Sportcraft 1 35 940 User Manual FOOSBALL Manuals And Guides 1008628L
User Manual: Sportcraft 1-1-35-940 1-1-35-940 SPORTCRAFT FOOSBALL - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your SPORTCRAFT FOOSBALL #1135940. Home:Toys & Games Parts:Sportcraft Parts:Sportcraft FOOSBALL Manual
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Open PDF In Browser | View PDF | TO ORDER PARTS, visit our website. _ WARNING! ADULT ASSEMBLY REQUIRED. MODEL_:35940 WJ (no. de modelo / n ° de modele) Assembly and Instructions 313 Waterloo Valley Road /Budd Lake, NJ 07828 / iNSPECT YOUR PLAYFIELD BEFORE ASSEMBLY! Your playfield/main table frame is NOT replaceable and the product will need to be returned to the original place of purchase if damaged. Please make sure to check it before beginning assembly. Please make sure you received 1 box(es). ilNSPECCIONE SU SUPERFIECE DE JUGAR ANTES DE ASAMBLEA! INSPECTEZ VOTRE L'AIRE DE JEU AVANT L'ASSEMBLI_E! • Su campo de juego/marco de mesa NO es reemplazable e el producto debeda set devuelto a la tienda de ser da_ada. Por favor asegOrese para inspeccionarlo antes de la asamblea que comienza. • Votre cadre/l'aire de jeu de table N'EST PAS rempla£;able et le produit devrait etre retourner au d6taillant du I'achat initial s'il est endommag& Assurez-vous s'il vous plait de le v@ifier avant de commencer I'assembl6e. •Por favor aseg0rese que usted recibi6 1 caja(s). CONTACT (INFORMACION DE CONTACTO • Assurez=vous s'il vous plaft que vous avez regu 1 bofte(s). INFORMATION / POUR COMMUN IQUER AVEC NOUS) Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:00am to 5:00pm EST (Horas: lunes a viemes, 9:00am a 5:00pm EST/Heures d'ouverture: ReplacementParts: /_ www.Sportcraft.corn lundi au vendredi, 9 h a 17 h - HNE) 526-0244 (Piezas de recarnbio/ Pieces de rechange): Technical Support: ._80Q} 526=0244 (Soporte t6cnico / Soutien technique) 0610 -Dll 35940 WJ (Continued on the next page.) / CustomerService@..Sportcraft.corn (Siga a la pggina siguiente.) P, 1 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd, www, I English ] [ Espan°l I I Frang ais I (b(b IMPORTANT! i,'MPORTANTE'] 1 ! IMPORTANT!] PLEASE KEEP YOUR INSTRUCTIONS AND RECEIPT/PROOF-OF-PURCHASE! Please review the replacement parts guide and make sure that you have all your parts before beginning assembly. For questions that may arise or for missing/damaged parts, PLEASE CONTACT US AT 1-800-526-0244 BEFORE RETURNING THE GAME TO THE STORE. • Please keep your Proof-of-Purchase (or Store Receipt) with your manual. Your model number and proof-of-purchase will be required for you to receive customer service help and warranty parts service. Please staple below. iIMPORTANTE! iPOR FAVOR GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCtONES Y SU RECIBtO/ PRUEBA-DE-COMPRA! S'il vous Por favor consultar la guia de piezas de recambio y asegurarse que usted tiene todas sus piezasantes de comenzar la asamblea. Para preguntas o para piezas que no se ha,yan incluidos/da_adas, POR FAVOR PONGASE EN CONTACTO CON NOSOTROS AL 1-800-526-0244 ANTES DE DEVOLVER A LA TIENDA. Por favor guardar su prueba-de-compra (o su recibo de tienda) con su manual. Su nOmero de modelo y su prueba-de-compra seran requeridos para recibir la ayuda del servicio de consumidor y del servicio para las piezas conforme a la garantia. Per favor graparlo debajo. STAPLE YOU Proof=of=Purchase CONSERVEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS VOTRE RE(_U/PREUVE-D'CHAT! is required C PT to order parts plaft passez en revue ET la guide de pi_ces de rechange et vous assurez que vous avez toutes vos pi_ces avant de commencer I'assemblee. Si vous avez des questions ou pour des pi_ces manquantes/endommagees, ENTREZ S'IL VOUS PLAIT EN CONTACT AVEC NOUS A 1-800-526-0244 AVANT DE LE RETOURNER AU MAGASIN. Guardez s'il vous plaft votre preuved'achat ou (le regu du magasin) avec votre manuel. Votre numero de mod61e et la preuve-d'achat seront exiges pour recevoir I'aide de service apr_s-vente et le service de pi_ces conforme a la garantie. S'il vous plaft agrafez-la ci-dessous. E - under warranty. GRAPA SU RECIBO AQU/La prueba-de-compra es requerido para ordenar piezas conforme a la garantia. AGRAFEZ VOTRE REQU ICl- La preuve-d'achat est exigee pour commander pieces conformes a la garantie. des ..... (Siga a la pagina siguiente.) 35940 WJ (Continued on the next page.) P. 2 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] [ Espaffol I Do Not Use or Keep Product Outdoors. For Indoor Use OnJy. No Wet/Humid Conditions. _ WARNING! ,_ CHOKING HAZARD -- Product contains small balls and/or small parts. Not for children under 3 years. LIMITED Sportcraft, Ltd. (the Product Registration Card The Product Registration Card to the Company at the address What of your purchase the Product to of the Product this Limited Warranty This Limited Warranty covers atl defects in is void if the Product Damaged through improper usage, negligence, transportation damage, acts of nature, or accident misuse, (including abuse, failure to follow the instructions supplied with the Product) Used in commercial applications or rentals Modified or repaired by anyone riot authorized by the Company. of your parts, incur tools batteries, light and other items for delivery, bulbs, that installation, fuses, wear out Company assembly or Will LA FECHA Canad& repair, replace or exchange the Product, however, shall be limited amount of the original purchase price of the Product How To Obtain Warranty In order to enforce your follow these procedures: to the You must call 1-800-526-0244 this Limited the Company's Consumer from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 Warranty, you must Service Department P.M. (EST) to notify Company of the nature of the problem. If you are instructed to return the Product servicing, you are responsible for shipping DE model number of the Product WARRANTY IS AVAILABLE OF THE PRODUCT AND CANADA ONLY. COMPANY'S que ORIGINAL, este bajo DiAS A en producto no condiciones PARTIR Estados y DE Unidos y o repara no cubre La garantia limJtada no cubre: • NingQn articuio perecedero tales cored baterias, accesofios, partes cosmetJcas, herramientas, y otros gastan con el uso normal • NingQn gasto qua se puede Jncurrir para la entrega, asamblea o el transporte de su producto. focos, fusibles, articulos que se la instalacien, la LIABILITY IS IS EXPRESSLY WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED SOME DO NOT OR ALLOW at the and a description el precJo de compra original la Compaffia LIMITED TO THE REPAIR MADE IN LIEU OF ALL Si esta instruido a devolver el Producto a la Compaffia para la manutenci6n, esta responsable para el envfo de1 Producto, a su gasto, a la Compaffia a la direccien situada debajo, en un embalaje qua protegera contra el remoto daffo. Asimismo, debe incluir su nombre, dfreccion, nQmero de tel6fono LIMITATmONS ON HOW LONG LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY AN TO YOU. modem LIMJTADA del producto ES DBPONIBLE Y ES VAUDA y una SOLO AL SOLAMENTB OTORGADA BXPRESO but you may If you have questions regarding this Limited Warranty the Product, you may call or write us: Consumer Service Department 313 Waterloo Valley Rd. or the operation COMPRADOR EN ESTADOS SE LIMITA O CONSECUBNTES SUPERSEDE A REPARAR PRODUCTO POR DA_IOS DE A CUALQUIER OTRA O IMPLiCITO. DA_tOS CONSECUBNTBS O iNCIDENTALES. EN eSB CASO, LAS UMITACIONES MENCIONADAS ARRIBA NO se APLICAN A USTED. pero usted also of SJ tiene alguna pregunta con respecto a esta Garantla operacien del producto, usted puede llamar o escdbir a: Consumer Service Department 313 Waterloo Valley Rd. Budd Lake, NJ 07498 1-530-526-0244 Impreso Fiche d'enregistrement de produit L'acheteur doit remplir la fiche d'enregistrement du produit et la poster a la compagnie a Fadresse imprim6e sur la carte, dans les 10 jours de la date d'achat du produit. Ce qui est couvert La garantie limlt6e couvre tous les defauts de mat6riel et de fabrication, I'excepfion de ce qui suit. Cette garantie limJtee est nulle s[ le produit est : . endommag6 a cause d'une mauvaise utilisation, de negligence, d'abus, du transport, d'un imprevu ou d'un accident (y compris en cas de non respect des instructions d'utiiisation) . utiiis6 a des fins commerciales ou de location . modifie ou repare par une personne non autorisee par la compagnie Ce qui n'est pas couvert Cette garantie I[mit6e ne couvre: . aucun article courant comma des piles, des ampoules, des fusibles, des accessoires, des pieces d6coratives, des outils ou des autres adicles qui subissent une usure normale. . aucune depense due vous pouvez encourir pouNa livraison, Hnstaflation, I'assemb]6e ou {e transport de votre produit. Frais assumes par [a compagnie Si au cours de la periode de garantie limitee de la compagnie, cette derniere juge qu'une piece ou une composante du produit est defectueuse, la compagnle, a son choix, r6parera le produit ou rempiacera [e produit par un nouveau produit (soit du meme modele ou d'un rnodele equivalent) ou exigera du deta[llant du produit d'echanger le produit avec un nouveau produit (soit du m6me modele ou d'un modefe equivalent) ou de rembourser le prix d'achat original du produit, sans frais de main-¢ceuvre ou de pieces L'obl[gation de la compagnie de reparer, remplacer ou 6changer le produit, cependant, sera limitee au montant total du prix d'achat original du produit. Service offert darts le cadre de la garantie Pour faire valoir vos droits conformement a fa presente garantie ]imitee, il faut suivre la methode suivante: . Vous 6tes tenu de remplir et d'expedier par la poste la fiche d'enregistrement de produit a {a . cempagnie dans un dalai de 10 jours suivant ]'achat du produit. . Vous devez inclure LA COPIE ORIGINALE DE VOTRE RE CU DE CAISSE. . Vous devez communiquer avec le Service a ]a clientele de fa compagnie en cemposant {e 1 800 528-0244, de 9 h a 17 h (HNE) pour aviser la cempagnie de la nature du probleme . Si on vous demande de retoumer le produit a ]a compagnie aux fins de service, vous etes responsable d'expedier le produit a la compagnle, vos frais, a I'adresse indiquee par la compagnie Vous devez emballer le produit de sorte qu'i[ ne subisse pas de dommages supplementaires. . Vous devez egalement incfure votre nora, votre adresse, votre num6ro de tel6phone (de jour), {e numero de modefe du produit et une description du probleme. CETTE GARANTIE LIMITEE EST OFFERTE L'ACRETEUR INITIAL DU PRODUIT ET EaT VALIDE ET AU CANADA SEULEMENT. RESPONSABILITE DES DOMMAGES JNDIRECTS, TOUTES SORTES. (Continued LA COMPAGNIE SE LIMITE A LA A SON CHOIX, DE TOUT N'EST PAS RESPONSABLE ACCESSOIRES OU CONSECUTJFS Limitada 0510 o la CETTE GARANTIB REMPLACE EXPRESSEMBNT GARANTIE, EXPRIMEE OU IMPLICITE. DE TOUTE AUTRE CERTAINS ETATS NE PERMETTENT PAS QU'UNE LIMITE SOIT IMPOSEE QUANT A LA DURI_E D'UNE GARANTIE [MPLICITE OU NE PERMETTENT PAS QUE LEa DOMMAGES ACCESSOIRES OU CONSECUTIFS SOIENT EXCLUS. IL EaT POSSIBLE QU'A CET EGARD, LEa RESTRICTIONS CI-DESSUS NE S'APPLIQUENT PAS A VOUS. Carte garantie limit6e vous accorde certains droits iegaux i] est possible que vous ayez d'autres droits qui peuvent I'autre ou d'une province a I'autre. sp6cifiques, mais varier d'un etat Si vous avez des questions au sujet de la pr6sente garantie fonctionnement du produit, communiquez avec ou 6onvez a: Consumer Service Department 313 Waterloo Valley Rd. Budd Lake, NJ 07498 1-530-526-0244 TG 0510 limit6e ou du TG-CA Imprim6 en Chine an China TG (Siga a la p_gina siguiente.) 35940 WJ DE REPARATION OU AU REMPLACEMENT, PRODUIT DEFECTUEUX. LA COMPAGN[E SBULEMENT A AUX ETATS-UNIS NINGUNA ALGUNOS ESTADOS NO PERMITBN LIMITACIONES EN LA DURACION DE GARANTJAS iMPLJCITAS O NO PBRMITEN LA EXCLUSION DE Budd Lake, NJ 07498 1-530-526-0244 0510 del LIMITEE Sportcraft Ltd. (la <{compagnie>>) garantit le produit contre tout d_faut de fabrication et de materiel si celui-ci est utitise dans des conditions normaies, POUR UNE PI_RIODE DE 90 JOURS ,/_ PARTIR DE LA DATE D'ACNAT INITIALE, aux Etats-Unis et au Canada. LA DE LA COMPANiA INCIDBNTALBS GARANTiA descripcien Esta garantia limJtada [e otorga detaches [egales especificos, tambien tiene otros derechos qua varian de un estado a otto. This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights, have other rights that vary from state to state. el O REEMPLAZAR, A SU DISCRECION, CUALQUIER DEFECTUOSO Y NO [NCLUIRA RESPONSABILIDAD GARANTIA, OTHER seguJr • ESTA iMPLIED. debe Debe llamar aJ departamento de Servicio al Cliente de la Compaffia al 1-800-526-0244 entre las 8:00 AM. y 5:00 PM. (hora del este) para notificar la Compaffia la natura del problema. INDIRECTOS, CLASE. PRODUCT iNDIRECT, KIND. LimJtada, • LA RESPONSABILIDAD OR qua de1 Producto. ORIGINAL DEL PRODUCTO UNIDOS Y CANADA. ONLY TO THE ORIGINAL IS VALID IN THE UNITED determina estos procedimientos: • Debe haber completado y ha enviado ]a tarjeta de registro de Producto a la Compaffia dentro de I0 dins de compra de1 Producto • Debe incluJr LA COPIA ORIGINAL DE SU RECIBO DE LAS VENTAS. durante el dia, problema. of the IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS OR DO NOT ALLOW FOR EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTmAL DAMAGES. TO THAT THE ABOVE LJmitada, alguna pieza o componente del producto tiene defectos, a su discrecien, Io reparara o reemplazar& el Producto con un nuevo Producto (ya sea con un modelo similar o equivalente) o causa la tienda original del Producto para cambiar el Producto con un Producto nuevo (sea con un modelo similar o equfvalente) o reembolsa el precio de compra original del Producto, sin cargos por la mano de obra o las piezas La obligaci6n de la Compa_ia de reparar, sustJtuir, o reemplazar el Producto. sin embargo, sere limJtada con to the Company for the Product, at your REPLACEMENT, AT ITS OPTION, OF ANY DEFECTIVE AND SHALL NOT INCLUDE ANY LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY in China garantiza del producto la garantia RISQUE D'ASFIXIATION - le produit contient des petites balles et-ou des petites pieces. N'est pas indiqu6 pour enfants sous 3 ans. es GARANTIE las {nstrucciones qua se proporcionan con el producto). Se usa en aplicaciones comerciales o se alquJla Aiguna persona no autodzada per la Compaffia Io modffica ESTA GARANTiA Printed No Esta garantia cubre todos los defectos de fabrJcaci6n y materiales, excepto Io que se indica a continuaci6n. Esta garantia limitada no tiene va]idez sJ el producto: • Se daffa pot uso inapropJado, neglJgencia, mal uso, abuso, daffa de transporte, fenomenos naturales o accidentes (incluyendo el no seguir number, problem EXTENT, COMPRA de registro • STATES contiene La tarjeta de registro del producto se debe llenar por completo y enviar por correo a la Compafia a la direccien impreso sobre la tarjeta dentro de 10 dins a partir de la fecha de compra del Producto expense, to the address designated by the Company in packaging that will protect against further damage. You must also include your name, address, daytime telephone THIS WARRANTY (ta "Compaffia") de fabricacien ni materiales POR UN PERIODO DE 90 Cored obtener servicios de garantia Para hacer cumplJr sus derechos de esta Garantia Service rights under You must have completed and mailed the Product Registration Card to the Company within 10 days of purchase of the Product You must include THE ORIGINAL COPY OF YOUR SALES RECEIPT. THE - e[ producto LIMITADA Pagos de la Compaeia SJ durante el perJodo de la Garantia Pay For of the Product to exchange the Product with a new Product (either the same or an equivalent model) or refund the original purchase price of the Product, without charge for labor or parts. The Company's obligation to THIS LIMITED PURCHASER STATES AND ASFIX[A product If during the Limited Warranty period, any part or component of the Product is found by the Company to be defective, the Company will, at its option, repair the Product, replace the Product with a new Product (either the same or an equivalent model) or cause the original retailer o Ltd. tiene defectos uso normales Lo qua does not cover: items such as accessories, cosmetic due to normal usage. Any costs you may The Sportcraft, • • Is Not Covered This Limited Warranty Any expendable What DE pelotas y/o pequeffas piezas. para niSos menores de 3 aSos. La cobertura Except as provided below, materials and workmanship. is: transport RIESGO pequeffas apropiado Tarjeta must be filled out completely and mailed printed on the card within 10 days from Is Covered What ,i_ ATTENTION! Ce jeu n'est pas un jouet d'enfant. L'assemblee d'un adulte est exigee avant I'emploi. La presence d'un adutte est necessaire Iorsque des enfants jouent a ce jeu. Veuillez lire les instructions attentivement. L'utilisation appropriee de ce jeu peut prevenir les dommages materiels etles blessures. de niffos. La asamblea adulta es empleo. La supervisi6n adulta es niffos juegan este juego. Por favor con cuidado. Et empleo apropiado evitar el daffo o ta herida. GARANTIA warrants be free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal use and conditions FOR A PERIOD OF 90 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ORIGINAL PURCHASE in the United States and Canada. the date iADVERTENCIA! Esto no es un juguete requerida antes del requerida cuando los leer las instrucciones de este juego puede WARRANTY "Company") Ne ni utitiser ni guarder le produit au grand air. Pour l'utitisation d'int6rieur seulement. Aucune condition humide. No use y no guarde el produco al aire libre. Para el empleo de interior selo. Ningunas condiciones mojadas/h_medas. This is not a child's toy. Adult supervision is required for children playing this game. Please read instructions carefully. Proper use of this set can avoid damage or injury. _ I Fran#ais I on the next page.) P. 3 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. TOOLS REQUIRED NECESARIAS / OUTILS NE-CESSAIRES HERRAMIENTAS Phillips Do Not Use Drill No use el taladro Head Screwdrivers (not included) Allen Wrench (included) Llave hexagonal (incluida) Destomilladores Phillips (no incluido) Tournevis Philips (non indus) Ne pas utiliser de _erceuse Cl6 hexagonale (incluse) PARTS GUIDE GU[A DE PIEZAS / GUIDE DE PIECES For re lacement missin or defective Para las plezas de recambio, que faltan o defectuosas, Pour des pieces de rechange, manquantes ou defectueuses, arts order online or call: ordenar a la p4gina web o pongase en contacto: commander a notre page web ou entrez en contact a: (800) 526-0244 EXAMPLE CONSUMER-INSTALL PART (Pieza de ejemplo instalada por el consumidor/ Exemple de piece installee par le consommateur) EXAMPLE (Pieza Exemple PRE-INSTALLED PART de ejemplo preinstalada/ de piece preinstallee) 17 /_---h.._ LEVELER NI_E _VERIN l I _ liD # (No. de secuencia/ N ° d'ordre) I 9.5 ] DE CALAGE aucune I MM LEG couleur) 1""""7 . Part Number (X I) ! 35932ES60 \Quantity _ Shading (color/ couleur) = No Shading (Ning_n color/ Part Number (No. de pieza/ N ° de piece) (No. de pieza/ N ° de piece) (Cantidad/Quantit_) (No. de secuencia/ N ° d'ordre) TABLE & LEG COMPONENTS I COMPONETES ( APRON (Cantidad/Quantit_) DE MESA YPIERNA I COMPOSANTS DE TABLE ET PIED ( - SIDE APRON - END % (X 2) 35940WJ01 PLAYFIELD FOOSBALL (X 2) - 35940WJ02 LEG 35940WJ03 35940WJ04 (X 1) (X 4) (Siga a la p_gina siguiente.) 35940 WJ (Continued on the next page.) P. 4 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. REPLACEMENT PARTS: PIEZAS DE RECAMBIO / PIECES DE RECHANGE © Shaded box = pre-installed (9 part ( Caja celereada = pieza preinstalada / Bofte celor_e = piece pr_install_e) BOARD - SLAT TOP GOALBOARD - END 35940WJ05 35940WJ06 (X 2) ( (X 2) SCORERSUPPORT -MOLDED PLAYFIELDSUPPORTBRACE (X 2) ROD AND ROD COMPONENTS 35940WJ07 / VARILLA 35940WJ08 (X 2) Y COMPONENTES DE VARILLA / TIGE ET COMPOSANTS DE TIGE J 1_(X (x4)i_ ::_ 13) _:: ROD - WASHER MOLDED36 MM J (X 2) (X 16) ROD-BUMPERRUBBER (X 16) ROD - GRIP- ROD-CAP-END 35940WJ19 (X 8) 35940WJ (x 8) 35940WJ20 18 HANDLE 35940WJ21 (Siga a ia p_gina siguiente.) 35940 WJ (Continued on the next page.) P. 5 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. REPLACEMENT PARTS: PIEZAS DE RECAMBIO / PIECES DE RECHANGE Shaded box = pre-installed part ( Caja celereada @ 35940WJ22 I ROD - 2W/PLAYERS PLAYER - SILVER (X 1 (X 2) 35940WJ25 (X 1) - ROD - 5 PLAYER - SILVER W/PLAYERS f 35940WJ26 (X 1) PIEZAS DE PRODUCTO 35940WJ27 / PETITES PIECES DE PRODUIT ENTRY CUPOUTSIDE Z - CHANNEL 35940WJ35 (X 2) (X 2) SCORER - BEAD STYLE - MOLDED - SILVER (X 2) (X 2) LEG LEVELER CHROME SILVER (X 4) 35940WJ24 (x26) BALL- (X 2) 35940WJ23 (X 2) SMALL PRODUCT PARTS / PEQUENAS © ROD - 5 PLAYER - BLACK W/PLAYERS ROD - 3 PLAYER - SILVER W/PLAYERS - (X16) I / Bofte celor_e = piece pr_install_e) ROD-3PLAYER-BLACKW/PLAYERS ROD - 2 PLAYER - BLACK W/PLAYERS (X1 = pieza preinstalada 35940WJ39 GOAL 35940WJ41 (X 2) 35940WJ37 GOAL - BOX BOTTOM (X 2) 35940WJ40 - BOX - TOP 35940WJ42 (X 2) (Siga a Ia p_gina siguiente.) 35940 WJ (Continued on the next page.) P. 6 (Pagesuivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I REPLACEMENT PARTS: PIEZAS DE RECAMBIO / PIECES DE RECHANGE Shaded ACCESSORIES box = pre-installed & MAINTENANCE FOOSBALL - WHITE part ( Caja celereada / ACCESORIOS / Bofte celor_e = piece pr_install_e) Y MANTENIMIENTO _ FOOSBALL 35940WJ48 HARDWARE = pieza preinstalada (X 2) / ACCESSOIRES - ORANGE (x2) 35940WJ49 & TOOLS / FERRETERiA Y HERRAMIENTA/QUINCAILLERIE BOLT - ALLEN KEY 6X21 MM WASHER- ET MAINTENANCE ET OUTILS I SCREW - FLAT HEAD -3X28MM 19 MM @ (X 16) 35940WJ54 35940WJ55 (X 16) SCREW-ROUND HEAD-4X12MM (X 84) (x 8) 35940WJ58 (X 18) (X 6) 35940WJ60 35940WJ62 (X12) SCREW - FLAT HEAD-4X51 MM BRACKET (X 18) 35940WJ59 WRENCH - ALLEN KEY - 4 MM SCREW-WASHER HEAD-4X32 MM (X 4) SCREW - FLAT HEAD -4X 12 MM SCREW-WASHER HEAD-3X28 MM 35940WJ57 35940WJ56 35940WJ63 (X 12) 35940WJ64 NOTE: a printed instruction manual, hardware blister pack and additional accessories may be ordered at: NOTA: Ud. puede pedir un manual de instrucciones impreso, el paquete de pl_stico de ferreteda y accesorios adicionales al: REMARQUE : on peut commander un livret d'instruction imprime, le paquet en plastique de quincaillerie et des accessoires complementaires _ : (Siga a la p_gina siguiente.) 35940 WJ (Continued on the next page.) P, 7 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. Strong Adults Needed: 2 No Pets in Assembly Area Area Ningunos ni#os en el #rea de asamblea Ningunas mascotas en el #rea de asamblea Adultes forts n6cessit6s Aucun enfant dans le secteur d'assembl6e Aucun animal de compagnie dans le secteur d'assembl6e J l Espa_ol I ASSEMBLY We recommend together INSTRUCTIONS: that three to assemble adults INSTRUCCIONES work several strong adults. We suggest that you use the bottom carton as a clean flat work area to protect the table. STEP 1: [ Frangais J DE ENSAMBLAJE Recomendamos que tres adultos a armar esta mesa. this table. The table will be assembled upside down and then turned over onto its legs. This is a very heavy table and turning it over will require * in Assembly Adultos fuertes necesarios I English * No Children INSTRUCTIONS ayuden D'ASSEMBLAGE Nous recommandons que trois adultes procedent & rassemblage La mesa puede armarse de manera invertida y despues darse vuelta para que se asiente sobre las piernas. Esta mesa es pesado y para dade vuelta ser# necesaria la participaci6n de varios adultos fuertes. Sugerimos que utifice el fondo de la caja como #rea de trabajo limpia y plana para la protecci6n de la mesa. PASO 1: Cette table dolt de cette table. _tre assemblee I'envers, puis retournee sur ses pieds. Etant tres Iourde, fl faudra au moins plusieurs adultes table a I'endroit. forts pour retoumer Nous recommandons d'utiliser la le carton du fond comme surface de travail propre et plate afin de proteger la table. ETAPE 1: Your playfield/main table frame is NOT replaceable and the product will need to be returned to the original place of Su campo de juego/marco de mesa no es reemplazable e el producto debe ser devuelto a la tienda de set da_ada. Por Votre cadre/l'aire de jeu de table n'est pas rempla£able et le produit dolt 6tre retourner au detaillant du I'achat initial purchase if damaged. Please make sure to check it before beginning assembly. favor asegQrese para inspeccionarlo antes de la asamblea que comienza. s'il est endommag& Assurez-vous s'il vous plaTt de le verifier avant de commencer I'assemblee. 35940 WJ (Continued on the next page.) (Siga a la pggina siguiente.) P. 8 (Page suivante.) @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. J English ] : @ @ (2) : (16) @ : (1) f @ @ = (16) = (1) @ ® _ : (2) : (1) @ @ SILVER/PLATA @ © @ ORDER OF PLAYERS / ORDEAl DE JUGADORES (Overhead View - Table upside down / Vista de pleno = mesa al raves / © ® ® @ ® BLACK/NEGRO ® O = BLACK, PLATA C) = SILVER. MARFIL IMPORTANT! EACH TEAM SHOULD BE HEAD UP AND FACING THEIR OWN GOAL BOX. ilMPORTANTE! CADA LA EQUIPO CABEZA ORIENTADO DEBE HACIA HAClA ESTAR ARRIBA CON Y SU ARCO STEP 2: Place one Washer (#18) and one Rubber Bumper (#19) on each end of each rod. See Fig. 2A. Player Rods installation: The players of each team should be upside-down. (Once the table is turned back over, the goalie should be at your left and your team facing to the right.) Slide the Player Rods (#22-27) through the bushings of the Side Aprons (#1) in the order shown. NOTE: The Player Rods have a hole on the end where the Rod Grips will go. 35940 WJ (Continued on the next page.) P. 9 @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. English ] @ @ @ : = (2) (2) : (8) _= (2) _ : (32) j @ = (2) :/4/ = (8) Peel and Rotate/ peler y hacer girar © © STEP 3: Attach the Goal End Boards (#6) to the Top Slat Boards (#5) using two Brackets (#63) and four Screws (#57) per Bracket. See Fig. 3A. Insert attach using Make the the two sure two Scorers (#39) into the Scorer Support (#8) and Scorer Support aseembly to the Slat Top Board (#5) Screws (#60) per Scorer Support assembly.NOTE: the Scorers (#39) are facing down when assembly. See Fig. 3B. Attach the Goal End Board Assembly (#5 and #6) to the Side Apron's Bushing Block using four Screws (#56). Attach the assembled Top Slat Boards to the Side Aprons (#1) using two Brackets (#63) and four Screws (#57) per Bracket. See Fig. 3C. • Peel the protective film off the Z-Channels (#37), then peel the other side backing off the underside of the Z-Channels (#37). Turn them over and carefully place them along the inside bushing bock on the inner Side Aprons. See Fig. 3D. 35940 wJ (Continued on the next page.) P. 10 @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] (2) (28) 5_j_ = (18) @ @ :/2/@ _ :/2/ --/4/(_ --/12/ _ STEP 4: Place Playfield (#3), with the graphics facing down, cabinet using eighteen Screws (#58). See Fig. 4. on the main Attach two Brackets (#63) to each End Apron (#2) using two Screws (#57). Attach the End Aprons (#2) to the Top Slat Board assemblies using another two Screws (#57) per Bracket. See Fig. 4B. Attach the Top Goal Box (#42) to the End Aprons Screws (#57). See Fig. 4C. (#2) using two Attach the Bottom Goal Box (#40) to the End Aprons four Screws (#57). Attach each End Apron (#2) to the Side Aprons Screws (#64) per End Apron. 35940 WJ (Continued (#2) using (#1) with six on the next page.) P. 11 @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] = (2) @ = (24) CABINET @ @ DO NOT HOLD THE LEGS = (4) = (1) @ @ = (16) = (6) DO NOT LEAN THE TABLE ON ITS LEGS STEP 5: Attach three Brackets (# 63) onto one Support Brace (#7) using two Screws (#57) per Bracket. See Fig. 5. Repeat the same for the other Support Brace. Place the Support Braces onto the Playfield and attach using two Screws (#57) into the Playfield, Side Apron (#1). See Fig. 5. Attach the Legs (#4) between and two Screws (#57) into each the Side (#1) and End (#2) Aprons with four Bolts (#54) and four Washers (#55) per Leg. o Insert the Leg Levelers o Lift the table assembly from the floor with two strong adults, turn it over, and set table on its legs in the location where you will play. CAUTION: DO NOT LIFT OR TURN THE TABLE OVER USING THE RODS AS THIS MAY DAMAGE THEM. 35940 WJ (#41) into the bottom of the Legs (#4). (Continued on the next page.) P. 12 @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] : (2) (_ : (6) STEP 6: * Attach each Ball Entry Cup (#35) to the outside of the Side Apron using three Screws (#59) per Cup. See Fig. 6A. * Place the Hand Grips (#21) onto each Player * Attach the Rod End Caps (#20) to the opposite Hand Grip. YOU ARE NOW READY 35940 WJ (Continued Rod. side of each TO PLAY. on the next page.) P. 13 @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd. I English ] TABLE MAmNTENANCE (MANTENIMIENTO DE LA MESA) Keep your table covered. If there is dust on the playfield or the aprons, use a vacuum or use the brush provided to remove. the table and do not use the table outside. TABLE Mesa Table Cubra su mesa. Si hay e! polve Sobre el Campo de ]uego o los guamicienes, Sebre la mesa y no utilice la mesa afuera. Do not sit on Use un vaciO 0 e! Cepillo proviso para quitarlo. No Sientese Teaez votre table Couverte: S'il y a de ia pouseiere sur l!aire de ]eu 0ui:i Ne veus assoyez pas Sur la table et ne Femployez pae _ l!exterieu_ Pour determiner I'emplacement exact de la meuche de la boule neire; veuillez vous refuter a l'illuetratien no 1. Make sure that the bolts and screws on the players are tight. Occasionally wipe the rods with a clean, soft cloth. Never lift the table by the rods. Do not spin the rods too aggressively, as this may cause damage. We recommend the use of 100% silicone to lubricate the bushings from the outside of the game so as not to drip onto the playfield. AsegC/rese que los pernos y los tomillos sobre Ios jugadores son apretados. De vez en cuando limpie las varillas con un pa_o limpio, suave. Nunca levante la mesa per las varillas. No haga girar las varillas demasiado agresivamente, come esto puede eausar daSo. Recomendamos el empleo de silicona de 100 % per lubricar los bujes, del exterior del juego para no gotear sobre el eampo de juego. RODS Varrillas Tiges S'assurer que les boutons et les vis sur tesjoueurs sent bien serres. De temps en temps, essuyer tes tiges avec un linge propre et doux. Ne jamais soutever la table par tes tiges. Ne pas faire tourner les tiges trop fort car ceci pourrait tes endommager. Nous recommandons l'utilisation de silicone pur pour lubrifier les manchons de l'ext6rieur de la table afin de ne pas satir t'aire de jeu. Check that all the edges fit properly into the grooves of the caps. When moving the table, lift the table off of its legs and place it down squarely on the legs, do not drag the table (and do not lift by the rods). LEGS Piernas Pieds AsegElrese que !os pernos de piema Son bien apretades, En moviendo la mesa, !evante ia mesa de sus piemas y Col6quele abajo directamente Sobre las piemas, no arrastre la mesa (y no levante por las varillas). Vedfiez que toUS les bords s'ajustent correetement darts ies rainures des coin& Lorsque Vous devez d#placer ia table, ia Soulever entierement de sos pieds et !a daPOser _ £endroit vou!u en la remettant sur ses Pieds; ne Pas traFner !a table au so! (et ne Pas !a Sou!eve r par les tiges). NOTE: THE BALL DURING PLAY. GAME MAY BE EJECTED FROM THE PLAYFIELD RULES: 1 ) To start play, flip a coin to see which team or player will serve first. To begin, serve the ball through the side entry cup. 2) Pass and score by pushing and pulling rods and twisting grips. Spinning the rods is considered illegal in tournament play. If playing as teams (more than two players total), once the ball is served, players may not change position on the rods until: one team scores; a team requests a timeout (maximum 2 per game); the ball must be served again; or between games. 3) A point is scored when the ball enters the goal. A serve, by the team last scored upon, follows each goal. Teams change table sides after each game. 4) 5) Intentional jarring or tipping of table during play is illegal, and reaching into the playing area during play is illegal (except for a dead ball). A ball is considered a DEAD BALL when it has completely stopped its motion or is unreachable by any player. If a ball stops between the goal and the two-man rod, then it is put back into play by placing it in the corner that is nearest the dead ball spot. If the ball completely stops anywhere else on the playfield between both two-man rods, it is put back into play with a serve by the team that originally served the ball. 6) If a ball leaves the playing area during play (other than through the goals), the ball is considered OUT OF PLAY. The ball is returned to play with a serve by the team which originally served the ball. 7) This game is meant to be played with either two of four players. We recommend that all others should stand clear of the Table Playing Area if they are not playing. _PO_ 35940 WJ T_flF T BuddLake, NJ07828 www.sportcraft.eom Printed in China / Impreso en China / Imprime en Chine @2010 Sportcraft, Ltd.
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