Signify 9290018190X Philips Occupancy and Multi Sensor User Manual 65240081 MAS LEDtube ES 1200mm UO 16 5W T8 IA LR
Philips Lighting(China) Investment Co.,Ltd. Philips Occupancy and Multi Sensor 65240081 MAS LEDtube ES 1200mm UO 16 5W T8 IA LR
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PHILIPS Lighting Control "fiflififi’fifi ,a,”§a’§ Installation Instructions tnsvud‘ons d'mstaltalvon tslruzmm per t'mstaltazvone Instaltalvonsanwevsungen §§§§Eifi§ tnsvumones de mstatam’m tnsxattaue—msvumes 471 tflbfltfi Lamb Ids/”4.5L, vmups g? 5? Va ms? we 0‘5 Nz' N 1 1 x AA 3 EV Ufewne >S years Mvsuse 07 bananas may damage (he deer ; >5 ce c®n g???“ R" m A @ —s'c “9” cos kg 3241652 40031 6 December 2017 www hghnng pnmps com FOV mercator/ mm [meats Sensor/team h = 2 5 — 4 m (8 20 71312 fl) 72m(2352fl) ' Ath:25m(82fl) valrd at «20 'c RF >ws m (open a") ifiilmlfilfl 53k DECLARAT‘ON DE CONFORMITEA LA FCC/‘C Ce drsposrtrf est conforme a la pame 15 des régles de la Federal Commumcaucns Commrssmn (FCC) des Stats—Um; et d‘lndustne Canada (It) exempts de lrcence RSS norme(s) Son foncnonnement est assujem aux deux condmons sun/antes (1) Ce d|spos|t|f ne do“ pas provoquer de bromllage premamable, at (2) ll dovt accepter tout bromllage regu‘ y compns le broulllage Douvant sntralner un mauva|s foncuonnemenl Tous les changemems ou mod|ficat|ons non expressémenl approuvés par Ph|l|ps, Sent Suscepnbles d‘annuter Le draw (is l'u(|l|sateur a se serv|r de cet équmement Ce produn est excluswement deshné é um usage commemal Hereby, thps ughtmg declares that the radro equrpment |s |n comphance wrth Drrectwe 2014/53/EU The fun text ofthe EU declaratron ofconforrruty |s avarlable at the fouowmg lntemet address hug fiwww Ehlhps combed Cet éqmpement est conforme aux l|m|tes d'exposmon aux rayonnements tc etabhes pour un envlronnemenl non comrélé Cet equrpement dart etre mstaue et unhsé avec un m|n|mum de 20cm de dvslance entre la source de rayonnement et volre corps ® Ecc/lc complrance statement Thrs devrce complres wrth part ls of the FCC rules for the unrted States and lndustry Canada (lC) llcensecexempt RSS slandard(s) Operatron rs subrect to the followlng two condrtrons (l) Thrs devrce may not cause harmful mterference and (2) thrs devrce must accept any rnterference recelvedr rncludrng rnterference that may cause undesrred operatron Any changes or modrficatrons not expressly approved by Phlllps could vord the user‘s authonty to operate thrs eourpment Thrs product rs rntended for commercral use only FCC Radratron Exposure Statement Thrs equrpment complres wrth FCC radratron exposure lrmrts set forth for an uncontrolled envrronment Thrs courpmcnt should be mstalled and operatcd wrth mrnrmum drstance 20 cm between the radrator & your body IC Radratron Exposure Statement Thrs equrpment complres wrth IC RSS—‘lOQ radratron exposure lrmrts set forth for an uncontrolled envrronment Thrs eourpmenl should be rnslalled and operated wrth mrnrmum drstancc 20 cm between the radrator & your body RE Exposure lnformatron Thrs devrce meets the Eu requrrements (l999/519/EC) on the lrmrtatron of exposure of the general puplrc to electromagnetrc fields by way of health protectron The devrce complres wrth RF specrficatrons when the devrce used at 3211 cm form your body e zor7 Phrlrps ughtrng holdrne by all rrghts reserved Specmcatrons are subrect to change wrthout notrce Trademarks are the property of Phrllps ughtrng Holdme E v or therr respectrve owners 3241652 4008l 6 December 2017 PHILIPS DO NOT INGEST BATTERY, CHEMICAL BURN HAZARD Thrs product contarns battery lf the battery rs swallowed rt can cause severe rnternal burns rn Just 2 hours and can lead to death Keep new and used batterres away from chrldren lf the battery compartment does not close securely stop usrng the product and xeep rt away from chrldren lf you \hlnl< patterres mrght have been swallowed or placed rnsrde any part of the body, seek rmmedrate medrcal attentron Recyclrng and drsposal Vour product rs desrgned and manufactured wrth h|gh oualrty materrals and components whrch can be recycled and reused when thrs crossed—out wheeled brn symbol rs attached to a product rt means the product ts covered by the European Drrectrye zooz/ge/El: Never drspose of your product wrth other household waste Please rnform yourself about the local separate collectron system for electrrcal and electronrc products Please act accordrng to your local rules and do not drspose of your old products w|lh your normal household waste The correct drsposal of your old product wrll help prevent potentral negatlve consequences for the envucrlmem and human health $9)? www llghtlrrg phtlrps com LIPS LIGHT NG Brand Phrlrps Producc Family TLED Shape Wattage Template Ref. 565 number 5262519 11-NC.NBR 125 451499; Masterdrawmg cac Rel. Barcode No. Opemlor(s) arrest, VERSION No, Date in 2m 7l105 Date amended 20I7I106 Date Check Check briefingTr—affic Artwork document Legend Number of colors 12NC Trappl'ng/Bleed Barcode lmages hires Diecut Jobsizes Approval QC Lrthographer scs Shanghal Praducrron Product Manager echofyangQEhilips com Traffic Manager My—
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