Windsor Clipper 12 Carpet Extractor Operators Manual


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Clipper 12

01)	 Drain recovery tank and
solution tank.

02)	 Rinse and clean recovery

03)	 Clean the float shut off.

05)	 INSPECT BRUSH: When the

06)	 Store brush in the recovery

07)	 Soak spray jets in a
solution of water and
vinegar overnight.


04)	 Clean the brush and
vacuum shoe.

black brush bristles reach the
height of the yellow indicator
bristles replace the brush.

tank with the bearing side up
and vent the recovery tank
dome to let dry.


Clipper 12

01)	 Install jets and brush.

02)	 Fill solution tank with extraction

03)	 Make sure that all three prongs are on

05)	 Adjust handle for push or
pull cleaning and operator

06)	 Turn on brush motor.

07)	 Starting at the highest


04)	 FOR SPOTTING: Hook up
vacuum line, solution line,
and tool if necessary.

rinse or fresh water and replace
the lid properly. The notch on
the lid should match up with the
notch in the tank.

the main body of the cord. If one of the
prongs is missing, notify your supervisor.
Plug into outlet and machine cord and
twist to lock.

setting, adjust brush height
setting by setting until you
hear the brush hit the carpet.


Clipper 12

08)	 Turn on the vacuum motor.


11)	 Unplug the cord from the
wall when finished.

09)	 Choose continuous or intermittent spray. Press buttons
on handle to control spray on
intermittent mode.

10)	 Overlap 2-3” on ever pass, and
on intermittent spray release
button and continue pulling
for 1 foot before making a new


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