Silicon Laboratories Finland BLE113 BLE113 Bluetooth smart module User Manual Product Data Sheet

Silicon Laboratories Finland Oy BLE113 Bluetooth smart module Product Data Sheet

User Manual

                          BLE113 DATA SHEET Wednesday, 27 November 2013 Version 1.2
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy                         Copyright © 2000-2013 Bluegiga Technologies All rights reserved.  Bluegiga  Technologies  assumes  no  responsibility  for  any  errors  which  may  appear  in  this  manual.  Furthermore, Bluegiga Technologies reserves the right to alter the hardware, software, and/or specifications detailed  here  at  any  time  without  notice  and  does  not  make  any  commitment  to  update  the  information contained here. Bluegiga’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. The WRAP is a registered trademark of Bluegiga Technologies The Bluetooth trademark is owned by the Bluetooth SIG Inc., USA and is licensed to Bluegiga Technologies. All other trademarks listed herein are owned by their respective owners.
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy VERSION HISTORY Version Comment 0.1 Draft 0.2 Confidential watermark added 0.3 Marketing information updated 0.4 Current  consumption,  recommended  land  pattern,  layout  guide,  example schematic, antenna characteristics 0.5 Minor changes 0.51 Absolute maximum ratings: all supply nets must have the same voltage 0.52 Pin dimensions and recommended land pattern 0.53 FCC and IC statements 0.54 TXP vs HW config setting 0.55 Dimensions 0.56 CE, MIC Japan, KCC 0.57 Chapter 2.1 rephrased 0.58 Missing dimensions added to Figure 7 1.0 Preliminary datasheet -> production datasheet. No changes 1.1 Pull-up resistors added to P1_0 and P1_1 in the example schematic 1.2 5 mm restriction removed from the FCC statement
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 BLE113 Product numbering ..........................................................................................................................6 2 Pinout and Terminal Description ...................................................................................................................7 2.1 I/O Ports .............................................................................................................................................. 10 2.2 UART ................................................................................................................................................... 10 2.3 Electrical Characteristics ..................................................................................................................... 11 2.4 Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................................................ 11 2.5 Recommended Operating Conditions ................................................................................................. 11 2.6 DC Characteristics .............................................................................................................................. 11 2.7 Current Consumption .......................................................................................................................... 12 2.8 Antenna characteristics ....................................................................................................................... 13 3 Physical Dimensions .................................................................................................................................. 16 4 Power-On Reset and Brownout Detector ................................................................................................... 18 5 Design Guidelines ...................................................................................................................................... 19 5.1 General Design Guidelines ................................................................................................................. 19 5.2 Layout Guide Lines ............................................................................................................................. 19 5.3 BLE113-A Layout Guide ..................................................................................................................... 20 6 Soldering Recommendations ..................................................................................................................... 22 7 Block diagram ............................................................................................................................................. 23 8 Certifications ............................................................................................................................................... 26 8.1 Bluetooth ............................................................................................................................................. 26 8.2 FCC and IC ......................................................................................................................................... 26 8.3 CE ....................................................................................................................................................... 29 8.4 MIC Japan ........................................................................................................................................... 29 8.5 KCC (Korea) ........................................................................................................................................ 29 9 Contact Information .................................................................................................................................... 30
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy  BLE113 Bluetooth® Smart Module  DESCRIPTION BLE113 is a Bluetooth Smart module targeted for  small  and  low  power  sensors  and accessories. It integrates all features required for  a  Bluetooth  Smart  application:  Bluetooth radio,  software  stack  and  GATT  based profiles.  BLE113 Bluetooth Smart module can also host end  user  applications,  which  means  no external micro controller is required in size or price constrained devices.  BLE113  module  has  flexible  hardware interfaces  to  connect  to  different  peripherals and sensors. BLE113 can be powered directly from a standard 3V coin cell battery or pair of AAA batteries.  In lowest power sleep mode it consumes only 500nA  and  will  wake  up  in  few  hundred microseconds.   APPLICATIONS:   Health and fitness sensors   Medical sensors   iPhone and iPad accessories   Security and proximity tags   Key fobs   Smart home sensors and collectors   Wireless keys   HID keyboards and mice  KEY FEATURES:  Bluetooth v. 4.0, single mode compliant o  Supports master and slave modes o  Up to eight connections   Integrated Bluetooth Smart stack o  GAP, GATT, L2CAP and SMP o Bluetooth Smart profiles   Radio performance o TX power : 0 dBm to -23 dBm o  Receiver sensitivity: -93 dBm   Ultra low current consumption o  Transmit: 18.2 mA (0dBm) o  Transmit: 14.3 mA (0dBm + DC/DC) o  Receive: 14.3 mA o  Sleep mode 3: 0.4 uA   Flexible peripheral interfaces o  UART and SPI o  I2C, PWM and GPIO o 12-bit ADC   Host interfaces:  o  UART   Programmable 8051 processor for stand-alone operation   Dimensions: 9.15 x 15.75 x 2.1 mm  Bluetooth, CE, FCC, IC, South Korea and Japan qualified
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 6 of 30 1  BLE113 Product numbering BLE113-A-X             Firmware revisionAntenna:A  = InternalE  = ExternalN  = RF pin Available products and product codes Product code Description BLE113-A-v1 BLE113 with integrated chip antenna
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 7 of 30 2  Pinout and Terminal Description GNDGNDGNDGNDGNDGNDGNDAVDDP2_2P2_1P2_0P1_7P1_6SCLSDANCDVDDGNDP1_5P1_4P1_3P1_2P1_1P1_0GNDP0_7P0_6P0_5P0_4P0_3P0_2P0_1P0_0NCGNDReset#123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233353634 Figure 1: BLE113  PIN NUMBERPAD TYPE DESCRIPTIONRESET 34 Active low reset.GND1 - 7, 18, 25, 36GND GNDDVDD 17 Supply voltage Supply voltage 2V - 3.6VAVDD 8 Supply voltage Supply voltage 2V - 3.6V Table 1: Supply and RF Terminal Descriptions
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 8 of 30 PIN NUMBERPIN NAME PIN TYPE DESCRIPTION9 P2_210 P2_111 P2_012 P1_713 P1_619 P1_520 P1_421 P1_322 P1_226 P0_727 P0_628 P0_529 P0_430 P0_331 P0_232 P0_133 P0_023 P1_124 P1_014 SCL I2C clock or digital I/OCan be used as I2C clock pin or digital I/O. Leave floating if not used. If grounded disable pull up.15 SDA I2C data or digital I/OCan be used as I2C data pin or digital I/O. Leave floating if not used. If grounded disable pull up.Configurable I/O port, See table 3Digital I/OConfigurable I/O port with 20mA driving capability, See table 3Digital I/O Table 2: Terminal Descriptions *)BLE113 is configurable as either SPI master or SPI slave
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 9 of 30  HARDWARE.XML Example (*7654321076543210210A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0Alt.1CSS MO MI <usart channel="0" mode="spi_master" alternate="1" ...Alt.2MO MI CSS <usart channel="0" mode="spi_master" alternate="2" ...Alt.1RT CT TX RX <usart channel="0" mode="uart" alternate="1" ...Alt.2TX RX RT CT <usart channel="0" mode="uart" alternate="2" ...Alt.1MI MO CSS <usart channel="1" mode="spi_master" alternate="1" ...Alt.2MI MO CSS <usart channel="1" mode="spi_master" alternate="2" ...Alt.1RX TX RT CT <usart channel="1" mode="uart" alternate="1" ...Alt.2RX TX RT CT <usart channel="1" mode="uart" alternate="2" ...Alt.143210 <timer index="1" alternate="1" ...Alt.23 4 0 1 2 <timer index="1" alternate="2" ...Alt.11 0 <timer index="3" alternate="1" ...Alt.21 0 <timer index="3" alternate="2" ...Alt.11 0 <timer index="4" alternate="1" ...Alt.20<timer index="4" alternate="2" ...DC DD543210DEBUGOBSSELADCTIMER 3TIMER 4P0USART 0 UARTUSART 1 SPI (**USART 1 UARTTIMER 1P1PERIPHERAL / FUNCTIONP2USART 0 SPI (** *) Refer to Profile Toolkit Developer Guide for detailed settings **) SS is the slave select signal when BLE113 is set as SPI slave. When set as SPI master, any available I/O can be used as chip select signal of BLE113  Table 3:Peripheral I/O Pin Mapping
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 10 of 30 2.1  I/O Ports   Each I/O port can be configured as an input or output. When configured as input, each I/O port, except pins P1_0 and P1_1, can also be configured with internal pull-up, pull-down or tri-state. Pull-down or pull-up can only be configured to whole port, not individual pins. Unused I/O pins should have defined level and not be floating. See the Profile Toolkit developer guide for more information about the configuration.  During reset the I/O pins are configured as inputs with pull-ups. P1_0 and P1_1 are inputs but do not have pull-up or pull-down.  2.2  UART UART baud rate can be configured up 2 Mbps. See the Profile Toolkit developer guide for more information. Following table lists commonly used baud rates for BLE113 Baud rate (bps) Error (%) 2400 0.14 4800 0.14 9600 0.14 14 400 0.03 19 200 0.14 28 800 0.03 38 400 0.14 57 600 0.03 76 800 0.14 115 200 0.03 230 400 0.03 Table 4: Commonly used baud rates for BLE113
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 11 of 30 2.3  Electrical Characteristics 2.4  Absolute Maximum Ratings  Note:  These  are  absolute  maximum  ratings  beyond  which  the  module  can  be  permanently  damaged.  These  are  not maximum operating conditions. The maximum recommended operating conditions are in the table 6.  Min Max Unit-40 85 °C-0.3 3.9 VVSS-0.4 VDD+0.4 VRatingStorage TemperatureOther Terminal VoltagesAVDD,DVDD (* *)All supply nets must have the same voltage Table 5: Absolute Maximum Ratings 2.5  Recommended Operating Conditions Min Max Unit-40 85 °C2.0 3.6 VRatingOperating Temperature RangeAVDD, DVDD *) Supply voltage noise should be less than 10mVpp. Excessive noise at the supply voltage will reduce the RF performance. Table 6: Recommended Operating Conditions 2.6  DC Characteristics Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit0.5 V2.5 VInput equals 0V -50 50 nAInput equals VDD -50 50 nA20 kΩOutput load 4 mA 0.5 VOutoput load 4 mA 2.4 VParameterLogic-0 input voltageLogic-0 output volatge, 4 mA pinsI/O pin pull-up and pull-down resistorsLogic-1 output voltage, 4 mA pinsLogic-1 input voltageLogic-0 input currentLogic-1 input current  For detailed I/O terminal characteristic and timings refer to the CC2541 datasheet available in (
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 12 of 30 2.7  Current Consumption Power mode hardware.xml Min Typ Max Unit<txpower power = "1"/><slow clock enable = "true"/>18.2 mA<txpower power = "7"/><slow clock enable = "true"/>18.3 mA<txpower power = "15"/><slow clock enable = "true"/>20.7 mA<txpower power = "1"/><slow clock enable = "false"/>23.6 mA<txpower power = "7"/><slow clock enable = "false"/>23.6 mA<txpower power = "15"/><slow clock enable = "false"/>26.1 mA<slow clock enable = "true"/> 21.9 mA<slow clock enable = "false"/> 27.0 mA270 uA1uA0.5 uAPower mode 2Power mode 1Power mode 3TransmitReceive Table 7: Current consumption of BLE113   Figure 2: BLE113 TX peak current as a function of the setting in the HW configuration file
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 13 of 30  Figure 3: BLE113 TX power as a function of the setting in the HW configuration file  2.8  Antenna characteristics The antenna is monopole type of chip antenna. The antenna impedance matching is optimized for 1 mm – 2 mm  mother  board  PCB  thickness.  The  radiation  pattern  is  impacted  by  the  layout  of  the  mother  board. Typically the highest gain is towards GND plane and weakest gain away from the GND plane. Figures 4 – 6 show the radiation pattern of BLE113 when mounted to the development board. The typical efficiency of the antenna is 25…35% depending on the mother board layout. Maximum gain is 0.5 dBi.
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 14 of 30  Figure 4: Radiation pattern of BLE113, top view  Figure 5: Radiation pattern of BLE113, front view
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 15 of 30  Figure 6: Radiation pattern of BLE113, side view
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 16 of 30 3  Physical Dimensions  Figure 7: Physical dimensions and pinout (top view)   15.73 mm (+/-0.1mm)9.15 mm (+/-0.1mm)Antenna0.3 mm4.9 mm0.85 mm5.53 mm 9.6 mm 0.6 mm0.6 mm Figure 8: Physical dimensions (top view)
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 17 of 30  15.73 (+/-0.1) mm0.6 mm 1.9 mm (+/-10%)1.3 mm Figure 9: Physical dimensions (side view)   Figure 10: Recommended land pattern for BLE113-A
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 18 of 30 4  Power-On Reset and Brownout Detector BLE113  includes  a  power-on  reset  (POR),  providing  correct  initialization  during  device  power  on.  It  also includes  a  brownout  detector (BOD)  operating  on  the  regulated  1.8-V  digital  power  supply only.  The  BOD protects the memory contents during supply voltage variations which cause the regulated 1.8-V power to drop below the minimum level required by digital logic, flash memory, and SRAM. When power is initially applied, the POR and BOD hold the device in the reset state until the supply voltage rises above the power-on-reset and brownout voltages.
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 19 of 30 5  Design Guidelines 5.1  General Design Guidelines LE113 can be used directly with a coin cell battery. Due to relatively high internal resistance of a coin cell battery it is recommended to place a 100uF capacitor in parallel with the battery. The internal resistance of a coin cell battery is initially in the range of 10 ohms but the resistance increases rapidly as the capacity is used. Basically the higher the value of the capacitor the higher is the effective capacity of the battery and thus the longer the life time for the application. The minimum value for the capacitor depends on the end application and the maximum transmit power used. The leakage current of a 100uF capacitor is in the range of 0.5 uA to 3  uA  and  generally  ceramic  capacitors  have  lower  leakage  current  than  tantalum  or  aluminum  electrolytic capacitors.  Optionally TI’s TPS62730 can be used to reduce the current consumption during TX/RX and data processing stages.  TPS62730  is  an  ultra  low  power  DC/DC  converter  with  by-pass  mode  and  will  reduce  the  current consumption during transmission nominally by ~20% when using 3V coin cell battery.     BLE113 Example Schematic201 2- 08 -03-PR A--Bluegiga Technologies Oy-C1.015REV:SIZE:CODE:DRAWN:DATED:DATED:CHECKED:QUALITY CONTROL:DATED:DATED:RELEASED:COM PANY:TITL E:DRAWING NO:SHEET:     OFSCALE:REVISION RECORDAPPROVED:ECO NO:LTR DATE:123456DCBACDBAPROGRAMMING INTERFACEP1_0 and P1_1 require external pull-up or pull-down resistor if configured as inputsC1410 0 u F/1 6V/1 0 % /TAN12U 4BATTER YH OL D ER _SMD _ C R 20321STAT2SW3VIN4G N D5ON/BYP6VOUTU5TPS62730C102.2 uF/10V/X5RC112.2 uF/10V/X5RL12.2µH±20%,  1 30m A, 0.4 3ohm12R4NPC50.4 7uF/6.3V/X5 RC60.4 7uF/6.3V/X5 R1243SW112R110K,  5 0V, 0.0 63W1GND2GND3GND4GND5GND6GND7GND8AVDD9P2_210 P2_ 111 P2_ 012 P1_ 713 P1_ 614 SCL15 SDA16 NC17 DVDD18 GND19 P1 _ 520 P1 _ 421 P1 _ 322 P1 _ 223 P1 _ 124 P1 _ 025GND26P0_727P0_628P0_529P0_430P0_331P0_232P0_133P0_034RESET35NC36GNDM OD2BLE11 X_ P21 2R164.7K, 50V, 0 .06 3W1 2R174.7K, 50V, 0 .06 3W1VDDIO2BYP3NC4SCL5GND6SDA7SA08NC9INT210GND11INT112GND13NC14VDD15NC16NCU2M M A8 45 1QC74. 7uF/4V/ X5R/10%C80. 1uF/10 V/X5R1352467891 0J 1HEADER_ 2 X5_ SM D_1 .2 7 M M12R210K,  5 0V, 0.0 63W12R2110K,  5 0V, 0.0 63WVBATP1_7 /DCDC2V ... 3V3 _ M OD2 V... 3V3 _ M ODP2_2 /PROGP2_1 /PROGP1_7 /DCDCSCLSDA2 V... 3V3 _ M ODSCLSDAP2_2 /PROG2V... 3V3_SWP2_1 /PROGRESET_N2 V... 3V3 _ M OD Figure 11: Example schematic for BLE113 with a coin cell battery, TPS62730 DCDC converter and an I2C accelerometer  5.2  Layout Guide Lines Use  good  layout  practices  to  avoid  excessive  noise  coupling  to  supply  voltage  traces  or  sensitive  analog signal traces. If using overlapping ground planes use stitching vias separated by max 3 mm to avoid emission from the edges of the PCB. Connect all the GND pins directly to a solid GND plane and make sure that there is a low impedance path for the return current following the signal and supply traces all the way from start to the end.  A good practice is to dedicate one of the inner  layers to a solid GND plane and one of the inner layers to supply  voltage  planes  and  traces  and  route  all  the  signals  on  top  and  bottom  layers  of  the  PCB.  This arrangement will make sure that any return current follows the forward current as close as possible and any loops are minimized.
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 20 of 30 Layout•Supply voltage–If possible use solid power plane–Make sure that solid GND plane follows the traces all the way–Do not route supply voltage traces across separated GND regions so that the path for the return current is cut•MIC input–Place LC filtering and DC coupling capacitors symmetrically as close to audio pins as possible–Place MIC biasing resistors symmetrically as close to microhone as possible.–Make sure that the bias trace does not cross separated GND regions (DGND -> AGND) so that the path for the return current is cut. If this is not possible the do not separate GND regions but keep one solid GND plane.–Keep the trace as short as possibleSignalsGNDPowerSignalsRecommended PCB layer configuration Figure 12: Typical 4-layer PCB construction  Overlapping GND layers without GND stitching vias Overlapping GND layers with GND stitching vias shielding the RF energy Figure 13: Use of stitching vias to avoid emissions from the edges of the PCB  5.3  BLE113-A Layout Guide For optimal performance of the antenna place the module at the corner of the PCB as shown in the figure 14. Do not place any metal (traces, components, battery etc.) within the clearance area of the antenna. Connect all the GND pins directly to a solid GND plane. Place the GND vias as close to the GND pins as possible. Use good  layout  practices  to  avoid  any  excessive  noise  coupling  to  signal  lines  or  supply  voltage  lines.  Avoid placing plastic or any other dielectric material closer than 5 mm from the antenna. Any dielectric closer than 5 mm from the antenna will detune the antenna to lower frequencies.  Figure 14: Recommended layout for BLE113-A
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 21 of 30  Figure 15: Typical return loss of BLE113-A with two different mother board PCB thickness
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 22 of 30 6  Soldering Recommendations BLE113  is  compatible  with  industrial  standard  reflow  profile  for  Pb-free  solders.  The  reflow  profile  used  is dependent  on  the  thermal  mass  of  the  entire  populated  PCB,  heat  transfer  efficiency  of  the  oven  and particular type of solder paste used. Consult the datasheet of particular solder paste for profile configurations.  Bluegiga Technologies will give following recommendations for soldering the module to ensure reliable solder joint and operation of the module after soldering. Since the profile used is process and layout dependent, the optimum  profile  should  be  studied  case  by  case.  Thus  following  recommendation  should  be  taken  as  a starting point guide.  -  Refer to technical documentations of particular solder paste for profile configurations -  Avoid using more than one flow.  -  Reliability of the solder joint and self-alignment of the component are dependent on the solder volume. Minimum of 150m stencil thickness is recommended.  -  Aperture size of the stencil should be 1:1 with the pad size.  -  A low residue, “no clean” solder paste should be used due to low mounted height of the component.   Figure 16: Reference reflow profile
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 23 of 30 7  Block diagram BLE113  is  based  on  TI’s  CC2541  chip.  Embedded  32  MHz  and  32.678  kHz  crystals  are  used  for  clock generation. Matched balun and low pass filter provide optimal radio performance with extremely low spurious emissions.  Small  ceramic  chip  antenna  gives  good  radiation  efficiency  even  when  the  module  is  used  in layouts with very limited space. I/O controllerCC2540I/O32 MHz XTAL32.768 kHz XTALClockDebug interface8051 CPU core and memory arbitratorVoltage regulatorSRAMFlashAnalog comparatorADCIRQ  controller DMAI2CUSART 0USART 1TIMER 1TIMER 2TIMER 3TIMER 4Radio arbiterRadio registersLink layer engineSRAMModulatorDemodulator SynthReceive TransmitFrequency synthetisizerBalun + LPFChip antenna BLE112-A)ResetPower-on reset2V –3.6V ResetU.Fl connector (BLE112-E)Assembly variant:BLE112-A or BLE112-E Figure 17: Simplified block diagram of BLE113   CPU and Memory The 8051 CPU core is a single-cycle 8051-compatible core. It has three different memory access buses (SFR, DATA, and CODE/XDATA), a debug interface, and an 18-input extended interrupt unit. The memory arbiter is at the heart of the system, as it connects the CPU and DMA controller with the physical memories  and  all  peripherals  through  the  SFR  bus.  The  memory  arbiter  has  four  memory-access  points, access  of  which  can  map  to  one  of  three  physical  memories:  an  SRAM,  flash  memory,  and  XREG/SFR registers. It is responsible for performing arbitration and sequencing between simultaneous memory accesses to the same physical memory. The SFR bus is a common bus that connects all hardware peripherals to the memory arbiter. The SFR bus also provides access to the radio registers in the radio register bank, even though these are indeed mapped into XDATA memory space.
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 24 of 30 The 8-KB SRAM maps to the DATA memory space and to parts of the XDATA memory spaces. The SRAM is an ultralow-power SRAM that retains its contents even when the digital part is powered off (power modes 2 and 3). The 128/256  KB  flash block  provides  in-circuit programmable non-volatile  program memory for the device, and maps into the CODE and XDATA memory spaces. Peripherals Writing to the flash block is performed through a flash controller that allows page-wise erasure and 4-bytewise programming.  A  versatile  five-channel  DMA  controller  is  available  in  the  system,  accesses  memory  using  the  XDATA memory space, and thus has access to all physical memories. Each channel (trigger, priority, transfer mode, addressing mode, source and destination pointers, and transfer count) is configured with DMA descriptors that can be located anywhere in memory. Many of the hardware peripherals (AES core, flash controller, USARTs, timers, ADC interface, etc.) can be used with the DMA  controller  for efficient operation by performing  data transfers between a single SFR or XREG address and flash/SRAM. Each CC2541 contains a unique 48-bit IEEE address that can be used as the  public device address for a Bluetooth device. Designers are free to use this address, or provide their own, as described in the Bluetooth specification. The interrupt controller services a total of 18 interrupt sources, divided into six interrupt groups, each of which is associated with one of four interrupt priorities. I/O and sleep timer interrupt requests are serviced even if the device is in a sleep mode (power modes 1 and 2) by bringing the CC2541 back to the active mode. The debug interface implements a proprietary two-wire serial interface that is used for in-circuit debugging. Through  this  debug  interface,  it  is  possible  to  erase  or  program  the  entire  flash  memory,  control  which oscillators are enabled, stop and start execution of the user program, execute instructions on the 8051 core, set code breakpoints, and single-step through instructions in the code. Using these techniques, it is possible to perform in-circuit debugging and external flash programming elegantly. The I/O controller is responsible for all general-purpose I/O pins. The CPU can configure whether peripheral modules  control  certain  pins  or  whether  they  are  under  software  control,  and  if  so,  whether  each  pin  is configured as an input or output and if a pullup or pulldown resistor in the pad is connected. Each peripheral that connects to the I/O pins can choose between two different I/O pin locations to ensure flexibility in various applications. The sleep timer is an ultra low power timer that uses an external 32.768-kHz crystal oscillator. The sleep timer runs continuously in all operating modes except power mode 3. Typical applications of this timer are as a real-time counter or as a wake-up timer to exit power modes 1 or 2. Timer  1  is  a  16-bit  timer  with  timer/counter/PWM  functionality.  It  has  a  programmable  prescaler,  a  16-bit period value, and five individually programmable counter/capture channels, each with a 16-bit compare value. Each of the counter/capture channels can be used as a PWM output or to capture the timing of edges on input signals. It can also be configured in IR generation mode, where it counts timer 3 periods and the output is ANDed with the output of timer 3 to generate modulated consumer IR signals with minimal CPU interaction. Timer 2 is a 40-bit timer used by the Bluetooth low energy stack. It has a 16-bit counter with a configurable timer period and a 24-bit overflow counter that can be used to keep track of the number of periods that have transpired. A 40-bit capture register is also used to record the exact time at which a start-of-frame delimiter is received/transmitted  or  the  exact  time  at  which  transmission  ends.  There  are  two  16-bit  timer-compare registers and two 24-bit overflow-compare registers that can be used to give exact timing for start of RX or TX to the radio or general interrupts. Timer  3  and  timer  4  are  8-bit  timers  with  timer/counter/PWM  functionality.  They  have  a  programmable prescaler, an 8-bit period value, and one programmable counter channel with an 8-bit compare value. Each of the counter channels can be used as PWM output. USART 0 and USART 1 are each configurable as either an SPI master/slave or a UART. They provide double buffering on both RX and TX and hardware flow control and are thus well suited to high-throughput full-duplex applications. Each USART has its own high-precision baud-rate generator, thus leaving the ordinary timers
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 25 of 30 free for other uses. When configured as SPI slaves, the USARTs sample the input signal using SCK directly instead of using some oversampling scheme, and are thus well-suited for high data rates. The AES encryption/decryption core allows the user to encrypt and decrypt data using the AES algorithm with 128-bit keys. The AES core also supports ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR, and CBC-MAC, as well as hardware support for CCM. The ADC supports 7 to 12 bits of resolution with a corresponding range of bandwidths from 30-kHz to 4-kHz, respectively. DC and audio conversions with up to eight input channels (I/O controller pins) are possible. The inputs  can  be  selected  as  single-ended  or  differential.  The  reference  voltage  can  be  internal,  AVDD,  or  a single-ended or differential external signal. The ADC also has a temperature-sensor input channel. The ADC can automate the process of periodic sampling or conversion over a sequence of channels. The I2C module provides a digital peripheral connection with two pins and supports both master and slave operation. I2C support is compliant with the NXP I2C specification version 2.1 and supports standard mode (up to 100 kbps) and fast mode (up to 400 kbps). In addition, 7-bit device addressing modes are supported, as well as master and slave modes.. The ultralow-power analog comparator enables applications to wake up from PM2 or PM3 based on an analog signal. Both inputs are brought out to pins; the reference voltage must be provided externally. The comparator output is connected to the I/O controller interrupt detector and can be treated by the MCU as a regular I/O pin interrupt. RF front end RF front end includes combined matched balun and low pass filter, and ceramic chip antenna with matching network.  Optimal matching  combined  with effective low pass  filter provides extremely low in-band spurious emissions and harmonics.
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 26 of 30 8  Certifications BLE113 is compliant to the following specifications. 8.1  Bluetooth BLE113 is BT qualified as a controller subsystem. As a controller subsystem the module can be used as such with  a  Host  Subsystem  to  make  a  Bluetooth  end  product  without  additional  qualification  or  QDID.  The Bluetooth QDID of BLE13 is B021015. The Bluetooth listing can be vied from the link below.   8.2   FCC and IC This  device complies  with  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  Operation  is  subject  to  the  following  two  conditions:  (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and  (2)  this  device  must  accept  any  interference  received,  including  interference  that  may cause undesired operation. Any  changes  or  modifications not  expressly approved  by  Bluegiga Technologies  could void  the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:  This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter meets both portable and mobile limits as demonstrated in the RF Exposure Analysis. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product procedures.    IC Statements:  This  device  complies  with  Industry  Canada  licence-exempt  RSS  standard(s).  Operation  is  subject  to  the following  two  conditions:  (1)  this  device  may  not  cause  interference,  and  (2)  this  device  must  accept  any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum  (or  lesser)  gain  approved  for  the  transmitter  by  Industry  Canada.  To  reduce  potential  radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.  OEM Responsibilities to comply with FCC and Industry Canada Regulations The  BLE113  module  has  been  certified  for  integration  into  products  only  by  OEM  integrators  under  the following condition:
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 27 of 30   The transmitter module must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product procedures.  As long as the two condition above is met, further transmitter testing will not be required. However, the OEM integrator is still responsible for testing their end-product for any additional compliance requirements required with this module installed (for example, digital device emissions, PC peripheral requirements, etc.).  IMPORTANT  NOTE:  In  the  event  that  these  conditions  can  not  be  met  (for  certain  configurations  or  co-location with another transmitter), then the FCC and Industry Canada authorizations are no longer considered valid  and  the  FCC  ID  and  IC  Certification  Number  can  not  be  used  on  the  final  product.  In  these circumstances,  the  OEM  integrator  will  be  responsible  for  re-evaluating  the  end  product  (including  the transmitter) and obtaining a separate FCC and Industry Canada authorization.  End Product Labeling The  BLE113  module  is  labeled  with  its  own  FCC  ID  and  IC  Certification  Number.  If  the  FCC  ID  and  IC Certification Number are not visible when the module is installed inside another device, then the outside of the device into which the module is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed module.  In that case, the final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following:   “Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: QOQBLE113” “Contains Transmitter Module IC: 5123A-BGTBLE113” or  “Contains FCC ID: QOQBT113” “Contains IC: 5123A-BGTBLE113”   The OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module or change RF related parameters in the user manual of the end product.  8.2.1 FCC et IC Déclaration d’IC :  Ce dispositif est conforme aux normes RSS exemptes de licence d’Industrie Canada. Son fonctionnement est assujetti  aux  deux  conditions  suivantes :  (1)  ce  dispositif  ne  doit  pas  provoquer  de  perturbation  et  (2)  ce dispositif doit accepter toute perturbation, y compris les perturbations qui peuvent entraîner un fonctionnement non désiré du dispositif. Selon  les  réglementations  d’Industrie  Canada,  cet  émetteur  radio  ne  doit  fonctionner  qu’avec  une  antenne d’une  typologie  spécifique  et  d’un  gain  maximum  (ou  inférieur)  approuvé  pour  l’émetteur  par  Industrie Canada.  Pour  réduire  les  éventuelles  perturbations  radioélectriques  nuisibles  à d’autres  utilisateurs,  le type d’antenne et son gain doivent être choisis de manière à ce que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (P.I.R.E.) n’excède pas les valeurs nécessaires pour obtenir une communication convenable.  Responsabilités  des  OEM  quant  à  la  conformité  avec  les  réglementations  de  FCC  et  d’Industrie Canada Les modules BLE113 ont été certifiés pour entrer dans la fabrication de produits exclusivement réalisés par des intégrateurs dans les conditions suivantes :
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 28 of 30  Le module transmetteur ne doit pas être installé ou utilisé en concomitance avec une autre antenne ou un autre transmetteur. Tant que ces deux conditions sont réunies, il n’est pas nécessaire de procéder à des tests supplémentaires sur le transmetteur. Cependant, l’intégrateur est responsable des tests effectués sur le produit final afin de se mettre en conformité avec d’éventuelles exigences complémentaires lorsque le module est installé (exemple : émissions provenant d’appareils numériques, exigences vis-à-vis de périphériques informatiques, etc.)   REMARQUE  IMPORTANTE :  En  cas  d’inobservance  de  ces  conditions  (en  ce  qui  concerne  certaines configurations ou  l’emplacement  du  dispositif  à  proximité  d’un autre  émetteur),  les  autorisations  de  FCC  et d’Industrie Canada ne seront plus considérées valables et l’identification de FCC et le numéro de certification d’IC ne pourront pas être utilisés sur le produit final. Dans ces cas, l’intégrateur OEM sera chargé d’évaluer à nouveau  le  produit  final  (y  compris  l’émetteur)  et  d’obtenir  une  autorisation  indépendante  de  FCC  et d’Industrie Canada.  Étiquetage du produit final Le module BLE113 est étiqueté avec sa propre identification FCC et son propre numéro de certification IC. Si l’identification  FCC  et  le  numéro  de  certification  IC  ne  sont  pas  visibles  lorsque  le  module  est  installé  à l’intérieur  d’un  autre  dispositif,  la  partie  externe  du  dispositif  dans  lequel  le  module  est  installé  devra également présenter une étiquette faisant référence au module inclus. Dans ce cas, le produit final devra être étiqueté sur une zone visible avec les informations suivantes :  « Contient module émetteur identification FCC : QOQBLE113 » « Contient module émetteur IC : 5123A-BGTBLE113 » ou  « Contient identification FCC : QOQBLE113 » « Contient IC : 5123A-BGTBLE113 »  Dans  le  guide  d’utilisation  du  produit  final,  l’intégrateur  OEM  doit  s’abstenir  de  fournir  des  informations  à l’utilisateur final portant sur les procédures à suivre pour installer ou retirer ce module RF ou pour changer les paramètres RF.
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 29 of 30 8.3  CE BLE113 is conformity with the following standards  SAFETY   EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011  EMC (Art. 3(1)(a)):   EN 301 489-1 v.1.9.2   EN 301 489-17:V2.2.1 o  Radiated electric field immunity, EN 61000-4-3:2006   SPECTRUM (Art. 3(2)):   EN 300 328 v1.7.1 o  Equivalent isotropic radiated power o  Maximum spectral power density   EN 300 328 V1.8.1 o  Occupied channel bandwidth o  Transmitter unwanted spurious emissions in the out-of-band domain o  Transmitter unwanted spurious emissions in the spurious domain o  Receiver spurious emissions  8.4  MIC Japan BLE113 is certified as a module with type certification number 007-AB0103. As a certified module BLE113 can be integrated to an end product without a need for additional MIC Japan certification of the end product.  8.5  KCC (Korea) BLE113 has type certification in Korea with certification number KCC-CRM-BGT-BLE113.
  Bluegiga Technologies Oy Page 30 of 30 9  Contact Information Sales:  Technical support:  Orders:  WWW: Head Office / Finland: Phone: +358-9-4355 060 Fax: +358-9-4355 0660 Sinikalliontie 5A 02630 ESPOO FINLAND Postal address / Finland: P.O. BOX 120 02631 ESPOO FINLAND Sales Office / USA: Phone: +1 770 291 2181  Fax: +1 770 291 2183 Bluegiga Technologies, Inc. 3235 Satellite Boulevard, Building 400, Suite 300 Duluth, GA, 30096, USA Sales Office / Hong-Kong:  Phone: +852 3972 2186  Bluegiga Technologies Ltd.  Unit 10-18  32/F, Tower 1, Millennium City 1  388 Kwun Tong Road  Kwun Tong, Kowloon  Hong Kong

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