Spin Master Toys Far East 44164TX27195 RC Helicopter User Manual
Spin Master Toys Far East Ltd. RC Helicopter
User Manual
Upper Rotor Vertical Tail Wing INSTRUCTIONS Check to make su -1 Air Hb s<0 Hciiit'M Mi u‘ -1 Controier-1 Charger. , ~1 9-Voll Heavy Duty altery ‘ - 4 Spare Rotors . 1 lnstmctlons HELICOPTER BATTERY INFORMATION - Charge the Au Hogs” Helix“ baitcry only with the provided Air Hogs” Lithium Polymer Charger. - Charging operation should be periormed by adults only. -The l-telix'M battery is only partially charged. Fully charge the Helix“ battery pack hetero its lirsl llighl. - Always fully charge the Helix” battery pack in re eat use. - The supply terminals are not to be shortclrculte . ' Do not altempt to open the LIFO batterg’ pack. - Stop 05an and do not recharge the LI 0 battery pack it lt shows leakage, damage or deloimation. - Do not allow the Helixw to get wet. . Always store the Helix“ in a cool and dry place. - Dispose of Helixm prfferl and never dispose or it in fire. ' DO not recharge the eiix M battery pack immediately alter use. Wait until it is cool before charging. ' Be sure the wall Charger and Helixw are kept out OI the hands DI infants and small children. ‘ Do not charge near Ilrs, where temperature is extremely high, or when it is wet or damp. ' DO not continue to charge the Helix“ il the charger tails ll) recognlze lull charge. - Overheating or swelling 0! the UFO cells is an indicator that they are in an over charged condition and the batteries should be disconnected iroln the charger immediatei ll - Do not allow the Li battery pack to overheat at any time. Cells which reach greater than 140°F (50°C) can and USUALLY WILL become damaged physically and could possibly catch FlFlEi Always inspect a battery which has previously overheated ior potential damage and DO NOT reuse it it you suspect it has been damaged in any way - Do not allow LIPO batteries to be charged or discharged on or near combustible materials, including pacer. plastics, carpets, vinyl, leather, wood, inside an RN or lull-sized automobile! - Always preyide adequate vanmatlon around LIPc batteries during charge, discharge, while in use and during storage. it a battery becomes overheated, remove it from the charger IMMEDIATELY and place it in a tire-prcof location until it oools. ~ Do not modily the HelixVM battery pack in any way wtiidn might result in ermanenl damage or dangerous responses. - mmadlalsly remove a UFO battery from a model iI it is involved in a crash in anyway. Do not use a LiPo battery it you suspect physical damage has occurred to the pack. Carefully inspect the battery for even the smallest of dents, cracks, splits. punctures or dama e. A LiPo battery might not appear 10 be damaged alter a cash. but It coul Smolder over a short amount OI lime and suddenly catch fire unexpectedly, ii in doubt, place the battery In a lire-proof location indefinitely Helicopter ADULTS NOTE: Adult supervision required. Periodically examine this product tor damage in the curd, housing or other parts that may result in the risk of lire, electric shock or injury. it the pruduct is damaged, do not use it. CAUTION ~ ELEC‘liC‘AlLi' DPEHAlED PRODUCT: liol recon ended in; childlen under it] years at not lilii all electric fliltutls, piecaullons should he observed (luring handling int use lo prevail electric shoot " UT 1 AC 120V will ill OUTPUT: DC 5.5‘i’ ZBl‘llA. PLEASE READ THESE INSTRUCTION BEFORE FLYING! ADULT SUPERVISION RECOMMENDED. Controller CONTROLL BATTERY INSTALLATION Battery 2 9-Voit D0“ Battery Ballery Compartment NOTE: 9-Volt heavy duty battery included "For demonstration purposes only”, 1. Remove the battery door. 2. lnstall a 9-Volt alkaline battery In the ballery compartment. Be carslul to align the positive (+) and negative (—) polarities with the corresponding markings inside the battery compartment. 3 Reinstall the battery compartment door. CONTR ER BATTERY INFORMATION - Battery installation should be performed by an adult. - Use onl balleries recommended on the package and int e instruction manual. - Be careful to install the batteries wlth the correct polar , as indicated. - Do no mlx old and new batteries. - Do nol mix alkaline, standard or rechargeable, or dilferent types oi balleries. - Non-rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged. - Rechargeable batteries are to be removed tram the toy before being charged (ll removable), - Rechargeable batteries are only to be charged under adult supervision (tl removable). - Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended are to be used. - The supply terminals are not to be short-cimuited, - Exhausled batteries are to be removed lrorn the toy, as they will adversely affect the pertormanoe. CHARGING YOUR HELIX” HELICOPTER 1. Make sure thaw/our Helix” helicopters “0 (OFF“ switch is in the "OFF" position. . Plug the charger Into a wall outlet. 3. Connect the "charge cable" to the Helix1M charging port. Make sure cable plug aligns with charging purl. When charging, a red LED light on the helicopter will flash and w en the charging Is completed. the light will turn "OFF". 1. Extend the controller antenna fully, 2. Turn the Helix’M helicopter "ON/OFF" switch to the “ON" position, 3. Push the controller switch to the ”ON" position, IMPORTANT. HELICOPTER ROTORS T BE TRIMMED CDRREC BEFORE FLYING! - ln order to fly your Hellx’“ properly, you must first correctly trim the rotorsThe trim wheel is located at the top ol the rotors. - Turn the helicopter and controller on. Increase the throttle slowly until the Helix“A takes oft. (Ybu want to My the nelimpter low) 1. Locetlon of adjustable trim wheel above rotors 2l Slowly push on the throttle until the Helixm takes oil from the ground. 3. It the helicopter is spinning counter clockwise. turn the wheel a little bit clockwise. A. It the helicopter is spinning clockwise. turn the wheel a little bit COUNTER clockwise, When properly trimmed, the helicopter will not. spin, it may drift on take-oil but the body should nol spin independent of the direclional control. It may take a low tries to ind the rlght trim, Once you have your Hellx‘“ trimmed correctly‘ you are ready to fly. For the first flight. pick a pretty wide open space lndoors. Throttle Practice! Flying a helicopter is a skill that takes time to acquire! HOVERING YOUR HELIX” HELICOPTER 1. Slowl push on the throtte until the helicopter takes all lrum the ground 2. The helicopter will always hover slowly forward and in a bit of a turn either right or ielt. Hovering Lett or Hovering Right FLYING YOUR HELIX”I HELICOPTER IMPORTANT: TO BEST FLY THE HELICOPTER, DIRECTIONAL INPUTS NEEDTO BE SPACED OUT AND ACTIVATED WHEN THE HELICOPTER IS FLYING HELATIVELY sTABLE. CRAMMING DIRECTIONAL INPUTS OR TRYING TO COMPLETELY CHANGE DIRECTIONS IN A MARSH MOVE WILL DE$TABILIZE THE HELICOPTER'S FLIGHT PATTERN. Slowly apply the throttle until the helicopter takes all from the ground. Once it is in flight increase or decrease the throttle slowly to gel to a clear flying attitude. Once you have tentatively set your altitude, let helicopter float around the room and center itself belore giving any directional Inputs. The helicopter will always hover slowly forward and in a bit of e turn. Learn how the helicopter tends to fly and controlling it will be much eesierl NOTE: When direction inputs (Forward/Back, Flight/Left) are emailed the helicopter will lose some altitude. you can compensate for this With small increases to the throttle. LANDING VOUR HELIX” HELICOPTER - When flyihg the helicopter near obstacles, always land it when it seems like it is going to hit something. - To land the helicopter, reduce throttle slowly A last reduction in throttle will crash the unit. WHEN FINISHED FLYING 1. When finished flying the helicoplelz turn the "ON/OFF" switch on the helicopter to the “OFF position. 2. Turn the “ON/OFF“ switch on the controller to the “OFF" position. 34 Then push the controller antenna In to Its stored position. IUN/OFF" Switch REPAIRS The Helix” helicopter is equipped with folding rotors to prevent damage when the helicopter lands. Fieset the rotor positions as shown, Clear tape can be used to repair the helicopter fuselage. OTHER CARE AND HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS - NEVER leave the Helix“ unattended at any time while being charged or discharged, ‘ The charger will become slightly heated while charging. Allow sutilclertt tree space around the charger, - ii the power of the battery rack is weak in spite oi proper charoing, the LiPo battery may have been worn out irom repeated use. - ALWAVS store the Helllr1 n a secure location away irom smal children, PFIE~FLIGHT ENVIRONMENT CHECK Flying Indoors? Location — Fly in a wide-open room, tar away lrorn breakable items. An empty double car garage or unfinished basement are teat options. Avoid flying near vents end/or ions, as these may overpower the helicopter and make it difficult to control. OTE: Always get a parent's permission to fly your Helix“ indoors, Flying Outdoors? 14 Location — Fly in a wide open grassy location that it Is (roe oi buildings, trees, overhead wires and other obstructions. Do not fly near people or animals. 2. Weather — Fly on mild, sunny days. Do not fly in electrical storms. rein, sleet, snow or other adverse weather conditions, Do not fly It the temperature is below 45°Ffl C. in very cold temperatures. the helicopter will become fragile and the engine performance will decrease. 3. Wind Conditions — Do not ily in wind. Winds may overpower the helicopter and make it diltloult to control. in windy conditions, it may appear as though you have no control over the helicopter. WARNING: Never i'ly near your toes, Keep rotors away iromqyour ilngers, hair, eyes and other body parts, Alwa s Illt oft irorn a flat surface. Never hold the helicopter in your hand when it ting OFF Always store the helicopter In it's original container to avoid oendingt e rotors, NOTE: Regardless whether you're flying indoors or outelde, make sure that the batteries are In working order. TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM SOLUTION Helicopter does not turn ON. Turn power OFF on helicopter and controller for to seconds. (HelixN may need to be re—set after crashes) then turn ON. Fla-charge, When charging, a red LED light should start flashing, When the light as out, the helicopter is charged, Heiix‘” is equipped with LiF‘o low voltage detection to praise the battery, but users should always turn OFF and rte-charge when power is drained enough to adversely aiiecl performance. Helicopter spins out of Helicopter rotors must be trimmed property. See previous section — control. “IMPORTANT: HELICOPTER HOTOHS MUST BE THIMMED COHHECTLY BEFORE FLYINGI" Rotor is bent or broken, The plastic rotors can be bent back to shape. and broken ones can even be taped back together. Damaged tusetage, Just tape baoir in place with clear tape. WARNING FCC REQUIREMENTS This device oompIi-s with part 15 ot the For: Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditlons: 1) This device may not cause harmful interference, 2) This device must accept any inieflerence reserved, including interiarence that may cause undesired operation. WAHNlNG: Changes of modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible tor its compliance could void the users authority to opemte the equipment. Spin Master Lick-150 Front street West, Toronto, all Msv IBIS Canada TM and ©20088prn Master Ltd, Air flogs® rs a ragistuad 33m Master, Inc we mm SOD lrnernalrmnl Drive. Suite ion. lradariarkoi Spin Maslvr to, All n no reserved Conlnnns to mm“, up“ mm my ilinlnsvilie. rw 14221, USA nwducl safety standards ASTM 03. few "wilemfi Battery not mirrm ' shin Master rm rar East linlrtur, Rm mia, i or. Plnflucls and colors manly, Pirate retain this in onilatlnn tor resycle or dlxpnxed nl G 1mm Golden Plaza, 77 Mody Rd. rsrmsrnlsulf Amman, HK bug; was“: Patent lama mum Monti American Consulmr Irllotrrlatioli Phone i—allnozz—saae Asst. [44le MleronmS—J, MASTER" wwwwiflmaswrcom lzixmaa-i My 3 us Emllsh Asst mm MASTER" NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonabie protection against harmful interference in a residential installa- tion. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio fre- quency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio com- munications, However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: — Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consuit the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician for help.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : 3.1-701 Create Date : 2006:06:06 11:49:56Z Modify Date : 2006:06:06 12:14:38+08:00 Metadata Date : 2006:06:06 12:14:38+08:00 Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:02918720-2aba-4216-8bef-03bf277db284 Instance ID : uuid:0b14cec6-f162-4738-a5e8-be9c18eb9aba Page Count : 5EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools