Sercomm RC8321 Wireless Network Camera User Manual

Sercomm Corporation Wireless Network Camera

User manual

WWiirelUlesUses IPer’sPCsGCamGuidmerdera
CHACHACHACHACHACHAAPTER1OverviewPhysicalPackageAPTER2SystemRInstallatiAPTER3OverviewRequiremConnectConnectViewingAPTER4IntroducAdjustinControllMakingViewingMotionDAPTER5IntroducConnectWelcomAdminisSystemSNetworkWirelessDDNSSIP FilterStreaminVideo&VideoAUser DaPan/TiltMotionDAudioDE-MailSFTP ScrHTTPSSMB/CIEvent TrMaintenStatus SLog ScreAPTER7OverviewProblem1 INTROw ..........l Detailse Content2 BASICRequiremion - Wi3 VIEWIw ..........ments ...ting to ating to ag Live Vi4 ADVAction the Viling UserVideo avg Live ViDetectio5 WEB-Bction ......ting toWme ScreenstrationMScreen ..k Screen.s Screen.Screen ...r ............ngs........& AudioSAccess Scatabase SScreen.DetectioDetectionScreen ..reen........Screen ....IFS Clienrigger Scnance Scrcreen.....een........7 TROUBw Wirelets ..........C SETUPments.....reless IPING LIV...........................CameraCameraideo ......ANCEDV..............ideo Imar Accessvailableideo vian 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APPENDIX A SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................................ 64Wireless IP Camera......................................................................................................... 64Regulatory Approvals ..................................................................................................... 64Copyright Notice.............................................................................................................. 66P/N:Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.Document Version: 1.0All trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.
ChInOvTheVisioLANUsinvideonetwFurtharouFeat••hapterntrodThicomerviewWirelesson CMON, the Intng enhanco and auworkbandhermore,und 5 metturesStandaand VidWirelesDualVdifferenr 1ductis Chaptemponentsws IP CamOS Sensoternet, anced H.26udio direcdwidth re, with theters longalone Dedeo encodss LAN.Video Sunt imagetionerprovids and capmera hasar, enablinnd for the64 technoctly to yoequiremee built-ing under loesign.Tder. It reupport.compresndes detailpabilitiesan Integrng it tode Wirelesologies,tour PC.Tents to amn infraredow lightFThe Wirelequires onThe of thes.rated Midisplayhss IP Camthe WireThe highmazinglyd LEDs,conditioFigure 1:less IPCnly apowreless IPWirelesscrocomphigh qualmera, aneless IPCh comprey low levthe Wireons in a sWirelessCamera iswer sourCameras IP Camputer andlity livesn 802.11NCamera ission capvels.eless IPcimple, ecs IP Cams a standarce and acan suppmera's fead a highqstreamingN Wireles able topabilitiescameracconomicmeraalone syconnectport H.26atures,qualityMg videooess LAN. streamhs of H.26can provical mannestem wittion to yo64 andMMega Pixover you.high qua64 reduceide built-inour LANMJEPGvxel Omniur wiredalityeminationn CPUN orvideo for11
•••••••••Inte•••Secu••Streamthe camWebbroSuitablPublicFthe featuMulti-Pother InexistingIR LEDprovidewhile uneveningMotionCameralarge obWhenmtriggereFlexibla flexibso it isaSyslogdata toyAudiodesired.Day/Nbetter imernet FeUser-d"portmIP addreDDNSIP addredynamicnot suppNTP (Ncalibrateon Videurity FUserAUserswstream.Passwothat it om LiveVmera geneowser tole forHFacilitysures youProtoconternet reg networkDs Supp illuminander lowg.n Detecta will combjects. Thmotion ised.le Schedle scheduactive ong Supporyour SysSuppor. Withbuight Swmages eveaturesdefinablemapping"ess. Supporess of thec IP addrport DDNNetworke its inteeo fromteaturesAuthentiwill haveord-Protnly canbVideo toerate a reo view livHome, Bsurveillanu need.ol Suppoelatedprok.port. Eacation arow-light cotion. Thmpare cohis functs detectioduling.Yuling sysnly whenrt. If youslog Servrt. You cuilt-in miwitch.Wven in thee HTTPso theWrt. In orde gatewaress, DDNS, thisk-Time-ernal clocthe entertectedCbe chango Multipeady-to-vve video.usinessnce, or juort. Suppotocols,tch Wirelound 5monditionshis featuronsecutivtion onlyon, an E-mYou canstem. Thn requiredu have listenicrophonWith thede dark ofP/HTTPWirelessIder to vieay usedbDNS (Dynfunction-Protocock fromaless IPCIf desiretheir useConfiguged by thple Userview vide.or Publust for enportingTthe Wireless IP Cmeters lons such ase can detve frames works inmail alern limit ace Motiond.SyslogSn as wellne, it isuday/nightf night.S portnIP Camerew videoby the Wnamic DNn is incorpol) Suppan InternCamerawed, accessernameauration.Che Wirelers. Theveo streamlic FacintertainmTCP/IPneless IPCamera hang, that cindoors,tect motis to detecndoorsdrt can becess to thn DetectiServer, thas look!useful forswitchinnumber.ra and ao over theireless IPNS) is reporatediport.NTnet Time-will be cos to liveandpasswConfiguress IP Cavideo encm. Just colities.Wment andnetworkinCameracas 6 infraan helpt, on clouion in thect changdue to the sent, orhe videoion featuhe WireleAudio isr bi-direcng featur. This allWeb Sere InterneP Camerequired.into theWTP cawordbefration daamera Adcoder andonnect toWhetherffun, theng, SMTcan be eaared LEDto outputudy days,e field ofes causede sensitivsome oth streamture can aless IP Cas encodection voicre, you arlows Interver canet, usersmra. But ifSince maWirelesss the WiThis ensan be restfore beingata canbedministrad HTTPo the camfor HomeWirelesP (E-maasily inteDs . Thet a better, or in thef view.Td by thevity of thher actioto speciflso haveamera caed with thce convere able toernet Gatshare themust knofthe Gateany exists IP Camireless IPsures thattricted tog able toepasswoator.serverbumera usine, Busines IP Camail), HTTgrated inLEDs car video que morninThe Wiremovemehe CMOSon maybfied timesits ownan send ihe videoersation.o view anteways toe same Inow the Ineway hasting Gatemera.P Camerat the timeo knowno view thord proteuilt intong youress ormera hasP andnto youranualityng oreless IPent ofS sensor.bes usingschedulets logifnd recordo usenternetnternets aeways doa toe stampusers.e videocted, soe,do2
Wir•••••relessFSupporcompatistationsWiredor wirelWEPSWPA/WallowingWPSSdevicetWirelesFeaturesrts 11nWibility wi can beuand Wiless transSupport.WPA2Sg the wiss IP CamsWirelesith the 80used simirelessNsmission. Full WESupportced encry.WPS (Wreless nemera, oress Statio02.11b smultaneouNetworkn.EP suppot. TheWyption ofWi-Fi Proetworkbyenteringons. Thetandard,usly.k Suppoort (64/1WPA Persf wirelesotectedSy usingta PIN co 802.11nso 802.1ort. TheW28 Bit)oonal/WPs data.Setup) cathe pushode if then standar11n, 802Wirelesson theWPA2 Persan simplibuttoncere's nobrd provid.11b ands IP CamWireless insonal stanify theprconfigurabutton.des forbad 802.11gmera suppnterfacendard isrocess ofation (PBackwardg Wireleports eithis providalso suppf connectBC) on thssher wiredded.ported,ting anyhed3
PhyFronLigLenReaMiysicalnt - Wight Sensonsar - WircrophonDetailirelessIorreless IPels -WIP CamTNsdPCameTcWirelesmeraThis is hNo physishould endegradederaThe builtconversas IPCFiguardwareical adjunsure thad if the leFigut-in micration.Cameraure 2: Frosensor toustment isat the lenens coverure 3: Rerophoneiaont Panelo detects requirens coverrr is dirtyear Panelis usefullLUX.ed orposremaincy or smudll for bi-dsible forclean. Thdged.irectionvthe lenshe imagevoice, but youqualityiuis4
Ne(GrPow(GrLADCWPPacTheconta1.2.3.4.twork/Wreen, Amwer LEDreen)AN portC PowerPS/Resetckagefollowinact yourWirelesWall-StaDC PowUSB toWPS LEDmber)DInputt ButtonConteng itemsdealer ims IP Camand x 1wer adaptEthernetDOOsBLOfBOOB5UCN••CpPds•••entsshouldbmmediatmera x 1ter x 1t cable xOn (GreeOff - Wisending/rBlinkingLAN orWOn (AmbfunctionBlinkingOn - PowOff - NoBlinking55 to 57Use thepCameratNote:• Pluggin   Onl•ThewheRJ-4switConnectpower adPush thedevice tosecuredw•••WPsecomodWPsecomodRespresCambe includely.1en) -Netreless orreceivingg (Green)Wirelessber) - Iftis failedg (Amberwer on. power.g - The Posecondsprovidedto a 10/1ng in thely 1 intere RJ-45Uen the ca45 USBtch the inthe suppdapters;dWPSbuoperformwirelessPS PBCMonds), thde (AutoPS Pin Coonds, thede.set to massed andmera willed: If anytwork (Wr LAN isg data.) - Datais connectthe LEDd.r) - WPSower LE.d RJ-45U00BaseTLAN carface canUSB cabamera ispcable whnterfaceplied 12Vdoing soutton ontm WPSfuconnectiMode.Whe Wireleo link moode Mode Wirelesnufacturheld ovel be set ty of thesWirelessonot connis beingttion. is on for functionED willbUSB cablT hub orable willn be activle shouldpoweredhile thecbetweenV powermay damthe devicfunctiontion automWhenpresess IP Caode).de. Whenss IP Camrer defauler 10 seco their dse itemsaor LAN)nected ortransmittr 5 seconn is beingblink durile to conswitch.disabletve at anyd onlybed OFF.Acamera isn wired anadapterhmage thece and onthat easilmaticallyssed andamera winpressedmera willt valuedconds, thdefault vaare dama) connectr camerated or recnds andtgprocessing startnnect youthe Wiretime.e connecAttachingspowerend wirelhere. Doe cameran your otly createy.releasedill be intd and heldll be in thd and rebe settingalues.aged ormtion is ava is notceived vithen off,sed.up. Thisur Wireleless interted or dior detaced on doeess.o not use.ther wires an encrd (less ththe WPSd for ovehe WPSPboot. Whegs of Wirmissing,vailable.ia thethe WPSs will takess IPrface.isconnectching thees NOTotherelessryption-en 3 PBCer 3Pin Codeenreless IPpleaseSketede5
ChBaSys••Inst1.A2.ChapterasicThiCamstemRTo usetis requirTo usetcompliaWirelestallatioAssemblAttachtConnectConnectRJ-45Ur 2c Seis Chaptemera.Requirthe wiredred.the Wireant withtss stationThMSSWDChon-We the Cathe Camethe RJ-t the WirUSB cablFWUcWTthwanwetuperprovidrementd LAN ineless intethe IEEEns mustuhe defauMode: InfSID: ANWirelessSDomain:UhannelNWirelesameraera Stand45 USBreless IPle and asFor thisMWirelessUsing theonfiguraWirelessiThe firstthe RJ-45with apprndpowewirelessides detailtsnterface,rface onE802.11buse compult WirelefrastructuNYSecurity:USANo.: Autoss IPCd to thecB CableCamerastandardModel, itand LANe LAN ination. Aftinterfacetime you5 USB caropriateser off theinterfacels of inst a standathe wireb, IEEE8patible seess settinure a 10/LAN cawill disaN interfacnterfaceiter theWe can beuu connectable yotalling anard 10/10eless mod802.11goettings.ngs theWces cannis recommWirelesssused.t to thecconfigurThen you The Wiou powernd config00BaseTdel, otheror IEEE8eT hub orWirelessnot be usemendedsettingsacamera,yre the Wiu can unireless IPr on thecguring thT hub orsr Wirele802.11nr switch,s Interfaced simultfor initiaare correyou shouireless IPnplug theP Cameracameraahe Wireleswitch anss devicespecifica using thce. Thetaneouslalct, theuld conneP Camera LAN caa will beagain.ess IPnd netwoes mustbations.Ahe suppliy.ectaableinork cablebeAlled2e26
3. Power UpConnect the supplied 12Vpower adapter to the Wireless IP Camera and power up. Useonly the power adapter provided. Using a different one may cause hardware damage.4. Check the LEDs••The Power LED will turn on briefly, then start blinking. It will blink during startup, whichtakes 55 to 57 seconds. After startup is completed, the Power LED should remain ON.The Network LED should be ON.For more information, refer to Physical Details - Wireless IP Camera in Chapter 1.7
ChVOvThisButm••ReqTovfollo••ConToe1. St2. In3.WhapteriewThierview Chaptermany othThe camstreamtChapterTo makRoutermChapterquiremview thelowing reqWindowInternetnnectiestablishtart Internn the AddWhen your 3wingis Chaptewr has detaherpowemera admto knownr 4 - Advke LiveVmust ber 4 - Advmentslive videquiremenws XP, 3t Exploreingtoa connecnet Expldressboxu connect Liverprovidails of vierful featministraton usersbvancedVVideo froconfigurvancedVeo streamnts:2-bit Wier 7 or laa Camction fromorer.x, enter "t, the follveVdes basiciewing livtures andor can alsby requiriViewingSom the cared correViewingSm generatindowsVater, Firefmeraonm yourPHTTP://lowing sVidec informave videod optionsso adjusting viewSetup foramera avectly. SeeSetup forted by thVista/Winfox 3.0onyourPC to the/" and thecreen wieoation aboo using Ins are avait the Vidwers to sur details.vailableve Makingr details.he Wirelendows 7or later.rLANe Wirelese IP Addill be dispout viewinternetEilable:deo Streaupply a uvia the Ing Videoaess IP Ca.Nss IP Camdress of livevExplorer.m, and rsernamenternet,yavailableamera, yomera:he Wirelvideo.restrict ac andpasyour Intere from thou needtless IPCccess totsword.Srnet Gatehe Interneto meettCamera.the videoSeeeway oret inthe3o8
4. Cl5. IfuE6. ThC7. Vivlick Viewfthe AdmusernameEnter thehe first tiChoose"ideo willvideo strew Video.ministratoe andpase name anime you"I acceptl startplaeam isbu.or has resssword.ndpasswconnectthe termaying autuffered.strictedaword assito the cams of thetomaticaFiguraccess toigned toyamera, yolicenseaally. Therre 4: Homo knownuyou by thou willbagreemenre maybme Screeusers, yohe Wirelbe prompnt" andcbe a delayenou will thless IPCpted to inclick "OKy of a fewhen beprCamera adnstall decK".w secondrompteddministracoders.ds whilefor aator.the9
ConYouAdmusedSeeMdetaiAlsoareNToe1. Obc•2. St3. InnnecticanNOministratod by thecMakingVils of theo, you neNOT supestablishbtain theconnectt••IntPo• Login (utart Internn the AddHTTP://WhereIandportExampleHTTPWheretExampleHTTPWheretthe HTTing toT connecor has cocamera.Video ave requireded abroapported.a connece followinto:ternet IPort numbeusernamnet Expldressbox/Internet_Internet_t_numbees usingP://203.70the Interne usingaP://mycamthe DomaTP portna Camct to a canfiguredvailablefd configuadbandIction fromng informAddresser for HTme, passworer.x, enter th_Addres_Addresser is thepan IP ad0.212.52netIPadaDomainmera.dynain namenumber ismera vamera viad both thefrom theuration.Internetcm yourPmation frs or DomTTP connword) if rehe followss:port_ns is the Inport numddress::1024ddress (usingDs 1024.ia thea the Intee camera InternetconnectioPC to therom theAmain Namnectionsequired.wing:numbernternet IPmber used203.70.2024DDNS inInternernet unla and thet in Chapon to viee WirelesAdminisme of the.P addressd for HTT212.52 ann this exnetless thecInternetpter 4 -Aew videoss IP Camstrator of camera.s or DomTP (WebndtheHTample) icamerat GatewaAdvancedeffectivemera viafthe cam.main Namb) connecTTPpors mycamay/Routerd Viewinely. Dialthe Intermera youwme of thections tortnumbermera.dyndrng Setupl-up connrnet:wish toe camera,the camris anfornections,era.4.nd10
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3.MDeChStrVidReVidCoGOMaUsStrEnaVidReVidCoGOMaUsMake therfault Strehannelreamingdeo Formsolutiondeo QualntrolOV Lengax. Framer Definereaming2abledeo Formsolutiondeo QualntrolOV Lengax. Framer Definerequiredeaming1 Settingmatlitygthe Rateed URI2/3 Settinmatlitygthe Rateed URIadjustmSgsSS••AFbSTYlngsCSS••AFbSTYlments, aseSelect thSelect thSelect th••Conto4Fixeis seAdjust thFrame. "betweenSelect thThe defaYou maylive videCheck thSelect thSelect th••Conto1Fixeis seAdjust thFrame. "betweenSelect thThe defaYou maylive videexplainehe defaulthe desiredhe desirednstant Bi4.0 Mbpsed Qualiet toNorhe GOV3" mean2 and 15he desiredault valuey enter tho fromche box ifhe desiredhe desirednstant Bi.0 Mbpsed Qualiet toNorhe GOV3" mean2 and 15he desiredault valuey enter tho fromcd below,t channeld formatd videorit Rate:Ss.ity: Selecrmal.intervalns 1 I fram50.d Maxime is 30.he URIucamera thyou wand formatd videorit Rate:Ss.ity: Selecrmal.intervalns 1 I fram50.d Maxime is 30.he URIucamera th, and savl for strefrom theresolutionSelect thect the desin frameme and2mum framup to 32chrough cnt to enabfrom theresolutionSelect thect the desin frameme and2mum framup to 32chrough cve yourceaming fre list.n formate desiredsired opte base. "22 P Framme rate focharacterell phoneble the ste list.n formate desiredsired opte base. "22 P Framme rate focharacterell phonechanges.rom thedt.d bit rate.tion. The2" meansmes. Enteror the vidrs long foe connectreamingt.d bit rate.tion. The2" meansmes. Enteror the vidrs long foe connecdrop-dow The def defaults 1 I framr the desideo streaor accessction.g. The def defaults 1 I framr the desideo streaor accessction.wn list.fault is sefix qualime and 1ired valum.sing thefault is sefix qualime and 1ired valum.sing theettyPueettyPue15
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MaIf yoBroaneedRouYourInterdeterThisTheconnuserakingVour LANadbandmd to confiuter/Gar Routerrnet Viewrmine wh featurePort FornectionsomanualVideois connemodem,yigure youtewaySor Gatewwers) tothich incois normarwardingon port1for youravailaected totyou canmur RouteSetupway musthe Wireoming coally calle/Virtual1024 shoRouter/GThe "Poabove isNetworkable frthe Internmake ther or Gatest be coneless IPConnectiond Port FoServereould bepGatewayFigureort" for ths the " Sek screenrom thnet, typice Wireleseway toafiguredtCamera.Tns are intorwardinentry tellsassed toy for furthe 10: Conhe PortFecondaryof theWhe Intecally byss IP Camallow coto pass inThe Routended fong or Virs the Routhe Wireher detainnectingForwardiny Port" nuWirelessIerneta Broadbmera avannectionncominguter/Gateor theWrtual Servuter/Gateeless IPCils.via theIng / Virtuumber spIP Camerband Gatailable vins from thTCP (Heway useWireless IPvers, andeway thaCamera.Internetual Servepecifiedora.teway/Roia the Inthe InternHTTP) cos the PorP Camerd is illustat incomiIf neceser entryon theouter andternet. Yonet to theonnectionrtNumbera.tratedbeling TCPsary, chedou wille camerans (fromer tolow.eck the.17
WirThe••HTTNormbutpIPCThenumbshowSeeCDDNManallocThisDDNdomTou1. Rea2. En3. Boreless IPWirelessYou wisYou wisTPS Pormally, Hport 80 isCamera.TdefaultHmber, youwn belowChapterNS (Dyny internecated wh meanstNS is desmain nameuse DDNegister foapply fornter andoth RoutP Cames IP Camsh to chash to usert ConfiTTP (Ws likely tThis portHTTP/HTcan specw.5 - Web-ynamicDet connecenever ththat othersigned toe, ratherNS:or the DDr, and besave theter andCera Setumera confange thee the DDNigurationeb) conno be usedt is calledTTPS Secify thep-basedMViewersand viewcorrectpDNS)ctions ushe Internr Interneo solve ththan anIDNS servallocatedcorrectDCamera shupfigurationport numNS (Dynnnectionsud by aWd the Sececondaryport numManagems need tow live Viport numse a "Dynnet connet usersdhis probleIP addrevice withd, a DomDDNS should usn doesNmber fromnamic DNuse portWeb ServcondaryPy Port ismber on thFigure1ment forfknow thideo, soymber.namic IPection isdon't knowem, by aess.h a suppomainNamettingsoe the samNOT havem the defNS) featu80. Sincer, youcPort.1024/102he Wirel11: Netwfurther dehis portnyou musP addressestablishw the IPllowinguorted DDme.on the DDme portne to be chfault valuure of the the Wican usea25. If youless IPCwork Screetails onnumber int inform", wherehed.address,users toDNS servDNS screnumberfhanged,ue.e Wireleireless IPa differenu preferCamera'seenusing thn ordertviewerse the Inte, so can'tconnectvice proveen of thfor DDNunless:ess IP CaP Camerant port foto use aNetworkhe Netwoto connec of theernet IPat establisto yourLvider. Yohe WireleS serviceamera.a uses HTor the Widifferentk screen,ork screectaddress ish a connLAN usiou can theess IP Cae.TTP,irelesst aenamera.18
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MaDataAdAdIDAdPasVeFirUpStaCleaintena.a - Maindministradministradministrasswordrify PassrmwareUpgrade Fiartear FileNanceSntenancatorLoginatoratorswordUpgradeileNameScreene ScreenEntSpanamTheRe-ClicwheClicthewillThitheFinter the naaces,punme.epasswo-enter theck the "Bere yousck thisbuWirelessl be unavs doesNinput forigure 33:ame for thnctuationord for thepasswoBrowse"stored theutton toss IP CamvailabledNOT stopr the "Up Maintenhe Admi, and spehe Adminord for thbutton ane Firmwastart themera willduring thp the Upgpgrade Fnance Scinistratorecial charnistrator.he Adminndbrowsare file.Firmwarrestart,ahe restartgradeproile" fieldcreenr here.ractersmnistrator,se to theSelect thre. Whenand thismt.ocess if itd.mustNOT to ensurlocationhis file.n the upgmanagemt has starT be usere it is con on yourgrade isfment conrted. It ond in theorrect.r PCfinished,nnectionnly clearrs57
BacBacCoFileReCoFileCleReDeReckup &Rckupnfiguratiestorenfiguratieear FileNstore Facfaultsstart CamRestoreionionNamectorymeraClictextIt iscamClicsoftThitheClicClicck Backut file.s suggestmera easick Restotware. Ds doesNinput forck Defauck Restarup buttonted buttono this aftNOT stopr the "Reults buttort buttonn to saveckup then to reiniter loadinp the Resestore Coon to relon to restar the curre configuitialize thng the uptoreproconfiguratoads alldrts the carent confuration filhe camerpgrade ficess if ittion File"default seamera.figurationle, in ordra to loadile.has start" field.ettings onn informader to resd the newted. It onn the camation toastore thew updatednly clearsmera.ads58
StaDataSysDeDeF/WNeMAIPANeGaWIatus Sc.a - StatustemviceNamscriptionW versiotworkAC AddrAddresstworkMatewayINS Addcreenus ScreemennressMaskdressenTheTheTheTheaboTheThiThiThee currente IP Addre networke IP Addrove.e IP Addrs showss showse versionFigureIP addreress of thk maskaress of thress of ththe namthe descn of the cue 34: Statess of thehe Wirelassociatehe remothe WINSe of theWriptionourrent firtus Screee Wirelesess IP Cad with thte GatewS server.Wirelessof the Wirmwareienss IP Camamera.he IP addway assocs IP Camireless IPinstalledmera.dress abociated witmera.P the IPa, such aP Addresss locatiosn.59
WiWSSSIChSecSigStrVidReVidFraBuRefirelessSC PINCIDhannelcuritygnal Strenreaming(deo Formsolutiondeo Qualame RateuttonsfreshCodength(1~3)matlityeUpdIt dTheThiThiIt dThiThiTheThidate thelisplays the imagess displays displayisplays ths displays showse currents showslog andahe currensize of thys the imys the frahe currenys the withe wiresecuritythe strenany othernt formahe videomage qualame ratent WSCireless SSeless chany settingfngth of thr data onat of videstream.lity of thof the viPIN codSID.nnel currfor Wirehe signaln screen.eo.e videosideo streade.rently useless
LogThisDataLogSysRefBuCleEnaSerSysAdg Scre screend.a - Loggstem Logfreshuttonear Logable Sysrviceslog ServddresseendisplaysScreenglogvera log ofThiClicClicCheEntsystemas is a logck this tock thisbueck thebter the adactivity.Figurg of systeo updateutton torbox to enddress ofre 35: Loem activithe datarestart thable thefthe Syslog Screenity.shownohe log.SystemLlog Servenon screenLog Server.n.ver featuure.61
ChTrOvThisIPCWireProProSolProSolProProSolhapterroubThierview chapterCamera aneless IPCoblemsoblem 1:lution 1:oblem 3lution 3oblem 4oblem 2lution 2r 7blesis chaptewcoverssnd someCamerassshooer coverssome compossiblestill doesI can'tcconfiguIt isposaddressWhen Iuser namYou SHaccesstEnter thMaintenIf youaindicateAsk theI can'tc1) If aLdisabled2) ChecWireles••••MoESWInreqVideoqoting the mosmmonpre solutions not funcconnectture it.ssible tha of theWtry to come andpHOULDbthe Admihe Adminnance scrare just tres that the AdminiconnecttLAN cabd. Onlyock that yoss settingode (InfrSSID muEP settinAd-hocquired.qualitymgst likelyproblemstns to themctionproto the Wiat yourPWirelessIonnect topasswordbe prompinistrationistratorreen.rying tovhe Administratorfoto the Wible is conone interour PCags.rastructuust matchngs mustmode, thmay suddproblemsthat maym. If youoperly, coireless IPPC's IP adIP Cameo the Wird.pted foron menu.ID andAview Vidnistratorhfor yourUireless IPnnected torface canand theWure or Adh.t match.he Channenly detes and they be encou followontact yoP Cameraddress isera.reless IPa user na.Administdeo, theUhas restrUserNamP Camerao the LAbe activWirelessId-hoc) munel shouleriorate.eir solutioounteredwthe suggour dealea withm not comCamera,ame andtrator PaUserNamricted accme andPa usingaAN port,tve.IP Cameust be cold matchons.while usgested steer for furmy WebBmpatiblew, I getprpassworasswordsme/Passwcess to spPassworda Wirelesthe Wireera havecorrect., althougsing theWeps andtrther advBrowsertwith theromptedfrd if tryinset on conneceless intecompatibgh this isWirelesstheice.toIPfor ang toeomptusers.ction.erface isbleoften no7ot762
Solution 4 This can happen when an additional viewer connects to the Wireless IPCamera, overloading the camera or the available bandwidth. The imagesize and quality can be adjusted to cater for the required number of viewersand the available bandwidth.The motion detection feature doesn't send me any E-mail.It may be that the SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) server used bythe camera to send the E-Mail will not accept mail. (This is to prevent spanbeing sent from the server.). Try using a different SMTP server, or contactyour ISP to see if SMTP access is being blocked.Using the motion detection feature, I receive E-Mails which don't showany moving objects.The motion detection feature doesn't actually detect motion. It comparesframes to see if they are different. Major differences between frames areassumed to be caused by moving objects.But the motion detector can also be triggered by:••Sudden changes in the level of available lightMovement of the camera itself.Problem 5Solution 5Problem 6Solution 6Try to avoid these situations. The motion detection feature works best inlocations where there is good steady illumination, and the camera ismounted securely. This feature can NOT be used if the camera is outdoors.Problem 7Solution 7The image is blurry.Try cleaning the lens, or adjusting the Video Quality Control setting on theStreamings screen. Video created by the lower settings will contain lessdetail; this is the trade-off for using less bandwidth.When is the best time to press WPS button?If there is no cable connected, you can press the WPS button after thePower LED starts blinking.In some older Window XP systems, it may not be able to see H.264video streaming.In order to view H.264 video streaming in the older Window XP systems,please install the Microsoft .net framework 2.0 or later version, so thesystem will be able to deploy the built-in H.264 decoder of the camera.I use the camera via IE browser in protected mode of WindowsVista/7, there is no local recording/setup feature to be used.Even if I run it with IE browser in non-protected mode of Windows 7,the folder like "Windows" still can not be accessed. (There is norecording files found in this folder as well)Solution 10 There will be no local recording files and the setup service of associatedfolder if the IE browser is in protected mode.To use the local recording feature, please operate IE browser innon-protected mode.Note! Some folders (ex. Windows  folder) with high integrity level cannot be accessed via non-protected mode of IE in Window 7.Problem 8Solution 8Problem 9Solution 9Problem 1063
ApSpWirMoDimOpVidImaStoNeNeWiLEPowRegFCCThis eqThesegeneraharmfuthis eqon, the-Reori-Increa-Conne-ConsuYou arto operThis dThis dThis dFCCR1.2.ppepecirelessodelmensionsperatingTdeo compage resolorage Temtwork Prtwork Inireless inEDswer AdagulatoC Statemquipmenthlimits aredates, uses anul interferequipment doe user is encent or relocase the sepaect the equult the dealre cautionerate the equevice compevice mayevice mustRF RadiatioThis TransThis equipbe installedendiificaIP CasTemperapressionlutionmperaturrotocolsnterfacenterfaceapterory Apmenthas been tesdesigned tond can radince to radioes causehcouraged tocate the recaration betwuipment intoler or an exed that chanuipment.plies withPnot causeht accept anyon Exposursmitter muspment compd and operaxAationameraaturerepprovasted and foo provide reiate radiofro communharmful inteo try to corceiving anteween the eo an outletxperiencedrnges or modPart 15 oftharmful inty interferenre Statemenst notbe coplies withFated withaAnsWire65mm0° CH.261280-20°TCPHTT1 RJEtheIEEEWPA212V/alsound to comeasonablepfrequencyenications.Herference torrect the intenna.quipmentaon a circuiradio/TV tedificationsthe FCC Ruterference.nce receivent:o-located orFCC RF raa minimumeless IPCm (W)xto 40°C64 andM0x 720,6C to 70°/IP, UDPTPS, DDN-45 LANrnet CabE 802.11A/WPA2/1A, 100mply with thprotectionaenergy and,However, tho radio ortterferenceband receiveit differentechnicianfnot expresules. Operaed, includinr operatingdiation expm distanceoCamerax 65mm(CMJPEG640x480,° CP, ICMPNS, RTPN connecblen/802.112 persona0~240 VAhe limits foagainst har, if not instahere is nogtelevisionrby one ormer.from thattfor help.ssly approvation is subjng interfereng in conjuncposure limiof 20 centim(H) x 34m, 320x 24, DHCP,P, RTSP,ction for1b/802.1al securitACor a ClassBrmful interfalled anduguarantee threception,wmore of theto which thved by thepject to thefnce that maction withaits set forthmeters betwmm (D)40 (QVG, NTP,D RTCP,UEthernet1g compty supporB digital deference inaused in accohat interferewhich canbe followinghe receiverparty responfollowingtay cause unany otherah for an uncween the radGA)DNS, SMUPnPt throughpatible,Wrtevice, pursua residentiaordance wience willnbe determin measures:is connectensible forctwo conditindesired opantenna ortcontrolledediator andyMTP, FTPh MicroUWEP 64/1uant to partal installatioth the instrnot occur inned by turned.complianceions:peration.transmitterenvironmenyour body.P, HTTP,USB to128 bit,t 15 of theon. This eqructions, mn a particulaning the eque could voidr.nt. This equA,FCC rules.quipmentay causear installatiuipment ofd your authuipment shA.ion. Ifff andhorityould66

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