Stryker Medical 6506 Power-PRO XT User Manual 2
Stryker Medical Power-PRO XT Users Manual 2
- 1. Users Manual
- 2. Users Manual 1
- 3. Users Manual 2
Users Manual 2
wwwxlrykerwm sBase Assembly Base Assembly - BSDfi-UDT-UIZ Rev A (Reference Only) Part No. 00 03 808-000 0003-205-000 0004-319» 00 0 0000-6 59- 000 0004-587- 000 0007- 086-000 0014-115-000 0 015-051-000 0016-060-000 0025-133-000 0037-0834100 0004-634- 00 0 0081-244-000 6060-002-010 0010-049-000 6090-0 01-000 6500-301-021 6500-3014322 0500-001-034 6500 -001— 035 0500-0 01-050 6500-0111-0110 6 500-00 1 500 6500-001-125 0500-00 I (:09 8500-0111120 6500-001-171 6500001452 0500-001-164 0500-0 01-165 6500-001-225 0500-001-157 0500-001-172 6500-001-177 5500-001-178 0500-001-179 8500 -001-1 00 6500-001-310 6500-0 01-103 5 005-001-007 6 500-001-162 15500-001341 0500-001-226 6500-00 I 227 6500-001-220 6500- 001-229 6500 - 001-230 0014-0024100 00111-040000 0016-002-000 Perl Name Hex Head Cap Screw Hex Heed Dev Screw Flel Heed Socket Scww Socket Head can Screw Button Head Oep Screw Truss Head Screw Washer Square Nu! Tepieck Hex Jem Nut Dome Head HIVBl Tube Plug Burton Head Cep Screw Flange Bearing Molded Wheel Assembly (page 132) Nylock Hex Nul Caster Nu! Oly. aaammfimnam Jet-5&4: Outer Llll Tube Assembly (page 136) 2 Inner Lill Tube Assembly (page 137) 2 Inner Lill Tube Assembly, Lluer Plvm, Right (page 130] Inner Llll Tube Assembly. Lille! Pivot. Lell (page Isl!) Inner Tube Base Flame Dress Whe. Heed End Base Slrep, Righl Base Dead Stop Base Strap; Lell Plasllc Brlmslon Spacer Cross Tube Cylinder Mount Cress Tubs Slifleller Bar Cyllnder Mount Plvol. Top Cyllnder Meum Pm, Bollom Flenge Bearing Flange Bearing Support Llnk Caster Meum Cover Plasllc Exlrusion Spacer Top X-Frame Guard. Lower Top X-Frerne Guam, Upper Base Strap Clamp Plastic Extruslon Spacer Caner Mnum Boll Flange Bearing Bess Tube Pivot Post Elie Tube Pivol Bearlng Base ‘I'Uhe Plvm Post lnner Llfl Tube Sleeve Fool Base Tube Fleslic Exrruslon Spacer Flat Washer Flel Washer Frharlock Nul nine-meow HEV D ea;Ammnbmeennmmm—omm—Aa—A.‘_~__.‘- Relum To Table III Conlenle 123 No Wheel Lock Option 8086-500-010 Rev A (Hefavence Only) Item Poll No. Plrl Nlme Qty. A ausz.002»012 Culer Ham Assembly (page 127} 2 Ramrn To hble o! Conlanls 124 65067109700‘ HEV E www allykemam Single Wheel Lock Option 6066-601-010 Flov A (Reference Only) Item Part No. PM Name 01y. A 6062-002-012 caster Horn Assembly (page 127) l 3 6066400010 “Jumble Casts! Lock Asssmmy (page 128) 1 Holum Ta Tabla 0| Oumcrlls WWW BK'VIWMZDNI $505409 ROI REV B 125 Dual Wheel Lock Option 6056-6024110 Rev A (Reference Only) Item Part No. Pall Name my. A aces-200.010 Adjustable Caner Locl; Assembly (page 128) 2 Relurn Tu Table 0! Contents I26 aids-luewm REV a wwwsuykamam Caster Horn Assembly 6092-002-012 Rev 0 (Relevance Only) Item Part Nu‘ PM Name my. A 61182-002039 Eanrlng Rmmor 1 B 008l»22T-OOD Hearing 1 G 6082-002-042 Caster Horn Hanna" 1 D 6082-002-043 Casher Ham Plate. fiigm 1 ___‘—___—_——_v—— Heluln Ta Tabla ol Comer": Will'l slrykur com BEDS-IDQ-DO‘ REV B I27 Adjustable Caster Lock Assembly 6086-200-010 Rev A (Reference Only) Item Part No. Furl Name Qty. A 6032400012 caster Ham 1 B 6080-100-052 Sprlng 1 C 0011455000 Washer 1 D 0025-153-000 Seml-Tubular Hlvsl 2 E 85084301-900 Label 2 F 6080300050 Pedal. Adjustable Casts! Lock 1 G soaoeooem Octagonal Sleeve. Adi Caster Lock 1 H DOM-098000 Hex Seek-I Button Head cap Screw I l ODIG-i1B~000 camavlock Nu! I Relum To Table 0! Onnllnl! I23 650640941111 REVE www allykevcom No Steer-Lock Option 6506-037—000 Flev A (Reference Only) ‘X' II Item Port Me. Full Name my. A 6500001477 Caslar Mount Cover 4 B 6082-002-012 Castor Horn Assembly (page 127) 2 C ssoo-om-zau Flaws Extruslon - Spacer I Remm Ta Tabla av cements 650840971101 new 129 ! www.51rykelwm Optional Steer—Lock — 6506-038—000 Flsv A ‘rorqua item " Io 100115 H-lb $101th 9 Item to 100:15 fl-Ib é; Torqu 3 Its m to 100:6 th Item Part No. Part Name my. A 0004»567-ODO Button Head Cap Screw 2 B 0004-5924100 Button Head Cap Straw 2 O 0059-2114100 Game 118 3 D 6500-0131477 Caster Mount Cove! 1 E 6500-002-243 Steer-Luck Pedai Collar. Foot End 1 F 65000021244 Steer-Lock Cablo Suppurl Bracket 1 G 6500-002-245 Came! Mount Cover 1 H 6500-002-248 Steer-Lock Overrnnldad Pedal. Fool End 1 J 6500-0112241 Steer-Lock Housing Cover. Head End1 K 65011-002248 Label, StearzLock Pedal. Font End 1 L 65170-002249 Steer-Lock Houslng Carver, Head End1 M 6500-002-255 Stew-Lock Caster Horn Welmom. Le" 1 N 65130-002460 steer-Lock caster Horn Walment. mgm 1 P 8506-002-255 Steer-Lock SUD Assembly, Head End (page wan 1 Raw"! To fhhla 0| Corinna 130 EMSJOS-UD! REV B www.mvykcv cum Steer-Lock Sub Assembly, Head End 6503-002-265 Rev A [Reference Only) wwwsllvkel :am Item Pan No. Pall Nlmo my. A 0025-07900!) Dome Head Rlvel 6 B 0027-056-000 Slic Pin 3 G 0031-341-000 Hangs Bsaving 4 D 6500-002-230 Sleer-Lock Plunger Housing 1 E 8500-002-231 Sissy-Lock Plunger Housing 1 F 13500-002234 Sissy-Lock Mochanlsm Housing 1 G 65013-002285 Sitar-Lack Mechanlam Housing 1 H 6500-002-236 Slam-Lock Cuslom Flange Bushlng 2 J 6500-002-237 Steal-Lock Lock Pawl 2 K 6500-002—258 $1ur-Lcck Plunger Bullun 2 L 6500-0024» Steer-Lock Cross Tube 1 M 6500-002-241 Steer-Lock Pedal. Head End 1 N 8500-002-251 Steer-Lack Pedal. Head End 1 P 6500-002-252 Complession Sprlng 2 R 65004102250 Sher-Lack Push-Pull Flax Rod Assembw 1 Return ro Table 0' Conunu asus-Iuwm REV B 1:11 Wheel Assembly - 6060-002—010 Rev B 132 Item Raw"! To lelc 01 Contents Furl Nu. Purl Nlme 6060-002-045 6' Molded Wheel 6080-1102-0116 Baavlng Space! 0081-226000 Bearing 0715-00‘255 Whaa‘ Eushlng SSW-‘09 GUI REV E www sen/km mm Torque ihm C In loo-140 In-{D ng Post, Right - 6085-033-000 Hem Furl Nu. 0004-160-000 000459 V 000 0004-503-000 DING-003000 6060-0044343 60600044144 30804190408 6500-1 0 1 -1 59 6500-1 0 1 -1 90 6500-001-302 8055-0014756 6085-001-057 EI‘XLIQ'nmUomzn- Pan Nam: Socket Head Cap Screw Sockst Head cap Screw Bullon Head Cap Scrow Ny‘ock Hex Nut Rmining Post Cap Pest Tube Label, Llll Here Top Pin Bracket 50mm Pin Bracket Buss Tuba leectov Ouler Base Tube Waldmem Outer East Tube Weldrnem -----~-_N_-g Rolum Tu Tame ol cam-mu fl wvm' ilvykewom SEDEHDMKH REVB 133 Optional Kickstand Assembly - 6085-102-000 Rev A Torque item 0 to 100-140 In -|b Item Part No. Farl Name my. A 0004-1100000 Bufiun Hand Socket Screw 4 3 0004615000 Buuon Head Cap chsw 2 C 0004-5045-0013 Bultun How Can Screw 1 D 0004-160-000 Socket Head Cap Screw 2 E 0016-003-000 Nylack Hex Nut 2 F 60830-090403 Label. Lift Here 2 G 6500-0014502 Base Tube Protector 1 H 6060-0040443 fiuaInIng Post Cap 1 J 60430-004044 P05! Tube 1 K 6055-0024)!” chksiand Cot Relaining P031 Bracken L 6055002002 Kickstand Top Pin Bracken 1 M 5065-001-053 Ouler Bass Tube Weldrnem 1 N 8085-001-057 Outs! Ball 1|le Weldrnem 1 P 6506-001-900 Label 2 R 6085-002-0I6 K‘cksmnu Sub-Assembly (page 135) 1 Relum To Table a! Center"; ‘34 5505109001 REV B www sinker can! Kickstand Sub-Assembly - 6085-002-016 m'uzgn-xr—Im-nmuom) Part No. 0004-5154300 0004~635-°00 00114302- 000 0016-131-000 0021-180-000 6035 302-003 6085-002v004 5085-002-003 60353024307 6085-002-003 6085-002-009 6085-002-011 6065-002-012 6085-002- 018 60854102014 Part Name Saloon Head Cap Screw sullen Head 039 Screw Wain Washer Ny‘ock Hex Nut Set Screw K‘ckstand Spllnp Houslng K‘oks'mnd Bonom Bracket K‘ck Boll K‘ck Boll Head K‘ck Tube Kick Tube Cap Rocker Strut. Len Rocker S‘rm, ngm Kickxtand Spacer Kicmand Torsion Spying ........M_.‘_‘_.‘_._. A 52 m 10.5 fielum To lelo 07 C Rev A 5505109301 REV 5 WWW slrvlwmom 135 Outer Lift Tube Assembly, Base Pivot - 6500-301-021 Item COW} Part No. 8500001627 6500-0014328 6500-00‘629 6 500-3014] 50 Rev A Purl Nlme Hm! Shell Beallno Bearing Carrier. Lows! Bearing Carrier. Mlddls Ouur Lift Tune Weldmsm 0 Ky. Hal-am To Thblo o! Conlenls 550671097001 HEV E 136 www mykeumnl Inner Lift Tube Assembly, Base Pivot - 6500-301-022 wvuw slrvkercom COW) Part No. 6500001627 6500-0014528 6500-00132? 8500430 ‘ -051 Full Name Haw Shell Bearing Bearlng Garrisr, Lower Bearlng Carvlar, Mldtfls Lin Tubs WeldmenL Base Pivot SEDEVIDQVDOV REV B REV B _._._. .‘2 ‘~.< Rllum To 'Iable ol Oonlenb 137 Inner Lift Tube, Litter Pivot - 6500—001-034 llem Ufim> Patlent flight Assembly Pal-l No. Part Name oou4~634-DDD Sultan Head Cap Screw 0055-100-075 NIH 6500-00‘455 \nnor LII! Tune Woldmam GEM-001425 Doad Slop my. Rev F R9141"! To Tabla nr Oonlarm 133 asnuua om REV a wwwsu‘fkcv com Inner Lift Tube, Litter Pivot - 6500-001-035 i’ oom>3 Patlem Left Assembly Furl No. Part Nlme 0004-534-000 Button Head Cap Scnw 0055-1004175 Nu! 6500-301-053 \nnef Lift Tuba Waldrnenl fifiOO-OOMZS Dead Slop HovF my. H-Ium To Fable 0! Connnll _—_—__—,_.———— WWW alrvkerwm EEUMDQ Ml REV E 139 Standard Siderail 6508-0314100 Rw B (Relevance Only) Item Part No. 0 004-585 - DOD 6082-0261010 6 5004101 -1 1B 6 500-002-032 6500-0021033 6500-0111416 ISOO-UOI <1 ‘7 0004-591-000 65011-001402 LIQWIManta fillurn TD Tabla ol Collier!!! Pan Nam. my. Button Hcad Cap Saw 6 Sidarafi Assembly (page 141) 2 Sideml‘ No! 6 Omar Hail Subnssy. ngm (page 142] 1 Omar Hail Subassy. Lall (page 148) 1 Slam“ Blanket a S‘delal‘ Clamp - 4 Sunken Head Cap Screw 12 BaselLinar lmenaca Bracket 2 ——__—— HO Efiufirlunrflm REV B www snyker cum Siderail Assembly - 6082-026-010 Rev B Ilem Part No. Fan Name Qty. 1‘ 60804125024 Top Hail 1 B 8060-025-043 Spindle 3 G 6050-0254147 Splndle Lock 1 D 50500250“ Splndle Pivm 3 E SOHO-025040 Spindlt Plum Stop 2 F 6060-025-029 Lock Release Grip 1 G 60611125030 Lock Bar Casting 1 H 0038-344-000 Lock Rolaase Compression Spring 1 J 6060-025-035 Pivol Bushlng 4 K 0025-131-000 WW1 4 Return To Table of Conlenlu WMSIIVKWWIII EMEVIOSVDDV REV B M! Outer Rail Subassembly, Right 5500-002-082 Rev 0 (Relevance Only) Fart No. 0001-004-01 I 0004»6l8-000 0004-8484] 00 OOIH-OZE-OUD 6 500001- 098 6 500-00 M 14 6500-001-243 6500-001-244 6 500-001-245 6500-0024323 6500-1102430 6500-0132431 -t:uvz:r:-nmuo>§ Part Nnma Ftat Hand Cap Screw Socket Head Gap Scnw Button Head Cap Screw Ftnar‘uck Hex Nut thter Dead Stop. Internal Durst Hail Extruslon LV. Pole Backer Plate I.V. Clip Backer Plate Sonsor Houstnu Backer Plats Halt Sensor Assombly (pegs 144) mm Support Bracket Litter Support Bracket, Inna: NM‘N-“-3M5~§ Return To fihlo a1 Conflnl: 142 6505409001 REV E www strykemom Outer Rail Subassembly, Left 85011-002033 Rev C (Reference Only) Item Pall No. 0001- 004-01 1 0004-613-000 0004-3484100 0016020000 6500-001- 093 6500-0014 l5 GEM-001.243 6500-1301244 5500-001-245 6500-002-020 6500-00243!) 6500-00243‘ fimvng—I'Ilm00) Purl Mama my. Flai Head cap Screw 2 Socket Head Cap Screw 4 Bunan Head cup Screw 2 F‘berlack Hox Nut 0 Liner Dead 8101), lmsvnal 1 Omar Han. fiinm 1 I.\I. Poll: Backer Flats 1 I.\I. CH9 Backer Plate 1 Sensor Housing Backer Plale 2 Sensor Housing Assembly (page 14531 Liner Support Brackai Linur Suppon Bracket, Innel 2 Return To Tania a! content: vAv\v.slt‘/kcrcam 65067101001 REV B 143 Hall Sensor Assembly 35004102023 Rev A (Hoierenca Only) Item 00m) Relum To Fable DI Onnllnli 1M Far! Nu. 00047595000 6500-0 01424 3500-0111460 65004101499 Part Nlme Bullon Haad Cap Scww Ssnsor Housing HaH Eflacts Sansol Housing Cover ssnB—ma-Um REV E Oly. ..-..._ www Sllyhevcm u Sensor Housing Assembly 65110-002029 Rev A (Rolaronce Only) Item Part No. Perl Name my. A 00041-598000 Buttan Head Cap Screw 1 B 05004301424 Sensor Huuslnn I c 65004101499 Sensor Housing Cover 1 Helmn 'ln 'lable 01 ODnIonIs ___—_‘M—_—.—————— \wNv sllykewam IEOBVIDQ-flm REV 3 I45 Optional Siderail (XPS Option) 8506-040-000 Rev A (Helerenca Only) Torqus item J to 22 : 3,3 fl-lb Ilem Pan No. 3500 - 003-034 6500 , 0057044 6500 - 003-099 5500 - 002-032 6500- 002-033 6500-0014 17 0004 - 591-000 6500-001-102 0004- 90¢an LIDTIMUOUI) Turquc llem J In 22 t 3.3 ll-lh Part Name my. XPS Main Any. nlghl (page 147) 1 XPS Maln Assembly. lel (page 148) 1 XPS Sldsmll Clamp 2 Outer Rail Subasly. Huh! (page 142) I Outer Rail Subusy. Len (page 143) 1 Sidarall Clamp 2 Socket Head Cap Screw Base/Liner Imerlacs Bracket Socket Head cap Screw blot! Rmum To Tabl. ol Cvnlenks —_ 145 65116409 um REV 5 www allyke'vufll XPS Main Assembly, Right - 6500-003-034 mw'uzgl—XLIO-nmoomibg Furl No. 0004400 - 000 0004402- 0!] D 0004403- DD D 0004-438- D 00 0004-661-000 0023462-000 6500-003-035 0500-008-037 6500-003-043 3500-003-084 6500-0034385 6500-003-085 8500-003-094 6500-003-097 6500-0034 19 6500»003-121 Tumua item E to 975 i 175 lt-ll) Purl Name Socket Head Cap Sclsw Socket Head Cap Screw Sockat Head cap Screw Bullon Head Cap Scmw Sockei Head Cup Screw Delta Scrum XPS Ratchet Assembly Rigm XPS Ovelmold Assembly, nghl XFS Hamil. Assembly. Blah! Support Plvot XPS Spvlng Handle XPS Siderail Pivot XPS fialoaso Cover. ngm )(PS Pivot Cover XDS Helene! Cover. RightrLofl End Cap Gavel. nghl Rev B (r AAA‘MAMA4A#¥,M-3 Relum To Table 0' Corner”: —_—,_—____._M———— SSUSVWSVHDI REV D www suymrcom I47 XPS Main Assembly, Left - 6500-003-044 Flew B Torque item E m _ - 9.5 1: L5 fl-Ih Item Pall No. Fan Name Qty. A coca-400000 Socket Head Cap Screw 2 B DOM-602000 Socket Hifld Cap Screw 2 G 0004-4034100 Snake! Head Cap Screw 2 D 0004-468-000 Button Head Cap Screw 4 E noon-661000 Socket Hlad Cap Screw 4 F 0023-162-000 Dela Screw 4 G 6500-003-036 XFS Ratchm Assemblg Righl 1 H 85004303038 XPS Ovelmold Assembly ngm 1 J 15500-003045 XPS Handle Assembly. Hum 1 K 6500-003-084 Supporl Pivot 2 L 8500-0034185 XPS Spring Handle 1 M 8500-003-086 XFS Sidmll Pivot 2 N 6500-0034397 XPS PM)! Cover 1 P 6500003402 XPS Relsass Cover. Lela 1 R 6500-0133420 XFS Rakohsl Com. RigmlLell 1 S 6500003422 End Cap cover, Huh! 1 Ram"! To leII a! Ofiulsuls 14a qu-ioU-Dm REVS www.a|vykcvcam Powerplant Assembly 6500-0024331 Rev 3 (Reference Only) Baton! To Table a1 Gardenia www.mlykercom EEDE-IDS-OUI HEVB 1IIB Powevplanl Assembly - 0500-0024131 Rov B (Refinance Only) ‘ Ilem Pall No. Pen Name my. A 0004»577—000 Button Head Cap Screw 2 B 0004-585-000 Buuon Head Cap Screw. 4 c 0015-0524300 Hex Jam Nut 1 1 D 0016-1024300 Ny‘ock Hex Nut 2 E 0056400074 Well NH! 6 F 6500-0131-an Hydraulic (page 151) 1 G 8500-0014054 Liuer Support Cmss Tuba 1 H BSOO-OOI-TGS Cy‘lnds! Rod End 1 J 6500-0024914 Motor Mounl‘ Flight 1 K 6500~001-212 Motor Mount Cross Ba! 1 L 6500-001-249 Plasllc Emulsion Spacer 1 M 8500-001-250 Plasfic Exilusmn Spacer 2 N sand-002.294 Mom Mnum‘ Left 1 nalum To Table or Com-Ms 150 asusrmnnm REV a www.211ykelcam V-WW.BIlykPr wm Hydraulic Subassembly - 6500-001-030 Item <§ Fnrl Nu. 5500-00 I ~21 0 3500-00 I -21 l 65004101415 6500-001-214 5500-001-270 5500-001-232 8500- 001-283 6500 - 001-284 3500 ' 001-28 5 3500-001-286 6500- U 01-267 65001001-288 6500-001-289 65011-001290 6500-001-291 6500-001293 6500-001-295 6500-00 1 295 6500-00 1 297 6500-1301499 / | V/ Furl Name Can Slde Hoss Had Slds Hose Cyllndel Manllold Assembly Prossuva Cumpansalad Flow Conlrol Manllald Cap Slds Hose Flnlng Manllold Rod Slds Hose F‘mlng A Value Solenoid E Value Solenoid A Valve 8 Valvn Locklng Manual Valve Non-Locklng Manual Valve Pressure Switch fiesvlvulr Hyduullc Fluld Molar oylindsr Cap sida Hose leng Cylindsr Hod Sldo Hose Filling Hydraulic Flll Plug 0508409 001 REV E ./’ :' ~.< _._._._._._.__._._i_._._i_._._._._..‘.. nulum Yo male or Conlenls Foot End Assembly 6500-1024115 Rev A (Reference Only) Rmum To Yahlw cl canlanls 15? 6506409311! REVS www 5|lvkel.cum Foot End Assembly new MAIL mm mm mum mu llIl Mn mom ms MA mm: mm mus , 1mm) Hm (AM) Ann muauaw ms MEA Rom mum nnusL mu Imucn nus am Holum To Tabla ol Cflflllnl! vmw alvykercum 8506 105700] REV F3 153 Foot End Assembly Ai fielunl TD Tnhlo M Conlenh 151 SEUSVIMVKJDI REV B wwwnlvykol com —_—,_—__.—_—————~ www slrymcom Foot End Assembly Fool End Assembly - a500-102-015 RavA [flamenco Only) Item Eggg<§<643tzgrxgzmmmunw> Park N u. 0004-0744100 0004-6144100 00011-615000 0 007-066-0 00 0011-002-000 001 1-543-000 0016-131-000 0023-182-000 0023-1834100 0025-1119000 0025-1 13- ODD 0028-1 16 - 000 0030-572-000 6506-001-900 6500 - 001-131 5500 - 001-132 3500 - 001-133 8500» 001 >134 5500- 001-135 65004101436 6500-0 01-133 6500-0 01-139 6500-001-140 6500-001-141 6500-001-144 6500-0017146 6500-00144? 15500-001453 650000 I ,1 54 6500-001-156 6500-001-101 6500-001—275 85130-001458 6500-002-014 05004302403 0500002459 6500-002-210 5500-101-016 Perl Name Sockel Heed Cap Screw Button Head Cap Screw Button Head Cap Screw Truss Head Screw Washer Washer Nylock Hox Nul Screw Screw Dome Head Rlval Semi-Tubular Hlvsl Fushnul Compression Spring Lahsl Upper Lllllng Ber Lower Lllr Ber Macnlnad Enruded Bracket Eenery Enclosure Face Plate Foal End Enclosure Top Plate Fool End Enclosure Bottom Plate Battery Release Butler- Banery Release Lock Manual Release Mlualor Pivot Manual Release Acmawr Lever 'lTenslllon Cap Manual Helene Plvor Pln Single Sprlng Lllhl Panel ORB Pull Handlal Oulslde Manual Release Cable Assombly Hall Ellecrs Cable er5 Route Cllp Lower Housing Butlon. F001 End Control Board Col Dongle Geble Assembly Col Connector Cable Assembly Bullon Assembly (page 1573 6500103700! REV B ~.....u..~u__n_._._un_._.‘_._l,_.~_._._~h_am Halon! To Table nl Onrllerlls 155 Labell SMRT Power 8500-027—000 Rev B (Reference Only) 6500-02800!) Rev B (fieiewnce Only) “I!" Part No. PM! Name Qty. E 5500-001-356 Label. SMRT'" Power I Rslum Tn Infill DI Conlonu _ ._ 158 ssuslmwm REV B wwwslvykercom Button Assembly - 6500-101-016 WWW Slrvker Wm Part No. Purl Name 31Jl02.1 Sockel Head Cap Screw 6500‘ 01-130 Swllch 6500-001-359 Button Upper Houslng. Foul End 650671094101 REV n my. Rev C 157 Trend - 6085-031-000 III In Pall No. 0004- 5924100 0004- 5964100 0016402000 0025-079-000 0025-132-000 6030-1390-0011 0082-001—035 8500-00I-019 6500-001-197 6500-00I-198 Razommuomp Pm Nlme Button Head Cap Screw Buuon Head Cap Screw Nylnck Hax Nut Dome Haad Rlve! Dame Hand Fllvet Labs‘, Small 2' Adhesive Loop Pale Trend Anemhly (page 159) Foot Secl‘on Tuhs Foot Sacnon Skin Rev A d..-.... .k 9 Max:551: WM 158 6506408-00‘ REV B vmmuykev cm H Trend Assembly 6500-001-019 Rev 0 (Reference Only] Ilem Part No. Plll Nam. my. A 0006-07400!) Sockei Head Shoulusr Screw 1 8 0014051000 Washer 2 C 0016-0284100 NH! 1 D 005-133-000 FINE! 4 E 0025455000 Rival 2 F 0056-0164100 Bumper 2 13 0081-2550110 Splll Baavina 2 H 3500.001-107 Lmsr cross Time 1 J 86110-001405 Tnnd Ralease 1 K 6500-1101409 Trend Eracku 2 L 55011-001203 Calf Stand Supynn, Flight 1 M 85110-001404 Calf Sand Support Lell 1 N 6500-001-205 Hammer, Calf Stand 1 P 0025-0815-0110 mvel 2 Helum To Tabla ol Contenb www allymmom EEOS-‘DD-Mfl REVB I50 Rl|um To Table (II Conlanls 150 1muom) Optional Gatch - 6500-082—000 Part No. Purl Nlmo my. 0004-5924100 Euttom Head Cap Screw 4 0004-596-000 Eunon Hand Cap screw 4 00164024100 Nyleck Hax Nu1 4 osoo-om-Ms Galen Ammbly (page 161) 1 8085-001-031 Gamh Support Assembly (page it“) 1 6560-00I-l97 V9lcro° Slrap 1 GhDEJGEOm REV B Rav A www sllvhsvcum Optional Gatch Assembly 6500-001-048 Rev A (Rsiaranoe Only] wwwsllykelmln 66064094101 REV a Relum To Table 01 Oonlenli 1m Optional Gatch Assembly Hetu-n To nun ol (:onlenls 162 \wnv mymwm 6506 ‘09-‘10! REV B —__—_—.__._.—-—— mwmyker w m Optional Gatch Assembly Opllorlal Gulch Assembly - 6500-001-048 Rev A [Relevance Only) Ilem Eggg<§ Plrl No. 0011-4454100 00 111-020-000 0016-02800!) 0023-152- 000 0025-079- 000 0025-1 32- 00 D 0025-133- DUO 0031-255- 000 5500-001-305 GOES-001425 5100-031-098 5| 00-031 .1 08 8550-001-017 6559- 001-057 6550- 001-1 10 5550 - 001-1 1 1 13550-001412 6550-001-115 65150-001424 6550- 001-125 65504101425 6550-00143! 6550-1301-1136 65 50-001-193 Part Name Washer Washer Fihaliock Hex Nu! Della Screw Dome Head Him Doml Head Fllvol Dome Head Rivet Splll Beadng Gatch Cross Tuhe Gatch Suppon. Mld T‘vand Llll snap Gatch Flvol Gatch Tolescoplng Assembly Gulch Lock Tuba Weldmem Foot Semion Skin Thlgh Sectlon Tube Thlnh Seollon Skln Foot Secllon U-Tuba Front Gulch Raltase Back Gatch Release Gatch Release Lever Gateh Beallnq End Cap Gatch Plvm Pin Gawn Handle Guard 65061057001 REV E my. 4. nan—n-u—s—I-n-tN-I-A-tamm—mcnmmmm ficlum Yo Table III Gunter“: ms Optional Gatch Support Assembly 8085-001-081 Rev C (Raleranca Only) Ilem Part No. Part Name Qty. A WE‘LSM-OOO Burton Hoad Cap Screw 2 B 00250794100 Dome Head Rlvel 5 C 0946-1101455 Bumper 1 D 13085-001455 69ch Support. F001 End 2 F 6500-0014346 Galch Croumbe 1 G 0056-0284100 Bumpar‘ Black 2 Rslum Ta Table 0! Cnnlanll 154 swarmsrum REVD mm anykarcnm Fowler Assembly 5500-001-018 Rev C (Helerence Only) Item Pnrt No. 0004-59100!) 0015-05000!) 00l6-028-000 0021:180-000 0021-1884100 0025-1314100 00234776 < 000 0946 035 - 025 6060032033 6060 032- 040 8062-032 050 6032032- D52 gl‘xhxca'nmuom) www sllylwumnl Pun Nam: Button Head Cap Screw Hex Nut Hex Nul Set Screw Set Screw Rlvel External Rolainlng Rlng Llner Gas Sprlng Yoke Fowler Lllt Pwm Fowler Weldm'nl Relsaas Handle Weldmem BEBE-1090M REV 5 Qty Return To Tablo ol Conlenlu 155 Non-Power-LOAD Compatible Option 6506.029001] Rev B (Ralaranca Only] Ruturn 'I'D Table ‘1! Conlenls 166 £506 VOB-ODI REV E thw slvvkcv com Non-Power-LOAD Compatible Option Non.powfl.|.m\n compallble apllnn - 6503-029-000 Rev B (Rfiarence Only] Item Pm No. Pay: Name my. A 0004-530-000 Bunon Head Cap Screw 0 B 00114-595000 Button Head Cap Somw 4 C 0004»595-OOD SOCKS! Head Cap Screw 2 D 0004696000 Bullon Hsad Cap Screw 2 E 0016020000 Flbaflock Hex Nut 2 H 6500-002-020 Hoadsecnon (page 170) 1 J 0007556000 wuss Head Machlne Screw 2 K 6500-1101-1386 Front Wheel 2 L 6500-002-105 Load Wheel Spaoer 2 mum to Tabla at cmuu fiannqasrnm REVfi 18] www suymcom Headsection (Not Power-LOAD Compatible) - 6506-001-020 Rev A llenl In'nmUOfll) Part No. 0004555000 UOUISSEDDD 0016-0024100 GOES-001474 6500-001-086 5500-002-020 6500-00240 8 15500-002458 Pm Name Seeks! Head Cap Scmw Truss Head Machine Screw Fibsrlack Hex Nut Oxygen Boule Homer. Bottom Frank Whee‘ “seduction (page 170) Loan Wheel Fastener Top Gulde, Head End Oly. Re|um Tn Thble 0! Content! nmarlasrum REV}: ‘53 www sir-[key com Headsection (Power-LOAD Compatible) - 6506-001-021 Rev A IQ'HMUOm) Part No. 0004-656-000 0007656000 0013-0024100 6085-001-174 6500-001-095 6500-0024120 35011-002404 8500:002-155 PM! Name Socks! Head Cap Scmw Tluss Head Machino Screw Fiberlock Hex NUI Oxygen Eollla Holder, Boltom Frum Whea‘ Headsecticn (page 170) Load Wheel Pln Tap Gulde, Head End my. Rolum To Yuma M Cnnlunu —___—__“————— Bios-‘oB-um REVD wvmjlvvkuvcom 169 Headsection - 6500-002-020 RavD 1 Place washer balween the release Ilnk and Warning 2 Torque to 200240 In-Ib Rmurn To hble nl Oonlanls \ Im dSflfilOE-DDV HEVB wwwauymwnm Headsection - 6500-002-020 Item Pull No. For! Nun: Qty. A 00044334100 Sutton Head Cap Screw 4 B 0004591000 Sockel Head (hp Screw 4 C 0004»612»ODD Hutton Head cap Screw a F 0008-0330-0011 Socket Hoacl Shoulder Screw 2 G 0011-6244100 Wall-m 4 H 00111-002000 Washer 2 K 0016-1024100 Nylock Hex Nu! 4 L 0023-132-000 Della Screw 6 M 0025-125-000 SomI-mbular Rival 2 N 0038-5704300 Compression Swing 2 P 6085001469 Headaecllon Nul A H GOES-001470 lntemal Esavlng 4 U 6500-001-023 Head Tllagor Assembly 1 V 5500-001-028 Head Section Lock Assy (page 172) 2 Y 6500-0014387 Cap having 2 M 3500-0014393 Salaly Bar Lock Pin 2 AB 6500-001-095 Head Section Release Llnk 2 AC 6500-00122!) Head Seclion Pivol cross Tube 1 AD 6500001421 Cross Tube Glam: 2 AE ssoo.oo1.2ao Head Sectlon Guard, Rughl 1 AF 8500-001—261 Hand Sectlon Guard. Lsil 1 AG 850070017322 slluing Head Section Salely Bar 1 AH 6500-001-325 Safely Bar Torslnn Sprlng, La“ 1 M 6500-0014126 solely Bar Tovslon Spring. Flight 1 AK 650070027025 Talascuplng Tube Assy I AM issue-002407 Safely Bar Pivot. Fllghl I AN 65007002403 Safety Bar PIVDI, L8" 1 AF 35004102409 Load Wheel Hurn Cover. Li" I An 55004102410 Low Wheel Horn Cover. Fllght 1 AT 65007002420 Load Wheel Horn, Loll 1 AU 6500»002-121 mad Wheel Horn, nght 1 AW 65000024113 Compression Limilev Slssvo 4 WWW sllykcvoom GSOE-lOB-UOI REVS l7! Head Section Lock Assembly - 6500-001-026 Rev C Purl No. 0038»570-ODD 0038434000 6500-001-091 6500»00l-092 6500-00 I - 025 3500-001-095 mflmum>§ Part Nlme Compression Sprlng Compression Spring Top Latch Heuslng Bottom LaICh Housing Latch Assembly Actuation Slide d-fi“_-§ Helm" TD Tabla DI Conlnms D72 MUEJDsflfll REV B www suykm com Optional ln-Fastener Shut-Off Assembly - 6500-001-027 mu0m>§ Purl No. 0004-378-000 0015-016-000 0025079400 6500 - 001-271 5500 - 001 -272 Flrl Name Button Head Cap Screw Square Nul Hive! Magnet Holder Rev 6 4.."qu Relum to Table :14 Conloms __—_—__—_—_ EEOEJUEDD‘ REV B Www slayker cu m I75 No Headsection Oxygen Bottle Holder Option - 6506-036-000’ Part No. For! Name 0004-6504100 Socket Head Cap Screw 0016-0024100 F‘herlack Hex Nut 8085-00H7'4 Oxygen Bottle Holder, Bottom 6500-002455 Tap Gulda. Hand End _._. 9 00$ Rev A In nanomonm REVE! mm 31mm cum Power-LOAD Compatible Option - 6506-127—000 Power-LOAD Compatible Option - 6506-127—000 Item Part No. Purl Name my. A 0004-614-000 Euxlan Head Cap Scyew 1 B 0004695000 Socket Head Cap Screw 2 0 0004481000 Button Head cap Screw 2 D 0004-661-000 Socks! Head Cap Screw 4 E 0004-593-000 Bullon Head Cap Screw 2 F 00044195000 Bullon Head Cap Screw 4 G 001 14335-000 Washer 4 H 001 14177000 Washer 2 .r UOIG-OZB-ODD Flberiock Hex Nut 4 K 05064014!" Labsl. FCC 1 L 6500-1302404 Load WHSGI Fin 2 M 6500-002—0‘3 Fool End Fastener Assy (page 177) 1 N 6500-002-020 Haadseclinn (page 170) 1 F 6500-002-100 Cot Comm Board 1 11 8600-1102423 Load Alm Guide 2 T 8500-002424- Arm cot Spacer Sleeve 4 U 6500-002-126 Foo! End Fastener Spacer Plate 2 V 0007-556-000 Truss Head Machino Screw 2 W 6500-001-088 anr Wheel 2 Return To Yablo or Conlenls sma-Iaa-om REV a wwwsllyknroum 175 Foot End Fastener Assembly (Power-LOAD Compatible Oplion) 6500002013 Rev F (Helermce Only) Notes: 1 Yorque 10200 in»|b * 6% 2 Leave enough slack In cable in Indlcated area to allow Item AC lo have full range of Iravel alter assembly 8 Torque In 30 ml: t 15% 4 Install zip file around lama wire jacket. as shown 5 Slraln reliet to be loll loose on wire Below To Tabla M Conlenls www ilvykmcom 650340900] REVS I77 Foot End Fastener Assembly (Power-LOAD Compatible Option) Notes: 1 torque In 2m) in“: a 15% 2 Leave enough slack in cable In Indicated arsa Io allow llam AC to news full tango 01 travel alter assembly a Torqua In so in—Il: t 15% 4 Install zip lle awund lame wlre jacket. as shown 5 Straln veliel 10 be Ieltloose on wlvs Ralum T-z Table 0! Conmnu I78 nfiuumum1 REVE www sllykel com Foot End Fastener Assembly (Power-LOAD Compatible Option) Fuel End Fastener Assembly (Power-LOAD Compellhle Opllen) - 5500-0020131 Rev F (Relevance Only) Item Pelt No. Part Name Oly. A 00041-660000 Socket Head Cap Solew 8 B 0004300000 Socket Head Oep Screw 4 C 0008-0854100 Socket Heed Set Screw 2 D 0008-087-000 Socket Head Set Screw 2 E 0023-296-000 Pen Head Machlne Screw 2 G 0028-2l7-UOD Pusnnut 2 H 0037-245-000 Strain Halls? 1 .1 0038-111-000 th fie 2 K 0038-889-000 Compresslun Spring 2 L 0038-00l-000 Tomlon Spring 1 M 0038-900-000 Wave Sprlng 4 N oost-aemuo Sleeve Bearing 2 H 6500-002-050 Bracket Weldment 1 T 3500-0024 It Foot End Feelener Gulde 1 U 8500-0024 l2 Cot Foot End aner Huok 2 V 6500002413 Feat End Fastener Beerlng Plate 1 W 6500-1102419 Foot and Faster cm Spacer 1 Y 65004102422 Foot End Faster Out Wear Pad 2 AA 650070027129 Flantlng Plate 1 AB 51500-002433 Cot Secondary Cell 1 Ac 6500-1102435 Cot Foot End Fastener Coil Holder 1 AD 65000027135 Font End Fastener Got Houslng 1 AE 8500-0024/43 Foot End Fastener out Honk, Run! 1 AF 650070027147 Font End Fastener Cot Hook. Lelt 1 AG 6500-0024“ Cot Tle Dawn Coll Strap 1 AH 6500-0014112 Compresslon Spring 1 M 650070027145 Plunger Housing l AK 6500002449 Plunger I AL 65004102452 Plunger Cap 1 wwwellyksrcom nflfi-loD-DDI REV E 179 EMS Restr int Package - 6500-002-030 Reva _!_ _ stryker’ : stryker’ ”MN“ | tuna-41m mmmwuuml mlunwm Emma" : w... gem.” Hmwwm : "W Mat-mm. 1 , stryker‘ mm" J (,3 Hréimmw Dflffi =11 tam Part No. A BSODVODI-SQI 3 6500001888 0 65004101395 D MOD-003.030 Pan Name my. shoulder Harness Rssttainl 1 Waist Restraint 1 Lay fiestvelnt 2 fiestratnt Strap Installation Instructlons (It at shown) 1 RBI“!!! To Tahlc o1 Cont-ms 160 6505109700! HEVLI www mymoom Reétraint Extender, 3' - 6082-160-050 _____———— Rev B L] Ilem Part No. PM! Name Qly. D aoaz-osuom Labul. Pan Number. Skylar 1 E 60 504390-011 Label 1 lem To Table VI Onmanls YMMSI'YKSI mm 6506 IUSVDD‘ REV B Ifll Battery Pack, SMFIT - 6500-033—000 Flev A 6500-1014)“) Rev D (Reflerenco Only) Rnlulll TD lele of Comm!” 11.12 ssumunm‘ REV B wwwsllykevwvn Defibrillator Platform - 6506-170-000 6500-101-046 Rev A (Relevance Only] Item Fan No. PI" Name Guy. A (“00470-050 Head End Blacks! Waldmsnl, L9“ 1 B 6|00-170-051 Head End Eracksl Woldmanl. Right I G 6062-1704150 Deflb U-Fcot Woldment 2 D 6I00-170-020 Dam: Latch Snap Assembly 2 E 0004-234-000 Bullon Head Cap Saw 2 F 001l4555-000 Washer 2 G 0016.102-000 Ny‘ock Nut 2 H 00264724100 S‘Ollad Spring Pln 4 J 6500401298 Label, Delia Platform 1 K 6082-170-020 Defib Plallcvm Common Components (page 184) www.5wker on!" fififlfi-lOB-Dm REV B ‘33 30 Defibrillator Platform Common Components 6052-170-020 Rev E (Helerenco Only) Item Pm! N o. 6060 170-01 I 6080-!70-012 6050470- 013 6080-170 - 014 6080470 - 015 6080-170- 016 0025-079-000 6060-170-022 HOBO-090023 GIQ"‘|"'IUL'>W> Rslum To Dbl. ol Conlflnl! Dame Head Rlvat Dallbrlllamr Plallovm Strap, Long Label Purl Name my. Top Panel 1 L99 Support 2 Slafilanavy Dellhrlllslor Leg 1 Slldlng Delinlillalov Log 1 Support Pivot Leg 4 Lag Collar 4 16 13:: 6505710900! HEVE v/wwslwklvcom Equipment Hook - 6500-147-000 Rev B Par! Nlme Dome Head Blvsx Equlpmant Hoak 0025-07900!) 6500-00123? Pall N0. Rawm To Table ul Dunlanli 185 65061057001 REV B www.mwker cam 153 Item Head Extension - 6100-044-000 Rev E IWMH SWO: I, mom» 3mm...“ “0000000.?— Farl No. Purl Nlmo my. 8100-041-080 Plllow ‘1 $1 0&044-0‘2 Hnad Extenslon Assom bly (page 18731 6506 I09700‘ HEW E wwusnvkev Gal" Head Extension Assembly - 6100-044—012 Rev F 01 W0 IKIEAIIIJ mama! 0mm mum glut-mung.“- mum Ilem Part No. Part Nlme my. A ammo-14010 Bracket Waldment I E ("00044-007 Support 1 C 6100-044-011 Extenslcn Tuba i D Glad-044008 Plllaw Support 2 E 6l00»044-005 lnsen 1 F 0028-076-000 Clip 2 G 5100-0444303 Syaoar 2 H 0016-028-000 Nylock Nul 4 J 0004-16l-000 Bulwn Head Cap Screw 2 K 0004-2324300 Bunon Hond Cap Screw 2 L 5372.0I0-0T5 Pull Pin Assembly 1 M 0025-0794100 Dame Head Rivet 4 N 0014057-000 Washer 4 P 0025-0314100 Semi-Tubular filuet 4 H 6030-0904104 Label, Small 1 S 610010804113 Label. Spec 1 T 6100-0444213 Valnm’I (Hook) 1 V 61000444304 lnsan 1 W 0045-999-603 O-Ring 2 X 6100-0444114 Head Exlenslon Tape 8 Return Tu hole a! Column WWWBllYkEl :am 6505-1 DQ-DDI REV B ‘87 |.V. Pole Assembly, Two-Stage, Right - 6500~310-000 I.V. Pole Assembly, Three-Stage, Right - 6500-315-000 Rev A 1000-1692-0001 I.V. Pole Assembly, TWO-Blane, nghl - 5500-310-000 llom Part No. Purl Name my. A 5100415080 Clip. LV Pole 1 B 6500-101-041 IV Pole Assembly Two-Stags, ngh! (page 189) 1 LV. Pale Anembly, Three-stage, mam - 8500-36-00!) Imm Pm No. Part Name 01y. A 6100-1154160 Cllp, W. Pole 1 B 6500-1131043 l.V. Pole Assembm Three«Slage, Fllght wags 190) 1 Relum To Tabla of Conlenls 155 6506-109 001 REV E wwwsll‘fkmwm I.V. Pole Assembly, Two-Stage, Right - 6500-101-041 nmoom>§ Rev A Part No. 5506-001-901 607°72‘00” 5100-1 6-051 5500-10l-253 0025-079-000 60704 10-031 Purl Name Label, Na Push‘ng Poll Assammy Socket Waldmant Label Dome Head R‘vsl LV. PM)! Fin my Relum To Tab" 01 Ounrnnrs www snymr com swa-uoo-um REVD 159 I.V. Pole Assembly, Three-Stage, Right - 6500-101-043 Rev A Item Pan No. Fan Name my. A 5506-0014301 Label. Na Pusmng 1 B 60711-215070 Pole Assembry 1 C 810071157051 Socket Weldmem 1 D 5500101-255 Label 1 E 3070410037 IM PM)! Pln 1 F 0025-078-000 Doma Head Rivet 1 Helwn To 131219 «1 Conlonu IGO Mos-1017100! REVB vmwamkm mm I.V. Pole Assembly, Two-Stage, Left - 6500-311-000 |.V. Pole Assembly, Three-Stage, Left - 6500-3164100 Rev A (0004-592-0001— I.V. Pole Assembly, Win-Slugs. Lufl — BEHG—SH-uoo Item Pall No. Pen Name Guy. A 610011 iS-OGD CUB, IM Pole 1 B 6500-10‘7042 IV, Pole Assambim Twarstaga. Ls" (page 192] 1 Three-stage I.V PeleAuembly. Le" - asoo-m-ooo Item Part No. Par! Name City. A 610011154160 CHE W" Pole 1 B 6500-101-044 LV, Pole Assembly Three-Snags. Left (page 193) 1 R-wm To Tabla n! Dunlanls www4,nlvylml£om EEDE-‘US um HEV B IQI |.V. Pole Assembly, Two-Stage. Left - 6500-101-042 llem 'nrnunmra Pln No. 6505-00140] 80702107070 mun-115.051 6500401454 0025-0797000 3070-110-037 FIDV A Part Name Label. Nu Pushlng N Pale Ass-mum Two-Stays Socket We‘amanl Label Dome Head Rival I.V. Pivot P‘n my. ‘_._._...‘ Halum Ta Thblu 01 Comm!) 6506409001 REV E ‘92 www suykel mm I.V. Pole Assembly, Three-Stage, Left - 6500-101-044 llem 'Ilmuom) Part No. 6506-001-901 6070-2154170 6100115051 8500401256 6070-1 10-037 00253-073000 Rev A Part Name Label. No Pushing P019 Assembly Socket Waldmam Labe‘ LV. Pivot Pin Dome Head Rival Rlium To Table or Oomanls 6506 {OS-00‘ REV 3 www slrykur mm 193 Two-Stage I.V. Pole Assembly, Dual - 6500-312—000 i Three Stage I.V. Pole Assembly, Dual - 6500-317—000 Rev A (0004-592-ODU)—- , moismge I.V. Pole Assam hly, D ual - 55 ll 0-312-000 Item Furl No. Part Name my. A 6100-115-030 Clip. W. Pole 2 E 8 6500-101-04l N Pole Assembly, Two-Snags. Hiuhl (page 189) 1 C 6500-101-042 W. Pale Assembly. TWO-Stage, Le" (page 192) 1 Three-Stage I.V. Pole Aaumbly, Dun] - 5500-317-000 Item Part No. Purl N-mo my. A B10011 IS-OGD Clip‘ |.V, Pole 2 B 6500-10l-048 LV. Pals Assembly Three-Stage, Right (page 190] 1 C 6500-101-044 IM Polo Assembly. Three-Stage. Len {pays 19:!) 1 Helum Tn Tlhle ol Conlenil I‘M BSDEJOBVODI REV B wwwelvykwcnm Oxygen Bottle Holder, Foot End - 6500-240-000 Rev A Hm” u mu m Ilem Part No. PM! Name my. A 0004:852-000 Button Head Cap Screw 3 B 001 V-DDl-OOD Flal Washer 6 C 0016-1514100 Nylack Hex Nut 9 D 0025-0794100 Dome Head Rivet 2 E scan-140.013 Oxygen Bottle Hasuaim Strap 2 F 8500-1014310 Oxygen Home Hulder Assembly (page 195) Helum To Tabla 0| Onrllnrlls www suykercom EGDEHDMm REV a 195 Oxygen Bottle Holder Assembly - 6500-101-040 Rev A Item Part No. 0011.436000 0025-13300!) 0037-055-000 0037-058-000 09484301455 65 U 0-001-259 65130- 001-240 6500 -1 01-257 (IDES-086000 '-::m-nmunu> Holum To Table DI Gonhnls Pm Name Washav Dome Head Rivet Black Prottclive Cap Ratalnlng Washer Bumper Tray Bracksl Label Blind Rlvet Qty. _,__—.__—._.u—— um 5508409001 REVE wwualyym mm Oxygen Bottle Holder, Fowler - 6500-241-000 Hsv A Item Purl No. Part Nume my. A momma-000 Button Head Cap Scmw 3 B 13500-001419 Backrest Oxygen Ho‘dar Bracket l c 5500-101-zal LabaL Fowloy Oxygen Bouts Holder I D e500-00V-260 Fow‘er Oxygen Home Holder Cover I E 65110-001261 Fow‘sr Oxygen Botllo Holder Snap I F 6500-001262 Neoprene Pad 2 G 0025-0794300 Dom. Head FIRM 2 www.mvylnercom fiDS-‘DQ-Om REV E 197 Removable Oxygen Bottle Holder - 6080-140-000 6080440010 Rev A (Heiemnca Only) loam PHI No. Part Nlme my. A 6080440-01‘ Oxygen some Holder Hanger 2 B 6030~l40v012 Oxygen Bolus Holder 1 w~—_— 193 5505109001 REV B vmwslvykmconl Retractable Head Section Oxygen Bottle Holder - 6085-046—000 Rev B Pan No. 0004 -65 E - 000 0016002 000 0 025.079.000 6085-00 l 471 6085-001-112 6085001473 GOES-001474 Part Name Socks! Head Can Screw Fibsrrock Hex Nul Dame Hoad filvel Oxygan Swap. Head End Oxygen leer Guard Oxygen Bohle Holder. Top Oxygen Sonia Harder, Balwm Rolum To Table D1 Comenl? \vale vykor com 5506-1094309 HEV B 1519 Base Storage Net - 6500-160-000 5500-1701426 Rev D (Reference Only) if Ramm Ta Thblo ol Onnllnl! jg.— NU 5508409709! REVS www suvkencunl Backrest Pouch - 6500-130-000 Oly. Packmd Backresl Storage Pouch 1 Purl NI mo Part No. 6500 ‘ 001-241 llem Return To Table at Conl 20‘ 6505-19960‘ REV B Head End Storage Flat - 6500-128—000 RENA W1 Er es mm NE nw rm w. no No. nw l5 P8 MA nelum In Yable a! Conlenl: 202 BSDErWWflO‘ HEV D Transfer Flat - 6005-001-001 RavE fialuln Io 'lahls 01 Oonlenh wwvmnykpr cam 650671097001 HEV E 203 Mattress - 6506-034-000 Rev A 5500-0024513 Rev F (Relevance Only) Helu In To Table 0! Conlanla 2W1 ssusrmarnm REVI} www snvkewvm Mattress, Gatch Bolster, XPS Option - 6500-003-130 RavE Return To Table 0' Conlvnk www sllyhemom 6506 IOS-DDI REV B 205 Safety Hook, Short - 6060-036-017/Safety Hook, Long - 6060- 036-018/Safety Hook, .1 - 6092-036-018 Rev A G) aaaz-oas-ma 5080-0364113 6050-036-017 J Long She r! Flaium TD Tlhll cl Cnnllnll 206 65057109700! REV 5 www Sllykelconl Recycling Passport Assembly Parl Number: 6500-!01-010 (Relevance Only) IN View 0! balmy m HecycllngimalerlaICode Importantlnlormnklnn _ SMRT'" Fsk (6500-101-010) de _ The Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRCl Is a non-profit, publle servlce mganlzmion that promotes the recycling of portable rechargeable ballerles, Ballerles must be delivered to a battery collection sila, Visll {he REFIC wshslle [www.rbrcnlgl to iind a nearby collectlun sile or call Ihe phone number shown on the recycling symhol. “alum To Tahla ol Ounlenll www ilrylwmom 3508409700] R EV B 207 Recycling Passport Assembly Part Number: 6500-101-016 (Raferancs Only) I34 Expludad View 01 swiich assambly m RecycllnglMalerlal Code lm pom n1 lnlolmmlon m ”“9“ 01'6"“ Board —_ Rom In To 1able o1 Conlanll ZDB 5506-109 WI HEVB wwwsllykulconl Recycling Passport Assembly Part Number: 6500-002-028 (Reference Only) K — Exploded Vlew ol hall sensor assembly m ROCycllnglMalerlaI Code Impellers! Inlormntlon m _ Primed circufl Board __ Helm" To Table 0| Gamer“? \vwwllwkermm ESDG-IDQ-Dm HEV E 208 Recycling Passport Assemhly Part Numbet; 6500-102-0l5 (Relarence Onlyl K — Exploded vitw ol tom and assembly Assembly Part Number: 6500-002—014 (Relerenca Only) Exploded vlaw of electronics canlvol hnard m HccycllnglMaterlal Code Important Inlovmltlon Printed Clrcuit Enard camalns Liquid Cryslal Display Ralum Tu Yahle al Conlenls 210 ESOEJQB-Dfli HEVH \vww slvykevwm Recycling Passport Assembly Part Number: 65004301»an (Hofarenca Only) K i ‘ Exploded Visw oi hydmullcs assembly Rocyc llnglmawrlal Code Imp nrlnnl lnlormntlon Motor Camalns Autommlc Transmission Fluid" awn-Islecmeawama _ _ External Electrlcal Cable _ External Electrical Cable “ Mobil Morcon° V synthatlo Blend or equivnlvnl @- ficlum TD 'labls ol Content. wwwslrykmcom 6600109410: REV a 211 Recycling Passport Assembly Pall Number 6500-002-159 (Relevance Only) K 1 — m Recycling/Material Code Impoltnnl Infurmnllon m Enernnl Electrical cable __ Ralurn To Table 0' Conlenls 212 Esau-mica! R EV a www :uykm com Warranty Stryker EMS. a division at the Stryker Corporation. otters one warranty option in the United States: No (2) year parts and labor. Stryker EMS warrants to the original purchaser that its products should be tree from manufacturing non-conformances that affect product periormanoe and customer satisfaction for a period of two (2) years ails! date or dellvery Stryker's obligation under this warranty ls expressly limited to suppMng replacement parts and labor tor. or replacing. at Its oplten, any product that Is. In the sets dlscrellon ol Stryker. round to be defective. Expendable components. i.9. mattresses. restraints. I.V. poles. storage nets, storage pouches. oxygen straps. and other sort goods. have a one (1) year "mined warranty. The Strylter Pewer 95% dip In Llr ) for 0,5 cycle 40% UT (60% dip in U?) tor 5 cycles 70% LlT (30% dip in UY) for 25 cycles <59. uT 935% dip In 41,) tor 5 seconds aAirn IMMUNI‘I'V lost ENIIEC “a." Compliance level Electromagnetic environment - guidance teat level 15 kV contact 18 kV contact Floors should be wood. concrete or ceramic :8 W air 16 W elr tile. It llollrs are cowred with synthetic :2 W for power supply lines 1| kv for lnput] material. the relative humldlly should be at least 30%. Applies to: ' Cot ' SMRT'“ Charger (6500-201-0l0) Mains power llualfiv should be that of a typical commercial or hospital environment. Applies to: D SleTl'm Cila rger (3500-2014110) mode :2 kV common mode <5% 0, pew. dip In ur) for 0.5 cycle 40% u, (60% rllp ln 0") for 5 cycles 70% U, (30% dip in u.) for 25 cycles <5% U, (>95% dip ln U,) for 5 second: Note: U, Is the alternating cumnt mains voltage prlar to application at the test level. Mains power quality should be that at a typical commercial or hospital environment. Applies to: - SMHT'“ Charger (6500-2014110) Mains nuwer quality should be that or a typical commemlel or hospital environment. It the user at the charger requires continued operation during power main interruptions. it is recommended that the device be powered lmm an uninterrupted power supply or a battery, Power lroquenoy magnetic fields should be at levels characteristic at a typical location In a typical commercial or hospital environment. Appliosto: - Col I SMRT'“ Charger (8500-201-010) Return To Tabla nl Conbnl: _____ ZIS eeneiooaat REVE www sum: cum EMC Information POWE R-PRO XT (CONTINUED) Guldlncl and manuiectuter's declaration - electromagnetic immunity The Model 6506 PoweI-PRO'“ XT out Is Intended for use In the elccllomegneilc anvlmnment specified below. The customer or use! of iha Model 6506 Power-PRO" XT not should assure met It Is used In such an environment. ENIIEC 60501 tut level IMMUNITV teat compliance level Ele ctromagnellc environment - guldenco Parlable end moblle RF communications equipment should he used no closer to any part oi the model 6506 Power-9H0” XT cm, lncludlng tables, than the recommended separation distance calculated item the equation appmpriate for the frequency of the transmitter. 3 Vrms 150 kHz la 80 MHz Cu nducted FIF ENIIEC 81000-4-3 fienommended Ieperetlon distance d -1 .NP Applies to: 0 SMRTm charger (6500-2014310) Rnlum To Tame oi canker“: Nwrtsuykelcom was-lnwm HEVB 217 EMC Information POWER- PRO” XT (CONTI N U ED) Grildenoe and manuiacturnr’s declaration - electroman c Immunity The Model 6505 PowohPRO'" XT not is intended lor use in the electromagnetic environment specified helow. The customer or user or the Manor 8506 Power-PRO” XT cot should assure that it is used in such an environment. entree 60601 last level IMMUNITY usl Compliance level Electromagnetic environment - gum-nee Portable and mobile FIF communications equipment should Ire used no closer to any part oi the Model 6505 PowerPRO"l XT col. Including cables, than the recommended separarlon dlstance calculatcd iron “16 equallorr applicable to the irequenoy at the transmitter. Recommended separallon dlsm rice: Radiator] HF 20 Wm 20 V/m snrrsc 61000-4-3 ea MHz to 2.5 an: D=(1.2)(~lr>) D=(0.IB)(\iP) 8|] MHz to 800 MHz o-rosswm BOD MHz to 2.5 GHz where P is the maximum output power rating oi the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter rnanuiacturer and a Is the recommended separation distance in metms (m), Field sirengthe iram ilxed RF Irensmlttars, as determined by an electromagnetic site survey. ’ ‘should I). less Ii’llfl ills complianco level In each irequency range " lntorlarvnce may occur in tire vicinity of equipment with tho iollawing symbol: («i») NOTE 1: Al 80 MHz and 8th MHz. the higher Inquerrcy range appllesr NOTE 2' These guldallnes may not apply In all situations. Elactromagneilc propagation is enacted by absorption and reilectlon irom struclures. objocls and people aField strengths tram (bred transmitters. such as base statlcns for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile rattles. amateur radio AM and FM radio broadcast, and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic environment due to tired RF trensmltters. an electromagnetic slle survey should be considered. If the measured lleld strength r'n ll1e location in which the Model 65.8 Power-W10"l XT not Is usod exceeds the applicable FIF compllance level above. tire Model 6506 Power-PRO“I XT not should he observed to verily normal operation. ll abnormal periormanoe I: observed. additional measures may be necessary. such as re-orlentlng or relocating the Model 8506 PowerPHDT“ XT oat. " Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz. ileld strengths are less than 2!) Wm. Rfltum Tn Table of Cuutenls 2m EQUE-IOS-UUI REV B wwvrslrykarvnurrr EMC Information POWER-P HD'“ XT (CO NTINUE D) Recommended separatlonl distance: helwun portable and mobile RF communication equipment and the Model 6506 Power-Pill?M XT cat The Model 6506 Power-PHD“ XT not Is Intended for use in an electromagnetic environment In which radiated RF dlsturbances are controlled The customer or the user of the Model 6508 Power-PRO“ XT cot can help prevent electromagnetic Interference by mainlalning a minimum distance between portable and moblle RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the Model 6508 Power-PRO“ XT cut as recommended below. according to the maximum output power 0! the communications equipment. Separation dielence according to frequency of trenemltler 150 kHz to so MHI so MHztoBOD MHz ’80!) MHz to 2,5 Gil: n-(1.2)(IP) e=(o.1|)(w=) D-(0.35)NF) 0-015 _EE_ For lra nsmittars rated at a maximum output power not listed above. the recommended separation distan as d In meters (m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency 01 the transmilter, where F' is the maximum output power rating oi the transmitter in walls (W) according to the transmitter menufaclurer. Rated maximum oufput power of trlnsmllfer NOTE 1: At 80 MHz and non MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range epplles. NOTE 2: Th eso guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromeg netlt: prupegalion ls affected by absorption and reflection from slru autos. objects and peapie. Return To Thole cl Contenl: WWWarYkercum SSW-[03%| REVS 2|!)
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