Sony Group MLU200 Handy Reader Writer User Manual 04 01 06 GB

Sony Corporation Handy Reader Writer 04 01 06 GB


HANDY READER/WRITERMLU-200電気製品は、安全のための注意事項を守らないと、火災や人身事故になることがあります。このオペレーションマニュアルには、事故を防ぐための重要な注意事項と製品の取り扱いかたを示してあります。このオペレーションマニュアルをよくお読みのうえ、製品を安全にお使いください。お読みになったあとは、いつでも見られるところに必ず保管してください。OPERATION MANUAL1st Edition(Revised 1)Serial No. 10001 and Higher(SYV)Japanese/English
For the customers in U.S.A.This equipment has been tested and found to comply withthe limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses, andcan radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications.  However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation.  If this equipment does not harmful interferenceto radio or television reception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged totry correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment andreceiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technicianfor help.You are cautioned that any changes or modifications notexpressly approved in this manual could void your authorityto operate this equipment.If you have any questions about this product, you may call: Sony’s Business Information Center (BIC) at 1-800-686-SONY(7669) or write to : Sony Customer InformationServices Center 6900-29 Daniels Parkway, PMB 330 FortMyers, Florida 33912Declaration of ConformityTrade Name : SONYModel : MLU-200Responsible Party : Sony Electronics Inc.Address : 680 Kinderkamack Road,Oradell NJ 07649 U.S.A.Telephone Number : 201-930-6972This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation issubject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may notcause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.For the customers in CanadaThis device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) thisdevice may not cause interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference, including interference that maycause undesired operation of the device.Pour les clients au CanadaCet appareil satisfait á la norme CNR-210 de l’IndustrieCanada.Son utilisation est soumise aux deux conditions suivantes:(1) cet appareil ne peut provoquer d’interférences et (2) cetappareil doit accepter toutes les interférences, y compris lesinterférences qui peuvent provoquer un fonctionnementindésirable de l’appareil.0682Hereby, Sony, declares that this MLU-200 is in compliancewith the essential requirements and other relevant provisionsof Directive 1995/5/EC.This product is intended to be used in the followingcountries.: Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, UK,Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,SwitzerlandSony erklärt hiermit, dass diese MLU-200 den wesentlichenAnforderungen und sonstigen Voraussetzungen der Direktive1995/5/EC erfüllt.Dieses Produkt ist für den Gebrauch in den folgendenLändern bestimmt: Dänemark, Deutschland, Finnland,Frankreich, Großbritannien, Holland, Italien, Norwegen,Österreich, Portugal, Schweden, Schweiz und Spanien.Sony déclare par la présente que ce MLU-200 est enconformité avec les exigences essentielles et les autresstipulations pertinentes de la Directive 1995/5/CE.Ce produit est destiné à être utilisé dans les pays suivants:Autriche, Danemark, Finlande, France, Allemagne,Royaume-Uni, Italie, Pays-Bas, Norvège, Portugal, Espagne,Suède et Suisse.Por la presente Sony declara que este MLU-200 cumple conlos requisitos esenciales y otras cláusulas relevantes de laDirectiva 1995/5/EC.Este producto fue diseñado para ser utilizado en lossiguientes países: Austria, Dinamarca, Finlandia, Francia,Alemania, Reino Unido, Italia, Holanda, Noruega, Portugal,España, Suecia, Suiza (Continued)English
Con ciï, Sony dichiara che questo MLU-200 ä conforme airequisiti essenziali e alle altre pertinenti disposizioni delladirettiva 1995/5/CE.Questo prodotto è destinato ad essere usato nei seguentipaesi: Austria, Danimarca, Finlandia, Francia, Germania,Regno Unito, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia, Portogallo,Spagna, Svezia, SvizzeraA Sony declara que o modelo MLU-200 está emconformidade com as exigências essenciais e outrasprovidências pertinentes da Directiva 1995/5/EC.Este produto foi projectado para uso nos seguintes países:Áustria, Dinamarca, Finlândia, França, Alemanha, ReinoUnido, Itália, Holanda, Noruega, Portugal, Espanha,Suécia e Suíça.Sony verklaart hierbij dat de MLU-200 voldoet aan dehoofdvereisten en andere relevante bepalingen van deRichtlijn 1995/5/EC.Dit product is bedoeld voor gebruik in de volgende landen:Denemarken, Duitsland, Groot-Brittannië, Finland,Frankrijk, Italië, Nederland, Noorwegen, Oostenrijk,Portugal, Spanje, Zweden en ZwitserlandSony erklærer herved, at denne MLU-200 er ioverensstemmelse med de grundlæggende krav og andrerelevante bestemmelser i Direktiv 1995/5/EC.Dette produkt er beregnet til anvendelse i følgende lande:Østrig, Danmark, Finland, Frankrig, Tyskland,Storbritannien, Italien, Holland, Norge, Portugal, Spanien,Sverige, Schweiz.Sony betygar härmed att denna MLU-200 uppfyller deväsentliga kraven och andra tillhörande villkor för EG-direktiv 1995/5/EC.Denna apparat är avsedd att användas i följande länder:Österrike, Danmark, Finland, Frankrike, Tyskland,Storbritannien, Italien, Holland, Norge, Portugal, Spanien,Sverige och Schweiz.Sony ilmoittaa täten, että tämä MLU-200 vastaa ohjeen1995/5/EC olennaisia vaatimuksia ja muita vastaaviasäädöksiä.Tämä laite on tarkoitettu käytettäväksi seuraavissa maissa:Itävalta, Tanska, Suomi, Ranska, Saksa, Iso-Britannia,Italia, Alankomaat, Norja, Portugali, Espanja, Ruotsi,Sveitsi.
1(GB)Table of ContentsOverview............................................................................................ 2(GB)Location and Function of Parts ....................................................... 3(GB)Front Panel .................................................................................. 3(GB)Rear panel.................................................................................... 4(GB)Connection......................................................................................... 6(GB)RS-232C Communication ........................................................... 6(GB)Infrared data trafsfer .................................................................... 6(GB)Start-up.............................................................................................. 7(GB)HEADER DISPLAY menu ......................................................... 8(GB)MAIN MENU .................................................................................... 8(GB)LOCATION DISPLAY menu ..................................................... 8(GB)CUE DATA DISPLAY menu ................................................... 10(GB)SEARCH menu ......................................................................... 12(GB)Specifications................................................................................... 13(GB)English
2(GB)OverviewThe MLU-200 is a handy reader/writer specificallydesigned for use with the Tele-File1) system.Features of MLU-200No contact communicationIt is possible to read and write data of the optionaldevice for the Tele-File system (MLB-1M-100/1TS-100 etc.) without contact.  Thanks to no contactcommunication, there is no soiling or wearing down ofphysical components.  High reliability is thusmaintained even after repeated operations.Compact and lightweightThanks to compact and lightweight, high movability isrealized.Low power consumption and long continuousoperationLow power consumption is realized.  It is possible tooperate for 8 hours or more continuously under thenormal operation.Mass data storageMLU-200 has a memory of 512K bytes.Thanks to adoption of the memory stick2), mass datastorage is realized.Infrared communicationData can be transferred between MLU-200 and anexternal personal computer with infraredcommunication.Communication with personal computerData can be transferred with RS-232C or USBcommunication between MLU-200 and an externalpersonal computer through an optional MLT-200terminal.Self-diagnosticsMLU-200 has self-diagnostics.1)  Tele-FileTele-File is a trademark of Sony Corporation.2)  Memory stickMemory stick is a trademark of Sony Corporation...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
3(GB)Location and Function of PartsFront Panel1 POWER keyPress this key to turn on and off the power.When a battery pack is attached, a press of this keyturns on the power, then <MAIN MENU> isdisplayed.  When the <MAIN MENU> is displayed,  apress of this key turns off the power.When a MLU-200 is in the sleep mode, a press of thiskey releases the sleep mode.<MAIN MENU>NoteEven when the power is turned off, the electric currentis consumed.  If you will not use a MLU-200 for along time, be sure to remove the battery pack.2 Jog dialTurn and click this dial to select the item in the menuand to fix data when editing.With turning this dial• Selects the item.• Select the item to be edited when editing the data.• Move the cursor when editing the data.With clicking this dial• Fix the item to be selected.• Fix the item to be edited when editing the data.• Fix the contents to be edited when editing the data.3 IrDAWindow for infrared transfers with a personalcomputer and an optional MLT-200 terminal.4 F1 keyPress this key to scroll the display in the left direction.5 F2 keyPress this key to scroll the display in the rightdirection.6 DisplayMenu and data are displayed.POWERACCESSHANDY READER/WRITERMLU-200F1F2ABCCL BS SF7DEF8GHI9JKL4MNO5PQR6STU1VWX2YZ-30•123456789q;qsqa<MAIN MENU>  HH:MM1.HEADER DISPLAY2.LOCATION DISPLAY3.CUE DATA DISPLAY4.SEARCH5.REMOTE6.SYSTEM MENU
4(GB)RESETEJECTANTENAAREALocation and Function of Parts7 ACCESS keyPress this key to read and write data.  Press this keywhile positioning the data transfer area over anoptional memory label.8 CL(CLear) keyPress this key to clear the input data when editing data.With pressing this key together with the SF key, theinput data reverts.This key is also pressed to return to the upper menu.9 BS(Back Space) keyPress this key to delete a character on the cursor whenediting data.!º SF(ShiFt) keyPress this key to input a character of an alphabet whenediting data.  In the upper left side of the display,[ABC] blinks.  To release, press this key again.  Withpressing this key together with the CL key, the editeddata reverts.!¡ Alphabetical and numerical keys (A to Z, 0 to 9,hyphen(-), space and period(.))Press these keys to input characters when editing data.These keys are also pressed to select the menu to bedisplayed.  To select the menu, press the numerical keyof the menu number in <MAIN MENU>.!™   (Return) keyPress this key to fix the selection of item.  The displayproceeds to the next stage.This key is also pressed to fix the selection of item tobe edited and the contents to be edited when editingdata.Rear panel1 Data transfer areaPosition this area over an optional memory label fordata transfer.2 EJECT leverPush this lever  in the direction of v to eject a memorystick.3 Slit for the memory stickInsert a memory stick into this slit.4 RESET switchPush this switch to reset a MLU-200.123465
5(GB)5 Battery coverPull this cover in the direction of V to attach anddetach a battery pack.  When the battery pack isattached, the start-up display appears, then afterapprox. 5 seconds <MAIN MENU> appears.Start-up displayNoteBe sure to turn off the power when attaching anddetaching a battery pack to remain the stored data.6 Charging terminalsThese are charging terminals.  When a MLU-200 isput on a MLT-200 terminal with these terminalsconnected with ones of the MLT-200, charging starts.When the battery voltage of the battery pack is 0, tocharge the battery fully, it takes approx. 2 hours.NoteWhile charging, the battery icon appears on thedisplay.When charging with an optional MLT-200 terminal, besure to put a MLU-200 on the MLT-200 securely andconfirm that the battery icon flashes.MLU-200 Version x.xxyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS<MAIN MENU> 1.HEADER DISPLAY2.LOCATION DISPLAY3.CUE DATA DISPLAY
6(GB)RS-232C/USB CommunicationInfrared communicationPersonal computerRS-232C cableorUSB cableMLT-200 terminalTo AC power supplyAC adapterPersonal computer with infraredConnection
7(GB)To start up a MLU-200 Handy Reader Writer, attach abattery pack to the MLU-200.  The start-up displayappears, then after 5 minutes the <MAIN MENU>appears.Start-up displayNoteConfirm that time is correct.<MAIN MENU>Turning off MLU-200To turn off a MLU-200, push the POWER buttonwhen the <MAIN MENU> is displayed.Turning on MLU-200 with a battery packalready attachedTo turn on a MLU-200, push the POWER key.<MAIN MENU> is displayed immediately.MLU-200 Version x.xxyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS<MAIN MENU>  HH:MM1.HEADER DISPLAY2.LOCATION DISPLAY3.CUE DATA DISPLAY4.SEARCH5.REMOTE6.SYSTEM MENUStart-up
8(GB)MAIN MENU consists of the following menus.1. HEADER DISPLAY2. LOCATION DISPLAY3. CUE DATA DISPLAY4. SEARCH5. REMOTE (Not available now)6. SYSTEM MENU (Not available now)Details for each menu are as follows.HEADER DISPLAY menuIn this menu, it is possible to read the header data of amemory label.NoteWith this menu, the only header information is read.Displaying the HEADER DISPLAY menuThe “HEADER DISPLAY” menu is displayed witheither of the following procedures.• In the <MAIN MENU>, move the cursor to“HEADER DISPLAY” with turning the jog dial, andclick the jog dial or press the   key.• In the <MAIN MENU>, press the numerical key “1.”HEADER DISPLAY menuID (cassette ID) : 20 characters of ASCIIDBK (Data Base Key) : 20 characters of ASCIITTL (TiTLe) : 24 characters of ASCIIADM (ADMinistrator) : 16 characters of ASCIIUPD (UPDated date) : yyyy(year)/mm(month)/dd(data)SNO (Serial NO.) : 7 digitsMDL (MoDeL name) : 12 characters of ASCIITHR (number of THReading) : 0 to 32767Reading the header data of a memorylabel1Display the HEADER DISPLAY menu.2Position the data transfer area of the MLU-200over a memory label.3Press the ACCESS key.LOCATION DISPLAY menuIn this menu, it is possible to read the location data of amemory label.Displaying the LOCATION DISPLAY menuThe “LOCATION DISPLAY” menu is displayed witheither of the following procedures.• In the <MAIN MENU>, move the cursor to“LOCATION DISPLAY” with turning the jog dial,and click the jog dial or press the   key.• In the <MAIN MENU>, press the numerical key “2.”LOCATION DISPLAY menuID:Cassette IDDBK:Data base keyTTL:TitleADM:AdministratorUPD:yyyy/mm/ddSNO:1234567MDL:Model nameTHR:ThreadMAIN MENUFLOOR NO.: 123SHELF NO.: 785156STEP NO.: 456POSITION: 7890
9(GB)FLOOR NO. : 3 characters of ASCII to identify No.of the floor where the cassette tape with thememory label is stockedSHELF NO. :  6 characters of ASCII to identify No.of the shelf where the cassette tape with thememory label is stocked.STEP NO. : 3 characters of ASCII to identify No. ofthe step where the cassette tape with the memorylabel is stocked.POSITION: 4 characters of ASCII to identify theposition where the cassette tape with the memorylabel is stocked.Reading the location data of a memorylabel1Display the LOCATION DISPLAY menu.2Position the data transfer area of the MLU-200over a memory label.3Press the ACCESS key.Editing the location dataTo edit the location data which is read in theLOCATION DISPLAY menu, follow the procedurebelow.1Press the BS key.The cursor appears.2Turn the jog dial to move the cursor to the item tobe edited.3Click the jog dial or press the   key.4Change the data.To change the dataPress the numerical keys.To input the alphabetPress the SF key, then press the alphabetical keys.To delete the characterPress the BS key.  The character on the cursor isdeleted.To restore the dataPress the CL key.5Click the jog dial or press the key.6Press the CL key.The cursor disappears.7Press the ACCESS key with positioning the datatransfer area of the MLU-200 over a memory label.The edited data is written.Displaying the contents of the HEADERDISPLAY menuTo display the contents of the HEADER DISPLAYmenu, press the BS key.
10(GB)MAIN MENUCUE DATA DISPLAY menuIn this menu, it is possible to read the CUE data of amemory label and edit it.Displaying the CUE DATA DISPLAY menuThe “CUE DATA DISPLAY” menu is displayed witheither of the following procedures.• In the <MAIN MENU>, move the cursor to “CUEDATA DISPLAY” with turning the jog dial, andclick the jog dial or press the   key.• In the <MAIN MENU>, press the numerical key “3.”CUE DATA DISPLAY menuScroll in the leftdirectionScroll in the leftdirectionScroll in the rightdirectionScroll in the rightdirectionNo. SCN CUT TAK000: A01 ABC1 001001: A01 ABC1 002002: A01 ABC1 003nnn: n01 zzz1 000ST CUE POINT IN POINTNG 00:00:00:00 --:--:--:--KP 00:01:53:12 --:--:--:--OK 00:05:20:20 --:--:--:--00:20:17:09 --:--:--:--OUT POINT COMMENT--:--:--:-- ABCDEFGH--:--:--:-- IJKLMNOP--:--:--:-- 12345678--:--:--:-- END
11(GB)No. : 3 digits (continuous number)SCN : 3 characters of ASCII to identify the sceneCUT : 4 characters of ASCII to identify the cutTAK : 3 characters of ASCII for the take numberST : Status code• NG : No Good• KP : KeeP• OK : GoodCOMMENT : 24 characters of ASCII for thecommentWith this menu, key function is as follows;To scroll in the left direction : Press the F1 key.To scroll in the right direction : Press the F2 key.To move to the right end : Press the SF and F1 key.To move to the left end : Press the SF and F2 key.To confirm the details of the CUE data : Click thejog dial or press the   key.To display the “HEADER DISPLAY” menu :Press the BS key.Reading the CUE data of the memory label1Display the CUE DATA DISPLAY menu.2Position the data transfer area of the MLU-200over a memory label.3Press the ACCESS key.nnn:commentscn  CUE 00:00:00:00cut   IN --:--:--:--taks OUT --:--:--:--Editing the CUE dataTo edit the CUE data which is read in the CUE DATADISPLAY menu, follow the procedure below.1Turn the jog dial to move the cursor to the CUEdata to be edited in the CUE DATA DISPLAYmenu.2Click the jog dial or press the   key.nnn : 3 digits (continuous number)comment : 80 characters of ASCII for the commentscn : 3 characters of ASCII to identify the scenecut : 4 characters of ASCII to identify the cuttak : 3 characters of ASCII for the take numbers : Status code• N : No good• K : Keep• O : Good3Press the BS key.The cursor appears.4Turn the jog dial to move the cursor to the item tobe edited.5Click the jog dial or press the   key.6Change the data.To change the dataPress the numerical keys. (Continued)
12(GB)To input the alphabetPress the SF key, then press the alphabetical keys.To delete the characterPress the BS key.  The character on the cursor isdeleted.To restore the dataPress the CL key.7Click the jog dial or press the key.8Press the CL key.The cursor disappears.9Press the CL key.The CUE DATA DISPLAY menu is displayed.10Press the ACCESS key with positioning the datatransfer area of the MLU-200 over a memory label.The edited data is written.Displaying the contents of the HEADERDISPLAY menuTo display the contents of the HEADER DISPLAYmenu, press the BS key.SEARCH menuIn this menu, it is possible to search a memory label.Displaying the SEARCH menuThe “SEARCH” menu is displayed with either of thefollowing procedures.• In the <MAIN MENU>, move the cursor to“SEARCH” with turning the jog dial, and click thejog dial or press the   key.• In the <MAIN MENU>, press the numerical key “4.”<SEARCH>START:nn  COUNT:nnDATA:abcdefghijklmnSEARCH menuSTART : Number of the sector where the detection isstartedCOUNT : Number of sectors to be searchedDATA : Data to be searchedSearching the data1Display the SEARCH menu.2Turn the jog dial to move the cursor to the item tobe input.3Click the jog dial or press the   key.4Input the key data.To input the dataPress the numerical keys.To input the alphabetPress the SF key, then press the alphabetical keys.To delete the characterPress the BS key.  The character on the cursor isdeleted.To restore the dataPress the CL key.5Position the data transfer area of the MLU-200over a memory labels while pressing the ACCESSkey.When the memory label which matches the keydata for searching is found, the buzzer sounds.MAIN MENU
13(GB)SpecificationsGeneralTransmission rate 105.9 kbpsTransmission frequency13.56 MHzTransmission range0 to 20 mmPower supply voltageDC 3.6V ±10%Mass 230 gCurrent 500 mA max.Operating temperature5 °C to 40 °C (41°F to 104°F)External dimensionsExternal dimensions (Unit : inch)Supplied accessoriesOperation Manual (1)Shoulder strap(1)Optional accessoriesMSA-4A/8A/16A/32A Memory stickNP-FS11 Rechargable battery packDesign and specifications are subject to changewithout notice.Printed on recycled paper..........................................................................................................................................................................................................POWERACCESSHANDY READER/WRITERMLU-200F1F2ABCCL BS SF7DEF8GHI9JKL4MNO5PQR6STU1VWX2YZ-30•9 1/81 1/84 1/811/4
The material contained in this manual consists ofinformation that is the property of Sony Corporation and isintended solely for use by the purchasers of the equipmentdescribed in this manual.Sony Corporation expressly prohibits the duplication of anyportion of this manual or the use thereof for any purposeother than the operation or maintenance of the equipmentdescribed in this manual without the express writtenpermission of Sony Corporation.Le matériel contenu dans ce manuel consiste eninformations qui sont la propriété de Sony Corporation etsont destinées exclusivement à l’usage des acquéreurs del’équipement décrit dans ce manuel.Sony Corporation interdit formellement la copie de quelquepartie que ce soit de ce manuel ou son emploi pour toutautre but que des opérations ou entretiens de l’équipementà moins d’une permission écrite de Sony Corporation.Das in dieser Anleitung enthaltene Material besteht ausInformationen, die Eigentum der Sony Corporation sind,und ausschließlich zum Gebrauch durch den Käufer der indieser Anleitung beschriebenen Ausrüstung bestimmt sind.Die Sony Corporation untersagt ausdrücklich dieVervielfältigung jeglicher Teile dieser Anleitung oder denGebrauch derselben für irgendeinen anderen Zweck als dieBedienung oder Wartung der in dieser Anleitungbeschriebenen Ausrüstung ohne ausdrückliche schriftlicheErlaubnis der Sony Corporation.本機を使用したことによる、お客様の損害、または第3者からのいかなる請求についても、当社は一切その責任を負い兼ねます。IN NO EVENT SHALL SONY CORPORATION BELIALBLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL,OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER BASED ON TORT,CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF OR INCONNECTION WITH USE OF THIS PRODUCT.
Printed in Japan2000. 12. 00©1999MLU-200 (J, SYV,  ,  )3-203-401-02 (1)Sony CorporationCommunication System Solutions Network Company

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