TCL Communication BC04 Door & Window Sensor User Manual LIFESENSE QG US CJB1H9002AAA v0 1 170110

TCL Communication Ltd. Door & Window Sensor LIFESENSE QG US CJB1H9002AAA v0 1 170110

LIFESENSE QG US CJB1H9002AAA v0.1-170110

Quick Start Guide
What's In The Box?
Quick start guide
LIFESENSE x 1 Quick Start Guide x 1 Double-sided tape x 1
Product name LIFESENSE
Model name DS01
Operang frequency 2.4 GHz
Transmied power 8±2dbm
Baery model CR2032
Baery life >2 years
Installaon distance <20mm
Geng to Know Your LIFESENSE
The LIFESENSE sensor is an open/closed sensor for indoor use. With
this device, you can monitor the open/closed status of any door or
window in your home, garage or cabinet, for example.
Note: This device requires a LIFECONNECT in order to work.
LED indicator
Reset hole
LED indicators
Flashing blue Searching for LIFECONNECT
Constant blue Connected to network
Flashing red Low baery
1. Make sure that the LIFECONNECT is connected with your router.
2. Open your LIFE App, log in to your account and select +” in the
App. Follow the on-screen instrucons in the App to add and
congure your LIFESENSE.
3. Open the LIFESENSE and remove the baery isolaon tag found
in the device.
Note: If the connecon fails aer removing the tag, use a needle to press the
LIFESENSE reset hole unl the blue LED turns on. The LIFESENSE LED will
ash blue while aempng to connect. Then select “+” in the LIFE App.
Installing Your LIFESENSE
1. Remove the protecve lm of the double-sided tape.
2. Mount the sensor on your door/window frame and the magnet on
the door/window itself. (Ensure that the gap between the magnet
and the sensor is less than 20mm.)
Apply the double sided tape to a clean and dry surface.
Your LIFESENSE should be as close as possible to your LIFECONNECT
while the connecon is being made. Within 5 metres is opmal.
Disconnecng from current network
If you want to remove the LIFESENSE from your current network,
use one of the following two methods:
Long press the reset hole unl the LED light ashes blue.
Remove from the App as follows:
1. Launch the LIFE App.
2. Select LIFESENSE and open the homepage.
3. Select “Remove LIFESENSE” from the popup menu.
Replacing Baery
To replace the baery, open your LIFESENSE and insert a new
CR2032 baery.
1. Q: How long will my LIFESENSE work for?
A: Your LIFESENSE uses a coin cell baery, with a lifespan of
up to 2 years. (based on 10 open/closed occurrences per day;
baery life will vary according to the level of usage).
2. Q: Can my LIFESENSE be used outside?
A: The LIFESENSE is for indoor use only.
3. Q: Can I control the opening and closing of automatic win-
dows and doors using my LIFESENSE?
A: Your LIFESENSE does not support control over the opening
and closing of automac windows and doors.
4. Q: Why can't my LIFESENSE be stuck rmly to the window or
A: Wipe clean the place you want to sck the device with a
wet towel, allow to dry and then reapply the double-sided tape.
Safety and Use
Electronic Devices
Turn o your device near high-precision electronic devices. The
wireless device may aect the performance of these devices.
Such devices include hearing aids, pacemakers, re alarm systems,
automac gates, and other automac devices. If you are using an
electronic medical device, consult the device manufacturer to
conrm whether radio waves aect its operaon.
Pay aenon to the following points in hospitals or health care
Do not take your wireless device into the operang room, inten-
sive care unit, or coronary care unit.
Do not use your wireless device at places for medical treatment
where wireless device use is prohibited.
Storage Environment
Do not place magnec storage media such as magnec cards and
oppy disks near the wireless device. Radiaon from the wireless
device may erase the informaon stored on them.
Do not put your wireless device and other accessories in contain-
ers with strong magnec elds, such as an inducon cooker or a
microwave oven. Otherwise, circuit failure, re, or explosion may
Do not leave your wireless device in a very hot or cold place.
Otherwise, malfuncon of the product, re, or explosion may oc-
Do not subject your wireless device to serious collision or shock.
Otherwise, wireless device malfuncon, overheang, re, or ex-
plosion may occur.
Child Safety
Put your wireless device in places beyond the reach of children.
Do not allow children to use the wireless device without guid-
Do not allow children to put the device in their mouths.
Do not allow children to touch small ngs. Otherwise, suoca-
on or choking could occur if they are swallowed.
Operang Environment
The wireless device is not water-resistant. Keep it dry. Protect
the wireless device from water or vapour. Do not touch the wire-
less device with a wet hand. Otherwise, short-circuit, malfunc-
on of the product or electric shock may occur.
Do not use the wireless device in dusty, damp and dirty places
or within magnec elds. Otherwise, malfuncon of the circuitry
may occur.
The wireless device may interfere with nearby TV sets, radios and
In accordance with internaonal standards for radio frequency
and radiaon, use wireless device accessories approved by the
manufacturer only.
Trac Safety
When driving, do not use the wireless device.
When switched on, this device emits electromagnec waves that
can interfere with the vehicle’s electronic systems such as ABS
an-lock brakes or airbags. To ensure that there is no problem,
do not place this device on top of the dashboard or within an
airbag deployment area.
Check with your car dealer or the car manufacturer to make sure
that the dashboard is adequately shielded from this device RF
Condions of Use
Indoor use only.
Do not allow your devicve to be exposed to adverse weather or
environmental condions (moisture, humidity, rain, inltraon of
liquids, dust, sea air, etc.).
When this device is switched on, it should be kept at least 20 cm
from the body.
When this device is switched on, it should be kept at least 15 cm
from any medical device such as a pacemaker, a hearing aid or
insulin pump, etc.
When replacing the cover, please note that this device may con-
tain substances that could create an allergic reacon.
Do not paint it.
The manufacturer’s recommended operang temperature range
is 0°C to +45°C.
Always handle this device with care and keep it in a clean and
dust-free place.
Clean this device with a dry cloth only.
Do not aempt to disassemble or repair this device or its acces-
Do not drop, throw or bend this device.
Do not let children use this device and/or play with the this de-
vice and accessories without supervision.
This symbol on the device means that these products must
be taken to collecon points at the end of their life:
- Municipal waste disposal centres with specic bins for
these items of equipment.
- Collecon bins at points of sale.
They will then be recycled, prevenng substances being disposed
of in the environment and allowing their components to be reused.
In European Union countries:
These collecon points are accessible free of charge.
All products with this sign must be brought to these collecon points.
In non European Union jurisdicons:
Items of equipment with this symbol are not to be thrown into
ordinary bins if your jurisdicon or your region has suitable recycling
and collecon facilies; instead they are to be taken to collecon
points for them to be recycled.
Radio Waves
Your device is a radio transmier and receiver. It is designed and
manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to
radio-frequency (RF) energy. These limits are part of comprehensive
guidelines and establish permied levels of RF energy for the
general populaon. The guidelines are based on standards that were
developed by independent scienc organizaons through periodic
and thorough evaluaon of scienc studies. These guidelines
include a substanal safety margin designed to ensure the safety of
all persons, regardless of age and health.
The World Health Organizaon (WHO) considers that present
scienc informaon does not indicate the need for any special
precauons for use of wireless devices. If individuals are concerned,
they might choose to limit their own or their children’s RF exposure
by liming the length of use to keep device away from the head
and body. Addional WHO informaon about electromagnec elds
and public health are available on the following website: hp://www.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protecon against
harmful interference in a residenal installaon. This equipment
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instrucons, may cause
harmful interference to radio communicaons. However, there is no
guarantee that interference to radio or television recepon, which
can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna;
- Increase the separaon between the equipment and receiver;
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from
that to which the receiver is connected;
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.
Changes or modicaons not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate
the equipment.
For the receiver devices associated with the operaon of a licensed
radio service (e.g. FM broadcast), they bear the following statement:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and Innovaon,
Science and Economic Development Canada licence-exempt RSS
Operaon is subject to the following two condions:
- This device may not cause harmful interference;
- This device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operaon.
Your device is equipped with a built-in antenna. For opmal
operaon, you should avoid touching it or degrading it.
Please note by using the device some of your personal data may
be shared with the main device. It is under your own responsibility
to protect your own personal data, not to share with it with any
unauthorized devices or third party devices connected to yours.
For products with Wi-Fi features, only connect to trusted Wi-Fi
networks. These precauons will help prevent unauthorized access
to your device. Choose your apps and updates carefully, and install
from trusted sources only. Note that any data shared with TCL
Communicaon Ltd. is stored in accordance with applicable data
protecon legislaon. For these purposes TCL Communicaon
Ltd. implements and maintains appropriate technical and
organizaonal measures to protect all personal data, for example
against unauthorized or unlawful processing and accidental loss
or destrucon of or damage to such personal data whereby the
measures shall provide a level of security that is appropriate having
regard to
- The technical possibilies available;
- The costs for implemenng the measures;
- The risks involved with the processing of the personal data, and;
- The sensivity of the personal data processed.
You can access, review and edit your personal informaon at any
me by logging into your user account, vising your user prole or by
contacng us directly. Should you require us to edit or delete your
personal data, we may ask you to provide us with evidence of your
identy before we can act on your request.
Innovaon, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISEDC)
This device complies with Innovaon, Science and Economic
Development Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operaon is
subject to the following two condions:
- This device may not cause interference, and;
- This device must accept any interference, including interference
that may cause undesired operaon of the device.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Innovaon, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISEDC)
Radiaon Exposure Statement
The device is warranted against any deviaon from technical
specicaons for a period of twelve (12) (1) months from the date
specied on your original invoice.
Baeries and accessories sold with your device are also warranted
against any defect which may occur during the rst six (6) months
from the date of purchase as shown on your original invoice.
Under the terms of this warranty, you must immediately inform your
vendor in case of a conformity defect on this device and present a
proof of purchase.
The vendor or repair centre will decide whether to replace or repair
this device, as appropriate.
Repaired or replaced versions of this device are warranted for ONE
(1) month unless there are statutory provisions to the contrary.
This warranty shall not apply to damage or defects to this device
due to:
1) Not following the instrucons for use or installaon.
(1) The warranty period may vary depending on your country.
2) Not being compliant with technical and safety standards applicable
in the geographical area where this device is used.
3) Improper maintenance of sources of energy, and of the overall
electric installaon.
4) Accidents or consequences of the of the vehicle in which this
device is transported, acts of vandalism, lightning, re, humidity,
inltraon of liquids, inclement weather.
5) Connecng to or integrang into this device any equipment not
supplied or not recommended by the manufacturer.
6) Any servicing, modicaon or repair performed by individuals
not authorised by the manufacturer, the vendor or the approved
maintenance centre.
7) Use of this device for a purpose other than that for which it was
8) Malfuncons caused by external causes (e.g., radio interference
from other equipment, power voltage uctuaons).
9) Faulty connecons resulng from unsasfactory radio
transmission or caused by the absence of radio relay coverage.
Warranty is also excluded for this device on which markings or serial
numbers have been removed or altered.
The LIFECONNECT serial number (SN) should be reported together
with this device for repairs. The serial number (SN) can be found on
the label on the back of the device.
This device is also warranted against hidden defects (defects inherent
in the design, manufacture, etc.).
There are no other express warranes other than this printed limited
warranty, expressed or implied, of any nature whatsoever.
In no event shall the manufacturer be liable for incidental or
consequenal damages of any nature whatsoever, including but
not limited to trading loss, commercial loss, to the full extent those
damages can be disclaimed by law. Some countries/states do not
allow the exclusion or limitaon of incidental or consequenal
damages, or limitaon of the duraon of implied warranes, so the
preceding limitaons or exclusions may not apply to you.
All rights reserved © 2017 TCL Communicaon LTD.
Address: Room 1910-12A, Tower 3, China HK City, 33 Canton Road,
Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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