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Chrysler 48RE SURE CURE ® KIT PART NUMBER SC-48RE INSTALLATION GUIDE Parts are labeled here in order of installation. See other side of sheet for details on Sure Cure kit contents. See Sure Cure instruction booklet for detailed installation steps. VALve Body install Diagram 8C 6 48RE Valve Body I.D. Locations (These features are not present on the 46/47RE units.) 48RE valve bodies have this passage in the transfer plate. 14A Transfer Plate 48RE valve bodies have these 3 holes in the upper separator plate. OE Spring OE Spring 1 7 Remove Parking Sprag (Rooster Comb) 14D Upper Separator Plate Lower Separator Plate 14F 48RE valve bodies have these holes in the lower separator plate. 5 OE Spring OE Spring 14B CAUTION: This sheet is NOT intended to be a quick install guide. Not ALL steps/parts are shown here. See other side for details and CAUTION use in conjunction with instruction booklet. ©2015 Sonnax Industries, Inc. 800-843-2600 • 802-463-9722 • F: 802-463-4059 • 8A OE Pin 8B OE Plate & Screws SC-48RE-GUIDE 08-27-15 Page 1 Chrysler 48RE SURE CURE® KIT Installation Guide Sure Cure® Contents & Installation Steps See instruction booklet for detailed instructions. Step 1 D isassemble Valve Body & Manual Lever 10 Install 3-4 Accumulator Spring Step & Seals Items provided for this step Step 2 R eam Lube Regulated PR Valve & Line/TV Pressure Plug Bore • 3-4 Accumulator Spring • 4th Accumulator Seal • 4th Accumulator D-Ring NOTE: Requires Sonnax tool kit F-22771A-TL7 and VB-FIX alignment fixture, not included in this kit. Step 11 Vacuum Test Verification Part No. 12861-01 Step 12 Assemble Valve Body Sections Step 3 Ream Throttle Valve Bore Part No. 10000-13 NOTE: Requires Sonnax tool kit F-22771-TL and VB-FIX alignment fixture, not included in this kit. Item provided for this step Step 4 Ream Switch Valve Bore Step 13 Install Adjusting Screw Bracket & Adjust PR Spring NOTE: Requires Sonnax tool kit 22771A-TL13. Step 5 Ream Detent Bore & Install Detent Sleeve & Pin NOTE: Requires Sonnax tool kit 22771-TL12 not included in this kit. Items provided for this step • Sleeve • Detent Ball (ball installed in Step 14) Part No. 22771-12K Step 6 Install Oversized Throttle Valve Kit Items provided for this step • Valve • Plunger • Sleeve Part No. 22771-04K NOTE: Shims and spring from 22771-04K kit are not included in this Sure Cure. Checkball, .188" dia. 14 Install Manual Valve with OE Manual Step Lever (Rooster Comb), Boost Valve Spring Retainer & Adjust TV Pressure Screw Items provided for this step Part Nos. • Manual Valve Patent No. 6,689,007 • Shift Linkage E-Clip • Boost Valve Spring Retainer • Detent Ball (included in Step 5 kit) 22771-09 Step 15 Install Intermediate Plug & Pilot Kit Items provided for this step Step 7 Install Oversized Four-Spool Switch Valve Item provided for this step Oversized Valve Part No. 22771A-13 Items provided for this step • Lube Regulated PR Valve Patent No. 6,712,726 • White Spring • Line/TV Pressure Plug Assembly • Shaft Pilot • Cup Plug Part Nos. 22771A-16K Part No. 22171A-02K Step 16 Install Output Pilot Bushing Item provided for this step Bushing Step 8 Install Oversized Lube Regulated Pressure Regulator Valve & Line/TV Pressure Plug Kit 22990-01 Part No. 12510-01 Step 17 Install 6-Tab Thrust Washers Items provided for this step Thrust Washers (2) Part No. 22700GT-01 Step 18 Install Turbine Shaft Seals Items provided for this step Seals (2) 9 Separator Plate Modification Step ©2015 Sonnax Industries, Inc. 800-843-2600 • 802-463-9722 • F: 802-463-4059 • SC-48RE-GUIDE 08-27-15 Page 2 Chrysler 48RE SURE CURE ® KIT PART NUMBER SC-48RE We need to decide if we're going to tell people to test before they install parts, after, or both. Why are we wiggle/bore inspecting? INSTRUCTION BOOKLET NOTE: This 48RE Sure Cure kit fits 2002-2004 TV lever-style transmissions as well as the 2005 and newer 48RE with the transmission throttle actuator (TTVA) motor. Technical Specifications Pump-to-Stator Bolts 15 ft-lb Valve-Body-to-Case Bolts 106 in-lb Pump-to-Case Bolts 15 ft-lb OE Endplay .034"–.084" PART INSTALLATION: To implement best practices and avoid chip contamination, wait until all valve body reaming operations are finished before installing Sonnax products. Detailed installation instructions steps are explained later in this booklet. F-TOOL REAMING: See page 8 for general F-Tool reaming fixture instructions, as well as best practices for bore preparation, cautions and suggestions on bore reaming. Valve Body Assembly Bolts 35 in-lb Step 1 Disassemble Valve Body & Manual Lever a. Remove shouldered bolt retaining the solenoid wiring harness case connector to the valve body. b. Secure manual lever detent ball with Chrysler tool #6583 (Figure 1). An alternative method: use a dull wood workers gouge tool to compress the detent ball while removing the manual lever. CAUTION: The detent ball and spring will launch out of the detent bore by spring tension if not retained during manual lever removal. Never reuse the OE detent CAUTION ball with the Sonnax sleeve. The Sonnax ball is specially toleranced to work with the Sonnax sleeve, preventing binding of the ball in the bore. c. Remove OE E-clip, washer and manual lever from valve body. Slide out throttle lever. Discard detent ball. Save detent spring for reassembly. Figure 1 Use gouge tool or awl. d. D isconnect governor pressure sensor and governor pressure solenoid connectors. e. Remove governor body screws and then governor body. f. Take out three screws holding overdrive/lockup solenoid from lower casting. Then, remove solenoids with wiring harness from valve body. CAUTION CAUTION: The pressure adjusting bracket is under spring tension by the pressure regulator and switch valve springs. g. Remove the center screw from the adjusting screw bracket. Temporarily remove one of the long screws holding the three valve body castings together and install it in place of the center screw (Figure 2). This will help to hold the bracket in place when removing the upper and lower screws. Remove the upper and lower bracket screws while holding the adjusting screw bracket. Remove the center screw. Save the OE switch valve spring, line pressure screw and adjusting bracket for reassembly. Discard the OE pressure regulator spring. h. Remove two screws holding the throttle pressure plug retaining plate. Remove the retaining plate, sleeve, plug, and spring from valve body. Discard the OE plug and sleeve. Save OE spring for reassembly. Figure 2 #1 Upper Screw i. Bend tabs securing boost valve tube to valve body. Then, remove OE boost valve tube. j. Remove the bolts from the lower housing which clamp the three valve body castings together. Throttle Lever k. Remove and discard OE switch valve and pressure regulator valve. Remove throttle valve assembly, discarding all parts except the TV and switch valve springs which will be reused at assembly. #2 Center Screw l. Remove all the remaining valves and springs from the upper casting. Reinstall valves and springs after all reaming operations are completed. #3 Lower Screw Adjust Screw Bracket m. Disassemble, clean and reassemble the lower casting. NOTE: The only casting requiring reaming is the upper casting. ©2015 Sonnax Industries, Inc. 800-843-2600 • 802-463-9722 • F: 802-463-4059 • SC-48RE-IN 08-27-15 Page 1 TIME TESTED • INDUSTRY TRUSTED Chrysler 48RE SURE CURE® KIT Step 2 Ream Lube Regulated PR Valve & Throttle Pressure Plug Bore 1. Valve Body Inspection If a line-to-lube hole has been drilled in the PR valve circuit, it should be plugged to reduce converter drainback. 2. Ream Bores NOTE: These two bores require the use of tool kit F-22771A-TL7 and the alignment fixture VB-FIX (not included in this kit). See page 8 for details on standard Sonnax bore preparation and reaming procedures. Instruction Booklet 2. Ream bore with reamer 22771A-RM14 a. Insert Sonnax reamer 22771A-RM14 into bore until chamfered cutting tip contacts inner bore opening. b. Using same procedure as above, ream the same bore. This second reaming operation should take approximately 1 minute as well. NOTE: Do not install valves at this time. Wait until all reaming operations are finished. Step 5 R eam Detent Bore & Install Detent Sleeve & Pin a. Align VB-FIX to ream the pressure regulator bore using jig F-22771A-RJ and guide pin F-22771A-GP. NOTE: This bore requires the use of tool kit 22771-TL12 (not included in this kit). See page 8 for details on standard Sonnax bore preparation procedures. b. R eam the pressure regulator bore using reamer F-22771A-RM. 1. Disassembly c. Align VB-FIX to ream the throttle pressure plug bore using jig F-22771A-RJ2 and guide pin F-22771A-GP2. d. Ream throttle pressure plug bore using reamer F-22771A-RM2. NOTE: Do not install valves at this time. Wait until all reaming operations are finished. Step 3 Ream Throttle Valve Bore NOTE: This bore requires the use of tool kit F-22771-TL and the alignment fixture VB-FIX (not included in this kit). See page 8 for details on standard Sonnax bore preparation and reaming procedures. a. Align VB-FIX to ream the throttle valve bore using jig and guide pin provided in the tool kit. b. Ream the bore using the reamer provided in kit. NOTE: Do not install valves at this time. Wait until all reaming operations are finished. Step 4 Ream Switch Valve Bore NOTE: This bore requires the use of tool kit 22771A-TL13 (not included in this kit). See page 8 for details on standard Sonnax bore preparation. These piloted reamers do not require a reamer guide. 1. R eam bore with stepped reamer 22771A-RM13 a. Insert reamer into bore until chamfered cutting tip contacts inner bore opening. Using a speed handle, ream bore clockwise at one to two turns per second. This reaming operation should take approximately 1 minute. b. With low air pressure and reamer still in bore, blow chips out of bore. c. Turning clockwise, remove the reamer from the bore. Clean the remaining chips from the bore. 08-27-15 SC-48RE-IN Page 2 Remove and save the OE retaining pin. OTE: It is recommended to use a Dremel® #194 drill bit or .120" diamN eter drill bit to remove some of the swaged aluminum over the top of the retaining pin. Damage could occur to the enclosed .096" drill bit if used for material removal. 2. Ream Bore a. Securely clamp the valve body to the bench. b. Soak the bore and reamer with cutting fluid. c. Insert the pilot on the self-guiding reamer into the retaining pin end of the detent bore until the cutting chamfer contacts the face of the bore (Figure 3). d. Use a speed handle to turn the reamer in the bore. The reaming action should be clockwise in a smooth and continuous motion, 60-120 RPM. e. Continue reaming until the reamer cutting chamfer passes fully through the opposite end of the detent bore. f. Using low air pressure, blow the chips free prior to removing the reamer. g. To remove the reamer, turn clockwise while slowly pulling outward on the reamer. 3. Install Detent Sleeve & Pin (Figure 4) NOTE: The Sonnax sleeve is designed as a slip fit, and is secured by drilling through the sleeve with the tool kit drill bit and reinstalling the OE retaining pin. However, it is highly recommended that Loctite® (or equivalent) be used with the sleeve. a. Secure the Sonnax sleeve in the detent bore using Loctite® retaining compound per the manufacturer’s directions. b. The sleeve should be pushed in until the face is flush with the face of the ball end of the detent bore. NOTE: Before drilling, it helps to use the retaining pin as a center punch and make a slight indentation in the sleeve to hold the drill bit on-center and prevent the drill bit from walking off and making the pinhole in the casting larger. ©2015 Sonnax Industries, Inc. 800-843-2600 • 802-463-9722 • F: 802-463-4059 • Chrysler 48RE SURE CURE® KIT Instruction Booklet TIME TESTED • INDUSTRY TRUSTED c. After the Loctite® has cured, use the existing retaining pinhole in the casting to guide the drill bit through both sides of the sleeve. Figure 3 CAUTION: Do not drill any deeper than the depth of the pin. CAUTION d. Reinstall the OE retaining pin and use a flat blade screwdriver, center punch or other tool to swage the aluminum casting over the top of the pin. Confirm retaining pin is secured in place. Figure 5 Valve Step Figure 4 Existing retaining pinhole. 6 OE Spring Sleeve Plunger Install Throttle Valve Kit (Figure 5) a. Install Sonnax oversized throttle valve. OE TV Spring Specs b. Reinstall OE throttle valve spring. Free Length 1.275" c. Install Sonnax throttle plunger and sleeve, with cupped side of sleeve facing inboard. Wire Diameter .048" Number of Coils Approx. 12 NOTE: Chart for reference only. Step 7 Install Oversized Four-Spool Switch Valve (Figure 6) OE Retaining Pin Install Sonnax oversized switch valve. The OE switch valve spring will be installed while installing the pressure adjusting bracket in Step 13 (Figure 18). Sleeve Step Figure 7 Pressure Regulator Valve Four-Spool Switch Valve I nstall Lube Regulated PR Valve & Line/TV Pressure Plug Kit b. Install the OE end plate with the two screws. OE Throttle Pressure Spring Specs Free Length 1.460" Wire Diameter .035" Number of Coils 6 NOTE: Check to be sure the end cap (plate) sits flush NOTE: Chart for reference only. against the valve body and seals the bore. If the plate is not flush, remove material from the castellated side of the O-ringed sleeve. Remove the minimum material necessary to allow the plate to seal the bore. Do not remove more than .015" [0.38 mm] total from the sleeve. OE Screws Line/TV Pressure Plug Assembly OE Spring a. At the opposite end of the pressure regulator bore, reinstall the OE throttle spring, followed by the Sonnax oversized line/TV pressure plug assembly (Figure 7). White-Striped Spring O-Ring OE End Plate 8 Figure 6 OE Throttle Pressure Spring CAUTION: Pressure leaking at the plate will result in increased line pressure. CAUTION ©2015 Sonnax Industries, Inc. 800-843-2600 • 802-463-9722 • F: 802-463-4059 • c. Install Sonnax pressure regulator valve. The Sonnax white-striped spring will be installed later in Step 13. SC-48RE-IN 08-27-15 Page 3 TIME TESTED • INDUSTRY TRUSTED Chrysler 48RE SURE CURE® KIT Instruction Booklet Step 9 Separator Plate Modification Figure 8 Enlarge TRE orifice in OE separator plate from original size .045" to .062" (Figure 8). CAUTION: Drilling larger than .062" will create a bump on TCC apply. CAUTION a. Drill with 1/16" (.062") drill bit. b. Remove burrs with a large drill bit. Step 10 Install 3-4 Accumulator Spring & Seals (Figure 9) Figure 9 1. Disassembly Drill 1/16" hole Spring Figure 10 a. Remove cover plate and screws. b. Remove and discard OE piston spring. c. Remove OE piston and save for reuse. Seal 3-4 Accumulator Spring d. Remove and discard the OE seals from the OE piston. D-Ring 2. Installation (Figure 10) a. U se red-colored Scotch-Brite™ to remove glaze from bore. Clean bore until spotless. b. Install Sonnax seal by the open end of the piston. 3-4 Accumulator Piston 4th 4th Accumulator Accumulator Seal D-Ring c. Install Sonnax D-ring by the closed end of the piston. d. Install OE piston, then Sonnax spring. CAUTION CAUTION! The 4th accumulator D-ring can be easily cut on hole edge in accumulator bore during installation. Step 11 Vacuum Test Verification NOTE: To verify reaming operations use Sonnax vacuum test stand kit VACTEST-01K (not included with this kit). A vacuum test at the ports indicated should hold the recommended in-Hg of vacuum or more (Figure 11). CAUTION CAUTION! D-Ring can be cut on the edges of this hole. 20 15 Figure 11 10 25 5 20 0 30 VACUUM TEST 10 25 5 0 30 VACUUM TEST 18"-Hg 20 15 10 25 5 0 30 VACUUM TEST 15"-Hg 20 Page 4 15 18"-Hg 18"-Hg 08-27-15 SC-48RE-IN 3-4 Accumulator Bore 15 10 25 0 30 VACUUM TEST 5 Use putty here to block passage as shown during vacuum test. ©2015 Sonnax Industries, Inc. 800-843-2600 • 802-463-9722 • F: 802-463-4059 • Chrysler 48RE SURE CURE® KIT Step 12 Assemble Valve Body Sections Instruction Booklet TIME TESTED • INDUSTRY TRUSTED Figure 12 Install One 11/32" Checkball Install Five or Six 1/4" OE Checkballs a. I nstall either five or six OE 1/4" checkballs and one OE 11/32" checkball into the upper housing (Figure 12). Figure 13 1/4" OE Checkballs b. Install two OE 1/4" checkballs into the upper side of transfer plate (Figure 13). c. Install separator plate and filter onto transfer plate and tighten the five OE plate bolts to 35 in-lb (Figure 14). NOTE: This Checkball may not be present on some model years. NOTE: It is helpful for plate alignment to use drill bits in the two machined holes as shown (Figure 14). Once plates are aligned, remove drill bits. d. Set transfer plate onto upper housing. Install the Sonnax 3/16" checkball (Figure 15). e. Set separator plate onto transfer plate (Figure 16). Transfer Plate f. Install lower housing onto transfer plate. Install and torque the valve body bolts (Figure 17). g. Install boost tube and bend tabs to retain it. Figure 14 Five OE Plate Bolts 1 2 4 1 Figure 16 800-843-2600 • 802-463-9722 • F: 802-463-4059 • Sonnax 3/16" Checkball 3 Two drill bits in OE machined holes to help with alignment. ©2015 Sonnax Industries, Inc. Figure 15 Two drill bits in OE holes can help with assembly. Figure 17 SC-48RE-IN 08-27-15 Page 5 TIME TESTED • INDUSTRY TRUSTED Chrysler 48RE SURE CURE® KIT Instruction Booklet Step 13 Install Adjusting Screw Bracket & Adjust Pressure Regulator Spring Figure 18 a. Place line pressure adjusting screw in the bracket. b. Position OE switch valve spring over boss on bracket. c. Install Sonnax white-striped spring on the pressure regulator valve. d. Install the adjusting screw bracket (Figure 18) on valve body, making sure Sonnax pressure regulator spring and OE switch valve spring are aligned correctly. e. Temporarily install one of the long valve body bolts in the center bolt hole as this simplifies installation. Use long valve body screw to aid in assembly. Figure 19 f. Install the short upper screw first, followed by lower screw but do not tighten. g. Remove the long screw, install a short screw in the center. h. Starting with the center screw first, tighten the three bolts retaining the adjusting screw bracket to the valve body. i. Adjust pressure regulator screw so the inside edge of plate is 1.310" from valve body casting (Figure 19). j. Verify pressure adjustment by connecting a pressure gauge to the transmission. Pressure should be 55–60 PSI in drive. Figure 20 Manual Valve Step 14 Install Manual Valve with OE Manual Lever (Rooster Comb), Boost Valve Spring Retainer & Adjust TV Pressure Screw OE Detent Spring a. Install Sonnax manual valve (Figure 20). b. Install OE detent spring and Sonnax detent ball (Figure 20). Hold in place with special Chrysler tool #6583. Boost Valve Spring Retainer Shift Linkage E-Clip Detent Ball Figure 21 NOTE: A wood workers gouge tool also works to help install the manual lever. c. Place the throttle lever (Figure 2) in the upper housing. Install manual lever over throttle lever while aligning the manual lever with the manual valve (Figure 21). Remove special Chrysler tool #6583. d. Install OE throttle lever shaft seal with lip up to keep moisture out. Then install OE washer and Sonnax E-clip (Figure 20). e. Adjust throttle valve by using special Chrysler tool #C-3763 or equivalent such as the one shown (Figure 22). The length of the “hammer head” part of the tool is .627". Compress the TV plunger with tool until the plunger is bottomed in the valve body. Adjust the TV adjustment screw with an allen wrench until the screw just contacts the TV lever while the TV lever is in contact with the TV plunger. Figure 22 NOTE: The spring is under considerable tension when the TV plunger is fully depressed. Be sure the spring is compressed and TV plunger is contacting the TV valve while making this adjustment. TV valve will be fully bottomed in the bore. 08-27-15 SC-48RE-IN Page 6 ©2015 Sonnax Industries, Inc. 800-843-2600 • 802-463-9722 • F: 802-463-4059 • Chrysler 48RE SURE CURE® KIT Instruction Booklet IMPORTANT! This adjustment is critical on 2005-later models which use a Transmission Throttle Valve Actuator (TTVA). The ECM needs to see the TTVA CAUTION rotate a set number of degrees. At .627", the TV shaft will move 52°. Depending on the tolerance in the software, this may set trouble codes if the adjustment is out of range. After installing the valve body in the vehicle, reset the TTVA by performing a Key On Engine Off cycle for 30 seconds. Turn ignition key off. Now the TTVA will be reset. Sheet Metal Screw OE Cup Plug TIME TESTED • INDUSTRY TRUSTED OE Intermediate Shaft Figure 23 f. Install OE boost valve, OE spring, Sonnax boost valve spring retainer (Figure 20) and OE cover plate. Step 15 Install Intermediate Shaft Pilot & End Plug Kit 1. Disassembly a. Using a sheet metal screw, remove and discard the OE cup plug from the OE intermediate shaft (Figure 23). The screw will pull the plug out after the head bottoms out on the shaft. Drive OE pilot out of cup plug end. OE Intermediate Shaft Figure 24 b. Using a steel rod (3/16" x 17"), drive the OE shaft pilot out from the cup plug end of the OE intermediate shaft, then discard pilot (Figure 24). 2. Installation (Figure 25) a. Clean the OE intermediate shaft bore thoroughly. 3/16" x 17" Steel Rod b. Install the Sonnax cup plug by driving it into the OE intermediate shaft. Figure 25 NOTE: An AXOD servo pin works well for this. c. Install the Sonnax shaft pilot into position by driving it in the front of the intermediate shaft. If the OE intermediate shaft does not have an internal stop to locate the pilot, position it so that .230"–.280" of the pilot protrudes out of the shaft. OE Intermediate Shaft End Plug Step 16 Install Output Pilot Bushing (Figure 26) Figure 26 a. Remove and discard pilot bushing. b. Press the Sonnax output shaft pilot bushing into the OE overdrive output shaft (Figure 27). 17 Install 6-Tab Step Thrust Washers (Figure 28) Output Pilot Bushing 6-Tab Thrust Washers Shaft Pilot Figure 28 18 Install Step Turbine Shaft Seals OE Overdrive Output Shaft Figure 27 (Figure 29) Turbine Shaft Seals Figure 29 Output Shaft Bushing ©2015 Sonnax Industries, Inc. 800-843-2600 • 802-463-9722 • F: 802-463-4059 • SC-48RE-IN 08-27-15 Page 7 TIME TESTED • INDUSTRY TRUSTED Chrysler 48RE SURE CURE® KIT Generic F-Tool Bore Reaming Instructions 1. Bore & Reaming Preparation a. Clean the bore thoroughly in a solvent tank. b. Generously lubricate the bore and reamer with cutting fluid (i.e. Mobilmet S-122, Lubegard® Bio-Tap, Tap Magic™, etc.). For best results, provide a continuous flow of water-soluble cutting fluid (i.e. Mobilmet S-122) during the reaming process. c. The reamers should be turned using a low RPM, high-torque air drill regulated to a maximum of 200 RPM. d. Examine the bore after cleaning for surface finish, debris and burrs. Flashing and burrs on the exit side of land and in bores must be carefully removed. A small piece of Scotch-Brite™ material attached to a wire and powered with a drill motor is ideal for the task. Scotch-Brite™ is a very abrasive material and all residual debris must be cleaned to ensure particles do not migrate or remain imbedded into the surface. Post cleaning involves several progressive steps with solvent on a lint-free rag. 08-27-15 SC-48RE-IN Page 8 Instruction Booklet (For use with Steps 2 and Steps 3 .) CAUTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS: • Turning the reamer backward will dull it prematurely. • Pushing on the reamer will result in poor surface finish and inadequate and sporadic material removal. • Never use a crescent wrench, ratchet or pliers to turn the reamer. • A dull reamer will cut a smaller hole. Reamers can be sharpened, but should only be done by a professional tool sharpener. Actual life of a Sonnax reamer before resharpening or replacing averages 50–70 bores. 2. Bore Reaming Use the associated “F-Tool” kit and VB-FIX reaming fixture as illustrated below to ream the bore. See specific reaming instructions for each bore on page 2 of this booklet. NOTE: If more than one reaming procedure is needed, follow specific instructions given with associated Sonnax part/kit to ensure correct reaming process is completed. ©2015 Sonnax Industries, Inc. 800-843-2600 • 802-463-9722 • F: 802-463-4059 •
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