TYT ELECTRONICS ANG7 Two-Way Radio User Manual part 2

TYT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD Two-Way Radio part 2


user manual part 2

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Document ID3396940
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Document Descriptionuser manual part 2
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize436.91kB (5461348 bits)
Date Submitted2017-05-19 00:00:00
Date Available2017-05-19 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-05-15 19:16:35
Document Lastmod2017-05-15 19:16:38
Document Titleuser manual part 2

Choose It and press "OK" Will show up a password input box , Press "OK" after input the
password “558558" to begin to select the frequency mnge . The radio will list out several
frequently-used frequency range ,Press [-or-] and press "ok" to select one ,it begins to
lrtltiaiiZe this working lrequency range, than prompt "reset successtul" after rlnrshed .
Emergency Alarm
Press [F] ,then press [CALL] to active the emergency alarm function. radio will release
the emergency tone far 103 and then step 205 to receive, and then transmit the emergency
tone again and press [PTT] to exit this function.
Basic operations
Switch onloff
Clockwise to turn on the radio volume/power knob, there Wiii be a "KADA" sound , and the
screen will lights up it the battery is full charged. Radio power on Here. Anticlockwise with
the knob until a "KADA" sound‘ radio power off.
Adjust Volume
After turning on the radio, ClockWise the volume knob to higher the volume or anticlockwise
to lower
Channel knob
Clockwise or anticlockwise to rotate the channel knob Cari positive or in the opposite
direction to adjust the Step trequency , it can also be used tor other tunctions
PTT key
Press "PTT" key , Then talk to the front microphone of the radio using your ordinary voice
tone. while the indicator lights up and becomes red color. Release the"FTT"key to receive
after your transmission is completed
Keypad lock/unlock
Power on the radio and short press [ “ ] key about 2 seconds to lock or unlock the keypad.
and you can set automatic look also.
Reverse lrequency
Under standby mode. Long press [ t: 1 key to enable the reverse frequency tunction arter a
"clu" sound and “frequency reverse " voice prompt the same time , It will show an "R" letter
in lne upper ieit pi tnis irequency band on the screen . At this time. radio's transmitting
frequency is it's receiving one, and its receiving lrequency is its transmitting one. And the
code and decoder will also been exchanged ll it Is been set the CTCSS/DCS.
Monitor functi n
Press and noid key disables the noise squelcning action, allowing you can hear very
weak signals near the background ncise level.
1750 Tone
To access a repeater, Firstly need to set the iiequency pr cnannei wnicn will be used in
the repeater, and long press "CALL" key to start to send 175D tone. Once access to the
repeater has been gained. you may release "CALL" key and use PTT for activating the
Change frequency or channel
When standby , Press [I] and [I] key can increase or reduce the lrequency step by
Step, Also can choose next effective channel And when you press the number [0,1,23,4‘], Frequency or channel selection wrndcw will pop up, new ycu input the frequency
or channel you need and press [MENU] key to finish it .But ii the frequency is inputted out
or range m the frequency is nonexistent for the channel you input. il Will prompt "Caution:
out or range!" and need you input again.
Nples:1 Press [ ' ] reier to input decimal point
2. Press the side key [ M ] key means delete the number you input belore
A/B edit channel selection
Under dual standby mode, Press "back" key to select the NB Channel as you want
Menu functions and operations
Turn un your radio and press "menu“ to set it
Press [a] and [0] key to choose menu item. Press [MENU] key to enter in the next level
of menu. Press "back“ key to back to the previous menu.
Settings includes lne ipllpwmg cpnlents:
0 Model into
0 Scan
0 FM
0 Channel storage
I Language
. Utilities
Model info (Menu+1)
0 Model name
5 software version
0 Frequency range
I Serial number
0 Write & Ship Date
Scan (Menu+2)
1. Press the [MENU] key to enter the menu mode.
2. Press [- era] key to select scan and inen press [MENU] td slart to scan
3. press [BACK] key to exit, the screen displays the last frequency been scanned Just now.
FM (Menu+3)
1 Press the [MENU] key to enter the menu mode.
2 Press [-or-] key to select FM and then press [MENU] to start to listen to the FM.
3 Clockwise [-or-1 anticlockwise to rotate the channel knob can positive or in the
opposite direction to adjust FM.
4 press [BACK] key to exit and return to the main interlaoe.
Channel storage (Menufl)
You can save the present frequency into one channel which you appointed ,But only under
the lrequency mode .
1 Press the [MENU] key to enter the menu mode.
2 Press [.or‘] key to select Save Channel and then press [MENU] to save
3 “Storage CH ..." window will pop up, lnpul the channel number you want to save , and if
the CH number exited , lt shows a window including "CH Exist! replace it?". press ok , input
another channel number
channel delete (Radio channel delete and FM channel deletion)
Under CH mode or MR mode, press [PTI'] + 0 and hold on and open the radio. LCD will
display Del? then press [MENU] to confirm
DTMF (Menu+5)
1 Press the [MENU] key to enter the menu mode.
2 Press [.or-] key to select DTMF and then press [MENU] to start, Details will be
introduced to you again as below
Utllltles (Menu+6)
Press the [MENU] key to enter the menu mode and Press [.or .1 key to select Utilities
to sel , Details will be introduced to you again as below.
DTMF setting
DTMF setting
Press the [MENU] key to enter the menu mode, Press [nor-1 key to select DTMF and
then press [MENU] to start as below
ID Code:
It shows the ID code of your radio, which can be set by programming software (TH-UVSZOD
.sohannei informationr>lD code) or by keypad. Press any number key to change ID Code,
press [MONI] to delete the last digit, press [MENU] to store, (Note. ID code must be 3 digits
in minimum and 10 digits in maxlmum)
Keypad Input:
You can input the DTMF code, whose length is 16 digits(0,‘l,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,‘,#),
then press PTT to send out this DTMF code and this DTMF code should be the ID code of
receiving party, It you want to send out your ID code, please add DTMF with #+your ID and
when you press PTT to talk. you can see your ID is shown in the dispiay or receiving party.
And you also can input DTMF code +#+“ to transmit, your ID code also can be shown.
And you aiso can press PTT and mid in the standby mode, input receiwng party+ tt+your
ID and your ID will be shown in the display at receiVing party. And in the way, you can use
to stand [or your ID
Pleased kindly note that before using this function, you should open then menu 10 of ID
verification and "ID" will shown on the display
Call list:
This radio can store 16 groups of DTMF call list Press [Goro] key to select the list
number which you prepare to edit or transmit, press [MENU] to edit then press [PTT] to
Note: press [M] to delete the last digit and press PTT to confirm the editing.
CH ID Code
Every channel can store some lD code in advance and please kindly note that lD code
should be 3 digits in minimum and to digits in maximum and during editing, press [MENU]
to confirm and [BACK] to exit. When transmitting. the display of receiving party Wlll show
your ID code automatically
Rx Message
Here you can check the last DTMF ID you received, if this DTMF ID is the one o!
transmitting party. you can press [PTT] oireotIy to transmit and if the one is your DTMF lD
# DTMF ID of others, you cannot press [PTT] directly to transmit.
Remote kill,stun and activate
Before using this function, you should program the remote stun and kill code in the
programming software, (THeuvazuu programming softwareoDTMF functinnr>Decoder
stunned/killed) and please kindly note the timing in default setting is the best one, it is better
not to revise it Then we set stun code as 123456 and kill code as 123456789
And there are two ways to remote stun and kill other radios, please check toiiowing
1 Press PTT and hold on, press 123456 or 123456789 to stun the radio, please kindly note
that when you Input 123456 or 123456789, the rapid should not be too slow, or It will tail.
When the radio is stunned or killed. you will hear "Di".
2 Menu-> DTMF->Keypad input-> Input 123456 or 123456789, then press PTT to transmit
3 When the radio is stunned or killed, using stun code or kill code + # to activate it. When
the radio is activated , you will hear "DIDI"
4 Press PTT and hold on, press 123456 +# or 12345678941 to activate radio. please kindly
note that when you input 123456 or or i23458789+#, the rapid should not be too slow, or
it will tail
5 Menu-> DTMF->Keypad input.> input 123456 +# or 123456789+#, then press PTT to
transmit, then stunned/kill radio will be activated again
5 Von also can read the data from one normally working radio and write into the stunned/
killed radio, which will work properly again
Please kindly note that stunned radio cannot transmit but can receive, while the killed radio
cannot transmit and receive.
DTMF transmission
1.5ingte call:
Open the menu ‘iO or iD verification and using roiiowing two ways to transmitting
a. DTMF7>Keypad input a>|nput DTMF code and this DTMF code should be the ID code 0!
receiving party, It you want to send out your ID code, please add DTMF With #+your ID and
when you press PTT to talk, you can see your D is shown in the display oi receiving party.
And in this way, you can use “ to stand for your D.
b And you also can press PTT and hold in the standby mode, input receiving party+ #+your
ID and your ID will be shown in the display of receiVing party. And in this way, you cannot
use ‘ to stand tor your iD
2.Group call:
In the group call, you also can use lollowing two ways to transmit, but betore transmitting,
you should set in the Thruvazoo programming softwarea>Group code as A/B/C/D
a Keypad input e 9., program group code as A, and your lD code is it you want to call the
D code as 1117119. you should keypad input 11A#+ynur ID code to transmit or mum.
lD operation The radio you can call
MAW or 11A#456 ‘l‘lO~‘l‘lQ(10FM)
15A#' or 15A#456 150~159tio FM)
WAN? or 1AA#456 100N199t‘lOO FM)
5AA#" or 5AA#456 500~599(100 FM )
AAAfl' or AAA#456 000~999(1000 FM )
b if you use another way. please kindly note that the * cannot stand tor your own lD
Press PTT and hold on and input 11At¢+456 and 456 will be shown in the display.
ID operation The radio you can Call
A#456 110~119(1Dspcs radios)
15A#456 150~159(105pcs radios)
iAAMSB 100~199(iODspcs radios)
5AA#456 500-599(1005pcs radios)
AAA#456 DOO~999(10005pCs radios)
Note. [MENU] stands for A. [t ] stands for B, [f]stands forC and [BACK] stands for D
Utilities Setting
Press the [MENU] keyto enter the menu mode and Press [a ora] key to select Utilities to
set , More radio parameters you can set in it ,Details as below
Tx Priority (Menu1) (Priority transmit)
Function: Press Menu+6 to enter Utilities‘and press ‘l to enter TX priority iunction it allows
you to transmit on the sub band even if you are working on the operating band.
Busy: ltwrll transmrt on the band last talking used .
Edit: it will transmit on the operating channel.
Default: Edit.
Vox Level (Menu 2)
Function: F'ress Menu +6 to enter Utilities. and press 2 to enter VOX Level function.
With the VOX function on , you do not need to press PTT to transmit, and it is not
necessary to use a VOX headset in order to utilize VOX operation The higher level it is‘
the more sensitive it will be. And before using this runction, you should enter 1+4 to open
the VOX function.
Tx Power (Menu 3)
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities. and press 3 to enter Tx power function You
can select high/low Tx power according to your talking environment and your need.
wnen you select High/Low , The display will appear "H or L" icon .
Squelch Level (Menu 4)
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter UlilttieSi and press 4 to enter Squelch Level iunction.
The Squelch system allows you to mute the background nolse when no signal is belng
recelved Not only does the Squelch system "standby" operation more pleasant. but also
signlflcantiy reduces battery current consumption Vou can select the Squelch Level as
your need.
Default: 5
Dual WaitIStandby (Menu 5)
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utiiltles, and press 5 to enter Dual Walt/Standby functlon
it allows you to recelve the sub band slgnal even If you are worklng oh the operatlng band.
it could monltor the slgnal under both master and sub band at the same time.
Default: On.
Backlight (Menu 6)
Function: Press Menu +5 to enter Utilities, and press 6 to enter Dual Walt/Standby tunctlon
ON. When standby, the light are always light on
58/105/153. When standby. The light will ilgnt off after 55/105/1 SS
Default: SS.
Brightness( Menu 7)
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utiiltles, and press 7 to enter Brightness tunctlon it
allows you to choose the bhghtness of backilght The higher level it is. the brlghter it is.
Default: Two
Beep (Menu 8)
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utiiltles, and press 8 to enter Beep function. Select
on/off to enable or dlsable the keypad beeper.
nesa . On
Voice (Menu 9)
FunctionzPress Menu +6 to enter Utliltles. and press 9 to enter Voice function. Select on/
on to enable or olsable the voice prompt.
Default: On
ID Verification (Menu 10)
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utlilties. and press 10 to enter iD Verificatlon functlon.
Whlle recelving , select on/ol‘r to select check itself ID code or not ln order to implement
group cell or selectlve call.
PTT ID (Menu 11)
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utlilties. and press 11 to enter PTT ID tunctlon Before
uslhg tthis runcuoh, please set it in the programmlng software
Off: PW ID is off.
BOT: the PTT D will be shown at the beglnning
of transmisslon
EDT, the PTT D will be shown at the end or transmission.
Both: the PTT iD wlll be shown both the beglnnlng and end
or transmisslon. h ‘-
Default: Off
TOT (Transmission Time-out Timer) (Menu 12)
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utiltttes, and press 12 to enter TOT function. To preven:
your radio from transmitting too much long ttrne .lt provides a safety environment to radio
and battery You can select Off/15$l305 5855/6005 as the TOT time,when you transmit
beyond the ttme you selected , it wttt cut off the transmitting to protect radio.
Default: 1803.
Busy Lock (Menu 13)
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utittttes, and press 13 to enter TOT tunction, tt prevents
the radios transmitter from betng activated it a stgnal is strong enough to break through the
"noise" squelch is present. on a frequency where station usth different CTCSS or DCS
code may oe activated, it prevents you trorn tnterruotton acctdentally.
Default: Off
Vox function (Menu 14)
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utiltttes, and press 14 to enter VOX function. Speak to
the mtcropnone In normal votce to transmit dtrectty, no need to press PTT
a When VOX ts on tn your working channel.
Speak to the microphone dtrectly. it wtll transmit directly
The radio stops transmitting when there is no tnvoice, and watts for receiving.
b When a headset wtth microphone ts used.
Please adjust the VOX level to guarantee smooth communtcatlons
Default: Off.
Vox Delay (Menu 15)
Function:Press Menu +6 to enter Uttltttes. and press 15 to enter VOX delay function. The
radto resumes to receiving mode soon afler transmttttng. your ‘rx voice may somettmes
not be Sent out successfully To avotd thls problem, you can adjust VOX delay time after
Default: 3.05
Roger (Menu16)
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Uttttties. and press 16 to enter Roger function.
Sending a beeper or not to tntorrn the recetver TX ts over.
Default: Off.
DW Dual watch/Monitor (Menu17)
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Uttttties, and press 17 to enter Dual watch/monitor
function. It makes the radto can monitor the signal when FM radio ts on and you wont miss
any calling.
Default: On
Rx save (Battery saving function)(Menu 18)
Function: F'ress Menu +6 to enter Uttttties. and press ta to enter Battery savtng tunctton.
The radio wtll enter tnto savtng mode If it dtdn't recetve any signat tn 103 and you can
choose dtfterent value. e g1’1.irt working mode 200ms and tn savtng mode 200ms,1'2‘
in working mode ZODms and in savtng mode 400ms.
Default: 1.4.
Scan Mode (Menu 20)
Function: Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities. and press 19 to enter Scan Mode function and
it allows you to change different scan mode as your requirement
Default: C0
Scan list (Menu 20 in CH and MR mode) This is function only for CH and MR mode
Function: in CH and MR mode. Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities. and press 20 to enter
Scan list function and press [#1 to choose the channels you want to add into scan list and
press [MENU] to confirm
Scan Priority (Menu 21 in CH and MR mode)This is function only for CH and
MR mode.
Function: in CH and MR mode. Press Menu + 6 to enter Utilities, and press 21 to enter
Scan Priority function. after you set the channels into scan list and you can set some
channels to scan pnonty all the time.
Lock Mode (Menu 20in VFO mode and Menu 22 in CH and MR mode)
Function: in VFO mode or in CH and MR mode. Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities. and
press 20 or 22 to enter Lock Mode function. When you select 55/105/155 in the menu, the
keypad will be locked automatically ii there is no key operation for corresponding 55/105/
Default: Manual
TaillEnd-tone elimination (Menu 22 in VFO mode and Menu 23 in CH and MR modell
Function: in VFO mode or in CH and MR mode, Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities. and
press 22 or 23 to enter Tail/End-tene elimination function, it can eliminate nasty sound when
transmission is finished The benefit oflhls function ls particularly evident for those using
Note: this function ls only activated when other radios also turn on the Tall/End-tone
elimination function.
Default: On.
Step (Menu 22 in VFO mode) This is function only for VFO mode.
Function: In VFO mode, Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities. and press 22 to enter Step
function. Under VHF mode. select the step of 0 50K/2.50K...50 OK/iDDK to adjust the
frequency band by pressing [nor] or rotating by the switch knob.
Default: 5.0K
S-D (Menu 23 in VFO mode) This is function only for VFO mode.
Function: In VFO mode. Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities. and press 23 to enter SsD
function‘ after yet the shift frequency between TX one and RX one. this function is used to
set the direction of this offset
Offset/Shift frequency (Menu 24 in VFO mode) This is function only for VFO mode.
Function: In VFO mode, Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities. and press 24 to enter Offset/
Shift frequency function, you can set the shift frequency between TX one and RRX one
Default: 0.0000MHZ.
QTIDQT or CTCSSIDCS (Menu 25 in VFO mode and Menu 24 in CH and MR mode)
Function: In VFO mode or in CH and MR mode, Press Menu +5 to enter Utilities. and
press 25 or 24 to enter QT/DQT function, it can prevent you from receiving the unwanted
call lrorn the same lrequency and you can Keypad inout non-standard the CTCSS/DCS,
press # first and you will see one popup to input the digit. and here "““ stand l‘or".".
Default: None
RX QTIDQT or CTCSS/DCS (Menu 26 in VFO mode and Menu 25 in CH and MR model
Function: In VFO mode or in CH and MR mode, , Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and
press 26 or 25 to enter RX QT/DQT Iunction, it can prevent you from receiving the unwanted
call trorn the same frequency and you can keypad inout nonstandard the CTCSS/DCS, press
t: first and you will see one popup to input the digit, and here "'" stand for " "
Default: None.
TX QTIDQT or CTCSSIDCS (Menu 27 in VFO mode and Menu 26 in CH and MR model
Function: In VFO mode or in CH and MR mode‘ , Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and
press 27 or 25 to enter TX QT/DQT iunction, it can prevent you from receiving the unwanted
call from the same frequency and you can keypad inout non-standard the CTCSS/DCS, press
it first and you will see one popup to input the digit, and here
Default: None.
DQT Mode (Menu 28 in VFO mode and Menu 27in CH and MR made)
Function: In VFO mode or in CH and MR mode. Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and
press 28 or 27 to enter DQT mode Iunction, when you choose special one, even you have
the same DCS with other radio, you cannot hear others and others also cannot hear you.
this Iunction will guarantee privacy oi your talk.
Default: Normal
WIN band (Menu 29 in VFO mode and Menu 28 in CH and MR mode)
stand for " ".
Function: In VFO mode or in CH and MR mode, , Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and
press 29 or 28 to enter W/N band Iunctioth allows you to select Wide/Narrow band.
Detault: Wide
Power-on Tone (Menu 30 in VFO mode and Menu 29 in CH and MR mode)
Function: In VFO mode or in CH and MR mode, Press Menu +510 enter Utilities. and
press 30 or 29 to enter Power-on tone function. Select None/ToneNoice to enable null/
BeepNoice when open the radio.
Default: Voice
Power-on Display (Menu 31 in VFO mode and Menu 30 in CH and MR mode)
Function: In VFO mode or in CH and MR mode. Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities. and
press at or so to enter Powerron Display lunction. Set what shows on the display when
open the radio
None' Shows nothing
Voltage: Shows the voltage values or the radio. such as “7 2V
Message. Shows the character string user-defined.
Picture Shows the stored picture.
Default: Voltage.
Power-on MSG (Menu 32 in VFO mode and Menu 31 in CH and MR mode)
Function: In VFO mode or in CH and MR mode. Press Menu +6 to enter Utllllles. and
press 32 or 31 to enter Powerron MSG function. you can edit desired message. 16 digits
in maximum
CH-Display (Menu 32 in CH and MR mode, this function is only for CH and MR mode}
Function: In CH and MR mode, Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and press 32 to enter
(DH-Display function, you can set display mode among channel number, frequency and
channel name.
Default: Frequency.
CH-Narne (Menu 33 in CH and MR mode, this function is only for CH and MR mode)
Function: In CH and MR mode,Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and press 33 to enter
CHsName function, you can edit the desired name, 8 digits in maximum
Voltage (Menu 33 in VFO mode and Menu 34in CH and MR mode)
Function: In VFO mode or in CH and MR mode, Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and
press 33 or 34 to enter Voltage function, it Will show the current voltage of radio.
Man down (Menu 34 in VFO mode and Menu 35 in CH and MR mode)
Function: In VFO mode or in CH and MR mode, Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and
press 34 or 35 to enter Man down tunction, when you enable this function, it your wont
stand vertically, your radio will release "DengrDengrDengrDengrDeng“ then it will send out
onetone and other radio will receive alarm. But the condition is that other radio didn‘t set
the ID verification.
SEEK QT (Menu 35 in VFO mode and Menu 36 in CH and MR mode)
Function: In VFO mode or in CH and MR mode, , Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and
press 35 or 36 to enter SEEK QT function to scan CTCSS.
Default: 0"
SEEK DQT (Menu 36 in VFO mode and Menu 37 in CH and MR mode)
Function: In VFO mode or in CH and MR mode, Press Menu +6 to enter Utilities, and
press 36 or 37 to enter SEEK DQT function to scan CTCSS.
Default: 0ft.
VOX temporarily disenable setting
when a radio with enable VOX function works in the noisy envlmnment, it Will transmit all
the time and press PTT is no use and now you can turn off the radio and press [PTT] +3 to
tune on the radio, making vox disenable temporarily and now you enter into menu 2 to
adjust the VOX level to make radio not so sensitive
Optional Accessories
Trouble shooting guide
Optional Accessories
Vehicle Charger
Speaker Earphone
Clone Cable
Trouble shooting guide
No Electrical Source
0 The battery has been exhausted.
Replace or recharge the battery.
- The battery is installed incorrectly.
Remove it and install again
The operating time becomes short, even
the battery is lully charged.
I Replaoe the battery.
Not able to communicate with the
transceivers ot the same group.
- Confirm the QT/DQT is the same.
a The distance is outside of range.
The voice of another group can be heard.
0 Change all QT/DQT of the group.
Other radios can not receive the TX
signals or receive signals in a low
0 Switch the volume knob to the highest
0 The microphone may be damaged.
send it to the local dealer for check.
Noise is always heard.
I The distance is outside of range.
Turn on the radio in nearer range and
try again
FrequencyRange TX:>144-148MHZ & 420-450MHZ
RX.136-174MHZ & 400-520MHZ
FrequencyStabilily : 2 SPPrn
Cnannel Capacity 256 cnanneis
Operating Voitage DC 7.4V
Antenna Hign gain antenna
Antenna Impedance 500
DImenslon'H X W X D" 120 x 55 X 33mm
RF power
UHF: HIQhS 7W Low? 0 SW
VHF Highs 7W Low? 0-5W
Muduialion Type(Wide/Narrow band)
Max Fr. deviationiwide/Narmw band)
$5KHZ/ $2 5KHZ
Adiacenl Ch. poweriWide/Narrow band)
Spurious Power
prerernphasis charecier
SdB/Each rrequency doubling
the increment
Mnduiated noise
60dB 255dB
Adjacent cn.5eiecuon
ZSSGB 260 dB
Note: Specifications will be revised without notice due ID technical improvement Thank you
1 True warranty card ls only
applleaple m two-way radio
onne aboueellsled model
and serial number
2 Me warramy card us an
lnlporlanl documenl forlhe
end-user lo enlay warramy
sewlee, please keep llwell
3 Tne werrenly card shall be
filled and chopped by lne
dealer, or lt ls lnvalld.
Warranty card
Cuslcmer‘s name'
Add and poslal code
puslomer‘s Tel
Mode ‘
Serlal number
Purchaslrlg dale
lnvolce No
Add and poslal code ol the deals
Comacl Tel:
l—leneling people
Tnenk you lcr buylng (woeway radlos‘ we wlll
do our peel lo provlde you wllh a slable, clear
and emclen! wlrsless communlca‘lnn servlces
In order ler you to enloy e befler quellly werrenly
servlce, please locus on the followlng
rne preouelswerranly aeneo beglns 'mm lne purchaslng oele
.l pmducl lallure ulldsv normal nae ullnln warranly parlnd
eeeurs dnwrdlrlg m lne eenlenls ol lnls warralllyl (lne raole
ls ouarenleeu rar l2 menlns aeoessenes e menlnsl please
eenylne warrenly card arlglnzls ano pumhzsa lnualea la
aeslgnalee aulnonzeo warranly repen slallen var warranly
rne mllowlng slluellans aeeur ounng wzrrzmy paneo Wlll Dc
lmplemenlea ln Dald servlce
ll) Fallme l0 produce lne warrenly earo
lzl rne eero nee al|cmd lreees er lncunslslnm Wlln lnc oreeuel
lay uelecl or damage caused by abnormal or "Immanuel use
lAl oeleel or damave causee by mlsuse accmem weler er
lsl oereel eroernege eeuaeo by lmpmuarlafllng‘ apevallnn‘
malnlenancel lnslallallen dlsassemblyoraflluslmenl
16) Deleel or damage caused by uneulnanzee mean or
l7) Delecl m damage caused by lame maleure
la) Wear and lear uneer nermel use
wnen yuu are ln neeo el repelr please sene lne reele wananly
eero and purcnese lnuolee mgclhnv by aesl nr lake dlmnly
m aeslgnalell aulnorlzed servlw slalpns sr-lpplng msls snoule
be uerne by lne user
Mainlerlance record
Carryeln dale
stall numbers
personnel No
Slgnam re
rnls warrarlly eero lo be repl by lne user no realenlsnmenl ll

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