Shen Zhen WFLY Technology Development WFT06XWFT08S Radio Control-Transmitter User Manual

Shen Zhen WFLY Technology Development Co., Ltd. Radio Control-Transmitter Users Manual


User Manual 1

WFT06X Radio Control System INSTRUCTION V1Use in model aerocraft/helicopterNotice▲Please read this instruction before you use the product.▲Please put away the instruction.WFT06X-A:  6 channels airplane, mix function, D/R, HDE helicopter.WFT06X-B:  4 channesl airplane, mix function, D/R, HDE helicopter. WFT06X-C:  6 channels CCPM helicopter, airplane.(1)  At airplane state, channel 1, 2, 4, 6 is a switch for dual rate (D/R) variable: from ±100% to ±125%.(2)  At airplane state, channel 1 & 6  mixture function: Flaperon.(3)  At airplane state, channel 4 & 2 mixture function: V-tail.(4)  At airplane state, channel 1 & 2 mixture function: Triangle wing(ELEVON).(5)  At helicopter state, channel 3 mixture function is to channel 4 & channel 6.(6)  At helicopter state, channel 3 mixture function is only to channel 6.(7)  Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 reverse switch.(8)  Normal mode can be used in car model and boat model.(9)  Sound-and-light hint notification for low power: when the battery voltage is below 8.8V, the power      indicator light 1S/1S glitters and buzzes. And when it is below 8.3V, the power indicator light 0.5S/1S       glitters and buzzes at the same time.WFT06X-A Function Introduction (6 channels)     This item has functions of both airplane and helicopter, and emphasizes more on airplane.The  main functions are as follows:The main functions are as follows:(1)  Channel 1, 2, 4 power adjusted function.(2)  Standard 4 channel functions.(3)  At airplane state,  channel 1 & 2 mixture function: Triangle wing (ELEVON).(4)  Channel 1, 2, 3, 4 reverse switch.(5)  Sound-and-light hint notification for low power: when the battery voltage is below 8.8V, the        power indicator  light 1S/1S glitters and buzzes. And when it is below 8.3V, the power indicator light       0.5S/1S glitters and buzzes at the same time.WFT06X-B Function Introduction (4 channels)      This item is a popular model with 4 channels. It is mainly used for airplane or helicopter with mixture  functions.WFT06X-C Function Introduction (6 channels)www.wflysz.comDigital Proportional R/C System     This model has functions of CCPM helicopter and airplane, but emphasizes on helicopter.The main functions are as follows:(1)   Pitch Zero Trim (PZT).(2)   Pitch Length Trim (PLT).(3)   Be used for CCPM helicopter, airplane, car, boat. Standard 6 channels output. (4)   Compatible with simulation softwares.(5)   Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 reverse switch.(6)   CCPM helicopter pitch reverse.(7)   CCPM state, aileron reverse switch.(8)   CCPM state, elevator reverse switch.(9)   Normal flying and 3D flying. The transmitter will alarms if it is turned  on in a Idle-up state, and no output.(10) Dual rate.(11) Throttle hold.(12) Gyro sensitivity adjust.(13) Idle-up throttle adjust.(14) Sound-and-light indicator for low power: When the battery voltage is below 8.8V, the power indicator light 1S/1S glitters and buzzes. When it is below 8.3V, the power indicator light 0.5S/1S glitters and buzzes at the same time.WFT06X R/C SystemUser     ManualWFT06X R/C SystemUser     Manual
WFT06X R/C SystemUser     ManualWFT06X R/C SystemUser     Manual1、Catalogue------------------------------------------------------------------------12、Special  Symbol  Explanation-------------------------------------------------2   3、Flight  Warning------------------------------------------------------------24、Parts  Description/Operation  Instruction----------------------------------35、   Operation  of  Transmitter  &  Functions  of  Control  Rods--------------------56、WFT06X-A  Introduction-------------------------------------------------6   7、WFT06X-B  Introduction--------------------------------------------88、  WFT06X-C Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------9To use the product safely, please pay attention to the instructions as follows. Please pay special attention to the symbol as follow:Dangers:If you use it without proper operation, it is possible to hurt you seriously or may even cause death.Warnings:If you use it without proper operation, it may make you or others to hurt badly or may even cause death ,and it may cause slight hurt or damage to things.Notices:If you use it without proper operation, it may cause you to hurt slightly or damage things , but it won't hurt you seriously normally. Children under 14 must be accompanied and instructed by adults!Special Symbol Instruction Forbiddance!   Obligation! WarningFlying Notice(warning)Same frequencies can't fly at the same time. Same frequencies used synchronously  will cause the plane to prang or to damage even the modulation ways of AM, FM, PCM are not the same, when the frequencies are identical, it will cause the plane to prang or to damage.You mustn't play it at night , in the rainy day ,or in the day with strong wind, which will damage the device or plane.    The antenna of the transmitter should be pulled  out when using it. Otherwise, the signal will be weakened and the control range will become smaller, which will cause the plane to crash.Please check whether every servo works properly and any disturbing signals from the outside environment or not before you play it. (If the radio bounces after turning off the power, there may be some disturbances, in this case, please change into partnership crystals )Checking※ ※ ※ ※ CatalogueThanks for choosing                                   productsTurn on the transmitter first, then the receiver. When turning off the system, turn off the receiver first, then the transmitter.changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
 Parts Description & Operation InstructionWFT06X-A  Transmitter Features (Front)1.AIL:Aileron(Channel 1)2.ELE:Elevator(Channel 2)3.THR:Throttle(Channel 3)4.RUD:Rudder(Channel 4)5.GYR:Landing Gear/Gyro(Channel 5)6.PIT:Flaperon /Screw-pitch(Channel 6)   {Elevator TrimPower LightAntennaLanding Gear/Gyro SwitchNeckstrap AttachmentPower TrimAileron/Throttle Control  RodAileron TrimPower SwitchRudder TrimElevator/Rudder Control RodFlaperon /Screw-pitchHandleCrystal JackBattery CoverCharge JackPC Simulator JackWFT06X Transmitter Features (Rear)WFT06X Side of RadioUnderside of TransmitterCoupling Ways of WFR06S 6CH ReceiverWFT06X R/C SystemUser     ManualWFT06X R/C SystemUser     Manual(9.6V,<200mA)+-·(When using the simulator, pull out the TX.)1.AIL:Aileron (Channel 1)----------------2.ELE:Elevator (Channel 2)------------3.THR:Throttle (Channel 3)--------------4.RUD:Rudder (Channel 4)-----------5.GYR:Landing Gear/Gyro (Channel 5)6.PIT:Flaperon/Pitch (Channel 6-------- WFR06S  Six Channels ReceiverAntennaPower; 9.6-12VPower input:4.8-6v
Operation of Transmitter Functions of Control RodsMODEL 1(Channel 2:Elevator)     (Channel 1:Aileron)    (Elevator TRIM)      (Aileron TRIM)AscendDescendLeft RighthighLowLeft RighthighLowLeft RightLeft RightAscendDescend(Channel 4:Elevator) (Channel 3:Power)(Rudder TRIM) (Power TRIM)MODEL 2(Channel 3:Throttle) (Channel 1:Aileron)(Power TRIM) (Aileron TRIM)(Channel 4:Rudder)(Channel 2:Elevator)(Rudder TRIM)   (Elevator TRIM)Channel 6:  Screw-pitch/Flaperon Action The angle adjusting of the flaperon is for the airplane state, and the adjusting of the main screw-pitch is for helicopter state. Channel 5: Landing Gear/Gyro ActionThis channel is for switch variable. It is a switch to control landing gear when used for airplane state, but it will be a switch for gyroscope when used for helicopter.Channel 4:  Rudder ActionControl the swerve of the aerocraft. Turning the control rod to left will make the head of the aircraft turn left, and turning it to right will make the head turn right.Channel 3:  Throttle OperationControl the power. Pulling the control rod down will minish down the power group, and boostingthe control rod up will increase the power group.Channel 2:  Elevator ActionControl the aerocraft to descend or ascend. Pulling the control rod down will drive up the head,and the aeroplane will ascend. Boosting it up will make the head downhill, and the aeroplane will descend. Channel 1:  Aileron ActionControl the right-and-left lean of the aircraft. To level the slantwise aircraft, you must make the control rod act in reverse direction. Otherwise, it will make the aircraft overturn .WFT06X R/C SystemUser     ManualWFT06X R/C SystemUser     ManualR2. Operation Instructions 1. Code matchingA. Press Set to start the receiver or press Set and hold. The orange LED flashes, indicating the receiver waits for the code matching signal. 2.4G system can automatically recognize WFLY PPM.WFLY 2.4G  Operation instructionsB. Press Power to start the transmitter. Press Power again to enter the code matching function. The orange LED of the receiver lights up. Press Power and hold until the orange LED flashes,indicating the receiver enters the code matching status. C. If the code matches successfully, the green LED of the transmitter lights up. The LED of the receiver is off. The receiver is on. The red LED lights up. Wait for the powering up of the transmitter.The receiver is on. The green LED of the transmitter lights up. The LED of the receiver is off.3. Fail Safe SettingA.Power on receiver. B.Press Set to start transmitter and hold for 2 seconds.the green LEDflashes,  indicating the transmitter enters the code matching status.C.The Green LED of receiver flashes, the output data of transmitter is the    output data of Fail Safe Set receiverD.Due to the heavy interference or out of normal range, the receiver enters Fail  Safe. The Red LED of receiver lights when it is in Fail Safe status. Flash
WFT06X-A Function Introduction    This model has functions of both airplane and helicopter,and emphasizes more on airplane. Switch Function Instruction(A)   At helicopter state, pulling A down to put off mixture function of channel 3 to channel 4, when pulling it up         it will comeback the function. But the mixture function to channel 6 is stable, which is irrelevant with this        switch.       (B)   Pulling B  down is airplane state and pulling it up is helicopter state. (C)   At airplane state, pulling 1, 2, 4, 6 down the dual rate is ±100%; when pulling them up, the dual         rate will be ±125%.(D)   At airplane state, pulling D down make switches have no mixture function, but pulling it up will cause them        have the function.(E)   At airplane state, when D is pulled up, pulling E down cause channel 1 & 6  mixture function (Flaperon);        pulling E up will cause channel 2 & 4 mixture function(V-TAIL).(F)   At airplane state,  when D is pulled up,  pulling F up it works as the mixture function of  channel 1 &       2(Triangle wing ELEVON), and D function doesn’ t work at that moment.       (G)  Channel 1 is reverse switch for aileron. Pulling G down is to make it in normal mode, and pulling it up is       to make it act in reverse.(H)  Channel 2 is reverse switch for elevator. Pulling H down is to make it in normal mode, and pulling it up is       to make it act in reverse.(I)    Channel 3 is reverse switch for power. Pulling I down is to make it in normal mode, and pulling it up is to       make it act in reverse.(J)   Channel 4 is reverse switch for rudder. Pulling J down is to make it in normal mode, and pulling it up is to       make it act in reverse.(K)  Channel 6 is reverse switch for screw-pitch/ flaperon .Pulling K down is to make it in normal mode, and       pulling it up is to make it act in reverse.H4ONA-4/2REV△▽RNOH4OFFA-1/6HELIA-3DA-MIX123(A)( B)( C)(D)(E)(F) (G) (H) (I) (J) ( K)A-1/246ACROA-NORA-NORA-NORAILELETHRRUDPIT(1)  At airplane state, channel 1, 2, 4, 6 is a switch for dual rate(D/R) variable: from ±100% to ±125%.(2)  At airplane state, channel 1 & 6 mixture function: Flaperon.(3)  At airplane state, channel 4 & 2 mixture function: V-tail.(4)  At airplane state, channel 1 & 2 mixture function: Triangle wing(ELEVON).(5)  At helicopter state, channel 3 mixture function is to channel 4 & channel 6.(6)  At helicopter state, channel 3 mixture function is only to channel 6.(7)  Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 reverse switch.(8) Normal mode can be used in car  model and boat model.(9)  Sound-and-light hint notification for low power: when the battery voltage is below 8.8V, the power      indicator light 1S/1S glitters and buzzes. And when it is below 8.3V, the power indicator light 0.5S/1S       glitters and buzzes at the same time.Mixture Functions of HelicopterHaving the mixture functions of channel 4 will unlock the tail. So when this happens, you can pulling A down and pulling B up.when A and B switches are up, channel 3 will control the mixture function ofchannel 4 and 6.That is, when pushing channel 3 control rod, both the mainrotor's distance and the tail rotor’s distance will be enlarged. So if the rotor distance become nearer, you should only turn the reverse switch of  the corresponding channel. Model with Ordinary Gyro: Model with Special Functions Gyro:1CH6CH When B, E, F are down and D is up: the aileron uses twoservos. If you turn the channel 6 switch, the left and rightaileron can fluctuate at the same time. Pushing channel1 rod to right-and-left direction can make the left and right aileron differential.The left aileron is connected to CH6 and the right one is connected to CH1.Mixture Functions of Airplane's Flaperon 2CH4CH(4CH)(2CH)When E, D are up and B, F are down: It is used in V-tail aerocraft. CH2 elevator and CH4 rudder's mixture function will cause the aerocraft to descend /ascend or swerve.Airplane's V-TAILWFT06X R/C SystemUser     ManualWFT06X R/C SystemUser     Manual
CH1       CH2WFT06X R/C SystemUser     ManualWFT06X R/C SystemUser     ManualMixture Function for Triangle AirplaneWhen B, F are down and D, E are up, it is used for triangle airplanes. CH1 aileron and CH2 elevator are mixed together, which can make the   aircraft turn up, turn down and turn around. WFT06X-B Function Introduction     This model is a popular model with 4 channels. It is mainly used for airplane or helicopter with mixture functions. The main functions are as follows:(1)  Channel 1, 2, 4 power adjusted functions.(2)  Standard 4 channel functions.(3)  At airplane state,  channel 1 & 2 mixture function: Triangle wing (ELEVON).(4)  Channel 1, 2, 3,  4 reverse switch.(5)  Sound-and-light hint notification for low power: when the battery voltage is below 8.8V, the       power indicator  light 1S/1S glitters and buzzes. And when it is below 8.3V, the power indicator light       0.5S/1S glitters and buzzes at the same time.Switch Function Instruction:(A)  Turn up A, the movement of channel 1, 2, 4 is 100%, and        turn it down is small movement.(B)  Channel 1 & 2 mixture function: Triangle wing(ELEVON).(C)  Channel 1 is reverse switch for  aileron. Pulling it  down       is to make it in normal mode, and pulling it up is to make      it act in reverse.(D)  Channel 2 is reverse switch for elevator. Pulling it down        is to make it in  normal mode, and pulling it up is to make         it act in reverse.(E)  Channel 3 is reverse switch for power. Pulling it down        is to make it in normal mode, and pulling it up is to make        it act in reverse.(F)  Channel 4 is reverse switch for rudder, pulling it down is to       make it in normal mode, and pulling it up is to make it act in      Reverse.A-1/ 21234A-NOR( A )  ( B ) ( C ) ( D ) ( E  ) ( F )D/RREV△▽NOR     This model has functions of CCPM helicopte and airplane, but emphasizes on helicopter.WFT06X-C Function Introduction The main functions are as follows:(1)   Pitch Zero Trim (PZT).(2)   Pitch Length Trim (PLT).(3)   Be used for CCPM helicopter, airplane, car, boat. Standard 6 channels output. (4)   Compatible with simulation softwares.(5)   Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 reverse switch.(6)   CCPM helicopter pitch reverse.(7)   CCPM state, aileron reverse switch.(8)   CCPM state, elevator reverse switch.(9)   Normal flying and 3D flying. The transmitter will alarms if it is turned  on in a Idle-up state, and no output.(10) Dual rate.(11) Throttle hold.(12) Gyro sensitivity adjust.(13) Idle-up throttle adjust.(14) Sound-and-light indicator for low power: When the battery voltage is below 8.8V, the power indicator light 1S/1S glitters and buzzes. When it is below 8.3V, the power indicator light 0.5S/1S glitters and buzzes at the same time.

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