Sony Nw S202 Operation Guide S202F / S203F S205F

NW-S203F Operation Guide NWS200series

NW-S205F Operation Guide NWS200series

User manual NWS200series Sony NW-S203F Mp3 Walkman User Manuals and Instruction Guides

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NW-S202F - Operation Guide NW-S202F-S203F-S205F-S202 Free User Guide for Sony Player, Manual - page1


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Table of

Operation Guide
NW-S202F / S203F / S205F / S202
©2006 Sony Corporation

2-699-315-12 (3)


To use the buttons in the Operation Guide
Click the buttons located in the upper right of this manual to jump to “Table of
Contents,” “Home Menu List,” or “Index.”
Jumps to the table of contents
Find what you are looking for from a list of topics in the

Jumps to the home menu list
Find what you are looking for from a list of the option items
in the player’s menu.

Jumps to the index
Find what you are looking for from a list of key words
mentioned in the manual.

 Hints
	You can jump to the indicated page by clicking a page number in the table of contents, in
the home menu list, or in the index.
	You can jump to the indicated page by clicking a page reference indication (e.g.  page
3) on each page.
	To search for a reference page by keyword, click the “Edit” menu, select “Search” of the
Adobe Reader to display the navigation frame, type the keyword into the Search text
box, and click “Search.”
buttons located at
	You can jump to the previous or next page by clicking the
bottom of the Adobe Reader screen.

Continued 


Browsing the Operation Guide


Included with the player are the Quick Start Guide and this PDF-format
Operation Guide. Additionally, after installing SonicStage software from the
supplied CD-ROM, you can refer to the Help within SonicStage.
–	 The Quick Start Guide explains set up and the basic operations, enabling
you to import songs to a computer, to transfer them to the player, and to
play them back.
–	 This Operation Guide explains standard and advanced features, enabling
you to make full use of the player and troubleshoot problems.
–	 The SonicStage Help explains details about using SonicStage software (
page 3).

Table of

About the Manuals

Table of

To change the page layout
The buttons at the bottom of the Adobe Reader screen enable you to select how
pages are displayed.



Pages are displayed as a continuous
roll of pages.
When you scroll, the previous and
next pages scroll up or down

Continuous - Facing
Two pages are displayed side by side
with each pair part of a continuous
roll of pages. When you scroll, the
previous and next pairs of pages scroll
up or down continuously.
Two pages are displayed side by side.
When you scroll, the display changes
to previous or succeeding pairs of

Using SonicStage Help
Refer to SonicStage Help for details about using SonicStage, such as importing
songs to your computer and transferring songs to the player.

	Click “Help” – “SonicStage Help” while SonicStage is running.
Help appears.


	In SonicStage Help, the player is referred to as “ATRAC Audio Device.”


Single Page
Pages are displayed one at a time.
When you scroll, the display changes
to a previous or succeeding page.


Playing Songs

Searching for songs by song name (Song)......15
Searching for songs by artist (Artist)..................16
Searching for songs by album (Album).............17

Changing the Play Mode (Play Mode).......18

Changing the play mode by shaking the
player 3 times (Shuffle Shake)................................20

Playing songs during exercise
Playing songs to a set
target (Set Target)...........................................21
Playing songs in automatic selection
mode depending on your exercise pace
(Music Pacer)..................................................... 23

Changing the playlists of the automatic
song selection (Set Playlist)....................................25

Using the stop watch function

(STOPWATCH)................................................. 26

Changing the Display Mode . .............. 27
Changing the Song Order (Sort)...............29
Setting the Volume Using the Preset
Volume Function (Volume Mode).............30
Setting a volume level for preset mode

Switching to manual mode (Manual).................32

Customizing Sound Quality

(Equalizer)......................................................... 33

Registering a Desired Sound Quality

(Preset Custom)................................................ 34

Adjusting the Volume Level

(Dynamic Normalizer)...................................... 35

Limiting the Volume (AVLS)......................36
Turning Off the Beep Sound (Beep).........37
Setting the information for caloriecount and distance (Height/Weight).........38

Listening to FM Radio (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only)
Enjoy Listening to FM Radio............... 55
1	Switching to the FM tuner..........................55
2	Presetting broadcast stations
automatically (FM Auto Preset).............................56
3	Selecting broadcast stations........................57

Presetting Desired
Broadcast Stations............................. 59
To delete preset broadcast stations...............59

Setting the Reception (Scan Sens)..............60
Changing the Monaural/Stereo
(Mono/Auto)..................................................... 61

Continued 


Playing Songs (ALL SONGS).........................13
Playing Lists of Songs (PLAYLIST)............14
Searching for Songs (SEARCH)...................15

Setting the G Sensor (G Sensor)..................40
Displaying step count history
(Count History)................................................. 42
Setting the reset method of the step
count (Counter Reset)....................................43
Adjusting the Current Time Setting
(Set Date-Time)................................................. 44
Setting the Date Format
(Date Disp Type)............................................... 46
Setting the Time Format
(Time Disp Type).............................................. 47
Displaying the Player Information
(Information).................................................... 48
Resetting to Factory Settings
(Reset All Setting)............................................. 49
Formatting Memory (Format).....................50
Changing the USB Connection Setting
(USB Power)...................................................... 52
Setting the Display’s Left/Right
Orientation (Disp. Rotation).......................53
Saving Power Consumption
(Power Save)...................................................... 54


Supplied Accessories.............................. 6
Home Menu List..................................... 8
Parts and Controls................................. 9

Table of

Table of Contents


Troubleshooting................................... 69
Messages............................................... 76
Uninstalling SonicStage....................... 80

Additional Information
Precautions.......................................... 84
On Copyrights..................................... 88
Specifications....................................... 89
Index.................................................... 92


	Depending on the country/region in which you have purchased the player, some models
may not be available.




Recharging the Player.......................... 62
Maximizing Battery Life...................... 63
What are Format and Bit Rate?............ 64
Playing Songs Without Pauses............. 65
How is Song Information Imported
to the Player?..................................... 66
Storing Data Other Than Audio Files
........................................................... 67
Upgrading the Player’s Firmware........ 68

Table of

Advanced Features

Table of

Supplied Accessories
Please check the accessories in the package.


	 Headphones (1)
	 USB cable (1)
	 Arm band* (1)


	 Clip* (1)
This is used to clip onto your clothes when carrying the player.

	 CD-ROM** (1)
- SonicStage software
- Operation Guide (PDF file)
	 Quick Start Guide (1)
*	 The supplied items may differ depending on the country/region in which
you have purchased the player.
**	 Do not attempt to play this CD-ROM in an audio CD player.

Attaching the player with the arm band

Attach the player with the arm band following the procedure below.

1	 Open the touch fastener, put your arm through the arm band, and then
close the touch fastener temporarily.

2	 Slide the player (display facing up) into the holder of the arm band.
Insert the player until it clicks.

3	 Adjust the display for best viewing angle, and fasten the belt with the
touch fastener securely, so it was not fall off.

Continued 

Table of

To remove the player from the arm band
Pull the tab on the undersurface of the arm band’s holder in the direction of the
arrow  to detach the player, then release the player from the arm band’s
holder .


Attaching the player with the clip

Slide the player (display facing up) on the clip.
Insert the player until it clicks.

To remove the player from the clip
Flex open the bottom position of the clip slightly in the direction of  to detach
the player , then release the player from the clip .

About the serial number

The serial number provided for this player is required for the customer
registration. The number is on the rear of the player.
You can also check the serial number on this player. See  page 48 for details.


DISP/HOME button

(PLAYLIST)................................ 14

*	 5 of the 7 icons appear in the display
with the current selection in the centre.
The current icon changes depending
on the function you use. By rotating the
shuttle switch, you can select an icon
and press the  button to confirm.


├	 Song.............................................15
├	 Artist............................................16
└	 Album..........................................17

├	 Start..............................................21
├	 Set Target.....................................21
├	 Set Playlist...................................25
└	 Music Pacer.................................23
(STOPWATCH)............................ 26
(ALL SONGS)............................... 13
(FM)*....................................... 55

├	 Play Mode....................................18
├	 Sort...............................................29
├	 Scan Sens*...................................60
├	 Mono/Auto*................................61
├	 FM Auto Preset*.........................56
├	 Advanced Menu
│	 ├ Sound
│	 │	├ Volume Mode.....................30
│	 │	├ Preset Custom....................34
│	 │	├ AVLS....................................36
│	 │	├ Beep.....................................37
│	 │	└ D.Normalizer......................35
│	 ├ Height/Weight........................38
│	 ├ G Sensor..................................40
│	 ├ Date-Time
│	 │	├ Set Date-Time....................44
│	 │	├ Date Disp Type...................46
│	 │	└ Time Disp Type..................47
│	 ├ Information.............................48
│	 ├ Initialize
│	 │	├ Reset All Setting.................49
│	 │	└ Format.................................50
│	 ├ USB Power..............................52
│	 ├ Disp. Rotation.........................53
│	 └ Power Save..............................54
├	 Count History.............................42
├	 Counter Reset.............................43
└	 Equalizer......................................33
*	 NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only



HOME screen*


You can display the HOME screen by pressing and holding the DISP/HOME
button of the player.
The HOME screen is the starting point to play audio, search for songs, and
change settings such as follows.

Table of

Home Menu List

Table of

Parts and Controls


 Hint
	There is no power button on the player.
When you stop song playback or FM
reception (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F
only) by pressing the  button, after
about a few seconds, the display goes
off automatically and the player enters
Sleep status.
When the G Sensor menu is deactivated
in Sleep status, the player consumes very
little battery power.

	VOL +*/– button
Adjusts the volume.
* There are tactile dots. Use them to help
with button operation.

	DISP/HOME button
When you press this button while
the player is in play or stop mode,
you can change the display ( page
Press and hold this button to display
the HOME screen.
While menus of the HOME screen
appear, when this button is pressed
again, the previous screen returns
and when pressing and holding, the
screen returns to the HOME screen.
	Display
See  page 12.
Continued 


	* button
Starts song playback. When starting
playback,  appears at the bottom
left of the display, and if the 
button is pressed again,  appears
and playback stops.
When you press the  button,
just after purchasing the player or
after disconnecting the supplied USB
cable from the computer, playback
starts from the first song on the
When a menu appears on the display
use this button to confirm the item
of the menu.


(Folder control mode)
Normal (Normal mode)

To operate the player with the shuttle switch
Normal mode
In play mode
Skip to the beginning of the next song.
Skip to the beginning of the current song.
Fast-forwards the current song.
Fast-rewinds the current song.

Rotate the shuttle switch to  briefly.
Rotate the shuttle switch to  briefly.
Rotate the shuttle switch to  and release
it at the desired point.
Rotate the shuttle switch to  and release
it at the desired point.

In stop mode
Skip to the beginning of the next song, and Rotate and hold the shuttle switch to .
if held longer, continues to skip through the
next song(s).
Skip to the beginning of the current song, Rotate and hold the shuttle switch to .
and if held longer, continues to skip through
the previous song(s).
Folder control mode
In play mode
Skip to the beginning of the next album/artist. Rotate the shuttle switch to  briefly.
Skip to the beginning of the current album/artist. Rotate the shuttle switch to  briefly.
In stop mode
Skip to the beginning of the next album/artist, Rotate and hold the shuttle switch to .
and if held longer, continues to skip through
the next album/artist(s).
Skip to the beginning of the current album/ Rotate and hold the shuttle switch to .
artist, and if held longer, continues to skip
through the previous album/artist(s).

Continued 


to 


to 

HOLD function
You can protect the player against
accidental operation by using the
HOLD function when carrying it.
By sliding the shuttle switch to the
HOLD position, all operation buttons
are disabled. If you press buttons or
rotate the shuttle switch while the
HOLD function is activated, the
current time, “HOLD” and
(remaining battery indication) appear
in the display. If you slide the shuttle
switch back to the Folder control or
Normal mode, the HOLD function is

Table of

	Shuttle switch
By rotating the shuttle switch, you can
select a menu item, skip to the
beginning of the song, or fast-forward
You can also set to the Folder control
mode, Normal mode or HOLD by
sliding the shuttle switch.


Table of

	Headphone jack
For connecting the headphones.
Connect until it clicks into place.
If the headphones do not connect
properly, it may not sound right.

	Strap hole
This is used to attach a strap (sold
Continued 


	USB jack
Rotate the lid to the left to set the
OPEN position, and then open.
Connect the player to the small
connector of the supplied USB cable.
To close the lid, rotate it to set the
OPEN position and close, then rotate
it to the right to set the LOCK

Table of


	Text/graphic information display
Displays album title, artist name,
song name, current date and time,
messages and menu.
During playback operation in
Normal mode, “song title/artist
name, album name” appears.
During playback operation in Folder
control mode, “album title/artist
name/playlist name” appears.
To change the display mode, press
the DISP/HOME button ( page
27). Switch the display to Power Save
mode when you do not operate the
unit for a while.

	Play mode indication (Play Mode)
Displays the current play mode icon
( page 18). If the play mode is set
to “Normal,” no icon appears.
	Playing status indication
Displays the current playback mode
(: playback, : stop,  ():
fast-rewinds (fast-forwards), 
(): skips to the beginning of the
current (or next) song).
	Remaining battery indication
Displays the remaining battery

 Hint
	For information on the FM tuner
display (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only),
see “Enjoy Listening to FM Radio” (
page 55).


	Sorting status indication (Sort)
/ icon
During playback operation, the
icon or the current song order icon
( (Artist order), (Album order)
or (Albums by artist order))
In Normal mode, the icon
appears, and in Folder control mode,
the song order icon appears.




Playing Songs

Table of

Playing Songs (ALL SONGS)
The songs on the player are played back.
 button

Shuttle switch
to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select

(ALL SONGS) and press the
 button to confirm.
All songs on the player appear and playback starts from the last song you
listened to. If you did not play any song, playback starts from the
Playback continues in order through the last song and then stops.

To skip to the beginning of the song
By rotating the shuttle switch to () briefly while in play or stop mode,
the player skips to the beginning of the current (or next) song.
If the shuttle switch is set to the folder position, and then rotated to ()
briefly while in play or stop mode, the player skips to the beginning of the
current (or next) album/artist.

 Hints
	You can change the playing mode to random, repeat, etc., in the Play Mode menu (
page 18).
songs appear in the order that you set in the Sort menu ( page 29). The songs
appear in the album order at the factory setting.


DISP/HOME button


to 


Playing Songs

 button

to 


You can play lists of songs (Playlist) created in SonicStage. If you change a name
in SonicStage, the changed name appears on the player. See the SonicStage Help
for details.

Table of

Playing Lists of Songs (PLAYLIST)

Shuttle switch
to 


	When

(PLAYLIST) is selected,

(SEARCH) does not appear in the HOME screen.

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select

(PLAYLIST) and press the 
button to confirm.
The last song you listened to starts playback. If you did not play any song,
playback starts from the first song of the first playlist.
Playback continues in order through the last song and then stops.

To skip to the beginning of the song
By rotating the shuttle switch to () briefly while in play or stop mode,
the player skips to the beginning of the current (or next) song.
If the shuttle switch is set to the folder position, and then rotated to ()
briefly while in play or stop mode, the player skips to the beginning of the
current (or next) playlist.

 Hint
	You can change the playing mode to random, repeat, etc., in the Play Mode menu (
page 18).


DISP/HOME button


Playing Songs

You can search for songs by “Song name,” “Artist name,” or “Album name.”
 button


to 
Shuttle switch
to 


DISP/HOME button

Searching for songs by song name (Song)

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
button to confirm.

Table of

Searching for Songs (SEARCH)

(SEARCH) and press the 

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Song>” and press the 
button to confirm.
A list of songs appears on the player.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select a song and press the 

button to confirm.
The song you selected starts playback. Playback continues in the order
through the last song and then stops.

 Hint
	The play mode set in the Play Mode menu ( page 18) does not change when a
SEARCH is activated.

Continued 


Playing Songs...Searching for Songs

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

Table of

Searching for songs by artist (Artist)


button to confirm.

(SEARCH) and press the 

button to confirm.
The artist lists appear.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select the desired artist and press the
 button to confirm.
The album lists for the selected artist appear.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select the desired album and press the
 button to confirm.
The song lists for the selected album appear.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select a song and press the 

button to confirm.
The song you selected starts playback. Playback continues in the order
through the last song and then stops.

 Hint
	The play mode set in the Play Mode menu ( page 18) does not change when a
SEARCH is activated.

Continued 


	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Artist>” and press the 


	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select


Playing Songs...Searching for Songs

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

Table of

Searching for songs by album (Album)


button to confirm.

(SEARCH) and press the 

button to confirm.
The album lists appear.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select the desired album and press the
 button to confirm.
The song lists for the selected album appear.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select a song and press the 

button to confirm.
The song you selected starts playback. Playback continues in the order
through the last song and then stops.

 Hint
	The play mode set in the Play Mode menu ( page 18) does not change when a
SEARCH is activated.


	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Album>” and press the 


	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select


Playing Songs

 button

to 


Shuttle switch
DISP/HOME button

to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.


The player offers a variety of play modes, including random play and selected
repeat play.
You can change the play mode by shaking the player 3 times ( page 20) after
activating the G Sensor menu ( page 40).

Table of

Changing the Play Mode (Play Mode)

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Play Mode>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select a play mode ( page 19) and
press the  button to confirm.

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.
Continued 


Playing Songs...Changing the Play Mode

Normal/No icon

All songs from the current song are played once,
and then playback stops. (Default setting)
All songs of an album (or artist)*, including the
current song are played once, and then playback
All songs from the current song are played
All songs of an album (or artist)*, including the
current song are played repeatedly.

Repeat All (all repeat)/
Repeat Folder (folder
Repeat 1 Song (one song
repeat)/ 1
Repeat Shuffle All (all song
shuffle repeat)/
Repeat Shuffle Folder
(folder shuffle repeat)/

The current song is played repeatedly.
The current song is played, and then all the songs
are played in random order.
The current song is played, and then all songs of the
album (or artist)* including the current song are
played in random order.

*	 If you set “Album” or “Artist/Album” in the Sort menu ( page 29), the play
range is an album. If you set “Artist” in the Sort menu, the play range is an artist.
Continued 




Play mode type/Icon

Table of

List of play modes


Playing Songs...Changing the Play Mode


You can change the play mode (shuffle activated or deactivated) by shaking the
player 3 times during playback.
Holding the player as illustrated below (display facing up), shake the player up
and down 3 times in rhythm within two seconds. A sound effect is heard when
shaking to change play mode.

Table of

Changing the play mode by shaking the player 3 times (Shuffle Shake)

When the player is shaken 3 times again, the play mode returns to the previous

List of play modes when shaking the player 3 times
Play mode type

Changes to

Repeat All (all repeat)
Repeat Folder (folder repeat)
Repeat 1 Song (one song repeat)
Repeat Shuffle All
(all song shuffle repeat)
Repeat Shuffle Folder
(folder shuffle repeat)

Repeat Shuffle All (all song shuffle repeat)
Repeat Shuffle Folder (folder shuffle repeat)
Repeat Shuffle All (all song shuffle repeat)
Repeat Shuffle Folder (folder shuffle repeat)
No change
Repeat All (all repeat)
Repeat Folder (folder repeat)


	When the G sensor menu ( page 40) is set to “OFF,” this function is not available.
	You cannot use this function when:
–	 the automatic song selection function ( page 23) is activated in the Music Pacer menu
–	 you are using the FM tuner (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only)
–	 the HOME screen appears or you are setting a SETTINGS menu item
	When shaking the player, make sure not to bump the player into other objects or drop it.
	When you change the play mode by shaking the player 3 times, a step count error may
	If you shake the player 3 times in rhythm within two seconds, the play mode changes but
nothing happens after shaking it for two seconds.


Playing songs during exercise

You can set the target items such as playback time, calories, or distance during
playback and exercise listening to music until the target items are achieved.


 button

Table of

Playing songs to a set target (Set Target)

to 
Shuttle switch
to 


DISP/HOME button

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select (SPORTS MODE) and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Set Target>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select the target item ( page 22) and
press the  button to confirm.
“Time” is set by default.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select the setting value ( page 22)

of the target item selected in step  and press the  button to

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Start” and press the 

button to confirm.
Songs are played back by the set mode and the target value starts count
When the target value is achieved, playback stops.

To return to normal play
During count down, perform steps  to , and then select “OFF.”
Continued 


Playing songs during exercise...Playing songs to a set target

Target item

Setting value


	When there is a previous target not yet achieved can start count down after selecting
“Start” in step .
	You can play songs in automatic song selection mode according to your exercise pace
( page 23) instead of setting a target.

	We recommend using the supplied clip or arm band ( page 6) when using the player.
However the player may not be able to count steps properly depending on how the
player is attached, or the following cases.
–	 If you use the player with a strap (sold separately) around your neck, waist, bag, etc.
–	 If you use the player inside a bag swinging randomly.
–	 If you use the player during up and down movement or swaying from side to side in a
–	 If you use the player during active sports requiring up and down movement or subject
the player to excessive shock.
player calculates the distance and calorie-count based on the step count and height/
weight/step length you set ( page 38). Inaccuracies may occur depending on how the
player is attached, age, or gender. Use this function as a guide.


 Hints


Sets target time. You can set the time from 1 to
99 minutes by 1 minute increments.
“10min” is set by default.
Sets target calorie. You can set the calorie from
10 to 990 kcal by 10 kcal increments. “100kcal”
is set by default.
DIST_km (distance (km))
Sets target distance. You can set the distance
from 0.5 to 99.5 km by 0.5 km increments.
“1.0km” is set by default.
DIST_mile (distance (mile)) Sets target distance. You can set the distance
from 0.5 to 99.5 mile by 0.5 mile increments.
“1.0mile” is set by default.

Table of

List of target setting


Playing songs during exercise

Playing songs in automatic selection mode
depending on your exercise pace (Music Pacer)

Table of

In SPORTS MODE, you can play songs using the automatic selection function
in which the player changes the playlist automatically depending on your pace
of movement, like walking or jogging.


 button

to 


Shuttle switch
DISP/HOME button

to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select (SPORTS MODE) and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Music Pacer>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “ON” or “OFF” and press the 
button to confirm.
	ON: Activates automatic song selection. The “Walk Music” or “Run
Music” playlist is played back in shuffle mode, depending on the pace of
the movement. (Default setting)
	OFF: Automatic song selection is not activated. Plays back songs in the
status before you selected “SPORTS MODE.”

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Start” and press the 

button to confirm.
Playback starts in the pace set in step  and the set target value starts
count down. When the target value is achieved, playback stops.

Continued 


Playing songs during exercise...Playing songs in automatic selection mode according to your exercise pace


	Playlists of “Walk” and “Run” are included on the player by default.
Furthermore, you can add songs to the playlists of “Walk” and “Run” using the
SonicStage software.
can change the playlist depending on your exercise pace ( page 25).
switching the playlist from “Walk” to “Run” or vice versa, audio guidance is

Table of

 Hints


Continued 


	If there is not any playlist on the player, the Music Pacer menu does not appear.
	We recommend using the supplied clip or arm band ( page 6) when using the player.
However the player may not be able to recognize pace of movement properly depending
on how the player is attached, or the following cases.
–	 If you use the player with a strap (sold separately) around your neck, waist, bag, etc.
–	 If you use the player inside a bag swinging randomly.
–	 If you use the player during up and down movement or swaying from side to side in a
–	 If you use the player during active sports requiring up and down movement or subject
the player to excessive shock.


Playing songs during exercise...Playing songs in automatic selection mode according to your exercise pace

You can change the playlists of the automatic song selection.

Table of

Changing the playlists of the automatic song selection (Set Playlist)

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen


	To activate the automatic song selection, select “ON” on the Music Pacer ( page 23).


 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Set Playlist>” and press the
 button to confirm.
“SET WALK P.LIST” appears.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select the playlist for slow pace and
press the  button to confirm.
“SET RUN P.LIST” appears.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select the playlist for fast pace and
press the  button to confirm.


	If you format the player, all playlists including the default playlist are deleted.


	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select (SPORTS MODE) and press the


Playing songs during exercise

You can use the player as a stop watch. You can time up to 9 hours 59 minutes
59 seconds by 1 second increments.
to 


 button

Table of

Using the stop watch function (STOPWATCH)

Shuttle switch
to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(STOPWATCH) and press the

	 Press the DISP/HOME button to start measuring time.
	 Press the DISP/HOME button again to stop measuring time.
If you press the DISP/HOME button again while measuring time stops,
stop watch is reset.

 Hint
	The stop watch function can be used during playback. However while using the stop
watch function, the screen for measurement of time appears.

To stop the stop watch function
Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen appears, and
then select (ALL SONGS), (PLAYLIST) or (FM) (NW-S202F/S203F/
S205F only) from the menu screen and press the  button to confirm.


DISP/HOME button



Table of

Changing the Display Mode
You can change the desired display for playback or stop mode.
DISP/HOME button


0120 / 0200
ATRAC 256kbps


	Step: Displays step count.
Displays step count, distance covered and G Sensor setting (G Sensor).
At the default setting, step count during playback or FM reception (NWS202F/S203F/S205F only), or distance covered appears ( page 40) and step
count is reset automatically ( page 43) when the player’s clock you set
shows 0:00.
	Calorie: Displays calorie-count.
Displays calories consumed and G Sensor setting (G Sensor).
At the default setting, consumed calories during playback or FM reception (NWS202F/S203F/S205F only) appear ( page 40).
, , , appear in this order depending on the calories consumed. 5 ( )
icons appear when maximum calorific value is reached.
	Clock: Displays the day of the week, month, date, and current time. For
information on setting the time, see “Adjusting the Current Time Setting (Set
Date-Time)” ( page 44).
	DISP: Displays animations.
Continued 


Each time the DISP/HOME button is pressed, the screen changes as follows.
	Basic: Displays the basic screen. (Default setting)
	Property: Displays song information.
	 Displays the current song number (or current album/artist number)/total
song number (or total album/artist number) of the play range, elapsed time,
codec (compression type), bit rate, and current sound quality setting


Settings...Changing the Display Mode

	Set the power save setting ( page 54) to “OFF” to show the screen constantly.


	When the sound quality setting (Equalizer) ( page 33) is set to “OFF,” it does not
appear on the “Property” screen.
recommend using the supplied clip or arm band ( page 6) when using the player.
However the player may not be able to count steps properly depending on how the
player is attached, or the following cases.
–	 If you use the player with a strap (sold separately) around your neck, waist, bag, etc.
–	 If you use the player inside a bag swinging randomly.
–	 If you use the player during up and down movement or swaying from side to side in a
–	 If you use the player during active sports requiring up and down movement or subject
the player to excessive shock.
	The player calculates the distance and calorie-count based on the step count and height/
weight/step length you set ( page 38). Inaccuracies may occur depending on how the
player is attached, age, or gender. Use this function as a guide.

Table of

 Hint



You can set the song order by album order, albums by artist order, or artist
name order.
to 


 button

Table of

Changing the Song Order (Sort)

Shuttle switch
to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Sort>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select a song order and press the 
button to confirm.

Sorting status indication

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.
List of song order
Setting item/Icon


Album (Album order)/

Songs appear in album order. In the album, songs
appear in song number order.
In Folder control mode, songs are skipped by album.
(Default setting)
Songs appear in album order by artist. In the album,
songs appear in song number order.
In Folder control mode, songs are skipped by album.
Songs appear in artist order. The same artist’s songs
appear in song name order.
In Folder control mode, songs are skipped by artist.

Artist/Album (Albums by
artist order)/
Artist (Artist order)/


DISP/HOME button



to 
Shuttle switch

DISP/HOME button VOL +/– button

to 

Setting a volume level for preset mode (Preset)

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Sound>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Volume Mode>” and press the
 button to confirm.

Continued 


 button


There are 2 modes to adjust the volume level.
Manual (Manual Volume):
Press the VOL +/– button to adjust the volume level from 0 to 30.
Preset (Preset Volume):
Press the VOL +/– button to select the volume level to any of 3 preset
levels: “Low,” “Mid,” or “Hi.”

Table of

Setting the Volume Using the Preset Volume
Function (Volume Mode)


Settings...Setting the Volume Using the Preset Volume Function

button to confirm.
A line appears above and below “Low.”

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.

	If AVLS ( page 36) is set, the actual volume may be lower than the settings.
Releasing AVLS returns the volume to the preset level.

Continued 


and press the  button to confirm.
Preset level appears in order, “Low,” “Mid” and “Hi.”
With this setting, you can select the volume level (“Low,” “Mid,” or “Hi”) by
pressing the VOL +/– button.


	 Rotate the shuttle switch to set the volume for each preset level,

Table of

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Preset” and press the 


Settings...Setting the Volume Using the Preset Volume Function

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

Table of

Switching to manual mode (Manual)


 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Sound>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Volume Mode>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Manual” and press the 
button to confirm.
With this setting, you can adjust the volume level (from 0 to 30) by
pressing the VOL +/– button.

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.


	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the


	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select



You can customize the sound quality to match the genre of music.
 button

Shuttle switch
to 


DISP/HOME button

	You cannot customize the sound quality while using the FM tuner (NW-S202F/S203F/
S205F only).

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.


to 

Table of

Customizing Sound Quality (Equalizer)

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Equalizer>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select the sound quality setting and
press the  button to confirm.

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.
List of sound quality settings
Setting item



Sound quality setting is not activated. (Default setting)
Emphasizes high and low ranges for a powerful sound.
Stresses the middle range audio, ideal for vocals.
Emphasizes high and low ranges for a lively sound.
User-customizable sound settings. See  page 34 for setting.


	If the sound quality setting you choose is distorted when you turn up the volume, turn it
 your personal settings saved as “Custom” seem to produce a different volume level
than the other settings, you may have to adjust the volume manually to compensate.



 button


You can set 7 levels for each 5 bands and register a desired sound quality. And
you can select the registered setting on “Custom” in “Customizing Sound
Quality (Equalizer)” ( page 33).

Table of

Registering a Desired Sound Quality (Preset Custom)

to 
Shuttle switch
to 


	You cannot register the sound quality while using the FM tuner (NW-S202F/S203F/
S205F only).

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Sound>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Preset Custom>” and press the
 button to confirm.
A line appears above and below the lowest band.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to set the level for each band, and press
the  button to confirm.
Sound quality order is set from low band (bass) to high band (treble).

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.


DISP/HOME button



 button


You can set to reduce the volume level between songs. With this setting, when
listening to album songs in shuffle play mode, the volume level between songs
is moderated to minimize the difference in their recording levels.

Table of

Adjusting the Volume Level (Dynamic Normalizer)

to 
Shuttle switch
to 


	You cannot set to reduce the volume level between songs while using the FM tuner
(NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only).

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Sound>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “D.Normalizer>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “ON” and press the  button
to confirm.

To set to off
Select “OFF” in step .
To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.


DISP/HOME button



 button


You can set AVLS (Automatic Volume Limiter System) to limit the maximum
volume to prevent auditory disturbance or distraction. With AVLS, you can
listen to music at a comfortable volume level.

Table of

Limiting the Volume (AVLS)

to 
Shuttle switch
to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Sound>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “AVLS>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “ON” and press the  button
to confirm.
The volume is kept at a moderate level.

To set to off
Select “OFF” in step .
To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.

 Hint

	“AVLS” appears by pressing the VOL +/– button if AVLS is set to “ON.”


DISP/HOME button



You can turn off the beep sounds of the player.
 button

Shuttle switch
DISP/HOME button

to 


 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Sound>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Beep>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “OFF” and press the  button
to confirm.

To change the setting to on
Select “ON” in step .
To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.


	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen
	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select


to 

Table of

Turning Off the Beep Sound (Beep)



 button

to 


Shuttle switch
DISP/HOME button

to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.


You can set the information (height/weight/step length) to measure for caloriecount and distance when playing back songs in SPORTS MODE ( page 21).

Table of

Setting the information for calorie-count and
distance (Height/Weight)

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Height/Weight>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select the value for “inch/lb” or “cm/kg”
and press the  button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select weight and press the 
button to confirm.
“132lb (or 60kg)” is set by default.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select height and press the 
button to confirm.
“67inch (or 170cm)” is set by default.

Continued 


Settings...Setting the information for calorie-count and distance

shuttle switch to set step length for when walking, and then press
the  button to confirm.
Step length is calculated by the height value (set in step ) × 0.5.

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.

 Hint

	You can set the height from 80 to 250 cm (31 to 99 inch), the weigh from 10 to 300
kg (22 to 660 lb). In case of other values, you can set from “Less” (minimum value) or
“More” (maximum value). Select the approximate value.

	We recommend using the supplied clip or arm band ( page 6) when using the player.
However the player may not be able to count steps properly depending on how the
player is attached, or the following cases.
–	 If you use the player with a strap (sold separately) around your neck, waist, bag, etc.
–	 If you use the player inside a bag swinging randomly.
–	 If you use the player during up and down movement or swaying from side to side in a
–	 If you use the player during active sports requiring up and down movement or subject
the player to excessive shock.
player calculates the distance and calorie-count based on the step count and height/
weight/step length you set ( page 38). Inaccuracies may occur depending on how the
player is attached, age, or gender. Use this function as a guide.
you measure calories, the G Sensor menu ( page 40) needs to be activated.
you set for “Height/Weight” is used only for the purpose of measuring
the distance of movement and calories consumed. This information is not output via the
USB connection.
 you change the value of the height (step ) after setting the step length steps in 
and , the step length is also changed to be calculated again.


shuttle switch to set step length for when running, and then press
the  button to confirm.
Step length is calculated by the height value (set in step ) × 0.7.


	 After pressing the  button to decide “Run Stride>,” rotate the

Table of

	 After pressing the  button to decide “Walk Stride>,” rotate the



 button

to 


Shuttle switch
DISP/HOME button

to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.


The player’s built-in G Sensor recognizes speed variation and provides
functions such as step count, distance covered and consumed calorie
calculations, or play mode change by shaking the player 3 times ( page 20).
You can also deactivate the G Sensor.

Table of

Setting the G Sensor (G Sensor)

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “G Sensor>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select the following G Sensor setting

and press the  button to confirm.
	ON-MusicPB: Activates the G Sensor during playback or FM reception
(NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only). (Default setting) Recommended to
listen to songs during sports.
	ON-Anytime: Activates G Sensor always. Recommended to know step
count or consumed calories throughout the day. However, even if you do
not use the player, the G Sensor remains activate and consumes battery
	OFF: The G Sensor is not activated. Recommended to save power and
prolong use of the player.

Continued 


Settings...Setting the G Sensor

	When the G Sensor menu is set to “ON-MusicPB” or “ON-Anytime,” “G” appears on the
screen of “Step” or “Calorie” ( page 27).

Table of

 Hint



To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.


	We recommend using the supplied clip or arm band ( page 6) when using the
player. However the player may not be able to activate the G Sensor function properly
depending on how the player is attached, or the following cases.
–	 If you use the player with a strap (sold separately) around your neck, waist, bag, etc.
–	 If you use the player inside a bag swinging randomly.
–	 If you use the player during up and down movement or swaying from side to side in a
–	 If you use the player during active sports requiring up and down movement or subject
the player to excessive shock.



 button


Step count history is recorded when counting steps while the G Sensor menu is
set to “ON” ( page 40). You can display up to 7 histories from the latest

Table of

Displaying step count history (Count History)

to 
Shuttle switch
to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Count History>” and press the

 button to confirm.
The date, step count, distance and calorie-count appear on the screen from
the left, in this order. By rotating the shuttle switch you can select the
previous or next step count history.

 Hint

	The latest step count history always appears on the top.
	If you set the Counter Reset menu ( page 43) to “Daily,” the daily history remains on
the player.
	By activating the Reset All Setting menu ( page 49), you can delete the step count

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.


DISP/HOME button



(Counter Reset)

Table of

Setting the reset method of the step count
You can reset the accumulated step count. “Daily” is set by default.
to 


 button

Shuttle switch
to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Counter Reset>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select the following resetting method

and press the  button to confirm.
	Now:	 Resets the accumulated step count now.
	Daily:	 Resets the accumulated step count when the player’s clock you set
( page 44) shows 0:00.
	OFF: Resetting is not activated.
If you want to select “Now,” select “OK” and press the  button to
confirm. If you select “Cancel” and press the  button to confirm, the
resetting method menu returns.

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.


DISP/HOME button



 button


You can set and display the current time.
You can set the date and time of the player to either synchronize with your
computer automatically, or manually by the player.

Table of

Adjusting the Current Time Setting (Set Date-Time)

to 
Shuttle switch


DISP/HOME button

to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press
the  button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Date-Time>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Set Date-Time>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Automatic” or “Manual” and

press the  button to confirm.
	Automatic: Synchronizes the date and time with your computer when
connecting the player to your computer and starts the SonicStage
	Manual: To set the date and time manually.
If you select “Automatic,” the SETTINGS menu closes.
If you select “Manual,” a line appears above and below the year digit.
Continue with steps  to .

Continued 


Settings...Adjusting the Current Time Setting

 button to confirm.
A line appears above and below the month digit.

After rotating the shuttle switch to adjust the date and time setting, press
the  button to confirm.

To display the current time
Follow either procedure below.
	Set “Clock” on “Changing the Display Mode” ( page 27).
	Press any button while the HOLD function is activated.

 Hint
	You can select the date format from either “month/day,” or “day/month.” Furthermore,
you can select the time format from either a 12 or 24 hour display. See “Setting the Date
Format (Date Disp Type)” ( page 46), or “Setting the Time Format (Time Disp Type)”
( page 47).

	If the player is not used for a long time, your settings for date and time may need to be
 the current time is not set and the display is set to “Clock” ( page 27), “---” appears.


To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.


	 As you did in step , adjust the settings for month, date, hour, and

Table of

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to adjust the year setting and press the



You can select the date format you set ( page 44) from either “month/day,” or
to 


 button

Table of

Setting the Date Format (Date Disp Type)

Shuttle switch
to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Date-Time>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Date Disp Type>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select the date format and press the
 button to confirm.
	mm/dd:	The date format appears “month/day.” (Default setting)
	dd/mm:	The date format appears “day/month.”

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.


DISP/HOME button



You can select the time format you set ( page 44) from either a 12 or 24 hour
display. “24h” is set by default.
to 


 button

Table of

Setting the Time Format (Time Disp Type)

Shuttle switch
to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Date-Time>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Time Disp Type>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “12h” or “24h” and press the
 button to confirm.

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.


DISP/HOME button



Information such as product name, built-in flash memory capacity, serial
number and firmware version can be shown.
to 


 button

Table of

Displaying the Player Information (Information)

Shuttle switch
to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Information>” and press the
 button to confirm.
Rotate the shuttle switch to show the following information.
1: product name
2: built-in flash memory capacity
3: serial number
4: version information for the player’s firmware

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the display changes.
To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.


DISP/HOME button



You can reset the player to the factory settings. Resetting the player does not
delete the music songs you have transferred to the player.
to 


 button

Table of

Resetting to Factory Settings (Reset All Setting)

Shuttle switch
to 


	Only available when using the ALL SONGS function in stop mode.

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button in stop mode until the HOME
screen appears.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Initialize>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Reset All Setting>” and press
the  button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “OK” and press the  button
to confirm.
When resetting is completed, “COMPLETE” appears.

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.
To cancel restoration of factory settings
Select “Cancel” in step  and press the  button to confirm.


DISP/HOME button



 button

to 


Shuttle switch
DISP/HOME button

to 


	Only available when using the ALL SONGS function in stop mode.

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button in stop mode until the HOME
screen appears.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.


You can format the built-in flash memory of the player.
If the memory’s formatted, all the music data and the other data stored will be
erased. Be sure to verify the data stored in the memory prior to formatting.

Table of

Formatting Memory (Format)

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Initialize>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Format>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “OK” and press the  button
to confirm.
“FORMATTING...” appears and formatting starts.
When formatting is complete, “COMPLETE” appears.

Continued 


Settings...Formatting Memory

To cancel formatting
Select “Cancel” in step  and press the  button to confirm.



Table of

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.

	Do not format the built-in flash memory of the player using Windows Explorer.




 button

to 

to 


	You cannot set this during the USB connection.

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “USB Power>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “100mA” or “500mA” and press
the  button to confirm.

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.

 Hints
	When you connect the player to a laptop computer, we recommend to connect the
laptop computer to a power supply.
	The charging time will be longer if the “USB Power” is set to “100mA.”


Shuttle switch
DISP/HOME button


Depending on how you are using the computer, if the power supply (USB Bus
Powered) is insufficient, incomplete data transfer may occur from the
computer to the player. In this case, setting the USB connection (USB Power)
to “100mA” may improve data transfer. “500mA” is set by default.

Table of

Changing the USB Connection Setting (USB Power)



(Disp. Rotation)

 button

to 

to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Disp. Rotation>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “ON” or “OFF” and press the 
button to confirm.
“OFF” is set by default.

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.

 Hint
	Even if you change the display’s orientation, the shuttle switch function ( () or
VOL +/–) is not be changed.

	Even if you change the display’s orientation according to the above procedure, Power
Save display ( page 54) orientation for ALL SONGS ( page 13) or PLAYLIST (
page 14) cannot be changed.


Shuttle switch
DISP/HOME button


You can change the display’s orientation to operate easily, for example, when
attaching the player using the supplied clip or arm band.

Table of

Setting the Display’s Left/Right Orientation



The screen changes to the power save screen when the player is not operated
for about 15 seconds.
to 


 button

Table of

Saving Power Consumption (Power Save)

Shuttle switch
to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Advanced Menu>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Power Save>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select the power save setting and press
the  button to confirm.

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.
Lists of the power save setting
Setting item



The power save screen appears in the display when
no operation is performed for about 15 seconds.
(Default setting)
Nothing appears in the display. This setting uses the
least battery consumption.
The icon(s) or letter(s) appears in the display
constantly during playback or FM reception (NWS202F/S203F/S205F only).



DISP/HOME button


Listening to FM Radio (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only)


You can listen to FM radio. Charge the built-in rechargeable battery before
using the player ( page 62), and connect the headphones to the headphone

Table of

Enjoy Listening to FM Radio

1	 Switching to the FM tuner

 button

to 
Shuttle switch
to 

DISP/HOME button

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
button to confirm.
The FM tuner screen appears.

(FM) and press the 

FM tuner screen*




Tuning mode

Preset number



M Hz


* The illustrated FM tuner screen may be different from your model.

Continued 


Listening to FM Radio (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only)

	If you rotate the shuttle switch to () in Sleep status, the previous (or
next) preset number or frequency is selected. At that time, the sound is not output,
regardless of the VOL +/- button.
(STOPWATCH) do not
	During FM reception, (SPORTS MODE) and

appear on the HOME screen.
	During FM reception, you cannot change the display by pressing the DISP/
HOME button.

2	 Presetting broadcast stations automatically (FM Auto Preset)
You can preset receivable broadcast stations (up to 30 stations) in your area
automatically by selecting “FM Auto Preset.” This is convenient when you use
the FM tuner for the first time or when you change to a new area.

	The “FM Auto Preset” operation will delete already preset broadcast stations.
 button

to 
Shuttle switch

DISP/HOME button

to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

Continued 




To turn off the volume of the FM tuner briefly
By pressing the  button, FM tuner sound is not output. The FM tuner
enters Sleep status after about 5 seconds and the display goes off. By pressing
the  button, the FM tuner sound is output again.

Table of

To stop the FM tuner and return to the audio player
Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen appears, and
then select (ALL SONGS) or (PLAYLIST) from the menu screen and
press the  button to confirm.
If there are no songs in the playlist, select (ALL SONGS).


Listening to FM Radio (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only)

 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “OK” and press the  button

To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.
If several unnecessary stations are received
If interference is prevalent or reception is too sensitive, change the reception
setting ( page 60) to “Low.”

3	 Selecting broadcast stations
There are 2 ways (manual or preset tuning) to select broadcast stations.
 button

to 
Shuttle switch

DISP/HOME button

to 
(manual tuning)
Normal (preset tuning)

Slide the shuttle switch to the folder position to enter manual tuning mode.
Slide the shuttle switch to the Normal position to enter preset tuning mode.
	Manual Tuning: In manual tuning mode, you can select broadcast stations
by frequency.
	Preset Tuning: In preset tuning mode, you can select broadcast stations by
preset number.
Continued 


To stop the presetting
Select “Cancel” in step  and press the  button.


to confirm.
The receivable broadcast stations will be preset in order from low to high
“COMPLETE” appears when presetting is complete, then the first preset
station is received.

Table of

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “FM Auto Preset>” and press the


Listening to FM Radio (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only)



Select the previous frequency

Rotate the shuttle switch to  briefly.
Rotate the shuttle switch to  briefly.

*	By rotating and holding the shuttle switch to () during FM
reception, the previous (or next) broadcast station is found. If the broadcast
station is receivable, the reception is accepted.
If interference is prevalent or reception is too sensitive, change the reception
setting ( page 60) to “Low.”
If you rotate the shuttle switch to () in Sleep status, the frequency
decreases (or increases), and the previous (or next) broadcast station is not
found and sound is not output.

Preset Tuning
, preset number, and frequency appear on the FM tuner screen, in order.


Select the previous preset number Rotate the shuttle switch to  briefly.
Select the next preset number
Rotate the shuttle switch to  briefly.

	You cannot select broadcast stations if no preset stations are entered. Preset the
receivable stations using “FM Auto Preset” ( page 56).

 Improving the reception
	The headphones cord serves as the antenna, so extend it as far as possible.


Select the previous receivable
Rotate and hold the shuttle switch to .
broadcast station*
Select the next receivable broadcast Rotate and hold the shuttle switch to .


Select the next frequency

Table of

Manual Tuning
, frequency, and preset number appear on the FM tuner screen, in order.


Listening to FM Radio (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only)

You can preset broadcast stations that “FM Auto Preset” misses ( page 56).
 button

Shuttle switch
to 

	 Select the desired frequency by manual tuning mode ( page 57).
	 Press and hold the  button.

The frequency you select in step  is preset and the preset number

 Hint
	You can preset up to 30 stations (P01 to P30).

	The preset number is always sorted from low to high frequency order.

To delete preset broadcast stations

	 Select the desired frequency’s preset number.
	 Press and hold the  button.
	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “OK” and press the  button
to confirm.
The preset broadcast station is deleted and the next one appears.

To cancel deletion of the preset broadcast station
Select “Cancel” in step  and press the  button.


DISP/HOME button


to 

Table of

Presetting Desired Broadcast Stations


Listening to FM Radio (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only)

 button


When you set the “FM Auto Preset” ( page 56) or “Manual Tuning” ( page
57), it may receive many unnecessary broadcast stations because reception is
too sensitive. In this case, set to “Low.” “High” is set by default.

Table of

Setting the Reception (Scan Sens)

to 
Shuttle switch
to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Scan Sens>” and press the 
button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Low” and press the  button
to confirm.

To set back the reception
Select “High” in step  and press the  button to confirm.
To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.


DISP/HOME button


Listening to FM Radio (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only)

 button


If noise occurs during FM reception, set to “Mono” for monaural. If you set to
“Auto,” stereo/monaural reception is automatically set, depending on reception
conditions. “Auto” is set by default.

Table of

Changing the Monaural/Stereo (Mono/Auto)

to 
Shuttle switch
to 

	 Press and hold the DISP/HOME button until the HOME screen

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select
 button to confirm.

(SETTINGS) and press the

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Mono/Auto>” and press the
 button to confirm.

	 Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Mono” and press the
 button to confirm.

To return to the automatic setting
Select “Auto” in step  and press the  button to confirm.
To return to the previous menu
Press the DISP/HOME button.


DISP/HOME button


Advanced Features

The battery power gets low as shown in the battery icon. If “LOW BATTERY”
appears, you cannot play back with the player. In this case, charge the battery
by connecting to your computer.

	Charge the battery in an ambient temperature of between 5 to 35ºC (67 to 95ºF).
	“DATA ACCESS” appears in the display while the player accesses the computer. Do not
disconnect the player while “DATA ACCESS” appears or the data being transferred may
be destroyed.
	Some USB devices connected to the computer may interfere with the proper operation
of the player.
	The control buttons on the player are all disabled while it is connected to a computer.


On the remaining battery indication
The battery icon in the display ( page 12) changes as shown below. See 
page 90 on battery duration.


The player is rechargeable when connected to a computer.
When you connect the player to your computer, use the supplied USB cable.
When the remaining battery indication of the display shows:
charging is complete (charging time is approx. 45 minutes*).
When you use the player for the first time, or if you have not used the player
for a long time, recharge it fully (to
in the remaining battery
indication of the display).
*	This is the approximate charging time when the battery power is low and the
“USB Power” setting ( page 52) is “500mA” under room temperature. The
charging time will vary depending on remaining battery power and battery
condition. If the battery is charged in a low-temperature environment, the
charging time will be longer. It will also be longer if you transfer audio file(s)
to the player while charging.

Table of

Recharging the Player


Advanced Features

By following a few simple guidelines, you can extend the playing time available
from a battery charge.

To deactivate the G Sensor
The player’s built-in G Sensor recognizes speed variation and provides various
functions. However, with the G Sensor active, battery consumption is higher
when G Sensor active than when not. In order to save power and prolong use
of the player, it is recommended to deactivate the G Sensor ( page 40).
To make the player enter Sleep status
When you stop song playback or FM reception (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only)
by pressing the  button, after about a few seconds, the display goes off
automatically and the player enters Sleep status.
When the G Sensor menu is deactivated in Sleep status, the player consumes
very little battery power.

	Do not leave the player connected for extended periods to a laptop computer that is not
connected to AC power, because the player may discharge the computer’s battery.


Adjust song format and bit rate
The playing time varies, as battery charge can be affected by the format and bit
rate of the audio songs that are played.
For example, a full battery charge offers about 18 hours of playing time for
songs in ATRAC format at 48 kbps, but only about 15 hours for songs in WMA
format at 128 kbps. The exact playing time available from a full charge varies
with the operating conditions and environment of the player.


Screen display auto-off
Setting the display to turn off after a certain period of time of not using the
player (approx. 15 seconds), can help to save battery power.
See “Saving Power Consumption (Power Save)” ( page 54) for the setting

Table of

Maximizing Battery Life


Advanced Features

WMA: WMA (Windows Media Audio) is a common audio compression
technology developed by Microsoft Corporation. The WMA format produces
the same sound quality as that of the MP3 format with smaller file size.
ATRAC: ATRAC (Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding) is a general term used
to refer to ATRAC3 and ATRAC3plus formats. ATRAC is an audio
compression technology that satisfies the demand for both high sound quality
and high compression rates. ATRAC3 can compress audio files to about 1/10
the size of standard CD audio songs. ATRAC3plus, a more advanced version of
ATRAC3, can compress audio files to about 1/20 the size of standard CD audio
AAC: AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) is a common audio compression
technology developed by the MPEG working group of the ISO (International
Organization for Standardization). The AAC format produces the same sound
quality as that of the MP3 format, with a smaller file size.
What is bit rate?
Bit rate refers to the amount of data used to store each second of audio.
Generally, higher bit rates provide better sound quality, but require more storage
space for the same length of audio.
What is the relationship between bit rate, sound quality, and storage size?
Generally, higher bit rates provide better sound quality, but require more storage
space for the same length of audio, so you can store fewer songs on the player.
Lower bit rates enable you to store more songs, but at a lower sound quality.
For details on supported audio formats and bite rate, see  page 90.

	If you import a song from a CD to SonicStage at a low bit rate, you cannot improve
the song’s sound quality by selecting a high bit rate when transferring the song from
SonicStage to the player.


MP3: MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer3) is a common audio compression
technology developed by the MPEG working group of the ISO (International
Organization for Standardization).
MP3 can compress audio files to about 1/10 the size of standard CD audio songs.


What is format?
The format of a song refers to the method used by SonicStage to store the
song’s audio information when songs are imported to SonicStage from the
Internet or audio CDs.
Common formats include MP3, WMA and ATRAC, etc.

Table of

What are Format and Bit Rate?


Advanced Features

	For songs to be played without pauses, you must import all the songs on a single album
without pauses at one time to the SonicStage software in the same ATRAC format.




If you import songs to SonicStage in ATRAC format and transfer them to the
player, you can play them on the player continuously, without pauses between
the songs.
For example, an album that includes a long recording of a live performance
with no pauses between songs can be played continuously without pauses after
the songs are imported to SonicStage in ATRAC format and then transferred to
the player.

Table of

Playing Songs Without Pauses


Advanced Features

	Song information of some CDs may not be able to retrieved from the Internet. For songs
that are not in the Internet database, you can manually enter and edit song information
in SonicStage. For details on editing song information, refer to SonicStage Help.




When you import CD songs into SonicStage, SonicStage automatically retrieves
information about the songs (such as album title, artist name, and song name)
from a CD database service (CDDB, the Gracenote CD DataBase) on the
Internet at no charge. When songs are transferred to the player, this song
information is transferred along with the songs.
Having this information attached to your songs makes possible various
advanced searching features of the player.

Table of

How is Song Information Imported to the Player?


Advanced Features


You can store computer data into the built-in flash memory of the player by
transferring it from your computer with Windows Explorer. If the player is
connected to the computer, the built-in flash memory appears in Windows
Explorer as a removable storage drive.

Table of

Storing Data Other Than Audio Files



	Do not use SonicStage while using Windows Explorer to interact with the built-in flash
memory of the player.
use SonicStage to transfer audio files that you want to play to the player. Audio
files transferred with Windows Explorer cannot be played by the player.
	Do not disconnect the supplied USB cable while transferring data between a computer
and the player because the data being transferred could be damaged.
not format the built-in flash memory using Windows Explorer. If you format the
built-in flash memory, format it using the “Format” menu of the player ( page 50).


Advanced Features

	Download the update program to your computer from the web site.
	Connect the player to your computer, and then start up the update

	Follow the on-screen instructions to update the player’s firmware.
Firmware update is complete.


For customers in the USA:
For customers in Canada:
For customers in Europe:
For customers in Latin America:
For customers in other countries/regions:
For customers who purchased the overseas models:


You can update the player’s firmware, ensuring you to add new features for the
player by installing the latest player’s firmware to the player. For details about
the latest firmware information and how to install it, visit the following web

Table of

Upgrading the Player’s Firmware



If the player does not function as expected, try the following steps to resolve
the issue.

DISP/HOME button

 button

2	 Find the symptoms of the issue in the following troubleshooting tables,
and try any corrective actions listed.

3	 Check for information about the issue in SonicStage Help.
4	 Look for information about the issue on one of the support Web sites.
For customers in the USA, visit:
For customers in Canada, visit:
For customers in Europe, visit:
For customers in Latin America, visit:
For customers in other countries/regions, visit:
For customers who purchased the overseas models, visit:

5	 If the approaches listed above fail to resolve the issue, consult your
nearest Sony dealer.



There is no sound.

	The volume level is set to zero.
	Turn the volume up ( page 9).
	The headphone jack is not connected properly.
	Connect the headphone jack properly ( page 11).
	The headphone plug is dirty.
	Clean the headphone plug with a soft dry cloth.
	No audio files are stored in the built-in flash
	If “NO DATA” appears, transfer audio file(s) from
the computer.
Continued 


more about 7 seconds to reset the player.
All the songs and settings stored on the player will not be erased even when you
reset it.


1	 Press the DISP/HOME button and  button at the same time for

Table of




Noise is generated.

	An apparatus emitting radio signals, such as a
mobile phone is being used near the player.
	When using such apparatus as mobile phones,
keep them away from the player.

Buttons do not work.

	The shuttle switch is set to the HOLD position.
	Slide the shuttle switch to the Normal (centre)
position ( page 10).
	The player contains moisture condensation.
	Wait a few hours to let the player dry.
remaining battery is low or insufficient.
	Charge the battery connecting to the computer
( page 62).
	Even if charging the battery and nothing is
changed, press the DISP/HOME button and
 button at the same time for more about 7
seconds to reset the player ( page 69).

The player does not work. 	The remaining battery is insufficient.
	Charge the battery connecting to the computer
( page 62).
if charging the battery and nothing is
changed, press the DISP/HOME button and
 button at the same time for more about 7
seconds to reset the player ( page 69).
The transferred songs
	The built-in flash memory of the player was
cannot be found.
formatted using Windows Explorer.
	Format the built-in flash memory using the
“Format” menu of the player ( page 50).
supplied USB cable is disconnected from the
player while data is being transferred.
	Transfer usable files back to your computer and
format the built-in flash memory using the
“Format” menu of the player ( page 50).
The volume is not loud
	AVLS is enabled.
	Disable AVLS ( page 36).
There is no sound from 	The headphone jack is not fully inserted.
right channel of the
	If the headphones are not connected correctly,
sound will not be output properly. Connect the
headphones into the jack until it clicks ( page 11).
Playback has stopped
	The remaining battery is insufficient.
	Charge the battery connecting to the computer
( page 62).
Continued 





Table of

Operation (continued)







“” appears for a title.

	Characters that cannot appear on the player are
	Use the supplied SonicStage to rename the title
with appropriate characters.
Continued 




Even if you use the Music 	The player cannot recognize pace of movement
Pacer function ( page
23), the playlist is not
	We recommend using the supplied clip or arm
band ( page 6) when using the player. However
the player may not be able to recognize pace of
movement properly depending on how the player
is attached, or the following cases.
–	 If you use the player with a strap (sold
separately) around your neck, waist, bag, etc.
–	 If you use the player inside a bag swinging
–	 If you use the player during up and down
movement or swaying from side to side in a
–	 If you use the player during active sports
requiring up and down movement or subject
the player to excessive shock.
Even if you shake the
	Shaking method of the player is not correct.
player 3 times, play mode 	As illustration page 20, hold the player with
is not changed.
display facing up and shake the player up and
down 3 times in rhythm within two seconds.
	The G Sensor menu is set to “OFF.”
	When the G Sensor menu ( page 40) is set to
“OFF,” this function is not available. Set to “ON”
and then shake the player.

Table of

Operation (continued)



Battery life is short.

	The operating temperature is below 5°C (67°F).
	Battery life becomes shorter due to the battery
characteristics. This is not malfunction.
	Battery charging time is not enough.
	Charge the battery longer if the USB connection
(USB Power) is set to “100mA” ( page 52).
G Sensor menu is set to “ON.”
	The battery consumes more power than when the
G Sensor menu ( page 40) is set to “OFF.”
can save the battery power by changing the settings
and careful management of your battery usage (
page 63).
	The battery is required to be replaced.
	Consult your near Sony dealer.

The player cannot charge 	The USB cable is not connected to a USB port on
the battery.
your computer properly.
	Disconnect the USB cable, and then reconnect it.
	Use the supplied USB cable.
Connection with the computer/SonicStage


The SonicStage software
cannot be installed.

	The computer’s operating system software is not
compatible with SonicStage.
	Refer to the system requirements ( page 91).
Windows applications are not closed.
 you start the installation while other programs
are running, an error may occur. This is especially
true for programs that require significant system
resources, such as virus-protection software.
	There is not enough free space on the hard disk of
your computer.
	You need 200 MB or more of free space. Delete
any unnecessary files on your computer.
	You are not logged on as an “Administrator.”
	If you are not logged on as an “Administrator,” the
installation of SonicStage might fail. Make sure
that you are logged on using an account with
“Administrator” privileges.

When installing the
	The installation is progressing normally. Please wait.
SonicStage software, the
The installation may take 30 minutes or more,
progress bar on the display depending on your system environment.
of your computer is not
moving. The access lamp
of your computer has not
lit for a few minutes.
Continued 





Table of

Charging the battery






Continued 


SonicStage does not start 	Your computer’s system environment has changed,
perhaps due to an update of the Windows operating
“USB CONNECT” does 	The USB cable is not connected to a USB port on
not appear when
your computer properly.
connected to the
	Disconnect the USB cable, and then reconnect it.
computer with the
	Use the supplied USB cable.
supplied USB cable.
	A USB hub is being used.
	Connecting the player via a USB hub may not
work. Connect the player directly to the
wait for the authentication of the SonicStage
	Another application is running on the computer.
	Disconnect the USB cable, wait a few minutes,
and reconnect it. If the problem persists,
disconnect the USB cable, restart the computer,
and then reconnect the USB cable.
	The player’s USB connection (USB Power) is set to
	Set the “USB Power” to “100mA” ( page 52).
	The installation of the SonicStage software was not
	Disconnect the player from your computer, and
reinstall the software using the supplied CDROM ( “Quick Start Guide”). Audio songs
registered with the earlier installation will be
available with the new SonicStage installation.
The player is not
	The USB cable is not connected to a USB port on
recognized by the
your computer properly.
computer when it is
	Disconnect the USB cable, and then reconnect it.
connected to the
 USB hub is being used.
	Connecting the player via a USB hub may not
work. Connect the player directly to the

Table of

Connection with the computer/SonicStage (continued)



Audio data cannot be
transferred to the player
from your computer.

	The USB cable is not connected to a USB port on
your computer properly.
	Disconnect the USB cable, and then reconnect it.
	There is not enough free space in the built-in flash
	Transfer any unnecessary songs back to your
computer to increase free space.
	You have already transferred over 65,535 songs or
over 8,192 playlists to the built-in flash memory, or
you are trying to transfer a playlist that contains
over 999 songs.
	Songs with a limited playing period or playing count
may not be transferred due to restrictions set by
copyright holders. For details on the settings of each
audio file, contact the distributor.

Only a small number of 	There is not enough free space in the built-in flash
songs can be transferred
to the player.
	Transfer any unnecessary songs back to your
(Available recording time
computer to increase free space.
is short.)
	Non-audio data is stored in the built-in flash
	Move non-audio data to the computer to increase
free space.
Audio data cannot be
	The computer you are trying to transfer songs to is
transferred back to your
not the same computer from which the songs were
computer from the
originally transferred.
	Songs can be transferred only to the computer
that they originally came from. If songs cannot be
transferred back to the computer and you want to
delete songs on the player, select songs on the
SonicStage software and click to delete them.
audio data has been deleted from the computer
you used to transfer to the player.
	The audio data cannot be transferred back to your
computer if the song is deleted from the computer
used to transfer to the player.
The player becomes
	A USB hub or USB extension cable is being used.
unstable while it is
	Connecting the player via a USB hub or extension
connected to the
cable may not work. Connect the supplied USB
cable directly to the computer.
Continued 





Table of

Connection with the computer/SonicStage (continued)



You cannot hear the FM
broadcast well.

	The receiving frequency is not fully tuned in.
	Select the frequency manually to improve
reception ( page 57).

Reception is weak and
sound quality is poor.

	The radio signal is weak.
	Listen to the FM broadcast near a window since
the signal may be weak inside buildings or
	The headphone cord does not extend enough.
	The headphone cord functions as an antenna.
Extend the headphone cord as far as possible.

The FM broadcast is
affected by interference.

	An apparatus emitting radio signals, such as a
mobile phone is being used near the player.
	When using such apparatus as mobile phones,
keep them away from the player.



There is no beep sound
when the player is
The player gets warm.

	Beep is set to “OFF.”
	Set “ON” in the “Beep” menu ( page 37).
	While charging, the player may become slightly





Table of

FM Tuner (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only)



Table of

Follow the instructions below if a message appears in the display.




This message appears
after disconnecting the
USB cable from the
computer, or resetting the
player ( page 69).
The volume level exceeds
the rated value while
AVLS is enabled.

This is not an error
message. Wait until the
message disappears.


Turn the volume down or
disable AVLS ( page 36).



	The player cannot play
certain files because of
incompatible formats.
	Transferring has been
interrupted forcefully.


The power supply is
Accessing the built-in
flash memory.

If the song which cannot
be played is unnecessary,
you can erase it from the
built-in flash memory. For
details, refer to “To delete
abnormal data from the
built-in flash memory”
( page 79).
Try using another
Please wait for access to
complete. This message
appears while the built-in
flash memory is being
Transfer the normal audio
file back to the computer
and then format the
player. For details, refer to
“To delete abnormal data
from the built-in flash
memory” ( page 79).
If the song which cannot
be played is unnecessary,
you can erase it from the
built-in flash memory. For
details, refer to “To delete
abnormal data from the
built-in flash memory”
( page 79).

AVLS (blinks)



An unauthorized
distribution file is
detected for copyright


You are trying to play a
song that has a playback
time restriction.

Continued 



	The file cannot be read. Transfer the normal audio
	The file is not normal. file back to the computer
and then format the
player. For details, refer to
“To delete abnormal data
from the built-in flash
memory” ( page 79).
The built-in flash memory Format the player using
was formatted on a
the “Format” menu. For
details, refer to “To delete
abnormal data from the
built-in flash memory”
( page 79).
The player cannot be
To operate the player, slide
operated because the
the shuttle switch to the
shuttle switch is set to the Normal (centre) position
HOLD position.
( page 10).
The battery is low.
You must charge the
battery ( page 62).
There is a problem with
Format the player using
the built-in flash memory. the “Format” menu. For
details, refer to “To delete
abnormal data from the
built-in flash memory”
( page 79). If this
message still appears,
consult your nearest Sony
There are no audio files in If there are no audio files
the built-in flash memory. in the built-in flash
memory, use SonicStage
to transfer audio files.
The player is disconnected Transfer the normal audio
from the computer while file back to the computer
transferring audio files.
and then format the
player. For details, refer to
“To delete abnormal data
from the built-in flash
memory” ( page 79).





Continued 







Table of





No song exists in the
selected item.
30 broadcast stations are
already preset.

Use SonicStage to transfer
audio files.
You can preset up to 30
broadcast stations. If you
want to preset more
stations, delete
unnecessary stations first
( page 59), then preset
the stations you want.
Select the playlist to listen
to songs at fast pace
( page 25).






Appears when changing
the playlist in the Set
Playlist (automatic song
selection) menu of
Appears when changing
the playlist in the Set
Playlist (automatic song
selection) menu of
There is a problem with
the hardware.
When the player fails to
update the firmware.

Select the playlist to listen
to songs at slow pace
( page 25).

Consult your nearest Sony
Follow the on-screen
instructions on the
computer and update
The player is connected to This is not a malfunction.
a computer.
You can operate the player
using SonicStage, but you
cannot operate the
controls on the player.
Continued 





Table of




Table of

To delete abnormal data from the built-in flash memory
ERROR,” “MEMORY ERROR,” or “NO DATABASE” appears, there is a
problem with all or part of the data stored in the built-in flash memory.
Please follow the procedure below to erase data you cannot play.

1	 Connect the player to the computer, and start SonicStage.
2	 If you have already specified the data with problems, erase the data


3	 If the problem persists, transfer all data without problems back to the


using SonicStage.

computer using SonicStage while the player is connected to the

4	 Disconnect the player from the computer and then format the built-in
flash memory using the “Format” menu ( page 50).



To uninstall the supplied software from your computer, follow the procedure


	 Click “Start”– “Control Panel.”1)

Table of

Uninstalling SonicStage

	 Double-click “Add or Remove Programs.”
then click “Remove.”2)
Follow the displayed instruction and restart your computer.
The uninstallation is completed when the computer has restarted.

	 “Settings” – “Control Panel” in the case of Windows 2000 Professional.
	 “Change/Remove” in the case of Windows 2000 Professional.



	When you install SonicStage, OpenMG Secure Module is installed at the same time. Do
not delete OpenMG Secure Module since it may be used by other software.


	 Click “SonicStage X.X” in the “Currently Installed Programs” list, and


Additional Information

Table of

Owner’s Record
The model and serial numbers are located on the rear of the player. Record the
serial number in the space provided below. Refer to these numbers whenever
you call upon your Sony dealer regarding this product.
Model No. ___________________________
Serial No. ___________________________

For Customers in the USA

Continued 


This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more
of the following measures:
–	 Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
–	 Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
–	 Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
–	 Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in
this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.


Additional Information

Table of

If you have any questions about this product:
Sony Customer Information Service Center at 1-(866)-456-7669
Sony Customer Information Services Center
12451 Gateway Blvd.,
Fort Myers, FL 33913


Declaration of Conformity

Trade Name:	
Model No.:	
Responsible Party:	

Sony Electronics Inc.
16530 Via Esprillo,
San Diego CA 92127 U.S.A.
Telephone Number:	858-942-2230
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause
harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired
Continued 


Additional Information


For Customers in Russia

Table of

Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the European Union
and other European countries with separate collection systems)
This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this
product shall not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be
handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of
electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is
disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative
consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise
be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. The recycling of
materials will help to conserve natural resources. For more detailed
information about recycling of this product, please contact your local Civic
Office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased
the product.
Applicable accessories: Headphones


Additional Information

Table of

On safety

	Do not put any heavy object on top of the player or apply a strong shock to
the player. It may cause a player to malfunction or damage.
use the player where it will be subjected to extremes of light,
temperature, moisture or vibration.
	Never leave the player exposed to high temperature, such as in a car parked
in the sun or under direct sunlight.
The player may become discolored or deformed, or this may cause a
	Do not leave the player in a place subject to excessive dust.
	Do not leave the player on an unstable surface or in an inclined position.
	If the player causes interference to radio or television reception, turn the
player off and move it away from the radio or television.
Continued 


On installation


	Be sure not to short-circuit the terminals of the player with other metallic
	Do not touch the rechargeable battery with bare hands if it is leaking. Since
battery liquid may remain in the player, consult your nearest Sony dealer if
the battery has leaked. If the liquid gets into your eyes, do not rub your eyes
as it may lead to blindness. Wash out your eyes with clean water, and consult
a doctor.
Also, if the liquid gets on to your body or clothes, wash it off immediately. If
you do not, it may cause burns or injury. If you get burned or injured by the
liquid from the battery, consult a doctor.
	Do not pour water or put any foreign object in the player. Doing so may
cause fire or electric shock.
If this occurs, turn off the player immediately, disconnect the USB cable from
the player, and consult your nearest Sony dealer or Sony Service Center.
	Do not put the player into the fire.
	Do not take apart or remodel the player. Doing so can result in electric shock.
Consult your nearest Sony dealer or Sony Service Center for exchange of
rechargeable batteries, internal checks or repair.


Additional Information...Precautions

Table of

	When using the player, remember to follow the precautions below in order to
avoid warping the cabinet or causing the player to malfunction.
–	Make sure not to sit down with the player in your back pocket.


On heat build-up
Heat may build up in the player while charging if it is used for an extended
period of time.

On the headphones
Road safety
Do not use headphones while driving, cycling, or operating any motorized
vehicle. Doing so may create a traffic hazard and is illegal in many areas. It can
also be potentially dangerous to play the player at a high volume while walking,
especially at pedestrian crossings. You should exercise extreme caution or
discontinue use in potentially hazardous situations. Also, when using the player
while you are walking, watch out for traffic and road surface conditions.
Preventing hearing damage
Avoid using the headphones at a high volume. Hearing experts advise against
continuous, loud and extended play. If you experience a ringing in your ears,
reduce the volume or discontinue use.
Do not turn the volume up high all at once, especially when using headphones.
Turn up the volume gradually so that loud sound will not hurt your ears.
Caring for others
Keep the volume at a moderate level. This will allow you to hear outside
sounds and to be considerate to the people around you.
If there is lightning when you are using the player, take off the headphones
If you experience an allergic reaction to the supplied headphones, stop using
them at once and contact a doctor.

Continued 


–	Make sure not to put the player into a bag with the headphones/earphones
cord wrapped around it and then subject the bag to strong impact.


Additional Information...Precautions

	Clean the player’s case with a soft cloth, such as cleaning cloth for eyeglasses.
	If the player’s case becomes very dirty, clean it with a soft cloth slightly
moistened with water or a mild detergent solution.
	Do not use any type of abrasive pad, scouring powder, or solvent, such as
alcohol or benzene, as it may mar the finish of the case.
	Be careful not to let water get into the player from the opening near the
the headphone plug periodically.
If you have any questions or problems concerning the player, please consult
your nearest Sony dealer.

On software
	Copyright laws prohibit reproducing the software or the manual
accompanying it in whole or in part, or renting the software without the
permission of the copyright holder.
	In no event will SONY be liable for any financial damage, or loss of profits,
including claims made by third parties, arising out of the use of the software
supplied with this player.
	In the event a problem occurs with this software as a result of defective
manufacturing, SONY will replace it. However, SONY bears no other
Continued 


On cleaning


	When using a strap (sold separately), be careful to avoid hooking it on objects
you pass by.
	Do not use the player on an aircraft.
	The player (except headphones) is designed to be splash-resistant, but pay
attention to the following conditions:
–	 Do not splash a large amount of water on the player.
–	 Do not drop or immerse the player in water.
–	 Rotate the lid to close it tightly to prevent objects from entering the player
through the USB jack ( page 11).
	The player’s shuttle switch works on a magnetic principle. In normal use, the
player should not interfere with other devices, however, care should be taken
to avoid close contact with magnetically–encoded items, such as credit cards,
etc. Furthermore, avoid use on a beach or near sand, which may cause
damage to the player’s shuttle switch, etc.
using the supplied arm band, avoid over tightening it as blood circulatory
problems may result.

Table of

On the use


Additional Information...Precautions

About the customer support Web site
If you have any questions about or issue with this product, visit the following
web sites.
For customers in the USA:
For customers in Canada:
For customers in Europe:
For customers in Latin America:
For customers in other countries/regions:
For customers who purchased the overseas models:


	The recorded music is limited to private use only. Use of the music
beyond this limit requires permission of the copyright holders.
	Sony is not responsible for incomplete recording/downloading or
damaged data due to problems of the player or computer.
on the types of the text and characters, the text shown on
the player may not be displayed properly on device. This is due to:
–	 The capacity of the connected player.
–	 The player is not functioning normally.
–	 The ID3 TAG information for the song is written in the language or the
character that is not supported by the player.


On sample audio data
The player is pre-installed with sample audio data so that you can try it out
right away. To delete this audio data, delete it using SonicStage.

Table of

	The software provided with this player cannot be used with equipment other
than that which is so designated.
note that, due to continued efforts to improve quality, the software
specifications may be changed without notice.
	Operation of this player with software other than that provided is not covered
by the warranty.
	The ability to display the languages on your SonicStage will depend on the
installed OS on your PC. For better results, please ensure that the installed
OS is compatible with the desired language you want to display.
–	 We do not guarantee all the languages will be able to be displayed properly on
your SonicStage.
–	 User-created characters and some special characters may not be displayed.
	The explanations in this manual assume that you are familiar with the basic
operations of Windows.
	 For details on the use of your computer and operating system, please refer to
the respective manuals.


Additional Information


Program ©2006 Sony Corporation
Documentation ©2006 Sony Corporation


	SonicStage and the SonicStage logo are trademarks or registered trademarks
of Sony Corporation.
	OpenMG, ATRAC, ATRAC3, ATRAC3plus and their logos are trademarks of
Sony Corporation.
and “WALKMAN” logo are registered trademarks of Sony
	Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT and Windows Media are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or
other countries.
	Adobe and Adobe Reader are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe
Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
	MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology and patents licensed from
Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.
and PC/AT are registered trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation.
	Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
	Pentium is a trademark or a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
	CD and music-related data from Gracenote, Inc., copyright © 2000-2004
	 Gracenote CDDB ® Client Software, copyright 2000-2004 Gracenote. This
product and service may practice one or more of the following U.S. Patents:
#5,987,525; #6,061,680; #6,154,773, #6,161,132, #6,230,192, #6,230,207,
#6,240,459, #6,330,593, and other patents issued or pending. Services
supplied and/or device manufactured under license for following Open
Globe,Inc. United States Patent 6,304,523. Gracenote and CDDB are
registered trademarks of Gracenote.
	 The Gracenote logo and logotype, and the “Powered by Gracenote” logo are
trademarks of Gracenote.
	All other trademarks and registered trademarks are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holders. In this manual, TM and ® marks are not

Table of

On Copyrights


Additional Information

Table of

Audio compression technology


– MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3 (MP3)
– Windows Media Audio (WMA)*
– Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding (ATRAC)
– Advanced Audio Coding (AAC)*
*	 WMA/AAC format audio files that are copyright-protected cannot be played back.

Maximum recordable number of songs and time (Approx.)*



Bit rate





48 kbps


22 hr. 40 min.


45 hr. 00 min.

64 kbps


17 hr. 00 min.


34 hr. 20 min.

96 kbps


11 hr. 20 min.


23 hr. 00 min.

128 kbps


8 hr. 20 min.


17 hr. 20 min.

132 kbps


8 hr. 00 min.


16 hr. 40 min.

160 kbps


6 hr. 40 min.


13 hr. 40 min.

192 kbps


5 hr. 40 min.


11 hr. 20 min.

256 kbps


4 hr. 10 min.


8 hr. 40 min.

320 kbps


3 hr. 20 min.


6 hr. 40 min.

352 kbps


3 hr. 00 min.


6 hr. 10 min.

Bit rate



48 kbps


90 hr. 00 min.

64 kbps


66 hr. 40 min.

96 kbps


46 hr. 00 min.

128 kbps


34 hr. 40 min.

132 kbps


33 hr. 20 min.

160 kbps


27 hr. 40 min.

192 kbps


23 hr. 00 min.

256 kbps


17 hr. 20 min.

320 kbps


13 hr. 40 min.

352 kbps


12 hr. 20 min.

Capacity (User available capacity)*

NW-S202F/S202: 512 MB (Approx. 482 MB = 505,724,928 bytes)
NW-S203F: 1 GB (Approx. 968 MB = 1,015,726,080 bytes)
NW-S205F: 2 GB (Approx. 1.89 GB = 2,035,974,144 bytes)
*	 Available storage capacity of the player may vary.
	 A portion of the memory is used for data management functions.

Continued 


*	 The approximate times are based on a transferred 4-minute ATRAC or MP3 format song. Other playable audio file
formats may be different from ATRAC or MP3 format.


Additional Information...Specifications
Supported bit rates

*	 CD recording cannot be done using SonicStage software in ATRAC3 at 66/105 kbps.

Table of

MP3: 32 to 320 kbps variable bit rate-compliant
WMA: 32 to 192 kbps variable bit rate-compliant
ATRAC: 48/64/66 (ATRAC3)*/96/105 (ATRAC3)*/128/132 (ATRAC3)/160/192/256/320/352 kbps
AAC: 16 to 320 kbps variable bit rate-compliant*

*	 Nonstandard bit rates or non-guaranteed bit rates are included depending on the sampling frequency.


Sampling frequency*


MP3: 32, 44.1, 48 kHz
WMA: 44.1 kHz
ATRAC: 44.1 kHz
AAC: 11.025, 12, 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, 48 kHz

*	 Sampling frequency may not correspond to all encoders.

Frequency response

20 to 20,000 Hz (single signal measurement)

FM Frequency range (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only)
87.5 to 108.0 MHz

IF (FM) (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only)
375 kHz


Headphone cord antenna


Headphone: Stereo mini
Hi-speed USB (USB 2.0 compliant)

Operating temperature

5°C to 35°C (67°F to 95°F)

Power source

 Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery
 USB power (from a computer through supplied USB cable)

Battery life (continuous playback)*

ATRAC format: Approximately 18 hours (Playback at 132 kbps)
ATRAC format: Approximately 17 hours (Playback at 128 kbps)
ATRAC format: Approximately 18 hours (Playback at 48 kbps)
MP3 format: Approximately 17 hours (Playback at 128 kbps)
WMA format: Approximately 15 hours (Playback at 128 kbps)
AAC format: Approximately 18 hours (Playback at 128 kbps)
FM radio reception (NW-S202F/S203F/S205F only): Approximately 5 hours
*	 This is when power save setting is “ON-Super” ( page54), the sound quality setting (Equalizer) is “OFF” ( page
33), and G Sensor setting is “OFF” ( page 40). The battery duration will vary depending on temperature and usage.

Dimension (w/h/d)

15.0 × 96.5 × 15.0 mm (0.6 × 3.8 × 0.6 inches)
(w/h/d, projecting parts not included)


Approx. 26 g (Approx. 0.9 oz)

Continued 


Additional Information...Specifications
Minimum System Requirements (for the player)

Table of

	Computer
IBM PC/AT or compatible computer preinstalled with the following Windows operating systems:
–	Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 3 or later)
–	Windows XP Home Edition
–	Windows XP Professional
–	Windows XP Media Center Edition
–	Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004
–	Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
OSs other than those indicated above are not supported.

We do not guarantee operation for all computers even if they meet the above System Requirements.
Not supported by the following environments:
–	Personally constructed PCs or operating systems
–	An environment that is an upgrade of the original manufacturer-installed operating system
–	Multi-boot environment
–	Multi-monitor environment
–	Macintosh
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
US and foreign patents licensed from Dolby Laboratories.


	CPU: Pentium III 450 MHz or higher
	RAM: 128 MB or more
	Hard Disk drive: 200 MB or more of available space (1.5 GB or more is recommended)
More space may be required, depending on the version of the operating system. Additional space is
required for storing music data.
	Display:
–	Screen Resolution: 800 × 600 pixels (or higher) (recommended 1,024 × 768 or higher)
–	Colors: High Color (16 bit) (or higher) (SonicStage may not operate properly at color settings at or
below 256 colors.)
	CD-ROM drive (supporting Digital Music CD playback capabilities using WDM)
	 To create original CDs or to back up audio CDs, a CD-R/RW drive is required.
 Sound board
	USB port (Hi-Speed USB is recommended)
	Internet Explorer 5.5 or later needs to be installed.
	Internet connection is required to use the CD Data Base (CDDB) or Electronic Music Distribution


Additional Information

Battery.......................................... 62, 63
Beep (Beep sound)........................... 37
Bit rate................................................ 64
Calorie.......................................... 21, 38
Charge the battery............................ 62
Clock.................................................. 27
Computer...................................... 3, 91
Counter Reset................................... 43
Count History................................... 42

Equalizer............................................ 33
Explorer............................................. 67
Fast-forward...................................... 10
Fast-rewind........................................ 10
FM...................................................... 55
FM Auto Preset................................. 56
Folder (control mode)............... 10, 29
Format (Formatting)........................ 50
G Sensor............................................. 40
Headphones.............................6, 11, 85
HOLD................................................ 10
HOME button..................................... 9
HOME screen..................................... 8
Information....................................... 48
Initialize....................................... 49, 50
Continued 


AAC.................................................... 64
Accessories.......................................... 6
Adobe Reader...................................... 3
Album................................................ 17
ALL SONGS...................................... 13
Artist.................................................. 16
ATRAC..................................64, 65, 89
AVLS (Limiting the volume)........... 36

D.Normalizer.................................... 35
Date-Time.............................44, 46, 47
Date Disp Type................................. 46
Disp. Rotation................................... 53
DISP button......................................... 9
Display............................................... 12
Dynamic Normalizer....................... 35


(Album)....................................... 29
(Artist)........................................... 29
(Artist/Album)............................ 29
(Folder)......................................... 19
1 (Repeat 1 Song).......................... 19
(Repeat All).................................. 19
(Repeat Folder)........................ 19
SHUF (Repeat Shuffle All)......... 19
(Repeat Shuffle Folder)................ 19

Table of



Additional Information...Index

Radio.................................................. 55
Recharging......................................... 62
Repeat................................................ 19
Reset (the players)............................ 69
Reset All Setting................................ 49
Scan Sens........................................... 60
SEARCH............................................ 15
by album...............................................17
by artist.................................................16
by song name........................................15

Searching for Songs.......................... 15
Serial Number................................... 48

Time Disp Type................................ 47
Transferring......................................... 3
Troubleshooting................................ 69
Tuner.................................................. 55
Uninstalling....................................... 80
USB Power
(USB connection setting)............ 52
Volume.....................................9, 30, 33
Volume Mode.................................... 30
VOL +/- button................................... 9
Windows Explorer............................ 67
WMA........................................... 64, 89


Playback............................................... 9
Playlist................................................ 14
Play Mode.......................................... 18
Play Range......................................... 19
Power Save......................................... 54
Preset Custom................................... 34
Preset (Volume)................................ 30
Preset tuning..................................... 57


Manual (Volume)............................. 32
Manual tuning.................................. 57
Messages............................................ 76
miles................................................... 22
Mono/Auto........................................ 61
MP3.............................................. 64, 89
Music Pacer....................................... 23

Set Date-Time................................... 44
Set Playlist.......................................... 25
Set Target........................................... 21
Set the current time.......................... 44
SETTINGS........................................... 8
Shuffle................................................ 19
Shuttle switch.................................... 10
Skip to the beginning of a song...... 10
Song Information............................. 66
Song order......................................... 29
SonicStage...................................... 3, 80
Sort..................................................... 29
Sound........................ 33, 34, 35, 36, 37
Sound quality.............................. 33, 34
SPORTS MODE....................21, 23, 38
STOPWATCH................................... 26

Table of

km....................................................... 22


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