TYT ELECTRONICS MD-380 DMR User Manual Part Two



Users Manual Part Two

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Document ID2688736
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Document DescriptionUsers Manual Part Two
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize449.78kB (5622306 bits)
Date Submitted2015-07-22 00:00:00
Date Available2015-07-22 00:00:00
Creation Date2015-07-16 15:00:49
Document Lastmod2015-07-16 15:01:49
Document TitleUsers Manual Part Two

Emergency Function
Emergency alarm only use to transfer emergency situations. you can release a emergency
caii at anytime and anywhere. Even the waikie taikie is busy in transierring or receiVing
Radio support 3 types or emergency call
. Emergency Call
- Cali follow emergency alarm
. A voice loiiow emergency alert
Moreover. alarm has the following types
- Prohibit: radio can not send emergency caii but can receive.
- Local + Remote: An emergency call With voice or notice .
- Remote' an emergency call without any Voice or notice Beiore press [PTT]key to call ‘
local radios will not receive any voice or notice
’ Remote + Voice . radio sending an emergency call while accept to receive calls. Before
press the [PTTJ key to transmitter or reply , there are not any notice
Only one part or above emergency Situations can be set as presprogrammed key
Receive Emergency Call
1 When receiving emergency call. number oi emergency caiis and alarms received ,exchs
ange the sender name or ID.
2 With a message sound and LED indicator becomes red
3 It the radio have activated. then Will conlirm the emergency alarm automatically .When
the radio receive the emergency alarm, screen shows the emergency alarm warning mark,
until send with a confirm message then can logout . While , you will not receive any calls
and notices from other radios during this situation .
Notice shortspress [ a ] key, then with the preprogrammed air key, deiect all received
emergency caii and iogcui the emergency mode.
Reply the emergency call
When received the emergency call:
1. Press any key to stop the emergency call alarm
2. Hold the radio and place it between your lip with 2 5~35m . if on the “free channel message
sound“ function. iei go [PTT] key. you can hear a message sound. means ii ohannei is
iree for you to answe.
3 Press [PTTJkey to have a call LED Indicator becomes red walkie talkie under the emer-
gency call mode.
4. Let go [PTT] key to receive, when reply the emergency call, LED indicator becomes green.
The screen shows group mark or ID and call D
5. Mar the call. shonspress [ a] key. then press presprogrammed emergency key to off.
delect aii the emergency call and iogoui.
6 Radio back to home screen
Emergency Alarm
This iunction called speech signal and allows to send emergency alarm and Will trigger on
another radio.
1 Press prerprogrammed power on key
2. Screen shows sending emergency call, exchange lD with other walkie talkie .LED indicator
changes to red and emergency call mark will down on the home screen
3 When receive the emergency call, the radio issues the emergency call and LED indicator
changes to green , screen shows emergency call send out successfully.
Or , if the radio does not receive any confirm With the emergency call and out of the sending
times, the radio will with a message sound and screen shows the emergency call failed .
A Radio logout the emergency mode and back to home screen .li the radio under silence
mode. there will not any sounds or reminder during the emergency mode
Emergency Alarm call
This iunction allows you to send emergency call to oiher radio After coniirmed by the radio ,
the two radios can contact by a pre-programmed channel.
1 Press rare-programmed key to sztch on
2 Screen shows sending emergency alarm callexchange ID . LED indicator becomes red,
emergency call mark will down on screen .
3 when the radio confirm with the sending emergency,screen will show emergency call
successful and LED indicator change to green
4. Hold the radio and place it between your lip with 2.5~3cm.
5. Press[PT'|1key to call,LED indicator light changes to red, screen shows the group mark.
6. Let go [PTTJ key to receive
7. lion the “free channel message sound" iunclion, let go [PTT] key, you can hear a message
sound (means it channel is free ior you to answer)
0r press ore-programmed emergency call to off and logout the mode
8. Radio back to home screen. lithe radio is under the silence mode ,there are not any sounds
or notices during the emergency mode, not receive calls from target walkie talkie ,until
press the [PTT] key if the radio under "with voice mute" mode ,there are not any sounds
or notices during the emergency mode .not receive calls irom target walkie talkie .Until
press the [Prnkey to call or receive. then the screen will show up.
Voice emergency Alarm
This function allows you to send emergency call to others after confirm with you, your radio
microphone activate, allows you to call other radios with press the [Pm key. This called
"Emergency microphone".lr press [PTI'] key during preaprogrammed emergency microphone.
radio Without ignore the [PTT] and stay on emergency mode
Notice ii press[PTT]key during the emergency microphone ,hold the key oerore duration
Within lirrilts, let go [PTflkey to transfer.
1. Press the pre-programmed emergency start key.
2. Screen shows sending emergency call. LED indicator oecomes red color and emergency
call Mark will Show on Screen.
3 Screen Wiii show emergency caii successiul, then speak ciearly .When under activated
emergency microphone, radio transfer automaticaiiy without press [PTT] key belore dur-
ation within limits
4. During iransier . LED indicator becomes red and emergency aiami mark wiii show on screen.
5 After the time of emergency microphone, radio stop to transmit .Press [PTT] key to tranr
smit again If the radio under the "Siience" mode, there are not any sounds or notices du-
ring the emergency mode, not receive caiis from target waikie taikie, untii pass the pre-
programmed emergency microphone limited time and press with [PTTJ key .it the radio
under "with voice mute" mode there are not any sounds or notices during the emergency
mode .not receive caiis irem target waikie taikie .Uniii press the [PTnkey to call or receive
the" the screen MM Show up
Notice' W the emergency caH tailed , then the walkie talkie wiH back to home screen
Restart Emergency Mode
Two Situations will be happen-
- It will logout the emergency mode , ii the walkie taikie change the channei under the em-
ergency mode Whiie i reset the emergency mode under the new channei , the waikie ta-
lkie restart the emergency call
. If press the Prerprogrammed emergency key during the emergency call , the waikie talkie
Wiii be stop the emergency caii but restan iater.
Logout Emergency Mode
The walkie talkie Wiil logout emergency mode when any oi the foiiowing situations happen.
I Confirm with the received emergency caii, or
- Meet With the max emergency caii, cr
- press the prerprogrammed emergency 0" key‘ or
- Press[PTT]key
Notice Emergency mode wiii be iogoul when power oil the walkie taikie Radio will not under
emergency mode when the radio is power on next time
Menu operation
immutytifi" "
Menu operation
Character Input
Users can use the 3 x4 alphanumeric keypad to access the radio's function. When you're
Using the keypad to input a user alias or text messages, walkiertalkie input contains three
modeszi. English letters mode,2.chinese input mode, 3,digital input mode When using the
keypad input D. you can only select the digital mode.
English Typing:
Users have to press a button several times forgetting some characters The following table
shows how many times needed to press a button to get the required character 0
Button 12345678910111213
1 1 - . 7 l @ &' "lo - : ' #
2 a b c 2 A a c
3 d e ' 3 D E F
4 9 h i 4 G H l
5 i k l 5 J K L
5 m n 0 5 M N o
7 p q r 7 P o R s
a t u v T u v
9 W X y s w x v z
o a Space
g Press a: m switch mode.
Chinese Typing
Number 1 is a button of punctuation s selection input ,Numoer 279 are correspond Pinyin
input , when user input something, the screen shows the pinyin input interface, the tirst tine
of interiace shows the Contents Inpulted by user , Second line of intertace shows the Chinese
characters what users input When the content ot the pinyin input interface show in the first
row,users can press [B orfl] to select Pinyin, users can press [ B ]button to delete the
Pinyin what they inputted previously one by one, when all the Pinyin characters were delet-
ed. Pinyin input interiaoe disappeears. Press [B] button to choose corresponding Chinese
characters and dispiay them in the editing area, At this time the Chinese character input fine
ised, Pinyin input interiace disappears Pressing‘ outton shows ', pressing 0 button shows
space, press it to switch input modes
Numeral Writing
When in the Numbers input mode. press the number keys to display the corresponding nu-
mber, press the "key to display“ on the screen press # to switch input mode.
Note: When users Enter a user aiias, ID. or text messages it editing area without any content,
then the [ a] button is used tor returning to the higher ievei menu, or else if there is
any content on the editor area, pressing [ a] will deiete one character beiore the
cursor at one time, until the editing area has no content ,then press the [ B ] button
to return to the higher level menu.
Menu Application
i. Press [ a l to enter Menu, then press iert or right [flora] to access the menu runction
2. Press [ a i, seiect a function or go into a sub menu
3 Press [ aito return the higher level menu
Note’ After a period of time not activity radio will automatically exit and return to the main
menu screen (hang time is set by the programming software).
Radio Cheek
If there are any activation, this teature allows you to determine whether there is other two
way radio active inside the system, and does not disturb the walkie-talkie users, none-voice
or Visual notice appears on the target two way radio
Send Radio Check
Using Menu'
1. Press [ B ] to enter Menu
2. Press [Born] button to select Contacts, then press [ B ] to select.
3. Press [flora] toThe required user alias or lD,then press [ B ] to select
Or press [norm key to manuai dialing. and then press [ a] key to seiect it there are
oeiore caiiing in, snow in and along with the flashing cursor, using the keypoard editing ID,
Press [I3 1
4. Press [flora] to radio detection, and then press [B ] to select
5 When Screen displays radio detection < user alias or ID >, it is indicating the ongoing ot
radio detection The LED indicator light is red
6 Waiting for confirmation
7. lithe target radio is active in the system , then it makes a prompt sound. screen will show
that target two way radio has responded shortly.
Or it the target radio in the system is not active, then it makes a prompt sound, screen will
show that target two way radio has no answer shortly.
8 Two way radio returns to user allas or D screen. It you press [9 ] when waiting for con-
firmation, made a prompt sound, two way radio Will end all retry and exit the two way radio
detection mode.
Using monitoring runction to open the target two way radiois microphone (only the user alias
or ID). You can use the lunction to monitor any sound around target two way radio.
Your must allow your two way radio to use this function by programming it.
Start Monitor
Using the Menu.
1. Press [ a l to enter the Menu
2. Press [norm to Contactslhen press [ a 1 to select
3 Press [norn] to The required user alias or lo, then press [a l to select
Or press [flora] key to manual dialing, and then press [ (3] key to select
Ii there are any calling ID remains before. radio shows the ID and along with the flashing cur-
sor, using the keyboard to edit the lD, press [ B ] key to choose.
Or press [corn] key to manual dialing. and then press [ a] key to select. inputting the
user alias or it), and then press [0k] key to select.
4 Press [oorfl] to select Remote Monitor then press [ 9110 select
5. When two way radio makes a prompt sound, LED light turns green.
6. Wailing tor confirmation.
7. Screen displays Monitor successed.
Or screen displays Monitor railed
ll success two way radio oegan to receive voice signals from the radios which are oeing mos
nitored voice and screen displays two way radio are moniting, until the end of the duration oi
the preprogrammed, two way radlo made a prompt sound, and the LED light puts out, screen
display that monitoring ends.
Ilfalled. two way radio Repeats until reach the preprogrammed attempts.
Contacts setting
Contacts is "address book" for handheld two way radio. Each entry corresponds to an alias or
ID used to start the call. in addition. each item. according to the diirerenl content setting, relate
to three types or call group calling. single call. all call. Your radio support digital address book.
The Contactsl entries display in the lollowing inlormation
- Call type
I Call the alias
- Call the ID
Note: you can add. delete. edit Contacts person in the digital address book(contacts)
Group Call With Contacts
1. Press [ a l to enter Menu
2. Press [norm to contacts. then press [ a 1 to choose. entries arrange in alphabetical
3. Press [flora] to required calling group's alias or D.
4. Holding the radio and let it in a vertical position and Keep mouth 1 to 2 inches (2 5 to 5.0
cm) With radio
5. Press [PTT] to start calling. the LED turns red. The screen displays the calling group‘s alias
or lD.as well as icon of group call.
6 Releasing (PTT) button to receive. when any user response Within the group. the LED light
turns green You will see on the screen group call icon or users ID
7. iryou enable the "channel Free prompt " lunction: when the target radio release the (PTT)
button. you Will hear a short beep. said this channel is idle. waiting tor your answer Press
the call key (Pm to answer. it in a preprogramrneo group called hang time without voice
activity, the call IS ended.
Single Call With Contacts
t. Press [ (3 ] to enter Menu
2. Press [corn] to Contact.then press
l to choose, entries arrange in alphabetical
3 Press [corn] to required calling group's alias or ID
or press [flora] key to manual dialing. and then press [ B ] key to choose. lrthere is
a user alias or lD called belore. radio shows ID and along with the flashing cursor. using
the keyboard editing this in.
Or press [oorni key to manual dialing. and then press [ a ] key to choose. using the
keyboard to enter a new D
4 Holding the radio and let it in a vertical position and keep mouth 1 to 2 inches (2 5 to 5 0
cm) With radio
5. Press [PT'flto start calling. the LED turns red. The screen displays the calling group's alias
or |D.as well as icon of group call.
6. Releasing (Pi-r) button to receive, when any user response within the group. the LED light
turns green You will see on the screen group call icon oi useris D
7 if you enable the "channel Free prompt " function when the target radio release the (PTT)
button. you will heara short beep. said this channel is idle, waiting for your answer Press
the call key (PTTito answer It in a preprogrammed group called hang time without voice
activity. the call is ended.
8. You will hear a sound snort. screen shows the call ended
if you releaseiPTT) button when you are setting up the call, and when it will exit and return
to the preVious screen without any remind. Radio can be preprogrammed executive two way
radio are testing before estaoiishing single call. irthe target radio did not repiy, you Will hear
a short beep, and screen shows the other radios did not reply. Two way radio return to menu
before starting the radios around test
Call Log
Your radio can record all the recent dialed, received. and not answered call. Use the calling
record function View and manage the recent calls
Checking New Call's Number
Menu items can show the not answer call ,received calls and dialed call
1 Press [ B ] key to enter the menu mode.
2 Press the [flora] key to the Call Log, and then press [ 9] key to choose.
3 Press [flora] to the required iist. and then press [ a] key too choose.
A The screen on the top of the list shows the recent entries.
5 Press [or1check iist, press (PW) at the current selected aiiases or ID to start a caii.
Missed Call
Whenever you miss call, two way radio will display a not answered call, select view or view
It you press (PTT),when you're vieWing missing call number, radios Will exit the misSing
call screen and establishing a single call again
i. The screen shows the missing call, and the missing call‘s number and View.
2. Press [I31View missing call‘s lD, missing call's record iist displayed on the screen.
Press [ a 1 to store or delete this entry; Or press [flora] key to View tater, and then
press [ B] key choice, return to the main screen.
Storing Missed call's Alias Or ID
Press [ a 1 key to enter Menu
. Press the [flora] key to Call Log, and then press [ B ] key to choose.
. Press the [flora] key to missed call, and then press [B ] key to choose
. Press [fl ora] key to missed calls alias or lD, and then press [ B] key to choose
. Press the [flora] key to store, and then press [a] key to choose
. Radio Shows flashing cursor, it needed, enter the ID aiias, and then press [ a 1 ey.
The screen contacts have been saved
You can also enter lD Without alias.
Deleting Calling Log's Record
1. Press [ B] key to enter the Menu.
2. Press the [flora] key to Call Log and then press l t3 1 key to choose.
3. Press the [flora] key to missed call, and then press 1 a 1 key to choose
4 Press [flora] key to missed call's alias or ID, and then press [ B] key to choose
5 Press [flora] key to delete the entries,then press [
delete this entry.
6 Select “yes“ then press [ a ] key to delete the entries. screen appears entry deleted:
] key to select it you need to
Or select "no" ,press [ a 1 key to return to preVious screen
When you select a call list out there is no entry in, the screen WIII display the list is empty,
if the keyboard is open at this time, Wlll be a low tone hint sound
Call Alert Operation
Call alert makes you can suggest a speciiic radio users in the possible time to call you
This feature applies only to the user alias or ID, and can be used through the menu by ad-
dress book or manual dialing.
Receiving And Checking Call Alert
When you receive a call alert, screen shows call prompt alternating transmit radio‘s
alias or lD
1 YOU will hear sound of repeat, LED light turn and shine red.
2 Then press and release [PTTJ to confirm the prompt, or press [B ] to select "neglect" to
exit the call reminder
Starting Call Alert From Contact List
1. Press [ a] key to enter the Menu.
2. Press the [corn] key to Contacts, and then press [ a 1 key to choose.
3 Press [norm key to missed calls alias or in, and then press [a ] key to choose
Or press [norm key to manual dialing, and then press [ a 1 key to choose, a flash-
ing cursor appearsthen enter the user ID you want to call, and then press[B ] key
4.Press [Dora] key to Call Alert, the screen display Call Alert.< user 5 alias or lD >,and
then press [a] key and instructions have been sent Call Alert.
5. When the radio send call alert, the LED indicator tor the red light.
6 it you receive calls prompt confirmation, issued a prompt, and display the call alert succs
Or prompt confirmation it not received a call, send a hint sound, and the screen call failure.
Messages Function
Your radio can receive data. such as from another radio sent text messages, message ot a
maximum length M144 characters. whole message is not longer than 50 lines
Edit And Send SMS
Using the Menu
1. Press [ B] key to enter the Menu.
2. Press the [corn] key to Messager. and then press [a 1 key to choose
3. Press [norm key to write, and then press [ a] key.
4 Aflashirlg cursor appears, using the keyboard to input messages, press [ n 1 key to
move to the ielt one, press [ fl ] button to the right one, when editing area have content,
press the [ B ] key to delete any useless character, otherwise when editing area Without
content to return to the higher Ievei menu.
5 Atter writing the text, press [ a ] to choose to send or save.
6 When on the process crediting, user can choose by pressmg the [ a ] key to empty
option to empty all the content ot the editor, quickly return to the higher level menu.
7 Choose the [flora] key to the alias name or ID, and then press [ B] key to select.
Or press [uspending] key to manual dialing, and then press [ B] button. enter your user
i0 and press [ a ] key.
a The screen shows message: < user/group name or ID > cait, sending message are being
9 It the messages sent successfully, issued a prompt sound, and the screen displays text
message has been sent.
Or it the message was not sent, issued a high tone hint sound, and screen displays text
message sent tailure. If message sent failure. radio will return to chance to return to the
retransmission selection screen
Send Quick Text
Two way radio support maximum 50 programming oi prefabricated text messages by the
When a predefined text message, you can edit every message berore you can send each message.
Using the Menu
1. Press [ 9] key to enter the Menu.
2. Press the [flora] key to Messages, and then press [B] key to choose
3. Press [a urn] key to Quick Text, press [B] key to choose
4.Press[u bin] key to the required quick text,press [a] key to choose
5. A flashing cursor appears, using the keyboard to input messages, press [a] key to move
to the iert one, press[fl]button to the right one, when editing area have content ,press
the [El] key to delete any useless character, otherwise when editing area without con-
tent to return to the higher level menu.
6. After writing the text message. press [B] to choose to send or save.
7. it the messages sent successfully, issued a prompt sound, and the screen dispiays text
message has been sent.
Or if the message was not sent, issued a high tone hint sound, and screen displays text
message sent taiiure It message sent taiiure, radio will return to chance to return to the
retransmission selection screen.
8.After Choose send press [a orfl] to the alias or ID, and then press [B] key to choose.
Or press [a pro] key to manuai dialing. and then press [0 k] key choice. Enter the user
aiias or ID, then Press [3]
9 The screen shows message < user/group name or ID > cati, text messages were a being
sent to confirm.
to. If the messages sent successfully, issued a prompt sound, and screen display text
message has been sent Or if the message can't send, send out a high tone hint sound, sc-
reen display message sent failure, lallure if the SMS messages, intercom chance to return
to the retransmission selection screen.
Send Quick Text With A Key
1. Press Preprogrammedsingle bond calls to a predefined alias or ID sends a prefabricated
text messages.
2. The screen displays a text message < user/group name or ID > call, to confirm text me-
ssages were being sent
3 If the messages sent successiuiiy, issued a prompt sound, and the screen display text
message has been sent.
Or if you cannot send text messages, screen display text message sent failure. if message
sent tailure. intercom chance to return to the retransmission selection screen.
Manage The Failed SMS
in retransmission selection screen, you can choose the following options
- Resend,
' Forward,
- Edit
Resendlng message
1 Press [13 l to resend same message to same user/group name or ID
2 If the messages sent successiuiiy, issued a prompt sound, and display messages sent or
if you cannot send text messages, screen display text message sent failure
Resendlng message
1 Press [ a l to resend same message to same user/group name or ID.
2 if the messages sent successfully, issued a prompt sound, and display messages sent or
if you cannot send text messages, screen display text message sent failure.
Forwarding message
Choose to forward message to another User/group name or ID.
1 Press the [o org] key to fonNard, and then press [ a] key choose
2 Press [uorn] to the alias name or in, and then press [ a] key to choose
or press [florfl] key to manual dialing, and then press [ B] button to choose, enter
your user D and press [ 3] key
3 The screen display a text message < user/group name or ID > call, to confirm text mes-
sages were being sent
4. If the messages sent successfully, issued a prompt sound, and the screen display text
message has been sent.
Or ii the message was not sent, issued a high tone hint sound, and screen displays text
message Sent failure
Editing messages
Choosing edit to edit message before you edit.
Note: if you have a subject line (receive text messages from rrom email program). you can‘t
Editing messages
Choosing edit to edit message belore you edit
Note: it you have a subject line (receive text messages trom from email program), you can't
edit the subject line.
i. Press [a org] key lo edit, lhen press [ I3] key to choose
2. A flashing cursor appears, using the keyboard lo input messages, press [ u ] key to
move to the lefl one. press [ a ] button to the right one, when editing area have contenl,
press the [as 1 key to delete any useless character. otherwise when editing area without
content to return to the higher level menu.
3. After writing the text. press [ B ] choose to send or save
4. When in the process or editing. can choose by pressing the [a ] key lo empty option lo
empty all the content oi the edilor, quickly return to the higher level menu
5 Choose arter [uorn] button to send the required alias or ii), and then press [ a] key
to choose
Or press [uorn] key to manual dialing. and then press [I3 1 button. enter your user D
and press [ a ] key
5 Screen displays message < user/group name or in > call, to conlirrn text messages were
being sent
7 If the messages sent successfully. issued a prompt sound. and the screen display text
message has been sent.
Or it the message was not sent. issued a high tone hint sound, and screen displays text
message sent lailure
Manage The Sent SMS
Once a message is sent to another radio. it Will be saved in the "sent items". Send alter se-
nding a text message has always been to “sent items“ at the top of the list. The sent items
folder can store up to 50 recently send text messages. Afler the folder is full. the next send
text messages will automatically replace the earlier messages in this lolder.
Note- at any lime pressing the [ a] key can return lo the prevrous screen
Check the sent messages
Using the menu function
1 Press [a ] button to enter the Menu.
2 Press the [uorn] key lo Messages . and then press [ a 1 key to choose
3 Press [a orn] lo sent ilems. and then press [ a ] key lo choose
4. Press lhe in oral key to the SMS. and then press [ a 1 key choose. lithe message
irom the email program, a subiect lines, will appear in the top right corner or the screen
icon indicates state of SMS
Sending the sent messages
When the View sent messages. you can choose the iollowmg options:
' Resend
' Forward.
’ Edit
I Delete
I. Check the message, press [ B ] key again
2. Press the [a orfl] key to resend, then press [a ] key to choose
3. The screen displays < user/group name or ID > call, confirm that it is preparing to send
the same message to the same target radio
4 ii the messages sent successfuIIy, issued a prompt sound, and lne screen display text
message has been sent.
Or if the message was not sent, issued a high tone hint sound, and screen displays text
message sent failure. If message sent failure, intercom chance to return to the retransmis
sion options screen. Press the [ a I key to send SMS weight to the same user/group name
or ID
Note' Except for Pessing the [a ] , [norn] key, it you change the volume and the pre—
ss any other key, Will return to this message. When you press [PTT] for a single call or group
call, or as a response to the group calling,radio WiII exit exit the retransmission selection
screen. If received text messages or remote sensing remote sensing information. emerge-
ncy call, or Call the police, or call reminder, radio will exit the retransmission selection screen.
If you press [PTT]In response to a single call (in addition to the radio in the show did not
answer the call screen), or at the end 01 all Call, the screen will return to resend selection
screen Press [ 3] key, enter the fonlvardirig, edit, or delete selection screen.
. choose forward, Will choose the SMS sent to speak to other groups/user alias or ID.
. choose to edit, to edit the selected text messages before sending
- Choose delete, delete the selected text.
Note if you screen out SMS messages when send text messages, so radios Will be in the
"sent items" folder for SMS status updates, not the tip or by voice prompt. lfthe messages
in the sent items folder state before update, walkie-talkie pattern changed or blackout, wal-
kiestalkie will not be able lo complete the ongoing message processing. and automatically
start tag to the Icon of failure. This radio can handle 5 text messages at the same time. At
this stage, the radio can‘t send a new message, and automatically start tag Icon to send
Deleting all Sent Messages In the "sent items"
Using the Menu Function
I. Press the [ B] button to enter the Menu.
. Press the [flora] key to Messages, and then press [ 3] key choice.
. Press [flora] to Sent Items. and then press [ 3] key choice.
. Press the [a orfl] key to delete all, and then press [ a I key choice.
.When it appears to delete messages ,press [ a] button, selecl "yes" project has clear
screen display has been sent
Or delete the text, press [flora] to no, and click [ 3] key to return to the previous scr-
een. When you select the "sent items" but not one of them text messages, the screen Will
display the list is empty, if the keyboard is open at this time, will be a low tone hint sound.
Receive SMS
When your radio are receiving SMS, the left of the screen shows the sender alias or ID
ICONS and text messages
When receive text messages, you can choose the lollowlng options
. reading?
. Reading Later
0 delete
Note, when the radio shows tip on the screen, please press (PTT), two way will exit and to
establish a single call or text message screen group cell.
Check the SMS
1 Press the [flora] key to Read, And then press [9 ] key to choose
2 the selected text messages on the inbox opened. it the message is from the email progr-
am, it will appear a subject line.
3 Click [ a ] key to return to your inbcx
Or press [a ] to reply,tnrward or delete messages
Press [corn] key to enter later Vlew or delete selection screen‘
Later, select view screen belore returning to receive messages.
Choose delete, delete receive text messages.
Manage Received SMS
Use your inbox to manage messages. inbox can store up to 50 text messages at Most.
Two way radio supports the lollowing text options
I Reply
- Fonivard
- delete
' Delete all
store the message ln the Inbox In the order 0' recelved tlme .
Note- at any tlrne according to the [ a 1 key can return to the previous screen
Check The Inbox SMS
1 Press theia 1 button to enter the Menu
2. Press the [flora] key to Messages, and then press [B ] key to choose
3. Press [a era] to the inbox. and then press [ B ] key to choose.
4. Press the [uorn] key to check the message. it the messages are from the email We
cgram. lt will appaer a subject llrie.
5 Press the [ a] key to choose the current text, then press [13 ] key again to reply, delete,
or forward this message
Unread messages: , Already read message: @
Reply The Inbox SMS
Use the menu functlcn
t. Press 1 a 1 button to enter the Menu.
2. Press the [flora] key to message, and then press [ I3 1 key to choose
3 Press [flora] to the lnbox, and then press 1 a 1 key to choose
4 Press the [flora] key to the SMS, and then press 1 a 1 key to choose lt the mess-
ages are from the emall program, it will appeara subject line
5. Press again [ B ] button to enter submenu
6. Press [a orn] to reply, and then press 1 a 1 key to choose.
7. Press [a orn] to wrlte messages and then press 1 a 1 key choice. a flashan cursor,
uslng a keyboard edltlng text messages
or press [flora] Key to prefabrlcated text messages, and then press [B ] key to cho-
ose. Choose the mower! message after press [ B ] a flashan cursor, if needed, w1th the
keyboard edltlng your message.
a Afler thng the text, press [ I31 .
9 The screen drsplays message < user/ call group name or 113 >, to contlrm text messages
were belng sent
10. lithe messages sent successfully, issued a prompt sound, and screen dlsplay text me-
ssage has been sent
Or ll you cannot send text messages, screen display text message sent railure. lr message
sent lailure. radio return to the retransmisslon selectlon screen.
Deletlng the lnbox messages
Use the menu function.
1 Press the 1 a 1 button to enter the Menu.
Press the [a org] key to message, and then press 1 a 1 key to choose
Press [uorn] lo the lnoox, and then press [ '31 key to choose
Press the [a orn] key to the SMS, and then press [ 91 key cholce ll the messages
are irom the emall program, it will appaera subject llne
Press agaln [B] button to enter submenu.
Press the [uorn] key to delete. and then press 1 a 1 key to choose
Delete messages. press [flora] key to "yes". then press 1 a 1 key to choose.
Screen appears short message has been deleted
The screen back to lnbox
Deleting ali messages in the inbox
Use the menu Vunctlon
1. Press the [ B] button to enter the Menu.
2. Press the [flora] to the Message, and then press [ B ] key to choose.
3. Press [flora] to the lnbox, and then press [a 1 key to choose.
4. Press the [corn] key to deiete all, and then press 1 a 1 key to choose.
5. When ll appears Deletlng the messages, press [uorn] select yes, and then press
1 a] key to choose
6. Then The screen inbox was empty already.
When you select the "inbox" but not one 0' them text messages, the screen will display the
list is empty, ifthe Keyboard is open at this time, Will be a low tone nint sound.
If you enable this leaturE. which lS beneficial to prevent other users on the channel by using
the method or soflware encryption lor unauthorized eavesdropping. The launch of signaling
and user identification parl unencrypted. Your radio must be enabled on the channel encrr
yption iunction, can send encrypted, even it the receiving transmission is not must request
to do so.
Basic encryption
Two way radio can only be assigned more than one type of encryption. if users Call lor enr
cryplion or decryption of data transmission, must make to be preprogrammed walkie—talkies
and launch radio has the same "encryption keys" (suitable tor basic encryption)
it your radio to receive different encryption keys or key values and key encryption call ID,
you will hear the sound of the transport chaos encryption (basic)
Press the preliminary programming encryption keys on or oft.
Dual Tone MultirFrequency (DTMF) lunctien allows to operate radio when there is interfere
ence in the radio system
To initiate a DTMF call
1 Press and hold [PTTJ key.
2 Enter number you need
You can disable DTMF tone by turning off all radio tone and prompts.
You can activate or kill any radio in the system. For example, you might want to disable a
stolen radio. to prevent thieves use it, and enable it when you get it back.
Note. radio kill or activation is limited to activate the radios With these tunctions.
Radio Disable
Use menu mode
i. Press [ a] key to enter the menu mode.
2. Press [flora] key to Contacts, and then press [ B] key to select, entries are in alp-
habetical order.
3. Press [gorn] key to the required aiias or ID, and press [a 1 key to select.
Or press [0 orfl] key to Manual Dial, then press tWIce [a ] key to enter a user alias
or ID, and press [ B ] key to select.
4. Press [flora] key to radio disable, and then press [ B] key to select.
5. The display shows the radio disable  and the LED indicator light is red.
6. Wait for confirmation.
7. ll successful, emit a beep and the screen displays radio disable successlully
Or ir it iaiis, emit a beep and the screen displays radio tail to disable
During radio disable operation, do not press the [ B ] key, because you Will not get a
confirmation message
Radio Enable
Use menu function:
1 Press [ a] key to enter the menu mode.
2 Press [uorn] key to Contacts, and then press [ a] key to select. entries are in alps
habetlcal order
3 Press [a orn] key to the required alias or lD, and press [ a] key to select
or press [flora] key to Manual Dial. then press twice [ B] key to entera useralias
or ID. and press [ B ] key to select.
4 Press [a orn] key to radio enable. and then press [ a] key to select.
5 The display shows the radio enable: (user alias or lD> and the LED indicator light is red
6 Walttor Confirmation
7 il successtul. emit a beep and the screen displays radio enable successfully
Or it it fails, emit a beep and the screen displays radio fail to enable.
During radio enable operation. do not press the [ B] key. because you will not get a co-
nfirmation message.
Scaning List
Create a scan list and assign to a single channel / taikgroup. your radio can support up to
250 scan lists. each up to its members Each scan list support mixed analog and digital
Channels You can edlt the Scan list to add / delete Channels or Set the prlority channel
Check members of list
1. Use the Channel knob to select a Channel with preaprogrammed scan list,
2. Press the [ a] key to enter the menu mode.
3. Press [uorn] key to scan. and then press the [ a ] key to select:
4 Press [norm key to Viewlist the list. and then press the [ a] button to select;
5. Use [flora] key to see members ot list.
If you set the priority. the priority icon is displayed in the left of member alias. indicating that
the member is the Priority or Priority channel, it the priority is set to , no priority
in a scan list, you can not have more than one Priority or Priority channel.
Scanning Instruction
When scanning, your radio can View it there is a Voice activity in Current Channel through
circulating pre-programrned scan list. LED lights tlashing tor a red light. and the scan icon
appears on the screen.
When scanning in dual mode, iryou're in a digital channel and your radio locking an analog
channel. radio will switch automatically from digital mocie to analog mocie throughout the

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