Sony A3880105 Mobile phone with Bluetooth, WLAN 802.11bgn, GPS/A-GPS, ANT+ and FM Rx User Manual Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB

Sony Mobile Communications Inc Mobile phone with Bluetooth, WLAN 802.11bgn, GPS/A-GPS, ANT+ and FM Rx Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB


08 user guide part 2

FCC StatementDeclaration of ConformitySony Ericsson SK17a UMTS HSPA Band 1 2 5 GSM GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900
Important InformationUnited States & CanadaTHIS PHONE MODEL HAS BEEN CERTIFIED IN COMPLIANCEWITH THE GOVERNMENT’S REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSURETO RADIO WAVES.The SK17a Series mobile phones have been designed to complywith applicable safety requirements for exposure to radio waves.Your wireless phone is a radio transmitter and receiver. It isdesigned to not exceed the limits* of exposure to radio frequency(RF) energy set by governmental authorities. These limits establishpermitted levels of RF energy for the general population. Theguidelines are based on standards that were developed byinternational scientific organizations through periodic andthorough evaluation of scientific studies. The standards include asafety margin designed to assure the safety of all individuals,regardless of age and health.The radio wave exposure guidelines employ a unit ofmeasurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). Testsfor SAR are conducted using standardized methods with thephone transmitting at its highest certified power level in all usedfrequency bands. While there may be differences between the SARlevels of various phone models, they are all designed to meet therelevant guidelines for exposure to radio waves. For moreinformation on SAR, please refer to the safe and efficient usechapter in the User Guide.The highest SAR value as reported to the authorities for thisphone model when tested for use by the ear is 0.63 W/kg*, andwhen worn on the body is 1.26 W/kg* for speech and 1.33 W/kg*for data calls. For body-worn operation, the phone has been testedwhen positioned a minimum of 15 mm from the body without anymetal parts in the vicinity of the phone or when properly used withan appropriate Sony Ericsson accessory and worn on the body.For devices which include “WiFi hotspot” functionality, body-wornSAR measurements for operation of the device operating in WiFihotspot mode were taken using a separation distance of 10mm.2
Use of third-party accessories may result in different SAR levelsthan those reported.**Before a phone model is available for sale to the public in theUS, it must be tested and certified by the Federal CommunicationsCommission (FCC) that it does not exceed the limit established bythe government-adopted requirement for safe exposure*. Thetests are performed in positions and locations (i.e., by the ear andworn on the body) as required by the FCC for each model. The FCChas granted an Equipment Authorization for this phone model withall reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RFexposure guidelines. While there may be differences between theSAR levels of various phones, all mobile phones granted an FCCequipment authorization meet the government requirement forsafe exposure. SAR information on this phone model is on file atthe FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of after searching on FCCID PY7A3880105. Additional information on SAR can be found onthe Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA)website at* In the United States and Canada, the SAR limit for mobilephones used by the public is 1.6 watts/kilogram (W/kg) averagedover one gram of tissue. The standard incorporates a margin ofsafety to give additional protection for the public and to accountfor any variations in measurements.**This paragraph is only applicable to authorities and customersin the United States.3
Renseignements importantsÉtats-Unis et CanadaCE MODÈLE DE TÉLÉPHONE A ÉTÉ CERTIFIÉ CONFORME AUXEXIGENCES GOUVERNEMENTALES RELATIVES À L'EXPOSITIONAUX ONDES RADIOÉLECTRIQUES.Les téléphones mobiles de la SK17a ont été conçus pourrépondre aux normes de sécurité en vigueur en matièred'exposition aux ondes radioélectriques. Votre téléphone sans filest un émetteur et un récepteur radio. Il est conçu de manière à nepas dépasser les limites* d'exposition à l'énergie des fréquencesradio (RF) établies par les autorités gouvernementales. Ces limitesfixent les niveaux maximaux d'énergie RF auxquels peut êtresoumis le grand public. Ces lignes directrices sont basées sur desnormes qui ont été élaborées par des organisations scientifiquesinternationales par le biais d'évaluations périodiques etapprofondies des études scientifiques. Ces normes prévoient unemarge de sécurité visant à assurer la protection de tous lesindividus, peu importe leur âge et leur état de santé.Les lignes directrices relatives à l'exposition aux ondesradioélectriques utilisent une unité de mesure appelée « Tauxd'absorption spécifique » (TAS). Les tests de TAS sont effectuésselon des méthodes standardisées dans lesquelles le téléphoneémet dans toutes les bandes de fréquences utilisées, à la plusforte puissance pour laquelle il a été homologué. Bien que le TASpuisse être différent d'un modèle de téléphone à un autre, tous lesappareils sont conçus pour respecter les lignes directricesrelatives aux ondes radioélectriques. Pour en savoir plus sur leTAS, reportez-vous au chapitre sur l'utilisation efficace et sansdanger du guide de l'utilisateur.Le TAS le plus élevé relevé par les autorités pour ce modèle detéléphone est de 0.63 W/kg* lorsqu'il est testé en utilisation prèsde l'oreille, et de 1.26 W/kg* pour les appels vocaux et de1.33 W/kg* pour les transmissions de données lorsqu'il est portésur le corps. En mode d’utilisation porté sur le corps, le téléphonea été testé lorsqu’il est à au moins 15 mm du corps et à l’écart detoute pièce en métal, ou lorsqu’il est utilisé de façon adéquate4
avec un accessoire Sony Ericsson et porté sur le corps. Pour lesappareils munis de la fonctionnalité « point d'accès WiFi », enmode d'utilisation porté sur le corps, les mesures du TAS del'appareil en mode WiFi ont été prises à une distance de sécuritéde 10 mm. L'utilisation d'accessoires tiers peut produire desniveaux de TAS différents de ceux relevés.**Avant qu'un modèle de téléphone ne soit mis en vente auprèsdu public aux États-Unis, la Commission fédérale descommunications (CFC) doit le tester et certifier qu'il respecte leslimites fixées dans les exigences gouvernementales d'expositionsans danger*. Pour chaque modèle, les tests sont effectués enposition et aux endroits d'usage (c.-à-d. près de l'oreille et portésur le corps), tel que requis par la CFC. La CFC a accordé uneautorisation d'équipement pour ce modèle de téléphone, aprèsque tous les niveaux de TAS indiqués aient été évalués etconsidérés conformes aux lignes directrices de la CFC en matièred'exposition aux radiofréquences. Même s'il peut y avoir desdifférences entre les niveaux de TAS des différents téléphones,tous les téléphones mobiles auxquels la CFC a accordé uneautorisation d'équipement répondent aux normesgouvernementales en matière d'exposition sans danger. La CFCconserve dans ses dossiers l'information relative aux TAS relevéspour ce modèle de téléphone. Vous pouvez la consulter au sous la rubrique « Display Grant »,après avoir effectué une recherche sur CFC ID PY7A3880105.Vous trouverez des renseignements supplémentaires concernantle TAS sur le site Web de la Cellular Telecommunications & InternetAssociation (CTIA) au* Aux États-Unis et au Canada, la limite de TAS des téléphonesmobiles utilisés par le public est de 1,6 watt/kg (W/kg) en moyennesur un gramme de tissus. Cette norme comporte une margeimportante de sécurité afin d'assurer une protectionsupplémentaire et de tenir compte de toute variation dans lesmesures.**Ce paragraphe ne concerne que les autorités et les clients desÉtats-Unis.5
Información importanteEstados Unidos y CanadáESTE MODELO DE TELÉFONO HA SIDO CERTIFICADOCONFORME A LOS REQUISITOS GUBERNAMENTALES PARA LAEXPOSICIÓN A ONDAS DE RADIO.Los teléfonos móviles de la Serie SK17a han sido diseñadossegún los requisitos de seguridad aplicables para la exposición aondas de radio. Su teléfono inalámbrico es un transmisor yreceptor de radio. Está diseñado para no superar los límites* deexposición a energía de radiofrecuencia (RF) fijados por lasautoridades gubernamentales. Estos límites establecen los nivelespermitidos de energía de RF para la población general. Lasespecificaciones se basan en los estándares desarrollados pororganizaciones científicas internacionales mediante evaluacionesperiódicas y minuciosas de estudios científicos. Los estándaresincluyen un margen de seguridad destinado a garantizar laseguridad de todas las personas, independientemente de la edady de la salud.Las especificaciones de la exposición a ondas de radio empleanuna unidad de medida conocida como la Tasa específica deabsorción (SAR, por su sigla en inglés). Las pruebas de SAR sellevan a cabo mediante el uso de métodos estandarizados con latransmisión telefónica al más alto nivel de energía registrado entodas las bandas de frecuencia utilizadas. Aunque es posible quehaya diferencias entre los niveles de SAR de los diferentesmodelos de teléfonos, todos están diseñados para cumplir con lasespecificaciones correspondientes de la exposición a ondas deradio. Para obtener más información sobre SAR, consulte elcapítulo sobre uso seguro y eficaz que se encuentra en la Guía delusuario.Según se reportó a las autoridades, el valor más alto de SAR deeste modelo de teléfono cuando se probó usándolo cerca del oídoes de 0.63 W/kg* y al usarlo en el cuerpo es de 1.26 W/kg* parahablar y 1.33 W/kg* para llamadas de datos. Para su uso cerca delcuerpo, el teléfono ha sido probado para su funcionamiento a unadistancia mínima de 15 mm (0,59 pulg.) del cuerpo, sin que haya6
piezas metálicas cerca del teléfono o cuando se utilizacorrectamente con el accesorio adecuado Sony Ericsson. En loque respecta a los dispositivos que cuentan con la funcionalidad“Zona activa WiFi”, las medidas SAR del uso cerca del cuerpo deldispositivo, el cual funciona en modo de zona activa WiFi, setomaron mediante el uso de una distancia de separación de 10mm. El uso de accesorios de terceros puede resultar en niveles deSAR diferentes a aquellos que se reportaron.**Antes de que un modelo de teléfono se encuentre disponiblepara la venta al público en los Estados Unidos, la Comisión federalde telecomunicaciones (FCC) debe aprobarlo y certificar que nosupera el límite establecido por el requisito adoptado por elgobierno para una exposición segura*. Las pruebas se llevan acabo en posiciones y ubicaciones (es decir, cerca del oído y cercadel cuerpo) según lo requiere la FCC para cada modelo. La FCC haotorgado una Autorización de equipo para este modelo de teléfonocon todos los niveles de SAR reportados, los cuales fueronevaluados conforme a las especificaciones de exposición a RF dela FCC. Aunque es posible que haya diferencias entre los nivelesde SAR de los diferentes teléfonos, todos los teléfonos móvilesque cuentan con una autorización de equipo de la FCC cumplencon los requisitos gubernamentales para la exposición segura. Lainformación sobre SAR de este modelo de teléfono está archivadaen la FCC y puede encontrarla en la sección Display Grant (Mostrarsubvención) en después de buscarla ID PY7A3880105 de la FCC. Puede encontrar informaciónadicional sobre SAR en el sitio Web de la Asociación deTelecomunicaciones Celulares e Internet (CTIA) en* En los Estados Unidos y Canadá, el límite de SAR de losteléfonos móviles utilizados por el público es de 1.6 watts/kilogramo (W/kg) promediados sobre un gramo de tejido. Elestándar incluye un margen de seguridad para proporcionarle unaprotección adicional al público y para tomar en cuenta cualquiervariación en las medidas.**Este párrafo se aplica únicamente a autoridades y clientes delos Estados Unidos.7
Important InformationLatin & South AmericaRadio wave exposure and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)informationThe SK17a Series mobile phones have been designed to complywith applicable safety requirements for exposure to radio waves.These requirements are based on scientific guidelines that includesafety margins designed to assure the safety of all persons,regardless of age and health.The radio wave exposure guidelines employ a unit ofmeasurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR.Tests for SAR are conducted using standardised methods with thephone transmitting at its highest certified power level in all usedfrequency bands.While there may be differences between the SAR levels ofvarious phone models, they are all designed to meet the relevantguidelines for exposure to radio waves.For more information on SAR, please refer to the safety chapterin the User Guide.SAR data information for residents in countries that haveadopted the SAR limit recommended by the InternationalCommission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), whichis 2 W/kg averaged over ten (10) gram of tissue (for exampleEuropean Union, Japan, Brazil and New Zealand):The highest SAR value for this model phone when tested bySony Ericsson for use at the ear is 0.44 W/kg (10g).8
Información importanteLatinoamérica y América del SurInformación acerca de la exposición a ondas de radio y laTasa específica de absorción (SAR)El teléfono móvil SK17a ha sido diseñado para cumplir con losrequisitos de seguridad aplicables de exposición a las ondas deradio. Dichos requisitos se basan en directrices científicas queestablecen márgenes de seguridad con el fin de evitar perjuicos atodas las personas, independientemente de su edad o estado desalud.Las directrices de exposición a ondas de radio utilizan unaunidad de medida denominada coeficiente de absorción específicao SAR. Las pruebas de SAR se líevan a cabo utilizando métodosnormalizados, con el teléfono transmitiendo en el nivel máselevado de potencia autoridado en todas las bandas de frecuenciautilizadas.Aunque puede existir diferencias entre los niveles de SAR dediferentes modelos de teléfono, todos han sido diseñados paracumplir las directrices pertinentes sobre exposición a ondas deradio.Para obtener más información sobre el SAR, consulte el capítulosobre seguridad en la guía del usuario.Información sobre datos de SAR para residentes de países enlos que se haya adoptado el limite de SAR recomendado por laInternational Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection(ICNIRP, Comisión internacional de protección contra la radiaciónno ionizantes (ICNIRP, International Commission on Non-IonizingRadiation Protection), es 2 W/kg promedio por cadadiez (10) gramos de tejido (por ejemplo, la Unión Europea, Japón,Brasil y Nueva Zelanda):El valor de SAR más elevado para este modelo de teléfonocuando Sony Ericsson realizó la prueba para su uso en la oreja erade 0,44 W/kg (10g).9
Informação importanteAmérica do Sul e LatinaInformações sobre SAR (Taxa de Absorção Específica) eexposição à radiofreqüênciaO celular SK17a foi projetado para cumprir os requisitos desegurança aplicáveis para exposição à radiofreqüência. Essesrequisitos têm como base diretrizes científicas que incluem asmargens de segurança para garantir a segurança de todas aspessoas, independentemente da idade e da saúde.As diretrizes de exposição à radiofreqüência usam uma unidadede medida conhecida como SAR ou Taxa de Absorção Específica.Os testes de SAR são conduzidos por métodos padronizados coma transmissão telefônica em seu nível certificado de energia maisalto em todas as faixas de freqüência usadas.Embora possa haver diferenças entre os níveis de SAR de váriosmodelos de telefone, todos foram projetados para atender asdiretrizes relevantes de exposição à radiofreqüência.Para obter mais informações sobre SAR, consulte o capítulo desegurança do Guia do Usuário.Informações sobre os dados de SAR para moradores de paísesque adotaram o limite SAR recomendado pelo ICNIRP(International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection)que é o limite médio de 2 W/kg em dez (10) gramas de tecido (porexemplo, União Européia, Japão, Brasil e Nova Zelândia).Quando testado pela Sony Ericsson, o valor de SAR mais altopara este modelo de telefone para uso junto ao ouvido foi de0,44 W/kg (10g).10
FCC StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)This device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.Any change or modification not expressly approved by SonyEricsson may void the user's authority to operate the equipment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with thelimits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energyand, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different fromthat to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician forhelp.11
Industry Canada StatementThis device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) thisdevice may not cause interference, and (2) this device must acceptany interference, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation of the device.This Class B digital apparatus complies with CanadianICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la normeNMB-003 du Canada.12
Declaration of Conformity for SK17aWe, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB ofNya VattentornetSE-221 88 Lund, Swedendeclare under our sole responsibility that our productSony Ericsson type AAD-3880105-BVand in combination with our accessories, to which this declarationrelates is in conformity with the appropriate standards EN 301511:V9.0.2, EN 301 908-1:V4.2.1, EN 301 908-2:V4.2.1, EN 300328:V1.7.1, EN 300 440-2:V1.4.1, EN 301 489-7:V1.3.1, EN 301489-17:V2.1.1, EN 301 489-24:V1.5.1, EN 301 489-3:V1.4.1 andEN 60 950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010 following the provisionsof, Radio Equipment and Telecommunication Terminal Equipmentdirective 1999/5/EC.Lund, March 2011Dan Redin,Corporate Vice President, Head of DevelopmentWe fulfil the requirements of the R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC).Ce produit est conforme aux directives de R&TTE (1999/5/EC).Cumplimos con los requisitos de la Directiva R&TTE – Normassobre equipos de terminales de radio y telecomunicaciones (1999/5/EC).Atendemos aos requisitos da Diretriz R&TTE (1999/5/EC).13
www.sonyericsson.comSony Ericsson Mobile Communications ABSE-221 88 Lund, Sweden1251-1045.1
Important informationFebruary 15, 2011  18:05:56Sony Ericsson Consumer Web siteAt there is a support sectionwhere help and tips are only a few clicks away. Here you will findthe latest computer software updates and tips on how to use yourproduct more efficiently.Service and supportYou have access to a portfolio of exclusive service advantagessuch as:•Global and local Web sites providing support.•A global network of Contact Centers.•An extensive network of Sony Ericsson service partners.•A warranty period. Learn more about the warranty conditions intheLimited warrantysection.At, you can find the latestsupport tools and information. For operator-specific services andfeatures, please contact your network operator.You can also contact our Contact Centers. If your country/regionis not represented in the list below, please contact your localdealer. (Calls are charged according to national rates, includinglocal taxes, unless the phone number is a toll-free number.)If your product needs service, please contact the dealer fromwhom it was purchased, or one of our service partners. Forwarranty claims, save proof of purchase.Guidelines for Safe and Efficient UsePlease follow these guidelines. Failure to do so might entail apotential health risk or product malfunction. If in doubt as toits proper function, have the product checked by a certified servicepartner before charging or using it.Recommendations for care and safe use of our products•Handle with care and keep in a clean and dust-free place.•Warning! May explode if disposed of in fire.•Do not expose to liquid or moisture or excess humidity.2February 15, 2011  18:05:56•For optimum performance, the product should not beoperated in temperatures below -10°C(+14°F) or above+45°C(+113°F). Do not expose the battery totemperatures above +60°C(+140°F).•Do not expose to flames or lit tobacco products.•Do not drop, throw or try to bend the product.•Do not paint or attempt to disassemble or modify theproduct. Only Sony Ericsson authorised personnelshould perform service.•Consult with authorised medical staff and the instructions of themedical device manufacturer before using the product nearpacemakers or other medical devices or equipment.•Discontinue use of electronic devices, or disable the radiotransmitting functionality of the device, where required orrequested to do so.•Do not use where a potentially explosive atmosphere exists.•Do not place the product, or install wireless equipment, in thearea above an air bag in a car.•Caution: Cracked or broken displays may create sharp edges orsplinters that could be harmful upon contact.•Do not use the Bluetooth Headset in positions where it isuncomfortable or will be subject to pressure.ChildrenWarning! Keep out of the reach of children. Do not allowchildren to play with mobile phones or accessories. They couldhurt themselves or others. Products may contain small parts thatcould become detached and create a choking hazard.Power supply (Charger)Connect the charger to power sources as marked on the product.Do not use outdoors or in damp areas. Do not alter or subject thecord to damage or stress. Unplug the unit before cleaning it. Neveralter the plug. If it does not fit into the outlet, have a proper outletinstalled by an electrician. When a power supply is connectedthere is a small drain of power. To avoid this small energy waste,disconnect the power supply when the product is fully charged.3February 15, 2011  18:05:56Use of charging devices that are not Sony Ericsson branded maypose increased safety risks.BatteryNew or idle batteries can have short-term reduced capacity. Fullycharge the battery before initial use. Use for the intended purposeonly. Charge the battery in temperatures between +5°C(+41°F)and +45°C(+113°F). Do not put the battery into your mouth. Do notlet the battery contacts touch another metal object. Turn off theproduct before removing the battery. Performance depends ontemperatures, signal strength, usage patterns, features selectedand voice or data transmissions. Only Sony Ericsson servicepartners should remove or replace built-in batteries. Use ofbatteries that are not Sony Ericsson branded may pose increasedsafety risks. Replace the battery only with another Sony Ericssonbattery that has been qualified with the product per the standardIEEE-1725. Use of an unqualified battery may present a risk of fire,explosion, leakage or other hazard.Personal medical devicesMobile phones may affect implanted medical equipment. Reducerisk of interference by keeping a minimum distance of15 cm(6 inches) between the phone and the device. Use the phoneat your right ear. Do not carry the phone in your breast pocket.Turn off the phone if you suspect interference. For all medicaldevices, consult a physician and the manufacturer.DrivingSome vehicle manufacturers forbid the use of phones in theirvehicles unless a handsfree kit with an external antenna supportsthe installation. Check with the vehicle manufacturer'srepresentative to be sure that the mobile phone or Bluetoothhandsfree will not affect the electronic systems in the vehicle. Fullattention should be given to driving at all times and local laws andregulations restricting the use of wireless devices while drivingmust be observed.4February 15, 2011  18:05:56GPS/Location based functionsSome products provide GPS/Location based functions. Locationdetermining functionality is provided “As is” and “With all faults”.Sony Ericsson does not make any representation or warranty as tothe accuracy of such location information.Use of location-based information by the device may not beuninterrupted or error free and may additionally be dependent onnetwork service availability. Please note that functionality may bereduced or prevented in certain environments such as buildinginteriors or areas adjacent to buildings.Caution: Do not use GPS functionality in a manner which causesdistraction from driving.Emergency callsCalls cannot be guaranteed under all conditions. Never rely solelyupon mobile phones for essential communication. Calls may not bepossible in all areas, on all networks, or when certain networkservices and/or phone features are used.AntennaUse of antenna devices not marketed by Sony Ericsson coulddamage the phone, reduce performance, and produce SAR levelsabove the established limits. Do not cover the antenna with yourhand as this affects call quality, power levels and can shorten talkand standby times.Radio Frequency (RF) exposure and Specific AbsorptionRate (SAR)When the phone or Bluetooth handsfree is turned on, it emits lowlevels of radio frequency energy. International safety guidelineshave been developed through periodic and thorough evaluation ofscientific studies. These guidelines establish permitted levels ofradio wave exposure. The guidelines include a safety margindesigned to assure the safety of all persons and to account for anyvariations in measurements.Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is used to measure radiofrequency energy absorbed by the body when using a mobile5February 15, 2011  18:05:57phone. The SAR value is determined at the highest certified powerlevel in laboratory conditions, but because the phone is designedto use the minimum power necessary to access the chosennetwork, the actual SAR level can be well below this value. There isno proof of difference in safety based on difference in SAR value.Products with radio transmitters sold in the US must be certifiedby the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Whenrequired, tests are performed when the phone is placed at the earand when worn on the body. For body-worn operation, the phonehas been tested when positioned a minimum of 15 mm from thebody without any metal parts in the vicinity of the phone or whenproperly used with an appropriate Sony Ericsson accessory andworn on the body.For more information about SAR and radio frequency exposure,go to: modeBluetooth and WLAN functionality, if available in the device, can beenabled in Flight mode but may be prohibited onboard aircraft or inother areas where radio transmissions are prohibited. In suchenvironments, please seek proper authorisation before enablingBluetooth or WLAN functionality even in Flight mode.MalwareMalware (short for malicious software) is software that can harmthe mobile phone or other computers. Malware or harmfulapplications can include viruses, worms, spyware, and otherunwanted programs. While the device does employ securitymeasures to resist such efforts, Sony Ericsson does not warrant orrepresent that the device will be impervious to the introduction ofmalware. You can however reduce the risk of malware attacks byusing care when downloading content or accepting applications,refraining from opening or responding to messages from unknownsources, using trustworthy services to access the Internet, andonly downloading content to the mobile phone from known,reliable sources.6February 15, 2011  18:05:57AccessoriesUse only Sony Ericsson branded original accessories and certifiedservice partners. Sony Ericsson does not test third-partyaccessories. Accessories may influence RF exposure, radioperformance, loudness, electric safety and other areas. Third-party accessories and parts may pose a risk to your health orsafety or decrease performance.Accessible Solutions/Special NeedsIn the US, compatible Sony Ericsson phones may offercompatibility with TTY terminals (with use of necessary accessory).For more information call the Sony Ericsson Special Needs Centeron 877 878 1996 (TTY) or 877 207 2056 (voice), or go of old electrical and electronic equipmentElectronic equipment and batteries should not be includedas household waste but should be left at an appropriate collectionpoint for recycling. This helps prevent potential negativeconsequences for the environment and human health. Check localregulations by contacting your local city office, your householdwaste disposal service, the shop where you purchased the productor calling a Sony Ericsson Contact Center. Do not attempt toremove internal batteries. Internal batteries shall be removed onlyby a waste treatment facility or trained service professional.Disposing of the batteryCheck local regulations or call a Sony Ericsson ContactCenter for information. Never use municipal waste.Memory cardIf the product comes complete with a removable memory card, it isgenerally compatible with the handset purchased but may not becompatible with other devices or the capabilities of their memorycards. Check other devices for compatibility before purchase oruse. If the product is equipped with a memory card reader, checkmemory card compatibility before purchase or use.7February 15, 2011  18:05:57Memory cards are generally formatted prior to shipping. Toreformat the memory card, use a compatible device. Do not usethe standard operating system format when formatting the memorycard on a PC. For details, refer to the operating instructions of thedevice or contact customer support.Warning!If the device requires an adapter for insertion into the handset oranother device, do not insert the card directly without the requiredadapter.Precautions on memory card use•Do not expose the memory card to moisture.•Do not touch terminal connections with your hand or any metalobject.•Do not strike, bend, or drop the memory card.•Do not attempt to disassemble or modify the memory card.•Do not use or store the memory card in humid or corrosivelocations or in excessive heat such as a closed car in summer, indirect sunlight or near a heater, etc.•Do not press or bend the end of the memory card adapter withexcessive force.•Do not let dirt, dust, or foreign objects get into the insert port ofany memory card adapter.•Check you have inserted the memory card correctly.•Insert the memory card as far as it will go into any memory cardadapter needed. The memory card may not operate properlyunless fully inserted.•We recommend that you make a backup copy of important data.We are not responsible for any loss or damage to content youstore on the memory card.•Recorded data may be damaged or lost when you remove thememory card or memory card adapter, turn off the power whileformatting, reading or writing data, or use the memory card inlocations subject to static electricity or high electrical fieldemissions.8February 15, 2011  18:05:57Protection of personal informationErase personal data before disposing of the product. To deletedata, perform a master reset. Deleting data from the phonememory does not ensure that it cannot be recovered.Sony Ericsson does not warrant against recovery of informationand does not assume responsibility for disclosure of anyinformation even after a master reset.Loudness warning!Avoid volume levels that may be harmful to your hearing.End User Licence AgreementSoftware delivered with this device and its media is owned bySony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, and/or its affiliatedcompanies and its suppliers and licensors.Sony Ericsson grants you a non-exclusive limited licence to usethe Software solely in conjunction with the Device on which it isinstalled or delivered. Ownership of the Software is not sold,transferred or otherwise conveyed.Do not use any means to discover the source code or anycomponent of the Software, reproduce and distribute theSoftware, or modify the Software. You are entitled to transfer rightsand obligations to the Software to a third party, solely togetherwith the Device with which you received the Software, provided thethird party agrees in writing to be bound by the terms of thisLicence.This licence exists throughout the useful life of this Device. It canbe terminated by transferring your rights to the Device to a thirdparty in writing.Failure to comply with any of these terms and conditions willterminate the licence immediately.Sony Ericsson and its third party suppliers and licensors retainall rights, title and interest in and to the Software. To the extentthat the Software contains material or code of a third party, suchthird parties shall be beneficiaries of these terms.9February 15, 2011  18:05:57This licence is governed by the laws of Sweden. Whenapplicable, the foregoing applies to statutory consumer rights.In the event Software accompanying or provided in conjunctionwith your device is provided with additional terms and conditions,such provisions shall also govern your possession and usage ofthe Software.Export regulationsExport regulations: Goods delivered under this Agreement may bethe subject to import and export regulations of the EuropeanUnion, the United States and other countries. Purchaser willcomply with these applicable laws and regulations and will obtainand maintain any export and import license required for thedelivery of goods to Purchaser under this Agreement. Withoutlimiting the foregoing, and as an example, Purchaser will notknowingly export or re-export goods to destinations identifiedpursuant to Articles in Chapter II of European Council Regulation(EC) 428/2009 and specifically, and without limitation, Purchaserwill also comply with U.S. government Export AdministrationRegulations (“EAR”, 15 C.F.R. §§ 730-774, administered by Department of Commerce,Bureau of Industry and Security and economic sanctionsregulations (30 C.F.R. §§ 500 et. seq., administered by the U.S. Departmentof Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control.Limited WarrantySony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, SE-221 88 Lund,Sweden, (Sony Ericsson) or its local affiliated company, providesthis Limited Warranty for your mobile phone, original accessorydelivered with your mobile phone, and/or your mobile computingproduct (hereinafter referred to as “Product”).Should your Product need warranty service, please return it tothe dealer from whom it was purchased, or contact your local10February 15, 2011  18:05:57Sony Ericsson Contact Center (national rates may apply) or to get further information.Our warrantySubject to the conditions of this Limited Warranty, Sony Ericssonwarrants this Product to be free from defects in design, materialand workmanship at the time of its original purchase by aconsumer. This Limited Warranty will last for a period of two (2)years as from the original date of purchase of the Product for yourmobile phone, and for a period of one (1) year following the originalpurchase date of the Product for all original accessories (such asthe battery, charger or handsfree kit) which may be delivered withyour mobile phone.What we will doIf, during the warranty period, this Product fails to operate undernormal use and service, due to defects in design, materials orworkmanship, Sony Ericsson authorised distributors or servicepartners, in the country/region* where you purchased the Product,will, at their option, either repair or replace the Product inaccordance with the terms and conditions stipulated herein.Sony Ericsson and its service partners reserve the right tocharge a handling fee if a returned Product is found not to be underwarranty according to the conditions below.Please note that some of your personal settings, downloads andother information may be lost when your Sony Ericsson Product isrepaired or replaced. At present, Sony Ericsson may be preventedby applicable law, other regulation or technical restrictions frommaking a backup copy of certain downloads. Sony Ericsson doesnot take any responsibility for any lost information of any kind andwill not reimburse you for any such loss. You should always makebackup copies of all the information stored on your Sony EricssonProduct such as downloads, calendar and contacts beforehanding in your Sony Ericsson Product for repair or replacement.11February 15, 2011  18:05:57www.sonyericsson.comSony Ericsson Mobile Communications ABSE-221 88 Lund, SwedenFebruary 15, 2011  18:05:581222-9269.5February 15, 2011  21:53:57
Conditions1. This Limited Warranty is valid only if the original proof ofpurchase for this Product issued by a Sony Ericsson authoriseddealer specifying the date of purchase and serial number**, ispresented with the Product to be repaired or replaced.Sony Ericsson reserves the right to refuse warranty service if thisinformation has been removed or changed after the originalpurchase of the Product from the dealer.2. If Sony Ericsson repairs or replaces the Product, the repair forthe defect concerned, or the replaced Product shall be warrantedfor the remaining time of the original warranty period or for ninety(90) days from the date of repair, whichever is longer. Repair orreplacement may involve the use of functionally equivalentreconditioned units. Replaced parts or components will becomethe property of Sony Ericsson.3. This warranty does not cover any failure of the Product due tonormal wear and tear, or due to misuse, including but not limitedto use in other than the normal and customary manner, inaccordance with the Sony Ericsson instructions for use andmaintenance of the Product. Nor does this warranty cover anyfailure of the Product due to accident, software or hardwaremodification or adjustment, acts of God or damage resulting fromliquid.A rechargeable battery can be charged and discharged morethan a hundred times. However, it will eventually wear out – this isnot a defect and corresponds to normal wear and tear. When thetalk-time or standby time is noticeably shorter, it is time toreplace the battery. Sony Ericsson recommends that you useonly batteries and chargers approved by Sony Ericsson.Minor variations in display brightness and colour may occurbetween phones. There may be tiny bright or dark dots on thedisplay. These are called defective pixels and occur whenindividual dots have malfunctioned and can not be adjusted. Twodefective pixels are deemed acceptable.Minor variations in camera image appearance may occurbetween phones. This is nothing uncommon and is not regardedas a defective camera module.12February 15, 2011  18:05:574. Since the cellular system on which the Product is to operate isprovided by a carrier independent from Sony Ericsson,Sony Ericsson will not be responsible for the operation,availability, coverage, services or range of that system.5. This warranty does not cover Product failures caused byinstallations, modifications, or repair or opening of the Productperformed by a non-Sony Ericsson authorised person.6. The warranty does not cover Product failures which have beencaused by use of accessories or other peripheral devices whichare not Sony Ericsson branded original accessories intended foruse with the Product.Sony Ericsson disclaims any and all warranties, whetherexpress or implied, for failures caused to the Product orperipheral devices as a result of viruses, trojan horses, spyware,or other malicious software. Sony Ericsson strongly recommendsthat you install appropriate virus protection software on yourProduct and any peripheral devices connected to it, as available,and update it regularly, to better protect your device. It isunderstood, however, that such software will never fully protectyour Product or its peripheral devices and Sony Ericssondisclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, in case offailure by such antivirus software to fulfil its intended purpose.7. Tampering with any of the seals on the Product will void thewarranty.8. THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES, WHETHER WRITTENOR ORAL, OTHER THAN THIS PRINTED LIMITED WARRANTY.ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATIONTHE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY ORFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO THEDURATION OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. IN NO EVENT SHALLSONY ERICSSON OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FORINCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATUREWHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSTPROFITS OR COMMERCIAL LOSS TO THE FULL EXTENTTHOSE DAMAGES CAN BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW.Some countries/states do not allow the exclusion or limitation ofincidental or consequential damages, or limitation of the duration13February 15, 2011  18:05:57of implied warranties, so the preceding limitations or exclusionsmay not apply to you.The warranty provided does not affect the consumer’s statutoryrights under applicable legislation in force, nor the consumer’srights against the dealer arising from their sales / purchasecontract.*Geographical scope of the warrantyIf you have purchased your Product in a country member of theEuropean Economic Area (EEA) or in Switzerland or the Republic ofTurkey, and such Product was intended for sale in the EEA or inSwitzerland or in Turkey, you can have your Product serviced inany EEA country or in Switzerland or in Turkey, under the warrantyconditions prevailing in the country in which you require servicing,provided that an identical Product is sold in such country by anauthorised Sony Ericsson distributor. To find out if your Product issold in the country you are in, please call the local Sony EricssonContact Center. Please observe that certain services may not beavailable outside the country of original purchase, for example,due to the fact that your Product may have an interior or exteriorwhich is different from equivalent models sold in other countries.Please note in addition that it may sometimes not be possible torepair SIM-locked Products.** In some countries/regions additional information (such as avalid warranty card) may be requested.Trademarks and acknowledgementsThe Liquid Identity logo and Xperia are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB.Sony is a trademark or a registered trademark of SonyCorporation.Ericsson is a trademark or registered trademark ofTelefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson.Bluetooth is a trademark or a registered trademark of BluetoothSIG Inc. and any use of such mark by Sony Ericsson is underlicense.14February 15, 2011  18:05:58Other product and company names mentioned herein may be thetrademarks of their respective owners.Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.15February 15, 2011  18:05:58SupportAnguilla 1-800-080-9518(Toll Free)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comAntigua andBarbuda 1-800-081-9518(Toll Free)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comArgentina 0800-333-7427(número gratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comAustralia 1300 650-050 (TollFree)questions.AU@support.sonyericsson.comThe Bahamas 1-800-205-6062(Toll Free)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comBarbados 1-800-082-9518(Toll Free)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comBelgique/België 02-0745 1611 questions.BE@support.sonyericsson.comBelize AN 815, PIN 5597(Toll Free)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comBermuda 1-800-083-9518(Toll Free)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comBolivia 800-100-542(número gratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comBrasil 4001-0444(ligação gratuita)questions.BR@support.sonyericsson.comCanada 1 866 766 9374(Toll Free / sansfrais)questions.CA@support.sonyericsson.comCaymanIslands 1-800-084-9518(Toll Free)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comCentral andSouthernAfrica+27 11 506 0123 questions.CF@support.sonyericsson.comČeskárepublika844 550 055 questions.CZ@support.sonyericsson.comChile 800-646-425(número gratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comColombia 01800-0966-080(número gratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.com16February 15, 2011  18:05:58Costa Rica 0 800 011 0400(número gratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comDanmark 3331 2828 questions.DK@support.sonyericsson.comDeutschland 0180 534 2020(ortsüblicheGebühren)questions.DE@support.sonyericsson.comDominica 1-800-085-9518(Toll Free)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comEcuador 1-800-0102-50(número gratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comEesti 06 032 032 questions.EE@support.sonyericsson.comEgypt/رصم 16727 questions.EG@support.sonyericsson.comΕλλάδα 801 11 810 810+30 210 899 19 19(από κινητότηλέφωνο)questions.GR@support.sonyericsson.comEl Salvador 800-6323 (númerogratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comEspaña 902 180 576 (tarifalocal)questions.ES@support.sonyericsson.comFrance 09 69 32 21 2109 69 32 21 22(Xperia™uniquement)questions.FR@support.sonyericsson.comGuatemala 1-800-300-0057(número gratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comHaïti/Ayiti AN 193, PIN 5598(numéro gratuit /nimewo gratis)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comHonduras AN 8000122, PIN5599 (númerogratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comHong Kong/香港+852 8203 8863 questions.HK@support.sonyericsson.comHrvatska 062 000 000 questions.HR@support.sonyericsson.comIndia/ê 1800 11 1800 (TollFree)questions.IN@support.sonyericsson.com17February 15, 2011  18:05:58+91 (011)39011111Indonesia 021 2701388 questions.ID@support.sonyericsson.comIreland 1850 545 888(Local rate)questions.IE@support.sonyericsson.comItalia 06 48895206(tariffa locale)questions.IT@support.sonyericsson.comJamaica 1-800-442-3471(Toll Free)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comΚύπρος/Kıbrıs0800 90 909 questions.CY@support.sonyericsson.comLatvija 67 21 43 01 questions.LV@support.sonyericsson.comLietuva 8 700 55030 questions.LT@support.sonyericsson.comMagyarország 01 880 47 47 questions.HU@support.sonyericsson.comMalaysia 1800-88-9900 (TollFree / bebas tol)questions.MY@support.sonyericsson.comMaroc/󰂏󰂱󰃅󰃀 +212 2 2958 344 questions.MA@support.sonyericsson.comMéxico 0 1800 000 4722(número gratuito)questions.MX@support.sonyericsson.comNederland 0900 8998318 questions.NL@support.sonyericsson.comNederlandseAntillen 001-866-509-8660(gratis nummer)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comNew Zealand 0800-100-150 (TollFree)questions.NZ@support.sonyericsson.comNicaragua AN 1800-0166,PIN 5600 (númerogratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comNorge 815 00 840(lokaltakst)questions.NO@support.sonyericsson.comÖsterreich 0810 200 245 questions.AT@support.sonyericsson.comPakistan/󰁯󰁹󰂕󰁯021 - 111 22 55 73 questions.PK@support.sonyericsson.comPanamá 00800-787-0009(número gratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comParaguay 009 800 54 20032(número gratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.com18February 15, 2011  18:05:58Perú 0800-532-38(número gratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comPhilippines/Pilipinas +63 2 7891860 questions.PH@support.sonyericsson.comPolska +48 22 22 77 444 questions.PL@support.sonyericsson.comPortugal 808 204 466(chamada local)questions.PT@support.sonyericsson.comRepúblicaDominicana 1-800-751-3370(número gratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comRomânia +40 21 401 0401 questions.RO@support.sonyericsson.comSaint Kittsand Nevis 1-800-087-9518(Toll Free)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comSaint Vincentand theGrenadines1-800-088-9518(Toll Free)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comSchweiz/Suisse/Svizzera0848 824 040 questions.CH@support.sonyericsson.comSingapore +65 6744 0733 questions.SG@support.sonyericsson.comSlovenia 01 600 5000 questions.SI@support.sonyericsson.comSlovensko 02 5443 6443 questions.SK@support.sonyericsson.comSouth Africa 0861 632222 questions.ZA@support.sonyericsson.comSouthΚorea/대한민국(+82) 1588 4170 questions.KO@support.sonyericsson.comSuomi 09 299 2000 questions.FI@support.sonyericsson.comSverige 013 24 45 00 (lokaltaxa)questions.SE@support.sonyericsson.comTrinidad andTobago 1-800-080-9521(Toll Free)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comTürkiye +90 212 473 77 77 questions.TR@support.sonyericsson.comUnitedKingdom 08705 237 237(Local rate)questions.GB@support.sonyericsson.comUnited States 1 866 766 9374 questions.US@support.sonyericsson.comUruguay 000-401-787-013(número gratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.comVenezuela 0-800-1-00-2250(número gratuito)questions.CO@support.sonyericsson.com19February 15, 2011  18:05:58Việt Nam 1900 1525 (miễnphí)questions.VN@support.sonyericsson.comБеларусь 8 82 00 361 0001 questions.BY@support.sonyericsson.comБългария 0800 1 8778 questions.BG@support.sonyericsson.comРоссия +7 (495) 7870986 questions.RU@support.sonyericsson.comУкраїна (+380) 44󰃘 +971 4 3919 880󰁯󰃄󰃚 󰁵󰃕󰁲󰂏󰂭󰃀󰂋󰂅󰁹󰃅󰃀+971 4 3919 880(UAE)󰁷󰃔󰃏󰂽󰃀 +971 4 3919 880󰁵󰂽󰃁󰃅󰃅󰃀 󰁵󰃕󰁲󰂏󰂭󰃀󰁵󰃔󰃏󰂭󰂕󰃀800-8200-727 questions.SA@support.sonyericsson.com中国 +86 400 810 0000 questions.CN@support.sonyericsson.com台灣 +886 2 25625511 questions.TW@support.sonyericsson.comไทย 02 2483 030 questions.TH@support.sonyericsson.com20February 15, 2011  18:05:58November 15, 2010  10:55:47November 15, 2010  10:55:47November 15, 2010  10:55:47February 15, 2011  21:53:58

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