Siemens MSN65V1 Industrial Wireless LAN access point User Manual

Siemens AG Industrial Wireless LAN access point Users Manual


Users Manual

SIMATIC NETIndustrial Wireless LANApprovals SCALANCE W700802.11nReference Manual01/2017C79000-G8976-C392-05W780 / W740 802.11nW788C / W786C 802.11nW770/W730 802.11nW760/W720 802.11n
Legal informationWarning notice systemThis manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to preventdamage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alertsymbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below aregraded according to the degree of danger.If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger willbe used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating toproperty damage.Qualified PersonnelThe product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specifictask in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks andavoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.Proper use of Siemens productsNote the following:TrademarksAll names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publicationmay be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.Disclaimer of LiabilityWe have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and softwaredescribed. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, theinformation in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequenteditions.Siemens AGDivision Process Industries and DrivesPostfach 48 4890026 NÜRNBERGGERMANYC79000-G8976-C392-05Ⓟ01/2017 Subject to changeCopyright © Siemens AG 2014 - 2017.All rights reservedindicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.WARNINGindicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.NOTICEindicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.WARNINGSiemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technicaldocumentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommendedor approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation andmaintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissibleambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-053Table of contents1Approvals for SCALANCE W780 / W740 802.11n ................................................................................. 51.1EC declaration of conformity ................................................................................................ 71.1.1ATEX .................................................................................................................................. 81.1.2RoHS .................................................................................................................................. 81.1.3R&TTE / RED ...................................................................................................................... of health and safety ............................................................................................ use of the radio spectrum ....................................................................................... 91.1.4Products ............................................................................................................................ 101.2General approvals ............................................................................................................. 121.3National approvals ............................................................................................................. 212Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n ...........................................................................392.1EC declaration of conformity .............................................................................................. 402.1.1ATEX ................................................................................................................................ 412.1.2RoHS ................................................................................................................................ 412.1.3R&TTE / RED .................................................................................................................... 412.1.3.1Protection of health and safety .......................................................................................... 412.1.3.2Efficient use of the radio spectrum ..................................................................................... 422.1.3.3EMC.................................................................................................................................. 422.1.4Products ............................................................................................................................ 432.2General approvals ............................................................................................................. 442.3National approvals ............................................................................................................. 523Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n..................................................................................693.1EC declaration of conformity .............................................................................................. 703.1.1ATEX ................................................................................................................................ 713.1.2RoHS ................................................................................................................................ 713.1.3R&TTE / RED .................................................................................................................... 713.1.3.1Protection of health and safety .......................................................................................... 713.1.3.2EMC.................................................................................................................................. 723.1.3.3Efficient use of the radio spectrum ..................................................................................... 723.1.4Products W770/W730 ....................................................................................................... 733.2General approvals ............................................................................................................. 743.3SCALANCE W774/734 national approvals ......................................................................... 803.4SCALANCE W778/738 national approvals ......................................................................... 954Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n............................................................................... 1034.1EC declaration of conformity ............................................................................................ 1044.1.1ATEX .............................................................................................................................. 1054.1.2RoHS .............................................................................................................................. 1054.1.3R&TTE / RED .................................................................................................................. 105
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-054Table of contents4.1.3.1Protection of health and safety ........................................................................................ 1054.1.3.2 EMC ............................................................................................................................... 1064.1.3.3 Efficient use of the radio spectrum ................................................................................... 1064.1.4 Products...........................................................................................................................1074.2General approvals ............................................................................................................1084.3National approvals............................................................................................................114
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-055Approvals for SCALANCE W780 / W740 802.11n 1NoteIssued approvals on the type plate of the deviceThe specified approvals apply only when the corresponding mark is printed on the product.You can check which of the following approvals have been granted for your product by themarkings on the type plate.Range of validityThe approvals listed in this section apply to the following products:Article number of theRoW version:Article number of theUS version:Article number of theIsrael version:Access pointSCALANCE W786-1 RJ-45 6GK5 786-1FC00-0AA0  6GK5 786-1FC00-0AB0  -Dual access pointsSCALANCE W786-2 RJ-45 6GK5 786-2FC00-0AA0  6GK5 786-2FC00-0AB0  6GK5786-2FC00-0AC0SCALANCE W786-2IA RJ-45  6GK5 786-2HC00-0AA0  6GK5 786-2HC00-0AB0  -SCALANCE W786-2 SFP 6GK5 786-2FE00-0AA0 6GK5 786-2FE00-0AB0  -Article number of theRoW version:Article number of theUS version:Article number of theIsrael version:Access pointsSCALANCE W788-1 RJ-45 6GK5788-1FC00-0AA0 6GK5788-1FC00-0AB0 -SCALANCE W788-1 M12 6GK5788-1GD00-0AA0 6GK5788-1GD00-0AB0 -Dual access pointsSCALANCE W788-2 RJ-45 6GK5788-2FC00-0AA0 6GK5788-2FC00-0AB0 6GK5788-2FC00-0AC0SCALANCE W788-2 M12 6GK5788-2GD00-0AA0 6GK5788-2GD00-0AB0 -SCALANCE W788-2 M12 EEC  6GK5788-2GD00-0TA0 6GK5788-2GD00-0TB0 -Ethernet client modulesSCALANCE W748-1 RJ-45 6GK5748-1FC00-0AA0 6GK5748-1FC00-0AB0 -SCALANCE W748-1 M12 6GK5748-1GD00-0AA0 6GK5748-1GD00-0AB0 -
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-056ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.1 EC declaration of conformityAbbreviations usedSome approvals apply only to certain devices or series. In such situations, the designationsof the products are shortened to avoid having to list all the type designations. The followingtable shows how the abbreviations relate to the product variants.Product groupThe designation . . .stands for . . .Product nameAccess points (IP30 and IP65) W788-x SCALANCE W788-1 M12SCALANCE W788-2 M12SCALANCE W788-2 M12 EECSCALANCE W788-1 RJ-45SCALANCE W788-2 RJ-45Access points (IP65) W786-x SCALANCE W786-1 RJ-45SCALANCE W786-2 RJ-45SCALANCE W786-2IA RJ-45SCALANCE W786-2 SFPSCALANCE W without W786-x W7x8 SCALANCE W788-1 RJ-45SCALANCE W788-1 M12SCALANCE W788-2 RJ-45SCALANCE W788-2 M12SCALANCE W788-2 M12 EECSCALANCE W748-1 RJ-45SCALANCE W748-1 M12
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-057ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.1 EC declaration of conformity1.1EC declaration of conformityThe EC Declaration of Conformity is available for all responsible authorities at:Siemens AktiengesellschaftProcess Industries and Drives Division,Process AutomationDE-76181 KarlsruheGermanyYou will find the current EC declaration of conformity for these products on the Internetpages of Siemens Industry Online Support(h SIMATIC NET products described in these Operating Instructions meet therequirements of the following EC directives:●94/9/ECDirective of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 March 1994 on theapproximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protectivesystems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (until 19.04.2016).●2014/34/EUDirective 2014/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to equipment andprotective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres official journal ofthe EU L96, 29/03/2014, pages. 309–356 (as of 20.04.2016)●1999/5/ECDirective of the European Parliament and of the Council of 1999 March 1999 on RadioEquipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment and the mutual recognition oftheir conformity (until 12.06.2016).●2014/53/EUDirective of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 16, 2014 on theharmonization of the laws of the member states relating to placing radio equipment on themarket.; official journal of the EU L153, 22/05/2014, pages. 62–106 (as of 13.06.2016)●2011/65/EU (RoHS)RoHS directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on therestriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronicequipment.●1999/519/ECCouncil recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the general public toelectromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz)
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-058ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.1 EC declaration of conformity1.1.1ATEXATEX directive (correct usage in potentially explosive atmospheres)The SIMATIC NET product meets the requirements of the EC directive:94/9/EC (until19.04.2016) and 2014/34/EU (as of 20.04.2016) "Equipment and Protective Devices for Usein Potentially Explosive Atmospheres" according to the standards listed in the sectionProducts (Page 10):Applied standard:1  EN 60079-0 + A11Hazardous areas - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements2  EN 60079-15Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection "n"1.1.2RoHSRoHS directive (restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances)The SIMATIC NET products described in these operating instructions meet the requirementsof the EC directive 2011/65/EC for the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substancesin electrical and electronic equipment:Applied standard:3  EN 50581Technical documentation for the assessment electrical and electronic products withrespect to restriction of hazardous substances1.1.3R&TTE / RED1.1.3.1Protection of health and safetyArticle 3 (1) a) protection of health and safety4  EN 60950-1+A1+A2+A11+A12Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1: General requirements5  EN 62311Assessment of electronic and electrical equipment related to human exposure re-strictions for electromagnetic fields (0 Hz – 300 GHz)
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-059ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.1 EC declaration of conformity1.1.3.2 EMCArt. 3 (1) b - EMC6  EN 50121-3-2+ACRailway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - part 3-2: Railway Vehicles -Devices7  EN 50121-4+ACRailway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - part 4: Interference emissionsand immunity of signal telecommunications equipment8  ETSI EN 301 489-1Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM) - Electromagneticcompatibility for radio equipment and services - Part 1 : Common technical re-quirements9  ETSI EN 301 489-17Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM) - Electromagneticcompatibility for radio equipment and services - Part 17 :10  EN 61000-6-1Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-1: Generic standards - Immunity forresidential, commercial and light-industrial environments11  EN 61000-6-2+ACElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic standards - Immunity forindustrial environments12  EN 61000-6-3+A1+ACElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-3: Generic standards - Emissionstandard for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments13  EN 61000-6-4+A1Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emissionstandard for industrial environments1.1.3.3Efficient use of the radio spectrumArt. 3 (2) Efficient use of the radio spectrum14ETSI EN 301 328Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM) - widebandtransmission systems - data transmission equipment operating in the 2.4 GHz ISMband and using wideband modulation techniques. Harmonized EN containing theessential requirements according to Article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive.15ETSI EN 301 893Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN) - 5 GHz high performance RLAN -Harmonized EN covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Di-rective
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.1 EC declaration of conformityApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05101.1.4ProductsProduct designation and  standardsThe standards that apply to the product are described in RoHS (Page 8), ATEX (Page 8) andR&TTE / RED (Page 8).Product nameStandardsW786-1 RJ45W786-2 RJ45W786-2IA RJ45W786-2 SFPW788-1 RJ45W788-2 RJ45W788-1 M12W788-2 M12W748-1 RJ45W748-1 M121, 2 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,W788-2 M12 EEC 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.1 EC declaration of conformityApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0511Certification IDThe following tables show the product names and the corresponding certification ID:TypeNumber and type ofthe Ethernet interfacesNumber of inter-nal antennasNumber of R-SMAsockets for externalCertification IDArticle numberantennasArticle number US variantW786-1 RJ-45 1 x RJ-45 - 3 EAPN-W1-RJ-E36GK5 786-1FC00-0AA06GK5 786-1FC00-0AB0W786-2 RJ-45 1 x RJ-45 - 6 EAPN-W2-RJ-E36GK5 786-2FC00-0AA06GK5 786-2FC00-0AB0W786-2IA RJ-45 1 x RJ-45 2 - EAPN-W2-RJ-I36GK5 786-2HC00-0AA06GK5 786-2HC00-0AB0W786-2 SFP 2 x SFP - 6 EAPN-W2-SFP-E36GK5 786-2FE00-0AA06GK5 786-2FE00-0AB0TypeCertification IDArticle number:Article number US variantW788-1 RJ-45 RAPN-W1-RJ-E36GK 5788-1FC00-0AA06GK 5788-1FC00-0AB0W788-2 RJ-45 RAPN-W2-RJ-E36GK5 788-2FC00-0AA06GK5 788-2FC00-0AB0W788-1 M12 RAPN-W1-M12-E36GK5 788-1GD00-0AA06GK5 788-1GD00-0AB0W788-2 M12 RAPN-W2-M12-E36GK5 788-2GD00-0AA06GK5 788-2GD00-0AB0W788-2 M12 EEC RAPN-W2-M12-E36GK5 788-2GD00-0TA06GK5 788-2GD00-0TB0W748-1 RJ-45 RAPN-W1-RJ-E36GK5 748-1FC00-0AA06GK5 748-1FC00-0AB0W748-1 M12 RAPN-W1-M12-E36GK5 748-1GD00-0AA06GK5 748-1GD00-0AB0
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.2 General approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05121.2General approvalsATEX (explosion protection  directive)The SIMATIC NET products meet the requirements of the EC directive 94/9/EC "Equipmentand Protective Devices for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres”. and as of 20.04.2016the EC directive 2014/34/EU.ATEX classification:II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 GcKEMA 07ATEX0145 XThe products meet the requirements of the following standards:●EN 60079-15 (electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres; Type ofprotection "n")●EN 60079-0 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements)You will find the current versions of the standards in the currently valid ATEX certificates.IECExThe SIMATIC NET products meet the requirements of explosion protection according toIECEx.IECEx classification:Ex nA IIC T4 GcDEK 14.0025XThe products meet the requirements of the following standards:●IEC 60079-15 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type ofprotection "n")●IEC 60079-0 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements)You will find the current versions of the standards in the currently valid IECEx certificates.WARNINGWhen using SIMATIC NET products in hazardous area zone 2, make absolutely sure thatthe associated conditions in the following document are adhered to:"SIMATIC NET Product Information Use of subasseblies/modules in a Zone 2 HazardousArea".You will find this documenton the data medium that ships with some devices.on the Internet pages of Siemens Industry Online Support( the document identification number C234 as the search term.
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.2 General approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0513FMThe product meets the requirements of the standards:●Factory Mutual Approval Standard Class Number 3611●FM Hazardous (Classified) Location Electrical Equipment:Non Incendive / Class I / Division 2 / Groups A,B,C,D / T4 andNon Incendive / Class I / Zone 2 / Group IIC / T4cULus Approval for Information Technology EquipmentcULus Listed I. T. E.Underwriters Laboratories Inc. complying with●UL 60950-1 (Information Technology Equipment)●CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-03Report no. E115352NoteOnly devices of the SCALANCE W786-x series have this approval.cULus Approval Hazardous LocationcULus Listed I. T. E. FOR HAZ. LOC.Underwriters Laboratories Inc. complying with●UL 60950-1 (Information Technology Equipment)●ANSI/ISA 12.12.01-2007●CSA C22.2 No. 213-M1987Approved for use inCl. 1, Div. 2, GP A, B, C, D T4Cl. 1, Zone 2, GP IIC T4Report no. E240480
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.2 General approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0514FCC approvalThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2)this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.NoticeChanges or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by SIEMENS mayvoid the FCC authorization to operate this equipment.IEEE 802.11b or g operation of this product in the USA is firmware-limited to channels 1through 11.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:●Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.●Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.●Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiveris connected.●Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.NoticeThis equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cmbetween the radiator and your body.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna ortransmitter. Professional Installation  Notice:To comply with FCC part 15 rules in the United States, the system must be professionallyinstalled to ensure compliance with the Part 15 certification. It is the responsibility of theoperator and professional installer to ensure that only certified systems are deployed in theUnited States. The use of the system in any other combination (such as co-located antennastransmitting the same information) is expressly forbidden.
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.2 General approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0515NoticeFor use of DFS channels●Use of the RCoax Cable Antenna 6XV1875-2D is not permitted in channels whichrequire dynamic frequency selection (DFS).●Any installation of either a master or a client device within 35 km of a TDWR (TerminalDoppler Weather Radar) location shall be separated by at least 30 MHz (center-to-center)from the TDWR operating frequency.These devices shall be registered in the industry sponsored WISPA database, you open this link, you get the following choices:–"Search" opens a window with TDWR locations and frequencies.–"User Signup" allows you to register as user of the database.–After registering you can Logon and register your WLAN location. Please fill in allrequired information.For more information with respect to WISPA database and TWDR locations please consultFCC publication KDB 443999 D01.NEMA TS2The product meets the requirements of the standardNEMA TS2 (Traffic Controller Assemblies with NTCIP Requirements)SCALANCE W788-2 M12 EEC6GK5788-2GD00-0TA06GK5788-2GD00-0TB0RSS-247 of Industry Canada for SCALANCE W786-xThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not causeinterference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation of the device.This radio transmitter (IC: 267AA-MPCIE1V1) has been approved by Industry Canada tooperate with the antenna types listed in section 6.8 with the maximum permissible gain andrequired antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included inthis list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictlyprohibited for use with this device.Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antennaof a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. Toreduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be sochosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than thatnecessary for successful communication.
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.2 General approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0516To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should beso chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than thatpermitted for successful communication.That the device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential forharmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems.Users should also be cautioned to take note that high power radars are allocated as primaryusers (meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radarscould cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for anuncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimumdistance 20cm between the radiator & your body.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareilsradio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter toutbrouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre lefonctionnement.RSS-247 of Industry Canada for SCALANCE W7x8This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not causeinterference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation of the device.This radio transmitter (IC: 267AA-MPCIE1V1) has been approved by Industry Canada tooperate with the antenna types listed in section 5.4 with the maximum permissible gain andrequired antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included inthis list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictlyprohibited for use with this device.Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antennaof a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. Toreduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be sochosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than thatnecessary for successful communication.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should beso chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than thatpermitted for successful communication.That the device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential forharmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems.Users should also be cautioned to take note that high power radars are allocated as primaryusers (meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radarscould cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for anuncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimumdistance 20cm between the radiator & your body.
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.2 General approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0517Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareilsradio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter toutbrouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre lefonctionnement.Note for USA, Canada, Puerto Rico, Peru, Bahamas, Ecuador and ColumbiaWhen operating the SCALANCE W700 with DFS (Dynamic Frequence Selection), theIWLAN RCoax Cable 5 GHz (order number 6XV1875-2D) may not be used in the countrieslisted above.Approvals in ArgentinaDevices of the SCALANCE W786-x series are approved in Argentina under the followingcertification numbers:Certification ID Certification numberEAPN-W1-RJ-E3 CNC: C-11549EAPN-W2-RJ-E3 CNC: C-11536EAPN-W2-RJ-I3 CNC: C-11564EAPN-W2-SFP-E3 CNC: C-11547Devices of the SCALANCE W788-x series are approved in Argentina under the followingcertification numbers:Certification ID Certification numberRAPN-W1-RJ-E3 CNC: C-11541RAPN-W2-RJ-E3 CNC: C-11502RAPN-W1-M12-E3 CNC: C-11546RAPN-W2-M12-E3 CNC: C-11548Approval in BrazilFrom the SCALANCE W786-x series, the following devices are approved for Brazil:TypeOrder number EAPN numberW786-1 RJ-45 6GK5 786-1FC00-0AA0 EAPN-W1-RJ-E3W786-2 RJ-45 6GK5 786-2FC00-0AA0 EAPN-W2-RJ-E3W786C-2 RJ-45 6GK5 786-2FC00-1AA0 EAPN-W2-RJ-E3W786-2IA RJ-45 6GK5 786-2HC00-0AA0 EAPN-W2-RJ-I3W786C-2IA RJ-45 6GK5 786-2HC00-1AA0 EAPN-W2-RJ-I3W786-2 SFP 6GK5 786-2FE00-0AA0 EAPN-W2-SFP-E3The listed devices are approved in Brazil under the following certification numbers:
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.2 General approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0518Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto, ist é, não tem direito à proteção contrainterferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo e não pode causar interferênciaa sistemas operando em caráter primário.From the SCALANCE W7x8 series, the following devices are approved for Brazil:TypeOrder number RAPN numberW788-1 RJ-45 6GK 5788-1FC00-0AA0 RAPN-W1-RJ-E3W788-2 RJ-45 6GK5 788-2FC00-0AA0 RAPN-W2-RJ-E3W788-1 M12 6GK5 788-1GD00-0AA0 RAPN-W1-M12-E3W788-2 M12 6GK5 788-2GD00-0AA0 RAPN-W2-M12-E3W788-2 M12 EEC 6GK5 788-2GD00-0TA0 RAPN-W2-M12-E3W748-1 RJ-45 6GK5 748-1FC00-0AA0 RAPN-W1-RJ-E3W748-1 M12 6GK5 748-1GD00-0AA0 RAPN-W1-M12-E3W788C-2 RJ-45 6GK 5788-2FC00-1AA0 RAPN-W2-RJ-E3W788C-2 M12 6GK5 788-2GD00-1AA0 RAPN-W2-M12-E3W788C-2 M12 EEC 6GK5788-2GD00-1TA0 RAPN-W2-M12-E3The listed devices are approved in Brazil under the following certification numbers:Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto, ist é, não tem direito à proteção contrainterferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo e não pode causar interferênciaa sistemas operando em caráter primário.
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.2 General approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0519KCC Statement (Republic of Korea)사용자안내문(제5조제1항제1호관련)기 종 별 사 용 자 안 내 문A급 기기급 기기 이 기기는 업무용(A 급)으로 전자파적합등록을 한(A 급)으로(업무용 방송통신기기)전자파적합등록을한기기이오니판매자또는사용자는이점을주의하시기 바라며,가정외의 지역에서 사용하는것을 목적으로 합니다."당해 무선설비는 전파혼신 가능성이 있으므로 인명안전과 관련된 서비스는 할 수 없음"Approval for MexicoThe WLAN modules included in the devices have the following certification number:RCPSIMP12-0751Approval for OmanDevices of the SCALANCE W786-x series are approved in Oman under the followingcertification numbers:OMAN-TRAR/1773/14D090258Devices of the SCALANCE W788-x series are approved in Oman under the followingcertification numbers:OMAN-TRAR/1772/14D090258NCC Warning Statement (Taiwan)Article 12Without permission, any company, firm or user shall not alter the frequency, increase thepower, or change the characteristics and functions of the original design of the certified lowerpower frequency electric machinery.Article 14The application of low power frequency electric machineries shall not affect the navigationsafety nor interfere a legal communication, if an interference is found, the service will besuspended until improvement is made and the interference no longer exists.
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.2 General approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0520Marking for the customs unionEAC (Eurasian Conformity)Customs union of Russia, Belarus and KazakhstanDeclaration of the conformity according to the technical regulations of the customs union(TR CU)
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0521ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvals1.3National approvalsThe following table lists the countries in which the SCALANCE W700 product is approved.The diamond symbol (♦) identifies all countries for which there was no approval at the timethese operating instructions were written.The current status of the approvals can be found on the Internet at the following address: MeaningCountry CountryMode IEEE 802.11 standard and the TPC and / or DFS functionality, where requiredCH ChannelMHz FrequencyPWR (EIRP) Maximum permitted effective isotropic radiated powerUse Permitted use indoors and / or outdoors
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0522Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseAndorra 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorBelgium--Bosnia and Her- 13 2472zegovinaBulgariaDenmarkGermanyEstoniaFinlandFrance11a 11nTPC36-485180-5240200 mW Indoor only11a 11nDFS + TPC52-645260-5320200 mW Indoor onlyGreece10055001000 mWIndoor + outdoorGreat Britain--Ireland1165580IcelandItalyCroatiaLatviaLiechtensteinLithuaniaLuxembourg132-1405660-57001000 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11n 149-1655745-582525 mW Indoor + outdoorMaltaMacedoniaMonacoMontenegroNetherlandsNorwayAustriaPolandPortugalRomaniaSan MarinoSwedenSwitzerlandSlovakiaSloveniaSpainCzech RepublicTurkeyHungaryVaticanCyprus
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0523Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseEgypt 11g 11n 1-132412-2472100 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11nTPC36-645180-5320200 mW Indoor onlyAngola 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Argentina 11g 11n 1 2412 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 50 mW Indoor + outdoor- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 250 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -64 5320100 5500 250 mW Indoor + outdoor- -120 5600132 5660 250 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0524Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseAustralia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorNew Zealand - -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Bahrain 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 2000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Belarus 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTCP - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTCP + DFS - -64 5320132 5660 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0525Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseBrazil 11g 11n 1 2412 4000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 4000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Chile 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor only- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor onlyDFS - -165 5825China 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 2000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Ivory Coast 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 2472
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0526Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)Use11a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Guatemala 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor2 2417 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -10 245711 2462 100 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1655825Hong Kong 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0527Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)Use100-1165500-55801000 mW Indoor + outdoor132-1405660-57001000 mW Indoor + outdoorIndia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Israel 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320Indonesia ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor2 2417 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -10 245711 2462 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -161 5805
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0528Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseJapan 11g 11n 1 2412 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 8 5040 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -16508011a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 184 4920 200 mW Indoor + outdoor--196 4980Kazakhstan 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320132 5660 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Qatar 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor only- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor only--165 5825
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0529Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseColombia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor2 2417 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -10 245711 2462 100 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Korea 11g 11n 1 2412 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -161 5805Kuwait 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0530Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseMacau 11g 11n 1-132412-2472100 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11n 149-1615745-5805100 mW Indoor + outdoorMadagascar 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC-48-524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC -64-5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Malaysia 11g 11n 1 2412 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 56 5280 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Morocco ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor only(only withSCALANCE-13-2472W786-2IA RJ-45)11a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC-48-524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC -64-5320
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0531Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseMexico 11g 11n 1-112412-2462500 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11n 36-645180-53201000 mW Indoor + outdoor149-1655745-58251000 mW Indoor + outdoorMozambique 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Oman 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Pakistan 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0532Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseRussia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320132 5660 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Saudi Arabia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0533Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseSerbia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC -48-524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC-64-5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--1165580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1405700South Africa 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC -48-524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC-64-5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1165580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--140 5700Singapore 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorPhilippines - -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1165580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--140 5700
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0534Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)Use11a 11n 149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Taiwan 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor2 2417 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -10 245711 2462 100 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--116 5580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Thailand 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -11 246211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1165580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0535Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseUkraine 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -136 5680Uruguay 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor2 2417 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -10 245711 2462 100 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--116 5580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoorTC - -165 5825
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0536Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseVenezuela 11g 11n 1 2412 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 1000 mW Indoor onlyDFS - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 4000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825United Arab Emir-  11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorates --13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor only- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor only- -140 5700
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0537Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseBahamas 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorEcuador 22417 200 mW Indoor + outdoorCanada - -Peru 10 2457Puerto Rico 11 2462 100 mW Indoor + outdoorUSA 11a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--116 5580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Vietnam 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
ApprovalsforSCALANCEW780/W740802.11n1.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0538
Approvals SCALANCE W700802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0539Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n 2NoteIssued approvals on the type plate of the deviceThe specified approvals apply only when the corresponding mark is printed on the product.You can check which of the following approvals have been granted for your product by themarkings on the type plate.Range of validityThe approvals listed in this section apply to the following products:Article numberSCALANCE W786C-2 RJ-45 6GK5 786-2FC00-1AA0SCALANCE W786C-2IA RJ-45 6GK5 786-2HC00-1AA0SCALANCE W786C-2 SFP 6GK5 786-2FE00-1AA0Article numberSCALANCE W788C-2 RJ-45 6GK5 788-2FC00-1AA0SCALANCE W788C-2 M12 6GK5 788-2GD00-1AA0SCALANCE W788C-2 M12 EEC 6GK5788-2GD00-1TA0
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0540Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.1 EC declaration of conformity2.1EC declaration of conformityThe EC Declaration of Conformity is available for all responsible authorities at:Siemens AktiengesellschaftProcess Industries and Drives Division,Process AutomationDE-76181 KarlsruheGermanyYou will find the current EC declaration of conformity for these products on the Internetpages of Siemens Industry Online Support(h SIMATIC NET products described in these Operating Instructions meet therequirements of the following EC directives:●94/9/ECDirective of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 March 1994 on theapproximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protectivesystems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (until 19.04.2016).●2014/34/EUDirective 2014/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to equipment andprotective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres official journal ofthe EU L96, 29/03/2014, pages. 309–356 (as of 20.04.2016)●1999/5/ECDirective of the European Parliament and of the Council of 1999 March 1999 on RadioEquipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment and the mutual recognition oftheir conformity (until 12.06.2016).●2014/53/EUDirective of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 16, 2014 on theharmonization of the laws of the member states relating to placing radio equipment on themarket.; official journal of the EU L153, 22/05/2014, pages. 62–106 (as of 13.06.2016)●2011/65/EU (RoHS)RoHS directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on therestriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronicequipment.●1999/519/ECCouncil recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the general public toelectromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz)
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.1 EC declaration of conformityApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05412.1.1ATEXATEX directive (correct usage in potentially explosive atmospheres)The SIMATIC NET product meets the requirements of the EC directive:94/9/EC (until19.04.2016) and 2014/34/EU (as of 20.04.2016) "Equipment and Protective Devices for Usein Potentially Explosive Atmospheres" according to the standards listed in the sectionProducts (Page 43):Applied standard:1  EN 60079-0 + A11Hazardous areas - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements2  EN 60079-15Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection "n"2.1.2RoHSRoHS directive (restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances)The SIMATIC NET products described in these operating instructions meet the requirementsof the EC directive 2011/65/EC for the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substancesin electrical and electronic equipment:Applied standard:3  EN 50581Technical documentation for the assessment electrical and electronic products withrespect to restriction of hazardous substances2.1.3R&TTE / RED2.1.3.1Protection of health and safetyArticle 3 (1) a) protection of health and safety4  EN 60950-1+A1+A2+A11+A12Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1: General requirements5  EN 62311Assessment of electronic and electrical equipment related to human exposure re-strictions for electromagnetic fields (0 Hz – 300 GHz)
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.1 EC declaration of conformityApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05422.1.3.2Efficient use of the radio spectrumArt. 3 (2) Efficient use of the radio spectrum14ETSI EN 301 328Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM) - widebandtransmission systems - data transmission equipment operating in the 2.4 GHz ISMband and using wideband modulation techniques. Harmonized EN containing theessential requirements according to Article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive.15ETSI EN 301 893Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN) - 5 GHz high performance RLAN -Harmonized EN covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Di-rective2.1.3.3 EMCArt. 3 (1) b - EMC6  EN 50121-3-2+ACRailway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - part 3-2: Railway Vehicles -Devices7  EN 50121-4+ACRailway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - part 4: Interference emissionsand immunity of signal telecommunications equipment8  ETSI EN 301 489-1Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM) - Electromagneticcompatibility for radio equipment and services - Part 1 : Common technical re-quirements9  ETSI EN 301 489-17Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM) - Electromagneticcompatibility for radio equipment and services - Part 17 :10  EN 61000-6-1Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-1: Generic standards - Immunity forresidential, commercial and light-industrial environments11  EN 61000-6-2+ACElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic standards - Immunity forindustrial environments12  EN 61000-6-3+A1+ACElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-3: Generic standards - Emissionstandard for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments13  EN 61000-6-4+A1Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emissionstandard for industrial environments
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.1 EC declaration of conformityApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05432.1.4ProductsProduct designation and  standardsThe standards that apply to the product are described in RoHS (Page 41), ATEX (Page 41)and R&TTE / RED (Page 41).Product nameStandardsW786C-2 RJ45W786C-2IA RJ45W786-2 SFPW788C-2 RJ45W788C-2 M121, 2 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16W788C-2 M12 EEC 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16Certification IDThe following tables show the product names and the corresponding certification ID:Type Number and type ofthe Ethernet interfacesNumber of inter-nal antennasNumber of R-SMAsockets for externalantennasCertification IDArticle numberArticle number US variantW786C-2 RJ-45 1 x RJ-45 - 6 EAPN-W2-RJ-E36GK5 786-2FC00-1AA0W786C-2IA RJ-45 1 x RJ-45 2 - EAPN-W2-RJ-I36GK5 786-2HC00-1AA0W786-2 SFP 2 x SFP - 6 EAPN-W2-SFP-E36GK5 786-2FE00-1AA0TypeCertification IDArticle number:W788C-2 RJ-45 RAPN-W2-RJ-E36GK 5788-2FC00-1AA0W788C-2 M12 RAPN-W2-M12-E36GK5 788-2GD00-1AA0W788C-2 M12 EEC RAPN-W2-M12-E36GK5788-2GD00-1TA0
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0544Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.2 General approvals2.2General approvalsATEX (explosion protection  directive)The SIMATIC NET products meet the requirements of the EC directive 94/9/EC "Equipmentand Protective Devices for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres”. and as of 20.04.2016the EC directive 2014/34/EU.ATEX classification:II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 GcKEMA 07ATEX0145 XThe products meet the requirements of the following standards:●EN 60079-15 (electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres; Type ofprotection "n")●EN 60079-0 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements)You will find the current versions of the standards in the currently valid ATEX certificates.WARNINGWhen using SIMATIC NET products in hazardous area zone 2, make absolutely sure thatthe associated conditions in the following document are adhered to:"SIMATIC NET Product Information Use of subasseblies/modules in a Zone 2 HazardousArea".You will find this documenton the data medium that ships with some devices.on the Internet pages of Siemens Industry Online Support( the document identification number C234 as the search term.
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0545Approvals for SCALANCE W788C/ W786C 802.11n2.2 General approvalsIECExThe SIMATIC NET products meet the requirements of explosion protection according toIECEx.IECEx classification:Ex nA IIC T4 GcDEK 14.0025XThe products meet the requirements of the following standards:●IEC 60079-15 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type ofprotection "n")●IEC 60079-0 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements)You will find the current versions of the standards in the currently valid IECEx certificates.FMThe product meets the requirements of the standards:●Factory Mutual Approval Standard Class Number 3611●FM Hazardous (Classified) Location Electrical Equipment:Non Incendive / Class I / Division 2 / Groups A,B,C,D / T4 andNon Incendive / Class I / Zone 2 / Group IIC / T4cULus Approval Hazardous LocationcULus Listed I. T. E. FOR HAZ. LOC.Underwriters Laboratories Inc. complying with●UL 60950-1 (Information Technology Equipment)●ANSI/ISA 12.12.01-2007●CSA C22.2 No. 213-M1987Approved for use inCl. 1, Div. 2, GP A, B, C, D T4Cl. 1, Zone 2, GP IIC T4Report no. E240480
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0546Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.2 General approvalsFCC approvalThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2)this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.NoticeChanges or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by SIEMENS mayvoid the FCC authorization to operate this equipment.IEEE 802.11b or g operation of this product in the USA is firmware-limited to channels 1through 11.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:●Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.●Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.●Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiveris connected.●Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.NoticeThis equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cmbetween the radiator and your body.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna ortransmitter. Professional Installation  Notice:To comply with FCC part 15 rules in the United States, the system must be professionallyinstalled to ensure compliance with the Part 15 certification. It is the responsibility of theoperator and professional installer to ensure that only certified systems are deployed in theUnited States. The use of the system in any other combination (such as co-located antennastransmitting the same information) is expressly forbidden.
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0547Approvals for SCALANCE W788C/ W786C 802.11n2.2 General approvalsNoticeFor use of DFS channels●Use of the RCoax Cable Antenna 6XV1875-2D is not permitted in channels whichrequire dynamic frequency selection (DFS).●Any installation of either a master or a client device within 35 km of a TDWR (TerminalDoppler Weather Radar) location shall be separated by at least 30 MHz (center-to-center)from the TDWR operating frequency.These devices shall be registered in the industry sponsored WISPA database, you open this link, you get the following choices:–"Search" opens a window with TDWR locations and frequencies.–"User Signup" allows you to register as user of the database.–After registering you can Logon and register your WLAN location. Please fill in allrequired information.For more information with respect to WISPA database and TWDR locations please consultFCC publication KDB 443999 D01.NEMA TS2The product meets the requirements of the standardNEMA TS2 (Traffic Controller Assemblies with NTCIP Requirements)SCALANCE W788C-2 M12 EEC6GK5788-2GD00-1TA0RSS-247 of Industry Canada for SCALANCE W786-xThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not causeinterference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation of the device.This radio transmitter (IC: 267AA-MPCIE1V1) has been approved by Industry Canada tooperate with the antenna types listed in section 6.8 with the maximum permissible gain andrequired antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included inthis list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictlyprohibited for use with this device.Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antennaof a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. Toreduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be sochosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than thatnecessary for successful communication.
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0548Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.2 General approvalsTo reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should beso chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than thatpermitted for successful communication.That the device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential forharmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems.Users should also be cautioned to take note that high power radars are allocated as primaryusers (meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radarscould cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for anuncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimumdistance 20cm between the radiator & your body.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareilsradio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter toutbrouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre lefonctionnement.RSS-247 of Industry Canada for SCALANCE W7x8This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not causeinterference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation of the device.This radio transmitter (IC: 267AA-MPCIE1V1) has been approved by Industry Canada tooperate with the antenna types listed in section 5.4 with the maximum permissible gain andrequired antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included inthis list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictlyprohibited for use with this device.Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antennaof a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. Toreduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be sochosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than thatnecessary for successful communication.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should beso chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than thatpermitted for successful communication.That the device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential forharmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems.Users should also be cautioned to take note that high power radars are allocated as primaryusers (meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radarscould cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for anuncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimumdistance 20cm between the radiator & your body.
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0549Approvals for SCALANCE W788C/ W786C 802.11n2.2 General approvalsLe présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareilsradio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter toutbrouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre lefonctionnement.Note for USA, Canada, Puerto Rico, Peru, Bahamas, Ecuador and ColumbiaWhen operating the SCALANCE W700 with DFS (Dynamic Frequence Selection), theIWLAN RCoax Cable 5 GHz (order number 6XV1875-2D) may not be used in the countrieslisted above.Approvals in ArgentinaDevices of the SCALANCE W786-x series are approved in Argentina under the followingcertification numbers:Certification ID Certification numberEAPN-W1-RJ-E3 CNC: C-11549EAPN-W2-RJ-E3 CNC: C-11536EAPN-W2-RJ-I3 CNC: C-11564EAPN-W2-SFP-E3 CNC: C-11547Devices of the SCALANCE W788-x series are approved in Argentina under the followingcertification numbers:Certification ID Certification numberRAPN-W1-RJ-E3 CNC: C-11541RAPN-W2-RJ-E3 CNC: C-11502RAPN-W1-M12-E3 CNC: C-11546RAPN-W2-M12-E3 CNC: C-11548Approval in BrazilFrom the SCALANCE W786-x series, the following devices are approved for Brazil:TypeOrder number EAPN numberW786-1 RJ-45 6GK5 786-1FC00-0AA0 EAPN-W1-RJ-E3W786-2 RJ-45 6GK5 786-2FC00-0AA0 EAPN-W2-RJ-E3W786C-2 RJ-45 6GK5 786-2FC00-1AA0 EAPN-W2-RJ-E3W786-2IA RJ-45 6GK5 786-2HC00-0AA0 EAPN-W2-RJ-I3W786C-2IA RJ-45 6GK5 786-2HC00-1AA0 EAPN-W2-RJ-I3W786-2 SFP 6GK5 786-2FE00-0AA0 EAPN-W2-SFP-E3The listed devices are approved in Brazil under the following certification numbers:
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.2 General approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0550Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto, ist é, não tem direito à proteção contrainterferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo e não pode causar interferênciaa sistemas operando em caráter primário.From the SCALANCE W7x8 series, the following devices are approved for Brazil:TypeOrder number RAPN numberW788-1 RJ-45 6GK 5788-1FC00-0AA0 RAPN-W1-RJ-E3W788-2 RJ-45 6GK5 788-2FC00-0AA0 RAPN-W2-RJ-E3W788-1 M12 6GK5 788-1GD00-0AA0 RAPN-W1-M12-E3W788-2 M12 6GK5 788-2GD00-0AA0 RAPN-W2-M12-E3W788-2 M12 EEC 6GK5 788-2GD00-0TA0 RAPN-W2-M12-E3W748-1 RJ-45 6GK5 748-1FC00-0AA0 RAPN-W1-RJ-E3W748-1 M12 6GK5 748-1GD00-0AA0 RAPN-W1-M12-E3W788C-2 RJ-45 6GK 5788-2FC00-1AA0 RAPN-W2-RJ-E3W788C-2 M12 6GK5 788-2GD00-1AA0 RAPN-W2-M12-E3W788C-2 M12 EEC 6GK5788-2GD00-1TA0 RAPN-W2-M12-E3The listed devices are approved in Brazil under the following certification numbers:Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto, ist é, não tem direito à proteção contrainterferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo e não pode causar interferênciaa sistemas operando em caráter primário.Approval for MexicoThe WLAN modules included in the devices have the following certification number:RCPSIMP12-0751
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C/ W786C 802.11n2.2 General approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0551Approval for OmanDevices of the SCALANCE W786-x series are approved in Oman under the followingcertification numbers:OMAN-TRAR/1773/14D090258Devices of the SCALANCE W788-x series are approved in Oman under the followingcertification numbers:OMAN-TRAR/1772/14D090258Marking for the customs unionEAC (Eurasian Conformity)Customs union of Russia, Belarus and KazakhstanDeclaration of the conformity according to the technical regulations of the customs union(TR CU)
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05522.3National approvalsThe national approval of the controller-based access points depends on the controller onwhich they are operated. The controllers are available in the following country-specificversions:●Version for the USA and Canada (NAM)Article no. 6GK5 711-0XC00-1AB0These countries are indicated in the table (NAM).●Version for the Japan (JP)Article no. 6GK5 711-0XC00-1AD0●Version for countries outside Japan and NAM (RoW)Article no. 6GK5 711-0XC00-1AA0The diamond symbol (♦) identifies all countries for which there was no approval at the timethese operating instructions were written.The current status of the approvals can be found on the Internet at the following address: MeaningCountry CountryMode IEEE 802.11 standard and the TPC and / or DFS functionality, where requiredCH ChannelMHz FrequencyPWR (EIRP) Maximum permitted effective isotropic radiated powerUse Permitted use indoors and / or outdoors
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0553Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseAndorra 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorBelgium--Bulgaria 13 2472DenmarkGermanyEstoniaFinlandFranceGreeceGreat Britain11a 11nTPC36-485180-5240200 mW Indoor only11h 11nDFS + TPC52-645260-5320200 mW Indoor onlyIreland10055001000 mWIndoor + outdoorIceland--Italy1165580CroatiaLatviaLiechtensteinLithuania132-1405660-57001000 mW Indoor + outdoorLuxembourgMaltaMacedoniaMonacoMontenegroNetherlandsNorwayAustriaPolandPortugalRomaniaSan MarinoSwedenSwitzerlandSerbiaSlovakiaSloveniaSpainCzech RepublicTurkeyHungaryVaticanCyprusEgypt 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -64 5320
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0554Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseAngola 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011h 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Argentina 11g 11n 1 2412 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 50 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524052 5260 250 mW Indoor + outdoor- -64 5320100 5500 250 mW Indoor + outdoor- -120 5600132 5660 250 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0555Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseAustralia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorNew Zealand - -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011h 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -165 5825Bahrain 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011h 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 2000 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -165 5825Belarus 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTCP - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTCP + DFS - -64 5320132 5660 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0556Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseBrazil 11g 11n 1 2412 4000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700149 5745 4000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Chile 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor only- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320149 5745 100 mW Indoor only- -165 5825China 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 2000 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -165 5825
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0557Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseIvory Coast 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Guatemala 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--11 246211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC -165-5825
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0558Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseHong Kong 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700India 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011h 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Indonesia ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor2 2417 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -10 245711 2462 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -161 5805
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0559Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseJapan 11g 11n 1 2412 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211aTPC85040 200 mW Indoor + outdoor12 506016 508011a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011h 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 579911a 184 4920 200 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -196 4980Qatar 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor only- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor only- -1655825Kazakhstan 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320132 5660 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Colombia (NAM)  11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor2 2417 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -10 245711 2462 100 mW Indoor + outdoor
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0560Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)Use11a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 5240149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Korea 11g 11n 1 2412 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -161 5805Kuwait 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524011h 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320Macau 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC -161-5805
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0561Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseMadagascar 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC -48-524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC-64-5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -165 5825Malaysia 11g 11n 1 2412 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211h 11n 56 5280 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -165 5825Mexico (NAM) 11g 11n 1 2412 500 mW Indoor + outdoor- -11 246211a 11n 52 5180 1000 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -165 5825
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0562Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseMozambique 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011h 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Oman 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -165 5825Pakistan 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -165 5825
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0563Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseRussia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320132 5660 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -165 5825Saudi Arabia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011h 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Singapore 11b 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorPhilippines ♦- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1165580
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0564Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)Use132-1405660-57001000 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11nTPC149-1655745-58251000 mW Indoor + outdoorSouth Africa 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC-48-524011h 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC -64-5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1405700Taiwan ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor2 2417 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -10245711 2462 100 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -64 5320100 5500- -165 5825
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0565Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseThailand 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--11 246211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--1165580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -165 5825Ukraine 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524011h 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -136 5680
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0566Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseUruguay 11g 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- - -11 2462 200 mW11a 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 582511n 11g 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- - -11 2462 200 mW11a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Venezuela 11g 11n 1 2412 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 1000 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 4000 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -165 5825
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0567Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseUnited Arab Emir-  11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorates- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011h 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor only- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor only- -140 5700Bahamas (NAM)  11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorEcuador 22417 200 mW Indoor + outdoorCanada (NAM) - -Peru 10 2457Puerto Rico (NAM) 11 2462 100 mW Indoor + outdoorUSA (NAM) 11a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--116 5580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -165 5825
Approvals for SCALANCE W788C / W786C 802.11n2.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0568Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseVietnam 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011h 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -165 5825
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0569Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n 3NoteIssued approvals on the type plate of the deviceThe specified approvals apply only when the corresponding mark is printed on the product.You can check which of the following approvals have been granted for your product by themarkings on the type plate.Range of validityThe approvals listed in this section apply to the following products:Article number Article number of the USversionAccess pointsSCALANCE W774-1 RJ-45 6GK5774-1FX00-0AA0 6GK5774-1FX00-0AB0SCALANCE W774-1 M12 EEC 6GK5774-1FY00-0TA0 6GK5774-1FY00-0TB0SCALANCE W778-1 M12 6GK5778-1GY00-0AA0 6GK5778-1GY00-0AB0Client moduleSCALANCE W734-1 RJ-45 6GK5734-1FX00-0AA0 6GK5734-1FX00-0AB0SCALANCE W738-1 M12 6GK5738-1GY00-0AA0 6GK5738-1GY00-0AB0
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0570Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.1 EC declaration of conformity3.1EC declaration of conformityThe EC Declaration of Conformity is available for all responsible authorities at:Siemens AktiengesellschaftProcess Industries and Drives Division,Process AutomationDE-76181 KarlsruheGermanyYou will find the current EC declaration of conformity for these products on the Internetpages of Siemens Industry Online Support(h SIMATIC NET products described in these Operating Instructions meet therequirements of the following EC directives:●94/9/ECDirective of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 March 1994 on theapproximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protectivesystems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (until 19.04.2016).●2014/34/EUDirective 2014/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to equipment andprotective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres official journal ofthe EU L96, 29/03/2014, pages. 309–356 (as of 20.04.2016)●1999/5/ECDirective of the European Parliament and of the Council of 1999 March 1999 on RadioEquipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment and the mutual recognition oftheir conformity (until 12.06.2016).●2014/53/EUDirective of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 16, 2014 on theharmonization of the laws of the member states relating to placing radio equipment on themarket.; official journal of the EU L153, 22/05/2014, pages. 62–106 (as of 13.06.2016)●2011/65/EU (RoHS)RoHS directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on therestriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronicequipment.●1999/519/ECCouncil recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the general public toelectromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz)
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.1 EC declaration of conformityApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05713.1.1ATEXATEX directive (correct usage in potentially explosive atmospheres)The SIMATIC NET product meets the requirements of the EC directive:94/9/EC (until19.04.2016) and 2014/34/EU (as of 20.04.2016) "Equipment and Protective Devices for Usein Potentially Explosive Atmospheres" according to the standards listed in the sectionProducts W770/W730 (Page 73):Applied standard:1  EN 60079-0 + A11Hazardous areas - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements2  EN 60079-15Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection "n"3.1.2RoHSRoHS directive (restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances)The SIMATIC NET products described in these operating instructions meet the requirementsof the EC directive 2011/65/EC for the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substancesin electrical and electronic equipment:Applied standard:3  EN 50581Technical documentation for the assessment electrical and electronic products withrespect to restriction of hazardous substances3.1.3R&TTE / RED3.1.3.1Protection of health and safetyArticle 3 (1) a) protection of health and safety4  EN 60950-1+A1+A2+A11+A12Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1: General requirements5  EN 62311Assessment of electronic and electrical equipment related to human exposure re-strictions for electromagnetic fields (0 Hz – 300 GHz)
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.1 EC declaration of conformityApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05723.1.3.2 EMCArt. 3 (1) b - EMC6  EN 50121-3-2+ACRailway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - part 3-2: Railway Vehicles -Devices7  EN 50121-4+ACRailway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - part 4: Interference emissionsand immunity of signal telecommunications equipment8  ETSI EN 301 489-1Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM) - Electromagneticcompatibility for radio equipment and services - Part 1 : Common technical re-quirements9  ETSI EN 301 489-17Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM) - Electromagneticcompatibility for radio equipment and services - Part 17 :10  EN 61000-6-1Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-1: Generic standards - Immunity forresidential, commercial and light-industrial environments11  EN 61000-6-2+ACElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic standards - Immunity forindustrial environments12  EN 61000-6-3+A1+ACElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-3: Generic standards - Emissionstandard for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments13  EN 61000-6-4+A1Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emissionstandard for industrial environments3.1.3.3Efficient use of the radio spectrumArt. 3 (2) Efficient use of the radio spectrum14ETSI EN 301 328Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM) - widebandtransmission systems - data transmission equipment operating in the 2.4 GHz ISMband and using wideband modulation techniques. Harmonized EN containing theessential requirements according to Article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive.15ETSI EN 301 893Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN) - 5 GHz high performance RLAN -Harmonized EN covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Di-rective
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.1 EC declaration of conformityApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05733.1.4 Products W770/W730CE conformityThe standards that apply to the product are described in ATEX (Page 71), RoHS (Page 71)and R&TTE / RED (Page 71)Product nameStandardsW774-1 RJ45W734-1 RJ451, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15W774-1 M12 EEC 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15W778-1 M12W738-1 M123, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15Certification IDThe following table shows the product names and the corresponding certification ID:TypeCertification IDArticle numberArticle number US variantW774-1 RJ-45 MSN-W1-RJ-E26GK5774-1FX00-0AA06GK5774-1FX00-0AB0W774-1 M12 EEC MSN-W1-M12-E26GK5774-1FY00-0TA06GK5774-1FY00-0TB0W734-1 RJ-45 MSN-W1-RJ-E26GK5734-1FX00-0AA06GK5734-1FX00-0AB0W778-1 M12 MSN65-W1-M12-E26GK5778-1GY00-0AA06GK5778-1GY00-0AB0W738-1 M12 MSN65-W1-M12-E26GK5738-1GY00-0AA06GK5738-1GY00-0AB0
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0574Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.2 General approvals3.2General approvalsATEX (explosion protection  directive)The SIMATIC NET products meet the requirements of the EC directive 94/9/EC "Equipmentand Protective Devices for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres”. and as of 20.04.2016the EC directive 2014/34/EU.ATEX classification:II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 GcKEMA 07ATEX0145 XThe products meet the requirements of the following standards:●EN 60079-15 (electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres; Type ofprotection "n")●EN 60079-0 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements)You will find the current versions of the standards in the currently valid ATEX certificates.WARNINGWhen using SIMATIC NET products in hazardous area zone 2, make absolutely sure thatthe associated conditions in the following document are adhered to:"SIMATIC NET Product Information Use of subasseblies/modules in a Zone 2 HazardousArea".You will find this documenton the data medium that ships with some devices.on the Internet pages of Siemens Industry Online Support( the document identification number C234 as the search term.
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0575Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.2 General approvalsIECExThe SIMATIC NET products meet the requirements of explosion protection according toIECEx.IECEx classification:Ex nA IIC T4 GcDEK 14.0025XThe products meet the requirements of the following standards:●IEC 60079-15 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type ofprotection "n")●IEC 60079-0 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements)You will find the current versions of the standards in the currently valid IECEx certificates.FMThe product meets the requirements of the standards:●Factory Mutual Approval Standard Class Number 3611●FM Hazardous (Classified) Location Electrical Equipment:Non Incendive / Class I / Division 2 / Groups A,B,C,D / T4 andNon Incendive / Class I / Zone 2 / Group IIC / T4cULus Approval Hazardous LocationcULus Listed I. T. E. FOR HAZ. LOC.Underwriters Laboratories Inc. complying with●UL 60950-1 (Information Technology Equipment)●ANSI/ISA 12.12.01-2007●CSA C22.2 No. 213-M1987Approved for use inCl. 1, Div. 2, GP A, B, C, D T4Cl. 1, Zone 2, GP IIC T4Report no. E240480
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0576Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.2 General approvalsFCC approvalThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2)this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.NoticeChanges or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by SIEMENS mayvoid the FCC authorization to operate this equipment.IEEE 802.11b or g operation of this product in the USA is firmware-limited to channels 1through 11.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:●Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.●Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.●Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiveris connected.●Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.NoticeThis equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cmbetween the radiator and your body.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna ortransmitter. Professional Installation  Notice:To comply with FCC part 15 rules in the United States, the system must be professionallyinstalled to ensure compliance with the Part 15 certification. It is the responsibility of theoperator and professional installer to ensure that only certified systems are deployed in theUnited States. The use of the system in any other combination (such as co-located antennastransmitting the same information) is expressly forbidden.
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0577Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.2 General approvalsNoticeFor use of DFS channels●Use of the RCoax Cable Antenna 6XV1875-2D is not permitted in channels whichrequire dynamic frequency selection (DFS).●Any installation of either a master or a client device within 35 km of a TDWR (TerminalDoppler Weather Radar) location shall be separated by at least 30 MHz (center-to-center)from the TDWR operating frequency.These devices shall be registered in the industry sponsored WISPA database, you open this link, you get the following choices:–"Search" opens a window with TDWR locations and frequencies.–"User Signup" allows you to register as user of the database.–After registering you can Logon and register your WLAN location. Please fill in allrequired information.For more information with respect to WISPA database and TWDR locations please consultFCC publication KDB 443999 D01.Notice                    In order to comply with FCC/ISED/MIC RF Exposure requirements, this device must beinstalled  to provide at least  20 cm separation from the human body at all times.CSA Information Technology EquipmentCSA Certification MarkCanadian Standard Association CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-03RSS-247 of Industry CanadaThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not causeinterference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation of the device.This radio transmitter (IC: 267AA-ELN1V1 for W760/W720 802.11n and IC: 267AA-MSN1V1for W774/W734 802.11n) has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with theantenna types listed in section 5.6 with the maximum permissible gain and required antennaimpedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having again greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use withthis device.Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antennaof a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. Toreduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be sochosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than thatnecessary for successful communication.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should beso chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than thatpermitted for successful communication.
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0578Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.2 General approvalsThat the device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential forharmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems.Users should also be cautioned to take note that high power radars are allocated as primaryusers (meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radarscould cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for anuncontrolled environment.In order to comply with FCC/ISED/MIC RF Exposure requirements, this device must beinstalled  to provide at least  20 cm separation from the human body at all times.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareilsradio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter toutbrouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre lefonctionnement.Afin de se conformer aux exigences d'exposition RF MIC / FCC / ISED, cet appareil doitêtre installé pour fournir au moins 20 cm de séparation du corps humain en tout tempsRCMThe product meets the requirements of the AS/NZS 2064 standard (Class A).Approvals for ArgentinaDevices of the SCALANCE W760/W720 series are approved in Argentina under thefollowing certification number:Certification ID Certification numberELN-W1-RJ-E1 CNC: C-13172Devices of the SCALANCE W770/W730 series are approved in Argentina under thefollowing certification numbers:Certification ID Certification numberMSN-W1-RJ-E2 CNC: C-13164MSN-W1-M12-E2 CNC: C-13163Approval for BrazilDevices of the SCALANCE W760/W720 series are approved in Brazil under the followingcertification numbers:Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto, ist é, não tem direito à proteção contrainterferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo e não pode causar interferênciaa sistemas operando em caráter primário.
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0579Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.2 General approvalsDevices of the SCALANCE W770/W730 series are approved in Brazil under the followingcertification numbers:Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto, ist é, não tem direito à proteção contrainterferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo e não pode causar interferênciaa sistemas operando em caráter primário.KCC Statement (Republic of Korea)사용자안내문(제5조제1항제1호관련)기 종 별 사 용 자 안 내 문A급 기기급 기기 이 기기는 업무용(A 급)으로 전자파적합등록을 한(A 급)으로(업무용 방송통신기기)전자파적합등록을한기기이오니판매자또는사용자는이점을주의하시기 바라며,가정외의 지역에서 사용하는것을 목적으로 합니다."당해 무선설비는 전파혼신 가능성이 있으므로 인명안전과 관련된 서비스는 할 수 없음"Marking for the customs unionEAC (Eurasian Conformity)Customs union of Russia, Belarus and KazakhstanDeclaration of the conformity according to the technical regulations of the customs union(TR CU)Railway approval for the SCALANCE W774-1 M12 EECThe SCALANCE W774-1 M12 EEC device meets the requirements of the railway standardEN 50155:2007 "Railway Applications - Electronic equipment used on rolling stock".
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.3 SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05803.3SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsThe following table lists the countries in which the SCALANCE W700 product is approved.The diamond symbol (♦) identifies all countries for which there was no approval at the timethese operating instructions were written.The current status of the approvals can be found on the Internet at the following address: MeaningCountry CountryMode IEEE 802.11 standard and the TPC and / or DFS functionality, where requiredCH ChannelMHz FrequencyPWR (EIRP) Maximum permitted effective isotropic radiated powerUse Permitted use indoors and / or outdoors
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.3 SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0581Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseAndorra 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorBelgium--Bosnia and Her- 13 2472zegovinaBulgariaDenmarkGermanyEstoniaFinlandFrance11a 11nTPC36-485180-5240200 mW Indoor only11a 11nDFS + TPC52-645260-5320200 mW Indoor onlyGreece10055001000 mWIndoor + outdoorGreat Britain--Ireland1165580IcelandItalyCroatiaLatviaLiechtensteinLithuaniaLuxembourg132-1405660-57001000 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11n 149-1655745-582525 mW Indoor + outdoorMaltaMacedoniaMonacoMontenegroNetherlandsNorwayAustriaPolandPortugalRomaniaSan MarinoSwedenSwitzerlandSlovakiaSloveniaSpainCzech RepublicTurkeyHungaryVaticanCyprusEgypt 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -64 5320
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.3 SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0582Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseAngola 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Argentina 11g 11n 1 2412 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 50 mW Indoor + outdoor- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 250 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -64 5320100 5500 250 mW Indoor + outdoor- -120 5600132 5660 250 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.3 SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0583Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseAustralia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorNew Zealand - -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Bahrain 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 2000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Belarus 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTCP - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTCP + DFS - -64 5320132 5660 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.3 SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0584Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseBrazil 11g 11n 1 2412 4000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 4000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Chile 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor only- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor onlyDFS - -165 5825China 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 2000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.3 SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0585Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseIvory Coast 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Guatemala 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor2 2417 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -10 245711 2462 100 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--165 5825Hong Kong 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 5240
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.3 SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0586Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)Use11a 11nDFS + TPC52-645260-5320200 mW Indoor only100-1165500-55801000 mW Indoor + outdoor132-1405660-57001000 mW Indoor + outdoorIndia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Indonesia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -161 5805
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.3 SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0587Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseJapan 11g 11n 1 2412 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 8 5040 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -16508011a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 184 4920 200 mW Indoor + outdoor--196 4980Kazakhstan 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320132 5660 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Qatar 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor only- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor only--165 5825Colombia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -11 246211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 5240
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.3 SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0588Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)Use11a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Korea 11g 11n 1 2412 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -161 5805Kuwait 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320Macau 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1615805Madagascar 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC-48-524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC -64-5320
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.3 SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0589Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)Use100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Malaysia 11g 11n 1 2412 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 56 5280 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Mexico 11g 11n 1 2412 500 mW Indoor + outdoor- -11 246211a 11n 36 5180 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -64 5320149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Pakistan 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.3 SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0590Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseRussia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320132 5660 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Saudi Arabia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Serbia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC -48-524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC-64-5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1405700
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.3 SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0591Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseSouth Africa 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC -48-524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC-64-5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--1165580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1405700Singapore 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorPhilippines - -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1165580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--140 570011a 11n 149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.3 SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0592Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseTaiwan 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor2 2417 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -10245711 2462 100 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1165580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Venezuela 11g 11n 1 2412 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 1000 mW Indoor onlyDFS - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 4000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.3 SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0593Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseUnited Arab Emir-  11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorates- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor only- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor only- -140 5700Bahamas 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorCanada - -Colombia 11 2462Peru 11a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyPuerto Rico --Thailand 48 5240USA 11a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorUruguay DFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1165580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.3 SCALANCE W774/734 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0594Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseVietnam 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0595Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.4 SCALANCE W778/738 national approvals3.4SCALANCE W778/738 national approvalsThe following table lists the countries in which the SCALANCE W700 product is approved.The diamond symbol (♦) identifies all countries for which there was no approval at the timethese operating instructions were written.The current status of the approvals can be found on the Internet at the following address: MeaningCountry CountryMode IEEE 802.11 standard and the TPC and / or DFS functionality, where requiredCH ChannelMHz FrequencyPWR (EIRP) Maximum permitted effective isotropic radiated powerUse Permitted use indoors and / or outdoors
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0596Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.4 SCALANCE W778/738 national approvalsCountry Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseAndorra 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorBelgium--Bosnia and Her- 13 2472zegovinaBulgariaDenmarkGermanyEstoniaFinlandFrance11a 11nTPC36-485180-5240200 mW Indoor only11a 11nDFS + TPC52-645260-5320200 mW Indoor onlyGreece10055001000 mWIndoor + outdoorGreat Britain--Ireland1165580IcelandItalyCroatiaLatviaLiechtensteinLithuaniaLuxembourg132-1405660-57001000 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11n 149-1655745-582525 mW Indoor + outdoorMaltaMacedoniaMonacoMontenegroNetherlandsNorwayAustriaPolandPortugalRomaniaSan MarinoSwedenSwitzerlandSerbia♦SlovakiaSloveniaSpainCzech RepublicTurkeyHungaryVaticanCyprus
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0597Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.4 SCALANCE W778/738 national approvalsCountry Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseEgypt ♦11g 11n 1-132412-2472100 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11nTPC36-645180-5320200 mW Indoor onlyAustralia ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorNew Zealand ♦- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Bahrain ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 2000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0598Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.4 SCALANCE W778/738 national approvalsCountry Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseBrazil ♦11g 11n 1 2412 4000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 4000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Chile ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor only- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor onlyDFS - -165 5825China ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 2000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-0599Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.4 SCALANCE W778/738 national approvalsCountry Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseIndia ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Indonesia ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -161 5805Japan ♦11g 11n 1 2412 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 8 5040 200 mW Indoor + outdoor--16 508011a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 184 4920 200 mW Indoor + outdoor--196 4980Korea ♦11g 11n 1 2412 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -161 5805
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.4 SCALANCE W778/738 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05100Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseKuwait ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320Mexico ♦11g 11n 1 2412 500 mW Indoor + outdoor- -11 246211a 11n 36 5180 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -64 5320149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825South Africa ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC-48-524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC -64-5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1405700
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.4 SCALANCE W778/738 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05101Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseSingapore ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--1165580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140570011a 11n 149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Taiwan ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor2 2417 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -10 245711 2462 100 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--116 5580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Canada ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorPeru ♦- -Thailand ♦11 2462USA ♦11a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320
Approvals for SCALANCE W770/W730 802.11n3.4 SCALANCE W778/738 national approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05102Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)Use100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--116 5580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05103Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n 4NoteIssued approvals on the type plate of the deviceThe specified approvals apply only when the corresponding mark is printed on the product.You can check which of the following approvals have been granted for your product by themarkings on the type plate.Range of validityThe approvals listed in this section apply to the following products:Article number Article number of theUS versionArticle number ofthe Israel versionAccess pointSCALANCE W761-1 RJ-456GK5761-1FC00-0AA06GK5761-1FC00-0AB0-Ethernet client modulesSCALANCE W722-1 RJ-45(iFeatures)6GK5722-1FC00-0AA06GK5722-1FC00-0AB06GK5722-1FC00-0AC0SCALANCE W721-1 RJ-456GK5721-1FC00-0AA06GK5721-1FC00-0AB0-
Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.1 EC declaration of conformityApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-051044.1EC declaration of conformityThe EC Declaration of Conformity is available for all responsible authorities at:Siemens AktiengesellschaftProcess Industries and Drives Division,Process AutomationDE-76181 KarlsruheGermanyYou will find the current EC declaration of conformity for these products on the Internetpages of Siemens Industry Online Support(h SIMATIC NET products described in these Operating Instructions meet therequirements of the following EC directives:●94/9/ECDirective of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 March 1994 on theapproximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protectivesystems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (until 19.04.2016).●2014/34/EUDirective 2014/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to equipment andprotective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres official journal ofthe EU L96, 29/03/2014, pages. 309–356 (as of 20.04.2016)●1999/5/ECDirective of the European Parliament and of the Council of 1999 March 1999 on RadioEquipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment and the mutual recognition oftheir conformity (until 12.06.2016).●2014/53/EUDirective of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 16, 2014 on theharmonization of the laws of the member states relating to placing radio equipment on themarket.; official journal of the EU L153, 22/05/2014, pages. 62–106 (as of 13.06.2016)●2011/65/EU (RoHS)RoHS directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on therestriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronicequipment.●1999/519/ECCouncil recommendation on the limitation of exposure of the general public toelectromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz)
Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.1 EC declaration of conformityApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-051054.1.1ATEXATEX directive (correct usage in potentially explosive atmospheres)The SIMATIC NET product meets the requirements of the EC directive:94/9/EC (until19.04.2016) and 2014/34/EU (as of 20.04.2016) "Equipment and Protective Devices for Usein Potentially Explosive Atmospheres" according to the standards listed in the sectionAUTOHOTSPOT:Applied standard:1  EN 60079-0 + A11Hazardous areas - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements2  EN 60079-15Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection "n"4.1.2RoHSRoHS directive (restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances)The SIMATIC NET products described in these operating instructions meet the requirementsof the EC directive 2011/65/EC for the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substancesin electrical and electronic equipment:Applied standard:3  EN 50581Technical documentation for the assessment electrical and electronic products withrespect to restriction of hazardous substances4.1.3R&TTE / RED4.1.3.1Protection of health and safetyArticle 3 (1) a) protection of health and safety4  EN 60950-1+A1+A2+A11+A12Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1: General requirements5  EN 62311Assessment of electronic and electrical equipment related to human exposure re-strictions for electromagnetic fields (0 Hz – 300 GHz)
Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.1 EC declaration of conformityApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-051064.1.3.2 EMCArt. 3 (1) b - EMC6  EN 50121-3-2+ACRailway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - part 3-2: Railway Vehicles -Devices7  EN 50121-4+ACRailway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - part 4: Interference emissionsand immunity of signal telecommunications equipment8  ETSI EN 301 489-1Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM) - Electromagneticcompatibility for radio equipment and services - Part 1 : Common technical re-quirements9  ETSI EN 301 489-17Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM) - Electromagneticcompatibility for radio equipment and services - Part 17 :10  EN 61000-6-1Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-1: Generic standards - Immunity forresidential, commercial and light-industrial environments11  EN 61000-6-2+ACElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic standards - Immunity forindustrial environments12  EN 61000-6-3+A1+ACElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-3: Generic standards - Emissionstandard for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments13  EN 61000-6-4+A1Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-4: Generic standards - Emissionstandard for industrial environments4.1.3.3Efficient use of the radio spectrumArt. 3 (2) Efficient use of the radio spectrum14ETSI EN 301 328Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM) - widebandtransmission systems - data transmission equipment operating in the 2.4 GHz ISMband and using wideband modulation techniques. Harmonized EN containing theessential requirements according to Article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive.15ETSI EN 301 893Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN) - 5 GHz high performance RLAN -Harmonized EN covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Di-rective
Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.1 EC declaration of conformityApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-051074.1.4ProductsCE conformityThe standards that apply to the product are described in RoHS (Page 105), ATEX(Page 105) and R&TTE / RED (Page 105).Product nameStandardsW761-1 RJ45W722-1 RJ45W721-1 RJ45W774-1 RJ45W734-1 RJ451, 2 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15W774-1 M12 EEC 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15Certification IDThe following table shows the product names and the corresponding certification ID:TypeCertification IDOrder numberOrder number US variantW761-1 RJ-45 ELN-W1-RJ-E16GK5761-1FC00-0AA06GK5761-1FC00-0AB0W722-1 RJ-45 ELN-W1-RJ-E16GK5722-1FC00-0AA06GK5722-1FC00-0AB0W721-1 RJ-45 ELN-W1-RJ-E16GK5721-1FC00-0AA06GK5721-1FC00-0AB0
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05108Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.2 General approvals4.2General approvalsATEX (explosion protection  directive)The SIMATIC NET products meet the requirements of the EC directive 94/9/EC "Equipmentand Protective Devices for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres”. and as of 20.04.2016the EC directive 2014/34/EU.ATEX classification:II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 GcKEMA 07ATEX0145 XThe products meet the requirements of the following standards:●EN 60079-15 (electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres; Type ofprotection "n")●EN 60079-0 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements)You will find the current versions of the standards in the currently valid ATEX certificates.IECExThe SIMATIC NET products meet the requirements of explosion protection according toIECEx.IECEx classification:Ex nA IIC T4 GcDEK 14.0025XThe products meet the requirements of the following standards:●IEC 60079-15 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type ofprotection "n")●IEC 60079-0 (Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements)You will find the current versions of the standards in the currently valid IECEx certificates.WARNINGWhen using SIMATIC NET products in hazardous area zone 2, make absolutely sure thatthe associated conditions in the following document are adhered to:"SIMATIC NET Product Information Use of subasseblies/modules in a Zone 2 HazardousArea".You will find this documenton the data medium that ships with some devices.on the Internet pages of Siemens Industry Online Support( the document identification number C234 as the search term.
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05109Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.2 General approvalsFMThe product meets the requirements of the standards:●Factory Mutual Approval Standard Class Number 3611●FM Hazardous (Classified) Location Electrical Equipment:Non Incendive / Class I / Division 2 / Groups A,B,C,D / T4 andNon Incendive / Class I / Zone 2 / Group IIC / T4cULus Approval Hazardous LocationcULus Listed I. T. E. FOR HAZ. LOC.Underwriters Laboratories Inc. complying with●UL 60950-1 (Information Technology Equipment)●ANSI/ISA 12.12.01-2007●CSA C22.2 No. 213-M1987Approved for use inCl. 1, Div. 2, GP A, B, C, D T4Cl. 1, Zone 2, GP IIC T4Report no. E240480
Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.2 General approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05110FCC approvalThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2)this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.NoticeChanges or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by SIEMENS mayvoid the FCC authorization to operate this equipment.IEEE 802.11b or g operation of this product in the USA is firmware-limited to channels 1through 11.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:●Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.●Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.●Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiveris connected.●Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.NoticeThis equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cmbetween the radiator and your body.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna ortransmitter. Professional Installation  Notice:To comply with FCC part 15 rules in the United States, the system must be professionallyinstalled to ensure compliance with the Part 15 certification. It is the responsibility of theoperator and professional installer to ensure that only certified systems are deployed in theUnited States. The use of the system in any other combination (such as co-located antennastransmitting the same information) is expressly forbidden.
Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.2 General approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05111NoticeFor use of DFS channels●Use of the RCoax Cable Antenna 6XV1875-2D is not permitted in channels whichrequire dynamic frequency selection (DFS).●Any installation of either a master or a client device within 35 km of a TDWR (TerminalDoppler Weather Radar) location shall be separated by at least 30 MHz (center-to-center)from the TDWR operating frequency.These devices shall be registered in the industry sponsored WISPA database, you open this link, you get the following choices:–"Search" opens a window with TDWR locations and frequencies.–"User Signup" allows you to register as user of the database.–After registering you can Logon and register your WLAN location. Please fill in allrequired information.For more information with respect to WISPA database and TWDR locations please consultFCC publication KDB 443999 D01.CSA Information Technology EquipmentCSA Certification MarkCanadian Standard Association CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-03RSS-247 of Industry CanadaThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not causeinterference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation of the device.This radio transmitter (IC: 267AA-ELN1V1 for W760/W720 802.11n and IC: 267AA-MSN1V1for W774/W734 802.11n) has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with theantenna types listed in section 5.6 with the maximum permissible gain and required antennaimpedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having again greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use withthis device.Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antennaof a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. Toreduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be sochosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than thatnecessary for successful communication.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should beso chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than thatpermitted for successful communication.
Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.2 General approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05112That the device for the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential forharmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems.Users should also be cautioned to take note that high power radars are allocated as primaryusers (meaning they have priority) of 5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and these radarscould cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for anuncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimumdistance 20cm between the radiator & your body.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareilsradio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter toutbrouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre lefonctionnement.RCMThe product meets the requirements of the AS/NZS 2064 standard (Class A).Approvals for ArgentinaDevices of the SCALANCE W760/W720 series are approved in Argentina under thefollowing certification number:Certification ID Certification numberELN-W1-RJ-E1 CNC: C-13172Devices of the SCALANCE W770/W730 series are approved in Argentina under thefollowing certification numbers:Certification ID Certification numberMSN-W1-RJ-E2 CNC: C-13164MSN-W1-M12-E2 CNC: C-13163Approval for BrazilDevices of the SCALANCE W760/W720 series are approved in Brazil under the followingcertification numbers:Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto, ist é, não tem direito à proteção contrainterferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo e não pode causar interferênciaa sistemas operando em caráter primário.
Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.2 General approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05113Devices of the SCALANCE W770/W730 series are approved in Brazil under the followingcertification numbers:Este equipamento opera em caráter secundário, isto, ist é, não tem direito à proteção contrainterferência prejudicial, mesmo de estações do mesmo tipo e não pode causar interferênciaa sistemas operando em caráter primário.KCC Statement (Republic of Korea)사용자안내문(제5조제1항제1호관련)기 종 별 사 용 자 안 내 문A급 기기급 기기 이 기기는 업무용(A 급)으로 전자파적합등록을 한(A 급)으로(업무용 방송통신기기)전자파적합등록을한기기이오니판매자또는사용자는이점을주의하시기 바라며,가정외의 지역에서 사용하는것을 목적으로 합니다."당해 무선설비는 전파혼신 가능성이 있으므로 인명안전과 관련된 서비스는 할 수 없음"Marking for the customs unionEAC (Eurasian Conformity)Customs union of Russia, Belarus and KazakhstanDeclaration of the conformity according to the technical regulations of the customs union(TR CU)Railway approval for the SCALANCE W774-1 M12 EECThe SCALANCE W774-1 M12 EEC device meets the requirements of the railway standardEN 50155:2007 "Railway Applications - Electronic equipment used on rolling stock".
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05114Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.3 National approvals4.3National approvalsThe following table lists the countries in which the SCALANCE W700 product is approved.The diamond symbol (♦) identifies all countries for which there was no approval at the timethese operating instructions were written.The current status of the approvals can be found on the Internet at the following address: MeaningCountry CountryMode IEEE 802.11 standard and the TPC and / or DFS functionality, where requiredCH ChannelMHz FrequencyPWR (EIRP) Maximum permitted effective isotropic radiated powerUse Permitted use indoors and / or outdoors
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05115Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.3 National approvalsCountry Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseAndorra 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorBelgium--Bosnia and Her- 13 2472zegovinaBulgariaDenmarkGermanyEstoniaFinlandFrance11a 11nTPC36-485180-5240200 mW Indoor only11a 11nDFS + TPC52-645260-5320200 mW Indoor onlyGreece10055001000 mWIndoor + outdoorGreat Britain--Ireland1165580IcelandItalyCroatiaLatvia132-1405660-57001000 mW Indoor + outdoorLiechtensteinLithuaniaLuxembourgMaltaMacedoniaMonacoMontenegroNetherlandsNorwayAustriaPolandPortugalRomaniaSan MarinoSwedenSwitzerlandSerbiaSlovakiaSloveniaSpainCzech RepublicTurkeyHungaryVaticanCyprus
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05116Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.3 National approvalsCountry Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseEgypt 11g 11n 1-132412-2472100 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11nTPC36-645180-5320200 mW Indoor onlyAngola 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Argentina 11g 11n 1 2412 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 50 mW Indoor + outdoor- -48524011a 11n 52 5260 250 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC-64-5320100 5500 250 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1205600132 5660 250 mW Indoor + outdoor--140 570011a 11n 149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--165 5825
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05117Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.3 National approvalsCountry Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseAustralia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorNew Zealand-13-247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC-64-532011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--1655825Bahrain 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only--48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC -64-532011a 11n 149 5745 2000 mW Indoor + outdoor--165 5825Belarus 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTCP - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTCP + DFS - -64 5320132 5660 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Brazil 11g 11n 1 2412 4000 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC-64-5320
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05118Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.3 National approvalsCountry Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)Use100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--140 570011a 11n 149 5745 4000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1655825Chile 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor only--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor onlyDFS+TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor onlyDFS-165-5825China 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor-13 -247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS+TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 2000 mW Indoor + outdoor--165 5825
Approvals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05119Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.3 National approvalsCountry Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseIvory Coast 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Guatemala 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--11 246211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1655825
Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05120Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseHong Kong 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700India 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Indonesia ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1615805Israel 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC -64-5320
Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05121Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseJapan 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 8 5040 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -16508011a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only--48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC-64-5320100 5500 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140570011a 184 4920 200 mW Indoor + outdoor--196 4980Kazakhstan 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320132 5660 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 5700Qatar 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor only- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor only--165 5825Korea 11g 11n 1 2412 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC -161-5805
Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05122Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseKuwait 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC -48-524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC-64-5320Macau 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13247211a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1615805Madagascar 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC -48-524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC-64-5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Malaysia 11g 11n 1 2412 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 56 5280 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS - -64 532011a 11n 149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825
Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05123Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseMexico 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--11 246211a 11n 36 5180 1000 mW Indoor only--64 5320149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1655825Pakistan 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13 247211a 11n 149 5745 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Russia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13247211a 11n 36 5180 100 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC-48-524011a 11n 52 5260 100 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC -64-5320132 5660 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--140 5700Saudi Arabia 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC-48-524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS + TPC -64-5320100 5500 200 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1125560116 5580 200 mW Indoor + outdoor--140 5700
Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05124Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseSingapore 11b 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorPhilippines - -13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor + outdoorTPC - -48 524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor + outdoorDFS + TPC - -64 5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--1165580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -140570011a 11n 149 5745 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825South Africa 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor- -13247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC-48-524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS+TPC -64-5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1405700
Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05125Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseTaiwan ♦11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor2 2417 200 mW Indoor + outdoor-10-245711 2462 100 mW Indoor + outdoor11a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor onlyDFS+TPC-64-5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1165580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1655825Venezuela 11g 11n 1 2412 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor only- -48524011a 11n 52 5260 1000 mW Indoor onlyDFS-64-532011a 11n 149 5745 4000 mW Indoor + outdoor--165 5825United Arab Emir-  11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorates - -13247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC-48-524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS+TPC -64-5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor only--116 5580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor only- -1405700Bahamas 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoorCanada-11-2462
Approvals for SCALANCE W760/W720 802.11n4.3 National approvalsApprovals SCALANCE W700 802.11nReference Manual, 01/2017, C79000-G8976-C392-05126Country Mode CH MHz PWR(EIRP)UseColombia 11a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyPeru - -Puerto Rico 48 5240Thailand 11a 11n 52 5260 400 mW Indoor + outdoorUSA DFS + TPC - -Uruguay 64 5320100 5500 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--116 5580132 5660 400 mW Indoor + outdoor--140570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -165 5825Vietnam 11g 11n 1 2412 100 mW Indoor + outdoor--13 247211a 11n 36 5180 200 mW Indoor onlyTPC -48-524011a 11n 52 5260 200 mW Indoor onlyDFS+TPC-64-5320100 5500 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1165580132 5660 1000 mW Indoor + outdoor--140 570011a 11n 149 5745 400 mW Indoor + outdoor- -1655825

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