TP Link Technologies T1UV1 AC450 Wireless Nano USB Adapter User Manual Archer T1U 2017 08 07 new
TP-Link Technologies Co., Ltd. AC450 Wireless Nano USB Adapter Archer T1U 2017 08 07 new
Archer T1U-User Manual-2017-08-07-new
TP-LINK” Archer T1 U Contents About This Guide .................................................. 1 Chapter 1. Get to Know About Your Adapter ....................... 2 1. 1. Product Overview ...... 1. 2. LED Status ............. Chapter 2. Connect to a Computer ................................ 4 Chapter 3. Windows .............................................. 6 3.1. Install Driver and Utility ..................................................... 7 3. 2, Join a Wireless Network .......................... 10 3.2.1. Windows Wireless Utility ................ 10 3. 2. 2. TP-LINK Utility ..................................................... 11 3. 2.3. WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) ............. 13 3. 3. Management ... . ,_ 3. 3. 1. Status ................ 16 3.3.2. Profile ............................................................ 17 3. 3. 3. Advanced ............ 20 3. 3. 4. SoftAP . .. 3.3.5. About ....... 3. 4. Uninstall Driver and Utility ................................................. 22 Chapter 4. Mac OS X ............................................. 24 4.1. Install Driver and Utility .................................................... 25 4. 2. Join a Wireless Network... ...... 30 4.2.1. TP-LINK Utility. , ., ...... 31 4. 2. 2. WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) ....................................... 33 4. 3. Management ................ 35 4.3.1. LinkStatus. ..35 4. 3. 2. Profile ....... 4. 4. Uninstall Driver and Utility ................................................. 39 Chapter 5. Linux ................................................ 41 About This Guide This guide is a complement to Quick Installation Guide. The Quick Installation Guide instructs you on quick Internet setup, and this guide provides details of each function and shows you the way to configure these functions appropriate to your needs. When using this guide, please notice that features of the adapter may vary slightly depending on the model and software version you have, All screenshots, images, parameters and descriptions documented in this guide are used for demonstration only. Conventions In this guide, the following conventions are used: Convent n Des: on Hyperlinks are In blue italichu can click to redirect to a website or a specific Bluelmllc . section, Blue Contents to be emphasized and texts on the web page are in blue, including the menus, Items, buttons, etc, I Note: Ignoring this type of note might result in a malfunction or damage to the device. 5 up; Indicates important Information that helps you make better use of your device. More Info - The latest software and utility can be found at Download Center at com/support. The Quick Installation Guide (QIG) can be found where you find this guide or inside the package of the product Specifications can be found on the product page at http://wwwtpelinkcom. ATechnical Support Forum is provided for you to discuss our products at http://farum. Our Technical Support contact information can be found at the Contact Technical Support page at Chapter 1 Get to Know About Your Adapter This chapter introduces what the adapter can do and shows its appearance. This chapter contains the following sections: - Product Overview - LED Status Chapter 1 Get to Know AboutVour Adapter 1. 1. Product Overview TP-LlNK’s Wireless USB Adapter connects your notebook or desktop computer to a wireless network for applications such as lag-free video streaming, online gaming, and secure Internet surfing. And the adapter has following features: - Supports 802.11ac standard - Seamlessly compatible with 802.11a/n/ac products - Maximum speed of up to 433Mbps for SGHZ network - Supports ad-hoc and infrastructure mode - Supports 64/128 WEP, WPA/WPAZ, WPA-PSK/WPAZ-PSK(TK|P/AES) - Supports IEEE 802.1x - Easy Wireless Configuration Utility - Supports Windows, Mac and Linux 1. 2. LED Status You can check the adapter’s working status by following the LED Explanation table. The driver has not been installed Off The adapter's radio has been disabled. Flashing Slowly The driver has been installed but no data is being transmitted or received. Flashing Quickly Data is being transmitted or received. Q TIpS' lfthe LED is off, try these troubleshooting tips, 1 Remove and relnserl the adapter, 2 Insert the adapter in a dirfeieht USB poit on yourcomputel ifone is available 3. ForWIndows users, check the Wlndows device managerto see If the adapter Is recognlzed and enabled. Reinstall the adapter software, if necessary. Chapter 2 Connect to a Computer ChapterZ Connect to a Computer Before you begin usingyouradapter, insert theadaptertoa USB porton yourcomputer. :Ioulj‘ I Note: In Windows XP, 3 Found New Hardware Wizard Wmdow wwll appear when the adapter IS detected Please click Camel After connecting your adapter to the computer, please follow the instructions in the appropriate chapter for your operating system: Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, Chapter 3 Windows This chapter introduces how to install your adapter's driver and utility, use youradapter to join a wireless network, manage your adapter, and uninstall your adapter in a Windows system. The adapter is equipped with a Setup wizard, which can guide you through the installation process. This chapter includes the following sections: - Install Driver and Utility - Join a Wireless Network - Management - Uninstall Driver and Utility Chapter 3 Windows 3.1. Install Driver and Utility To set up your adapter with several easy steps quickly: 1. Insert the resource CD into yourCD drive and run the Autorunexe from the pop-up AutoPlay window. Select ArcherTl U and click Install Driver to begin. Tp'LINK Setup Wizard rm- Reiublv cum on. aim. M“, swam 0 an 4 2. Follow the step-by-step instructions of the Quick Setup to complete the initial configuration. Chapter3 TP-LINK timeless Configuration Ulili and Wlndows TP-LINK‘ Welcome In the InstallShield Wizard lur TP-LINK Wireless Cunliguraliun Utility and Driver The InstaIIS hield Wizard will install T P-LINK Wireless Configuration Utility and Driver on your computer. To continue, click Next. Setup Type Select the setup lg Click the type oi setup you prefer. ll [ll Install T INK Wireless Euniiguraiiun Utility and Driver D eseripticln Chuuse this uptinn to install the driver unly, without installing the client utilities.This is the recommended ppticln. I Note: The default setup type ls Install Driver Only. You can also select Install TP-LINK ereless Configuration Utillty and Driverfm morefundlons, such as lolnlng a wlreless networkviaTP-LINK Utrlity orWFS, and managing the adapter. Chapter 3 WIndOWS Click Install to begin the installation. ll you want to review or change any of your installation settings, click Bank. Blink Eancel tn exit the wizard. inctall‘ihield ,, TP-LINK Mleles Configumrmuuzfi nd Drive lnstalE‘dd Wizard ‘ g Selup Status lnstallEhiellel]Wizard is installing the driver inctall‘ihield Chapter 3 Windows TP-LINK Wireless Configuration Utility and Driver - lnstallSllield Winrd InslaIIShield Wizard Complete TP-LI N K' Installs hield[Fl] Wizard has linished Installation, Click Finish to exit the wizard, _: Bail Cancel 3. 2. Join a Wireless Network You can join a wireless network via Windows built-in Wireless Utility. If you want to use Option 2: TP-LINK Utility or Option 3: WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) to join a wireless network, you need to install the TP-LINK Utility first. Option 1: Windows Wireless Utility You can use the Windows WLAN Autoconfig service (for Windows 7/8/8.l/10) and the Wireless Zero Configuration service (for Windows XP) to join a Wi-Fi network. Option 2; TP—LINK Utility TP-LINK Utility lets you easily connect the adapter to a Wi-Fi network and manage the adapter. Option 3: WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) is a network security standard for easily adding computers and other devices to a home network. Use this method if your wireless router or access point supports WPS. 3. 2. 1. Windows Wireless Utility Follow the instructions in the appropriate section below to use your computer system's built-in wireless utility: Windows 7/8/8, 1/10, Windows XP, 10 Chapter 3 Windows - Windows 7/8/8.1/10 1. Click 3 , aflfl or 7% (Network icon) on the taskbar. Select theWi-Fi network you want to join, and click Connect. Enter the network password when prompted. 2. When the network icon changes to £11] or g , it indicates a successful network connection, I Note. If you do not want to enter the WIVFI password, you can also join a Wireless network either by pushing the WP5 or 055 button on your router or AP, or entering the MN of your routerwheri the screen prompts you to do so . Windows XP 1. If you have not installed theTP-LINK Utility, go to step 2. If you have installed the TP-LINK Utility, you need to switch to use the Windows wireless configuration tool manually using one of the following methods. Method 1: Right-click Sm (TP-LINK Utility icon) on the taskbar. (If you do not see the icon, click the hidden icons arrow on the taskbar.) Select Switch to Windows wireless configuration tool. Dinii Radiu OFF switch to Windows wireless cuntigiirztinrituni SWItch In some made Annui Em a Method 2: Open the 'P-LINK Utility and select Advanced tab. Select Use Windows wireless configuration tool, Click OK when it prompts. 2. Right-click .(Windows XPWireless Zero Configuration Utility icon) on the task bar, and select View Available Wireless Networks. (hag; Wrdcms Firewall gating; Open NetworkCunnectinns was 3. Select the network you want to join, and click Connect. Enter your Wi-Fi password when prompted. 3. 2.2. TP-LINK Utility 1. Open TP-LINK Utilityéfi .The Network screen displays. ‘l‘l Chapter 3 Windows TP-LINK 'r» m m» 4 n .i, ! @ Sill“! WPS New NIIMSSD) ‘ TP-UNK_Network WPAZ-Persurial caznn_uEs_s-mn_connaa WFAZ'Personal TPUNKJOFS‘EG‘Z MAI-Personal TP-UNK_0100_56 WPNWPAZ-Persorial TPUNK_20F4_56_2 WWI-Personal TP—IJNK_51ZC_SG WPAZvPersonal EELLEEL TP-lJNK_EApps, find the TP-LINK application. Click Uninstall -TP-L|NK Archer Ti U Driver, then follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstallation. Uninstall utility: Go to Start > Apps, and find the TP-LINK application. Click Uninstall - TP-LINK Wireless Configuration Utility, then follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstallation. - Windows XP/7 Uninstall driver: Go to Start > All Programs > TP-LINK > Uninstall - TP-LINK ArcherTi U Driver, Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstallation. 22 Chapter 3 Windows Uninstall utility: Goto Start > All Programs >TP-LINK > Uninstall -TP-LlNKWireless Configuration Utility. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstallation. 23 Chapter 4 Mac OS X This chapter introduces how to install your adapter's driver and utility, use youradapter to join a wireless network, manage your adapter, and uninstall your adapter in Mac OS X, This chapter includes the following sections: - Install Driver and Utility - Jain a Wireless Network - Management - Uninstall Driver and Utility Chapter4 Mac OS X 4.1. Install Driver and Utility We take the steps in Mac OS X 10.10 as an example - the steps may vary slightly for other versions of Mac OS. 1. Insert the CD and run it manually. Open the ArcherTl U folder. I.- =nD my. nu AuwnmJu Imam" ml munanl wuflflununl www.mrm GfllPlul a: lmIDI man. u! R-ku‘ m I Note: The CD Is lncluded in the package. If your CD does not work or your computer doesn’t support the CD, you can also download the driver and utility from the TPrLINK website (http://wwwrprlinkxoml, 2. Open the Mac OS X Driver folder. Imnu may nu mm lex mm: Sumo.“- Why am- an 25 Chapter4 Mac OS X 3. Double click the TP-LINKilnstallerdmg file to open the TP-LINKilnstaller. LlNK lrm‘l-rdmy 4. Double click the Installer.pkg file to open the installation wizard. = reunions-liq “mun comm-m! 5. The Install TP-LINK Wireless Utility Wizard window will appear. Click Continue and follow the wizard to continue the installation. 26 Chap‘er 4 Mac OS X 0.0 unwmmxwimm thoml In DC TP-LINK Will-II Utlllly mum . Von will b. gum: mmuoh IM mp. mun-w m ‘nmll ms. """"""“"‘ mm. 0 mm s-I-a . Imnmw Inn-"luau Summary Goliack \ Continue \ ‘ g Install TF-uNKWJMe-s usaumev wugy am . Dadliv-llnn a Immducliun How do you mm m Inn-u th man? I WI like! l N“ l' T "' m" V'" Inslau for all users of (his campumr Instaflahan Smmaly Intimg mi- mm yawn-115 ME cl mm M have chosen on Imumls sailwm do: an users am his comp-nu. 27 Chap‘er 4 Mac OS X ‘000 ’hlnllTP-LINKth-uflty WWIM‘MMW . Mm mhwmmzm unmmmmwm . mums-m Gleklmulwpflumummmhmllflondmbm billmfllmlfimmleu-Idlfllmmmu ' WW9. mmmwmhmnm. Instill-tiara Summlry GOD-ck H Inml \ mkmhwwmmm 28 Chap‘er 4 Mac OS X 0.0 QIWImUNKWm-Im mum-mm,“ Mwmmmwm mmhwhmn‘nfi ‘ cm W 003ch \ lnn‘tlll \ 0.0 .mlTP-UNKWIrIb-Wty “HIM TP-IJNK Willi-l Mllly "mud-Mb" mm mm lmll-flon 1w- mm Summmy Go Baa Can! we 29 Chapter4 Mac OS X O I C lnstall TP-LINK Wireless Utility The instillation was completed successfully, Introduction Destinalion Select Installation Type Inllallltion . swim-iii The installation was successful. The animus was installed. Click Rut-i1 In line-ii inn-lung the sum-m. 6. After restarting the computer, theTP-LINK Utility icon q will appear on the menu bar in the upper-right corner of the screen To use the utility to join a Wi-Fi network with your adapter, refer to Join a Wireless Network. I Note: lithe TP-LINK Utlllty Iton Q does not appear on the menu bai, make we the USB Wireless network adapter is connected properly and its LED is on 4. 2. Join a Wireless Network There are two options of using the adapter to join a Wi-Fi network. Option 1: TP-LINK Utility TP-LINK Utility lets you easily connect the adapter to a Wi-Fi network and manage the adapter. Option 2: WPS {Wi-Fi Protected Setup) WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) is a network security standard for easily adding computers and other devices to a home network. Use this method ifyourwireless router oraccess point supports WPS. 30 Chapter4 Mac OS X 4. 2. 1. TP-LINK Utility 1. Open TP-LINK Utility and select Site Survey tab. Then select the network you want tojoin from the list and click CONNECT \Mmlm Unllry __ Av}: mm mm TFVLINKJAFEJ IErflArEEer‘lArFZ vu- - I up»... man - ~ pan on. via- I-v—unvvom Ivan m‘ nauuuu vu- m1 Dunn In! via- '-4-un- so In- ml Iou-uun an sauna-cu- vu- I-!OI.HU. run- .1 ~ u...-. want i—v-nunvu- Vu— nwn uncu- I'I Wm In u-uuumn mm: on.“ Am:- mu IIIiiIi-iilzi Dlnmnmndll 5hfldhn- ms Ahmll ways can “a “a. “a can 1-1-1 In”: :llllilllllil In": an “a noun '0 u.- IIIIIIIIIIIIE RESCAN cumin ADD mums 2. The Authentication\Encryption screen displays. If your network uses wireless security, you will be prompted to enter the Wi-Fi password of the network. Then click OK 31 Chapter4 Mac OS X Huldlmm-I Hum-mu Hmdwmu Hand-mu ADD PROF“: 3. After successfully connecting to your network, you will see a symbol H in front of your network's SSID, which indicates a successful connection. erdou Utility Vim—I-..“- nan—run-m Vla- -vuoww na- nn w- an via-Iran nu- 'L‘I Iv.- --<--n-v|o lu- nn “‘1‘ run In Ian-unu- no- u- ! “unna- nm u! I “no“ lum- .- v um».- v-u- II I Ono-bu yua- I I‘M-urn! comm <--> rP-LINIUAFEJIL: Mme- ms About ‘lllllllllllll comm mu moms 32 Chapter4 Mac OS X 4. 2. 2. WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) WPS can be activated via PBC (Push Button Configuration) and PIN code. Please refer to PBCor PIN below, - PBC 1. Press the WPS/QSS button on your router or AP. 2. Within 2 minutes, open TP-LINK Utility and click WPS tab. Click PBC, O WWIIISE Uilliiy Fmfla unnum- suesumy sun-ne- “3 About wFs AP Lu, , in sun assm mum-i ”Durban-m Encrymllm Fasten murmur: lfirnArEErMJA 35 wwrPsK AES WWW Hummus mrznroorosrsar as WPAZVPSK AES W m. rP-wamsson-aA-Ea- w as WPAZ-PSK AES mama WrLlNKJAFHBrDArEEr n :55 WPAZVPSK AES New TFVLINKJAFI mrmrEBriAJA as WPAZVPSK AES cm“ W, 7 TP-LINKJGDEEe-DE-TI-Xi-IC! 35 WPAz-PSK AES Emu» . wvs me- u. mm new“ pm". um Mln-nlinnun Emlvvnm Wm Roux: Discunnzcr ExwflPvafiila pm a wr-s Inna-to lE o“ Delcre m u wps M. ii Autum-llcllly mm m- .p 3. The following screen indicates a successful connection by WPS. 33 Chapter4 Mac OS X 0 mm, unimy Pmfih Linkamu- sin Saw-y swim“ “3 About ,, wps AP m In "in min China-l Adm-mama“ Elm-[pilots Res-2m w-LINIUAFI ism-EmA-u as WFAZ-FSK AES WW.” rpruumss: nnrzarmzrusrssr as wPAersK AES mm. w-mew oo-oA-Ea-iam as WFAZ-PSK AES 35443475 TPVLINKJAFI ISQAVEEVMJA as wPAersK AES H-m w-LINIUAFIaa-os-Ea-M-n as WFM-PSK AES wruumaazssruezrsws as wFAersK AES wvs mm. tar We new PM". ssm mums-um Ennrypmn Cannes: I mm wwumjs wmpsx AES Rm Fromm TF-LiNKWEfijG WPAZ-PSK AES Diwonnem Expun mug um. PM a WP: mum. IE — mm pm; I WPS ww- iE PEG , Gm is prom: ween-MN Aummmis-ily mm m. AP - PIN 1. Open TP-LINK Utility and clickWPS tab, Mark down the PIN displayed on the screen. Select the network you want to join from the WPS AP List and click PIN. C Wimlesa utility Pmflll unkem- sin-sum sun-us. m Ami ,, wFs AF mi W In um min emu: sum-mm“. Emrypunn Nessa" murmur: IEVDAVEEVMJA as wFAerSK AES WWBW wimmsss mrznrunrosraar as wPAersK AES 7 p." m. murmurs; nurDArEEriarus as wpszrpsx AEs mum reLiNmAFl IEVDAVEBVMJA as WPA27PSK AES Rem Wuumm ooruArEBrwu as WPMVFSK AES MT w-meaor sa-nezv-se-Ia as WFA2~PSK AES Em... I wps mm. mt Pin/Ha BM mm. um Amblmluflnn Emrwllm Come Home Disconnect Export mm l we umim iE ass "m” m I wps prob. IE Amm-iic-ilyuiscuhaw 2. Within 2 minutes, log in to the Web Management page of your router or AP. 60 to its WPS page, enter the PIN of the adapter in the corresponding field and click Connect. 34 Chapter4 Mac OS X 3. The following screen indicates a successful connection by WPS. 0 Wireless mmty Pmllll Linksmm sn. Saw-y Swim-:5 m Mont WPSAPLlsI m ssm mm on“... lam-mutton Encrymlon am," wumgm IBVDAVEBVMJA as wPAersK AES Wm..." TP-LINKBEJE UU-ED-DD-US-SE- SE WPAZ-PSK AES Fir-Con: mustangs; wruArEErlaoQ as wPAersK AES mum/s TP-LlNK7AFl ls-DA-EE-N-VA 36 WFAZJ’SK AES “MW TPrLlNKJAFlflnruArEErlAJA as wPAersK AES 790mm. Tummy): 55439274243 35 WFA2»PSK AES Enroll:- wvsmeaminw . WWW rvuilweui Pmllln salt! Mn-mlnrlun Encrwllen “WW“ I mm willingness wmzpsx AES Rm... Flofilal TP-LlNKMBEJG WFA2-F5K AES Dlmannpn mm pm 2 De u. w a WPS-Muclmuli — mm m wPS om lE m . an m urallla sum-55ml" Aummmcally ulna m. AP 4. 3. Management TP-LINK Utility provides you with an easy way to manage various connection settings ofyourWi-Fi network. It includes the following sections: Link Status - View the information of the current Wi-Fi network connection and of the adapter. Profile - Save or manage various Wi-Fi network connection settings. About -View the utility version and the driverversion of your adapter, OpenTP-LINKUtilityandclickthe LinkStatus orProfile tabto managethecorresponding section of your adapter. 4. 3.1. Link Status You can view the current channel, the link quality and signal strength of the Wi-Fi network, and other information ofthe link status as shown in the following figure. 35 Chapter4 Mac OS X I Wl'eless Uhli‘y mic—sinsm-y sminics wes About sum TP-lecaiaejo <--> 00-90-46-75-87-88 oumm cn-nnei u <--> 5220 MHz Link Speed (Mbwl Tx sea a fix iszn thoughpul (Kbpc) n 3.x] Rx w a Good oi u uBm (mm-I Link Quaimy — Good mm signal swim I — 4. 3. 2. Profile The Profile screen lets you save and manage different Wi-Fi network connection settings as profiles so that you can quickly and simply connect to your network. Moreover, you can join a hidden Wi-Fi network that does not broadcast its SSID by adding a profile, provided that you know its wireless settings, such as SSID, security type, and encryption type. For details, please refer to the instructions below: To add a new profile, To join a Wi-Fi network, andTo manage an existing profile. 36 Chapter4 Mac OS X I wmI-u utility mannksmu slmswvw Mum VIPs About mm. Lu| mm. ssln mum Amuse-nun Emmuon NotworkYYD‘ PROF! TFVLINILMFEJGJ Auto WPAersK AES Immwcwn new: name - To add a new profile 1. Clickthe ADD button, and then a new window will pop up. 2. Complete the settings as shown in the following figure, and click OK \Mruess Unlity Profil- Nlmu was: 5le TP-LINKBNSJG I m Amhemlcmlon a SONNY m 5-th Mada °GAM (091:me Awake Model ms rnmma anmem nun-hold name mums 37 Chapter4 Mac OS X vwreiess uumy Prollla Namelpfioy-‘d 'l 5le lP-LINKJNSJG' Systemconllaumim Ath-ntlczllulllype WPAZ-PSK Encrypllcml'ype AES WPA Pro-Shared Kay wzeserrwe . Hexadecimal v llcxnnrmmnl v Hexadecimal v Hexadecimal v 0K CANCEL mu aw mm ACTlVArE Profile Name - Entera name foryour profile, such as Home, Office, Coffee house. Do not enter the profile name that already exists. SSID - Enter the name of yourWi-Fi network. System Configuration: Select CAM (Constantly Awake ModE) or Power Saving Mode depending on your preference, In Power Saving Mode, the adapter will automatically reduce its power consumption when not being used. You can specify the Tx Power level to adjust the transmit power of the adapter. A lower level will reduce performance, but it decreases interference in the local network environment. I Note: It IS recommended to keep the default values forlhe selllngs of RTS Threshold and Fragment Threshold. Advanced users can make adjustments if necessary. Authentication & Security: Select or enter the corresponding wireless settings, including Authentication Type, Encryption Type and WPA Pre-Shared Key, which should be the same as those of your Wi-Fi network. - To join a Wi-Fi network If you want tojoin a Wi-Fi network that listed in the profile screen, select the profile and click the ACTIVATE button in the bottom corner. 38 Chapter4 Mac OS X - To manage an existing profile If you want to change the name or the wireless settings of an existing profile, select it and click the EDIT button in the profile screen, and then you can edit the settings of this profile. If you want to delete a profile that you no longer use, select it and click the DELETE button. 4. 4. Uninstall Driver and Utility 1. Insert the CD and run it manually, 2. Go to ArcherTl U > Mac OS X Driver >TP-LlNK,|nsta||er,dmg > Uninstallcommand. O O O l: tplink — unmstall.command — sudo — 80x24 List login: Mon Aug 31 19:15:“ on consul: tplinkdeiflnc- (punks (Vnlulies/TP-LINK_Instal\erlunuistall.curl-rand ; mu Thisversionu 1.5 ThisflajorVersx =1; Reunving sump Items”. Passworam 3. A command window will pop up, please type the password of the root user to uninstall the software, 4. Wait till the"Process completed"shows up, and then restart your computerto finish the uninstallation. 39 Mac OS X Chap‘er4 a: a“: a. E“ .: z... :E "Hana Mstnrt to Hunt. unimt-luuun' “1th :5.” “aim-1.11 [Pman Muletedll Chapter 5 Linux ChapterS Linux Visit the TP-LINK'S website at httpflwwwjp—IinkLom, and go to Archer T1U’s product page, Then find the compatible version of driver in the support page. Download and install the driver on your computer. 42 COPYRIGHT & TRADEMARKS Specifications are subject to change without notice. TP-LINK' is a registered trademark of TP-LINKTECHNOLOGIES C0,, LTD. Other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders, No part of the specifications may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without permission from TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Copyright © 2016 TP-LINK TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved. 43 FCC STATEM ENT FC This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correctthe interference byoneor more ofthe following measures: ' Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. . Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help. This device complieswith part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1 ) This device may not cause harmful interference. Z) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment, Note: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipmentcomplieswith FCC radiationexposure limits setforth foran uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. This equipment has been SAR- evaluated for use in hand. SAR measurements are based on a 5mm spacing from the body and that compliance is achieved at that distance. 44
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Page Count : 46 Author : Create Date : 2017:08:07 15:12:27+08:00 Creator : Producer : Foxit Phantom Printer Version Subject : Title :EXIF Metadata provided by