Simoco Wireless Solutions AIR600AC VHF Fixed Station Remote Telemetry Transceiver User Manual

Simoco Australasia Pty Ltd VHF Fixed Station Remote Telemetry Transceiver

User Manual

    PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  USER and INSTALLATION MANUAL  TNM-M-E-0055, Issue 1.0 January 2017     © Simoco 2017  Field House, Uttoxeter Old Road Derby DE1 1NH Tel:  +44 (0) 1332 375500 Fax:  +44 (0) 1332 375501 1270 Ferntree Gully Road, Scoresby Victoria, 3179 Australia Tel:  +61 (0)3 9730 3999 Fax:  +61 (0)3 9730 3988
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 2  Issue 1.0 PREFACE DECLARATION This User and Installation Manual covers the Pulse Air Data Modem. Any performance figures quoted are subject to normal manufacturing and service tolerances.  The right  is  reserved  to  alter the  equipment  described in  this  manual  in  the light  of  future  technical development. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. NOTE. The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized  modifications  to  this  equipment.    Such  modifications  could  void  the user’s authority to operate the equipment. COPYRIGHT All information contained in this document is the property of Simoco.  All rights are reserved.  This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, stored, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, without prior written permission from Simoco. DISCLAIMER There are no warranties extended or granted by this document.  Simoco accepts no responsibility for damage arising from use of the information contained in the document or of the equipment and software it describes.  It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that use of such information, equipment  and  software  complies  with  the  laws,  rules  and  regulations  of  the  applicable jurisdictions. EQUIPMENT AND MANUAL UPDATES In  the  interests  of  improving  the  performance,  reliability  or  servicing  of  the  equipment,  Simoco reserves the right to update the equipment or this document or both without prior notice. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS The usefulness of this publication depends upon the accuracy and completeness of the information contained within it.  Whilst every endeavour has been made to eliminate any errors, some may still exist.    It  is  requested  that  any  errors  or  omissions  noted  should  be  reported  to  either  of  the following who are part of the Simoco group:  Field House, Uttoxeter Old Road Derby DE1 1NH Tel:  +44 (0) 1332 375500 Fax:  +44 (0) 1332 375501 1270 Ferntree Gully Road, Scoresby Victoria, 3179 Australia Tel:  +61 (0)3 9730 3999 Fax:  +61 (0)3 9730 3988
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 3  Issue 1.0 DOCUMENT HISTORY Issue Date Comments 1.0 January 2017 First Issue.  RELATED DOCUMENTS 1.  TNM-M-E-0033.  SDP600 Series DMR Portable Radio Transceiver – Service Manual. 2.  TNM-U-E-0112_SDMT User Manual.   To order printed copies of this or any of the above publications, please contact Simoco.  See the Support page for contact information. A  comprehensive  list  of  documentation  is  available  for  download  on  the  Simoco  website via the Partner Portal.
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 4  Issue 1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS   Page Title Page  ...................................................................................................................................... 1 Preface  .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Table of Contents (this list)  ......................................................................................................... 4 List of Figures  .............................................................................................................................. 5 List of Tables  ................................................................................................................................ 5 PERSONAL SAFETY  .................................................................................................................... 6 EQUIPMENT SAFETY ................................................................................................................... 9 WEEE Notice  .............................................................................................................................. 10 Simoco Support  ......................................................................................................................... 11 Abbreviations  ............................................................................................................................. 13  1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 14 1.1 SIMOCO PULSE AIR DATA MODEM ..................................................................................... 14 1.2 SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................... 14 1.2.1 General .................................................................................................................. 14 1.2.2 Transmitter ............................................................................................................. 15 1.2.3 Receiver ................................................................................................................. 15 1.2.4 Environmental ........................................................................................................ 15 2 DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 16 2.1 LED INDICATIONS ............................................................................................................. 16 2.2 CONNECTIONS .................................................................................................................. 17 2.2.1 Antenna Connection ............................................................................................... 17 2.2.2 Power Connection .................................................................................................. 18 2.2.3 COM Serial Port ..................................................................................................... 18 2.2.4 LED Indications ...................................................................................................... 19 3 MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................. 20 3.1 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................ 20 3.1.1 Install Using User Provided Cables and Materials .................................................. 20 3.2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE .............................................. 20 4 SPARES .............................................................................................................................. 21 4.1 SERVICE CONCEPT ........................................................................................................... 21 4.2 LEVEL 2 SPARES SCHEDULE ............................................................................................. 21 4.2.1 Pulse Air Data Modem ........................................................................................... 21 4.3 WARRANTY ...................................................................................................................... 22 4.3.1 Service Within and Out Of Warranty ....................................................................... 22 4.3.2 Ancillary Items ........................................................................................................ 22 4.3.3 Unpacking Equipment ............................................................................................ 22 4.4 SOFTWARE POLICY ........................................................................................................... 22
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 5  Issue 1.0 APPENDICES A  Nil.  LIST OF FIGURES  Page Figure 1.  Data Modem Simple Block Diagram. ............................................................................. 16 Figure 2.  Interface PCB Block Diagram. ....................................................................................... 16 Figure 3.  Data Modem Connectors. ............................................................................................. 17  LIST OF TABLES   Page Table 1.  General Specifications. .................................................................................................. 14 Table 2.  Transmitter Specifications. ............................................................................................. 15 Table 3.  Receiver Specifications. ................................................................................................. 15 Table 4.  Environmental Specifications. ........................................................................................ 15 Table 5.  Details LED Indicators. ................................................................................................... 16 Table 6.  Data Modem Connections. ............................................................................................. 17 Table 7.  DC Power Connector Pin-outs. ...................................................................................... 18 Table 8.  COM Serial Port Connector Pin-outs. ............................................................................. 18 Table 9.  Details of LED Indications. ............................................................................................. 19 Table 10.  Service Levels. ............................................................................................................. 21 Table 11.  Service Level 2 Parts List. ............................................................................................ 21
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 6  Issue 1.0 PERSONAL SAFETY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS These Safety Precautions, Warnings and Cautions advise personnel of specific hazards which may be encountered during the procedures contained in this document and that control measures are required to prevent injury to personnel, and damage to equipment and/or the environment. Before  commencing  the  installation  or  any  maintenance  of  this  equipment,  personnel  are  to acquaint themselves with all risk assessments relevant to the work site and the task.  They must then comply with the control measures detailed in those risk assessments. References covering  safety  regulations,  health  hazards and hazardous  substances are detailed under the WARNINGS section below.  These are referred to in the tasks, when encountered. Adequate precautions must be taken to ensure that other personnel do not activate any equipment that has been switched off for maintenance.  Refer to the  relevant Electrical Safety Regulations appropriate to the country of operation. Where  dangerous  voltages  are  exposed  during  a  task,  safety  personnel  are  to  be  provided  as detailed in the relevant Electrical Safety Regulations.  Where safety personnel are required for any other reason, management are to ensure that the personnel detailed are aware of the hazard and are fully briefed on the action to be taken in an emergency. Where  equipment  contains  heavy  components  or  units  that  require  lifting,  lowering,  pulling  or pushing  operations  to  be  performed  on  them  during  maintenance  tasks,  all  managers  and tradesmen are to be conversant with the Manual Handling Operations Regulations. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Before using any hazardous substance or material, the user must be conversant with the safety precautions and first aid instructions:  On the label of the container in which it was supplied.  On the material Safety Data Sheet.  In any local Safety Orders and Regulations. WARNINGS Radio Frequency Radiation  WARNING RADIO FREQUENCY RADIATION.  A RADIO FREQUENCY (RF) RADIATION HAZARD EXISTS IN THIS EQUIPMENT.  TO AVOID RF INJURY, DO NOT TOUCH THE ANTENNA WHEN THE TRANSMITTER IS IN USE.  DO NOT OPERATE TRANSMITTER WITH ANTENNA DISCONNECTED.  REFER TO EU DIRECTIVE 2004/40/EC DATED 29 APRIL 2004. INDUSTRY CANADA – RADIO EQUIPMENT WARNING STATEMENT Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada.  To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 7  Issue 1.0 To  comply  with  Industry  Canada  RF  radiation  exposure  limits  for  general  population,  the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed on outdoor permanent structures and detailed RF exposure condition(s) are to be evaluated at the time of licensing.  In addition, the antennas of this transmitter must not be collocated with other antennas or transmitters. HUMAN EXPOSURE TO RADIO FREQUENCY RADIATION (FCC)  WARNING TO COMPLY WITH THE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE) LIMITS REFERENCED IN 47 CFR 1.1310 TABLE 1, THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM SAFE OPERATING DISTANCES MUST BE OBSERVED FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC: When using a 0dBd (2.14 dBi Dipole antenna) 150 to 174 MHz: 0.4 m 406.1 to 480 MHz: 0.35 m 480 to 512 MHz: 0.32 m If a directional antenna is used then the additional antenna gain must be taken into consideration. When using a 6dBd (8.14 dBi Dipole antenna) 150 to 174 MHz: 0.8 m 406.1 to 480 MHz: 0.7 m 480 to 512 MHz: 0.64 m   HUMAN EXPOSURE TO RADIO FREQUENCY RADIATION (INDUSTRY CANADA)  WARNING TO COMPLY WITH THE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE) LIMITS REFERENCED IN RSS-102 Issue 5, THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM SAFE OPERATING DISTANCES MUST BE OBSERVED FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC: When using a 0dBd (2.14 dBi Dipole antenna) 138 to 174 MHz: 0.50 m 406.1 to 470 MHz: 0.45 m If a directional antenna is used then the additional antenna gain must be taken into consideration. When using a 6dBd (8.14 dBi Dipole antenna) 138 to 174 MHz: 1.00 m 406.1 to 470 MHz: 0.90 m
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 8  Issue 1.0 FCC PART 15 COMPLIANCE  THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS:    (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND  (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.  INDUSTRY CANADA – RADIO EQUIPMENT WARNING STATEMENT This  device  complies  with  Industry  Canada’s  license-exempt RSSs.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1.  This device may not cause interference; and  2.  This  device  must  accept  any  interference,  including  interference  that  may  cause undesired operation of the device. Le  présent  appareil  est  conforme  aux  CNR  d’Industrie  Canada  applicables  aux  appareils  radio exempts de licence.  L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: 1. L’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage; et 2. L’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter  tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 9  Issue 1.0 EQUIPMENT SAFETY INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE The Simoco Data Modem should only be installed and maintained by qualified personnel. CAUTIONS  CAUTION The Antenna System should be protected against lightning by means of an earthing system and surge protection device. Do not connect Antenna Lightning conductors to the base station or Mains Earth.  MAINTENANCE PRECAUTIONS  CAUTION Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Devices (ESDS Devices).  This equipment contains ESDS Devices, the handling procedures detailed in BS EN 61340-5-1:2007 or ANSI/ESD S20.20-1999 are to be observed.
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 10  Issue 1.0 WASTE ELECTRICAL  AND ELECTRONIC  EQUIPMENT  (WEEE) NOTICE The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive became law in  most  EU  countries  during  2005.    The  directive  applies  to  the  disposal  of waste  electrical  and  electronic  equipment  within  the  member  states  of  the European Union. As part of  the  legislation, electrical and electronic equipment  will feature the crossed out wheeled bin symbol (see  image at left) on the product or in the documentation to show that these products must be disposed of in accordance with the WEEE Directive. In  the  European  Union,  this  label  indicates  that  this  product  should  not  be  disposed  of  with domestic or “ordinary” waste.  It should be deposited at an appropriate facility to enable recovery and recycling.
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 11  Issue 1.0 SIMOCO SUPPORT CONTACT INFORMATION At Simoco we welcome your comments, feedback and suggestions.  Departmental contacts have been provided for your quick reference below. UK Customer Services Email: Tel:  UK:  08717 411 050   International:  +44 (0) 1332 375 671 Fax:  UK:  08717 411 049   International:  +44 (0) 1332 376 672 Sales E-mail: Marketing E-mail:  Australian Customer Services Email: Tel:  Within Australia:  1300 363 607   International:  +61 3 9730 3999 US Customer Services Email: TECHNICAL SUPPORT In order to  streamline support requests and  better serve our customers, at  Simoco we  utilize a support ticket system.  Every support request is assigned a unique ticket number, which customers can  use  to  track  the  progress  and  responses  online.    For  reference, Simoco  provide  complete archives and history of all customer support requests.  In order to use the support ticket system, a valid email address is required. A link to the online Simoco Group Support Centre Ticket Tracking system is provided below: If you still require further technical assistance after raising a support ticket, please contact us via the email addresses or via the Technical Support Helpline numbers below. Technical Support Email Addresses Simoco EMEA: Simoco Australasia:
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 12  Issue 1.0 Simoco Americas: Technical Support Helplines Simoco EMEA:  Tel:  UK:  08717 411 040     International:  +44 (0) 1332 375 671 Simoco Australasia:  Tel:  Within Australia:  1300 363 607     International:  +61 3 9730 3999
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 13  Issue 1.0 ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations are used throughout this document.  Wherever practicable, whenever the abbreviation is first used, the full meaning is given with the abbreviation in parenthesis, after that only the abbreviation will be used. Abbreviation Meaning AMBE Advanced Multi Band Excitation Com Communication DC Direct Current DIN Deutches Institut für Normung DMR Digital Mobile Radio DNP3 Distributed Network Protocol 3 FM Frequency Modulation FPP Field Personality Programmer I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit ID Identification I/O Input/Output IP Internet Protocol IP(2) Ingress Protection LED Light Emitting Diode NC Not Connected PC Personal Computer PCB Printed Circuit Board PMR Private Mobile Radio RF Radio Frequency RSSI Received Signal Strength Indication RTU Radio Telemetry Unit Rx Receiver, Receive SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition SDMT Simoco Digital Management Terminal SDP Simoco Digital Portable SMA SubMiniature version A SQL Structured Query Language TBD To Be Detailed Tx Transmitter, Transmit UDP User Datagram Protocol USB Universal Serial Bus VAC Virtual Area Controller VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 14  Issue 1.0 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 SIMOCO PULSE AIR DATA MODEM The Simoco Pulse Air Data Modem is one of the Simoco Pulse suite of products, which enable organisations to deploy Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) telemetry applications over  narrowband  Private  Mobile  Radio  (PMR).   Using  wireless  radio  infrastructure  as  the communications carrier, Simoco’s  Pulse  solutions  enable  SCADA  applications  to  be  quickly  and cost effectively deployed across large operational areas. The Simoco Pulse Air Data Modem is a DC powered, standalone unit based on the SDP600 Series Portables Radio Transceivers that connects to a local Remote Telemetry Unit (RTU) using a serial port. Distributed Network Protocol 3 (DNP3) control messages are wirelessly transported between Master and Slave over a PMR system using Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) modulation and Tier III trunking protocols. The infrastructure end is comprised of a DMR base station that has an integrated RTU gateway, which, via a User  Datagram Protocol (UDP) Internet Protocol (IP) connection to  an IP  to Serial converter,  will  relay  any  DNP3  message  to  and  from  its  connected  Master  to  and  from  the applicable Slave RTU unit within the radio coverage of the base station. 1.2 SPECIFICATIONS The specifications of the Simoco Pulse Air Data Modem are detailed in the following paragraphs and tables. 1.2.1 General The general specifications are shown below in Table 1. Table 1.  General Specifications. Frequency Bands AC: 136 MHz – 174 MHz.  TU: 400 MHz – 480 MHz.  UW: 440 MHz – 520 MHz. Dimensions 80 x 162 x 62 mm Power Supply +12.0 to + 14.0V DC Frequency Stability 0.5 ppm Channel Spacing 12.5 kHz Channel Capacity Up to 2,000 Weight 550g Emission Designators 7K60FXD (data) Enclosure Anodized aluminium with plastic ends according to DIN 43880. Mounting 35 mm DIN rail. Protocols DNP3. Power Consumption Maximum Current During Transmit: 2.0 Amps (@13.6V DC) Standby Current Typical: 160mA (@13.6V DC) RF Connector (SMA) Recommend Torque: 0.34 to 0.57 nm.
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 15  Issue 1.0 1.2.2 Transmitter The transmitter specifications are shown overleaf in Table 2. Table 2.  Transmitter Specifications. RF Output Power 0.5 W, 2.5 W, 5.0 W (programmable) Conducted/Radiated Emission -36 dBm (≤1 GHz)   -30dBm (>1 GHz)  Adjacent Channel Power -60 dBc @ 12.5 kHz  1.2.3 Receiver The receiver specifications are shown below in Table 3. Table 3.  Receiver Specifications. Digital Sensitivity -117.5 dBm (1% BER) Intermodulation 65 dB (ETS method) Adjacent Channel Sensitivity 60 dB @ 12.5 kHz (ETS method) Spurious Rejection 70 dB (ETS method)  Conducted Spurious Emission -57 dBm (≤1GHz)   -47dBm(>1GHz )   1.2.4 Environmental The environmental specifications are shown below in Table 4. Table 4.  Environmental Specifications. Storage Temperature -40 °C to +80 °C (-40 °F to +176 °F) Operating Temperature -30 °C to +60 °C (-22 °F to +140 °F) Sustainability WEEE and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 16  Issue 1.0 2 DESCRIPTION The Pulse Air Data Modem consists of three main Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), these are:  the RTU Modem Interface PCB;  the Light Emitting Diode (LED) Display PCB; and  the  SDD690  Radio  PCB  based  on  the  SDP600  Series  Portable  Radio.  See  the  SDP600 Series DMR Portable Radio Transceiver – Service Manual[1] for more information. A simple block diagram of the Pulse Air Data Modem is shown below in Figure 1. Figure 1.  Data Modem Simple Block Diagram. A block diagram of the Interface PCB is shown below in Figure 2. Figure 2.  Interface PCB Block Diagram.  2.1 LED INDICATIONS On the front of the  Data Modem there are  several LED indicators.  There details are explained below in Table 5. Table 5.  Details LED Indicators. Legend  Colour Description Radio Tx  Activated for ~500 ms when radio is transmitting. Rx  Activated for ~500 ms when radio is receiving. Com Tx  Activated for min ~200 ms when serial data is input to the modem. Rx  Activated for min ~200 ms when serial data is output from the modem. System OK Green Active (ON) when the radio is in its operational mode and has service.  OFF when in FPP, error states, or not in service. VoltageRegulatorU15V0Regulator 2V8RegulatorRS232Driver2V8 to 5V0LevelShifterLED PCBSDD690Radio Modem Engine12V - 14VDC In 8V08V0 2V85V05V05V0Serial2V8 I C25V0 I C2IC2VINIC2O/P to9-wayD TypeO/Ps toLEDs5V0LEDDisplay BoardSDD690Radio Modem EngineRTU ModemInterface PCBIC2V82TTLSerial 8V0SupplyIC5 V25 V SupplyAntennaRS232Serial12 - 14 VSupply
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 17  Issue 1.0 Pwr Green Permanently on (not software controlled). F1   For future use. F2   For future use. F3   For future use. F4   For future use. RSSI -dBm  The LEDs are progressively activated as the signal level increases to the various levels, 120 – 50 in 10 dB steps.  2.2 CONNECTIONS The connectors on the Pulse Air Data Modem are shown below in Figure 3.  The functions of each connector are detailed in Table 6. Figure 3.  Data Modem Connectors. Table 6.  Data Modem Connections. Connector # Conn Type Function PWR  Power I/P ANTENNA SMA (female) Antenna COM D Type (female) Serial Port 2.2.1 Antenna Connection The antenna connection on the Pulse Air Data Modem is provided with a 50 Ω female SMA socket. The Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) of the antenna connection should be tested prior to use by using of a suitable test set, e.g. an Anritsu/Wiltron S331A.  A VSWR of 1.5:1 or better at the relevant frequencies should be ensured. Mating  connectors  should  be  galvanically  compatible  with  nickel  outer  and  gold  centre  pin  to minimise passive intermodulation. It is recommended that a good quality flexible co-axial cable is used, e.g. with double-screening braid and multi-strand copper inner.  CAUTION The Antenna System should be protected against lightning by means of an earthing system and surge protection device. Do not connect Antenna Lightning conductors to the base station or Mains Earth.
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 18  Issue 1.0 2.2.2 Power Connection The DC power input is via a 3-way screw terminal connector (Weidmuller Onimate Signal – series BLA/SLA 5.08).  The three pins are wired to suit the voltage range shown in Table 7 below. Pin 1 of the 3-way screw connector is shown in Figure 4 below.  Figure 4: Pin 1 of the 3-way screw connector  Table 7.  DC Power Connector Pin-outs. Pin Description 1 0V 2  +12.0 to +14.0 V 3 Not Connected The equipment must be installed so that the power socket is readily accessible. 2.2.3 COM Serial Port The connector pin-outs for the 9-way D Type ‘COM’ Serial Port are shown below in Table 8. Table 8.  COM Serial Port Connector Pin-outs. Pin Function 1 Data Carrier Detect (DCD).  Connected to pin 4 and 6 2 Tx 1 3 Rx 1 4 Data Terminal Ready (DTR).  Connected to pin 1 and 6 5 0 V 6 Data Set Ready (DSR).  Connected to pin 1 and 4 7 NC 8 NC 9 NC
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 19  Issue 1.0 2.2.4 LED Indications Table 9.  Details of LED Indications. LED Details System Pwr Permanently on (not software controlled). OK Active (ON) when the radio is in its operational mode and has service.  OFF when in FPP or error states. Com Tx Activated for min ~200 ms when serial data is input to the modem. Rx Activated for min ~200 ms when serial data is output from the modem.    RSSI  The LEDs are progressively activated as the signal level increases to the various levels.  The ‘L’ LED is calibrated for -115 dBm, the lowest useful sensitivity for data comms.
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 20  Issue 1.0 3 MAINTENANCE 3.1 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 3.1.1 Install Using User Provided Cables and Materials To install the Pulse Air Data Modem in your system, carry out the following: 1.  Clip the Data Modem to a suitable DIN rail. 1.1.  Using a suitable test set, e.g. an Anritsu/Wiltron S331A, check the antenna connection for a VSWR of 1.5:1 or better at the relevant frequencies. 2.  On the Data Modem, carry out the following: 2.1.  Using a suitable serial communications cable, connect the ‘COM’ socket to the relevant serial connection on your system. 2.2.  Using a suitable co-axial cable, connect the ‘ANTENNA’ socket to the antenna.  2.3.  Using a suitable DC Power Cable, connect the ‘PWR’ socket to a suitable DC power source. Take care to observe the correct polarity and supply voltages. 3.2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND COMMISSIONING PROCEDURE Please see the Pulse Air System and Configuration Commissioning guide for the full sequence of operations for commissioning all new Pulse Air Data Modem.
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 21  Issue 1.0 4 SPARES 4.1 SERVICE CONCEPT It is a requirement that once the customer has purchased equipment, Simoco can follow this up by providing an ongoing, high level of customer support together with a competitive and professional servicing activity. There are three levels of service available, these are detailed in Table 10 below. Table 10.  Service Levels. Level Activity Recommended Spares Recommended Test Equipment and Tools 1 This is intended to achieve rapid turnaround by:  Complete replacement of the Pulse Air Data Modem.  Reprogramming. Faulty units are to be returned to a Level 2 service facility with an attached fault report. This level of service should not exceed 20 minutes. Spare Pulse Air Data Modem. PC with Programmer (FPP). Suitable Serial Cable.  2 Level 2 service includes Level 1 with the addition of fault rectification by:  Replacement of PCB, mechanical component, or cable assembly.  Cosmetic repair. Listed in Level 2 Spares Schedule. Spare parts available to order from Central Spares. As above + service aids and test equipment. 3 Repair by PCB or mechanical component replacement, Cosmetic repair. Repair of PCB to component level in Central Repair Unit (CRU). Listed in Level 2 Spares Schedule. Radio PCB components only available to CRU. As above + service aids and test equipment.  4.2 LEVEL 2 SPARES SCHEDULE 4.2.1 Pulse Air Data Modem The recommended spares schedule for Service Level 2 is shown below in Table 11. Table 11.  Service Level 2 Parts List. Item Part Number Description 1 6102 350 20101 RTU Radio Modem PCB Assembly AC 136 – 174 MHz 6102 350 20071 TU 400 – 480 MHz 6102 350 20081 UW 440 – 520 MHz  6102 309 65101 RTU Modem LED PCB  6102 339 65092 RTU Modem Interface PCB (Lower)  6102 349 65191 RTU Modem Interface PCB (Upper)  6102 350 20701 RF Cable (SMA – MCX)  6102 330 00555 Interface Flexi  6102 310 07931 RTU Modem Case End Cap (c/w shielding)
PULSE AIR DATA MODEM  TNM-M-E-0055 Jan 17   Page 22  Issue 1.0 4.3 WARRANTY Unless superseded by specific contractual/supply agreements, the following warranty applies: 24 (twenty-four) months for transceivers from the date of supply.  4.3.1 Service Within and Out Of Warranty Please  contact  our  Customer  Service  department  regarding  support  of  either  type.    In  some countries a local Simoco agent may be responsible for providing this service.   See the Support page for contact details. 4.3.2 Ancillary Items Please  contact  our  Customer  Service  department  regarding  service,  for  replacement  of  these parts.  See the Support page for contact details. 4.3.3 Unpacking Equipment Any damaged or missing parts must be notified to Simoco or their agent in writing within 10 days of receipt. 4.4 SOFTWARE POLICY Software provided by Simoco shall remain the Company’s property or that of its licensors and the customer recognises the confidential nature of the rights owned by the Company. The customer is granted a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable limited right of  use of such software  in  machine-readable  form  in  direct  connection  with  the  equipment  for  which  it  was supplied only. In certain circumstances, the customer may be required to enter into a separate licence agreement and pay a licence fee, which will be negotiated at the time of the contract. The  customer  undertakes  not  to  disclose  any  part  of  the  software  to  third  parties  without  the Company’s  written  consent,  nor  to  copy  or  modify  any  software.    The  Company  may,  at  its discretion,  carry  out  minor  modifications  to  software.    Major  modifications  may  be  undertaken under a separate agreement, and will be charged separately. All  software  is  covered  by  a  warranty  of  three  months  from  delivery  and,  within  this  warranty period,  the  Company  will  correct  errors  or  defects,  or  at  its  option,  arrange  free-of-charge replacement against return of defective material. Other than in the clause above, the Company makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied such, by way of example, but not of limitation regarding merchantable quality or fitness for any particular purpose, or that the software is error free, the Company does not accept liability with  respect  to  any  claims  for  loss  of  profits  or  of  contracts,  or  of  any  other  loss  of  any  kind whatsoever on account of use of software and copies thereof.
                  SIMOCO GROUP Global Headquarters: Field House, Uttoxeter Old Road, Derby DE1 1NH United Kingdom:  Tel:  08717 411 050   Fax:  08717 411 049 International:  Tel:  +44 (0) 1332 375 671   Fax:  +44 (0) 1332 375 672

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