Taiyo Edge 2481-27TX RC Car User Manual
Taiyo Edge (HK) Limited RC Car
User Manual
memfionaumerm. Wemmeo-ubtynul DO NOT RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE STORE! I.“ on: flick ‘Dlflllo.’ It WWW-hiw-ooan E-en‘ “Mu-magmas"- TDLL-FREE CONCUMER HELPLINE 1-aee-e-enee-nc (1-306-433-4373) OWNER'S MANUAL SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENGE. THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Importantl Pleeee read your Owner’s Manual all the way through before operating your vehicle. Safety First - Adult aupervlelon I: recommended. - Drive your vehicle In a tale area away tram people, pate, care, etc. Not In meets, In or nearwatar, or In darkneeel ' Don't touch or try to pick up vehicle when it la in motion. Wait until It nope completely. Never pick up by the wheels. - Keep halr, fingers, lace and Iooee alarming away from wheala while the vehicle la switched on or while the trenemitter is operating. - Be a reeponeible RIC Timer” operatorl DO NOT RUN VEIIGLE IN WATER on RAIN—WARRANTY WIIJ. DE VDDED Batteries anal Charger Requlreal L 9.6~Volt Rechargeable NICd Battery Pack (not included). 2. Matching Battery Charger (not Included). (Adult supervision cf recharging is recommended) 3. One s-Velt Alkaline Betteryfer Tranemittar required, nut included (net rechargeable). IMPORTANT BATTERV SAFE'I'V INFORMATION BATTERY CAUTIONS - Maine sure the batteries are Inaerted with the correct polarity and follow the toy and battery manufacturera' Inatructlone. - Do not mix old and new batteriee. ' Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-line), or rechargeable (nidueI-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride) batteries, or different types of rechargeable batteriea. - Remuve weal: or exhauated batteries from the product. Remove batteries from preduct when net In uee. ADDITIONAL IMPORTANT BATTERY SAFETY INFORMATION - An adult should help with battery replacement. - Only batteries of the eame or equivalent type aa recommended In the “Battery Inttallatlnn" (or replacement) Ina‘tructlena are to be need. - Non-rechargeable betterlea are nottp be recharged. . If remwable rechargeable batterlee are need, they are only to be charged under adult supervision. - Rechargeable banariee are to be removed from the product befure they are charged. - ifyou uaa a battery merger, it should be examined regulariy for damage to the cord, plug, encloeure and other parts. Do not uae a damaged battery charger until it hae been properly repaired. - Diepoae of batteriea eefaly and properly. - Do not short-circuit battery terminals NOTE: IICKEI. CADMIUM Mm“ MUST BE RECYCLED OR Dim OF PROPER]. Contact your local area office of wild waste management or other appropriate local agency fer Intonation. Nl-Cd SAFE" "MICE T0 ADULTS i. This product lhould be uaad under adult auparviaiun. 2. Regularly examine charger and battery pack fur damage, Including plugs, casings and all mhar peril. if damned, do not use. 3. Not a toy—not intended lerchlldran under 3 year: old. Handling RIG Tuner" DO NOT PICK VEHICLE UP RV THE BODY. LIGHTWEIGHT. FIEXIILE RAOING BODY IS NOT DESIGNED AS A CARI“ HANDLE. Always pick up and hold your vehicle from the chassis back as shown. or from the front and back underside with both hands. Keep hair, hands, fingers, face and loose clothing away from wheels while the vehicle is switched on or while the transmitter is operating. Never pick up by the wheels. (Fig. 1) Transmitter Battier-y“ cwsfialllatier. 1. Slide open BATTERY DOOR on bottom of TRANSMITTER. (Fig. 7) 2. Insert e fresh, new S-VOLT ALKALINE BATTERY In the direction shown on the bottom of battery compartment. (Fig. 8) 8. Hold battery in place with thumb and replace BATTERY DOOR. I. Check for tranamitter operation by looking for the red TOWER ON‘ LIGHT on fromto light when steering wheel it turned of trigger ia moved. if LIGHT does not come on. check battery polarity. If LIGHT etIIl doee not light, lnetall a brand-new battery. Transmitter watermark 1. TRIGGER control: POWER. Squeeze trigger to go forward. Releeee to cont. Pueh outward to brake or go in reverse. "PULSE" THE TRIGGER (RAPID mmLEASE-SOIEEZE- RELEASE) FOR SLCVWER “E“ AND BETTER MAEUVERAIILITY. 2. WHEEL ie STEERING. Turn to left to turn lefl. releaae to go etrelght, to rightto go right. ANTENNA —> Maire aure antenna in wowed In tightly. Extend fully and hold tranemltter an antenna STEERING WHEEL point: atreight up in the air. Don't touch during operation. TOWER DN' LIGHT Note: There is no onloi’f with on trenamltter. Moving the controie turna it on. It turn: off when the controls are released to serve battery power. ‘ O I \TRIGGER mfimfim m , z'rJ' ‘I‘rlm 00am: if vehicle eteere to one aide when you , a, release the steering wheel. move TRIM 4 CONTROL on bottom of vehicle elightly in v “n the opposite direction to correct. (Fig. 9) Teat (with the vehicle driving away from you) and readjust if needed. RIC Tanner Tips 1. In order to race or operate two vehicles together, one must be Z7MH1 and one must be 49MHL Belora you run two RIC vehiclae together, ohecitto make sure you have one of each frequency. 2. For better handing and ahatper Mme, 'P|lee' tirelrigger (replay “Wuhan-queue) to redraw the mount of power to the wheel; RIG Facts for Improved Operation I. When battery start to fully dlacharge, vehicle may elow, atop, or Mule to respond to your control. it‘s time to recharge vehicle battery or replace trenamltter battery. Thla la abeolutely the at panes of all probleme end queetlonai 2. Radio frequency Interference can Interlere with the control of your vehicle. Bulldlnge, power wires, other RIC trenemlttera, or CE redlo can all ceuee problema. Pick a piece to drive that's away from these things. 3. Fully extend antenna and maize cure it in acrewed in tightly. Hold Tranemltter eo antenna points up, not toward the vehicle. Keep vehicle within range (about 50 feet) to lteap control. if vehicle gone out of range, try lifting transmitter high Into elrto inoreeae range lor vehicle recovery. 4. Wipe vehicle clean and dry alter each uae, Including inside battery compartments. 5. Tom vehicle power awltch oll Immediately after running. Remove betteriee efter uee and for etorlng. Keep vehicle and Trenemltter away from heat and direct eunlight and molatura. a. Do not run vehicle In water or rain. AUTO SHUTDOWN RIC Tuner has electronic protection circuitry that may ahut it or" during operation. Juat releaae the controls for a few eeconde to reset. MWEK’Y GNERGING, INSTRUCTIONS mmmmmmmmnwmmmnflemmou mmmwmmmmlmmmmummmmm mmumss,mmsmmnuum, mam Down ~ coon Dovnl- — Gin-roe Up Mum-ll-fimmumhmmnmmmmpfldmmmhfinmmun nnfllvehldeMndmnmw-mmHmmmnmmummufidfih mmmmafiwmhmmmmfimmmmm.w mmMflw-humm.) ZMMW'p-thwdbdmndum ervHe-t 1.Warm-MudThhlcmnmlmutbewmlwmulflbnmylwod(lamina-mummified) dellmlmlmmmmnmeymhmwlllmemyredmmenunbemfllnnlll-yunh reel-M LmMmWymmlb-umfliuml, “cm-n- Iflflmm mmmmmnm-wwm Lemma-mmmmwm-mmugnm alledlmwdwwwlllfigmmmennmiamenummflme‘uwmimuylm. L Unplw chlwlmnfllll mlhmmflehlmhg. IMPORTANT: an“, “WET”. ”I, “11“ """"'“"'"‘°"""‘ new HECHAHGABLE BATTERIES GI 1. am mum. m. mm m Umlw the mm me well n m em! a! m. mum-fled delving tImI. "559 SEVERAL CHARGE/”3M 1 Nice hon-Nude m not uh lhllm mmflny lo.- I" "mm-1mm, mar-dually, ml mm m1! CYCLES T0 DELlVEII MAXIMUM mpwym m: llawlnq down home: mm.,m nun mmhthIs |l "mull. Inn lawn in wind, POWER AND LON-EST RUNNING mum ”mm“, ynn need in wt Ila Mun heuk Wm- lm haulv mm mm om. TIMES. A FRESHLV CHARGED ' ”M" ' BATTERY (STILL WARM) WILL l.Mummypedunlllheld!Metalwuhwvllmflnbmwmhmommmwmemmn betray-Mot nlnmunemwhmywmw uullorqlnllnlgm DENVER THE LONGEST B. lt'lbmm alum-termini! l mum muhmmhm ovum-Mm u penhl bmymme. RUNNING TIME. twnmyourbmwpldt‘:millingllmomehmwdmmmkWthcb—wfi-mdhmmd need- m be upload. ALWAYS REMOVE BATTERY PACK FROM VEHICLE AFTER USE. DO NOT STORE BATI'EHY PACK IN VEHICLE. Battery Installation 1. Push HANDLE on BATTERY LID flymlv mm: from of vehlele m unluuk. (Fla. 2) ‘ 2. Hit off BATTERY DOOR. (Fin. 3) . 3. Slide freshly charged BATTERY PACK Imn BATTERY ’ ‘ ' COMPARTMENT. 4. Plug BATTERY PLUG Into VEHICLE JACK es nhown end place PLUG/JACKIWIRE so they're out of the way when you replace the LID, (Fla. 4) 5. Replace BATTERY LID TABS inm SLOTS nearest from of vehicle. aner LID into place (Fig. 5) 6. Pull HANDLE on BATTERY LID firmly Ward: back of vehlcle to lock. Push herd until you hear a click and feel the U0 lock Into plies (Fig. 6) Troubleslmnlinn Guide _ Don‘t tab your RIC Tuner" beokto the etore—hy aolvinn problems using thin valuable guide. Vehicle rune dually. orwon‘t move, or won‘t mer ' Nehem- vlhld. binary. - Repleoe trenemltter battery. - Remove and repleco bemtiel. making eon battery direction (polaritv. +/-) In con-ea and heitery compartment content, plug end moire: en eieen. - Turn on Power twitch. - Roch-ma 81V beoery peck end/or npleoe w alkaline battery in wen-miner. - Fully tighten and extend antenna end point up In the llr. not e! veliide. Don‘t touch antenna. ~ Move to another iocetion -Tiim power-witch ofi IMMEDIATELY, remove hetteiy peck, dry in! mi out with oleen M doth Ind ellowto dry overniqhtwith bmry door open. - Avoid wet eurieoee. puddiee, rlln end anew - omen-e ineteled limrreetly ~ Leon battery cennealon -P¢merewitoiileoff ' Week Tl‘llilmimr hm 0 Week Vehicle hmry - Redio Interference Erretic operetlon, Ioee of control, that mine ' er In battery. eleflronioe, motor lieu mr poirigthrouun weter, mud or enow DO NOT HUN VEHICLE IN WATER DR RAIN— WARRANTV WILL E VOIDEIJ Reduced merino performance, - Too much power ' Pulu tile trim-rte apply Ieee power eplnoute or tlpeven may I-lfll'l'ln “W 0" TEAM ml. me “I'll“! AND MUMI'I'IIII VALID I" II... All) mm ONLY “1“. m “I, I!” mu- ‘I'Hl Wm um Taem Edge Ltd. On. warrenteto the original Us. or canedien retell puroiiaeer of it! radio control vehicle and treneinllter that the product in free irom detect: In meteriele and worlvnenehlp for the period of ninety can) deye enerthe dete of mail purcneee. WHAT “I “ll-I. no Ve will repair or replace the product, at our option, at our coneumer eenrice center If e defect ie diecwered during the warranty period. eublectto verification ofthe defect or metiunatlen end the date of porch-u. Thin in our Mia and axduelve liability to you. now TO GIT “ll-P Allow ueto help you. Pleeee do not return the product to the store where n wee purcheeed. We went to eetlety you whenever you buy a Team Edge product. 1) Log on to the ltmrnet to wwaeamedgmoom and oliolton “Help“ for ln’ormetion on how to solve your problem end/or obi-in anrv‘ioe. 2) Send an e-mali to 'lielp0teemedue.oom,' viving the neme otthe toy and briefly deecriblnp the problem, to pet Inionnetlon on eolvlng the problem endlnr obtaining eon/loo. 3) Call our toll-me Hehllnl number 1MDGE-RC (1-308—433-4372) in the US. or Canada only forfut help lridlorinforrnetion on obteinl urvioe. Moot robiemeoen becolved main iul m to CIT m anemic: lithe product requiree wart-my eenlioe, CONTACT us EV PHONE OR E-MAIL FIRST. NO PRODUCT SHOULD BE RETURNED TO US WITHOUT AUTHORIZA'HON. Ve will notbe nepomlble for product: ntumed withoutemhorlutlon. Upon receiving euthoriretlon lrom ue, peck the product carefully and eend it pompe prepaid to the eddreee below. Enoloee your name, eddreee. telephone number. e brief deeorlptlon oithe onion, a copy of your defied ulee receipt with the puroheee price circled, end the dot. of ninitormtlon. WI recommend you Imute tlil Emil for it: full null value. We will return the Ermine! to Eu m2 prepaid. m1". nor mm This worrenty done not appiyte defect: arielng irom aimee, eiteratlon or unrenoneble one ofthe product. or my claim arlelnp from worn, deleflive or leeklnp batteriee. Any epplleeble Implied werrenty. Including werrentiee of merchanubilltv end mneee ior e particular purpoee, ere hen-by limited to 90 deye from the dete pt porch-eel Cotieeguentiel, Incident-I or confluent fimu reeulttu from e breech of la eggiiceble expre- or Implied werremlu eie excluded. WU. “one. atom nil Werrenty give- you memo rlphte, which mey very from nets to etetet Some me do not allmu Ilmitetiane on how long en Implied werrentv int: or the excluelon or limitation of ooneeqiientlei, Incidental or contingent damnpee, eo depending on when you live, the above Ilmltetlcne end mlueipne may not epplytn you. TEAM em: 175.011, no. BOX 1471! HEW snevnnm ISAC“, Fl. 32170 UM comm! WITH FOG HIGULATION. THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF FCC RULES. DPERKHON OF THIS DEVICE IS SUBJECT TO TI" FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIQNS: (1) THIS DEVICE MAV NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENE. (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPTANY HARMFUL INTERFERENE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIHED OPERA'HON. Thin device genefetee end new radio irequency energy end If not need properly may ceuee interference to radio end television reception it hee been taated and found to comply with the limit at by the FCC, which are designed to provide reaeenebie protection eglinet loch lmerferenoet CAUTION: FCC Regulation! Item that channel or modifications to this product not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could gigging ugh authority to operate the equipment. i N NINA ozone »200l1hm Edge Ltd. on, no. no: um, um Smyma mm, rLszim, usn. All mama Renewed. use and Foieipn rut-nu Pending. mam epeoiilutionl tunjeaw champ. Product may dlfierirorn Illimretione ”W’s
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Creator : HP 9100C Digital Sender Create Date : 2004:07:22 14:07:22 Author : ITS ELECTRIC TOY Producer : Title : Subject : manual Modify Date : 2004:07:22 14:36:58+08:00 Page Count : 4EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools