Sinocastel 213W OBD Vehicle Tracking Device User Manual

Sinocastel Co.,Ltd. OBD Vehicle Tracking Device

User Manual

         IDD-213W User Manual (Rev. 1.0)               Sinocastel Co., Ltd. August, 2017
IDD-213W User Manual 1 Contents  1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Specifications ................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 External Interface .................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Status Indicator ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.3 Technical Parameters ............................................................................................................................................ 7 3. Device Configuration .................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 PC Tool ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.2 SMS Instructions ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 4. Installation Instruction............................................................................................................................................... 11 4.1 SIM Card Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 11 4.2 OBD Port ................................................................................................................................................................. 12 4.3 Device Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 13 5. Functions ........................................................................................................................................................................ 17 5.1 OBD Protocols ...................................................................................................................................................... 17 5.2 Location Inquiry ................................................................................................................................................... 17 5.3 Regular GPS data reporting............................................................................................................................. 17 5.4 Regular G-Sensor Data Reporting ................................................................................................................ 18 5.5 Regular Diagnostic Data Reporting .............................................................................................................. 18 5.6 DTCs Reporting .................................................................................................................................................... 18 5.7 Cell ID Reporting ................................................................................................................................................. 18 5.8 GPS Data Reporting in Sleep Mode ............................................................................................................. 19 5.9 Data storage/Supplementary Report in Dead zones............................................................................. 19 5.10 Trip Mileage ........................................................................................................................................................ 19 5.11 Trip Fuel Consumption ................................................................................................................................... 19 5.12 Driving behavior monitoring ........................................................................................................................ 19 5.13 Alarms and Events Reporting ....................................................................................................................... 19 5.14 Working Mode ................................................................................................................................................... 20 5.15 GPS/Cellular Timer ............................................................................................................................................ 20 5.16 SMS Alert .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
IDD-213W User Manual 2 5.17 Google Map Link ............................................................................................................................................... 20 5.18 Remote Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 21 5.19 SMS Configuration ........................................................................................................................................... 21 5.20 PC Tool Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 21 6. Disclaimer ....................................................................................................................................................................... 22 7. Warranty ......................................................................................................................................................................... 23 8. Statement ....................................................................................................................................................................... 24
IDD-213W User Manual 3 Regulatory Compliance  FCC Regulations This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.  RF Exposure Information This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. In order to avoid the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shall not be less than 20cm (8 inches) during normal operation.
IDD-213W User Manual 4 1.   Introduction IDD-213W  is an intelligent on-board diagnostic device with OBD II and SAE J1939/J1708 (Heavy duty) compliant, it features plug-and-play technology, could read diagnostic info from vehicle ECU and capture location data with built-in GPS, then send them to backend server for real-time remote diagnostic and tracking purpose.  Packing List Parts name Quantity Note IDD-213W OBD Dongle  1  ● USB Configuration Cable  1  ○ Note:  ● Standard configuration ○ Optional configuration  (Optional accessories will not be included if there is no indication in the order)
IDD-213W User Manual 5 2.   Specifications 2.1   External Interface Product appearance as follows:  1. Standard OBD Connector Connect to the 16 pin on-board Diagnostic Link Connector (DLC). 2. Micro USB Interface Connect to PC through USB configuration cable. 3. SIM Card slot
IDD-213W User Manual 6 2.2   Status Indicator Indicator Color Status Power/OBD LED Red Blinking (on 0.5s, off 0.5s) -  Trying to access OBD system or power off Solid on - Successful OBD communication Solid off - Tracker mode or in sleep Cellular LED Orange-red Fast blinking (on 0.5s, off 0.5s) - No SIM card or network searching Slow blinking (on 0.5s, off 2.5s) - Registered network Solid on - Logged into the server Solid off - Cellular off GPS LED Green Blinking (on 1s, off 1s) - GPS signal is good Solid on - Searching for GPS signal Solid off - GPS off Buzzer Beep One beep - Power on Two beeps - Successful OBD communication Three beeps - Successful log in Four beeps - Trip end and stop OBD communication Five beeps - Power off Six beeps - Fail to access OBD system Five beeps (short beep) - Alarm indication
5064mmIDD-213W User Manual 7 2.3   Technical Parameters Mechanical Dimension   (L) x  mm (W) x 28mm (H) Weight 50g Interface OBD interface: 16 pin standard OBD II Configuration interface: Micro USB SIM card interface: Push-Push Type Storage  2MB FLASH, can store up to 24000 GPS data Data Transmission Packet data (GPRS or HSPA) and SMS Positioning Mode  GPS OBD Protocol SAE J1850 PWM SAE J1850 VPW ISO 9141-2 ISO 14230-4 ISO 15765-4 SAE J1939 (Heavy duty) SAE J1587/J1708 (Heavy duty) Power Working Voltage  9-36VDC Working Currency Average Currency: <150mA@13.8/27.6VDC Max. Currency: <200mA@13.8/27.6VDC Sleep Currency: <10mA@12/24VDC Internal Battery 3.7V/150mA Lithium battery 3-axis Accelerometer +/-2g、+/-4g、+/-8g、+/-16g GPS Channels: 48 Sensitivity: -163dBm Accuracy: 5m CEP Time to first fix: Cold start: <35s (typ.) Hot start: <1s (typ.) Cellular Frequency:   GSM/GPRS/EDGE: 850/900/1800/1900MHz   UMTS/HSDPA: 850/900/1900/2100MHz Network protocol: Embedded TCP/IP stack   Sensitivity: -110dBm@UMTS
IDD-213W User Manual 8 -109dBm@GSM 850/900MHz   -108dBm@GSM 1800/1900MHz   Output power:   Class 4 (2W, 33dBm)@GSM 850/900MHz   Class 1 (1W, 30dBm)@GSM 1800/1900MHz   Class 3 (0.25W, 24dBm)@UMTS   Certification: CE, GCF, FCC, PTCRB, IC, AT&T LED Indicator OBD/Cellular/GPS Buzzer System status/Alarm indication Antenna Cellular Antenna Built-in GPS Antenna Built-in Environment Working Temperature -30℃ ~ +70℃ Storage Temperature   -40℃ ~ +85℃ Humidity 5%~95%(no fog)
IDD-213W User Manual 9 3.   Device Configuration 3.1   PC Tool Download USB driver and PC Tool at Install the USB driver and PC Tool on your PC.   Connect device to PC through USB configuration cable, open the OBD PC Tool, click on “Help->User manual” for configuration reference.  3.2   SMS Instructions SMS command is mainly for remote maintenance. The message content is text format. Default secret key is the last 6 digits of the device ID. The key can only be changed through PC Tool. SMS format is defined as follows:  3.2.1   Set IP parameters Send SMS  *SecretKey#set gprs#APN,User,Password,IP,Port*, device will reply *set gprs#ok* or *set gprs#fail*. e.g.: *123456#set gprs#cmnet,,,,11088*  3.2.2   Get IP parameters Send SMS  *SecretKey#get gprs#*, device will reply  *get  gprs#APN,User,Password, IP,Port*. e.g.: *123456#get gprs#*  3.2.3   Set domain parameters Send SMS *SecretKey#set domain #APN,User,Password,IP,Port*, device will reply *set domain#ok* or *set domain#fail*. e.g.: *123456#set domain# cmnet,,,,11088*  3.2.4   Get domain parameters Send SMS  *SecretKey#get domain#*, device will reply  *get domain#APN,User, Password,domain,Port*. e.g.: *123456#get domain#*  3.2.5   Get current location
IDD-213W User Manual 10 Send SMS *SecretKey#position#*, device will reply *position# /?q=latitude,longitude*. e.g.: *123456#position#*,114.021425*  33..22..66   SSeett  wwoorrkkiinngg  mmooddee  Send SMS *SecretKey #set  workmode#mode*, device will reply   *set  workmode#ok/fail*. mode = passengerˣheavyduty tracker e.g.: *123456#set  workmode#tracker*  33..22..77   GGeett  wwoorrkkiinngg  mmooddee  Send SMS *SecretKey #get  workmode#*, device will reply *get  workmode#mode*. mode = passengerˣheavyduty tracker e.g.: *123456#get  workmode#*                     oror
IDD-213W User Manual 11 44..   IInnssttaallllaattiioonn  IInnssttrruuccttiioonn  44..11SSIIMMCCaarrddIInnssttaallllaattiioonn1. Remove the SIM card cover. 2. Insert the SIM card and press gently, a click will be heard upon successfully placing the SIM card in its place, please follow the insertion direction marked on the SIM card cover. 3. Put the SIM card cover back.  NNoottee::  There is a backup battery in the device, please make sure all lights are off before inserting or removing SIM card.
IDD-213W User Manual 12 44..22   OOBBDD  PPoorrtt  In general, the OBD port is located in the driver or passenger cabin, from the edge of dashboard on driver side to the border of 300mm. It is easy to touch by sitting in the driver's seat; the preferred location is within the area from steering post to the vehicle centerline.
IDD-213W User Manual 13 44..33   DDeevviiccee  IInnssttaallllaattiioonn    Before installing the device, please make sure device has been configured with necessary parameters including network parameters and working mode. Park the car and make sure engine is off, align the OBD connector of the device with the engine diagnostic port and simply push in place, ensuring the device is secure. There comes one beep indicating device is power on.      If the OBD port cover can not be closed back after device plugged in, please use OBD extension cable and mount the device in proper place.
IDD-213W User Manual 14 Some heavy duties may need 9-Pin or 6-Pin deutsch wiring harness.      For vehicles do not have an OBD port, please use power cable to connect vehicle battery and configure the device with tracker mode.    Start engine, then device starts OBD communication, acquiring GPS info and Cellular network connection. Various status can be indicated by lights and beeps.  OOBBDD  ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn: The OBD light change its status to solid on and comes 2 beeps with successful OBD communication. GGPPSS  ffuunnccttiioonn: The GPS light becomes blinking indicates that device has got its location. CCeelllluullaarr  ccoonnnneeccttiioonn: The Cellular light change its status to slow blinking indicates registered network, becomes solid on and comes 3 beeps indicate logged into the server.     NNoottee: When device is the first time power on (plugged in), it will scan OBD protocol according to pre-configured working mode (ie, passenger car or heavy duty mode), the maximum scanning time can be up to 10 minutes, if no OBD protocol is detected during this period, device will auto change working mode to tracker mode, if OBD protocol is detected, device will keep its working
IDD-213W User Manual 15 mode. After auto scanning period device will not change working mode anymore even it is re-plugged, unless working mode is re-configured with PC Tool, via SMS, or from server. If tracker mode is pre-configured device will not scan OBD protocol and keep working with tracker mode unless working mode is re-configured. There comes 6 beeps indicating that device is working with tracker mode. **IIff  GGPPSS  ddooeess  nnoott  wwoorrkk, please use OBD extension cable and mount the device in a proper place to make sure GPS signal can be well received. **IIff  ddaasshhbbooaarrdd  lliigghhttss  aarree  aabbnnoorrmmaall  aafftteerr  iinnssttaallllaattiioonn,,  pplleeaassee  rreemmoovvee  tthhee  ddeevviiccee  aanndd  ccoonnttaacctt  SSiinnooccaasstteell  tteecchhnniiccaall  tteeaamm. **DDoo  nnoott  pplluugg  oorr  uunnpplluugg  ddeevviiccee  wwhheenn  eennggiinnee  iiss  oonn,,  tthhiiss  mmaayy  ccaauussee  uunnpprreeddiiccttaabbllee  pprroobblleemm..  **AAfftteerr  eennggiinnee  ooffff  ddeevviiccee  ggooeess  iinnttoo  sslleeeepp  mmooddee,,  wwhhiillee  iitt  ssttiillll  kkeeeeppss  wwoorrkkiinngg  iinn  oorrddeerr  ttoo  ddeetteecctt  eennggiinnee  oonn,,  tthhee  ccuurrrreenntt  ccoonnssuummppttiioonn  iinn  sslleeeepp  iiss  1100mmAA..  NNoorrmmaallllyy  wwee  ssuuggggeesstt  uunnpplluugg  ddeevviiccee  iiff  vveehhiiccllee  wwiillll  bbee  nnoott  uusseedd  ffoorr  mmoorree  tthhaann  55  ddaayyss  iinn  ccaassee  ooff  ddrryyiinngg  oouutt  vveehhiiccllee  bbaatttteerryy..
IDD-213W User Manual 17 55..   FFuunnccttiioonnss  55..11OOBBDDPPrroottooccoollssDevice supports all legislated OBD II protocols, it is also SAE J1939 and SAE J1708 compliant. ¾ SAE J1850-PWM ¾ SAE J1850-VPW ¾ ISO 9141-2 ¾ ISO 14230-4 (KWP2000) ¾ ISO 15765-4 (CAN) ¾ SAE J1939 (Heavy duty) ¾ SAE J1587/J1708 (Heavy duty)  55..22   LLooccaattiioonn  IInnqquuiirryy  Upon receiving location inquiry message from server or via SMS, device reports GPS data immediately.  55..33   RReegguullaarr  GGPPSS  ddaattaa  rreeppoorrttiinngg  GPS data can be sampled by 3 means: by time interval, by distance or by heading change. They can be enabled or disabled separately, only sampled by time interval is enabled by default.   The sample rate for time interval can be 2-600s and default setting is 30s, for distance interval can be 50-5000m and default setting is 500m, for heading change can be 5-90°and default setting is 15°.  There can be single or several groups of GPS data in one GPS message, determined by groups of GPS data per message, device will not report GPS message until it has collected specified groups of GPS data. Groups of GPS data per message can be 1-30 and default setting is 1. For example, sampled by time interval and sampled by distance are enabled, and the respective settings are 10s and 500m, groups of GPS data per message is 5. Assume that vehicle is running at speed of 72km/h (20m/s), then it takes 25s to run out of 500m, so GPS data are sampled at 10th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 40th second and reported at 40th second as 5 groups of GPS data have been collected at that time.
IDD-213W User Manual 18 The suggested minimal interval for GPS report is 10s. For example, if only sampled by time interval is enabled, then the settings might be 10s of sample rate and 1 group of GPS data per message, or 5s of sample rate and 2 groups of GPS data per message.  55..44   RReegguullaarr  GG--SSeennssoorr  DDaattaa  RReeppoorrttiinngg  Device reports G-Sensor data (g-value of X/Y/Z axis) according to configured time interval, this function is disabled by default. The sample rate can be 200-6000ms and default setting is 1000ms. There can be single or several groups of G-Sensor data in one G-Sensor message, determined by groups of G-Sensor data per message, device will not report G-Sensor message until it has collected specified groups of G-Sensor data. Groups of G-Sensor data per message can be 50-100 and default setting is 100.  55..55   RReegguullaarr  DDiiaaggnnoossttiicc  DDaattaa  RReeppoorrttiinngg  Device is able to read variety of vehicle diagnostic data, also called PID (parameter ID), including vehicle speed, engine RPM, engine coolant temperature, mass flow air, etc, and report up to 10 types of PID data according to configured time interval.   The sample rate can be 2-600s and default setting is 60s. There can be single or several groups of PID data in one PID message, determined by groups of PID data per message, device will not report PID message until it has collected specified groups of PID data. Groups of PID data per message can be 1-30 and default setting is 1. The suggested minimal interval for PID report is 10s, for example, 10s of sample rate and 1 group of PID data per message, or 5s of sample rate and 2 groups of PID data per message.  55..66   DDTTCCss  RReeppoorrttiinngg  Device is able to read vehicle pending and stored DTCs (diagnostic trouble code), and freeze frame data. The backend server analyzes and displays the DTCs for users on time to avoid high repairing cost.  55..77   CCeellll  IIDD  RReeppoorrttiinngg  Device reports Cell ID every 30 seconds when it loses GPS signal, this function is disabled by default.
IDD-213W User Manual 19 55..88   GGPPSS  DDaattaa  RReeppoorrttiinngg  iinn  SSlleeeepp  MMooddee  Device reports GPS data according to configured time interval during sleep. The time interval can be 10-1440min and default setting is 60min.  55..99   DDaattaa  ssttoorraaggee//SSuupppplleemmeennttaarryy  RReeppoorrtt  iinn  DDeeaadd  zzoonneess  When there is no Cellular signal or Cellular signal is poor, GPS information are stored, and reported after signal recovery. Supplementary report can be last for 15 minutes at most after ignition is off.  55..1100   TTrriipp  MMiilleeaaggee  Device reports driving mileage in each reported message.  55..1111   TTrriipp  FFuueell  CCoonnssuummppttiioonn  Device reports fuel consumption in each reported message.  55..1122DDrriivviinnggbbeehhaavviioorrmmoonniittoorriinnggReal-time detects bad driving behavior, including Speeding, high RPM, hard acceleration, hard brake, excessive engine idle time.  55..1133   AAllaarrmmss  aanndd  EEvveennttss  RReeppoorrttiinngg  Alarms and Events are reported when they are triggered or eliminated and there comes short beeps, beeps are disabled by default. ¾ Engine on/off ¾ High RPM (triggered and eliminated) ¾ Speeding (triggered and eliminated) ¾ Low battery voltage (triggered and eliminated) ¾ High engine coolant temperature (triggered and eliminated) ¾ Hard acceleration ¾ Hard brake ¾ Excessive engine idle time (triggered and eliminated) ¾ Fatigue driving (triggered and eliminated) ¾ Towed ¾ MIL on/off ¾ Excessive exhaust emission (triggered and eliminated)
IDD-213W User Manual 20 ¾ Plug indication ¾ Unplug notification  Default thresholds for alarms:   ¾ High RPM: 4500r/min ¾ Speeding: 120km/h ¾ Low battery voltage: 10.5V ¾ High engine coolant temperature: 98ǔ ¾ Hard acceleration: 0.4g ¾ Hard brake: 0.6g ¾ Excessive engine idle time: 15min ¾ Fatigue driving: 240min  55..1144   WWoorrkkiinngg  MMooddee  Device supports 3 types of working mode: Passenger car, Heavy duty and Tracker mode. With tracker mode, device does not report diagnostic data, DTCs, trip fuel consumption and some alarms including high RPM, high engine coolant temperature, hard acceleration, hard brake, excessive engine idle time, MIL and excessive exhaust emission. With Tracker mode, device wakes up from sleep on detecting motion state last for 20 seconds, and goes into sleep on detecting static state last for 3 minutes.  55..1155   GGPPSS//CCeelllluullaarr  TTiimmeerr  GPS and cellular can keep working after ignition off according to configured timer, but no regular reports during this period. This function is disabled by default. The timer for GPS/GSM can be 5-7200min and default setting is 720min, for data connection can be 5-120min and default setting is 60min.    55..1166   SSMMSS  AAlleerrtt  If user mobile phone numbers are configured, device sends SMS to each user number when alarms are triggered or eliminated, it is disabled by default.  55..1177   GGooooggllee  MMaapp  LLiinnkk
IDD-213W User Manual 21 Latitude and longitude in location SMS can be directly linked to Google map.  55..1188   RReemmoottee  CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn  Users can configure device or update firmware through website:  55..1199   SSMMSS  CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn  Users can configure device via SMS commands.  55..2200   PPCC  TTooooll  CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn  Users can configure device or update firmware through PC Tool.
IDD-213W User Manual 22 66..   DDiissccllaaiimmeerr  This user manual only applies to IDD-213W device.The device is compatible with OBD II standard, it is also SAE J1939 and J1708 compliant. While some vehicles are not following those standards, therefore Sinocastel can not guarantee the OBD performance of the device with every vehicle. The GPS function may be affected in electromagnetic shielding area or bunker place. The device has a built-in cellular module. It should be used as far as possible away from fuel depots, chemical plants and other areas could cause an explosion. Most sensitive to external RF sites (such as gas stations, hospitals and school, etc.) may be equipped with radio frequency jamming equipment; some functions may be affected in the interference area. As the device transmits data via cellular, please use the SIM card which supports data service and make sure that the account balances is sufficient. Do not use any SIM card which is restricted by region. To make sure the products works well, please use the original accessories. This manual is based on the “as-is” situation. Sinocastel will not guarantee the accuracy, reliability and content of the handbook. Also Sinocastel reserves the right to amend or withdrawn this manual without any prior notification.
IDD-213W User Manual 23 77..   WWaarrrraannttyy  If product got quality problem within the warranty period, please bring the product together with a valid warranty card and purchase invoice to the dealer for checking.   Please do not disassemble this product, this may result in damage, Sinocastel will not be responsible for those problem. 1 year of warranty since purchase time and life-long maintenance. For Failure or damage due to incorrect operation or not following the instruction, Sinocastel will provide paid maintenance within warranty period. User name:   Contact number:   Address:   Post code:   Purchasing date:   Serial number:   Remark:   Please keep this card carefully in order to better serve you.  Distributor (Company Chop):  MMaaiinntteennaannccee  RReeccoorrddss  Product Model: DDaattee  FFaauullttss  aanndd  mmaaiinntteennaannccee  ooff  rreeccoorrddss  MMaaiinntteennaannccee  ((SSiiggnnaattuurree))  UUsseerr  ((SSiiggnnaattuurree))  FFaauulltt  DDeessccrriippttiioonn  MMaaiinntteennaannccee                                          Note: This form must be carefully completed.
IDD-213W User Manual 24 88..   SSttaatteemmeenntt  Without written permission from Sinocastel, it is prohibited reproduce, transmit, distribute or save part or all of the contents of this document in any form. Sinocastel reserves the rights to modify or improve these products without any prior notification. Sinocastel reserves the rights to change or cancel the content of this document without any prior notification.  AAllll  rriigghhttss  rreesseerrvveedd  bbyy  SSiinnooccaasstteell  CCoo..,,  LLttdd..   Address: 5/F, 5th Building, Software Park, No. 2 Gaoxin C. 3rd Road, Nanshan, Shenzhen, China Postcode: 518057

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