SparkLAN Communications WSDB104GNIBT 802.11b/g/n WiFi+BT IOT Module User Manual 20180101 v1 8 Rev 1

SparkLAN Communications, Inc. 802.11b/g/n WiFi+BT IOT Module 20180101 v1 8 Rev 1


User Manual_20180101_v1 - 8. User Manual Rev.1

PRODUCT   1 PR StandaChipseAntenn InterfacForm F   Data R  SpreadTechniFrequeOperat Power TempeHumidSecuritOS supT APPROVAODUCard et na Type / conces Factor Rate ding /Modulaiques ency Range ting Voltage Consumptioerature Rangity (non-condty pported AL SHEET –WCT INTn. ation on ge densing) WSDB-104GTRODUIEEE802.1Broadcom 1 x U.FL cSDIO 2.0: High SpeeStamp HolWiFi: 802.11b:11802.11g:54802.11n:MBT: 1~ 3MWiFi: 802.11b: D802.11g: O802.11n: OBT: 8DPSKb/g/n ISM DC 1.8 or Wi-Fi TX MWi-Fi RX M-40~85°C 5% ~ 90%WEP, WPALinux GNI(BT) [W1UCTIO11b/g/n, Blue BCM43438connector (1TWLAN, ed UART: Blule 1, 5.5, 2, 1M4, 48, 36, 24MCS 0 to 7 Mbps DSSS (DBPSOFDM (BPSKOFDM (BPSKK, π/4 DQPSBand: 2.400DC 3.3V Mode: 280mAMode: 60mA(Operating) / (Operating)A, WPA2, W]N etooth V4.1, VT1R), uetooth Mbps; 4, 18, 12, 9, 6SK, DQPSK, K,QPSK,16-QK,QPSK,16-QSK, GFSKFS~2.4835GHzA A / -50~90°C ( / 0% ~ 95%V3.0+HS, V26Mbps CCK) QAM,64-QAMQAM,64-QAMSK z Storing) (Storing) 2.1+EDR M) M)
PRODUCT   2. HA 2.1 Ha Dimensio                          T APPROVAARDWardwareon(L x W x HAL SHEET –WWARE Se Dimen): 19 mm X 1WSDB-104GSPECIsion 12 mm x 2 mGNI(BT) [W2FICATmm W]TION
PRODUCT   FCC LabeThis devic(1) This de(2) This de FEDERALINTERFERThis equipof the FCCresidentialThis equipwith the ininterferenctelevision correct the- Reorient - Increase - Connect - Consult t Radiation This devic1) The ant2) The tranAs long asstill responinstalled  IMPORTAIn the eveanother trathe final pr(including Radiation 1) Any chato operate2) The prosafe for intproduct caavailable.   End ProduThis transbe maintafollowing: complianc Manual InfThe OEM this RF moThe end u           T APPROVAel Compliancce complies wevice may noevice must aL COMMUNIRENCE STApment has beC Rules. Thel installation.pment generastructions, mce will not ocreception, we interferenceor relocate t the separatithe equipmethe dealer orExposure Stce is intendedtenna must bnsmitter mods 2 conditionsnsible for tesANT NOTE: nt that theseansmitter), throduct. In thethe transmittExposure Stanges or mode the equipmeoduct complytended operaan be kept asuct Labeling mitter modulined betwee“Contains FCce requiremeformation Tointegrator haodule in the user manual sAL SHEET –We Statementwith part 15 oot cause harmccept any intCATIONS CATEMENT: een tested anese limits are ates, uses anmay cause haccur in a partwhich can be e by one or mthe receivingion between ent into an our an experientatement d only for OEbe installed sdule may nots above are sting their ende conditions chen the FCCese circumstter) and obtatatement: difications noent. y with the FCation as descs far as possle is authorizn the antennCC ID: RYK-nts are met. o the End Usas to be awauser’s manushall includeWSDB-104G: of the FCC Rmful interfereterference reOMMISSIONnd found to ce designed tond can radiatarmful interfeticular installadetermined bmore of the fg antenna. the equipmeutlet on a circnced radio/ TEM integratorsuch that 20 t be co-locatemet, further d-product forcan not be m authorizatiotances, the Oaining a sepaot expressly CC portable Rcribed in thissible from thezed only for una and users-WSDB104G er: are not to proal of the end all required GNI(BT) [W3Rules. Operaence, and eceived, incluN comply with to provide reate radio freqerence to radation. If this eby turning thfollowing meent and rececuit differentTV technicianrs under the cm is maintaed with any otransmitter tr any additiomet (for examon is no longeOEM integratarate FCC auapproved byRF exposure s manual. The user body ouse in device. The final enGNIBT”. The govide informad product whiregulatory inW]ation is subjeuding interfethe limits for asonable protuency energdio communiequipment dhe equipmentasures: iver. t from that to n for help. following coained betweeother transmtest will not bnal complianmple certain laer consideretor will be resuthorization.y the granteelimit set forthe further RFor set the deve where the and product mgrantee's FCation to the eich integratenformation/wct to the follorence that ma Class B ditection againy and, if not cations. Howoes cause ht off and on, which the renditions: en the antennitter or antenbe required. Hnce requiremaptop configud valid and tsponsible fore of this devich for an uncoexposure revice to lowerantenna maymust be labelCC ID can bend user regas this modulewarning as showing two comay cause unigital device,nst harmful ininstalled andwever, there armful interfthe user is eeceiver is cona and usersnna. However, thements requireurations or cthe FCC ID cr re-evaluatince could voidontrolled enveduction can r output powy be installedled in a visibe used only warding how toe. how in this monditions: ndesired ope pursuant to nterference ind used in accis no guaranerence to radencouraged tnnected. s, and e OEM integd with this mco-location wcan not be usng the end prd the user's avironment anbe achieveder if such fun such that 20le area with twhen all FCCo install or reanual. ration.  part 15 n a cordance ntee that dio or to try to rator is module with sed on roduct authority nd are d if the nction is 0 cm may the C emove
PRODUCT   Industry C This devicconditions(1) This deinterferencThis equipequipment Cet appareseulement(1) l'appar(2) l'utilisaradioélectr comprom This radio the maximnot includeprohibited  Le présenénumérés Les types strictemen AntTyPriDip Compliancpassed dothe digital MAC. Theat the end being tran est conforà travers laPlusieurs numériquesera sur q This equipshould be This trans Cet apparecontrôlé. Lde  rayonnemantenne o         T APPROVACanada statece complies ws : evice may noce that may cpment complt should be ieil radio est ct aux deux coreil ne doit pateur de l'apprique subi, mettre le foncttransmitter hmum permissed in this listfor use with t émetteur ra ci-dessous d'antenne nont interdits potenna ype nted pole ce with IC reqown through and analog ese are the o of the packesmitted. me au CNR-a MAC, à trapaquets spée se met en mue lorsque l'pment complinstalled andmitter must neil est conforL'antenne doents et votreu autre émetAL SHEET –Wment: with RSS-247ot cause intecause undesies with IC ranstalled and conforme auonditions suias produire dpareil doit accmême si le brtionnement. has been apible gain and, having a gathis device. adio a été apet ayant un gon inclus danour l'exploitatAntennaImpedanc50 ohm50 ohmquirement Rthe MAC, thrbaseband, anly ways theet. Therefore-247 la transavers la bandciaux sont inmarche l'émeun des paquies with IC rad operated wnot be co-locrme aux limitoit être installe corps. L'émtteur. WSDB-104G7 of the Indurference, ansired operatioadiation expooperated wiu CNR-247 divantes :  de brouillagecepter tout brouillage est proved by Ind required anain greater thpprouvé par Igain admissins cette listetion de l'émea ce m m SS-247 datarough and finally to e digital basee, the transmmission de dde de base nnitiées par le etteur RF, ceuets ci-dessuadiation expowith minimumcated or opertes d'exposité de façon àmetteur ne doGNI(BT) [W4ustry Canadad (2) This deon of the devosure limits sith minimum ’Industrie Ca, et  brouillage  susceptible dndustry Canantenna impedhan the maxiIndustrie Canble maximal e, ou dont le getteur. Gain (2.4 G-5.03.6a transmissiothe RF transeband portionmitter will be odonnées est numérique etMAC. Ce soe qui lui puis us sont transmosure limits sm distance ofrating in conjtion aux rayoà garder une oit pas être coW]a Rules. Opeevice must acvice. set forth for adistance 20canada. L’utilid'en ada to operatdance for eaimum gain innada pour foet l'impédangain est supé(dBi) GHz 02 67 on is always sceiver. Seven will turn on on only whiletoujours initit analogique ont les seuls s'éteint à la mises. set forth for af 20 cm betwjunction withonnements ddistance minolocalisé ni fration is subjccept any intan uncontrollcm between sation de ce te with the anch antenna tndicated for tonctionner avnce requise périeur au gaiinitiated by seral special pthe RF trans one of the aée par le loget, enfin, à l'moyens de lfin du paquean uncontrolleen the radiaany other ane la IC pour nimale de 20fonctionner cbject to the foterference, inled environmthe radiator  dispositif esntenna typestype indicatethat type, arevec les typespour chaque in maximal insoftware, whipackets are ismitter, whicaforementiongiciel, qui est 'émetteur-récla partie banet. Par conséled environmator and yountenna or traun environne0 centimètresconjointemenollowing two ncluding ment. This and your bost autorisée s listed belowed. Antenna te strictly s d'antenne type d'antenndiqué, sont ich is then nitiated by thh it then turnned packets aensuite trancepteur RF. de de base équent, l'émement. The antur body. ansmitter. ement non s entre la sount avec à autdy. w with types nne. he ns off are nsmis etteur tenna urce re
PRODUCT    This devic(1) The an(2) The traAs long asis still respmodule ins Cet appare(1)L'antenutilisateurs(2)Le modTant que lnécessaireexigences End ProduThis transmay be mathe followi   Plaque sigCe moduleinstallée dfinal doit ê Manual InfThe OEM remove thThe end u Manuel d'iL'intégrated'installer Le manuecomme ind  T APPROVAce is intendedntenna must ansmitter mos 2 conditionsponsible for tstalled. eil est conçune doit être s, et dule émetteues 2 conditioes. Toutefoiss de conformuct Labeling:mitter modulaintained beng: “Containgnalétique due émetteur ee telle sorte être étiqueté formation Tointegrator hais RF modulser manual sinformation àeur OEM doitou de supprl de l'utilisatediqué dans cAL SHEET –Wd only for OEbe installed odule may nos above are testing their eu uniquementinstallée de tr peut ne pasons ci-dessuss, l'intégrateuité suppléme le is authoriztween the anns IC: 6158A-u produit finaest autorisé uqu'une distadans un endo the End Usas to be awae in the usershall includeà l'utilisateur t être conscieimer ce modeur final doit ce manuel. WSDB-104GEM integratorsuch that 20ot be co-locatmet, further end-product t pour les inttelle sorte qus être coïmps sont remplur OEM est toentaires requzed only for untenna and u-104GNIBT”al uniquement pance de 20cmdroit visible aer: are not to pror’s manual of all required final: ent de ne paule RF dansinclure touteGNI(BT) [W5rs under the 0 cm is maintted with any transmitter tfor any addittégrateurs Ou'une distancplanté avec uies, des essaoujours respuis pour ce muse in deviceusers. The finpour une utilim peut être mavec l'inscriptovide informaf the end proregulatory inas fournir dess le manuel des les informaW]following cotained betweother transmtest will not btional compliEM dans lesce de 20 cm un autre émeais supplémeponsable desmodule installe where the anal end prodisation dans maintenue ention suivanteation to the eoduct which innformation/ws informationde l'utilisateuations réglemnditions: en the antenmitter or antebe required. Hance requires conditions sest respectétteur ou anteentaires sur  essais sur slé. antenna mayuct must be un dispositif ntre l'antenne: "Contient dnd user regantegrates thiwarning as shs à l'utilisater du produit fmentaires reqnna and userenna. However, theements requisuivantes:  ée entre l'anteenne. l'émetteur neson produit fiy be installedlabeled in a f où l'antennee et les utilisdes IC: 6158Aarding how tois module. how in this meur final quanfinal qui intègquises et avers, and  e OEM integired with thisenne et les e seront pas inal pour tou such that 20visible area e peut être ateurs. Le prA-104GNIBTo install or anual. nt à la façon gre ce moduertissementsrator s tes 0 cm with roduit T". le. s

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