Shandong USR IOT Technology USR-WIFI232 Serial to WIFI Module User Manual

Shandong USR IOT Technology Limited Serial to WIFI Module

User Manual

USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 1 of 77 tec@usr.cnUSR-WIFI232-B2Embedded WiFi Module User ManualVersion:V6.0.Note: this article is based on the firmware version for V5.01.01 and above version of the module,if the version is lower than this version, some function is not supported.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 2 of 77 tec@usr.cnTable Of Contents1 Quick Start.................................................................................................................................................... 61.1 Hardware connect............................................................................................................................ 61.2 Network connection......................................................................................................................... 71.3 communication test.......................................................................................................................... 82 Product Overview........................................................................................................................................ 92.1 General Description......................................................................................................................... 92.2 Device Features............................................................................................................................... 92.3 Device Paremeters...........................................................................................................................92.4 Key Application............................................................................................................................... 102.5 Package Information......................................................................................................................112.5.1 Recommended Reflow Profile.......................................................................................... 112.5.2 Device Handling Instruction (Module IC SMT Preparation).........................................113 Hardware Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 123.1 Pins Definition.................................................................................................................................123.1.1 USR-WIFI232-B2 Pins Definition.....................................................................................123.2 Mechanical Size............................................................................................................................. 133.2.1 USR-WIFI232-B2................................................................................................................133.3 Antenna............................................................................................................................................143.3.1 External Antenna................................................................................................................ 143.4 Evaluation Kit..................................................................................................................................143.5 Hardware Reference Design........................................................................................................163.5.1 Hardware Typical Application........................................................................................... 163.5.2 10/100M Ethernet Interface.............................................................................................. Ethernet Connection with Transformer................................................................ Ethernet Connection without Transformer.......................................................... 173.5.3 UART Interface....................................................................................................................183.5.4 Power Interface...................................................................................................................194 Modules Function Description.................................................................................................................194.1 User configuration process...........................................................................................................194.2 Working mode.................................................................................................................................204.2.1 Transparent Mode.............................................................................................................. 204.2.2 Serial command mode.......................................................................................................214.2.3 GPIO mode..........................................................................................................................224.2.4 HTTPD Client mode........................................................................................................... 224.3 Wireless Networking......................................................................................................................234.3.1 STA........................................................................................................................................244.3.2 AP..........................................................................................................................................244.3.3 AP+STA................................................................................................................................ 254.4 Ethernet Interface Communication............................................................................................. 264.4.1 USR-WIFI232-B2 Ethernet Interface Networking (As AP).......................................... 264.4.2 USR-WIFI232-B2 Ethernet Interface Networking (As STA, N-Ver)........................... 274.4.3 USR-WIFI232-B2 Ethernet Interface Networking (As STA, Z-Ver)............................274.5 WI-FI parameter setting................................................................................................................ 28
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 3 of 77 tec@usr.cn4.5.1 Auto- Frequency Function.................................................................................................284.5.2 Security.................................................................................................................................284.5.3 Search Function for STA................................................................................................... 284.5.4 Address Binding..................................................................................................................284.6 UART Frame Scheme................................................................................................................... 294.6.1 UART Free-Frame..............................................................................................................294.6.2 UART Auto-Frame.............................................................................................................. 294.7 Network Setting.............................................................................................................................. 294.7.1 Socket A............................................................................................................................... 304.7.2 Socket B............................................................................................................................... 304.8 New function................................................................................................................................... 30TCP password authentication.....................................................................................................304.8.1 Registered Package ID/MAC............................................................................................314.8.2 Self-adaption Baudrate......................................................................................................314.8.3 WEB IO.................................................................................................................................314.8.4 Keepalive............................................................................................................................. 324.8.5 Multiple STA parameters................................................................................................... 324.8.6 Websocket........................................................................................................................... 324.8.7 Fast access Wi-Fi(usr-link)............................................................................................... 334.9 Palmodic Signal..............................................................................................................................344.10 Parameters Configuration.......................................................................................................... 354.11 Firmware Upgrade....................................................................................................................... 35Web Accessing and AT command set....................................................................................................... 364.12 Configuration via Web Accessing............................................................................................. 364.12.1 Open Web Management Interface................................................................................ 364.12.2 Quick Configure................................................................................................................374.12.3 Mode Selection Page.......................................................................................................374.12.4 AP Interface Setting Page...............................................................................................384.12.5 STA Interface Setting Page.............................................................................................384.12.6 Application Setting Page................................................................................................. 394.12.7 Ethernet Setting................................................................................................................404.12.8 HTTPD Client Mode.........................................................................................................414.12.9 WEB IO.............................................................................................................................. 414.12.10 Advanced Page.............................................................................................................. 424.12.11 Device Management Page........................................................................................... 424.13 AT command Introduction...........................................................................................................434.13.1 Configuration Mode..........................................................................................................434.13.1.1 Switch to Configuration Mode.............................................................................444.13.2 AT+ Instruction Set Overview......................................................................................... 444.13.2.1 Instruction Syntax Format................................................................................... 464.13.2.2 AT+ command Set................................................................................................ 474. AT+E............................................................................................................ 494. AT+ENTM....................................................................................................494. AT+NETP.................................................................................................... 49
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 4 of 77 tec@usr.cn4. AT+UART.................................................................................................... 504. AT+UARTF..................................................................................................504. AT+UARTFT............................................................................................... 504. AT+UARTFL............................................................................................... 514. AT+TMODE................................................................................................ 514. AT+WMODE............................................................................................... 514. AT+WSKEY.............................................................................................. 524. AT+WSSSID............................................................................................. 524. AT+ WSLK................................................................................................ 524. AT+WEBU.................................................................................................534. AT+WAP....................................................................................................534. AT+WAKEY.............................................................................................. 544. AT+HIDESSID..........................................................................................544. AT+MSLP..................................................................................................554. AT+WSCAN..............................................................................................554. AT+ TCPLK...............................................................................................554. AT + TCPDIS............................................................................................554. AT+ WANN................................................................................................564. AT+ LANN.................................................................................................564. AT+DHCPDEN.........................................................................................574. AT+ DHCPGW......................................................................................... 574. AT+ TCPTO.............................................................................................. 574. AT+ MAXSK..............................................................................................584. AT+TCPB.................................................................................................. 584. AT+TCPPTB.............................................................................................584. AT+TCPADDB..........................................................................................594. AT+TCPTOB.............................................................................................594. AT+TCPLKB............................................................................................. 594. AT+EPHY..................................................................................................594. AT+STTC.................................................................................................. 604. AT+DOMAIN.............................................................................................604. AT+FUDLX................................................................................................604. AT+MMID.................................................................................................. 614. AT+IDFIR.................................................................................................. 614. AT+IDEVE.................................................................................................614. AT+AABR..................................................................................................624. AT+RELD.................................................................................................. 624. AT+Z.......................................................................................................... 624. AT+MID..................................................................................................... 624. AT+VER.....................................................................................................624. AT+H..........................................................................................................624. AT+ HTTPURL......................................................................................... 634. AT+ HTTPTP............................................................................................634. AT+ HTTPPH............................................................................................63
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 5 of 77 tec@usr.cn4. AT+ HTTPCN........................................................................................... 634. AT+ HTTPUA............................................................................................644. AT+WSSSIDA.......................................................................................... 644. AT+WSSSIDB.......................................................................................... 644. AT+WSSSIDC..........................................................................................654. AT+WSKEYA............................................................................................654. AT+WSKEYB............................................................................................654. AT+WSKEYC........................................................................................... 664. AT+ WSQY............................................................................................... 674. AT+ HTPMODE....................................................................................... 674. AT+ HTPSV.............................................................................................. 674. AT+ HTPTP.............................................................................................. 674. AT+ HTPURL............................................................................................684. AT+ HTPHEAD........................................................................................ 684. AT+ REGEN............................................................................................. 684. AT+ REGTCP...........................................................................................694. AT+ REGID...............................................................................................695 USR-WIFI232-A/B/C Usage Introduction.............................................................................................. 695.1 Module Debug................................................................................................................................ 695.1.1 Software Debug Tools........................................................................................................695.1.2 Network Connection...........................................................................................................705.1.3 Debug................................................................................................................................... 705.2 Use Cases.......................................................................................................................................725.2.1 Wireless Control Application.............................................................................................725.2.2 Remote Management Application....................................................................................735.2.3 Transparent Serial Port Application................................................................................. 735.2.4 Wireless Data Acquisition Card Application................................................................... 74Appendix B: Disclaimer................................................................................................................................76Appendix C: History......................................................................................................................................76
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 6 of 77 tec@usr.cn1 Quick StartUSR-WIFI232 series product is used to transmit data between RS232 and WIFI TCPIPtransparently, user can update the product to WIFI control without knowing the WIFI and TCPIPdetail. All the convert work is done by the module. For users, the RS232 side is only as a serialdevice,the WIFI side is TCPIP Socket data. User can setup the work detail by sample settingswhich can setup via inside web pages or RS232 port. The setup work only need do once, then itwill save the setting forever.This chapter is a user guide for USR-WIFI232 series products. We suggest users follow the guideto test module at first, and will have a good understanding of the modules. Users can also choosethe chapter which you are interested in to read. For specific details and instructions, please referto the following chapters.If there are problems in using the process, you can refer to the official website of our applicationcase: can also submit the issue to our customer support center:http://h.usriot.com1.1 Hardware connectIn order to test WIFI module, we need connect module RS232 to PC and also WIFI to PC.In order to test the communication between serial and WIFI network, we need to connect theserial port to PC, and also connect WIFI networks to PC. Due to the special need both WIFI andserial, we use PC which add USB WIFI network Card such as the following picture.Figure 1 hardware connection diagramAbout the serial connection, because the module RS232 is 3.3V TTL level, the computer can notconnect to module directly, the user needs to have a TTL to RS232 adapter cable and thenconnect to the computer. in order to facilitate the test, we provide USR-WIFI232-B2 evaluationboard for users to choose.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 7 of 77 tec@usr.cn1.2 Network connectionThe following is the USR-WIFI232-B2 module example,Other modules are the same.Open Wi-Fi,search network, as shown in below, USR-WIFI232-B2_3378(B determined according to thespecific type of module, XXXX is the MAC address after the four) is the default network name(SSID) of the module.Figure 2 WIFI SearchJoin the network, choose to automatically obtain IP, WIFI module supports DHCP Server featureand is enabled by default.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 8 of 77 tec@usr.cnFigure 3 WIFI connectionNow, nlink led of USR-WIFI232-B2 Evaluation Board is lighting.1.3 communication testModule’s default setting:SSID:USR-WIFI232-B2;Encryption mode:open,none;UART:57600,8,1,None;Network parameters:TCP,Server,8899,;IP:;We just need to follow the parameters of the corresponding set of network communicationparameters, you can make serial <--> WIFI communication, the steps are as follows:1. Open test software USR-TCP232-Test;2. COM Settings area (left):Choose COM port witch has connect the module, there is COM3, choose band rate to 57600, thisis the default band rate of WIFI module, Click Open COM port.3. Net Settings area (right):Choose TCP client mode, Server IP write, it is the WIFI default IP address, Serverport to 8899, It is the default Port the WIFI module listen, Click Connect to link to the module.Now, you can test send data between RS232 and WIFI.COM port to WIFI: PC RS232 -> Module RS232 -> Module WIFI -> PC WIFI.WIFI to COM port: PC WIFI -> Module WIFI -> Module RS232 -> PC RS232.Figure 4 serial / network transmission test
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 9 of 77 tec@usr.cn2 Product Overview2.1 General DescriptionUSR-WIFI232-B2 module is an integration of 802.11 b/g/n wi-fi module,which provide a wirelessinterface to any equipment with a Serial interface for data transfer.The module used to MAC, baseband chip, RF transceiver unit, as well as the poweramplifier;Embedded firmware support wi-fi protocols and configuration, as well as the networkTCP/IP protocol stack.USR-WIFI232-B2 uses the industry's highest performance embedded industrial structure, and forthe application of smart furniture, smart grid, handheld devices, personal medical, industrialcontrol, etc. These data fields, do a professional optimization.USR-WIFI232-B2 as a hot spot can accommodate 32 clients simultaneously wi-fi access, but alsocan accommodate 32 TCP client.2.2 Device FeaturesSupport IEEE802.11b/g/n Wireless StandardsSupport TCP/IP/UDP Network ProtocolsSupport UART/GPIO/Ethernet Data InterfaceSupport Work As STA/AP/AP+STA ModeSupport Router/Bridge Mode NetworkingSupport External Antenna(max 280m)Support Transparent Transmission ModeSupport AT+ Instruction Set for ConfigurationSupport Friendly Web Configuration PageSupport Palmodic SignalSupport UART Auto-Frame FunctionSingle +3.3V Power SupplyFCC/CE CertificatedSupport customization2.3 Device ParemetersTable 1 USR-WIFI232-B2 Module Technical Specifications
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 10 of 77 tec@usr.cnClass Item ParametersWirelessParametersCertification FCC/CEWireless standard 802.11 b/g/nFrequency range 2.412GHz-2.462GHzTransmit Power802.11b: +20 dBm (Max.)802.11g: +18 dBm (Max.)802.11n: +15 dBm (Max.)ConfigurableReceiver Sensitivity802.11b: -89 dBm802.11g: -81dBm802.11n: -71dBmAntenna Option External:I-PEX ConnectorHardwareParametersData InterfaceUART: 300bps - 460800bpsGPIOsEthernet: 100MpbsOperating Voltage 3.3V (+/-5%)Operating Current 170mA~300mAOperatingTemperature -40℃- 85℃Storage Temperature -40℃- 125℃Dimensions and Size 25×40×8mmSoftwareParametersNetwork Type Station /AP mode/STA+APSecurity Mechanisms WEP/WAP-PSK/WAP2-PSKEncryption WEP64/WEP128/TKIP/AESWork Mode Transparent Mode/Serial commandAT command AT+instruction setNetwork Protocol TCP/UDP/ARP/ICMP/DHCP/DNS/HTTPMax. TCP Connection 32User Configuration Web Server+AT command config.2.4 Key ApplicationRemote equipment monitoringIndustrial sensors and controlsAsset tracking and telemetryHome automationMedical devices
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 11 of 77 tec@usr.cn2.5 Package Information2.5.1 Recommended Reflow ProfileFigure 5 Reflow Soldering ProfileTable 2 Reflow Soldering ParameterNote:1. Recommend to supply N2 for reflow oven.2. N2 atmosphere during reflow (O2<300ppm).2.5.2 Device Handling Instruction (Module IC SMT Preparation)Shelf life in sealed bag: 12 months, at <30℃and <60% relative humidity (RH)After bag is opened, devices that will be re-baked required after last baked with window time168 hours.Recommend to oven bake with N2 supplied.Baked required with 24 hours at 125 ±5℃before rework process for two modules, one isnew module and two is board with module.Recommend to store at ≦10% RH with vacuum packing.If SMT process needs twice reflow:(1) Top side SMT and reflow (2) Bottom side SMT and reflowCase 1: Wifi module mounted on top side. Need to bake when bottom side process over 168hours window time, no need to bake within 168 hours.Case 2: Wifi module mounted on bottom side, follow normal bake rule before process.Note:Window time means from last bake end to next reflow start that has 168 hours space.NO.ItemTemperature (Degree)Time(Sec)1Reflow TimeTime of above 22035~55 sec2Peak-Temp260 max
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 12 of 77 tec@usr.cn3 Hardware Introduction3.1 Pins Definition3.1.1 USR-WIFI232-B2 Pins DefinitionFigure 6 USR-WIFI232-B2Figure 7 USR-WIFI232-B2 Pins MapTable 3 USR-WIFI232-B2 Pins DefinitionPinDescriptionNameDirectionNote1Ground--GNDGNDPowerGround2VCC 3.3V@350mA3.3VPower3.3V @ 350mA power input3UART Data TransmitUART_TXDOIf not use UART function,this 4 pins can be configuredas GPIO pins, and canchange GPIO pin statusthrough AT commandGPIOGPIO3I/O4UART Data ReceiveUART_RXDIGPIOGPIO4I/O5UART sends requestof data transmissionUART_RTSO
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 13 of 77 tec@usr.cnGPIOGPIO5I/O6UART receives datatransmissionpermissionUART_CTSIGPIOGPIO6I/O7Module reset signalRESETI“Low ( 0 )” effective resetinput.The reset duration should bekept more than 300ms8WiFi status IndicationnLinkO“0”- WIFI connectionavailable“1”- No WIFI connectionCan be configured as GPIO.GPIOGPIO8I/O9Indicate the modulestatus of power onprocessnReadyO“0” or “Palmodic Signal” -Finish module boot upprocess;“1” - Module boot up notfinish.Can be configured as GPIO.GPIOGPIO9I/O10Restore configurationnReloadIModule will Restore factorydefault configuration after setthis pin “0” more than 1s,then set “1”.GPIOGPIO10I/O11Ethernet Input+PHY_RX+I+1.8V Ethernet DataInterfaceSupport transformer anddirect connection (ACcouple) mode.12Ethernet Input-PHY_RX-I13Ethernet Output+PHY_TX+O14Ethernet Output-PHY_TX-O3.2 Mechanical SizeUSR-WIFI232-B2 modules physical size (25x40mm) as follows:3.2.1 USR-WIFI232-B2USR-WIFI232-B2 module Mechanical Size:
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 14 of 77 tec@usr.cnFigure 8 USR-WIFI232-B2 Mechanical Size3.3 Antenna3.3.1 External AntennaUSR-WIFI232-B2 modules support external antenna,USR-WIFI232-B2 modules must beconnected to the 2.4G antenna according to IEEE 802.11b/g/n standards.The antenna parameters required as follows:Table 4 USR-WIFI232-B2 External Antenna Parameters3.4 Evaluation KitUSR provides the evaluation kit to promote user to familiar the product and develop the detailedapplication. The evaluation kit shown as below, user can connect to USR-WIFI232-B2 modulewith the RS-232 UART port, 100M Eth port or Wireless port to configure the parameters, managethe module or do the some functional tests.ItemParametersFrequency range2.4~2.5GHzImpedance50 OhmVSWR2 (Max)Return Loss-10dB (Max)Connector TypeI-PEX or populate directly
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 15 of 77 tec@usr.cnFigure 9 USR-WIFI232-A/B module Evaluation KitTable 5 USR-WIFI232-A/B Evaluation Kit Interface DescriptionFunctionNameDescriptionExternalInterfaceDC jack5V power input connectorDB9Male serial jack of 9-pin,and used to connect toPCRJ-45100M Eth InterfaceModule2x7 2mm DIP connector, connect WIFI moduleLEDPower(Red)3.3V Power IndicatorTXDTXD IndicatorRXDRXD IndicatorReadynReady/GPIO IndicatorLinknLink/GPIO IndicatorButtonResetUsed to reset the module.ReloadModule restore to factory default configuration.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 16 of 77 tec@usr.cn3.5 Hardware Reference Design3.5.1 Hardware Typical ApplicationFigure 10 USR-WIFI232-B2 Hardware Typical ApplicationNotes:nRST- Module hardware reset signal. Input. Logics “0” effective.There is 100K Ohm pull-up resister internal up to 3.3V. When module power up or some issuehappened, MCU need assert nRST signal “0” at least 300ms, then set” 1” to keep module fullyreset.nReady- Module boot up ready signal. Output. Logics “0” effective.There is 4.7K Ohm pull-up resister internal up to 3.3V. The module will output “0” “or “PalmodicSignal” after normal boot up. This signal used to judge if module finish boot up and ready forapplication or working at normal mode.nLink- Module WIFI connection indication. Output.There is 4.7K Ohm pull-up resister internal up to 3.3V. When module connect to AP (STA mode)or some WiFi STA connect to module (AP mode), the module will output “0”. This signal used tojudge if module already at WiFi connection status.nReload-Module restore to factory default configuration.Input. Logics “0” effective.User can assert nReload signal “0” more than 3’s through button or MCU pin, then release,module will restore to factory default configuration and re-start boot up process. User need add4.7K~10K Ohm pull-up resister external the module.UART_TXD/RXD- UART port data transmit and receive signal.There is 1K Ohm pull-down resister internal. User can’t add pull-up resister at these pins.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 17 of 77 tec@usr.cn3.5.2 10/100M Ethernet InterfaceUSR-WIFI232-A/B/C modules provide one 10/100M Ethernet PHY layer interface for datatransition or user configuration. This Ethernet support with transformer and without transformer(PHY-to-PHY) 2 kinds of connection. Ethernet Connection with TransformerUser board put Ethernet transformer and RJ-45 connector. This is a general 10/100M Ethernetphy layer connection. The reference design as following:(Above is for USR-WIFI232-B2 pin type module)Figure 11 Ethernet Reference Design with Transformer3.5.2.2 Ethernet Connection without TransformerFor this application, Ethernet will work as internal data transmition interface and save onetransformer and RJ45 connector. Ethernet PHY-to-PHY connection will use AC coupledconnection. This is a space and cost optimized solution. Hardware reference design as following:Note: VCC signal at reference design shall base on user board PHY chipset voltage level, suchas 2.5V power supply for general Ethernet PHY chipset.(Above is for USR-WIFI232-B2 pin type module)Figure 12 Ethernet Reference Design without Transformer
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 18 of 77 tec@usr.cnThis module Ethernet interface default is for the application with transformer connection. If youneed PHY-PHY directly connection, please change the hardware as follows:1. Weld 0 ohm resistance in red position2. Remove the component in yellow positionBOT side component TOP side componentFigure 13 Schematic resistance changesSpecific PHY-PHY direct connection reference to user manual chapter application ofEthernet without transformer and AT+FEPTP commandThe command:AT+FVEW=enable<CR> to open ethernet WAN port functionRemark:1. Only when ethernet as WAN, this command is needed. Module default LAN port.2. After this command, make sure module WAN IP and LAN IP in different segment. (Modify theALN IP in AP Settings, modify the WAN IP in STA Settings)AT+FEPTP=on<CR> Quey/set default ethernet PHY-PHY on/offAT+FEPHY=on<CR> Open ethernet function permanentlyAT+RELD<CR> Command with “F” need to be affective after AT+RELDAfter module reset, command effect, then will not impact by ReloadFor user’s design, pls note:1. Cable connection should be AC coupling, your cable need be pulled up to VCC (fit with PHYchip level)2. Cable TX connected to RX. In PHY-PHY direct connection, PHY chip dose not supportdirect/ cross self-adaption3.Your PHY chip on board should better to be forced into 100M work mode3.5.3 UART InterfaceUART interface is the serial data transmition interface mainly used for USR-WIFI232-B2 modules.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 19 of 77 tec@usr.cnUser can add RS-232 chipset on user board and convert the signal to RS-232 voltage tocommunicate with outside equipment or sensors. USR-WIFI232-B2 modules UART interfaceinclude 4 general signals: TXD/RXD/RTS/CTS. The hardware reference design with RS-232chipset as following:Figure 14 Figure 10 UART Interface Reference DesignNotes: TXD pin is also hardware configuration pin internal module. So this pin MUST pull-downduring module power up. USR-WIFI232-B2 modules provide internal pull-down resister, user can’tadd pull-up/pull-down resister on user board, which may cause module can’t work.3.5.4 Power InterfaceUSR-WIFI232-B2 module support single +3.3V power supply. The peak current shall about350mA and normal WiFi working current shall about 200mA. The power save (WiFi OFF) modewill about 100mADecoupling at power pin suggested, At least one 100uF and one 10uF capacitor required at userboard and put near module power input pin will increase the reliability and performance.4 Modules Function Description4.1 User configuration processAfter USR-WIFI232-B2 module electric starter, based on user pre-set parameters, automaticallyconnect to wireless networks and servers, and enter the working mode is set to open inaccordance with the default serial port parameters.The parameters which need to configure include:
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 20 of 77Wireless Network ParametersWireless Network Name(SSID)Security ModeEncryption KeyTCP/UDP Linking ParametersProtocol TypeLink Type(Server or Client)Target Port ID NumberTarget Port IP AddressSerial Port ParametersBaud RateData BitParity (Check) BitStop BitHardware Flow ControlWork Mode SelectionTransparent mode/Serial command mode/GPIO modeThe following sections will introduce specific to each part in detail.4.2 Working mode4.2.1 Transparent ModeUSR-WIFI232-B2 modules support serial interface transparent transmission mode. The benefit ofthis mode is achieves a plug and play serial data port, and reduces user complexity furthest. Inthis mode, user should only configure the necessary parameters. After power on, module canautomatically connect to the default wireless network and server.As in this mode, the module's serial port always work in the transparent transmission mode, sousers only need to think of it as a virtual serial cable, and send and receive data as using asimple serial. In other words, the serial cable of users’ original serial devices is directly replacedwith the module; user devices can be easy for wireless data transmission without any changes.The transparent transmission mode can fully compatible with user’s original software platformand reduce the software development effort for integrate wireless data transmission.Notes: Users also open the serial port hardware flow control (CTS/RTS) function, so that we canmake the bit error rate to a minimum.If the user doesn't need hardware flow control function of theserial port, only need to the corresponding pin foot (CTS/RTS) hung up.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 21 of 77 tec@usr.cn4.2.2 Serial command modeIn this mode, the user can send the serial data to a different server address, this pattern can beuse udp or TCP client sends data to the server.Customer MCU send packets according to the following format, parsing module is finished, onlythe n bytes of data sent to the destination address.When data is returned, not analytical data fromserial port output directly.Table 6 Protocol table of Serial command modeframeheaderlengthfunctionbyteBackupdata areaDestination portTargetaddressDataSumcheck22(n+m+5)122mn1frame header:0x55 0xAA(Constant)Length:Starting from the function byte, to Sum check (does not contain the sum check) all bytes.High byte at the frontFunction byte:Bit0:(UDP:0 ;TCP:1)Bit1:(Short connection:0;Long connection:1)Bit2:(IP:0;Domain name:1)Bit7:(cut protocol:0;full protocol:1)Note: currently only supports cut protocolNotes:Bit1:If it is a short connection, it sends data, and then will be disconnected; if it is longconnection, it sends data, connection will remain, until the re changing the target address.Bit2:Indicates that the target address is IP or domain name. If it is IP, the target address is 4bytes; if the domain name, the target address length for the entire domain name string length(the last byte address is ‘\0’, that is the end of the string).Bit7:Under the cut protocol, reply frame contains only data; Under the full protocol, replyframe has "failed to send", "waiting for", "UDP radio response equipment IP" frame data.Backup data area:First byte:If it is a short connection, this position is TCP waits for the timeout time (1-255), ifthe send command is completed, did not receive a response, then wait a few seconds andthe corresponding, if 5, said to wait for the 5S to disconnect; if the sending command,immediately receive the returned data, then immediately disconnected; if it is long connection,this position is 0x00.Second byte:ReserveDestination port:Little endian, low byte in the former,such as port 23, here are 0x17 0x00Target address:If it is IP, is 4 bytes, for example, said 0x07 0x00 0xA8 0xC0; if it is a domainname, then the address of indefinite length,ending with the’\0'.Data:Variable length,the maximum not exceeding 1000bytes.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 22 of 77 tec@usr.cnSum check:From the function word to check byte (does not contain a check byte), add Sum check.The following is an example of a specific application:send data:0x55 0xaa 0x00 0x0a 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x21 0x00 0x85 0x00 0xA8 0xC0 0x01 0x0fLength:0x00 0x0aFunction byte:0x00 (UDP;Short connection;IP;cut protocol)Destination port:0x21 0x00(33)Target address:0x85 0x00 0xA8 0xC0 ( length :1)Sum check:0x0f (0x00+0x00+0x00+0x21+0x00+0x85+0x00+0xA8+0xC0+0x01=0x0f)4.2.3 GPIO modeUSR-WIFI232-B2 module support GPIO mode:At GPIO,UART (TXD/ RXD/CTS/RTS) defined asGPIO and others (Ready/Link/) also defined as GPIO pin.When module works at GPIO mode, PC and other equipments can setup connection (TCP/UDP)through WiFi, then read/write GPIO information through command.GPIO n IN, Set GPIOn as input, Response GPIO OK or GPIO NOK;GPIO n OUT 0, Set GPIOn as output and output ‘0’, Response GPIO OK or GPIO NOK;GPIO n OUT 1, Set GPIOn as output and output ‘1’, Response GPIO OK or GPIO NOK;GPIO n SW, Set GPIOn as output and switch the output status, Response GPIO OK orGPIO NOK;GPIO n PWM m1 m2, Set GPIOn output a wave: m1 is ‘high’duration and m2 is ’low’duration (Time unit is ‘ms’and minimal is 10ms), Response GPIO OK or GPIO NOK;GPIO n GET, Read GPIOn status, Response I0,I1,O0,O1, means ”input low ”,”inputhigh”,”output low”,”output high”Notes: n can be 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 corresponding module pin. GPIO 4 can only defined as input andGPIO 3 can only defined as output.GPIO READ returns all current IO status, and GPIO n GET said method. Such as, I1I1I0I0I0I0O1,I said input, O output. 0 low, 1 express high.4 pin is negated. Read the 1 actual 0 actual 1, readthe HTTPD Client modeThis mode is used to send data to the HTTP server.After setting the HTTP header format by webpage or AT command, the data sent each time byUART will add the HTTP header automatically.Convenient for the user directly submit data orread data from the HTTP server.Below is the specific application, for example:The first set HTTP parameters using AT instructions.AT+HTTPURL=,80 The serveraddress and portsettingsAT+HTTPTP=POST Set the HTTP type, GET, PUT or POSTAT+HTTPPH=/set Set the path,the mostis50 bytesAT+HTTPCN=keep-alive Set the Connection,maximum length of 20bytesAT+HTTPUA=lwip13.2 Set the User-Agent,maximum length of 20bytes
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 23 of 77 tec@usr.cnIf the sending data is 1234.In the 80 port of will receive the following dataPOST /set HTTP /1.1Connection:keep-aliveUser-Agent:lwip1.3.2Content-Length:4Host: the HTTP type is GET, the 80 port receive dataPOST /set1234 HTTP /1.1Connection:keep-aliveUser-Agent:lwip1.3.2Content-Length:0Host: received from server will be directly sent to the serial port,without any treatment.Note: after V5.01.14 version of the firmware it add a new method of HTTP header definition,called the new mode, the way at above, is called the old mode.Users can custom HTTP headers in the way of the new mode, can add, delete, modify thecontents of each HTTP header (if the HTTP request type is POST/PUT, module will automaticallyadd the Content - Length).Including the AT + HTPMODE, AT + HTPSV, AT + HTPTP, AT +HTPURL, AT + HTPHEAD, specific instructions please refer to the AT command set processsection.Similarly, also has the corresponding Settings page in the web page.Note: in the new mode, if you use the AT command set HTTP headers, Please use the"<<CRLF>>" instead of carriage "return",in the web page,you don't need to worry about the"return".4.3 Wireless NetworkingUSR-WIFI232-B2 module can be configured as both wireless STA and AP base on network type.Logically there are two interfaces in USR-WIFI232-B2. One is for STA, and another is for AP.When USR-WIFI232-B2 works as AP, other STA equipments are able to connect to wireless LANvia USR-WIFI232-B2 module. Wireless Networking with USR-WIFI232-B2 is very flexible.Following figure shows the functional architecture of USR-WIFI232-B2 module:Figure 15 USR-WIFI232-B2 Functional ArchitectureNotes:
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 24 of 77 tec@usr.cnAP: that is the wireless Access Point, the founder of a wireless network and the center of thenetwork nodes. The wireless router we use at home or in office may be an AP.STA: short for Station, each terminal connects to a wireless network (such as laptops, PDA andother networking devices) can be called with a STA device.4.3.1 STAInfrastructure: it’s also called basic network. It built by AP and many STAs which join in.The characters of network of this type are that AP is the center, and all communication betweenSTAs is transmitted through the AP. The figure following shows such type of networking.Figure 16 USR-WIFI232-B2 Basic Wireless Network Structure4.3.2 APBecause USR-WIFI232-B2 can be set to AP, can also be set to STA, so the USR-WIFI232-B2 canbe achieved easily wireless ad hoc network.As showing in the figure below, USR-WIFI232-B2 (1) can be treat as an AP, and USR-WIFI232-B2 (2), USR-WIFI232-B2 (3) and the laptop are STAs connected to USR-WIFI232-B2 (1).Meanwhile, all USR-WIFI232-B2 modules can connected to user device via UART interface. AllUSR-WIFI232-B2 modules can be operated and managed through the laptop. So it is convenientto O&M all USR-WIFI232-B2 modules. Moreover, in such Adhoc network structure, the wholecoverage of a wireless network can be extended easily.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 25 of 77 tec@usr.cnFigure 17 USR-WIFI232-B2 STA Network Structure4.3.3 AP+STAUSR-WIFI232-B2 module support AP+STA network mode, means module support one APinterface and one STA interface at the same time, as following figure,Figure 18 USR-WIFI232-B2 AP+STA Network StructureWhen module enables AP+STA function, Module’s STA interface can connect with router andconnect to TCP server in the network. At the same time, module’s AP interface is also active andpermit phone/PAD to connect through TCPB, then phone/PAD can control user device and andsetting the module parameters,The advantage of AP+STA mode is:Users can easily setting and track user device through Phone/PAD and not change theorginal network setting.Users can easily setting module’s parameters through WiFi when module works as STAmode.AP+STA Mode Setting:
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 26 of 77 tec@usr.cnAP+STA mode need serial AT command to enable as follows:AT+FAPSTA=on, Enable AP+STA mode;Then, when you configure module works as STA mode, it’s AP interface still active;AP+STA Mode Notes:When user enable AT+STA function,the STA port need to keep connected with otherrouter(AP),or STA port will have to scan the AP frequently ,which will affect AP port function and may causesome date loss.So ,if user confirm STA port can't connect with AP at some time,user can disable the STA scanthrough the following command:AT+STTC=on/off,on:Scan AP;off:No Scan AP.After re-start module,this command not saved;AT+FSTTC=on/off;This command is saved after re-staring the module;4.4 Ethernet Interface CommunicationUSR-WIFI232-B2 module provides one 100M Ethernet interface. With this Ethernet interface,user can easily realize the three interface (WiFi, UART, and Ethernet) intercommunication andnetworking. USR-WIFI232-B2 module can configured as Bridge Mode or Router Mode base ondifferent networking technology.Notes: As the Ethernet mode will increase additional consumption, so it is default closed. If youneed this function, pls use AT+FEPHY=on to open it and RELD can’t change this. For differentapplication, USR-WIFI232-610 need version switch via commands (such as following descriptionof N-ver and Z-ver). With command AT+FVER=n to switch to N-ver and with commandAT+FVER=z to switch to Z-ver.4.4.1 USR-WIFI232-B2 Ethernet Interface Networking (As AP)Figure 19 USR-WIFI232-A/B/C Ethernet Interface Networking (As AP)
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 27 of 77 tec@usr.cnUSR-WIFI232-B2 module works as AP and also the center of this network. All devices’ IP addressin this network shall use the same network segment with USR-WIFI232-B2 and they canntercommunication with this method.4.4.2 USR-WIFI232-B2 Ethernet Interface Networking (As STA, N-Ver)Figure 20 USR-WIFI232-B2 Ethernet Interface Networking (As STA, N-Ver)USR-WIFI232-B2 module works as STA (Software is N-Version), and module set as router mode.When module connect to AP, it will get wireless port IP address from AP (For example: At the same time, module also form a subnet (Default and alldevices connected to module Ethernet interface will get assigned IP address (For example: as shown, PC1 at internal subnet can initiate a connection to PC2 (For USR-WIFI232-B2 works as router mode), but PC2 can’t active initiate a connection to PC1.4.4.3 USR-WIFI232-B2 Ethernet Interface Networking (As STA, Z-Ver)Figure 21 USR-WIFI232-B2 Ethernet Interface Networking (As STA, Z-Ver)For above networking, USR-WIFI232-B2 module works as STA(Firmware is Z-Version ),andmodule configured as bridge mode. When module connect to AP, all devices connected tomodule Ethernet interface will get assigned IP address from AP (For example: works as bridge mode, it can be treated as a transparent device and PC1, PC2 cancommunicate without any limit. But in this networking, USR-WIFI232-A/B/C module needs assigna static LAN IP address (For example: if module also needs communication withAP or configuration through web page.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 28 of 77 tec@usr.cn4.5 WI-FI parameter setting4.5.1 Auto- Frequency FunctionWhen module works as STA, USR-WIFI232-B2 will adjust its wireless channel to keep the samechannel with associated AP and connect in.When module works as AP and USR-WIFI232-B2 enable Auto-frequency function, then whenmodule boot up, it will select the best wireless channel based on surrounding environment.4.5.2 SecurityUSR-WIFI232-B2 module supports multiple wireless encryption mechanisms, and enables toprotect the security of user’s data transmission, the mechanisms include:WEPWPA-PSK/TKIPWPA-PSK/AESWPA2-PSK/TKIPWPA2-PSK/AES4.5.3 Search Function for STAWhen using web configuration STA Interface Setting Page, user can push “Search” button to findsurrounding AP, and find a AP to associated.Figure 22 Search page4.5.4 Address BindingUSR-WIFI232-B2 module supports the feature of binding the BSSID address of target network.According to the provisions of 802.11 protocol, different wireless networks can have a samenetwork name (i.e. SSID / ESSID), but must correspond to a unique BSSID address (i.e. MACaddress). Illegal intruders can create a wireless network with the same SSID / ESSID, it will makeSTAs in the network to join to the illegal AP, thereby and then network leakage happen.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 29 of 77 tec@usr.cnUsers can prevent STA from joining to illegal network by binding the BSSID address, to improvewireless network security.4.6 UART Frame Scheme4.6.1 UART Free-FrameUSR-WIFI232-B2 support UART free-frame function. If user select open this function, module willcheck the intervals between any two bytes when receiving UART data. If this interval timeexceeds defined value (50ms default), USR-WIFI232-B2 will think it as the end of one frame andtransfer this free-frame to WiFi port, or USR-WIFI232-B2 will receive UART data until 4K bytes,then transfer 4KB frame to WiFi port.USR-WIFI232-B2 is default interval time is 50ms. User can also set this interval to fast (10ms)through AT command. But user have to consider if user MCU can send UART data with 10msinterval ,or the UART data may be divide as fragment.Through AT command: AT+FUARTTE=fast/normal, user can set the interval time: fast (10ms) andnormal (50ms). This command is factory default setting command and AT+RELD can’t change itsvalue.4.6.2 UART Auto-FrameUSR-WIFI232-B2 support UART auto-frame function. If user select open this function and settingauto-frame trigger length and auto-frame trigger time parameters, then module will auto framingthe data which received from UART port and transmitting to the network as pre-defined datastructure.Auto-frame trigger length: The fixed data length that module used to transmitting to thenetwork.Auto-frame trigger time: After the trigger time, if UART port received data can’t reach auto-frame trigger length, then module will transmitting available data to the network and bypassthe auto-frame trigger length condition.Detailed UART auto-frame function can refer to AT+ instruction set “UARTF/UARTFT/UARTFL”introduction.4.7 Network SettingUSR-WIFI232-B2 module has two TCP/UDP Socket: Socket A and Socket B. Serial data writtento the module, will be sent to the Socket A and B simultaneously; TCP/UDP data that modulereceives through either Socket A or B,will be sent to the serial port.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 30 of 77 tec@usr.cnDual Socket through different settings, you can achieve a variety of network interconnect. Whenthe module shipped only open Socket A, Socket B default is not to connect, if the user needs touse, please set by AT commands.4.7.1 Socket ASocket A has three work mode: TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP Client,UDP Server.The settingmethod, please refer to the AT+NETP command instruction.When Socket A configured as TCP Server, it supports Multi-TCP link connection, and maximum32 TCP clients permitted to connect to Socket A.Multi-TCP link connection will work as following structure:Upstream: All dates from different TCP connection or client will be transmitted to the serial port asa sequence.Downstream: All data from serial port (user) will be duplicate and broadcast to every TCPconnection or client.Detailed multi-TCP link data transmition structure as following figure:Figure 23 Multi-TCP Link Data Transmition Structure4.7.2 Socket BSocket B has one work mode: TCP Client, please refer to the AT+TCPB/AT+TCPPTB/TCPADDB/TCPTOB/TCPLKBcommand instruction.With variety work mode, socket B can provide users with flexible data transfer methods.Forexample, Socket B can connect to a remote server in order to achieve remote control.4.8 New functionTCP password authenticationThis feature is available only on the module as a TCP server, when the TCP client connectionmodule, the module will authenticate each connected tcp.Each TCP client first data is the “password+0x0d+0x0a” (the password is Webpageauthentication password). The default password is “admin”, so the first piece of data should be"0x61 0x64 0x6D 0x69 0x6E 0x0D 0x0A" (Hex). If the password is correct, the module returns
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 31 of 77"OK", on the other hand, return to the "NO" and disconnect.The TCP connection of this function can be Webpage in "TCP connection passwordauthentication" is opened or disable. Please refer to the specific "5.1.6" section.4.8.1 Registered Package ID/MACThis function only applies to the module as a TCP client, in front of the data when moduleconnected to the server with two bytes of ID (ID the range is 0 ~ 65535, the high byte before, andthe low byte behind) plus two bytes ID radix-minus-one complement(or upload 6 bytes MACaddress).Module is the default ID is 1111(MAC:D8B04CF20000), for example, is sent to theserver when the first four bytes "0x57 0x04 0xfb 0xa8"(or "0xD8 0xB0 0x4C 0xF2 0x00 0x00").There are two ways to upload their own id: one is to upload their own ID/MAC for connection tothe server for the first time;The other is a plus ID/MAC in front of each data.Registered Package related parameter is set in the "serial port and other Settings" section of theweb, build joint function of ID/MAC for the first time, and each data with the function of ID/MACare disabled by default.Note: the function of the upload MAC supported in V5.01.14 and above version.4.8.2 Self-adaption BaudrateThis feature, please cooperate with our company's virtual serial port software use.Use a serial port connected module, and use the at command "at + AABR = on" open thisfunction and restart.In the USR - VOCM software "synchronous baud rate (RFC2217 similar)" isselected, the following figure.Specific setup process, please refer to the AT command section( 24 RFC 2217In this way, the module of baud rate will be as the USR-VCOM to change at any time, and don'thave to restart the module.If restart the module, baud rate and will come back to before.4.8.3 WEB IOThis function only work for "GPIO mode".When the module is in the "GPIO mode", enter the Webpage in "WEB IO", you can click on thecorresponding button to control module pin level. Without the need to download and install app,any platform, any equipment, as long as you can into the built-in Webpage of module through thebrowser built-you can control module pin of IO.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 32 of 77 tec@usr.cn4.8.4 KeepaliveV4.02.10. USR13 and above version of the firmware added keepalive when the TCP connectionmechanism, so when the module of network anomalies, timely diagnose abnormal to the networkand disconnect, when the network has resumed after, and just in time to connect to the server.4.8.5 Multiple STA parametersThis function based on V4.02.10 D.U SR18 and above version of the firmware, in the sta mode, ifcan network signal is too low, it will automatically switch to the other AP network (switchingnetwork automatically restart).This feature provides a signal threshold, when the current network signals is lower than thecritical value, the module of automatic switching network and restart.If the signal value is set to100, the module will not switch network.Even if the current network signal is not the currentnetwork will always search, not heavy to other networks.The function of the specific Settings page refer to section 5.1.4.Specific setup process, please refer to the AT command section( WebsocketThis module can realize the function of the websocket server, allowing serial real-time interactionwith the web module, replace the previous HTTP GET, POST, corresponding faster.This moduleprovides the corresponding websocket test page for user testing, specific page is as follows:(webPage: 25 Websocket PageClick on the "connect" page and then implements a connection, so a serial port with page cansend or receive data from each other.This module websocket server support 8 client connectionat the same time.This function for web applications, and for web users with higher response speed, if you want tocustomize the corresponding web page, can connect your company.Note:This function occupy the 8000 port of module.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 33 of 77 tec@usr.cn4.8.7 Fast access Wi-Fi(usr-link)When one module works in AP mode, it opens a UDP port used to receive fast access Wi-Ficommands, the port number is 49000. The phone PDA can directly connect to Wi-Fi network ofthe module, send commands to search router list and set SSID and password. After thecompletion of set up, module will automatically restart, connected to the router, work in the STAmode at this time.Protocol formatSearching commandNoNameNum of BytesDescription1head1fixed value:0xFF2length2Sum of data bytes from length bytes to checkbyte(not contain length bytes and check byte).3cmd1Command type, 0x014check1Sum of bytes from head (not contained) byte tocheck byte (not contained).Response for searchingNoNameNum of BytesDescription1head1fixed value:0xFF2length2Sum of data bytes from length bytes to checkbyte(not contain length bytes and check byte).3cmd1Command type, 0x814AP num1The number of AP what module scans5SSID1UnsizedThe SSID of router 16separator1Separator of SSID1, fixed value:0x007Signalstrength11Signal strength of router 1,0~100:0%~100%8separator2Separator of signal strength1, fixed value:0x0D,0x0A………………MSSID nUnsizedThe SSID of router nM+1separator1Separator of SSID n, fixed value:0x00M+2Signalstrength1Signal strength of router n,0~100:0%~100%M+3separator2fixed value:0x0D,0x0AM+4check1Sum of bytes from head (not contained) byte tocheck byte (not contained).Example:Data from phone PDA to module (HEX): FF 00 01 01 02Data from module to phone PDA (HEX): FF 00 14 81 02 54 45 53 54 31 00 40 0D 0A 54 45 53 5432 00 37 0D 0A 1FExplanation:The phone PDA send searching command to module, the response from module is: SSID ofrouter1 is “TEST1”, signal strength of router1 is 64%; SSID of router2 is “TEST2”, signal strengthof router2 is 55%.Note: The information of routers is ordered by signal strength.Setting commandNoNameNum of BytesDescription1head1fixed value:0xFF2length2Sum of data bytes from length bytes to check byte
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 34 of 77 contain length bytes and check byte).3cmd1Command type, 0x024reserve1fixed value:0x005SSIDUnsizedSSID of router6separator2fixed value:0x0D,0x0A7passwordUnsizedPassword of router8check1Sum of bytes from head (not contained) byte tocheck byte (not contained).Response for settingNoNameNum of BytesDescription1head1fixed value:0xFF2length2Sum of data bytes from length bytes to checkbyte(not contain length bytes and check byte).3cmd1Command type, 0x824Check forSSID1If the SSID set by PDA exist, check value is 0x01,otherwise is 0x00.5Check forpassword1If the form of password set by PDA is correct, checkvalue is 0x01, otherwise is 0x00.6check1Sum of bytes from head (not contained) byte tocheck byte (not contained).Example:Data from phone PDA to module (HEX): FF 00 0F 02 00 54 45 53 54 31 0D 0A 31 32 33 34 35 36CEData from module to phone PDA (HEX): FF 00 03 82 01 01 87Explanation:The phone PDA send setting command to module, SSID is set to “TEST1”, password is set to“123456”. The response from module is that the “TEST1” Wi-Fi network exist, the form ofpassword is correct.4.9 Palmodic SignalBase on selected factory default setting, “nReady” signal can have two output statuses:Status One: The module will output “0”after normal boot up. This signal used to judge ifmodule finish boot up and ready for application.Status Two: The module will output “Palmodic Signal”after normal boot up.The palmodicsignal is 0.5Hz square wave with dutyfactor 1:1. User can query this signal to judge ifmoduleis active “live”or need to re-boot. When module switches to command mode, it willoutput “0”, which used to distinguish work mode and command mode.Notes:This function is user selected factory setting and RELD instruction will not effective for thisfunction. If user not requires this function, the default factory setting is Status One. Contact withUSR Technology for more detailed support.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 35 of 77 tec@usr.cn4.10 Parameters ConfigurationUSR-WIFI232-B2 module supports two methods to configuration parameters: Web Accessingand AT+instruction set.Web accessing means users can configure parameters through built-in webpage. When USR-WIFI232-B2 module connected to wireless network, parameters configuration is done on a PCconnected to the same wireless network. AT+instruction set configuration means user configureparameters through serial interface command. Refer to “AT+instruction set” chapter for moredetail.Notes:USR can customized the parameters setting as customer request and ship USR-WIFI232-A/B/Cmodules with these parameters as factory default configuration. It will reduce user’s moduleconfiguration time for mass production. Also, if user need different parameters setting for everymodule, USR can provide the auto-configuration tool to speed up the module configurationduration. Please contact USR technical interface to acquire this tool if required.4.11 Firmware UpgradeUSR-WIFI232-B2 module supports firmware upgrade online.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 36 of 77 tec@usr.cnWeb Accessing and AT command set4.12 Configuration via Web AccessingWhen first use USR-WIFI232-B2 modules, user may need some configuration. User can connectto USR-WIFI232-B2 module’s wireless interface with following default setting information andconfigure the module through laptop.Table 7 USR-WIFI232-B2 Web Access Default SettingParametersDefault SettingSSIDUSR-WIFI232-B2_xxxxIP Address10.10.100.254Subnet Mask255.255.255.0User NameadminPasswordadmin4.12.1 Open Web Management InterfaceStep 1: Connect laptop to SSID “USR-WIFI232-B2_xxxx” of USR-WIFI232-A/B/C module viawireless LAN card;Step 2: After wireless connection OK. Open Wen browser and access “”;Step 3: Then input user name and password in the page as following and click “OK” button.Figure 26 Open Web Management pageThe USR-WIFI232-B2 web management page support English and Chinese language. User canselect language environment at the top right corner and click “Apply” button.The main menu include five pages: “Mode Selection”,” AP Interface Setting”,”STA InterfaceSetting”,”Application Setting”, “WEB IO”and “Device Management”
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 37 of 77 tec@usr.cn4.12.2 Quick ConfigureThis page provides users with a method of rapid configuration module.Users according to thesteps to configure the parameters and restart the module page, you can let the module is normalwork, reduced the configuration steps and time.Of course the options on this page is less, if somedetailed configuration, still need to the corresponding configuration page.Figure 27 Quick Configure PageThis page has four configuration options and a restart, the corresponding instructions below:WI-FI Setting: set the working mode of wifi, AP mode or the STA.Ethernet Ports Setting: open/close the Ethernet ports, and set up the corresponding workmode.UART Setting: set serial port parameters, including baud rate, parity bit, 485 functions and soon.Network Setting: set network parameters, Only TCPA related parameters.Device Management: when after completion of the above parameters are configured, clickreset module.4.12.3 Mode Selection PageThis page use to setting the wireless networking mode (AP and STA mode)."Data transmission mode" selection module working mode are "Transparent Mode", "Serial Commandmode", "HTTPD Client mode", "GPIO mode"."TCP connection password authentication" can choose whether open TCP password authentication.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 38 of 77 tec@usr.cnFigure 28 Mode Selection Page4.12.4 AP Interface Setting PageThis page use to setting the parameters when USR-WIFI232-A/B/C module works as AP.Figure 29 AP Interface Setting Page4.12.5 STA Interface Setting PageThis page use to setting the parameters when USR-WIFI232-B2 module works as STA.Such as SSID of AP which module need to connected, and also select the networking type: DHCP orstatic IP address.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 39 of 77 tec@usr.cnFigure 30 STA Interface Setting Page4.12.6 Application Setting PageThis page use to setting the parameters of serial port communication, such as UARTsetting,UART AutoFrame Setting,Ethernet function,Device ID setting and high layer networkprotocol setting which used support serial communication.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 40 of 77 tec@usr.cnFigure 31 Application Setting PageNotes:Generally, Network protocols support three modes: TCP Server,TCP Client,UDP Client,UDPServer.Besides module working as TCP Server (IP address not required in this mode). User must set theIP address of the device which need communicate with USR-WIFI232-B2 module.Also the Port ID between two sides of the communication devices must keep the same.4.12.7 Ethernet SettingThis page is used to set Ethernet front-end ports of the module, It can be open or closed.Andalso can be set to the WAN port to use, this module can be used as a secondary router, making iteasy for users to network.Specific Settings page is as follows:Figure 32 Ethernet Setting Page
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 41 of 77 tec@usr.cn4.12.8 HTTPD Client ModeThis page sets the HTTP header in the HTTPD Client mode.Include: the address of the server,the server port, request type, protocol header path, Connection, user-agent.HTTPD Client mode support POST, PUT, GET three HTTP request types.Is a POST or PUTrequest way, serial data can be added to the back of the HTTP header;When the request is aGET, data can be added to the back of the path in the HTTP header.The specific way of sendingdata can consult section 4.2.4.Figure 33 HTTPD Client Mode Page4.12.9 WEB IOFigure 34 WEB IO Page
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 42 of 77 tec@usr.cn4.12.10 Advanced PageUnder the advanced Settings page, the user can set the port mapping and function of DDNS,without having to go on a router Settings, reduce the complexity of setting, the port mapping andDDNS, can be in the public environment, by entering the peanut shell domain name and port, canquickly and easily find the module.Figure 35 Advanced Setting Page4.12.11 Device Management PageThis page use to manage USR-WIFI232-A/B/C module general setting, such as administrator setting,restart module button, restore factory default setting button, and update firmware through webpage.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 43 of 77 tec@usr.cnFigure 36 Device Management PageNotes: Restart module button: When you setting the parameters of different web pages,you will click “Apply” button to confirm the setting, but the setting take effect only afteruser click the “Restart” button here, the module will re-boot up and refresh the memoryinformation with new changes.4.13 AT command Introduction4.13.1 Configuration ModeWhen USR-WIFI232-B2 power up, it will default works as transparent transmission mode, thenuser can switch to configuration mode by serial port command. USR-WIFI232-B2 UART defaultparameters setting as below figureFigure 37 USR-WIFI232-B2 Default UART Port ParametersIn configuration mode, user can setting the module through AT+ instruction set, which cover allweb page setting function.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 44 of 77 tec@usr.cn4.13.1.1 Switch to Configuration ModeTwo steps to finish switching from transparent transmission mode to configuration mode.UART input “+++”, after module receive “+++”, and feedback “a” as confirmation.UART input “a”, after module receive “a” and feedback “+ok” to go into AT+instruction set configuration mode.Figure 38 Switch to Configuration ModeNotes:1. When user input “+++” (No “Enter” key required), the UART port will display feedbackinformation “a”, and not display input information”+++” as above UART display.2. Any other input or wro ng step to UART port will cause the module still works as original mode(transparent transmission).4.13.2 AT+ Instruction Set OverviewUser can input AT+ Instruction through hyper terminal or other serial debug terminal, also canprogram the AT+ Instruction to script. User can also input “AT+H” to list all AT+ Instruction anddescription to start.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 45 of 77 tec@usr.cnFigure 39 ”AT+H” Instruction for HelpWe supply software USR-WIFI232-Setup to send command easily, software setup:Figure 40 Serial port parameterClick “Open Com”, send “+++a”, it will reply +ok in left side, then type in and send the commandyou need to send, then click “AT+RELD” to restore, then parameters saved.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 46 of 77 tec@usr.cnFigure 41 software of USR-WIFI232-SetupAbove is by COM, also you can send by WIFI:First, connect with PC, open the software, see Net partFigure 42 Search moduleClick search, then will show module, click module then you can send command. Instruction Syntax FormatAT+Instruction protocol is based on the instruction of ASCII command style, the description ofsyntax format as follow.Format Description< >: Means the parts must be included[ ]: Means the optional partCommand Message
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 47 of 77 tec@usr.cnAT+<CMD>[op][para-1,para-2,para-3,para-4…]<CR>AT+: Prefix of command message;CMD: Command string;[op]: Symbol of command operator,“=” : The command requires parameters input;“NULL”: Query the current command parameters setting;[para-n]: Parameters input for setting if required;<CR>: ”Enter” Key, it’s 0x0a or 0x0d in ASCII;Notes: When input AT+Instruction, “AT+<CMD>” character will display capital letter automaticand other parts will not change as you input.Response Message+<RSP>[op] [para-1,para-2,para-3,para-4…]<CR><LF><CR><LF>+: Prefix of response message;RSP: Response string;“ok” : Success“ERR”: Failure[op] : =[para-n]: Parameters if query command or Error code when error happened;<CR>: ASCII 0x0d;<LF>: ASCIII 0x0a;Error CodeTable 8 Error Code Description USR-WIFI232-A/B/C Web Access Default SettingError CodeDescription-1Invalid Command Format-2Invalid Command-3Invalid Operation Symbol-4Invalid Parameter-5Operation Not Permitted4.13.2.2 AT+ command SetTable 9 AT+ command Set ListInstructionDescription<null>NULLEOpen/Close show back functionENTMSet module into transparent transmission modeNETPSet/Query network protocol parametersUARTSet/Query serial port parametersUARTFOpen/Close UART auto-frame functionUARTFTSet/Query UART auto-frame trigger time
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 48 of 77 tec@usr.cnUARTFLSet/Query UART auto-frame trigger lengthTMODESet/Query data transmission mode(transparent transmission or agreement transmission)WMODESet/Query WIFI work mode (AP or STA)WSKEYSet/Query WIFI security parameters as STAWSSSIDSet/Query WIFI target AP SSID parameters as STAWSLKQuery WiFi link status as STAWEBUSet/Query WEB page login parameters(User Name and Password)WAPSet/Query WIFI parameters as APWAKEYSet/Query WIFI security parameters as APHIDESSIDSet/Query hide AP’s SSIDMSLPSet modules into power save mode.(Turn OFF WiFi)WSCANSeek AP when module works as STA modeTCPLKQuery if TCP link already build-upTCPDISOpen/Cose TCP (Only TCP Client available)WANNSet/Query WAN setting, only effective as STA modeLANNSet/Query LAN setting, only effective as AP modeDHCPDENEnable/Disable LAN DHCP server functionDHCPGWSet/Query DHCP gateway addressTCPTOSet/Query TCP timeoutMAXSKSet/Query maxima TCP connectionTCPBOpen/Close TCPB functionTCPPTBSet/Query TCPB port numberTCPADDBSet/Query TCPB server addressTCPTOBSet/Query TCPB time out timeTCPLKBQuery TCPB link statusEPHYOpen/Close ETH interfaceSTTCEnable/Disable STA port scan functionDOMAINSet/Query domain of module webpageRELDRestore to factory default settingFUDLXOpen / close the 485 functionMMIDDevice IDIDFIRSend an ID when module connection is establishedIDEVEEvery time to send data to send IDAABROpen / close baud rate adaptive functionMIDQuery module ID informationVERQuery module software version informationHHelpWSSSIDASet/query the first AP‘s ssid of 3 sta parameters settingsWSSSIDBSet/query the second AP‘s ssid of 3 sta parameters settingsWSSSIDCSet/query the third AP‘s ssid of 3 sta parameters settingsWSKEYASet/query the first AP‘s password of 3 sta parameters settingsWSKEYBSet/query the second AP‘s password of 3 sta parameters settingsWSKEYCSet/query the third AP‘s password of 3 sta parameters settingsWSQYSet/query the critiacl value of network switchingHTPMODEThe switch of new/old HTTP headers setting mode(HTTPD Client)HTPSVUnder the new mode,Settings/query server and IP address(HTTPDClient)HTPTPUnder the new mode,Settings/query request type(HTTPD Client)HTPURLUnder the new mode,setting/query request path(HTTPD Client)HTPHEADUnder the new mode,Settings/query the HTTP header(HTTPD
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 49 of 77 tec@usr.cnClient)REGENSettings/query Registered Package TypeREGTCPSettings/query Upload MannerREGIDSettings/query Device IDNotes: USR-WIFI232-B2 module can works as AP or STA, user have to use different AT+ Instructionto set WiFi parameters when module works as AP or STA mode. AT+EFunction: Open/Close show back function;Format:AT+E<CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >When USR-WIFI232-A/B/C module firstly switch from transparent transmission to configuration mode,show back status is open, input “AT+E” to close show back function, input“AT+E” again to open showback function. AT+ENTMFunction: Set module into transparent transmission mode;Format:AT+ENTM<CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >When operate this command, module switch from configuration mode to transparent transmissionmode. AT+NETPFunction: Set/Query network protocol parameters;Format:Query OperationAT+NETP<CR>+ok=<protocol,CS,port,IP><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+NETP=<protocol,CS,port,IP><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:protocol:TCPUDPCS: Network mode:SERVERCLIENTPort: protocol port ID: Decimal digit and less than 65535Note: When it is Tcp and Udp Server, the Port can not be 80 (HTTP port), 8000 (websocket port),49000 (usr - link port).
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 50 of 77IP: Server’s IP address when module set as clientAfter USR-WIFI232-B2 module boots up again, the setting will be effective. AT+UARTFunction: Set/Query serial port parameters;Format:Query OperationAT+UART<CR>+ok=<baudrate,data_bits,stop_bit,parity,flowctrl><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+UART=<baudrate,data_bits,stop_bit,parity,flowctrl><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:baudrate:300,600,1200,1800,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200,230400,345600,460800data_bits:5,6,7,8stop_bits:1,2parity:NONE,EVEN,ODD,MARK,SPACEflowctrl:hardware flow control (CTSRTS)NFC: No flow controlFC: flow controlAfter USR-WIFI232-B2 module boots up again, the setting will be effective. AT+UARTFFunction: Open/Close UART auto-frame function;Format:Query OperationAT+ UARTF<CR>+ok=<para><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ UARTF=<para ><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:para:disable - Close auto-frame function;enable - Open auto-frame function; AT+UARTFTFunction: Set/Query UART auto-frame trigger time;Format:Query OperationAT+ UARTFT<CR>
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 51 of 77<time><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ UARTFT=<time ><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:time: Range 100 ~10000; Unit: ms. Auto-frame trigger time4. AT+UARTFLFunction: Set/Query UART auto-frame trigger length;Format:Query OperationAT+ UARTFL<CR>+ok=<len><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ UARTFL=<len ><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:len: Range 64 ~4096; Unit: byte. Auto-frame trigger length; AT+TMODEFunction: Set/Query data transmission mode;Format:Query OperationAT+TMODE<CR>+ok=<tmode><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ TMODE=<tmode><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:tmode: Data transmission modeThrough: Transparent transmissionAgreement: Agreement transmissionHttpdclient:Httpd Client ModeGPIO: GPIO ModeAfter USR-WIFI232-A/B/C module boots up again, the setting will be effective.Note: No CMD.After power on, the module will not work in the AT command mode by default. AT+WMODEFunction: Set/Query WIFI work mode;Format:Query OperationAT+WMODE<CR>+ok=<mode><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ WMODE=<mode><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 52 of 77mode:WIFI work modeAPSTAAfter USR-WIFI232-A/B/C module boots up again, the setting will be effective. AT+WSKEYFunction: Set/Query WIFI security parameters as STA;Format:Query OperationAT+WSKEY<CR>+ok=<auth,encry,key><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ WSKEY=< auth,encry,key><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:auth: Authentication modeOPENSHAREDWPAPSKWPA2PSKencry:Encryption algorithmNONE: When “auth=OPEN”, effectiveWEP: When “auth=OPEN” or “SHARED”, effectiveTKIP: When ”auth= WPAPSK”, effective or “WPA2PSK”, effectiveAES: When “auth= WPAPSK”, effective or “WPA2PSK”, effectivekey: password, ASCII code, shall less than 64 bit and greater than 8bitThis Instruction only effective for USR-WIFI232-A/B/C works as STA. After USR-WIFI232-A/B/Cmodule boots up again, the setting will be effective. But user can set this command when moduleconfigured as AP. AT+WSSSIDFunction: Set/Query WIFI target AP SSID parameters as STA.Format:Query OperationAT+WSSSID<CR>+ok=<ap’s ssid><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ WSSSID=<ap’s ssid ><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:ap’s ssid: AP’s SSIDThis Instruction only effective for USR-WIFI232-A/B/C works as STA. After USR-WIFI232-A/B/Cmodule boots up again, the setting will be effective. But user can set this command when moduleconfigured as AP. AT+ WSLK
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 53 of 77Function: Query WiFi link status as STAFormat:Query OperationAT+ WSLK<CR>+ok=<ret><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:ret”Disconnected”, if no WiFi connection;”AP’ SSID(AP’s MAC” ), if WiFi connection available;”RF Off”, if WiFi OFF;This Instruction only effective for USR-WIFI232-A/B/C works as STA. After USR-WIFI232-A/B/Cmodule boots up again, the setting will be effective. But user can set this command when moduleconfigured as AP. AT+WEBUFunction: Set/Query WEB page login parameters;Format:Query OperationAT+WEBU<CR>+ok=<usr,password><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ WEBU=< usr,password ><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:usr: User name for WEB page access;password:Password for WEB page access; AT+WAPFunction: Set/Query WIFI parameters as AP;Format:Query OperationAT+WAP<CR>+ok=<wifi_mode,ssid,channel><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ WAP=<wifi_mode,ssid,channel><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:wifi_mode: WiFi protocols11BG11B11G11BGN11Nssid: SSID when module works as AP;channel: WIFI channel selectionAUTO
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 54 of 77CH1~CH11This Instruction only effective for USR-WIFI232-A/B/C works as AP. After USR-WIFI232-A/B/C moduleboots up again, the setting will be effective. But user can set this command when module configuredas STA. AT+WAKEYFunction: Set/Query WIFI security parameters as AP;Format:Query OperationAT+WAKEY<CR>+ok=<auth,encry,key><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ WAKEY=< auth,encry,key><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:auth: Authentication modeOPENSHAREDWPAPSKWPA2PSKencry:Encryption algorithmNONE: When “auth=OPEN”, effective;WEP: When “auth=OPEN”, effective or “SHARED”, effective;TKIP: When “auth=WPAPSK”, effective or “WPA2PSK”, effective;AES:When “auth=WPAPSK”, effective or “WPA2PSK”, effective;TKIPAES:When “auth=WPAPSK”, effective or “WPA2PSK”, effective;key: password, ASCII code, shall less than 64 bit and greater than 8bit;This Instruction only effective for USR-WIFI232-A/B/C works as AP. After USR-WIFI232-A/B/C moduleboots up again, the setting will be effective. But user can set this command when module configuredas STA. AT+HIDESSIDFunction: Set/Query hide AP’s SSID;Format:Query OperationAT+HIDSSID<CR>+ok=<sta.><CR><LF><CR><LF>Set OperationAT+HIDSSID=<sta><CR>+ok<CR><LF><CR><LF>Parameters:When Query,sta reply if module’s SSID is hide;On-not hide SSIDOff- hide SSID
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 55 of 77When Set,Off-hide SSIDOn- not hide SSID4. AT+MSLPFunction: Set modules into power save mode.(Turn OFF WiFi,Regardless of the APmode or the sta mode);Format:Query OperationAT+ MSLP <CR>+ok=<sta.><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ MSLP=<on/off><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:When Query,sta reply if the module in sleep mode;On - Module not in sleep mode (WiFi ON);Off - Module in sleep mode(WiFi OFF);When Set,Off - Set module to sleep mode (WiFi OFF);On - Set module to normal mode (WiFi ON);When module go into sleep mode, user can input “AT+MSLP=on” to re-start the module and modulego into transparent transmission mode. AT+WSCANFunction: Seek AP.Format:AT+ WSCAN<CR>+ok=<ap_site><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:ap_site: AP searched;The first line of the return value is "RSSI, SSID, BSSID, Channel, Encryption,Authentication", they arethe signal strength, network name, MAC address,channel, mode of authentication, encryptionalgorithm. AT+ TCPLKFunction: Query if TCP link already build-up;Format:AT+ TCPLK<CR>+ok=<sta><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:sta.: if module already setup TCP link;on: TCP link setup;off: TCP link not setup; AT + TCPDISFunction: Open/Cose TCP (Only TCP Client available);
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 56 of 77Format:Query OperationAT+TCPDIS<CR>+ok=<sta><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ TCPDIS=<on/off><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:sta.: set/query TCP link status;on: TCP link available; When setting “on”, module will connect to TCP serverright away.off: TCP link not available; when setting “off”, module will disconnect with TCPserver and not connect again. AT+ WANNFunction: Set/Query WAN setting, only effective as STA mode;Format:Query OperationAT+WANN<CR>+ok=<mode,address,mask,gateway><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ WANN=< mode,address,mask,gateway ><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:mode: IP setting for WAN portstatic: Static IPDHCP: Dynamic IPaddress: WAN port IP address;mask: WAN port subnet mask;gateway: WAN port gateway address;This Instruction only effective for USR-WIFI232-A/B/C works as STA. After USR-WIFI232-A/B/Cmodule boots up again, the setting will be effective. But user can set this command when moduleconfigured as AP. AT+ LANNFunction: Set/Query LAN setting, only effective as AP mode;Format:Query OperationAT+LANN<CR>+ok=<address,mask ><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ LANN=<address,mask ><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:address: LAN port IP address;mask: LAN port subnet mask;
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 57 of 77 tec@usr.cnThis Instruction only effective for USR-WIFI232-A/B/C works as AP. After USR-WIFI232-A/B/C moduleboots up again, the setting will be effective. But user can set this command when module configuredas STA.Note: AT+WANN check the wan port address of module, AT+LANN check the LAN port address ofmodule, and the two IP cannot be set on the same network segment,If do,Module will be abnormal. AT+DHCPDENFunction: Enable/Disable LAN DHCP server function;Format:Query OperationAT+DHCPDEN<CR>+ok=<sta><CR><LF><CR><LF>Set OperationAT+DHCPDEN=<sta><CR>+ok<CR><LF><CR><LF>Parameters:sta. If Enable/Disable LAN DHCP server function;on: Enable LAN DHCP functionoff: Disable LAN DHCP function4. AT+ DHCPGWFunction: Set/Query DHCP gateway address;Format:Query OperationAT+ DHCPGW<CR>+ok=<address><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ DHCPGW=<address ><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:address: DHCP gate address; AT+ TCPTOFunction: Set/Query TCP timeout;Format:Query OperationAT+ TCPTO<CR>+ok=<time><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ TCPTO=<time ><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:time: TCP timeout time.<= 600, (600s);>=0, (0 means no timeout);Default, 0s;
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 58 of 77 tec@usr.cnTCP timeout: module began to count when TCP channel did not receive any data, receive data purgecount.If the timing time exceed TCPTO, disconnect the TCP channel.If module work in TCP Client , itwill take the initiative to rewiring the TCP Server, If module work in the TCP Server, the TCP Clientneed active reconnection. AT+ MAXSKFunction: Set/Query maxima TCP connection;Format:Query OperationAT+ MAXSK<CR>+ok=<num><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ MAXSK =<num ><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:num: 1~32, default 32. maxima TCP connection;When configure as TCP/Server, USR-WIFI232-A/B/C support maxima 32 TCP connections. If notrequire so much connection, user can resetting this parameters. AT+TCPBFunction: Open/Close TCPB function;Format:Query OperationAT+TCPB<CR>+ok=<sta><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ TCPB=<on/off><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:sta: TCPB enable statuson, TCPB enableoff, TCPB disableAfter USR-WIFI232-B2 module boots up again, the setting will be effective. AT+TCPPTBFunction: Set/Query TCPB port number;Format:Query OperationAT+TCPPTB<CR>+ok=<port><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ TCPB=<port><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:port: decimal ,<65535
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 59 of 77 tec@usr.cnAfter USR-WIFI232-B2 module boots up again, the setting will be effective. AT+TCPADDBFunction: Set/Query TCPB server address;Format:Query OperationAT+TCPADDB<CR>+ok=<add><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ TCPADDB=<add><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:add: TCPB server address, can be IP address or url.After USR-WIFI232-B2 module boots up again, the setting will be effective4. AT+TCPTOBFunction: Set/Query TCPB time out time;Format:Query OperationAT+TCPTOB<CR>+ok=<time><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ TCPTOB=<time><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:time: TCPB time out time, <=600 (600s), >=0 (No time out), default 0After USR-WIFI232-B2 module boots up again, the setting will be effective. AT+TCPLKBFunction: Query TCPB link status;Format:AT+TCPCKB<CR>+ok=<sta><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:sta: TCPB link statuson, TCPB link OKoff, TCPB link not available4. AT+EPHYFunction: Open/Close ETH interface;Format:Set OperationAT+ EPHY=<on/off><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:On/offOff: Close Ethernet port function;
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 60 of 77On: Open Ethernet port function;If you want to keep the Ethernet port open,please use the AT+FEPHY=on.Close module’s Ethernet port function can reduce the power consumption. The default setting forUSR-WIFI232-A/B/C is close Ethernet port function.Use AT + FVEW = disable/enable, so you can set the modules work in LAN port (disable) or wan port(enable), the directive restore factory Settings to take effect. AT+STTCFunction: Enable/Disable STA port scan functionFormat:Query OperationAT+STTC<CR>+ok=<sta><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+STTC=<on/off><CR>+ok<CR><LF><CR><LF>Parameters:Sta: when query, this value feedbackOn: Enable STA port scan functionOff: Disable STA port scan function4. AT+DOMAINFunction: Set/Query domain of module webpage;FormatQuery OperationAT+DOMAIN<CR>+ok=<domian><CR><LF><CR><LF>Set OperationAT+DOMAIN=<domain><CR>+ok<CR><LF><CR><LF>Parameters:domain: domain to access to module webpage4. AT+FUDLXFunction: Enable/Disable 485 function;Format:Query OperationAT+FUDLX<CR>+ok=<on/off><CR><LF><CR><LF>Set OperationAT+FUDLX=<on/off><CR>+ok<CR><LF><CR><LF>Parameters:On/off: Enable or Disable 485 functionOn, enable 485 function;Off, disable 485 function;
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 61 of 77 tec@usr.cnNotes: AT+FUDLX is F-Setting, means restore to factory setting will not affect this command. AT+MMIDFunction: Set/Query Device ID;Format:Query OperationAT+MMID<CR>+ok=<time><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ MMID=<time><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:ID: device id(0~65535)After USR-WIFI232-A/B/C module boots up again, the setting will be effective. AT+IDFIRFunction: Enable/Disable “Send an ID when module connection is established” function;Format:Query OperationAT+IDFIR<CR>+ok=<on/off><CR><LF><CR><LF>Set OperationAT+IDFIR=<on/off><CR>+ok<CR><LF><CR><LF>Parameters:On/off: Enable or Disable “Send an ID when module connection is established”functionOn, enable “Send an ID when module connection is established” function;Off, disable “Send an ID when module connection is established” function; AT+IDEVEFunction: Enable/Disable Every time to send data to send ID function;Format:Query OperationAT+IDEVE<CR>+ok=<on/off><CR><LF><CR><LF>Set OperationAT+IDEVE=<on/off><CR>+ok<CR><LF><CR><LF>Parameters:On/off: Enable or Disable Every time to send data to send ID functionOn, enable Every time to send data to send ID function;Off, disable Every time to send data to send ID function;Note: The ID function requires that the server carries out corresponding processing.In front of thedata when module connected to the server with two bytes of ID (ID the range is 0 ~ 65535, thehigh byte before, and the low byte behind) plus two bytes ID radix-minus-one
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 62 of 77 tec@usr.cncomplement.Module is the default ID is 1111, for example, is sent to the server when the first fourbytes "0x57 0x04 0xfb 0xa8". AT+AABRFunction: Enable/Disable Self-adaption Baudrate function;Format:Query OperationAT+AABR<CR>+ok=<on/off><CR><LF><CR><LF>Set OperationAT+AABR=<on/off><CR>+ok<CR><LF><CR><LF>Parameters:On/off: Enable or Disable Self-adaption BaudratefunctionOn, enable Self-adaption Baudrate function;Off, disable Self-adaption Baudrate function; AT+RELDFunction: Restore to factory default setting;Format:AT+ RELD<CR>+ok=rebooting…<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >This command restores the module to factory default setting, and then re-starts the module. AT+ZFunction: Re-start module;Format:AT+ Z<CR> AT+MIDFunction: Query module ID information;Format:Query OperationAT+MID<CR>+ok=<module_id><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:module_id: MID information;A11-yymmddnnnn “yymmdd” date; “nnnn” serial number; AT+VERFunction: Query module software version information;Format:Query OperationAT+VER<CR>+ok=<ver><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:ver: Module software version information; AT+HFunction: Help;
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 63 of 77Format:Query OperationAT+H<CR>+ok=<command help><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:command help: command introduction; AT+ HTTPURLFunction:Set /Query HTTP server IP address and Port Number.Format:Query Operation:AT+HTTPURL<CR>+ok=<IP,Port><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set Operation:AT+HTTPURL=<IP,Port><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:IP:HTTP server IP address.Port:HTTP server Port number。 AT+ HTTPTPFunction:Set /Query HTTP request type.Format:Query Operation:AT+HTTPTP<CR>+ok=<Type><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set Operation:AT+HTTPTP=<Type><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:Type:GET(default) or POST. AT+ HTTPPHFunction:Set/Query HTTP protocol header path.Format:Query Operation:AT+HTTPPH<CR>+ok=<Path><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set Operation:AT+HTTPPH=<Path><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:Path: Max length is 50 bytes. AT+ HTTPCNFunction:Set/Query Connection of HTTP protocol header.Format:Query Operation:
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 64 of 77 tec@usr.cnAT+HTTPCN<CR>+ok=<Connection><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set Operation:AT+HTTPCN=<Connection><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:Connection: Max length is 20 bytes. AT+ HTTPUAFunction:Set/Query User-Agent of HTTP protocol header.Format:Query Operation:AT+HTTPUA<CR>+ok=<Parameter><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set Operation:AT+HTTPUA=<Parameter><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:Parameter: Max length is 20 bytes. AT+WSSSIDAFunction: Set/query the first AP‘s ssid of 3 sta parameters settings .Format:Query OperationAT+WSSSIDA<CR>+ok=<ap’s ssid><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ WSSSIDA=<ap’s ssid ><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:ap’s ssid: AP’s SSIDThis Instruction only effective for USR-WIFI232-A/B/C works as STA. After USR-WIFI232-A/B/Cmodule boots up again, the setting will be effective. But user can set this command when moduleconfigured as AP. AT+WSSSIDBFunction: Set/query the second AP‘s ssid of 3 sta parameters settings .Format:Query OperationAT+WSSSIDB<CR>+ok=<ap’s ssid><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ WSSSIDB=<ap’s ssid ><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:ap’s ssid: AP’s SSID
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 65 of 77 tec@usr.cnThis Instruction only effective for USR-WIFI232-A/B/C works as STA. After USR-WIFI232-A/B/Cmodule boots up again, the setting will be effective. But user can set this command when moduleconfigured as AP. AT+WSSSIDCFunction: Set/query the third AP‘s ssid of 3 sta parameters settings .Format:Query OperationAT+WSSSIDC<CR>+ok=<ap’s ssid><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ WSSSIDC=<ap’s ssid ><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:ap’s ssid: AP’s SSIDThis Instruction only effective for USR-WIFI232-A/B/C works as STA. After USR-WIFI232-A/B/Cmodule boots up again, the setting will be effective. But user can set this command when moduleconfigured as AP. AT+WSKEYAFunction: Set/query the first AP‘s password of 3 sta parameters settings .Format:Query OperationAT+WSKEYA<CR>+ok=<auth,encry,key><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ WSKEYA=< auth,encry,key><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:auth: Authentication modeOPENSHAREDWPAPSKWPA2PSKencry:Encryption algorithmNONE: When “auth=OPEN”, effectiveWEP: When “auth=OPEN” or “SHARED”, effectiveTKIP: When ”auth= WPAPSK”, effective or “WPA2PSK”, effectiveAES: When “auth= WPAPSK”, effective or “WPA2PSK”, effectivekey: password, ASCII code, shall less than 64 bit and greater than 8bitThis Instruction only effective for USR-WIFI232-A/B/C works as STA. After USR-WIFI232-A/B/Cmodule boots up again, the setting will be effective. But user can set this command when moduleconfigured as AP. AT+WSKEYBFunction: Set/query the second AP‘s password of 3 sta parameters settings .Format:
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 66 of 77Query OperationAT+WSKEYB<CR>+ok=<auth,encry,key><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ WSKEYB=< auth,encry,key><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:auth: Authentication modeOPENSHAREDWPAPSKWPA2PSKencry:Encryption algorithmNONE: When “auth=OPEN”, effectiveWEP: When “auth=OPEN” or “SHARED”, effectiveTKIP: When ”auth= WPAPSK”, effective or “WPA2PSK”, effectiveAES: When “auth= WPAPSK”, effective or “WPA2PSK”, effectivekey: password, ASCII code, shall less than 64 bit and greater than 8bitThis Instruction only effective for USR-WIFI232-A/B/C works as STA. After USR-WIFI232-A/B/Cmodule boots up again, the setting will be effective. But user can set this command when moduleconfigured as AP. AT+WSKEYCFunction: Set/query the third AP‘s password of 3 sta parameters settings .Format:Query OperationAT+WSKEYC<CR>+ok=<auth,encry,key><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ WSKEYC=< auth,encry,key><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:auth: Authentication modeOPENSHAREDWPAPSKWPA2PSKencry:Encryption algorithmNONE: When “auth=OPEN”, effectiveWEP: When “auth=OPEN” or “SHARED”, effectiveTKIP: When ”auth= WPAPSK”, effective or “WPA2PSK”, effectiveAES: When “auth= WPAPSK”, effective or “WPA2PSK”, effectivekey: password, ASCII code, shall less than 64 bit and greater than 8bit
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 67 of 77 tec@usr.cnThis Instruction only effective for USR-WIFI232-A/B/C works as STA. After USR-WIFI232-A/B/Cmodule boots up again, the setting will be effective. But user can set this command when moduleconfigured as AP. AT+ WSQYFunction: Set/query the critiacl value of network switching.Format:Query OperationAT+ WSQY<CR>+ok=<ret><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ WSQY=< ret><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:ret:The percentage of signal intensity, such as signalstrength was 50%, settingshould be AT+WSQY=50<CR>;Note: if set to 100, the module will not automatically switch WIFI network.If the users only oneSTA parameter, please be sure to set this parameter to AT+ HTPMODEFunction: The switch of new/old HTTP headers setting mode(HTTPD Client).Format:Query OperationAT+ HTPMODE<CR>+ok=<type><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ HTPMODE=< type><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:type:new: The new HTTP headers setting mode.old:The old HTTP headers setting mode. AT+ HTPSVFunction:Set /Query HTTP server IP address and Port Number.Format:Query Operation:AT+HTPSV<CR>+ok=<IP,Port><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set Operation:AT+HTPSV=<IP,Port><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:IP:HTTP server IP address.Port:HTTP server Port number。 AT+ HTPTPFunction:Set /Query HTTP request type.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 68 of 77Format:Query Operation:AT+HTPTP<CR>+ok=<Type><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set Operation:AT+HTPTP=<Type><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:Type:GET(default) or POST. AT+ HTPURLFunction:Set/Query HTTP header path.Format:Query Operation:AT+HTPURL<CR>+ok=<Path><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set Operation:AT+HTPURL=<Path><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:Path: Max length is 50 bytes. AT+ HTPHEADFunction:Set/Query HTTP header.Format:Query Operation:AT+HTPHEAD<CR>+ok=<head><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set Operation:AT+HTPHEAD=<head><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:head: HTTP header,Please use the "<<CRLF>>" instead of carriage"return",Max length:200 bytes.Note: the AT command of AT + HTPMODE, AT + HTPSV, AT + HTPTP, AT + HTPURL,AT +HTPHEAD is supported in V5.01.14 and above version. AT+ REGENFunction: Settings/query Registered Package Type.Format:Query OperationAT+ REGEN<CR>+ok=<mode><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ REGEN=<mode><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 69 of 77mode:id: Registered package of ID.mac:Registered package of MAC.off:disable Registered package4. AT+ REGTCPFunction: Settings/query Upload Manner.Format:Query OperationAT+ REGTCP<CR>+ok=<type><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ REGTCP=<type><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:type:first: Module send registration packet when connection established.every:Send registration packet every time when module send data. AT+ REGIDFunction: Settings/query Device ID.Format:Query OperationAT+ REGID<CR>+ok=<ID><CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Set OperationAT+ REGID=<ID><CR>+ok<CR>< LF ><CR>< LF >Parameters:ID:ID number, the range is 0 to 65535Note: the AT command of AT + REDEN, AT + REGTCP, AT + REGID is supported in V5.01.14 andabove version.5 USR-WIFI232-B2 Usage Introduction5.1 Module Debug5.1.1 Software Debug ToolsIn order to facilitate the use of my company, development of the serial and network debugging two-in-one test software, USR-TCP232-Test
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 70 of 77 tec@usr.cn5.1.2 Network ConnectionIn order to test the serial port to the WIFI network address conversion, we will module serial connectedwith the computer, network and computer links to WIFI.Due to the need to have both a WIFI and serial special requirements, only a minority of the notebookcomputer can achieve, the user can use the desktop with a USB card, or use the notebook computerwith a USB to serial line way, the author uses the desktop and WIFI card form test, desktop with serial.( Note: there USB transfer RS232 the line quality uneven, some good and some bad, in order not towaste your valuable time, look for buying a used FT232 chip scheme suggested switching line, aboutthe price $10)Figure 43 Connection diagramOn the serial connection, module pin leads to 3.3V TTL level, not directly connected with the computer,need to bring the bottom or users are TTL to RS232 connecting line connected to the computer, inorder to facilitate the user to test the use of, we provide a variety of floor for the user to choose, here inthe case of USR-WIFI232-2.Hardware connectivity, for module power supply, the red power indicator light, wait about 6 seconds( internal system boot ), Ready lights, said system startup complete, can operate, entering the nextstep.5.1.3 DebugAs shown above, opened in PC program, set the COM export and open the serial port connection
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 71 of 77 tec@usr.cnFigure 44 “CommTools” Serial Debug ToolsOpen test software USR-TCP232-Test.exe, selection of hardware attached to the computer's serialnumber, this is COM1, choose 57600 baud rate, such as the WIFI module serial default baud rate,open the serial port.Network settings in TCP client mode, the server IP address input, this is WIFI moduledefault IP address, server port number 8899, this module default monitor TCP port number, click thelink to establish TCP connection,Then click the create connection.Figure 45 “TCP UDPDbg” Tools Create Connection
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 72 of 77 tec@usr.cnBecause of the USR-WIFI232-B2 module default support for transparent transmission mode, so nowyou can debug tools two-way data, all data will be wholly intact transmission to the other side ofdisplay. The testing process can be seen in module TXD and RXD indicator lights in the data throughthe flashing.Figure 46 The test results show that the network and serial portNote: because of the RTS/CTS pin processing difference, currently available on the part of theserial debugging software for the module of the system is not available, please be sure to want touse USR-TCP232-Test we provide testing, or just RXD TXD GND connected the three line to thecomputer, please notice.5.2 Use Cases5.2.1 Wireless Control ApplicationFigure 47 Wireless Control Application
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 73 of 77 tec@usr.cnFor this wireless control application, USR-WIFI232-B2 works as AP mode. Module’s serial portconnects to user device. So, control agent (Smart phone for this example) can manage and control theuser device through the wireless connection with USR-WIFI232-B2 module.5.2.2 Remote Management ApplicationFigure 48 Remote Management ApplicationFor this remote management application, USR-WIFI232-B2 works as STA mode and connects toInternet through wireless AP. Module configured as TCP Client and communicates with remote TCPserver at Internet. Module’s serial port connects to user device.So, user device’s data or sampling information can send to remote TCP server for storage orprocessing. Also remote TCP server can send command to control and manage the user devicethrough the wireless network.5.2.3 Transparent Serial Port ApplicationFor this transparent serial port application, two USR-WIFI232-B2 modules connect as below figures tobuild up a transparent serial port connection.Figure 49 Transparent Serial Port Application
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 74 of 77 tec@usr.cnFor left side USR-WIFI232-B2 module, configured as AP mode and use default SSID and IP address,network protocol configured as TCP/Server mode, and protocol port ID: 8899.For right side USR-WIFI232-B2 module, configured as STA mode and setting the same SSID (”USR-WIFI232-A/B_xxxx” for this example)with left side USR-WIFI232-B2 module, enable DHCP networkand network protocol configured as TCP/Client mode, protocol port ID: 8899. Target IP address partsetting the same IP address with left side USR-WIFI232-B2 module (“” for this example).When right side USR-WIFI232-B2 boot up, it will find wireless AP (SSID:USR-WIFI232-B2_xxxx forthis example) and open TCP/Client network protocol to connect with left side module’s TCP/Server. Allthese operation will be automatic and after finished, the two user devices connected to USR-WIFI232-B2 module through serial port can communicate each other and think the connection between them isfully transparent.Note: LAN IP address and WAN port should in different segment, as picture shown, we changeto (the address get from left module WAN port DHCP is Wireless Data Acquisition Card ApplicationFor this wireless data acquisition card application, one PC works as data server and every dataacquisition card connects with a USR-WIFI232-B2 module to support wireless connection function.Figure 50 Wireless Data Acquisition Card Application
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 75 of 77 tec@usr.cnAs above figure, one USR-WIFI232-B2 configured as AP mode and all others configured as STA mode.All USR-WIFI232-B2 which configured as STA and data server PC wireless connected to USR-WIFI232-B2 which configured as AP to make up a wires network.Data server PC open TCP/Server protocol and all USR-WIFI232-B2 modules open TCP/Clientprotocol. All data acquisition cards’ data and sampling information can be transmitted to data serverPC for operation.
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 76 of 77 tec@usr.cnAppendix A: Contact Information------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Contact us:Company: Jinan USR IOT Technology LimitedAddress: 1-728, Huizhan Guoji Cheng, Gaoxin Qu, Jinan, Shandong, ChinaTel: 86-531-55507297, 86-531-88826739Web: http://www.usriot.comSupport : http://h.usriot.comEmail: B: DisclaimerThis document provides information about USR-WIFI232-A/B/C modules, this documentdoes not grant any license to intellectual property rights. Except the responsibilitydeclared in the product sale clause, USR does not assume any other responsibilities. Inaddition, USR does not make any warranties for the sale and use of this product, includingthe suitability of the product for a particular purpose, merchantability or fitness for anypatent, copyright or other intellectual property infringement, etc. USR may make changesto specifications and product descriptions without notice.Appendix C: HistoryEd.V4.5 Update on 14-04Add TCP password authenticationAdd Upload IDAdd Self-adaption BaudrateAdd WEB-IOEd.V5.0.0 Update on 14-10Add Httpdclient ModeAdd AT+TMODE optionsAdd Quick Configure and Ethernet Setting Web pageAdd usr-link agreement.Ed.V5.0.1 Update on 14-11Modify the SSID of AP ModeEd.V5.0.2 Update on 14-12Modify the problem of TCPB in the specification,The AT command related isAT+TCPB/AT+TCPPTB etc.Modify Self-adaption Baudrate function,default open.Delete the AT + FRLDEN.Ed.V5.0.4 Update on 14-12
USR-WIFI232-B2 User Manual http://www.usriot.comJinan USR IOT Technology Limited Page 77 of 77 tec@usr.cnAdd the AT setting of three sta parameter setsMore advanced Settings page, including the port mapping and DDNSEd.V5.0.5 Update on 15-01-2015Change the AT+WSLQ to WSQYEd.V5.0.6 Update on 16-03-2015Modify the registration packet types, increase the upload MAC function and modify thecorresponding instructions (based on V5.01.14 and above).Modify the setting of the HTTP header, change to custom header, and compatible theold way of setting (based on V5.01.14 and above version).Ed.V5.0.7 Update on 03-05-2015modify the minimum temperature - 40.Modify the TCP timeout default to 0.When tcp or udp server,Tip 80, 8000, 49000 is not available.Ed.V5.0.8 Update on 16-06-2015Increase customer support center link, remove WAPI encryption.Ed.V5.0.9 Update on 29-06-2015V5.01.19 Modify the BUGEd.V5.0.9 Update on 03-08-2015Amend the company address.Modify some describe errorsEND OF DOCUMENT
FCC STATEMENT :   This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: tenna.  receiver is connected.   FCC Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.  This equipment should be installed and  operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.
FCC INFORMATION (additional)OEM INTEGRATION INSTRUCTIONS:This device is intended only for OEM integrators under the following conditions: Themodule must be installed in the host equipment such that 20 cm is maintained betweenthe antenna and users, and the transmitter module may not be co-located with any othertransmitter or antenna. The module shall be only used with the internal antenna(s) thathas been originally tested and certified with this module. As long as 3 conditions aboveare met, further transmitter test will not be required. However, the OEM integrator is stillresponsible for testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirementsrequired with this module installed (for example, digital device emissions, PC peripheralrequirements, etc.).Validity of using the module certification:In the event that these conditions cannot be met (for example certain laptop configurationsor co-location with another transmitter), then the FCC authorization for this module incombination with the host equipment is no longer considered valid and the FCC ID of themodule cannot be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integratorwill be responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) andobtaining a separate FCC authorization.End product labeling:This transmitter module is authorized only for use in device where the antenna may beinstalled such that 20 cm may be maintained between the antenna and users. The finalend product must be labeled in a visible area with the following: “Contains FCC ID:2AJDAUSR-WIFI232”.Information that must be placed in the end user manual:The OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regardinghow to install or remove this RF module in the user's manual of the end product whichintegrates this module. The end user manual shall include all required regulatoryinformation/warning as show in this manual.This device must be kept away from all persons by 20cm or more and installations usingless distance, or installations using antennas with gain greater than that with which thiswas Certified will require additional approvals.

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