Takex America MW-100 24 GHz Microwave Sensor User Manual
Takex America, Inc. 24 GHz Microwave Sensor
User Manual
TAKEX MICROWAVE SENSOR , MW-fovA e Manual We appreciate your purchase of the TAKEX mimwsve sensor. This sensor will pmvide long and dependable service when pmperly installed. Please read this instruttinn manual rarel'ully for correct and efieclive use. please note : This senaor is designed tn detect intrusion and to initiate an alarm; it is not a burglary or or crime preventing deviw. TAKEX is not respnnsible for damage, injury or loss caused by accident, theft. Add or God (including inductive by Iightnin surges), ahuse, misuse, uhnormal usage faulty installation or improper maintenance. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This Product consists at a transmitter which sends 24.|SGH1 ot microwave and a receiver which receives the beam. It will inmate an alarm signal when the receiver detects a drop in the beam rneeptiorr level due to interruption or objects interrupt between the transmitter and receiver. Compared to a photoelectric beam. the wavelength oi microwaves is extremely long, which prwent the sensor trorn being allected by weather such as torrential rainlall, snoMall. log or (rest especially during cold winters. Stable detection peflorrnanoe is possible. 3 l I nci , - MW ' . Two type a venue as MW “fiend mare available n. 1 PARTS DESCRIPTION C 70 it "drum 2 CAUTIONS ON INSTALLATION ......l!l:4.°y1nli... animator-m onm (ptxso) 5 mm wet: 1M4x20) 4 | 1) DO'S AND DON'TS l Do nnt inn-ll the unit at hoes whom it. may be blocked Ky bhtunlna limb in hen. 0 Do nut. inuutl Lhe iuut - Itreet side at in purliing lots where many are my pan by. lnsullntion munl be at an, (1.5m) own from the nummobiles trn Ill. ill "0-4‘ 0 Du nut inn...“ the unit. on nnmdy lurflnel. lfiil 2 mm) ownen initulling the unit ulrmg the side of. huiidmg or (error. inmllnu'on mull he It lam zrt. (50m) my rrnui uid cnrutrud-iuru. 3) Check the environment at the Installation site The micmwnves are nfl'ected by electric waves reflected from buildings, fences. and nr the ground, 2) Height of Installation lnuuu the unit it . height or 39“ um). mund to outer of microwave sensor. to detect humnn hei'ng wullting or running through the beam ~ Jiftsmwd’m) The pmtection distance shuuld be between 3.3fl. (1m) and IESR. 150ml 0 Do not stack the sensors vertieilly. The heum reception level or the microwaves depends on how the unit. is installed in the area, especially by the height nt‘installatinnr Find the position (height) ofthe sensor for tmnsrnitter and receiver respenctively where the maximum signal reception level can he nbtained before the final. I) Instaflafion example OPefimeter pmtedion WhmtwommmmmMmfiqumdcsflandl-ltypa)shmxldheusedinntder ”Dnnmiqahllthehnnnhurlnd m avoid cross talk or inm-tmnce. Refer m the following mmple. ‘ ‘m ranch/ex n - um earner. . Mam-5m saw with the sum: QLmeav protection frummfy an he med hr um case. B typeshnuldheusedfurmmmwhm'flu “11131anpr Tm 330 (m) RE| 1m 317 m, “as (um) ) S 330 m, TR2 (H type) (I. ma) |'~I65' (czar-5m) oDonntmdiflmntfieqmcieflHmdLfinadetecfimlint. Uulpirnfumfivqwmy:mfl)mdmm0RTRlL)-ndML). momma fins-nuts vertically. Wiring mwmummmmmmmmnmm “Mew-mum amhowmmmmu: mmmwmmnm nap-films. (112) A A TR RE v v quirk-gm TH RE HE “(R 5.de AVG n (ma. 0.0mm) AVG 15 (HI, 1.0mm) AVG 17 (m. 1.1mm) AVG 18 m. Lflmln) AWG IS (Din. 1.4mm) AWG H (Din. 145mm) ' Noun!) Mfimm-mc-vow mmmwnLh-Me valudividodbyfihennmheroflm. z) ‘l‘b‘lipnllineanbewindlnu u ulm1mm) manuamflmom) umxssam (51mm) winchm(mo.8mm)uept-m quzummoom) I win. Up a moon. (soon) Up in mom (400m) 11 ‘ u lawn. (650m) u! m mm (100m) Up a: 297m. (900m) Up in 951m. (mom) PMYZNWDC (WY) Mum DvywrlnflmlayFomlC m sovuaoclns 7mm Drywmqmnnc. l)Dehchfil¢senmrmerwithn 2)Dehchfihzmounfingphum mew drivur, loosen 2 m! that fix sensnr body in the mounting plm 3) Wall mount 4) Pale mount (DMxkehnluindlewlll, U > a. I m nplace the mounfingzplm the wall as s lemma-e [ordrillirlg (ng‘l'mfi: ”is; We and mark the uch bola, (Allow 3 space of 1- (25mm) m “r die n - above and Iielaw the plate. “P ‘m P I” ~ This will pnwide easy detachment affine cave! nflm installation) ‘ “fa-"um- "m"? ®lmummflwpolfi l \ W” ommummuwlemdfixmmmfingphu i withm u {I} -mmgmmwymuzmnfingpme. ' ED oConned nu mink. 3 ‘ ES)I “m" mmzbemmlpulemm mm the knocknuu on the me: and ”mum MM” pnlewvammmwpok'udimnld mum" in "1L configunlm.) Cmamwlllzhfirinrpedfinfiomnfhmfiufln‘nnd. Wmdflnwlll:3mdilmetar. ®lnlhllflnunmn Olmmhppingmmlsmmundulhemwhud. olmuuuumnwpuummmlmaymuuu wireflmm‘hiL 5)Pnlemmnfin¢bnckmbu.k. awaken-vellum mthflfl..mcmwpnf oduernng‘ appm'u ammmmi-mp-fibhwith-winolfalz'uam) 2:4“; to jolu'(§6nm)ou'a dimi. (5, “1mm, Wham imamm w ¢o.24' ( ifimhmier din. illuedmutnfldwdmhd / Q Q immummm ufingplianunhelih. Thmunuulkingh pmmtimmfivm mufinginmnnil. v BEAM ALIGNMENT 1) Supply power with own! ofl‘. 2)Lmkfllrwghfluviewfmderonmmnamitmunitmdmnveit until the receiver unit in visiblg. [input Ch: pmcedm on flu mam uniL a) Set an “final-men! mode swiuzh on the neeiver u: 545m: mnde'. Cmmthcdigimvdtmmmflwmmiwrjucklnddmfiu minim: output voltage (bum mupfim level). when file wtputwlhp i510",ldj|ln the instillation malt omie umminu Ind receiver in um fin output voltage will with mm higlm leveL (Make um am the muzzle uldu autumn elm not change.) 4) After minimal-c, mix. sure um um "iii-mime switch is m in "Opsrnirm mode". 3 SET-UP OF FUNCTIONS AND 4 OPERATION CHECK Ana the intuit-(ion ml m mu: in finished, an operation by performing . walking um. dim; w-lk Ming nu bum. Two methods may he med. umwmmm. 2)Cweckbybommenhrml£l>amlwmolpaul {R/ “W“ 2.1V or man LBVW 2.1V 1.8V or less ©Ami- ndjutmeng m the adjustment mode swi'ch to "Operation mode“, 5 FUNCTIONS DESCRIPTION 7 SPECIFICA TION 1. Adius1menl mode switch m” “4 "e 5m“ W’th 1111. w. pad 111.41 I V $ 11.11.11 Q Mw-Im 1 am ,1 1 y o . . 11.11 11.11.11 mew.“ level 111 11111. $11.11... 1mm... 11.11.1111.» I6 51115111) mummy...) When 1113111“ the beam, 111m me GI _ Max. miv-ldim-wa Approx-um (200m) swimhto 1.11. "11.51.1111... mode". MW“ mm... - ( (L) 2“le 1 (111 24.17GH1 _ R “m Detufim synem Microwave 2. Response time adlusmem mm Response 1.1111. 0.0491. 1.1 03m (Variable using POT) volume Dry wntut relay 1111111111 10 NO. I N.c. COM. Alarm 11g1u1 Contact mi... : 1111.1111p1im Hm output _ 11m) 0.1mm capacity : 30V (AC/DC) 0.511 111 1.1.1 (“0 Supply 1.11114; 12 1.1 aov DC H . . . wan-A esponsnlms . 11mm. Respomefine . 0.31.11; Pwflmpfim “Panning-5011“ . ‘Rcmfivex : 501m , Dry 1mm output N.C. “NW-18“! mquanv mmomnuimmp Mm. LED 01mm) Red LED 11111111", .1 111-1111 . a LED 11 1 11-1111... 1. nun-1mm mar-wav- mm“) m m 111: "M m M...- 111.1111... nutpug Adjmmm mode "11.1. TROUBLESHOOTING W “‘"’“‘"""”" 11.11,- "N Anna-m w 11. 11111 PC rm firm 8 EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS “Din-mt aim-mum...- {cw-u. / Baht 11mm 1-1u..11.m l. N m 1 lb m tin-mm; 3.Mickuvailnlhfladlfl “numb-win wh-Hh-bnm mmwunliflm «mm-M, 1. 11.1.1... 11... 1.1.1... 1. a...- 11. 1.1... h mums-n 13“ 1. an'u'uvplynflh 1 Mum-m cmummrm) R . m n th- mm: m“- w 2. Angl- mt d 2. Hull Ind: 11.11. 11... “I,“ 1111.11.11... .1111 m 1. ml nwmprinu. “M ‘W” :. 011.1..1- m... s 11.1...» ml... 1. Bldwirin‘mnutfim LCM-pm 2. cm... pfnpp1, v1.11... 2. sum... mpply 3,5h-dingnbjeanbetwunm: 3,Rawv=nlqiea1.hn m‘m‘ “11.1111“ Ind m .-..11.1.1¢ 111. 111.11. m tuna-mm...“ Achangalhephcenl ml. u pan.- min. 1. inn-union 111g... a... 111. mm. ind we 5. lnnnflnh'm wt, 5. MM mum-«inn uiu or and: uliumml' 1. mum-1. 9 SPECIAL NOTES “mu-WM... mlinmlM-ndundinmd‘nuwflhlheinm mammfidhmhufinm Thileqniymthllmmflwnmw-fihmfilfihhlmlfifldfldfl, mlhpmlS-{thmfinlflnmfinibmwh mmmmmmmmhfim mmmzmu, madmrfiqurflhfiqumqmugtud, 11 However, Me‘ 1. an manu- that 111mm... w.111.11111cm111.p.m111.n11.z.11.w11"mamamzaouummmmmemwwm -111.11u1.11.11.1...11.1.1111,111111111,1.11. eqlfipmmlnfilndmflumhwmmwmhhmwmwmfihlwm. 41.1.1... 1. “huh m. "emu-111m... —Innun 1.11. 11mm. diflemlhnmlhwhichthzmilmn-fld. -c.1.1.111m1.dn1.fw.nu “111111113111...“ 11. mam-zap... 1mm” Ippzvvd 11, 111. my v-pmnihle r... mplnm 11.1111 vu'd 1h. 1am "1111.11.11 1.1mm. 1.11. quipmm unm-a war-my. wan-i lladneém.—&-mealhaquipmmtinhankatwtfinuil painmEmUTVudmidanhhdp. “mpmdmmmmdMump1yhumhM1w-fimuhiphu-nmmmfimmwufiu. Ourwnmnlydnamwdmgeormlun umbydeuL-Mu, 1111.11....11.1.1m.11-¢., bullyinstall-Rim,impnpzrmmumywpmmmfimwwddbyTAliianEd-mmwim 1am mum 111.1131“, 1.19mi vlrnnliu mac-mummy fur 1111—1.“ 1111.11.11 1.1 111.1...“ 1.1 11 mu- the-kind 1111”... 11.1._ 11.1.1" 1... 111mm, 11.11.11, TAKmhlill“plum-“flux,lliunleqnimubfinfahnnnyddetfiveplmlhnmdduinudmhpmuelhemddnumbudnypmmmthnfip‘nldnu of-MpmundManfmdmmywuq-mM-muwMhpdmwmmMm-mmypuun—mm @ TAKENAKA ENGINEERING CO., LTD. 1111.11.11 humus mum-h 111111.ch Tim Elwin-wing CLIM- Tlluxm.‘ 7mm Inf. Tami": Ylku Envoy-LN. “‘ WWW-o wumwwnmjwn wmsG-mmauam Wuhzvsolngm Yunnan-meqmnwmnm “Mm-k... “1111160741“..an MOAWJSA ammuni- MWW 1-1-1911... Wuhan aEE.u K. 1's! !1- 75- 5016651 Yd non—717mm Tl! W Macaw Yd (044,0156475555 F 5145591115 Fu:l00-m|1w Fn.mvisl7&d50 Ti chasm“ Fn («41mm 11119, mummmqp muzIIm.u11...m W.flm.mm mv‘ Ex 7 E 12 w s, 12. 9" (307mm) D/MFMS/Ofl/n ¢I.SO"~¢L77' 45m) (¢3flm~¢ Haunting hole
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