Shantou City Hengdi Industry HD17F24GR DRONE POCKET SIZE 9INCH WITH CAMERA STREAMING User Manual 2017 08 08 PocketDrone IM
Shantou City Hengdi Industry Co., Ltd DRONE POCKET SIZE 9INCH WITH CAMERA STREAMING 2017 08 08 PocketDrone IM
User Manual
FOLDABLE POCKET DRONE Getting to Know Your Drone 14+ PLEASE READ ALL WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO USE. KEEP THIS DOCUMENT AS IT CONTAINS IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR DRONE. DO NOT RETURN TO STORE ADULT ASSEMBLY, CHARGING, AND Questions? concerns? BATTERY INSTALLATION IS REQUIRED. We're available to help! ADULT SUPERVISION IS REQUIRED. instructionai Videos. troubIeshooling. and supporl are avaiiapie al: Or caII . (800) 374-2744 Before caning piease locate tne IOrdlgIY EHOKING. HAZARD ' Small Paris. was prm‘ed on your drone. at for Children under 3 years. @2017 MerehSource, th. Ari righls reserved KEEP THI IN m Tl N MAN ALA IT NTAIN IMP nmm Dlslnbuted by MercnSouree,LLc,irvrne,CA925ta. INF RMATI NF RF 1 RE REFEREN E. For technical support. pIease visit www.dxdroneeentereom.eorn or call 1-800-374-2744. Due to Continuous product improvements, the picture on tne manuaI may The artwork and design or this manual are protected py us copyrignt Iaw difler sligntiy front tire aetuai product. and may not be reproduced, dislributed, displayed. published or used Ior any purpose without prior written permission. it is not permitted to aiter. remove or reproduce any trademarks or copyrignt notice Irom tnis manual. Primed In China. FOLDABLE POCKET DRONE INTRODUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Congratulations on your purchase of the Drone Battery: 550 mAh Li-Po FOIdable POCket Drone. Get ready to soar Maximum Recommended Altitude: 100 ft. to new heights. Master the art of drone Charging Time: 90 minutes flying with remote control maneuverability. This lightweight drone will provide hours of fun. TABLE OF CONTENTS General Warnings, FCC Warning, Tips, & Troubleshooting Page 1 Contents, Battery Warning, Charging Battery & Replacing Propellers Page 2 Prepping Your Drone & App Set—Up Page 3 Functional Specifications & Modes Page 4 Printed In China. I FOLDABLE POCKET DRONE READ ALL WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS BEFORE USE SAFETY WARNINGS ~ Not recommended lot children under 14 years or age. As with all electrical products, precautions should be observed during handling and use to reduce the risk or electrical shock AduIt supenrisron rs quulred al aIl limes - Never fly drones above or near people. sudden changes in wind or other conditions could lead to unexpected crashes. ~ Always use caution when llying drone vehicles. obey relevanl laws, respecl the privacy and property rlghts oi others ~ The drone shall never be modilred or used lor anything except its rnlended purpose. - Iaelore each use, an adult should review the product and battery to determine thal no damage or hazards exlsl - Do NOT TOUCH SPINNING PROPELLERS ~ Do not allow anything to rnlenlionally make contact in any way with spinning propellers - Prevent contact with spinning blades by turning off remote prior to handling drone ~ Use caution and pay attention to your surroundings while operating drone ~ Do nol fly drone rnlo animals, people, or inanimate obyects ~ Keep drone away lrom power lines, buildings, lrees. public areas, and any other potentially hazardous areas ~ Do nol operale in rain, heavy wind, and or any type or severe wealher - Do nol land drone on wet surlaces ~ Never touch or allow others to touch drone while it is llying Always lum drone oil when it is not in use Always lIy drone in large open areas TIPS - Do not crash drone into sand or dirt. Drone gears may become clogged - When first learning to fly, practlce lllting off and hovering - Stay several feet from walls and buildings - Press the emergency stop button after crashing or when something gets stuck in the propellers. - Never fly drones above or near people, sudden changes ln Wlnd or other conditions could lead to unexpected crashes. - Always use caution when flying drone vehicles, obey relevant laws, respect the prlvacy and property rlghts of others. - The drone shall never be modified or used for anything except its intended purpose. expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could vold the user’s authority to operate the equlpment. WARNING: Changes or modificatlons to this unit not Fly-aways are the responsi ty of the individual pilot and will not be replaced by the manufacturer. Thls drone welghs 0.t2 lbs (539). As oi December 21, 2015, the Federal Aviation Admlnlstratlon (FAA) only requlres registration on unmanned atrcralts welghlng more than 0.55 lbs visit lor more inlormatron The FAA does not require this drone lo be registered, ongoing compliance wrth lederal, state, and local laws is an owner‘s sole responsrbrlrly INVASION OF PRIVACY WARNING Always be mrndlul or olhers privacy and do not record video or take images ol others without their consent. Check and comply with your Iederal, state and local laws regarding privacy. rhrsdcvrcccomolreswrth Pdn15ntthnFCC hules upcrattonissubrecttetheiollowrnotwecendrtrons it) this device may not cause harmlvl tnterlerence and or this device must accept any rnterlerenee received including intenerencethetmey cause undesired operation Note this courpmcnt hes been tested end lovnd to comply with the limits ior t citss a drertel dcvrcc pursuant to part 15 ot the rec hvles. these lrrnrts are designed to provide reaxohable protection against hermlul rntcrlcronce in a residential installetron rhrs courpment ocneratet, uses and can udlntc redro tredvencv energy and, ii not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may tauxe harmiul intenererrce o, radlo communications however there is no ouaranteethat rnterlereneewrll notoccvr in a particular installation llthrs edurpment does cause hermlul rnterlerence to radio or television recepllorlr which ceir be determined by turning the edurpment on end on, the user is encouraged to trv to correct the intenerenae by one or more oi the iollowrnomeesvres eneonentor relocate the rnalvlng antenna ilncreau the separation between the edurpmentand receiver icullhectthe edurpmerrt into an outlet on a circuit drherent tremtlrct to whiehtlre receiver is connected iconxulrtha dealer or an experienced redrenvrechmctan ler help rcc RFRidlatlon Exposure Statement :Aunurv ro inainteiii compliance wrtlr the mos hr exuosure iuldellhesr place the product at least 20m lrom nctrbv persons Prlnted In Chlna. TROUBLESHOOTING: Drone and smart device properly pair, but the drone will not lift-off: 1) Drone Li-Po needs charglng. Use charging cable to connect the drone to power source. After trimmlng the drone, the drone flight is vew unstable and cannot fly properly: 1) One or more blades are most likely damaged; 2) Turn oft the drone and restart the app. 3) Replace with the proper number replacement blade and try llying agaln. Alter impact, the drone is unstable: 1) In the app, move the left and the right joysticks down to the outside. 2) Click the Gyro Calibrate button of the in Extra Settings. The LED’s of the drone WlII flicker then turn on permanently. Smart Device and Drone can not be paired: 1) Check Point: Smart Device must be close to Drone, not exceed 4 meters. Note: If there are 2 sets of Drones within 4 meters for Pairing, you must pair one successfully before pairing the second set. FOLDABLE POCKET DRONE CONTENTS Charge Cable 60cm (23.6in) P'°P°"°'S ALITHIUM-POLYMER BATTERY WARNING ‘ There is a risk of fire and personal injury it Li-Po battery is punctured, damaged or misused. . Never expose battery to extreme temperature or moisture. ‘ Do not subject battery to strong impacts - Always keep battery away from flammable materials. - Only use manufacturer specified batter(ies), charger(s), and/or adapters, if applicable. - Batten] is not serviceable. ‘ Let battery cool to room temperature before charging. ‘ While charging, never leave battery unattended. - Recycle or dispose of battery according to federal, state and local laws. CHARGING BATTERV Turn olf the drone belore charging. Remove the cover on the back of the drone and remove the battery by disconnecting the battery lrom the drone. Connect the batten] to the charge cabie, then connect the USB connector to the power source. Note: The Battery Charger will light up red when it is charging the battery and Will turn off when the battery is fully charged. Charge time is approximately 90 minutes. DO NOT LEAVE BATTERY UNA'I'I'ENDED WHILE IT IS CHARGING Connect the Charge Cable to the Battery Insert the Charge Cable into a power source Replacing Propellers 1. Follow diagram. 2. Remove Broken Propeiler by pulling up on it. 3. Replace with new Propeller. 4. Make sure you installed the correct blade. Each blade has a number written on it. Match the blades With the corresponding number on the drone. NOTE: Blade 1 turns counter clockwise and Blade 2 turns clockwise \ J Printed In China. FOLDABLE POCKET DRONE PREPARING YOUR DRONE 1. Pull each drone arm straight out from the body, it will click when it is fully extended. r. CZQQD 2. Turn the feet in a downward motion, until it clicks into place. The propellers will now be positioned on top. (fig; 3. Turn the switch on the back side of the drone to "ON." TH—wT APP SETUP 1. Open the App Store or Google Play Store to download the app: "360-F Flight". 360-F Flight ll l,,lnt,lu,, VOPEN‘ Printed In China. 2. After installation, turn on the drone, then open the phones settings. 3. Search for the WiFi signal "360-F Flight-XXXX". Click it to establish connection. < Settings Wi-Fi YD-720P-UFO-4cOfc7C59... Security Recommendation Wi-Fi 0 3‘ ® Cr'CUE-z A ”ll lv’.‘Cii-, Other... 4. Reopen the "360-F Flight” app and press play to see the controls. FOLDABLE POCKET DRONE FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS Turn on the drone, the LED’s will be blinking quickly. Open the settings on your smart device and connect to the WiFi (360-F Flight-XXXX). Open the app and press play. the drone and app will be connected automatically. Click the arrow in the bottom lelt corner to take oll. APP CONTROLS . Return . Take Photo . Record Video . View Album . Speed Settings (30%/60% I 100%) . Gravity Control . Extra Settings . VR Mode . Auto Orientation 10. Gyro Calibrate 11. Stunt 12/13 Spin Trim 14/15 Left/Right Trim 16/17 Forward/Backward Trim 15. Ascend/ Descend 19/20 Rotate Left/Right 21. Flight Direction Controls 22. Take Off 23. Emergency Stop 24. Auto Land wmummemwa MODES Stunt Button Once you are comlortable llying the drone, use the Stunt Button to perform acrobatic stunts 1. Hover the drone to at least above 10 leet. 2. Move the Multi Directional Button to the desired direction that you would like the drone to flip. Trim Buttons Follow these steps it your drone begins to drift while taking off or during llight: ~ It the drone drifts backwards: Press the Forward Direction Trim Button. - Drone drifts forward: Press the Backwards Direction Trim Button. ‘ Drone drifts lelt: Press the Right Direction Trim Button. ~ Drone drifts right: Press the Left Direction Trim Button. - Drone spins clockwise (VieWing drone from top): Press the Lelt Spin Trim Button. - Drone spins counterrclockWise (VieWing drone lrorri top): Press the Right Spin Trim Button. Auto Orientation Button ‘ Auto Orientation delault setting is ofl. Press the Auto Orientation button to enter this mode. - The smart device will beep even] 6 seconds to indicate the drone is in Auto Orientation mode. - To exit mode, press the Auto Orientation button again. NOTE: Auto Orientation mode is oriented to the userwhen pairing. If the remote is moved alter pairing Auto Orientation. please follow directions above to reset Auto Orientation. Printed In China. 23 Auto Landing Button ~ Make sure you have achieved level. balanced flight. where the drone is neither climbing nor descending. This mode allows you to salely and slowly land your drone without having to control the speed. It is done lor you automatically. The ideal auto landing height is 25-30 ft. - Press the auto land button to trigger auto land. Smart device Will beep continuously until you exit the auto land mode. To steer the drone during landing, use the right control until drone has reached the ground. Press the auto land button again to exit auto landing mode Camera — taking pictures and creating videos > Taking a picture- press camera icon on app once to take a picture. - Creating videor press video icon on app once to take a video. Press the video icon on app again to stop recording.
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