TRANE Air Conditioner/heat Pump(outside Unit) Manual L0801712

User Manual: TRANE TRANE Air conditioner/heat pump(outside unit) Manual TRANE Air conditioner/heat pump(outside unit) Owner's Manual, TRANE Air conditioner/heat pump(outside unit) installation guides

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TTB-IN-4A18-A030 D10-2Condensing UnTTB012-024CALL phases of this installation must comply with NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCAL CODESIMPORTANT -- This Document is customer property and is to remain with this unit. Please return to serviceinfbrmation pack upon completion of work.These instructions do not cover all variations insystems nor provide for every possible contingencyto be met in connection with installation. All phasesof this installation must comply with NATIONAL,STATE AND LOCAL CODES. Should further informa-tion be desired or should particular problems arise whichare not covered sufticiently for the purchaser's purposes,the matter should be referred to your installing dealer orlocal distributor.A. GENERALThe following instructions cover TTB012-024C; Condens-ing Units.NOTICE:These outdoor units may be used with indoor unitsequipped with Thermostatic Expansion Valve orAccutron TMFlow Control Check Valve (F.C.C.V,) assem-bly for refrigerant flow control only,Check for transportation damage after unit is uncrated.Report promptly, to the carrier, any damage fbund to theunit.To determine the electrical power requirements of theunit, refer to the nameplate of the unit. The electricalpower available must agree with that listed on thenameplate.B. LOCATION &PREPARATIONOF THE UNIT1. The trait should be set on a level support pad at leastas large as the unit base pan, such as a concrete slab.If this is not the application used please refer toapplication bulletin "Trane APB2001-02".2. The support pad must NOT be in direct contact withany structure. Unit must be positioned a minimum of12" fi_om any wall or surrounding shrubbery to insureadequate airflow. Clearance must be provided in frontof control box (access panels) & any other side requir-ing service access to meet National Electrical (?ode.Also, the unit location must be far enough away fromany structure to prevent excess roofrun-offwater frompouring directly on the unit. Do not locate unit(s) closeto bedrooln(S).@5 FT. ABOVE UNIT-UNRESTRICTED3. The top discharge area must be unrestricted fi)r atleast five (5) feet above the unit.4. When the outdoor unit is mounted on a roof, be surethe roof will support the unit's weight. Properlyselected isolation is recommended to prevent sound orvibration transmission to the building structure.5. The maximum length ofrefi'igerant lines f?om outdoorto indoor unit should NOT exceed eighty (80) feet.6. If outdoor unit is mounted above the air handler,maxfinmn lil_ should not exceed eighty (80) feet (suc-tion line). Fair handler is mounted above condensingunit, maximum lif_ should not exceed sixty (60) feet(liquid line).NOTE:Refer to "Refrigerant Piping Software" Pub. No, 32-3312-02.
|nstaller's Guide7. Locate and install indoor coil or air handler in accor-dance with instruction included with that unit.C. ACCUTRON TM FLOW CONTROL VALVEIf the indoor unit System Refl'igerant Flow control is anAccutron TM orifice and check valve assembly, an orificesize change may be necessary. See Figure 2.The outdoor model determines the required orifice size.Check the listed orifice size on nameplate of the selectedoutdoor model. If the indoor unit is factory shipped with adifferent orifice size, the orifice nmst be changed to obtainsystem rated performance.iMPORTANT:The outdoor unit is shipped with the proper size orifice and astick-on orifice size label in an envelope attached to theoutdoor unit. Outdoor unit nameplate will have correct orificesize specified as BAYFCCV---A for rated performance.D. INSTALLING REFRIGERANT LINESif using existing refrigerant lines make certain that alljoints are brazed, not soldered.Condensing units have provisions for braze connections.Pressure taps are provided on the service valves of outdoorunit fbr compressor suction and liquid pressures.The indoor end of the recommended refl'igerant line setsmay be straight or with a 90 degree bend, depending uponsituation requirements. This should be thoroughlychecked out before ordering refl'igerant line sets.The gas line nmst always be scroll compressor applications, dome temperaturesmay be hot. Do not touch top of compressor, may causeminor to severe burning.The units are factory charged with the system chargerequired when using fil_een (15) feet of connecting line.Unit nameplate charge is the same.Final refrigerant charge adjustment is necessary.Use the Charging Charts in the outdoor unit Service Facts.1. Determine the most practical way to run the lines.2. Consider types of bends to be made and space limitations.NOTE:Large diameter tubing will be very difficult to rebendonce it has been shaped,3. Determine the best starting point lbr routing therefl'igerant tubing- -INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THESTRUCTURE.4. Provide a pull-thru hole of sufficient size to allow bothliquid and gas lines.5. Be sure the tubing is of sufficient length.6. Uncoil the tubing -- do not Mnk or dent.7. Route the tubing making all required bends andproperly secure the tubing bel[bre making connections.8. To prevent a noise within the building structure dueto vibration transmission from the refrigerant lines,the fbllowing precautions should be taken:a. When the refrigerant lines have to be fastened tofloor joists or other l?aming in a structure, useisolation type hangers.b. Isolation hangers should also be used when reS"ig-erant lines are run in stud spaces or enclosedceilings.c. Where the refl'igerant lines run through a wall orsill, they should be insulated and isolated.d. Isolate the lines fl'om all ductwork.E. SERVICE VALVE OPERATIONBRASS LiQUiD AND GAS LiNE SERVICE VALVESThe Brass Liquid and Gas Line Service Valves are lactoryshipped in the seated position to hold factory charge. Thepressure tap service port (when depressed) opens only tothe field brazing side of the valve when the valve is in theseated position. The liquid line valve is not a back seatingvalve (see WARNING below).Extreme caution should be exercised when opening theLiquid Line Service Valve. Turn valve stem counterclock-wise only until the stem contacts the relied edge. (SeeFigure 4) No torque is required.@BRAZE TYPE iNDOOR ENDACCUTRON TMCOMPONENTSSEALING CAP_FLOW CONTROLCHECK VALVE(F,C.C.V,) ORIFICEBO ss _} FIELD SUPPLIEDLIQUID LINE© 2003 American Standard Inc. All Rights Reserved 18-AC30D10-2

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