Suntech STU630 Tracker User Manual 630 Rev01

Suntech International Ltd. Tracker 630 Rev01

User Manual

        ST630  User Manual      Suntech International Ltd.
 1. IntroThis docIf there the contspecial b 2. OveDevice cThe maperiodicDevice c 2-1. Op The dev** Driv** Park** EmeThe  2-2. Re AVL repAlso,  AVconnectDevice commanDevice cStorage event reerased aWhen reAlso, thiEach typEmergenoduction cument descis another tents of thebuyer. erview consists of Win purpose cally. can control operation Mvice has 3 opving       king     : Pergency : Ondevice sendeport orts GPS anVL  sends  soted input linedistinguishend responsecan store repcapacity  is eports)  and and new repeporting conis capacity cpe of reportsncy  CommST630Ucribes featuroperation d document WCDMA, GPof device reor check conMode peration mod: DrivParking statunce panic bus emergencyd some infoome  alerts, e and so ones  all  report. ports when up  to  2,001500 bytes port is bufferndition is recan increase s has prioritymand RespoUser Manuales, protocolsescription dis different S and event eports gettinnnected linedes, driving,ving status wus that startsutton is On oy reports unormation at pfor  examp. ts  with  6  tyreporting ro00  status  repas commanred when thcovered, devif it is needey, and priorionse  Alerts and detail ocument fowith this, cuparts. ng GPS posis and suppo parking andwhen ignitions if ignition ior any othertil A1 times predefined ile,  movemeypes,  Status oute (For exaports,  50  emnd responsee buffer is fuvice starts seed. ty is as belot  Status Roperation or special buustomizing dtion and otort additionad emergencyn is on. is off duringr status as peor receivingnterval, depeent  at  the preport,  emample, WCDmergency  ree. In  case  ofull and new ending all buow. Report  Aliof ST630. uyer to custodocument shher informs al functions. y.  more than er designed.g server acknending on tparking  conergency,  evDMA conditioeports,  50  af status repostatus reporuffered repove (Lowest) omize or mohould be apof vehicle tT1. .  nowledge. he current mndition,  chanent,  alert, aon) is not sulert  reports orts, oldest rt enters (FIFrts. 2 odel and plied for to server modes. nging  of alive  and uccessful. (include report  is FO).
 Emergen  2-3. SeParametin the saDetail p 2-4. FeKey fea - PowerDevice consum - LED InLED ind - EventsDevice h - UpdatWhen FimplemeCustomeMethod - ParkinDevice without emergen - Over sDevice c - GPS ADevice cncy is the firetting Paramters of devicame way. rotocols areatures atures are r Down can  procesption when ndicator icates WCDMs has 2 outputte FirmwareFirmware  ofented, devicers do not n of FOTA deng Lock can  check wignition  onncy report imspeed can check spAntenna Checan alert whST630Urst to be senmeter ce can be ch described idescribed s  two  stepthe vehicle MA and GPSt lines, 3 inpe by Over Thf  device  hace can updatneed to visit escribes at “Swhether  the n. In the cammediately. peed of vehiecking en GPS anteUser Manualnt after recovhanged by Wn Chapter 4here; ps  of  poweris parked. S states. It’s hput lines andhe Air (FOTAs  some  errte internal Revery vehicSunTech_OTAvehicle  moase  that  it cle and sendenna is discovering WCDWCDMA or S. r-down,  Sleehelpful to chd ignition linA) ror  or  has ROM file by le to downloA_UA_Protocoves  off  the notes  the d alert of ovonnected. MA conditioSMS, and soep  and  Deheck error cae. to  be  chanover the aioad the newcol” documenpreset  parkunauthorizever-speed to on. ome control eep  Sleep, fause. nged  for  a ir (FOTA), rew firmware. nt in detail. king  boundaed  moving server. can be realifor  reducingnew  servicmotely via Wary  or  startsor  driving, 3 ized also g power e  to  be WCDMA. s driving it  sends
 It’s appl - Main The  devdisconnIt’s appl - BatterDevice cIt’s appl 3. Prot All commEvery filAll repo Comma HDR  Field HDR DEV_IDVER Field 1 Device IIf the conot mat Report  HDR  Field HDR icable only fPower Checvice  can  reected or maicable only fry Error Alercan alert aboicable only ftocol Conmand and reed is distingrt string fromand messageDEV_ID  VED  ~ n ID is unique ommand hatched with Dmessage foDEV_ID  SWST630Ufor models tcking ecognize  theain power drfor battery mrt out battery efor battery mstruction eports are stguished by sm device is e format (frER  Field 1 DefinitionString 6 char. “02” String number of s invalid valDEV_ID of theormat (fromW_VER  FielDefinitionString User Manualthat have exte main powrops below pmodel. error relatedmodel. tring and fosemi colon.ended by ‘\rom server tField 2…ns  Rema“ST63DeviceProtocConteeach device lue or DEV_Ie unit.  device to sd 1  Field 2ns  Rema“ST63ternal antenwer  and  infpreset value.d on charginllows below \r’ (0x0D).to device)…Field nark 0” + Comme ID of AVLcol Version. ents that consistID of the coserver) 2…Field ark 0” + Reportna. form  to  ser g. format. and type This is fixedts of 6digits.ommand thantype rver  when  with “02”. . at is sent bymain  powey WCDMA o4 r  line  is or SMS is
 DEV_IDVER Field 1 4. ComWhen  tparamet 4-1. Ne HDR B_ ● Defin Field HDR DEV_IDVER AUTH APN USER_IUSER_PSEVER_SEVER_B_SEVEB_SEVESMS_ND  ~ n mmands he  device  isters or acts etwork ParDEV_ID_SEVER_IP nition    : SD ID PWD _IP _PORT ER_IP ER_PORT NO ST630U6 char. “001” String s  received arelated operrameters SeD VER B_SESet network Definit“ST630N6 cha“02”‘0’ /‘1’StrinStrinStrinStrinStrinStrinStrinStrinUser ManualDeviceSoftwContea  command,ration. etting AUTH  APEVER_IP parameters ions  UNTW” ar. ” ’/’A’ g g g g g g g g e ID of AVLare version tents , it respondPN  USERSMS_NOand PIN numnit  Rem Com Devi Proto WCD0 : PA1 : CA : AInU Acce ID fo Passw Serve Serve Back Back PhonThis condmeththat the devds  with  respR_ID USEPIN_NOmber. mark mmand typece ID ocol VersionDMA authentAP(‘NO’ in SCHAP(‘YES’ inAutomatic Wn this case, pUSER_PWD fiess Point Namor WCDMA Aword for WCer IP Addreser Port kup Server IPkup Server Pone number wcan  be  usedition  is  nohod when IPvice has. onse  string ER_PWD  tication Synctrack) n Synctrack) WCDMAset. parameters iieldshould bme Access CDMA Accesss P Address ort what the deved  for  backut  good.  Or,P and Port arand  changSEVER_IP in APN, USEbe empty. ss vice sends Sup  in  the  ar, it can be re empty. 5 es  some SEVER_R_ID and MS report torea  that  if Wused  mainPORT o. WCDMAn report
 PIN_NO<exam[comm[respon<notes** If ne AutomIt the don inseFor exaUSER_PAnd this selec    4-2. Re HDR ANG ● Defin Field HDR DEV_IDVER T1 T2 O mple> mand] ST630Nnse] ST630NST630Ns> etwork does matic WCDMdevice is seterted SIM. ample, if AirPASS to emphe device repcted. eport ParamDEV_ID VLE_RPT nition    : SD ST630UStrinNTW;850000NTW;Res;8500NTW;Res;8500not require MA Set t to ‘Automartel SIM is ipty. ports responmeter SettiVER T1 RPT_TYPE Set parameteDefinit“ST630R6 cha“02”StrinStrinUser Manualg 0;02;0;interne000;010;0;int000;010;A1;tUser ID andatic WCDMAnserted, thense string afing T2  T3ers related oions  URPT” ar. ” g  Sg  SFor n PIN et;;;111.111.1ternet;;;;tim;tid Password, ASet’, the dee device set fter adding A1 SNDon report intnit  Rem Com Devi Protoec  InterRangIf  0, vehicec  InterRangno use, it shNumber to 111.111;8600111.111.111im; 111.111.these fields evice set WCAUTH to 0,real WCDMAD_DIST Terval. mark mmand typece ID ocol Versionrval for sendge : 0 ~ 864report  in pcle starts parval for sendge : 0 ~ 600ould be emprelease PIN 0;;;;   ;8600;;;; 111.111;860should be eCDMA param APN to “aiA parameterT4SMS_T ing status re00 parking  will rking. ing status re00 pty. lock if it is e0;;;; empty. meters when autoT1  SMS_Teport in parkbe  sent  oneport in driv6 enabled matically”, USERomatic WCDT2  SMS_king modenly  one  timving modepending _ID and DMA set _PACK_NOe  when
 T3 A1 SND_DT4 SMS_TSMS_TSMS_PAANGLERPT_TY<exam[comm[respon<notes**  If  recommuprotect** Alive    4-3. EvDIST 1 2 ACK_NO E_RPT YPE mple> mand] ST630Rnse] ST630Rs> eport  intervunication is ting against e report canvent ParamST630UStrinStrinStrinStrinStrinStrinStrinStrinStrinRPT;850000;0PT;Res;85000val  is  set  binot progresthis disconn be sent oneter SettinUser Manualg  Sg g  Meg  Sg Mg Mg g  Degg 02;180;120;600;010;180;1ig  number, sed for a lonection by sely when the ng If  0, vehicec  InterRangIf  0, eme Numgets If 0, eter DistaRangIf 0, If  noreachec  InterMin  InterMin  Inter Repogree  Repo0 : DRang Set t0: FIF1: LIF60;3;0;0;0;0;0;120;60;3;0;0;0network  mang time. So,ending shordevice has report  in dcle starts drirval for sendge : 0 ~ 999emergencyrgency statember of attemacknowledgno emergenance intervalge : 0 ~ 600status reporot  0,  stats hes predefinrval for sendrval for sendrval for sendort No in onort STT messDisable ge : 1 ~ 179 the type of rFO : First in FO : Last In ;0;0 0;0;0;0;0 ay  disconne, unit may nrt data with no data to sdriving  will iving. ing status re9 y  report  will e occurs. mpts for emge from servncy report wl for sending00 (60km) rt related onreport  is ned SND_DISing keep aliing status reing status rene SMS messsage if it’s g reporting. First Out. First Out. ect  WCDMAnot receive cshort term. send during be  sent  oneport in emebe  sent  onmergency repver   will be sent. g status repon moving dissend  whenST. ve string eport in parkeport in drivsage reater than AA connectioncommand byT4 interval. 7 nly  one  timergency modnly one timport until theort. stance is disan traveled dking modeving modeANGLE_RPT.n because Wy WCDMA. Te  when de e  when e device abled. distance WCDMAT4 is for
  HDIN1_TOUT1_PULSE1IN4_T ● Defin Field HDR DEV_IDVER T1 T2 IN1_TYIN1_CHDR  DETYPE  IN2_TYPE  OUT1_NO  PULSTYPE  IN5nition    : SD YPE HAT ST630UEV_ID 2_TYPE T2_TYPE  OUSE1_ON  P5_TYPE ISet parameteDefinit“ST630E6 cha“02”StrinStrin‘0’ ~ StrinUser ManualVER IN3_TYPE UT1_ACTIVEULSE1_OFFIN4_CHAT er related evions  UEVT” ar. ” g  Sg  S‘7’ g  100IGNITIOIN1_CHAOUT2_ACTPULSE2_NIN5_CHAvent. nit  Rem Com Devi Protoec  Delaec  Dela 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = C5 = C6 = 7 = A13 deteDefaOnlycan 0ms  InpuRangDefaIf 0, ON TAT  IN2_TIVENO  PULSEAT  BAmark mmand typece ID ocol Versiony for enteriny for enterinFalling EdgeRising EdgeBoth Edge (Panic ButtonCall1 ButtonCall 2 ButtonReserved Anti-Theft B=  Disable ctor. ault = ‘3’. y the device be set to ‘Cat1 chatteringge : 0 ~ 999ault = 3 sec.input1 is noT1 CHAT INE2_ON PULAUD  ng idle modeng active moe Falling & Risn n n Button Immobilizerthat includall1 Button’ og time.   9 ot checked. T2 N3_CHAT LSE2_OFF e after ignitiode after ignsing) r if it’s actded voice opor ‘Call2 But8 ion goes to nition goes ttivated  by ption (audiotton’. off to on jammer o circuit)
 OUT1_OUT1_APULSE1PULSE1PULSE1BAUD TYPE ACTIVE 1_NO 1_ON 1_OFF ST630U‘0’ ~ ‘0’ or StrinStrinStrin‘0’ ~ User Manual‘5’ ‘1’ g g  100g  100‘4’  0 = G1 = 2 = I    autow3 = 4 = 5 =   0 = O1 = G PulseRangIf pu0ms  ActivRangIt sh0ms  InactRangIt sh It’s aBaud0 = 1 = 42 = 93 = 4 = 5 = If theGPIO immobilizerImmobilizer  Auto  acmatically when the vehPulse LED Out for Buzzer Open when GND when oe number wge : 0 ~ 999ulse no is 99ve time of puge : 0 ~ 999ould be set tive time of ge : 0 ~ 999ould be set available whed-rate No use 4800bps 9600bps 19200bps 38400bps 115200bpse device doe& Auto actictive  meanhicle starts pindicating cout1 is activout1 is activhen out1 typ9 99, pulsing rulse1 9 with even npulse1 9 with even nen extra evees not suppoive s  immobilparking. call status. Rve ve pe set to puruns permanumber. umber. nts support ort RS232, it9 izer  is  aefer 7-2-3.ulse. nently. RS232. t should be 0ctivated 0.
 <exam[comm[respon<notes**  If  IGstring sleep a** If IGvehicleinto replease ** In ca** Imm** In ca** If deType of Below ta Field HDR DEV_IDVER IGNITIOT1 T2 mple> mand] ST630Ense] ST630EVs> GNITION is with idle mautomaticallyGNITION is se’s  battery. Weal vehicle arefer 6.3. ase of pulse,mobilizer, LEDase that a evevice has the0 -> 1 -> 2(0 : Volume no supporteable is for exD ON ST630UEVT;850000;0VT;Res;85000set to  ‘0’, dode always, y when the vset to ‘2’, thWe  named ind it may b,  pulse timD Blink line avent is set toe Handsfree 2 -> 3 -> 4 ->e mute, 5 :Maxed event linexample of 4 Definit“ST630E6 cha“02”‘0’ ~ StrinStrinUser Manual02;1;60;0;3;200;010;1;60;0device  doesnand cannotvehicle is pae device chit  as  ‘Virtuabe need adje may have and Buzzer to “door senskit, each time>5 ->0 -> 1 -x Volume) e is fixed to line event mions  UEVT” ar. ” ‘2’ g  Sg  S;2;30;20;20;10;3;2;2;30;20;n’t check drit support paarked.   ecks drivingl  Ignition’. Vustment of tolerance atype cannot sor”, active se the volume up-> 2 ->3 -> 4“No Use”.model. nit  Rem Com Devi Proto Ignit0 : N1 : U2 : V3 : Vec  Delaec  Dela1;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;20;1;0;1;0;0;0iving  or  pararking lock g or parking Virtual  ignitivoltage rangbout dozensset both OUstate means p button is press4 -> 5 - > 0 -mark mmand typece ID ocol Versionion using stNot use ignitUse ignition LVirtual ignitioVirtual ignitioy for enteriny for enterin0;0;0;0;0;0;0;00;0;0;0;0;0;0;0rking  state oand the serstate of theon  can  opege for specis of ms. UT1 and OUdoor is opesed once, the sp> 1 ->  ….  ate tion Line on(power) on (motion) ng idle modeng active mo0 0;0;0 of  the  vehicrvice that ene vehicle witerate  when tial vehicle. FT2 simultanened. peaker volume ie after ignitiode after ign10 le.  It  reportnters sleep oth voltage rthe  device  iFor setting meously. is turned up as bion goes to nition goes ts  status or deep range of nstalled method, below.  off to on
 IN1_TYIN1_CHOUT1_OUT1_APULSE1PULSE1PULSE1BAUD <exam[comm[respon<notes**  In cshouldType acomma  4-4. W HDYPE HAT TYPE ACTIVE 1_NO 1_ON 1_OFF mple> mand] ST630Ense] ST630EVs> case  of  even be ‘No Usend chat timeand is set toCDMA ParDR ST630U‘0’ ~ Strin‘7’ ‘0’ or ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ EVT;850000;0VT;Res;85000nt  4  line  me’. e of non useo other valueameter SetDEV_ID User Manual‘5’ g  100‘1’ 02;1;60;0;3;200;010;1;60;0odel,  IN2_Ted event linee. tting VE 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = C5 = C6 = 7 = A13 deteDefaOnlycan 0ms  InpuRangDefaIf 0,  7 =          0 = ;2;30;20;20;10;3;8;8;30;0;0YPE,  IN3_TYes are set toR  SMFalling EdgeRising EdgeBoth Edge (Panic ButtonCall1 ButtonCall 2 ButtonReserved Anti-Theft B=  Disable ctor. ault = ‘3’. y the device be set to ‘Cat1 chatteringge : 0 ~ 999ault = 3 sec.input1 is noNo Use No use 1;0;1;0;0;0;0;00;6;6;1;0;0;0;0YPE,  IN4_TYPo ‘No Use’ aMS_LOCK e Falling & Risn n n Button Immobilizerthat includall1 Button’ og time.   9 ot checked. 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;00;0;0;0;8;8;0;0PE,  IN5_TYPEnd ‘0’ automSMS_MT1 sing) r if it’s actded voice opor ‘Call2 But0 0;0 E,  OUT1_TYPmatically althSMS_MT11 tivated  by ption (audiotton’. PE  and  OUThough these T2  SMS_jammer o circuit) T2_TYPE filed of _MT3
 SMS_CALL_ ● Defin Field HDR DEV_IDVER SMS_LOSMS_MSMS_MSMS_MSMS_MIN_CALCALL_MCALL_MCALL_MCALL_MCALL_MCALL_MCALL_M<exam[comm[respon<notes** Whe  _MT4  IN_MO1 nition    : SD OCK MT1 MT2 MT3 MT4 LL_LOCK MT1 MT2 MT3 MT4 MT5 MO1 MO2 mple> mand] ST630Wnse] ST630Ws> en SMS or CST630UN_CALL_LOCKCALL_MO2 Set parameteDefinitio“ST630WCMA” 6 char.“02”  ‘0’ or ‘1String String String String ‘0’ or ‘1String String String String String String String WCDMA;850WCDMA;Res;8Call numbersUser ManualK CALL_ers related Sons UCD 1’ Up toUp toUp toUp to1’ Up toUp toUp toUp toUp toUp toUp to0000;02;0;;;;;0850000;010;0s are not set,_MT1  CASMS or Call.Unit R C D P LDISo 20 char.Po 20 char.Po 20 char.Po 20 char.P LDIco 20 char.Po 20 char.Po 20 char.Po 20 char.Po 20 char.Po 20 char.Po 20 char.P0;;;;;;; 0;;;;;0;;;;;;; , that field sALL_MT2 Remark Command tyDevice ID Protocol VerLock of ReceDisable (0) / If  enabled, SMS_MT1 ~ Phone numbPhone numbPhone numbPhone numbLock of IncoDisable (0) / If  enabled, ocan be accepPhone numbPhone numbPhone numbPhone numbPhone numbPhone numbPhone numbhould be emCALL_MT3 ype sion eiving CommEnable (1) only  comMT3 numbeber for SMS ber for SMS ber for SMS ber for SMS ming Call Enable (1) only  call  fropted. ber for call ber for call ber for call ber for call ber for call ber for outgober for outgompty. CALL_MTmands by SMmmands  ther can be accommands commands commands commands om  CALL_MToing call frooing call fro12 T4  CALL_MS hat  receivesccepted.   T1  ~  MT5 m device m device _MT5 s from number
 4-5. Se HZGEO_JAM_C ● Defin Field HDR DEV_IDVER PARKINSPEED_PWR_DCON_TZIP ervice ParamHDR ZIP G_FENCE HK_DIST  JAnition    : SD NG_LOCK _LIMIT DN TYPE ST630Umeter SettDEV_ID GROUP_SENDDATA_LOG AM_CHK_TMSet parameteDefinit“ST630S6 cha“02”‘0’ or Strin‘0’ ~ ‘0’ ~ ‘0’ or User Manualting VED MP_ANTITHFM ers related reions  USVC” ar. ” ‘1’ g  Km‘2’ ‘2’ ‘1’ ER PCHK FT_CNT1Aeport. nit  Rem Com Devi Proto ParkiIf 1periostartparkm/h  OverIf 0, If  1 repo Powe0 : D1 : E2 : E Conn0 = 1 = 2 = Deta  Use DisabPARKING_LOANT_CHKANTITHFT_CNmark mmand typece ID ocol Versioning lock ena,  the  deviodically. Whes  moving ing lock emer speed limitthe device dand  the  veorts speed aler saving typDisabled sleenabled deepnabled sleepnection TypeKEEP_CONKEEP_DISCOKEEP_NOPail explanatioZip ble (0) / EnaOCK SPEEDBAT_NT2 JAM able (1) / disice  checks en the vehicover  some ergency. t does not cheehicle  runes erts once. pe ep and deep p sleep p e with ServeON on is below. able (1) D_LIMIT  PW_CHK  M__DET able (0) vehicle  pocle goes off velocity, teck over speover  predesleep servicr 13 WR_DN C_SENSORosition  in some bounthe  device eed. efined  value,ce CON_TYPECALL parking ndary or reports , device
 GROUPMP_CHANT_CBAT_CHM_SENCALL GEO_FDAT_LO<exam[comm[respon<notes** FuncIf shoc**  If tcustomoper P_SEND HK HK HK NSOR ENCE OG mple> mand] ST630Snse] ST630SVs> ction of M_Sk or collisionthis  paramemized   ration documST630U‘0’ or ‘0’ or ‘0’ or ‘0’ or ‘0’ ~’‘0’ or ‘0’ or ‘0’ or SVC;850000;VC;Res;8500SEMSOR cann detection eter  has  beement. User Manual‘1’ ‘1’ ‘1’ ‘1’ ’4’ ‘1’ ‘1’ ‘1’ 02;1;120;0;0;00;010;1;120n be used wiis enabled, den  customiz Grou0 : D1 : EGrou MainDisab GPS Disab BackDisab Moti 01234567 SuppDisab SuppDisab Log 0 = 1 = ;0;0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;1;1th the modedevice will rezed,  This  taup Send for Disable nable. One pup send is exn Power Discble (0) / EnaAntenna Coble (0) / Enakup Battery Eble (0) / Enaion Sensorport Call witble (0) / Enaport Geo-fenble (0) / Enaout with RS2No Use Enable getti;0;0;0;0;0;0;01;0;0;0;0;0;0;0el that has meport to servable  shouldstored data packet can ixplained belconnection Cable (1) onnection Erable (1) Error Check able (1) Motion Disable Enable Disable Enable Disable Enable Disable Enable h headset able (1) nce able (1) 232 ng saved log0;0;0 motion sensover when ge  be  disreganclude up toow. Check ror Check Collision Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable Enable Enable Enable g data by RSor. ets any shocarded  and 14 o 5 reports.ShockDisablDisablEnableEnableDisablDisablEnableEnableS232 k or collisionyou  shoulde e e e e e e e n. d  follow
 CON_T1. 2. 3.  Group The  dearea, dIf groutime. Group M_Sen1. 2.  Jammi JAM_CAt leasIf you  *Case oJammin*Case oJammin JAM_CJAM_C If disabIn this 4-6. AdTYPE KEEP_CONKEEP_DISCdevice disc3minutes. KEEP_NOPemergencyon report option. Send evice  stores evice starts p send optisend is usefnsor Collision: TShock: Theing detectioHK_DIST & Jst, we recomuse two assiof jamming ng detected of jamming ng detected HK_DIST : if HK_TM : if 0ble all of asscase, it’s podditional PaST630UN : The devicCON : The deconnects WCIn this case,P : The devicy mode or  if  the sending stoon is enableful to speed The device se device senon procedurJAM_CHK_TMmend use JAist functionsWCDMA on->JAM_CHKWCDMA& G->JAM_CHK0, skip this 0, skip this fusist functionsssible to falsarameters User Manualce keeps TCPevice connecCDMA and T, it cannot ree doesn’t seeceive ‘Start It may be uvehicle  is  iored data. ed, the devicup sendingsending a evnding a evenre M    are assisAM_CHK_DIS, it can detenly. K_DIST -> JAGPS. K_TM -> Trigfunction. unction.   s, just triggese detectionP connectioncts TCP connTCP connecteceive a comend any repot Report’ comused for savin  no  WCDMce makes 5 r. vent when ignt when ignitst for jamminST for safetyect two case AM_CHK_TMggered by JAered by HAMn in weak WCn always andnection whetion if it estimmmand by Wort after be mmand by Sing WCDMAMA  area.  Anreports to ongnition is ONtion is OFF ang detectiony. of jamming -> TriggereAM_DET modM_DET modeCDMA or strd can receiven the data ismates there WCDMA. installed. WhSMS or RS23A fee. Currennd,  the  vehicne bundle aN and have aand have a mn to avoid fa as follows. ed by JAM_Dde. e after detectrong radio aes a commans sent. Afteris no data fhen the dev32, it starts rnt version cacle  moves tnd send thea motion.     motion.   alse detectioDET mode. ted jammingarea.   15 nd by WCDMr sending, thfor sending wice enters report depennnot supporto  WCDMAaese 5 reportsn. g. MA. e within nding rt this availables at one
  HDR  ● Defin Field HDR DEV_IDVER SVR_TYB_SVR_UDP_ADEV_POReservReservReservReservReservReserv<exam[comm[respon<notesDEV_ID  VEnition    : SD YPE _TYPE ACK ORT ed ed ed ed ed ed mple> mand] ST630Anse]    ST630s> ST630UER  SVR_TYSetting additDefinit“ST630A6 cha“02”‘T’ / ‘‘T’ / ‘‘0’ ~ Strin‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ADP;850000;ADP;Res;850User ManualPE  B_SVR_Ttional paramions  UnADP” ar. ” ‘U’ ‘U’ ‘3’ g ;02;U;T;2;9000000;022;U;TTYPE UDP_meter requestnit  RemarCommDeviceProtocServer T : TCPU : UDBackupT : TCPU : UDACK fr0 : No 1 : ACK2 : ACKand3 : ACKCommDeviceIt can If ‘0’ oIf  not DEV_P      00;0;0;0;0;0;0T;2;9000;0;0;0_ACK DEV_ted. rk mand type e ID ol VersionProtocol TyP DP p Server ProP DP om Server wuse K when the K when the d alive reporK when the mand response’s port for rebe used onlr empty, thezero,  the ORT. 0;0;0;0 _PORTpe tocol Type when UPD isserver receivserver receivrt. server receivse doesn’t neceiving comy when UDPe device woudevice  can  used. ves reports eves reports eves emergeneed ACK. mmand fromP server is usuld use port receive  com16 except alive.except STT ncy report.m UDP serversed. 9000. mmands  wi r. th  port
 This co ACK inUDP  iscompleACK is If the Areache   ExampString Zip ForIt is recReporAlive STT EventEmerg   4-7. Se HDR OPE ● Defin Field HDR ommand cann case of UDs protocol tetion of sendsent by servACK is not d to server aples of ACK Format : “STrmat : 0x15 commendedrt Type  , Alert, Etc. gency et ParameteDEV_ID ERATION_STOnition    : SST630Un be appliedDP that  doesn’tding with ACver when thsent during and sends threport are aT630ACK;8500x85 0x00 0d ACK_TYPE UDP_ACX X X X ers of MainVER OP_THRES_1Set some valUser Manual from softwat check wheCK dependine data is recmore than he data agaas below. 0000” 0x00 is set to ‘1’ tCK=0  Un VoltageCHR_STOP_12 Oue of main Defin“ST63are version 2ether  the  dang on UDP_Aceived. 2 minutes ain. to confirm aDP_ACK=1X O O O _THRES_12OPERATION_Svoltage. nitions Re0MBV” Co22. ata  is  transmACK type. after sendinall data can UDP_ACXXOOCHR_STOP_THRESemark ommand typmitted  succeg, the devicbe transmittCK=2  UD_STOP_THRESS_24  IGe essfully.  So, ce recognizeted safely. DP_ACK=3 X X X O S_24 GNDET_H 17 the  device es the data wDECIDE_BIGNDET_Lchecks was not BAT_24 L
 DEV_IDVER CHR_STCHR_STDECIDEOPERAOPERAIGNDETIGNDET<exam[comm[respon <noteIGNDET 4-8. Se HDR OPEVVI ● DefinD TOP_THRES_TOP_THRES_E_BAT_24 ATION_STOP_ATION_STOP_T_H T_L mple> mand] ST630Mnse]ST630M> T_H and IGNet ParameteDEV_ID ERATION_STOI_ON_THRESI_OFF_DELAYnition    : SST630U_12 _24 _THRES_12 _THRES_24 MBV;850000BV;Res;8500NDET_L are ‘ers of MotVER OP_THRES_1S Y VSet motion sUser Manual6 c“0StrStrStrStrStrStrStr0;02;10.5;22;100;122;10.5;20’, device chion SensorCHR_STOP_12 OVI_ON_DELVI_OFF_PERCsensor paramchar.  De02”  Proring  Vovehring  Vovehring  Vo12ring  VoThtharing  VoThtharing In driIGNDering  In paDe19;8.00;18.0022;19;8.00;18heck parkingr _THRES_12OPERATION_SLAY CENT meters evice ID otocol Versiooltage  value hicle. oltage  value hicle. oltage  value V or 24V. oltage value te device opan this valueoltage value te device opan this valuecase  of  viiving  state NDET_H. efault = ‘0’case  of  virking state wefault = ‘0’0;0;0 8.00;0;0 g and drivingCHR_STOP_THRESVI_ON_PEon to  stop  bato  stop  bato  check wto protect veeration stope in vehicle tto protect veeration stope in vehicle trtual  ignitiowhen  vertual  ignitiowhen vehicleg automatica_STOP_THRESS_24  IGERCENT ackup  batterackup  batterwhether  the ehicle batterps if car battethat has 12Vehicle. ps if car battethat has 24Von, the vehehicle  poweon, the vehe power is leally. S_24 GNDET_H VI_OF18 ry  charging ry  charging vehicle’s  bary. ery voltage V power. ery voltage V power. hicle can reer  is  morehicle can reess than IGNDECIDE_BIGNDET_LFF_THRES in  12V in  24V attery  is is lower is lower ecognize e than ecognize NDET_L.BAT_24 L
  Field HDR DEV_IDVER SHOCKMOTIOSHOCKCOLL_TVI_ON_VI_ON_VI_ON_VI_OFFVI_OFFVI_OFF<examD K_DELAY ON_THRES K_THRES THRES _THRES _DELAY _PERCENT F_THRES F_DELAY F_PERCENT mple> ST630UDefinit“ST630M6 cha“02”StrinStrinStrinStrinStrinStrinStrinStrinStrinStrinUser Manualions  UnMSR” ar. ”  g  Seg  Steg  Steg  Steg  1/25g  Sec.g  % g  1/25g  Sec.g  % nit  RemarCommDeviceProtocc.  Delay f0 – DisRange Recomep  DetectRange Recomep  DetectRange Recomep  GravityRange Recom5G ThreshRange DefaulDelay tRange DefaulPercenRange Defaul5G ThreshRange DefaulDelay tRange DefaulPercenRange Defaulrk mand type e ID ol Versionfor entering sable : 1 ~ 21600mmend : 600 ion level of : 0.04 ~ 2.0mmend : 0.04ion level of : 0.04 ~ 2.0mmend : 0.04y for collisio: 0.1 ~ 2.0mmend : 0.7hold value fo: 3~50 t : 5 time for Mo: 3~999 t : 10 nt for Motion: 30~100 t: 70 hold value fo: 3~50 t : 5 time for Mo: 3~999 t : 10 nt for Motion: 30 ~ 100t : 70 shock detec0 (5hour) ( 10 min.) shock violat0 4 shock violat0 4 n report. or Motion Viotion Virtual n Virtual Ignor Motion Viotion Virtual n virtual Igniction mode tion. tion. rtual IgnitionIgnition On ition On. rtual IgnitionIgnition Off ition Off. 19 after ignition On n Off n off
 [comm[respon <notes*  For tinsensias it fo 4-11. C HDR ● Defin Field HDR DEV_IDVER CMD_I Caution  4-11-1. ● Defin Field CMD_I<exam<exam[comm[respon7;1;0 mand] ST630Mnse] ST630Ms> the shock letive  or shock deteControl ComR DEVnition    : CD D n : If it’s not. Status Renition    : LD mple> mple> mand] ST630Cnse] ST630ST0;15.33;10000ST630UMSR;;02;600MSR;Res;8525evel,  we  recection. mmand V_ID VControls somDefinit“ST630C6 cha‘01’Strint correct theequest Location pollDefiniti“StatusRCMD;850000TT;850000;0100;2;0002 User Manual;0.04;0.04;0.7588;128;600;commend  itVER me functionsions  UnCMD” ar. ’ g e Unit ID, igl, request of ons  UnReq” 0;02;StatusRe10;200907247;5;10;70;5;100.04;0.04;0.7 to set to 0CMD_ID . nit  RemaCommDeviceProtocContronored. the status rit  RemaStatusIf receeq 4;07:12:16;000;70 70;5;10;70;5;10.04.  if  it's rk mand type e ID col Versionol commandreport. rk s request eived, the de0129;+37.47910;70 over  than d content evice sends s9995;+126.880.04,  the  sestatus string85815;000.020 ensor  will b instantly. 29;000.00; be  more
  4-11-2. ● Defin Field CMD_I<exam[comm[respon  4-11-3. ● Defin Field CMD_I<exam[comm[respon[respon. Reset nition    : RD mple> mand] ST630Cnse]    ST630. Preset nition    : RD mple> mand] ST630Cnse] ST630CNTW;RPT;6EVT;1WCDSVC;1DEV;0nse] event 4NTW;RPT;6EVT;1WCDSVC;1ST630UReset all of pDefiniti“ResetCMD;850000CMD;Res;85Reset all of pDefiniti“PreseCMD;850000MD;Res;8500;0;internet;;;160;180;120;601;60;0;3;2;2;30MA;0;;;;;0;;;;;;;1;120;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0  line model ;0;internet;;;160;180;120;601;60;0;3;8;8;30MA;0;;;;;0;;;;;;;1;120;0;0;0;0;User Manualparameters.ons  Unt” 0;02;Reset 0000;010;Reparameters.ons  Unet” 0;02;Preset000;010;Pres111.111.111.10;3;0;0;;;; 0;20;20;1;1;1;; 1;1;1;0;0;0;0111.111.111.10;3;0;0;;;; 0;0;0;6;6;1;0;0;; 1;1;1;0;0;0;0it  RemaReset Initialideviceset it  RemaReporResposerviceset; 111;8600;;;;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0111;8600;;;;10;0;0;0;0;0;0;0rk  ze  all  parame. rk rt parameter onse  includee parameter234; ;0;0;0;0;0; 234; 0;0;0;0; meters  with setting values  network, rs. It includesfactory values and curr report, evs status of d21 ue  and  rebent device svent,  WCDMdevice, also.oot  the status. MA  and
  <notes** Afte** DEV0 = 1 =     Field CMD_I<exam[comm[respon<notes** This** DEV 0 = 1 =   T0 = DEV;0s> er power on, V filed informOUT1 Disable Enable D mple> mand] ST630Cnse] ST630CNTW;RPT;6EVT;1WCDSVC;1ADP;UDEV;0s> s command V filed informOUT1 Disable Enable TRACKING Stop TrackinST630U0;0;0;0 device sendms current stOUT20 = Disab1 = Enable Definiti“PresetCMD;850000MD;Res;8500;0;internet;;;160;180;120;601;60;0;3;2;2;30MA;0;;;;;0;;;;;;;1;120;0;0;0;0;U;T;2;9000;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0can be appms current stOUT20 = Disab1 = Enable ng Anti0 = DisUser Manualds response tatus of devi2 le e 0 =1 =2 =ons  UntA” 0;02;PresetA000;010;Pres111.111.111.10;3;0;0;;;; 0;20;20;1;1;1;; 1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; 0 plied from status of devi2 le e 0 =1 =2 =i-Theft sable string of prece as belowPWR_DN= Normal = Sleep = Deep sleepit  RemaReporsetA; 111;8600;;;;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0oftware verce as belowPWR_DN= Normal = Sleep = Deep sleepReserve eset once. w. p 0 disco1 = Brk rt all parame234; ;0;0;0;0;0; rsion 22. w. p 0 disco1 = Bed  BAT_=  Backuonnected. Backup batteeters includinBAT_=  Backuonnected. Backup batteRes_CON p  batteryery is connec ng additiona_CON p  batteryery is connec served 22 y is cted. al parameter.y is cted. r.
 1 =    4-11-4. ● Defin Field CMD_I<exam[comm[respon  4-11-5. ● Defin Field CMD_I<exam[comm[respon[respon<notes** Outp** If OU**  If Oautoma  4-11-6. Start Trackin. ACK of Emnition    : SD mple> mand] ST630Cnse] ST630C. Enable1 nition    : AD mple> mand] ST630Cnse] ST630Cnse] ST630Cs> put1 line goUT1 set withOUT1  set  witatically. . Disable1 ST630Ung  1 = Enamergency Stop emergeDefiniti“Ac k E meCMD;850000MD;Res;8500Active OutpuDefiniti“EnableCMD;850000MD;Res;8500MD;Res;8500oes to active h immobilizeth  pulse  typUser Manualable ency report.ons  Unerg” 0;02;AckEme000;010;AckEut1. ons  Une1” 0;02;Enable1000;010;Enab000;010;Enabstatus. er, output1 lipe,  output1  it  RemaAcknoThe dstate.rg Emerg it  RemaEnableble1 ble1NoUse (ne goes to aline  genera rk owledgemenevice will stork e Output1 (in case thatactive statustes  pulse  ant of emergeop emergen IN type is ss gradually wnd  returns iency report. ncy reports iset to ‘No Uwith pulse ininactive  stat23 f it is in emse’). n driving mote  after  pulsergency de. sing  out
 ● Defin Field CMD_I<exam[comm[respon[respon<notes** Outp 4-11-9. ● Defin Field CMD_I<exam[comm[respon  4-11-10 ● Defin Field CMD_I<exam[comm[respon4-11-11 ● Definnition    : ID mple> mand] ST630Cnse] ST630Cnse] ST630Cs> put1 line go. Request Inition    : RD mple> mand] ST630Cnse] ST630C0. Requestnition    : RD mple> mand] ST630Cnse] ST630C1. ReqVer nition    : RST630Unactive OutpDefiniti“DisableCMD;850000MD;Res;8500MD;Res;8500oes to inactivIMSI Request the Definiti“ReqIMCMD;850000MD;Res;8500t ICCID Request the Definiti“ReqICCCMD;850000MD;Res;8500Request softwUser Manualput1. ons  Une1” 0;02;Disable1000;010;Disa000;010;Disave status. unique SIM ons  UnMSI” 0;02;ReqIMSI000;010;ReqIICCID. ons  UnCID” 0;02;ReqICCI000;010;ReqIware versionit  RemaDisabl1 able1 able1NoUse ID. it  RemaRequeIf receI IMSI;724031it  RemaRequeIf receD ICCID;89550n. rk le Output1(in case thatrk est IMSI (unieived, device1111553779rk est ICCID (seeived, device02300000842t IN type is que SIM ID)e sends IMSIequence nume sends ICCID256668 set to ‘No U) I of using SIMmber that is D of using S24 Use’). M. displayed onSIM. n SIM)
  Field CMD_I<exam[comm[respon  4-11-12 ● Defin Field CMD_I<exam[comm[respon  4-11-13 ● Defin Field CMD_I<exam[comm[respon   4-11-14D mple> mand] ST630Cnse] ST630C2. Erase Alnition    : ED mple> mand] ST630Cnse] ST630C3. Initializenition    : ID mple> mand] ST630Cnse] ST630C4. InitializeST630UDefiniti“ReqVeCMD;850000MD;Res;8500l Erase all of dDefiniti“EraseACMD;850000MD;Res;8500e Traveled nitialize the Definiti“InitDisCMD;850000MD;Res;8500e Message User Manualons  Uner” 0;02;ReqVer000;010;ReqVdata in buffeons  UnAll” 0;02;EraseAll000;010;ErasDistance travel distanons  Unst” 0;02;InitDist000;010;InitDNumberit  RemaRequeDeviceversioVer;ST630E_er. it  RemaErase This isa custseAll nce. it  RemaSet traDist rk est device vee reports Mn. SAMPLE_STBrk saved all reps needed totomer. rk aveled distanersion Model,  BuyeBASE_001 ports and di initialize junce to 0. er,  Protocol isable outpust before de25 and  S/W uts. evice is delivrelease vered to
  ● Defin Field CMD_I<exam[comm[respon 4-11-23 ● Defin Field CMD_I<exam[comm[respon  4-11-24 ● Defin Field CMD_I<exam[comm[respon  4. Trou4.1 BlueWCDMNormanition    : ID mple> mand] ST630Cnse] ST630C3. Reboot nition    : rD mple> mand] ST630Cnse] ST630C4. Requestnition    : RD mple> mand] ST630Cnse] ST630Cuble Shooe LED: IndicMA al ST630Unitialize the Definiti“InitMsgCMD;850000MD;Res;8500reboot unit. Definit“Reboot”CMD;850000MD;Res;8500t SIM IP AdRequest of thDefinit“ReqSIMICMD;850000MD;Res;8500oting (LEDates WCDMBlink Coun1 User Manualmessage seons  UngNo” 0;02;InitMsgN000;010;InitMions  Un” 0;02;Reboot000;010;Rebddress he local IP aions  UnIP” 0;02;ReqSIMI000;010;Req IndicatorMA status. nt  Remarksquence numit  RemaSet mNo MsgNo nit  RemaReboooot ddress in SInit  RemaSIM caIP SIMIP;172.16r) s mber. rk essage numrk ot device. M card. rk ard IP reque6.18.6 mber to 0. est 26
 Server WCDMError No NeSIM PICannotNW No SIM  4.2 RED GPS Com. Error MA  Com.twork N Locked t AttachM D LED: IndicaST630U2 . 3 4 5 h 6 7 ates GPS staBlink CouUser Manual<Possib1. Serve2. Serve3. Temp<Possib1. Netw2. SIM is3. Temp4. Weak5. netwo<Possib1. Netw2. Netw3. Devic<Possib1. SIM P<Possib1. Weak2. Netw<Possib1. There2. SIM oatus. unt  Remale Cause>er or networker is closed.orary netwole Cause>ork paramets blocked aborary netwok network sigork antenna le Cause>ork antennaork antennae is broken.le Cause>PIN is enablele Cause>k network sigork antennale Cause>e is no SIM oor SIM sockerks k parameter ork barrier ter is wrong.bout networork barrier gnal connection  is disconne or socket oed. gnal.  connectionor SIM is notet is wrong. . k using. is not firm. ected. of network a is not firm. t inserted prntenna is brroperly. 27 roken.
 NormaNo Fix GPS ChGPS An   al hipset Error ntenna ErrorST630U1 2 r 4 User Manual<Poss1.  If some 2. GPS3. GPS<Poss1. GPS2. GPS3. Uni sible Cause>power  on, Gminutes. S antenna laS antenna cosible Cause>S antenna isS antenna oit is broken.> GPS  chipsetays on weak onnection is>  disconnecter socket of Gt is trying tor no GPS s not firm. ed. GPS antennato  find  posisignal positioa is broken. 28  tion  during on
  FCC InThis equpursuanagainst radiate may  cauinterfereinterfereoff  and followin—  Re—  Inc—  Cocon—  Co This devdevice d Any  chacould vo RSS-GThis devthe folloaccept a Le  préseexemptspas  proradioéle  nformationuipment hasnt to part 15harmful interadio frequeuse  harmfulence  will  noence to radion,  the  usg measures:eorient or relcrease the seonnect the ennected.   onsult the device compliedoes not cauanges  or  mooid the user'EN Sectiovice complieowing two cany interferesent  appareits de licence.oduire  de ectrique subiST630Un to User s been teste5 of the FCCerference inency energy  interferencot  occur  in o or televisiser  is  encou:  locate the reeparation beequipment inealer or an ees with part use harmful odifications 's authority ton   es with Indusconditions: (1ence, includinil  est  confor. L'exploitatiobrouillage, bi, même si leUser Manuald and foundC Rules. Thes a residentiaand, if not e  to  radio a  particulaon receptiouraged  to  treceiving anteetween the ento an outletexperienced 15 of the FCinterferencenot  expressto operate tstry Canada 1) this devicng interferenrme aux CNion est autoret (2) l'utie brouillage  d to complyse limits areal installatioinstalled ancommunicatar  installation, which canry  to  correcenna.   equipment at on a circuitradio/TV tecCC Rules. Ope. sly  approvedhis equipmelicence-exemce may not cnce that mayNR  d'Industrrisée aux detilisateur  de est susceptiy with the lim designed toon. This  eqund used in ations.  Howeon.  If  this en be determt  the  interfeand receiver. t different frchnician for peration is sd  by  the  paent.    mpt RSS stacause interfey cause undrie  Canada eux conditionel'appareil ible d'en commits for a Co provide reipment genccordance wver, there isequipment dmined by turerence  by o rom that to help.   ubject to tharty  responsndard(s). Operence, and esired operaapplicables ns suivantes:doit  accepmpromettre lass B digitaeasonable prerates uses with the insts no guarandoes  cause rning the eqone  or  morwhich the ree condition sible  for  comperation is su(2) this devation of the aux  appare:(1) l'appareipter  tout ble fonctionn29 al device, rotection and can tructions, ntee  that harmful quipment e  of  the eceiver is that this mpliance ubject to vice must device.   eils  radio il ne doit brouillage nement.
  IMPORFCC RFThis  eqenvironmbetweenThis  tratransmit RSS-10L’antennminimumCet  appémetteu RTANT NOF Radiatioquipment  coment.  This n the radiatonsmitter mutter. 02 RF Expne  (ou  les am de au mopareil  ne  dour. ST630UOTE: on Exposuomplies  withequipment or & your boust  not  be cposure   antennes)  dooins 20 cm eoit  pas  êtreUser Manualre Statemh FCC radishould  be ody.      co-located ooit  être  instaentre la soure installé oument: ation  exposinstalled  anor  operatingtallée  de  façorce de radiatu  utilisé  ensure  limits nd  operated   in  conjuncçon à  maintetion (l’antenn conjonctioset  forth fwith  minimtion with anenir à  tout inne) et touteon  avec  unefor  an  uncomum  distancny  other  antinstant une e personne pe autre ante30 ontrolled ce  20cm tenna  or distance physique. tenne  ou

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