TRANE Air Handler (indoor Blower&evap) Manual L0905031

User Manual: TRANE TRANE Air Handler (indoor blower&evap) Manual TRANE Air Handler (indoor blower&evap) Owner's Manual, TRANE Air Handler (indoor blower&evap) installation guides

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8-GE0D-5Convertible Variable Speed - Air Handlers 2 1/2 - 5 Tonwith Integrated Whole House Air Cleaner2/4TEE3D31A1000A, 2/4TEE3D37A1000A, 2/4TEE3D40A1000A,2/4TEE3D49A1000A, 2/4TEE3D65A1000AALL phases of this installation must comply with NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCAL CODESIMPORTANT -- This Document is customer property and is to remain with this unit. Please return to service informationpack upon completion of work.A. GENERAL INFORMATIONTHIS INFORMATION IS FOR USE BY INDIVIDUALSHAVING ADEQUATE BACKGROUNDS OF ELECTRICALAND MECHANICAL EXPERIENCE. ANY ATTEMPT TOREPAIR A CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING PRODUCTMAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY AND/OR PROP-ERTY DAMAGE. THE MANUFACTURER OR SELLERCANNOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INTERPRETA-TION OF THIS INFORMATION, NOR CAN IT ASSUMEANY LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH ITS USE.To prevent shortening its service life, the air handlershould not be used during the finishing phases of con-struction. The low return air temperatures can lead tothe formation of condensate. Condensate in the pres-ence of chlorides and fluorides from paint, varnish,stains, adhesives, cleaning compounds, and cementcreates a corrosive condition which may cause rapiddeterioration of the cabinet and internal components.This unit is equipped with an integrated high efficiencyWhole House Air Cleaner. Careful consideration mustbe taken in the installation process to avoid personal in-jury or equipment damage. These instructions do notcover all variations in systems or provide for every pos-sible contingency. Should further information be desiredor particular problems arise which are not covered suffi-ciently by this manual, contact your local distributor orthe manufacturer as listed on the air handler name-plate.These Air Handlers are shipped from the factory in theupflow or horizontal right configuration and are fullyconvertible to downflow or horizontal left. Refer to Sec-tion C beginning on page 4 for additional information.INSPECTIONCheck carefully for any shipping damage. This must bereported to and claims made against the transportationcompany immediately. Check to be sure all major com-ponents are in the unit. Any missing parts should be re-ported to your supplier at once, and replaced with au-thorized parts only.CONTENTSGeneral Information ........................................... .._ _Installation Limitations & RecommendationsTwo Piece Cabinet DisassemblyUnit Installation ...................................................Vertical Upflow ....................................................................Vertical Downflow ................................................................Horizontal Left ..................................................................... i:Horizontal RightDuct ConnectionRefrigerant Piping ..............................................Brazing to Evaporator Section ........................Condensate Drain Piping ...................................Electrical-Wiring ................................................Airflow Adjustment ..............................................Maintenance Check Out Procedure ...............Cleaning the COLLECTION CELL ................. _i_Cleaning the FIELD CHARGER ....................... ..........Hook Up Diagrams ..............................................Outline Drawings ................................................Checkout Procedures .........................................INSTALLATION LIMITATIONS& RECOMMENDATIONSThe general location of the air handler is normally se-lected by the architect, contractor and/or home ownerfor the most effective application and satisfaction.NOTE: Condensation may occur on the surface of theair handler when installed in an unconditioned loca-tion. When units are installed in unconditioned spaces,verify that all electrical and refrigerant line penetrationson the air handler are sealed completely.
Installer's GuideThese air handlers are suitable for installation in acloset, alcove or utility room with free, non-ducted, airreturn, using the area space as a return air plenum.With ducted supply air, if the minimum clearances tocombustible materials and service access are observed,the above installations are suitable.This area may also be used for other purposes, includ-ing an electric hot water heater- but in no case shalla fossil fuel device be installed and!or operated inthe same closet, alcove or utility room.In addition, these air handlers are suitable for installa-tion in an attic, garage or crawl space with ducted sup-ply and return air.This equipment has been evaluated in accordance withthe U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop-ment code. Air handler is Suitable for mobile home/manufactured housing use. Unit is also approved formodular homes.For proper installation the following items must be con-sidered:1. If adequate power is available and correct accordingto nameplate specifications.2. Prior to unit installation, a heavy gauge steelplate is attached to the bottom of the unit forprotection during shipping and handling.Leave this plate in place until the unit isready to be connected to ductwork.3. Insulate all ducts, particularly if unit is located out-side of the conditioned space.4. Pursuant to Florida Building Code 13-610.2.A.2.1,this unit meets the criteria for a factory sealedair handler.5. To ensure maximum efficiency and system perfor-mance, the existing supply and return duct systemstatic pressures must not exceed the total availablestatic pressure of the air handler. Reference ACCAManual D, Manual S and Manual RS along with theair handler Product Data and Service Facts for addi-tional information.6. It is recommended that the outline drawing be stud-ied and dimensions properly noted and checkedagainst selected installation site. By noting in ad-vance which knockouts are to be used, proper clear-ance allowances can be made for installation and fu-ture service.7. Allow a minimum of 21 inches clearance in frontof the air handler to permit removal of COLLEC-TION CELL and FIELD CHARGER.8. Do not install air handler where air cleaner can beexposed to UV light.9. When the air handler with supplementary heater isto be installed in the downflow position on combus-tible flooring an accessory sub-base (TAYBASE101for 2/4TEE3D31, TAYBASE100 for 2/4TEE3D37,TAYBASE102 for 2/4TEE3D40-65) must be used.See Figure 1.10. If supplementary heat is to be added, power supplymust be sut_cient to carry the load. In addition,minimum airflow settings, unit and duct clearancesto combustible material must be maintained asstated on the air handler rating nameplate.[o lji o]For air handlers not equipped with a factory installedelectric heater, a field installed heater is available fromTrane. Only heaters built by Trane are approved for usein the air handler. These heaters have been designedand tested in accordance with UL standards to providesafe and reliable operation. A list of approved heatersis provided on the air handler rating nameplate. Heat-ers that are not factory approved could cause damageand are not covered under equipment warranty.NOTE: If air handler is used WITHOUT a supplemen-tary electric heater, a sheetmetal plate is required tocover the open hole in the airflow system. See Figure3.Figure 1 AIR HANDLER SUB-BASEFLOOR OPENING - SIZEMODEL NO. A BTAYBASE100 23-3/4 14-13/16TAYBASE101 21-3/4 14-13/16TAYBASE102 26-3/4 14-13/16........ AINAILS_._AOER'" *_I" _" _ ANY¢OMSUS_SBLE_ATEm_L© 2008Trane 18-G E10D1-4
Installer's GuideFigure 2 Components of the Integrated Whole House Air Cleaner31) FIELD CHARGER - Charges the contaminants2) COLLECTION CELL - removes and collects very smallimpurities from the air.3) Power Supply - the solid state power supply converts the24 Volt AC to the high-voltage, direct current required topower the FIELD CHARGER and COLLECTION CELL.4) Safety Switch - cuts off all power to the FIELD CHARGERand COLLECTION CELL when disengaged.Check carefully for any shipping damage. This must bereported to and claims made against the transporta-tion company immediately. Check to be sure all majorcomponents are in the unit. Any missing parts shouldbe reported to your supplier at once, and replaced withauthorized parts only.4LIF AIRHANDLER IS USED WITHOUT A FACTORY FURNISHEDSUPPLEMENTARY HEATER, A PLATE IS REQUIRED TO COVERTHE OPEN HOLE IN THE AIR FLOW SYSTEM4 17" ='{I"T4".±_-- 3/8"(4) J"1/4" HOLES=ACCESSORY BAY99X1237Figure 3 From Dwg. 21B14041311. If the unit is installed without a return air duct, ap-plicable local codes may limit this air handler to in-stallation only in a single story residence & withinconditioned space.12. If the outdoor unit is to be installed later, or by oth-ers, then installation of the air handler must bemade to allow access for refrigerant lines, or attachrefrigerant lines to air handler when installing.13. Make sure there are provisions for installing con-densate drain lines.14. If side, front or rear return is required, air handlermust be elevated or placed on a plenum(TAYPLNM100 or 101). Connecting return duet di-rectly to the side, front or rear of the cabinet is notapproved.15. Route refrigerant & condensate drain lines awayfrom air handler so they do not interfere with ac-cess panels and COLLECTION CELL removal.16. When external accessories are used, the additionalheight and width requirements must be consideredin the overall space needed.17. These units are not approved for outdoor installa-tion.18. These units are approved for draw-through applicationonly.19. DO NOT use silicon based sealant. This causes acoating on the FIELD CHARGER pins that will de-crease the efficiency of the air cleaner.NOTE: No atomizing style humidifier is allowed in thereturn plenum with the use of this unit.20. Flow-through Bypass HumidifiersExcessive bypass air may cause water blow-off,which will adversely affect system operation and aircleaner performance. To verify bypass airflow, fol-low the Bypass Humidifier Pre-Installation Cheek-out and Set-Up Procedures available through yourlocal distributor. Ask for publication number 18-CH37D1-1.18-GE10D1-4 3

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