TCT Mobile 289 TABLET User Manual T10 UM update Englishx

TCT Mobile Limited TABLET T10 UM update Englishx


 1  Table of Content  Buttons & Ports ........................................................................................................... 2Charging Battery ......................................................................................................... 3Installing Memory Card ............................................................................................... 3Transferring Files ........................................................................................................ 3Turning On/Off ............................................................................................................ 3Unlocking the Screen .................................................................................................. 4Home Screen .............................................................................................................. 4Accessing Internet ...................................................................................................... 6Using the Virtual Keyboard ......................................................................................... 7Playing Music .............................................................................................................. 7Playing Video .............................................................................................................. 8Viewing Photos ........................................................................................................... 9Using the Camcorder/Camera .................................................................................. 11Exploring Files .......................................................................................................... 11Sending/Receiving E-mails ....................................................................................... 12Other Applications ..................................................................................................... 14Managing Apps ......................................................................................................... 14Managing Tasks ........................................................................................................ 15Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................ 15Safety Precautions ................................................................................................. 15
                   a. b. c. d. e. f. Pg. h. i.  j. Mk. ProplavoMo Touch Screen Built-in WebcaDC-IN port – cAC adaptor. Charging indiccharging compl Micro USB PoPower –Press anunlock the screVOL+/- – IncreEarphone sock Built-in SpeakeMicro SD card Sl  Microphone /device freezes. This device1.6W/kg. Thfound on padevice or usapproved amaintain a dcompliance the product it. olonged exposayer may damalume safely. Usobile Limited anButtoam onnects to any scator– Lights redletes. ort – Connects tond hold to turn oeen. ase/ decrease thket – connects to sers lot /Reset pin hole – 2 e meets applicahe specific maage 19 of this ussing it while woraccessory suchdistance of 0.5 with RF exposmay be transmiure to music aage the listenese only headphd its affiliates.ns & Porstandard electric d during chargingo PC via USB cabn or off the unit; he volume. stereo earphones– Sound recordingable national Saximum SAR vser guide. Whern on your body, as a holster cm from the bosure requirementting even if youat full volume r's hearing. Sehones recommerts source through tg, and lights oranble. briefly press to lo. g;reset your deviceSAR limits of alues can be en carrying the , either use an or otherwise ody to ensure nts. Note that u are not using on the music et your device ended by TCT  the provided nge as ock or e if the
 3  Note: Pressing the Reset button will only turn off the device. To turn on the device , user needs to press and hold the Power button. Charging Battery The device has a built-in rechargeable battery. No extra battery installation is required. Just charge the device when it indicates low battery.   To charge the battery, connect the device to any standard wall outlet via the DC-INport using the power adaptor.It takes about 5 hours to fully charge the battery. When the battery is fully charged, the charge indicator should light up in orange. During charging, the indicator lights up in red.   Note: a.  You are strongly recommended to charge the battery immediately when the device indicates the battery is lower than 15%! b.  For extended battery life, it is suggested NOT to use the device when it is charging.   c.  For maximum performance, lithium-ion batteries need to be used often. If you don’t use the device often, be sure to recharge the battery at least once per month. d.  Be sure to use only the dedicated power adaptor provided with the unit for charging. Installing Memory Card This devicecan read files directly from memory card.   To use a memory card, find the card slot on the device and then insert the memory card into the slot in the correct orientation. To access the files stored in the memory card, enter the Explorer mode by tapping the Explorer icon and select the “SDCard” directory.  Transferring Files Before reading or playing files, you may need to transfer media files from a computer to the device. (1) Connect the device to a computer with the supplied USB cable. Two removable disks will be added to the computer, respectively referring to the internal flash memory and the SD card. (2) Once the connection is done, turn on the USB storage.   (3) Open a removable disk, then copy files from the PC to it.    Note:  Since pre-installed applications and Android OS occupies a considerable part of capacity – about2.0GB, it is normal that you see huge difference between available memory space and total capacity.   Turning On/Off To turn on the device, press and hold the Power button on the unit until you see the boot-up screen then release. It may take a few minutes to start up the system, please
wait b To tu“PoweTip: FwhentYou ca UnThe scneed before The The Hetc..SCustGo tSeabefore you procern off the devicer Off”, tap on “PFor the sake of pthere is no touch aan briefly press thlocking tcreen will be locketo unlock the sce you continue to uextended HoHome Screen conslide your finger leftomizing Homto Google arch page Default Shortcut applicationReturn Go to Homescreen World Weatheforecased.  ce, press and hPower Off” and thpower saving,this action for a while (he Power button tothe Screed after the devicecreen by dragginguse the device.  Homome Screensists five separateft or right on the sme Screen Iteto n Recently usapplicationsCityer st   4 old the Power bhen tap on “OK”. device may sleep(depending on the o wake it up. een e is idle for a few sg the lock icon me Screen  e screens for positcreen to go to theems sedsScremodebutton until you  p with the screenactual setting of Sseconds. You rightwards n ioning the shortcue extended screen TimeWi-Fen e  see the option n display locked Screen Timeout).  uts, widgets ns. Go to application page Battery level i
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DispThe dApplic    Tip:This dthe InFor Wstay inhave MakeBeforeactiva(1) Tase(2) Seon(3) Ththera(4) ChmacoapNote: 1. The 2. Wheare in rLaunTo lauplay all Applicdevice has many cation Tab   tHolding your fingdevice features cnternet.  Wi-Fi application, n a Wi-Fi serviceconfigured, the de WI-FI Conne launching an Iate the Wi-Fi andap the Setting iconettings menu.  elect “Wi-Fi” and n Wi-Fi. he device will scae right panel. Thnge of your devichoose a networkay be secured wonnection is succppear under the W available network lisen the Wi-Fi is enablerange.  nching the Wunch the Web brcations and wuseful applicatioto display them. ger on an item caAccessconnection of Wyou need to cone zone. Whenevedevice will attempection Internet applicatid configure a Wi-Fn  on the Homslide the toggle an automatically fhe list of availabce.  k from the list andwith password, cessful, the messWIFI Setting.   st is constantly refresed, the device will coWeb browserowser, you tap th 6 widgets ons and widgets   an add it to the d sing Interi-Fi networks thafigure a Wi-Fi neer it is within the cpt to make a conion such as the Fi network. me Screen to openswitch to “ON” tfor available Wi-le networks showd then tap “Connenter the passwsage Connectedshed automatically. nnect automatically the Browser icon pre-installed. Yodesktop as a shornet at provides you eetwork first, and ycoverage of a Wnnection. web browser, yon the o turn Fi networks and ws all the wirelenect” to connect. word before cond to…(WiFi Netwto your configured ne in the Homu can tap the rtcut.  easy access to you will have to iFi network you ou first need to display them in ess networks in Some network nnecting. If the work Name) will etworks when they me screen.
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 12  Tapping    can hide/display the toolbar.  Tap the Home icon    to go to the root directory.   Copy/Move Files and Folders   (1)  In the file list, scroll up and down by sliding your finger to select the file/folder that you want to copy or move.   (2)  Hold the selected file/folder until a pop-up menu appears. (3)  Select “Copy” or “Move” from the pop-up menu. (4)  Navigate to the location where you wish to copy or move the file/folder to.   (5)  Select the Editor icon  from the toolbar and then choose “Paste.”   Delete Files and Folders (1)  In the file list, scroll up and down the list by sliding finger to select the file/folder that you want to delete.  (2)  Hold the selected file/folder until a pop-up menu appears.   (3)  Select “Delete” from the pop-up menu, then select “Delete” to confirm or “Cancel” to quit.  Rename Files and Folders (1)  In the file list, scroll up and down the list by sliding finger to select the file/folder that you want to rename.  (2)  Hold the selected file/folder until a pop-up menu appears.   (3)  Select “Rename” from the pop-up menu.  (4)  Tap the input field to display the virtual keyboard, and then choose letters from the virtual keyboard to rename the file/folders. (5)  Tap “OK” to confirm the new name. Select Multiple Items You can select more than one file or folder together.   (1)  In the top toolbar, tap the Multi icon “ .” (2)  Tap the files/folders you want to choose. The file/folder name turns red when selected. (To deselect the file/folder, tap it again.) (3)  Once you finished selection, you can delete, copy or move the selected files by tapping on the Editor icon .     Sending/Receiving E-mails This device has an E-mail application pre-installed. You can send or receive e-mails from the Internet at any time with this device. Make sure you have an Internet connection before using the email service.  In the Home Screen, tap the Applications shortcut to display all applications and then tap the Email icon to launch the e-mail application.
 13 Setup Email Account First you need to setup an E-mail account for receiving or sending emails.   (1) Start up the email application by tapping the Email application icon and you are prompted to setup an account.   (2) Input your email address and login password. You can set the account as default by selecting the option “Send email from this account by default”.   (3) Tap “Manual Setup” to set the email server information.   (4) Choose the server type from POP3, IMAP or Exchange for incoming emails. To know what type of your email server is, you can consult the service provider, network administrator or search for information in the Internet. (5) Input required information (server, port etc.). You can obtain the information from the service provider, network administrator or the Internet.   (6) Choose the server type for outgoing emails, and input required server information. (7) Click “Next” to continue. Your tabletwill check the server settings. When it prompts you that “Your account is set up, and email is on its way”, your account is set up successfully.  (8) Input your name and then tap on “Done” to finish.   Note: If you have more than one account, every time when you start up the email application, you enter the default email account. Manage Accounts You can setup more than one account and manage these accounts by checking information about the account, adding another account or deleting an account.   Add another Account Following these steps to add another account if you want.   (1) Launch the email application and then tap on the Menu icon    to display the menu item. Choose “Accounts” to display accounts.   (2) Tap on the Menu icon    to display the menu item, and then choose “Add account”. (3) Follow the steps of setting up a Email Account to add an account. Delete an Email Account (1) When you are in the email box, tap on the Menu icon    to display the menu items.  (2) Tap on “Accounts” to display all email accounts.   (3) Hold your tap on the account that you want to delete until a menu pop up.   (4) Tap on “Remove Account”,and then tap on “OK” to confirm. Check the Account Setting (1) When you are in the email box, tap on the Menu icon    to display the menu items.  (2) Tap on “Accounts” to display all email accounts.   (3) Hold your tap on the account that you want to check until a menu pop up.
 14 (4) Tap “Account settings”,and then you should see all setting information about the account. You can edit these settings as you want.   View Emails You should enter your mailbox when you start up the email application.    In the mailbox, you can slide your finger up and down to scroll through the email list.   Tap on an email to open it.    Holding your tap on the email can display a menu. With the menu, you can open, reply, forward or delete the email.   Email Menu Items In the email list, tap on the Menu icon    to display the menu. Refresh  Refresh the emails. Compose  Compose a new email.  Folders  Go back to email box. Accounts  View all email accounts. Account Settings  Check your account settings.   Other Applications Some useful small apps have been preinstalled in this device, such as Calculator, Calendar, Sound Recorder, Office Suite etc..    They are easy to use, thus no detailed instructions are necessary for these apps. Please always follow the actual operation of your device.   Managing Apps You can manage your applications of the device easily.   There are number of useful apps pre-installed in the device as it is produced at the factory, and you can copy some from other resources, download or purchase them over the internet.   Download or Purchase Applications With your device, you can visit an apps store or E-market website (e.g.Google Play) that provides you plenty of free apps to download. For those apps that are not free, you will have to pay for them if you want to have them.   Install Applications You can install applications following these steps: (1) Open the Explorer application, then find the app you want to install. (2) Tap the app you want to install to start installation. However, for the sake of security, the device may prompt you that there is possibility of attack risk if you install and run some apps whose sources are not guaranteed. In this case, you shall turn to the Settings menu and select Security to check the “Unknown sources” before you go on with the installation.
(3) OnscUnin(1) Ta(2) Se(3) Ta(4) Ta(5) YodrNote:  Yo Ma SocoYour dphotoare rucan e(1) T(2) f       (3) Rese In ho If tlocWTnce the installatiocreen. It is ready nstall Applicaap the Settings select “Apps”. ab on the applicaab on “Uninstall” ou can simply tapag it to the dustb ou cannot uninstall thake sure all apps yoome applications densult the respectivedevice can handos while listening unning. In order tnd some tasks thTap  to dispHold your tap onfrom list”. Besides, you canet this devicethe event that tholding the Powerthe Power buttoncated on the bacWe recommend The manufactureon is completed, for running. ations hortcut in the Hoation that you wato uninstall the ap and hold on anbin icon to uninste pre-installed applicou have copied or developed for Androie software developeManagdle multiple tasksto music. Multitato save system mhat you don’t useplay applicationsn the application n open the SettinTroube he device freezesr button for a fewn does not reset ck the device. Safety Pthat you read ther disclaims any 15 you can find theome Screen to disnt to uninstall. application. n app icon to jumall it. cations, but you can ddownloaded to yourid mobile might not er for further informging Tas at the same timasking is helpful bmemory and enhae at the moment.s that you used rethat you want to ngs menu and seleshootis, you can force w seconds.  your device, usePrecautihis chapter carey liability for dae icon of the app splay setting mep to the Home Sdeactivate or stop thr device are in the .trun properly in themation. sks e. For example, but inefficient if tance system per  ecently.  stop, and then select Apps to manng the device to shue the “pinhole resons efully before usinmage, which min the apps nus.  creen, then em.  .apkformat. e device. Please you can view oo many tasks rformance, you select “Remove nage the tasks. ut down by set” button, ng your device. ay result as a
 16 consequence of improper use or use contrary to the instructions contained herein.  TRAFFIC SAFETY:  Given that studies show that using a device while driving a vehicle constitutes a real risk, even when the hands-free kit is used (car kit, headset...), drivers are requested to refrain from using their device when the vehicle is not parked. When driving, do not use your device and headphone to listen to music or to the radio. Using a headphone can be dangerous and forbidden in some areas. When switched on, your device emits electromagnetic waves that can interfere with the vehicle’s electronic systems such as ABS anti-lock brakes or airbags. To ensure that there is no problem: - do not place your device on top of the dashboard or within an airbag deployment area, - check with your car dealer or the car manufacturer to make sure that the dashboard is adequately shielded from device RF energy.   CONDITIONS OF USE:  You are advised to switch off the device from time to time to optimize its performance. Switch the device off before boarding an aircraft. Switch the device off when you are in healthcare facilities, except in designated areas. As with many other types of equipment now in regular use, these devices can interfere with other electrical or electronic devices, or equipment using radio frequencies. Switch the device off when you are near gas or flammable liquids. Strictly obey all signs and instructions posted in a fuel depot, petrol station, or chemical plant, or in any potentially explosive atmosphere. When the device is switched on, it should be kept at least 15 cm from any medical device such as a pacemaker, a hearing aid or insulin pump, etc. In particular when using the device, you should hold it against the ear on the opposite side to the device, if any. To avoid hearing impairment, move the handset away from your ear while using the  “hands-free” mode because the amplified volume might cause hearing damage. Do not let children use the device and/or play with the device and accessories without supervision. When replacing the cover please note that your device may contain substances that could create an allergic reaction.  Always handle your device with care and keep it in a clean and dust-free place. Do not allow your device to be exposed to adverse weather or environmental
 17 conditions (moisture, humidity, rain, infiltration of liquids, dust, sea air, etc). The manufacturer’s recommended operating temperature range is 0°C to +45°C. At over 45°C the legibility of the device’s display may be impaired, though this is temporary and not serious. Do not open, dismantle or attempt to repair your device yourself. Do not drop, throw or bend your device. Do not use the device if the glass made screen, is damaged, cracked or broken to avoid any injury. Do not paint it. Use only battery chargers and accessories which are recommended by TCT Mobile Limited and its affiliates and are compatible with your device model. TCT Mobile Limited and its affiliates disclaim any liability for damage caused by the use of other chargers or accessories. Remember to make back-up copies or keep a written record of all important information stored in your device. Some people may suffer epileptic seizures or blackouts when exposed to flashing lights, or when playing video games. These seizures or blackouts may occur even If a person never had a previous seizure or blackout. If you have experienced seizures or blackouts, or if you have a family history of such occurrences, please consult your doctor before playing video games on your device or enabling a flashing-lights feature on your device. Parents should monitor their children’s use of video games or other features that incorporate flashing lights on the device. All persons should discontinue use and consult a doctor if any of the following symptoms occur: convulsion, eye or muscle twitching, loss of awareness, involuntary movements, or disorientation. To limit the likelihood of such symptoms, please take the following safety precautions: - Do not play or use a flashing-lights feature if you are tired or need sleep. - Take a minimum of a 15-minute break hourly. - Play in a room in which all lights are on. - Play at the farthest distance possible from the screen. - If your hands, wrists, or arms become tired or sore while playing, stop and rest for several hours before playing again. - If you continue to have sore hands, wrists, or arms during or after playing, stop the game and see a doctor. When you play games on your device, you may experience occasional discomfort in your hands, arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of your body. Follow the instructions to avoid problems such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or other musculoskeletal disorders. Prolonged exposure to music at full volume on the music player
 18 may damage headphones recommended by TCT Mobile Limited and its affiliates.   ●PRIVACY:  Please note that you must respect the laws and regulations in force in your jurisdiction or other jurisdiction(s) where you will use your device phone regarding taking photographs and recording sounds with your device. Pursuant to such laws and regulations, it may be strictly forbidden to take photographs and/or to record the voices of other people or any of their personal attributes, and duplicate or distribute them, as this may be considered to be an invasion of privacy. It is the user's sole responsibility to ensure that prior authorization be obtained, if necessary, in order to record private or confidential conversations or take a photograph of another person; the manufacturer, the seller or vendor of your device (including the operator) disclaim any liability which may result from the improper use of the device.  ● BATTERY:  Observe the following precautions for battery use: - Do not attempt to open the battery (due to the risk of toxic fumes and burns). - Do not puncture, disassemble or cause a short-circuit in a battery, -Do not burn or dispose of a used battery in household rubbish or store it at temperatures above 55°C. Batteries must be disposed of in accordance with locally applicable environmental regulations. This symbol on your device, the battery and the accessories means that these products must be taken to collection points at the end of their life:   -Municipal waste disposal centres with specific bins for these items of equipment - Collection bins at points of sale. They will then be recycled, preventing substances being disposed of in the environment, so that their components can be reused. In European Union countries: These collection points are accessible free of charge. All products with this sign must be brought to these collection points. In non-European Union jurisdictions: Items of equipment with this symbol are not to be thrown into ordinary bins if your jurisdiction or your
 19 region has suitable recycling and collection facilities; instead they are to be taken to collection points for them to be recycled.  ● CHARGERS:  Mains powered chargers will operate within the temperature range of: 0°C to 40°C. The chargers designed for your device meet with the standard for safety of information technology equipment and office equipment use. They are also compliant to the ecodesign directive 2009/125/EC. Due to different applicable electrical specifications, a charger you purchased in one jurisdiction may not work in another jurisdiction. They should be used for this purpose only.  ● RADIO WAVES:  THIS DEVICE MEETS INTERNATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO WAVES Your device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves (radio frequency electromagnetic fields)recommended by international guidelines. The guidelines were developed by an independent scientific organization (ICNIRP) and include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health. The radio wave exposure guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile devices is 1.6 W/kg. Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. The highest SAR values for this device model is:  Maximum SAR for this model and conditions under which it was recorded: Body-worn SAR  Wi-Fi  0.073W/kg.  During use, the actual SAR values for this device are usually well below the values stated above. This is because, for purposes of system efficiency and to minimize interference on the network, the operating power of your device is automatically decreased when full power is not needed. The lower the power output of the device, the lower its SAR value.  To meet RF exposure guidelines during body-worn operation, the device should be positioned at least this distance away from the body. If you are not using an approved accessory ensure that whatever product is used is free of any metal and that it positions the device the indicated distance away from the body.  Organizations such as the World Health Organization and the US Food and Drug
 20 Administration have suggested that if people are concerned and want to reduce their This symbol on your device, the battery and the accessories means that these products must be taken to collection points at the end of their life: exposure they could use a hands-free accessory to keep the wireless device away from the head or body during use, or reduce the amount of time spent on the device.  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  NOTE: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.    This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.   If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help  ●LICENCES: The Wi-Fi Logo is a certification mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. Your device uses non-harmonized frequency and is intended for use in all European countries. The WLAN can be operated in the EU without restriction  indoors,  but  cannot  be  operated          outdoors in France.
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 22 Materials. Moreover, the present Third Party Materials, which are provided free of charge by TCT Mobile, may be subject to paid updates and upgrades in the future; TCT Mobile waives any responsibility regarding such additional costs, which shall be borne exclusively by the purchaser. The availability of the applications may vary depending on the countries and the operators where the handset is used; in no event shall the list of possible applications and software provided with the handsets be considered as an undertaking from TCT Mobile; it shall remain merely as information for the purchaser. Therefore, TCT Mobile shall not be held responsible for the lack of availability of one or more applications wished for by the purchaser, as its availability depends on the country and the operator of the purchaser. TCT mobile reserves the right at any time to add or remove Third Party Materials from its handsets without prior notice; in no event shall TCT Mobile be held responsible by the purchaser for any consequences that such removal may have on the purchaser regarding the use or attempt to use such applications and Third Party Materials.  

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