SmartLabs SML5010W IPTV Set-top box (STB) User Manual User Guide SML 5010W

SmartLabs LLC IPTV Set-top box (STB) User Guide SML 5010W

User manual

©2016 SmartLabs LLC   User manual  SML-5010W
  105318, Russia, Moscow, Shcherbakovskaya str., b. 3.  Ph.: (495)645-44-56       page 2 of 9                                                                                     CONFIDENTIAL 1  Thank you for choosing us The SML-5010W is a small-form solution, but still high performance set-top box (STB) capable of delivering to your home the exciting world of cutting edge interactive services. This manual contains a description of all possible features and options of SML-5010W, however your device may look slightly different from the one pictured in this document. The packaging and configuration of your device, such as presence or absence of certain connectors, are defined by the service provider. Information about interactive television services available through the set-top box is given by your service provider in a separate manual (not included). 2 Distribution kit   SML-5110W set-top box   DC adapter 12V 1.2A  HDMI cable   Remote control (RC)   Quick start guide in English  3  Safety and storage Read this manual before using the set-top box (STB). Please, follow the precautions and operating instructions.   Do not open or repair the STB by yourself. Improper repair may result in electrical shock or fire. In addition, the STB is removed from the warranty.    The STB is intended for the indoors use only, with air temperature from 0°C to 35°C (from 32°F to 95°F) and 30-70% of relative humidity, non-condensing.    Use only power supplies listed in the user instructions.    Do not use the STB if the power cord is damaged.    To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock, do not expose the STB to dripping or splashing and do not place any objects filled with liquids on or next to the STB.   Do not expose the STB to any liquids, rain, steam, moisture or high humidity.   Do not expose the STB to direct sun light.    Do not place the STB near open fire or heating elements.     Do not expose the STB to vibrations or shaking.    Do not use the STB in dusty environments.
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  105318, Russia, Moscow, Shcherbakovskaya str., b. 3.  Ph.: (495)645-44-56       page 5 of 9                                                                                     CONFIDENTIAL o  Place STB on a flat surface. o  Do not place the STB on slick surfaces, where there is a risk of vibration, fall or other damages of STB. o  Do not mount the STB on soft surfaces, like a bed, carpet, etc. Such a surface impedes access for air and normal ventilation of the STB and thereby causes overheating and malfunctioning. o  Do not cover the STB. o  Do not shield the ventilation holes in the STB’s enclosure located at the top panel of the STB. o  When mounting the STB, make sure that there are at least 10 cm of free space at each side of the device. Do not place STB in closed cupboards and caves. o  Do not place STB on surfaces, which can heat, for instance, on boosters. o  Do not place any things on the device. o  To avoid damage of the power adapter’s cable, place the cable so that it is not pressed, pinched or mechanically affected in any way. 3.  Make sure that the TV set and the STB are not connected to the power network. Connect the TV set and the STB with the HDMI cable. 4.  Connect the Ethernet cable to the STB if you are going to use wired connection to the Internet. If you are going to use Wi-Fi, skip this step. 5.  Connect the STB and the TV set to the power network. 6 First start When you switch on the STB for the first time, make sure that the STB is connected to a managed IPTV network. The box will start downloading the latest version of the software. Updating may take a few minutes. Do not disconnect the STB from power supply and from the Internet before the updating is complete. After finishing the STB will reboot automatically. 7 Troubleshooting Problem Possible reason  Solution No picture  1.  TV is not turned on  1.  Turn on your TV   The screen displays "No signal" 1.  STB is not connected to the mains supply. 2.  STB is turned off. 3.  TV is set to the wrong input source.  1. Connect STB to the mains supply.2. Turn STB on by using its remote control. 3. Use TV remote control to select the video input connected to STB. No sound  1. The sound is turned off on TV. 2. The sound is turned off on STB. 1. Increase the volume on TV by using the TV remote control. 2. Increase the volume on STB by using VOL+ button on STB remote
  105318, Russia, Moscow, Shcherbakovskaya str., b. 3.  Ph.: (495)645-44-56       page 6 of 9                                                                                     CONFIDENTIAL control. Remote control is not working  1. Dead battery. 2.  The signal from remote control does not reach STB.     1.  Replace the battery with a new one.   2.  Reduce the distance between the remote control and STB.     STB turns off periodically    1. Not enough power supply to STB. 2. Overheating. 1. Connect STB to power adapter included in the supplied package. 2. Ensure sufficient air flow to STB — no less than 10 cm (4 inches) of clearance on all sides.  If you need further support, please contact your Service Provider.   8 Cleaning 1.  Unplug the STB before cleaning.  2.  Wipe the STB with a clean dry rag only.  3.  Clean the ventilation holes in the STB’s enclosure on a regular basis.  4.  You may remove stains from the STB’s surface with a slightly damp cloth.  5. Do not use chemical cleaner, car polish, dissolvent, aerosol, cleaning agents, abrasive powders and materials for cleaning the STB and accessories. 9 Disposal The STB must be disposed separately from household waste. When the STB reaches its end of life, contact local authorities to learn about disposal and recycling options. The correct disposal will help prevent potential negative impact on the environment and human health. 10 Specifications  Name: SML-5110W  Dimensions (W x D x H): 106.5 x 110.4 x 32.6mm, 130g Power supply:   Input: AC 100 - 240V, 1.0A Max, 50Hz - 60Hz   Output: DC 12.0V, 1.2A  Inputs and outputs:    The digital audio/video interface HDMI 1.4a with HDCP
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105318, Russia, Moscow, Shcherbakovskaya str., b. 3.  Ph.: (495)645-44-56       page 9 of 9      CONFIDENTIAL 13 About the manufacturers Legal entity: SmartLabs LLC. Address: Scherbakovskaya street 3, Moscow, Russia, 105318 Contact information: Manufacturing plant: Sichuan Changhong Network Technologies Co. LTD Manufacturing plant address: 35, East Mianxing Road, High-Tech Park, Mianyang, Sichuan, China. 14 Warranty The appliance warranty is provided through the service provider. The warranty period and conditions are determined by the service provider. If maintenance or repair is required please contact your service provider. No part of this document shall be considered as warranty. FCC StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  -- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.   -- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  -- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.The distance between user and device should be no less than 20cm

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