selections Auto pow er m anagem ent Hold Mute*******************~8~B ase U nit DiagramINDUSTRIAL CORD LESS  PH ON E S YST EMSN -920 ULTRA VO LU M EPA G E1. A ntenna2. Speaker12.AC  adaptor11. Line In10. Line O ut6. A udio-in Jack7. Pow er LED8. In  use LED9. In te r c o m  L E D4. P a g e  / In te r c o m5. M icrophone3. Volum e
~9~B ase U nit FeaturesAdditional Base Unit Features1. A ntenna2. Speaker3. Volum e4. P a g e  / In te r c o m5. M icrophone6. A udio-in Jack(3.5 m m )7. Pow er LED8. In  Use LED9. In te r c o m  L E D10. Line In11. Line O ut12. AC Adapter Port***    Swivel base for ease of positioning . (N o te: R e v e rs e  th read     antenna adapte r;  to rem ove, tu rn clockw ise).     LED  ind icates base unit has AC power.     LED  ind icates a phone call, base / handset intercom  call, or      handset regis tra tion is in prog ress.     LED  ind icates w hen base is in intercom  m ode.Supports up to  9 handsets p er base unit. O ne handset can be      registered to 4 b ase units.   A ssigns handset security code during registra tion   Adjustab le four level ringer and voice volum e control   ~ 10~C harging Cradle Diagram2. S p a re  B a tte ry    C om p artm ent1. H andset C harger/C radle3. H andset C harging Indicator4. S p a re  B a tte ry  Charging Indicator5. AC A dapter
~ 11~C harging Cradle Features1. H andset C harging C radle2. S p a re  B a tte ry  Com partm ent3. H andset C harging Indicator 4. S p a re  B a tte ry  Charging Indicator5. AC A dapter Port****     Holds handset     C harges handset batte ry  pack each time handset is placed       in cradle. 80 m inute rapid charge.     Spare battery recharged w hen placed in this slot.    LE D  is not lit: Slot is em pty or proper connection is not      m ade.       LE D  is blinking  red: Batte ry  is charg ing.     LE D  is green: Batte ry  is fully charged.     LE D  is not lit: Slot is em pty or proper connection is not      m ade.       LE D  is blinking  red: Batte ry  is charg ing.     LE D  is green: Batte ry  is fully charged.  H and set and a spare battery pack can be charged at th e  sam e     time  Fully d ischarged battery packs can be charged in    approximately 80 minutes  A trickle charge fe a tu re  will maintain charge on a nearly fu lly     charged battery  It is im p ossible to overcharge th e  batteries using  this charg er     80 minute ra p id charg e.  Fully charg e battery packs before firs t useAdditional Charging Cradle Features*~ 12~B ase U nit SetupThere are three p o s s ib le  base unit setups:***Basic Instructions  B ase unit alone  B ase unit plus telephone answ ering device  B ase unit plus standard telephone1.  Plug  the sm all end of the 9V DC power adapter into the      "DC IN" port on the back of the base unit.2.  Plug  the tw o-pronged 9V D C     pow er adapter into a standard     120 V AC ele c trical o u tlet.3.  Plug  telephone lin e  c o rd  into     the next receptacle on the     back m arked  LINE.4.  Plug  the telephone lin e  c o rd  into     the te lephone wall outlet.5.  A standard te lephone or answ ering     machine can be plugged into the     ad jacent recep tacle on th e  back of the     base unit m arked  TEL.6.  The M usic/M essag e On-Hold feature can     be achieved  by plugging  either end of th e     included audio cable into th e  audio-in port     on the back of the base unit. 7.  For best perform ance, com puters, faxes, te lephone answ ering      machines, televisions, stereos and other c o rd less devices      should be at least 1 m eter (approximately 3 fe e t) fro m  th e       base unit.G ETTING  STARTED
~13~The location for the handset charging require s  a standard 120V ACelectrical wall o u tlet.1.  Plug  the sm all end of the 12V     DC adapter into the re c e p tacle     on th e  back of th e  charger unit.2.  The tw o -p ro n g e d  12V DC adapter     is then plugged into th e  wall outlet.The batte ry  charger can charg e th e  handset anda spare battery pack at th e  sam e time.The charging unit has spare battery charging slotbehind th e  handset charg ing slot.1.  To  charge the handset, simply p lace th e     handset, with battery pack attached, into     th e  charging  slot with  the handset facing     th e  fro n t of the charger. If th e  handset is     properly in the cradle, the cradle's     PHO NE indicator light will be illum inated.2.  To  simultaneously charg e a sp are     battery, insert th e  sp are batte ry  pack     with pack contacts facing down and     to w a rd s  the re a r into the re a r charging     slot.C harging  SetupCradleChargin g  a  B a tte rycradle Follow  instru c tions that cam e w ith th e  answ ering  device or telephone if diffe re n t fro m  those described here.NOTE:~14~It ta k e s  about 80 m inutes to fully charge a battery in eith e r the (front) handset slot or th e  (re a r) s p a re  battery slot.NOTE: LE D  is not lit: Slot is em p ty or proper    connection is not made.    LE D  is b linking  re d : Battery charging.  LE D  is green: Battery is fu lly charg ed.1.  To  rem ove th e  handset battery:      T u rn  the handset face dow n and     locate the battery pack re lease     on th e  bottom  of the handset.     Push the re lease tow ards th e     top of the phone and lift up.2. To  install battery pack:     Carefully slide the top batte ry     pack tabs into batte ry  pack     area of handset aligning th e     metal contacts of handset     and battery pack. P ress down     on th e  bottom  end of the battery     pack. The battery p ack should     "c lick" into a secured position     on th e  handset.B attery Light Indicators*  **In s ta lling N ew  Battery
~ 15~Your EnG enius phone system  uses recharg eable Nickel Metal Hydride (N i-M H ) batte ry  packs.  Each batte ry  provides up to th r e  hours of ta lk -time, based on range, terra in and environm ental conditions, or up to  40 hours of standby time. These high perform ance battery p acks have an average life  s p a n  of about 300 charges (a  charge is defined as going  fro m  em pty to fu lly charged).  Additional or replacem ent new  SN-920 ULTRA battery packs are available as p a rt num ber: SN -920 U LTRA-BA. D anger of exp losion  if battery is incorrectly replaced.  Replace only w ith th e  sam e or eq uiva lent type recom m end ed by the m anufacturer.  Disp ose of used  batte ries according to th e  manufa c tu re r's instructions. Do not open th e  plastic batte ry  pack encasing.Low  Battery In d icator****C harge the batteries w hen one of th e  fo llow ing  happens:  Phone beeps tw ice every tw o seconds  B a tte ry  icon is em p ty  Phone d oes not resp ond w hen a key is pressed  LCD and b acklighting  becom e dimB attery R eplacem entCAUTION!CAUTION!e~ 16~ID L E  M O D E TA LK  MODE REGISTRATION M ODEO peration M odesB ase O peration M odesH andsetO peration M odesB o th  the base unit and handset have levels of operation at which time only certain pro ced ures or functions can b e  p e rfo rm e d .  These levels or m odes of operation will b e  re fe rre d  to  throughout this m anual a n d  v a ry  from  base unit to handset.The b ase unit operates in three different m od es: IDLE, TA LK , and REG ISTRATION. - this is th e  default mode. The intercom  and volum e keys are active in ID LE m ode. The PO W ER LED is re d . - the base operates in this m ode during  an incom ing or outgoing  intercom  call and an incom ing or outgoing  phone call. Volum e key is active in TA LK  m ode. PO W ER, IN USE and INTERCO M  (during  an intercom  call) L E D s  are re d . - the base enters this m od e by simultaneously holding  down the intercom  and  vo lum e keys for three seconds. There are no active  b ase unit ke ys o nc e this m ode has been entered.  The IN USE and PO W ER LED s are illum inated. The IN USE LED will com e on and  stay active for approximately 30 seconds and then tu rn  o ff.The handset operates in one of five  different m od es:  IDLE, M ENU, TA LK , REG ISTRATION and CRADLE.  BASIC OPERATIO NS
~ 17~ID L E  M O D EThis is th e  default operating m ode.*  The LC D  will show  the follow ing     screen and icon placem ent in th e    ID LE m ode:*  If th e re  is no on-going activity, the     handset autom atically goes into     SLEEP/IDLE mode to save battery    power.*  The handset can be turned off    com pletely by holding dow n th e    END  key for 3 second s. The idle screen disp lay(custom  nam e) can be edite d  (in th e  m enu m ode) with  the handset ow ner's nam e or other custom  greeting .The 2-digit num ber near th e  top center of the LC D  show sthe handset's ID.NOTE:EnG eniusSN-920REDIAL M ENUM ENU M ODE**  Pressing th e  RIGHT SO FT FUNCTION    key activates MENU m ode.  The screen will look like th is in MENU    Mode:Main M enu: 1:KEY GUA D2:DIRECTORY¡õ¡ôR3:CALLER ID4:SOUNDS5:SETTIN G S6:REGISTER~ 18~NOTE: The functions availab le through the MENU selection are covered in greater detail under H andset Menu Options.  In MENU m ode, th e  handset    setting s and inform ation    contained in memory can be    changed. (F o r exam ple: the Caller    ID log and Phone D ire c to ry ).  All ke ys, except 2-W AY  , are    active  in M EN U  m ode  If the handset re m a ins inactive in MENU mode for 30 seconds     (no keys are pressed  or no incom ing calls ), it will exit MENU     m ode and re turn to IDLE mode***(Intercom )TA LK  MODE***  W hen the handset is in IDLE mode,    p ressing the TA LK  key or answ ering    an incom ing or intercom  call will     activa te TA LK  Mode.  The screen will look like th is in     TA LK  Mode:  All ke ys are  active  in th e  TALK M ode. In th e  TA LK  m ode the TA LK  key functions as a FLASH  key. P ressing  the TA LK  key will tem porarily p lace the call on hold w hile answ ering another call with the Call Waiting fe a tu re . P ressing th e  TA LK  key again will re tu rn you to the original call. Call Waiting require s  te lephone service provider subscription.NOTE:00:00:08Volum e 5HOLD M UTE
~ 19~*  Do not re g ister your handset if it has been re g istered at th e      factory. If, w hen you firs t tu rn  on th e  phone, "0 0 " is displayed    near th e  top center of the LC D  (to th e  right of th e        icon),    th e  handset has not been registered at the factory.*  Specific in s tru c tions on how  to  register th e  handset are     covered in detail und er H and set / B ase R egis tra tion in th e      Advanced O perations section.*  If the handset is not re g istered    with the base unit, any attem pt    to  m ake an outgoing call or    intercom  call to another handset    will fail. The LC D  will re a d :REGISTRATION M ODECRADLE M ODE*  Placing th e  handset into the charg er    cradle activates the handset CRADLE    m ode.*  While in the CRADLE m ode, th e  battery    charging  unit recharg es the handset    battery pack.*  An incom ing  or intercom  call while     in th e  C RADLE mode will generate    th is screen:*  Rem oving th e  handset fro m  the     cradle during an incom ing call    autom atically answ ers th e  call and    places the handset in TA LK  M ode.*  Placing th e  handset in th e  cradle    or p ressing END will end a call.Incom ing C allOn Base 1SILENTS tation notregistered~ 20~Making C allsYou can enter a phone num ber before or after connecting to dial tone.Selecting a phone num ber before connecting  to dial tone offers the advantage of reaching th e  c o rre c t p a rty  with th e  firs t phone call. M anualD ial(Pre-D ial Tone) ENTERING  A N UM BER BEFORE CONNECTING TODIAL TONE*****  From  th e  ID LE m ode, enter the num ber    you w ish to  call. The num ber you input    will appear on th e  handset screen as    typed. For exam ple, the num ber    555-1221  w ould appear as:  If an incorrect num b er has been entered,    select the C LEAR option by pressing th e    RIGHT SO FT FUNCTION key to clear th e    entire  num ber, then re -e n te r the num ber    you w ish  The D E LE TE option is selected by     pressing the LEFT SO FT FUNCTION    key. D ELETE will delete one digit    at a time fro m  right to left, similar    to  a backspace key  W hen th e  c o rre c t num b er is displayed    on th e  screen, press TA LK  to com plete    th e  call  You will hear a dial tone and see the    follow ing  three screens as the num b er is    dialed :5551221_D ELETE CLEARConnectingto  Line 1Dialing555122100:00:08Volum e: 5HOLD M UTE
~ 21~M anual Dial(P o s t-D ia l T o n e )ENTERING A NUM BER AFTER CONNECTING TO DIAL TONE*While the handset is in the IDLE m ode, you can press TA LK  to make a call.  There are three ways to m ake a call in th e  TA LK  Mode:*  W hen dial tone is heard and    th e  handset is waiting for a phone    num ber to  be entered, the follow ing    screen w ill appear:*  Enter th e  d esired phone num ber     fro m  th e  num bered key pad. The     screen w ill show  th e  fo llow ing    display:*  After a num ber is dialed, this    screen w ill be displayed :While in th e  TA LK  m ode, press the     LEFT SO FT FUNCTIO N  ke y to select     th e  REDIAL option. The follow ing     screen w ill be displayed :*  The last num ber dialed w ill be re -    dialed  To  call a num ber stored  in th e  Phone    Dire c tory, you can access the Phone    Dire c tory log by e n te ring  the m enu or    you can simply press the Up or Down    Scrolling Arrow s to access the PhoneRedialDire c to ry D ia l*   5551222V O L U M E :          5REDIAL M EM ORY00:00:00V O L U M E :          5HOLD M UTEDIALING5552222~ 22~  From  IDLE mode, press the RIGHT    SO FT FUNC TION key to  select th e    MENU option.  While in the Main M enu, select th e      dire c tory scolling option by pressing    th e  2 key.  Inform ation stored  in location 01 w ill     be displayed firs t. U se the U p or    D o w n  a rro w s  to scroll through the    dire c tory to locate th e  num ber of     your choice.  Press TA LK  to dial the phone     num ber displayed .  W hen the handset has dialed  the     selected phone num ber, th e  screen    will disp lay:*****ADD OPTIO NSee Dire c tory View  M ode for additional instru c tions on how  to  use th e  phone dire c tory fe a tu re .If th e  handset is unable to  link to  th e  base unit, it will re turn to IDLE m ode. The handset will disp lay "N o C onnection" fo r five  seconds or until a key is pressed .NOTE: 00:00:00V O L U M E :          5HOLD M UTESm ith5551212In the TA LK  mode, the follow ing         screen w ill be displayed :*  To  select MEMORY DIAL, press the     RIGHT SO FT FUNCTION key.Memory Dial*  V O L U M E :          5REDIAL M EM ORY
~23~*  The follow ing screen will appear:*  Enter th e  2 digit Phone Dire c tory    index code (e .g. 1 = 0 1 )fo r the stored     phone num ber.*  The phone num ber stored  in th e      location will be dialed.NOTE:  Te lephone num bers stored in the Phone D ire c to ry  have been indexed with a num ber fro m  01 to 30. To  access the correct index num ber or location, follow  these step s:For exam ple, if the location is 3, p ress 0 then 3.If th e  ind ex num ber is 12, press 1 then 2.Answ ering C allsAll handsets th a t have been re g istered for use with the base unit, and are in the IDLE m ode, will ring w hen an incom ing call is re c e ived. The handset can be set to eith e r ring or vibrate with  an incom ing call.NOTE: Under SETTINGS, th e  user has th e  option of re c e iving incom ing/intercom /transfe rre d  c a lls fro m  1  to  4 base units . This option is accessed via th e  Call M anager function, under SETTING. D epending  upon num ber of base units  the handset is registered to .LOCATION:??~24~Receiving an in c o m in g  callReceiving an in c o m in g  call w ith  calle r ID  service ***  H and set is on th e  charger    cradle-N o caller ID service*  H and set is off th e  cradle-N o    caller ID serviceIncom ing C allOn Base 1SILENT*  Caller ID service, but the ID has    been blocked by the caller:*  Caller ID service, but n o t supported     by th e  originating party:*  Caller ID service, but only the    num ber has been tra n s m itted:*  Caller ID service, all inform ation    has been transm itted:Private Nam ePrivateU n kn ow n  N am eU n kn ow nPrivate Nam e555-1212H a yter, S555-1212
~26~Voice Volum ePlacing a C a ll On-HoldAdjusting the volum e on th e  handset can be done only during a call or w hen in the TA LK  M ode.*  W hen in th e  TA LK  Mode, the volum e contro l button on th e  left     side of th e  handset can be used  to adjust th e  volum e to  6     different levels.    *  Volum e level 3 is set as default.*  The top butto n  increases vo lum e and  the low er butto n    d ecreases volum e.*  The screen during  vo lum e ad justment    displays the follow ing:1. When a call is in prog ress it can be    put on hold by pressing th e  LEFT    SO FT FUNC TION key which selects    th e  HOLD option:    The display will then show :2. To  bring  the call back on line, press    th e  LEFT SO FT FU N C TION key ag ain.    The display will re turn to this screen:The handset w ill double beep three tim es every 30 seconds when a c a ll is  on hold as a re m inder that you V O L U M E :          5REDIAL M EM ORYV O L U M E :          5HOLD M UTE00:00:00Call hold L1UNHOLD M ENUV O L U M E :          5HOLD M UTE~25~: The firs t handset to answ er a call will connect to the base unit and will operate in TALK m ode. Other registered handsets w ill be locked  out of the call. H ow ever they will still be able to p a rticipate in handset to handset calls or receive  th e  call if transferred.NOTE  Caller ID service m ust be ordered from  your local phone       com pany for these screen displays to function. Services m ay       v a ry  in yo ur area.**Handset in C harging CradleHandset not in Charging Cradle    Pick-up handset fro m  charging cradle to  answ er th e  call.     P ress "TA LK " o r an y ke y (except EN D ) to  accept the    incom ing call.
~28~ When MUTE is activa ted (ON), th e  handset user cannot be heard by the caller, but th e  user can still hear th e  caller. The MUTE fe a ture is autom atically turned off when the call is ended.NOTE:Transferring a CallCalls can be transferred betw een registered handsets while a phone call is in p rogress.1. During an active  call, a tra n s fer can be initiated by p ressing     the 2-W AY key on the originating  handset.Call Waiting: R eceiving a Second C allIf you have C all Waiting service through your telephone com pany and you wish to take a second  incom ing call, you will use the FLASH  fe a tu re .1. In the TA LK  m od e, the TALK key operates as a FLASH function     allow ing you to place the firs t call on hold and answ er th e      second call. Unlike w hen using th e  HO LD feature, th e  LC D  will     not change to reflect th a t the firs t call is "tem porarily on hold."2. P ressing TA LK  ag ain w ill re tu rn  y o u  to the original call, placing      the second call on hold.3. You can term inate either call by p ressing EN D  during  the call.~27~M uting a C allA  call m ust be in th e  TA LK  m odeto select the MUTE function.1. Use th e  RIGHT SOFT FU N C TION    key to  select MUTE.    The display will then show :2. To  re m o v e  MUTE, press the : LEFT    SO FT FUNCTIO N  ke y ag ain.NOTE: The b ase unit will maintain th e  com m unications link with th e  incom ing call as long as it is on hold.  No other outgoing  call or page fro m  the base can be com pleted until th e  call on hold is ended by the handsetor has timed out.00:00:00V O L U M E :          5HOLD M UTE00:00:00Call MutedUNM UTEThe handset that placed the call on-hold, can simply take the call off-hold by pressing th e   key. Anoth e r re g istered handset can pick up th e  call on hold by pressing 2-W AY and the base ID (ie:01), th e n  choosing the "UNHOLD" option.Picking up a Call on H oldLEFT SO FT FU N C TION
~30~ A handset ID num ber is invalid if:* The num ber is 0* The num ber is the sam e as the originating handset* The ta rg e t handset is not registered with th e  base unitNOTE:2. P ress the 2-W AY key.* The originating handset LCD will   show  a prom pt for th e  target   handset ID  num ber:* The handset to handset call can be   cancelled at this point by pressing   END3. Enter the ID num ber of th e  ta rg e t    handset.* The ta rg e t handset will ring and th e   screen will light up, signaling an incom ing   call00:00:00EnterEXTENSION #:??T ra n s fe rrin g  Calls  Usin g  th e  H o ld  OptionIf you wish to  announce th e  call th a t you are ab out to tra n s fer, follow  th e  steps below.1. During an active  call, place the    call on hold by pressing  the LEFT    SO FT FUNCTION key.    * The LC D  w ill then disp lay th e       follow ing screen:00:00:00B a se I o n  H o ldUNHOLD M ENU~29~* The call will be transferred to  the    target handset:* The ta rg e t handset will ring with a    distinctive  ring, signaling  an incom ing     call.* The ta rg e t handset LCD will show  the    follow ing readout: If the target handset does not respond within 30 seconds, th e  call is transfe rre d  back to  the originating handset. If an invalid handset ID num ber has been e n te re d , an e rro r m essag e w ill be displayed:Repeat steps 1-3.NOTE:D oneIncom ing CallOn Base 1SILENTInvalidRetry=2   W A Y2. The originating handset LC D  will    show  a prom pt for th e  ta rg e t     handset ID num ber:    The call transfer can be    cancelled at any point by    pressing EN D3. Enter the ID num ber of th e    target handset.00:00:00EnterExtension #: ??
~31~4. P ressing  th     key on th e  w ill select the    "XFER" function, initiating tra n s fe rring    th e  call to target handset.5. P ressing  END will term inate a     handset to handset call, th e      originating handset will then display:From  the TALK m ode, you can end a call by pressing EN D or by placing the handset in the cradle. The handset will re turn to th e  ID LE m ode.The LCD will show  the follow ing:RIG H T SO FT FU N C TIONhandset D isconnecting C allsEnG eniusSN-920REDIAL M ENU00:00:00B a s e  I on H oldUNHOLD M ENU00:00:30Volum e:        3M UTE XFER* The ta rg e t handset LC D  w ill show   th e  fo llow ing readout:* U pon answ ering , th e  origin a tin g   and target handset users c a n  ta lk .In t e rc o m  fro mH andset 12SILENT~32~The EnG enius SN-920 ULTRA Industrial Cordless Phone S ystem  offe rs  priva te, 2-w ay radio calls from  handset to  handset, even when handsets are beyond th e  rang e of th e  b ase unit. 2-w ay or intercom  calls can be placed  fro m  or to  base units  and handsets.Intercom  calls can b e established  between a handset and an available and registered base unit or second handset. H andset-to-H and set (2 -w a y  R adio) com m unication can b e achieved  anyw here providing th e  tw o  com m unicating handsets are within rang e of each other.1. To  initiate a handset to  handset call    p ress th e  2-W AY key and e n te r the    "extension" ID num ber desired.     (The extension num ber or handset     ID num ber is th e  2 digit num ber     located to  the right of the      icon):    * The LC D  will then display this screen:    * O nce the voice link is successfully       established, the handsets' LCD will       display:2. The 2-W AY call can be te rm inated    by eith e r handset, at any time,     p ressing EN D.Digital 2-W ay Radio M odeHandset to  H a n d s e t C a llsADVANCED OPERATIO NSEnterExtension # ??Pagingextension# :11Volum e:     5MUTE
~33~Paging from  B ase to Handset1. P ressing  the base unit PAG E or         INTERCO M  key, will page all     registered handsets. The firs t     handset to answ er the page will    establish a voice link with the base.2. The INTERCOM LED  will flash until a     handset resp ond s. The light will stay     lit until th e  link is te rm inated.3. The b ase unit will page fo r 10     seconds, then te rm in a te  the page    if no handset resp ond s.4. Before a handset answ ers, th e  page     can be cancelled  fro m  the base by     p ressing PAG E again. However,     once a handset answ ers, only th e      answ ering  handset can end th e      intercom  call. A page to a handset cannot be initiated fro m  the base w hile an incom ing call is ringing  into the system . The IN USE LED flashes to  indicate an incom ing  call is in prog ress.NOTE:In t e rc o m  fro mB a se 1SILENT~34~Paging from  H andset to BaseA nsw er Inco m in g  C a lls  w ith  a  H a n d s e t to  BaseIn te r c o m  C a ll in progressFor a handset to intercom  a b ase unit, follow  th e  step s below :1. On th e  handset press 2-WAY.2. At the extension prom pt, input th e  2    digit num ber fo r the base unit which    will be a 0 follow ed by th e  b ase unit    num ber of 1, 2, 3 or 4.3. The handset LC D  will show  a paging    prom pt:4. The b ase will ring once, then    autom atically connect the intercom    call fro m  a handset.There are th re e  o p tions for th e  handset:1. P ress TA LK  to sw itch to th e  incom ing call.2. P ress EN D  to  term inate th e  intercom  call and allow  the       incom ing call to ring  on all handsets.3. Do nothing and ignore the incom ing  phone call.EnterExtension # ??Pagingextension# :01
~ 35~1. When th e  b ase unit is not in use (TALK or INTERCO M  mode),     th e  VO LU M E key will contro l the ring volum e.2. There are 4 ring  volum e levels: low, medium , high and off.     Pressing  the VO LU M E key will m ove the volum e to th e  next     Level:    LO W       MEDIUM      HIGH      O FF     LO WB ase U nit O ptionsRing Volum e1. While th e  b ase is INTERCOM  m ode, the VO LU M E key will     control th e  voice volum e.2. The 3 levels of voice volum e are: low, m edium  and high. Each      time th e  VO LU M E key is pressed  th e  volum e will be adjusted to     th e  next level until the m aximum level is reached and then it will     re turn to low  again:      LO W       MEDIUM        HIGH      LO W .Voice Volum eNOTE: A ringing volum e tone w ill sound briefly to indicate the ringer volum e level selected .~ 36~M ain M enu Function C hartMAIN MENUAdd* Number* Name* High* Low* Vibrate*Tone* Pulse*8 seconds* On* Off* Param* DIR* CID* Rec   Calls   Base   1-4* Adjust   1-16* YES* NO* Ring 1* Ring 2* Ring 3* Ring 4* High* Low* Off* Tone 1* Tone 2* Tone 3* Tone 4Option* Edit* Clear Entry* View NumberView* Time* Name* Delete1. Register2. Deregister3. Reset Base4. Reset Hand* Lock* Unlock1Area code1Ring Volume2DIRECTORY2Tone/Pulse2Ring Type3Caller ID3Backlight3Key Volume4SOUNDS4Reset4Key Tone5SETTINGS5Custom name6REGISTER1Key Guard6Call Manager7Contrast8Dial Prefix
~37~H andset / B ase R egis tra tionWhen th e  handset is in the IDLE mode,or w hen a call is on hold, th e  MainMenu can b e accessed by pressingthe RIG H T SO FT FU N C TION key.Once in th e  main m enu, a list ofavailable options w ill be displayed , two m enu options at a time as show n:1. Use th e           or          scrolling keys     to  view  all of the m enu options.2. At any time while in the M ain M enu,    an option can be selected by using    th e  corresponding  num ber fro m  the    keypad.Your handset(s), if purchased as a system , is pre-registered at the fa c to ry  and d oes not need to  be re -re g istered to  the base unit purchased with  the handset. Additional handset displaying  "0 0 " as their handset ID m ust be registered to  the base unit. C harge the handset battery fully before registering.1. Plug in the base unit to AC  pow er and place a fully charg ed      battery pack into th e  new  handset.2. Verify base unit's pow er light is on and tu rn  on th e  handset     p ow er by pressing  and holding th e  E N D  key for 2 seconds.M ain M enu O ptionsRegistrationHandset RegistrationMain M enu: 1:KEY GUARD2:DIRECTORY¡õ¡ô3:CALLER ID4:SOUNDS5:SETTIN G S6:REGISTER~38~3. Place base unit into REG ISTR ATIO N  m ode by p ressing and      holding th e   and  buttons at the sam e time     until you hear a single beep (about 3 seconds). The red "In-    Use"  light will com e on. H and set re g istra tion m ust be     pe form ed with in 30 seconds afte r e n tering th e  regis tra tion     m ode.4. P ressing  the RIG H T SO FT key, on the handset, selects th e   fu n c tion.5. P ress the num b er " " key on th e  handset keypad, this will     place the handset into the re g istra tion m enu.6. P ress the num b er " " ke y on the handset keyp ad , th is     com pletes th e  handset re g istra tion.7. Repeat step s 3 through 6 for each handset you w ant to    register to  th a t base.8. The re s u lt of th e  regis tra tion or deregistration procedure is     displayed  on the LC D  for 5 seconds. There are 4 possible     results:* Registra tion is successful.* Faile d  re g istra tion or deregistra tion.   B ase failed to  respond to  handset.   Steps m ust be repeated to retry   procedure.* B ase has already registered   maximum number of handsets (9 )   it can support. A handset must   be deregistered before a new   one can be added to  the system .VO LU M E PA G E   MENU61rN o connectionTab le fullReg O KNew ID = X
~40~4. Press the LEFT SO FT FUNC TION    key fo r "."5. D eregistration is successful.YESThe handset has now  been de-registere dfro m  all base units . The handset ID num berwill b e reset to  "00" as seen in th e  middleof the top LC D  line.D ereg fromall basesRegister a Second, Third or Fourth Base U nit A handset can be registered to a m aximum of 4 base units. All b ase units that com e fro m  the factory are registered as base unit 01.NOTE: If there is m o re  than one b ase unit and a handset is to be registered to m o re  than one base unit, the base unit's identification num ber m ust be changed fro m  factory default num ber of "1 " to either "2 ", "3 ", or "4 ".NOTE:1. Plug in the new  base unit to AC  pow er and place a fully     charged battery pack into the handset.2. Verify base unit's power light is on and turn on the handset     pow er by pressing  and holding th e  END  key fo r 2 second s.~39~ U pon successful registra tion, your handset will              display  "Reg OK New ID =  " Your handset will autom atically exit the              REG ISTRATION mode after 30 seconds. You can re g ister your handset to  a maximum of 4              base units. The handset ID num ber in th e  middle              of the top line of the handset display will not              change after registering the firs t base unit             (kno w n as the primary base unit).NOTE 1:NOTE 2:NOTE 3:SECURITY FUNCTION:MENU 6 3 A third  o p tion is availab le for deregistering all th e  hand sets at once and generating  a new  base ID  cod e (system  registration re s e t). This option can be selected by pressing "", "", "", then entera new  base num ber (1 -4 ).  B o th  the handset and base must be in  the registration mode.De-Registering a H andset fro m  all B a s e  U n its1. Press the RIGHT SO FT FUNC TION key to  select .2. Press the " " key to  select th e  REGISTER option.3. Press the " " key to  select    RESET HAND. The LC D  will    display the follow ing screen:MENU64D e re g  fro mall bases?YES N O* Handset re g istered to a base with sam e ID.9. Press EN D  to  re turn to th e  handset main m enu.ID Conflic tB a se X
~ 42~H andset M enu O ptionsDirectoryK ey G uardP ress "M ENU", "1 " to set KEY G UARD.1. To  access the KEY G UARD option fro m  the IDLE made, press    th e  RIGHT SO FT FUNCTION key to select the MENU option.2. While in the M AIN MENU press th e    "1 " key to select KEY G UARD:3. Selecting  the KEY GUARD option    LOCKS the keypad from  use. The    screen w ill display the follow ing:4. To  unlock th e  keypad press the     LEFT SO FT FUNCTION key. The     screen w ill display the follow ing:5. P ress the "1" key to  confirm  u n locking    th e  keypad.This fe a tu re  allow s you to store up to  30 frequently used  telephone num bers (up to 20 digits each) and nam es (up to  14 characters each) in a directory that re s ides in th e  handset memory. Entries in the Phone D ire c to ry  may be view ed or edited at any time. The Phone Dire c tory m ay be view ed by pressing th e         or          a rro w  keys fro m  the idle mode.U nlockMain M enu: 1:KEY GUARD2:DIRECTORY¡õ¡ô3:CALLER ID4:SOUNDS5:SETTIN G S6:REGISTERKeypadLockedPress 1 toconfirmUNLOCK~ 41~5. P ress the num ber " " button on     th e  handset keypad, this w ill     place the handset into th e      regis tra tion m enu.6. P ress the num ber " " button on     th e  handset keypad.7. The handset Display will now      request that you "Enter base ID     (1 -4 ): X"8. Enter a num ber   fro m  the keypad. C hoose a     b ase ID num ber diffe re n t fro m      b ase ID num ber you are already     using.9. Repeat step s 1 through 8 for     each new  base you want to      register.3. Place base unit into REGISTRATION m ode by pressing and    holding th e   and  buttons at the sam e time    until you hear a single beep (a b o u t 3 seconds).     The red "In-U se" light will com e on. H andset registra tion must    be preform ed within 30 seconds after e n te ring  the re g istration    Mode.4. P ressing  the RIG H T SO FT BUTTON, on the handset, selects    th e   function.VO LU M E PA G EMENU63"1 ", "2 ", "3 ", o r      "4 "E n ter b a seID  (1 -4 ): XReg M enu1. Register2. D eregister3. R eset B ase4. Reset HandNOTE: U pon successfully changing the base ID num ber, the display will say "Base ID = X, D ereg All." This m eans that you have successfully created a new  identification num ber for that base unit. All handsets p reviously re g istered to  that b ase unit (if any) w e re  d e -re g istered. You may now  begin reg istering handsets to  the base unit. Follow  steps 3 th roug h 6 of H andset R egistration section.
~44~DIRECTORY EDIT MODEWhile in th e  DIRECTO RY VIEW  m ode, the LC D  will disp lay th e  fo llow ing  screen:To  e n ter th e  DIRECTORY EDIT mode,either ADD or OPTION m ust be selected.* If there are available sp aces, the firs t    em pty sp ace w ill be accessed   autom atically and the follow ing   screen will appear:* If inform ation is to  be stored  in a    specific location, use th e   scrolling keys to find th e  corre c t   location for th e  new  inform ation.   The location num ber will appear as   a 2 digit num ber to th e  left of the   batte ry  icon.AD D* Press the LEFT SO FT FUNC TION   key to select ADD.  This choice will   allow  an entry  to be added to  the    Phone Dire c to ry.* If the dire c to ry  is full, th e  fo llow ing   will be displayed on th e  LCD:* To  re turn to th e  DIRECTO RY VIEW     mode, press the LEFT SO FT    FU N C TION key.M e m o r y  fu llQuitJane D oe5551212ADD OPTIONN um ber?SAVE D ELETE~43~2. While in the M ain M enu, p ress    th e  "" key to select DIRECTO RY:3. Inform ation in the Phone Dire c tory is    stored vertically, as show n in Table 1    below . The up and dow n a rro w  keys    are used to move through th e  dire c tory    re c o rd s .2Main M enu: 1:KEY GUARD2:DIRECTORY¡õ¡ô3:CALLER ID4:SOUNDS5:SETTIN G S6:REGISTERN o te : Press the RIGHT SO FT BUTTO N and enter the Index            Code to  dial the phone dire c to ry  num ber.Table 1Inform ationIndex Code01 Nam e #1Te lephone # 102 Nam e #2Te lephone # 230 N am e #30Te lephone # 30DIRECTORY VIEW  M O DEP ress "M ENU", "2 " to access D ire c tory screen1. To  view  the D ire c to ry fro m  th e  IDLE    m ode, p ress th e  RIGHT SO FT    FUNCTIO N  ke y to select the    MENU option.
~45~* Select ADD again using the LEFT   SO FT FUNCTION key. The follow ing    screen will then appear:1.E n te r a  n e w  phone num ber   by pressing th e  corresp ond ing    keypad num ber key once.      The fo llow ing characters   re q u ire a special key com b ination:     press th e  # key two times    (# # ).     p ress th e  # key th re e  tim es    (# # # ).Note:Space:D ash:N um ber?SAVE D ELE TE The dire c tory will store a nam e and a phone num ber, or just a phone num ber, but not a nam e by itself.NOTE:2. P ress the     key to  SAVE the phone num ber.        To  correct an incorrect entry, press     th e  RIG H T SO FT FUNCTION key to     select the D E LE TE  option. D ELETE     will delete one num ber at a time    fro m  right to  left.3. A prom pt will appear to enter a nam e     th a t goes w ith  the phone num ber.     The nam e field can be left blank by    selecting  SAVE with  the LEFT SO FT     FUNCTION key.LEFT SO FT FU N C TIONORNam e?*=CAPS LO CKSAVE D ELETE~46~NOTE: In th e  nam e editing  m ode, as indicated on th e  LCD prom pt, all letters will autom atically b e en tered in th e  upper case. Since this is th e  default setting, using th e  * key will then allow  you to enter lower case lette rs . This function w illstay locked in the low er case mode until th e  * key is pressed  again, or th e  nam e edit m ode is te rm inated.4. To  e n te r th e  letters of a nam e, p ress     th e  corresponding  keypad num ber     one or more times depending  on     th e  order to  the characters on the     key. See Table 2 for a listing of     availab le chara c te rs  that can be     used  in th e  nam e field.    For exam ple: p ress "2 " once for th e      lette r "A," tw ice fo r the letter "B," etc.5. When th e  nam e is entered correctly, press the LEFT SO FT     FUNCTIO N  ke y to select SAVE. The new  entry will be displayed     on th e  screen and the D IRECTO RY VIEW  m ode will     autom atically be activated .NOTE: Each time you enter a character, the cursor autom atically advances to the next chara c te r field as long as you p ress a diffe re n t keypad key to enter each character. H ow ever, if you need  to  press a keypad key two o r m o re  times to enter consecutive characters, you need to firs t press the          key to ad vance the cursor to th e  next character field. Selecting  DELETE with  the RIGHT SO FT BUTTON or p ressing the           ke y w ill b acksp ace the cursor to  the previous field. The           will ad vance th e  cursor.
~ 48~OPTIONE d it O p tio nC hoosing O PTION while in the D IRECTO RY EDIT m ode allow s a dire c tory record to  be edite d , deleted or a num ber to be view ed. P ress  keyto select OPTION. The follow ing screenwill be disp layed:This option allow s a phone re c o rd  to be changed.RIG H T SO FT FUNCTION1. Select th e  "1 " key fro m  th e  keypad.    The fo llow ing screen w ill be     displayed :2. Use th e  RIGHT SO FT FUNCTION    key to  delete th e  phone num ber or    simply ty p e  the new  num ber over the        old e n try.3. If a nam e is a part of the re c o rd , you     will re c e ive the follow ing prom pt:O ptions1:Edit2:Clear Entry¡õ¡ô3:View  N u m ber5551212SAVE D ELETEJA N E  D O E* CAPS LO CKSAVE D ELETE~ 47~Table 2C haractersKey1'+ ,. * ( ) & 12A B C C 2 3D  E F 3G H I 445J K L 56M N O N  6~7P Q R S 7T U V 889W X Y Z 900*TOGGLES CASESPAC E -#Exam ple: In the DIRECTORY EDIT mode, to enter th e  nam e "Jane Doe" use th e  fo llow ing  key sequence:5 (J ) * 2 (a ) 6 6  (n ) 33 (e ) #  (space) * 3 (D ) * 666 (o ) 33 (e )NOTE: Unique character Key 2: C, Key 6: N~
~ 49~5. Once th e  new  inform ation is entered,     press th e  LEFT SO FT FU N C TION     key to  save the new  entry.6. If the nam e is unchanged press th e      LEFT SO FT FU N C TION key to re -    save and exit to the DIRECTO RY Selecting  DELETE will move the cursor to the far right edge of the LC D  screen. Pressing th e  RIGHT SO FT FU N C TION key repeated ly will move th e  cursor right to  leftacross the LC D  screen, deleting each letter ab ove cursor.NOTE:4. The cursor w ill appear under th e  firs t     lette r o f th e  nam e. Typ e new      inform ation over the existing nam e     or p ress th e  RIGHT SO FT     FUNCTION key to select D E LE TE . JANE DOE5551212SAVE D ELETE~ 50~Clear E n try  O p tio nThis option allow s a record  to be com pletely rem oved fro m  the Phone Directory.1. While in the O ptions M enu p ress th e    "2 " key to select clear e n try :2. At this point, the record p reviously    accessed  while in the DIRECTO RY    VIEW  m ode can be deleted by    pressing the LEFT SO FT FUNCTION    key to  select YES as show n on the    LCD screen:3. Deleting  the records will bring up    th e  follow ing  prom pt, at which time    a new  record can be added to the    dire c tory (re fe r to steps und er AD D) :4. Selecting NO will re turn the handset    to  the DIRECTO RY VIEW  mode.Calle r  ID Caller ID inform ation will then appear on the LC D  and also be stored autom atically in the handset fo r later re trieval. To use this option you m ust first subscribe to the C aller ID  service offered by your local telephone com pany.O ptions1:Edit2:Clear Entry3:View  N u m berConfirm  ClearE n try ?YES N oADDEm ptyView  O ptionThis option allow  a record to  be view ed in the phone dire c to ry.
~51~3. Press th e               key to  view th e    m ost recent call or the              key    to  v iew th e  o ldest call in fo rm a tion:4. The Caller ID log will store up to    three inform atio n  fields:    * C alle r phone num ber, if transm itte d .    * C alle r nam e, if transm itted.    * D ate and time stamp.5. The firs t Calle r ID  screen will    display th e  firs t tw o  inform ational fields.Press "M E N U ", "3 " to access Caller ID screen.1. From  th e  ID L E  m ode, press th e    LE FT SO FT FUNCTION key to    select MENU.2. To access th e  C a lle r ID  in fo rm a tion    stored in th e  handset, press th e    "3 " ke y fro m  th e ke yp a d to select    Caller ID .NOTE: S how s the num ber of new Caller ID  e n trie s  since the last time th e  C a lle r ID  log was checked . Theva lue in  th e  to p  LCD lin e  to  the right of th e en velope icon.02 NewcallsView :¡õ¡ô7145551212Nam eTim e D eleteMain M enu: 1:KEY GUARD2:DIRECTORY¡õ¡ô3:CALLER ID4:SOUNDS5:SETTIN G S6:REGISTERNOTE: Caller ID  inform ation is stored in a table with  the new est e n try  on th e  to p  o f th e  table. Using th e          to  v iew  th e  C a lle r ID  lo g  ensures starting at th e  "to p " of th e  ta b le.~52~7. The displayed  inform ation m ay be    deleted w ith th e  RIGHT SO FT    FUNCTION key. The disp lay w ill    show :8. P ress the LEFT SO FT FUNCTION    key to  confirm  th e  deletion, or    p ress th e  RIG H T SO FT FU N C TION    key to  cancel th e  com m and.9.While in th e  CALLER ID VIEW  mode, the displayed num ber can    be dialed  by pressing TALK.10.P ress END to re turn to the Main M enu.: Once the caller ID capacity  (3 0  records) has been reached, the oldest re c o rd  is rem oved fro m  th e  ta b le.NOTE6. D ate and time inform ation can be     view ed by pressing th e  L E F T     SO FT F U N C TIO N  ke y: The 2 digit num ber to  the right of th e en velop e icon tracks the num ber of unview ed C aller ID  re c o rd s .NOTE:714555121209/02  11:12Nam e DeleteDelete?YES N O
~53~To m ake use of this option you must sub scribe to  both C all Waiting and C aller ID service w ith  y o u r local telephone com pany.    * W hen on a call, you will be alerte d  to an incom ing  call with  a         short beep. The phone num ber and nam e of the incom ing        caller will be displayed simultaneously.    * You can place the firs t call on hold and answ er the second        call by pressing TALK. P ressing TA LK  ag ain w ill sw itch back        to the firs t call.C a lle r ID  with  C a ll W a iting O ptionSoundP ress "M ENU", "4 ", "1" to access Ring Volum e m enu.1. From  the IDLE m ode press the     RIGHT SO FT FUNCTION key to     e n te r the M ain M enu:2. Select th e  SOUNDS option by      p ressing the "4 " key fro m  th e    keypad.3. Select RING VO LUM E by p ressing    "1 ".4. Once in this option, th e  c u rre n t ring      volum e level will be displayed  on the     second line of th e  LCD:R ing Volum eSound s M enu1.R ing Volum e2.Ring Type3 .K ey Vo lum e4 .K ey Vo lu m e ToneRing Volu m eHigh¡ô¡õSAVEM ain M enu: 1:KEY GUAR D2:DIRECTORY¡õ¡ô3:C A LLER  ID4:SOUNDS5:SETTING S6:REGISTER~54~5. Ring levels are : HIGH, LO W  and     VIB RATE. U se the                 scrolling keys    to  select ring level. Press the LEFT    SO FT FUNC TION key to SAVE    setting .6. Selecting EN D  re turns handset    to  the Sounds M enu.P ress "M ENU", "4 " , "2 " to access R ing Type m enu. One of fo u r d istinctive  ring tones may be selected for th e  handset by pressing the          or          scrolling keys and pressing  the LEFT SO FT BUTTON to save.The key volum e is the loudness of the sound of th e ke ys w h en  pressed . C hoices are: HIGH, LO W  and O FF.The key tones are the typ e o f sound th a t the keys produce w hen pressed . C hoices are To ne  1, To ne  2, Tone 3 and To ne  4.R ing TypeKey Volum eKey ToneP ress "M ENU", "4 " , "3 " to access K ey Volum e m enu. P ress "M ENU", "4 " , "4 " to access K ey Tone m enu. S e ttings (Setting Handset Preferences)This m enu option can be used to set: local area code, dial mode, and the backlight. Selecting reset with in this option allow s you to reset these preferences (p lus all sound settings) back to th e  fa c to ry  settings. Custom  Nam e is th e  nam e that appears on th e  LC D  in th e  IDLE mode.
~55~ From  the IDLE m ode, p ress th e   RIGHT SOFT FU N C TION key   to enter the Main Menu. P ress   the "5" key fro m  th e ke yp ad  to    select SETTINGS.P ress "M ENU", "5 ", "1"  to access A rea cod e screen.By setting  the local area cod e, when a telephone num ber is a u to -d ialed  fro m  thePhone Directory or Caller ID  containing the selected area code, th e  phone will not include the area cod e w hen the num beris dialed.1. When th is option is selected, th e     local area cod e is displayed    as show n:   The field fo r the area code has   a maximum of three num bers.2. The area code can be edite d  by ty p ing    th e  new  num bers over the current digits .    The             key can be used  to delete    th e  num ber above th e  cursor and the             K ey can be used to  m ove to th e    d esired num b er.3. P ress the  key    to  save the new  area code setting  or    p ress END  to return to the Settings    M enu w ithout saving th e  num ber.*Area CodeLEFT SO FT FU N C TIONSetting M enu1:A rea code2:Tone/P ulse¡õ¡ô3:Backlight4:Reset5:C ustom  nam e6:C all M anager7:Contrast8:Dial PrefixM ove cu rso r:714¡õ¡ôM ain M enu: 1:KEY GUAR D2:DIRECTORY¡õ¡ô3:C A LLER  ID4:SOUNDS5:SETTING S6:REGISTER~56~Tone/P ulse ModeB acklightP ress "M ENU", "5 ", "2" to access Tone/Pulse s c re e n . The handset m ay be set to either tone or pulse mode.1. Afte r s e lecting th is option, th e  LCD     will show  th e  c u rre n t setting as     show n:    Use th e                     scrolling keys to    change the setting.2. P ress the LEFT SO FT FUNCTION    key to  save the new  dial m ode or     p ress END  to return to the Settings     M enu w ithout saving.P ress "M ENU", "5 ", "3" to access Backlight screen. The length of time the backlight sta ys lit w hen the handset is in use m ay b e set with  three options:  8 sec, Off and On.1. The                   scrolling keys m ay     be used to  choose one of the three    options.2. P ress the LEFT SO FT FUNCTION    key to  save the new  backlight setting      or p ress EN D to  re tu rn  to  the     Setting s Menu without saving .: It is recom m ended that the backlight be kept at th e  fa c to ry  setting of 8 seconds. Leaving  the backlight on will deplete th e  battery life more quickly.NOTEDial M ode"Tone¡õ¡ôSAVE8 SecSAVE
~ 57~ResetC ustom  Nam eP ress "M ENU", "5 ", "4 " to access R eset m enu. C hoosing this option allow s th e  handset param eters (d ial mode, backlight, ring and key tone settings and  ring/voice vo lum e) to be re s e t to th e  fa c tory settings. Also, this option will delete all th e  Phone Dire c tory e n tries and  all th e  Caller ID e n tries.1. The R eset param eters option LC D          will show :2. The R eset DIR option LC D  will show :3. The CID option LCD will    show :4. In all cases, press the LEFT    SO FT FUNC TION key to    select YES and the RIGHT    SO FT FUNC TION key to    select NO.5. C hoosing  YES, NO or th e  END  key     will re tu rn  th e  handset to the Settings     M enu.P ress "M ENU", "5 ", "5 " to access C ustom  nam e screen.This option allow s either a nam e or a greeting to  be selected th a t will be disp layed on the LCD in ID LE m ode or when th e  handset is turned on.Factory Set?YES N OD e le te  a llD IR  entriesYES N OD e le te  a llCID  entriesYES N O~ 58~C all M anagerP ress "M ENU", "5 ", "6 " to access C all M anager screen.This option allow s the handset to re c e ivecalls fro m  1 to 4 base units.1. O nce in the Settings M enu press the    "6 " key fro m  th e  keypad to select the    Call M anager option. The screen    will disp lay:1. A ccessing  this option displays the    c u rre n t nam e setting.2. The custom name can th e n  be    edited  by using the num bered    keys on th e  keyp ad  to overw rite    th e  existing characters.3. In this option the second and th ird    lines of the LC D  can be used. The                         keys can be used  to    move the cursor fro m  one line to  the    other and fro m  one side of th e  line    to  the other.4. Use LEFT SO FT FUNCTION key to     save th e  new  custom  nam e or th e    RIGHT SO FT FUNCTIO N  key to    delete th e  nam e. EN D will return    th e  handset to the Settings M enu. This p roced ure is similar to  the phone dire c to ry  nam e edit mode (see Table 2: Availab le C haracters und er Dire c tory O ption).NOTE:EnGenius=C aps lock*SAVE D eleteEnGeniusSN-920SAVE D eleteReceiv e  C a llsfrom  base  1:¡õ¡ô¡õ¡ôS A V E Yes N o
~ 60~D ial P refixP ress "M enu", "5", "8" to  access th e  Dial Prefix screen.Allow s you to enter up  to  an eight-d igit dialing prefix (i.e.: 1010555 fo r long distance service).Use the UP/DOW N scrolling keys to toggle betw een th e  Yes or No Dial Prefix default selection. P ress the RING  SO FT FUNCTION key to  select "E d it" then enter th e  Dial Prefix num b er via th e  keypad. P ress th e  LEFT SO FT FUNCTION key to select "Save".If you have elected  to  use a Dial Prefix, e n te r a phone num ber, prior establishing dial tone, then press th e  " TA LK " Key. The screen will ask you "U se Prefix?" select "Yes" by pressing th e  LEFT SO FT FUNCTIO N  key or select "No" by p ressing the RIGHT SO FT FU N C TION key.~ 59~2. The                        scrolling   keys may    be used to  select a b ase unit num ber    fro m  1 to  4. P ressing  the RIG H T SO FT    FUNCTIO N  key m oves the        fro m      YES to N O  and back to  YES in th e    selection process.    P ressing  the LEFT SO FT FU N C TION    key will save the setting.3. Repeat th e  process until all b ase units    fro m  which calls are  to  be accepted    have been selected for th e  handset.P ress "M ENU", "5 ", "7 " to access C ontra s t screen.This option adjusts the contra s tfor the handset's LC D  screen.1. While in the Settings M enu, select    th e  "" key fro m  the keypad. The    LCD will disp lay th e  c u rre n t contra s t    setting :2. Use th e                    scrolling keys to      change the contra s t se tting fro m  1  to    1 6  (1  is th e  lightest se tting and 16 is     darkest).3. The LEFT SO FT FUNCTION key will    save th e  new  setting. P ress EN D  to    re turn the handset to  th e  Setting s    M enu. P ressing E N D  ag ain returns    th e  handset to the M ain M enu.C ontrast7Contrast:12Adjust=¡õ¡ôSAVE
~ 61~Base Unit902-928 Mhz          AC Adapter         900 mW          Yes                       32 kbps ADPCM     93 kbps           142                        Pulse-shaped FSK Time Division Duplex (TDD)Frequency Hopping CDMA > 200 per second< -106 dBm (@ BER 10)-22 dBi Indoor/5 dBi OutdoorTIA/EIA-470BYesFCC Part 15, Part 68CAN/DOC RSS210, CS03CUL 1950, UL 1950FCC MPE6 7/8 x 5 x 1 5/8 inches172 x 124 x 41 mm18 ounces/497 gramsElectrical SpecificationsFrequency                 Power Source                    Output Power                    Transmit Power Control   Speech Coding    User Data Rate                  Number of Channels        Modulation                        Duplex                      Multiple AccessFrequency Hopping Rate Receiver Sensitivity Antenna GainVoice QualityLine Reversal SupportRegulation ComplianceSafety ComplianceDimensions withoutAntennaWeightPortable Handset902-928 MHz     750 mAh NiMH           630 mW                   Yes                              32 kbps ADPCM      93 kbps                    142                    Pulse-shaped FSK    Time Division Duplex (TDD)Frequency Hopping CDMA> 200 per second< -106 dBm (@ BER 10)-2Max 1.5dBi, Typical 0 dBi / RetractableMax 3dBi, Typical 2 dBi / FixedTIA/EIA-470BNAFCC Part 15, Part 68CAN/DOC RSS210, CS03Hearing Aid CompatibleCUL 1950, UL 1950FCC SAR (OET-65)7/8 x 1 3/8 x 5 1/4 inches46 x 34 x 132 mmWith Battery: 9 ounces                     250 grams4 ouncesChargerNA AC AdapterNANANANANANANANANANANANANACUL 1950, UL 19503 1/2 x 4 1/8 x 2 1/4 86 x 104 x 56 mm4 ounces115 gramsNote: The manufacturer reserves the right to change designs and specifications without notice.Product Specifications~ 62~C o rd le s s  S a fe ty  TipsYour cordless phone give s you the freedom  and flexibility  to  stay in touch while you m ove around.  H ow ever, th e  safe and responsible use of th e  phone depends entire ly on you.  Avoid accidents by not reaching fo r the phone or talking  on the phone if that distracts you fro m  w o rk ing safely. Your life  and th e  lives of others are at stake.1. When using your cordless phone ensure your safety an d  the     safety of others:        Always watch where you are walking  and standing.        Don't let a phone call distra c t you from  working  safely.2. In an Em ergency    If an em ergency occurs, dial 911.  Remember: if you are in an     area w here your phone is searching or scanning for a signal or     th e re  is no signal, it is h ighly probable that a call to  911 will not    go through. Locate the nearest landline phone and call for    help.     Cordless 911 calls may not autom atically provide em erg ency     personnel with  y o u r nam e, phone num ber or location.  Te ll the     dispatcher:        Your nam e and phone num ber, including  area code.        The nature of the em ergency.        W hether police, fire  o r m edical assistance is needed.        The exact location of the em erg ency, including cross streets,         mileposts or landm arks. BEFO RE USIN G  YO U R  TE LE P H O N E  EQ UIPM ENT, BASIC SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS SHO ULD  ALW AYS BE FO LLO W ED  TO  RED UCE TH E RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHO CK AN D INJURY TO  PERSO NS AND DAMAGE TO  PRO PERTY.Im portant Safety Instructions
~ 63~3. Power Outage    In the event of a pow er outage, your cordless te lephone will     not allow  you to m ake an outgoing call or take an incom ing call.      The cordless base station require s  electricity  fo r operation.      You should have a telephone which does not require  electricity      availab le for use during pow er outages, or alte rn a tively ha ving      p rop er backup power for the base station.  4. Notice to  Hearing Aid W earers:  This phone system  is     com patible with inductively coupled hearing aids. 5. Notice to  Cardiac Pacem aker W earers:  Preliminary studies     done by FD A and others have show n th a t, although     interference to  the implanted cardiac p acem aker may occur     w hen operating very closely, wire less te lephones "do not seem         to  pose a significant problem  for p acem aker w earers."      H ow ever, until more is know n, FD A  sug gests that people with      p acem akers m ay w ant to take p recautions w hen using or     c a rry ing a wire less te lephone to ensure th a t there is am ple     distance betw een the telephone and th e  p acem aker.1. R ead and understand all instru c tions.2. Follow  all w a rn ing s and instru c tions includ ing those m arked     on th e  product.3. U nplug th is product fro m  th e  wall telephone jack and power     outlet before cleaning .  Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol     cle a n e rs .  Use dam p cloth fo r cleaning.4. D o  n o t use the telephone near water, for exam ple, near a        b a th tu b , w ashbow l, kitchen sink, laundry tu b , wet basem ent    or sw imming pool.Product Safety Tips5. D o  n o t place this product on an unstable c a rt, stand or table.         The product may fall, causing serious dam ag e to  the product.  ~ 64~6. Slots or openings in the product's housing back, side and    bottom , are provided for ventilation. These openings must not    be blocked or covered. Placing th e  product on a bed,    carpeting , or other similar surface m ay block these opening    and should be avoided. This product should never be placed    near or over a ra d iator or heat register. This product sho uld not    be placed in a built-in installation unless proper ventilation is    p rovided.  7. This product should be operated only fro m  the type of power     source indicated on th e  marking label.  If you are not sure of     th e  type of pow er supply to your hom e, consult your dealer or     local p ow er com p any.  8. D o  n o t overload wall o u tlets and extension cord s as this can     result in th e  risk of fire  or electric shock.9. N ever push objects of any kind  into this product through     housing slots as they m ay touch dangerous volta g e  p o ints or     short out parts that could re s u lt in th e  risk of fire , electric shock,     or injury.  N ever spill liquid of any kind on th is product.10. To  reduce th e  risk of electric shock or burns, do not       disassem ble th is product. Take this product to qualified      service personnel w hen service or repair w o rk  is required.       O pening  or re m o v ing covers may expose you to  dangerous      voltag es, electrical c u rre n t or other risks.  Incorrect      reassem bling  of th e  product can cause electric shock w hen      th e  product is subsequently used. 11. W a rn ing: C hanges or m odifications to this product n o t       expressly approved by EnG enius could vo id th e  w a rra n ty  a n d        the FC C  authorization to  operate the eq uipm ent.12. U nplug the base station fro m  th e  wall outlet and refer       servicing  to qualified  service personnel under th e  fo llow ing       conditions:       If liquid had been spilled into the product.       When th e  power supply cord  or plug is dam aged or frayed.       If the product has been exposed to  ra in or water. „h„h„h
~ 65~         If th e  product does not operate norm ally by fo llow ing th e            operating in s tru c tions.  Adjust only those contro ls that are          covered by th e  operating  instru c tions because im proper          ad justment of other controls m ay result in dam age and will           often re q u ire  e x te n s ive w ork by qualified service personnel          to re s tore the product to  norm al operations.            If th e  product has been dropped or housing has been          dam aged.         If th e  product exhibits a distinct change in p e rfo rm a n c e .13. Avoid using te lephone during an ele c trical storm .  There m ay       be a risk of electrical shock fro m  lightning.14. Do not use th e  te lephone to re p o rt a gas leak while in the        vicinity  o f the leak.15. The antenna on the desk station d oes not re tra c t.  To  prevent       injury, do not place the telep ho ne w here persons can step,       trip or fa ll on th e  te lephone. 16. Do not place metal objects on th e  antenna.17. Do not install the base station or cord less handset charger       near microw ave ovens, ra d io equipm ent, or non-cable        connected  televisions. These appliances may cause electrical       interference to the base station or cordless handset. 18. The base station must be placed on a hard, flat s u rfa c e  a n d        connected  to both a phone wall jack and an AC  pow er outlet.  19. Do not stick foreign objects into any of th e  holes on th e  base       station or c o rd less handset.  You could harm  the speakers,        e a rp ieces, microphones, or yourself.  20. Batte ry  S a fe ty  Precautions: To  reduce th e  risk of fire , injury or       electric shock, or property dam ag e, and to properly dispose       of batteries, please read and und erstand th e  fo llow ing       instru c tions:         BATTERY M UST BE RECYCLED OR DISPO SED OF          PRO PERLY.  DO  NO T DISPO SE B ATTER Y IN M UNICIPAL          W ASTE.~ 66~         Only use EnG enius approved N ickel-M etal Hydrid e  (N iMH)          rechargeable batte ries in th e  c o rd less handset and battery          charg er.         DO NOT use other rechargeable batte ries or non-         rechargeable batte ries, or mixed types of batte ries. The          batteries could short-c irc u it, and th e  battery shell may be          dam aged causing a hazard ous condition.  In s tru c tion lab els          are located  in th e  handset and charging  unit battery          com partm ent.         Alw ays follow  b asic safety precautions w hen using  and          disp osing of batte ries.  D o  n o t dispose of th e  batteries in a          fire ; the cells m ay exp lode.  Do not expose batteries to water.            Check with  local codes for special disposal instru c tions.         Periodically clean the charge contacts on both the charg er          and handset.         DO NOT mix old and new  batte ries in this product.         Position positiv e  (+ ) b a ttery contact to m atch diagram  in          c o rd less handset.         Charge the batteries provided w ith , or identified for use with ,           this product only in accord ance with th e  in s tru c tions and          limita tions specified in the instru c tion m anual.         Exercise care in handling batteries in order not to short the          batteries with conducting m aterials such as rings, bracelets,          and keys. The batteries or conducting m aterial m ay          overheat and cause burns or fire .         Do not open or mutilate the batte ries.  Released ele c tro lyte          is c o rro s ive  and m ay cause dam age to the eyes or skin.           the ele c tro lyte may be toxic if sw allow ed.         D u ring charging , batteries heat up. This is norm al and is not         dangerous.         Do not use non-EnG enius charging devices.  This could          dam age the batte ries.SAVE TH ESE SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS
~ 68~6. This telephone system  equipm ent has been tested and found     to  com ply with the limits  for C lass B digital device, pursuant to      Part 15 of the FCC Rules and RS210 of the DOC Rules.  These     limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against     harm ful interference in a residential installation.  Som e cord less     and wire less te lephones operate at freq uencies th a t m ay cause     interference to  nearby TV's, VCR's, radio, com puters, or other     electronic devices.  To  minimize  or prevent such interference,     th e  te lephone system  should not be placed or operated near     these devices.  If interference is experienced, moving the base     station or handset farther aw ay fro m  them  will often reduce or     eliminate the interference.7. H ow ever, th e re  is no guarantee that interfe re n c e  w ill not occur     in a p a rticular installation.  If th is telephone system  d oes cause     harm ful interference to other electronic devices, which can be     determ ined by turning th e  system  off and on, the user is     encouraged to try  to  correct the interference by one or more of     th e  follow ing  m easures:         Increase th e  separation between the handset and/or base             and the device that experiences interference.         C onnect the base station into a pow er outlet on a circ u it            different fro m  th a t to which the other device is connected.              or, connect the base station to  another te lephone outlet.         C onsult th e  dealer or a n  e x p e rienced ele c tro n ic technician          for help.1. This telephone system  com plies with Part 68 of the FC C  ru les.      On th e  bottom  of the base station is a label that contains,     am ong other inform ation, the FC C  Regis tra tion Num ber, Ringer     Equivalence N um ber (REN ) and the Universal Service O rder     C o d e  (U S O C ), which is RJ-11C .  Your te lephone com pany m ay     ask you fo r this inform ation.2. The REN is useful to d e te rm ine th e  quantity  o f d evices you     m ay connect to  your telephone line and still have all of those     d evices ring w hen your telephone num ber is called.  In m ost,    but n o t all areas, the sum  of the REN's of all devices connected     to one line should not exceed  five (5 .0 ).  To  be certain of the    num ber of devices you m ay connect to your line, a s  d e te rm ined    by the REN , you should contact your local te lephone com pany    to determ ine the m aximum REN for your calling area.3. If your telephone equipm ent causes harm  to th e  te lep hone    netw ork, the telephone com p any m ay ask you to disco nnect    the system  fro m  th e  line until th e  problem  has been corrected     or th e y  m a y  disco ntinue your service te m p o ra rily.  If possible,    they will n o tify you in advance.  But if advance notice isn't    practical, you should be notified  as soon as possible.  You will    be inform ed of your right to  file a com p laint with FC C  or DOC.4. Your telephone com pany may m ake changes in its  facilities,     equipm ent, operations, or procedures that could affe c t th e      proper functioning of your telephone system .  If th e y  do and if     possible you w ill be notified in advance to give you an     opportunity to  maintain uninte rru p ted te lephone service.  If you     experience trouble with this telephone system , disconnect it     fro m  th e  netw ork until the problem  has been corrected or until     you are s u re  that the equipm ent is not malfunctioning.5. This telephone system  may not be used  on coin service     provided by the telephone com pany.  C onnection to  party lines     is sub ject to state tariffs.  Privacy of com m unications m ay not     be ensured w hen using th is phone. ~ 67~Regulatory In fo rm a tio n
whip x 6EnGenius    Optional Outdoor Antenna lnstallation lnstructionsTMFor safety and optimum performance, be sure to read theseinstructions carefully.Order lnformationPlease order the EnGenius     SN-900 Ultre Outdoor Antenna and/or cable.WarningFor your safety, keep the antenna away from electric power lines toavoid electric shock.TMFor FCC compliance, the outdoor antenna must not be locatedwithin 8 inches (20cm) of any person.Site SelectionThe higher the antenna is installed, the better the communication will be.  lf you can install the antenna higher than surrounding obstructions, the communication range will be better.The antenna must be on the roof and maintain a three meter(10 feet) clearance in all directions to meet RF safety requirements.Antenna lnstallation1.  Find a mast (metal pole) that is longer than five meters and 25 to      50mm (1"to 1.9") in diameter.2.  Assemble the antenna body and six whips.3.  Connect brackets to guide     pipe, sliding the brackets on     from the bottom.4.  Fit the guide pipe and      bracket on mast firmly.5.  Thread the coaxial cable     through the guide pipe and     connect one end of the     coaxial cable to the antenna.6.  Connect the other end of     the coaxial cable to the base     station.Note:Use only EnGenius antenna and cable.  The base          station antenna connector has reverse thead that          only works with cables supplied by EnGenius.Over 3 M (correct)Over 3 M(correct)Over 3 M(correct)Less than 3 M(incorrect)Less than 3 M(incorrect)BracketGuide pipeMastAntenna
When using EnGenius SN-900 Ultra, always follow basic safety precautions to reduce the risk of injury, fire, and electical shock,including the following practices:1. Read and understand all instuctions2.  Avoid using a telephone during thunderstorms.3.  Do not use a telephone in the vicinity of a gas leak.  4. Do not use this product near water, or when you are wet.5. Unplug this product form any line or power source before      cleaning or if it comes in contact with any liguids.6. Install this product in a protected location 7.  This product should be operated only from the type of power       source indicated on the marking label.            included in the user's      manual and this antenna installation instructructions.  ln anddition,     observe all warnings and instructions marked on the product.    There may be a     remote chance of electrical shock from lightning.      Report a suspected gas leak immediately, but use a telephone      away from the  area where gas may be leaking.  Because this      product is a wireless model, make sure the base is also removed      form the area.       For example, do not use it in a wet basement or shower, or next to a     swimming pool, bathtub, kitchen sink, or laundry tub.         Do not use liquids or aerosol sprays for cleaning.  Use only a damp     cloth when cleaning.  Do not plug the product back in until it has      dried thoroughly.   where it is not at risk     of falling and no one can trip over and line or power cord.  Protect     cords from damage or fraying.  Do not place and objects on the      power cord.lf you are not sure of the type of power supplied to your home,       consult your dealer or local Power Company.  lf this product has       user replaceable betteries, replace batteries only as described in      your user's manual.  Do not burn or puncture batteries because       they contain caustic chemicals.8.  Do not short circuit the battery pack.  9. Do not block slots and openings in the cabinet and the back or     bottom, these are provided for ventilation.  10.Never push objects of and kind into this product through      cabinet slots 11.To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not disassemble this      product.  12.Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords as this can      result in the risk of fire or electrical shock.13.Unplug this product from the wall outlet if any of the following      situations should occur:        The metal bands on the     battery pack should never come in contact with a conductive      surface at the same time.  Also, do not let two battery metal bands     touch each other.  To protect it from      overheating, do not block these openings by placing the product on     the bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surfaces.  This product should      never be placed near or over or over a radiator or exceed      environmental specifications listed in the user's manual.  In      addition, this product should not be placed in a built-in installation      where proper ventilation is not they may touch dangerous voltage points or short      out parts that could result in a risk of fire or electrical shock.lf service or repair work is required, contact EnGenius      Customer Service or email us at  Opening or removing cadinet parts other      than specified access doors may expose you to dangerous voltages      or other risks.  Lncorrect reassembling can cause electrical       shock when the appliance is subsequently used.when the power supply cord or plug is damaged or frayed.      lf liquid has been spilled into the product.      lfthe the product has been exposed to rain or water.      lf the product does not operate normally by following the operating      instructios.  Adjust only those controls that are covered by the       operating instructions.      lf the product has been dropped and the cabinet has been       damaged.      lf the product exhibits a distinct change in performance.     TMSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS

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