Silicon Laboratories Finland BGM113 Blue Gecko BGM113 Bluetooth Smart Module User Manual Users manual

Silicon Laboratories Finland Oy Blue Gecko BGM113 Bluetooth Smart Module Users manual

Users manual

BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® SmartModule Data SheetThe Blue Gecko BGM113 is a Bluetooth® Smart Module targeted for Bluetooth Smartapplications where small size, reliable RF, low-power consumption, and easy applicationdevelopment are key requirements. At +3 dBm TX power, BGM113 is ideal for applica-tions requiring short and medium range Bluetooth Smart connectivity.The BGM113 integrates all of the necessary elements required for a Bluetooth Smart ap-plication: Bluetooth radio, software stack, and GATT-based profiles, and it can also hostend user applications, which means no external microcontroller is required in size, priceor power constrained devices. The BGM113 Bluetooth Smart Module also has highlyflexible hardware interfaces to connect to different peripherals or sensors.BGM113 can be used in a wide variety of applications:KEY FEATURES• Bluetooth 4.1 Compliant (Bluetooth Smart)• Software upgradable to Bluetooth 4.2•Integrated antenna• TX power: up to +3 dBm• RX sensitivity: down to -93 dBm• Range: up to 50 meters• 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M4 core at 38.4MHz• Flash memory: 256kB• RAM: 32 kB• Autonomous Hardware Crypto Acceleratorand True Random Number Generator• Integrated DC-DC Converter• Onboard Bluetooth Smart stack• IoT Sensors and End Devices• Commercial and Retail•Health and Wellness• Industrial, Home and Building Automation• Smart Phone, Tablet and PC AccessoriesTimers and TriggersReal Time Counter and CalendarCryotimerTimer/CounterLow Energy TimerPulse CounterWatchdog TimerProtocol Timer32-bit busPeripheral Reflex SystemSerial InterfacesAntenna I/O Ports Analog I/FLowest power mode with peripheral operational:USARTLow Energy UARTI2CExternal InterruptsGeneral Purpose I/OPin ResetPin WakeupADCIDACAnalogComparatorRadio TransceiverDEMODAGCIFADCCRCBUFCRFSENSEMODFRCRACEM3—StopEM2—Deep SleepEM1—Sleep EM4—Hibernate EM4—ShutoffEM0—ActivePAIQRF FrontendLNAFrequency SynthesizerPGABALUNCore / MemoryARM Cortex M4 processorwith DSP extensions and FPU Energy ManagementBrown-Out DetectorDC-DC ConverterVoltage Regulator Voltage MonitorPower-On ResetOtherCRYPTOCRCFlash Program Memory RAM Memory Debug Interface DMA ControllerClocksClock ManagementHigh Frequency Crystal OscillatorLow Frequency Crystal OscillatorLow FrequencyRC OscillatorHigh FrequencyRC OscillatorUltra Low Frequency RC OscillatorAuxiliary High Frequency RC Oscillator38.4MHz XTAL32.768kHz XTALMemory Protection UnitChip | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev.  0.93 This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice.
1.  Feature ListThe BGM113 highlighted features are listed below.•Low Power Wireless System-on-Chip.•High Performance 32-bit 38.4 MHz ARM Cortex®-M4 withDSP instruction and floating-point unit for efficient signalprocessing•256 kB flash program memory• 32 kB RAM data memory• 2.4 GHz radio operation• TX power up to +3 dBm•Low Energy Consumption• 8.7 mA RX current at 2.4 GHz• 8.8 mA TX current @ 0 dBm output power at 2.4 GHz• 63 μA/MHz in Active Mode (EM0)• 1.4 μA EM2 DeepSleep current (full RAM retention andRTCC running from LFXO)• 1.1 μA EM3 Stop current (State/RAM retention)• Wake on Radio with signal strength detection, preamblepattern detection, frame detection and timeout•High Receiver Performance• -93 dBm sensitivity @ 1 Mbit/s GFSK (2.4GHz)•Supported Protocol•Bluetooth® Smart•Support for Internet Security• General Purpose CRC• Random Number Generator• Hardware Cryptographic Acceleration for AES 128/256,SHA-1, SHA-2 (SHA-224 and SHA-256) and ECC•Wide selection of MCU peripherals•12-bit 1 Msps SAR Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)• 2× Analog Comparator (ACMP)• Digital to Analog Current Converter (IDAC)• 14 pins connected to analog channels (APORT) shared be-tween Analog Comparators, ADC, and IDAC• 14 General Purpose I/O pins with output state retention andasynchronous interrupts• 8 Channel DMA Controller• 12 Channel Peripheral Reflex System (PRS)• 2×16-bit Timer/Counter• 3 + 4 Compare/Capture/PWM channels• 32-bit Real Time Counter and Calendar• 16-bit Low Energy Timer for waveform generation• 32-bit Ultra Low Energy Timer/Counter for periodic wake-upfrom any Energy Mode• 16-bit Pulse Counter with asynchronous operation• Watchdog Timer with dedicated RC oscillator @ 50nA• 2×Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Trans-mitter (UART/SPI/SmartCard (ISO 7816)/IrDA/I2S)•Low Energy UART (LEUART™)•I2C interface with SMBus support and address recognitionin EM3 Stop•Wide Operating Range• 1.85 V to 3.8 V single power supply• Integrated DC-DC• -40 °C to 85 °C•Dimensions• 9.15 x 15.73 x 1.9 mmBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetFeature | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  1
2.  Ordering InformationOrdering Code Protocol Stack FrequencyBandMax TXPower(dBm)Encryption Flash(KB)RAM(KB)GPIO PackageBGM113A256V11Bluetooth Smart 2.4 GHz 3 Full 256 32 14 100 pcscut reelBGM113A256V1R1Bluetooth Smart 2.4 GHz 3 Full 256 32 14 1000 pcstape andreelBGM113A256V2 Bluetooth Smart 2.4 GHz 3 Full 256 32 14 100 pcscut reelBGM113A256V2R Bluetooth Smart 2.4 GHz 3 Full 256 32 14 1000 pcstape andreelSLWSTK6101B2Note:1. Initial production. This (V1) product code is updated to production version (V2) when the logos of the official CE and FCC certifi-cations are marked into the RF shield. The only visual difference between initial production (V1) and production (V2) versions willbe the certification codes printed on the RF shield. Silicon Labs reserves the right to deliver V2 (production version) for customersordering V1.2. Blue Gecko Bluetooth Smart Module Wireless Development Kit (WSTK) with BGM113 and BGM111 radio boards, expansionboard and accessories. BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetOrdering | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  2
3.  System Overview3.1  IntroductionThe BGM113 product family combines an energy-friendly MCU with a highly integrated radio transceiver. The devices are well suitedfor  any  battery  operated  application,  as  well  as  other  system  requiring  high  performance  and  low-energy  consumption.  This  sectiongives a short introduction to the full radio and MCU system. The detailed functional description can be found in the EFR32 ReferenceManual.A detailed block diagram of the EFR32BG SoC is shown in the figure below which is used in the BGM113 Bluetooth Smart module.Analog PeripheralsClock ManagementLFXTAL_P / N LFXOIDACARM Cortex-M4 CoreUp to 256 KB ISP FlashProgram MemoryUp to 32 KB RAMAHBWatchdog TimerReset Management UnitBrown Out / Power-On ResetRESETnDigital PeripheralsInput MUXPort MapperPort I/O ConfigurationI2CAnalog Comparator12-bit ADCTemp SensorVREFVDDVDDInternal ReferenceTIMERCRYOTIMERPCNTUSARTPort ADriversPort B DriversPAnPort C Drivers PCnPBnPort D Drivers PDnLETIMERRTC / RTCCIOVDDAUXHFRCOHFRCOULFRCOHFXOPort F Drivers PFnMemory Protection UnitLFRCOAPBLEUARTCRYPTOCRCDMA Controller+-APORTFloating Point UnitEnergy ManagementDC-DC ConverterDVDDVREGVDDVSS  VREGSWbypassAVDDPAVDDRFVDDVoltage RegulatorDECOUPLEIOVDDVoltage MonitorVREGVSSRFVSSPAVSSSerial Wire Debug / ProgrammingRadio Transciever2G4RF_IOP2G4RF_IONRF FrontendPAIQLNABALUNRFSENSEFrequency SynthesizerDEMODAGCIFADCCRCBUFCMODFRCRACPGAHFXTAL_PHFXTAL_NFigure 3.1.  Detailed EFR32BG1 Block Diagram3.2  RadioThe BGM113 features a radio transceiver supporting Bluetooth Smart® protocol.3.2.1  Antenna InterfaceThe BGM113 has a built in 2.4GHz ceramic chip antenna.Table 3.1.  Antenna Efficiency and Peak GainParameter With optimal layout NoteEfficiency 30% Efficiency and peak gain depend on the application PCB layoutand mechanical designPeak gain 0.5 dBiBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetSystem | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  3
3.2.2  Wake on RadioThe Wake on Radio feature allows flexible, autonomous RF sensing, qualification, and demodulation without required MCU activity, us-ing a subsystem of the BGM113 including the Radio Controller (RAC), Peripheral Reflex System (PRS), and Low Energy peripherals.3.2.3  RFSENSEThe RFSENSE module generates a system wakeup interrupt upon detection of wideband RF energy at the antenna interface, providingtrue RF wakeup capabilities from low energy modes including EM2, EM3 and EM4.RFSENSE triggers on a relatively strong RF signal and is available in the lowest energy modes, allowing exceptionally low energy con-sumption. RFSENSE does not demodulate or otherwise qualify the received signal, but software may respond to the wakeup event byenabling normal RF reception.Various strategies  for optimizing  power consumption and system response time in presence of  false alarms  may be employed usingavailable timer peripherals.3.2.4  Packet and State TraceThe BGM113 Frame Controller has a packet and state trace unit that provides valuable information during the development phase. Itfeatures:• Non-intrusive trace of transmit data, receive data and state information• Data observability on a single-pin UART data output, or on a two-pin SPI data output• Configurable data output bitrate / baudrate• Multiplexed transmitted data, received data and state / meta information in a single serial data stream3.2.5  Data BufferingThe BGM113 features an advanced Radio Buffer Controller (BUFC) capable of handling up to 4 buffers of adjustable size from 64 bytesto 4096 bytes. Each buffer can be used for RX, TX or both. The buffer data is located in RAM, enabling zero-copy operations.3.2.6  Radio Controller (RAC)The Radio Controller controls the top level state of the radio subsystem in the BGM113. It performs the following tasks:• Precisely-timed control of enabling and disabling of the receiver and transmitter circuitry• Run-time calibration of receiver, transmitter and frequency synthesizer• Detailed frame transmission timing, including optional LBT or CSMA-CA3.2.7  Random Number GeneratorThe Frame Controller (FRC) implements a random number generator that uses entropy gathered from noise in the RF receive chain.The data is suitable for use in cryptographic applications.Output from the random number generator can be used either directly or as a seed or entropy source for software-based random num-ber generator algorithms such as Fortuna.BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetSystem | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  4
3.3  PowerThe BGM113 has an Energy Management Unit (EMU) and efficient integrated regulators to generate internal supply voltages. Only asingle external supply voltage is required, from which all internal voltages are created. An integrated DC-DC buck regulator is utilized tofurther reduce the current consumption.3.3.1  Energy Management Unit (EMU)The Energy Management Unit manages transitions of energy modes in the device. Each energy mode defines which peripherals andfeatures are available and the amount of current the device consumes. The EMU can also be used to turn off the power to unused RAMblocks, and it contains control registers for the dc-dc regulator and the Voltage Monitor (VMON). The VMON is used to monitor multiplesupply voltages. It has multiple channels which can be programmed individually by the user to determine if a sensed supply has fallenbelow a chosen threshold.3.3.2  DC-DC ConverterThe DC-DC buck converter covers a wide range of load currents and provides up to 90% efficiency in energy modes EM0, EM1, EM2and EM3. Patented  RF  noise mitigation allows operation  of  the DC-DC converter  without  degrading sensitivity of  radio  components.Protection features include programmable current limiting, short-circuit protection, and dead-time protection. The DC-DC converter mayalso enter bypass mode when the input voltage is too low for efficient operation. In bypass mode, the DC-DC input supply is internallyconnected directly to  its  output through a  low  resistance switch. Bypass  mode  also supports in-rush  current  limiting to prevent  inputsupply voltage droops due to excessive output current transients.3.4  General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)BGM113 has up to 14 General Purpose Input/Output pins. Each GPIO pin can be individually configured as either an output or input.More advanced configurations including open-drain, open-source, and  glitch-filtering can  be configured  for each individual GPIO pin.The GPIO pins can be overridden by peripheral connections, like SPI communication. Each peripheral connection can be routed to sev-eral GPIO pins on the device. The input value of a GPIO pin can be routed through the Peripheral Reflex System to other peripherals.The GPIO subsystem supports asynchronous external pin interrupts.3.5  Clocking3.5.1  Clock Management Unit (CMU)The Clock Management Unit controls oscillators and clocks in the BGM113. Individual enabling and disabling of clocks to all peripheralmodules is perfomed by the CMU. The CMU also controls enabling and configuration of the oscillators. A high degree of flexibility al-lows software to optimize energy  consumption in  any specific application by minimizing  power dissipation  in unused peripherals andoscillators.3.5.2  Internal OscillatorsThe BGM113 fully integrates two crystal oscillators and four RC oscillators, listed below.• A 38.4MHz high frequency crystal oscillator (HFXO) provides a precise timing reference for the MCU and radio.• A 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator (LFXO) provides an accurate timing reference for low energy modes.• An integrated high frequency RC oscillator (HFRCO) is available for the  MCU system, when  crystal accuracy is not required. TheHFRCO employs fast startup at minimal energy consumption combined with a wide frequency range.• An integrated auxilliary high frequency RC oscillator (AUXHFRCO) is available for timing the general-purpose ADC and the SerialWire debug port with a wide frequency range.• An integrated low frequency 32.768 kHz RC oscillator (LFRCO) can be used as a timing reference in low energy modes, when crys-tal accuracy is not required.• An integrated ultra-low frequency 1 kHz RC oscillator (ULFRCO) is available to provide a timing reference at the lowest energy con-sumption in low energy modes.BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetSystem | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  5
3.6  Counters/Timers and PWM3.6.1  Timer/Counter (TIMER)TIMER peripherals keep track of timing, count events, generate PWM outputs and trigger timed actions in other peripherals through thePRS system. The core of each TIMER is a 16-bit counter with up to 4 compare/capture channels. Each channel is configurable in oneof three modes. In capture mode, the counter state is stored in a buffer at a selected input event. In compare mode, the channel outputreflects the comparison of the counter to a programmed threshold value. In PWM mode, the TIMER supports generation of pulse-widthmodulation  (PWM) outputs of  arbitrary  waveforms  defined by the  sequence  of  values written to the  compare  registers,  with optionaldead-time insertion available in timer unit TIMER_0 only.3.6.2  Real Time Counter and Calendar (RTCC)The Real Time  Counter  and Calendar (RTCC)  is  a 32-bit counter  providing  timekeeping in all  energy  modes. The RTCC  includes aBinary Coded Decimal (BCD) calendar mode for easy time and date keeping. The RTCC can be clocked by any of the on-board oscilla-tors with the exception of the AUXHFRCO, and it is capable of providing system wake-up at user defined instances. When receivingframes, the RTCC value can be used for timestamping. The RTCC includes 128 bytes of general purpose data retention, allowing easyand convenient data storage in all energy modes.3.6.3  Low Energy Timer (LETIMER)The unique LETIMER is a 16-bit timer that is available in energy mode EM2 Deep Sleep in addition to EM1 Sleep and EM0 Active. Thisallows it to be used for timing and output generation when most of the device is powered down, allowing simple tasks to be performedwhile the power consumption of the system is kept at an absolute minimum. The LETIMER can be used to output a variety of wave-forms with minimal software intervention. The LETIMER is connected to the Real Time Counter and Calendar (RTCC), and can be con-figured to start counting on compare matches from the RTCC.3.6.4  Ultra Low Power Wake-up Timer (CRYOTIMER)The CRYOTIMER is a 32-bit counter that is capable of running in all energy modes. It can be clocked by either the 32.768 kHz crystaloscillator (LFXO), the 32.768 kHz RC oscillator (LFRCO), or the 1 kHz RC oscillator (ULFRCO). It can provide periodic Wakeup eventsand PRS signals which can be used to wake up peripherals from any energy mode. The CRYOTIMER provides a wide range of inter-rupt periods, facilitating flexible ultra-low energy operation.3.6.5  Pulse Counter (PCNT)The Pulse Counter (PCNT) peripheral can be used for counting pulses on a single input or to decode quadrature encoded inputs. Theclock for PCNT is selectable from either an external source on pin PCTNn_S0IN or from an internal timing reference, selectable fromamong any of the internal oscillators, except the AUXHFRCO. The module may operate in energy mode EM0 Active, EM1 Sleep, EM2Deep Sleep, and EM3 Stop.3.6.6  Watchdog Timer (WDOG)The watchdog timer can act both as an independent watchdog or  as a  watchdog synchronous  with the  CPU clock. It has windowedmonitoring capabilities, and can generate a reset or different interrupts depending on the failure mode of the system. The watchdog canalso monitor autonomous systems driven by PRS.3.7  Communications and Other Digital Peripherals3.7.1  Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART)The  Universal  Synchronous/Asynchronous  Receiver/Transmitter  is  a  flexible  serial  I/O  module.  It  supports  full  duplex  asynchronousUART communication with hardware flow control as well as RS-485, SPI, MicroWire and 3-wire. It can also interface with devices sup-porting:• ISO7816 SmartCards• IrDA•I2SBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetSystem | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  6
3.7.2  Low Energy Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (LEUART)The unique LEUARTTM provides two-way UART communication on a strict power budget. Only a 32.768 kHz clock is needed to allowUART communication up  to 9600  baud. The LEUART  includes all necessary  hardware to  make asynchronous serial  communicationpossible with a minimum of software intervention and energy consumption.3.7.3  Inter-Integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)The I2C module provides an interface between the MCU and a serial I2C bus. It is capable of acting as both a master and a slave andsupports multi-master buses. Standard-mode, fast-mode and fast-mode plus speeds are supported, allowing transmission rates from 10kbit/s up to  1 Mbit/s. Slave  arbitration and  timeouts are also  available, allowing implementation  of an SMBus-compliant  system. Theinterface provided to software by the I2C module allows precise timing control of the transmission process and highly automated trans-fers. Automatic recognition of slave addresses is provided in active and low energy modes.3.7.4  Peripheral Reflex System (PRS)The Peripheral Reflex System provides a communication network between different peripheral modules without software involvement.Peripheral modules producing Reflex signals are called producers. The PRS routes Reflex signals from producers to consumer periph-erals which in turn perform actions in response. Edge triggers and other functionality can be applied by the PRS. The PRS allows pe-ripheral to act autonomously without waking the MCU core, saving power.3.8  Security Features3.8.1  GPCRC (General Purpose Cyclic Redundancy Check)The GPCRC module implements a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) function. It supports both 32-bit and 16-bit polynomials. The sup-ported 32-bit polynomial is 0x04C11DB7 (IEEE 802.3), while the 16-bit polynomial can be programmed to any value, depending on theneeds of the application.3.8.2  Crypto Accelerator (CRYPTO)The Crypto Accelerator is a fast and energy-efficient autonomous hardware encryption and decryption accelerator. It supports AES en-cryption and decryption with 128- or 256-bit keys and ECC over both GF(P) and GF(2m), SHA-1 and SHA-2 (SHA-224 and SHA-256).Supported modes of operation for AES include: ECB, CTR, CBC, PCBC, CFB, OFB, CBC-MAC, GMAC and CCM.Supported ECC NIST recommended curves include P-192, P-224, P-256, K-163, K-233, B-163 and B-233.The CRYPTO is tightly linked to the Radio Buffer Controller (BUFC) enabling fast and efficient autonomous cipher operations on databuffer content. It allows fast processing of GCM (AES), ECC and SHA with little CPU intervention. CRYPTO also provides trigger sig-nals for DMA read and write operations.3.9  Analog3.9.1  Analog Port (APORT)The Analog Port (APORT) is an analog interconnect matrix allowing  access to analog modules ADC, ACMP, and IDAC  on a flexibleselection of pins. Each APORT bus consists of analog switches connected to a common wire. Since many clients can operate differen-tially, buses are grouped by X/Y pairs.3.9.2  Analog Comparator (ACMP)The Analog Comparator is used to compare the voltage of two analog inputs, with a digital output indicating which input voltage is high-er. Inputs are selected from among internal references and external pins. The tradeoff between response time and current consumptionis  configurable  by  software.  Two  6-bit  reference  dividers  allow  for  a  wide  range  of  internally-programmable  reference  sources.  TheACMP can also be used to monitor the supply voltage. An interrupt can be generated when the supply falls below or rises above theprogrammable threshold.BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetSystem | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  7
3.9.3  Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)The ADC is  a Successive Approximation  Register (SAR)  architecture, with a  resolution of up  to 12 bits  at up to  1 MSamples/s.  Theoutput  sample  resolution  is  configurable  and  additional  resolution  is  possible  using  integrated  hardware  for  averaging  over  multiplesamples.  The  ADC  includes  integrated  voltage  references  and  an  integrated  temperature  sensor.  Inputs  are  selectable  from  a  widerange of sources, including pins configurable as either single-ended or differential.3.9.4  Digital to Analog Current Converter (IDAC)The Digital to Analog Current Converter can source or sink a configurable constant current. This current can be driven on an output pinor routed to the selected ADC input pin for capacitive sensing. The current is programmable between 0.05 µA and 64 µA with severalranges with various step sizes.3.10  Reset Management Unit (RMU)The RMU is responsible for handling reset of the BGM113. A wide range of reset sources are available, including several power supplymonitors, pin reset, software controlled reset, core lockup reset and watchdog reset.3.11  Core and Memory3.11.1  Processor CoreThe ARM Cortex-M4F processor includes a 32-bit RISC processor integrating the following features and tasks in the system:• ARM Cortex-M4F RISC processor achieving 1.25 Dhrystone MIPS/MHz• Memory Protection Unit (MPU) supporting up to 8 memory segments• 256 KB flash program memory• 32 KB RAM data memory• Configuration and event handling of all modules• 2-pin Serial-Wire debug interface3.11.2  Memory System Controller (MSC)The Memory System Controller (MSC) is the program memory unit of the microcontroller. The flash memory is readable and writablefrom both the Cortex-M and DMA. The flash memory is divided into two blocks; the main block and the information block. Program codeis normally written to the main block, whereas the information block is available for special user data and flash lock bits. There is also aread-only page in the information block containing system and device calibration data. Read and write operations are supported in en-ergy modes EM0 Active and EM1 Sleep.3.11.3  Linked Direct Memory Access Controller (LDMA)The Linked Direct Memory Access (LDMA) controller features 8 channels capable of performing memory operations independently ofsoftware. This reduces both energy consumption and software workload. The LDMA allows operations to be linked together and stag-ed, enabling sophisticated operations to be implemented.BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetSystem | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  8
3.12  Memory MapThe BGM113 memory map is shown in the figures below.Figure 3.2.  BGM113 Memory Map — Core Peripherals and Code SpaceBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetSystem | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  9
Figure 3.3.  BGM113 Memory Map — Peripherals3.13  Configuration SummaryThe features of the BGM113 are a subset of the feature set described in the device reference manual. The table below describes de-vice specific implementation of the features. Remaining modules support full configuration.Table 3.2.  Configuration SummaryModule Configuration Pin ConnectionsUSART0 IrDA SmartCard US0_TX, US0_RX, US0_CLK, US0_CSUSART1 IrDA I2S SmartCard US1_TX, US1_RX, US1_CLK, US1_CSTIMER0 with DTI TIM0_CC[2:0], TIM0_CDTI[2:0]TIMER1 TIM1_CC[3:0]BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetSystem | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  10
4.  Electrical Specifications4.1  Electrical CharacteristicsAll electrical parameters in all tables are specified under the following conditions, unless stated otherwise:• Typical values are based on TAMB=25 °C and VDD= 3.3 V, by production test and/or technology characterization.• Radio performance numbers are measured in conducted mode.• Minimum and maximum values represent the worst conditions across supply voltage, process variation, and an operating tempera-ture of -40 to +85 °C, unless stated otherwise.Refer to Table 4.2 General Operating Conditions on page 12 for more details about operational supply and temperature limits.4.1.1  Absolute Maximum RatingsStresses above those listed below may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation ofthe devices at those or any other conditions above those indicated in the operation listings of this specification is not implied. Exposureto maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Table 4.1.  Absolute Maximum RatingsParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitStorage temperature range TSTG -50 — 150 °CExternal main supply voltage VDDMAX 0 — 3.8 VExternal main supply voltageramp rateVDDRAMPMAX — — 1 V / μsVoltage on any 5V tolerantGPIO pin1VDIGPIN -0.3 — Min of 5.25and IOVDD+2VVoltage on non-5V tolerantGPIO pins-0.3 — IOVDD+0.3 VTotal current into VSS groundlines (sink)IVSSMAX — — 200 mACurrent per I/O pin (sink) IIOMAX — — 50 mACurrent per I/O pin (source) — — 50 mACurrent for all I/O pins (sink) IIOALLMAX — — 200 mACurrent for all I/O pins(source)— — 200 mANote:1. When a GPIO pin is routed to the analog module through the APORT, the maximum voltage = IOVDD. BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  11
4.1.2  Operating Conditions4.1.2.1  General Operating ConditionsTable 4.2.  General Operating ConditionsParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitOperating temperature range TOP -G temperature grade -40 25 85 °CVDD Operating supply volt-ageVDD DCDC in regulation 2.4 3.3 3.8 VDCDC in bypass 50mA load TBD 3.3 3.8 VHFCLK frequency fCORE 0 wait-states (MODE = WS0) — — 26 MHz1 wait-states (MODE = WS1) — 38.4 38.4 MHzBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  12
4.1.3  Current Consumption4.1.3.1  Current Consumption 1.85 V without DC-DC ConverterEMU_PWRCFG_PWRCG=NODCDC. EMU_DCDCCTRL_DCDCMODE=BYPASS. See 5.1 Power, Ground, Debug and UART.Table 4.3.  Current Consumption 1.85V without DC/DCParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitCurrent consumption in EM0Active mode with radio disa-bled, All peripherals disabledIACTIVE 38.4 MHz crystal, CPU runningwhile loop from flash— 128 — μA/MHz38 MHz HFRCO, CPU runningPrime from flash— 87 — μA/MHz38 MHz HFRCO, CPU runningwhile loop from flash— 103 — μA/MHz38 MHz HFRCO, CPU runningCoreMark from flash— 112 — μA/MHz26 MHz HFRCO, CPU runningwhile loop from flash— 105 — μA/MHz1 MHz HFRCO, CPU runningwhile loop from flash— 235 — μA/MHzCurrent consumption in EM1Sleep mode with radio disa-bled. All peripherals disabledIEM1 38.4 MHz crystal — 61 — μA/MHz38 MHz HFRCO — 35 — μA/MHz26 MHz HFRCO — 37 — μA/MHz1 MHz HFRCO — 167 — μA/MHzCurrent consumption in EM2Deep Sleep mode.IEM2 Full RAM retention and RTCCrunning from LFXO— 3.36 — μA4 kB RAM retention and RTCCrunning from LFRCO— 3.13 — μACurrent consumption in EM3Stop modeIEM3 Full RAM retention and CRYO-TIMER running from ULFRCO— 2.84 — μACurrent consumption inEM4H Hibernate modeIEM4 128 byte RAM retention, RTCCrunning from LFXO—1.08 — μA128 byte RAM retention, CRYO-TIMER running from ULFRCO— 0.64 — μA128 byte RAM retention, no RTCC — 0.63 — μACurrent consumption inEM4S Shutoff modeIEM4S No RAM retention, no RTCC — 0.02 — μABGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  13  Current Consumption 3.3 V without DC-DC ConverterEMU_PWRCFG_PWRCG=NODCDC. EMU_DCDCCTRL_DCDCMODE=BYPASS. See 5.1 Power, Ground, Debug and UART.Table 4.4.  Current Consumption 3.3V without DC/DCParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitCurrent consumption in EM0Active mode with radio disa-bled, All peripherals disabledIACTIVE 38.4 MHz crystal, CPU runningwhile loop from flash— 129 — μA/MHz38 MHz HFRCO, CPU runningPrime from flash— 87 — μA/MHz38 MHz HFRCO, CPU runningwhile loop from flash— 103 — μA/MHz38 MHz HFRCO, CPU runningCoreMark from flash— 112 — μA/MHz26 MHz HFRCO, CPU runningwhile loop from flash— 105 — μA/MHz1 MHz HFRCO, CPU runningwhile loop from flash— 237 — μA/MHzCurrent consumption in EM1Sleep mode with radio disa-bled. All peripherals disabledIEM1 38.4 MHz crystal — 61 — μA/MHz38 MHz HFRCO — 35 — μA/MHz26 MHz HFRCO — 37 — μA/MHz1 MHz HFRCO — 170 — μA/MHzCurrent consumption in EM2Deep Sleep mode.IEM2 Full RAM retention and RTCCrunning from LFXO— 3.47 — μA4 kB RAM retention and RTCCrunning from LFRCO— 3.35 — μACurrent consumption in EM3Stop modeIEM3 Full RAM retention and CRYO-TIMER running from ULFRCO— 2.92 — μACurrent consumption inEM4H Hibernate modeIEM4 128 byte RAM retention, RTCCrunning from LFXO—1.13 — μA128 byte RAM retention, CRYO-TIMER running from ULFRCO— 0.67 — μA128 byte RAM retention, no RTCC — 0.66 — μACurrent consumption inEM4S Shutoff modeIEM4S no RAM retention, no RTCC — 0.04 — μABGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  14  Current Consumption 3.3 V using DC-DC ConverterTable 4.5.  Current Consumption 3.3V with DC/DCParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitCurrent consumption in EM0Active mode with radio disa-bled. All peripherals disa-bled, DCDC in LowNoisemodeIACTIVE 38.4 MHz crystal, CPU runningwhile loop from flash.— 87 — μA/MHz38 MHz HFRCO, CPU runningPrime from flash— 63 — μA/MHz38 MHz HFRCO, CPU runningwhile loop from flash— 72 — μA/MHz38 MHz HFRCO, CPU runningCoreMark from flash— 78 — μA/MHz26 MHz HFRCO, CPU runningwhile loop from flash— 79 — μA/MHzCurrent consumption in EM1Sleep mode with radio disa-bled. All peripherals disa-bled, DCDC in LowPowermode.IEM1 38.4 MHz crystal — 39 — μA/MHz38 MHz HFRCO — 23 — μA/MHz26 MHz HFRCO — 25 — μA/MHz1 MHz HFRCO — 142 — μA/MHzCurrent consumption in EM2Deep Sleep mode.IEM2 Full RAM retention and RTCCrunning from LFXO— 1.4 — μA4 kB RAM retention and RTCCrunning from LFRCO— 1.4 — μACurrent consumption in EM3Stop modeIEM3 Full RAM retention and CRYO-TIMER running from ULFRCO— 1.1 — μACurrent consumption inEM4H Hibernate modeIEM4 128 byte RAM retention, RTCCrunning from LFXO—0.9 — μA128 byte RAM retention, CRYO-TIMER running from ULFRCO— 0.6 — μA128 byte RAM retention, no RTCC — 0.6 — μACurrent consumption inEM4S Shutoff modeIEM4S no RAM retention, no RTCC — 0.03 — μABGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  15  Current Consumption Using RadioTable 4.6.  Current Consumption Using Radio 3.3 V with DC-DCParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitCurrent consumption in re-ceive mode, active packetreception (MCU in EM1 @38.4 MHz, peripheral clocksdisabled)IRX 1 Mbit/s, 2GFSK, F = 2.4 GHz,Radio clock prescaled by 4— 8.7 — mACurrent consumption intransmit mode (MCU in EM1@ 38.4 MHz, peripheralclocks disabled)ITX CW, 0 dBm, F = 2.4 GHz, Radioclock prescaled by 3— 8.8 — mACW, 3 dBm, F = 2.4 GHz — 17.6 — mARFSENSE current consump-tionIRFSENSE — 51 — nA4.1.4  Wake up timesTable 4.7.  Wake up timesParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitWake up from EM2 DeepSleeptEM2_WU Code execution from flash — 10.7 — μsCode execution from RAM — 3 — μsWakeup time from EM1SleeptEM1_WU Executing from flash — 3 — AHBClocksExecuting from RAM — 3 — AHBClocksWake up from EM3 Stop tEM3_WU Executing from flash — 10.7 — μsExecuting from RAM — 3 — μsWake up from EM4H Hiber-nate 1tEM4H_WU Executing from flash — 60 — μsWake up from EM4S Shut-off1tEM4S_WU — 290 — μsNote:1. Time from wakeup request until first instruction is executed. Wakeup results in device reset. BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  16
4.1.5  Brown Out DetectorTable 4.8.  Brown Out DetectorParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitDVDDBOD threshold VDVDDBOD DVDD rising — — TBD VDVDD falling TBD — — VDVDD BOD hysteresis VDVDDBOD_HYST — 24 — mVDVDD response time tDVDDBOD_DELAY Supply drops at 0.1V/μs rate — 2.4 — μsAVDD BOD threshold VAVDDBOD AVDD rising — — 1.85 VAVDD falling TBD — — VAVDD BOD hysteresis VAVDDBOD_HYST — 21 — mVAVDD response time tAVDDBOD_DELAY Supply drops at 0.1V/μs rate — 2.4 — μsEM4 BOD threshold VEM4DBOD AVDD rising — — TBD VAVDD falling TBD — — VEM4 BOD hysteresis VEM4BOD_HYST — 46 — mVEM4 response time tEM4BOD_DELAY Supply drops at 0.1V/μs rate — 300 — μs4.1.6  Frequency Synthesizer CharacteristicsTable 4.9.  Frequency Synthesizer CharacteristicsParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitRF Synthesizer FrequencyrangeFRANGE_2400 2.4 GHz frequency range 2400 — 2483.5 MHzLO tuning frequency resolu-tion with 38.4 MHz crystalFRES_2400 2400 - 2483.5 MHz — — 73 HzMaximum frequency devia-tion with 38.4 MHz crystalΔFMAX_2400 —— 1677 kHzBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  17
4.1.7  2.4 GHz RF Transceiver Characteristics4.1.7.1  RF Transmitter Characteristics for Bluetooth Smart in the 2.4 GHz BandTable 4.10.  RF Transmitter Characteristics for Bluetooth Smart in the 2.4GHz BandParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitTransmit 6dB bandwidth TXBW — 740 — kHzPower spectral density limit PSDLIMIT Per FCC part 15.247 — -6.5 — dBm/3kHzPer ETSI 300.328 at 10 dBm/1MHz— 10 — dBmOccupied channel bandwidthper ETSI EN300.328OCPETSI328 99% BW at highest and lowestchannels in band— 1.1 — MHzIn-band spurious emissions,with allowed exceptions1SPURINB At ±2 MHz — -39.8 — dBmAt ±3 MHz — -42.1 — dBmEmissions of harmonics out-of-band, per FCC part15.247SPURHRM_FCC 2nd,3rd, 5, 6, 8, 9,10 harmonics;continuous transmission of modu-lated carrier— -47.3 — dBmSpurious emissions out-of-band, per FCC part 15.247,excluding harmonics cap-tured in SPURHARM,FCC. Re-stricted BandsSPUROOB_FCC Above 2.483 GHz or below 2.4GHz; continuous transmission ofmodulated carrier2— -47 — dBmSpurious emissions out-of-band, per FCC part 15.247,excluding harmonics cap-tured in SPURHARM,FCC.Non Restricted BandsAbove 2.483 GHz or below 2.4GHz; continuous transmission ofmodulated carrier— -26 — dBcSpurious emissions out-of-band; per ETSI 300.328SPURETSI328 [2400-BW to 2400] MHz, [2483.5to 2483.5+BW] MHz— -16 — dBm[2400-2BW to 2400-BW] MHz,[2483.5+BW to 2483.5+2BW]MHz per ETSI 300.328— -26 — dBmSpurious emissions per ETSIEN300.440SPURETSI440 47-74 MHz,87.5-108 MHz,174-230 MHz, 470-862 MHz— -60 — dBm25-1000 MHz — -42 — dBm1-12 GHz — -36 — dBmNote:1. Per Bluetooth Core_4.2, Section 3.2.2, exceptions are allowed in up to three bands of 1 MHz width, centered on a frequencywhich is an integer multiple of 1 MHz. These exceptions shall have an absolute value of -20 dBm or less.2. For 2480 Mhz, a maximum duty cycle of 20% is used to achieve this value. BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  18  RF Receiver Characteristics for Bluetooth Smart in the 2.4 GHz BandTable 4.11.  RF Receiver Characteristics for Bluetooth Smart in the 2.4GHz BandParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitMax usable receiver inputlevel, 0.1% BERSAT Signal is reference signal1. Packetlength is 20 bytes.— 10 — dBmSensitivity, 0.1% BER SENS With dirty transmitter as defined inCore_4.1— -91.8 — dBmSignal to co-channel interfer-er, 0.1% BERC/ICC Desired signal 3 dB above refer-ence sensitivity— 8.3 — dBN+1 adjacent channel (1MHz) selectivity, 0.1% BER,with allowable exceptions.Desired is reference signal at-67 dBmC/I1+ Interferer is reference signal at +1MHz offset. Desired frequency2402 MHz ≤ Fc ≤ 2480 MHz— -3 — dBN-1 adjacent channel (1MHz) selectivity, 0.1% BER,with allowable exceptions.Desired is reference signal at-67 dBmC/I1- Interferer is reference signal at -1MHz offset. Desired frequency2402 MHz ≤ Fc ≤ 2480 MHz— -0.5 — dBAlternate (2 MHz) selectivity,0.1% BER, with allowableexceptions. Desired is refer-ence signal at -67 dBmC/I2Interferer is reference signal at ± 2MHz offset. Desired frequency2402 MHz ≤ Fc ≤ 2480 MHz— -43 — dBAlternate (3 MHz) selectivity,0.1% BER, with allowableexceptions. Desired is refer-ence signal at -67 dBmC/I3Interferer is reference signal at ±3MHz offset. Desired frequency2404 MHz ≤ Fc ≤ 2480 MHz— -46.7 — dBSelectivity to image frequen-cy, 0.1% BER. Desired is ref-erence signal at -67 dBmC/IIM Interferer is reference signal at im-age frequency with 1 MHz preci-sion— -38.7 — dBSelectivity to image frequen-cy +1 MHz, 0.1% BER. De-sired is reference signal at-67 dBmC/IIM+1 Interferer is reference signal at im-age frequency +1 MHz with 1MHz precision— -48.2 — dBBlocking, 0.1% BER, Desiredis reference signal at -67dBm. Interferer is CW inOOB range.BLOCKOOB Interferer frequency 30 MHz ≤ f ≤2000 MHz—-27 — dBmInterferer frequency 2003 MHz ≤ f≤ 2399 MHz— -32 — dBmInterferer frequency 2484 MHz ≤ f≤ 2997 MHz— -32 — dBmInterferer frequency 3 GHz ≤ f ≤12.75 GHz— -27 — dBmIntermodulation performanceper Core_4.1, Vol 6 Section4.4 (n = 3 alternative), 0.1%BER.IM Desired is reference signal at 6dBabove reference sensitivity level.Interferer 1 is CW at level IMBLE.Interferer 2 is reference signal atIMBLE.— -33 — dBmBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  19
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitUpper limit of input powerrange over which RSSI reso-lution is maintainedRSSIMAX 4 — — dBmLower limit of input powerrange over which RSSI reso-lution is maintainedRSSIMIN — — -101 dBmRSSI resolution RSSIRES Over RSSIMIN to RSSIMAX — — 0.5 dBNote:1. Reference signal is defined 2GFSK at -67 dBm, Modulation index = 0.5, BT = 0.5, Bit rate = 1 Mbps, desired data = PRBS9;interferer data = PRBS15; frequency accuracy better than 1 ppm BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  20
4.1.8  Oscillators4.1.8.1  LFXOTable 4.12.  LFXOParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitCrystal frequency fLFXO — 32.768 — kHzCurrent consumption afterstartupILFXO GAIN1, AGC1— 273 — nAStart- up time tLFXO GAIN1— 308 — msNote:1. In CMU_LFXOCTRL register  HFXOTable 4.13.  HFXOParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitCrystal Frequency fHFXO 38.4 MHzStartup time tHFXO 38.4 MHz: BOOST1 = 2 — 300 — μsFrequency Tolerance for thecrystalFTHFXO 38.4 MHz -25 — 25 ppmNote:1. In CMU_HFXOCTRL register  LFRCOTable 4.14.  LFRCOParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitOscillation frequency fLFRCO ENVREF = 1 inCMU_LFRCOCTRLTBD 32.768 TBD kHzENVREF = 0 inCMU_LFRCOCTRLTBD 32.768 TBD kHzStartup time tLFRCO — 500 — μsCurrent consumption 1ILFRCO ENVREF = 1 inCMU_LFRCOCTRL— 342 — nAENVREF = 0 inCMU_LFRCOCTRL— 494 — nANote:1. Block is supplied by AVDD if ANASW = 0, or DVDD if ANASW=1 in EMU_PWRCTRL register BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  21  HFRCO and AUXHFRCOTable 4.15.  HFRCO and AUXHFRCOParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitOscillation frequency fHFRCO 38 MHz frequency band TBD 38 TBD MHz32 MHz frequency band TBD 32 TBD MHz26 MHz frequency band TBD 26 TBD MHz19 MHz frequency band TBD 19 TBD MHz16 MHz frequency band TBD 16 TBD MHz13 MHz frequency band TBD 13 TBD MHz7 MHz frequency band TBD 7 TBD MHz4 MHz frequency band TBD 4 TBD MHz2 MHz frequency band TBD 2 TBD MHz1 MHz frequency band TBD 1 TBD MHzStart-up time tHFRCO fHFRCO ≥ 19 MHz — 300 — ns4 < fHFRCO < 19 MHz — 1 — μsfHFRCO ≤ 4 MHz — 2.5 — μsCurrent consumption onDVDDIHFRCODIG fHFRCO = 38 MHz — 43 — μAfHFRCO = 32 MHz — 37 — μAfHFRCO = 26 MHz — 31 — μAfHFRCO = 19 MHz — 25 TBD μAfHFRCO = 16 MHz — 22 — μAfHFRCO = 13 MHz — 19 — μAfHFRCO = 7 MHz — 12 — μAfHFRCO = 4 MHz — 10 — μAfHFRCO = 2 MHz — 8 — μAfHFRCO = 1 MHz — 7 — μACurrent consumption onAVDD 1IHFRCOANA fHFRCO = 38 MHz — 161 — μAfHFRCO = 32 MHz — 134 — μAfHFRCO = 26 MHz — 116 — μAfHFRCO = 19 MHz — 101 TBD μAfHFRCO = 16 MHz — 88 — μAfHFRCO = 13 MHz — 81 — μAfHFRCO = 7 MHz — 69 — μAfHFRCO = 4 MHz — 23 — μAfHFRCO = 2 MHz — 23 — μAfHFRCO = 1 MHz — 23 — μABGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  22
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitStep size SSHFRCO Coarse (% of period) — 0.8 — %Fine (% of period) — 0.1 — %Period Jitter PJHFRCO — 0.2 — % RMSNote:1. Current consumption on DVDD instead if ANASW=1 in EMU_PWRCTRL register  ULFRCOTable 4.16.  ULFRCOParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitOscillation frequency fULFRCO TBD 1 TBD kHz4.1.9  Flash Memory CharacteristicsTable 4.17.  Flash Memory Characteristics1Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitFlash erase cycles beforefailureECFLASH 10000 — — cyclesFlash data retention RETFLASH TAMB<85°C 10 — — yearsWord (32-bit) programmingtimetW_PROG 20 26 40 μsPage erase time tPERASE 20 27 40 msMass erase time tMERASE 20 27 40 msDevice erase time2tDERASE — 60 TBD msPage erase current3IERASE — — 3 mAMass or Device erase cur-rent3— — 5 mAWrite current3IWRITE — — 3 mANote:1. Flash data retention information is published in the Quarterly Quality and Reliability Report.2. Device erase is issued over the AAP interface and erases all flash, SRAM, the Lock Bit (LB) page, and the User data page LockWord (ULW)3. Measured at 25°C BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  23
4.1.10  GPIOTable 4.18.  GPIOParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitInput low voltage VIOIL — — IOVDD*0.3 VInput high voltage VIOIH IOVDD*0.7 — — VOutput high voltage relativeto IOVDDVIOOH Sourcing 3 mA, VDD ≥ 3 V,DRIVESTRENGTH1 = WEAKIOVDD*0.8 — — VSourcing 1.2 mA, VDD ≥ 1.62 V,DRIVESTRENGTH1 = WEAKIOVDD*0.6 — — VSourcing 20 mA, VDD ≥ 3 V,DRIVESTRENGTH1 = STRONGIOVDD*0.8 — — VSourcing 8 mA, VDD ≥ 1.62 V,DRIVESTRENGTH1 = STRONGIOVDD*0.6 — — VOutput low voltage relative toIOVDDVIOOL Sinking 3 mA, VDD ≥ 3 V,DRIVESTRENGTH1 = WEAK— — IOVDD*0.2 VSinking 1.2 mA, VDD ≥ 1.62 V,DRIVESTRENGTH1 = WEAK— — IOVDD*0.4 VSinking 20 mA, VDD ≥ 3 V,DRIVESTRENGTH1 = STRONG— — IOVDD*0.2 VSinking 8 mA, VDD ≥ 1.62 V,DRIVESTRENGTH1 = STRONG— — IOVDD*0.4 VInput leakage current IIOLEAK GPIO ≤ IOVDD — 0.1 TBD nAInput leakage current on5VTOL pads above IOVDDI5VTOLLEAK IOVDD < GPIO ≤ IOVDD + 2 V — 3.3 15 μAI/O pin pull-up resistor RPU TBD 43 TBD kΩI/O pin pull-down resistor RPD TBD 43 TBD kΩPulse width of pulses re-moved by the glitch suppres-sion filtertIOGLITCH TBD 25 TBD nsOutput fall time, From 70%to 30% of VIOtIOOF CL = 50 pF,DRIVESTRENGTH1 = STRONG,SLEWRATE1 = 0x6— 1.8 — nsCL = 50 pF,DRIVESTRENGTH1 = WEAK,SLEWRATE1 = 0x6— 4.5 — nsBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  24
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitOutput rise time, From 30%to 70% of VIOtIOOR CL = 50 pF,DRIVESTRENGTH1 = STRONG,SLEWRATE = 0x61— 2.2 — nsCL = 50 pF,DRIVESTRENGTH1 = WEAK,SLEWRATE1 = 0x6— 7.4 — nsNote:1. In GPIO_Pn_CTRL register 4.1.11  VMONTable 4.19.  VMONParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitVMON Supply Current IVMON In EM0 or EM1, 1 supply moni-tored— 5.8 — μAIn EM0 or EM1, 4 supplies moni-tored— 11.8 — μAIn EM2, EM3 or EM4, 1 supplymonitored— 62 — nAIn EM2, EM3 or EM4, 4 suppliesmonitored— 99 — nAVMON Loading of MonitoredSupplyISENSE In EM0 or EM1 — 2 — μAIn EM2, EM3 or EM4 — 2 — nAThreshold range VVMON_RANGE TBD — TBD VThreshold step size NVMON_STESP Coarse — 200 — mVFine — 20 — mVResponse time tVMON_RES Supply drops at 1V/μs rate — 460 — nsHysteresis VVMON_HYST — 26 — mVBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  25
4.1.12  ADCTable 4.20.  ADCParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitResolution VRESOLUTION 6 — 12 BitsInput voltage range VADCIN Single ended 0 — 2*VREF VDifferential -VREF — VREF VInput range of external refer-ence voltage, single endedand differentialVADCREFIN_P 1 — VAVDD VPower supply rejection1PSRRADC At DC — 80 — dBAnalog input common moderejection ratioCMRRADC At DC — 80 — dBCurrent on DVDD, using in-ternal reference buffer. Con-tinous operation. WARMUP-MODE2 = KEEPADCWARMIADCDIG_CONTI-NOUS1 Msps / 16 MHz ADCCLK,BIASPROG3 = 0— 40 — μA250 ksps / 4 MHz ADCCLK, BIA-SPROG3 = 6— 15 — μA62.5 ksps / 1 MHz ADCCLK,BIASPROG3 = 15— 9 — μACurrent on DVDD, using in-ternal reference buffer. Duty-cycled operation. WARMUP-MODE2 = NORMALIADCDIG_NORMAL 35 ksps / 16 MHz ADCCLK,BIASPROG3 = 0—40 — μA5 ksps / 16 MHz ADCCLKBIASPROG3 = 0— 5 — μACurrent on DVDD, using in-ternal reference buffer. Duty-cycled operation. AWAR-MUPMODE2 = KEEPIN-STANDBY or KEEPINSLO-WACCIADCDIG_STAND-BY125 ksps / 16 MHz ADCCLK,BIASPROG3 = 0— 12 — μA35 ksps / 16 MHz ADCCLK,BIASPROG3 = 0— 6 — μACurrent on AVDD4, using in-ternal reference buffer. Con-tinous operation. WARMUP-MODE2 = KEEPADCWARMIADCANA_CONTI-NOUS1 Msps / 16 MHz ADCCLK,BIASPROG3 = 0— 286 — μA250 ksps / 4 MHz ADCCLK, BIA-SPROG3 = 6— 155 — μA62.5 ksps / 1 MHz ADCCLK,BIASPROG3 = 15— 102 — μACurrent on AVDD4 , using in-ternal reference buffer. Duty-cycled operation. WARMUP-MODE2 = NORMALIADCANA_NORMAL 35 ksps / 16 MHz ADCCLK,BIASPROG3 = 0— 35 — μA5 ksps / 16 MHz ADCCLK,BIASPROG3 = 0— 5 — μABGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  26
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitCurrent on AVDD4, using in-ternal reference buffer. Duty-cycled operation. WARMUP-MODE2 = KEEPINSTANDBYor KEEPINSLOWACCIADCANA_STAND-BY125 ksps / 16 MHz ADCCLK,BIASPROG3 = 0—110 — μA35 ksps / 16 MHz ADCCLK,BIASPROG3 = 0— 80 — μAADC Clock Frequency fADCCLK — — 16 MHzThroughput rate fADCRATE — — 1 MspsConversion time5tADCCONV 6 bit — 7 — cycles8 bit — 9 — cycles12 bit — 13 — cyclesStartup time of referencegenerator and ADC core inNORMAL modetADCSTART WARMUPMODE2 = NORMAL — — 5 μsFrom standby mode WARMUPMODE2 = KEEPIN-STANDBY or KEEPINSLOWACC— — 1 μsSNDR at 1Msps and fin =10kHzSNDRADC Internal reference, 2.5 V full-scale,differential (-1.25, 1.25)TBD 67 — dBvrefp_in = 1.25 V direct mode with2.5 V full-scale, differential— 68 — dBSpurious-Free DynamicRange (SFDR)SFDRADC 1 MSamples/s, 10 kHz full-scalesine wave— 75 — dBInput referred ADC noise,rmsVREF_NOISE Including quantization noise anddistortion— 380 — μVOffset Error VADCOFFSETERR TBD 1 TBD LSBGain error in ADC VADC_GAIN Using internal reference — -0.2 TBD %Using external reference — -1 — %Differential non-linearity(DNL)DNLADC 12 bit resolution -1 — TBD LSBIntegral non-linearity (INL),End point methodINLADC 12 bit resolution TBD — TBD LSBTemperature Sensor Slope VTS_SLOPE — -1.84 — mV/°CNote:1. PSRR is referenced to AVDD when ANASW=0 and to DVDD when ANASW=1 in EMU_PWRCTRL2. In ADCn_CNTL register3. In ADCn_BIASPROG register4. Current consumption on DVDD instead if ANASW=1 in EMU_PWRCTRL register5. Derived from ADCCLK BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  27
4.1.13  IDACTable 4.21.  IDACParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitNumber of Ranges NIDAC_RANGES — 4 — -Output Current IIDAC_OUT RANGSEL1 = RANGE0 0.05 — 1.6 μARANGSEL1 = RANGE1 1.6 — 4.7 μARANGSEL1 = RANGE2 0.5 — 16 μARANGSEL1 = RANGE3 2 — 64 μALinear steps within eachrangeNIDAC_STEPS — 32 —Step size SSIDAC RANGSEL1 = RANGE0 — 50 — nARANGSEL1 = RANGE1 — 100 — nARANGSEL1 = RANGE2 — 500 — nARANGSEL1 = RANGE3 — 2 — μATotal Accuracy, STEPSEL1 =0x10ACCIDAC EM0 or EM1, AVDD=3.3 V, T = 25°CTBD — TBD %EM0 or EM1 TBD — TBD %EM2 or EM3 TBD — TBD %Start up time tIDAC_SU Output within 1% of steady statevalue— 5 — μsSettling time, (output settledwithin 1% of steady state val-ue)tIDAC_SETTLE Range setting is changed — 5 — μsStep value is changed — 1 — μsCurrent consumption in EM0or EM1 2IIDAC Source mode, excluding outputcurrent— 8.9 — μASink mode, excluding output cur-rent— 12 — μAOutput voltage compliance insource mode, source currentchange relative to currentsourced at 0 VICOMP_SRC RANGESEL1=0, output voltage =min(VIOVDD, VAVDD2-100 mv)— 0.16 — %RANGESEL1=1, output voltage =min(VIOVDD, VAVDD2-100 mV)— 0.08 — %RANGESEL1=2, output voltage =min(VIOVDD, VAVDD2-150 mV)—0.03 — %RANGESEL1=3, output voltage =min(VIOVDD, VAVDD2-250 mV)—0.03 — %BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  28
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitOutput voltage compliance insink mode, sink currentchange relative to currentsunk at IOVDDICOMP_SINK RANGESEL1=0, output voltage =100 mV— 0.82 — %RANGESEL1=1, output voltage =100 mV— 0.65 — %RANGESEL1=2, output voltage =150 mV— 0.4 — %RANGESEL1=3, output voltage =250 mV— 0.25 — %Note:1. In IDAC_CURPROG register2. The IDAC is supplied by either AVDD, DVDD, or IOVDD based on the setting of ANASW in the EMU_PWRCTRL register andPWRSEL in the IDAC_CTRL register. Setting PWRSEL to 1 selects IOVDD. With PWRSEL cleared to 0, ANASW selects be-tween AVDD (0) and DVDD (1). BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  29
4.1.14  Analog Comparator (ACMP)Table 4.22.  ACMPParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitInput voltage range VACMPIN CMPVDD =ACMPn_CTRL_PWRSEL 10 — CMPVDD VActive current not includingvoltage referenceIACMP BIASPROG2 = 1, FULLBIAS2 = 0 — 50 — nABIASPROG2 = 0x10, FULLBIAS2= 0— 306 — nABIASPROG2 = 0x20, FULLBIAS2= 1— 74 TBD μACurrent consumption of inter-nal voltage reference,IACMPREF VLP selected as input using 2.5 VReference / 4 (0.625 V)— 50 — nAVLP selected as input using VDD — 20 — nAVBDIV selected as input using1.25 V reference / 1— 4.1 — μAVADIV selected as input usingVDD/1— 2.4 — μAHysteresis VACMPHYST HYSTSEL3 = HYST0 — 0 TBD mVHYSTSEL3 = HYST1 — 12 — mVHYSTSEL3 = HYST2 — 22 — mVHYSTSEL3 = HYST3 — 30 — mVHYSTSEL3 = HYST4 — 36 — mVHYSTSEL3 = HYST5 — 41 — mVHYSTSEL3 = HYST6 — 47 — mVHYSTSEL3 = HYST7 — 52 — mVComparator delay tACMPDELAY BIASPROG2 = 1, FULLBIAS2 = 04— 30 — μsBIASPROG2 = 0x10, FULLBIAS2= 0 4— 3.7 — μsBIASPROG2 = 0x20, FULLBIAS2= 1 4— 35 — nsOffset voltage VACMPOFFSET BIASPROG2 =0x20, FULLBIAS2= 1 4— — TBD mVReference Voltage VACMPREF Internal 1.25 V reference TBD 1.25 TBD VInternal 2.5 V reference TBD 2.5 TBD VBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  30
Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitCapacitive Sense InternalResistanceRCSRES CSRESSEL5 = 0 — inf — kΩCSRESSEL5 = 1 — 15 — kΩCSRESSEL5 = 2 — 27 — kΩCSRESSEL5 = 3 — 39 — kΩCSRESSEL5 = 4 — 51 — kΩCSRESSEL5 = 5 — 102 — kΩCSRESSEL5 = 6 — 164 — kΩCSRESSEL5 = 7 — 239 — kΩNote:1. CMPVDD is a supply chosen by the setting in ACMPn_CTRL_PWRSEL and may be IOVDD, AVDD or DVDD2. In ACMPn_CTRL register3. In ACMPn_HYSTERESIS register4. ± 100 mV differential5. In ACMPn_INPUTSEL register The total ACMP current is the sum of the contributions from the ACMP and its internal voltage reference as given as:IACMPTOTAL = IACMP + IACMPREFIACMPREF is zero if an external voltage reference is used.BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  31
4.1.15  I2CI2C Standard-mode (Sm)Table 4.23.  I2C Standard-mode (Sm)1Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitSCL clock frequency2fSCL 0 — 100 kHzSCL clock low time tLOW 4.7 — — μsSCL clock high time tHIGH 4 — — μsSDA set-up time tSU,DAT 250 — — nsSDA hold time3tHD,DAT 100 — 3450 nsRepeated START conditionset-up timetSU,STA 4.7 — — μs(Repeated) START conditionhold timetHD,STA 4 — — μsSTOP condition set-up time tSU,STO 4 — — μsBus free time between aSTOP and START conditiontBUF 4.7 — — μsNote:1. For CLHR set to 0 in the I2Cn_CTRL register2. For the minimum HFPERCLK frequency required in Standard-mode, refer to the I2C chapter in the reference manual3. The maximum SDA hold time (tHD,DAT) needs to be met only when the device does not stretch the low time of SCL (tLOW) BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  32
I2C Fast-mode (Fm)Table 4.24.  I2C Fast-mode (Fm)1Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitSCL clock frequency2fSCL 0 — 400 kHzSCL clock low time tLOW 1.3 — — μsSCL clock high time tHIGH 0.6 — — μsSDA set-up time tSU,DAT 100 — — nsSDA hold time3tHD,DAT 100 — 900 nsRepeated START conditionset-up timetSU,STA 0.6 — — μs(Repeated) START conditionhold timetHD,STA 0.6 — — μsSTOP condition set-up time tSU,STO 0.6 — — μsBus free time between aSTOP and START conditiontBUF 1.3 — — μsNote:1. For CLHR set to 1 in the I2Cn_CTRL register2. For the minimum HFPERCLK frequency required in Fast-mode, refer to the I2C chapter in the reference manual3. The maximum SDA hold time (tHD,DAT) needs to be met only when the device does not stretch the low time of SCL (tLOW) I2C Fast-mode Plus (Fm+)Table 4.25.  I2C Fast-mode Plus (Fm+)1Parameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitSCL clock frequency2fSCL 0 — 1000 kHzSCL clock low time tLOW 0.5 — — μsSCL clock high time tHIGH 0.26 — — μsSDA set-up time tSU,DAT 50 — — nsSDA hold time tHD,DAT 100 — — nsRepeated START conditionset-up timetSU,STA 0.26 — — μs(Repeated) START conditionhold timetHD,STA 0.26 — — μsSTOP condition set-up time tSU,STO 0.26 — — μsBus free time between aSTOP and START conditiontBUF 0.5 — — μsNote:1. For CLHR set to 0 or 1 in the I2Cn_CTRL register2. For the minimum HFPERCLK frequency required in Fast-mode Plus, refer to the I2C chapter in the reference manual BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  33
4.1.16  USART SPISPI Master TimingTable 4.26.  SPI Master TimingParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitSCLK period 1, 2 tSCLK 2 *tHFPERCLK— — nsCS to MOSI 1, 2 tCS_MO 0 — 8 nsSCLK to MOSI 1, 2 tSCLK_MO 3 — 20 nsMISO setup time 1, 2 tSU_MI IOVDD = 1.98 V 56 — — nsIOVDD = 3.0 V 37 — — nsMISO hold time 1, 2tH_MI 6 — — nsNote:1. Applies for both CLKPHA = 0 and CLKPHA = 1 (figure only shows CLKPHA = 0)2. Measurement done with 8 pF output loading at 10% and 90% of VDD (figure shows 50% of VDD) CSSCLKCLKPOL = 0MOSIMISOtCS_MOtH_MItSU_MItSCKL_MOtSCLKSCLKCLKPOL = 1Figure 4.1.  SPI Master Timing DiagramBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  34
SPI Slave TimingTable 4.27.  SPI Slave TimingParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitSCKL period 1, 2 tSCLK_sl 2 *tHFPERCLK— — nsSCLK high period1, 2 tSCLK_hi 3 *tHFPERCLK— — nsSCLK low period 1, 2 tSCLK_lo 3 *tHFPERCLK—— nsCS active to MISO 1, 2 tCS_ACT_MI 4 — 50 nsCS disable to MISO 1, 2 tCS_DIS_MI 4 — 50 nsMOSI setup time 1, 2 tSU_MO 4 — — nsMOSI hold time 1, 2 tH_MO 3 + 2 *tHFPERCLK— — nsSCLK to MISO 1, 2 tSCLK_MI 16 +tHFPERCLK— 66 + 2 *tHFPERCLKnsNote:1. Applies for both CLKPHA = 0 and CLKPHA = 1 (figure only shows CLKPHA = 0)2. Measurement done with 8 pF output loading at 10% and 90% of VDD (figure shows 50% of VDD) CSSCLKCLKPOL = 0MOSIMISOtCS_ACT_MItSCLK_HItSCLKtSU_MOtH_MOtSCLK_MItCS_DIS_MItSCLK_LOSCLKCLKPOL = 1Figure 4.2.  SPI Slave Timing DiagramBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  35
4.2  Typical Performance CurvesDefault test conditions: CCM mode, LDCDC = 4.7 μH, CDCDC = 1.0 μF, VDCDC_I = 3.3 V, VDCDC_O = 1.8 V, FDCDC_LN = 8 MHzLoad Step Response in LN (CCM) mode (Heavy Drive) 1mA100μs/divVSWLN (CCM) and LP mode transition (load: 5mA)VDD,VRon,OhmRon VS supply voltage in bypass mode2 2.5 3 3.5 40.511.52SW _ PFET _ EN 0SW _ PFET _ EN 1Load,mAEff,%Efficiency VS Load Current, LN mode100101102405060708090100Heavy DriveMedium DriveLight Drive10-3 10-2 10-1 100101405060708090100Load,mAEff,%Efficiency VS Load current, LP modeLP _ CMP _ BIAS 3LP _ CMP _ BIAS 2LP _ CMP _ BIAS 1LP _ CMP _ BIAS 0Load,mARelative output droop,mVRelative output droop VS Load current, LP mode10-3 10-2 10-1 100101-30-25-20-15-10-50510LP _ CMP _ BIAS 3LP _ CMP _ BIAS 2LP _ CMP _ BIAS 1LP _ CMP _ BIAS 010μs/divILOAD       DVDD  60mV/divoffset:1.8V       2V/divoffset:1.8V       DVDD  50mV/divoffset:1.8V 100mAFigure 4.3.  DC-DC Converter Typical Performance CharacteristicsBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetElectrical | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  36
5.  Typical Connection Diagrams5.1  Power, Ground, Debug and UARTTypical power supply, ground and MCU debug and UART connections are shown in the figure below.5.2  SPI and I2C Peripheral ConnectionsThe figure below shows how to connect a SPI or I2C peripherals.BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetTypical Connection | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  37
6.  Layout Guidelines6.1  Layout GuidelinesFor optimal performance of the BGM113 Module, please follow these guidelines:• Place the module at the edge of the PCB, as shown in the figure below.• Do not place any metal (traces, components, battery, etc.) within the clearance area of the antenna (shown in the figure below as awhite rectangle between the pad rows).• Connect all ground pads directly to a solid ground plane.• Place the ground vias as close to the ground pads as possible.• Do not place plastic or any other dielectric material in touch with the antenna.Figure 6.1.  Recommended Layout for BGM113 ModuleBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetLayout | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  38
The layouts shown in the figure below will result in severely degraded RF-performance.Figure 6.2.  Non-optimal PCB Layouts for BGM113 Module6.2  Effect of Plastic and Metal MaterialsThe antenna on BGM113 is fairly robust to the proximity of plastic and other low dielectric constant materials, but placing plastic or anyother dielectric material  in direct contact  with the  antenna should be  avoided. A minimum  separation of 5  mm should be  maintainedbetween  a plastic material and  the  antenna  on  the top side  and  end  of  the module to prevent  dielectric  loading  of  the antenna, butmaterials can be placed against the bottom of the application PCB. The PCB thickness should be 1 - 2 mm.Any metallic objects in close proximity to the antenna will prevent the antenna from radiating freely. The minimum recommended dis-tance of metallic and/or conductive objects is 10 mm in any direction from the antenna except in the directions of the application PCBground planes.BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetLayout | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  39
7.  Pin Definitions7.1  BGM113 DefinitionFigure 7.1.  BGM113 PinoutBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetPin | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  40
Table 7.1.  Device PinoutPin# and Name Pin Alternate Functionality / DescriptionPin#Pin Name Analog Timers Communication Radio Other1-7,18,25,36GND Ground10 PF0BUSAX [ADC0:APORT1XCH16ACMP0:APORT1XCH16ACMP1:APORT1XCH16]BUSBY [ADC0:APORT2YCH16ACMP0:APORT2YCH16ACMP1:APORT2YCH16]TIM0_CC0 #24TIM0_CC1 #23TIM0_CC2 #22TIM0_CDTI0 #21TIM0_CDTI1 #20TIM0_CDTI2 #19TIM1_CC0 #24TIM1_CC1 #23TIM1_CC2 #22TIM1_CC3 #21 LE-TIM0_OUT0 #24LETIM0_OUT1 #23PCNT0_S0IN #24PCNT0_S1IN #23US0_TX #24US0_RX #23US0_CLK #22US0_CS #21US0_CTS #20US0_RTS #19US1_TX #24US1_RX #23US1_CLK #22US1_CS #21US1_CTS #20US1_RTS #19LEU0_TX #24LEU0_RX #23I2C0_SDA #24I2C0_SCL #23FRC_DCLK #24FRC_DOUT #23FRC_DFRAME #22MODEM_DCLK #24MODEM_DIN #23MODEM_DOUT #22MODEM_ANT0 #21MODEM_ANT1 #20PRS_CH0 #0PRS_CH1 #7PRS_CH2 #6PRS_CH3 #5ACMP0_O #24ACMP1_O #24DBG_SWCLKTCK#09 PF1BUSAY [ADC0:APORT1YCH17ACMP0:APORT1YCH17ACMP1:APORT1YCH17]BUSBX [ADC0:APORT2XCH17ACMP0:APORT2XCH17ACMP1:APORT2XCH17]TIM0_CC0 #25TIM0_CC1 #24TIM0_CC2 #23TIM0_CDTI0 #22TIM0_CDTI1 #21TIM0_CDTI2 #20TIM1_CC0 #25TIM1_CC1 #24TIM1_CC2 #23TIM1_CC3 #22 LE-TIM0_OUT0 #25LETIM0_OUT1 #24PCNT0_S0IN #25PCNT0_S1IN #24US0_TX #25US0_RX #24US0_CLK #23US0_CS #22US0_CTS #21US0_RTS #20US1_TX #25US1_RX #24US1_CLK #23US1_CS #22US1_CTS #21US1_RTS #20LEU0_TX #25LEU0_RX #24I2C0_SDA #25I2C0_SCL #24FRC_DCLK #25FRC_DOUT #24FRC_DFRAME #23MODEM_DCLK #25MODEM_DIN #24MODEM_DOUT #23MODEM_ANT0 #22MODEM_ANT1 #21PRS_CH0 #1PRS_CH1 #0PRS_CH2 #7PRS_CH3 #6ACMP0_O #25ACMP1_O #25DBG_SWDIOTMS#019,30 PF2BUSAX [ADC0:APORT1XCH18ACMP0:APORT1XCH18ACMP1:APORT1XCH18]BUSBY [ADC0:APORT2YCH18ACMP0:APORT2YCH18ACMP1:APORT2YCH18]TIM0_CC0 #26TIM0_CC1 #25TIM0_CC2 #24TIM0_CDTI0 #23TIM0_CDTI1 #22TIM0_CDTI2 #21TIM1_CC0 #26TIM1_CC1 #25TIM1_CC2 #24TIM1_CC3 #23 LE-TIM0_OUT0 #26LETIM0_OUT1 #25PCNT0_S0IN #26PCNT0_S1IN #25US0_TX #26US0_RX #25US0_CLK #24US0_CS #23US0_CTS #22US0_RTS #21US1_TX #26US1_RX #25US1_CLK #24US1_CS #23US1_CTS #22US1_RTS #21LEU0_TX #26LEU0_RX #25I2C0_SDA #26I2C0_SCL #25FRC_DCLK #26FRC_DOUT #25FRC_DFRAME #24MODEM_DCLK #26MODEM_DIN #25MODEM_DOUT #24MODEM_ANT0 #23MODEM_ANT1 #22CMU_CLK0 #6PRS_CH0 #2PRS_CH1 #1PRS_CH2 #0PRS_CH3 #7ACMP0_O #26ACMP1_O #26DBG_TDO #0DBG_SWO #0GPIO_EM4WU0BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetPin | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  41
Pin# and Name Pin Alternate Functionality / DescriptionPin#Pin Name Analog Timers Communication Radio Other20,31 PF3BUSAY [ADC0:APORT1YCH19ACMP0:APORT1YCH19ACMP1:APORT1YCH19]BUSBX [ADC0:APORT2XCH19ACMP0:APORT2XCH19ACMP1:APORT2XCH19]TIM0_CC0 #27TIM0_CC1 #26TIM0_CC2 #25TIM0_CDTI0 #24TIM0_CDTI1 #23TIM0_CDTI2 #22TIM1_CC0 #27TIM1_CC1 #26TIM1_CC2 #25TIM1_CC3 #24 LE-TIM0_OUT0 #27LETIM0_OUT1 #26PCNT0_S0IN #27PCNT0_S1IN #26US0_TX #27US0_RX #26US0_CLK #25US0_CS #24US0_CTS #23US0_RTS #22US1_TX #27US1_RX #26US1_CLK #25US1_CS #24US1_CTS #23US1_RTS #22LEU0_TX #27LEU0_RX #26I2C0_SDA #27I2C0_SCL #26FRC_DCLK #27FRC_DOUT #26FRC_DFRAME #25MODEM_DCLK #27MODEM_DIN #26MODEM_DOUT #25MODEM_ANT0 #24MODEM_ANT1 #23CMU_CLK1 #6PRS_CH0 #3PRS_CH1 #2PRS_CH2 #1PRS_CH3 #0ACMP0_O #27ACMP1_O #27DBG_TDI #08,17 VDD Radio power supply34 RESETn Reset input, active low.To apply an external reset source to this pin, it is required to only drive this pin lowduring reset, and let the internal pull-up ensure that reset is released.11,33 PD13BUSCY [ADC0:APORT3YCH5ACMP0:APORT3YCH5ACMP1:APORT3YCH5IDAC0:APORT1YCH5]BUSDX [ADC0:APORT4XCH5ACMP0:APORT4XCH5ACMP1:APORT4XCH5]TIM0_CC0 #21TIM0_CC1 #20TIM0_CC2 #19TIM0_CDTI0 #18TIM0_CDTI1 #17TIM0_CDTI2 #16TIM1_CC0 #21TIM1_CC1 #20TIM1_CC2 #19TIM1_CC3 #18 LE-TIM0_OUT0 #21LETIM0_OUT1 #20PCNT0_S0IN #21PCNT0_S1IN #20US0_TX #21US0_RX #20US0_CLK #19US0_CS #18US0_CTS #17US0_RTS #16US1_TX #21US1_RX #20US1_CLK #19US1_CS #18US1_CTS #17US1_RTS #16LEU0_TX #21LEU0_RX #20I2C0_SDA #21I2C0_SCL #20FRC_DCLK #21FRC_DOUT #20FRC_DFRAME #19MODEM_DCLK #21MODEM_DIN #20MODEM_DOUT #19MODEM_ANT0 #18MODEM_ANT1 #17PRS_CH3 #12PRS_CH4 #4PRS_CH5 #3PRS_CH6 #15ACMP0_O #21ACMP1_O #2132 PD14BUSCX [ADC0:APORT3XCH6ACMP0:APORT3XCH6ACMP1:APORT3XCH6IDAC0:APORT1XCH6]BUSDY [ADC0:APORT4YCH6ACMP0:APORT4YCH6ACMP1:APORT4YCH6]TIM0_CC0 #22TIM0_CC1 #21TIM0_CC2 #20TIM0_CDTI0 #19TIM0_CDTI1 #18TIM0_CDTI2 #17TIM1_CC0 #22TIM1_CC1 #21TIM1_CC2 #20TIM1_CC3 #19 LE-TIM0_OUT0 #22LETIM0_OUT1 #21PCNT0_S0IN #22PCNT0_S1IN #21US0_TX #22US0_RX #21US0_CLK #20US0_CS #19US0_CTS #18US0_RTS #17US1_TX #22US1_RX #21US1_CLK #20US1_CS #19US1_CTS #18US1_RTS #17LEU0_TX #22LEU0_RX #21I2C0_SDA #22I2C0_SCL #21FRC_DCLK #22FRC_DOUT #21FRC_DFRAME #20MODEM_DCLK #22MODEM_DIN #21MODEM_DOUT #20MODEM_ANT0 #19MODEM_ANT1 #18CMU_CLK0 #5PRS_CH3 #13PRS_CH4 #5PRS_CH5 #4PRS_CH6 #16ACMP0_O #22ACMP1_O #22GPIO_EM4WU4BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetPin | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  42
Pin# and Name Pin Alternate Functionality / DescriptionPin#Pin Name Analog Timers Communication Radio Other24,26 PD15BUSCY [ADC0:APORT3YCH7ACMP0:APORT3YCH7ACMP1:APORT3YCH7IDAC0:APORT1YCH7]BUSDX [ADC0:APORT4XCH7ACMP0:APORT4XCH7ACMP1:APORT4XCH7]TIM0_CC0 #23TIM0_CC1 #22TIM0_CC2 #21TIM0_CDTI0 #20TIM0_CDTI1 #19TIM0_CDTI2 #18TIM1_CC0 #23TIM1_CC1 #22TIM1_CC2 #21TIM1_CC3 #20 LE-TIM0_OUT0 #23LETIM0_OUT1 #22PCNT0_S0IN #23PCNT0_S1IN #22US0_TX #23US0_RX #22US0_CLK #21US0_CS #20US0_CTS #19US0_RTS #18US1_TX #23US1_RX #22US1_CLK #21US1_CS #20US1_CTS #19US1_RTS #18LEU0_TX #23LEU0_RX #22I2C0_SDA #23I2C0_SCL #22FRC_DCLK #23FRC_DOUT #22FRC_DFRAME #21MODEM_DCLK #23MODEM_DIN #22MODEM_DOUT #21MODEM_ANT0 #20MODEM_ANT1 #19CMU_CLK1 #5PRS_CH3 #14PRS_CH4 #6PRS_CH5 #5PRS_CH6 #17ACMP0_O #23ACMP1_O #23DBG_SWO #223,27 PA0ADC0_EXTNBUSCX [ADC0:APORT3XCH8ACMP0:APORT3XCH8ACMP1:APORT3XCH8IDAC0:APORT1XCH8]BUSDY [ADC0:APORT4YCH8ACMP0:APORT4YCH8ACMP1:APORT4YCH8]TIM0_CC0 #0TIM0_CC1 #31TIM0_CC2 #30TIM0_CDTI0 #29TIM0_CDTI1 #28TIM0_CDTI2 #27TIM1_CC0 #0TIM1_CC1 #31TIM1_CC2 #30TIM1_CC3 #29 LE-TIM0_OUT0 #0 LE-TIM0_OUT1 #31PCNT0_S0IN #0PCNT0_S1IN #31US0_TX #0US0_RX #31US0_CLK #30US0_CS #29US0_CTS #28US0_RTS #27US1_TX #0US1_RX #31US1_CLK #30US1_CS #29US1_CTS #28US1_RTS #27LEU0_TX #0LEU0_RX #31I2C0_SDA #0I2C0_SCL #31FRC_DCLK #0FRC_DOUT #31FRC_DFRAME #30MODEM_DCLK #0MODEM_DIN #31MODEM_DOUT #30MODEM_ANT0 #29MODEM_ANT1 #28CMU_CLK1 #0PRS_CH6 #0PRS_CH7 #10PRS_CH8 #9PRS_CH9 #8ACMP0_O #0ACMP1_O #012 PA1ADC0_EXTPBUSCY [ADC0:APORT3YCH9ACMP0:APORT3YCH9ACMP1:APORT3YCH9IDAC0:APORT1YCH9]BUSDX [ADC0:APORT4XCH9ACMP0:APORT4XCH9ACMP1:APORT4XCH9]TIM0_CC0 #1TIM0_CC1 #0TIM0_CC2 #31TIM0_CDTI0 #30TIM0_CDTI1 #29TIM0_CDTI2 #28TIM1_CC0 #1TIM1_CC1 #0TIM1_CC2 #31TIM1_CC3 #30 LE-TIM0_OUT0 #1 LE-TIM0_OUT1 #0PCNT0_S0IN #1PCNT0_S1IN #0US0_TX #1US0_RX #0US0_CLK #31US0_CS #30US0_CTS #29US0_RTS #28US1_TX #1US1_RX #0US1_CLK #31US1_CS #30US1_CTS #29US1_RTS #28LEU0_TX #1LEU0_RX #0I2C0_SDA #1I2C0_SCL #0FRC_DCLK #1FRC_DOUT #0FRC_DFRAME #31MODEM_DCLK #1MODEM_DIN #0MODEM_DOUT #31MODEM_ANT0 #30MODEM_ANT1 #29CMU_CLK0 #0PRS_CH6 #1PRS_CH7 #0PRS_CH8 #10PRS_CH9 #9ACMP0_O #1ACMP1_O #1BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetPin | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  43
Pin# and Name Pin Alternate Functionality / DescriptionPin#Pin Name Analog Timers Communication Radio Other22,29 PC10BUSAX [ADC0:APORT1XCH10ACMP0:APORT1XCH10ACMP1:APORT1XCH10]BUSBY [ADC0:APORT2YCH10ACMP0:APORT2YCH10ACMP1:APORT2YCH10]TIM0_CC0 #15TIM0_CC1 #14TIM0_CC2 #13TIM0_CDTI0 #12TIM0_CDTI1 #11TIM0_CDTI2 #10TIM1_CC0 #15TIM1_CC1 #14TIM1_CC2 #13TIM1_CC3 #12 LE-TIM0_OUT0 #15LETIM0_OUT1 #14PCNT0_S0IN #15PCNT0_S1IN #14US0_TX #15US0_RX #14US0_CLK #13US0_CS #12US0_CTS #11US0_RTS #10US1_TX #15US1_RX #14US1_CLK #13US1_CS #12US1_CTS #11US1_RTS #10LEU0_TX #15LEU0_RX #14I2C0_SDA #15I2C0_SCL #14FRC_DCLK #15FRC_DOUT #14FRC_DFRAME #13MODEM_DCLK #15MODEM_DIN #14MODEM_DOUT #13MODEM_ANT0 #12MODEM_ANT1 #11CMU_CLK1 #3PRS_CH0 #12PRS_CH9 #15PRS_CH10 #4PRS_CH11 #3ACMP0_O #15ACMP1_O #15GPIO_EM4WU1221,28 PC11BUSAY [ADC0:APORT1YCH11ACMP0:APORT1YCH11ACMP1:APORT1YCH11]BUSBX [ADC0:APORT2XCH11ACMP0:APORT2XCH11ACMP1:APORT2XCH11]TIM0_CC0 #16TIM0_CC1 #15TIM0_CC2 #14TIM0_CDTI0 #13TIM0_CDTI1 #12TIM0_CDTI2 #11TIM1_CC0 #16TIM1_CC1 #15TIM1_CC2 #14TIM1_CC3 #13 LE-TIM0_OUT0 #16LETIM0_OUT1 #15PCNT0_S0IN #16PCNT0_S1IN #15US0_TX #16US0_RX #15US0_CLK #14US0_CS #13US0_CTS #12US0_RTS #11US1_TX #16US1_RX #15US1_CLK #14US1_CS #13US1_CTS #12US1_RTS #11LEU0_TX #16LEU0_RX #15I2C0_SDA #16I2C0_SCL #15FRC_DCLK #16FRC_DOUT #15FRC_DFRAME #14MODEM_DCLK #16MODEM_DIN #15MODEM_DOUT #14MODEM_ANT0 #13MODEM_ANT1 #12CMU_CLK0 #3PRS_CH0 #13PRS_CH9 #16PRS_CH10 #5PRS_CH11 #4ACMP0_O #16ACMP1_O #16DBG_SWO #316,35 NC7.1.1  BGM113 GPIO OverviewThe GPIO pins are organized as 16-bit ports indicated by letters A through F, and the individual pins on each port are indicated by anumber from 15 down to 0.Table 7.2.  GPIO PinoutPort Pin15Pin14Pin13Pin12Pin11Pin10Pin 9 Pin 8 Pin 7 Pin 6 Pin 5 Pin 4 Pin 3 Pin 2 Pin 1 Pin 0Port A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PA1 PA0Port B - - PB13(5V)PB12(5V)PB11(5V) -----------Port C - - - - PC11(5V)PC10(5V) ----------Port D PD15(5V)PD14(5V)PD13(5V) -------------Port E ----------------Port F ------------PF3(5V)PF2(5V)PF1(5V)PF0(5V)BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetPin | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  45
7.2  Alternate Functionality PinoutA wide selection of alternate functionality is available for multiplexing to various pins. The following table shows the name of the alter-nate functionality in the first column, followed by columns showing the possible LOCATION bitfield settings.Note: Some functionality, such as analog interfaces, do not have alternate settings or a LOCATION bitfield. In these cases, the pinoutis shown in the column corresponding to LOCATION 0. Table 7.3.  Alternate functionality overviewAlternate LOCATIONFunctionality 0 - 3 4 - 7 8 - 11 12 - 15 16 - 19 20 - 23 24 - 27 28 - 31 DescriptionACMP0_O 0: PA01: PA16: PB117: PB12 8: PB13 15: PC10 16: PC1121: PD1322: PD1423: PD1524: PF025: PF126: PF227: PF3Analog comparatorACMP0, digital out-put.ACMP1_O 0: PA01: PA1 6: PB117: PB128: PB13 15: PC10 16: PC1121: PD1322: PD1423: PD1524: PF025: PF126: PF227: PF3Analog comparatorACMP1, digital out-put.ADC0_EXTN0: PA0 Analog to digitalconverter ADC0 ex-ternal reference in-put negative pinADC0_EXTP0: PA1 Analog to digitalconverter ADC0 ex-ternal reference in-put positive pinCMU_CLK0 0: PA13: PC115: PD146: PF2Clock ManagementUnit, clock outputnumber 0.CMU_CLK1 0: PA03: PC105: PD156: PF3Clock ManagementUnit, clock outputnumber 1.DBG_SWCLKTCK0: PF0Debug-interfaceSerial Wire clockinput and JTAGTest Clock.Note that this func-tion is enabled tothe pin out of reset,and has a built-inpull down.DBG_SWDIOTMS0: PF1Debug-interfaceSerial Wire data in-put / output andJTAG Test ModeSelect.Note that this func-tion is enabled tothe pin out of reset,and has a built-inpull up.BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetPin | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  46
Alternate LOCATIONFunctionality 0 - 3 4 - 7 8 - 11 12 - 15 16 - 19 20 - 23 24 - 27 28 - 31 DescriptionDBG_SWO0: PF21: PB132: PD153: PC11Debug-interfaceSerial Wire viewerOutput.Note that this func-tion is not enabledafter reset, andmust be enabled bysoftware to beused.DBG_TDI0: PF3Debug-interfaceJTAG Test Data In.Note that this func-tion is enabled topin out of reset,and has a built-inpull up.DBG_TDO0: PF2Debug-interfaceJTAG Test DataOut.Note that this func-tion is enabled topin out of reset.FRC_DCLK 0: PA01: PA1 6: PB117: PB128: PB13 15: PC10 16: PC1121: PD1322: PD1423: PD1524: PF025: PF126: PF227: PF3Frame Controller,Data Sniffer Clock.FRC_DFRAME4: PB115: PB126: PB1313: PC1014: PC11 19: PD1320: PD1421: PD1522: PF023: PF124: PF225: PF330: PA031: PA1Frame Controller,Data Sniffer FrameactiveFRC_DOUT 0: PA15: PB116: PB127: PB1314: PC1015: PC1120: PD1321: PD1422: PD1523: PF024: PF125: PF226: PF331: PA0Frame Controller,Data Sniffer Out-put.GPIO_EM4WU00: PF2 Pin can be used towake the systemup from EM4GPIO_EM4WU1Pin can be used towake the systemup from EM4GPIO_EM4WU40: PD14 Pin can be used towake the systemup from EM4GPIO_EM4WU8Pin can be used towake the systemup from EM4BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetPin | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  47
Alternate LOCATIONFunctionality 0 - 3 4 - 7 8 - 11 12 - 15 16 - 19 20 - 23 24 - 27 28 - 31 DescriptionGPIO_EM4WU90: PB13 Pin can be used towake the systemup from EM4GPIO_EM4WU120: PC10 Pin can be used towake the systemup from EM4I2C0_SCL 0: PA15: PB116: PB127: PB1314: PC1015: PC1120: PD1321: PD1422: PD1523: PF024: PF125: PF226: PF331: PA0 I2C0 Serial ClockLine input / output.I2C0_SDA 0: PA01: PA16: PB117: PB12 8: PB13 15: PC10 16: PC11 21: PD1322: PD1423: PD1524: PF025: PF126: PF227: PF3I2C0 Serial Data in-put / output.LETIM0_OUT0 0: PA01: PA1 6: PB117: PB128: PB13 15: PC10 16: PC1121: PD1322: PD1423: PD1524: PF025: PF126: PF227: PF3Low Energy TimerLETIM0, outputchannel 0.LETIM0_OUT10: PA15: PB116: PB127: PB1314: PC1015: PC1120: PD1321: PD1422: PD1523: PF024: PF125: PF226: PF3 31: PA0Low Energy TimerLETIM0, outputchannel 1.LEU0_RX0: PA15: PB116: PB127: PB1314: PC1015: PC1120: PD1321: PD1422: PD1523: PF024: PF125: PF226: PF3 31: PA0 LEUART0 Receiveinput.LEU0_TX0: PA01: PA16: PB117: PB128: PB13 15: PC10 16: PC11 21: PD1322: PD1423: PD1524: PF025: PF126: PF227: PF3LEUART0 Transmitoutput. Also usedas receive input inhalf duplex commu-nication.LFXTAL_NLow FrequencyCrystal (typically32.768 kHz) nega-tive pin. Also usedas an optional ex-ternal clock inputpin.LFXTAL_PLow FrequencyCrystal (typically32.768 kHz) posi-tive pin.MODEM_ANT03: PB114: PB125: PB13 12: PC1013: PC11 18: PD1319: PD1420: PD1521: PF022: PF123: PF224: PF3 29: PA030: PA1MODEM antennacontrol output 0,used for antennadiversity.MODEM_ANT1 2: PB113: PB124: PB1311: PC10 12: PC1117: PD1318: PD1419: PD1520: PF021: PF122: PF223: PF328: PA029: PA1MODEM antennacontrol output 1,used for antennadiversity.BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetPin | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  48
Alternate LOCATIONFunctionality 0 - 3 4 - 7 8 - 11 12 - 15 16 - 19 20 - 23 24 - 27 28 - 31 DescriptionMODEM_DCLK0: PA01: PA16: PB117: PB128: PB1315: PC1016: PC11 21: PD1322: PD1423: PD1524: PF025: PF126: PF227: PF3MODEM data clockout.MODEM_DIN0: PA15: PB116: PB127: PB1314: PC1015: PC1120: PD1321: PD1422: PD1523: PF024: PF125: PF226: PF3 31: PA0 MODEM data in.MODEM_DOUT4: PB115: PB126: PB1313: PC1014: PC11 19: PD1320: PD1421: PD1522: PF023: PF124: PF225: PF3 30: PA031: PA1 MODEM data out.PCNT0_S0IN0: PA01: PA16: PB117: PB128: PB13 15: PC10 16: PC11221: PD1322: PD1423: PD1524: PF025: PF126: PF227: PF3Pulse CounterPCNT0 input num-ber 0.PCNT0_S1IN0: PA15: PB116: PB127: PB1314: PC1015: PC1120: PD1321: PD1422: PD1523: PF024: PF125: PF226: PF3 31: PA0Pulse CounterPCNT0 input num-ber 1.PRS_CH00: PF01: PF12: PF23: PF312: PC1013: PC11 Peripheral ReflexSystem PRS, chan-nel 0.PRS_CH10: PF11: PF22: PF37: PF0Peripheral ReflexSystem PRS, chan-nel 1.PRS_CH20: PF21: PF36: PF07: PF1Peripheral ReflexSystem PRS, chan-nel 2.PRS_CH30: PF35: PF06: PF17: PF212: PD1313: PD1414: PD15Peripheral ReflexSystem PRS, chan-nel 3.PRS_CH44: PD135: PD146: PD15Peripheral ReflexSystem PRS, chan-nel 4.PRS_CH53: PD134: PD145: PD15 Peripheral ReflexSystem PRS, chan-nel 5.PRS_CH60: PA01: PA16: PB117: PB128: PB13 15: PD1316: PD1417: PD15 Peripheral ReflexSystem PRS, chan-nel 6.PRS_CH70: PA15: PB116: PB127: PB1310: PA0Peripheral ReflexSystem PRS, chan-nel 7.BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetPin | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  49
Alternate LOCATIONFunctionality 0 - 3 4 - 7 8 - 11 12 - 15 16 - 19 20 - 23 24 - 27 28 - 31 DescriptionPRS_CH84: PB115: PB126: PB139: PA010: PA1Peripheral ReflexSystem PRS, chan-nel 8.PRS_CH9 3: PB11 4: PB125: PB138: PA09: PA1 15: PC10 16: PC11Peripheral ReflexSystem PRS, chan-nel 9.PRS_CH10 4: PC105: PC11Peripheral ReflexSystem PRS, chan-nel 10.PRS_CH11 3: PC10 4: PC11Peripheral ReflexSystem PRS, chan-nel 11.TIM0_CC0 0: PA01: PA1 6: PB117: PB128: PB13 15: PC10 16: PC1121: PD1322: PD1423: PD1524: PF025: PF126: PF227: PF3Timer 0 CaptureCompare input /output channel 0.TIM0_CC1 0: PA1 5: PB116: PB127: PB1314: PC1015: PC1120: PD1321: PD1422: PD1523: PF024: PF125: PF226: PF3 31: PA0Timer 0 CaptureCompare input /output channel 1.TIM0_CC24: PB115: PB126: PB1313: PC1014: PC11 19: PD1320: PD1421: PD1522: PF023: PF124: PF225: PF3 30: PA031: PA1Timer 0 CaptureCompare input /output channel 2.TIM0_CDTI0 3: PB11 4: PB125: PB1312: PC1013: PC1118: PD1319: PD1420: PD1521: PF022: PF123: PF224: PF3 29: PA030: PA1Timer 0 Compli-mentary Dead TimeInsertion channel 0.TIM0_CDTI1 2: PB113: PB124: PB1311: PC10 12: PC11 17: PD1318: PD1419: PD1520: PF021: PF122: PF223: PF328: PA029: PA1Timer 0 Compli-mentary Dead TimeInsertion channel 1.TIM0_CDTI2 1: PB112: PB123: PB1310: PC1011: PC1116: PD1317: PD1418: PD1519: PF020: PF121: PF222: PF3227: PA0 28: PA1Timer 0 Compli-mentary Dead TimeInsertion channel 2.TIM1_CC0 0: PA01: PA1 6: PB117: PB128: PB1315: PC1016: PC11 221: PD1322: PD1423: PD1524: PF025: PF126: PF227: PF3Timer 1 CaptureCompare input /output channel 0.TIM1_CC1 0: PA1 5: PB116: PB127: PB1314: PC1015: PC1120: PD1321: PD1422: PD1523: PF024: PF125: PF226: PF3 31: PA0Timer 1 CaptureCompare input /output channel 1.TIM1_CC24: PB115: PB126: PB1313: PC1014: PC1119: PD1320: PD1421: PD1522: PF023: PF124: PF225: PF330: PA031: PA1Timer 1 CaptureCompare input /output channel 2.BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetPin | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  50
Alternate LOCATIONFunctionality 0 - 3 4 - 7 8 - 11 12 - 15 16 - 19 20 - 23 24 - 27 28 - 31 DescriptionTIM1_CC3 3: PB114: PB125: PB13 12: PC1013: PC1118: PD1319: PD1420: PD1521: PF022: PF123: PF224: PF3 29: PA030: PA1Timer 1 CaptureCompare input /output channel 3.US0_CLK4: PB115: PB126: PB1313: PC1014: PC11 19: PD1320: PD1421: PD1522: PF023: PF124: PF225: PF3 30: PA031: PA1USART0 clock in-put / output.US0_CS 3: PB11 4: PB125: PB1312: PC1013: PC1118: PD1319: PD1420: PD1521: PF022: PF123: PF224: PF3 29: PA030: PA1USART0 chip se-lect input / output.US0_CTS 2: PB113: PB124: PB13 11: PC10 12: PC1117: PD1318: PD1419: PD1520: PF021: PF122: PF223: PF328: PA029: PA1USART0 Clear ToSend hardwareflow control input.US0_RTS 1: PB112: PB123: PB1310: PC1011: PC1116: PD1317: PD1418: PD1519: PF020: PF121: PF222: PF3227: PA0 28: PA1USART0 RequestTo Send hardwareflow control output.US0_RX 0: PA1 5: PB116: PB127: PB1314: PC1015: PC1120: PD1321: PD1422: PD1523: PF024: PF125: PF226: PF3 31: PA0USART0 Asynchro-nous Receive.USART0 Synchro-nous mode MasterInput / Slave Out-put (MISO).US0_TX0: PA01: PA16: PB117: PB128: PB13 15: PC10 16: PC1121: PD1322: PD1423: PD1524: PF025: PF126: PF227: PF3USART0 Asynchro-nous Transmit. Al-so used as receiveinput in half duplexcommunication.USART0 Synchro-nous mode MasterOutput / Slave In-put (MOSI).US1_CLK4: PB115: PB126: PB1313: PC1014: PC11 19: PD1320: PD1421: PD1522: PF023: PF124: PF225: PF3 30: PA031: PA1USART1 clock in-put / output.US1_CS 3: PB11 4: PB125: PB1312: PC1013: PC1118: PD1319: PD1420: PD1521: PF022: PF123: PF224: PF3 29: PA030: PA1USART1 chip se-lect input / output.US1_CTS 2: PB113: PB124: PB13 11: PC10 12: PC1117: PD1318: PD1419: PD1520: PF021: PF122: PF223: PF328: PA029: PA1USART1 Clear ToSend hardwareflow control input.US1_RTS 1: PB112: PB123: PB1310: PC1011: PC1116: PD1317: PD1418: PD1519: PF020: PF121: PF222: PF3 27: PA0 28: PA1USART1 RequestTo Send hardwareflow control output.BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetPin | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  51
Alternate LOCATIONFunctionality 0 - 3 4 - 7 8 - 11 12 - 15 16 - 19 20 - 23 24 - 27 28 - 31 DescriptionUS1_RX0: PA15: PB116: PB127: PB1314: PC1015: PC1120: PD1321: PD1422: PD1523: PF024: PF125: PF226: PF3 31: PA0USART1 Asynchro-nous Receive.USART1 Synchro-nous mode MasterInput / Slave Out-put (MISO).US1_TX 0: PA01: PA16: PB117: PB12 8: PB13 15: PC10 16: PC1121: PD1322: PD1423: PD1524: PF025: PF126: PF227: PF3USART1 Asynchro-nous Transmit. Al-so used as receiveinput in half duplexcommunication.USART1 Synchro-nous mode MasterOutput / Slave In-put (MOSI).BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetPin | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  52
7.3  Analog Port (APORT)The Analog Port (APORT) is an infrastructure used to connect chip pins with on-chip analog clients such as analog comparators, ADCs,and DACs. The APORT consists of wires, switches, and control needed to configurably implement the routes. Please see the deviceReference Manual for a complete description.  BUSAX   PC10   PF0   PF2   BUSBY   BUSAY   PC11   PF1   PF3   BUSBX   BUSCX   PD14   PA0   BUSDY   BUSCY   PD13   PD15   PA1   PB11   PB12  BUSDX   ACMP0   1X   1Y   2X   2Y   3X   3Y   4X   4Y   ACMP1   1X   1Y   2X   2Y   3X   3Y   4X   4Y   ADC0   1X   1Y   2X   2Y   3X   3Y   4X   4Y   IDAC0   1X   1Y PB13Figure 7.2.  BGM113 APORTBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetPin | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  53
Analog Module Analog Module Channel Shared Bus PinIDAC0 APORT1YCH3 BUSCYAPORT1YCH5 PD13APORT1YCH7 PD15APORT1YCH9 PA1APORT1YCH11APORT1YCH13APORT1YCH27 PB11APORT1YCH29 PB13APORT1YCH31BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetPin | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  60
8.  BGM113 Package Specifications8.1  BGM113 DimensionsFigure 8.1.   BGM113 DimensionsBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetBGM113 Package | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  61
8.2  BGM113 PCB Land PatternFigure 8.2.   BGM113 Land Pattern DrawingBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetBGM113 Package | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  62
8.3  BGM113 Package MarkingFigure 8.3.  BGM113 Initial Production Version Package MarkingThe package marking consists of:• TBDBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetBGM113 Package | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  63
9.  Certifications9.1  BluetoothThe Bluetooth certification for the BGM113 is pending.QDID: TBD9.2  CEThe BGM113 module is in conformity with the essential requirements and other relevant requirements of the R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC). This device is compliant with the following standards:•Safety: EN 60950•EMC: EN 301 489•Spectrum: EN 300 328A formal DoC is available from  FCCThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesirable operation.Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by Silicon Labs could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specif-ic operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmittermeets both portable and mobile limits as demonstratedin the RF Exposure Analysis. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitterexcept in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product procedures. As long as the condition above is met, further transmitter testingwill not be required. However, the OEM integrator is still responsible for testing their end-product for any additional compliance require-ments required with this module installed (for example, digital device emissions, PC peripheral requirements, etc.).OEM Responsibilities to comply with FCC RegulationsThe BGM113 Module has been certified for integration into products only by OEM integrators under the following condition:• The antenna(s) must be installed such that a minimum separation distance of 0 mm is maintained between the radiator (antenna)and all persons at all times.• The transmitter module must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter except in accord-ance with FCC multi-transmitter product procedures.BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  64
As long as the conditions above are met, further transmitter testing will not be required. However, the OEM integrator is still responsiblefor testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirements required with this module installed (for example, digital deviceemissions, PC peripheral requirements, etc.).Note: In the event that this condition cannot be met (for certain configurations or co-location with another transmitter), then the FCCauthorization is no longer considered valid and the FCC ID cannot be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM inte-grator will be responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate FCC authorization. End Product LabelingThe BGM113 Module is labeled with its own FCC ID. If the FCC ID is not visible when the module is installed inside another device,then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module. In that case,the final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following:"Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: QOQ-BGM113"or"Contains FCC ID: QOQ-BGM113"The  OEM integrator must not  provide  information  to  the  end user regarding how  to  install  or  remove this RF module  or  change  RFrelated parameters in the user manual of the end product.To comply with FCC RF radiation exposure limits for general population, the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be in-stalled such that a minimum separation distance of 0 mm is maintained between the radiator (antenna) and all persons at alltimes and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  65
9.4  ICIC (English)This radio  transmitter has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the embedded chip antenna. Other antenna types arestrictly prohibited for use with this device.This device complies with Industry Canada’s license-exempt RSS standards. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause interference; and2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.RF Exposure StatementException from routine SAR evaluation limits are given in RSS-102 Issue 5. BGM113 meets the given requirements when the minimumseparation distance  to human  body 0 mm. RF exposure or SAR evaluation is  not required  when the  separation distance is 0 mm ormore. If the separation distance is less than 0 mm the OEM integrator is responsible for evaluating the SAR.OEM Responsibilities to comply with IC RegulationsThe BGM113 Module has been certified for integration into products only by OEM integrators under the following conditions:• The antenna(s) must be installed such that a minimum separation distance of 0 mm is maintained between the radiator (antenna)and all persons at all times.• The transmitter module must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.As long as the two conditions above are met, further transmitter testing will not be required. However, the OEM integrator is still respon-sible for  testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirements required with this module installed (for example, digitaldevice emissions, PC peripheral requirements, etc.).Note: In the event that these conditions cannot be met (for certain configurations or co-location with another transmitter), then the ICauthorization is no longer considered valid and the IC ID cannot be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integra-tor will be responsible for re-evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate IC authorization. End Product LabelingThe BGM113 module is labeled with its own IC ID. If the IC ID is not visible when the module is installed inside another device, then theoutside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module. In that case, the finalend product must be labeled in a visible area with the following:"Contains Transmitter Module IC: 5123A-BGM113"or"Contains IC: 5123A-BGM113"The OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module orchange RF related parameters in the user manual of the end product.IC (Francais)Cet émetteur radio (IC : QOQ-BGM113) a reçu l'approbation d'Industrie Canada pour une exploitation avec l'antenne puce incorporée.Il est strictement interdit d'utiliser d'autres types d'antenne avec cet appareil.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation estautorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:1. L’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;2. L’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettrele fonctionnement.Déclaration relative à l'exposition aux radiofréquences (RF)Les limites applicables à l’exemption de l’évaluation courante du DAS sont énoncées dans le CNR 102, 5e édition. L'appareil BGM113répond aux exigences données quand la distance de séparation minimum par rapport au corps humain est inférieure ou égale à 0 mm.L'évaluation de l'exposition aux RF ou du DAS n'est pas requise quand la distance de séparation est de 0 mm ou plus. Si la distance deséparation est inférieure à 0 mm, il incombe à l'intégrateur FEO d'évaluer le DAS.Responsabilités du FEO ayant trait à la conformité avec les règlements ICLe Module BGM113 a été certifié pour une intégration dans des produits uniquement par les intégrateurs FEO dans les conditions sui-vantes:BGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  66
• La ou les antennes doivent être installées de telle façon qu'une distance de séparation minimum de 0 mm soit maintenue entre leradiateur (antenne) et toute personne à tout moment.•Le module émetteur ne doit pas être installé au même endroit ou fonctionner conjointement avec toute autre antenne ou émetteur.Dès  lors  que  les  deux  conditions  ci-dessus  sont  respectées,  d'autres  tests  de  l'émetteur  ne  sont  pas  obligatoires.  Cependant,  il  in-combe toujours à l'intégrateur FEO de tester la conformité de son produit final vis-à-vis de toute exigence supplémentaire avec ce mod-ule installé (par exemple, émissions de dispositifs numériques, exigences relatives aux matériels périphériques PC, etc).Note: S'il s'avère que ces conditions ne peuvent être respectées (pour certaines configurations ou la colocation avec un autre émet-teur), alors l'autorisation IC n'est plus considérée comme valide et l'identifiant IC ne peut plus être employé sur le produit final. Dansces circonstances, l'intégrateur FEO aura la responsabilité de réévaluer le produit final (y compris l'émetteur) et d'obtenir une autorisa-tion IC distincte. Étiquetage du produit finalL'étiquette du Module BGM113 porte son propre identifiant IC. Si l'identifiant IC n'est pas visible quand le module est installé à l'intér-ieur d'un autre appareil, l'extérieur de l'appareil dans lequel le module est installé doit aussi porter une étiquette faisant référence aumodule qu'il contient. Dans ce cas, une étiquette comportant les informations suivantes doit être collée sur une partie visible du produitfinal."Contient le module émetteur IC: 5123A-BGM113"or"Contient IC : 5123A-BGM113"L'intégrateur FEO doit être conscient de ne pas fournir d'informations à l'utilisateur final permettant d'installer ou de retirer ce moduleRF ou de changer les paramètres liés aux RF dans le mode d'emploi du produit final.9.5  JapanThe certification of BGM113 Module in Japan is pending.Certification number: TBDSince  September  1,  2014  it  is  allowed  (and  highly  recommended)  that  a  manufacturer  who  integrates  a  radio  module  in  their  hostequipment can place the certification mark and certification number (the same  marking/number as  depicted on  the label  of the radiomodule) on the outside of the host equipment. The certification mark and certification number must be placed close to the text in theJapanese language which is provided below. This change in the Radio Law has been made in order to enable users of the combinationof host and radio module to verify if they are actually using a radio device which is approved for use in Japan.Figure 9.1.  Text to be Placed on the Housing of the End-user DeviceTranslation of the text in the figure above:“This equipment contains specified radio equipment that has been certified to the Technical Regulation Conformity Certification underthe Radio Law.”9.6  KC (South-Korea)The certification of BGM113 in South-Korea is pending.Certification number: TBDBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  67
10.  Revision History10.1  Revision 0.932016-03-16Minor changes.10.2  Revision 0.922016-03-15Ordering information updated.10.3  Revision 0.912016-03-15Pinout update. Antenna characteristics and layout guidelines added.10.4  Revision 0.92016-03-14Updated version for initial product release.10.5  Revision 0.82016-03-04Ready for initial product release.10.6  Revision 0.72016-03-02Initial versionBGM113 Blue Gecko Bluetooth® Smart Module Data SheetRevision | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Preliminary Rev. 0.93  |  68
Table of Contents1.  Feature List ................................12.  Ordering Information ............................23.  System Overview ..............................33.1  Introduction...............................33.2  Radio.................................33.2.1  Antenna Interface ............................33.2.2  Wake on Radio .............................43.2.3  RFSENSE ..............................43.2.4  Packet and State Trace ..........................43.2.5  Data Buffering .............................43.2.6  Radio Controller (RAC) ..........................43.2.7  Random Number Generator ........................43.3  Power ................................53.3.1  Energy Management Unit (EMU) .......................53.3.2  DC-DC Converter ............................53.4  General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)......................53.5  Clocking ................................53.5.1  Clock Management Unit (CMU) .......................53.5.2  Internal Oscillators............................53.6  Counters/Timers and PWM .........................63.6.1  Timer/Counter (TIMER) ..........................63.6.2  Real Time Counter and Calendar (RTCC) ....................63.6.3  Low Energy Timer (LETIMER)........................63.6.4  Ultra Low Power Wake-up Timer (CRYOTIMER) .................63.6.5  Pulse Counter (PCNT) ..........................63.6.6  Watchdog Timer (WDOG) .........................63.7  Communications and Other Digital Peripherals ...................63.7.1  Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART) ..........63.7.2  Low Energy Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (LEUART) ..........73.7.3  Inter-Integrated Circuit Interface (I2C) .....................73.7.4  Peripheral Reflex System (PRS) .......................73.8  Security Features.............................73.8.1  GPCRC (General Purpose Cyclic Redundancy Check) ...............73.8.2  Crypto Accelerator (CRYPTO)........................73.9  Analog ................................73.9.1  Analog Port (APORT) ..........................73.9.2  Analog Comparator (ACMP) ........................73.9.3  Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) ......................83.9.4  Digital to Analog Current Converter (IDAC) ...................83.10  Reset Management Unit (RMU) .......................83.11  Core and Memory ............................83.11.1  Processor Core ............................83.11.2  Memory System Controller (MSC) ......................8Table of Contents 69
3.11.3  Linked Direct Memory Access Controller (LDMA) .................83.12  Memory Map ..............................93.13  Configuration Summary ..........................104.  Electrical Specifications .......................... 114.1  Electrical Characteristics ..........................114.1.1  Absolute Maximum Ratings ........................114.1.2  Operating Conditions ...........................  General Operating Conditions .......................124.1.3  Current Consumption...........................  Current Consumption 1.85 V without DC-DC Converter ..............  Current Consumption 3.3 V without DC-DC Converter ...............  Current Consumption 3.3 V using DC-DC Converter ...............  Current Consumption Using Radio .....................164.1.4  Wake up times .............................164.1.5  Brown Out Detector ...........................174.1.6  Frequency Synthesizer Characteristics .....................174.1.7  2.4 GHz RF Transceiver Characteristics ....................  RF Transmitter Characteristics for Bluetooth Smart in the 2.4 GHz Band .........  RF Receiver Characteristics for Bluetooth Smart in the 2.4 GHz Band..........194.1.8  Oscillators ..............................  LFXO ...............................  HFXO ...............................  LFRCO ...............................  HFRCO and AUXHFRCO ........................  ULFRCO ..............................234.1.9  Flash Memory Characteristics ........................234.1.10  GPIO................................244.1.11  VMON ...............................254.1.12  ADC ................................264.1.13  IDAC ................................284.1.14  Analog Comparator (ACMP) ........................304.1.15  I2C ................................324.1.16  USART SPI .............................344.2  Typical Performance Curves .........................365.  Typical Connection Diagrams ........................ 375.1  Power, Ground, Debug and UART .......................375.2  SPI and I2C Peripheral Connections ......................376.  Layout Guidelines ............................ 386.1  Layout Guidelines ............................386.2  Effect of Plastic and Metal Materials ......................397.  Pin Definitions .............................. 407.1  BGM113 Definition ............................407.1.1  BGM113 GPIO Overview .........................457.2  Alternate Functionality Pinout ........................467.3  Analog Port (APORT) ...........................53Table of Contents 70
8.  BGM113 Package Specifications ....................... 618.1  BGM113 Dimensions ...........................618.2  BGM113 PCB Land Pattern .........................628.3  BGM113 Package Marking .........................639.  Certifications .............................. 649.1  Bluetooth ...............................649.2  CE..................................649.3  FCC .................................649.4  IC ..................................669.5  Japan ................................679.6  KC (South-Korea) ............................6710.  Revision History............................. 6810.1  Revision 0.93 .............................6810.2  Revision 0.92 .............................6810.3  Revision 0.91 .............................6810.4  Revision 0.9 ..............................6810.5  Revision 0.8 ..............................6810.6  Revision 0.7 ..............................68Table of Contents .............................. 69Table of Contents 71
http://www.silabs.comSilicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar ChavezAustin, TX 78701USASimplicity StudioOne-click access to MCU and wireless tools, documentation, software, source code libraries & more. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux!IoT and Communitycommunity.silabs.comDisclaimerSilicon Laboratories intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Laboratories products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Laboratories shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Laboratories. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Laboratories products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Laboratories products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.Trademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.® , Silicon Laboratories®, Silicon Labs®, SiLabs® and the Silicon Labs logo®, Bluegiga®, Bluegiga Logo®, Clockbuilder®, CMEMS®, DSPLL®, EFM®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, Gecko®, ISOmodem®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, Simplicity Studio®, SiPHY®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo®, USBXpress® and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Laborato-ries Inc. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.

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