Symbol Technologies VRC697C Wireless mobile computer terminal User Manual 3764002c

Symbol Technologies Inc Wireless mobile computer terminal 3764002c


Quick Reference Guide

VRC 6940Terminal
QRG Title
© 2001-2002 SYMBOL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. All rights reserved.
Symbol reserves the right to make changes to any product to improve reliability,
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be used. An implied license exists only for equipment, circuits, and subsystems
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Symbol and the Symbol logo are registered trademarks of Symbol Technologies, Inc.
Other product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered
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Symbol Technologies, Inc.
One Symbol Plaza
Holtsville, N.Y. 11742-1300
This product is covered by one or more of the following U.S. and foreign Patents:
U.S. Patent No. 4,593,186; 4,603,262; 4,607,156; 4,652,750; 4,673,805; 4,736,095;
4,758,717; 4,760,248; 4,806,742; 4,816,660; 4,845,350; 4,896,026; 4,897,532; 4,923,281;
4,933,538; 4,992,717; 5,015,833; 5,017,765; 5,021,641; 5,029,183; 5,047,617; 5,103,461;
5,113,445; 5,130,520; 5,140,144; 5,142,550; 5,149,950; 5,157,687; 5,168,148; 5,168,149;
5,180,904; 5,216,232; 5,229,591; 5,230,088; 5,235,167; 5,243,655; 5,247,162; 5,250,791;
5,250,792; 5,260,553; 5,262,627; 5,262,628; 5,266,787; 5,278,398; 5,280,162; 5,280,163;
5,280,164; 5,280,498; 5,304,786; 5,304,788; 5,306,900; 5,324,924; 5,337,361; 5,367,151;
5,373,148; 5,378,882; 5,396,053; 5,396,055; 5,399,846; 5,408,081; 5,410,139; 5,410,140;
5,412,198; 5,418,812; 5,420,411; 5,436,440; 5,444,231; 5,449,891; 5,449,893; 5,468,949;
5,471,042; 5,478,998; 5,479,000; 5,479,002; 5,479,441; 5,504,322; 5,519,577; 5,528,621;
5,532,469; 5,543,610; 5,545,889; 5,552,592; 5,557,093; 5,578,810; 5,581,070; 5,589,679;
5,589,680; 5,608,202; 5,612,531; 5,619,028; 5,627,359; 5,637,852; 5,664,229; 5,668,803;
5,675,139; 5,693,929; 5,698,835; 5,705,800; 5,714,746; 5,723,851; 5,734,152; 5,734,153;
5,742,043; 5,745,794; 5,754,587; 5,762,516; 5,763,863; 5,767,500; 5,789,728; 5,789,731;
5,808,287; 5,811,785; 5,811,787; 5,815,811; 5,821,519; 5,821,520; 5,823,812; 5,828,050;
5,848,064; 5,850,078; 5,861,615; 5,874,720; 5,875,415; 5,900,617; 5,902,989; 5,907,146;
5,912,450; 5,914,478; 5,917,173; 5,920,059; 5,923,025; 5,929,420; 5,945,658; 5,945,659;
5,946,194; 5,959,285; 6,002,918; 6,021,947; 6,029,894; 6,031,830; 6,036,098; 6,047,892;
6,050,491; 6,053,413; 6,056,200; 6,065,678; 6,067,297; 6,082,621; 6,084,528; 6,088,482;
6,092,725; 6,101,483; 6,102,293; 6,104,620; 6,114,712; 6,115,678; 6,119,944; 6,123,265;
6,131,814; 6,138,180; 6,142,379; 6,172,478; 6,176,428; 6,178,426; 6,186,400; 6,188,681;
6,209,788; 6,209,789; 6,216,951; 6,220,514; 6,243,447; 6,244,513; 6,247,647; 6,308,061;
6,250,551; 6,295,031; 6,308,061; 6,308,892; 6,321,990; 6,328,213; 6,330,244; 6,336,587;
6,340,114; 6,340,115; 6,340,119; 6,348,773; 6,380,949; 6,394,355; D305,885; D341,584;
D344,501; D359,483; D362,453; D363,700; D363,918; D370,478; D383,124; D391,250;
D405,077; D406,581; D414,171; D414,172; D418,500; D419,548; D423,468; D424,035;
D430,158; D430,159; D431,562; D436,104.
Invention No. 55,358; 62,539; 69,060; 69,187, NI-068564 (Taiwan); No. 1,601,796; 1,907,875;
1,955,269 (Japan); European Patent 367,299; 414,281; 367,300; 367,298; UK 2,072,832; France
81/03938; Italy 1,138,713
rev. 06/02
Quick Reference
The VRC 6940 is a rugged computer terminal that can be installed
in a vehicle or mounted on a wall or workbench. It allows you to
gather information quickly, easily and accurately using the
keyboard or an attached scanner. The VRC 6940 transfers the
information to a base station Access Point (AP) through a Symbol
Spectrum24® radio network. Then the AP transmits that
information to a host computer for processing.
VRC 6940 terminals can run a variety of software applications. For
help in using an application at your facility, refer to the application
documentation or ask your System Administrator.
About This Guide
This manual describes how to use a VRC 6940 terminal that has
been installed in a vehicle or mounted on a wall or workbench.
Specific topics include:
Parts of a VRC 6940 Terminal on page 2
Basic Operation on page 3
Modifier Keys: SHIFT, FUNC and CTRL on page 4
Resetting the Terminal on page 4
Entering Data on page 5
Charging the Internal Battery on page 6
Moving to a Different Power Source on page 6
Troubleshooting on page 7
Installing a VRC 6940 Terminal on page 8
This guide does not describe how to download or install
applications, and it does not provide instructions for using specific
applications. For more technical information on the VRC 6940
terminal, see the VRC 6940 Product Reference Guide (Symbol
part number 72-37641-XX).
VRC 6940 Terminal
Parts of a VRC 6940 Terminal
Standard Accessories
The VRC 6940 comes with these items:
Attached vehicle-mount bracket
Bracket knobs (2)
External DC power cable.
Mounting Bracket
Scanner RS-232 Power
Connector Connector Connector
Antenna Connector
Antenna Connector
Front View
Back View
Bracket Knob
Quick Reference
Optional Accessories
You can order these optional accessories from Symbol:
Scanner cable
RS-232 cable
Primary antenna
Vehicle-mounted antenna
Spectrum24 PCMCIA radio card
AC universal power supply
Basic Operation
Turning the Terminal On
1. Press the ON/OFF
key located at the
top right corner of
the alpha section of
the keyboard.
2. If the terminal has
been configured for
your facility, it dis-
plays a login screen or main application screen.
3. Follow the instructions for your facility’s applications.
Suspending or Turning Off the Terminal
To suspend the terminal, press the ON/OFF key. The screen goes
dark, and the terminal appears to be off. However when you press
the ON/OFF key again, the terminal resumes your previous
Forcing the Terminal into Suspend
If the terminal does not go into suspend when you press the ON/
OFF key, you can force it into suspend. To do this, press and hold
the ON/OFF key for 15 seconds, or until the display goes dark.
ON/OFF key
SHIFT key FUNC key
CTRL key
VRC 6940 Terminal
Turning the Terminal Off
In normal operation, you will not turn the terminal off: you will place
it into suspend. The terminal only turns off if you have:
disconnected the power cable, AND
allowed the internal battery to run down.
For more information, see Charging the Internal Battery on page 6.
Modifier Keys: SHIFT, FUNC and CTRL
SHIFT, FUNC, and CTRL are modifier keys that you can use to
generate a special character or function (see Basic Operation on
page 3). For example, you might press FUNC, J to brighten the
display. To do this you would:
1. Press and release the FUNC key.
2. Press and release the J.
3. The display brightens, and the keyboard returns to normal
Adjusting Brightness
Resetting the Terminal
You may need to reset a terminal that has stopped responding to
keystrokes or to the ON/OFF key, or if it has been forced into
suspend. To reset a terminal:
1. Press and hold both the SHIFT key and the L key.
2. Press and release the ON/OFF key.
3. Release the SHIFT and L keys.
Task Key Sequence Comment
Brighten the dis-
FUNC, J Repeat the key sequence to
reach the desired brightness
level. There are seven bright-
ness levels.
Darken the display. FUNC, I
Toggle keyboard
backlight on or off.
FUNC, K Not all terminals include a key-
board backlight option.
Quick Reference
The terminal restarts and you can log in to an application. If you
have problems opening an application after resetting the terminal,
contact your System Administrator.
Note: If you reset a terminal, you may lose any unsaved data.
Entering Data
You can enter data into a
VRC 6940 terminal by
using the keyboard or an
attached scanner.
Tips for Using the Keyboard
Press only one key at a time. Pressing two or more keys at
the same time can cause an error.
Press the keys in correct sequence. When key sequences
are listed for an application, press the keys one at a time in
the order they are listed.
Auto-repeat feature. Some applications use the auto-re-
peat feature of the keyboard. If they do, when you press and
hold a key, the key will repeat until you release it.
Application functions. The keyboard may have different
functions depending on the application you are using. Refer
to your application documentation for more information.
Attaching a Scanner
1. Press the ON/OFF key to suspend the terminal.
2. Fit the scanner cable into the Scanner Connector on the rear
of the terminal.
VRC 6940 Terminal
3. Press the ON/OFF key to power the terminal on.
4. For information on using the scanner, consult the documen-
tation that came with the scanner.
Charging the Internal Battery
The VRC 6940 has an internal battery that provides power and
saves your session if there is a temporary fluctuation,
disconnection, or interruption in the unit’s main power supply. The
internal battery recharges itself from the terminal’s main power
supply. You cannot use it to operate the unit. For more information,
see Installation and the Internal Battery on page 16.
Moving to a Different Power Source
To move a VRC 6940 terminal from one location to another:
1. Save all data you are working with, and close all applications.
2. Press the ON/OFF key to suspend the terminal.
3. Make sure a power source is ready in the new location.
4. Unplug the external power cable from the Power Connector
on the back of the terminal.
5. Remove the terminal from its current mounting.
6. Move the terminal to the new location and mount it.
7. Plug the external power cable into the Power Connector.
For more information on installation and power, see page 8.
Back of terminal
Quick Reference
Note: If you unplug the power cable, and the internal battery
is not charged, the terminal may shut off.
Problem Action
The terminal will not
Make sure that the terminal is connected to a power
source. If the external power cable has come unplugged,
plug it back in and press the ON/OFF key to restart the ter-
If the internal battery was charged, the terminal will main-
tain your session until you reconnect it to the power source
and restart it. If the internal battery was not fully charged,
you may have lost any unsaved data.
If the terminal is connected to a vehicle battery as a power
source, check the vehicle battery. If it is depleted (dead),
replace the vehicle battery.
The start-up process
The terminal may be out of range of the Access Point (AP)
and unable to communicate with the host computer. Move
closer to the AP.
If either of these messages appears, contact your System
Boot server doesn’t exist.
Boot server not configured for this
Application does not
The terminal may not be connecting to the Access Point
(AP). Applications function until they need to transmit to
the AP, then they stop responding. Contact your System
Scanner laser works
but does not read bar
The bar code on the label may not be clearly printed. Try
scanning another label of the same product, or type in the
bar code data manually.
The scanner window may be dirty. Clean it with a soft, dry
cloth moistened with an ammonia-based glass cleaner.
Scanner does not
Make sure the scanner is properly connected to the termi-
nal’s Scanner Connector. Then restart the terminal with the
scanner connected.
VRC 6940 Terminal
Installing a VRC 6940 Terminal
This section describes how to install a VRC 6940 terminal into a
vehicle or onto a wall or workbench. Please read all of these
instructions before you begin.
A properly trained technician must perform the installation.
Improper installation can damage your vehicle.
Power fault. This message may appear if the terminal’s last shutdown
was caused by power failure. A power failure can be
caused by:
removing the terminal from the power source
removing the vehicle battery
sudden main battery failure
If the internal battery is charged, it can maintain session
data for up to 72 hours. You can replace the main power
supply and restart the terminal without losing data.
If the internal battery is not fully charged, the terminal may
not be able to maintain session data, and you will lose any
unsaved data. To recharge the internal battery, keep the
main power connected to the unit for 48 hours.
Terminal suddenly
shuts off or goes into
The terminal may be in suspend mode. Press the ON/OFF
key to reactivate it.
Check the main power supply and external power cable. If
the cable is unplugged, plug it back in and press the ON/
OFF key to restart the terminal.
If the terminal loses its connection with its main power
source, it goes into suspend. The internal battery can
maintain session data for up to 72 hours. However if the in-
ternal battery is not fully charged, the terminal may not
maintain your session, and you may lose unsaved data.
For more information, see Charging the Internal Battery on
page 6 and Installation and the Internal Battery on page
Problem Action
Quick Reference
Equipment Required
Vehicle Mounting
VRC 6940 terminal.
an External DC power cable (supplied with terminal).
minimum of two 3/8” bolts with self-locking nylon nuts.
a drill with a 7/16” drill bit.
7/16” hex wrench.
a connector for terminating the External DC power cable. Se-
lect one that mates with your vehicle’s power supply.
primary or external antenna (optional).
Wall or Workbench Mounting
VRC 6940 terminal.
AC universal power supply (Symbol p/n 50-14001-006).
AC line cable (Symbol p/n 23844-00-00).
DC power cable (Symbol p/n 25-39385-01).
minimum of two 3/8” bolts with self-locking nylon nuts.
a drill with a 7/16” drill bit.
7/16” hex wrench.
primary or external antenna (optional).
Hardware Installation
The physical requirements of the work area affect where you place
the terminal. There are different installation options, depending on
where you plan to locate it. Illustrations on page 12 and 13 show
a terminal mounted on a vehicle, a terminal mounted on a wall,
and a terminal mounted on a workbench.
Caution: Do not install a VRC 6940 terminal in a location that will
affect vehicle safety or driveability.
VRC 6940 Terminal
To install VRC 6940 hardware:
1. Prepare a mounting location:
a. Select a location to mount the terminal. The terminal’s at-
tached bracket has holes cut for bolts. Use these holes to
mark bolt hole locations.
b. Prepare the mounting surface to accept two 3/8” bolts.
Drill two holes with a 7/16” drill bit.
2. Install the terminal onto the mounting surface:
a. Position the terminal on the mounting surface.
b. Fasten it using a minimum of two 3/8” self-locking nuts.
Installation Note: Selecting a Mounting Location
The bracket and terminal must be:
firmly secured to a surface that can support the weight of the
terminal — on a vehicle, wall or workbench
secured with a minimum of two 3/8” diameter bolts and ny-
lon self-locking nuts
easy for the end-user to see and reach
Quick Reference
3. Attach the Bracket Knobs. When you first unpack it, the ter-
minal has hex bolts in place of the Bracket Knobs.These
knobs allow users to adjust the angle of the terminal.
a. Use a 7/16” hex wrench to remove the bolts and replace
them with the Bracket Knobs.
VRC 6940 Terminal
b. To adjust the angle of the display, partially unscrew the
Bracket Knobs. Then adjust the angle of the terminal and
re-tighten them.
4. Optional: attach a primary antenna to the connector at the
top of the terminal. To attach the antenna:
a. Place the metal end of the antenna onto the connector.
b. Line the posts up with the connector and press down.
c. Twist the bottom ring clockwise to lock it into position.
5. Optional: install a vehicle-
mounted antenna. Some-
times you can improve
wireless communication
by mounting an external
antenna onto the vehicle.
Symbol has several differ-
ent external antennas
available. Contact your
Support Representative
for more information.
To connect an external
vehicle-mounted anten-
a. Secure the external
antenna to an appro-
priate location on the
Back of Terminal Antenna Connector
Coaxial cable
Quick Reference
b. Connect one end of a coaxial cable to the terminal’s An-
tenna Connector. Connect the other end to the vehicle-
mounted antenna. Make the coaxial cable as short as
possible to minimize signal loss.
Providing Power: Vehicle Installations
VRC 6940 terminals can be powered by:
12V or 24V gas-powered vehicles
battery-powered vehicles, up to 60 volts
To provide power to a vehicle-installed VRC 6940:
1. Locate your vehicle’s power source. Always connect a VRC
6940 terminal to a continuous or unswitched power source.
2. Prepare the External DC power cable. One end of the exter-
nal DC power cable fits into the terminal’s DC Power connec-
tor. The other end has no connector.
Installation Note: Power Sources
The ideal location for connecting a VRC 6940 External DC power cable
would be a fused power source on the vehicle’s power distribution panel. If
no fused power source is available, you can connect the terminal directly to
a vehicle battery. In this case, Symbol recommends that you use an in-line
fuse holder and 5A slow-blow fuse. The fuse protects your vehicle from an
electrical short on the power cable.
Plug in to the DC Power
Cable End
connector on the terminal
to be
VRC 6940 Terminal
To prepare the end of the External DC power cable:
a. In-line fuse holder: if no fused output is available,
add a fuse-holder and 5 Amp fuse to the External DC
power cable:
i. Strip back six inches of the cable jacket.
ii. Cut about 5” from the red power wire and strip 3/8” in-
sulation from the wire.
iii. Strip 3/8” insulation from the fuse-holder wire.
iv. Twist the stripped wire ends together and splice them
using a twist-on nylon wire connector.
v. Make sure the fuse holder contains a 5 Amp slow-
blow fuse. Wrap the wires neatly, as necessary.
In-line fuse holder with
5A slow-blow fuse
Twist-on nylon
Red power wire i.
wire connector
Wrapped wires
and fuse holder
Quick Reference
b. Route the External DC power cable from the terminal lo-
cation to the connection point for your vehicle’s power
c. Prepare the cable termination: Strip 3/8” of insulation
from the two wire ends and terminate them with a con-
nector that matches your vehicle’s requirements. See the
Installation Note below.
Connect the red wire to the vehicle power source. Con-
nect the black wire to a vehicle ground wire or chassis
d. Connect the External DC power cable to your vehicle
power source.
3. Insert the terminal end of the External DC power cable into
the terminal’s Power Connector. Align the red dot on the end
of the power cable with the red dot on the Power Connector.
Installation Note: Cable Routing Caution
The means of routing and securing the External DC power cable from
the terminal to the vehicle power source is extremely important. Haz-
ards associated with improper wiring can be severe.
To avoid unintentional contact between the wire and any sharp edges,
provide the cable with proper bushings and clamping where it passes
through openings. If the wire is subjected to sharp surfaces and excess
engine vibration, the wiring harness insulation can wear away, causing
a short between the bare wire and chassis. This can start a fire.
Installation Note: Cable Termination
How the cable terminates depends on your vehicle. If your vehicle has
a power output connector, then attach a mating connector to the end
of the power cable. You may be able to connect to a fuse panel with a
commercially available connector. If your vehicle has no power output
connector, attach a ring terminal (for a battery post) or blade terminal
connector (for a fuse panel).
Consult your vehicle Owner’s Manual for information on how to access
your vehicle’s power supply.
! !
VRC 6940 Terminal
A Lead Acid battery can leak Hydrogen gas. A spark any-
where near the battery can cause it to explode. Always make
your final connection to power as far away from the battery
as possible, i.e., connect the power cable to the battery first,
then connect it to the terminal.
Providing Power: Wall or Workbench Installations
For wall or bench-mounted terminals, or for operating a terminal
while away from a vehicle, you can operate an VRC 6940 from an
AC universal power supply. You need the AC universal power
supply, an AC line cable, and a DC power cable as listed on page
To provide power from an AC source:
1. Insert the AC line cable into the AC connector on the AC uni-
versal power supply.
2. Plug the other end of the AC line cable into an AC wall outlet.
3. Insert the DC power cable into the DC connector on the AC
universal power supply.
4. Plug the other end of the cable into the terminal’s Power
Installation and the Internal Battery
A terminal’s internal battery may be depleted when you first install
it. The internal battery charges itself from the terminal’s main
power supply (DC or AC).
If the main power supply is stable, you can plug in the terminal and
use it immediately. If the main power supply is not stable, there
may be power interruptions that cause the terminal to reset itself
during its first few hours of operation.
If the terminal resets itself, you may lose unsaved data. To avoid
this, we recommend that you plug in the terminal and allow it to
charge for two hours before using it.
Quick Reference
It takes 48 hours to fully charge the internal battery. A fully charged
internal battery maintains data for up to 72 hours if the unit is
disconnected from its main power source. This time is reduced if
the radio is in a mode where it maintains continuous
communication with a host.
Ergonomic Recommendations
Caution: In order to avoid or minimize the potential risk of ergonomic injury follow the
recommendations below. Consult with your local Health & Safety Manager to ensure
that you are adhering to your company's safety programs to prevent employee injury.
Reduce or eliminate repetitive motion
Maintain a natural position
Reduce or eliminate excessive force
Keep objects that are used frequently within easy reach
Perform tasks at correct heights
Reduce or eliminate vibration
Reduce or eliminate direct pressure
Provide adjustable workstations
Provide adequate clearance
Provide a suitable working environment
Improve work procedures.
VRC 6940 Terminal
Regulatory Information
All Symbol devices are designed to be compliant with rules and regulations in
locations they are sold and will be labeled as required.
Any changes or modifications to Symbol Technologies equipment, not expressly
approved by Symbol Technologies, could void the user's authority to operate the
Radio Frequency Interference Requirements
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the
FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Radio Frequency Interference Requirements - Canada
This device complies with RSS 210 of Industry & Science Canada. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful
interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Label Marking: The Term "IC:" before the radio certification only signifies that Industry
Canada technical specifications were met.
Tested to comply
with FCC Standards
Quick Reference
FCC RF Exposure Guidelines
Remote and Standalone Antenna Configurations
To comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, antennas that are mounted
externally at remote locations or operating near users at stand-alone desktop of
similar configurations must operate with a minimum separation distance of 20 cm
from all persons.
Marking and European Union Compliance
RLAN's (2.4GHz) for use through the EEA have the following restrictions:
Maximum radiated transmit power of 100 mW EIRP in the frequency range
2.400 -2.4835 GHz
France, equipment is restricted to 2.4465 -2.4835 GHz frequency range
Belgium outside usage, the equipment is restricted to 2.460 -2.4835 GHz fre-
quency range
Italy requires a user license for outside usage.
Statement of Compliance
Symbol Technologies, Inc., hereby, declares that this device is in compliance with the
essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directives 1999/5/EC, 89/
336/EEC, 73/23/EEC and 95/54/EC. Declaration of Conformities may be obtained
Other Countries
Mexico - Restrict Frequency Range to: 2.450 - 2.4835 GHz.
Israel - Restrict Frequency Range to: 2.418 - 2.457 GHz.
Sri Lanka - Restrict Frequency Range to: 2.400 - 2.430 GHz.
VRC 6940 Terminal
Quick Reference
(A) Seller's hardware Products are warranted against defects in workmanship and
materials for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of shipment, provided the
Product remains unmodified and is operated under normal and proper conditions.
Warranty provisions and durations on software, integrated installed systems, Product
modified or designed to meet specific customer specifications ("Custom Products"),
remanufactured products, and reconditioned or upgraded products, shall be as
provided in the applicable Product specification in effect at the time of purchase or in
the accompanying software license. (B) Products may be serviced or manufactured
with parts, components, or subassemblies that originate from returned products and
that have been tested as meeting applicable specifications for equivalent new
material and Products. The sole obligation of Seller for defective hardware Products
is limited to repair or replacement (at Seller's option) on a "return to service depot"
basis with prior Seller authorization. Shipment to and from Seller will be at Seller's
expense, unless no defect is found. No charge will be made to Buyer for replacement
parts for warranty repairs. Seller is not responsible for any damage to or loss of any
software programs, data or removable data storage media, or the restoration or
reinstallation of any software programs or data other than the software, if any,
installed by Seller during manufacture of the Product. The aforementioned provisions
do not extend the original warranty period of any Product that had either been
repaired or replaced by Seller. (C) The above warranty provisions shall not apply to
any Product (i) which has been repaired, tampered with, altered or modified, except
by Seller's authorized service personnel; (ii) in which the defects or damage to the
Product result from normal wear and tear, misuse, negligence, improper storage,
water or other liquids, battery leakage or failure to perform operator handling and
scheduled maintenance instructions supplied by Seller; (iii) which has been subjected
to unusual physical or electrical stress, abuse, or accident, or forces or exposure
beyond normal use within the specified operational and environmental parameters
set forth in the applicable Product specification; nor shall the above warranty
provisions apply to any expendable or consumable items, such as batteries, supplied
WARRANTY MAY NOT APPLY. The stated express warranties are in lieu of all
obligations or liabilities on the part of Seller for damages, including but not limited to,
special, indirect or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use
or performance of the Product or service. Seller's liability for damages to Buyer or
others resulting from the use of any Product or service furnished hereunder shall in
no way exceed the purchase price of said Product or the fair market value of said
service, except in instances of injury to persons or property.
Revision C— October 2002
Symbol Technologies, Inc. One Symbol Plaza, Holtsville, N.Y. 11742-1300
Service Information
Before you use the unit, it must be configured to operate in your facility’s network and
run your applications.
If you have a problem running your unit or using your equipment, contact your facility’s
Technical or Systems Support. If there is a problem with the equipment, they will
contact the Symbol Support Center:
For the latest version of this guide go to:
United States11-800-653-5350
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Sales Support
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Distributor Operations
Contact local distributor or call
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1Customer support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
VRC 694x Filtered DC Power Cable
This document describes how to prepare and use a VRC 69X0 Filtered DC Power cable
to provide power to a VRC 69X0 terminal. The VRC 6940 terminal is a rugged, vehicle-mounted computer. For more
information on the terminal itself, see the VRC 6940 Quick Reference Guide (Symbol p/n 72-37640-XX).
The cable has two end that come out of a central Mounting Block, as shown below. The DC Power connector fits
into the DC Power connector on the VRC 69X0. The Cable End terminates in two wires, a black ground wire, and a
red power wire that has been prepared with an in-line fuse-holder.
Preparing and Connecting the Cable
To prepare the Filtered DC Power cable for use with a VRC 69X0:
1. Add a connector to the Cable End: Strip 3/8” of insulation from the two wire ends and terminate them with a
connector that matches your vehicle’s requirements. Connect the red wire to the vehicle power source. Con-
nect the black wire to a vehicle ground wire or chassis ground.
2. Select a location for the Mounting Block and mount it securely with #8 screws. Make sure the DC Power con-
nector end reaches the terminal and the prepared Cable End reaches the DC power source.
3. Route the cable from the terminal location to the connection point for your DC power source.
4. Insert the cable’s DC Power connector into the terminal’s DC Power Connector. Align the red dot on the end of
the power cable with the red dot on the Power Connector.
A Lead Acid battery can leak Hydrogen gas. A spark anywhere near the battery can cause it to explode. Always
make your final connection to power as far away from the battery as possible, i.e., connect the power cable to
the battery first, then connect it to the terminal.
Installation Note: Cable Termination
How you terminate the cable depends on the vehicle. If the vehicle has a power output connector, use
a mating connector. You may be able to connect to a fuse panel with a commercially available connec-
tor. If your vehicle has no power output connector, use a ring terminal (for a battery post) or blade ter-
minal connector (for a fuse panel). See your vehicle Owners Manual for more information.
Installation Note: Cable Routing Caution
The means of routing and securing this cable from the terminal to the vehicle power source is extremely
important. Hazards associated with improper wiring can be severe. To avoid unintentional contact be-
tween the wire and any sharp edges, use proper bushings and clamping where the cable passes through
openings. If the wire is subjected to sharp surfaces and excess engine vibration, the wiring harness in-
sulation can wear away, causing a short between the bare wire and chassis. This can start a fire.
Red Power Wire
Mounting Block
Plug this end into
the DC Power
connector on
the VRC 6940
With In-line
Fuse Holder and
5A slow-blow fuse
Cable End
! !
Regulatory Information
For Regulatory Information, please see the VRC 6940 Quick Reference Guide (Symbol p/n 72-37640-XX).
Symbol Technologies, Inc. (“Symbol”) manufactures its hardware products in accordance with industry-standard practices. Symbol warrants that for a period of twelve (12) months
from date of shipment, products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship.
This warranty is provided to the original owner only and is not transferable to any third party. It shall not apply to any product (i) which has been repaired or altered unless done or
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Wear items and accessories having a Symbol serial number, will carry a 90-day limited warranty. Non-serialized items will carry a 30-day limited warranty.
Warranty Coverage and Procedure
During the warranty period, Symbol will repair or replace defective products returned to Symbol’s manufacturing plant in the US. For warranty service in North America, call the
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Return Material Authorization Number. Products must be shipped in the original or comparable packaging, shipping and insurance charges prepaid. Symbol will ship the repaired
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Symbol will use new or refurbished parts at its discretion and will own all parts removed from repaired products. Customer will pay for the replacement product in case it does not
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Customer accepts full responsibility for its software and data including the appropriate backup thereof.
Repair or replacement of a product during warranty will not extend the original warranty term.
Symbol’s Customer Service organization offers an array of service plans, such as on-site, depot, or phone support, that can be implemented to meet customer’s special operational
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Except for the warranties stated above, Symbol disclaims all warranties, express or implied, on products furnished hereunder, including without limitation implied warranties of
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limitation, special, indirect, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of the product.
Seller’s liability for damages to buyer or others resulting from the use of any product, shall in no way exceed the purchase price of said product, except in instances of injury to
persons or property.
Some states (or jurisdictions) do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the proceeding exclusion or limitation may not apply to you.
©2001 SYMBOL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. All rights reserved.
Symbol reserves the right to make changes to any product to improve reliability, function, or design.
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Symbol and the Symbol logo are registered trademarks of Symbol Technologies, Inc. Other product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks
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Symbol Technologies, Inc.
One Symbol Plaza
Holtsville, N.Y. 11742-1300
This product is covered by one or more of the following U.S. and foreign Patents:
U.S. Patent No. 4,460,120; 4,496,831; 4,593,186; 4,603,262; 4,607,156; 4,652,750; 4,673,805; 4,736,095; 4,758,717; 4,816,660; 4,845,350; 4,896,026;
4,897,532; 4,923,281; 4,933,538; 4,992,717; 5,015,833; 5,017,765; 5,021,641; 5,029,183; 5,047,617; 5,103,461; 5,113,445; 5,130,520; 5,140,144;
5,142,550; 5,149,950; 5,157,687; 5,168,148; 5,168,149; 5,180,904; 5,216,232; 5,229,591; 5,230,088; 5,235,167; 5,243,655; 5,247,162; 5,250,791;
5,250,792; 5,260,553; 5,262,627; 5,262,628; 5,266,787; 5,278,398; 5,280,162; 5,280,163; 5,280,164; 5,280,498; 5,304,786; 5,304,788; 5,306,900;
5,321,246; 5,324,924; 5,337,361; 5,367,151; 5,373,148; 5,378,882; 5,396,053; 5,396,055; 5,399,846; 5,408,081; 5,410,139; 5,410,140; 5,412,198;
5,418,812; 5,420,411; 5,436,440; 5,444,231; 5,449,891; 5,449,893; 5,468,949; 5,471,042; 5,478,998; 5,479,000; 5,479,002; 5,479,441; 5,504,322;
5,519,577; 5,528,621; 5,532,469; 5,543,610; 5,545,889; 5,552,592; 5,557,093; 5,578,810; 5,581,070; 5,589,679; 5,589,680; 5,608,202; 5,612,531;
5,619,028; 5,627,359; 5,637,852; 5,664,229; 5,668,803; 5,675,139; 5,693,929; 5,698,835; 5,705,800; 5,714,746; 5,723,851; 5,734,152; 5,734,153;
5,742,043; 5,745,794; 5,754,587; 5,762,516; 5,763,863; 5,767,500; 5,789,728; 5,789,731; 5,808,287; 5,811,785; 5,811,787; 5,815,811; 5,821,519;
5,821,520; 5,823,812; 5,828,050; 5,850,078; 5,861,615; 5,874,720; 5,875,415; 5,900,617; 5,902,989; 5,907,146; 5,912,450; 5,914,478; 5,917,173;
5,920,059; 5,923,025; 5,929,420; 5,945,658; 5,945,659; 5,946,194; 5,959,285; 6,002,918; 6,021,947; 6,047,892; 6,050,491; 6,053,413; 6,056,200;
6,065,678; 6,067,297; 6,068,190; 6,082,621; 6,084,528; 6,088,482; 6,092,725; 6,101,483; 6,102,293; 6,104,620; 6,114,712; 6,115,678; 6,119,944;
6,123,265; 6,131,814; 6,138,180; 6,142,379; D305,885; D341,584; D344,501; D359,483; D362,453; D363,700; D363,918; D370,478; D383,124;
D391,250; D405,077; D406,581; D414,171; D414,172, D418,500; D419,548; D423,468; D424,035 D431,158; D430,159; D431,562.
Invention No. 55,358; 62,539; 69,060; 69,187 (Taiwan); No. 1,601,796; 1,907,875; 1,955,269 (Japan).
European Patent 367,299; 414,281; 367,300; 367,298; UK 2,072,832; France 81/03938; Italy 1,138,713.
rev. 09/00
Symbol Technologies, Inc. One Symbol Plaza Holtsville, NY 11742-1300
Revision A— March 2001

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