Starkey Laboratories TV 200 User Manual BKLT0210 01 EE XX indd

Starkey Laboratories Inc 200 BKLT0210 01 EE XX indd

User Manual

2 3SurfLink Media Controls OverviewPower   Streaming ActivationControlVolume Control    Microphone     RCA Jacks      Optical      S/PDIF    Monaural/Binaural  PowerTOSLINK                        SelectionBack ViewRead This FirstSurfLink Media can be connected to most media sources, including televisions, radios,  and MP3 players. This guide provides easy step-by-step instructions for connecting and  using SurfLink Media. SurfLink Media must be powered on and connected to the desired media input before  your hearing instruments can receive a signal.Only ONE of the following connection setups needs to be followed to begin the  use of SurfLink Media.A variety of cables are included in this package to allow streaming from virtually any media source. Select the appropriate cable for your connection and store any unused cables.    Package Contents •SurfLinkMedia •PowerAdaptor •RCACable •MicrophoneCableMicrophone (1) A microphone cable is supplied. RCA Jacks (2) AnRCAaudiocableissupplied.Optical TOSLINK Jack (3)  A TOSLINK cable is not supplied.  TOSLINK cables are available at  most consumer electronic stores.S/PDIF Jack (4) An S/PDIF digital audio cable is not supplied. S/PDIF digital audio cables are available at most consumer electronic stores.Power (5) A micro-USB power cable is supplied.  Insert the micro-USB connector into the  Power port on SurfLink Media and connect  the opposite end to the power outlet.
4 5Connecting SurfLink Media and Media SourceRCA Cable Installation (most common connection option) 1. ConnecttheredandwhiteRCAcableplugsintothecorrespondingredandwhiteRCAjacks(labeled2)onSurfLinkMedia. 2. SelectthesignaltypeasMonauralorBinauralaudiostream based on your hearing  system confi guration.         Monaural if you are wearing one hearing instrument.        Binaural if you are wearing two hearing instruments. 3. ConnecttheoppositeendoftheredandwhiteRCAcablejacksintothecorrespondingredandwhiteRCA“AUDIOOUT”jacksonthe media source.  4.    Place SurfLink Media in a desired location that is in close proximity to the media source.   Once SurfLink Media has been turned on it will begin to stream the audio signal.Connecting SurfLink Media and Media SourceS/PDIF Installation 1. ConnecttheorangeS/PDIFcableintotheorangeS/PDIF“AUDIOOUT”port(labeled4)on the media source. 2. SelectthesignaltypeasMonauralorBinauralaudiostream based on your hearing system confi guration.        Monaural if you are wearing one hearing instrument.        Binaural if you are wearing two hearing instruments. 3. ConnecttheoppositeendoftheorangeS/PDIF cable into the orange S/PDIF port on the back of SurfLink Media.  4.    Place SurfLink Media in a desired location that is in close proximity to the media source.   Once SurfLink Media has been turned on it will begin to stream the audio signal.Power   Streaming ActivationControlVolume Control    Microphone     RCA Jacks      Optical      S/PDIF    Monaural/Binaural  PowerTOSLINK                        Selection     Optical      S/PDIF    Monaural/Binaural  PowerSLINK                        SelectionPower   Streaming ActivationControlVolume Control    Microphone     RCA Jacks      Optical      S/PDIF    Monaural/Binaural  PowerTOSLINK                        Selection     Optical      S/PDIF    Monaural/Binaural  PowerSLINK                        Selection
6 7Connecting SurfLink Media and Media SourceOptical/TOSLINK Installation 1. Connecttheoptical/TOSLINKcableintotheoptical/TOSLINK“AUDIOOUT”port(labeled3)onthemediasource. 2. SelectthesignaltypeasMonauralorBinauralaudiostream based on your hearing  system confi guration.         Monaural if you are wearing one hearing instrument.        Binaural if you are wearing two hearing instruments. 3. Connecttheoppositeendoftheoptical/TOSLINK cable into the optical/TOSLINK port on the back of SurfLink Media.  4.    Place SurfLink Media in a desired location that is in close proximity to the media source.    Once SurfLink Media has been turned on it will begin to stream the audio signal.Connecting SurfLink Media and Media SourceExternal Microphone InstallationIn the instance your television does not support the cable installation options listed on the previous pages, an external microphone can be used. 1. Connectthemicrophonecableintothemicrophoneport(labeled1)onthebackofSurfLinkMedia. 2. SelectthesignaltypeasMonauralorBinauralaudiostream based on your hearing  system confi guration.         Monaural if you are wearing one hearing instrument.        Binaural if you are wearing two hearing instruments.  3.    Place the microphone as close as possibletothespeaker(s)ofthedesired media source.   Once SurfLink Media has been turned on  on it will begin to stream the audio signal.Television with External Microphone Confi gurationPower   Streaming ActivationControlVolume Control    Microphone     RCA Jacks      Optical      S/PDIF    Monaural/Binaural  PowerTOSLINK                        Selection     Optical      S/PDIF    Monaural/Binaural  PowerSLINK                        SelectionPower   Streaming ActivationControlVolume Control    Microphone     RCA Jacks      Optical      S/PDIF    Monaural/Binaural  PowerTOSLINK                        Selection     Optical      S/PDIF    Monaural/Binaural  PowerSLINK                        Selection
8 9Turning On SurfLink Media  1.   Plug the power adaptor into the wall socket or other power source. 2. ConnectthepowercordusingthePowerport(labeled5)onthebackofSurfLinkMedia.  3.    Press the power button on the front of SurfLink Media. The power button glows blue when the device is on.Power   Streaming ActivationControlVolume Control    Microphone     RCA Jacks      Optical      S/PDIF    Monaural/Binaural  PowerTOSLINK                        Selection     Optical      S/PDIF    Monaural/Binaural  PowerSLINK                        SelectionPower   Streaming ActivationControlVolume Control    Microphone     RCA Jacks      Optical      S/PDIF    Monaural/Binaural  PowerTOSLINK                        SelectionPower  ActivationSurfLink Media Controls OverviewPower   Streaming ActivationControlVolume Control    Microphone     RCA Jacks      Optical      S/PDIF    Monaural/Binaural  PowerTOSLINK                        SelectionFront View
10 11SurfLink Media Controls OverviewVolume ControlThevolumeofthemediasourcestreamingtoyourhearinginstrumentscanbeadjustedby usingtheVolumeControl.Slideyourngertotherighttoincreasethevolumeandtotheleft to decrease the volume. The blue light indicates the volume control position of SurfLink Media. A longer bar means increased volume.Streaming Activation ControlThestreamingactivationrangeoftheSurfLinkMediacanbeincreasedordecreasedtoadjustthedistance where a streaming session begins. Slide your finger to the right to increase the distance between the location of the SurfLink Media and where you want to be able to start streaming. The blue light indicates the range position of SurfLink Media. A longer bar means increased distance.FCCID:EOA-TV IC:6903A-TVFCC NoticeThisdevicecomplieswithpart15oftheFCCrulesandwithRSS-210.Operationissubjectto the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesired operation of the device. Note:  The  manufacturer  is  not  responsible  for  any  radio  or  TV  interference  caused  by unauthorized  modifications  to  this  equipment.  Such  modifications  could  void  the  user’s authority to operate the equipment.Hereby,  Paradigm  declares  that  SurfLink  Media  is  in  compliance  with  the  essential requirementsandotherrelevantprovisionsofDirective1999/5/EC.AcopyoftheDeclarationofConformitycanbeobtainedfromthefollowingaddresses.ThisClassBdigitalapparatuscomplieswithCanadianICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada. Note:ThisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsforaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttopart15oftheFCCRules.Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses  and can  radiate radio  frequency  energy  and, if  not  installed and  used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterferencebyoneormoreofthefollowingmeasures:•Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.•Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.•Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthat to which the receiver is connected.•Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.Paradigm, Inc. 6600WashingtonAve.South EdenPrairie,MNUSAParadigm,Inc.EuropeanHeadquarters Wm.F.AustinHouse,BramhallTechnologyPark PepperRoad,HazelGrove,StockportSK75BX United KingdomRegulatory Notices
© 2010 Paradigm, Inc. All Rights Reserved.  84604-007  10/10  BKLT0210-01-EE-XX  Rev. B

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