Steinberg HALion 6 – Operation Manual 6.0 OM En

User Manual: Steinberg HALion - 6.0 - Operation Manual Free User Guide for Steinberg HALion Software, Manual

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Operation Manual

Matthias Klag, Michael Ruf
Cristina Bachmann, Heiko Bischoff, Christina Kaboth, Insa Mingers, Matthias Obrecht, Sabine Pfeifer,
Benjamin Schütte, Marita Sladek
This PDF provides improved access for vision-impaired users. Please note that due to the complexity and
number of images in this document, it is not possible to include text descriptions of images.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment
on the part of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. The software described by this document is subject to
a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media except as specifically allowed in the License
Agreement. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for
any purpose, without prior written permission by Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. Registered licensees
of the product described herein may print one copy of this document for their personal use.
All product and company names are ™ or ® trademarks of their respective owners. For more information,
please visit
© Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH, 2017.

All rights reserved.

Table of Contents


Installation and Setup
System Requirements
Downloading Program Files
Installing the Program
Activating Your License
Registering Your Software
How You Can Reach Us
About the Documentation
Setting Up


HALion Control Panel
Configuring the Control Panel
View and Tab Operations
Window Handling
Setting the Focus
Available Editors


Common Editing Methods
Dials and Sliders
Multi Selection and Parameter Controls
Value Fields
Using Key Commands


Global Functions and Settings
Plug-in Functions Section
Plug-in Name and Steinberg Logo
Keyboard Editor
Quick Controls
Options Editor
AI Knob Support


Automation Parameters
Automation Editor
Setting Up Automation


Managing Your Sounds
About Programs, Layers, Multis, Macro
Pages, and Presets
Registering VST Sounds
Loading Programs and Layers
Load Dialog
Slot Rack
Managing and Loading Files
Working with General MIDI Files




Mapping Zones
Mapping Editor
Mapping Editor Context Menu
Sample Zones and their Root Keys
Moving Zones
Creating Fades and Crossfades
Setting Key Range and Velocity Range
Selecting Zones
Importing Single Samples Using Drag And
Importing Multiple Samples Using Drag And


Editing Programs and Layers
Main Section
Trigger Section
Voice Management Section
Variation Groups Section
Quick Control Assignments Section
Note Expression Section


Editing Zones
Adding Zones
Zone Types
Adding Samples to Empty Zones
Absolute and Relative Editing
Editing Selected Zones or All Zones
Global Zone Settings
Voice Control Section
Voice Control Section for Organ Zones
Pitch Section
Oscillator Section
Sample Oscillator Section
Organ Oscillator Section
Wavetable Section
AudioWarp Section
Filter Section
Amplifier Section
Envelope Section
LFO Section
Step Modulator
Modulation Matrix


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Loading and Previewing Samples

Table of Contents


Info Line
Overview Line
Waveform Display
Parameter Section
Sample Editor Context Menu
Editing Samples in an External Editor
Creating Loops
Creating Slices Automatically
Replacing Samples


Wavetable Synthesis
Wavetable Editor
Creating a Wavetable
Pitch Detection
Replacing Samples
Importing Wavetables
Managing Wavetables


Granular Synthesis
Grain Oscillator
Modulating the Grain Oscillator


MIDI Editing and Controllers
MIDI Editor
MIDI Controllers


Mixing, Routing, and Effect Handling
Mixer Window
Audio Bus Architecture
Insert Effects


Loading and Managing Programs via the
Program Table
Program Table
Configuring the Program Table
Program Table Context Menu



Recording the Output of Another Plug-In
Recording Samples in the Standalone


Included Instruments
Model C
World Instruments
World Percussion
Hot Brass
Studio Strings


Parameter List



Macro Pages
Macro Pages, Templates, Controls,
Resources, and Libraries
Getting Started
Macro Page Designer
Editing and Assembling Elements
Connecting Macro Page Controls to HALion
Collaborating on Macro Pages
Cleaning Up and Consolidating Your Macro
Saving Macro Pages


Library Creator
Library Creator Editor
Unassigned VST Sound Containers
Consistency Check


Library Manager
Library Manager Editor


Effects Reference
Reverb Effects
Delay Effects
EQ Effects
Filter Effects
Distortion Effects
Pitch Shift Effects
Modulation Effects
Dynamics Effects
Spatial and Panner Effects
Surround Effects
Tools Effects
Legacy Effects


Program Tree
Program Tree Elements
Program Tree Columns and Controls
Editing Programs, Zones and Layers
Importing Samples
Replacing Samples
Exporting Samples
Exporting Programs and Layers with
Exporting Programs and Layers as HALion
Sonic SE Layer Presets
Importing Sliced Loops
Selections in the Program Tree
Navigating in the Program Tree
Sorting the Program Tree Elements
Setting Up the Program in the Program Tree
Renaming Elements
Sample Recorder
Recording From an Audio Track With Multiple
Drum Sounds


Table of Contents


MIDI Modules Reference
Common Functions
Trigger Pads
MIDI Player
Drum Player
Mono Envelope
Mono LFO
Mono Step Modulator
True Pedaling
Layer Alternate
Key Switch Alternate
Key Switch Remote
MIDI Randomizer
CC Mapper
Velocity Curve
Tuning Scale
Lua Script


Key Commands Reference


Note Expression
Note Expression Editor


Using the Standalone Version of the Plug-In
Making Preferences Settings
Preferences Dialog
Selecting the MIDI Input and the Audio
Scratch Pad
Loading a MIDI File
Saving a MIDI File
Master Volume




Installation and Setup

In our documentation, we use typographical and markup elements to structure information.

Typographical Elements
The following typographical elements mark the following purposes.
Requires you to complete an action or to fulfill a condition before starting a
Lists the steps that you must take to achieve a specific result.
Informs you about issues that might affect the system, the connected hardware,
or that might bring a risk of data loss.
Informs you about issues that you should consider.
Provides you with an example.
Shows the result of the procedure.
Informs you about actions or tasks that you can undertake after completing the
Lists related topics that you can find in this documentation.


Installation and Setup
System Requirements

Bold text indicates the name of a menu, option, function, dialog, window, etc.
In the header of the plug-in panel, click the Preset Management button next to the preset
name field and select Load Preset.
If bold text is separated by a greater-than symbol, this indicates a sequence of different
menus to open.
To save a specific layer, right-click it and select Load/Save > Save Layer As.

Key Commands
Many of the default key commands, also known as keyboard shortcuts, use modifier keys,
some of which are different depending on the operating system.
For example, the default key command for Undo is Ctrl-Z on Windows and Cmd-Z on Mac OS.
When key commands with modifier keys are described in this manual, they are shown with
the Windows modifier key first, in the following way:

Windows modifier key/Mac OS modifier key-key

Ctrl/Cmd-Z means: press Ctrl on Windows or Cmd on Mac OS, then press Z.

System Requirements
Your computer must meet the following minimum requirements:

Mac OS X Version 10.11/macOS 10.12


VST 3, AAX, or AU compatible host application for using HALion as a plug-in


64-bit Intel or AMD mutli-core processor (Intel i5 or faster recommended)


4 GB RAM (8 GB recommended)


40 GB of free hard-disk space


Display resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels (1920 x 1080 recommended)


OS-compatible audio hardware*


Internet connection required for activation, account setup, and personal/
product registration


Downloads are required for the installation

*ASIO-compatible audio hardware recommended for low-latency performance


Installation and Setup
Downloading Program Files

64-bit Windows 7*/8.x/10


VST 2, VST 3, or AAX compatible host application for using HALion as a


64-bit Intel or AMD mutli-core processor (Intel i5 or faster recommended)


4 GB RAM (8 GB recommended)


40 GB of free hard-disk space


Display resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels (1920 x 1080 recommended)


OS-compatible audio hardware**


Internet connection required for activation, account setup, and personal/
product registration


Downloads are required for the installation

*Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0 and Platform Update
for Windows
**ASIO-compatible audio hardware recommended for low-latency performance

Downloading Program Files
The Steinberg Download Assistant helps you download the required files to your computer.

Start the Steinberg Download Assistant.


On the left, select the program that you want to install.


On the right, select which version you want to install.
You can install a new program, update an existing program, etc.


Click Download to download the files.

Installing the Program
After downloading the required files, you can install HALion on your computer.

On Windows systems, double-click the product installer
on screen.

and follow the instructions


On a Mac, double-click the file HALion 6.pkg and follow the instructions on screen.

Activating Your License
HALion uses a software-based copy protection scheme. This Soft-eLicenser is installed
automatically with HALion. It can be accessed via the eLicenser Control Center application
that is installed automatically with the product.
After installation, you must activate your product.
If you purchased HALion in a shop, the product package contains a “Download Access Code”
that allows you to download both the software and the license of the product.
If you purchased the download version of HALion, you receive an e-mail with the activation
code and a description of the activation process.


Installation and Setup
Registering Your Software
The process for license activation is described in detail on the Steinberg web site.

Registering Your Software
Register your product at the MySteinberg online customer portal. As a registered user,
you are entitled to technical support, you gain access to exclusive offers such as software
updates and upgrades, and more.

Start your software.


Select Help > Register now.
An online registration form opens in your web browser.


Follow the instructions on screen to register at MySteinberg.

How You Can Reach Us
Click the Steinberg logo in the top right corner of the control panel to open a pop-up menu
containing items for getting additional information and help.

This menu contains links to various Steinberg web pages. Select a link to open
the corresponding page. On the web pages, you can find support and compatibility
information, answers to frequently asked questions, links for downloading new drivers,


You also find a menu item for the registration of your product.
As a registered user, you are entitled to technical support, you gain access to exclusive
offers such as software updates and upgrades, and more.

About the Documentation
The documentation is available online and most of it can be downloaded in PDF format from

To visit, enter in the address bar of your web
browser or open HALion, click the Steinberg logo in the top right corner and select
Help > HALion Help.


You can find the documentation for the HALion scripting features, as well as additional
parameter descriptions regarding the Macro Page Designer and the Library Creator
Here, you can find tutorials and parameter references, download example files, and
much more.


Installation and Setup
Setting Up

Setting Up
The following sections describe how to use HALion as a plug-in in different host applications.
HALion can also be used as a standalone application.

Selecting Outputs
HALion loads with a stereo output configuration by default. However, you can use up to 32
stereo outputs plus one 5.1 output in the Steinberg DAW. This allows you to route all 64
program slots to a dedicated channel in the MixConsole.

To make the outputs available in the VST instrument, open the VST Instruments


Click the Activate Outputs button for the instrument.


Activate the outputs that you want to use.

The Steinberg DAW automatically adds an output channel for each additional output to
the MixConsole. You can now route programs or layers to these outputs for further signal
processing within the DAW.

Using the Instrument in an AU-Compatible Application
The AU version of HALion is installed in your AU plug-ins folder and lets HALion work in an
AU environment without any performance loss or incompatibilities.
For example, to load HALion as an AU instrument for Logic Pro, proceed as follows:

Open the Track Mixer and select the instrument channel that you want to use.


Click in the I/O field and select AU Instruments > Steinberg > HALion.


Select one of the available channel configurations.

Using the Instrument as Standalone Application
HALion can be used as a standalone application, independently of any host application. In
this case, you can connect the instrument directly to your audio hardware.
Using the Standalone Version of the Plug-In on page 542


HALion Control Panel

HALion provides flexible and highly customizable window management. You can arrange
the available editors in the window, structure the window sections using tabs, and configure
several separate windows for your work. The size of each window, and window section, is
freely adjustable. This allows you to make the most of the available screen space.

Configuring the Control Panel
You can set up the control panel by determining the number of different views, that is,
window sections, and by further configuring these sections, for example, by adding tabs. For
the views and tabs, you can specify the editor that is displayed.

Setup Options
You can configure the control panel using the setup options.
For views, click the Setup Options icon in the header to open the menu that contains the
setup options.

For tabs, right-click the name of the tab to open the context menu contains the setup
Split | and Split -You can add a view or tab to the window by splitting an existing view or tab.

To perform a vertical split, select Split |. This adds a new editor to the right
of the current editor.


To perform a horizontal split, select Split --. This adds an editor below the
current editor.

To create a copy of an existing view or tab, click its upper left corner and drag it to
another position in the window. A colored frame indicates the insert position.


HALion Control Panel
View and Tab Operations
Creates a duplicate of the view or tab in a new window.
Create Tab
Creates a tab. You can also create tabs within tabs.
Allows you to rename tabs.
Removes the view or tab.
Opens a pane that shows icons for the available editors. To select an editor, click
its icon.
Allows you to select the editor to be displayed from the list of available editors.

View and Tab Operations
You can add, move, and resize tabs and views to configure the control panel.

Creating Tabs
You can create tabs in the following ways:

Select Create Tab from the setup options.


Click in the upper left corner of an existing view or tab and drag it onto another one.


Click the + icon to the right of the rightmost tab and click the icon for the editor that
you want to display.


You can also create tabs within tabs.


If a view contains more tabs than can be displayed, arrow buttons are displayed to
navigate between the tabs.

Moving Views and Tabs

To move a view or tab, hold down Shift, click in its upper left corner, and drag it to
another position.
Depending on the drop position, it is added as a tab or as part of a split view.

Expanding and Resizing Editor Sections
Some editors, such as the Options Editor, contain expandable sections. These sections can
be resized or collapsed so that they only show their title bar. This helps you to save space and
focus on the edited parameters.


HALion Control Panel
Window Handling

To expand or collapse a section, click the + or - icon on the left of the title bar, or click
the title bar.


To expand or collapse all sections at the same time, hold down Shift and click the + or
the - icon or the title bar.


To resize a section, click the dotted line in the middle of its lower border and drag up
or down.

Adjusting the Size of a Split View

To adjust the size of two split views, point the mouse at the divider between these two,
click, and drag.
If a view is split into three or more parts, these parts are resized proportionally. To
resize an individual part, hold down Ctrl/Cmd and drag.

Window Handling
Creating Additional Windows
You can create new windows from existing views in the following ways:

Click in the upper left corner of an existing view or tab and drag it out of the current


Use the Undock command on the tab context menu or the View pop-up menu.

Using Window Presets
HALion comes with several preconfigured window presets.

To open a window preset, click the Open New Window button in the top bar and select
it from the pop-up menu.


To create your own window presets, use the corresponding commands on the pop-up

Locking Windows
If you open an additional window, HALion shows the settings of the focused program, layer,
zone, etc. This way, all editors and separate windows relate to the same material. However,
in some cases it might be necessary to show different objects in different windows, for
example, to compare the parameter sets of two zones or layers. This can be achieved by
locking a window.

To lock a window, click the Lock button in the upper right corner. If this button is
activated, the window no longer follows selection and focus changes in the main plugin window. Instead, it displays the settings of the program that was selected when you
clicked the Lock button.

Screen Sets
You can save the configuration of the control panel as a screen set. This way, you can
preconfigure HALion for different workflows and editing situations. By default, the following
screen sets are available:


HALion Control Panel
Window Handling

This screen set is optimized for wide-screen monitors and contains the most
important editors. It is suitable for a display resolution of 1440 x 900.
This is the full editor screen set. It is suitable for a resolution of 1440 x 900.
This is a minimized single slot player view. It is suitable for a display resolution of
1024 x 768.
Extended 1
This screen set is optimized for use on laptops with a display resolution of
1280 x 800.
Extended 2
This screen set is also optimized for laptops, but it is slightly larger than
Extended 1. It is suitable for a display resolution of 1440 x 900.
This screen set shows the smallest configuration.
Minimized + Editors
This screen set provides the minimized plug-in window plus an additional floating
window that contains all editors. This configuration is intended for use in host
applications where you cannot resize the main plug-in window.

To load, save, and delete screen sets, click the Load/Save/Delete Screen Set button
on the toolbar in the plug-in functions section and select the corresponding command
from the pop-up menu.

Factory presets cannot be deleted.


HALion Control Panel
Setting the Focus

Setting the Focus
It is important to know which view, window, or tab has the focus. The focused section of the
window is the area to which your actions, such as key commands, are applied. The view that
has the focus is indicated by a blue frame.

To set the focus on a specific view, use one of its controls, edit a parameter, or click on
the frame or in an empty background of a view.

Available Editors
The editors give you access to the parameters of HALion and its programs and modules.

Slot Rack
Allows you to load and manage the loaded programs.
Allows you to configure the ranges and MIDI parameters of the slots.
Program Tree
Allows you to create programs by combining samples, layers, busses, and MIDI
and audio effects.
Sound Editor
Gives you access to the parameters of the various program components. It can
display the parameters of programs, layers, zones, MIDI modules, busses, and
effects. Which parameters are displayed depends on the object that is selected in
the Program Tree.
Zone Editor
Allows you to edit the parameters of all zones of the focused layer
simultaneously, including any sublayers. If zones are selected in the Program
Tree or the Mapping Editor, only these zones can be modified.
MIDI Modules
Allows you to edit MIDI modules, such as FlexPhrasers or MegaTrig modules.


HALion Control Panel
Available Editors
Allows you to specify and visualize how samples are distributed over the keyboard
and velocity range.
Sample Editor
Allows you to define the sample and loop parameters.
Wavetable Editor
Allows you to make settings for the wavetable synthesizer that is used by
wavetable zones.
Sample Recorder
The Sample Recorder allows you to record samples in HALion.
Allows you to browse and import files, including external sampler formats.
Allows you to load programs and layers.
Library Creator
Allows you to create your own VST Sound content in HALion.
Macro Page
VST Sound Instrument Sets provide macro pages. These pages are preconfigured
to show the most important parameters for the specific programs. Whether it is
possible to edit a program only via its macro page or whether you have access to
all underlying zone and layer parameters depends on the instrument set.
If a program comes with a macro page, this page is displayed when you open
the Macro Editor. If you load a program that contains one or multiple layers with
macro pages, all macro pages are shown together in the Macro Editor. For each
macro page, HALion inserts a navigation button on the toolbar that allows you to
switch between the pages.
Macro Page Designer
Allows you to create your own macro pages.
Allows you to mix the program slots, access the output and AUX busses, and
manage effects.
Combines a keyboard, two wheels, and the sphere control. You can use these
controls to simulate external hardware.
Quick Controls
Allows you to remote-control any parameter inside the program.


HALion Control Panel
Available Editors
Trigger Pads
Allow you to assign and trigger notes and chords. Furthermore, it is possible to
use the trigger pads to switch the states of FlexPhraser modules.
Program Table
Shows all loaded programs. This includes the programs that are used in the Slot
Rack as well as those that are loaded via MIDI program change.
Parameter List
Gives you a detailed overview of the parameters of the selected item in the
Program Tree. For example, if you select an effect in the Program Tree, only the
parameters of that effect are shown.
Lists all assigned automation parameters. With the tabs at the top, you can
specify whether you want to show the automation parameters for the slot, the
global parameters, or all automation parameters.
Lists all assigned MIDI controllers.
Undo History
Lists all of your actions and allows you to undo changes.
Contains global plug-in settings regarding the overall performance, global edit
functions, and MIDI controllers.
Slot Rack on page 50
MIDI Editor on page 198
Program Tree on page 217
Editing Programs and Layers on page 82
Editing Zones on page 92
MIDI Modules Reference on page 480
Mapping Editor on page 70
Editing Samples in the Sample Editor on page 150
Wavetable Editor on page 174
Sample Recorder on page 254
Macro Page Designer on page 370
Mixer Window on page 204
Keyboard Editor on page 26
Quick Controls on page 27
Trigger Pads on page 494
Loading and Managing Programs via the Program Table on page 213
Parameter List on page 365
Automation Editor on page 43
MIDI Controllers on page 200


Common Editing Methods

Dials and Sliders
Dials and sliders can be unidirectional or bidirectional. Unidirectional values, for example
level values, start at a minimum value and go up to the maximum. Bidirectional controls
start from the middle position and go to the left for negative and to the right for positive
Most of the editing methods are the same for dials and sliders.

To adjust a value, click a dial or a fader and drag up and down, or use the mouse
If you press Alt when clicking a dial, a small fader appears, allowing you to set the


To make fine adjustments, press Shift and move the dial or use the mouse wheel.


To restore the default value for a parameter, press Ctrl/Cmd and click on the control.

Multi Selection and Parameter Controls
If several zones are selected and they are not set to the exact same values, most of the
controls indicate this by turning red. This is true for encoders, switches, combo boxes, value
fields, and text faders.
For example, if you have selected 3 zones with cutoff frequency values of 1200, 1400, and
2500 Hz, the corona of the frequency encoders shows a range from 1200 to 2500. The
corresponding field shows the value of the focused zone in red.
More complex controls, such as the envelope editors, only show the values of the focused

Adjusting Value Ranges
You can adjust the value range of a parameter using the corona of the encoder. The values
for the zones are distributed within the new range, keeping their relative distances.

To compress or expand the value range, drag the corona.


To adjust the upper limit of the range, hold down Ctrl/Cmd and drag the corona.


To adjust the lower limit of the range, hold down Alt and drag the corona.


Common Editing Methods

On/Off Buttons
These buttons have two states: on and off. If you move the mouse over an On/Off button, it
changes its appearance to show that you can click it.

Push Buttons
Push buttons trigger an action and then go back to their inactive state. These buttons open
menus or file dialogs.

Value Fields
To set a value, you have the following possibilities:

Double-click in a value field, enter a new value, and press Enter.
If the entered value exceeds the parameter range, it is automatically set to the
maximum or the minimum value, respectively.


Click in the value field and drag up or down.


Position the mouse over a value field and use the mouse wheel.


Click the up/down triangles next to the field.


To set the parameter to its default value, Ctrl/Cmd-click the value field.


To use a fader to adjust the value, Alt-click a value field.


To enter musical values, such as key ranges or the root key, with your MIDI keyboard,
double-click the value field, press a key on your MIDI keyboard, and press Return.


To navigate to the next parameter, press Tab. To jump backwards to the previous
parameter, press Shift-Tab.
If no parameter is selected inside the focused view, pressing Tab always jumps to the
first parameter.


Common Editing Methods
Using Key Commands

Using Key Commands


To open the Key Commands dialog, open the Options Editor and click the Key
Commands button in the Edit section.

The commands are arranged in a hierarchical folder structure on the left. When you open
a category folder, the items and functions are displayed with any currently assigned key

To set up a key command, select the function in the list, enter the key command in
the Type in Key field and click the Assign button to the right of the field. If this key
command is already used for another function, this is displayed in the field below.


To delete a key command, select the function in the list, select the key command in the
Keys list and click the Delete button.


To search for a specific function, enter its name in the search field at the top of the
dialog and click the search button.

You can set up several key commands for the same function.

HALion offers two types of presets: section/module presets and VST presets. Section and
module presets store and recall the setup of a specific component on the HALion panel. VST
presets contain all information necessary to restore the complete state of the plug-in.
During setup, the factory presets are installed in a dedicated folder and a user folder is
created for your own presets. The handling of presets is the same throughout the program.
Factory presets are write-protected, but may be overwritten when a software update is
executed. Presets in your user folder are never changed by the software update.


Common Editing Methods
For more information on VST presets, see the Operation Manual of your Steinberg DAW.

Handling Section and Module Presets
The preset controls can be found throughout the program. The handling is always the same.

To save a preset, click Save .
You cannot overwrite factory presets. If you want to save changes made to a factory
preset, save the preset under a new name or in a new location.


To load a preset, click the arrow icon and select a preset from the list.


To delete a preset, click Delete .
Factory presets cannot be deleted.

Handling VST Presets
Loading VST Presets

In the header of the plug-in panel, click the Preset Management button next to the
preset name field and select Load Preset.


Do one of the following:

Select a preset to load it.


Double-click a preset to load it and close the preset loader.

Saving VST Presets

In the header of the plug-in panel, click the Preset Management button next to the
preset name field and select Save Preset.

Inserting VST Presets as Layers

Right-click the program or layer for which you want to insert the VST preset and select
Load/Save > Load to new Layer.


Select a VST preset and click OK.

The program is inserted as an additional layer.

Alternatively, drag the VST preset from the MediaBay or the file browser into the
Program Tree, and drop it on a layer.


Common Editing Methods

Replacing Programs and Layers with VST Presets

Right-click the program or layer that you want to replace.


Open the Load/Save submenu and select Replace Program or Replace Layer.


Select a VST preset and click OK.

The program or layer is replaced.

Alternatively, drag the VST preset from the MediaBay or the file browser onto the
Program Tree, and drop it on a program or layer.


Global Functions and Settings

Plug-in Functions Section
The plug-in functions section at the top of the window gives you access to global functions
that affect both the currently loaded programs, and the general working of the plug-in.
The plug-in functions section contains the multi slot section, the program slot section, the
master section, and the performance displays.
The toolbar below the plug-in functions section contains controls for loading multi-programs
on the left. To the right of these, you can find two buttons for managing screen sets. And to
the right of these, you can find various buttons with useful global functions.

Program Slot Section
This section contains a copy of the slot that is selected in the Slot Rack, as well as the main
parameters of the program.

The slot parameters are the same as in the Slot Rack. In addition, the following parameters
are available:
Slot Number
The number of the active slot. You can switch to another slot by clicking the slot
number and selecting an entry from the list.
Slot Controls on page 51

Master Section
The master section can be used to set volume and tuning of the plug-in.
Master Volume
Adjusts the overall volume of the plug-in.
Master Tune
You can set the Master Tune slider from 415.3 Hz to 466.2 Hz, which equals -100
cents to +100 cents.


Global Functions and Settings
Plug-in Name and Steinberg Logo

Performance Displays
The meters and text displays indicate the system load of the plug-in.
This meter shows the processor load during playback. The more voices you play,
the higher the processor load. If the overload indicator lights up, reduce the Max
Voices setting on the Options page.
This meter shows the hard disk transfer load during the streaming of samples
or when loading presets. If the overload indicator lights up, the hard disk is not
supplying data fast enough. In such a case, open the Options page and adjust the
Disk vs. RAM slider towards RAM or decrease the Max Voices setting.
This display indicates the number of samples that are currently played back, to
help you trace performance problems. For example, if you have to reduce the Max
Voices setting on the Options page, you can verify your settings by monitoring the
number of samples that are currently playing.
This display indicates the overall amount of RAM that is currently used by the
plug-in and the loaded programs. The number refers to the streaming buffer and
the preloaded samples. The MEM display helps you trace performance problems.
For example, if you need to free up memory for other applications, you can adjust
the Disk vs. RAM slider on the Options page toward Disk. You can verify your
settings by monitoring the MEM display.

Plug-in Name and Steinberg Logo
To get information regarding the version and build number of the plug-in, click the plugin logo. This opens the About box. To close the About box, click it or press Esc on your
computer keyboard.
If you click the Steinberg logo in the top right corner of the plug-in interface, a pop-up menu
opens. Select one of the options to navigate to Steinberg web pages containing information
on software updates, troubleshooting, etc.

Missing Busses
Opens the Pending Busses dialog, allowing you to resolve any bus connections
that could not be established.
Find Missing Samples
Opens the Find Missing Samples dialog, allowing you to resolve any missing
samples for the loaded program.


Global Functions and Settings
Global insert, AUX, and FlexPhraser buttons
Use these buttons to switch off all insert effects, AUX effects, and FlexPhrasers
for the whole plug-in at once. You can use this to compare sounds with and
without effects or to use a preset without the FlexPhrasers, for example.
RAM Save
The RAM Save function scans the playback of your project and unloads unused

Click the RAM Save button and in the dialog, click Yes to start collecting the
necessary samples.
The RAM Save button starts blinking.


Play back the project in your host application from the beginning to the end
or to the point where no new notes are played.


Click the RAM Save button again. In the dialog, click Yes to unload the
unused samples.

To deactivate RAM Save and reload the unused samples, click the RAM Save
button again.
RAM Save mode always keeps samples that are within the range of the highest
and lowest note of the played programs. This also applies for unused expression
layers that can be controlled via key switches. This allows you to switch between
expressions within the valid note range after applying RAM Save mode.
If a program randomly triggers notes, for example, different guitar slide noises,
it is possible that these notes are not triggered during the RAM Save analysis
process, and that the samples are therefore removed. To prevent this, trigger the
highest required note manually during the analysis.
Enable MIDI Mapping Selection Options
If this button is activated, played MIDI notes can be used to select zones. This
also influences the zone parameters that are displayed in the editors.
This parameter is linked to the corresponding option in the Mapping Editor,
allowing you to remote-control the option even if the Mapping Editor is not
MIDI Reset
Click this button to stop playback and reset all MIDI controllers to their default
To undo or redo a single operation, click the Undo or Redo buttons. To undo or
redo multiple operations, click the arrow next to the button to open the history
and select the step to which you want to return.


Global Functions and Settings
Keyboard Editor
How many undo/redo operations are available depends on the Number of Undo
Steps setting on the Options page.

Keyboard Editor
The Keyboard Editor contains the wheel controls, the sphere control and the internal

Wheel Controls
To the left of the internal keyboard, the pitchbend wheel and the modulation wheel are
The modulation wheel is hardwired to MIDI controller #1, which is normally used as a source
in the modulation matrix, but can be used as a quick control as well.
Typically, you assign the modulation wheel to a parameter of an insert effect, such as the
speed of the Rotary effect.

Internal Keyboard
The internal keyboard in HALion spans the entire MIDI note range from C-2 to G8. You can
use it to trigger notes by playing them, but you can also drop samples onto it to import and
map samples, for example.
You can resize the internal keyboard horizontally and vertically. A vertical resize changes the
size of the individual keys and a horizontal resize defines how many octaves are visible. If the
horizontal size is not sufficient to display all octaves, you can use the left/right arrow buttons
on both sides of the keys to shift the visible range by octaves.
For each key, the keyboard indicates whether a sample is mapped to it.
The following color scheme is used for the keys:

Keys to which a key switch is assigned are shown in yellow.


Keys to which a remapped key switch is assigned are shown in beige.


Keys to which an expression in the Layer Alternate MIDI module is assigned are shown
in red.


Keys that are assigned to a trigger pad are shown in blue.


Keys to which a loop trigger note is assigned are shown in green.

Previewing Notes Using the Keyboard

To preview a note, click the corresponding key on the keyboard.
The vertical position where you click a key defines the velocity that is used to trigger
the note. Click the lower part of a key to use the highest velocity, and the upper part to
use the lowest velocity.


Global Functions and Settings
Quick Controls

To play a key and all following keys at the same velocity, for as long as you keep the
mouse button pressed, hold down Ctrl/Cmd and click the key on the keyboard.


To play each note 10 times at increasing velocities between 1 and 127, hold down Ctrl/
Cmd-Alt and click a key.

Keyboard Context Menu
Right-click a key to open a context menu that contains information about the key.

The Assigned Zones submenu displays the names of all zones that are mapped to this
key, allowing you to select a zone.


The Info submenu shows pitch and velocity information.


Select Clear key to remove all assignments.

Sphere Control
The sphere is a two-dimensional control. It allows you to adjust two parameters
simultaneously, by dragging the mouse horizontally (Sphere H) and vertically (Sphere V).
Typically, two parameters that belong together are assigned to the sphere, such as cutoff and
If parameters are assigned to Sphere H and Sphere V, triangles for indicating the horizontal
and vertical axis are available.
You can reset the sphere to the center position using the corresponding options on the
context menu.

If Center Horizontal and/or Center Vertical are activated, the sphere returns to the
corresponding center position as soon as you release the mouse button.

Quick Controls
Quick controls allow you to remote-control any parameter inside the program.
Quick controls can be set up for programs and for layers. If a layer has no quick controls,
the quick controls of the program are used. If a layer has quick controls, the layer and all its
zones use these quick controls.

For each program and layer, eight quick controls are available. Furthermore, Sphere H,
Sphere V, and the modulation wheel can also serve as quick controls.
The quick controls can be accessed via the Quick Controls Editor for a program or layer.

Value Tooltips
If you use quick controls, the following situations can happen:

The actual value of a parameter and the value that is displayed in its value field differ.


A button on the user interface is deactivated but the corresponding parameter is


Global Functions and Settings
Quick Controls
For example, this can happen if the quick control introduces an offset or if a button is
controlled by a quick control.
Therefore, parameters that are assigned to a quick control show a value tooltip. This value
tooltip indicates the resulting parameter value and the name of the assigned quick control.

Value tooltips can be activated or deactivated in the Options Editor.
Edit Section on page 38

Assigning Quick Controls
You can assign quick controls to a parameter of the program or one of its layers, to zones
inside a program or layer, or to parameters of a MIDI module or an effect.

In the Program Tree, select the element that you want to remote-control via a quick


Open the Sound Editor.


Right-click the control to which you want to assign a quick control and on the Assign
Quick Control submenu, select a quick control.
You can assign the same quick control to different parameters. This allows you to
make complex sound settings with a single control. However, you cannot assign
different quick controls to the same parameter.
You can also assign a quick control as modulation source or modulation modifier in the
modulation matrix. This allows you to combine the quick control with other modulation

Modulation Matrix Parameters on page 140

Setting the Minimum/Maximum Range
You can set the minimum and maximum range for each assignment separately. This gives
you better control over the parameter change.

Right-click a control and define the range using the Set Minimum and Set Maximum


In the Quick Control Assignments editor, enter the values in the Minimum Value and
Maximum Value fields or click and drag the handles in the curve display.


Global Functions and Settings
Quick Controls

Trimming the Range
The Trim Range function allows you to automatically set the best quick control range,
depending on the current parameter value.

In the Quick Control Assignments editor, right-click the assignment in the list on the

To trim the range of a single assignment, select Trim Range.


To trim the range of all quick controls, select Trim Range of All Quick Controls.

The minimum and maximum values are set automatically.
If you change the original parameter, you have to apply the Trim Range function again to
guarantee the best control range.

Setting the Default Range

In the Quick Control Assignments editor, right-click the assignment on the right.

To set the default range of a single assignment, select Set Default Range.


To set the default range of all quick controls, select Set Default Range of All
Quick Controls.

The quick controls are set to their maximum possible range.
If you change the original parameter, you must apply the Set Default Range function again to
guarantee the best control range.

Unassigning Quick Controls

Do one of the following:

To remove a quick control assignment, right-click the parameter in the Quick
Control Assignments editor and select Remove Assignment.


To remove all assignments of the selected quick control, open the context menu
and select Remove All Assignments.


To remove all quick control assignments of all quick controls that belong to the
selected layer in the Program Tree, open the context menu and select Remove
All Assignments of All Quick Controls.


Global Functions and Settings
Quick Controls

Single Assignment vs. Multi Assignment
You can assign a quick control to a single parameter of a zone or module. This is called a
single assignment. And you can assign a quick control to the same parameter of all zones
inside a layer. This is called a multi assignment.

Single assignments override multi assignments.
For example, if a quick control remote-controls the cutoff of all zones inside a layer
and you assign the cutoff of one of these zones to another quick control, the multi
assignment is overridden by this single assignment.


If you remove a single assignment from a parameter of a zone that is part of a layer
that has a multi assignment on the same parameter of all other zones, the zone
becomes part of the multi assignment again.


If you add another zone to a layer that has a multi assignment, the added zone gets the
same quick control assignments as the other zones of that layer.

Quick Control Assignments Editor


The Quick Control Assignments editor can be found in the Sound Editor for programs
or layers.

Receive Quick Controls
If Receive Quick Controls is deactivated for a layer, its quick controls are not
routed any further, that is, any layers, zones, etc., that come after this layer are
not affected by the quick controls.
You can use this as a filter for quick controls. For example, if you have a guitar
sound, and you assign quick controls to the amplifier envelope, you want them
to affect the entire instrument, except for the fret noises. In this case, deactivate
Receive Quick Controls for the layer that contains the fret noises, so that these
are unaffected by the amp envelope.
Bypass All Quick Control Assignments
Allows you to hear a sound without quick control assignments.
Quick Controls List
The eight quick controls are listed on the left. The assignments of the selected
quick control are listed on the right. You can edit the parameters for each
assignment separately.
Quick Control Parameter
Displays the parameter assignment for the selected quick control.


Global Functions and Settings
Quick Controls
Affected Layers/Modules
Displays which program, layer, or module is affected by the quick control.
Bypass Single Quick Control Assignment
Bypasses the corresponding quick control assignment.
For example, if a quick control is assigned to several layers, this option allows
you to bypass the quick control assignment for one of the layers only.
Determines the mode that is used for changing the parameter values.
Minimum Value
Sets the minimum value for the quick control assignment.
Sets the curvature. You can also set the curvature by clicking and dragging in the
curve display.
Maximum Value
Sets the maximum value for the quick control assignment.
Bypass All Quick Control Assignments
Bypasses all assignments for the selected quick control.
Setting the Mode for the Quick Control Assignment on page 33
Adjusting the Curvature on page 33
Bypassing Quick Controls on page 34
Receiving Quick Controls on page 32

Managing Quick Controls
The Quick Control Assignments editor allows you to manage and edit assigned quick

To rename a quick control, click in the Name column and enter a new name.


To duplicate a quick control assignment, open the context menu for the quick control
and select Duplicate Assignment.


To change the order of quick control assignments, drag an assignment between two
other quick controls. When a line is shown, release the mouse button to insert the
quick control assignment.


To replace a quick control assignment, drag it onto another quick control. When a
rectangle is shown, release the mouse button to replace the quick control assignment.


To assign a quick control to another parameter, click the parameter name and select a
new parameter from the menu.
You can only select parameters within the same layer, zone, or module.


To transfer all quick control assignments of a layer to the program, select the layer in
the Program Tree, open the context menu of the Quick Control Assignments section,
and select Forward All Assignments to Program.


Global Functions and Settings
Quick Controls

Setting the Scope for Quick Control Assignments
If quick controls are assigned to a layer, all zones inside this layer respond to the quick
controls as well. In the Quick Control Assignments editor, you can change the scope of each
quick control, that is, you can specify which layers or modules it affects.

The pop-up menu in the middle of each assignment row displays which part of the program
is affected by this quick control assignment. If the name of a zone or module is displayed
here, only that zone or module is affected by the quick control assignment. If the name of
the program or one of its layers is displayed, all zones inside the program or the layer are
affected. You can change which part of the program is affected by selecting an option from
the pop-up menu.
If a quick control is assigned to a parameter of the program or one of its layers, the scope of
that assignment is that program or layer only. Any layers from deeper hierarchy levels are
not affected by the quick control.

Receiving Quick Controls
You can specify whether all zones or only selected zones within a layer are affected by the
quick controls.

In the Program Tree, select the program or layer that you want to respond to the quick


In the Quick Control Assignments editor, activate the Receive Quick Controls


Now, zones inside layers respond to quick controls. This includes any single and multi
assignment to zones.
Quick control assignments that belong to the layer itself are not affected. This is useful if you
have assigned quick controls to the entire program and you want to exclude parts of it, such
as the layer containing the instrument noises, for example.


Global Functions and Settings
Quick Controls

Adjusting the Curvature
You can adjust the curvature of each assignment in the Quick Controls Assignment editor

To adjust the curvature, do one of the following:

Select the quick control that you want to edit and specify a value in the Curvature
value field.
Positive values change the curvature towards logarithmic behavior and negative
values towards exponential behavior.


Click and drag the curvature in the display on the right.

Setting the Mode for the Quick Control Assignment
A quick control behaves either as continuous control or as a switch. In addition, it remotecontrols a parameter either in relative or absolute mode. You can specify a mode for each
You can set the behavior in the context menu for the control itself or via the pop-up menu in
the Quick Control Assignments editor.
Remote-controls the parameter values continuously. Absolute mode changes the
assigned parameters by overwriting them with the current quick control value,
that is, parameter changes are overwritten.
Remote-controls the parameter values continuously. Relative mode changes the
values of the assigned parameters without losing their relative settings, that is,
parameter changes can still be heard.
Switch Absolute
Switches between the minimum and maximum value. Parameter changes are
Switch Relative
Switches between the minimum and maximum value. Parameter changes can
still be heard.

Neutral Setting
If you adjust the range of a quick control assignment, it can become necessary to change its
neutral setting, to prevent the resulting sound from changing.
If you adjust the range of a quick control that has a single assignment that uses Absolute
or Relative mode, HALion adjusts the setting of the quick control automatically so that the
sound does not change. Likewise, if you assign multiple parameters to the same quick
control, HALion sets the range of this quick control assignment automatically.


Global Functions and Settings
Quick Controls
However, if a quick control has multiple assignments and you change the range of one or
more assignments, the neutral setting cannot be set automatically. In this case, you can
specify the neutral setting manually using the Set Quick Control to Neutral Setting command
on the context menu for the quick control.

Bypassing Quick Controls
Bypassing quick controls allows you to hear a sound without quick control assignments.


To bypass a single assignment for one quick control, click Bypass Single Quick Control
Assignment in the Quick Control Assignments editor.


To bypass all assignments for one quick control, select the quick control in the Quick
Control Assignments editor, and click Bypass All Quick Control Assignments in the
upper right of the parameter section.


To bypass all quick control assignments of a program or layer, select the program or
layer in the Program Tree and click Bypass All Quick Controls Assignments in the title
bar of the Quick Control Assignments editor.

Assigning Quick Controls in the Modulation Matrix
In addition to assigning the quick controls directly to parameter controls, you can also assign
them as source or modifier in the modulation matrix. This way, you can combine the quick
control with other modulation sources.

In the Program Tree, select the zones that you want to edit.
Make sure that the zones are part of the program or layer containing the quick controls
that you want to use.


In the Sound Editor, open the Modulation Matrix section.


On the pop-up menu in the Source/Modifier column, open the Assign Quick Control
submenu and select the quick control.
The submenu lists only the quick controls that belong to the same layer or that are on
a higher hierarchy level.


Global Functions and Settings
Options Editor

Options Editor
The Options Editor contains global settings regarding performance optimization, global
functions, and MIDI controllers.

Performance Section
The Performance section contains settings to optimize the overall CPU performance of the
Max Voices
Determines the total number of voices that a plug-in instance can play back. As
soon as this limit is reached, HALion starts stealing voices.


Global Functions and Settings
Options Editor
To avoid clicks from CPU overloads, you can specify a maximum limit for the CPU
load of the plug-in instance. HALion steals voices automatically when this limit is
At a setting of 100 %, no voices are stolen and the available CPU is used to its
limit. This can lead to audio drop-outs.
Because of the reaction time of the plug-in, it is possible that you get CPU peaks
that exceed the set limit. This can lead to artifacts, such as audio drop-outs.
Therefore, it is good practice to set the Max CPU setting at a value a bit lower
than actually needed.
Voice Fade Out
Sets the time to fade out voices that need to be stolen because the Max Voices
setting or the Max CPU setting have been reached.
Osc ECO Mode
Activate this option to run the oscillators of synth layers in ECO mode. In ECO
mode, the oscillators use less CPU at the cost of producing more aliasing at
higher pitches. If this option is activated, you can play more voices with synth
Multi Loading
Normally, when loading multi-programs, the previous multi is kept in the RAM
until the new multi has been completely loaded. Therefore, replacing a large
multi by another can lead to RAM overload on 32-bit systems.

To clear a multi before loading a new one, select Clear before on the popup menu.

On this pop-up menu, you can specify how many of the available CPU cores of
your system can be used by the plug-in. This allows HALion to compute each
program on a different core, for example. The best setting here depends on
multiple factors, and varies from system to system, and project to project. A good
starting point is to set this value to one core less than the available number of
If problems occur, reduce the number of cores, or set the pop-up menu to Off
and load multiple instances of HALion instead. This way, the host application
distributes the work load across the available cores.

Streaming Section
Some of the programs come with several gigabytes of samples. That is a large amount of
data and your computer cannot load all samples completely into the RAM, especially if you
are using all slots. Therefore, HALion loads only the initial milliseconds of each sample into


Global Functions and Settings
Options Editor
RAM. You can specify how much RAM should be used and how much HALion should rely on
accessing the hard-disk.
Balancing Disk vs. RAM
Use the Balance slider to balance the hard disk versus the RAM usage.

If you need more RAM for other applications, drag the slider to the left
towards the Disk setting.


If your hard disk is not supplying data fast enough, drag the slider to the
right towards the RAM setting.

The Disk vs. RAM setting always applies to all plug-in instances. It is not saved
with the project. You set it up only once for your computer system.
Used Preload and Available Memory
These displays provide information of the memory load in MB according to the
current balance slider setting.
Max Preload
Determines the maximum amount of RAM that HALion uses for preloading
samples. In most cases, the default values are sufficient. However, it may
become necessary to reduce this value, for example, when working with other
applications or plug-ins that require a lot of memory.
Expert Mode
Activate Expert Mode if you want to adjust the Disk Streaming settings in greater


Preload Time defines how much of the start of the samples is preloaded
into the RAM. Larger values allow for more samples to be triggered in a
short time.


Prefetch Time determines the read-ahead capacity into the RAM while
streaming samples for a voice that is playing. Larger values allow for
better transfer rates from disk, and usually for more voices. However, this
requires larger streaming cache in RAM. If you increase the Prefetch Time,
it is recommended to also increase the Streaming Cache.


Streaming Cache determines the amount of RAM that is reserved for
prefetching. The actually needed size depends on the prefetch time, the
number of simultaneously streaming voices and the audio format of the
samples. For example, higher sample and bit rates need more RAM.


Global Functions and Settings
Options Editor

Edit Section
Here, you find common settings of HALion and you can specify an external wave editor that
you want to use for editing your samples.
The settings in this section are not saved with a project, but affect the plug-in as a whole.
Show Tooltips
If this option is activated, a tooltip is shown when you move the mouse over a
Show Value Tooltips
If this option is activated, parameters without a value field display their value in a
tooltip when you use the corresponding control.
Auto Collapse Sections
If this option is activated and you expand a section, all other sections are
automatically collapsed.
Restore Screen Set
Restores the corresponding screen set when you load a multi.
In a VST 2 or AU environment, screen sets and windows are always restored when
loading a multi.
Solo Mode

In Standard mode, you can solo multiple programs or layers to hear them


In Exclusive mode, only one program or layer can be soloed at a time.

Number of Undo Steps
Specifies the number of available undo steps.
Key Commands
Opens the Key Commands dialog, where you can view and assign key commands.
Reset Messages
If you click this button, all message dialogs that have been suppressed with the
Don't Show Again option are displayed again.
External Wave Editor
HALion allows you to specify an external sample editor application that can be
used to perform destructive offline editing on a sample, for example applying
EQs, filtering, or denoising.
Here, you specify which application to use. You can enter the path manually or
click the Browse button to navigate to the corresponding application folder.


Global Functions and Settings
Options Editor
Update Sample
Specifies what happens if a sample is saved in the external wave editor.

If Ask is selected and you switch back to HALion from the external editor,
you are asked whether you want to replace the current sample with the
modified sample.


If Always is selected, HALion accepts the modified sample.


If With Backup is selected, HALion accepts the modified sample and
automatically creates a backup of the old sample file.


If Never is selected, modified samples are never accepted automatically.
You must import modified samples manually from the temp folder.

Temp Folder
Allows you to specify a temp folder for exchanging samples between HALion and
the external editor.
Temp Cleanup
After a specific period of time, HALion deletes temporary sample files from the
temp folder. The Temp Cleanup option allows you to specify how HALion handles
these samples.

If Ask is selected, you are prompted to confirm the cleanup of the temp


If Always is selected, temporary files are deleted without further notice. If a
file cannot be deleted, an error message is shown.


If Ignore Error is selected, temporary files are always removed without
further notice. If a file cannot be deleted, no error message is shown.


If Never is selected, temporary files are never deleted automatically. You
must delete them manually.

Scripting Section
In this section, you can set up and activate an external script editor and specify where
HALion searches for script libraries.

Use External Script Editor
Activates/Deactivates the use of the external editor.
Library Search Paths
These paths are used to search for libraries by all script modules.
Setting Up an External Editor on page 536


Global Functions and Settings
Options Editor

Import Section
In this section, you can specify which zone templates to use when importing samples. For
example, by specifying different headroom settings for single and multiple samples, you
can import single drum loop samples without headroom and multiple instrument samples
including their headroom settings, because they are required for polyphonic playback.

MIDI Controller Section
Controller Assignment
With the two buttons in this section, you can save your customized MIDI
controller assignments as default or restore the factory MIDI controller
Save as Default does not include any of the MIDI controller assignments of the
The current MIDI controller mapping is also saved with each project. This way,
you can transfer your settings to other systems. The project includes the MIDI
controller assignments of the AUX FX as well.
Receive Program Changes
If this option is activated, HALion responds to program change messages. These
are used by General MIDI (GM) files, for example.
Receive RPNs 0/1/2
GM files can contain information about pitchbend range, coarse tuning, and
fine tuning. This information is transmitted as RPNs (Registered Parameter
Numbers). Activate this option if you want HALion to respond to RPNs.
MIDI Controller Smoothing
MIDI controllers have a maximum resolution of 128 steps. Therefore, if you
use a MIDI controller as a modulation source in the modulation matrix or to
remote-control a quick control, the parameter change may occur in audible
steps, causing an effect often referred to as “zipper noise”. To avoid this, HALion
provides MIDI controller smoothing, so that parameter changes occur more

If MIDI controller changes cause audible artifacts, turn the control
towards slower settings. This way, MIDI controller changes do not occur
immediately, but are spaced over a period of time (in milliseconds).


If you want more immediate MIDI controller changes, turn the control
towards faster settings. Note, however, that this may introduce audible

Velocity Note-On to Note-Off
Some keyboards do not transmit note-off velocity messages. If this option is
activated, the played note-on velocity value is also used as note-off velocity for
the notes.


Global Functions and Settings
AI Knob Support
Hold Reset sends a global hold reset message to all FlexPhraser modules that
are used.
The Reset Controller pop-up menu allows you to assign a dedicated MIDI
controller to the Hold Reset button for remote-controlling it.

Performance Meter Section
This section provides performance-relevant information. Each meter displays the current
value, the peak value, and a curve showing the changes over time. To reset all peaks, click
the Reset button in the title bar of the section. The following values are displayed:
The number of played voices.
CPU Avg Load
The average CPU load.
CPU Peak Load
The CPU peak load.
Streamed MB/s
The quantity of sample data that is streamed from the hard disk.
The number of dropouts per second. This can be an indicator for hard disks that
are too slow.
Preload Memory
The quantity of samples loaded into the RAM of your computer.

AI Knob Support
HALion can be controlled with the AI knob of Steinberg’s CC121, CI 2, and CI2+ controller

To change a parameter value, move the mouse pointer over the control that you want
to change and turn the AI knob to set the value.


Some parameters cannot be controlled by the AI knob, due to internal differences in
parameter resolution. For example, sample marker positions cannot be changed with
the ai-knob because their ranges vary too much.


The AI knob only works on parameters that are automatable. This means that you
cannot use the AI knob to change the parameters in the Options Editor, for example.



You can automate most of the HALion parameters from within your host application, whether
these are parameters of a program or global parameters such as AUX effects.
HALion provides 512 automation parameters that can be addressed from within the host
application. You can assign HALion parameters to one of these automation parameters,
and even assign multiple parameters to the same automation parameter, to control these
parameters at the same time.

To automate parameters of multiple zones relatively, use quick controls and automate
these instead.


Not all parameters can be automated.

Automation Parameters
Each slot offers the following pre-assigned automation parameters:
Automates the Mute button of the corresponding slot.
Automates the Solo button of the corresponding slot.
Automates the level of the corresponding slot.
Automates the panorama position of the corresponding slot.
Quick Controls 1-8
Automates the quick controls 1 to 8 of the program that is loaded into the slot.


Automation Editor

Automation Editor
All assigned automation parameters are shown in the Automation editor.

With the tabs at the top, you can specify whether you want to show the automation
parameters for the slot, the global parameters, or all automation parameters.
On the left, the name of the automation parameter is shown, and on the right, the name
of the assigned HALion parameter. If multiple HALion parameters are assigned to one
automation parameter, these are listed below each other on the right.
If you assign an automation parameter for multiple zones, for example, the parameter is
displayed in the list in the following way:

If all zones within a layer are selected, the automation list shows one automation
parameter for all these zones.


If several zones within a layer are selected, the automation list adds sub-entries for
each zone to each automation parameter in the list.

You can assign a HALion parameter to an automation parameter only once. If you try to add a
parameter a second time, for example, a zone parameter as part of a selection of zones, the
new automation parameter is only applied to those zones in the selection that were not yet
assigned to an automation parameter.

To remove an automation parameter, click the trash icon to the right of the parameter


To remove all automation parameters, click Delete All Parameters at the top of the


To remove all disconnected automation parameters, click Delete Disconnected
Parameters on the toolbar.


Setting Up Automation
Disconnected automation assignments could not be connected properly. This can
occur if you make automation settings for a program and then load another program
with a different structure into a slot, for example.

To rename an automation parameter, double-click the parameter name and enter the
new name. This name is then used in your host application.


To replace the names for all automation parameters with the original parameter
names of the program, click Refresh All Parameter Names on the toolbar

Setting Up Automation
By default, some of the slot parameters are already assigned to automation parameters,
for example Mute, Solo, Volume, Pan, and Program Change. When you load a program, it
automatically adds its automation parameters for the eight Quick Controls and the Sphere

Creating Automation Parameters

To assign a parameter to an automation parameter, right-click the parameter control
and select Assign to New Automation. The automation parameter is created on the
first free automation parameter.


To add a parameter to an existing automation parameter, right-click the control, select
Add to Automation and select the automation parameter.


To remove a parameter from the automation, right-click an automated control and
select Forget Automation.


To assign a parameter to an automation parameter automatically while working in
your host application, activate Automation Read/Write, start playback, and use the
controls on the HALion interface.
To create automation parameters only for selected zones, select these zones, or the
layer that contains these zones, first.

Assigning Parameters to Automation Parameters
The selection in the Program Tree determines the scope of the automation parameter, that
is, which element it affects. For example, select a zone to automate this zone, and select a
layer to automate all zones within this layer, etc.
If you assign an automation parameter to a group of zones within a layer, the incoming
automation data affects all zones in the same way and individual settings of zones are
overwritten. For example, if the zones of a layer have different cutoff values and you start
automating the cutoff parameter, the zones are all set to the same cutoff value.
If you have assigned automation parameters for a program and then load another program
into this slot, it can become necessary to verify the automation settings.


Setting Up Automation
If the new program has the same structure as the previous program, for example if you
exchange a Voltage preset with another Voltage preset, HALion reconnects the automation
parameters correctly and no manual modifications are necessary. However, if you load a
preset with a different structure, for example a Model C preset, the automation parameters
cannot be reconnected. In this case, the disconnected automation parameters are still
displayed in the automation list.


Managing Your Sounds

About Programs, Layers, Multis, Macro Pages, and Presets
A program is a complex instrument or sound that can consist of up to 4 layers. Often, a
program contains a single layer that comes with all necessary components, such as the
synthesis part or insert effects. Programs add the possibility of combining different layers to
build up more complex sounds or to create combinations of sounds that you want to load as a
unit. A typical example is a bass/piano split sound or a piano/string layer sound.
Because of the various layer types that come with HALion, these combinations can do a lot
more. For example, think of combining a pulsating synthesizer sequence with a sliced loop
completed by a bass on the lower keys, and so on. Finally, add some effects to individual
layers or to the whole program and you get a unique sound experience.

Programs are combinations of up to 4 layers. HALion offers 5 different layer types. You can
choose between synth, sample, instrument, drum, and sliced loop layers. Each layer type is
based on an individual sound architecture and has a dedicated editor.
Synth and Sample Layers
For synth and sample layers, you get access to a synthesizer editor with
components such as a highly flexible filter section, powerful multi-stage
envelopes, LFOs, a step modulator, and a modulation matrix. These layer types
differ in their basic sound source. While a synth layer provides an oscillator
section with three main oscillators, a sub oscillator, a noise generator, and a ring
modulation stage, the sample layer loads a specific multi-sample instead.
Drum Layers
The drum layers load a multi-sampled drum set, for which you can individually
adjust the most important parameters of each drum instrument. Each drum
instrument can be set to a specific pan position or an individual output, or it can
be filtered, reversed, and so on.
Loop Layers
Loop layers load a sliced loop, that is, a combination of a loop-specific MIDI
phrase and the individual slices mapped across the keyboard. You can either play
the original loop or a transposed version of it, or trigger single slices manually.
Each slice can be modified with the same parameters as the drum instruments.


Managing Your Sounds
Registering VST Sounds
Instrument Layers
Instrument layers contain several multi-samples of an instrument that can be
parts of single sounds or different articulations. These sublayers are called
expressions. You can modify expression parameters. By switching off an
expression, you can shorten the load time of a sound.

HALion is a multitimbral plug-in that can load up to 16 sounds (or programs) and combine
them. This combination is called a multi-program, or multi for short. You can use multis to
layer several programs or to create split sounds by setting several programs to the same
MIDI input channel, for example. However, the most common usage is to create sound sets
with different instruments set to individual MIDI channels.

VST Sound Instrument Sets and Macro Pages
VST Sound Instrument Sets from Steinberg provide additional content for VST instruments
based on the HALion technology. They come with their own edit pages, called macro pages,
that feature a customized look and a collection of controls that match the functions of
the VST Sound Instrument Set. When you edit a program or layer of a certain VST Sound
Instrument Set, the accompanying macro page opens. For details on the functions and
controls of a particular macro page, refer to the documentation that comes with the
corresponding VST Sound Instrument Set.
Furthermore, you can create your own macro pages with HALion’s Macro Page Designer.

You can save and load all types of sounds as presets, that is, you can create presets for
single programs, for layers, and for multis.

Content Files and Folder Structure
HALion comes with a large amount of ready-to-use sound content, made up of hundreds of
multis, programs, and layers. This content is write-protected. You can edit files while they
are loaded, but you cannot overwrite the factory content files.
To save edits to the factory content, save the files under a new name. These files get the file
name extension .vstpreset and are referred to as user content. They can be searched and
categorized in the same way as factory content.
User content is saved in a predefined folder structure on your hard disk. You can create
subfolders within this structure to facilitate moving or exchanging content.

Registering VST Sounds
To be able to use the content from VST Sound containers, these containers must be
registered in the MediaBay.
Any content that comes with HALion is registered during installation, but if you have created
your own VST Sound container and want other users to be able to use it, they must register it


Managing Your Sounds
Loading Programs and Layers
Before registering a VST Sound container, move it to the folder on your system where you
want to store it. If you have registered a VST Sound container from the wrong location,
for example from your Download folder, you can move it at a later point in time, using the
Library Manager.

Double-click the VST Sound container in the File Explorer/Mac OS Finder.
This way, the VST Sound container as well as any other VST Sound containers located
in the same folder are registered.


Drag one or multiple VST Sound containers from File Explorer/Mac OS Finder onto the

The registered files remain in their current location and links to them are created under
program data/steinberg/content/VSTsound for Windows and under Library/
Application Support/Steinberg/Content/VSTsound for Mac.
If a VST Sound container has already been registered, it will not be registered a second time.
Library Manager on page 421

Loading Programs and Layers
There are several ways to load programs:

Via drag and drop from the MediaBay, the Program Table, the Program Tree, or the
File Explorer/Mac OS Finder onto the Slot Rack.
To load the program into an empty slot, drag it onto this slot, or, if empty slots are not
shown, drag it onto the empty space below the slots in the Slot Rack.
To replace the current program, drag the program onto a used slot in the Slot Rack.


Via the slot context menu.


Samples and third-party programs can be loaded into the Slot Rack from a file
browser or the Results List using drag and drop.

Programs containing lots of sample data may take some time to load.

Inserting Programs in between Slots
To add a program or layer in a new slot between two existing slots, drag it between these
slots. A red line indicates the insert position.
The slot number is taken from the first available slot and does not necessarily reflect the
order in which the slots are listed.

Loading Layers into Slots
If you load a layer into a slot, HALion creates a new program.


Managing Your Sounds
Loading Programs and Layers

Finding Missing Samples
There might be situations where loaded programs cannot find the samples they use. This
can happen if the referenced samples are located on a different drive and the drive name has
changed, or because the program was created on a different computer system.
When this happens, the Find Missing Sample dialog opens, showing a list of all samples that
are missing, with additional information about the format, size, and creation date. The list
groups all samples that are located in the same subfolder.

Entering a Search Path
In the Find Missing Sample dialog, below the list of missing samples, you can enter the
search path to find the missing samples.
All subdirectories are searched before the results are displayed, therefore the search takes
longer if you specify entire drives.

Starting the Search
Once you have specified the search path, click the Start Search button to start the search
If the search only finds a single result for each missing sample, the sample path is
automatically corrected in the program and the sample disappears from the Missing Files
list. If all samples are found, the dialog is closed.

Multiple Results
If sample files with the same name are found in more than one location, an additional Found
File list appears below the Missing File list. This shows the available samples and their file

To select a sample or a complete folder that is to be used to resolve the missing
samples, double-click it in the Found Files list.
Each sample or folder that is resolved this way disappears from the Missing File list.

Once all samples are resolved the dialog closes.

Favorite Paths
If a path might be helpful for future searches, you can add it to the search path list. The next
time the dialog opens, it allows you to select one or multiple predefined paths to specify
which places to include in the search.

To add a path, click the + sign.

Search Options
By default, HALion searches for samples that do not only have the same file name, but
also correspond in terms of time, size, and format information. A sample is considered
“found” only if all of the information is identical. However, you can exclude this information
by activating the Ignore File Time and Size and Ignore Audio Format and Length options.


Managing Your Sounds
Load Dialog

Load Dialog

The Load dialog contains many of the MediaBay functions, allowing for very sophisticated
search criteria.
Applying Filters on page 56
Managing Files via the MediaBay on page 55
Results List on page 57

Slot Rack
The Slot Rack has 64 slots. Each slot can hold a program, that is, you can work with 64
programs at the same time.

Once a program is loaded in the Slot Rack, it can be played and edited.


Managing Your Sounds
Slot Rack

Slot Rack Controls
The top section of the Slot Rack contains the controls.

Sort Slots
Allows you to select the sorting mode.

Custom Sorting – Allows you to define the order by dragging the slots up or


Sort Slots by MIDI Port and Channel – The slots are sorted according to
their MIDI port and MIDI channel.


Sort Slots by Index – Sorts the slots according to their slot index.

Slot Size Buttons
Allow you to show large, medium, or small slots. The larger the slot, the more
controls are displayed.
Remove All Programs
Removes all programs that are loaded in the Slot Rack.
Show Empty Slots
By default, the Slot Rack only shows slots that contain programs. Activate Show
Empty Slots to show all 64 slots.

Slot Controls

For the slots in the Slot Rack, the following controls are available:
Program Icon
The program icon on the left shows to which sound category a program belongs if
a category is set.
Deactivates playback of the program.
Activate the Solo button of a slot to hear only the corresponding program. Several
slots can be soloed at the same time.
The level fader controls the output level of a program. The parameter has an
influence on all outputs that are used by layers and zones inside the program.


Managing Your Sounds
Slot Rack
Controls the stereo position of a program. The parameter has an influence on all
outputs that are used by layers and zones inside the program. If the slot bus has
a surround configuration, this control is not available.
MIDI Port and Channel
Determines on which MIDI port and channel the slot receives MIDI messages.
MIDI Activity Indicator
This green bar next to the slot number and symbol indicates incoming MIDI data.
Determines how many notes can be triggered simultaneously.
If a note triggers several zones at the same time, the number of resulting voices
can be much higher.
Determines to which output bus the slot sends its signal.
This setting does not affect any output routing that has been set up for individual
layers or zones inside the program.
Level Meter
The level meter on the right indicates the signal level of the slot’s output bus.
If a program contains layers and zones that are routed to individual outputs,
these are not reflected in the level meter.

Slot Context Menu
The context menu provides a number of functions for managing programs.
Load Program
Opens the program loader. Double-click a program or layer to load it into this
Save Program
Saves the program. If you try to overwrite write-protected factory content, a
dialog opens that allows you to save the edited program under a new name.
Save Program As
Allows you to save the program under a new name.


Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files
Save All Programs
Allows you to save all programs as a VST preset.
Remove Program
Removes the program from the slot.
Init Program
Loads the Init program. This contains a neutral synth layer.
Revert to Last Saved Program
Discards any changes that you made to the program since the last time it was
Cut Program
Copies the program and removes it from the slot.
Copy Program
Copies the program.
Paste Program
Pastes the copied program into the slot. If the slot already contains a program, it
is replaced.
Rename Program
Allows you to rename the program.
Reset Slot
Resets the slot to the default values.
Reset All Slots
Resets all slots to the default values.
You can also cut, copy, and paste programs from one plug-in instance to another.

Managing and Loading Files
You can use the MediaBay and the Browser to manage, navigate to, load, and preview
different file types.

Managing Multis
Multis can load multiple sounds or programs and combine them.
You can use multis to layer several programs or to create split sounds by setting several
programs to the same MIDI input channel, for example. However, the most common usage is
to create sound sets with different instruments set to individual MIDI channels.


Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files
A multi-program contains all plug-in parameters. If you use HALion as a plug-in in a
Steinberg DAW, these multis are listed in the Preset Management pop-up menu of the host
application. You can drag multis and programs from the MediaBay to a slot in HALion.
If you use HALion as a plug-in in a different host application, you can use the preset
functionality from the host application or the multi management features provided by

Loading Multis
You can load multis in the following ways:

Open the MediaBay and double-click a multi or drag a multi onto the multi slot.


Click the Load Multi-Program button in the multi slot to open the Load Multi-Program
dialog, select a multi, and click OK.

Renaming Multis

To rename a multi, click in the name field, enter a new name, and press Return.

Removing Multis

To remove all programs of the current multi, click the Remove All Programs button on
the toolbar of the Slot Rack.
This also resets all slot parameters and removes effects from the slot busses.
However, AUX and Master effects are not removed.
Removing the programs from the slots does not remove them from the Program Table.

Clearing the Plug-In Instance

To reset the entire plug-in instance to an empty state, right-click the multi loader and
select Clear Plug-in Instance from the context menu.

Saving Multis

Click the Save Multi-Program button.


Enter the name of the multi.


Assign any attributes that you want to use and click OK.
If the entered name already exists, the Make Unique Name option adds a number
suffix to the name of the new multi.

Saving a Multi as Default

To specify a default multi to be loaded with HALion, use the Save as Default command
on the context menu for the multi loader.


Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files

Creating Subfolders for User-Defined Multis
You can create subfolders inside the user preset folder to organize presets.

To create a new folder, click the Create New Folder icon at the top left of the Save
Multi-Program dialog.

Navigating Through the Folder Hierarchy
You can move through the folder hierarchy using the three navigation buttons at the top left
of the dialog.
These buttons allow you to navigate to the previous or next browse location, or browse the
containing folder.

Editing Attributes
You can edit the attribute values that are assigned to the preset.

Open the Save Multi-Program dialog and navigate to the New Preset Tags section.


To edit an attribute, click on a value field and enter the new name or value.


Click OK to save the preset.

Exporting Multis as VST3 Presets with Samples
You can export multi-programs with samples to transfer a complete multi to another
computer. Programs that use samples from VST Sound containers cannot be exported.

Click the Export Multi-Program as VST3 Preset with Samples button next to the multi


Enter the name of the multi and click OK.
The multi is written to the specified location. Additionally, a folder named after the
preset that contains all samples is created.

Managing Files via the MediaBay
The MediaBay gives access to presets, such as multis, programs, and layers.
In the top section of the MediaBay, you specify which sounds to look for. The lower section
presents the corresponding results.


Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files


To adjust the size of the two sections, drag the divider at the top of the results list.

Applying Filters
Category Filter
You can filter the results list based on up to 4 filter criteria using the configurable attribute
columns. The standard attributes are Category, Sub Category, Style, and Character.
Only the files that match the filter are displayed in the results list.

To define the filter, click on specific values in the columns.


To refine the filter, select more values from other columns.


To select different filter criteria, click the column header and select a different
attribute from the submenu.

Content Set Filter
Use the Select Content Set pop-up menu to search a specific content set. By default, the
search is performed in all installed content sets.


Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files

Using User Icons for Content Libraries
The Select Content Set pop-up menu allows you to filter presets according to their library
name. To be able to filter out your user presets, you can set up a custom library name for
your user presets in the MediaBay. By default, the pop-up menu displays user libraries with
a generic library icon, but you can also set up your own icons for your libraries.

Open the Select Content Set pop-up menu.


Right-click the icon for your custom library and select Select Custom Library Icon.


Navigate to the file that you want to use, and select it.


You can only use .jpeg or .bitmap files.

To remove a user icon from a library, right-click it and select Remove Custom Library

The new icon is shown in the MediaBay and on the Select Content Set pop-up menu.
The standard size for library icons is 60x90 pixels. Images with a different height or width are

Results List
The results list shows all files that have been found according to the category filter.
Text Search
In the text search field on the results list toolbar, you can enter text contained in
the name or any of the attributes of a preset that you are looking for. The results
list is updated immediately and the category search section above shows all
categories that contain presets matching the text search.


Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files
To reset the text-based result filter, click Clear Search Text next to the search
View Filters
The toolbar has three filter buttons that allow you to define which preset types to
display: multis, programs, or layers. In the results list, the corresponding icon is
shown to the left of the preset name.
Rating Filter
You can limit the results list according to the rating of the presets. Use the rating
slider to define the minimum rating.
Content Filters
The content filter buttons allow you to define whether to show all presets, only
the factory presets, or only your user presets.
The columns show all the attribute values for the presets that match the filters
that you set up in the top section.
Set Up Result Columns
Allows you to select which attribute columns to display on the toolbar.
Results Counter
The number of presets that match the filter criteria is displayed at the right of the

Configuring the Results List

To configure which attributes are shown in the results list, click Set up Result Columns
in the upper right corner of the results list and activate the corresponding entries. New
attributes are added at the right of the list.


To reorder the columns in the results list, drag the column headers to another


To change the sorting of the list entries, click the column header. The triangle in the
column header shows the sorting direction.


Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files

Results List Context Menu
The context menu of the results list offers additional options for managing the selected
presets. Different options are available for factory presets and for user presets.
Programs from the factory content are write-protected and cannot be deleted or renamed.

Factory Presets
Load Program into selected Slot/Load Multi-Program
Loads the highlighted preset.
Select All
Selects all presets in the results list.
Select None
Cancels any selection in the results list.

User Presets
Copies the selected presets to the clipboard.
Opens a dialog for renaming the preset.
Moves the selected presets to the trash of your operating system.
Show in Explorer/Reveal in Finder
Shows the preset in the file browser of your operating system.
Set/Remove Write Protection
Sets/Removes write protection for the selected presets.

Assigning General MIDI Program Change Numbers to Sounds

In the MediaBay, click Set up Result Columns on the title bar of the lower section.


Select Musical > GM Sound.


Select the sound to which you want to apply the GM program change number.


In the GM Sound column for the sound, select the General MIDI program change
number that you want to use.
You can assign the same GM Sound program number several times. If a program
number is used more than once, the Rating attribute can be used to decide which
program to load.


Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files
Now, you can use MIDI program change messages to load the assigned sounds into the slot
of the corresponding MIDI channel.
Slot 10 ignores any program change messages and keeps the loaded drum set.

Loading Programs into Slots
To load a program into one of the slots of the Slot Rack, you have the following possibilities:

Select the slot into which you want to load the program, and double-click the program
in the results list.


Drag a program from the results list to an empty space in the Slot Rack to create a
new slot.
If you drag it to an existing slot, the current program is replaced.


Right-click the program and select Load Program into selected Slot from the context

Showing the Program Structure
You can look inside multis, programs, and layers. This allows you to load only specific
components, for example.

Activate Show Program Structure on the toolbar of the results list.
An additional window section is displayed. It shows the contents of the selected multi,
program, or layer.


Navigate through the tree structure and select the items that you want to use, for
example, a program within a multi, a single layer of a program, or a single zone.
You cannot open protected layers. These are shown with a lock icon.

Importing Presets
You can import program presets from any file location using the File Explorer/Mac OS

Select the preset in the File Explorer/Mac OS Finder.


Drag it to the MediaBay.


Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files
The imported presets are copied to your user folder.

Editing Preset Attributes
Presets can be described by using a predefined set of attributes.

In the New Preset Attributes section of the Save dialog, click in the field of the
attribute value that you want to set.
Depending on the attribute, a menu or a dialog opens.


Select a value.
Attribute values are written into the corresponding preset files.
If you change the attributes for write-protected factory presets, these changes are only
saved in the MediaBay database, not in the preset file.

Deleting User Presets

To delete a user preset, right-click it and select Delete from the context menu.
Factory presets cannot be deleted.

Loading HALion 3 Programs
You can load HALion 3 presets from HSB container files, VST Sound files, or FXP/FXB files.
To be able to load presets from HALion 3 HSB files or programs that are contained in VST
Sound files, the HSB or VST Sound files must be registered in the MediaBay.
The factory content is located in a directory that is automatically scanned when HALion
is loaded. However, if you added additional VST Sound files in another directory, you must
register these files.

Registering HSB/VST Sound Files

Click Import on the right of the category filter toolbar and select Register HSB/VST
Sound Files.


Navigate to the files, select them, and click OK.
Alternatively, HSB/VST Sound files can be registered by dragging them from the File
Explorer/Mac OS Finder into the MediaBay.

The MediaBay has access to the presets.


Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files

Importing FXP/FXB Files

Click Import on the right of the category filter and select Import HALion FXP/FXB


Navigate to the folder that contains the FXP/FXB file.


Select the file that you want to import and click OK.
Alternatively, import multiple FXP/FXB files by dragging them from the File Explorer/
Mac OS Finder into the MediaBay.

Loading FXP/FXB Files
To load FXP/FXB files, do one of the following:

Drag and drop the FXP/FXB files from the File Explorer/Mac OS Finder onto the Slot


Drag and drop the FXP/FXB files to the Slot Rack or the multi slot.

HALion converts the FXP/FXB files into programs or multi-programs.

Loading Files Using the Browser

In the Browser, you can search and load the following files:

Samples and zones from the file system or from within loaded programs.
This also includes program formats from other software and hardware samplers.


Programs, layers, and sublayers.


Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files

Path Section


To step through the recent locations, click the Previous Browse Location/Next Browse
Location buttons.


To navigate to the folder one level up in the location tree, click the Browse Containing
Folder button.


The path field shows the current location. To specify a new location, enter or copy a
new path.


To open the navigation history, click at the very right of the path field.

Location Tree

The location tree on the left in the Browser allows you to navigate through the programs,
layers, or zones in any folder. You can even access files contained in VST Sound containers,
HSB files, and ISO files. If you select an entry in the tree, the results list on the right shows
the corresponding content.

Location Tree Context Menu

Batch Import
Select this command to import the content of entire folders or ISO image files.
Refresh Views
Updates the tree. This is useful if you added a new disk to your setup or created a
new folder on the hard disk.
Rescan Disk
Rescans the selected element in the tree. The corresponding files are opened,
the information is extracted, and the database file is updated accordingly.


Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files
Quick Rescan Disk
Rescans only the folders that have changed since the last scan.
Show in Explorer (Win)/Reveal in Finder (Mac)
Shows the location of the selected file on your system.

Locations are folders or directories on your system that contain media files. By setting up
locations, you can organize the files that are available in the results list according to context.

The text field above the tree shows the name of the selected folder. If the name is preceded
by an asterisk, the folder has not been saved as a location yet.

Managing Locations

To open the list of favorite locations, click in the text field.


To add the current folder to the favorite locations, click Add Selected Media Node as
Favorite Location.
You can keep the folder name or specify a new name for the location.


To delete the current location from the list, click Remove Favorite Location.

Results List
The results list shows the files found in the selected folder. It displays all files that HALion
can read, such as VST presets, samples, or third-party sampler programs. In addition to
information like file name and path, the columns in the results list can be configured to show
different attributes.
The results list also shows any subfolders of the selected folder, but does not include the
files contained in the subfolders themselves. To see the content inside subfolders, select the
corresponding subfolder.

Navigating in the Results List

To open a folder or location, double-click it in the results list.
If you double-click a preset, its contents are shown.


To move up one level in the folder hierarchy, click Browse Containing Folder.

Performing a Text Search
You can limit the number of results in the results list using the text search function. This way,
you can search for files with specific names, for example. For presets, the search also takes


Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files
any attributes into account. The value field in the top right corner indicates the number of
files that match the search text.

To clear the search text, click Clear Filter Text.

Configuring the Results List

To configure which attributes are shown in the results list, click Set up Result Columns
in the upper right corner of the results list and activate the corresponding entries. New
attributes are added at the right of the list.


To reorder the columns in the results list, drag the column headers to another


To change the sorting of the list entries, click the column header. The triangle in the
column header shows the sorting direction.

Searching for Files on Your System
Instead of searching the current results list, you can also use the text search to look for files
on your hard disks or in VST Sound containers.

Select the location that you want to use as the starting point for the search.
The higher up in the hierarchy the location, the longer the search takes. Therefore, it is
not recommended to search entire hard drives.


In the top left corner of the results list, click the Search Location Content
enter the search text in the text field.


Optional: Click the button to the right of the search field to specify whether you want to
search for samples, MIDI files layers, programs, multis, or all types.


To start the search, press Return or click Search/Stop Search to the right of the search
The files that match the search criteria are listed in the results list.
The maximum of files that can be displayed in the list is 10,000.


Double-click a result to show it in the location tree.


button and

Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files

Preview and File Info Sections
The Preview and File Info sections below the results list allow you to play back the focused
sample and shows information about the file.

File Info Section
This section shows information on the focused sample or MIDI file.

For samples, length, channels, bit depth, and sample rate are shown. If available, root
key, key, and velocity range are also shown.


For MIDI files, original tempo, signature, and length are shown, as they are saved in
the file.

Preview Section
You can listen to the focused sample or MIDI file using the controls in the Preview section.
Adjusts the playback level.
Plays back the focused sample or MIDI file.
Stops playback. The play locator jumps back to the start of the file.
Pauses playback. Click again to continue.
Auto Play
Automatically starts playback of the focused sample or MIDI file.
Loop Playback
If this button is activated, the focused sample or MIDI file is played back
Play Position
Displays the playback position within the focused sample or MIDI file. To select
another position for playback, click on the slider or drag the handle to the new

Destination Folder
When programs are imported, HALion creates a folder for each program. The name of the
folder corresponds to the name of the imported program. Inside this folder, a subfolder is
created, in which the corresponding samples are saved, if necessary.


Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files
The folder specified in the Destination Folder field is used to save samples from bank or
container files, such as GigaSampler files (.gig). You can enter the path manually or click
the button to the right to navigate to a specific directory.

Adding Files to the MediaBay on Import
To automatically create VST presets for each imported program in the user presets folder,
activate Automatically Add Preset to MediaBay on Import to the right of the destination
folder field. This way, the imported programs are available in the MediaBay and can be used
in other projects. Otherwise, imported programs are only available in the current instance of

Missing Samples
If you browse the samples of a program and you cannot load them or listen to them, they
may have been moved or deleted. In this case, the sample info displays “Sample not found”.
To remedy this, load the program again and make sure that no samples are missing.
Afterwards, be sure to save the program with the restored sample paths.
Finding Missing Samples on page 49

Loading Files
You can load selected programs, layers, zones, or samples by dragging them from the
results list to the Slot Rack, the Program Table, or the Program Tree. Programs, layers, and
zones can also be dragged directly from the Browser tree. In all cases, the Import Folder
dialog opens, where you can specify how to import the contained subfolders and samples.

To load the file that is focused in the results list into the active slot in the Slot Rack,
use the key commands Return or L.

Some file types are not supported. In this case, an icon is displayed to indicate that the file
format cannot be loaded.

Protected programs and layers are shown with a lock icon to indicate that you cannot extract
single zones or samples. However, you can load the programs as a whole.

These icons only appear after selecting the programs.
Importing Samples on page 228


Managing Your Sounds
Managing and Loading Files

Loading Files from HALion 3
You can load FXB and FXP files from HALion 3. These files can be located in a directory on
the file system or inside an HSB container file. HSB container files must be registered in the
MediaBay before they can be used. When loading FXB files, the multi-program is replaced.
If FXB or FXP files are referring to HSB container files, the sample paths always work. For
samples that are located on the file system, you might have to reestablish the sample paths.

To register an HSB file, right-click it in the location tree and select Register HSB.


To import FXP and FXB files, right-click the file in the location tree and select Import
HALion FXP/FXB-File.
Single FXP files from within HSB files cannot be imported. In this case, you must
register the HSB file.

Finding Missing Samples on page 49

Loading Third-Party Sampler Programs
The supported third-party sampler programs appear as nodes in the location tree. You can
load entire programs, or selected layers or samples.
Multis and banks in third-party sampler formats can be dropped on the multi-program slot,
the Slot Rack, or the Program Table.

If you drop a multi or bank on the multi-program slot, the current multi is replaced.


If you drop a multi or bank on the Slot Rack, new slots are created and the
corresponding programs are added to the Program Table.
If the multi or bank contains more programs than slots are available, the remaining
programs are added to the Program Table only. The current multi is not replaced.


If you drop a multi or bank on the Program Table, the additional programs are added to
the Program Table. The current multi is not replaced.

If the ISO image or bank has partitions or folders, you can drag only that partition or folder
to the Slot Rack or the Program Table. Any contained programs are then loaded. This
is different to dragging a folder from the file system to HALion. In that case, the Import
Samples dialog opens and only the contained samples are imported and mapped.
The following formats can be imported:

Emagic EXS24


NI Kontakt 1.x to 4.1 (except for encrypted files, scripted content, and containers)


Akai* S1000, S2000, S3000, S5000/6000


EMU* 3, 3X, ESI, 4, 4K, E64, E6400, ESynth, Ultra


Roland S770*


Kurzweil (KRZ, K25, K26)


SoundFonts 2.x


Giga 1, 2, limited Giga 3 support (except for encrypted content, time stretching, and
pitch shifting)


Managing Your Sounds
Working with General MIDI Files
* ISO images on HDD only.

Working with General MIDI Files
HALion can play back files in the General MIDI format. For this, the following preparations
must be made:

Load a GM multi from the MediaBay.
The first 16 slots are prepared with send effects for chorus and reverb.


Open the Options Editor, navigate to the MIDI Controller section, and activate Receive
Program Changes and Receive RPNs 0/1/2.


Load the GM file that you want to use.

HALion loads the necessary programs and adjusts the chorus and reverb levels.


Mapping Zones

You can edit the sample mapping manually in the Mapping Editor. The mapping functions are
based on information like key range, root key, and velocity range.

Mapping Editor
The Mapping Editor allows you to view and edit the distribution of the zones within a
All zones are mapped to the key range on the horizontal axis and the velocity range on the
vertical axis. In the upper area, you have access to mapping ranges and sample parameters
for the selected zone. If several zones are selected, the parameters of the focused zone are
Layers and zones that are hidden in the Program Tree are not displayed in the Mapping


Mapping Zones
Mapping Editor

Zones are displayed as boxes. Overlaying zones are semi transparent, so that overlapping
areas can easily be recognized. Selected zones have a red border, and the focused zone has
an orange border. To set the focus on a zone, click on it or select it on the Focused Zone popup menu above the toolbar.
When you play notes on your MIDI keyboard, these notes are highlighted on the Mapping
Editor keyboard. The velocity of the played note is shown on the velocity scale on the left.
To test the sample mapping, you have the following possibilities:

Ctrl/Cmd-click a key on the keyboard and keep the mouse button pressed. HALion
plays this key and all following keys at the same velocity, for as long as you press the
mouse button.


Hold down Ctrl/Cmd-Alt and click a key to play this key and the following keys ten
times each, at increasing velocities from 1 to 127.


MIDI Mapping Selection Options
You can select zones using the Mapping Editor keyboard or an external MIDI
keyboard. The mapping selection buttons are available if the Enable MIDI
Mapping Selection Options button is activated.

Activate Select Zones with the Mapping Editor Keyboard
by clicking on the Mapping Editor keyboard.


to select zones

Mapping Zones
Mapping Editor

Activate Select Zones via MIDI
MIDI keyboard.


If Select Zones depending on Velocity
the incoming velocity are selected.


If Select Zones using a MIDI Controller to set the Velocity
is activated,
the velocity from the keyboard is replaced by the controller values that are
sent by the selected controller.

to select zones by playing on an external
is activated, only zones that match

Right-click the icon to select another controller or use the Learn function.

If Select all Zones between the last two played Notes
is activated, any
zones that are located between the last 2 triggered zones are selected.
To extend the selection, play and hold a note. Any additional notes that you
play add the corresponding zones to the selection.
If you play a chord, any zones between the lowest and the highest key are

Scroll Position follows Tree Selection
If the Scroll Position follows Tree Selection button is activated and you select
a zone in the Program Tree, the Mapping Editor automatically scrolls the view to
keep the selection in the center. This works on both the keyboard and the velocity

If this is set to Crossfade: Manual
crossfade manually.


If this is set to Crossfade: Auto , the crossfade range is automatically
adjusted if you move overlapping zones.


If this is set to Crossfade: Symmetric , you can create symmetric
crossfades for zones that have an identical key range and an adjacent
velocity range.

, you can set up and edit each

Move Lock
Allows you to lock zones, to prevent you from accidentally moving or resizing
Move Root Key with Zones
If this button is activated, the root key is automatically adapted when you move a
sample zone. This way, you can make sure that moved samples play back at the
correct pitch.
Trigger Zones
If this button is activated, you can trigger zones in the Mapping Editor.

Zone Range Section
Below the toolbar, you can make settings for the zone range. The Tune and Gain parameters
are only available for sample zones.


Mapping Zones
Mapping Editor
Key Range
With the Low Key and High Key value fields, you can set up the key range for the
selected zone.
Velocity Range
With the Low Velocity and High Velocity value fields, you can set the velocity
range for the selected zone.
Root Key
The root key determines the original pitch of a zone, that is, the key on which the
zone is played without being transposed.
Sets the tune offset of the zone.
This value can be written into the sample file on export and is read on import.
Sets the gain offset of the zone.
This value can be written into the sample file on export and is read on import.
Allows you to specify a pan offset for the sample.


The keyboard indicates with which keys a zone can be triggered. It can also be used to trigger
notes. The vertical position at which you click a key determines the velocity.
The context menu for a key contains submenus that show information on pitch and velocity,
as well as the zones that are mapped to a key.
Keys to which no zones are assigned are grayed out.


Mapping Zones
Mapping Editor Context Menu

Velocity Scale

The velocity scale on the left provides an orientation when you adjust the velocity range of
a zone. In the background of the scale, a meter indicates the incoming velocity value. After
each note, the meter automatically falls back to zero and leaves a marker on the last velocity

Mapping Editor Context Menu

Opens a submenu where you can select all zones or invert the current selection.

To select all zones, select Select All.


To select all zones that were previously not selected and to deselect all
zones that were previously selected, select Invert Selection.

Replace Sample
Allows you to exchange one or multiple samples that are used to play back one or
multiple zones. Any zone-specific settings like Pitch, Filter, or Amplifier are not
modified by this.


Mapping Zones
Mapping Editor Context Menu
Deletes the selected zones.
Removes the selected zones and saves them to the clipboard.
Copies the selected zones to the clipboard.
Pastes the zones from the clipboard to the selected program or layer.
The Visibility submenu allows you to control the visibility of zones inside the
Mapping Editor.

Hide Selected hides the selected zones.


Hide Non-Selected hides all zones that are not selected.


Show Selected shows all selected zones.


Hide All hides all zones.


Show All shows all zones.


If Auto Visibility is activated, the selected zones and any of their direct
siblings that are part of the same layer are automatically shown. Other
zones are hidden.


Mute All Zones mutes all zones.


Solo All Zones solos all zones.


Mute Selected Zones mutes the selected zones.


Solo Selected Zones solos the selected zones.


Make All Zones Audible resets all mute and solo states for all zones.


Solo Follows Selection automatically solos the zones that you select.

Zones can partially or entirely overlap. You can create fades in the horizontal (key)
and the vertical (velocity) direction. This allows you to successively add certain
sound components over the key or the velocity range.

On the submenu, select whether you want to create crossfades on the
keyboard axis or the velocity axis, or both.

Allows you to set up the mapping for the selected sample.
Fill Gaps

Pitch Only fills any gaps between the selected zones on the keyboard axis.


Velocity Only fills any gaps between the selected zones on the velocity axis.


Mapping Zones
Mapping Editor Context Menu

Pitch and Velocity first fills the gaps on the keyboard axis. Then, the
remaining gaps on the velocity axis are filled.


Velocity and Pitch first fills the gaps on the velocity axis. Then, the
remaining gaps on the keyboard axis are filled.

Set Root Key
Allows you to adjust the root keys of the selected zones without changing their
key or velocity ranges.

Center of Zone sets the root key to the center of the zone. If the zone has
no center because it has an even number of keys, the root key is set to the
key in the center that is closest to the previous root key.


High Key of Zone sets the root key to the High Key of the zone.


Low Key of Zone sets the root key to the Low Key of the zone.


Key Text in Sample Name sets the root key to the key that is extracted from
the sample file name. The function searches for the name of the key in text


Key Number in Sample Name sets the root key to the MIDI note number
that is extracted from the sample file name. The function searches for a


Root Key in Sample File sets the root key to the key that is stored in the
header chunk of the sample file.

Transfer Settings to Mapping
Zones often have varying Fine Tune and Level settings, while sharing various
other settings. To avoid varying Fine Tune and Level settings, transfer these
settings to the Tune and Gain parameter in the Mapping Editor.

All transfers the Fine Tune and Level settings at the same time.


Fine Tune and Level allow you to transfer the parameters separately.

Afterwards, the zone settings are reset to their default values.

Mapping Options
Root Key Only
Each sample is mapped to its root key only.
Root Key Fill Centered
The samples are mapped to their root key. The zones expand to the left and right
from the root key to fill empty spaces.
Root Key Fill Up
The samples are mapped to their root key. The zones expand to the right to fill
empty spaces.
Root Key Fill Down
The samples are mapped to their root key. The zones expand to the left to fill
empty spaces.


Mapping Zones
Mapping Editor Context Menu
Layered on Root Key
The zones are layered on the root key, equally spaced from the lowest to the
highest velocity.
Layered on Key Range
Zones that have exactly the same key range are layered equally spaced from the
lowest to the highest velocity.
Chromatic from Last Key
Starting with the highlighted key of the Mapping Editor keyboard, the zones are
mapped chromatically to the white and black keys in ascending order. The root
keys are set to the corresponding key.
White Keys from Last Key
Starting with the highlighted key of the Mapping Editor keyboard, the zones
are mapped to the white keys in ascending order. The root keys are set to the
corresponding key.
Black Keys from Last Key
Starting with the highlighted key of the Mapping Editor keyboard, the zones
are mapped to the black keys in ascending order. The root keys are set to the
corresponding key.
Layered on Last Key
On the highlighted key of the Mapping Editor keyboard, the zones are layered
equally spaced from lowest to highest velocity. The root keys are set to the
highlighted key.
Stacked on Last Key
At the highlighted key of the Mapping Editor keyboard, the zones are stacked on
top of each other. The root keys are set to the highlighted key.
Key Text in Sample Name
The zones are mapped to the key that is extracted from the sample file name.
The function searches for the name of the key in text form, for example, C#3. The
mapping and root key are set to that key.
Key Number in Sample Name
The zones are mapped to the MIDI note number that is extracted from the sample
file name. The function searches for a number. The mapping and root key are set
to that key.
Velocity in Layer Name
The zones are mapped to the velocity range that is extracted from the layer
Velocity in Sample Name
The zones are mapped to the velocity range that is extracted from the sample file


Mapping Zones
Sample Zones and their Root Keys
Velocity in Sample Folder
The zones are mapped to the velocity range that is extracted from the name of
the sample folder.
Ranges in Sample File
The zones are mapped to the key and velocity ranges that are stored in the
sample file header.
If the header does not contain this information, the samples cannot be mapped.
Tuning from Sample File
The zones are mapped according to the tuning settings that are stored in the
sample file header.
If the header does not contain this information, the samples cannot be mapped.
Gain from Sample File
The zones are mapped according to the gain settings that are stored in the
sample file header.
If the header does not contain this information, the samples cannot be mapped.

Sample Zones and their Root Keys
The root key determines the original pitch of a zone, that is, the key on which the zone is
played without being transposed.
Samples can contain root key information embedded in the sample file. When they are
loaded, they are automatically mapped to the corresponding keys.
The sample collections included with HALion contain both multi-sampled instrument
programs and single-shot sample programs. The multi-sampled programs contain samples
of a specific instrument, usually containing only one sample zone per key on the keyboard.
The single-shot programs contain different sample zones that are mapped across the
keyboard, without relationship between key and pitch. For these programs, you might want to
move sample zones. After moving the zones, adjust the root key to make the zones play back
at the correct pitch.

To set the root key, enter the value in the Root Key value field, or hold down Alt and
click the corresponding key on the keyboard.

Moving Zones
To move a zone, select it, click in the middle of it and drag it to another position.
To move several selected zones, click in the middle of one of the zones and drag.


Mapping Zones
Creating Fades and Crossfades
To restrict the movement to the horizontal direction, start dragging the zone and press Ctrl/
Cmd, and to restrict movement to vertical, start dragging and press Alt. When you move
sample zones horizontally, they are transposed, therefore, it might be necessary to adjust the
root key.

Creating Fades and Crossfades
On the Crossfades submenu of the context menu, Enable Crossfades on Keyboard Axis or
Enable Crossfade on Velocity Axis, or both, are activated.

Drag the fade handles to create a fade. For keyboard axis fades, drag left or right and
for velocity axis fades, drag up or down.
By default, the fade curve is exponential, but you can change the curvature by dragging
the curve up and down. The maximum curve setting represents an equal power curve.
This is useful for velocity crossfades.
If you want to create symmetric crossfades, activate the corresponding button on the

Crossfade on page 72

Setting Key Range and Velocity Range

To set the key range, move the mouse to one of the borders of a zone and drag to the
left or the right, or enter the values manually in the Low Key and High Key value fields.


To set the velocity range, move the mouse to one of the borders of a zone and drag
up or down, or enter the values manually in the Low Velocity and High Velocity value

If several zones are selected, the key range or the velocity range is modified for all the zones
simultaneously. However, only the values of the focused zone are displayed in the edit fields.


The Mapping Editor can zoom and scroll in two dimensions: the keyboard and the velocity

To zoom in or out, click the + or - buttons on the scrollbars.
Once you have zoomed in, you can use the scrollbar to move to a specific velocity or
keyboard area.


To zoom in/out on the locator position, press G and H.


Mapping Zones
Selecting Zones

To zoom in on a specific zone, double-click it. To zoom out, double-click again.


To zoom in on an area where two or more zones are overlapping, double-click the area.
To zoom out, double-click again.


To zoom to the selection, activate the S button next to the scrollbar.


To zoom out completely or return to the last zoom state, click the A button next to the

Zoom Snapshots
Zoom snapshots save the zoom factor and scroll position of the editor. These are restored
when you load the snapshot.
To the right of the scrollbar, you can find three numbered buttons that allow you to save and
load zoom snapshots.

To save the current state of the editor as snapshot, Shift-click one of the numbered
buttons to the right of the scrollbar.


To load a zoom snapshot, click the corresponding button. The button color changes if a
snapshot is active.

If you perform any manual zooming or scrolling, the zoom snapshot is deactivated.

Selecting Zones

Click a zone to select it.


Ctrl/Cmd-click to select several zones.


Hold down Ctrl/Cmd and draw a selection rectangle covering the zones that you want
to select.


Press Ctrl/Cmd-A to select all zones.


Click on the velocity scale to select all zones that belong to this velocity.

Importing Single Samples Using Drag And Drop

Drag a sample into the mapping section or onto the keyboard and keep the mouse
button pressed.
An outline representing the sample appears.


Move the mouse pointer up and down.
The horizontal position of the mouse pointer determines the lowest key of the key
range, and the vertical position of the mouse pointer determines the key zone range.


Drop the sample to insert it.


Mapping Zones
Importing Multiple Samples Using Drag And Drop

Importing Multiple Samples Using Drag And Drop

Select the samples that you want to import.


Drag the samples to the key on the Mapping Editor keyboard where you want the first
selected sample to be placed.
If you drag samples from a separate browser window, the selection order determines
how the samples are mapped, with the first selected sample being mapped to the first


Move the mouse up and down.
The samples are mapped chromatically. Moving the mouse up or down resizes the key
range for each zone.



If you move the mouse pointer to the bottom of the Mapping Editor, the samples
are distributed to different velocities rather than key ranges.The first selected
sample gets the highest velocity and the last selected the lowest velocity


If you press Ctrl/Cmd and move the mouse pointer to the bottom of the mapping
view, the samples are layered on the keys that you drop them on.


If you press Ctrl/Cmd and point at a white key, the samples are mapped to the
consecutive white keys only, and the key range cannot be extended. Pointing to a
black key maps the samples to black keys instead.

Release the mouse button to insert the samples.


Editing Programs and Layers

In the Sound Editor for programs and layers, you can find the parameters that are set
globally for an entire program or layer. For example, you can transpose the pitch, adjust level
and pan, and limit the playback to a specific area on the keyboard.
Programs and layers share the same set of parameters.

Main Section

The Main section contains basic settings.
Transposes the pitch in octave steps.
Transposes the pitch in semitone steps.
Detunes the pitch in cents steps (1/100 of a semitone).
Level Velocity Curve
Defines how incoming MIDI velocity values are re-mapped before they are sent to
the program or layer. By default, the incoming and outgoing values are identical.
The characteristic of each curve is displayed by a small icon.


Editing Programs and Layers
Trigger Section
Low Key
Defines the lowest key on which the program or layer is triggered.
High Key
Defines the highest key on which the program or layer is triggered.
Low Vel
Defines the lowest velocity on which the program or layer is triggered.
High Vel
Defines the highest velocity on which the program or layer is triggered.
Sus, FCtrl, FSw, PB, MW, and AT
The Filter options allow you to filter incoming MIDI controllers.
Adjusts the level of the layer. This parameter works as an offset to the zone
Defines the position of the layer in the stereo panorama. This parameter works
as an offset to the zone settings.

Trigger Section
The Trigger section allows you to control the trigger and release behavior.

Individual MegaTrig Management
This button is only available for layers. If you want the key switch assignments
across different layers to work individually, activate Ind MegaTrig for these
layers. This can be necessary if two layers with different key switches are used
together in one program.
Transposes the key switches that you set up for the MegaTrig module.
Start Key
Defines the key that is used as the lowest key switch.
Key Switch Mode
Defines how long a key switch is active.

If this parameter is set to Permanent, the key switch stays active until
another key switch is used.


Editing Programs and Layers
Trigger Section

If this parameter is set to Temporary, the key switch is only active for as
long as the corresponding key is pressed.

Default Switch
Specifies the default key switch that is active when you load a program, that
means, before you used the first key switch. The default key switch is also used in
Temporary mode when no key switch is pressed.
If you set the Default Switch parameter to a note value that is not assigned as a
key switch, the lowest key switch is used as the default key switch.
Filter Ctrls in Release
Filters out MIDI controllers in the release phase. Modulation destinations that are
using controllers keep their value after the note-off message.

If this parameter is set to Off, MIDI controllers are processed in the release


If this parameter is set to On, MIDI controllers are filtered out.


If this parameter is set to Inherit, the zones of this layer follow the behavior
that is specified for the parent layer.

On an acoustic piano, you can repedal the sustain after releasing the sustain
pedal for as long as the strings vibrate. The effect is that the strings play on. You
can achieve a similar effect with the Repedaling option. If you release and press
the pedal within the release of the amplitude envelope, the envelope jumps to the
decay segment, resuming at the current level of the release.
Enables sustain for the program or layer. When you use the sustain pedal, notes
keep playing until you release the pedal.
Enables sostenuto for the program or layer. Notes that are held while pressing
the sostenuto pedal sustain. Successive notes do not sustain.
Ind Velocity Mode
Sample-based instruments often use crossfade techniques to optimize the
switching between samples with different velocities.
Activate this option to apply the Velocity Mode settings to the selected layer and
its children.
Crossfades are set up in the Mapping Editor.
Velocity Mode
The switching or crossfading between zones can be controlled via velocity or MIDI


Editing Programs and Layers
Voice Management Section

If Note-on is selected, the velocity is used to trigger the zones.


If Controller is selected, a MIDI controller is used to replace the velocity,
that is, the controller value is used to select the zones.
The note-on message triggers the zones selected by the controller. Only
zones that belong to the corresponding velocity are played back.


If Continuous is selected, a MIDI controller is used to replace the velocity.
Depending on the Velocity Fade setting, the controller uses fades when
switching between zones. Therefore, all zones belonging to a key are
played back.

Determines which controller is used if Velocity Mode is set to Controller or

For the most realistic playback of instruments that use crossfade
techniques, activate Velocity Fade and set Velocity Mode to Continuous.


To save voices during playback of instruments that use crossfade
techniques, deactivate Velocity Fade and set Velocity Mode to Note-on.

For a good compromise between performance optimization and realistic
playback, try setting Velocity Mode to Controller and activating Velocity Fade.
Velocity Fade
Activate this option to use the velocity crossfades that are specified in the
Mapping Editor. If this option is deactivated or if no crossfades are set up, zones
switch directly between the different velocities.
MegaTrig on page 516

Voice Management Section
The Voice Management section allows you to control the maximum number of notes that you
can play and to set conditions for note stealing and triggering.

Voice Manager
Determines which Voice Management settings are applied to the selected layer.

If this parameter is set to Off, the layer uses the Voice Management
settings of the layer one level up in the hierarchy. If no layer with active
Voice Management settings exists at this level, the settings of the program
are used.


If this parameter is set to On, you can make individual Voice Management
settings for the selected layer.


Editing Programs and Layers
Voice Management Section

If this parameter is set to Program, the settings of the program are used,
regardless of any Voice Management settings made for layers higher up in
the hierarchy.

Voice Mode
Determines which notes are stolen during playback and whether new notes are
triggered when the Polyphony setting is exceeded.

Last Note Priority – New notes have playback priority over the notes that
were played before them.
If you exceed the maximum number of notes, the notes that were played
first are stolen in chronological order (First in/First Out) and the new notes
are triggered.


First Note Priority – Older notes have playback priority over newer notes.
If you exceed the maximum number of notes while older notes are still
being held, no notes are stolen. New notes are only triggered if a free voice
is available.


Low Note Priority – Low notes have playback priority over higher notes.
If you exceed the maximum number of notes by playing a lower note than
the ones that are held, the highest note is stolen and the new note is
If you exceed the maximum number of notes by playing a higher note than
the ones that are held, no note is stolen and no new note is triggered.


High Note Priority – High notes have playback priority over lower notes.
If you exceed the maximum number of notes by playing a higher note
than the ones that are held, the lowest note is stolen and the new note is
If you exceed the maximum number of notes by playing a lower note than
the ones that are held, no note is stolen and no new note is triggered.


Steal Lowest Amplitude – New notes have playback priority over notes with
a low amplitude.
If you exceed the maximum number of notes, the note with the lowest
amplitude is stolen and the newest note is triggered.


Steal Released Notes – New notes have priority over notes that enter the
release phase.
If you exceed the maximum number of notes, the oldest note that is in its
release phase is stolen and the new note is triggered.
If no note is playing in release and you exceed the maximum number of
notes, the first played notes are stolen in chronological order and the new
notes are triggered.

Trigger Mode
Defines the trigger behavior for new notes.

Normal triggers a new note when the previous note gets stolen. The
sample and the envelope of the new note are triggered from the start.
To minimize discontinuities, use the Fade Out parameter of the zone.


Resume does not always trigger a new note.


Editing Programs and Layers
Voice Management Section
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope is retriggered, but
resumes at the level of the stolen note. The pitch of the zone is set to the
new note.
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.

Legato does not always trigger a new note.
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope keeps running.
The pitch of the zone is set to the new note.
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.


Resume Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope resumes at the level of the stolen note and the pitch of the zone is
set to the new note, even if the new note plays in a different zone.


Legato Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope keeps running and the pitch of the zone is set to the new note,
even if the new note plays in a different zone.

If Resume or Legato are selected, you might hear an unnatural attack, depending
on the sample. To avoid this, activate Use Start Range on the Glide tab in the
Voice Control section for the zone.
Voice Groups
Allows you to create and use voice groups, that is, groups of zones that can be
edited together.

Poly Tab
The Poly tab contains the polyphony settings for programs and layers.

Activates monophonic playback. For solo instruments, this usually results in a
more naturally sounding performance.
Mono can also be used for programs that use dedicated note-off layers. When the
played note is released, the note-off layer is triggered.
This option is only available in Mono mode. If Retrigger is activated, a note that
was stolen by another note is retriggered if you still hold the stolen note when
you release the new one.
This way, you can play trills by holding one note and quickly and repeatedly
pressing and releasing another note, for example.


Editing Programs and Layers
Voice Management Section
When you play a note, one or multiple zones can be triggered. Each triggered
zone equals a voice. The number of voices that you trigger with each note is
displayed in the Voices field of the program. Use this parameter to set an upper
limit for the number of notes that can be played simultaneously in polyphonic
If a program has a lower Polyphony value than its layers, the maximum number
of notes that you can play is limited by the Polyphony value of the program.
Key Poly
With this parameter, you can specify an upper limit for the number of notes that
can be played for a key. The notes that were played last have priority. For this
parameter to have an effect, the Mono button must be deactivated.
Key Poly is limited by the Polyphony setting.
Low Amp
By default, the oldest note is removed first when notes are stolen due to a Key
Poly limitation. If you want the note with the lowest amplitude to be removed
instead, activate Low Amp.
Min Low Notes
Defines the number of low notes that cannot be stolen, regardless of the Voice
Mode setting.
Make sure that the polyphony of the program is high enough for your specific Min
Low Notes setting and allows to play additional higher notes.

Sus/Rel Tab
The Sus/Rel tab contains the sustain and release settings for programs and layers.
Ind Sustain
Activate this parameter to use individual sustain settings for the selected
programs or layers.
Sustain Mode
While you hold the sustain pedal, HALion plays back the notes that you play
repeatedly until the Key Polyphony value is reached. When you release the
sustain pedal, the notes of the keys that are no longer held enter the release
phase. Depending on the selected Sustain Mode, the notes of the keys that are
still held either keep playing or also enter the release phase.

If Hold Loudest is selected, the loudest note keeps playing.


If Hold Last is selected, the last note that you played keeps playing.


If Hold First is selected, the first note that you played keeps playing.


If Hold All is selected, all notes keep playing.


If Release All is selected, all notes enter the release phase.


Editing Programs and Layers
Voice Management Section
Play Release
By default, the release phase of stolen notes is not played back and the notes
fade out in the time specified by the Fade Out parameter of the zone. Activate this
option to fade out the notes with their normal release phase instead.
Fade Out on page 96

Voice Groups
By assigning zones to a voice group, you can set their polyphony individually. You can manage
the polyphony across zones that are not part of the same layer. Furthermore, zones can steal
notes from each other, regardless of whether they are in the same layer.
The maximum number of notes that you can play in a voice group is limited by the Polyphony
setting of the corresponding program or layer.
The parameters of the voice groups are edited using the columns in the table below the Voice
Management section.
Shows the number of the voice group.
Allows you to set the polyphony for each voice group.
If voice groups belong to the same exclusive group, they cannot be played back
simultaneously. The voice group that was triggered last has priority over the voice
groups that were playing before. Any voice groups of the same exclusive group
that were playing are cut off. A typical example for assigning voice groups to an
exclusive group is a drum set where the closed hi-hat cuts off the open hi-hat.

To assign a voice group to an exclusive group, select a number from the
pop-up menu.

Voice Mode
Allows you to set the Voice Mode parameter separately for each voice group.
Voice Management Section on page 85

Assigning Zones to Voice Groups

In the Program Tree, select the zones that you want to add to a voice group.


Open the Sound Editor for the zones.


In the Voice Control section, on the Trigger tab, select a voice group from the Voice
Group pop-up menu.
Usually, the voice group numbers relate to the voice groups of the program. If the zone
is part of a layer with active voice groups, the numbers relate to the voice groups of the
layer instead.


Editing Programs and Layers
Variation Groups Section

Variation Groups Section
To avoid the so-called machine gun effect that occurs when the same sample is triggered
repeatedly, you can create programs that use several samples for the same key and velocity
range. These samples can then be triggered alternately as variations. To define which
samples are triggered as variations, you can assign them to variation groups.
If no variation groups are activated, all zones play simultaneously. To avoid this, activate the
variation groups for the program or layer containing the zones and assign the zones to the
different variation groups.

Activates the variation group feature.
Click the Mode column to open a pop-up menu with the following options:

If this parameter is set to Off, all variations are triggered simultaneously.


If this parameter is set to Round Robin, all variations are triggered
alternately in a fixed order.


If this parameter is set to Random, all variations are triggered randomly.
Individual variations can be triggered repeatedly.


If this parameter is set to Random Exclusive, all variations are triggered
randomly. No variation is directly repeated.

Assigning Zones to Variation Groups

In the Program Tree, select the zones that you want to add to the variation group.


Open the Sound Editor for the zones.


In the Voice Control section, select the Trigger tab.


On the Variation Group pop-up menu, select a variation group.
Usually, the variation group numbers relate to the variation groups of the program.
If the zone is part of a layer with active variation groups, the numbers relate to the
variation groups of the layer instead.


Editing Programs and Layers
Quick Control Assignments Section

Quick Control Assignments Section
This section allows you to manage and edit the assigned quick controls.

How to work with the quick controls is described in a separate section.
Quick Controls on page 27

Note Expression Section

How to work with the Note Expression parameters is described in a separate section.
Note Expression on page 540


Editing Zones

You can edit zones in the Zone Editor or in the Sound Editor. These editors allow you to
modify the settings for a single zone, for multiple selected zones, or for all zones at the same

Adding Zones
You can add zones in the Program Tree. Which zone type to add depends on the type of sound
that you want to create or work with.

On the toolbar, click Create New Zone .


From the pop-up menu, select the zone type that you want to add.

Zone Types
Synth Zone
Uses a combination of oscillators, a ring modulator, and a noise generator
as sound source. The synth zone oscillators offer much more than classic
subtractive synthesis.
Sample Zone
Uses a sample as sound source. With the AudioWarp features, sample zones
allow for pitch shifting and time stretching, and the Vintage setting emulates the
sound quality of the first samplers. In the Sample Editor for a sample zone, you
can slice the sample and create a step modulation for each slice, for example.
Granular Zone
Granular zones use a sophisticated granular synthesis as sound source. This
allows you to create complex sounds that can drastically evolve over time from
any sample.


Editing Zones
Adding Samples to Empty Zones
Organ Zone
Organ zones produce the sound of classic drawbar organs with up to nine
Wavetable Zone
Wavetable zones use wavetable synthesis as sound source. Its high-quality
analysis combined with the wavetable envelope allows for resynthesis of a
sample, that is, only a few waves are necessary to reproduce the original
character of any sample.
If not explicitly stated, the functions described in this chapter apply to all zone types.
Editing Samples in the Sample Editor on page 150
Granular Synthesis on page 190
Wavetable Synthesis on page 173

Adding Samples to Empty Zones
Depending on the zone type, it can be necessary to fill the created zone with sample
material. This applies to sample zones, granular zones, and wavetable zones.

To add a sample to an empty sample zone, drag it from the File Explorer/Mac OS
Finder or the Browser to the sample display in the Sample Osc section of the Zone
Editor or onto the waveform area in the Sample Editor or click Load/Replace Sample
in the header of the Sample Editor and select a sample.


To add a sample to an empty granular zone, drag it to the sample display in the Grain
Osc section of the Zone Editor or onto the waveform area in the Sample Editor.


To add a sample to an empty wavetable zone, drag it to the waveform area in the
Wavetable Editor or use the Insert From Sample button on the toolbar of the
wavetable overview section.

Absolute and Relative Editing
When editing multiple zones, you can either change values absolutely for all the zones (ABS)
or make relative changes (REL), depending on the setting of the corresponding button on the

If you use absolute editing and you change a parameter from 50 % to 60 % for one
zone, all other zones are also set to 60 %.


If you use relative editing and you change a parameter from 50 % to 60 % in one zone,
another selected zone that was set to 70 % is set to 80 %.

Relative changes can be made for all parameters that can be adjusted continuously. Changes
of parameters that select one of multiple modes or switch between two states are always
Multi Selection and Parameter Controls on page 18


Editing Zones
Editing Selected Zones or All Zones

Editing Selected Zones or All Zones
When working in the Zone Editor or Sound Editor, you can apply your editing either to the
selected zones (SEL) or to all zones (ALL), depending on the setting of the corresponding
button on the toolbar.

Global Zone Settings
The global section at the top of the Zone Editor allows you to set up basic zone parameters.

Mute Zone
Mutes the zone.
HALion 3 Compatibility
This button lights up if you load an FXP file from HALion 3, to indicate that HALion
is in compatibility mode. This way, FXP files sound like they did in HALion 3.
If you deactivate the compatibility button, some modulations will sound different.
Allows you to switch between absolute and relative editing.
Allows you to select whether the editing is applied to all zones or to the selected
Zone Type
Allows you to select a zone type.
You can change the zone type of existing zones. For example, this allows you to
create and set up a sample zone, and then switch the zone type to Granular or
Wavetable and use your sample as a basis for further editing in this editor. If you
switch between zones, the zone settings are adapted as far as this is possible.
A sample oscillator is replaced by a synth oscillator, for example. However,
changing the zone type has some limits. When switching from a wavetable to a
sample zone, for example, the sample zone will initially be empty. Because there
are two oscillators in the wavetable zone that can even refer to multiple samples
or work without samples at all, sample data cannot be transferred. The same is
true for synth and organ zones that are switched to sample zones.
Show All Sections/Show First Section
Allows you to switch the display between showing all sections and showing only
the first activated section.
Section buttons
The section buttons allow you to customize the section display and to facilitate
navigating between sections. For each section, one button is available.


Editing Zones
Voice Control Section
The buttons can be activated, deactivated, or locked.
Low Key/High Key
These parameters determine the lowest key and the highest key on which the
zone is triggered.
Low Velocity/High Velocity
These parameters determine the lowest velocity and the highest velocity on
which the zone is triggered.
Root Key
The root key determines the pitch of the zone. Samples can contain root key
information embedded in the file, which means that when loaded, they are
automatically mapped to the corresponding keys.
Absolute and Relative Editing on page 93

Managing Sections
If you activate a section button, the corresponding section is shown. As soon as you click
another button, the section is automatically hidden and the new section is shown.
If you lock a section by clicking the button directly to the right of the section button, the
section button cannot be deactivated and the corresponding section is always visible in the
editor. Clicking another button shows the new section, scrolling the view, if necessary.
Click the button to the left of the section buttons to toggle between showing and locking all
sections, and showing only the first section.


If only one button is active, but not locked, you can click another button to switch
exclusively between the sections.


Having one section locked while showing others dynamically can speed up your work
For example, you can lock the Filter section, and then switch between the different
modifying sections, such as Envelope, LFO, Step Modulator, and Modulation Matrix.


You can also use these buttons to set up views for different contexts, showing exactly
those sections you need for a given workflow, and save them in a screen set.

Screen Sets on page 13

Voice Control Section
The Voice Control Section contains the same controls for sample, synth, grain, and
wavetable zones and a separate set of controls for organ zones.
For sample, synth, grain, and wavetable zones, the following parameters are available:


Editing Zones
Voice Control Section

Trigger Tab

On the Trigger tab, you can specify the triggering of a zone.
Voice Group
You can set the polyphony of a zone individually, by assigning it to one of 128 voice
groups. The settings of voice groups can be edited in the Voice Management
section of the program or layer.
Variation Group
Specifies the alternation mode for the different variation groups.
Each zone that you trigger corresponds to a voice. If the number of played zones
exceeds the Maximum Voices setting specified in the Options Editor, zones are
cut off and replaced by other zones. This is called “voice stealing”. Use this
parameter to specify a priority for this behavior. Zones with higher priority can
steal zones with lower priority, but not vice versa. If there are no zones with lower
priority, zones of the same priority are stolen. Zones with the priority Hold steal
only from lower priorities, but not from zones with the same priority.
Fade Out
Whenever a voice is stolen because a polyphony limit is reached, it is faded out.
You can specify this fade out time for each zone, which allows you to adapt it to
different signal types. For example, you might want to cut a stolen crash cymbal
zone less abruptly than a stolen hi-hat zone.
Key On Delay
With this parameter, you can delay the playback of the zone by a specified time or
a note value.
If Sync is deactivated, the delay is specified in milliseconds. If Sync is activated,
the delay is specified in fractions of beats.
To synchronize the delay time to the host tempo, activate the Sync button and
select a note value from the pop-up menu. To change the selected note value to a
triplet, activate the T button.
Release Delay
With this parameter, you can delay the release event of the zone by a specified
time or a note value.
If Sync is deactivated, the delay is specified in milliseconds. If Sync is activated,
the delay is specified in fractions of beats.
To synchronize the delay time to the host tempo, activate the Sync button and
select a note value from the pop-up menu. To change the selected note value to a
triplet, activate the T button.


Editing Zones
Voice Control Section
Release Mode and Amount
These parameters determine how loud the release samples are played back.
Release samples play back the sound of an instrument when the note ends. For
example, this can be the noise of the damper touching down on the piano string,
or the reverb tail of an instrument that was recorded in a concert hall.

Off deactivates the Release Mode. The level of the note-off sample is
controlled only by the amplifier section of the zone.


If Note-on Env is selected, the level of the note-off sample is controlled
by the amplitude envelope of the associated note-on sample: The note-off
sample is played back with the level that the amplitude envelope has at the
moment when the note-off sample is triggered.
In order to find the associated note-on sample, the mappings of the noteon and note-off samples must overlap. HALion takes the last running noteon sample as the associated sample.


If Note-off Env is selected, the level of the note-off sample is controlled
by the amplitude envelope of the note-off sample: The note-off sample is
played back with the level that its amplitude envelope has at the moment
when the note-off sample is triggered.


If Note-on Vel is selected, the level of the note-off sample is controlled by
the incoming MIDI note-on velocity.


If Note-off Vel is selected, the level of the note-off sample is controlled by
the incoming MIDI note-off velocity.


If Current Amplitude is selected, the level of the note-off sample is
controlled by the current amplitude of the associated note-on sample.


If Random is selected, the level of the release sample is controlled by a
random value.

The Amount parameter adjusts how much the selected option affects the level of
the note-off samples.

Unison Tab
Unison allows you to trigger multiple voices simultaneously with each note that you play.

Unison On/Off
Activates/Deactivates unison.
Determines the number of voices that are triggered simultaneously. The
maximum is eight.


Editing Zones
Voice Control Section
Detunes the pitch of each unison voice in cents. This produces a fatter sound.
Spreads the unison voices across the stereo panorama. The higher the value, the
broader the stereo image.
Allows you to introduce a small random delay for each unison voice.
With a value of 0 ms, all unison voices are triggered at the same time. Values
from 1 ms to 100 ms add a random delay to each unison voice. The higher the
value, the more random the delay. This is especially useful to avoid comb filter
effects with two or more slightly detuned samples.
Allows you to specify how unison voices are spread in pitch. Changing the unison
voice distribution will create different modulations between the unison voices.

If this is set to 0, the distribution is linear, that is, all voices have an equal
distance in their pitch offset.


Raising the value stretches the distribution using an exponential curve, so
that the first unison voices have a smaller pitch offset than the second and


Decreasing the value stretches the distribution using a negative
exponential curve,so that the first unison voices have a larger pitch offset
than the second and third voices.

This parameter is always visible, even if Unison is deactivated. This is because
it does not only affect the voice distribution of the zone unison, but also the
voice distribution of the wavetable and synth oscillators that have their own
independent multi-oscillator settings.

Glide Tab
Glide allows you to bend the pitch between notes that follow each other. You achieve the best
results in Mono mode.

Glide On/Off
Activates/Deactivates Glide.
Activate this parameter to glide the pitch only between notes that are played


Editing Zones
Voice Control Section for Organ Zones
Glide Time
Sets the glide time, that is, the time it takes to bend the pitch from one note to
the next.
Activate Sync to synchronize the delay time to the host tempo. Select a note value
from the pop-up menu. To change the selected note value to a triplet, activate the
T button.

Set this parameter to Constant Time to keep the glide time constant and
independent from the note interval.


Set this parameter to Constant Speed to change the glide time with the
note interval. Larger intervals result in longer glide times.

Allows you to select one of three curve types to define the glide behavior.

With the Linear curve, the pitch glides at continuous speed from the start
to the end pitch.


With the Exponential curve, the pitch starts gliding at higher speed and
decelerates towards the end pitch. This behavior is similar to the natural
pitch glide produced by a singer.


With the Quantized curve, the pitch glides in semitones from the start to
the end pitch.

Glide Group
If you assign zones to glide groups, you can set the glide effect independently
for the zones. This allows you to set up zones with overlapping key ranges and
different settings of Glide Time, for example.
Use Start Range
If a new note plays in a different zone with a different sample assigned, the new
sample is used to glide to the new pitch. Depending on the sample, this can
produce an unnatural attack. To avoid this, activate Use Start Range. If this is
activated, the sample does not start from the beginning, but from the position you
set with the Sample Start Range parameter.
Voice Groups on page 89
Sample Oscillator Section on page 106

Voice Control Section for Organ Zones


Editing Zones
Voice Control Section for Organ Zones
Voice Group
You can set the polyphony of a zone individually, by assigning it to one of 128 voice
groups. The settings of voice groups can be edited in the Voice Management
section of the program or layer.
Each zone that you trigger corresponds to a voice. If the number of played zones
exceeds the Maximum Voices setting specified in the Options Editor, zones are
cut off and replaced by other zones. This is called “voice stealing”. Use this
parameter to specify a priority for this behavior. Zones with higher priority can
steal zones with lower priority, but not vice versa. If there are no zones with lower
priority, zones of the same priority are stolen. Zones with the priority Hold steal
only from lower priorities, but not from zones with the same priority.
Variation Group
Specifies the alternation mode for the different variation groups.
Fade Out
Whenever a voice is stolen because a polyphony limit is reached, it is faded out.
You can specify this fade out time for each zone, which allows you to adapt it to
different signal types. For example, you might want to cut a stolen crash cymbal
zone less abruptly than a stolen hi-hat zone.
Allows you to fine-tune the pitch in cent steps.
Pitchbend Up/Pitchbend Down
Determines the range for the modulation that is applied when you move the
pitchbend wheel.
Adds a dedicated percussion envelope to emulate the percussion of vintage
organs. The percussion envelope works in addition to the amplifier envelope.

The Percussion button activates/deactivates the percussion envelope.


The Length parameter controls the decay of the percussion.
For example, set this to 500 ms for short percussion and to 1000 ms for
long percussion.


On the Trigger pop-up menu, select First Note if you want to use
monophonic triggering or Each Note if you want to use polyphonic

For the typical percussion sound of an organ, use only the drawbars 4' or 2 2/3'.
Voice Management Section on page 85


Editing Zones
Pitch Section

Pitch Section
On the Pitch section for synth, sample, grain, and wavetable zones, you can make settings for
tuning and pitch modulation.
Pitchbend Up/Pitchbend Down
Determines the range for the modulation that is applied when you move the
pitchbend wheel.
Adjusts the pitch in octave steps.
Adjusts the pitch in semitone steps.
Allows you to fine-tune the pitch in cent steps.
Pitch Envelope Amount
Determines how much the pitch is affected by the pitch envelope.
Random Pitch
Allows you to randomly offset the pitch with each played note. Higher values
cause stronger variations. At a setting of 100 %, the random offsets can vary from
-6 to +6 semitones.
Pitch Key Follow
Allows you to adjust the pitch modulation by MIDI note number. Set this
parameter to positive values in order to raise the pitch the higher you play. Use
negative values to lower the pitch the higher you play. At a setting of +100 %, the
pitch follows the played note exactly.
Center Key
Specifies the MIDI note that is used as the central position for the Key Follow
Bypass Pitch Envelope
This button in the header of the Pitch section allows you to bypass the Pitch
Envelope Section on page 125


Editing Zones
Oscillator Section

Oscillator Section
The Oscillator section is available for synth zones.

The Oscillator section offers six sound sources: three main oscillators, the sub oscillator,
the ring modulation, and the noise generator. To create interesting electronic spectra, you
can mix any of these sound sources. The resulting signal is sent to the Filter and Amplifier
sections for further sound shaping.
The three main oscillators (OSC 1, OSC 2, and OSC 3) offer different wave shapes and

To activate an oscillator, click its On/Off button.

OSC 1/2/3 Type
The oscillator type defines the basic sound character of the oscillator. This popup menu lists the waveforms (sine, triangle, saw, or square), followed by the
algorithm (PWM, Sync, CM, or XOR). The combination of waveform and algorithm
controls the sound of the oscillator.
The following algorithms are available:

PWM (pulse width modulation) is only supported by the square waveform.
The Waveform parameter sets the ratio between the high and low value
of the square wave. A setting of 50 % produces a pure square wave. With
settings below or above 50 %, the oscillator produces rectangular waves.


Sync provides different hard-sync oscillators, where each is a combination
of a master and slave oscillator. The wave shape of the slave oscillator
(sine, triangle, saw, or square) is reset with each full wave cycle of the
master oscillator. This means that a single oscillator can produce a
rich sync-sound without using other oscillators as slave or master. The
Waveform parameter adjusts the pitch of the slave oscillator, producing the
typical sync sound.


CM (cross modulation) provides a combination of two oscillators where
a master oscillator is modulating the pitch of a slave oscillator (sine,
triangle, saw, or square) at the rate of the audio sample. The Waveform
parameter adjusts the pitch ratio between slave and master oscillator,
resulting in a sound close to frequency modulation.


XOR (exclusive OR) compares two square waveforms with an XOR
operation. Depending on the outcome of the XOR operation, the waveform
shape of a third oscillator (sine, triangle, saw, or square) is reset. The
Waveform parameter adjusts the pitch ratio of the square oscillators
resulting in a sound close to ring modulation of the third oscillator.


Editing Zones
Oscillator Section
Osc 1/2/3 Waveform
Modifies the sound of the oscillator algorithm. Its effect depends on the selected
oscillator type.

Except for PWM, all algorithms support the sine, triangle, saw, and square
wave shapes. PWM supports only the square wave shape.


The Waveform parameter for the three main oscillators can be assigned as
modulation destinations in the modulation matrix.

OSC 1/2/3 Octave
Adjusts the pitch in octave steps.
OSC 1/2/3 Coarse
Adjusts the pitch in semitone steps.
OSC 1/2/3 Fine
Adjusts the pitch in cent steps. This allows you to fine-tune the oscillator sound.
OSC 1/2/3 Level
Adjusts the output level of the oscillator.
Waveform, pitch, and level of oscillator 1, 2, and 3 can be modulated separately in
the modulation matrix.

Multi-Oscillator Mode
For the three main oscillators, you can activate Multi-Oscillator mode. This allows you to
create a richer sound by producing up to eight oscillators simultaneously.
The effect is similar to the Unison mode for the zone, but it requires less performance.

To activate Multi-Oscillator mode, activate the MO button.

If Multi-Oscillator mode is activated, you can click the edit button
corresponding parameters.

to show the

If Multi-Oscillator mode is active for an oscillator, you can modulate the corresponding
parameters in the modulation matrix.
Multi Oscillator Number, Detune, and Pan
Each of the main oscillators offers these multi-oscillator functions. They allow
you to create a richer sound by producing up to eight oscillators simultaneously.

Number determines the number of oscillators that play back
simultaneously. You can also set fractions of numbers. For example, with
a setting of 2.5, you hear two oscillators at full level and a third one at half


Editing Zones
Oscillator Section

Detune detunes the oscillators.


Pan narrows or widens the stereo panorama. With a setting of 0 %, you
create a mono signal, and with 100 %, you create a stereo signal.

The pitch distribution of the oscillators is determined by the Distribution control in the Voice
Control section.
Retrigger Mode
Allows you to decide whether the oscillator runs freely, with a random phase
each time a note is triggered, or with a fixed start phase.


If Free Phase is selected, the behavior of analog synthesizers is emulated.
The oscillator is running freely and continuously.


If Random Phase is selected, the start phase is randomly set to a different
value each time that you trigger a note. In contrast to Free Phase, there is
no continuity in the phase of the waveform.


If Fixed Phase is selected, the oscillator runs with a fixed start phase that
can be specified between 0 and 360 degrees.

Sub Oscillator
The pitch of the sub oscillator is always one octave lower than the overall pitch. The overall
pitch is determined by the Octave setting.
Activates/Deactivates the sub oscillator.
The wave shape of the sub oscillator. You can choose between Sine, Triangle,
Saw, Square, Pulse Wide, and Pulse Narrow.
Adjusts the output level of the sub oscillator.
Retrigger Mode
Allows you to decide whether the oscillator runs freely, with a random phase
each time a note is triggered, or with a fixed start phase.


Editing Zones
Oscillator Section


If Free Phase is selected, the behavior of analog synthesizers is emulated.
The oscillator is running freely and continuously.


If Random Phase is selected, the start phase is randomly set to a different
value each time that you trigger a note. In contrast to Free Phase, there is
no continuity in the phase of the waveform.


If Fixed Phase is selected, the oscillator runs with a fixed start phase that
can be specified between 0 and 360 degrees.

Ring Modulator
Ring modulation produces sums and differences between the frequencies of two signals.
Ring Modulation Source 1/Ring Modulation Source 2
Determines the sources to be ring modulated. You can select OSC 1 or Sub as
Source 1, and OSC 2 or OSC 3 as Source 2.
Make sure that the corresponding oscillators are activated when you select them.
Otherwise, no sound is heard.
Ring Modulation Level
Adjusts the output level of the ring modulation.

Noise Generator
The Noise parameter is used for non-pitched sounds. In addition to standard white and pink
noise, there are also band-pass filtered versions of white and pink noise.
Noise Type
The sound color of the noise. You can choose between standard and band-pass
filtered (BPF) versions of white and pink noise.
Noise Level
Adjusts the output level of the noise generator.
Modulation Matrix on page 137


Editing Zones
Sample Oscillator Section

Sample Oscillator Section
This section is available for sample zones. It contains various playback and loop parameters.

Load/Replace Sample
This button on the right side of the section header allows you to load an initial
sample or to replace the current sample. In the dialog, you can listen to the
samples, to select the best match for your working situation.
Playback Mode

Normal – The sample is played back from beginning to end. If loops are
defined, they are played back according to their loop settings.


Reverse – The sample is played from end to beginning, ignoring any loop


One-Shot – The sample is played back from beginning to end, regardless of
any loop settings.


Reverse One-Shot – The sample is played back from end to beginning,
regardless of any loop settings.

In One-Shot and Reverse One-Shot mode, the zones ignore any MIDI note-off
messages. All envelopes and LFOs play until their sustain is reached and then
remain on this level for as long as the sample plays back. Any release segments
of the envelopes and LFOs are not played. However, if you activate One-Shot
mode in the Envelope section, the release nodes of the envelopes are included in
the playback.
Fixed Pitch
If a sample zone is triggered by a MIDI note other than the one defined by the
Root Key setting, the sample is normally pitched accordingly. If Fixed Pitch is
activated, the relation between played note and root key is disregarded and all
keys play the sample just as it was recorded.
You can still apply the usual pitch modulations in the Pitch section and set the
sample to follow the keyboard according to the Pitch Key Follow setting.


Editing Zones
Sample Oscillator Section
A sample can either be loaded completely into RAM or it can be streamed from
the hard disk. If samples are streamed, HALion needs to preload a portion of
these samples to be able to play a voice without having to search for the sample
data first. The size of this preload buffer can be set in the Options Editor. The
Preload setting allows you to adapt this buffer size for individual sample zones
by setting a multiplier from 1 to 16. Increasing the buffer size can be useful if
a sample can be transposed in a wide range and HALion needs to read out the
sample data faster, for example.
If you set Preload to its maximum, the entire sample is preloaded. This is useful
for smaller samples.
If samples are not played with their original pitch or tempo, HALion calculates
the transposed versions in real time using algorithms that require different CPU
performance depending on the Quality setting.
Changing the quality setting is particularly noticeable in the high frequencies.
The higher the setting, the better the suppression of artifacts. For samples with
little high-frequency content, you can use the Standard option. For programs
that use different samples for every key, you can use the Standard option to save
computing power.
If Quality is set to Vintage, you can make the following settings:

Rate Reduction allows you to specify a sample frequency, to simulate the
lower sample rates of early samplers.


Bit Reduction allows you to select the bit depth that was used by early


Turntable emulates the memory-optimized workflow of the past, where
turntables were sampled at a speed of 45 RPM to record shorter samples,
and then tuned down again to correct for the change in pitch.
If you set this parameter to 78 RPM, you can increase the vintage artifacts
that are produced.

Sample Start
The start marker of the sample.
Start Range
Determines the range for sample start offset modulation. If Sample Start
is selected as a modulation destination in the modulation matrix, the Start
Range parameter controls the sample portion that is affected by the start offset
modulation. If this parameter is set to zero, no sample start modulation is
For example, if Note-on Velocity is used to modulate the Sample Start
parameter, a high key velocity starts playback later in the sample, and the range
of this modulation is determined by the Start Range parameter.
Link Loop Start and End
Links the loop start and end positions. If you edit one of the values, the other is
automatically modified.


Editing Zones
Sample Oscillator Section
Sample End
The end marker of the sample.
Release Start
Determines the position to which the cursor jumps when you release a key.
For example, if you are playing back a sample in a loop, but you want it to play its
original release phase, set the Release Start parameter to this position.
Release Offset
Allows you to fine-tune the release start for each sample.
This allows you to offset the release start for several zones at the same time
without losing the original release settings, for example.
Crossfade/Fade In/Fade Out
Allow you to set the curve and the length of the fade in, the fade out, and the
Loop Sets A and B
Allow you to set up two different sets of loops for the same sample. This is useful
to compare different versions of the same loop, for example.
Loop Mode
Allows you to select a mode for the sustain loop and the release loop.

If this is set to No Loop, the sample is played without loop.


If this is set to Continuous, the loop is played continuously until the end of
the amplitude envelope.


If this is set to Alternate, the loop alternates forward and backward even if
you release the key.


If this is set to Once, the loop is repeated once.


If this is set to Until Release (sustain loop only), the loop is repeated until
you release the key on the keyboard.


If this is set to Alternate Until Release (sustain loop only), the loop
alternates forward and backward for as long as the key is held and then
continues to the end of the sample.

If Loop Mode is set to Alternate or Alternate Until Release, the loop crossfade
is applied to the loop start and the loop end. All other modes on the Loop Mode
pop-up menu apply the loop crossfade only to the loop end.
Loop Start
The loop start for the sustain loop and for the release loop.
Loop End
The loop end for the sustain loop and for the release loop.


Editing Zones
Organ Oscillator Section
Sets the tuning of the loop. This is useful to adjust the frequency of the loop.

Organ Oscillator Section

Organ zones produce the sound of classic drawbar organs with up to nine drawbars. Each
drawbar controls the level of a harmonic. The drawbars are named after the length of church
organ pipes, ranging from 16' to 1'. 16' is the lowest and 1' the highest harmonic. You can mix
the harmonics using the drawbars to create different classic organ timbres.
Activates the nine drawbars for the manual.
Activates the two drawbars for the bass pedals.
Drawbars 16' to 1'
The faders control the level of the corresponding drawbar.

Wavetable Section
The Wavetable section in the Zone Editor gives access to the oscillator parameters of
wavetable zones. The oscillator is a combination of two wavetable oscillators, one sub
oscillator, and one noise oscillator that can be mixed with individual settings, such as level,
pan, tuning, etc.
The Osc 1 and Osc 2 tabs allow you to choose from a set of preconfigured wavetables and
to define how to play these. The Sub tab contains the settings for the sub oscillator and the
noise oscillator.
On the right in the title bar, you can find On/Off buttons for the four oscillators. This allows
you to activate/deactivate an oscillator without having to open the corresponding tabs.

Osc Tabs
The wavetable oscillators 1 and 2 have the same parameters. For each oscillator, a separate
tab is available.


Editing Zones
Wavetable Section

Oscillator On/Off
Activates/Deactivates the oscillator.
Select Wavetable
This pop-up menu allows you to select a wavetable for the wavetable oscillator.
You can choose between the included wavetables and the wavetables that you
created in the Wavetable Editor.
Show 3D Wavetable Map/2D Wave
Toggles between displaying a single cycle of the current waveform and a
topographic map of the entire wavetable.
Adjusts the pitch in octave steps.
Adjusts the pitch in semitone steps.
Adjusts the pitch in cent steps. This allows you to fine-tune the oscillator sound.
Retrigger Mode
Determines the initial phase of the oscillator when you play a note.

If Free Phase is selected, the behavior of analog synthesizers is emulated.
The oscillator is running freely and continuously.


If Random Phase is selected, the start phase is randomly set to a different
value each time that you trigger a note. In contrast to Free Phase, there is
no continuity in the phase of the waveform.


If Fixed Phase is selected, the oscillator runs with a fixed start phase that
can be specified between 0 and 360 degrees.


Editing Zones
Wavetable Section
Adjusts the output level of the oscillator.
Adjusts the position of the oscillator in the stereo panorama. At a setting of -100
%, the sound is panned hard left, and at +100 %, it is panned hard right.
The Position, Pitch, Level, and Pan parameters of wavetable oscillators 1 and 2 can be
modulated separately in the modulation matrix.
Determines where the envelope starts.
Random Position
Adds a random value to the current position when you play a note.
For example, if you want the position to vary between 25.0 % and 75.0 %, set
Position to 25.0 % and Random Position to 50.0 %.
Playback Direction
Allows you to set the playback speed in smaller increments. Furthermore, this
parameter determines the playback direction.

If you enter negative values, you reverse playback, that is, the playback
position moves backward through the wavetable.

Random Direction
Adds a negative or positive random value to the current direction when you play a
For example, if you want the direction to vary between -100 % and +100 %, set
Direction to 0.0 % and Random Direction to 100.0 %. If you want the direction to
vary within the full positive range, set Direction to 50 % and Random Direction to
50 %, for example.
Loop Mode

Off: If Playback Direction is set to a positive value, the wavetable plays from
the position cursor to the end.
If Playback Direction is set to a negative value, the wavetable plays from
the position cursor to the start.


On: Depending on the Playback Direction setting, the wavetable plays
forward or backward in a loop.


Alt: The wavetable plays in an alternate loop, that is, the loop is alternately
played forward and backward. The first direction depends on the Playback
Direction setting.

Loop Until Release
If this button is activated, the loop is repeated until you release the key on the


Editing Zones
Wavetable Section
If this button is deactivated, waves outside the loop are not played when you
release the key.
If Legato is deactivated, each note starts playback from the position cursor.
If Legato is activated, the first note starts playback from the position cursor, and
any following notes start from the current playback position for as long as the
first note is held.
Sync to Host
Allows you to sync the wavetable to the beats and measures of your host
Determines the rate at which the envelope plays through the wavetables. At +100
%, the envelope plays back at its original speed. A value of +50 % corresponds to
half the original speed, and +200 % to twice the original speed, for example.
This parameter is unipolar.
Key Follow
Adjusts how the speed of the wavetable envelope is affected by the note that you
play. Values higher that 0 increase the speed of notes above the center key and
decrease the speed of notes below the center key.
For example, at a setting of 100 %, the playback is twice as fast for the octave
above the center key and is half the speed for the octave below the center key.
A setting of 200 % results in an envelope that is four times as fast for the octave
above the center key and is a quarter of the current speed for the octave below.
Negative values invert the order, that is, the speed gets lower above the center
key, and higher below the center key.


For Osc 1 and Osc 2, you can activate Multi-Oscillator mode. This allows you to create a
richer sound by producing up to eight oscillators simultaneously.

To activate Multi-Oscillator mode, activate the On/Off button in the Multi-Oscillator

Multi-Oscillator Number, Detune, Pan, and Spread

Number determines the number of oscillators that play back
simultaneously. You can also set fractions of numbers. For example, with


Editing Zones
Wavetable Section
a setting of 2.5, you hear two oscillators at full level and a third one at half

Detune detunes the oscillators.


Pan narrows or widens the stereo panorama. With a setting of 0 %, you
create a mono signal and with 100 %, you create a stereo signal.


Spread distributes the oscillators so that each oscillator plays from a
different position in the wavetable.


The multi-oscillator settings can be modulated separately in the
modulation matrix.


The pitch distribution of the unison voices is determined by the Distribution
control in the Voice Control section.

Formant Settings
Formants are harmonics within the spectrum of a note which are pronounced and help
to define the character of an instrument. The positions of the formants in the spectrum
mainly depend on the construction of an instrument, such as the body of a guitar, the form
of the vocal tract in a human body, the filter settings for electronic instruments, etc. These
conditions lead to specific frequency ranges that are emphasized regardless of the pitch
of the note. Playing back samples or wavetables with a different pitch than the original is
usually done by increasing or decreasing the playback speed. This leads to the well known
monster or Mickey Mouse effect, because all harmonics are also affected, that is, the
characteristic formants are shifted. To avoid this, you can activate the Formant option.
In addition, you can route any available modulation source to the Formant Shift modulation
destination in the modulation matrix. This allows you to move the formants through the
spectrum with an envelope, creating filter sweep effects, for example.
Activates/Deactivates the formant settings.
Allows you to shift the formants of the entire wavetable by a fixed value.
Key Follow
Allows you to shift the formants depending on the played note.

A value of 100 % means that the formant frequency moves with the played


A value of 0 % means that the formants kept the same for all notes.

The root key for the key follow function is determined by the pitch of the original
sample portion that was used to extract a wave in the wavetable. For waves with
no sample origin, such as synthetic sine, saw, or square waves, or waves of freely
edited spectrums, the root is set to C3.
You can invert the behavior of the formant shift by setting Key Follow to negative


Editing Zones
Wavetable Section

Sub Oscillator

The pitch of the sub oscillator is always one octave below the overall pitch of the wavetable
zone. If you modulate the pitch of the wavetable zone, the pitch of the sub oscillator follows.
Activates/Deactivates the sub oscillator.
The wave shape of the sub oscillator. You can choose between Sine, Triangle,
Saw, Square, Pulse Wide, and Pulse Narrow.
Retrigger Mode
Allows you to decide whether the sub oscillator runs freely, with a random phase
each time a note is triggered, or with an adjustable start phase.

If Free Phase is selected, the behavior of analog synthesizers is emulated.
The oscillator is running freely and continuously.


If Random Phase is selected, the start phase is randomly set to a different
value each time that you trigger a note. In contrast to Free Phase, there is
no continuity in the phase of the waveform.


If Fixed Phase is selected, the oscillator runs with a fixed start phase that
can be specified between 0 and 360 degrees.

Adjusts the output level of the sub oscillator.
Adjusts the position of the oscillator in the stereo panorama. At a setting of -100
%, the sound is panned hard left, and at +100 %, it is panned hard right.


Editing Zones
Wavetable Section


The Noise section offers you a large amount of different noise types that can be used to add
inharmonic frequencies to the overall spectrum, either for the entire sound, with looped
noises or with one-shot noise samples. This allows you to add characteristic transients to
percussive instruments based on samples, for example.
Noise On/Off
Activates/Deactivates the Noise section.
Noise Type
This pop-up menu offers you a choice of classic noises, attack transients,
soundscapes, and ambience noise samples.
Activate Sync to synchronize the speed of the noise oscillator to the host tempo.
This is particularly useful for rhythmic noises that are based on a tempo of 120
Activate this button to play the noise sample in a loop.
If this button is not activated, the sample is played once.
Follow Pitch
If Follow Pitch is activated, zone pitch settings like Octave, Coarse, and Fine, as
well as modulations like Glide, Pitchbend, or other pitch modulations, affect the
duration length. A higher sample pitch leads to a shorter duration.
If Follow Pitch is deactivated, the duration is independent of the zone pitch and
determined by the Duration settings.
Adjusts the playback speed of the noise sample. A setting of 800.0 % equals an
increase of three octaves in pitch.
Speed Key Follow
Allows you to adjust the speed modulation by MIDI note number. At a setting of
+100 %, the speed doubles per octave.


Editing Zones
AudioWarp Section
Adjusts the start of the noise sample. With a value of 50 %, playback starts in the
middle of the sample.
Random Start
Selects a random playback start within a specific range around the current
At a setting of 100 %, the playback position jumps to a random position between
the specified Start value and the end of the noise sample.
Adjusts the output level of the Noise section.
Determines the position of the noise in the stereo panorama. At a setting of -100
%, the sound is panned hard left, and at +100 %, it is panned hard right.
Speed, Level, and Pan can be modulated in the modulation matrix.

AudioWarp Section
In this section, you can apply time stretching and formant shifting to the audio in your sample

On the Mode pop-up menu, you select the mode that is used for the AudioWarp

Off deactivates the AudioWarp section.


Solo offers parameters for time stretching and formant shifting. This
mode is suitable for solo instruments and vocals. It is highly efficient and
supports polyphonic playback.


Music offers parameters for time stretching. This mode is suitable
for complex material like drum loops and samples with mixed music.
It uses considerably more CPU time than Solo mode. Therefore, it
is recommended for monophonic playback. The more the sample is
stretched, the higher the CPU load.
Music mode can only be used with mono and stereo samples. If you
process multi-channel samples, only the left and right channels are
stretched. The remaining channels are turned off.


Editing Zones
AudioWarp Section
Time Stretching On/Off
If this button is activated, you can play back a sample at a different pitch than the
root key without changing its tempo and length.
In Music mode, transposition is limited to the range between -24 and +24
semitones around the root key of the sample. If you play notes outside this limit,
the highest, or lowest, note is used, respectively. The same applies for pitch
modulation. Settings outside the -24 to +24 semitones limit lead to clipping in the
You can use this function to turn a vocal sample into a choir, for example. If the
Legato button is activated, you can add more voices while the sample is playing.
These voices are inserted at the current playback position. All voices play in sync.
If you play legato, the sample continues playing and you can change the chord
without restarting the sample.
Sometimes, the added voices can have audible clicks in the attack, for example, if
playback starts somewhere in the middle of the sample. You can compensate for
this by increasing the attack time of the amplifier envelope.
Legato only works within a single sample zone, not across separate sample
Sync Mode
The Sync modes are used to match the playback speed of the sample to the
tempo of the host application.

If Off is selected, the playback speed is specified manually, in percent.


If Tempo is selected, the playback speed is calculated using the ratio
between the original tempo of the sample and the tempo of the host.


If Beats is selected, the playback speed is calculated using the note length
of the beats, the number of beats, and the tempo of the host.

For the Sync modes to work properly, the loop of the sample has to be set up
correctly. In Tempo mode, the original tempo must be set as exact as possible.
If you load a sample that contains tempo information in the file header, HALion
uses this information to set up the parameters Original Tempo, Note Length, and
Number of Beats. If a sample does not contain any tempo information, HALion
estimates these values.
You can always modify the parameter values manually.
Adjusts the playback speed of the sample. You can speed up the tempo by up to
800 % of the original.
In Music mode, the lower limit of the playback speed adjustment is 12.5 %.
Values below this limit have no effect.


Editing Zones
AudioWarp Section
Original BPM

If Sync Mode is set to Tempo, you can enter the original tempo of the sample in
beats per minute. The playback speed of the sample is adjusted to match the
tempo of the host application.
Note Length and Number of Beats

If Sync Mode is set to Beats, HALion calculates the tempo of the sample, based
on the note length and number of beats that you enter.
For example, if the sample is a drum loop with four quarter notes, set Note to 1/4
and Beats to 4. The playback speed of the sample is adjusted to match the tempo
of the host.
AudioWarp Key Follow
Adjusts the time stretch modulation using MIDI note numbers.
Positive values increase the playback speed of the sample the higher the notes
you play. Negative values decrease the playback speed the higher the notes you
Center Key
Specifies the MIDI note that is used as the center position for AudioWarp Key
Formant Shift On/Off
Formant shifting allows you to avoid so-called Mickey Mouse effects when pitch
shifting a sample. This is especially useful with samples of human voices or
acoustic instruments.
The Formant Shift options are only available in Solo mode.
Formant Shift
Specifies the amount of formant shifting.
Formant Shift Key Follow
Determines how much the formants follow the pitch. Use positive values to
minimize the Mickey Mouse effect caused by pitch shifting.
Minimum Grain Size
If you use complex material, a larger grain size can sound better. The higher
this setting, the less accurate the pitch detection, which helps to avoid
misinterpretations of pitch.


Editing Zones
Filter Section
In addition, you can use this parameter to experiment and create interesting
This parameter is only available in Solo mode.
Transient Detection
Sets a threshold for the transient detection. The higher the value, the more
transients are detected. Transients can sound more defined if you adjust this
This parameter is only available in Solo mode.

Modulating AudioWarp Parameters in the Modulation Matrix
You can modulate the playback speed and formant shift of the sample in the modulation
Make sure that the AudioWarp parameters are activated for the samples that you want to

In the modulation matrix, select a destination.
On the Sample submenu of the modulation destinations, the options Speed Factor and
Formant Shift are available.


Assign a modulation source and set up the modulation depth.
The destination Formant Shift can only be used in Solo mode.

Modulation Matrix on page 137

Filter Section
The Filter section for synth, sample, grain, and wavetable zones allows you to adjust the tone
color of the sound.


Editing Zones
Filter Section
Filter Mode
The buttons on the left determine the overall filter structure.

Single Filter uses one filter with one selectable filter shape.


Dual Filter Serial uses two separate filters connected in series.
You can select the filter shapes for each filter independently. The
parameters Cutoff and Resonance control both filters simultaneously.
However, you can offset these parameters for the second filter with the
parameters CF Offset and Res Offset.


Dual Filter Parallel uses two separate filters connected in parallel.
You can select the filter shapes for each filter independently. The
parameters Cutoff and Resonance control both filters simultaneously.
However, you can offset these parameters for the second filter with the
parameters CF Offset and Res Offset.


Morph 2 morphs between filter shape A and B.
Adjust the morphing with the Morph Y parameter.


Morph 4 morphs sequentially from filter shape A to D.
Adjust the morphing with the Morph Y parameter.


Morph XY morphs freely between the filter shapes A, B, C, and D.
Adjust the morphing with the Morph X and Morph Y parameters.

The filter types HALion 3 and Waldorf always use Single filter mode.
Filter Type
Specifies the basic sound character of the filter.

Off deactivates the filter section.


Classic offers 24 filter shapes with resonance.


Tube Drive adds warm, tube-like distortion. You can set the amount of tube
drive with the Distortion parameter.


Hard Clip adds bright, transistor-like distortion. You can set the amount of
hard clipping with the Distortion parameter.


Bit Red (Bit Reduction) adds digital distortion by means of quantization
noise. You can adjust the bit reduction with the Distortion parameter.


Rate Red adds digital distortion by means of aliasing. You can adjust the
rate reduction with the Distortion parameter.


Rate Red KF adds digital distortion by means of aliasing. In addition, Key
Follow is used. The rate reduction follows the keyboard, so the higher you
play, the higher the sample rate.


HALion 3 offers the five legacy filter shapes from HALion 3.


Waldorf offers 13 filter shapes, including two comb filters.


Eco is a performance-optimized low-pass filter without Resonance or
Distortion parameters. It allows you to adapt the brilliance of samples for
different velocity layers of the same key, for example.


Editing Zones
Filter Section
Filters without distortion use less processing power.
Filter Shape

LP24, 18, 12, and 6 are low-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12 and BP24 are band-pass filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
below and above the cutoff are attenuated.


HP6+LP18 and HP6+LP12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct and a low-pass filter with 18 and 12 dB/oct, respectively (asymmetric
band-pass filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated.
Attenuation is more pronounced for the frequencies above the cutoff.


HP12+LP6 and HP18+LP6 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 12
and 18 dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 dB/oct (asymmetric band-pass
filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated. Attenuation
is more pronounced for the frequencies below the cutoff.


HP24, 18, 12, and 6 are high-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies below the cutoff are attenuated.


BR12 and BR24 are band-reject filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
around the cutoff are attenuated.


BR12+LP6 and BR12+LP12 are combinations of a band-reject filter with 12
dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 and 12 dB/oct, respectively. Frequencies
around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12+BR12 is a band-pass filter with 12 dB/oct plus a band-reject filter
with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below, above, and around the cutoff are


HP6+BR12 and HP12+BR12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6
and 12 dB/oct and a band-reject filter with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below
and around the cutoff are attenuated.


AP is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct. Frequencies around the cutoff are


AP+LP6 is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct plus a low-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct. Frequencies around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


HP6+AP is a high-pass filter with 6 dB/oct plus an all-pass filter with 18
dB/oct. Frequencies around and below the cutoff are attenuated.

Controls the cutoff frequency of the filter.
X/Y Control
Allows you to adjust two parameters simultaneously.

For the filter types Single, Dual Serial, and Dual Parallel, the X/Y control
adjusts the cutoff frequency on the horizontal axis and the resonance on
the vertical axis.


Editing Zones
Filter Section

For the filter types Morph 2 and Morph 4, the X/Y control adjusts the
morphing between the filter shapes on the vertical axis. The horizontal axis
adjusts the cutoff frequency.


For Morph XY, the X/Y control adjusts the morphing between the filter
shapes AD and BC on the horizontal axis, and AB and DC on the vertical

Emphasizes the frequencies around the cutoff. At higher settings, the filter selfoscillates, which results in a ringing tone.
Adds distortion to the signal. The effect depends largely on the selected filter
type. At higher settings, it creates a very intense distortion effect.
This parameter is only available for the filter types Tube Drive, Hard Clip, Bit Red,
Rate Red, and Rate Red KF.
CF Offset
For the dual filters, this parameter allows you to offset the cutoff frequency of the
second filter, that is, of filter shape B.
Res Offset
For the dual filters, this parameter allows you to offset the resonance of the
second filter, that is, of filter shape B.
Cutoff Velocity
Controls the cutoff modulation from velocity.
Allows you to normalize the velocity values that are used to modulate the filter.
This means, that the velocity range for the zone is remapped to a full velocity
For example, if a zone ranges from 40 to 80 on the mapping velocity scale, an
incoming velocity of 40 results in a velocity value of 0 being sent to the cutoff, an
incoming velocity of 80 results in 127. This way, you can adapt velocity-layered
zones in such a way that each zone starts with a damped filter setting and opens
completely towards the zone above.
For the Waldorf and HALion 3 filter types, this his parameter adds a warm, tubelike filter distortion to the signal.
Envelope Amount
Controls the cutoff modulation from the filter envelope.


Editing Zones
Amplifier Section
Cutoff Key Follow
Adjusts the cutoff modulation using the note number. Increase this parameter
to raise the cutoff with higher notes. At 100 %, the cutoff follows the played pitch
Center Key
Specifies the MIDI note that is used as the central position for the Key Follow
Bypass Filter Envelope
Allows you to listen to the zone without modulation of the filter envelope.
Bypass Filter
Allows you to listen to the zone without any filtering.

Amplifier Section
The Amplifier section has two tabs: Main and AUX. The Main tab gives you access to the level
and pan settings of the zone. The AUX tab allows you to send the zone to the four global AUX
busses and to route the zone to one of the plug-in output busses.

Main Tab

Specifies the loudness of the zone.
Specifies the headroom for polyphonic playback. By default, HALion uses a
headroom of 12 dB. For monophonic programs, such as drum loops, set the
headroom to 0 dB. If you work with low polyphony values, a headroom of 6 dB is
If this button is activated, incoming MIDI expression controller and controller #7
data is used to calculate the voice amplitude. This ensures a correct behavior
when working with General MIDI files, for example.
Level Key Follow
Allows you to control the volume depending on the note pitch. Positive values
mean that the volume is higher the higher the notes you play. With negative
values, the volume decreases the higher the notes you play.
Center Key
Specifies the MIDI note that is used as the center position for Level Key Follow.


Editing Zones
Amplifier Section
Determines the position of the sound in the stereo panorama. At a setting of -100
%, the sound is panned hard left, and at +100 %, it is panned hard right.
With this option you can specify how the loudness changes across the stereo

If this parameter is set to 0 dB, it works like a balance control.
Setting the pan control towards the left fades out the right channel and vice
versa. At the center position, the loudness is not cut.


If this parameter is set to -3 dB, the option uses the cosine/sine pan law.
The loudness is cut by -3 dB at the center position, but the energy is
preserved when moving the source signal across the stereo panorama.
The -3 dB option sounds more natural. The transition from hard left to hard
right sounds much smoother than with the 0 dB or the -6 dB setting.


If this parameter is set to -6 dB, this option uses the linear pan law.
The loudness is cut by -6 dB at the center position, and the energy is not
preserved when moving the source signal across the stereo panorama. The
-6 dB option sounds more synthetic. The transition from hard left to hard
right sounds more abrupt than with the -3 dB setting.


If this parameter is set to Off, no panning is applied.

Random Pan
Allows you to offset the pan position randomly with each played note. Higher
values cause stronger variations. At a setting of 100 %, the random offsets can
vary from fully left to fully right.
Alternate Pan
Allows you to alternate the pan position each time that you play a note. To start
panning on the left, use negative values. Use positive values to begin on the right.
At a setting of +100 %, the first note plays hard right, the second note hard left,
and so on.
The initial pan position is set once when HALion is loaded. After that, each note
that you play is counted to determine the next pan position. To reset this counter,
click the Reset button.
Pan Key Follow
Allows you to adjust the pan modulation via the MIDI note number. Set this
parameter to positive values to offset the pan position towards the right for notes
above, and towards the left for notes below the center key. Use negative values to
offset the pan position towards the left for notes above, and towards the right for
notes below the center key.
At the maximum setting of +200 %, the pan position moves from hard left to hard
right within two octaves: Fully left is reached one octave below and fully right is
reached one octave above the center key.


Editing Zones
Envelope Section
Center Key
Specifies the MIDI note that is used as the center position for Pan Key Follow.


AUX 1-4
If you send the zone signal to one of the local AUX busses, you can control the
signal level that is sent to the busses with the controls AUX 1-4.
Zones can be routed to the following destinations:

Busses that are higher up in the hierarchy of the program.
This includes the plug-in outputs, but not the bus that is set for the
program slot or global AUX busses.


Busses that are part of the same layer and that have been inserted after
this zone or bus.

If you route a zone directly to one of the output busses, it does not pass through
the layer, program, and slot busses.

Envelope Section
The Envelope section gives you access to the envelopes of the zone. For synth, sample, grain,
and wavetable zones, the Amp, Filter, Pitch, and User envelopes are available. For organ
zones, the Amp envelope is available. Each envelope is a multi-segment envelope with up to
128 nodes.

The Amp, Filter, and Pitch envelopes are pre-assigned to the amplitude, the filter cutoff
frequency, and the pitch of the zone. The User envelope is freely assignable.
All envelopes can be used as sources in the modulation matrix.

Click Amp to display the parameters of the amplifier envelope.
The amplifier envelope shapes the volume over time.


Editing Zones
Envelope Section

Click Filter to display the parameters of the filter envelope.
The filter envelope controls the cutoff frequency to shape the harmonic content over


Click Pitch to display the parameters of the pitch envelope.
The pitch envelope modulates the pitch over time. The pitch envelope is bipolar, which
means it allows for negative and positive values to bend the pitch.


Click User to display the parameters of the freely assignable user envelope.
The user envelope is bipolar, which means it allows for negative and positive values,
for example, to modulate the pan from left to right.

Determines how the envelope is played back when it is triggered.

Select Sustain to play the envelope from the first node to the sustain node.
The sustain level is held for as long as you play the note. When you release
the note, the envelope continues with the stages following the sustain. This
mode is ideal for looped samples.


Select Loop to play back the envelope from the first node to the loop nodes.
Then, the loop is repeated for as long as the key is held. When you release
the note, the envelope continues playing the stages that follow the sustain.
This mode is ideal for adding motion to the sustain of the envelope.


Select One Shot to play the envelope from the first to the last node, even if
you release the key. The envelope has no sustain stage. This mode is ideal
for drum samples.


Select Sample Loop to preserve the natural attack of the sample. The
decay of the envelope does not start until the sample has reached the
sample loop start.
If you set the second node to the maximum level and use the following
nodes to shape the decay during the loop phase of the sample, the
envelope only affects the loop phase. The attack of the envelope is still
Sample Loop mode is only available for sample zones.

Scale Rel (Scale Levels of Release Nodes with Level at Note-Off)
Allows you to scale the level of the release node with the level at note-off. This
avoids abrupt changes in level as the envelope passes from one phase to the
next, for example from sustain to release.
The level of the sustain node is automatically scaled this way.
Allows you to synchronize the envelopes to the tempo of your host application.


Editing Zones
Envelope Section
You can select a second envelope to be displayed in the background of the edited
envelope. If Snap is activated and you change the position of nodes, they snap to
the nodes of the envelope that is shown in the background.

To specify the envelope for the background, open the pop-up menu to the
right of the Snap button and select an envelope from the list.

Allows you to add multiple envelope nodes after the selected nodes.

If Fixed is activated and you move selected nodes on the time axis, only the
selected nodes are moved.


If Fixed is deactivated, all nodes that follow the edited nodes are also

Env Node
Displays the focused envelope node.
Specifies the period of time between two nodes. Depending on the Sync mode,
the Time parameter is displayed in milliseconds and seconds, or in fractions of
Allows you to adjust the curvature of the envelope curve between two nodes from
linear to logarithmic or exponential behavior.
Specifies the amplitude of the envelope at the position set by the Time
Level Velocity Curve
You can select the curve type to specify how the incoming velocity translates to
the level of the envelope. The characteristic of each curve is displayed by a small
Level Velocity (Vel>Lev)
Determines how the velocity affects the level of the envelope.
The level of the envelope depends on two factors: the setting of this parameter
and how hard you hit a key. Positive values increase the level of the envelope
the harder you hit a key. Negative values decrease the level of the envelope the
harder you hit a key.
Time Velocity (Vel>Time)
Adjusts the influence of velocity on the phases of the envelope. Positive values
decrease the length of the phases for higher velocity values. Negative values
increase the length of the phases for higher velocity values.


Editing Zones
Envelope Section
Here, you can select which phases of the envelope are affected by the Time
Velocity parameter.

Attack – The velocity affects the attack only.


Attack + Decay – The velocity affects all phases until the sustain.


Decay – The velocity affects all phases until the sustain but without the


Attack + Release – The velocity affects the attack and the release phases.


All – The velocity affects all phases.

Time Key Follow, Center Key, and KeyF Rel (Key Follow Release)
With the Time Key Follow and KeyF Rel parameters, you can scale the envelope
phases across the keyboard.

Time Key Follow scales all times before the sustain node.


KeyF Rel scales all times after the sustain node, that is, the release phase
of the envelope.

The value that you specify for Center Key is used as the central position for the
Time Key Follow and KeyF Rel functions.
The envelope phases depend on the keyboard range in which the note is played
and on the corresponding Time Key Follow setting:

Positive values decrease the phase lengths for notes above and increase
the phase lengths for notes below the set Center Key, that is, the envelope
becomes faster the higher the note you play.


Negative values increase the phase lengths for notes above and decrease
the phase lengths for notes below the Center Key, that is, the envelope
becomes slower the higher the note you play.

Scaling the Level of the Release Node with the Level at Note-Off on page 131

The vertical axis of the graphical envelope editor displays the level. The horizontal axis
displays the time.

To zoom in or out, click the + or - buttons to the right of the scrollbar below the
graphical editor.


To zoom in or out at the current position, click in the timeline and drag up or down.


To toggle between full zoom and the previous zoom setting, click the A button to the
right of the horizontal zoom slider.


To zoom to a specific region, hold Alt, click and drag the mouse over the region.

Zoom Snapshots
Zoom snapshots save the zoom factor and scroll position of the editor. These are restored
when you load the snapshot.


Editing Zones
Envelope Section
To the right of the scrollbar, you can find three numbered buttons that allow you to save and
load zoom snapshots.

To save the current state of the editor as snapshot, Shift-click one of the numbered
buttons to the right of the scrollbar.


To load a zoom snapshot, click the corresponding button. The button color changes if a
snapshot is active.

If you perform any manual zooming or scrolling, the zoom snapshot is deactivated.

Selecting Nodes

To select a node, click on it in the graphical editor.
The focused node is indicated by a frame. The value fields to the left of the graphical
envelope editor display the parameters of the focused node.


If multiple nodes are selected, you can use the Env Node pop-up menu to set the focus
to a different node without losing the current selection.


To add a node to a selection, Shift-click the node. Selected nodes are edited together.


You can select multiple nodes by drawing a rectangle around the nodes with the


To select all envelope nodes, press Ctrl/Cmd-A


If the graphical editor has the focus, you can select the next or the previous node with
the left and right arrow keys.

Adjusting the Time Parameter
The Time parameter specifies the period of time between two nodes. Depending on the Sync
mode, the Time parameter is displayed in milliseconds and seconds, or in fractions of beats.

To set the Time parameter, select the nodes that you want to adjust and enter a value
in the Time field.


You can also adjust the Time parameter in the graphical envelope editor, by dragging
the nodes left or right, to decrease or to increase the time span.
For a higher resolution, hold Shift while moving the nodes.
To limit the movement to the time axis, that is, to change only the horizontal position of
a node, hold down Ctrl/Cmd while dragging.

Adjusting the Level Parameter
The Level parameter specifies the amplitude of the envelope at the position set by the Time
The Amp and Filter envelopes are unipolar. Therefore, the value range for the level is 0 %
to +100 % (positive values only). The Pitch and User envelopes are bipolar. Therefore, the
value range for the level is from -100 % to +100 % (negative and positive values) for these
envelopes. You can change the polarity of the envelopes in the modulation matrix, to map
the range of the amplifier envelope (unipolar) to the Pan parameter (bipolar), for example.
However, the envelopes always display their values with their default polarity.


Editing Zones
Envelope Section

To set the Level parameter, select the nodes that you want to adjust and enter a value
in the Level field.


You can also adjust the Level parameter in the graphical envelope editor by dragging
the selected nodes up or down, to decrease or increase the levels.
For a higher resolution, hold Shift while moving the nodes.
To limit the movement to the level axis, that is, to change only the vertical position of a
node, hold down Alt while dragging.

Adjusting the Curve Parameter
The Curve parameter allows you to adjust the curvature of the envelope curve between two
nodes from linear to logarithmic or exponential behavior.

To set the Curve parameter, select the nodes that you want to adjust and enter a value
in the Curve field. Positive curve values change the curvature towards logarithmic and
negative values towards exponential behavior.


You can also adjust the Curve parameter in the graphical envelope editor by dragging
the curve between two nodes.
Ctrl/Cmd-click a curve to reset it to linear.

Adding and Removing Nodes

To add a node, double-click at the position where you want to add the node.


To remove a node, double-click it.


To delete several selected nodes, press Delete.


You cannot remove the first, the last, or the sustain node.


All nodes added after the sustain node always affect the release phase of the envelope.

Adding Nodes Using the Fill Function
The Fill function allows you to add multiple envelope nodes after the selected nodes.

On the pop-up menu to the right of the Fill button, select the number of nodes that you
want to add.


In the graphical envelope editor, select the node after which you want to add nodes.
If several nodes are selected, the new nodes are inserted after the last selected node.
If Fixed is deactivated, the added nodes are placed with the interval specified by the
Time parameter of the selected node. If multiple nodes are selected, the interval is
specified by the focused node.
By activating Sync, you can specify the interval with the Sync note value. For example,
if 1/4 is selected, new nodes are added at exact quarter note intervals.
If Fixed is activated, the added nodes fill the space between the last selected node and
the following one.


Click the Fill button.


Editing Zones
Envelope Section

Scaling the Level of the Release Node with the Level at Note-Off

Set up an amplifier envelope with five nodes, spaced at intervals of 1000 ms. The
second, third, and fourth nodes have a level of 100 %. All curve segments are linear.


Deactivate Scale Rel and play and release a note in the middle of the attack, halfway
between node 1 and 2.
The level of node 4 is not altered. However, the sustain level is scaled down and
therefore increases when going from the sustain node to node 4.


Now, activate Scale Rel and play and release a note in the middle of the attack, halfway
between node 1 and 2.
The level of node 4 is scaled down by the level at note-off. In this example, the sustain
level and the level of node 4 are exactly the same. They have been scaled by the same
amount and the level will not change when going from the sustain node to node 4.

Using Sync
You can synchronize the envelopes to the tempo of your host application. This allows you to
set envelope times that relate to musical time intervals, regardless of any tempo changes.

Click Sync to activate sync mode for the envelope.
Sync mode is active if the button is highlighted. A grid spaced in fractions of beats is
displayed in the graphical envelope editor.


On the pop-up menu located to the right of the Sync button, select a note value.
This sets the resolution of the grid.
The Time field of a node displays times in fractions of beats. The fraction is always
reduced to the smallest possible value. 2/16 is displayed as 1/8, for example.


To use triplet note values, activate the T button.

Envelope nodes that do not exactly match a note value display the closest note


Editing Zones
LFO Section

Nodes that exactly match a note value are indicated by a red dot inside the
handle of the node. This is useful if you switch the grid between triplets and
normal note values, for example. The triplet nodes still indicate that they match
a note value, even if the grid shows normal note values.

You can also enter note values and triplets manually in the value field.

Setting Up the Loop
You can set up the envelope to repeat its playback between the selected nodes.

Set the envelope mode to Loop.


The loop is indicated by the green region in the graphical envelope editor. Specify the
loop start and end by dragging the borders of the region.
The loop region can only be set up in the decay phase of the envelope.

LFO Section
Synth, sample, grain, and wavetable zones offer two polyphonic LFOs.

LFO 1 and LFO 2

Polyphonic means the LFOs are calculated per voice allowing for independent modulations
with each triggered note. You can use this to create a richer sound, for example, with an
independent pitch modulation per note. The LFOs can be assigned freely in the modulation
matrix and they have an additional envelope that allows you to shape the modulation
intensity over time.
You can also configure monophonic LFOs using the Mono LFO MIDI Module.
To access the LFOs, click the corresponding button at the top of the LFO section.
You can adjust the times of the envelope in the graphical editor by dragging nodes left or
Which nodes are available in the graphical editor depends on the Envelope Mode setting.

The first node adjusts the Delay time.


The second node adjusts the Fade In time.


The third node adjusts the Hold time.


Editing Zones
LFO Section

The fourth node adjusts the Fade Out time.

LFO Waveform and Shape

Sine produces smooth modulation, suitable for vibrato or tremolo. Shape
adds additional harmonics to the waveform.


Triangle is similar to Sine. Shape continuously changes the triangle
waveform to a trapezoid.


Saw produces a ramp cycle. Shape continuously changes the waveform
from ramp down to triangle to ramp up.


Pulse produces stepped modulation, where the modulation switches
abruptly between two values. Shape continuously changes the ratio
between the high and low state of the waveform. If Shape is set to 50 %, a
square wave is produced.


Ramp is similar to the Saw waveform. Shape increasingly puts silence
before the sawtooth ramp up begins.


Log produces a logarithmic modulation. Shape continuously changes the
logarithmic curvature from negative to positive.


S & H 1 produces randomly stepped modulation, where each step is
different. Shape puts ramps between the steps and changes the S & H into
a smooth random signal when fully turned right.


S & H 2 is similar to S & H 1. The steps alternate between random high and
low values. Shape puts ramps between the steps and changes the S & H
into a smooth random signal when fully turned right.

Sync Mode
The Sync Mode is used to match the LFO to the tempo of the host application.

Select Off to adjust the speed of the modulation in Hertz.


Select Tempo + Retrig to adjust the speed of the modulation in fractions of
beats. You can also set dotted and triplet note values. The restart behavior
of the LFO depends on the Retrigger Mode.


Select Tempo + Beat to adjust the speed of the modulation in fractions of
beats. You can also set dotted and triplet note values. The LFO restarts
with the transport of the host and lines up to the beats of the song. The
Retrigger Mode setting is not taken into account.

The behavior of the Frequency parameter changes with the selected option.
Retrigger Mode
Determines whether the LFO is restarted when a note is triggered. The waveform
restarts at the position set with the Phase parameter.
The polyphonic LFOs can switch between On and Off.

If this parameter is set to Off, the LFO runs freely.


If this parameter is set to On, the LFO starts with each triggered note.


Editing Zones
LFO Section
Controls the frequency of the modulation, that is, the speed of the LFO.
Sets the initial phase of the waveform when the LFO is retriggered.
Rnd (Random Phase)
If this button is activated, each note starts with a randomized start phase.
The Phase control cannot be used if Rnd is activated.
Determines the delay time between the moment you play a note and the moment
the LFO comes into effect.
Fade In
Determines how long the LFO takes to fade in after the note was triggered and
the Delay time has elapsed.
Determines the amount of time the LFO is running before the fade out begins.
Hold is only available for the envelope modes One Shot and Hold + Fade Out.
Fade Out
Determines how long the LFO takes to fade out after the hold time has elapsed or
a note has been released.
To deactivate the fade out, use the envelope modes One Shot + Sustain or
Sustain. This ensures that the modulation does not change when a note is
Inv (Invert Envelope)
If this parameter is activated, the behavior of the LFO envelope is inverted, that
is, the LFO modulation starts at its maximum level and decreases to zero in the
time specified by the Fade In parameter. After the Hold time has elapsed, or
when the key is released, the modulation increases to its maximum level in the
time specified by the Fade Out parameter.
Envelope Mode
Allows you to specify how the LFO envelope reacts to your playing on the
keyboard. The One Shot modes do not react to note-off events.

Select One Shot to play the envelope from start to end in the time specified
by the Delay, Fade In, Hold, and Fade Out parameters.


Editing Zones
Step Modulator

One Shot + Sustain is similar to One Shot. The Delay and Fade In
parameters are always applied when you play a note. The Hold and Fade
Out parameters are not available.


If Hold + Fade Out is selected and you play a note, the Delay and Fade In
parameters are applied. The envelope fades out after the time specified by
the Hold parameter or when a key is released. Releasing a key during the
fade in starts the fade out from the current level.


If Sustain + Fade Out is selected and you play a note, the Delay and Fade In
parameters are applied. The Hold parameter is not available. The fade out
is applied when releasing the key. Releasing a key during the fade in starts
the fade out from the current level.


If Sustain is selected and you play a note, the Delay and Fade In
parameters are applied. The Hold and Fade Out parameters are not
available. Releasing a key during the fade in sustains the current level. This
prevents a change in modulation when a key is released.

Mono LFO on page 510

Step Modulator
Synth, sample, grain, and wavetable zones feature a polyphonic step modulator for creating
rhythmic control sequences.
The step modulator can be freely assigned in the modulation matrix.

Sets the number of steps in the sequence. The maximum number of steps is 32.
Sync Mode

If Off is selected, you can adjust the speed at which the sequence repeats.
Whether the sequence restarts when you play a note depends on the
Retrigger mode.


If Tempo + Retrig is selected, you can adjust the length of the steps in
fractions of beats. The speed of the modulation depends on the number of
steps, the note value, and the tempo you set in your host application. To use
triplet note values, activate Triplet.
Whether the sequence restarts when you play a note depends on the
selected Retrigger Mode.


If Tempo + Beat is selected, you can adjust the length of the steps in
fractions of beats. The speed of the modulation depends on the number of


Editing Zones
Step Modulator
steps, the note value, and the tempo you set in your host application. To use
triplet note values, activate Triplet.
The sequence restarts with the transport of the host application and lines
up to the beats of the project. The Retrigger Mode is not taken into account.
If Sync Mode is set to Off, this controls the speed at which the sequence is
If Sync Mode is set to one of the Tempo settings, this adjusts the length of the
steps in fractions of beats. You can also select triplet values.
Activate this button to use triplet note values.
Retrigger Mode
Determines whether the sequence restarts when you play a note. This parameter
is only available if Sync Mode is set to Off or Tempo + Retrig.

If this parameter is set to Off, the sequence is not restarted. Instead, it
resumes playback at the position at which you released the key.


If this parameter is set to First Note, the sequence restarts when a note is
triggered and no other notes are held.


If this parameter is set to Each Note, the sequence restarts each time a
note is triggered.

Determines whether the step modulator jumps from step to step or creates
ramps between the steps.

No Slope produces hard steps.


Slope on Rising Edges creates ramps only for rising edges.


Slope on Falling Edges creates ramps only for falling edges.


Slope on All Edges creates ramps for all edges.

If Slope is set to Rising, Falling, or All, this parameter determines the time of the
ramp between two steps. The higher the setting, the smoother the transitions
between steps.
Allows you to select a specific step.
Shows the level of the selected step.
If Snap is activated, the level of each step can only be adjusted in steps of 1/12th.


Editing Zones
Modulation Matrix
Shift Phrase Right/Shift Phrase Left
These commands shift all the steps to the right/left. If you shift the rhythm of the
phrase to the left, the first step is moved to the end. If you shift the phrase to the
right, the last step is moved to the beginning.
Reverse Phrase
Reverses the phrase, that is, inverts the order of all steps.

Editing Steps

To set the level of a step, click at the corresponding position in the graphical editor.


To change the value of a step, drag the step up or down or enter a new value in the
Level value field.


To reset the level of a step to 0 %, Ctrl/Cmd-click the step.


To reset all steps, hold Shift-Ctrl/Cmd and click in the graphical editor.


To adjust all steps at the same time, Shift-click and drag a step.


To draw a ramp with steps, hold down Alt and draw a line.


To draw symmetric ramps at the beginning and the end of the sequence, hold down
Shift-Alt and draw a line.


To gradually raise or lower the value of the selected step, use the up and down arrow
By default, the value changes in increments of 1 %. Hold Shift to use increments of 0.1
% instead.


If the graphical editor has the keyboard focus, you can use the left and right arrow keys
to select the previous or next step.

Producing Modulations in Steps of Semitones

Activate Snap.


In the modulation matrix, assign the Step Modulator to Pitch.


Set the Modulation Depth to +12.
Now, the levels of the steps represent semitone intervals.


In the Step Modulator, adjust each step to the interval that you want to use.

Modulation Matrix
The concept of controlling one parameter by another is called modulation. HALion offers
many fixed assigned modulations, such as the amplitude and filter envelopes, or pitch key
follow. In the modulation matrix, you can assign additional modulations.
Assigning modulations means interconnecting modulation sources, like LFOs and envelopes,
with modulation destinations, like pitch, cutoff, amplitude, etc.


Editing Zones
Modulation Matrix

The modulation matrix offers you up to 32 freely assignable modulations, each with a source,
an offset parameter, a modifier, and a destination with adjustable depth. All modulation
sources and destinations can be assigned several times. The polarity of each source can be
switched between unipolar and bipolar. An additional modifier and user-definable curves and
ranges give you further control over the modulation.
The modulation matrix is divided into two sections. On the left, you can assign modulation
sources to destinations and adjust the modulation depth. The section on the right contains
settings for the curve and range editor, where you can make further settings for the selected
modulation source.

Creating Modulations

Select the zone that you want to adjust.


Select a modulation source and a modulation destination, for example, LFO1 as source
and Pitch as destination.


Use the horizontal fader below the destination to adjust the modulation depth.


Optional: Click the Source 2 field and select a modifier or change the polarity of the
For example, select Pitch Bend as modifier and set it to unipolar.


Optional: Use the curve and range settings on the right to limit the modulation range
or to adjust the characteristics of the modulation.


Editing Zones
Modulation Matrix

Modulation Matrix Context Menu

Cut Modulation
Cuts the modulation data from the current slot.
Copy Modulation
Copies the modulation data from the current slot to the clipboard.
Paste Modulation
Pastes the modulation data from the clipboard to the current modulation slot.
You can copy modulation rows between different programs and between different
plug-in instances.
Insert Modulation
Inserts an empty modulation slot.
Remove Modulation
Removes the modulation slot.
Name of the Assigned Source/Modulator/Destination
Depending on where you click, the assigned modulation source, the modulator, or
the modulation destination is shown on the context menu.
Assign to New Automation
Assigns this modulation source as automation parameter.
Learn CC
Allows you to assign a MIDI controller to the modulation slot.


Editing Zones
Modulation Matrix
Forget CC
Removes the MIDI controller assignment for the current slot.
Set Minimum
Allows you to set the minimum value for the MIDI controller that is assigned to
the modulation slot.
Set Maximum
Allows you to set the maximum value for the MIDI controller that is assigned to
the modulation slot.
Assign Quick Control
Allows you to assign a quick control to the modulation slot.
Forget Quick Control
Removes the quick control assignment of the modulation slot.
Set Minimum
Allows you to set the minimum value for the quick control that is assigned to the
modulation slot.
Set Maximum
Allows you to set the maximum value for the quick control that is assigned to the
modulation slot.
Set Type

Absolute remote-controls the parameter values continuously.
Absolute mode changes the assigned parameters by overwriting them with
the current quick control value, that is, parameter changes are overwritten.


Relative remote-controls the parameter values continuously.
Relative mode changes the values of the assigned parameters without
losing their relative settings, that is, parameter changes can still be heard.


Switch Absolute switches between the minimum and maximum value.
Parameter changes are overwritten.


Switch Relative switches between the minimum and maximum value.
Parameter changes can still be heard.

Setting Up Automation on page 44

Modulation Matrix Parameters
Modulation Sources
LFO 1/2
The LFOs 1 and 2 produce cyclic modulation signals.
These LFOs are polyphonic, that is, a new LFO signal is created with each new


Editing Zones
Modulation Matrix
Amp Envelope
The amplifier envelope. This modulation source is unipolar. The shape of the
envelope determines the modulation signal.
Filter Envelope
The filter envelope. This modulation source is unipolar. The shape of the envelope
determines the modulation signal.
Pitch Envelope
The pitch envelope. This modulation source is bipolar. The shape of the envelope
determines the modulation signal.
User Envelope
The user envelope. This modulation source is bipolar. The shape of the envelope
determines the modulation signal.
Step Modulator
The step modulator of the zone. This modulation source is bipolar. It produces
cyclic, rhythmically stepped modulation signals.
The glide signal of the source. This modulation source is unipolar.
Key Follow
This produces an exponential modulation signal derived from the MIDI note
number. Exponential means this source works with destinations such as Pitch or
Cutoff. This modulation source is bipolar.
Note-on Velocity
Note-on velocity can be used as modulation signal. This modulation source is
Note-on Vel Squared
The squared version of Note-on Velocity. The harder you press the key, the higher
the modulation values.
Note-on Vel Normalized
The note-on velocity is normalized according to the velocity range of the
corresponding sample zone. At the lowest velocity of the zone, the modulation is
0, at the highest velocity, the modulation is 1.
Note-off Velocity
Note-off velocity can be used as modulation signal. This modulation source is
unipolar. Most MIDI keyboards cannot send note-off velocity messages. However,
most sequencer software is able to produce such messages.
The position of the pitchbend wheel can be used as modulation signal. This
modulation source is bipolar.


Editing Zones
Modulation Matrix
Modulation Wheel
The position of the modulation wheel can be used as modulation signal. This
modulation source is unipolar.
Aftertouch can be used as modulation signal. This modulation source is unipolar.
Some MIDI keyboards cannot send aftertouch messages. However, most
sequencer software is able to produce such messages.
MIDI Controller
Any of the 127 available MIDI controllers can be used as modulation signal. You
can select the MIDI controller from the corresponding submenu.
In addition, you can select the eight global MIDI controllers Contr. A-Contr. H
that can be used as placeholders in the modulation matrix. These controllers
allow you to remap specific MIDI controllers to the placeholder controllers, for
example, using the CC Mapper. This way, you can use the global controllers in
several places, and set up the assignment only once.
Quick Control
The quick controls of the program or layer to which the zone belongs can be used
as modulation signal. You can select the quick control from the corresponding
Note Expression
This submenu lists the eight Note Expression parameters that can be used as
modulation signals.
MIDI Modules
This submenu lists the available MIDI modules that can be used as modulation
signals. A zone can use the MIDI modules that are higher up in the Program Tree
hierarchy than the zone. Which parameters are available depends on the selected
Produces a random modulation signal. This modulation source is bipolar.
The audio output of the zone can be used as modulation signal. This modulation
source is unipolar.
Bus 1–16
Modulations that are sent to one of the 16 busses can be reused as sources. This
way, you can combine several modulations to produce more complex signals.

Modulation Modifiers
All modulation sources can also be used as modifiers. A modifier is used to scale the output
of the modulation source. A typical example is an LFO as a source and the modulation wheel
as the modifier. This allows you to control the intensity of the LFO modulation using the


Editing Zones
Modulation Matrix
The Sample & Hold modifier is only available on the Source 2 pop-up menu. It takes a
sample of the modulation source whenever it receives a trigger signal. It holds the sampled
value until it receives a new trigger. This way, you can quantize a continuous modulation
The following Sample & Hold options are available:
Trigger on Note-on
Triggers the Sample & Hold modifier manually each time that you hit a key.
Trigger on LFO 1
Triggers the Sample & Hold modifier each time that the waveform of LFO 1
crosses the zero line from below.
Trigger on LFO 2
Triggers the Sample & Hold modifier each time that the waveform of LFO 2
crosses the zero line from below.
Trigger on Modulation Wheel
Triggers the Sample & Hold modifier each time that the modulation wheel
passes the center position.
Trigger on Sustain
Triggers the Sample & Hold modifier each time that you press the sustain pedal.
Sample until Release
Triggers the Sample & Hold modifier each time that you release a key.

Unipolar vs. Bipolar Sources
The polarity of a modulation source specifies the value range that it produces. Unipolar
sources modulate between 0 and +1. Bipolar sources modulate between -1 and +1.

To change the polarity of a modulation source, click its Polarity


Modulation Depth
The horizontal fader below the destination adjusts the modulation depth.

Bypass Modulation
Click the Bypass button in front of the depth fader to bypass the modulation.

Modulation Destinations
Depending on the selected type of zone, the available modulation destinations vary.
Modulates the pitch. For example, assign one of the LFOs to create a vibrato
effect. If Pitch is selected, the modulation depth is set in semitones (-60 to +60).
Modulates the filter cutoff.


Editing Zones
Modulation Matrix
For example, to create rhythmic patterns in the spectral timbre, assign the Step
Modulates the filter resonance. Resonance changes the character of the filter.
For example, to accent the filter the harder you hit a key, assign Velocity to
Modulates the filter distortion.
This has no effect on the Classic, HALion 3, and Waldorf filters.
Morph X
Modulates the x-axis of the filter in Morph XY mode. Use this to morph between
the filter shapes AD and BC.
Morph Y
Modulates the y-axis of the filter in Morph 2, Morph 4, or Morph XY mode. Use
this to morph between the filter shapes AB and DC, for example.
Cutoff Offset
Modulates the cutoff offset of the second filter in Dual Filter Serial or Dual Filter
Parallel mode. For example, to lower or raise the cutoff of the second filter while
you play, assign the modulation wheel.
Resonance Offset
Modulates the resonance offset of the second filter in Dual Filter Serial or Dual
Filter Parallel mode. For example, to lower or raise the resonance of the second
filter while you play, assign the modulation wheel.
This modulation adds to the level setting. It can be used to create level offsets
using the mod wheel, for example.
Volume 1
Modulates the gain. The volume modulation multiplies with the level.
This modulation is ideal for crossfades between zones.
Volume 2
As Volume 1. Volume 1 is multiplied with Volume 2. This way, you can build more
complex modulations.
Modulates the position of the zone in the panorama.
Sample Start
Modulates the start position of the sample playback. For example, assign Noteon Velocity to play back more of the attack of a sample the harder you hit a key.


Editing Zones
Modulation Matrix
This modulation destination cannot be modulated continuously. The parameter is
updated only when you hit a key.
Speed Factor
Modulates the speed factor of the sample.
Formant Shift
Modulates the formant shifting.
Grain Position
Modulates the playback position. The modulation is not continuous, but it is
updated at the start of each grain.
Grain Direction
Modulates the Direction parameter. For the effect to be heard, the Speed
parameter must be set to a value above 0 %.
Grain Duration
Modulates the grain duration, that is, the frequency at which the grains repeat.
The maximum modulation range at a modulation depth of 100 % is -5 to +5
Grain Length
Modulates the grain length.
Grain Pitch
Modulates the pitch of a grain. The modulation is not continuous, but it is updated
at the start of a new grain. For continuous pitch modulation, use Pitch instead of
Grain Pitch as destination and make sure that Follow Zone Pitch is activated in
the grain oscillator.
Grain Formant
Grain Level
Modulates the grain level. The modulation is not continuous, but it is updated at
the start of each new grain. For continuous level modulation, use the destinations
Volume 1, Volume 2, or Level.
Osc 1/2/3 Pitch
Modulates the pitch of the corresponding oscillator.
For example, to detune an oscillator cyclically, assign one of the LFOs.
Osc 1/2/3 Level
Modulates the level of the corresponding oscillator.
For example, to fade an oscillator in and out while you play, assign the
modulation wheel.
Osc 1/2/3 Waveform
Modulates the shape and character of the corresponding oscillator.


Editing Zones
Modulation Matrix
For example, to change the character of an oscillator over time, assign one of the
Osc 1/2/3 Multi Detune
Modulates the Detune parameter of the individual oscillator voices that are
produced by multi-oscillator mode.
Osc 1/2/3 Multi Pan
Modulates the pan position of the individual oscillator voices that are produced by
multi-oscillator mode.
Osc 1/2/3 Multi Voices
Modulates the number of oscillator voices that are produced by multi-oscillator
Sub Osc Level
Modulates the level of the sub oscillator. For example, to fade in the oscillator
while you play, assign the modulation wheel.
Ring Mod Level
Modulates the level of the ring modulation effect. For example, to fade in the ring
modulation while you play, assign the modulation wheel.
Noise Level
Modulates the level of the noise generator. For example, to fade in the noise
generator while you play, assign the modulation wheel.
LFO 1/2 Frequency
Modulates the speed of the corresponding LFO.
For example, to control the speed of a vibrato effect while you play, assign
LFO 1/2 Shape
Modulates the waveform of the corresponding LFO.
For example, to vary the waveform with the playing position on the keyboard,
assign Key Follow.
Step Mod Frequency
Modulates the speed of the step modulator. For example, assign an LFO to
increase or decrease the speed cyclically.
Step Mod Slope
Modulates the shape of the edges of the step modulator if the Slope parameter is
active. For example, assign the modulation wheel to blend from hard to smooth
Amp Env Attack Time
Modulates the attack time of the amplitude envelope. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.


Editing Zones
Modulation Matrix
Amp Env Decay Time
Modulates the decay time of the amplitude envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Amp Env Sustain Level
Modulates the sustain level of the amplitude envelope. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the
segment starts.
Amp Env Release Time
Modulates the release time of the amplitude envelope. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Filter Env Attack Time
Modulates the attack time of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Filter Env Decay Time
Modulates the decay time of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Filter Env Sustain Level
Modulates the sustain level of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the segment
Filter Env Release Time
Modulates the release time of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Pitch Env Start Level
Modulates the level of the first pitch envelope node. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the segment
Pitch Env Attack Time
Modulates the attack time of the pitch envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Pitch Env Attack Level
Modulates the level of the second pitch envelope node. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the
segment starts.


Editing Zones
Modulation Matrix
Pitch Env Decay Time
Modulates the decay time of the pitch envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Pitch Env Sustain Level
Modulates the sustain level of the pitch envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the segment
Pitch Env Release Time
Modulates the release time of the pitch envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Pitch Env Release Level
Modulates the level of the last pitch envelope node. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the segment
User Env Start Level
Modulates the level of the first user envelope node. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the segment
User Env Attack Time
Modulates the attack time of the user envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
User Env Attack Level
Modulates the level of the second user envelope node. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the
segment starts.
User Env Decay Time
Modulates the decay time of the user envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
User Env Sustain Level
Modulates the sustain level of the user envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the segment
User Env Release Time
Modulates the release time of the user envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment


Editing Zones
Modulation Matrix
User Env Release Level
Modulates the level of the last user envelope node. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the segment
Bus 1-16
You can send any modulation to one of the 16 busses, for example, to produce
more complex modulation signals. Select the bus that you want to send the
signals to as a destination. To use the modulation that was sent to a bus, assign
the corresponding bus as a modulation source.

Curve and Range Editor
You can set up a curve and range for each modulation source.

The curve editor allows you to change the characteristics of a modulation. The
displayed curve is superimposed on the modulation source.
This way, you can change the modulation from linear to exponential or logarithmic, for


By setting the minimum and maximum values, you limit the modulation to a specific
range only. In addition, you can specify an offset and a range for the modulation.
For example, with an offset and range of +50 %, only the second half of the displayed
curve is superimposed on the modulation.


If a MIDI or Note Expression controller is selected as modulation source, the
Smoothing parameter is available. This allows for parameter changes to occur more
gradually. Set this to Default to use the global Smoothing parameter set up in the
Options Editor or enter a value in the value field.

The curve editor offers different presets that you can select by clicking the corresponding
button on the right of the curve editor. To set up your own curve, click CustomCurve.
You can edit the custom curve in the following way:

Double-click in the editor to insert a new node.


Double-click on a node to delete it.


Drag the nodes to new positions to adjust the basic shape of the curve.


Drag the lines between the nodes up or down to change the curvature.


Editing Samples in the Sample
The Sample Editor allows you to view and edit samples. In HALion, samples are associated
with sample zones. If a sample zone is selected, the Sample Editor shows the corresponding

Loading and Previewing Samples
The controls in the Sample Editor header allow you to load a sample and make preview

Load/Replace Sample
Allows you to load a new sample or replace the current sample.
Preview Volume/Output for Preview
You can specify the playback volume and output for the Sample Editor with the
Preview Volume and Output for Preview controls in the upper right corner of the

The toolbar contains tools for editing sample markers, loop markers, and slices, for

Play Sample
Activate this button to play back the raw sample.
Play Selection Looped
Activate this button to play back the selection in a loop.
If this button is activated, the waveform display is scrolled during playback,
keeping the playback cursor visible.
Follow Sample Playback
Activate this button to see a play locator when triggering a sample via MIDI.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Range Selection Tool
Click and drag with this tool to create a selection.
Zoom Tool
If this tool is selected, you can click in the waveform to zoom in on the position
where you click.
Play Tool
If this tool is selected, you can click in the waveform to start playback. The
sample is played back from this position until you release the mouse button.
Scrub Tool
If this tool is selected, you can click in the waveform and drag sideways to play
back the audio. The playback direction and speed depend on how far you move
the mouse left or right from the position where you clicked.
If this button is activated, the selection start and end points and markers snap to
other markers.
Snap to Zero Crossing
If this button is activated, markers and selection start and end points are only
placed at zero crossings, that is, at positions in the audio where the amplitude is
zero. This helps you avoid pops and clicks that are caused by sudden amplitude
Trim Sample
Trims the sample, either to the selection, or to the range that is set with the
sample start/end markers.
Revert to Full Sample
Undoes the trimming, so that the entire sample is restored.
After undoing the trimming, make sure to set the start/end markers to their
original positions, otherwise these parts are not played back.
Normalize Sample
Normalizes the sample by detecting the highest peak level in the sample and
adjusting the gain to reach a predefined level.
Normalize Level
Sets the level for the Normalize Sample function.
Sustain/Release Loop
Switches between the display of the sustain loop and the release loop in the
waveform display.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Edit Loop
If this button is activated, the editor shows the looped region instead of the
original sample data. This provides a better overview over the transition between
loop end and loop start and allows you to set the loop markers to the best
If Loop Mode is deactivated when you activate Edit Loop, it is automatically set to
Continuous and the loop markers are placed at the start and end of the sample.
Show Resulting Loop Crossfade
Activate this button to see the effect of your crossfade settings in the waveform
display. If this button is activated, the resulting waveform is displayed in red.
This button only has an effect if Edit Loop is activated.
Find Previous Loop Start/Find Next Loop Start
Automatically detects a suitable loop start, either before (previous) or after (next)
the current loop start.
Find Previous Loop End/Find Next Loop End
Automatically detects a suitable loop end, either before (previous) or after (next)
the current loop end.
Loop Transition
Set this to t (transition) to search for short loops or to T (timbre) to search for
longer loops.
It can be useful to search for longer loops if the sample contains longer sound
progressions or beats that need to be included. That way you can prevent the
resulting loop from becoming static.
If this is set to T, HALion also suggests loop marker positions that might not be
optimal regarding the local transition, but best reflect the tonal progression of
the sound. In this case, you can use the Crossfade function to smooth out the
HALion detects a large number of possible loop marker positions for the loop.
These positions are evaluated internally and attributed a score, according to
quality. The Threshold parameter allows you to specify the score value that a
marker must have before it can be used. With the highest setting, only a few
suitable positions are suggested.
Loop Score
Each detected loop marker is evaluated and attributed a score that provides
additional information about how well loop start and end match.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Info Line
This value is only updated when you search for loop positions using the Find
Previous/Next Loop Start/End buttons.
Pitch Detection Sensitivity
Allows you to adjust the pitch detection curve. For example, if the pitch detection
curve changes too fast or if it contains wrong pitches, lower the Pitch Detection
Detected Pitch
The detected pitch at the current marker position.
If the Slice tab is selected, the following additional tools are available on the toolbar:
Play Slice Tool
If this tool is selected, you can play slices by clicking on them.
Lock Slices
Activate this button to prevent slice markers from being accidentally moved.
Locked slices are shown with red markers.
Auto Zoom Slices
If this button is activated and you step through slice zones in the Program Tree,
the slices are zoomed automatically so that they are centered in the waveform
Zoom to Previous Slice/Zoom to Next Slice
Click these buttons to zoom in on the previous/next slice.

Info Line
File Length
Shows the length of the sample file.
Sample Rate
Shows the sample rate of the sample file.
File Tempo
Shows the tempo of the sample file, in BPM.
Playback Position
Shows the playback position.
To change the playback position, use the arrow buttons or enter a new position in
the value field.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Info Line
Selection Start
Sets the start of the selection.
Selection End
Sets the end of the selection.
Selection Length
Sets the length of the selection.
Show Selection/Sample Parameters
Switches the info line between displaying the parameters for the selection or for
the entire sample.
Root Key
The root key determines the original pitch of a zone, that is, the key on which the
zone is played without being transposed.
Sets the tune offset of the zone.
This value can be written into the sample file on export and is read on import.
Sets the gain offset of the zone.
This value can be written into the sample file on export and is read on import.
Allows you to specify a pan offset for the sample.
If the Slice tab is selected, the info line contains the following slice-specific settings:
Sample Length
Shows the length of the sample.
Shows the tempo of the sample, in BPM.
Shows the length of the sample found by the automatic tempo detection, in bars
and beats.
You can adjust these values manually. This has an effect on the grid and the
Allows you to display a grid in the waveform display.
Grid Resolution
Sets the grid resolution, in note values.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Overview Line
Allows you to specify the time signature of the loop.
Offsets the grid by the specified value.

Overview Line
The overview line shows the entire sample. The section that is visible in the waveform display
is indicated by a rectangle. The current selection range in the waveform display is shown in


To view a different section of the sample, click in the lower half of the rectangle and
drag to the left or right.


To show a larger or a smaller range of the sample in the main waveform display, resize
the rectangle by dragging its borders.


To specify a new sample range for the main waveform display, click in the upper half of
the overview and drag.

Waveform Display

The waveform display shows the waveform image of the sample. To the left of the waveform
display, a level scale is shown, indicating the amplitude of the audio.

To select whether the level is shown as a percentage or in dB, click the level scale
label (dB or %), and select an option from the pop-up menu.


To display the half level axis, right-click in the waveform display and select the
corresponding option on the context menu.

The ruler shows the timeline in the specified display format.

To select the format, click the arrow button to the right of the ruler and select an
option from the pop-up menu.
You can choose to display bars and beats, seconds, or samples.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Waveform Display

View Options

Channel View Options
You can display either all channels, a specific channel, or the sum of all channels
by activating the corresponding button to the left of the waveform display. If no
selection is made here, all channels are displayed.
Which channel selector buttons are available depends on the sample file.

Show Fades in Wave
If this button is activated, your fade settings are displayed directly in the
Show Gain in Wave

If this button is activated, the waveform display shows the influence of the
Gain parameter on the sample. The gain can either be set manually or by
using the Normalize function.


If this button is deactivated, the original raw sample data is shown.

Show Pitch Detection Curve
If this button is activated, the pitch detection curve is displayed on the waveform.
This curve shows you where in a sample the pitch can be detected properly.
Show Pitch Envelope/Show Level Envelope
You can edit the pitch and the level of a sample using the integrated pitch and
level envelopes. This allows you to modify the pitch of the attack portion of a
sample or to correct the pitch or the level of a loop end so that it matches the
loop start, for example. Both envelopes are applied when you play a sample using
your MIDI keyboard.
To edit an envelope, click Show Pitch Envelope or Show Level Envelope.

To offset the pitch or level of an entire sample, add a single node and move
it up or down from the center position.


To add further to the envelope, double-click the curve.


To remove a node, double-click it.


To reset a node to its neutral position, Ctrl/Cmd-click it.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Parameter Section
Zoom Envelope
Zooms in on the pitch and level envelopes. This allows you to edit the envelopes
in more detail.
Bypass Gain, Tuning, Fades, and Envelopes in Editor Playback
Bypasses any level and pitch corrections that are performed by changing the gain
of the sample, using fade curves, the pitch envelope, and the level envelope.

Parameter Section
The parameter section below the waveform display contains sample and sample zone
The Sample Oscillator parameters on the Main and Loop tabs can be edited for multiple
samples at the same time. This can be useful to add a fade to a multi-selection or to set
loop markers for several samples that contain different microphone signals of the same
instrument, for example.

Main Tab
The Main tab contains the zone parameters, the marker settings, and the fade settings for
the sample.

Playback Mode

Normal – The sample is played back from beginning to end. If loops are
defined, they are played back according to their loop settings.


Reverse – The sample is played from end to beginning, ignoring any loop


One-Shot – The sample is played back from beginning to end, regardless of
any loop settings.


Reverse One-Shot – The sample is played back from end to beginning,
regardless of any loop settings.

In One-Shot and Reverse One-Shot mode, the zones ignore any MIDI note-off
messages. All envelopes and LFOs play until their sustain is reached and then
remain on this level for as long as the sample plays back. Any release segments
of the envelopes and LFOs are not played. However, if you activate One-Shot
mode in the Envelope section, the release nodes of the envelopes are included in
the playback.
Fixed Pitch
If a sample zone is triggered by a MIDI note other than the one defined by the
Root Key setting, the sample is normally pitched accordingly. If Fixed Pitch is


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Parameter Section
activated, the relation between played note and root key is disregarded and all
keys play the sample just as it was recorded.
You can still apply the usual pitch modulations in the Pitch section and set the
sample to follow the keyboard according to the Pitch Key Follow setting.
Sample Start
The start marker of the sample.
Sample End
The end marker of the sample.
Link Sample Start and End
Links the sample start and end positions. If you edit one of the values, the other
is automatically modified.
You cannot change the sample start or end positions beyond the limits of the
sample file. For example, if the end of the sample is reached and you raise the
Sample Start value, the Sample End value is not modified.
Start Range
Determines the range for sample start offset modulation. If Sample Start
is selected as a modulation destination in the modulation matrix, the Start
Range parameter controls the sample portion that is affected by the start offset
modulation. If this parameter is set to zero, no sample start modulation is
For example, if Note-on Velocity is used to modulate the Sample Start
parameter, a high key velocity starts playback later in the sample, and the range
of this modulation is determined by the Start Range parameter.
Release Start
Determines the position to which the cursor jumps when you release a key.
For example, if you are playing back a sample in a loop, but you want it to play its
original release phase, set the Release Start parameter to this position.
Release Offset
Allows you to fine-tune the release start for each sample.
This allows you to offset the release start for several zones at the same time
without losing the original release settings, for example.
Crossfade/Fade In/Fade Out
Allow you to set the curve and the length of the fade in, the fade out, and the


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Parameter Section

Loop Tab
This tab contains settings for the sustain loop and the release loop and lets you set up two
different loop sets.

Loop Sets A and B
Allow you to set up two different sets of loops for the same sample. This is useful
to compare different versions of the same loop, for example.
Loop Mode
Allows you to select a mode for the sustain loop and the release loop.

If this is set to No Loop, the sample is played without loop.


If this is set to Continuous, the loop is played continuously until the end of
the amplitude envelope.


If this is set to Alternate, the loop alternates forward and backward even if
you release the key.


If this is set to Once, the loop is repeated once.


If this is set to Until Release (sustain loop only), the loop is repeated until
you release the key on the keyboard.


If this is set to Alternate Until Release (sustain loop only), the loop
alternates forward and backward for as long as the key is held and then
continues to the end of the sample.

If Loop Mode is set to Alternate or Alternate Until Release, the loop crossfade
is applied to the loop start and the loop end. All other modes on the Loop Mode
pop-up menu apply the loop crossfade only to the loop end.
Loop Start
The loop start for the sustain loop and for the release loop.
Loop End
The loop end for the sustain loop and for the release loop.
Link Loop Start and End
Links the loop start and end positions. If you edit one of the values, the other is
automatically modified.
Allows you to introduce a crossfade between loop end and loop start. Crossfades
allow for smoother transitions.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Parameter Section
Allows you to create a linear curve, an equal power curve, or anything in between
for the crossfade.
Sets the tuning of the loop. This is useful to adjust the frequency of the loop.

Slice Tab
The parameter section contains different parameters, depending on whether slices have
been created or not.
If no slices have been created, the following parameters are available:

Slice Detection Mode
The slice detection automatically sets slice markers in the waveform.

Transient mode allows you to set the minimum peak level that a transient
needs to become a slice marker.


Grid mode sets the slice markers according to a beat grid.


Transient + Grid detects slices that match both conditions.


Manual mode deactivates automatic slice detection. In this mode, you can
only set slice markers manually.

You can always add slice markers manually by Alt-clicking in the waveform.
Determines the minimum level that a transient must have to be detected as start
of a new slice.
The transient detection evaluates all transients and classifies them according to
their quality. The Sensitivity control allows you to define the quality that must be
matched before a slice marker can be set.
Min Length
Determines the minimum length of a slice. Use this parameter to avoid creating
slices that are too short.
Grid Catch
In Transient+Grid mode, you can use this control to specify how close to the grid
a transient marker must be.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Parameter Section
Reset Slice Marker Edits
Removes all slice markers that you have edited manually and repositions any
moved markers.
Click this button to create slices. After clicking Apply, the button reads Revert
and allows you to undo the slicing.
If slices have been created, the following parameters are available:

Playback Mode

Normal – The sample is played back from beginning to end. If loops are
defined, they are played back according to their loop settings.


Reverse – The sample is played from end to beginning, ignoring any loop


One-Shot – The sample is played back from beginning to end, regardless of
any loop settings.


Reverse One-Shot – The sample is played back from end to beginning,
regardless of any loop settings.

In One-Shot and Reverse One-Shot mode, the zones ignore any MIDI note-off
messages. All envelopes and LFOs play until their sustain is reached and then
remain on this level for as long as the sample plays back. Any release segments
of the envelopes and LFOs are not played. However, if you activate One-Shot
mode in the Envelope section, the release nodes of the envelopes are included in
the playback.
Filter Type
Specifies the basic sound character of the filter.

Off deactivates the filter section.


Classic offers 24 filter shapes with resonance.


Tube Drive adds warm, tube-like distortion. You can set the amount of tube
drive with the Distortion parameter.


Hard Clip adds bright, transistor-like distortion. You can set the amount of
hard clipping with the Distortion parameter.


Bit Red (Bit Reduction) adds digital distortion by means of quantization
noise. You can adjust the bit reduction with the Distortion parameter.


Rate Red adds digital distortion by means of aliasing. You can adjust the
rate reduction with the Distortion parameter.


Rate Red KF adds digital distortion by means of aliasing. In addition, Key
Follow is used. The rate reduction follows the keyboard, so the higher you
play, the higher the sample rate.


HALion 3 offers the five legacy filter shapes from HALion 3.


Waldorf offers 13 filter shapes, including two comb filters.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Parameter Section

Eco is a performance-optimized low-pass filter without Resonance or
Distortion parameters. It allows you to adapt the brilliance of samples for
different velocity layers of the same key, for example.

Filters without distortion use less processing power.
Coarse Tuning
Adjusts the tuning in semitone steps.
Controls the cutoff frequency of the filter.
Emphasizes the frequencies around the cutoff. At higher settings, the filter selfoscillates, which results in a ringing tone.
Adds distortion to the signal. The effect depends largely on the selected filter
type. At higher settings, it creates a very intense distortion effect.
This parameter is only available for the filter types Tube Drive, Hard Clip, Bit Red,
Rate Red, and Rate Red KF.
Morph X/Y
These controls are available if the filter types Morph 2, Morph 4, or Morph XY are
used in the Filter section in the Zone Editor for the sample zone. With Morph X/Y,
you can adjust two parameters simultaneously.

For the filter types Morph 2 and Morph 4, the Y control adjusts the
morphing between the filter shapes.


For Morph XY, the Morph X control adjusts the morphing between the filter
shapes AD and BC and the Morph Y control adjusts the morphing between
the filter shapes AB and DC.

Sets the level of the selected slice.
Sets the panorama position for the selected slice.
Drag MIDI Phrase to Host Sequencer
To export your slice markers as MIDI phrase, drag the MIDI export field to your
host sequencer or another destination that can handle MIDI files. This MIDI file is
used to play the sliced loop.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Sample Editor Context Menu
Reset Slice Marker Edits
Removes all slice markers that you have edited manually and repositions any
moved markers.
Click this button to remove any modifications to the slice markers, to undo the
slicing, and to remove the layer with the sliced zones from the Program Tree.


If you have created slices, the AUX tab becomes available.
AUX 1-4
You can send the signal of the selected slice to the global, or, if available, the
local AUX busses. Use the controls to specify the level that is sent to each AUX
Fade In/Fade Out
Defines a fade in or a fade out for the selected slices. This can be used to remove
unwanted clicks if the audio is difficult to slice.
Filter Section on page 119

Sample Editor Context Menu

Range Selection Tool
Click and drag with this tool to create a selection.
Zoom Tool
If this tool is selected, you can click in the waveform to zoom in on the position
where you click.
Play Tool
If this tool is selected, you can click in the waveform to start playback. The
sample is played back from this position until you release the mouse button.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Sample Editor Context Menu
Scrub Tool
If this tool is selected, you can click in the waveform and drag sideways to play
back the audio. The playback direction and speed depend on how far you move
the mouse left or right from the position where you clicked.

Zoom In zooms in one step.


Zoom Out zooms out one step.


Zoom Full displays the entire sample in the waveform display.


Toggle Zoom Full/Last switches between the last zoom setting and the
display of the entire sample.


Undo/Redo Zoom allow you to undo/redo the last zoom setting.


Zoom to Selection zooms in on the current selection.


Zoom to Sample Start/End zooms in on the sample start or end marker,
depending on which is nearer to the position of the cursor.


Zoom to Sample Start zooms in on the start marker of the sample.


Zoom to Sample Start Range zooms in on the start range.


Zoom to Sample End zooms in on the end marker of the sample.


Zoom to Sustain Loop zooms in on the entire sustain loop.


Zoom to Sustain Loop Start zooms in on the start of the sustain loop.


Zoom to Sustain Loop End zooms in on the end of the sustain loop.


Zoom to Release Start zooms in on the release start.


Zoom to Start zooms in on the start of the sample file.


Zoom to End zooms in on the end of the sample file.


Zoom to Range zooms in on the selection range.


Read Root Key and Tuning From File allows you to set the root key and
tuning to the values that are saved in the sample file. The current zone
settings are overwritten by the sample file settings.
This option is only available if the corresponding information is available in
the sample file.


Show in Explorer/Finder navigates to the file in the File Explorer/Mac OS


Read Loop from File allows you to set loop markers to the values that are
saved in the sample file. The current zone settings are overwritten by the
sample file settings.
This option is only available if the corresponding information is available in
the sample file.


Open in External Editor allows you to open and edit the sample in an
external editor.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Sample Editor Context Menu
This menu entry is only available if an external editor is specified in the Edit
section of the Options Editor.

Trim Sample to Start/End trims the sample according to the start and end


Trim Sample to Selection trims the sample according to the current
selection range.


Normalize Sample allows you to normalize the sample.


Copy Sustain Loop to Release Loop copies the start/end marker positions
of the sustain loop to the release loop.


Copy Release Loop to Sustain Loop copies the start/end marker positions
of the release loop to the sustain loop.


Copy Loop A to B copies the settings of loop A to loop B.


Copy Loop B to A copies the settings of loop B to loop A.


Set Sustain Loop to Sample Start/End sets the sustain loop start and end
marker positions to those of the sample start and end markers. This is
useful for drum loops, for example.


Set Sample Start/End to Sustain Loop sets the sample start and end
marker positions to those of the sustain loop start and end markers. This
can be used to create sliced loops from longer sample files.



Set Sample Start/End to Selection moves the start and end points of the
sample to the start and end points of the selection range.


Set Sustain Loop to Selection moves the sustain loop markers so that they
encompass the selection range.


Set Release Loop to Selection moves the release loop markers so that they
encompass the selection range.


Create Zone from Selection creates a new sample zone from the selection

Show Half Level Axis
Activate this option to show the half level axes in the waveform display.
View Range

Auto uses the view range of the previous sample.


Last restores the view range that is saved with the sample.


Full shows the entire sample.


Sample shows the range between sample start and sample end markers.


Sample Start shows the sample start marker with the current zoom factor.


Sample Start Range shows the sample start range marker with the current
zoom factor.


Sample End shows the sample end marker with the current zoom factor.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor

Sustain Loop shows the entire sustain loop.


Sustain Loop Start shows the start marker of the sustain loop with the
current zoom factor.


Sustain Loop End shows the end marker of the sustain loop with the
current zoom factor.


Release Loop shows the entire release loop.


Release Loop Start shows the start marker of the release loop with the
current zoom factor.


Release Loop End shows the end marker of the release loop with the
current zoom factor.

If the view range cannot be set to the specified loop marker or range because the
sample does not contain the required loop, it is set to the last stored settings for
that zone. If no such settings are found, the entire sample is displayed.
Options Editor on page 35

Markers specify important positions or sections in a sample.

You can move markers by dragging them in the graphical display. Which markers are shown
in the display depend on which tab is selected.
Sample Start
Defines where the sample starts to play when a zone is triggered. Audio before
this marker is skipped.
Sample End
Defines where the sample stops playing. Audio after this marker is ignored.
Sustain Loop Start
Defines where the sustain loop starts.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Sustain Loop End
Defines where the sustain loop ends. When this marker is reached, playback
jumps back to the sustain loop start.
Release Loop Start
Defines where the release loop starts.
Release Loop End
Defines where the release loop ends. When this marker is reached, playback
jumps back to the release loop start.
Release Start
This marker defines the position at which playback starts when a note-off
message is received. This allows for a realistic release note-off behavior without
the necessity of using extra release samples. To avoid unwanted clicks when
jumping to the release marker, you can set a crossfade time and curvature on the
Loop tab in the parameter section.
Sample Start Range
Defines the attack phase of a sample, which can be used for the modulation of
the sample start.
Sample Oscillator Section on page 106


To zoom in/out on the time and level axis, use the horizontal and vertical zoom sliders.


The three buttons to the right of the horizontal zoom slider allow you to zoom to the
start, the end, and to the full range.
Depending on the situation, these options refer to the sample, the selection, or a loop.
Click several times to increase the zoom level.


To toggle between full zoom and the previous zoom setting, click the A button to the
right of the horizontal zoom slider.


To zoom in/out on the locator position, press G and H.


You can click and drag the ruler to zoom in/out on the position you have clicked.


Resize the rectangle in the overview line to zoom to this range.


Use the options on the Zoom submenu of the context menu.

Editing Samples in an External Editor
HALion allows you to use an external sample editor to perform destructive offline editing on
a sample.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Creating Loops
Not all sample editors provide the same functionality, that is, certain features, like
transferring sample loop markers, are not always possible. To get the best results, use
Steinberg’s WaveLab.

To load the current sample in an external editor, right-click in the waveform of the
sample, and select Sample > Open in External Editor.
The external sample editor is launched and the sample is transferred.
This menu entry is only available if an external editor is specified in the Edit section in
the Options Editor.

HALion creates a copy of the sample and writes it to a temporary folder. This folder is
specified in the Options Editor. If no folder is specified, the temporary folder of the operating
system is used. Changes in the external editor are made to the copy of the sample.
When you save the sample in the external editor, HALion recognizes that the temporary file
has changed and lets you update the corresponding sample.
Sample start/end and release markers cannot be transferred to an external editor.
If a sample is referenced by several zones, changes to the sample are reflected in all these
Edit Section on page 38

Creating Loops
You can specify two independent loops, one for the sustain phase, and one for the release
To set up the sustain and the release loop, you can set the start and end positions manually
and/or use the functions to automatically detect suitable loop positions. For a smooth loop,
you must find positions at which the loop end can be continued naturally at the loop start.
The loop settings can be edited using the toolbar options and the handles in the waveform
display, but they are also available on the Loop tab in the parameters section.

Setting Up a Loop

On the Loop tab, select a loop mode for the sustain loop and the release loop.
The corresponding markers are shown in the waveform display.


Activate Edit Loop on the toolbar.


Do one of the following:


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Creating Loops

Set the start and end markers for the loop by dragging the marker handles or
press Shift and drag the audio before or after the loop end marker to adjust the
end or start position.


To automatically detect suitable loop start and end positions, click the Find
Previous Loop Start/End or Find Next Loop Start/End buttons.
The loop markers are set accordingly.
The Loop Transition, Threshold, and Loop Score settings influence the marker
detection features.

Edit Loop
If Edit Loop is activated, the editor shows the looped region instead of the original sample
data. This is useful to fine-tune and adjust a loop. The waveform is updated to reflect the
result of your loop settings.
To better see how loop start and end are correlating, a part of the waveform is displayed
in blue on top of the loop. This part is taken from an area around the loop start (+/- the
loop length) and then shifted to the loop end. The better both waveforms correspond, the
smoother the sound of the loop.

Setting Up Loop Crossfades
Loop crossfades allow for smoother loops.

Activate Edit Loop on the toolbar.
Crossfade handles are displayed in the waveform display.


Click Sustain/Release Loop on the toolbar to select whether you want to edit the
sustain loop or the release loop.


Drag the crossfade handles or enter the crossfade range numerically in the parameter


To see the effect of the crossfade, activate Show Resulting Loop Crossfade on the
The resulting waveform is displayed in red.


Adjust the crossfade curve by dragging the middle of the fade curve up or down.

Creating a Loop from the Selection
You can use a selection range as the basis for a loop.

Activate Play Selection Looped on the toolbar.


Click the Play Sample button on the toolbar.


Adjust the selection until you are satisfied with the loop.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Creating Slices Automatically

Right-click in the waveform display, open the Selection submenu, and select Set
Sustain Loop to Selection or Set Release Loop to Selection.

Creating Slices Automatically
You can slice samples in the Sample Editor. This allows you to play them back in sync with
the host application, for example.

In the Program Tree, select the sample zone that you want to slice.


In the Sample Editor, select the Slice tab.


Adjust the Threshold, Sensitivity, Min Length and Grid Catch parameters to set the
slice markers automatically.


If necessary, move, add, or delete slice markers manually.
You can add and delete slice markers by Alt-clicking in the editor.


To create slices, click Apply in the upper right corner of the parameter section.

HALion creates zones from the slices. These zones are added to the Program Tree, together
with a slice player that contains the MIDI sequence to play back the sliced loop.

After slicing the sample, you can still edit the slice markers manually, but you cannot
use the automatic slice detection.


If you change slice markers after creating slices, the sample start and end markers
of the affected zones in the Program Tree are modified. If you add slice markers, new
zones are added. If you remove slice markers, the corresponding zones are removed.

Modifying Start and End of Slices
You can shorten a slice without changing the position of the adjacent slice markers.

Select the Main tab and drag the corresponding marker.
If you modify the end marker, the following slice start marker turns blue. If you modify
the sample start marker of a slice, this marker turns blue.
Changing the start or end markers does not influence the timing of the note events of
the MIDI phrase that triggers the loop.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Replacing Samples

Editing Parameter Curves
If you click the parameter name above a control, you can view and edit the corresponding
parameter in the waveform display.

Only one parameter can be shown at a time.

To change the value of a single step, drag it up/down.


To adjust all steps at once, Shift-drag a step.


To reset a step to a level of 0 dB, Ctrl/Cmd-click the step.


To reset all steps, hold down Shift and Ctrl/Cmd and click in the graphical editor.


To draw a ramp with steps, Alt-click and draw a line.

Replacing Samples
You can replace samples using the Load/Replace Sample button in the header of the Sample
Furthermore, the Program Tree allows you to exchange samples, for example, to replace the
snare drum in a drum loop. This can be done by replacing the sample or the sample zone. If
you replace the sample, zone parameters like filter settings, etc. remain unaffected. If you
replace the entire zone, the sample and all zone parameters are replaced.

In the Program Tree, drag the new sample or sample zone onto the sample or zone
that you want to replace.


Drag the new sample or zone from the Program Tree onto the slice in the slice editor
that you want to replace.

If the replacement sample is longer than the original, change the playback mode of the zone
to One-Shot, to make sure that the sample is played until the end.
If you replace slices in the Sample Editor, the following applies:

In the Sample Editor, samples that were replaced are shown in a different color.


Editing Samples in the Sample Editor
Replacing Samples

The Sample Editor does not show the waveform of the replaced sample, only the
original sample waveform.

If you revert the slicing of a loop, all created zones are deleted and any replacement samples
are also discarded.


Wavetable Synthesis

HALion’s wavetable synthesis offers you a wide range of possibilities, from the re-synthesis
of samples to the creation of entirely new sounds.
In classic subtractive synthesis, static harmonic oscillator waveforms are sent through filters
and amplifiers where the sound is shaped. In wavetable synthesis, you can extract specific
portions of samples and align these to make up a wavetable. The waves in the wavetable are
played back one after the other to create the sound progression. You can shape the sound as
in the subtractive synthesis by using filters, amplifiers, etc.
The Wavetable Editor is where you create wavetables, that is, where you load samples, insert
wave extraction markers to add the waves, work on the spectrum of the waves, create the
wavetable envelope, and specify the order of the waves in the wavetable.
HALion allows you to create your own wavetables by extracting single-cycle waves from
samples. Single-cycle means that a wave is exactly one period long. The sophisticated
sample analysis functions in the Wavetable Editor help you to find good positions for wave
When HALion extracts a wave from a sample, a wavetable envelope is created. You can edit
the envelope on the Envelope tab. This envelope is part of the wavetable, which means
that you can always use the wavetable as it is, without having to assign and set up a new
The order of the waves in the wavetable determines how the sound evolves when you
modulate the position. A wavetable can contain up to 256 waves that can be extracted from
different samples. A series of consecutive waves from the same sample is called a sequence.
A wavetable can contain multiple sequences from different samples.
In the Zone Editor for a wavetable zone, in the Wavetable section, you can find the play
parameters for wavetables. This is where you specify which oscillators you want to use and
where you make settings for them.
You can modulate the wavetable position automatically with the Speed parameter or
manually in the modulation matrix.
Editing Zones on page 92
Wavetable Section on page 109


Wavetable Synthesis
Wavetable Editor

Wavetable Editor
The Wavetable Editor allows you to create wavetables by extracting waves from samples.

The Osc 1 and Osc 2 tabs in the top section of the Wavetable Editor allow you to switch
between the settings for the two oscillators.
The Wavetable Editor contains a sample display, a Spectrum tab, and an Envelope tab. At
the bottom of the window, an overview of the wavetable that contains the extracted waves is
The file path and name of the sample are displayed above the sample display. If more than
one sample is loaded, the file path serves as a menu to select the sample to edit and display.
If you select a sample, the waves that belong to it are selected in the wavetable.
The order of the waves in the wavetable determines how the sound evolves when you
modulate the position, either automatically with the Speed parameter or manually in the
modulation matrix.

3D Map and 2D Wave Tabs
Show 2D Wave
Displays a single cycle of the current waveform. The shape of the waveform
changes as the sound evolves, reflecting the waveform at the current position
in the wavetable. If Multi-Oscillator is activated in the Wavetable section of the
Zone Editor, the view displays the waveform of the individual oscillators.
Show 3D Wavetable Map
Displays a topographic map of the entire wavetable. The current position in the
wavetable is indicated by a line. If Multi-Oscillator is activated in the Wavetable
section of the Zone Editor, the view indicates the position of the individual

To change the viewing angle, drag the 3D map.


Wavetable Synthesis
Wavetable Editor

To zoom in and out, use the scroll wheel of your mouse.

Play Sample
Plays back the original sample.
You can specify the playback volume and output with the Preview Volume and
Output for Preview controls in the upper right corner of the editor.
Play Selection Looped
Activate this button to play back the selection in a loop.
If this button is activated, the waveform display is scrolled during playback,
keeping the playback cursor visible.
Range Selection Tool
Click and drag with this tool to create a selection.
Zoom Tool
If this tool is selected, you can click in the waveform to zoom in on the position
where you click.
Play Tool
If this tool is selected, you can click in the waveform to start playback. The
sample is played back from this position until you release the mouse button.
Scrub Tool
If this tool is selected, you can click in the waveform and drag sideways to play
back the audio. The playback direction and speed depend on how far you move
the mouse left or right from the position where you clicked.
Marker Creation Mode

If this parameter is set to Equal Distance, the markers are equally
distributed over the sample.


If this parameter is set to Exponential, the distances between the markers
increase over the length of the sample.


If this parameter is set to Spectral, the entire sample is analyzed and
markers are only inserted if the change in the spectrum exceeds the set


If this parameter is set to Spectral Voiced, the entire sample is analyzed
and markers are only inserted if the change in the spectrum exceeds the
set threshold and if a pitch is detected at this position.

Markers are created automatically each time that you change the Marker
Creation Mode, the Number of Markers, or the Threshold.


Wavetable Synthesis
Wavetable Editor
Number of Markers
The number of markers in the sample display.
You can enter the number of markers that you want to use directly in the value
Set Markers
Analyzes the sample and inserts markers, depending on the Marker Creation
Mode setting.
Sample Position
The position of the selected marker in the sample.

Fixed Size
Sets the FFT window to a fixed size. This is useful if you want to extract a specific
portion of a sample.

If this button is activated, you can enter the size in number of samples in
the Window Size value field.
If the window size does not match the fundamental frequency of the
sample, the extracted wave has digital artifacts.

Detected Pitch
The detected pitch at the current marker position.
Window Crossfade
Sets window crossfade.
This option is only available for the Rectangular window type.
Window Size
Sets the size of the window.
Window Type
Allows you to select the window type.
Pitch Detection Sensitivity
Allows you to adjust the pitch detection curve. For example, if the pitch detection
curve changes too fast or if it contains wrong pitches, lower the Pitch Detection


Wavetable Synthesis
Wavetable Editor

Channel View Options
On the left of the waveform display, you can find the view options for the waveform.

If you use multi-channel samples, the buttons on the left of the sample display let you decide
which channel is displayed and used for wave extraction. The channel setting is remembered
for each extracted wave. This way, you can extract one wave from the left and another from
the right channel, for example. By default, the wave is extracted from the sum of the audio

Wavetable Envelope
On the Envelope tab, you can set up the wavetable envelope. This envelope determines how
the waves in a wavetable play back.
An envelope can consist of a number of segments that can be based on different waves.
The order of the segments in the wavetable envelope matches the order of the waves in the
wavetable. Between these segments, crossfades are inserted to create smooth transitions.
The form of the crossfades is shown in the display. The fade-in and fade-out of the selected
segment are highlighted. The vertical line in the display marks the position where the wave
can be heard alone, that is, without crossfade from adjacent waves. When you play a note,
the envelope starts from the position cursor.

Time of Segment
If you want to adjust an envelope segment to a specific time, enter the value in
this field.
You can adjust the Time of several selected segments at the same time.
Link Envelope Times to Marker Positions
If this button is activated, the chronological order of the envelope segments
corresponds to the chronological order of the markers in the sample. New
markers are added to the wavetable envelope according to their position in the
sample. If you change the position of a marker in the sample, the position and
time of the corresponding envelope segment also change.
If this button is deactivated, you can extract a different spectrum from a different
position in the sample without changing the envelope.


Wavetable Synthesis
Wavetable Editor

If you adjust the envelope or change the order of the waves while
Link Envelope Times to Marker Positions is activated, this option is
automatically deactivated, because the markers and the envelope are not
in sync anymore.


If the wavetable consists of multiple sequences, this option is remembered
separately for each sequence.

Set Equal Times
The duration of the selected envelope segments is adjusted to equal times, that
is, to the arithmetic mean of the durations of the segments.
This function can only be used if three or more consecutive segments are
Double Envelope Times
For the selected envelope segments, the times are doubled.
Halve Envelope Times
For the selected envelope segments, the times are halved.
Determines the rate at which the envelope plays through the wavetables. At +100
%, the envelope plays back at its original speed. A value of +50 % corresponds to
half the original speed, and +200 % to twice the original speed, for example.
This parameter is unipolar.
The position of the cursor.
Loop Mode

Off: If Playback Direction is set to a positive value, the wavetable plays from
the position cursor to the end.
If Playback Direction is set to a negative value, the wavetable plays from
the position cursor to the start.


On: Depending on the Playback Direction setting, the wavetable plays
forward or backward in a loop.


Alt: The wavetable plays in an alternate loop, that is, the loop is alternately
played forward and backward. The first direction depends on the Playback
Direction setting.

Loop Until Release
If this button is activated, the loop is repeated until you release the key on the
If this button is deactivated, waves outside the loop are not played when you
release the key.


Wavetable Synthesis
Wavetable Editor
If Legato is deactivated, each note starts playback from the position cursor.
If Legato is activated, the first note starts playback from the position cursor, and
any following notes start from the current playback position for as long as the
first note is held.
Sync To Host Tempo
You can synchronize the envelope to the tempo of your host application. This
allows you to set envelope times that relate to musical time intervals.
If Sync is activated, a grid appears in the graphical envelope editor. On the Grid
pop-up menu to the right of the Sync button, you can select a note value. This
sets the resolution of the grid.
For example, if you specify a 1/4 note value, the envelope segments snap to 1/4
note steps. If the T button is activated, triplet note values are used.
You can also enter note values and triplets manually in the value field. The Time
field of a segment displays times in fractions of beats. The fraction is always
reduced to the smallest possible value. For example, 2/16 is displayed as 1/8.
Envelope segments that do not exactly match a note value show the closest note

If Fixed is activated and you move selected segments on the time axis, only
these segments are moved.


If Fixed is deactivated, all segments that follow the edited segments are
also moved.

Position, Speed, and Direction of wavetable oscillator 1 and 2 can be modulated in the
modulation matrix.

Editing the Envelope

To move the cursor, drag the blue handle above the envelope.


To change the length of a segment, drag its right border.


To adjust the shape of the crossfade between two waves, drag the crossfade lines of
the segment. This way, you can change the character of the crossfade from linear to
exponential/logarithmic behavior.


To reset the crossfade to linear, Ctrl/Cmd-click it.

Editing Selections
You can change the position and distribution of envelope markers within a multi selection of

To stretch or expand all markers, hold down Ctrl/Cmd and move the first or the last
marker of the selection.
To modify the distribution of the markers inside the selection, hold down Ctrl/Cmd and
move one of the middle markers.


Wavetable Synthesis
Wavetable Editor
Moving the marker towards the first or last marker stretches the density of markers
at one side and expands it on the other side. Dragging the middle marker within the
selection to the left or right has the same effect.

Spectrum Tab
The Spectrum tab shows the amplitude and phase spectrum of the extracted wave, that is,
the amplitude and phase for each harmonic.

The lowest harmonic is displayed on the left, the highest harmonic on the right.
The overtones in the spectrum are represented through blue and orange bars. The blue bars
represent the amplitude of the overtones, that is, the magnitude spectrum. The orange bars
represent the phase of the overtones, that is, the phase spectrum. If the magnitude of an
overtone is zero, the corresponding phase is grayed out. To get information on a particular
overtone, move the mouse over its bar.
Draw Tool
If the Draw tool is selected, you can change the spectrum by drawing with the
mouse. The resulting wave is displayed on the right.

To draw in the magnitude or the phase spectrum, click in the display and


To draw a line, hold down Alt and drag.


To adjust a single overtone, click it, hold down Shift and drag up/down.


To set the magnitude or the phase of an overtone to zero, Ctrl-click it.
To set the magnitude or phase of all overtones to zero, hold down Shift-Ctrl
and click.


If Keep Original Phases is activated, only the focused wave is affected.


If Align Phases is activated and you adjust the phase of the focused wave,
the following waves are also affected.


If Reset Phases to Zero is activated, the phase spectrum cannot be
adjusted with the Draw tool.

Selection Tool
The Selection tool lets you create range selections in the magnitude spectrum.

Drag the tool to make a selection.


Wavetable Synthesis
Wavetable Editor

If a selection is made, you can use the handles of the rectangle to execute the following

To tilt the overtones from left to right, use the handle in the top left corner.
Press Ctrl to tilt the overtones using a shelving filter curve instead of the linear curve.


To tilt the overtones from right to left, use the handle in the top right corner.
Press Ctrl to tilt the overtones using a shelving filter curve instead of the linear curve.


To scale the overtones, use the handle in the center of the top border.
Press Ctrl to scale the overtones with a bell curve.
Press Shift to offset the overtones.


To scale the overtones around their relative center, use the handle in the middle or the
left and right borders.


To select all overtones of the same pitch in all octaves that are higher than the current
octave, double-click an overtone.
This automatically switches to All Harmonics mode.

Only non-zero values can be edited with the Selection tool.
Harmonics buttons
You can edit all harmonics, or you can choose to apply your editing only to even or
to odd harmonics.

Select All Harmonics to edit all overtones.


Select Odd Harmonics to edit only the odd-numbered overtones.


Select Even Harmonics to edit only the even-numbered overtones.

Allows you to choose between six predefined zoom factors.

Wavetable Overview

At the bottom of the Wavetable Editor, you find the wavetable overview. The selected waves
are marked in blue. The focused wave is marked in orange.


Wavetable Synthesis
Wavetable Editor
A wavetable can consist of up to 256 waves.

To select a wave, click on it.


To select multiple waves, Shift-click on them.
The corresponding segments in the wavetable envelope are highlighted.
You can only add consecutive waves to a multi-selection.


To select all waves from a sequence, double-click a wave, double-click the marker for
a wave, or open the context menu and select Select Sequence.


To copy the selected waves, hold down Alt and drag them to a new position in the


To change the order of the waves, drag them to a new position in the wavetable.
The insert position is indicated in red.


To replace a wave with another wave, drag the new wave onto the wave that you want
to replace.
This operation only works with single waves.

Create New Wave
Allows you to create a new wave of the selected type and insert it to the right of
the selected wave in the wavetable.
Duplicates the selected waves.
Deletes the selected waves.
If you delete all waves from the wavetable, the last sample that was visible in the
waveform display is kept, allowing you to restart from scratch.
Insert from Sample
Opens a file dialog where you can load a new sample. This also adds a new wave
to the wavetable.
Replace Sample
Allows you to replace all waves of the visible markers in the sample.
If other waves of the same sample are used in other wave sequences, these
waves are not replaced.


Wavetable Synthesis
Wavetable Editor
Solos the focused wave. This bypasses the position and speed settings and you
hear only the selected wave.
Normalize Mode
When samples are loaded, they are automatically normalized to 0 dB. This way,
the levels of the extracted waves match more easily.
If you extract waves from loud and from quiet parts of the sample, the levels of
these extracted waves differ. In this case, you can normalize the waves to match
their levels.

Off plays back the waves at their original levels.


Wave normalizes each wave of the wavetable separately.


Sequence normalizes the loudest wave in a sequence. The levels of the
other waves in this sequence are adjusted accordingly. If the wavetable
contains multiple sequences, each sequence is normalized separately.

The orignial level of the waves in the wavetable is not affected. Only the playback
is normalized.
Phase Buttons
The wavetable envelope uses crossfades between consecutive waves. Depending
on the phase of the waves, different amounts of phase cancellation occur during
the crossfade. To minimize the effects of phase cancellation, the phases of the
waves can be altered during playback.

If Keep Original Phases is activated, the waves play with their original
Phase cancellation during the crossfades can occur.


If Align Phases is activated, the phases of the waves are aligned.
The effect of phase cancellation is minimized.


If Reset Phases to Zero is activated, the phase of all overtones is set to 0
There is no phase cancellation, because all overtones of the waves are in
phase. However, the sound quality is less natural compared to the other

Interpolate Phases
If this button is activated, the wavetable envelope creates crossfades for both
the levels and the phases of the waves. This can minimize the effects of phase
cancellation even more.

This option is only available for Keep Original Phases and Align Phases.


This option can introduce pitch modulation.


Wavetable Synthesis
Wavetable Editor
Displays the frequency of the fundamental of a wave in Hz. This value is set
automatically when a wave is extracted from a sample and represents the
original pitch.
If you have created the spectrum manually, either by drawing or by inserting one
of the basic waves from the Create New Wave menu, the value is set to 20 Hz.
If no extracted pitch information is available, the fundamental allows you to
determine which harmonic represents which frequency. For the default value
of 20 Hz, the 1st harmonic is at 20 Hz, the second at 40 Hz, the third at 60,
and so on. HALion provides 1024 harmonics, which means that you can create
frequencies up to 20.480 Hz.
This parameter is only required by the Formant Shift function. If the Formant
section is deactivated in the Wavetable section in the Sound Editor or the Zone
Editor, the Fundamental parameter has no effect.

Context Menu

Select All
Selects all waves in the wavetable.
Select None
Deselects all waves in the wavetable.
Select Sequence
Selects all waves from the current sequence.
In this context, a sequence is defined as a series of consecutive waves from the
same sample.
Deletes the selected waves.


Wavetable Synthesis
Wavetable Editor
If you delete all waves from a wavetable, the last sample that was visible in the
sample display is kept. This allows you to start over if the wavetable was not to
your liking.
Cuts the selected waves to the clipboard.
Copies the selected waves to the clipboard.
Pastes the waves from the clipboard at the current position.
Reverse Order
Reverses the order of the selected waves, including their envelope times. This
command is only available if multiple waves are selected. If several waves are
selected, but if they have unselected waves in between, only the selected waves
change their order, all others remain unaffected.
Allows you to replace a wavetable with a precalculated, mathematically perfect,
waveform. You can choose between Sine, Triangle, Saw, Square, Pulse 1, Pulse
2, White Noise, and Pink Noise. White Noise and Pink Noise use the spectrum
of white and pink noise to fill the wave with random numbers. You get different
waves each time that you select White Noise or Pink Noise.
Replace Sample
Allows you to change the sample that is used by the selected wave.
Load Wavetable
Allows you to load a wavetable.
Save Wavetable
Allows you to save the current wavetable.
Delete Wavetable
Allows you to delete a wavetable.

Zooming in the Wavetable Editor

To zoom in/out on the time and level axis, use the horizontal and vertical zoom sliders.


To zoom in or out, click the + or - buttons on the scrollbars.


To toggle between full zoom and the previous zoom setting, click the A button to the
right of the horizontal zoom slider.


Wavetable Synthesis
Creating a Wavetable

To zoom in or out on the current position, click in the timeline and drag up or down.


To zoom to a specific region, hold down Alt, and click and drag over this region.


The three buttons to the right of the horizontal zoom slider allow you to zoom to the
start, to the full range or the selection, and to the end.
Click several times to increase the zoom level.

Creating a Wavetable

Open the Wavetable Editor for a wavetable zone and load a sample using one of the
following methods:

Drag and drop a sample to the sample display.


Drag a sample to the wavetable and drop it where you want to insert a new wave
or replace an existing one.
The insert location is indicated by a red line. The replace location is indicated by
a red frame.


Enter wave extraction markers in the sample using one of the following methods:

Alt-click the sample at the position where you want to insert a marker.


Enter the number of markers that you want to use in the Markers value field.

This adds the corresponding waves to the wavetable.

Optional: On the Envelope and Spectrum tabs, adjust the wavetable envelope or edit
the spectrum of the wave.


Optional: Change the order of the waves in the wavetable.


Optional: Click Insert from Sample in the toolbar above the wavetable to add more
waves from other samples.

Pitch Detection
HALion’s Wavetable Editor automatically detects the pitch of samples that are added.
Positions in a sample where the pitch is properly detected usually contain a harmonic
spectrum that is suitable for wave extraction. In some cases, however, the pitch cannot
be detected correctly. This can be the case if a vocal sample contains breath noises, for
Normally, you would not want to use these positions in samples for wave extraction.
Therefore, for visual feedback and orientation, you can display and edit the pitch detection
curve in the Wavetable Editor.
The pitch detection is executed only on the selected channel.


Wavetable Synthesis

Pitch Detection Curve
The pitch detection curve shows you where in a sample the pitch can be detected properly.
To show the pitch detection curve, click the corresponding button to the left of the Sample

For example, if you use a sample that has a constant pitch but that shows peaks and troughs
at some positions in the pitch detection curve, this means that the detection is incorrect at
these positions. This is not unusual if you work with complex audio samples. However, if
waves are extracted at these positions, the result of the wave extraction will most probably
not have the expected result. You can prevent HALion from using incorrectly detected pitches
as extraction positions, either by correcting the pitch detection curve or by setting the
extraction markers manually.

To correct the curve, use the Sensitivity control on the toolbar. Set it to a value where
fewer or no peaks occur in the curve.

If the pitch detection fails, that is, if the pitch curve has gaps, a neighboring detected pitch is
used. If this is not what you want, you can use a fixed window size.

Markers in the sample display determine at which position in a sample a wave is extracted.
You can enter markers manually or create them automatically.

Creating Wave Markers Automatically

Select the portion of the sample you want to analyze.
If no selection is made, the entire sample is analyzed.


Select a Marker Creation Mode.


Use the Number of Markers or the Threshold parameters to create the markers.

Creating and Removing Wave Markers Manually

To add a marker, Alt-click at the position where you want to insert the marker.
For each marker, a wave is added to the wavetable and an envelope segment is added
to the wavetable envelope.


To remove a marker, Alt-click it.


Wavetable Synthesis
Replacing Samples
You can move markers by dragging them in the display.

Moving Selected Wave Markers
You can change the position and distribution of wave markers within a multi selection of

To stretch or expand all markers, hold down Ctrl/Cmd and move the first or the last
marker of the selection.


To modify the distribution of the markers inside the selection, hold down Ctrl/Cmd and
move one of the middle markers.
Moving the marker towards the first or last marker stretches the density of markers
at one side and expands it on the other side. Dragging the middle marker within the
selection to the left or right has the same effect.

Replacing Samples
To replace a sample, you can do one of the following:

Drag a sample from the browser onto the sample display.
This replaces all waves for which markers are visible in the sample display. If other
waves of the same sample are used in other wave sequences, these waves are not


Drag a sample from the browser onto a selection of multiple waves in the wavetable.
This replaces the selected waves.


Drag a sample from the browser onto a single wave that is not part of a multi-selection
of waves.
This replaces only the wave on which you drop the sample.


Click Replace Sample on the wavetable toolbar.
This replaces all waves for which markers are visible in the sample display. If other
waves of the same sample are used in other wave sequences, these waves are not

When you replace a sample, HALion tries to keep the marker positions. However, if the new
sample is shorter, the positions of some wave markers can be beyond the sample end. In this
case, these markers are set to the sample end.

Importing Wavetables
HALion can import wavetables that were saved as .wav files.
If the file header of the wave file contains information about the size of the single-cycle
waves of the wavetable, HALion will import the wavetable automatically when the wave file is
loaded. The waves of the wavetable and the corresponding wavetable envelope will be set up
to fit a duration of 2 seconds.


Wavetable Synthesis
Managing Wavetables
If the file header does not contain this information, it can be specified manually. This is done
differently for waves that contain one single-cycle wave and waves that contain multiple
single-cycle waves.

Importing Wave Files That Contain One Single-Cycle Wave

Load the wave file.


On the toolbar, activate Fixed Size.


Set Window Size to the number of samples of the single-cycle wave and Window
Crossfade to 0 %.

Importing Wave Files That Contain a Sequence of Single-Cycle Waves

Load the wave file.


Activate Fixed Size.


Set Window Size to the number of samples of the single-cycle wave and Window
Crossfade to 0 %.


Set Marker Creation Mode to Equal Distance.


Set Number of Markers to the number of waves.
Usually, a readme file or a technical specification that is provided with the wavetable
will give you information about the size of the single-cycle waves. To determine the
number of waves, divide the length of the sample by the size of the single-cycle waves.

Managing Wavetables on page 189

Managing Wavetables
The Wavetable Editor allows you to load, save, and delete wavetables.
The wavetable is always stored with the VST preset. However, you can also save the
wavetable to the wavetable library. This allows you to load the wavetable in other presets, for
Wavetables do not contain any samples. Instead, each wave contains information on the
spectrum and the envelope.

To load, save, and delete wavetables, use the corresponding buttons to the right of the
Envelope and Spectrum tabs.


Granular Synthesis

You can use granular synthesis to extract interesting spectra from all kinds of samples, to
create sound effects by completely scrambling a sample, or to perform low-fidelity time
stretching, for example.
In granular synthesis, it is not an entire sample that is played back, but only short portions
of the sample, the so-called grains. These grains can be played back in any order. Each
time a grain ends, a new one starts. To avoid discontinuities in the playback and to minimize
artifacts, envelopes are applied to the grains. Very short grains produce sounds with an
individual pitch. This means that you can also extract pitched spectra from samples without
a distinct pitch, such as drum loops or sound effects. Sounds with longer grains usually play
back with the pitch of the original sample.
If you repeatedly play back the same portion of a sample, the sound may become too static.
To compensate for this and bring more liveliness into the sound, you can use the Random,
Spread, and Offset parameters. By adding more grain streams, you can increase the grain
and sound density to produce a richer sound.

Grain Oscillator
To show the settings for the granular synthesis, select a granular zone in the Program Tree
and open the Zone Editor or the Sound Editor for the zone. For granular zones, the same
sections as for sample zones are available, except for the AudioWarp section.
The Load/Replace Sample button in the header of the grain oscillator allows you to load
another sample.
Editing Zones on page 92


Granular Synthesis
Grain Oscillator

Grain Tab
The Grain tab of the grain oscillator contains the parameters for the granular synthesis.

Sample Display
The sample display provides an overview of the sample and shows a playback locator for
each grain stream. It shows the resulting effects of the grain oscillator parameters and helps
you find the sample portions that you want to use as grain sources.
The sample start and end markers of the sample are indicated by orange lines. They
determine the range that can be used to create grains. If the sample has a defined sustain
loop, the grains use the sample range between sample start and loop end.
Release loop settings and release markers are not taken into account. The sustain and the
release loop are shown as green and red shades in the sample display. The release marker
is shown as a blue line. However, these are only indicators. You can edit the corresponding
parameters on the Sample tab.

Speed and Direction
The Speed and Direction parameters determine how the playback position moves through
the sample when you play a note.
Determines how fast the playback position progresses through the sample. If this
is set to 0 %, the playback position stays fixed. At a setting of 100 %, the playback
position moves through the sample at its original speed. At the maximum setting,
the playback speed is eight times faster than the original speed.
Allows you to set the playback speed in smaller increments. Furthermore, this
determines the playback direction. If you enter negative values, the playback
position moves backwards through the sample.


Granular Synthesis
Grain Oscillator

Position Settings
You can set the playback position of the grains manually. For example, at a
setting of 50 %, the playback position is in the middle of the sample. The playback
position is updated with every new grain.
Position Random
Determines the range from which a random playback position is chosen. At a
setting of 100 %, the playback position jumps to a random position between the
start and the end of the sample. The random playback position is calculated
separately for each channel of the sample, at the start of a new grain. This can be
used to widen the panorama of the sound.
Position Spread
If Number of Grains is set to a value higher than 1, this parameter spreads the
playback positions of the grains, making each grain play back a different portion
of the sample.
Position Offset
Offsets the playback position for each channel of the sample. Positive values
modify the playback position of the right channel and negative values modify
the playback position of the left channel. In either case, the other channel is not
affected. This can be used to widen the panorama of the sound.
If you are working with surround files, the center channel and the LFE channel
remain unchanged. The left and right surround channels get the maximum
offset, and the left and right channels are offset to a value halfway between the
center and LFE channels and the surround channels. For example, an offset of
100 % has the following results:

Center channel: 0 %


LFE channel: 0 %


Left surround channel: 100 %


Right surround channel: 100 %


Left channel: 50 %


Right channel: 50 %

Pitch Settings
In granular synthesis, either the pitch of the original sample or the grain oscillator define the
pitch of a sound.

To use the pitch of the original sample, raise the Duration value until you can clearly
hear the pitch of the sample.
If you change the pitch, the spectrum of the sound changes. You can use the standard
pitch settings of the zone, for example, Glide, Pitchbend, Octave, etc.


To define the pitch using the grain oscillator, set the Duration parameter to very low
values, preferably 1 or 2.


Granular Synthesis
Grain Oscillator
To set the pitch of the grain oscillator, adjust the Duration, Center Key, and Key Follow
parameters. If you want the pitch of the grain oscillator to follow the pitch of the zone,
activate Follow Zone Pitch.
Pitch Interval
Here, you can specify an interval between -12 and +12 semitones. The grains
are played randomly at their original pitch, or they are transposed according to
the pitch interval. This interval is calculated separately for each channel of the
sample, at the start of a new grain.
Pitch Random
Sets the random pitch range in semitones and cents. At a setting of +12, the
random pitch values lie between -12 and +12 semitones. The random pitch is
calculated separately for each channel of the sample, at the start of a new grain.
This can be used to widen the panorama of the sound.
Pitch Spread
This parameter is available if Number of Grains is set to a value higher than 1.
It detunes the pitch of the grains in semitones and cents. The first grain keeps
its pitch, and the other grains are detuned evenly to values within the specified
range. The last grain is detuned to the maximum value.
For shorter grains, this is perceived as a change in the spectrum and for longer
grains as a detuning of the sample.
Pitch Offset
Offsets the pitch across the channels of the sample, in semitones and cents.
Positive values increase the pitch of the right channel and decrease the pitch
of the left channel. Negative values increase the pitch of the left channel and
decrease the pitch of the right channel. This can be used to widen the panorama
of the sound.
For shorter grains, this is perceived as a change in the spectrum and for longer
grains as a detuning of the sample.
If you are working with surround files, the center channel and the LFE channel
remain unchanged. The left channel and the left surround channel get the same
value. The right channel and the right surround channel get the same value. Left
and right are distributed symmetrically. For example, an offset of +12 semitones
gives the following results:

LFE channel: 0 semitones


Center channel: 0 semitones


Left channel: -12 semitones


Left surround channel: -12 semitones


Right channel: +12 semitones


Right surround channel: +12 semitones


Granular Synthesis
Grain Oscillator

Grain Settings
Number of Grains
You can specify the number of grains for each channel of the sample. At a
setting of 2, the two grains are offset by 180°. Due to this phase offset, the
root of the spectrum is canceled out, and the pitch increases by one octave. To
compensate for this, adjust the Position Spread, Position Offset, or Duration
Spread parameters.
Increases the grain period by a factor ranging from 1 to 1000.

For very short grains, the sound gets the pitch of the frequency at which
the grains repeat.
For example, the grain duration at the center key C3 is 3.82 ms. If you set
the grain duration to 2, the grain period is 7.64 ms, and the pitch of the
sound is one octave lower.


When longer grains (above 30 ms) are used, the sound gets the pitch of the

Duration Random
The random grain duration is calculated separately for each channel, at the start
of a new grain. This can be used to widen the panorama of the sound. At a setting
of 100 %, the grain duration varies between half and twice the grain period.
Duration Spread
If Number of Grains is set to a value higher than 1, this parameter modifies the
grain durations by the factor that you set. This way, each grain is played with a
different duration. At a setting of +100 %, the first grain is half as long and the
last is twice as long. If you use negative settings, the first grain becomes longer
and the last grain becomes shorter.
Duration Offset
Offsets the grain duration across the sample channels. Positive settings result in
shorter grain durations for the right channel and longer grain durations for the
left channel. This can be used to widen the panorama of the sound. At a setting of
100 %, the minimum and maximum duration lie between half and twice the grain
If you are working with surround files, the center channel and the LFE channel
remain unchanged. The left and right channels and the left and right surround
channels are modified symmetrically. For example, a setting of +100 % results in
the following grain duration factors:

Center channel: 1.0


LFE channel: 1.0


Left channel: 1.41421


Right channel: 0.707


Left surround channel: 2


Right surround channel: 0.5


Granular Synthesis
Grain Oscillator
Key Follow
Determines how the grain duration changes with the notes that you play. At a
setting of +100 % and a duration of 1.00, the grain duration corresponds to the
pitch of the played note.
Center Key
In general, the grains repeat at the frequency of the center key. The grain
duration corresponds to the wave length of that frequency. If you play C3 with the
center key set to C3, the grains repeat at a frequency of 261.626 Hz, that is, at a
grain period of 3.82 ms. You can set the center key between A-2 (122.31 ms) and
G8 (0.0797 ms).
Follow Zone Pitch
If Follow Zone Pitch is activated, zone pitch settings like Octave, Coarse, and
Fine, as well as modulations like Glide, Pitchbend, or other pitch modulations,
affect the duration length. A higher sample pitch leads to a shorter duration.
If Follow Zone Pitch is deactivated, the duration is independent from the zone
pitch and determined by the grain duration settings.

Shape and Length Settings
Determines the shape of the grain. The shape strongly influences the spectrum
of the sound.

Click the display to open the pop-up menu that contains the available

Shortens the length of the grain without changing the grain duration. At a setting
of 100 %, the grain length corresponds to the grain duration. By decreasing the
grain length, a shorter portion of the sample is played back, which results in a
change in the spectrum. The pitch of the sound does not change, because the
grain duration stays the same.
Length Random
Here, you can set a random grain length. At a setting of 100 %, the grain length
varies between 0 % and 100 % of the grain duration. The random grain length is
calculated for each channel of the sample separately at the start of a new grain.
This can be used to widen the panorama of the sound.
Length Spread
This parameter is available if Number of Grains is set to a value higher than 1.
It modifies the length of the grains. With positive values, the first grain has the
shortest length and the last grain the longest. With negative values, the first
grain has the longest length and the last grain the shortest.
Length Offset
Offsets the grain length across the sample channels. Positive settings shorten
the grain length for the right channel, and the left channel remains unchanged.
Negative values shorten the grain length for the left channel, and the right


Granular Synthesis
Grain Oscillator
channel remains unchanged. This parameter can be used to widen the panorama
of the sound.
If you are working with surround files, the center channel and the LFE channel
remain unchanged. The left and right channels and the left and right surround
channels are modified symmetrically.

Level Settings
Grain Level
Adjusts the overall level of the grain oscillator. When you increase the number of
grains, it might become necessary to lower the oscillator level. If you play back a
portion of a sample that is very quiet, you can use this control to raise the level.
Random Level
Sets a random level for each new grain. At a setting of 100 %, the level varies
between a factor of 0 and 2 of the original level. The random level is calculated
separately for each channel of the sample, at the start of a new grain. This can be
used to widen the panorama of the sound.
Stereo Width
Narrows the stereo width of the grain oscillator. It is applied after the grain
oscillator and does not affect the stereo width of the actual sample. At a setting
of 0 %, the output of the grain oscillator is monophonic. If you are working with
surround files, the center channel and the LFE channel remain unchanged. The
left and right channels and the left and right surround channels are modified
Auto Gain and RMS Time

With Auto Gain, you can automatically adjusts the level of grains using
quieter sample parts.



Auto Gain can only be applied to RMS times of at least 6 ms.


By raising the gain, you can lose the dynamics of the sample.

RMS Time defines the time over which the audio levels are averaged. Low
values will let the auto gain compensation follow faster, whereas higher
values produce a smoother gain compensation.


Granular Synthesis
Modulating the Grain Oscillator

Sample Tab

The parameters on the grain oscillator Sample tab are the same as in the Sample Oscillator
section for sample zones.
Sample Oscillator Section on page 106

Modulating the Grain Oscillator
You can use the following grain oscillator parameters as modulation destinations in the
modulation matrix: Grain Position, Grain Direction, Grain Duration, Grain Length, Grain
Pitch, and Grain Level.
Modulation Matrix on page 137


MIDI Editing and Controllers

MIDI Editor
The MIDI Editor provides access to the MIDI slot parameters. Furthermore, you can specify
MIDI controllers to be filtered.

MIDI Editor Parameters
The slot receives MIDI signals on the MIDI port and channel that are specified
here. You can set multiple slots to the same MIDI channel and trigger them
simultaneously with the same note events.
Specifies how many notes can be played at the same time.
Programs can contain various layers, therefore, the resulting number of voices
can be much higher than the value that is specified here.
Allows you to shift the incoming MIDI notes by ±64 semitones before they are sent
to the loaded program.
Key Range (Low Key, High Key)
Allows you to limit the key range for a slot.
Velocity Range (Low Vel, High Vel)
Allows you to limit the velocity range for a slot.


MIDI Editing and Controllers
MIDI Editor
Controller Filter
Allows you to filter out the most commonly used MIDI controllers.
Show Empty Slots

If this button is activated, the MIDI Editor shows all program slots.


If this button is deactivated, the MIDI Editor shows only the slots that
contain programs.

Editing the Key Range
Each slot can be limited to a specific key range.
To show the key range, activate the Key button above the range controls.

You can set the key range in the following ways:

Set the range with the Low Key and High Key value fields or by dragging the ends of
the keyboard range control.


To move the key range, click in the middle of the range control and drag.


To set the range via MIDI input, double-click in a value field and play the note.

Editing the Velocity Range
Each slot can be limited to a specific velocity range.
To show the velocity range, activate the Vel button above the range controls.


Set the velocity range with the Low Vel and High Vel value fields or by dragging the
ends of the velocity range control.
To move the velocity range, click in the middle of the range control and drag.

Filtering Controllers
You can filter out the most commonly used MIDI controllers for each slot separately.
For example, if you set up a keyboard split with bass and piano playing on the same MIDI
channel, both sounds receive the same MIDI controllers. However, you usually do not want
the bass to receive the sustain pedal. To avoid that all sounds on the same MIDI channel
receive the same MIDI controllers, use the controller filter.
Filtering out control change messages can also be used to avoid unwanted program changes
on MIDI channel 10 (drums), for example.

Activate the Ctrl button above the range controls.


For each slot, activate the MIDI controllers that you want to filter out.
You can filter out the following MIDI controllers: Sustain Pedal #64, Foot Controller
#4, Foot Switches #65-69, Pitchbend, Modulation Wheel #1, Aftertouch, and Program


MIDI Editing and Controllers
MIDI Controllers

MIDI Controllers
HALion allows you to assign almost any parameter to a MIDI controller. However, you can
only assign one parameter of a single zone, layer, effect control, etc. at a time. If you want
to use the same MIDI controller for several zones, layers, etc., you have to assign it several
A more convenient way to control a zone parameter, such as the cutoff frequency for all
zones, for example, is to assign a quick control to that parameter and then assign the MIDI
controller to that quick control. This allows you to control all zones simultaneously and this
way, you can also preserve different cutoff settings per zone and simply control the offset
that is added by the quick control.
By default, the most common parameters like slot volume and pan, and the quick controls of
each slot are already assigned. The AUX FX send modules 1-4 for the slots are also assigned
and are controllable as soon as you load one of the AUX FX send modules for an insert effect.
To provide more control, you can set the minimum and maximum range for each assignment

Assigning MIDI Controllers
To assign a MIDI controller to a parameter, proceed as follows:

Right-click the control that you want to control remotely and select Learn CC.


On your MIDI keyboard or controller, use the potentiometer, fader, or button.
The next time you right-click the control, the menu shows the assigned MIDI
You can assign the same MIDI controller several times to different parameters.
However, you cannot assign different MIDI controllers to the same parameter.

MIDI Controller Section on page 40

Unassigning MIDI Controllers

To remove a MIDI controller assignment, right-click the control and select Forget CC.

Restoring the Factory MIDI Controller Assignment
To restore the factory MIDI controller assignments, open the Options Editor and click Reset
to Factory in the MIDI Controller section.


MIDI Editing and Controllers
MIDI Controllers

Setting the Parameter Range
You can set the minimum and maximum values for the parameter for each assignment
separately. This gives you more control over the parameter, for example, when you are
performing live on stage.

Set the parameter to the minimum value.


Right-click the control and select Set Minimum from the context menu.


Set the parameter to the maximum value.


Right-click the control and select Set Maximum.

MIDI Controllers and AUX FX
You can assign the parameters of the AUX FX to MIDI controllers.
Unlike the slots, the AUX FX do not have a MIDI port and channel of their own. Instead, they
listen to any incoming MIDI controller message, regardless of the MIDI channel. Therefore, if
you assign a parameter to a MIDI controller, you should use a controller number that is not
already in use by any of the assignments that you made for the slots.
If you unload or replace the effect, the MIDI controller assignment of this effect is lost.

Saving a MIDI Controller Mapping as Default
After customizing the factory MIDI controller assignments, you can save them as default.

Open the Options Editor and, in the MIDI Controller section, click Save as Default.

Now, each time that you load a new instance of the plug-in, your customized MIDI controller
mapping is available as default.

Saving the controller mapping as default does not include the MIDI controller
assignments of the AUX FX.


The MIDI controller mapping is saved with each project. This way, you can transfer your
settings to other systems. The project also includes the MIDI controller assignments of
the AUX FX.


MIDI Editing and Controllers
MIDI Controllers

MIDI Ctrl Editor
In the MIDI Ctrl Editor, all assigned MIDI controllers are shown.

With the buttons at the top, you can specify whether you want to show the MIDI controllers
that are assigned to the slot, to global parameters, or whether you want to show them all.
On the left, the name of the MIDI controller is shown, and on the right, the name of the
assigned HALion parameter. If several HALion parameters are assigned to the same MIDI
controller, they are listed below each other on the right.

To remove a single MIDI controller assignment, click the trash icon to the right of the
parameter name.


To remove all MIDI controller assignments, click the trash icon on the toolbar.

Automation and Factory MIDI Controller Assignment
Several parameters on the plug-in interface are available for automation from your host
software and can be assigned to an external MIDI controller.
The table shows the controller numbers and names of the default factory MIDI controller
assignment. The assigned MIDI controller numbers are the same for all slots. However, the
MIDI controllers listen only to the MIDI channels of the corresponding slot.

Controller Number








Send FX 1


Effect 1 Depth


MIDI Editing and Controllers
MIDI Controllers


Controller Number


Send FX 2


Effect 2 Depth

Send FX 3


Effect 3 Depth

Send FX 4


Effect 4 Depth

Program QC 1



Program QC 2


Harmonic Content

Program QC 3


Attack Time

Program QC 4


Release Time

Program QC 5


Sound Controller #6

Program QC 6


Sound Controller #7

Program QC 7


Sound Controller #8

Program QC 8


Sound Controller #9


Send FX 1-4 are only available if the corresponding AUX send effects are loaded.


You can remotely control any other parameter by assigning the parameter first to a
quick control and then to a MIDI controller.


You can use MIDI controllers inside the modulation matrix of a synth or sample layer to
control the cutoff, for example.


Mixing, Routing, and Effect
You perform your mixing operations in the Mixer.
The Mixer manages all busses that are available in a HALion instance, that is, the 32 stereo
output busses plus one surround bus, the 64 slot busses, the 4 AUX busses, and a dynamic
number of program and layer busses depending on the current program architecture.
Each bus can be controlled using a dedicated mixer channel, featuring functions like level,
pan, mute, solo, and up to eight insert/send effects. You can specify which type of bus you
want to see at a given time by using the controls on the toolbar.

Mixer Window

Show Slot Bus Channels
Shows all slot channels.
Show AUX Bus Channels
Shows the AUX channels.
Show Output Bus Channels
Shows all output channels.
Show Child Bus Channels
Shows all the busses that can be found inside the selected program or layer
Show Depending Bus Channels
Shows all busses that are in use for the selected program or layer, including AUX
Hide Inactive Outputs
If the Show Output Bus Channels button is activated, the Mixer shows all output
busses. Deactivated outputs are grayed out. To gain a better overview about
which channels are used, activate the Hide Inactive Outputs button.


Mixing, Routing, and Effect Handling
Mixer Window
Show Empty Slots
If the Show Slot Bus Channels button is activated, the Mixer only shows channels
that are in use by programs loaded into the corresponding slots. To show the
empty slot channels as well, activate the Show Empty Slots button.
Collapse All Mixer Channels/Expand All Mixer Channels

To expand all mixer channels, click the Expand All Mixer Channels button.
Expanded mixer channels provide direct access to the insert/send effects.


To collapse all mixer channels, click the Collapse All Mixer Channels
Collapsed mixer channels only show the most important controls, that is,
level, pan, solo, mute, and a level meter.

Channel Strip Controls
Mutes the bus.
Mutes all other busses and lets you hear the solo bus only. You can put several
channels into solo mode to hear all of them.
The level fader allows you to adjust the volume of the bus. All busses allow an
amplification of +12 dB.
All stereo mixer channels provide a stereo panner that allows you to define the
position of the sound in the stereo field. When working with surround busses, you
can insert a surround panner effect to one of the insert slots of a bus and use it
to pan the stereo signals in the surround field.
The mixer channel shows a small version of the Surround Panner, which can be
used to remote-control the inserted surround panner. For more detailed editing,
use the Sound Editor of the Surround Panner.
The meters of a mixer channel show the output level of the bus. The number of
meters depends on the number of audio channels of the bus. Stereo busses have
two channel meters, surround channels have six.
Peak Level
The peak level meter indicates the highest level on the bus in dB. To reset, click
the peak level.
Each channel can be routed to various busses. Click the output pop-up menu and
select an output.


Mixing, Routing, and Effect Handling
Audio Bus Architecture
The output busses represent the audio interface to the host application or the
audio hardware. Therefore, these channels cannot be routed freely and do not
have an output pop-up menu.
You can route the bus of a surround slot to one of the stereo output busses. In
this case, only the first 2 channels are connected. You can decide whether to add
a downmix effect to the output bus, to reroute the slot to the surround output
bus, or to leave it as it is.

Audio Bus Architecture
The audio signals of zones, layers, programs, and slots are managed via audio busses. You
can load insert effects on any of the audio busses, for example, to process the audio of a
single layer or an entire program.
Slots have one dedicated bus.
Programs can have one or more audio busses that mix the audio signals from the layers and
zones that they contain.
Layers do not have to have an audio bus. However, you can create audio busses for layers, for
example, to create a submix of the zones that they contain.
AUX busses allow you to use send effects with zones, layers, programs, and slots. Send
effects can be shared between zones, layers, programs, and slots, but you can also add local
AUX busses to use send effects for individual zones or layers.
Zones do not have an audio bus of their own. Instead, their outputs are routed automatically
to the next available audio bus. Any zone, audio bus, and AUX bus can be assigned freely
to one of the stereo outputs or to the surround output of the plug-in. For example, a zone
output can be routed to an output bus, omitting any audio busses and their effects in

Audio Signal Flow
Typically, programs are loaded into slots. Each slot is connected to an output bus. The audio
busses from the program send their signals to the audio bus of the slot.
A program can contain a single or multiple zones, or one or more layers. Layers can contain
other layers, which in turn can contain zones. The output of the zones is mixed to the audio
busses of the layers of the next higher level or directly to the program.
If a layer does not have an audio bus, its zones are automatically routed to the next higher
audio bus.

Audio Busses
Audio busses can be compared to channels in a mixer, but with much more flexibility when it
comes to mixing and routing possibilities.
Each slot has at least one audio bus that mixes the audio signals from its layers and zones.


Mixing, Routing, and Effect Handling
Audio Bus Architecture
Apart from the routing and mixing possibilities, audio busses allow you to load insert effects
for processing audio on that bus. Depending on how you set up the audio busses, you can
load insert effects on single layers, the whole program, or the slot. For example, you can
process only the strings of a piano and strings layer sound with a chorus effect, and keep the
piano unprocessed. You load insert effects into the effect slots of the channels in the Mixer.
In addition, audio busses allow you to route audio via sends to an AUX bus. This way, you
can set up send effects which can be shared among the layers, programs, and slots. You
assign sends directly in the zones or with the effect slots of the channels in the Mixer. You
can adjust the level for the sends, which allows you to control the amount of the effect that is
loaded on the AUX bus.
AUX Busses
You need an AUX bus to route individual audio signals from zones or audio busses
to AUX effects. HALion provides 4 global AUX busses and 4 local AUX busses that
you can add for individual layers. By default, the output of an AUX bus is routed to
the master output bus, but you can reassign its output to other output busses.

To set up an AUX effect, load an insert effect into one of the effect slots of
the AUX bus.


To hear the effect, raise the send level of a zone, route the output of a zone
or your audio bus to the AUX bus, or set up a send in the effect rack of your
audio bus.

The send levels control the amount of the effect that is loaded into the AUX bus.
You can set up sends for each zone and audio bus separately.
Master Effect Bus
The master bus works similar to the AUX busses. The only difference is that the
master bus has no bus output selector, because it is hard-wired to the main plugin output (1/2).
Multi-Channel Effects
HALion comes with a large number of effects that are mainly intended for use on
stereo busses. However, most of them can also be used on surround busses. In
this case, the effect is processed on all channels. If a bus changes from stereo to
surround, the effect follows. For effects with level meters, the number of meters
is adapted accordingly.
The outputs of zones are routed to the first audio bus of the next higher layer or
the program. You can reassign the outputs of the zones to any master output.
To save processing power, audio busses for layers are optional. You can create
them at any time in the Program Tree. By default, audio busses of layers are
routed to the first audio bus of the next higher layer or the program. You can
reassign the outputs of the audio busses of the layers to any master output.
By default, audio busses of programs are routed to the audio bus of the slot into
which the program is loaded. You can create additional audio busses. You can
reassign the outputs of the audio busses of the program to any master output.


Mixing, Routing, and Effect Handling
Audio Bus Architecture
A slot outputs its audio busses to the master outputs of the plug-in. Each slot has
one audio bus. You can reassign the outputs of the audio busses of the slots to
any plug-in output bus.

Creating Audio Busses

In the Program Tree, select the program or layer to which you want to add a bus.


Click the Create New Bus icon on the toolbar.

The audio bus and a corresponding Mixer channel strip are created.

Changing the Output Assignment of an Audio Bus

In the Mixer, activate the Show Depending Bus Channels button.


In the Program Tree, select a layer or a program with one or more audio busses.
All corresponding channels are shown in the Mixer. Additional audio busses are
displayed to the right of the first audio bus.


In the Mixer, click on the output of the audio bus that you want to edit and select an
output from the pop-up menu.
The output busses of the plug-in can be activated in the host sequencer or the
Preferences dialog of the standalone version.

Changing the Output Assignment of an AUX bus

In the Mixer, activate the Show AUX Bus Channels button on the toolbar.


Click on the output selector of the AUX bus that you want to edit and select an output
bus from the pop-up menu.

Changing the Output Assignments of Zones

Select a zone in the Program Tree.


Open the Sound Editor, show the Amplifier section and open the AUX tab.


From the Output pop-up menu, select a plug-in output or an AUX bus.


Optional: Use the send level controls of the zone to route individual audio signals to
insert effects on AUX busses.


Mixing, Routing, and Effect Handling
Audio Bus Architecture

Automatic Bus Width Adaptation
HALion is constantly monitoring the width of all busses in the signal path and adapts to the
required width automatically.
For example, changing the bus width is required when you add a surround sample zone to a
layer that only contains stereo samples. In this case, the layer bus and all following busses
are set to surround, to allow for a correct routing. Stereo samples are still routed correctly to
channels 1 and 2.
Another way to change the bus width in the middle of the signal path is to add a surround
panner to one of the insert effect slots of a stereo bus. In this case, the output of the bus
changes from stereo to surround and forces all following busses to do the same.
AUX busses change their bus width, too, if they receive signals from surround sources.
Output busses cannot change their bus width automatically, because they are usually
connected to a hardware device. Therefore, the routing to the plug-in output busses has to be
changed manually. Make sure that surround slots are routed to the surround output and that
stereo busses are routed to one of the stereo outputs.
If your routing is not set up correctly, the affected channels show a red warning icon to
indicate that 2 or more busses have the wrong width and that you risk losing signals from
audio channels that cannot be processed.
In this case, you could connect surround busses to stereo outputs, for example, or add the
Downmix effect to one of the inserts, thereby reducing the bus width to stereo, for example.

Local AUX Busses
In addition to the 4 global AUX busses, you can also create local AUX busses for layers. This
allows you to integrate typical AUX effects like reverb or delay into a program, for example.
If you add a local AUX bus for a layer, the signal routing for the layer automatically changes
from the global AUX bus to the new local bus.
AUX busses can be distinguished in the Program Tree by their green bus icon. A small
number inside the icon indicates the specific AUX bus. AUX send effects that were added to a
normal bus show a red effects icon with the same small numbers. This way, you can identify
which AUX busses and sends are used, even if their names have been modified.

Adding and Removing Local AUX Busses

To add a local AUX bus, select the layer for which you want to add the bus in the
Program Tree, click the Add Bus button on the toolbar and select one of the four AUX
busses from the menu.


To remove a local AUX bus, select it in the Program Tree and press Delete or
Backspace or use the Delete command on the context menu.
When you remove a local AUX bus, all sends that were routed to it are sent to the
global AUX busses.


Mixing, Routing, and Effect Handling
Insert Effects

Automatic Output Connection
If connections to busses cannot be established in HALion, the signals are automatically
routed to the master bus.
HALion allows you to select outputs in many places. You can find output selectors in zones,
layer busses, AUX busses, and slots. Each output can be freely named and the output
selectors reflect these names.
Different programs on different slots may contain output configurations that are not
available, for example, because busses with the required names are not present in a multi.

If connections cannot be established, a dialog opens showing all pending busses. For
each missing bus, you can select another bus to be used instead.
Pending busses can also occur when loading layers into programs. If a layer does not
find the required busses, the same dialog opens.


If an assigned output bus is deactivated in the host, HALion shows a red warning icon
on the output channel and the Mixer channels that are connected to it.
You will still be able to hear the signal, because all signals are routed to the master
bus in the background. However, all output selectors remain as they are, allowing you
to reestablish the connections later, by activating the outputs in your host, etc.

Output Configurations in Different Hosts
Apple Logic 9
HALion provides 32 stereo outputs and one surround output connecting with
the host application or a standalone hardware device. In most applications,
all these outputs are available. However, Logic 9 only allows for 16 outputs
for a single plug-in. When you open HALion, you can choose one of 4 output
configurations: Stereo, 5.1-Surround, Multi-Output (1x5.1, 15xStereo), and MultiOutput (16xStereo).
Ableton Live 8 does not support surround busses.
Sonar 9
Sonar 9 allows you to activate all outputs either in mono or in stereo. For mono,
you get 64 channels for the 32 HALion stereo channels plus six channels for the
surround bus. If the stereo outputs are activated, Sonar uses 32 stereo channels
plus three stereo channels for the surround bus.

Insert Effects
Each channel can load up to 8 insert effects. To display the inserts, you must expand the
channel strips.


Mixing, Routing, and Effect Handling
Insert Effects

Each insert can either be a classical insert effect like a chorus or a delay, or it can load
one of the 4 AUX send effects that allow you to send the signal to the AUX busses. All slot,
program, and layer busses, as well as zones, can send signal portions to these busses. If an
AUX send effect is loaded, a level fader is available for the insert slot. Use this fader to set
the level that is sent to the AUX bus.
You cannot use send effects on AUX and output busses.

Pre-Fader Send Effects
By default, send levels are influenced by the level of the bus. If you want to adjust the send
level independently from the bus level, you can set the send to pre-fader by activating the
corresponding button to the left of the level fader.

Using the Insert Effect Slots
In the Mixer, you can set up insert effects for AUX busses.

To assign an insert effect, click the effect slot and select the effect from the menu.


To remove an insert effect including its current settings, click the effect slot and select
None from the menu.


To bypass an effect, activate the Bypass button of the slot. Bypass is active when the
button lights up.


To edit an insert effect, click the e button of the corresponding slot. You can edit only
one effect at a time. The parameters of the insert effect are displayed in the bottom


To change the output assignment of an AUX bus, select a different output from the
pop-up menu.


To modify the level, move the fader of the bus or double-click in the value field below
the fader and enter a value manually.


To move an effect to another slot, click its drag icon and drag it to another slot. This
replaces any effect loaded in this slot.


To change the order of the effects, drag them by their drag icon to a new position
between two slots.


Mixing, Routing, and Effect Handling
Insert Effects

To copy an effect into another slot, Alt-click the drag icon and drag it onto the new slot.
This replaces any effect loaded in this slot.
You can also copy effects between the different mixers. First drag an effect to the
corresponding mixer tab. Then drag it to the position where you want to insert it.


To copy an effect and insert it between two effect slots, Alt-click its drag icon and drag
it between two slots.
You can also copy effects between the different mixers. First drag an effect to the
corresponding mixer tab. Then drag it to the position where you want to insert it.


Loading and Managing
Programs via the Program
HALion allows you to load a virtually unlimited number of programs into the Program Table.
This is useful, because it allows for quick access to these programs and for preloading the
program samples for faster changes between programs.
Programs can only be played if they are loaded into the Slot Rack. However, you can perform
editing like verifying the settings or copying zones for the focused program in the Program
You can load a program into the Program Table without automatically loading it into the Slot
Rack. This allows you to configure the Program Table.

Drag the program from the MediaBay to a slot in the Program Table.
If you drag multiple programs on a slot, the programs are loaded into the target slot
and the following slots. If the slots already contain programs, these are replaced.


Click Load Program on the Program Table toolbar, select a program, and click OK.

You can load a program in the active slot in the Slot Rack and in a slot in the Program Table
at the same time.

In the MediaBay, right-click a program and select Load Program into selected Slot.

Loading Third-Party Sampler Programs on page 68

Program Table
The Program Table lists all programs that are loaded in HALion.

The Program Table contains the following columns:


Loading and Managing Programs via the Program Table
Configuring the Program Table
Program Number
Displays the program number.
The first 128 entries of the Program Table correspond to the 128 MIDI program
change numbers. You can load these programs into the Slot Rack by sending
MIDI program change messages on the slot’s MIDI channel.
Programs that are loaded into the Slot Rack are shown with a yellow number.
To assign a program to another MIDI program change number, you can drag it to
the corresponding list position. If another program already occupies this position,
the two programs change places.
Program Name
Shows the program name. You can edit the name here.
Displays in how many slots in the Slot Rack the program is loaded.
Shows if the samples of a program are preloaded. This allows for faster MIDI
program change.

To activate the preload for a program, click the corresponding icon in the
Preload column so that it lights up, or right-click in the Preload field and
activate Always Preload Program.

File Size
Displays the size of the program, with all its samples, as it is stored on the hard

Configuring the Program Table
You can configure the Program Table by showing/hiding and rearranging the columns.
You can reorder columns using drag and drop and change the width of a column by dragging
its borders.
You can show/hide the File Size, Preload, and Used columns.

To hide a column, right-click the column header and use the corresponding Remove


To insert a column, select its name on the column header context menu.

All modifications to the columns are saved with the project.


Loading and Managing Programs via the Program Table
Program Table Context Menu

Program Table Context Menu

Load Program
Allows you to load a program.
Save Program
Saves the current program.
Save Program As
Allows you to save a program under a new name and in a different subfolder in
the content folder.
Save All Programs
Saves all programs in the Program Table.
Save Selected Programs
Saves the selected programs.
Export Selected Programs As HALion Sonic SE Layer Presets
Allows you to export the selected programs as HALion Sonic SE Layer Presets.
Deletes the program from the slot.
Cuts/Copies the program from the current slot.
Pastes the cut or copied program to the current slot.
Always Preload Program
If a program is loaded into the Program Table but is not used in one of the
slots, its samples are not preloaded. With this option, you can preload individual
unassigned programs, to allow for a faster MIDI program change.
Preload Program On Demand
Activate this option if you want to preload the program samples only when it is
loaded into a slot.


Loading and Managing Programs via the Program Table
Program Table Context Menu
Exporting Programs and Layers as HALion Sonic SE Layer Presets on page 244


Program Tree

The Program Tree is the main area for navigating and making selections. It shows the active
program with all its layers, zones, and modules and allows you to add, load, import, or delete

The Program Tree represents the signal flow inside the program. The MIDI comes in at
the top and passes through the layers and MIDI modules. The processing order of the MIDI
modules inside a program or layer is also from top to bottom.
The audio is output via busses that can have any number of FX modules. The processing
order of the FX modules inside the busses is also from top to bottom.

Program Tree Elements
The Program Tree shows all elements that make up the program that is selected in the Slot

Programs and Layers
Programs are the top-level elements in the Program Tree. Only one program is displayed at
a time.
Programs are complex instruments or sounds that combine layers, zones, busses, MIDI
modules, and FX modules. Often, a program contains a single layer that already comes
with all necessary components such as the synthesis part or insert effects. This is because
a layer already is a complete sound structure on its own. Layers can be used to structure
programs, for example, by grouping a number of zones. This is useful if you want to apply
the same settings to a number of zones in one go. Programs add the possibility of combining
different layers to build up more complex sounds or to create combinations of sounds that


Program Tree
Program Tree Columns and Controls
you want to load as a unit. A typical example is a bass/piano split sound or a piano/string
layer sound.

Zones are the elements that create the sounds in HALion. In the Program Tree, the zone is
the element on the lowest level.
Different types of zones are available: synth, sample, granular, organ, and wavetable. The
zone types differ in their basic sound source.

Synth zones provide an oscillator section with three main oscillators, a sub oscillator, a
noise generator, and a ring modulation stage.


Sample zones load a specific sample.


Granular zones offer a sophisticated grain oscillator section that contains a page for
the grain-specific parameters and another page for the sample-related parameters.


Organ zones produce the sound of classic drawbar organs with up to nine drawbars.


Wavetable zones allow you to create your own wavetables by extracting single-cycle
waves from samples.

Below the Program Tree, there are 3 numbers that indicate how many zones are selected,
how many zones are contained in the focused layer, and how many zones are contained in the

These numbers are useful when editing or deleting zones. For example, if you have a piano
that was recorded with several velocity layers per note, each velocity layer has 88 sample
zones. If you now want to edit or delete an entire velocity layer, you can use these 3 numbers
to verify whether you selected the right amount of zones before you edit or delete them.

Busses allow you to set up the audio routing in HALion and add audio effects.

MIDI Modules
MIDI modules process the stream of MIDI events inside a program. They can produce
monophonic modulation signals, which can be used as sources in the modulation matrix.
MIDI modules can be assigned to an entire program or to a single layer.

Audio Effects
Audio effects can be added for busses.

Program Tree Columns and Controls
The first three columns in the Program Tree give you access to the Visibility, Mute, and Solo
functions. In the section on the right, the selected program and its elements are displayed.
They are organized in a hierarchical structure, with the program at the topmost level.


Program Tree
Program Tree Columns and Controls

By default, the Program Tree shows the Visibility, Mute, Solo, and Name columns. You can
add further columns that show more information.
Key Range
Shows the key range of the zones, programs, and layers.
Velocity Range
Shows the velocity range of the zones, programs, and layers.
Root Key
Shows the root key of the zones.
Shows the tune offset of sample zones.
The Tune parameter is set in the Mapping Editor.
This shows the gain offset of sample zones.
The Gain parameter is set in the Mapping Editor.
File Size
Shows the size of the samples, as they are saved on the hard disk. Programs and
layers show the sum of the samples that they contain.
Shows the amount of preload per sample.
Contains the Mute buttons for the elements of the Program Tree.
Contains the Solo buttons for the elements of the Program Tree.


Program Tree
Program Tree Columns and Controls
Contains the Visibility icon for the elements of the Program Tree. You can click
the icon to change the visibility setting for each element.
Learn Zone Parameter
To display a zone parameter in a column, use this option.


Load Program/Layer
Allows you to navigate to and load a program or layer.
Save Program
Saves the program. If you try to overwrite write-protected factory content, a
dialog opens that allows you to save the edited program under a new name.
Delete Selected Items
Deletes the selected items from the Program Tree.
The files themselves are not deleted from the hard disk.
Removes the selected elements from the list and saves them to the clipboard.
Copies the selected elements to the clipboard.
Pastes the elements from the clipboard at the selected position.
Create New Zone
Allows you to create a new synth, sample, granular, organ, or wavetable zone at
the selected position.
Create New Layer
Creates a new layer at the selected position.
Create New MIDI Module
Opens a selector where you can choose a MIDI Module that you want to add to the
Create New Audio Effect
Opens a selector where you can choose an audio effect that you want to add to
the selected bus.


Program Tree
Program Tree Columns and Controls
Create New Bus
Opens a menu from which you can add busses to the program. You can also add
up to four AUX busses via the menu.
Selection Filter
Lets you select a group of elements by double-clicking on a program, layer, or
zone. By default, a double-click selects all elements in the Program Tree.
The selection filter can be set to select only zones, layers, effects, MIDI modules,
or busses.

You can hide zones and layers in the Program Tree by clicking the corresponding eye icon
in the Visibility column. The eye icon indicates the visibility status for zones, layers, and

The element and all its contents are visible.
The element and all its contents are hidden.
The element is visible, but parts of it are hidden.

You can use the following key commands for the visibility functions:

To show a single layer or zone and hide all other layers or zones, Alt-click its eye icon.


To show all selected layers or zones, press Ctrl/Cmd-U.


To show all layers and zones, press Shift-Ctrl/Cmd-U.

Mute and Solo

To mute/unmute an element and all of its sub-elements, click the button in the Mute
column. For example, if you mute a program or layer that contains zones, these zones
are muted as well.
Layers and zones that are muted are not played when you hit a key.


To reset all mute settings, click the Mute icon in the column header.


To solo an element and mute all elements that reside on the same hierarchy level,
click the button in the Solo column.


To reset all solo settings, click the Solo icon in the column header.


To mute the selected zones, open the context menu of the Program Tree and select
Mute/Solo > Mute Selected Zones.


To mute all zones, open the context menu of the Program Tree, and select Mute/Solo >
Mute All Zones.
The program itself and any of its layers are not affected by this.


Program Tree
Program Tree Columns and Controls

Configuring the Columns

To add a column, right-click the column header and select the element you want to


To remove a column, right-click the column header and deselect the element.


To add a particular zone parameter as a column, right-click the column header, select
Learn Zone Parameter, open the editor for the zone, and click the parameter that you
want to add as a column.

Program Tree Context Menu
The available options and commands depend on the element for which you open the menu.
For example, Copy Zone Settings is only available for zones.

Expand All/Collapse All
Expands/Collapses all elements of the Program Tree.
These options are only available if no element is selected.
Expand Tree/Collapse Tree
Expands/Collapses the selected element.

To select the entire content of a program, select Select All.


Program Tree
Program Tree Columns and Controls

To select all elements that were previously not selected and to deselect all
elements that were previously selected, select Invert Selection.
This function applies to elements of the same type that belong to the same
hierarchy. For example, layers that are all sub-elements of a program, or
busses that are part of the same layer.


To select all sub-entries of an element, select Select Tree.

This submenu allows you to add a new layer, zone, bus, MIDI module, or audio
Some elements can only be added at specific positions. For example, audio
effects can only be added to busses.
Allows you to load/save Program Tree elements. Which options are available
depends on the selected element.

Replace Program/Layer allows you to replace the current program/layer.


Load to New Layer allows you to select a new program/layer and add it to
the current program at the current hierarchy position.


Save Program saves the current program.
The factory content cannot be overwritten. If you try to save a factory
program, the Save Program As dialog opens, allowing you to save the
program to your user content folder.


Save Program/Layer As allows you to save the current program or layer to
your user content folder.


Save Layer As Program allows you to save the selected layer in the
Program Tree as program to your user content folder.


Revert to Last Saved Program discards all the changes that you made
since you last saved the program.


Import VST 3 Preset opens a dialog where you can select and load a VST 3


Export Program/Layer as VST 3 Preset allows you to export the selected
program or layer as a VST 3 preset.


Export Program/Layer as HALion Sonic SE Layer Preset allows you to
export the selected program or layer as HALion Sonic SE layer presets.
These presets can then be loaded by HALion Sonic or HALion Sonic SE as
layers or as programs.


Export Program/Layer as VST 3 Preset with Samples allows you to export
the selected program or layer including all its samples as a VST 3 preset.


Program Tree
Program Tree Columns and Controls

Export Program/Layer as Protected VST 3 Preset allows you to export the
selected program or layer as a protected VST 3 preset.


Export Program/Layer as VST 3 Preset with Files allows you to export the
selected program or layer including all its files as a VST 3 preset.


Import Folder allows you to import a folder containing samples or
subfolders with samples.


Import Samples allows you to import samples.


Export Samples allows you to export samples.


Replace Samples allows you to exchange one or multiple samples that are
used to play back one or multiple zones. Any zone-specific settings like
Pitch, Filter, or Amplifier are not modified by this.


Change Sample Folder allows you to relocate samples. This is useful if
you processed some samples and saved them in a new location without
changing their names.


Find Missing Samples opens a dialog that allows you to search for missing

Deletes the selected element in the Program Tree.
If a sample is selected, it is only deleted from the tree, not from the hard disk.
Allows you to rename the selected element.
Removes the selected element from the list and saves it to the clipboard.
Copies the selected element to the clipboard.
Pastes the element from the clipboard to the selected program or layer.
Paste to New Layer
Allows you to paste one or several copied elements to a new layer within a zone,
to a layer, or to the program, depending on where you click to open the context
Copy Zone Settings
Copies the settings of the selected zone to the clipboard.
Paste Zone Settings to Selection
Pastes the zone settings from the clipboard to the selected element in the
Program Tree.
Search and Rename
Allows you to perform a search and rename operation on the selected element or
on all elements in the Program Tree.


Program Tree
Program Tree Columns and Controls

Hide Selected hides the selected elements.


Hide Non-Selected hides all elements that are not selected.


Show Selected shows all selected elements.


Hide All hides all elements.


Show All shows all elements.


If Auto Visibility is activated, the selected zones and any of their direct
siblings that are part of the same layer are automatically shown. Other
zones are hidden.
If this option is activated, you can still toggle the visibility of zones inside
the layers.


Mute All Zones mutes all zones.
The program itself and any of its layers are not muted.


Solo All Zones solos all zones.
The program itself and any of its layers are not soloed.


Mute Selected Zones mutes the selected zones.


Solo Selected Zones solos the selected zones.


Make All Zones Audible resets all mute and solo states for all zones.


Solo Follows Selection automatically solos the layers and zones that you
select. The other elements of the program are muted.
This is useful if you want to switch between layers and zones and only play
back the current selection.

Allows you to choose between two streaming settings for the selected sample:

Play from RAM


Remove Completely from RAM

Allows you to set up the mapping for the selected sample.
Fill Gaps

Pitch Only fills any gaps between the selected zones on the keyboard axis.


Velocity Only fills any gaps between the selected zones on the velocity axis.


Pitch and Velocity first fills the gaps on the keyboard axis. Then, the
remaining gaps on the velocity axis are filled.


Velocity and Pitch first fills the gaps on the velocity axis. Then, the
remaining gaps on the keyboard axis are filled.

Set Root Key
Allows you to adjust the root keys of the selected zones without changing their
key or velocity ranges.


Program Tree
Program Tree Columns and Controls

Center of Zone sets the root key to the center of the zone. If the zone has
no center because it has an even number of keys, the root key is set to the
key in the center that is closest to the previous root key.


High Key of Zone sets the root key to the High Key of the zone.


Low Key of Zone sets the root key to the Low Key of the zone.


Key Text in Sample Name sets the root key to the key that is extracted from
the sample file name. The function searches for the name of the key in text


Key Number in Sample Name sets the root key to the MIDI note number
that is extracted from the sample file name. The function searches for a


Root Key in Sample File sets the root key to the key that is stored in the
header chunk of the sample file.

Transfer Settings to Mapping
Zones often have varying Fine Tune and Level settings, while sharing various
other settings. To avoid varying Fine Tune and Level settings, transfer these
settings to the Tune and Gain parameter in the Mapping Editor.

Select All transfers the Fine Tune and Level settings at the same time.


Fine Tune and Level allow you to transfer the parameters separately.

Afterwards, the zone settings are reset to their default values.
Apply Layer Settings to Zones
It can be helpful to apply the layer settings to the zones they contain.
For example, if a program contains layers that are limited to a specific key range,
but that contain zones that use the full key range, all these zones fill the whole
key range in the Mapping Editor and it is impossible to see their real limitations.
To solve this, select Apply Layer Settings to Zones > Key Range to make the
zones inherit the limits of the layers. You can either apply all settings at once
or apply the settings for Key Range, Velocity Range, Fine Tune, Level, and Pan
Set Bus Type
Allows you to change the bus type. You can convert a regular audio bus into an
AUX bus and vice versa. This is particularly useful if you have added effects for a
bus and want to change the bus type while keeping the effects.
MIDI Module Library
Allows you to save your script modules as MIDI modules. These modules are then
treated just as the other MIDI modules in HALion, that is, they appear on the MIDI
modules list on the toolbar, they can be opened in the MIDI Modules Editor, etc.
Mapping Editor on page 70
Search and Rename Dialog on page 251


Program Tree
Editing Programs, Zones and Layers

Color Scheme
The color of the icons for program, layers, and zones offer additional information.

Light gray – Light gray is the standard color for zones. For sample zones, this color
means all samples were found and loaded without problems.


Red – If an icon is red, samples could not be found, for example, because a removable
hard drive is not connected.


Yellow – If an element is incomplete, for example, if a sample zone is not linked to a
sample, this is indicated by a yellow icon.


Light blue – To reduce hard-disk load, HALion can play back samples from RAM only.
To indicate this, the icons of the corresponding sample zones turn light blue.


Magenta – To free memory on your computer, you can remove the samples completely
from RAM. The samples are played back from the hard disk only. To indicate this, the
icons of the corresponding sample zones turn magenta.

Editing Programs, Zones and Layers
Creating Zones
To create a new zone, you have the following options:

Drag and drop samples from the MediaBay or the File Explorer/Mac OS Finder to a
program or layer.


Right-click a layer in the Program Tree, select New > Zone and select the type of zone
that you want to create.


Click the Create New Zone icon on the toolbar of the Program Tree and select the
type of zone that you want to create.


When creating new zones, HALion uses the default zone preset to set the zone
parameters to their default values. This preset contains all zone parameters, but no
sample-related parameters like sample start/end, loop start/end, etc.


To use specific zone settings, modify the default preset, and save it as default in your
user presets directory.

Creating Layers
To create new layers you have the following options:

Click the Create New Layer

icon on the toolbar.

If a layer is selected, the new layer is added within this layer. If a zone is selected, the
new layer is added on the same hierarchy level as the zone.

To add several layers on the same level, Shift-click the Create New Layer icon on the
toolbar for as many times as you want to add layers.


Right-click a layer, and select New > Layer.
This creates a new layer within the selected layer.


Program Tree
Importing Samples

Saving Programs and Layers as VST Presets

To save a program as VST preset, click the Save button on the toolbar, or use the Save
Program command on the Load/Save submenu of the context menu. In the dialog,
specify a name and click OK.


To save a specific layer, right-click it and select Load/Save > Save Layer As. In the
dialog, specify a name and click OK.

Importing Samples
You can manually select samples to import or you can import complete folders containing

To import samples, right-click the program or one of its layers, and select Import/
Export > Import Samples.


To import a folder containing samples or subfolders with samples, right-click the
program or one of its layers, and select Import/Export > Import Folder.
Usually, sample collections are organized in folder structures, where each velocity
layer or each key group is saved in a separate folder. You can create layers that
correspond to the hierarchy of the subfolders on disk, by activating Create Layers from

When importing samples, HALion uses a default zone preset. This sets all zone parameters
to the default values, but excludes the sample-specific parameters. You can modify this
preset in the Sound Editor for a zone and save it as Default to your user preset directory.
HALion then uses this preset when importing samples.
Import Samples Dialog on page 228

Import Samples Dialog

To open the Import Samples dialog, right-click a program or layer in the Program Tree
and select Import/Export > Import Samples

In the Mapping Options section in the Import Samples dialog, you can specify which samples
to import, how to map the samples, and you can also extract mapping information from
sample file and folder names.

To listen to the samples before importing them, use the transport controls in the upper
right of the Mapping Options section.


Program Tree
Importing Samples
Adjusts the playback level.
Plays back the focused sample or MIDI file.
Stops playback. The play locator jumps back to the start of the file.
Pauses playback. Click again to continue.
Auto Play
Automatically starts playback of the focused sample or MIDI file.
Loop Playback
If this button is activated, the focused sample or MIDI file is played back
Play Position
Displays the playback position within the focused sample or MIDI file. To select
another position for playback, click on the slider or drag the handle to the new

Key Range
From Sample File
The samples are mapped to the key range that is saved in the file header of the
sample. If the header does not contain any key range information, the Start and
End values are used.
Text from Sample Name
The samples are mapped to the key range that is extracted from the name of the
sample. This function searches for a key range that is defined in text form, for
example Sample_Name_B2-C#3.
Number from Sample Name
The samples are mapped to the key range that is extracted from the name
of the sample. This function searches for MIDI note numbers, for example
Only values between 0 and 127 can be extracted as MIDI note numbers.
From Sample Name Pattern
The samples are mapped to the key range that is extracted from the name of the
sample, according to the specified name pattern.


Program Tree
Importing Samples
Root Key Only
Each sample is mapped to its root key only.
Root Key Fill Centered
The samples are mapped to their root key. The zones expand to the left and right
from the root key to fill empty spaces.
Root Key Fill Up
The samples are mapped to their root key. The zones expand to the right to fill
empty spaces.
Root Key Fill Down
The samples are mapped to their root key. The zones expand to the left to fill
empty spaces.
The samples are mapped chromatically to the white and black keys in ascending
order, starting at the key specified with the Start value.
White Keys
The samples are mapped to white keys in ascending order, starting at the key you
set with the Start value.
Black Keys
The samples are mapped to black keys in ascending order, starting at the key you
set with the Start value.
The samples are mapped to the key range that you specify with the Start and End
The Chromatic, White Keys and Black Keys options alter the root key. All other options map
the root key according to the Root Key settings.

Root Key
Allows you to specify how the root key for the samples is obtained.
From Sample File
The root key is read from the file header.
Text from Sample Name
The root key is extracted from the file name. This function searches for root key
information in text form, for example Sample_Name_C#3.
Number from Sample Name
The root key is extracted from the file name. This function searches for MIDI note
numbers, for example Sample_Name_61.


Program Tree
Importing Samples
Only values between 0 and 127 can be extracted as MIDI note numbers.
From Sample Name Pattern
The root key is extracted from the sample file name, according to the specified
name pattern.
The root key is set to a fixed key, specified in the field to the right.
If no root key information is found, the fixed root key is used.

Velocity Range
If no information on the velocity range is found, the samples are mapped to the range that
you specify with the Start and End values.
From Sample File
The samples are mapped to the velocity range saved in the file header.
From Sample Name
The samples are mapped to the velocity range that is extracted from the file
From Sample Name Pattern
The samples are mapped to the velocity range that is extracted from the file
name, according to the specified name pattern.
From Folder Name
The samples are mapped to the velocity range that is extracted from the name of
the folder in which the samples reside.
The samples are layered, that is, they are distributed evenly over the velocity
The samples are mapped to the velocity range that you specify with the Start and
End values.

The Position setting for the key range, the velocity range, and the root key determines the
position in the file name at which the program searches for the information.

If this is set to 0, the entire file name is searched.


To start the search after a specific number of characters, select the number from the
pop-up menu.


Program Tree
Importing Samples
Every character is taken into account, including spaces.

Name Patterns
Depending on the mapping settings, the information for root key, key range, and velocity
range is retrieved differently for file and folder names.
Usually, names of sample files follow a certain naming scheme, for example,
Sample_C3_Key_59-61_Vel_80-100. You can extract all this information from the
sample file name by selecting From Sample Name Pattern on the Key Range, Root Key, or
Vel Range pop-up menus and defining a pattern in the lower part of the Mapping Options
section. You can use the Pattern field to manually edit your pattern and select variables from
the pop-up menu on the right.
Key Low Number $(KeyLow)
The MIDI note number is extracted and is used as the lower limit of the key
Key High Number $(KeyHigh)
The MIDI note number is extracted and is used as the upper limit of the key
Key Low Text $(KeyLowText)
The note name is extracted and is used as the lower limit of the key range.
Key High Text $(KeyHighText)
The note name is extracted and is used as the upper limit of the key range.
Velocity Low $(VelLow)
The number for the velocity value is extracted and is used as the lower limit of
the velocity range.
Velocity High $(VelHigh)
The number for the velocity value is extracted and is used as the upper limit of
the velocity range.
Root Key Number $(RootKey)
The MIDI note number is extracted and is used as the root key.
Root Key Text $(RootKeyText)
The note name is extracted and is used as the root key.
Samples can only be mapped correctly on import if all samples follow the same name
pattern. If no matching pattern is found, the samples use the settings for the Root Key, and
the Start and End values for the key range and the velocity range instead.


Program Tree
Replacing Samples

Read From Sample File
The file header of a sample can contain information on the tuning, the gain, the loop, and
start and end of the sample. On import, this information is retrieved as well.
To deactivate the reading of this information during import, deactivate the corresponding
options in the Read from Sample File section.

Zone Template
In this section, you can specify which zone template to use. For example, this allows you to
import multiple instrument samples including their headroom settings, because they are
required for polyphonic playback.

Replacing Samples

Select the zones for which you want to replace the samples.


Open the context menu for one of the zones, and select Import/Export > Replace


Select a method for replacing samples.

Replace Identical Names replaces the samples by new samples if their names
are identical.
This is useful if you processed samples and saved them under the same name in
a different location.


Replace by Root Key replaces the samples by new samples that have the same
root key, regardless of the file name.


Replace by Search Pattern performs a search for the samples to replace the
current samples.
This method can be used if parts of the sample name have changed, for
example, due to processing or saving.


Enter the part of the name that has changed in the text field. Samples are
replaced if the remaining parts of the sample name are identical. For example, if
the name Sample_Mix_1_C3.wav has changed to Sample_Mix_2_C3.aiff,
enter *Mix_2*.aiff in the text field.

Locate the new samples.

The info text in the lower right section shows you how many samples are replaced in
how many zones. If no samples are found, you must select another method for finding
matching samples.

Optional: To listen to the samples before using them to replace the existing samples,
activate Prelisten Samples and use your MIDI keyboard.
To listen to the samples with the correct pitch, select how to detect the root key of the
new sample.

Root Key from Sample File uses the root key that is saved in the file header of
the sample file.


Root Key Text from Sample Name extracts the root key from the sample file
name. This function searches for the root key in text form.


Program Tree
Exporting Samples



Root Key Number from Sample Name extracts the root key from the sample file
name. This function searches for the root key as a MIDI note number.


Keep Zone Root Key uses the root key of the zone. This option is only available
when replacing a single sample.

Click OK.

Exporting Samples
Samples that are loaded from HSB files or protected VST sound files cannot be exported.

To export individual samples, select them and select Export Samples on the context


In the Export Samples dialog, specify the location for the exported samples in the
Sample Path field.
You can open the pop-up menu and use variables or click the button to the right of the
field and navigate to the folder where you want to save the exported samples.


Specify the names for the samples in the Sample Name field. You can enter a name
manually or use one or more variables from the pop-up menu.
In the Example Name and Status Message fields below, the results of your settings are
shown. If some samples cannot be exported or if problems occur, a warning message
is shown.


Specify the file format for the samples in the File Format section.


Optional: In the Header Options section, specify the zone settings that you want to
include when saving the samples.


Optional: Make settings in the Audio Options and Export Options sections.


Click OK.


Program Tree
Exporting Samples

Export Samples Dialog

File Location
Sample Path
Allows you to use variables to define the path where the samples are saved.

$(SampleFolder) creates a folder that has the same name as the folder in
which the original samples were saved.


$(LayerStructure) creates folders following the structure of the selected
program or layer.


$(Layer) creates a folder with the name of the layer.


$(Program) creates a folder with the name of the program.


$(SampleRate) creates folders that are named according to the sample
rate of the samples.


$(BitDepth) creates folders that are named according to the bit depth of the


$(Date) creates a folder with the name of the current system date in the
format yymmdd.


$(Time) creates a folder with the name of the current system time in the
format hhmm.

Sample Name
Allows you to use variables to define how the exported samples are named.

$(Sample) uses the original file name of the sample.


$(SampleFolder) uses the name of the folder of the original samples.


Program Tree
Exporting Samples

$(Zone) uses the name of the zone.


$(Layer) uses the name of the layer.


$(Program) uses the name of the program.


$(KeyLow) uses the MIDI note number of the lower limit of the key range.


$(KeyHigh) uses the MIDI note number of the upper limit of the key range.


$(KeyLowText) uses the name of the note of the lower limit of the key


$(KeyHighText) uses the name of the note of the upper limit of the key


$(VelLow) uses the number of the lower limit of the velocity range.


$(VelHigh) uses the number of the upper limit of the velocity range.


$(RootKey) uses the MIDI note number of the root key.


$(RootKeyText) uses the name of the root key.
For example, “$(Sample)_$(RootKeyText)” appends the name of the root
key to each sample file name.


$(SampleRate) uses the sample rate of the samples.


$(BitDepth) uses the bit depth of the samples.


$(Date) uses the system date in the format yymmdd.


$(Time) uses the system time in the format hhmm.

Example name field
Shows the sample path and name resulting from your settings.
Status message field
The status message field informs you how many samples are saved and whether
duplicate names are created.
For example, if two zones in the Program Tree have the same name, and you
use the variable $(Zone), this results in duplicate file names. In this case, the
duplicate file names are automatically numbered.

Samples loaded from HSB files or protected VST Sound files cannot be
exported. The status message informs you if such protected files exist.


Files that are in use cannot be overwritten. In this case, you must select a
different location for the samples.

Some systems have problems with file names longer than 32 characters. Therefore, it is best
to use file names that do not exceed this number.

File Format
You can export the samples as Wave or AIFF files.


Program Tree
Exporting Samples
Sample Rate
Allows you to specify the sample rate of the samples.
Do not change the sample rate of looped samples, because this can cause
audible artifacts.
Bit Depth
Allows you to specify the bit depth of the samples.
Allows you to specify the channels for the sample.

Header Options
You can include zone settings when saving the samples. When you import these samples
back into HALion, they automatically get these settings.

Key Range saves the Key Low and Key High settings of each zone with the samples.


Vel Range saves the Velocity Low and Velocity High settings of each zone with the


Root Key saves the Root Key setting of each zone with the samples.


Loop Settings saves the Loop settings of each zone with the samples.


Sample Tune saves the Tune setting of each zone with the samples.


Sample Gain saves the Gain setting of each zone with the samples.

Audio Options
Trim Samples
Trims the samples to their actual length, specified with the Sample Start and
Sample End parameters of the zone.
Level Envelope
If this option is activated, the level envelope specified in the Sample Editor is
applied to the samples during export.
Pitch Envelope
If this option is activated, the pitch envelope specified in the Sample Editor is
applied to the samples during export.
Fade In/Out
If this option is activated, the fade curves specified in the Sample Editor are
applied to the samples during export.
Loop Crossfade
If this option is activated, the loop crossfade is merged into the new sample.
For the new sample, the crossfade time is reset to 0. This allows you to slightly
reduce the playback performance, because the crossfade does not need to be
calculated in real time.


Program Tree
Exporting Programs and Layers with Samples

Merging the loop crossfade is best suited for Continuous and Alternate
Loop mode, where the sample portion after the loop end is not played.
Otherwise, the exported sample might not continue seamlessly after the
If you want to merge the loop crossfades for samples that have with Until
Release or Alternate Until Release mode, you must use release markers
and set the up so that the loop end is not crossed.


In Alternate Loop mode, the loop length in the exported sample is doubled,
because it also contains the backward portion. Loop Mode is set to

Merge Tune
Activate this option to merge the Tune value into the new sample. For the new
sample, the Tune value is reset to 0.
Merge Gain
Activate the option to merge Gain value into the new sample. For the new sample,
the Gain value is reset to 0.

Export Options
Use Exported Samples
Updates the sample references of the zones to use the exported samples.
Avoid Duplicate Audio
Prevents samples that are used by several zones from being exported as
duplicate audio files.
If a sample has several zones and these zones have different loop settings,
HALion creates duplicates of the file.
Keep Zone Names
If this option is deactivated, zone names are replaced by the sample names. This
is useful if you rename the samples during export.
If this option is activated, the exported zones keep their names.

Exporting Programs and Layers with Samples
You can export a program or layer together with the corresponding samples as a VST preset.

Select the program or layer and select Import/Export > Export Samples.


In the Export Preset with Samples dialog, specify a preset name in the Preset File field
or click the button to the right of the field to open a dialog that allows you to navigate
to the folder where you want to save the preset and to specify a name for it.


Program Tree
Exporting Programs and Layers with Samples

Specify the path in the Preset Path field.
User presets are always saved in the user presets folder. In this field, you can specify
or create a subfolder in which to save the preset.


Specify the location for the exported samples in the Sample Path field.
You can open the pop-up menu and use variables or click the button to the right of the
field and navigate to the folder where you want to save the exported samples.
You can automatically create folders using variables for the sample path. Where
necessary, complete the file path by typing in a backslash (Win) or a slash (Mac). You
can combine several variables, separating them with hyphens, spaces, etc.


Specify the names for the samples in the Sample Name field. You can enter a name
manually or use one or more variables from the pop-up menu.
In the Example Name and Status Message fields below, the results of your settings are
shown. If some samples cannot be exported or if problems occur, a warning message
is shown.


Specify the file format for the samples in the File Format section.


Optional: Set up the Header Options, Audio Options, and Export Options sections.


Click OK.
Samples that are loaded from HSB files or protected VST sound files cannot be

The VST preset is created at the specified location.
The VST preset also includes all resources, such as the macro page, bitmaps, fonts, scripts
etc. This data is written into a folder that is saved in the same folder as the preset file.
This way, you can move a preset to another system without losing any of the necessary
components. If several presets are exported to the same location and if they share a macro
page, the necessary resources are exported only once.
Export Samples Dialog on page 235


Program Tree
Exporting Programs and Layers with Samples

Export Preset with Samples Dialog

File Location
Preset File
The file name of the preset.
Preset Path
The path where the preset is saved.
Sample Path
Allows you to use variables to define the path where the samples are saved.

$(SampleFolder) creates a folder that has the same name as the folder in
which the original samples were saved.


$(LayerStructure) creates folders following the structure of the selected
program or layer.


$(Layer) creates a folder with the name of the layer.


$(Program) creates a folder with the name of the program.


$(SampleRate) creates folders that are named according to the sample
rate of the samples.


$(BitDepth) creates folders that are named according to the bit depth of the


$(Date) creates a folder with the name of the current system date in the
format yymmdd.


Program Tree
Exporting Programs and Layers with Samples

$(Time) creates a folder with the name of the current system time in the
format hhmm.

Sample Name
Allows you to use variables to define how the exported samples are named.

$(Sample) uses the original file name of the sample.


$(SampleFolder) uses the name of the folder of the original samples.


$(Zone) uses the name of the zone.


$(Layer) uses the name of the layer.


$(Program) uses the name of the program.


$(KeyLow) uses the MIDI note number of the lower limit of the key range.


$(KeyHigh) uses the MIDI note number of the upper limit of the key range.


$(KeyLowText) uses the name of the note of the lower limit of the key


$(KeyHighText) uses the name of the note of the upper limit of the key


$(VelLow) uses the number of the lower limit of the velocity range.


$(VelHigh) uses the number of the upper limit of the velocity range.


$(RootKey) uses the MIDI note number of the root key.


$(RootKeyText) uses the name of the root key.
For example, “$(Sample)_$(RootKeyText)” appends the name of the root
key to each sample file name.


$(SampleRate) uses the sample rate of the samples.


$(BitDepth) uses the bit depth of the samples.


$(Date) uses the system date in the format yymmdd.


$(Time) uses the system time in the format hhmm.

Example name field
Shows the sample path and name resulting from your settings.
Status message field
The status message field informs you how many samples are saved and whether
duplicate names are created.
For example, if two zones in the Program Tree have the same name, and you
use the variable $(Zone), this results in duplicate file names. In this case, the
duplicate file names are automatically numbered.

Samples loaded from HSB files or protected VST Sound files cannot be
exported. The status message informs you if such protected files exist.


Files that are in use cannot be overwritten. In this case, you must select a
different location for the samples.


Program Tree
Exporting Programs and Layers with Samples
Some systems have problems with file names longer than 32 characters. Therefore, it is best
to use file names that do not exceed this number.

File Format
You can export the samples as Wave or AIFF files.
Sample Rate
Allows you to specify the sample rate of the samples.
Do not change the sample rate of looped samples, because this can cause
audible artifacts.
Bit Depth
Allows you to specify the bit depth of the samples.
Allows you to specify the channels for the sample.

Header Options
You can include zone settings when saving the samples. When you import these samples
back into HALion, they automatically get these settings.

Key Range saves the Key Low and Key High settings of each zone with the samples.


Vel Range saves the Velocity Low and Velocity High settings of each zone with the


Root Key saves the Root Key setting of each zone with the samples.


Loop Settings saves the Loop settings of each zone with the samples.


Sample Tune saves the Tune setting of each zone with the samples.


Sample Gain saves the Gain setting of each zone with the samples.

Audio Options
Trim Samples
Trims the samples to their actual length, specified with the Sample Start and
Sample End parameters of the zone.
Level Envelope
If this option is activated, the level envelope specified in the Sample Editor is
applied to the samples during export.
Pitch Envelope
If this option is activated, the pitch envelope specified in the Sample Editor is
applied to the samples during export.


Program Tree
Exporting Programs and Layers with Samples
Fade In/Out
If this option is activated, the fade curves specified in the Sample Editor are
applied to the samples during export.
Loop Crossfade
If this option is activated, the loop crossfade is merged into the new sample.
For the new sample, the crossfade time is reset to 0. This allows you to slightly
reduce the playback performance, because the crossfade does not need to be
calculated in real time.

Merging the loop crossfade is best suited for Continuous and Alternate
Loop mode, where the sample portion after the loop end is not played.
Otherwise, the exported sample might not continue seamlessly after the
If you want to merge the loop crossfades for samples that have with Until
Release or Alternate Until Release mode, you must use release markers
and set the up so that the loop end is not crossed.


In Alternate Loop mode, the loop length in the exported sample is doubled,
because it also contains the backward portion. Loop Mode is set to

Merge Tune
Activate this option to merge the Tune value into the new sample. For the new
sample, the Tune value is reset to 0.
Merge Gain
Activate the option to merge Gain value into the new sample. For the new sample,
the Gain value is reset to 0.

Export Options
Use Exported Samples
Updates the sample references of the zones to use the exported samples.
Avoid Duplicate Audio
Prevents samples that are used by several zones from being exported as
duplicate audio files.
If a sample has several zones and these zones have different loop settings,
HALion creates duplicates of the file.
Keep Zone Names
If this option is deactivated, zone names are replaced by the sample names. This
is useful if you rename the samples during export.
If this option is activated, the exported zones keep their names.


Program Tree
Exporting Programs and Layers as HALion Sonic SE Layer Presets
Export Samples Dialog on page 235

Exporting Programs and Layers as HALion Sonic SE Layer
By exporting programs or layers as HALion Sonic SE Layer presets, you can make sure that
they can be loaded correctly by HALion Sonic or HALion Sonic SE. This is particularly useful
if you create content that will be part of a VST Sound container, because it lets you verify
whether the preset contains all necessary resources.
HALion Sonic layers require a macro page to be controllable from within HALion Sonic.
Without macro page, the program can be loaded and played, but not edited.
The macro page must be attached to the exported layer. Macro pages that are attached to
sub layers cannot be accessed in HALion Sonic or HALion Sonic SE.

Right-click the program or layer and select Import/Export > Export Program as
HALion Sonic SE Layer Preset/Export Layer as HALion Sonic SE Layer Preset.

The preset is written into the layer presets folder and can be accessed via the MediaBay.

Importing Sliced Loops
You can import sliced loops in the REX1 and REX2 formats or drag and drop sliced events
directly from Cubase.
Before importing a loop, make sure that the very last event ends with the loop end and not
before. Otherwise, the generated loop is too short and will not play in a perfect cycle.

Importing REX Loops
The import process for REX files includes several steps. First, the slice information is used to
create a sample zone for each slice. These sample zones are then mapped to the keyboard.
The range starts with C3 and uses as many zones as slices are defined in the loop. The slice
information is also used to create a MIDI phrase that is loaded into a Slice Player module.
To import REX files, you have the following options:

Drag a REX file from the File Explorer/Mac OS Finder to the Program Tree and drop it
on a program or layer.


Open the context menu for a program or layer, select Import/Export > Import
Samples, and select the file that you want to import.


Program Tree
Importing Sliced Loops
HALion can directly play back REX1 audio files. For REX2 files, HALion first extracts a WAV
file and saves it in the same folder as the REX file.

Importing Sliced Audio Events from Cubase
You can import sliced audio events from Cubase using drag and drop.
When you drop a sliced audio event in the Program Tree, HALion recognizes that the event
contains positional information for the different slices. In the Import Samples dialog, the
button Create Sliced Loop becomes available. If you click this button, HALion creates
a sample zone for each slice and adds a slice player that contains the required MIDI
information. Any further mapping options are ignored.
You can also drag selected audio events from a Cubase project to the Program Tree to create
a sliced loop.

Playing Back Sliced Loops
You can play back the loop at its original key or in a transposed version.
By default, the original loop is played using C2 (#48), but you can specify another key using
the Key Follow and Center Key parameters. Pressing a key below C3 plays transposed
versions of the original loop. The keyboard range above C3 provides the slice sample zones
that are triggered by the slice player, but can also be triggered manually while the loop is
If the REX file or audio event contains more than 128 slices, HALion automatically creates
additional layers with MegaTrig modules that are preconfigured to use key switches. This
way, you can create up to 1024 zones distributed over up to 32 layers.

Slice Player
If you have created or imported sliced loops, the Slice Player becomes available in the
Program Tree.
You can make settings for the Slice Player in the MIDI Modules Editor.

Activates the slice player.
If this button is activated, the slices are played back in random order. The timing
is not affected by this.


Program Tree
Importing Sliced Loops

Depth adjusts how much the playing order of the slices is shuffled.
Lower this value to keep the playing order of slices on the main beats.
Raise this value to vary the playing order of slices on the offbeats as well.


Click the Trigger button to trigger a new shuffle. Note that this changes the
pattern number.


The Pattern parameter allows you to use a specific random pattern, by
entering its pattern number in the value field.

MIDI Drag Icon
Drag this icon into the Project window of your Steinberg DAW to export the loop
sequence as a MIDI part.
Variation Buttons
With the parameters Random, Tempo, Tempo Scale, Swing, Gate Scale, Quantize,
Amount, Start, and Length, you can set up 8 different variations of phrases and
switch between them with the variation buttons.
You can remote-control the variation buttons using the trigger pads, which gives
you the possibility to switch between variations by playing the trigger keys that
are assigned to the trigger pads.
To avoid that the variation switches in the middle of a beat or measure, use the
trigger modes Next Beat or Next Measure.
If this option is activated, the phrase plays in a loop.
Synchronizes the phrase to the tempo of your host application.
In addition, you can set Restart Mode to Sync to Host. This aligns the phrase with
the beats and measures of your host application.
Allows you to prevent the phrase from stopping or changing when the keys are

If Off is selected, the phrase changes as soon as you release a key. The
phrase stops immediately when you release all keys.


If On is selected, the phrase plays to the end, even if the keys are released.
If Loop is activated, the phrase repeats continuously.


If Gated is selected, the phrase starts to play when the first key is played. It
plays silently in the background, even if the keys are released, and resumes
playback at the current position when you press any of the keys again. This
way, you can gate the playback of the phrase.


Program Tree
Importing Sliced Loops
Trigger Mode
Determines at which moment the arpeggiator scans for new notes that you play
on the keyboard.

If Immediately is selected, the arpeggiator scans for new notes all the
time. The phrase changes immediately in reaction to your playing.


If Next Beat is selected, the arpeggiator scans for new notes at every new
beat. The phrase changes in reaction to your playing on each new beat.


If Next Measure is selected, the arpeggiator scans for new notes at the
start of new measures. The phrase changes in reaction to your playing on
each new measure.

Restart Mode

Off plays the loop continuously and does not restart upon note changes.


First Note restarts the loop when a note is triggered and no other notes are
already held.


Each Note restarts the loop each time that a note is triggered.


Sync to Host aligns the loop with the beats and measures of your host
application each time that you start the transport.

RstVar (Restart on Variation Change)
If this button is activated, changing a variation restarts the slice player, even if no
new notes were triggered.
If Sync is activated, this option is not available.
Allows you to shift the start of the loop in steps of 1/4 notes. The length of the
loop is shortened accordingly.
Allows you to shorten the length of the loop in steps of 1/4 notes.
The control range of the parameters Start and Length varies, depending on the
original length of the loop.
If Sync is deactivated, you can use the Tempo control to set the internal playback
speed of the slice player. The playback speed of the phrase is specified in BPM.
Tempo Scale
Defines the rate at which notes are triggered, that is, the speed at which the
phrase is running. In addition to the Tempo parameter, this gives you further
control over the playback speed. You can specify a value in fractions of beats. You
can also set dotted and triplet note values.


Program Tree
Selections in the Program Tree
Shifts the timing of notes on even-numbered beats. This way, the phrase gets
a swing feeling. Negative values shift the timing backward, and the notes are
played earlier. Positive values shift the timing forward, and the notes are played
Gate Scale
Allows you to shorten or lengthen the notes of the phrase. At a value of 100 %,
the notes play with their original gate length.
Gate Scale has no effect on samples that are played in One Shot mode. They
always sound until the end.
Allows you to set up a quantization grid, in fractions of beats. You can also specify
dotted and triplet values. This way, you can force the timing of the slices to play
back only at the selected note value.
Defines how much of the quantization grid is applied. A value of 100 % means the
slices play back only at the specified Quantize note value. Lower values move the
notes only partially towards the next Quantize note value. With a value of 0 %, no
quantization is applied.
Key Follow
Allows you to adjust the pitch modulation by note number. Set this parameter to
positive values to raise the pitch with notes above the center key. Use negative
values to lower the pitch with notes above the center key. At +100 %, the pitch
follows the played note exactly.
This parameter is limited to the keys that trigger the entire loop. It does not affect
the keys that play the single slices.
Center Key
This parameter determines the MIDI note that is used as the central position for
the Key Follow function.

Selections in the Program Tree
The selection in the Program Tree defines which part of the program can be edited in
All editors in HALion reflect the selection in the Program Tree and display the available
parameters. The name of the selected entry is marked in blue. If several elements are
selected, the one with the focus is available for editing. It is indicated by an orange frame
around its name.

To select an element, click on it.


Program Tree
Navigating in the Program Tree

To select a range of elements, use Shift or Ctrl/Cmd.


To select all zones within a layer, double-click one of the zones.


To select all elements of a layer, double-click the layer.

Navigating in the Program Tree
If the Program Tree has the window focus, you can use the arrow keys for navigating
between the elements.

If a single entry is selected, use the up and down arrow keys to select the previous or
next entry.


To open or close a selected layer, use the right or left arrow key.


To expand the selection, use the up/down arrow keys while holding Shift.


If multiple entries are selected, use the up and down arrow keys to set the focus to the
previous or next selected entry.


If the Program Tree does not have the window focus, you can use the keys W, A, D, and
X to navigate in it: To select the previous or next element, press W or X, and to open or
close the focused layer, press D or A, respectively.


If you are working with several separate windows that contain a Program Tree, the key
commands are applied to the window that has the focus, provided that its lock icon is

Locking Windows on page 13

Sorting the Program Tree Elements
You can change the sorting order of layers and zones using the Sorting Options submenu on
the column context menu or manually via drag and drop.

Sorting the Columns
The layers and zones in the Program Tree can be sorted according to columns. The triangle
in the header of a column indicates that the sorting via this column is active.

To activate the sorting for a column, click its header.


To change the sorting between ascending and descending order, click the header


To deactivate the sorting via the column, click a third time.

Sorting the Name Column
By default, the Name column is sorted in alphabetical order. However, you can change the
sorting according to pitch, velocity, or root key.


Program Tree
Setting Up the Program in the Program Tree

To change the sorting, open the context menu, select Sorting Options and select an

Changing the Sorting Order Manually
If the column sorting is not activated for a column, you can change the order of elements, for
example, of imported samples, manually using drag and drop.

Transferring the Current Sorting to the Manual Sorting
If sorting by column is activated, you can transfer this sorting order to the manual sorting
order of the zones. This can be useful if zones are not displayed in the order that you want to
work with, for example, after importing samples.
By transferring the current sorting to the manual sorting, you can apply your manual sorting
permanently for the zone:

Select the program or the layer that contains the zones that you want to sort
differently. To change the sorting order of all zones, select the program.


Click the header of the column according to which you want to sort. Click again to
switch between ascending and descending order.


On the context menu of the column header, open the Sorting Options submenu and
select Transfer Current to Manual Sorting.


To return to the manual sorting order, deactivate the sorting via column.

Transfer Current to Manual Sorting can only be used to change the sorting of the zones
inside the selected program or layer.

Setting Up the Program in the Program Tree
You can set up a program by adding elements such as modules, layers, or zones, and by
structuring them in the Program Tree.

To add elements to the program, use the buttons on the toolbar, or open the context
menu and select the element that you want to add from the New submenu.


To rearrange the program structure, drag the elements to a new position in the tree.
To drag an element to another hierarchical level in the program, drag it onto the
topmost element of this level.
The order of MIDI modules and insert effects determines the order of the processing.
The topmost element is processed first, the lowest last.


To move or copy elements, open the context menu and use the Cut, Copy, and Paste
You can also copy or move the selection from one program to another.
You can move a complete program into another one. In this case the moved program
becomes a layer inside the target program.


Program Tree
Renaming Elements

Renaming Elements
If you create a new element in the Program Tree, it gets a generic name. You can change this
name in the following ways:

Select an element, click it a second time, and enter a new name.


Select an element, press F2 (Win) or Return (Mac), and enter a new name.

Search and Rename Dialog
You can perform a search and rename operation on selected or all elements in the Program

To open the Search and Rename dialog, right-click anywhere in the Program Tree and
select Search and Rename.

Search Text Field
Here, you enter the word or phrase that you want to search for.
Match Case
Activate this option to perform a case-sensitive text search.
Search Up
If this option is activated, the search is performed on the elements that are
higher-up in the Program Tree hierarchy.
Search in Selection
If this option is activated, the search is performed only on the elements that are
selected in the Program Tree.
Replace by
Here, you enter the word or phrase that you want to replace the searched text

Renaming Multiple Elements
You can search for words and phrases in the Program Tree and rename them.

In the Program Tree, select the element that you want to rename. If nothing is
selected, the search is performed on the entire program.


Open the context menu and select Search and Rename.


Program Tree
Renaming Elements

Enter the word or phrase that you want to search for.
You can enter the entire word or phrase you are searching for, or you can use


Set up the search options to refine your search.
You can specify the search direction or only search the selected elements, for example.


Enter the text to replace the found words or phrases.
You can also use text variables.


Click the Find button to go to the next matching element in the Program Tree. Click
the Rename button to rename the current element and to jump to the next match.
Click Rename All to automatically rename all matching elements.

Variables That Can Be Used for Renaming
Instead of entering the text to replace manually, you can also use the variables on the
Replace by pop-up menu.

Sample File $(Sample)
The file name of the original sample.
Sample Folder $(SampleFolder)
The name of the folder where the sample is located.
Zone Name $(Zone)
The name of the zone.
Layer Name $(Layer)
The name of the layer.
Program Name $(Program)
The name of the program.
Key Low Number $(KeyLow)
The MIDI note number of the lower limit of the key range.


Program Tree
Renaming Elements
Key High Number $(KeyHigh)
The MIDI note number of the upper limit of the key range.
Key Low Text $(KeyLowText)
The note name of the lower limit of the key range.
Key High Text $(KeyHighText)
The note name of the upper limit of the key range.
Velocity Low $(VelLow)
The number of the lower limit of the velocity range.
Velocity High $(VelHigh)
The number of the upper limit of the velocity range.
Root Key Number $(RootKey)
The MIDI note number of the root key.
Root Key Text $(RootKeyText)
The name of the root key.
Date $(Date)
The system date (in the format yymmdd).
Time $(Time)
The system time (in the format hhmm).
Counter $(Counter)
A counter starting at 1, counting up for each replacement.
You can also use counter variables with up to 5 digits, where the counter starts
with 01, 001, etc. These are not available on the menu. To use them, enter
$(Counter2), $(Counter3), etc.
The variables $(Sample), $(SampleFolder), $(Zone), $(KeyLow), $(KeyHigh), $(KeyLowText),
$(KeyHighText), $(VelLow), $(VelHigh), $(RootKey), and $(RootKeyText) work only for zones.
If you try to use any of these variables for replacing text in a layer name, the matching text is
deleted. The variables $(Program), $(Layer), $(Date), $(Time) and $(Counter) always work.


Sample Recorder

The Sample Recorder allows for live sampling in HALion. You can sample the sounds of
another plug-in and map them to the keyboard, reduce CPU load by creating one sample
from an audio event that contains fades, processing, etc., or quickly create sounds from
events in your sequencer projects and edit them further in HALion, for example.

The Sample Recorder is available once for a HALion instance.

Waveform Display
During recording, the sample display shows the waveform. When recording is stopped, it
shows the sample zone that was created. If nothing has been recorded yet, the waveform
display shows the waveform of the sample zone that is selected in the Program Tree.


Sample Recorder

The ruler above the display can be switched between Beats, Seconds, and Samples.

Input Monitoring
The Sample Recorder can play back the input signal. The input monitoring controls are
located on the right below the waveform display. Activate Enable Input Monitoring to hear
the signal at the input of the Sample Recorder and specify the routing and the level for
This is useful if you have routed an audio track from the DAW to HALion’s side-chain input. In
this case, the signal of the track is no longer sent to the master bus of your sequencer and
cannot be heard.
When you are routing a send from a track in the DAW to HALion’s side-chain input, the
original track remains audible and you can deactivate Monitor Input.

Main Tab
Record/Record Enable
The behavior of this button depends on the Start setting in the Trigger section.

In Manual mode, this button starts/stops recording.


In the Audio Threshold, MIDI Note-On, and MIDI Note-Off modes, this
button record-enables the Sample Recorder. This means that recording
starts as soon as the audio signal exceeds the threshold or a MIDI note-on
or note-off event is received.

The Sample Recorder always records the sample for the selected program or
layer. Every recording creates a new sample zone.
The behavior of this button depends on the Start setting in the Trigger section.

In Manual mode, the Play/Stop button starts/stops playback of the
recorded sample.


In the Audio Threshold, MIDI Note-On, and MIDI Note-Off modes, the Play/
Stop button starts/stops recording.

Reset Recording
Removes any recorded audio, allowing you to start over.
Input Source
Allows you to select the source from which to record. You can use HALion’s sidechain input, the output of one of the slots in HALion or one of the plug-in outputs.
Only the available options are shown on the menu, that is, outputs for empty slots
or plug-in outputs that have not been activated are not shown.


Sample Recorder

Input Gain
Adjusts the input level for the recording.
Sample Mode
Determines whether you can make a single recording or record multiple

In Single mode, you can only record one sample.


In Auto-Next mode, you can record multiple samples in a row. This is
particularly useful when working with the Audio Threshold, MIDI NoteOn, and MIDI Note-Off modes. Every time that a sample is recorded, the
Sample Recorder reverts to its record-enabled state and starts recording
again as soon as the condition that triggers recording is met.

Destination Layer
This field displays the name of the layer into which the sample zone is recorded.
Allows you to switch the layer, even if Record Enable is active.
To switch to another layer, select it in the Program Tree and click Set.
When you record multiple samples, you can specify how they are mapped to the

As played can be used when the recording start is triggered by MIDI notes.
The played notes determine the root key of the sample.


Fixed maps all samples to the key that is specified in the Key text field.


Chromatic maps the samples chromatically to the keys on the keyboard,
starting with the key that is specified in the Key text field.


White Keys maps the samples to the white keys on the keyboard, starting
with the key that is specified in the Key text field.


Black Keys maps the samples to the black keys on the keyboard, starting
with the key that is specified in the Key text field.

Specifies the initial key or the fixed key for the sample mapping, depending on the
selection you made on the Mapping pop-up menu.
Fill Gaps
Allows you to automatically map samples so that they are distributed over the
keyboard. The available key range is from C-2 to G8.

If Off is selected, the sample zone is mapped only to the root key of the


If Fill Centered is selected, the mapping of the sample zones is extended
upwards and downwards halfway towards the adjacent sample zone. The
mapping spans the entire keyboard range.


If Fill Up is selected, the mapping of the sample zones is extended upwards
until the next sample zone is reached.


Sample Recorder


If Fill Down is selected, the mapping of the sample zones is extended
downwards until the next sample zone is reached.

Pre/Post Record
Allows you to start the recording slightly ahead or let it continue for a bit after the
recording stop trigger is received. This way, you can capture transients or reverb
tails that are slightly lower than the set threshold, or perform fine-adjustments
of the start and end regions of the sample at a later stage, for example.

Full Range – If this option is activated, the pre- and post-record portions of
the recording span the entire sample range.


Pre sets the time that is recorded before the recording is triggered. The
sample start marker of the zone is set to the exact trigger moment. The
pre-record time can then be used to adjust the start of the sample.


Post sets the time that is recorded after the trigger event has stopped the
recording. The sample end marker of the zone is set to the exact trigger
moment. The post-record time can then be used to adjust the end of the
When you record multiple samples, Post-Record is automatically stopped
50 ms after a new sample recording has started, to avoid overlapping

Trigger – Start
Determines what starts the recording.

If Manual is selected, recording starts when you click the Record/Record
Enable button.


If Audio Threshold is selected, recording starts as soon as the audio signal
exceeds the specified threshold.


If MIDI Note-On is selected, recording starts when a MIDI note-on event is
received on the specified channel and port.


If MIDI Note-Off is selected, recording starts when a MIDI note-off event is
received on the specified channel and port.

Trigger – Stop
Determines what stops the recording.

If Manual is selected, recording stops when you click the Record/Record
Enable button.


If Audio Threshold is selected, recording stops as soon as the audio signal
falls below the specified threshold.


If MIDI Note-Off is selected, the following applies:
If Trigger – Start is set to MIDI Note-On, recording stops when the
corresponding MIDI note-off is received on the specified channel and port.
Only this specific note-off event stops the recording. Any other MIDI notes
can be played and the resulting audio will be recorded.


Sample Recorder

If Trigger – Start is not set to MIDI Note-On, recording stops when a MIDI
note-off event is received on the specified port.

If MIDI Note-On is selected, recording stops when a MIDI note-on event is
received on the specified channel and port.
Any note that is sent on the specified channel and port stops the recording.


Fixed Duration allows you to specify the duration for the recording, either
as absolute recording time or as recording time in beats, in sync to the
project tempo.

Options Tab

On the Options tab, you can specify the sample format and the location for the recorded
samples. Furthermore, you can define a naming scheme and make playback settings for the
created sample zones.

File Settings

As Source adapts the number of channels automatically to the number of
channels of the source.


Mono records mono samples.

Sample Rate
Specifies the sample rate for recorded samples. You can choose between a
selection of predefined sample rates or use the sample rate that is used in the
project of your host application.
Bit Depth
Specifies the bit depth for the recorded samples.
Specifies the file format for the recorded samples.
Activate this button to record the sample files into the current project folder of
the Steinberg DAW.


Sample Recorder

Record Folder
Allows you to specify the destination folder for the recorded sample files. If the
Project button is activated, you can define a subfolder or path inside the project
Naming Scheme
Allows you to set up a naming scheme for the recorded samples. The file name
can be a combination of a text and a selection of predefined elements.

You can enter the text for the file name in the text field.


To add one of the predefined elements to the naming scheme, click the
triangle to the left and select it from the pop-up menu.


You can modify the naming scheme by cutting, copying, and pasting in the
text field.

The resulting name is displayed as an example above the text field.
To avoid duplicate file names, a continuous counter is automatically added to the
file name.

Zone Settings
Zone Template
Allows you to select a zone template that is used to create new sample zones.
Playback Mode
Specifies how the zone is played back.

In Normal mode, the sample starts playing when a key is triggered and
stops when the key is released.


In One Shot mode, the sample is played back in its entirety, any note-off
events are ignored.


In Loop mode, the sample is played back in a loop. The loop is set up so
that loop start and end correspond to the start and end of the sample.

Auto Trim
Zero Crossing moves the sample start and end markers automatically to the
nearest zero crossing before the start and after the end of the recording.
Silence automatically removes any silence before the audio starts and after it
ends. The sample start and end markers are set accordingly.
Manual Recording
If you set Auto Trim to Off, manually start recording, and play a note on your instrument, the
recording contains silence before and after the recorded audio. This means that you must
adjust the sample start and end markers manually.


Sample Recorder
Recording From an Audio Track With Multiple Drum Sounds
If you activate Auto Trim, the sample start and end markers are automatically set to
positions directly before the start and after the end of the audio.
Recording With an Audio Threshold and Pre/Post Record
Set Auto Trim to Off, specify an audio threshold for both the start and the stop trigger for the
recording, and activate and set up Pre/Post Record. Now, click the Record/Record Enable
button to enable recording and play a note on your instrument.
As soon as the signal exceeds the Start threshold, recording starts and when the audio level
falls below the Stop threshold, it ends.
The resulting recording contains silence before and after the audio recording. This means
that you must adjust the sample start and end markers manually.
If you activate Auto Trim, and repeat the same procedure, the sample start and end markers
are automatically moved into the pre and post record range to match the effective start and
end of the audio when the recording is finished.
Auto Trim only affects the sample start and end markers and leaves the audio file as it is,
including the pre and post-record time.
Auto Normalize
Allows you to normalize the audio of the recorded sample to the specified level.
This operation is non-destructive and only affects the Gain parameter of the

Recording From an Audio Track With Multiple Drum Sounds
Recording audio from a track in the Steinberg DAW allows you to save any processing, fades,
etc. directly in the audio event.

In HALion, select the program for which you want to record the samples.


Open the Sample Recorder.


In the plug-in header of HALion, activate the Activate Side-Chain button.


On the Input Source pop-up menu, select Input.


In the DAW, route the output of the audio track to the side-chain input of HALion.
Alternatively, you can also add a send on the mixer channel of the audio track and
route it to the side-chain input of HALion.


In the Trigger section of the Sample Recorder, set Start and Stop to Audio Threshold
and specify the threshold levels.


Set the Sample Mode to Auto Next to create multiple sample recordings.


Set Mapping to Chromatic to map the zones automatically to the keys on the keyboard.


Click the Record/Record Enable button to enable recording.


Sample Recorder
Recording the Output of Another Plug-In

In the Steinberg DAW, play back the audio track.
As soon as the audio signal exceeds the Start threshold, the first sample recording
starts. When the audio level falls below the Stop threshold, recording ends and the
sample zone is created. The Sample Recorder automatically reverts to its recordenabled state and starts recording again as soon as the signal exceeds the threshold.

HALion creates a sample zone for each audio event on the track.

Recording the Output of Another Plug-In
Recording the output of another plug-in allows you to save the sounds that you created with
other plug-ins, software or hardware, exactly the way that you set them up. This can be
particularly useful if a plug-in does not allow you to create presets, for example.
You have added two tracks in the Steinberg DAW, one for the plug-in from which you want to
record, and one for HALion.

In HALion, select the program for which you want to record the samples.


Open the Sample Recorder.


In the plug-in header of HALion, activate the Activate Side-Chain button.


Set the Input Source pop-up menu to Input.


Route the output of the instrument track to the side-chain input of HALion.
Alternatively, you can also add a send on the mixer channel of the instrument track
and route it to the side-chain input of HALion.


In HALion, in the Trigger section, set Start to MIDI Note-On and use the Port pop-up
menu to specify a MIDI port and channel for the recording.


In the Trigger section, set Stop to MIDI Note-Off.


Set Sample Mode to Auto Next to create multiple sample recordings.


Set Mapping to As Played to map the zones automatically to the keys that correspond
to the notes on the instrument track.


Copy the note events of the plug-in track to the HALion track, so that they both receive
the same MIDI notes.


Click the Record/Record Enable button to enable recording.


Start playback in the DAW.
As soon as the first note-on message is received, recording starts. When the note is
released, recording stops. The Sample Recorder automatically reverts to its recordenabled state and starts recording again as soon as the next note is received.
You can also record samples by playing the notes manually. In this case, proceed as
described above, activate the Record-Enable and Monitor buttons for the plug-in track


Sample Recorder
Recording Samples in the Standalone Version
and the HALion track, so that you can trigger both tracks at the same time and then
play the notes on your keyboard.
HALion creates a sample zone for each MIDI note that is played.

Recording Samples in the Standalone Version
In the standalone version of HALion, you can create samples by recording the audio input of
the plug-in.

Open the Preferences dialog, select the Input Routing tab and select the audio inputs
of your hardware for Input 1 and Input 2 and click OK to close the dialog.


In the Slot Rack, select the program for which you want to record the samples.


Open the Sample Recorder, and make the following settings:

Set the Input Source pop-up menu to Input.


In the Trigger section, set Start and Stop to Audio Threshold and specify the
threshold levels.


Set Sample Mode to Auto Next to create multiple sample recordings.


Set Mapping to Chromatic to map the zones automatically to the keys on the


Click the Record/Record Enable button to enable recording.


Now play your guitar, or record various drum sounds, for example.


When you are done, click the Record/Record Enable button again to deactivate recordenable.

As soon as the signal exceeds the Start threshold, recording starts and when the audio level
falls below the Stop threshold, it ends.
You can also record from an external MIDI keyboard and make use of the MIDI Note-On, MIDI
Note-Off, Recording Start Trigger and Recording Stop Trigger functions. In this case, make
sure that the MIDI notes that you play on the keyboard are also received by HALion.
Preferences Dialog on page 542


Included Instruments

HALion comes with a factory library containing powerful instruments. For each instrument,
an intuitive macro page is available, offering a rich palette of presets.

The Auron synth uses granular synthesis with up to 8 grain streams to produce oscillator
waveforms. With the integrated arpeggiator and step sequencer, you can create anything
from sequencer lines to stepped chords.

The granular oscillator is followed by a multi-mode filter that offers a large number of
different filter shapes. The filter can be modulated by modulation sources like the keyboard,
velocity, and LFO, but also by the controller lanes of the step sequencer, for example.
Auron includes 2 LFOs for pitch, grain position, formant, and duration as well as filter
modulations. The first LFO can be synchronized to the tempo of the host application and
allows for modulations of grain position, formant and duration, as well as filter cutoff. The
second LFO is controlled by the modulation wheel and is used to create a vibrato.
For the grain synthesizer, three pages are available: Osc, Mod, and Voice. To open a page,
click the corresponding button in the upper left of the Auron panel.

Selecting Samples


Included Instruments
You can select samples on the sample selector that is opened by clicking the little triangle in
the upper left of the page.

Osc Page
On this page, you can make settings for the grain oscillator.
You can set the playback position of the grains manually. For example, at a
setting of 50 %, the playback position is in the middle of the sample. The playback
position is updated with every new grain.
Random Position
Selects a random playback position within a specific range around the current
position. At a setting of 100 %, the playback position jumps to a random position
between the start and the end of the sample.
Increases the grain period by a factor ranging from 1 to 1000.
For very short grains, the sound gets the pitch of the frequency at which the
grains repeat. For grains longer than 30 ms, the sound gets the pitch of the
original sample.
Random Duration
Sets the random grain duration. This duration is calculated at the start of a new
Duration Key Follow
Determines how the grain duration changes with the notes you play. It is mostly
used with short durations. Longer durations sound with the original pitch of the
sample and therefore do not need to follow the keyboard.
Allows you to specify an interval between -12 and +12 semitones. The grains are
played randomly at their original pitch, or are transposed according to the pitch
interval. This parameter is suited for longer grain durations.
Random Pitch
Sets the random pitch range in semitones and cents. At a setting of +12, the
random pitch values lie between -12 and +12 semitones. This parameter can be
used to enrich the sound.
Adjusts the overall level of the grain oscillator. When you increase the number
of grains, it might become necessary to lower the oscillator level. When you play
back a very quiet portion of a sample, you can use this control to raise the level.
Random Level
Sets a random level for each new grain. At a setting of 100 %, the level varies
between a factor of 0 and 2 of the original level.


Included Instruments
Narrows the stereo width of the grain oscillator. It is applied after the grain
oscillator and does not affect the stereo width of the actual sample. At a setting
of 0 %, the output of the grain oscillator is monophonic.
Auto Gain
Allows you to automatically adjust the level of grains using quieter sample parts.
This way, you get a more homogeneous signal and you can use a quiet part of a
sample as source.
Allows you to specify the number of grains, from 1 to 8. For example, with a
setting of 4, you get 4 grains per period of the grain duration.
To hear the effect of this setting, you have to play a new note.

Mod Page
The Mod page contains the LFO settings in the upper section and the mod wheel, or vibrato,
settings in the lower section.

LFO Settings

LFO Waveform and Shape

Sine produces smooth modulation, suitable for vibrato or tremolo. Shape
adds additional harmonics to the waveform.


Triangle is similar to Sine. Shape continuously changes the triangle
waveform to a trapezoid.


Saw produces a ramp cycle. Shape continuously changes the waveform
from ramp down to triangle to ramp up.


Pulse produces stepped modulation, where the modulation switches
abruptly between two values. Shape continuously changes the ratio
between the high and low state of the waveform. If Shape is set to 50 %, a
square wave is produced.


Ramp is similar to the Saw waveform. Shape increasingly puts silence
before the sawtooth ramp up begins.


Log produces a logarithmic modulation. Shape continuously changes the
logarithmic curvature from negative to positive.


S & H 1 produces randomly stepped modulation, where each step is
different. Shape puts ramps between the steps and changes the S & H into
a smooth random signal when fully turned right.


S & H 2 is similar to S & H 1. The steps alternate between random high and
low values. Shape puts ramps between the steps and changes the S & H
into a smooth random signal when fully turned right.


Included Instruments
Controls the frequency of the modulation, that is, the speed of the LFO.
If Sync is activated, the frequency is set in fractions of beats.
Controls the modulation depth of the grain position modulation.
Controls the modulation depth of the grain formant modulation.
Controls the modulation depth of the grain duration modulation.
Controls the modulation depth of the filter cutoff modulation.

Mod Wheel Settings

Vib Freq
Controls the frequency of the second LFO that is used for pitch modulation
Vib Depth
Controls the depth of the pitch modulation (vibrato).
Controls the influence of the mod wheel on the grain position.
Controls the influence of the mod wheel on the grain formant.
Controls the influence of the mod wheel on the grain duration.
Controls the influence of the mod wheel on the filter cutoff.


Included Instruments

Voice Page

If Mono mode is deactivated, you can use this parameter to specify how many
notes can be played simultaneously.
Adjusts the pitch in octave steps.
Adjusts the pitch in semitone steps.
Allows you to fine-tune the pitch in cent steps.
Fixed Pitch
Activate this option if you do not want the sample to be transposed over the
keyboard. If you work with short grain durations and Duration Key Follow is
activated on the Osc page, the pitch of the played key still follows the keyboard,
and only the frequency response changes.
Pitchbend Up/Pitchbend Down
Determines the range for the modulation that is applied when you move the
pitchbend wheel.
Allows you to bend the pitch between notes that follow each other. You achieve
the best results in Mono mode.
Glide Time
Sets the glide time, that is, the time it takes to bend the pitch from one note to
the next.
Activate this parameter to glide the pitch only between notes that are played
Activates monophonic playback.
If this option is activated, a note that was stolen is retriggered if you still hold the
stolen note when releasing the newer note. This lets you play trills by holding


Included Instruments
one note and quickly and repeatedly pressing and releasing another note, for
Trigger Mode
Defines the trigger behavior for new notes.

Normal triggers a new note when the previous note gets stolen. The
sample and the envelope of the new note are triggered from the start.
To minimize discontinuities, use the Fade Out parameter of the zone.


Resume does not always trigger a new note.
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope is retriggered, but
resumes at the level of the stolen note. The pitch of the zone is set to the
new note.
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.


Legato does not always trigger a new note.
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope keeps running.
The pitch of the zone is set to the new note.
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.


Resume Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope resumes at the level of the stolen note and the pitch of the zone is
set to the new note, even if the new note plays in a different zone.


Legato Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope keeps running and the pitch of the zone is set to the new note,
even if the new note plays in a different zone.

If Resume or Legato are selected, you might hear an unnatural attack, depending
on the sample. To avoid this, activate Use Start Range on the Glide tab in the
Voice Control section for the zone.

Filter Section
Filter Shape

LP24, 18, 12, and 6 are low-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12 and BP24 are band-pass filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
below and above the cutoff are attenuated.


HP6+LP18 and HP6+LP12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct and a low-pass filter with 18 and 12 dB/oct, respectively (asymmetric
band-pass filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated.
Attenuation is more pronounced for the frequencies above the cutoff.


HP12+LP6 and HP18+LP6 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 12
and 18 dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 dB/oct (asymmetric band-pass
filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated. Attenuation
is more pronounced for the frequencies below the cutoff.


Included Instruments

HP24, 18, 12, and 6 are high-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies below the cutoff are attenuated.


BR12 and BR24 are band-reject filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
around the cutoff are attenuated.


BR12+LP6 and BR12+LP12 are combinations of a band-reject filter with 12
dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 and 12 dB/oct, respectively. Frequencies
around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12+BR12 is a band-pass filter with 12 dB/oct plus a band-reject filter
with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below, above, and around the cutoff are


HP6+BR12 and HP12+BR12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6
and 12 dB/oct and a band-reject filter with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below
and around the cutoff are attenuated.


AP is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct. Frequencies around the cutoff are


AP+LP6 is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct plus a low-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct. Frequencies around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


HP6+AP is a high-pass filter with 6 dB/oct plus an all-pass filter with 18
dB/oct. Frequencies around and below the cutoff are attenuated.

Controls the cutoff frequency of the filter.
Emphasizes the frequencies around the cutoff. At higher settings, the filter selfoscillates, which results in a ringing tone.
Adds distortion to the signal. The following distortion types are available:

Tube adds warm, tube-like distortion.


Hard Clip adds bright, transistor-like distortion.


Bit Reduction adds digital distortion by means of quantization noise.


Rate Reduction adds digital distortion by means of aliasing.


Rate Reduction Key Follow adds digital distortion by means of aliasing, but
with Key Follow. The rate reduction follows the keyboard, so the higher you
play, the higher the sample rate.

Envelope Amount
Controls the cutoff modulation from the filter envelope.
Cutoff Velocity
Controls the cutoff modulation from velocity.
Cutoff Key Follow
Adjusts the cutoff modulation using the note number. Increase this parameter
to raise the cutoff with higher notes. At 100 %, the cutoff follows the played pitch


Included Instruments

Filter Envelope Section
Controls the attack time of the filter envelope.
Controls the decay time of the filter envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the filter envelope.
Controls the release time of the filter envelope.

Amplifier Section
Controls the overall volume of the sound.
Controls the level modulation from velocity. At 0, all notes are played with the
same level.

Amplifier Envelope Section
Controls the attack time of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the decay time of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the release time of the amplifier envelope.


Included Instruments

Arp Page
This page contains the same parameters as the FlexPhraser.

FlexPhraser on page 483

Trium was designed to create modern and rich sounds. It comes with 3 oscillators, a sub
oscillator, a ring modulator, and a noise generator. With the integrated arpeggiator and step
sequencer, you can create anything from sequencer lines to stepped chords.

The oscillators are followed by a multi-mode filter that offers a large number of different
filter shapes. The filter can be modulated using modulation sources like the keyboard,
velocity, and LFO, but also by the controller lanes of the step sequencer, for example.
Trium includes two LFOs for pitch, PWM, and filter modulations. The first LFO can be
synchronized to the tempo of the host application and allows for filter cutoff, pitch, and
waveform modulation of the three main oscillators. The second LFO is controlled by the
modulation wheel and is used to create a vibrato.


Included Instruments

Osc Page
The Osc page contains the parameters for the three main oscillators.

To activate an oscillator, click its On/Off button.

OSC 1/2/3 Type
The oscillator type defines the basic sound character of the oscillator. This popup menu lists the waveforms (sine, triangle, saw, or square), followed by the
algorithm (PWM, Sync, CM, or XOR). The combination of waveform and algorithm
controls the sound of the oscillator.
The following algorithms are available:

PWM (pulse width modulation) is only supported by the square waveform.
The Waveform parameter sets the ratio between the high and low value
of the square wave. A setting of 50 % produces a pure square wave. With
settings below or above 50 %, the oscillator produces rectangular waves.


Sync provides different hard-sync oscillators, where each is a combination
of a master and slave oscillator. The wave shape of the slave oscillator
(sine, triangle, saw, or square) is reset with each full wave cycle of the
master oscillator. This means that a single oscillator can produce a
rich sync-sound without using other oscillators as slave or master. The
Waveform parameter adjusts the pitch of the slave oscillator, producing the
typical sync sound.


CM (cross modulation) provides a combination of two oscillators where
a master oscillator is modulating the pitch of a slave oscillator (sine,
triangle, saw, or square) at the rate of the audio sample. The Waveform
parameter adjusts the pitch ratio between slave and master oscillator,
resulting in a sound close to frequency modulation.


XOR (exclusive OR) compares two square waveforms with an XOR
operation. Depending on the outcome of the XOR operation, the waveform
shape of a third oscillator (sine, triangle, saw, or square) is reset. The
Waveform parameter adjusts the pitch ratio of the square oscillators
resulting in a sound close to ring modulation of the third oscillator.

Adjusts the output level of the oscillator.
Modifies the sound of the oscillator algorithm. Its effect depends on the selected
oscillator type.
This parameter is only available for oscillator types that allow waveform
Filter Envelope
Determines how much the modulation of the filter envelope influences the
oscillator waveform.


Included Instruments
This parameter is only available for oscillator types that allow waveform
These parameters allow you to adjust the pitch in octave, semitone, and cent
Multi Oscillator Number, Detune, and Spread
Each of the main oscillators offers these multi-oscillator functions. They allow
you to create a richer sound by producing up to eight oscillators simultaneously.

Number determines the number of oscillators that play back
simultaneously. You can also set fractions of numbers. For example, with
a setting of 2.5, you hear two oscillators at full level and a third one at half


Detune detunes the oscillators.


Spread narrows or widens the stereo panorama. With a setting of 0 %, you
create a mono signal, and with 100 %, you create a stereo signal.

Sub Page
The Sub page contains the parameters for the sub oscillator, the ring modulator, and the
noise generator.

Activate the sub oscillator, the ring modulator, and the noise generator by clicking their On/
Off buttons.
Deactivate the sub oscillator, the ring modulator, and the noise generator if they are not
needed, because they use CPU cycles even if they are not heard, such as in a situation where
the level is set to 0 %.

Sub Oscillator
The pitch of the sub oscillator is always one octave lower than the overall pitch. The overall
pitch is determined by the Octave setting.
Activates/Deactivates the sub oscillator.


Included Instruments
The wave shape of the sub oscillator. You can choose between Sine, Triangle,
Saw, Square, Pulse Wide, and Pulse Narrow.
Adjusts the output level of the sub oscillator.

Ring Modulator
Ring modulation produces sums and differences between the frequencies of two signals.
Ring Modulation Source 1/Ring Modulation Source 2
Determines the sources to be ring modulated. You can select OSC 1 or Sub as
Source 1, and OSC 2 or OSC 3 as Source 2.
Make sure that the corresponding oscillators are activated when you select them.
Otherwise, no sound is heard.
Ring Modulation Level
Adjusts the output level of the ring modulation.

Noise Generator
The Noise parameter is used for non-pitched sounds. In addition to standard white and pink
noise, there are also band-pass filtered versions of white and pink noise.
Noise Type
The sound color of the noise. You can choose between standard and band-pass
filtered (BPF) versions of white and pink noise.
Noise Level
Adjusts the output level of the noise generator.

Voice Parameters
On the right, the voice parameters are available.
If Mono mode is deactivated, you can use this parameter to specify how many
notes can be played simultaneously.
Adjusts the pitch in octave steps.
Pitchbend Up/Pitchbend Down
Determines the range for the modulation that is applied when you move the
pitchbend wheel.


Included Instruments
Allows you to bend the pitch between notes that follow each other. You achieve
the best results in Mono mode.
Glide Time
Sets the glide time, that is, the time it takes to bend the pitch from one note to
the next.
Activate this parameter to glide the pitch only between notes that are played
Activates monophonic playback.
If this option is activated, a note that was stolen is retriggered if you still hold the
stolen note when releasing the newer note. This lets you play trills by holding
one note and quickly and repeatedly pressing and releasing another note, for
Trigger Mode
Defines the trigger behavior for new notes.

Normal triggers a new note when the previous note gets stolen. The
sample and the envelope of the new note are triggered from the start.
To minimize discontinuities, use the Fade Out parameter of the zone.


Resume does not always trigger a new note.
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope is retriggered, but
resumes at the level of the stolen note. The pitch of the zone is set to the
new note.
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.


Legato does not always trigger a new note.
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope keeps running.
The pitch of the zone is set to the new note.
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.


Resume Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope resumes at the level of the stolen note and the pitch of the zone is
set to the new note, even if the new note plays in a different zone.


Legato Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope keeps running and the pitch of the zone is set to the new note,
even if the new note plays in a different zone.


Included Instruments
If Resume or Legato are selected, you might hear an unnatural attack, depending
on the sample. To avoid this, activate Use Start Range on the Glide tab in the
Voice Control section for the zone.

Mod Page
The Mod page contains the LFO settings in the upper section and the mod wheel, or vibrato,
settings in the lower section.

LFO Settings
If Sync is activated, the frequency is set in fractions of beats.
Controls the frequency of the modulation, that is, the speed of the LFO.
Controls the modulation depth of the pitch modulation.
Controls the modulation depth of the filter cutoff modulation.
Osc1/2/3 Wave
These parameters control the modulation depth of the waveform modulation of
the three main oscillators.
These controls are only available if the selected oscillator type supports
waveform modulation.

Mod Wheel Settings
Vib Freq
Controls the frequency of the second LFO that is used for pitch modulation
Vib Depth
Controls the depth of the pitch modulation (vibrato).


Included Instruments
Controls the influence of the mod wheel on the filter cutoff.
Osc1/2/3 Wave
These parameters control the influence of the mod wheel on the waveform of the
three main oscillators.
These controls are only available if the selected oscillator type supports
waveform modulation.

Filter Section
Filter Shape

LP24, 18, 12, and 6 are low-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12 and BP24 are band-pass filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
below and above the cutoff are attenuated.


HP6+LP18 and HP6+LP12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct and a low-pass filter with 18 and 12 dB/oct, respectively (asymmetric
band-pass filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated.
Attenuation is more pronounced for the frequencies above the cutoff.


HP12+LP6 and HP18+LP6 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 12
and 18 dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 dB/oct (asymmetric band-pass
filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated. Attenuation
is more pronounced for the frequencies below the cutoff.


HP24, 18, 12, and 6 are high-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies below the cutoff are attenuated.


BR12 and BR24 are band-reject filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
around the cutoff are attenuated.


BR12+LP6 and BR12+LP12 are combinations of a band-reject filter with 12
dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 and 12 dB/oct, respectively. Frequencies
around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12+BR12 is a band-pass filter with 12 dB/oct plus a band-reject filter
with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below, above, and around the cutoff are


HP6+BR12 and HP12+BR12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6
and 12 dB/oct and a band-reject filter with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below
and around the cutoff are attenuated.


AP is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct. Frequencies around the cutoff are


AP+LP6 is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct plus a low-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct. Frequencies around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


HP6+AP is a high-pass filter with 6 dB/oct plus an all-pass filter with 18
dB/oct. Frequencies around and below the cutoff are attenuated.


Included Instruments
Controls the cutoff frequency of the filter.
Sets the filter resonance.
Adds distortion to the signal. The following distortion types are available:

Tube adds warm, tube-like distortion.


Hard Clip adds bright, transistor-like distortion.


Bit Reduction adds digital distortion by means of quantization noise.


Rate Reduction adds digital distortion by means of aliasing.


Rate Reduction Key Follow adds digital distortion by means of aliasing, but
with Key Follow. The rate reduction follows the keyboard, so the higher you
play, the higher the sample rate.

Envelope Amount
Controls the cutoff modulation from the filter envelope.
Cutoff Velocity
Controls the cutoff modulation from velocity.
Cutoff Key Follow
Adjusts the cutoff modulation using the note number. Increase this parameter
to raise the cutoff with higher notes. At 100 %, the cutoff follows the played pitch

Filter Envelope Section
Controls the attack time of the filter envelope.
Controls the decay time of the filter envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the filter envelope.
Controls the release time of the filter envelope.

Amplifier Section
Controls the overall volume of the sound.


Included Instruments
Controls the level modulation from velocity. At 0, all notes are played with the
same level.

Amplifier Envelope Section
Controls the attack time of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the decay time of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the release time of the amplifier envelope.

Arp Page
This page contains the same parameters as the FlexPhraser.

FlexPhraser on page 483

Voltage is a two-oscillator and noise synthesizer that can be used for synth basses, but it
also allows you to create any kind of classic monophonic and polyphonic synth sound. With


Included Instruments
the integrated arpeggiator and step sequencer, you can create anything from sequencer lines
to stepped chords.

The two oscillators and the noise generator are followed by a 24 dB low-pass filter. The filter
can be modulated using modulation sources like the keyboard, velocity, and LFO, but also by
the controller lanes of the step sequencer, for example. Voltage includes 2 LFOs for pitch,
PWM, and filter modulations. The first LFO can be synchronized to the tempo of the host
application and allows for filter and pitch modulation. The second LFO is controlled by the
modulation wheel and is used to create a vibrato.

Oscillator Section

Oscillator 1/2 Waveform
Sets the waveform for the oscillator. You can choose between saw, triangle, and
Oscillator 1/2 Level
Controls the level of the oscillators.
PWM (pulse width modulation) is only available for the square waveform. Activate
this option if you want to be able to let the LFO modulate the width of the wave.
Osc 2 Coarse
Detunes the second oscillator by +/-12 semitones.
Osc 2 Fine
Detunes the second oscillator by +/- 100 cents.


Included Instruments
Noise Type
The sound color of the noise. You can choose between standard and band-pass
filtered (BPF) versions of white and pink noise.
Controls the level of the noise generator.

Filter Section

Controls the cutoff frequency of the filter.
Emphasizes the frequencies around the cutoff. At higher settings, the filter selfoscillates, which results in a ringing tone.
Adds tube-like distortion to the signal.
Envelope Amount
Controls the cutoff modulation from the filter envelope.
Cutoff Velocity
Controls the cutoff modulation from velocity.
Cutoff Key Follow
Adjusts the cutoff modulation using the note number. Increase this parameter
to raise the cutoff with higher notes. At 100 %, the cutoff follows the played pitch

Amplifier Section

Controls the overall volume of the sound.


Included Instruments
Controls the level modulation from velocity. At 0, all notes are played with the
same level.

Voice Section

Adjusts the pitch in octave steps.
Pitchbend Up/Pitchbend Down
Determines the range for the modulation that is applied when you move the
pitchbend wheel.
Allows you to bend the pitch between notes that follow each other. You achieve
the best results in Mono mode.
Activate this parameter to glide the pitch only between notes that are played
Activates monophonic playback.
This option is only available in Mono mode. If Retrigger is activated, a note that
was stolen by another note is retriggered if you still hold the stolen note when
you release the new one.
This way, you can play trills by holding one note and quickly and repeatedly
pressing and releasing another note, for example.
Trigger Mode
Defines the trigger behavior for new notes.

Normal triggers a new note when the previous note gets stolen. The
sample and the envelope of the new note are triggered from the start.
To minimize discontinuities, use the Fade Out parameter of the zone.


Resume does not always trigger a new note.
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope is retriggered, but
resumes at the level of the stolen note. The pitch of the zone is set to the
new note.


Included Instruments
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.

Legato does not always trigger a new note.
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope keeps running.
The pitch of the zone is set to the new note.
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.


Resume Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope resumes at the level of the stolen note and the pitch of the zone is
set to the new note, even if the new note plays in a different zone.


Legato Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope keeps running and the pitch of the zone is set to the new note,
even if the new note plays in a different zone.

If Resume or Legato are selected, you might hear an unnatural attack, depending
on the sample. To avoid this, activate Use Start Range on the Glide tab in the
Voice Control section for the zone.

LFO Section

Controls the frequency of the modulation, that is, the speed of the LFO.
If Sync is activated, the frequency is set in fractions of beats.
Controls the modulation depth of the filter cutoff modulation.
Controls the modulation depth of the pitch modulation.
Controls the modulation depth of the pulse width modulation of the square


Included Instruments

Mod Wheel Section

Vib Freq
Controls the frequency of the second LFO that is used for pitch modulation
Controls the influence of the mod wheel on the filter cutoff.
Vib Depth
Controls the depth of the pitch modulation (vibrato).
Controls the influence of the mod wheel on the filter distortion.

Filter Envelope Section

Controls the attack time of the filter envelope.
Controls the decay time of the filter envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the filter envelope.
Controls the release time of the filter envelope.


Included Instruments
Model C

Amp Envelope Section

Controls the attack time of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the decay time of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the release time of the amplifier envelope.

Arp Page
This page contains the same parameters as the FlexPhraser.

FlexPhraser on page 483

Model C
Model C is a classic tonewheel organ emulation with 9 drawbars and 3 additional drawbars
for the percussion.
Model C comes with an integrated and highly configurable rotary effect, as well as an
amplifier emulation using VST Amp technology. The effect section provides additional effects,


Included Instruments
Model C
such as phaser, delay, and reverb, and also offers a ring modulator which allows to add nonharmonic tones. Model C contains four pages: Organ, Rotary, Amp, and FX.

To open a page, click the corresponding button in the top section of the window.

Organ Page

The main drawbars on the left adjust the levels of the individual tonewheels. The
three drawbars on the right adjust the levels of the tonewheels that are used for
Allows you to switch from fast to slow speaker rotation. In the middle position,
rotation is stopped. On the Rotary page, you can make detailed settings for the
Adjusts the attack time of the organ sound. Typically, the attack is very short, but
you can set longer times to create pad-like sounds.
Adjusts the release time of the organ sound. Typically, the release time is very
short, but you can set longer times to achieve a slow fade out of the sound when
a key is released.
Determines the influence of the velocity on the level of the organ sound.
Key On Click/Key Off Click
Electromechanical organs produce short noise signals when a note is triggered
and when it is released. The level of these clicks is set here.


Included Instruments
Model C

Click the pedal button to activate the integrated vibrato effect. If it is activated,
you can select a type using the control on the right.
The organ signal is sent in parallel to the rotary speaker and to the internal amp.
This control allows you to specify how the signal is distributed between these two

If you turn the control all the way to the left, the signal is sent only to the
rotary speaker. All the way to the right, it is sent only to the amp.


Click the pedal button to activate the percussion signal. The following percussion
parameters are available:

Steal 1' – Typically, on an electromechanical organ, the 1' drawbar is not
available when percussion is activated. To prevent this, deactivate the Steal
1' option.


Poly – Typically, percussion in drawbar organs is monophonic, that is, when
you play a key, the percussion envelope is triggered for this note. As long as
the key is held, no new percussion can be retriggered. If you play a legato
section, for example, percussion is only applied to the very first note or
chord. Percussion can only be retriggered after all notes are released.
To trigger the percussion with every new note, activate Poly.


Level adjusts the loudness of the percussion signal.


Included Instruments
Model C

Rotary Page
The settings on this page only have an effect on the sound when signals are sent to the rotary
effect using the Rotary/Amp dial on the Organ page.

The Rotary effect on this page has the same parameters as the included Rotary effect, except
for Input and Color.
Rotary on page 452

Amp Page
The settings on this page only have an effect on the sound if signals are sent to the amp
using the Rotary/Amp dial on the Organ page.

The parameters correspond to those of the VST Amp effect, with reduced microphone and
microphone position options.
VST Amp on page 441


Included Instruments
Model C

FX Page

Ring Modulator

Activates/Deactivates the ring modulator effect.
LFO Freq
Sets the frequency of the LFO for modulating the frequency of the sine oscillator.
LFO Depth
Sets the intensity of the LFO modulation of the sine oscillator frequency.
Sine Freq
Sets the frequency of the sine oscillator.
Sets the ratio between the dry and the wet signal.



Included Instruments
Model C
Activates/Deactivates the Phaser effect.
Sets the frequency of the phase modulation in Hertz.
Sets the intensity of the phase modulation.
Adds resonances to the effect. Higher settings produce a more pronounced
Sets the ratio between the dry and the wet signal.


Activates/Deactivates the Delay effect.
Delay Mode
With this dial, you can switch between the three available delay modes:

St (Stereo) – This mode has two delays in parallel, one for the left and one
for the right audio channel, each with a feedback path of its own.


Cross – This mode has two delays with cross feedback. Cross feedback
means that the delay of the left channel is fed back into the right delay and
vice versa.


PP (Ping-Pong) – This mode mixes the left and right input and sends it to
hard-panned left and right delays. This way, the echoes bounce like a pingpong ball between left and right in the stereo panorama.

Delay Time
Sets the overall time for the left and right delay in milliseconds.
Sets the overall amount of feedback for the left and right delay. Feedback means
the output of the delay is fed back to its input. At a setting of 0 %, you hear only
one echo. At a setting of 100 %, the echoes repeat endlessly.
Sets the ratio between the dry and the wet signal.


Included Instruments


Activates/Deactivates the Reverb effect.
Reverb Type
Use this dial to switch between the available reverb types: Spring, Plate, and Hall.
Allows you to set the reverb time in seconds.
Controls how much time passes before the reverb is applied. This allows you to
simulate larger spaces by increasing the time it takes for first reflections to reach
the listener.
Sets the ratio between the dry and the wet signal.

HALiotron emulates the sound generation of the pre-digital sampling era.
Before the introduction of digital samplers, original instrument sounds were created by
playing a pre-recorded tape for every key. HALiotron comes with seven different tapes
from these days, which can be blended to create sound mixtures. In addition to its classic
archetype, HALiotron offers a set of the most important synthesis parameters, allowing you
to vary the shape of the sound. Furthermore, you can play sounds dynamically by controlling
filter and amp via velocity.


Included Instruments

Main Page

Loop On/Off
Set this to On if you want the notes to be played using looped versions of the
underlying samples and to Off if you want the notes to stop when the tape
reaches its end.
Adjusts the main volume of the sound.
Adjusts the speed of the tape playback. If this is set to Slow, the samples are
played back an octave lower.
Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the built-in low-pass filter.
Adjusts the tuning of the sound. When you combine several HALiotron presets,
this can be used to make the sound richer.
A, B, C
Click here to select one of the included tapes for each dial position. Use the dial
to blend seamlessly between the tapes.
Adjusts the attack time of the sound.
Adjusts the release time of the sound.
Controls the influence of the velocity on the level of the sound.


Included Instruments
Pitchbend Up/Pitchbend Down
Determines the range for the modulation that is applied when you move the
pitchbend wheel.
Coarse Tune
Adjusts the sound in semitone steps. This allows you to play intervals with
multiple layered HALiotron sounds.

Filter Page

Adjusts the resonance of the low-pass filter.
Sets the influence of the velocity on the level of the sound.
Env Amount
Adjusts the influence of the filter envelope on the cutoff frequency.
Adjusts the cutoff modulation from the keyboard, that is, cutoff key follow.
Controls the attack time of the filter envelope.
Controls the decay time of the filter envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the filter envelope.


Included Instruments

B-Box provides you with a veritable drum computer inside HALion. It comes with 13
instrument lanes that can make use of up to 128 different sounds. You can set up your drum
patterns, create variations, and modify each drum sound using a low-pass filter and several
distortion modes.
B-Box contains three pages: Pattern, Mix, and Aux.

To open a page, click the corresponding button in the top section of the window.

Pattern Page
The Pattern page is where you create and edit the drum patterns. It gives you access to the
pattern editor as well as to some of the most important sound parameters.

The pattern editor section in the center of the window allows you to create and edit drum

To specify the number of steps for a pattern, drag the small triangle in the lower part
of the pattern display.
The maximum length is 16 steps.


To change the drum sound for a lane, set a new value in the Sound column.
You can choose between up to 128 drum sounds, depending on the selected drum


To preview a drum sound, click the trigger button to the right of the instrument name.


To add drum steps to the pattern, click on the step fields in the pattern editor.
To add drum steps for all fields on a lane in one go, hold down Shift and click on a field.


Included Instruments

To mute or solo individual lanes, click the corresponding Mute and Solo buttons.


To set up the velocity for a step, click it and drag up or down or use the mouse wheel.
A step can be set to low, medium, or high velocity.
To change the velocity of all steps in a lane at the same time, hold down Shift and use
the mouse.
This function inserts drum steps for every step field on the lane and sets it to the same
velocity. If you want to use only several steps of this lane, you must modify the velocity
separately for each step.


To remove a step, click it.
To remove all steps, hold down Shift-Ctrl/Cmd and click a step.

Editing the Entire Pattern

To load a pattern, click in the field below the editor and select it from the pop-up


To move all steps of the pattern one step to the left or right, click Shift Pattern Left
or Shift Pattern Right .
This is useful if you have created a pattern that sounds the way you want but does not
start on the first beat, for example.


To mirror the pattern around its middle step, click Reverse Pattern .


To copy all steps in the current pattern and insert them behind the current steps, click
Duplicate Pattern .
The maximum number of steps in a pattern is 16. If you select Duplicate Pattern and
the resulting pattern would be longer than 16 steps, new steps are inserted until the
maximum length is reached.


To remove all steps in a pattern, click Clear Pattern .

Setting Up the Drum Sounds
With the controls to the left and right of the pattern editor, you can make settings for the
selected drum instrument.
Adjusts the tuning of the instrument in semitone steps.
Fine-tunes the instrument in cent steps.
Adjusts the panorama position.
Adjusts the cutoff frequency for the instrument.


Included Instruments
Adjusts the filter resonance for the instrument.
Distortion Type
Sets the distortion type. You can choose between Tube, Hard Clip, Bit Reduction,
and Rate Reduction.
Sets the amount of distortion for the instrument.
Sets the level of the instrument.

Playing Back the Pattern

To play back the pattern, use the play button at the top of the window.
An indicator below the step number shows which step is playing.

Exporting Patterns

To export a pattern as a MIDI file, drag the MIDI export field into your host application.

B-Box offers up to 8 variations that can be used to create different rhythm patterns, such as
intros, fills, and endings, for example.

To switch between variations, click the variation buttons above the pattern editor.


You can copy and paste variations using the commands on the context menu.

The parameters Loop, Sync, Hold, Trigger Mode, Restart Mode, and Input Mode are not part
of the variations.
Variations can be assigned to the trigger pads, allowing you to switch variations on the fly.
Trigger Pads on page 494


Included Instruments

Mix Page
On the Mix page, you can add effects to the patterns.

Adjusts the level of the instrument.
Adjusts the panorama position of the instrument.
Determines how much of the signal is sent to the delay effect.
Determines how much of the signal is sent to the reverb effect.
Here, you can select one of the available plug-in outputs.

AUX Page
On the Aux page, you can make global settings for B-Box and the included effects.
The page is divided into two sections. The left section gives you access to the global
performance settings, and the right section allows you to edit the integrated delay and reverb


Included Instruments

Performance Section
If this option is activated, the pattern plays back in a loop.

If this parameter is set to Off, the pattern changes immediately when a key
is released. The pattern stops immediately when all keys are released.


If the parameter is set to On, the pattern plays to the end even when
the keys are released. If the Loop option is activated, the pattern plays
continuously in a cycle.


If the parameter is set to Gated, the pattern starts playback with the first
key being played. It plays silently in the background even if the keys are
released, and resumes playback at the current position when you press any
of the keys again. This way, you can gate the playback of the pattern.

Trigger Mode
The trigger mode determines at which moment B-Box changes the pattern when
you select another variation.

If the parameter is set to Immediately, the pattern changes as soon as you
switch to another variation.


If the parameter is set to Next Beat, the pattern changes on the first new
beat after switching to another variation.


If the parameter is set to Next Measure, the pattern changes at the first
new measure after switching to another variation.

Restart Mode
Determines whether the pattern playback is restarted when a note is triggered.

Off – Playback is not restarted if it is already running.


First Note – Restarts playback when a note is triggered and no other notes
are playing.


Each Note – Restarts playback every time a note is triggered.


Included Instruments

Sync to Host – Aligns playback with the beats and measures of your host
application. Playback is synchronized every time you start the transport.


Follow Transport – Playback starts and stops automatically together with
the transport controls in your host application.

Input Mode
Keys that trigger the pattern are shown in green on the HALion keyboard. Keys
that are assigned to an instrument sound are shown as regular black and white
Depending on the Input Mode, the black and white keys either trigger or mute the
assigned instrument.

Off triggers the pattern with any key that you play.


Trigger plays back the sound of the assigned instrument.


Mute mutes the track for as long as you press the key.

To synchronize the pattern to the tempo of your host application, activate Sync.
For the modes Sync to Host and Follow Transport, synchronization to the host
application is established automatically. In these modes, the Sync parameter
cannot be edited.
If Sync is deactivated, you can use the Tempo parameter to set the internal
playback speed.
Tempo Scale
Defines the speed at which the pattern is running. You can specify a value in
fractions of beats. You can also set dotted and triplet note values. For example, if
the Tempo parameter is set to 1/16 and you set this value to 1/8, the speed is cut
in half.
Groove Quantizing Patterns

To adapt the timing of a pattern to an external MIDI file, you can drop this MIDI
file on the Groove Quantize drop field. You can quantize the playback of the
pattern to the timing of a sliced loop by dragging its MIDI file from the MIDI
export drag field to the Groove Quantize drop field.
The Groove Quantize Depth parameter to the right of the drop field determines
how accurately the pattern follows the timing of the MIDI file.
Shifts the timing of notes on even-numbered beats. This way, the pattern gets a
swing feeling. Negative values let the notes play earlier, positive values let the
notes play later.


Included Instruments
World Instruments
Velocity Scale
Allows you to raise or lower the note-on velocities of the pattern. At a value of 100
%, the notes play with their original velocity.

Delay and Reverb Section
The delay and reverb effect have the same parameters as the Multi Delay and Reverb effects.
Adjusts the general amount of delay.
Adjusts the general amount of reverb.
Adjusts the overall volume of B-Box.
Multi Delay on page 428
Reverb on page 425

World Instruments
World Instruments delivers a great variety of ethnic instruments that can either be played
manually or use the integrated arpeggiator.
On the Sound page, the instruments can be fine-tuned with filter and amp settings. In
addition, you can use the built-in micro-tuning functionality to decrease the pitch of each key
by a quarter note, to realize typical oriental scales.

Sound Page


Included Instruments
World Instruments

Filter Section
Filter Shape

LP24, 18, 12, and 6 are low-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12 and BP24 are band-pass filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
below and above the cutoff are attenuated.


HP6+LP18 and HP6+LP12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct and a low-pass filter with 18 and 12 dB/oct, respectively (asymmetric
band-pass filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated.
Attenuation is more pronounced for the frequencies above the cutoff.


HP12+LP6 and HP18+LP6 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 12
and 18 dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 dB/oct (asymmetric band-pass
filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated. Attenuation
is more pronounced for the frequencies below the cutoff.


HP24, 18, 12, and 6 are high-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies below the cutoff are attenuated.


BR12 and BR24 are band-reject filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
around the cutoff are attenuated.


BR12+LP6 and BR12+LP12 are combinations of a band-reject filter with 12
dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 and 12 dB/oct, respectively. Frequencies
around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12+BR12 is a band-pass filter with 12 dB/oct plus a band-reject filter
with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below, above, and around the cutoff are


HP6+BR12 and HP12+BR12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6
and 12 dB/oct and a band-reject filter with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below
and around the cutoff are attenuated.


AP is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct. Frequencies around the cutoff are


AP+LP6 is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct plus a low-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct. Frequencies around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


HP6+AP is a high-pass filter with 6 dB/oct plus an all-pass filter with 18
dB/oct. Frequencies around and below the cutoff are attenuated.

Controls the cutoff frequency of the filter.
Emphasizes the frequencies around the cutoff. At higher settings, the filter selfoscillates, which results in a ringing tone.
Envelope Amount
Controls the cutoff modulation from the filter envelope.
Cutoff Velocity
Controls the cutoff modulation from velocity.


Included Instruments
World Instruments

Filter Envelope
Controls the attack time of the filter envelope.
Controls the decay time of the filter envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the filter envelope.
Controls the release time of the filter envelope.

Amp Section
Key Delay
Delays playback of the notes. This parameter can be used when working with
multiple programs or layers. Setting up different key delay values for the different
layers allows you to spread the notes, so that they do not all begin at the same
Controls the overall volume of the sound.
Controls the level modulation from velocity. At 0, all notes are played with the
same level.

Amp Envelope
Controls the attack time of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the decay time of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the release time of the amplifier envelope.

Pitch Section
Adjusts the tuning in semitones.
Adjusts the tuning in cents.


Included Instruments
World Instruments
Pitchbend Up/Pitchbend Down
Determines the range for the modulation that is applied when you move the
pitchbend wheel.

LFO Section
Controls the frequency of the modulation, that is, the speed of the LFO.
If Sync is activated, the frequency is set in fractions of beats.
Controls the modulation depth of the pitch modulation.
Controls the modulation depth of the filter cutoff modulation.

MW Section
Vib Freq
Controls the frequency of the second LFO that is used for pitch modulation
Vib Depth
Controls the depth of the pitch modulation (vibrato).
Controls the influence of the mod wheel on the filter cutoff.

Oriental Scale Section
Scale On/Off
Activates/Deactivates the influence of the scale settings on the played notes.
Note Switches
Activate a switch to decrease the tuning of the corresponding note by a quarter


Included Instruments
World Percussion

Arp Page
This page contains the same parameters as the FlexPhraser.

FlexPhraser on page 483

World Percussion
World Percussion delivers a great variety of ethnic percussion instruments and associated
MIDI phrases.
The instruments can be globally fine-tuned with filter and amp settings which in turn can
make use of envelope settings. The built-in MIDI player allows you to use the included MIDI
phrases or to import your own MIDI phrases.

MIDI Player Parameters
In the top section of the macro page, the MIDI player parameters are available.


Included Instruments
World Percussion
On/Off button
Activates/Deactivates the MIDI player part of World Percussion.
Variation buttons
You can configure up to eight different variations of your sounds and switch
between them with the variation buttons.
To avoid switching variations in the middle of a beat or measure, use the trigger
modes Next Beat or Next Measure.
Loading Phrases
To load a phrase, click in the Phrase field and select a phrase from the selector.
Exporting MIDI Phrases
You can export your MIDI phrase as a MIDI file using drag and drop.
If this button is activated, the phrase plays back in a loop. If this button is
deactivated, the phrase is played once.
Allows you to prevent the phrase from stopping or changing when the keys are

If Off is selected, the phrase changes as soon as you release a key. The
phrase stops immediately when you release all keys.


If On is selected, the phrase plays to the end, even if the keys are released.
If Loop is activated, the phrase repeats continuously.


If Gated is selected, the phrase starts to play when the first key is played. It
plays silently in the background, even if the keys are released, and resumes
playback at the current position when you press any of the keys again. This
way, you can gate the playback of the phrase.

Trigger Mode
Determines at which moment the player changes the phrase when you select
another variation.

Immediately – The phrase changes as soon as you switch to another


Next Beat – The phrase changes on the first new beat after switching to
another variation.


Next Measure – The phrase changes on the first new measure after
switching to another variation.

Depending on the selected Restart mode and your playing, you can restart
playback from the beginning of the loop.

Off – The loop runs continuously and will not restart upon note changes.


Included Instruments
World Percussion

First Note – The loop restarts when a note is triggered and no other notes
are already held.


Each Note – The loop restarts each time a note is triggered.


Sync to Host – Select this to align the loop with the beats and measures of
your host application. The loop aligns to the beats and measures each time
you start the transport.


Follow Transport – Playback starts and stops automatically together with
the transport controls in your host application.

Shifts the start of the loop in steps of 1/4 notes. The length of the loop is
shortened accordingly.
Allows you to shorten the length of the loop in steps of 1/4 notes.
The control range of Start and Length varies with the original length of the loop.

If Sync is deactivated, the Tempo control sets the internal playback speed
of the loop, in BPM. In addition, Tempo Scale gives you further control over
the playback speed.


If Sync is activated, the Tempo control is inactive.

To synchronize the loop to the tempo of your host application, activate Sync.
In the Restart modes Sync to Host and Follow Transport, synchronization to
the host application is established automatically. In these modes, the Sync
parameter cannot be edited.
Starts/Stops playback of the phrase.
Low Key
Defines the lowest key on which the phrase is triggered.
High Key
Defines the highest key on which the phrase is triggered.
Center Key
Determines the MIDI note that is used as the central position for the Key Follow


Included Instruments
World Percussion
Activate this option to set the pitch of the drum sounds according to the center

Performance Section
Tempo Scale
Defines the rate at which notes are triggered, that is, the speed at which the
phrase is running. In addition to the Tempo parameter, this gives you further
control over the playback speed. You can specify a value in fractions of beats. You
can also set dotted and triplet note values.
For example, if you change the Tempo Scale setting from 1/16 to 1/8, the speed
is cut in half. If you set it to 1/32, the speed is doubled. Other values increase or
decrease the speed accordingly.
Shifts the timing of notes on even-numbered beats. This way, the phrase gets
a swing feeling. Negative values shift the timing backward, and the notes are
played earlier. Positive values shift the timing forward, and the notes are played
Gate Scale
Allows you to shorten or lengthen the notes of the phrase. At a value of 100 %,
the notes play with their original gate length.
Velocity Scale
Raises or lowers the note-on velocities of the phrase. At a value of 100 %, the
notes are played with their original velocity.
Quantize Note Value
This pop-up menu allows you to set up a quantization grid, in fractions of beats.
You can also specify dotted and triplet values. This way, you can force the timing
of the MIDI note events to play back only at the selected note value.
Quantize Amount
Defines how much of the quantization grid is applied. A value of 100 % means
that the MIDI note events play back only at the specified Quantize note value.
Smaller values move the notes only partially towards the next Quantize note
value. At a value of 0 %, no quantization is applied.

Filter Section
Controls the cutoff frequency of the filter.
Emphasizes the frequencies around the cutoff. At higher settings, the filter selfoscillates, which results in a ringing tone.


Included Instruments
Envelope Amount
Controls the cutoff modulation from the filter envelope.
Cutoff Velocity
Controls the cutoff modulation from velocity.
Controls the decay time of the filter envelope.

Amp Section
Controls the overall volume of the sound.
Controls the level modulation from velocity. At 0, all notes are played with the
same level.
Controls the decay time of the amplifier envelope.

The Anima synth is a wavetable instrument using HALion’s wavteable synthesis which
crossfades the waves smoothly in real time based on an integrated wavetable envelope. This
envelope makes it very easy to control the playback of the wavetable, because no further
modulation settings are required. All you have to do is set up the Speed parameter. The
modulation matrix allows you to control the playback position of the oscillator using one of
the integrated LFOs, the velocity, or the modulation wheel, for example.

Anima provides two wavetable oscillators that can be used in parallel. Each oscillator
features a multi-oscillator that allows you to create up to eight additional voices for each
oscillator and then separately detune them and distribute them in the stereo panorama.
The sub-oscillator comes with classic oscillator waves like sine, triangle, saw, square and
two different pulses, and also features a noise generator. The noise generator delivers a


Included Instruments
large number of different noise types. These range from classic noises like white and pink
noise over drum attacks and rhythmical noises to specifically filtered colored noises and
unique circuit noises, recorded from various electronic devices. This powerful collection
of noises can be used to add inharmonic frequencies to create atmospheric sound or add
transients for rich and percussive attacks, for example. The integrated arpeggiator and step
sequencer allows you to play rhythmic patterns and/or add modulations to the synthesis
parameters using the three available controller lanes.
The oscillator is followed by a multi-mode filter that offers a large number of different filter
shapes. The filter can be modulated by modulation sources like the keyboard, velocity, and
LFO, but also by the controller lanes of the step sequencer, for example.
Anima includes two monophonic LFOs that can be synchronized to the host tempo and allow
you to modulate a large number of modulation destinations using the modulation matrix.
In addition, a user-defined envelope can be assigned to destinations like Pitch, Pan, or
Wavetable parameters in the modulation matrix.
Anima contains six pages: Osc1, Osc2, Sub, Mod, Voice, and Arp. To show the settings for a
page, click the corresponding page button.
If a page button itself contains an On/Off button, which is the case for the Arp page button,
for example, you can use this to activate/deactivate the corresponding element without
having to open the page first.

Oscillator Pages
The Osc 1 and Osc 2 pages contain the settings for the two main oscillators.


To show the settings for oscillator 1 or oscillator 2, click the corresponding button.


To activate/deactivate an oscillator, click the On/Off button on the right of the
corresponding page button.

Select Wavetable
This pop-up menu allows you to select one of the included wavetables for the
wavetable oscillator.
Show 3D Wavetable Map/2D Wave
Toggles between displaying a single cycle of the current waveform and a
topographic map of the entire wavetable.
Retrigger Mode

If Free Phase is selected, the behavior of analog synthesizers is emulated.
The oscillator is running freely and continuously.


Included Instruments

If Random Phase is selected, the start phase is randomly set to a different
value each time that you trigger a note. In contrast to Free Phase, there is
no continuity in the phase of the waveform.


If Fixed Phase is selected, the oscillator runs with a fixed start phase that
can be specified between 0 and 360 degrees.

Adjusts the pitch in octave steps.
Adjusts the pitch in semitone steps.
Adjusts the pitch in cent steps. This allows you to fine-tune the oscillator sound.
Adjusts the output level of the oscillator.
Adjusts the position of the oscillator in the stereo panorama. At a setting of -100
%, the sound is panned hard left, and at +100 %, it is panned hard right.

Main Tab

If Legato is deactivated, each note starts playback from the position cursor.
If Legato is activated, the first note starts playback from the position cursor, and
any following notes start from the current playback position for as long as the
first note is held.
Sync to Host
Allows you to sync the wavetable to the beats and measures of your host
Loop Mode

Off: If Playback Direction is set to a positive value, the wavetable plays from
the position cursor to the end.
If Playback Direction is set to a negative value, the wavetable plays from
the position cursor to the start.


On: Depending on the Playback Direction setting, the wavetable plays
forward or backward in a loop.


Included Instruments

Alt: The wavetable plays in an alternate loop, that is, the loop is alternately
played forward and backward. The first direction depends on the Playback
Direction setting.

Determines the rate at which the envelope plays through the wavetables. At +100
%, the envelope plays back at its original speed. A value of +50 % corresponds to
half the original speed, and +200 % to twice the original speed, for example.
This parameter is unipolar.
Determines where the envelope starts.
Playback Direction
Allows you to set the playback speed in smaller increments. Furthermore, this
parameter determines the playback direction.

If you enter negative values, you reverse playback, that is, the playback
position moves backward through the wavetable.

Random Position
Adds a random value to the current position when you play a note.
For example, if you want the position to vary between 25.0 % and 75.0 %, set
Position to 25.0 % and Random Position to 50.0 %.
Random Direction
Adds a negative or positive random value to the current direction when you play a
For example, if you want the direction to vary between -100 % and +100 %, set
Direction to 0.0 % and Random Direction to 100.0 %. If you want the direction to
vary within the full positive range, set Direction to 50 % and Random Direction to
50 %, for example.

Form Tab

Formants are harmonics within the spectrum of a note which are pronounced and help
to define the character of an instrument. The positions of the formants in the spectrum
mainly depend on the construction of an instrument, such as the body of a guitar, the form
of the vocal tract in a human body, the filter settings for electronic instruments, etc. These
conditions lead to specific frequency ranges that are emphasized regardless of the pitch
of the note. Playing back samples or wavetables with a different pitch than the original is
usually done by increasing or decreasing the playback speed. This leads to the well known
monster or Mickey Mouse effect, because all harmonics are also affected, that is, the
characteristic formants are shifted. To avoid this, you can activate the Formant option.


Included Instruments
Activates/Deactivates the formant settings.
Allows you to shift the formants of the entire wavetable by a fixed value.
Key Follow
Allows you to shift the formants depending on the played note.

A value of 100 % means that the formant frequency moves with the played


A value of 0 % means that the formants kept the same for all notes.

You can invert the behavior of the formant shift by setting Key Follow to negative

Multi Tab

The multi-oscillator function allows you to trigger multiple voices simultaneously with each
note that you play. If you activate Multi, the following parameters become available:

Number determines the number of oscillators that play back simultaneously. You
can also set fractions of numbers. For example, with a setting of 2.5, you hear two
oscillators at full level and a third one at half level.


Detune detunes the oscillators.


Pan narrows or widens the stereo panorama. With a setting of 0 %, you create a mono
signal and with 100 %, you create a stereo signal.


Spread distributes the oscillators so that each oscillator plays from a different position
in the wavetable.

Sub Page
The Sub page contains the settings for the sub oscillator and the noise oscillator.


Included Instruments

Sub Oscillator Section
The wave shape of the sub oscillator. You can choose between Sine, Triangle,
Saw, Square, Pulse Wide, and Pulse Narrow.
Retrigger Mode

If Free Phase is selected, the behavior of analog synthesizers is emulated.
The oscillator is running freely and continuously.


If Random Phase is selected, the start phase is randomly set to a different
value each time that you trigger a note. In contrast to Free Phase, there is
no continuity in the phase of the waveform.


If Fixed Phase is selected, the oscillator runs with a fixed start phase that
can be specified between 0 and 360 degrees.

Adjusts the output level of the sub oscillator.
Adjusts the position of the oscillator in the stereo panorama. At a setting of -100
%, the sound is panned hard left, and at +100 %, it is panned hard right.

Noise Oscillator Section
The noise oscillator offers you a large amount of different noise types that can be used to
add inharmonic frequencies to the overall spectrum, either for the entire sound, with looped
noises or with one-shot noise samples. This allows you to add characteristic transients to
percussive instruments based on samples, for example.
Noise Type
This pop-up menu offers you a choice of classic noises, attack transients,
soundscapes, and ambience noise samples.
Adjusts the output level of the Noise section.
Activate Sync to synchronize the speed of the noise oscillator to the host tempo.
This is particularly useful for rhythmic noises that are based on a tempo of 120
Determines the position of the noise in the stereo panorama. At a setting of -100
%, the sound is panned hard left, and at +100 %, it is panned hard right.
Follow Pitch
If Follow Pitch is activated, zone pitch settings like Octave, Coarse, and Fine, as
well as modulations like Glide, Pitchbend, or other pitch modulations, affect the
duration length. A higher sample pitch leads to a shorter duration.


Included Instruments
If Follow Pitch is deactivated, the duration is independent of the zone pitch and
determined by the Duration settings.
Activate this button to play the noise sample in a loop.
If this button is not activated, the sample is played once.
Adjusts the playback speed of the noise sample. A setting of 800.0 % equals an
increase of three octaves in pitch.
Speed Key Follow
Allows you to adjust the speed modulation by MIDI note number. At a setting of
+100 %, the speed doubles per octave.
Adjusts the start of the noise sample. With a value of 50 %, playback starts in the
middle of the sample.
Random Start
Selects a random playback start within a specific range around the current
At a setting of 100 %, the playback position jumps to a random position between
the specified Start value and the end of the noise sample.

Mod Page
The Mod page contains the modulation matrix.

The modulation matrix offers you up to 16 freely assignable modulations, each with a source,
a modifier, and a destination with adjustable depth. The polarity of each source and each
modifier can be switched between unipolar and bipolar.

Creating Modulations
You create modulations by selecting a source, a modifier, and a destination from the pop-up
menus in the modulation matrix.

Click the modulation Source field and select the modulation source.


Optional: Click in the modulation Modifier field and select the parameter that you want
to use to modify the modulation.


Included Instruments
This modifier is used to scale the output of the modulation source.

Optional: Specify whether you want the Source and Modifier parameters to be unipolar
or bipolar.


Set the modulation intensity with the Depth parameter.


Click in the modulation Destination field and select the parameter that you want to

Modulation Matrix Parameters
Modulation Sources and Modulation Modifiers
The following options are available as modulation sources and as modulation modifiers.
The LFOs A and B produce cyclic modulation signals.
Amp Envelope
The amplifier envelope. The shape of the envelope determines the modulation
Filter Envelope
The filter envelope. The shape of the envelope determines the modulation signal.
Env 3
A freely assignable envelope. It is suited for pan or pitch modulation, for example.
Key Follow
This produces an exponential modulation signal derived from the MIDI note
number. Exponential means this source works with destinations such as Pitch or
Note-on Velocity
Note-on velocity can be used as modulation signal.
Note-on Vel Squared
The squared version of Note-on Velocity. The harder you press the key, the higher
the modulation values.
The position of the pitchbend wheel can be used as modulation signal.
Modulation Wheel
The position of the modulation wheel can be used as modulation signal.
Aftertouch can be used as modulation signal. Some MIDI keyboards cannot send
aftertouch messages. However, most sequencer software is able to produce such


Included Instruments
Arp Controller 1–3
The 3 controllers available on this submenu correspond to the three controller
lanes on the Arp page.
Bus 1–8
Modulations that are sent to one of the eight busses can be reused as sources.
This way, you can combine several modulations to produce more complex
Quick Control 1–8
The quick controls can be used as modulation signal.

Unipolar vs. Bipolar Sources
The polarity of a modulation source specifies the value range that it produces. Unipolar
sources modulate between 0 and +1. Bipolar sources modulate between -1 and +1.

To change the polarity of a modulation source or modifier from unipolar to bipolar,
activate its Bipolar button.

Modulation Destinations
Modulates the pitch. For example, assign one of the LFOs to create a vibrato
effect. If Pitch is selected, the modulation depth is set in semitones.
Modulates the filter cutoff.
Modulates the filter resonance. Resonance changes the character of the filter.
For example, to accent the filter the harder you hit a key, assign Velocity to
Modulates the filter distortion.
This modulation adds to the level setting. It can be used to create level offsets
using the mod wheel, for example.
Modulates the gain. The volume modulation multiplies with the level.
Modulates the position of the sound in the panorama.
WT 1/2 Pitch
Modulates the Pitch parameter of the corresponding wavetable oscillator.


Included Instruments
WT 1/2 Level
Modulates the Level parameter of the corresponding wavetable oscillator.
WT 1/2 Pan
Modulates the Pan parameter of the corresponding wavetable oscillator.
WT 1/2 Multi Detune
Modulates the multi-oscillator Detune parameter of the corresponding wavetable
WT 1/2 Multi Pan
Modulates the multi-oscillator Pan parameter of the corresponding wavetable
WT 1/2 Multi Spread
Modulates the multi-oscillator Spread parameter of the corresponding wavetable
WT 1/2 Multi Voices
Modulates the multi-oscillator Voices parameter of the corresponding oscillator.
WT 1/2 Position
Modulates the Position parameter of the corresponding wavetable oscillator.
WT 1/2 Direction
Modulates the Direction parameter of the corresponding wavetable oscillator.
WT 1/2 Speed
Modulates the Speed parameter of the corresponding wavetable oscillator.
WT Sub Pitch
Modulates the Pitch parameter of the wavetable sub-oscillator.
WT Sub Level
Modulates the Level parameter of the wavetable sub-oscillator.
WT Sub Pan
Modulates the Pan parameter of the wavetable sub-oscillator.
WT Noise Speed
Modulates the Speed parameter of the wavetable noise oscillator.
WT Noise Level
Modulates the Level parameter of the wavetable noise oscillator.
WT Noise Pan
Modulates the Pan parameter of the wavetable noise oscillator.


Included Instruments
Amp Env Attack
Modulates the attack time of the amplitude envelope. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Amp Env Decay
Modulates the decay time of the amplitude envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Amp Env Sustain
Modulates the sustain level of the amplitude envelope. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the
segment starts.
Amp Env Release
Modulates the release time of the amplitude envelope. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Filter Env Attack
Modulates the attack time of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Filter Env Decay
Modulates the decay time of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Filter Env Sustain
Modulates the sustain level of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the segment
Filter Env Release
Modulates the release time of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Env 3 Start Level
Modulates the start level of the user-definable envelope 3, that is, the level
of the first envelope node. This modulation destination cannot be modulated
continuously. The level is updated only when the segment starts.
Env 3 Attack
Modulates the attack time of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.


Included Instruments
Env 3 Attack Level
Modulates the attack level of the user-definable envelope 3, that is, the level of
the second envelope node. This modulation destination cannot be modulated
continuously. The level is updated only when the segment starts.
Env 3 Decay
Modulates the decay time of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Env 3 Sustain
Modulates the sustain level of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the
segment starts.
Env 3 Release
Modulates the release time of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Env 3 Release Level
Modulates the release level of the user-definable envelope 3, that is, the
last user envelope node. This modulation destination cannot be modulated
continuously. The level is updated only when the segment starts.
Bus 1-8
You can send any modulation to one of the 8 busses, for example, to produce
more complex modulation signals. Select the bus that you want to send the
signals to as a destination. To use the modulation that was sent to a bus, assign
the corresponding bus as a modulation source.

Voice Page

If Mono mode is deactivated, you can use this parameter to specify how many
notes can be played simultaneously.
Activates monophonic playback.


Included Instruments
This option is only available in Mono mode. If Retrigger is activated, a note that
was stolen by another note is retriggered if you still hold the stolen note when
you release the new one.
This way, you can play trills by holding one note and quickly and repeatedly
pressing and releasing another note, for example.
Trigger Mode
Defines the trigger behavior for new notes.

Normal triggers a new note when the previous note gets stolen. The
sample and the envelope of the new note are triggered from the start.
To minimize discontinuities, use the Fade Out parameter of the zone.


Resume does not always trigger a new note.
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope is retriggered, but
resumes at the level of the stolen note. The pitch of the zone is set to the
new note.
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.


Legato does not always trigger a new note.
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope keeps running.
The pitch of the zone is set to the new note.
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.


Resume Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope resumes at the level of the stolen note and the pitch of the zone is
set to the new note, even if the new note plays in a different zone.


Legato Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope keeps running and the pitch of the zone is set to the new note,
even if the new note plays in a different zone.

Allows you to bend the pitch between notes that follow each other. You achieve
the best results in Mono mode.
Activate this parameter to glide the pitch only between notes that are played
Glide Time
Sets the glide time, that is, the time it takes to bend the pitch from one note to
the next.
Adjusts the pitch in octave steps.
Pitch Key Follow
Allows you to adjust the pitch modulation by MIDI note number. Set this
parameter to positive values in order to raise the pitch the higher you play. Use


Included Instruments
negative values to lower the pitch the higher you play. At a setting of +100 %, the
pitch follows the played note exactly.
Allows you to specify how unison voices are spread in pitch. Changing the unison
voice distribution will create different modulations between the unison voices.

If this is set to 0, the distribution is linear, that is, all voices have an equal
distance in their pitch offset.


Raising the value stretches the distribution using an exponential curve, so
that the first unison voices have a smaller pitch offset than the second and


Decreasing the value stretches the distribution using a negative
exponential curve,so that the first unison voices have a larger pitch offset
than the second and third voices.

Pitchbend Up/Pitchbend Down
Determines the range for the modulation that is applied when you move the
pitchbend wheel.

Filter Section
In the filter section in the lower left, you can activate and set up the filter.

Filter On/Off
Activates/Deactivates the filter.
Filter Shape

LP24, 18, 12, and 6 are low-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12 and BP24 are band-pass filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
below and above the cutoff are attenuated.


HP6+LP18 and HP6+LP12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct and a low-pass filter with 18 and 12 dB/oct, respectively (asymmetric
band-pass filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated.
Attenuation is more pronounced for the frequencies above the cutoff.


HP12+LP6 and HP18+LP6 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 12
and 18 dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 dB/oct (asymmetric band-pass
filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated. Attenuation
is more pronounced for the frequencies below the cutoff.


HP24, 18, 12, and 6 are high-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies below the cutoff are attenuated.


Included Instruments

BR12 and BR24 are band-reject filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
around the cutoff are attenuated.


BR12+LP6 and BR12+LP12 are combinations of a band-reject filter with 12
dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 and 12 dB/oct, respectively. Frequencies
around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12+BR12 is a band-pass filter with 12 dB/oct plus a band-reject filter
with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below, above, and around the cutoff are


HP6+BR12 and HP12+BR12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6
and 12 dB/oct and a band-reject filter with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below
and around the cutoff are attenuated.


AP is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct. Frequencies around the cutoff are


AP+LP6 is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct plus a low-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct. Frequencies around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


HP6+AP is a high-pass filter with 6 dB/oct plus an all-pass filter with 18
dB/oct. Frequencies around and below the cutoff are attenuated.

Controls the cutoff frequency of the filter.
Emphasizes the frequencies around the cutoff. At higher settings, the filter selfoscillates, which results in a ringing tone.
Adds distortion to the signal. The following distortion types are available:

Tube adds warm, tube-like distortion.


Hard Clip adds bright, transistor-like distortion.


Bit Reduction adds digital distortion by means of quantization noise.


Rate Reduction adds digital distortion by means of aliasing.


Rate Reduction Key Follow adds digital distortion by means of aliasing, but
with Key Follow. The rate reduction follows the keyboard, so the higher you
play, the higher the sample rate.

Envelope Amount
Controls the cutoff modulation from the filter envelope.
Cutoff Velocity
Controls the cutoff modulation from velocity.
Cutoff Key Follow
Adjusts the cutoff modulation using the note number. Increase this parameter
to raise the cutoff with higher notes. At 100 %, the cutoff follows the played pitch


Included Instruments

Filter Envelope
On the left on the Env F/A tab, you can set up the filter envelope.

Controls the attack time of the filter envelope.
Controls the decay time of the filter envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the filter envelope.
Controls the release time of the filter envelope.

Amplifier and Amplifier Envelope
On the right of the Env F/A tab, you can make settings for the amplifier and the amplifier

Amplifier Parameters
Controls the overall volume of the sound.
Controls the level modulation from velocity. At 0, all notes are played with the
same level.

Amplifier Envelope Parameters
Controls the attack time of the amplifier envelope.


Included Instruments
Controls the decay time of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the release time of the amplifier envelope.

Env3 Section
The Env3 section provides an additional envelope that can be routed freely in the modulation
matrix. This envelope is bipolar, therefore, it is particularly suited to modulate destinations
like pan or pitch, for example.

The faders below the envelope display set the following parameters:

L0 sets the start level.


A sets the attack time.


L1 sets the attack level.


D sets the decay time.


S sets the sustain level.


R sets the release time.


L4 sets the end level.


Vel determines how much the envelope intensity depends on the velocity.
If this fader is set to 0, the envelope is fully applied. Higher values reduce the intensity
for lower velocities.

LFO Section
In the LFO section, you can make settings for the two included LFOs.

LFO Waveform and Shape

Sine produces smooth modulation, suitable for vibrato or tremolo. Shape
adds additional harmonics to the waveform.


Included Instruments

Triangle is similar to Sine. Shape continuously changes the triangle
waveform to a trapezoid.


Saw produces a ramp cycle. Shape continuously changes the waveform
from ramp down to triangle to ramp up.


Pulse produces stepped modulation, where the modulation switches
abruptly between two values. Shape continuously changes the ratio
between the high and low state of the waveform. If Shape is set to 50 %, a
square wave is produced.


Ramp is similar to the Saw waveform. Shape increasingly puts silence
before the sawtooth ramp up begins.


Log produces a logarithmic modulation. Shape continuously changes the
logarithmic curvature from negative to positive.


S & H 1 produces randomly stepped modulation, where each step is
different. Shape puts ramps between the steps and changes the S & H into
a smooth random signal when fully turned right.


S & H 2 is similar to S & H 1. The steps alternate between random high and
low values. Shape puts ramps between the steps and changes the S & H
into a smooth random signal when fully turned right.

If Sync is activated, the frequency is set in fractions of beats.
Controls the frequency of the modulation, that is, the speed of the LFO.
Sets the initial phase of the waveform when the LFO is retriggered.
If Sync is activated, the frequency is set in fractions of beats.
Controls the frequency of the modulation, that is, the speed of the LFO.
Sets the initial phase of the waveform when the LFO is retriggered.
Rnd (Random Phase)
If this button is activated, each note starts with a randomized start phase.
The Phase control cannot be used if Rnd is activated.


Included Instruments

Arp Page
This page contains the same parameters as the FlexPhraser.

FlexPhraser on page 483

The Skylab synth is an instrument that produces a wide range of sounds that are perfectly
suited to create cinematic or ambient soundtracks. It comes with a large number of multisamples that provide a variety of evolving pads and soundscapes as well as typical orchestral
sounds like strings, brass, and choirs, allowing you to create huge and epic sounds.
Furthermore, percussive sample sets of orchestral percussion and taikos are available that
can be used with the integrated arpeggiator to create rhythmic patterns, for example.
Skylab’s oscillator section can be switched between Sample Mode and Grain Mode.
Grain Mode uses granular synthesis with up to eight grain streams, which allows you to
produce even more variations of the source samples. The oscillator is followed by a multimode filter that offers a large number of different filter shapes. The filter can be modulated
by modulation sources like the keyboard, velocity, and LFO, but also by the controller lanes
of the step sequencer, for example. Skylab includes two monophonic LFOs that can be
synchronized to the host tempo and allow you to modulate a large number of modulation
destinations using the modulation matrix. In addition, a third envelope is included that can be
assigned to destinations like Pitch, Pan, or Wavetable parameters in the modulation matrix.


Included Instruments

Skylab contains four pages: Osc, Mod, Voice, and Arp. To show the settings for a page, click
the corresponding page button.
The button for the Arp page also contains an On/Off button for the arpeggiator.

Osc Page
On this page, you can specify whether you want to use a sample or a grain oscillator and
make settings for the oscillator.

Sample Mode
In Sample Mode, you can load different multi-samples. These samples are played back

Grain Mode
In Grain Mode, Skylab uses a grain oscillator for playback.


Included Instruments
You can set the playback position of the grains manually. For example, at a
setting of 50 %, the playback position is in the middle of the sample. The playback
position is updated with every new grain.
Random Position
Selects a random playback position within a specific range around the current
position. At a setting of 100 %, the playback position jumps to a random position
between the start and the end of the sample.
Increases the grain period by a factor ranging from 1 to 1000.
For very short grains, the sound gets the pitch of the frequency at which the
grains repeat. For grains longer than 30 ms, the sound gets the pitch of the
original sample.
Random Duration
Sets the random grain duration. This duration is calculated at the start of a new
Duration Key Follow
Determines how the grain duration changes with the notes you play. It is mostly
used with short durations. Longer durations sound with the original pitch of the
sample and therefore do not need to follow the keyboard.
Allows you to specify an interval between -12 and +12 semitones. The grains are
played randomly at their original pitch, or are transposed according to the pitch
interval. This parameter is suited for longer grain durations.
Random Pitch
Sets the random pitch range in semitones and cents. At a setting of +12, the
random pitch values lie between -12 and +12 semitones. This parameter can be
used to enrich the sound.
Adjusts the overall level of the grain oscillator. When you increase the number
of grains, it might become necessary to lower the oscillator level. When you play
back a very quiet portion of a sample, you can use this control to raise the level.
Random Level
Sets a random level for each new grain. At a setting of 100 %, the level varies
between a factor of 0 and 2 of the original level.
Narrows the stereo width of the grain oscillator. It is applied after the grain
oscillator and does not affect the stereo width of the actual sample. At a setting
of 0 %, the output of the grain oscillator is monophonic.


Included Instruments
Auto Gain
Allows you to automatically adjust the level of grains using quieter sample parts.
This way, you get a more homogeneous signal and you can use a quiet part of a
sample as source.
Allows you to specify the number of grains, from 1 to 8. For example, with a
setting of 4, you get 4 grains per period of the grain duration.
To hear the effect of this setting, you have to play a new note.
Fixed Pitch
Plays the sample at a fixed pitch.

If this button is activated, the sample follows the pitch of the keyboard.
The root key is C3.


If this button is deactivated, the sample plays at its original pitch, and any
pitch modulations for the zone have no effect.

Mod Page
The Mod page contains the modulation matrix.

The modulation matrix offers you up to 16 freely assignable modulations, each with a source,
a modifier, and a destination with adjustable depth. The polarity of each source and each
modifier can be switched between unipolar and bipolar.

Creating Modulations
You create modulations by selecting a source, a modifier, and a destination from the pop-up
menus in the modulation matrix.

Click the modulation Source field and select the modulation source.


Optional: Click in the modulation Modifier field and select the parameter that you want
to use to modify the modulation.
This modifier is used to scale the output of the modulation source.


Optional: Specify whether you want the Source and Modifier parameters to be unipolar
or bipolar.


Set the modulation intensity with the Depth parameter.


Included Instruments

Click in the modulation Destination field and select the parameter that you want to

Modulation Matrix Parameters
Modulation Sources and Modulation Modifiers
The following options are available as modulation sources and as modulation modifiers.
The LFOs A and B produce cyclic modulation signals.
Amp Envelope
The amplifier envelope. The shape of the envelope determines the modulation
Filter Envelope
The filter envelope. The shape of the envelope determines the modulation signal.
Env 3
A freely assignable envelope. It is suited for pan or pitch modulation, for example.
Key Follow
This produces an exponential modulation signal derived from the MIDI note
number. Exponential means this source works with destinations such as Pitch or
Note-on Velocity
Note-on velocity can be used as modulation signal.
Note-on Vel Squared
The squared version of Note-on Velocity. The harder you press the key, the higher
the modulation values.
The position of the pitchbend wheel can be used as modulation signal.
Modulation Wheel
The position of the modulation wheel can be used as modulation signal.
Aftertouch can be used as modulation signal. Some MIDI keyboards cannot send
aftertouch messages. However, most sequencer software is able to produce such
Arp Controller 1–3
The 3 controllers available on this submenu correspond to the three controller
lanes on the Arp page.


Included Instruments
Bus 1–8
Modulations that are sent to one of the eight busses can be reused as sources.
This way, you can combine several modulations to produce more complex
Quick Control 1–8
The quick controls can be used as modulation signal.

Unipolar vs. Bipolar Sources
The polarity of a modulation source specifies the value range that it produces. Unipolar
sources modulate between 0 and +1. Bipolar sources modulate between -1 and +1.

To change the polarity of a modulation source or modifier from unipolar to bipolar,
activate its Bipolar button.

Modulation Destinations
Modulates the pitch. For example, assign one of the LFOs to create a vibrato
effect. If Pitch is selected, the modulation depth is set in semitones.
Modulates the filter cutoff.
Modulates the filter resonance. Resonance changes the character of the filter.
For example, to accent the filter the harder you hit a key, assign Velocity to
Modulates the filter distortion.
This modulation adds to the level setting. It can be used to create level offsets
using the mod wheel, for example.
Modulates the gain. The volume modulation multiplies with the level.
Modulates the position of the sound in the panorama.
Grain Position
Modulates the playback position. The modulation is not continuous, but it is
updated at the start of each grain.


Included Instruments
Grain Duration
Modulates the grain duration, that is, the frequency at which the grains repeat.
The maximum modulation range at a modulation depth of 100 % is -5 to +5
Grain Pitch
Modulates the pitch of a grain. The modulation is not continuous, but it is updated
at the start of a new grain. For continuous pitch modulation, use Pitch instead of
Grain Pitch as destination and make sure that Follow Zone Pitch is activated in
the grain oscillator.
Grain Formant
Modulates the pitch of the source sample independently from the grain duration.
This results in formant shifting for short durations.
Grain Level
Modulates the grain level. The modulation is not continuous, but it is updated at
the start of each new grain.
Amp Env Attack
Modulates the attack time of the amplitude envelope. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Amp Env Decay
Modulates the decay time of the amplitude envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Amp Env Sustain
Modulates the sustain level of the amplitude envelope. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the
segment starts.
Amp Env Release
Modulates the release time of the amplitude envelope. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Filter Env Attack
Modulates the attack time of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Filter Env Decay
Modulates the decay time of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment


Included Instruments
Filter Env Sustain
Modulates the sustain level of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the segment
Filter Env Release
Modulates the release time of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Env 3 Start Level
Modulates the start level of the user-definable envelope 3, that is, the level
of the first envelope node. This modulation destination cannot be modulated
continuously. The level is updated only when the segment starts.
Env 3 Attack
Modulates the attack time of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Env 3 Attack Level
Modulates the attack level of the user-definable envelope 3, that is, the level of
the second envelope node. This modulation destination cannot be modulated
continuously. The level is updated only when the segment starts.
Env 3 Decay
Modulates the decay time of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Env 3 Sustain
Modulates the sustain level of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the
segment starts.
Env 3 Release
Modulates the release time of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Env 3 Release Level
Modulates the release level of the user-definable envelope 3, that is, the
last user envelope node. This modulation destination cannot be modulated
continuously. The level is updated only when the segment starts.
Bus 1-8
You can send any modulation to one of the 8 busses, for example, to produce
more complex modulation signals. Select the bus that you want to send the
signals to as a destination. To use the modulation that was sent to a bus, assign
the corresponding bus as a modulation source.


Included Instruments

Voice Page

Voice Section
If Mono mode is deactivated, you can use this parameter to specify how many
notes can be played simultaneously.
Activates monophonic playback.
This option is only available in Mono mode. If Retrigger is activated, a note that
was stolen by another note is retriggered if you still hold the stolen note when
you release the new one.
This way, you can play trills by holding one note and quickly and repeatedly
pressing and releasing another note, for example.
Trigger Mode
Defines the trigger behavior for new notes.

Normal triggers a new note when the previous note gets stolen. The
sample and the envelope of the new note are triggered from the start.
To minimize discontinuities, use the Fade Out parameter of the zone.


Resume does not always trigger a new note.
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope is retriggered, but
resumes at the level of the stolen note. The pitch of the zone is set to the
new note.
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.


Legato does not always trigger a new note.
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope keeps running.
The pitch of the zone is set to the new note.
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.


Resume Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope resumes at the level of the stolen note and the pitch of the zone is
set to the new note, even if the new note plays in a different zone.


Included Instruments

Legato Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope keeps running and the pitch of the zone is set to the new note,
even if the new note plays in a different zone.

Glide Section
Allows you to bend the pitch between notes that follow each other. You achieve
the best results in Mono mode.
Activate this parameter to glide the pitch only between notes that are played
Glide Time
Sets the glide time, that is, the time it takes to bend the pitch from one note to
the next.

Pitch Section
Adjusts the pitch in octave steps.
Adjusts the pitch in semitone steps.
Adjusts the pitch in cent steps. This allows you to fine-tune the oscillator sound.
Pitchbend Up/Pitchbend Down
Determines the range for the modulation that is applied when you move the
pitchbend wheel.

Filter Section

Filter On/Off
Activates/Deactivates the filter.
Filter Shape

LP24, 18, 12, and 6 are low-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12 and BP24 are band-pass filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
below and above the cutoff are attenuated.


Included Instruments

HP6+LP18 and HP6+LP12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct and a low-pass filter with 18 and 12 dB/oct, respectively (asymmetric
band-pass filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated.
Attenuation is more pronounced for the frequencies above the cutoff.


HP12+LP6 and HP18+LP6 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 12
and 18 dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 dB/oct (asymmetric band-pass
filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated. Attenuation
is more pronounced for the frequencies below the cutoff.


HP24, 18, 12, and 6 are high-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies below the cutoff are attenuated.


BR12 and BR24 are band-reject filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
around the cutoff are attenuated.


BR12+LP6 and BR12+LP12 are combinations of a band-reject filter with 12
dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 and 12 dB/oct, respectively. Frequencies
around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12+BR12 is a band-pass filter with 12 dB/oct plus a band-reject filter
with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below, above, and around the cutoff are


HP6+BR12 and HP12+BR12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6
and 12 dB/oct and a band-reject filter with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below
and around the cutoff are attenuated.


AP is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct. Frequencies around the cutoff are


AP+LP6 is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct plus a low-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct. Frequencies around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


HP6+AP is a high-pass filter with 6 dB/oct plus an all-pass filter with 18
dB/oct. Frequencies around and below the cutoff are attenuated.

Controls the cutoff frequency of the filter.
Emphasizes the frequencies around the cutoff. At higher settings, the filter selfoscillates, which results in a ringing tone.
Adds distortion to the signal. The following distortion types are available:

Tube adds warm, tube-like distortion.


Hard Clip adds bright, transistor-like distortion.


Bit Reduction adds digital distortion by means of quantization noise.


Rate Reduction adds digital distortion by means of aliasing.


Rate Reduction Key Follow adds digital distortion by means of aliasing, but
with Key Follow. The rate reduction follows the keyboard, so the higher you
play, the higher the sample rate.

Envelope Amount
Controls the cutoff modulation from the filter envelope.


Included Instruments
Cutoff Velocity
Controls the cutoff modulation from velocity.
Cutoff Key Follow
Adjusts the cutoff modulation using the note number. Increase this parameter
to raise the cutoff with higher notes. At 100 %, the cutoff follows the played pitch

Filter Envelope
On the left on the Env F/A tab, you can set up the filter envelope.

Controls the attack time of the filter envelope.
Controls the decay time of the filter envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the filter envelope.
Controls the release time of the filter envelope.

Amplifier and Amplifier Envelope
On the right of the Env F/A tab, you can make settings for the amplifier and the amplifier

Amplifier Parameters
Controls the overall volume of the sound.


Included Instruments
Controls the level modulation from velocity. At 0, all notes are played with the
same level.

Amplifier Envelope Parameters
Controls the attack time of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the decay time of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the release time of the amplifier envelope.

Env3 Section

The faders below the envelope display set the following parameters:

L0 sets the start level.


A sets the attack time.


L1 sets the attack level.


D sets the decay time.


S sets the sustain level.


R sets the release time.


L4 sets the end level.


Vel determines how much the envelope intensity depends on the velocity.
If this fader is set to 0, the envelope is fully applied. Higher values reduce the intensity
for lower velocities.


Included Instruments

LFO Section
In the LFO section, you can make settings for LFO A and LFO B.

LFO Waveform and Shape

Sine produces smooth modulation, suitable for vibrato or tremolo. Shape
adds additional harmonics to the waveform.


Triangle is similar to Sine. Shape continuously changes the triangle
waveform to a trapezoid.


Saw produces a ramp cycle. Shape continuously changes the waveform
from ramp down to triangle to ramp up.


Pulse produces stepped modulation, where the modulation switches
abruptly between two values. Shape continuously changes the ratio
between the high and low state of the waveform. If Shape is set to 50 %, a
square wave is produced.


Ramp is similar to the Saw waveform. Shape increasingly puts silence
before the sawtooth ramp up begins.


Log produces a logarithmic modulation. Shape continuously changes the
logarithmic curvature from negative to positive.


S & H 1 produces randomly stepped modulation, where each step is
different. Shape puts ramps between the steps and changes the S & H into
a smooth random signal when fully turned right.


S & H 2 is similar to S & H 1. The steps alternate between random high and
low values. Shape puts ramps between the steps and changes the S & H
into a smooth random signal when fully turned right.

If Sync is activated, the frequency is set in fractions of beats.
Controls the frequency of the modulation, that is, the speed of the LFO.
Sets the initial phase of the waveform when the LFO is retriggered.
Rnd (Random Phase)
If this button is activated, each note starts with a randomized start phase.
The Phase control cannot be used if Rnd is activated.


Included Instruments

Arp Page
This page contains the same parameters as the FlexPhraser.

FlexPhraser on page 483

Raven provides the sound of a classical Italian concert grand with six velocity layers and
adjustable sustain resonances. Its Tone control allows you to adapt the tonal range from very
soft romantic to more intense colors. In addition, you can modify the character of the note-off
behavior by adding a dedicated note-off layer.

Raven comes with 6 different velocity layers. The Tone control allows you to
specify how these layers are used.

If the Tone control is in middle position, different input velocities trigger all
6 layers.


Included Instruments

If you turn the knob to the left, the number of hard velocity layers that are
used in the sound is reduced, that is, the sound becomes softer.


If you turn the knob to the right, the number of soft velocity layers that are
used is reduced, that is, the sound becomes harder.

The Tone control is independent from the influence that the velocity has on the
level of the piano. That means that you can always play the entire level range,
even with the softest or the hardest layer.
Dynamics – Curve
Allows you to specify how the input velocity is affecting the level of the piano.
The curve that is used by this control goes from linear to exponential/negative
exponential. The curve display on the right reflects the current setting.
Dynamics – Minimum Level
Specifies the minimum level for the note that is playing the lowest MIDI velocity.
This allows you to simulate the behavior of real pianos where you cannot play a
note without a minimum amount of pressure. If you set this control to the lowest
setting, you get a behavior that is more common with electronic instruments.
Sustain Resonance
Allows you to decide whether or not to use the additional sustain resonance layer
of the piano.
If this option is activated, the sustain resonance layers are played when the
sustain pedal is held and notes are played. You can adjust the level of the
resonance layer with the dial on the right.
The piano also allows for repedaling, which means that the sustain resonances
will also be blended in when the sustain pedal is pressed again shortly after
notes have been played.
If you do not want to use the sustain resonance layers, deactivate this option to
save CPU power.
Note Off
Allows you to decide whether or not to use an additional note-off layer.
If this option is deactivated, the sound of the piano stops faster when a key is
released. If this option is activated, the release is slightly longer and smoother.
Determines the number of notes that can be played before notes are stolen.

Eagle provides the sound of a classical German concert grand with 12 velocity layers and
adjustable sustain resonances. Its Tone control allows you to adapt the tonal range from very


Included Instruments
soft romantic to more intense colors. In addition, you can modify the character of the note-off
behavior by adding a dedicated note-off layer.

Eagle comes with 12 different velocity layers. The Tone control allows you to
specify how these layers are used.

If the Tone control is in middle position, different input velocities trigger all
12 layers.


If you turn the knob to the left, the number of hard velocity layers that are
used in the sound is reduced, that is, the sound becomes softer.


If you turn the knob to the right, the number of soft velocity layers that are
used is reduced, that is, the sound becomes harder.

The Tone control is independent from the influence that the velocity has on the
level of the piano. That means that you can always play the entire level range,
even with the softest or the hardest layer.
Dynamics – Curve
Allows you to specify how the input velocity is affecting the level of the piano.
The curve that is used by this control goes from linear to exponential/negative
exponential. The curve display on the right reflects the current setting.
Dynamics – Minimum Level
Specifies the minimum level for the note that is playing the lowest MIDI velocity.
This allows you to simulate the behavior of real pianos where you cannot play a
note without a minimum amount of pressure. If you set this control to the lowest
setting, you get a behavior that is more common with electronic instruments.
Sustain Resonance
Allows you to decide whether or not to use the additional sustain resonance layer
of the piano.


Included Instruments
Hot Brass
If this option is activated, the sustain resonance layers are played when the
sustain pedal is held and notes are played. You can adjust the level of the
resonance layer with the dial on the right.
The piano also allows for repedaling, which means that the sustain resonances
will also be blended in when the sustain pedal is pressed again shortly after
notes have been played.
If you do not want to use the sustain resonance layers, deactivate this option to
save CPU power.
Note Off
Allows you to decide whether or not to use an additional note-off layer.
If this option is deactivated, the sound of the piano stops faster when a key is
released. If this option is activated, the release is slightly longer and smoother.
Determines the number of notes that can be played before notes are stolen.

Hot Brass
Hot Brass delivers a broad range of brass sounds and articulations suited for rock, soul,
funk, and other music styles that need sharp and accentuated brass tone colors. This
instrument is particularly suited to play concise licks and riffs.
The instrument’s sample oscillators are followed by a synthesis section with a flexible filter
where you can modify the sounds further. With the FlexPhraser functionality on the Arp
page, you can play typical brass phrases and licks with a single note on your keyboard.

Hot Brass contains four pages: Main, Mod, Voice, and Arp. To show the settings for a page,
click the corresponding page button.
The button for the Arp page also contains an On/Off button for the arpeggiator.


Included Instruments
Hot Brass

Main Page
The Main page allows you to select the sample for Hot Brass and to make basic pitch

Select Samples
Allows you to choose from a range of included samples. Hot Brass provides three
differently mixed sections and a pure saxophone section. You can add additional
authenticity to your play using the included falls, growls, doits, shakes, and
staccato articulations.
Adjusts the pitch in semitone steps.
Allows you to fine-tune the pitch in cent steps.
Random Pitch
Allows you to randomly offset the pitch with each played note. Higher values
cause stronger variations. At the maximum setting, the random offsets can vary
from -60 cents to +60 cents.
Defines the position of the instrument in the stereo panorama

Mod Page
The Mod page contains the modulation matrix.

The modulation matrix offers you up to 16 freely assignable modulations, each with a source,
a modifier, and a destination with adjustable depth. The polarity of each source and each
modifier can be switched between unipolar and bipolar.


Included Instruments
Hot Brass

Creating Modulations
You create modulations by selecting a source, a modifier, and a destination from the pop-up
menus in the modulation matrix.

Click the modulation Source field and select the modulation source.


Optional: Click in the modulation Modifier field and select the parameter that you want
to use to modify the modulation.
This modifier is used to scale the output of the modulation source.


Optional: Specify whether you want the Source and Modifier parameters to be unipolar
or bipolar.


Set the modulation intensity with the Depth parameter.


Click in the modulation Destination field and select the parameter that you want to

Modulation Matrix Parameters
Modulation Sources and Modulation Modifiers
The following options are available as modulation sources and as modulation modifiers.
The LFOs A and B produce cyclic modulation signals.
Amp Envelope
The amplifier envelope. The shape of the envelope determines the modulation
Filter Envelope
The filter envelope. The shape of the envelope determines the modulation signal.
Env 3
A freely assignable envelope. It is suited for pan or pitch modulation, for example.
Key Follow
This produces an exponential modulation signal derived from the MIDI note
number. Exponential means this source works with destinations such as Pitch or
Note-on Velocity
Note-on velocity can be used as modulation signal.
Note-on Vel Squared
The squared version of Note-on Velocity. The harder you press the key, the higher
the modulation values.
The position of the pitchbend wheel can be used as modulation signal.


Included Instruments
Hot Brass
Modulation Wheel
The position of the modulation wheel can be used as modulation signal.
Aftertouch can be used as modulation signal. Some MIDI keyboards cannot send
aftertouch messages. However, most sequencer software is able to produce such
Arp Controller 1–3
The 3 controllers available on this submenu correspond to the three controller
lanes on the Arp page.
Bus 1–8
Modulations that are sent to one of the eight busses can be reused as sources.
This way, you can combine several modulations to produce more complex
Quick Control 1–8
The quick controls can be used as modulation signal.

Unipolar vs. Bipolar Sources
The polarity of a modulation source specifies the value range that it produces. Unipolar
sources modulate between 0 and +1. Bipolar sources modulate between -1 and +1.

To change the polarity of a modulation source or modifier from unipolar to bipolar,
activate its Bipolar button.

Modulation Destinations
Modulates the pitch. For example, assign one of the LFOs to create a vibrato
effect. If Pitch is selected, the modulation depth is set in semitones.
Modulates the filter cutoff.
Modulates the filter resonance. Resonance changes the character of the filter.
For example, to accent the filter the harder you hit a key, assign Velocity to
Modulates the filter distortion.
This modulation adds to the level setting. It can be used to create level offsets
using the mod wheel, for example.


Included Instruments
Hot Brass
Modulates the gain. The volume modulation multiplies with the level.
Modulates the position of the sound in the panorama.
Amp Env Attack
Modulates the attack time of the amplitude envelope. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Amp Env Decay
Modulates the decay time of the amplitude envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Amp Env Sustain
Modulates the sustain level of the amplitude envelope. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the
segment starts.
Amp Env Release
Modulates the release time of the amplitude envelope. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Filter Env Attack
Modulates the attack time of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Filter Env Decay
Modulates the decay time of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Filter Env Sustain
Modulates the sustain level of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the segment
Filter Env Release
Modulates the release time of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Env 3 Start Level
Modulates the start level of the user-definable envelope 3, that is, the level
of the first envelope node. This modulation destination cannot be modulated
continuously. The level is updated only when the segment starts.


Included Instruments
Hot Brass
Env 3 Attack
Modulates the attack time of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Env 3 Attack Level
Modulates the attack level of the user-definable envelope 3, that is, the level of
the second envelope node. This modulation destination cannot be modulated
continuously. The level is updated only when the segment starts.
Env 3 Decay
Modulates the decay time of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Env 3 Sustain
Modulates the sustain level of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the
segment starts.
Env 3 Release
Modulates the release time of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Env 3 Release Level
Modulates the release level of the user-definable envelope 3, that is, the
last user envelope node. This modulation destination cannot be modulated
continuously. The level is updated only when the segment starts.
Bus 1-8
You can send any modulation to one of the 8 busses, for example, to produce
more complex modulation signals. Select the bus that you want to send the
signals to as a destination. To use the modulation that was sent to a bus, assign
the corresponding bus as a modulation source.

Voice Page

If Mono mode is deactivated, you can use this parameter to specify how many
notes can be played simultaneously.


Included Instruments
Hot Brass
Activates monophonic playback.
This option is only available in Mono mode. If Retrigger is activated, a note that
was stolen by another note is retriggered if you still hold the stolen note when
you release the new one.
This way, you can play trills by holding one note and quickly and repeatedly
pressing and releasing another note, for example.
Trigger Mode
Defines the trigger behavior for new notes.

Normal triggers a new note when the previous note gets stolen. The
sample and the envelope of the new note are triggered from the start.
To minimize discontinuities, use the Fade Out parameter of the zone.


Resume does not always trigger a new note.
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope is retriggered, but
resumes at the level of the stolen note. The pitch of the zone is set to the
new note.
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.


Legato does not always trigger a new note.
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope keeps running.
The pitch of the zone is set to the new note.
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.


Resume Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope resumes at the level of the stolen note and the pitch of the zone is
set to the new note, even if the new note plays in a different zone.


Legato Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope keeps running and the pitch of the zone is set to the new note,
even if the new note plays in a different zone.

Allows you to bend the pitch between notes that follow each other. You achieve
the best results in Mono mode.
Activate this parameter to glide the pitch only between notes that are played
Glide Time
Sets the glide time, that is, the time it takes to bend the pitch from one note to
the next.
Pitchbend Up/Pitchbend Down
Determines the range for the modulation that is applied when you move the
pitchbend wheel.


Included Instruments
Hot Brass

Filter Section

Filter On/Off
Activates/Deactivates the filter.
Filter Shape

LP24, 18, 12, and 6 are low-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12 and BP24 are band-pass filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
below and above the cutoff are attenuated.


HP6+LP18 and HP6+LP12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct and a low-pass filter with 18 and 12 dB/oct, respectively (asymmetric
band-pass filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated.
Attenuation is more pronounced for the frequencies above the cutoff.


HP12+LP6 and HP18+LP6 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 12
and 18 dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 dB/oct (asymmetric band-pass
filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated. Attenuation
is more pronounced for the frequencies below the cutoff.


HP24, 18, 12, and 6 are high-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies below the cutoff are attenuated.


BR12 and BR24 are band-reject filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
around the cutoff are attenuated.


BR12+LP6 and BR12+LP12 are combinations of a band-reject filter with 12
dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 and 12 dB/oct, respectively. Frequencies
around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12+BR12 is a band-pass filter with 12 dB/oct plus a band-reject filter
with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below, above, and around the cutoff are


HP6+BR12 and HP12+BR12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6
and 12 dB/oct and a band-reject filter with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below
and around the cutoff are attenuated.


AP is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct. Frequencies around the cutoff are


AP+LP6 is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct plus a low-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct. Frequencies around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


HP6+AP is a high-pass filter with 6 dB/oct plus an all-pass filter with 18
dB/oct. Frequencies around and below the cutoff are attenuated.

Controls the cutoff frequency of the filter.


Included Instruments
Hot Brass
Emphasizes the frequencies around the cutoff. At higher settings, the filter selfoscillates, which results in a ringing tone.
Adds distortion to the signal. The following distortion types are available:

Tube adds warm, tube-like distortion.


Hard Clip adds bright, transistor-like distortion.


Bit Reduction adds digital distortion by means of quantization noise.


Rate Reduction adds digital distortion by means of aliasing.


Rate Reduction Key Follow adds digital distortion by means of aliasing, but
with Key Follow. The rate reduction follows the keyboard, so the higher you
play, the higher the sample rate.

Envelope Amount
Controls the cutoff modulation from the filter envelope.
Cutoff Velocity
Controls the cutoff modulation from velocity.
Cutoff Key Follow
Adjusts the cutoff modulation using the note number. Increase this parameter
to raise the cutoff with higher notes. At 100 %, the cutoff follows the played pitch

Filter Envelope
On the left on the Env F/A tab, you can set up the filter envelope.

Controls the attack time of the filter envelope.
Controls the decay time of the filter envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the filter envelope.
Controls the release time of the filter envelope.


Included Instruments
Hot Brass

Amplifier and Amplifier Envelope
On the right of the Env F/A tab, you can make settings for the amplifier and the amplifier

Amplifier Parameters
Controls the overall volume of the sound.
Controls the level modulation from velocity. At 0, all notes are played with the
same level.

Amplifier Envelope Parameters
Controls the attack time of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the decay time of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the release time of the amplifier envelope.

Env3 Section

The faders below the envelope display set the following parameters:

L0 sets the start level.


A sets the attack time.


L1 sets the attack level.


D sets the decay time.


Included Instruments
Hot Brass

S sets the sustain level.


R sets the release time.


L4 sets the end level.


Vel determines how much the envelope intensity depends on the velocity.
If this fader is set to 0, the envelope is fully applied. Higher values reduce the intensity
for lower velocities.

LFO Section
In the LFO section, you can make settings for LFO A and LFO B.

LFO Waveform and Shape

Sine produces smooth modulation, suitable for vibrato or tremolo. Shape
adds additional harmonics to the waveform.


Triangle is similar to Sine. Shape continuously changes the triangle
waveform to a trapezoid.


Saw produces a ramp cycle. Shape continuously changes the waveform
from ramp down to triangle to ramp up.


Pulse produces stepped modulation, where the modulation switches
abruptly between two values. Shape continuously changes the ratio
between the high and low state of the waveform. If Shape is set to 50 %, a
square wave is produced.


Ramp is similar to the Saw waveform. Shape increasingly puts silence
before the sawtooth ramp up begins.


Log produces a logarithmic modulation. Shape continuously changes the
logarithmic curvature from negative to positive.


S & H 1 produces randomly stepped modulation, where each step is
different. Shape puts ramps between the steps and changes the S & H into
a smooth random signal when fully turned right.


S & H 2 is similar to S & H 1. The steps alternate between random high and
low values. Shape puts ramps between the steps and changes the S & H
into a smooth random signal when fully turned right.

If Sync is activated, the frequency is set in fractions of beats.
Controls the frequency of the modulation, that is, the speed of the LFO.
Sets the initial phase of the waveform when the LFO is retriggered.


Included Instruments
Studio Strings
Rnd (Random Phase)
If this button is activated, each note starts with a randomized start phase.
The Phase control cannot be used if Rnd is activated.

Arp Page
This page contains the same parameters as the FlexPhraser.

FlexPhraser on page 483

Studio Strings
Studio Strings delivers a broad range of string sounds and articulations comprising solo
strings, small chamber, and full orchestra sections.

The instrument’s sample oscillators are followed by a synthesis section with a flexible
filter where you can modify the sounds further. With the FlexPhraser functionality on the


Included Instruments
Studio Strings
Arp page, you can play typical phrases with a single note on your keyboard. Studio Strings
contains four pages: Main, Mod, Voice, and Arp. To show the settings for a page, click the
corresponding page button.
The button for the Arp page also contains an On/Off button for the arpeggiator.

Main Page
The Main page allows you to select the sample for Studio Strings and to make basic pitch

Select Samples
Allows you to choose from a range of included samples.
Adjusts the pitch in semitone steps.
Allows you to fine-tune the pitch in cent steps.
Random Pitch
Allows you to randomly offset the pitch with each played note. Higher values
cause stronger variations. At the maximum setting, the random offsets can vary
from -60 cents to +60 cents.
Defines the position of the instrument in the stereo panorama.

Mod Page
The Mod page contains the modulation matrix.


Included Instruments
Studio Strings
The modulation matrix offers you up to 16 freely assignable modulations, each with a source,
a modifier, and a destination with adjustable depth. The polarity of each source and each
modifier can be switched between unipolar and bipolar.

Creating Modulations
You create modulations by selecting a source, a modifier, and a destination from the pop-up
menus in the modulation matrix.

Click the modulation Source field and select the modulation source.


Optional: Click in the modulation Modifier field and select the parameter that you want
to use to modify the modulation.
This modifier is used to scale the output of the modulation source.


Optional: Specify whether you want the Source and Modifier parameters to be unipolar
or bipolar.


Set the modulation intensity with the Depth parameter.


Click in the modulation Destination field and select the parameter that you want to

Modulation Matrix Parameters
Modulation Sources and Modulation Modifiers
The following options are available as modulation sources and as modulation modifiers.
The LFOs A and B produce cyclic modulation signals.
Amp Envelope
The amplifier envelope. The shape of the envelope determines the modulation
Filter Envelope
The filter envelope. The shape of the envelope determines the modulation signal.
Env 3
A freely assignable envelope. It is suited for pan or pitch modulation, for example.
Key Follow
This produces an exponential modulation signal derived from the MIDI note
number. Exponential means this source works with destinations such as Pitch or
Note-on Velocity
Note-on velocity can be used as modulation signal.
Note-on Vel Squared
The squared version of Note-on Velocity. The harder you press the key, the higher
the modulation values.


Included Instruments
Studio Strings
The position of the pitchbend wheel can be used as modulation signal.
Modulation Wheel
The position of the modulation wheel can be used as modulation signal.
Aftertouch can be used as modulation signal. Some MIDI keyboards cannot send
aftertouch messages. However, most sequencer software is able to produce such
Arp Controller 1–3
The 3 controllers available on this submenu correspond to the three controller
lanes on the Arp page.
Bus 1–8
Modulations that are sent to one of the eight busses can be reused as sources.
This way, you can combine several modulations to produce more complex
Quick Control 1–8
The quick controls can be used as modulation signal.

Unipolar vs. Bipolar Sources
The polarity of a modulation source specifies the value range that it produces. Unipolar
sources modulate between 0 and +1. Bipolar sources modulate between -1 and +1.

To change the polarity of a modulation source or modifier from unipolar to bipolar,
activate its Bipolar button.

Modulation Destinations
Modulates the pitch. For example, assign one of the LFOs to create a vibrato
effect. If Pitch is selected, the modulation depth is set in semitones.
Modulates the filter cutoff.
Modulates the filter resonance. Resonance changes the character of the filter.
For example, to accent the filter the harder you hit a key, assign Velocity to
Modulates the filter distortion.


Included Instruments
Studio Strings
This modulation adds to the level setting. It can be used to create level offsets
using the mod wheel, for example.
Modulates the gain. The volume modulation multiplies with the level.
Modulates the position of the sound in the panorama.
Amp Env Attack
Modulates the attack time of the amplitude envelope. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Amp Env Decay
Modulates the decay time of the amplitude envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Amp Env Sustain
Modulates the sustain level of the amplitude envelope. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the
segment starts.
Amp Env Release
Modulates the release time of the amplitude envelope. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Filter Env Attack
Modulates the attack time of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Filter Env Decay
Modulates the decay time of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment
Filter Env Sustain
Modulates the sustain level of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the segment
Filter Env Release
Modulates the release time of the filter envelope. This modulation destination
cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the segment


Included Instruments
Studio Strings
Env 3 Start Level
Modulates the start level of the user-definable envelope 3, that is, the level
of the first envelope node. This modulation destination cannot be modulated
continuously. The level is updated only when the segment starts.
Env 3 Attack
Modulates the attack time of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Env 3 Attack Level
Modulates the attack level of the user-definable envelope 3, that is, the level of
the second envelope node. This modulation destination cannot be modulated
continuously. The level is updated only when the segment starts.
Env 3 Decay
Modulates the decay time of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Env 3 Sustain
Modulates the sustain level of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The level is updated only when the
segment starts.
Env 3 Release
Modulates the release time of the user-definable envelope 3. This modulation
destination cannot be modulated continuously. The time is updated only when the
segment starts.
Env 3 Release Level
Modulates the release level of the user-definable envelope 3, that is, the
last user envelope node. This modulation destination cannot be modulated
continuously. The level is updated only when the segment starts.
Bus 1-8
You can send any modulation to one of the 8 busses, for example, to produce
more complex modulation signals. Select the bus that you want to send the
signals to as a destination. To use the modulation that was sent to a bus, assign
the corresponding bus as a modulation source.


Included Instruments
Studio Strings

Voice Page

If Mono mode is deactivated, you can use this parameter to specify how many
notes can be played simultaneously.
Activates monophonic playback.
This option is only available in Mono mode. If Retrigger is activated, a note that
was stolen by another note is retriggered if you still hold the stolen note when
you release the new one.
This way, you can play trills by holding one note and quickly and repeatedly
pressing and releasing another note, for example.
Trigger Mode
Defines the trigger behavior for new notes.

Normal triggers a new note when the previous note gets stolen. The
sample and the envelope of the new note are triggered from the start.
To minimize discontinuities, use the Fade Out parameter of the zone.


Resume does not always trigger a new note.
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope is retriggered, but
resumes at the level of the stolen note. The pitch of the zone is set to the
new note.
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.


Legato does not always trigger a new note.
If the new note stays within the same zone, the envelope keeps running.
The pitch of the zone is set to the new note.
If the new note plays in a different zone, the sample and the envelope of the
new note are triggered from the start.


Resume Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope resumes at the level of the stolen note and the pitch of the zone is
set to the new note, even if the new note plays in a different zone.


Legato Keeps Zone does not trigger a new note upon note stealing. The
envelope keeps running and the pitch of the zone is set to the new note,
even if the new note plays in a different zone.


Included Instruments
Studio Strings
Allows you to bend the pitch between notes that follow each other. You achieve
the best results in Mono mode.
Activate this parameter to glide the pitch only between notes that are played
Glide Time
Sets the glide time, that is, the time it takes to bend the pitch from one note to
the next.
Start Range
Activate Start Range to use a shorter sample attack for notes that are played
legato in Mono mode. This allows for a more realistic transition between notes,
especially in combination with the Glide parameter. Use the Attack Time of the
amplifier envelope to shape the effective attack of a note.
The Start Range affects only sustained articulations. For staccato, pizzicato, and
crescendo articulations, it has no effect.
Pitchbend Up/Pitchbend Down
Determines the range for the modulation that is applied when you move the
pitchbend wheel.

Filter Section

Filter On/Off
Activates/Deactivates the filter.
Filter Shape

LP24, 18, 12, and 6 are low-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12 and BP24 are band-pass filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
below and above the cutoff are attenuated.


HP6+LP18 and HP6+LP12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct and a low-pass filter with 18 and 12 dB/oct, respectively (asymmetric
band-pass filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated.
Attenuation is more pronounced for the frequencies above the cutoff.


Included Instruments
Studio Strings

HP12+LP6 and HP18+LP6 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 12
and 18 dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 dB/oct (asymmetric band-pass
filter). Frequencies below and above the cutoff are attenuated. Attenuation
is more pronounced for the frequencies below the cutoff.


HP24, 18, 12, and 6 are high-pass filters with 24, 18, 12, and 6 dB/oct.
Frequencies below the cutoff are attenuated.


BR12 and BR24 are band-reject filters with 12 and 24 dB/oct. Frequencies
around the cutoff are attenuated.


BR12+LP6 and BR12+LP12 are combinations of a band-reject filter with 12
dB/oct and a low-pass filter with 6 and 12 dB/oct, respectively. Frequencies
around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


BP12+BR12 is a band-pass filter with 12 dB/oct plus a band-reject filter
with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below, above, and around the cutoff are


HP6+BR12 and HP12+BR12 are combinations of a high-pass filter with 6
and 12 dB/oct and a band-reject filter with 12 dB/oct. Frequencies below
and around the cutoff are attenuated.


AP is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct. Frequencies around the cutoff are


AP+LP6 is an all-pass filter with 18 dB/oct plus a low-pass filter with 6 dB/
oct. Frequencies around and above the cutoff are attenuated.


HP6+AP is a high-pass filter with 6 dB/oct plus an all-pass filter with 18
dB/oct. Frequencies around and below the cutoff are attenuated.

Controls the cutoff frequency of the filter.
Emphasizes the frequencies around the cutoff. At higher settings, the filter selfoscillates, which results in a ringing tone.
Adds distortion to the signal. The following distortion types are available:

Tube adds warm, tube-like distortion.


Hard Clip adds bright, transistor-like distortion.


Bit Reduction adds digital distortion by means of quantization noise.


Rate Reduction adds digital distortion by means of aliasing.


Rate Reduction Key Follow adds digital distortion by means of aliasing, but
with Key Follow. The rate reduction follows the keyboard, so the higher you
play, the higher the sample rate.

Envelope Amount
Controls the cutoff modulation from the filter envelope.
Cutoff Velocity
Controls the cutoff modulation from velocity.


Included Instruments
Studio Strings
Cutoff Key Follow
Adjusts the cutoff modulation using the note number. Increase this parameter
to raise the cutoff with higher notes. At 100 %, the cutoff follows the played pitch

Filter Envelope
On the left on the Env F/A tab, you can set up the filter envelope.

Controls the attack time of the filter envelope.
Controls the decay time of the filter envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the filter envelope.
Controls the release time of the filter envelope.

Amplifier and Amplifier Envelope
On the right of the Env F/A tab, you can make settings for the amplifier and the amplifier

Amplifier Parameters
Controls the overall volume of the sound.
Controls the level modulation from velocity. At 0, all notes are played with the
same level.


Included Instruments
Studio Strings

Amplifier Envelope Parameters
Controls the attack time of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the decay time of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the sustain level of the amplifier envelope.
Controls the release time of the amplifier envelope.

Arp Page
This page contains the same parameters as the FlexPhraser.

FlexPhraser on page 483


Parameter List

The Parameter List gives you a detailed overview of the parameters of the element that is
selected in the Program Tree.

For example, if you select an effect in the Program Tree, only the parameters of that effect
are shown.
The Parameter List is also useful to get additional information about parameters, which is
needed if you want to address parameters from a script, for example.

By default, the Parameter List shows the Parameter and Value columns. To add
additional columns to the Parameter List, right-click a column header and select an
item from the list.


To expand a folder and view its content, click the plus sign or double-click the folder.
To collapse a folder, click the minus sign or double-click the folder. To expand or
collapse all folders in the list, use the plus/minus buttons in the top left corner of the
Parameter List.
If a parameter is connected to a macro page, the icon to the left of the parameter
name changes. Additional information is shown at the bottom of the editor. To display
only connected parameters in the list, activate Show Only Connected Parameters in
the top right corner of the Parameter List.

The following columns are available:


Parameter List

Displays the names of the parameters. Parameters that belong to a specific
section are grouped in folders, for example, the LFOs or the envelopes of a zone.
Displays the values of the parameters.
ID (Dec)
Shows the parameter ID as decimal value.
ID (Hex)
Shows the parameter ID as hexadecimal value.
Shows the value type, that is, Integer, Float, String, Bool, or Data.
Shows the unit of the parameter, that is, %, Hz, dB, deg, cent, spl (sample), ms,
BPM, etc.
Shows the minimum value for the parameter.
Shows the maximum value for the parameter.
Shows the default value for the parameter.
Long Name
Shows the long name for the parameter.


Macro Pages

HALion allows you to build your own sample and synthesizer instruments and to customize
them using the integrated LUA script engine. In the Macro Page Designer, you can create
your own user interface for these instruments.
The Macro Page Designer allows you to create everything from small user interfaces for
custom script modules to complete instrument editors with several pages and a wide range
of controls, such as knobs, buttons, sliders, text, labels, menus, etc. In addition to the basic
controls, complex graphical editors for multi-stage envelopes, the FlexPhraser, the Step
Modulator, and displays for samples and wavetables are available. The controls themselves
are highly customizable in how they behave and look.
Macro pages can be created for programs, layers, and LUA script MIDI modules. They are not
available for smaller HALion elements, such as zones or effects, for example.

Macro Pages, Templates, Controls, Resources, and Libraries
The general concept behind macro pages distinguishes between templates, controls,
resources, and libraries.

Macro Pages
A macro page is a user interface document that describes which controls and templates
are used, how they are graphically arranged, and how the controls are connected to engine
or script parameters. The document is saved as an XML file and can be compared to an
HTML page describing a web page. A macro page can be created independently from any
HALion program and then be combined with it at a later stage. Macro pages contain a list of
resources (bitmaps, fonts) and a list of templates that are referenced on it.

A template is a group of control elements. A template can be used multiple times on a macro
page, each time with different property values. Templates are organized in the Templates
Tree. You can create your own templates, either from scratch in the Templates Tree or by
combining controls that are used on a macro page.

A control is a basic element, like a text field, menu, switch, knob, etc., that can be added to a
macro page. Controls have properties for their behavior and their appearance. Depending on
the type of control, they can be directly connected to engine and script parameters or have a
display functionality and use resources like bitmaps and fonts.


Macro Pages
Getting Started

Most controls require resources like bitmaps or fonts to display something on the screen.
These resources are organized in the Resources Tree.

Libraries are identical to macro pages, except that they do not include a functional user
interface. Instead, libraries contain a collection of templates and their resources. Using the
Resource/Library Browser, you can drag templates from a library onto a macro page. This
adds an instance of the template, as well as all necessary components, to your macro page.
Libraries can be edited in the same way as macro pages. You can export them to exchange
them with other users or customers.

Getting Started
To learn how to build your own macro pages, it is best to try it out step by step and get
familiar with the system.
Once you get the general idea of how macro pages are created, take a look at the
instruments that come with HALion, such as Anima, Skylab, etc. All the new instruments
are built using the feature set and editors of the Macro Page Designer and you can see every
single element on the GUI and check out how it is structured and connected to the engine or

Preparing a Basic Macro Page

Create a program with a single synth zone.


Click Open New Window and select Macro Page Designer Extended.
This window combines the Macro Page Designer with the Program Tree, the
Parameter List, the Sound Editor, and the Macro Page. Those editors can be used in
combination to set up and test a macro page.


Select the program in the Program Tree.
This way, the macro page will be associated with this program.


On the toolbar of the Macro Page Designer, click Create New Macro Page and select
Create HALion Sonic Macro Page to create a page that corresponds to the size
standard used in HALion Sonic and HALion Sonic SE.

An empty macro page with a size of 595 x 390 pixels is created. Size Lock is automatically
activated to prevent you from accidentally changing the size of the macro page. The Macro
Page Designer shows all the editors that are necessary to build a macro page.

Adding a Background Image to a Macro Page

You have prepared a basic macro page in the Macro Page Designer.


You have created or selected a bitmap file that you want to use as background.


Macro Pages
Getting Started

In the File Explorer/Mac OS Finder or the Resource/Library Browser, navigate to the
.bmp or .png bitmap file that you want to use and drag it onto the canvas in the Macro
Page Editor.
A new image control is added to the GUI Tree and the bitmap resource is added to the
Resources Tree. This resource is used by the image control on your page.


Optional: Adjust the position or size of the image, either in the Properties section or
directly on the canvas.

Editing the Elements on the Canvas on page 390
Scaling Elements on page 393

Loading a Template and Connecting It to the Parameters of Your
Once you have created a macro page, you can connect the parameters of your program to the
macro page controls.

In the Resource/Library Browser, select the Basic Controls library.


Select the Knobs folder.


Make sure that the GUI Tree has the focus and drag the Knob H6 template from the
browser onto the macro page.
The knob is added to the macro page. The template already contains several control
elements like the knob itself, a text field, and a label.


To move the template, drag it to another position. To scale the template, drag its
In this example, the template adapts the size of the text field and label accordingly and
keeps the knob centered.


In the Program Tree, select the zone that you want to use.


In the Parameter List, scroll to the Amp folder, expand it, and drag the Level
parameter name onto the Value field in the Properties section for the knob template or
onto the knob on the canvas.
The level of the zone is now connected to the value field.


Enter the name for the knob in the Label field, for example, Level.
Set the unit to dB to show a value in decibel.
For the tooltip, enter Oscillator Level.

Now that the connection is established, activate Test Macro Page and use the knob.

In the Parameter List and/or the Amp section of the Zone Editor, you can see that the
parameter values change as you use the control.


Macro Pages
Macro Page Designer

Saving the Macro Page
To save your macro page, click Save Macro Page/Library, specify a name and a location, and
click Save.
Macro pages can be created for programs, layers, and LUA script MIDI modules. They are not
available for smaller HALion elements, such as effects or zones, for example.

Macro Page Designer
The Macro Page Designer is where you create and edit macro pages.

In the middle of the editor, you find the canvas, that is, the area where you arrange the
controls on your interface.
The section on the left can show either the GUI Tree, the Templates Tree, or the Resources
Tree. These give you access to the macro page and its components.
The Properties section in the lower left shows the properties of the selected control,
template, or resource.
Below the canvas, you can display the Resource/Library Browser that can be used to browse
for control templates in libraries or in existing macro pages or for bitmap resources on your

The toolbar provides tools and commands necessary for designing and managing your macro


Macro Pages
Macro Page Designer
Create New Macro Page/Library
What happens when you click this button depends on which element is selected
in the Program Tree.
If a program or layer is selected, you can choose between Create Macro Page and
Create HALion Sonic Macro Page.

Create Macro Page allows you to create a macro page that does not have
any limitation in size.
With this option, it is possible to create macro pages that cannot be
displayed in their entirety in HALion Sonic or in the default screen setup of
HALion, for example.


Create HALion Sonic Macro Page creates a macro page that corresponds
to the size standard used in HALion Sonic and HALion Sonic SE, that
is, 595x390 pixels. If you select this option, Size Lock is automatically
activated so that you cannot accidentally modify the size of the macro page
during the design process of the page.

If a LUA script MIDI Module is selected, a macro page is created that corresponds
to the size standard used in HALion’s MIDI modules. Size Lock is automatically
activated so that you cannot accidentally modify the size of the macro page
during the design process of the page.
Load Macro Page
Allows you to navigate to a macro page and load it.
Save Macro Page/Library
Saves the current state of your macro page.
Export Macro Page/Library
Allows you to export the macro page, complete with all the required resources,
such as bitmaps, fonts, and scripts. You can use Export Macro Page/Library to
consolidate and relocate all resources for a macro page and to save them under
the names defined in the macro page.

The program, layer, or LUA script MIDI module from which you exported
the macro page still uses the original version of the macro page. If you
want to use the exported macro page instead, you must load it using the
Load Macro Page button on the toolbar.

Revert to Last Saved Macro Page/Library
Reloads the macro page as it was saved the last time. Any changes made
afterwards are discarded.
Cuts the selected element.


Macro Pages
Macro Page Designer
Copies the selected element to the clipboard.
Pastes the element from the clipboard at the current position.
You can copy and paste elements between macro pages. All related resources are
automatically copied as well.
Create New Element
Click this button to add a new element.

Which elements can be added depends on whether you are in the GUI Tree, the
Templates Tree, or the Resources Tree.
Delete Element
Click this button to delete the selected element.
Edit Element
Click this button to edit the selected element.
Show/Hide Resource/Library Browser
Shows/Hides the Library Browser below the canvas.
Show/Hide Debug Messages
Shows/Hides the Debug Messages section below the Resource/Library Browser.
Test Macro Page
Activates test mode. This allows you to use the macro page controls as you would
on the final macro page.
Undo Last Command/Redo Last Command
Allow you to undo/redo your actions.
The undo history of the Macro Page Designer is independent from HALion’s
global undo history. This way, parameter changes, or modifications of the
program structure, such as adding or removing modules, etc., do not interfere
with the changes that you made on the macro page.


Macro Pages
Macro Page Designer

GUI Tree
The GUI Tree shows the hierarchical structure of a macro page with all its controls and
templates. You can set up and structure the macro page by adding and removing elements,
grouping them, etc.

If you select an element in the GUI Tree, the element is highlighted on the canvas and you
can make adjustments for it in the Properties section.
For a better overview, the different element types use different icons.
Switch Back to Macro Page/Parent Template
This button in the header of the GUI Tree allows you to go back to the last macro
page, template, etc. For example, if you have been editing a template within a
template, clicking Switch Back to Macro Page/Parent Template switches back to
the parent template.

Context Menu

Allows you to edit the selected element.
Cuts the selected element.
Group Selection
Allows you to group multiple selected elements.
Pastes the element from the clipboard at the current position.


Macro Pages
Macro Page Designer
Deletes the selected element.
Duplicates the selected element.
Copies the selected element to the clipboard.
Reload All Resources
Allows you to reload all resources. This can be necessary if you changed a bitmap
resource in an external image application, for example, and you want to see
the updated image on the macro page. Without reloading the resources, your
changes are only visible when you load the program the next time.
Opens a submenu containing the elements that can be added. Select a menu
entry to add the element to the GUI Tree.
Create Template