Technology Solutions 1134 1134 LF RFID READER User Manual 1134 LF Reader User Guide
Technology Solutions (UK) Ltd 1134 LF RFID READER 1134 LF Reader User Guide
1134 LF Reader User Guide
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1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 4
2 Parts of the 1134 LF Reader .............................................................................................. 4
3 Attaching to an MC55/65 .................................................................................................... 5
4 Detaching from an MC55/65 .............................................................................................. 6
6 Charge and ActiveSync Connection .................................................................................. 7
7 Reading Transponders ....................................................................................................... 8
8 Status LED ......................................................................................................................... 9
9 Software ........................................................................................................................... 10
9.1 Driver installation ....................................................................................................... 10
9.2 Reader Demonstration .............................................................................................. 10
9.3 SmartWedge RFID application .................................................................................. 11
9.4 LF RFID Configuration .............................................................................................. 11
9.5 Software support for the 1134 LF RFID reader ......................................................... 11
9.5.1 Low level command set ..................................................................................... 11
9.5.2 API ..................................................................................................................... 11
9.6 Power management with the 1134 LF RFID reader ................................................. 11
10 Troubleshooting and Maintenance ............................................................................... 12
10.1 Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 12
10.2 Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................... 12
11 Regulatory information .................................................................................................. 14
11.1 Information to the user - FCC ................................................................................ 14
11.2 Information to the user – Industry Canada ............................................................ 14
12 Technical specifications ................................................................................................ 15
12.1 Summary of specifications..................................................................................... 15
13 Health and Safety Recommendations .......................................................................... 17
14 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) .................................................... 18
15 Warranty ....................................................................................................................... 18
6th July 2011
Document Creation
25th November
Update to regulatory and specifications
6th December
Update to regulatory
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1 Introduction
Technology Solutions’ 1134 LF Reader provides the Motorola MC55/65 with LF Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) functionality. The unit attaches as a snap on to the MC55/65.
The mechanical design of the unit allows it to be quickly and easily removed.
The 1134 LF Reader is powered from the host terminal.
2 Parts of the 1134 LF Reader
Figure 1: Parts of the 1134 LF Reader
Fixing clip
ActiveSync / Charge
Status LED
MC55/65 mating connector
Antenna located
on back of unit.
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3 Attaching to an MC55/65
Figure 2: Attaching to an MC55/65
Fixing Clip
1. Align the slots on the side of the terminal with
the guides on the fixing clips of the 1134 LF
2. Slide the 1134 LF Reader on to the
terminal ensuring the alignment pillar
aligns with the holes in the bottom of the
terminal. The 1134 will click as it
Alignment pillar
3. Slide the fixing clip latch up to lock the
1134 LF Reader on to the terminal.
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4 Detaching from an MC55/65
Figure 3: Detaching from an MC55/65
1. Make sure the fixing clip latches
have been moved down.
2. Pull the 1134 LF Reader off the
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6 Charge and ActiveSync Connection
The 1134 LF Reader is designed to fit into a standard MC55/65 desktop charge cradle or
cradle cup. When docked into a cradle power is passed through the 1134 so that the host
terminal can charge.
When docked and an external USB host is connected, the USB connection from the host
terminal is disconnected from the RFID reader and passed straight through to the connector
on the bottom of the 1134. This allows an ActiveSync connection to the host terminal but
prevents simultaneous ActiveSync and RFID operation. Only ActiveSync connections
(external host) are possible. There is no support of USB connection where the terminal is the
host (for example USB memory sticks) through the 1134.
If ActiveSync is required for software development and debug purposes it is recommended
that ActiveSync over Bluetooth is configured. Instructions for doing this are provided in a
separate document ‘Bluetooth ActiveSync on Motorola Terminals’ included on the Explorer Kit
and Software Development Kit CDs and can also be downloaded from
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7 Reading Transponders
RFID transponders can be read when they are in range of the antenna. The antenna is
located under the back cover of the 1134 LF RFID reader. The range at which a transponder
can be read depends on the transponder type and size. Larger transponders can be read
further away from the antenna. In many cases it will be possible to read transponders in front
and to the side of the 1134 LF RFID reader. For best performance the transponder must be
orientated correctly with the antenna. For disk and card shaped transponders this means that
the transponder should be parallel to the back cover. For rod style transponders the
transponder should have its long axis at right angles to the back cover. The photographs in
Figure 4 show examples of optimum transponder orientation:
Figure 4: Antenna location and read direction
Antenna located behind
this cover.
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8 Status LED
The status LED on the front of the 1134 LF Reader provides an indication of the operating
status of the 1134 LF Reader.
LED colour
Green flash
The previous command was successfully
received and processed by the reader.
A transponder was read.
Red flash
The previous command was not successfully
processed by the reader.
Note that custom configuration of the 1134 LF RFID reader may prevent it from operating as
described above.
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9 Software
9.1 Driver installation
The drivers required for the 1134 LF Reader may be deployed as part of the installation of a
custom application. Otherwise they can be deployed by copying ‘RFID Reader Driver.CAB’ to
the host terminal and running it. When prompted, choose ‘Device’ as the destination to install
the drivers to.
RFID Reader Driver.CAB is included on the Explorer Kit and Software Development Kit CDs
and can also be downloaded from
9.2 Reader Demonstration
Technology Solutions provide a demonstration application which can be used to explore the
functionality of the 1134 LF Reader and test the read range for a particular transponder. This
application and full instructions are available for download from the Technology Solutions
website at
An example screenshot of the Demonstration software is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 : Demonstration software
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9.3 SmartWedge RFID application
A Wedge application has been developed for use with the 1134 and other Technology
Solutions RFID readers. This activates the RFID reader whilst any of the yellow scan buttons
are held down. Any transponder serial numbers that are read are sent out as though they had
been typed on the keypad to whichever application has focus.
Instructions for installing and using the Wedge application are provided separately from the
Technology Solutions website at .
9.4 LF RFID Configuration
A Configuration application has been developed for use with the 1134 and other Technology
Solutions RFID readers. This allows common operating parameters to be changed and
Instructions for installing and using the Configuration Application are provided separately from
the Technology Solutions website at .
9.5 Software support for the 1134 LF RFID reader
To make full use of the functionality of the LF RFID reader, a customised software application
will be required. Technology Solutions support two approaches to this; direct communication
with the reader using the low level command set or the use of an API to simplify application
9.5.1 Low level command set
The Low level command set supports two modes; ASCII and binary. ASCII mode is typically
used for simple applications, for example collecting transponder unique identifiers (UIDs). The
binary protocol is more suited where complex interaction with transponders is required.
The command set format and content is described in the document ‘LF RFID Command
Protocol.pdf’ which is available for download from the Technology Solutions website at .
9.5.2 API
An API is provided for use with the LF RFID reader. This can be downloaded from the
Technology Solutions website at .
A document is provided as part of the .zip folder which introduces the API. The RFID API is
provided with Microsoft style compiled HTML help (.chm) and an intelli-sense file for general
reference to the API. A sample application is also provided which demonstrates the use of the
9.6 Power management with the 1134 LF RFID reader
All power for the LF RFID is drawn from the host terminal. Maximum operating time is
therefore obtained by managing the operation of the RFID reader optimally.
The LF RFID reader has three operating modes; continuous read mode, idle mode and
standby mode. The reader is switched between read mode and idle modes by software
commands, documented in the Low level command set. The reader is set into standby mode
when the virtual COM port is closed. The reader remains in standby mode for as long as the
USB is active on the host terminal.
The recommended power saving method is to close the serial port when the reader is not
being used. Idle mode does not provide much power saving and the time taken to exit Idle
mode is not much shorter than that from the serial port being opened. Any application using
the 1134 LF RFID reader should therefore only open the COM port when an RFID transaction
is to be performed. This is the approach taken with the Demonstration application and with
SmartWedge RFID.
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10 Troubleshooting and Maintenance
10.1 Maintenance
For trouble-free service treat the 1134 LF Reader in the same way as you would the MC55/65
and observe the following tips when using the 1134 LF Reader:
+ Do not store or use the 1134 LF Reader in any location that is dusty, damp, or wet.
+ Protect the 1134 LF Reader from temperature extremes. Do not leave it on the
dashboard of a car on a hot day, and keep it away from heat sources.
10.2 Troubleshooting
Possible Cause
The Application on the
MC55/65 cannot
communicate with the 1134
LF Reader.
The MC55/65 is not firmly
seated into the 1134 LF
Remove and re-insert the
MC55/65 from the 1134 LF
Reader, ensuring it is firmly
The port has not been
Check that the Application
has been configured to use
the correct virtual COM port
(COM2 by default).
The port is in use by another
Close the other application
and try again.
The baud rate is set
incorrectly in the application.
Check that the application is
set to 19200 baud, 8 data
bits, no parity and one stop
bit (settings may be different
if the 1134 RFID reader has
been reconfigured) .
The 1134 LF Reader does
not read a particular
The 1134 LF Reader has
been configured to exclude
some transponders types.
Refer to the command
documentation to include the
appropriate transponder type.
The transponder is out of
range of the 1134 LF Reader.
Move the transponder closer
to the antenna.
MC55/65 battery does not
The battery is faulty.
Verify that other batteries
charge properly. If so,
replace the faulty battery.
Ambient temperature is too
Move the unit to an area
where the ambient
temperature is between 0°C
and 35°C.
The MC55/65 is not firmly
seated into the 1134 LF
Remove and re-insert the
MC55/65 from the 1134 LF
Reader, ensuring it is firmly
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Possible Cause
The 1134 LF Reader is not
firmly seated into the cradle.
Remove and re-insert the
1134 LF Reader from the
cradle, ensuring it is firmly
ActiveSync cannot connect to
the MC55/65
ActiveSync is not correctly
configured on the PC or the
Detach the 1134 LF Reader
from the MC55/65 and try to
ActiveSync directly to the
MC55/65. If this does not
work then consult the
MC55/65 User Guide.
The MC55/65 is not firmly
seated into the 1134 LF
Reader or the 1134 LF
Reader is not firmly seated
into the cradle.
Remove and re-insert the
MC55/65 from the 1134 LF
Reader, ensuring it is firmly
seated. Remove and re-
insert the 1134 LF Reader
from the cradle, ensuring it is
firmly seated.
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11 Regulatory information
11.1 Information to the user - FCC
• This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
• This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an
uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for
satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
• Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
11.2 Information to the user – Industry Canada
Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna
of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada.
To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be
so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that
necessary for successful communication."
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is
subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
Conformément à la réglementation d'Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur radio peut
fonctionner avec une antenne d'un type et d'un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour
l'émetteur par Industrie Canada.
Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillage radioélectrique à l'intention des autres
utilisateurs, il faut choisir le type d'antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope
rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépasse pas l'intensité nécessaire à l'établissement d'une
communication satisfaisante."
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils
radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le
brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
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12 Technical specifications
12.1 Summary of specifications
The following table summarises the 1134 LF Reader’s intended operating environment and
technical hardware specifications:
Performance Characteristics
RF Transmit Frequency
125kHz, 134.2kHz
Supported RFID Standards
ISO 11784, ISO 11785, ISO 18000-2
Supported Tag-ICs
Sokymat Q5
EM Microelectronics EM4x02, EM4x05 (ISO
FDX B), EM4x50
Texas Instruments 64 bit Read Only, 64
Read Write, 1088 bit Multipage.
Typical read time (serial number only)
HITAG 2 – 30ms
HITAG S – 59ms
EM4002 – 65ms
EM4005 – 58ms
EM4050 – 95ms
Q5 – 55ms
Texas Instruments – 93ms
Host interface
Serial interface on COM2 of MC55/65, ASCII
or Binary Protocols 9600bit/s to 115200bit/s
Reading distance
Dependent on transponder type and antenna.
Typically up to 8cm for Texas Instruments
32mm glass, up to 6cm for EM4102 30mm
diameter disc.
Current consumption
Current Consumption
< 100mA during RFID read
< 60mA in idle mode
< 30mA in standby mode
User indication
Red, Green LEDs
Flash indicating activity (function may also be
Connection Interfaces
Physical interface
USB and power in to charge MC55/65
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Reader power supply
Powered from host terminal
via USB
Physical Characteristics
85×100×30mm (3.35"x3.93"x1.18")
95g (3.35 oz)
Enclosure material
Material finish
Sparked surface
Mechanical attachment
Snap-on action with locking tabs
Attachment maintains dockability with
Motorola docking cradle for charging and
Operating Temperature
-10°C to +50°C (14°F to 122°F)
Storage Temperature
-40°C to +70°C (-40°F to 140°F)
Drop specification
1.2m (4ft) to concrete.
250 0.5m tumbles (500 drops)
Electrostatic discharge
+/-15kV air discharge, +/-8kV direct
RoHS compliant
EN 300 330-2, EN 301 489-3, FCC CFR47
Part 15(c), IC RSS210
Electrical Safety
Europe - EN60950-1 with CB Scheme Group
and National Differences
USA - UL60950-1
All PCBs are conformally coated
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13 Health and Safety Recommendations
Ergonomic Recommendations
Caution: In order to avoid or minimize the potential risk of ergonomic injury, follow the
recommendations below. Consult with your local Health & Safety Manager to ensure
that you are adhering to your company's safety programs to prevent employee injury.
+ Reduce or eliminate repetitive motion
+ Maintain a natural position
+ Reduce or eliminate excessive force
+ Keep objects that are used frequently within easy reach
+ Perform tasks at correct heights
+ Reduce or eliminate vibration
+ Reduce or eliminate direct pressure
+ Provide adjustable workstations
+ Provide adequate clearance
+ Provide a suitable working environment
+ Improve work procedures.
For vehicle installation and use
An air bag inflates with great force. DO NOT place objects, including either installed or
portable wireless equipment, in the area over the air bag or in the air bag deployment area. If
in-vehicle wireless equipment is improperly installed and the air bag inflates, serious injury
could result.
RF signals may affect improperly installed or inadequately shielded electronic systems in
motor vehicles (including safety systems). Check with the manufacturer or its representative
regarding your vehicle. You should also consult the manufacturer of any equipment that has
been added to your vehicle.
Power Supply
Use only Motorola-approved cradles, chargers and power supplies with the 1134 LF Reader.
Use of an alternative power supply will invalidate any approval given to this device, void the
warranty for the product and may be dangerous.
RF Exposure
The reader antenna is designed to direct RF energy away from the user and the reader in the
direction shown in Figure 4. To reduce RF exposure and provide best reading performance
do not cover the antenna with your hand or other part of your body.
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14 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
For EU Customers: All products at the end of their life must be returned to TSL for recycling.
For information on how to return product please contact TSL.
15 Warranty
(A) Warranty TSL’s hardware Products are warranted against defects in workmanship and
materials for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of shipment, unless otherwise
provided by TSL in writing, provided the Product remains unmodified and is operated under
normal and proper conditions. Warranty provisions and durations on software, integrated
installed systems, Product modified or designed to meet specific customer specifications
(“Custom Products”), remanufactured products, and reconditioned or upgraded products,
shall be as provided in the applicable Product specification in effect at the time of purchase or
in the accompanying software license.
(B) Spare Parts Spare parts (i.e. parts, components, or subassemblies sold by TSL for use in
the service and maintenance of Products) are warranted against defects in workmanship and
materials for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of shipment. Spare parts may be new
or originate from returned units under the conditions set forth in subsection D below.
(C) Repair of TSL branded hardware For repairs on TSL branded hardware Products under
this Agreement, including repairs covered by warranty, the repair services provided are
warranted against defects in workmanship and materials on the repaired component of the
Product for a period of thirty (30) days from the shipment date of the repaired Product, or until
the end of the original warranty period, whichever is longer. Any such defects shall be notified
to TSL in writing within 7 days of the same becoming apparent.
(D) Product Service Products may be serviced or manufactured with parts, components, or
subassemblies that originate from returned products and that have been tested as meeting
applicable specifications for equivalent new material and Products. The sole obligation of TSL
for defective hardware Products is limited to repair or replacement (at TSL’s option) on a
“return to base (RTB)” basis with prior TSL authorisation.
Customer is responsible for prompt shipment to TSL and assumes all costs and risks
associated with this transportation; return shipment to the Customer will be at TSL's expense.
Customer shall be responsible for return shipment charges for product returned where TSL
determines there is no defect (“No Defect Found”), or for product returned that TSL
determines is not eligible for warranty repair. No charge will be made to Buyer for
replacement parts for warranty repairs. TSL is not responsible for any damage to or loss of
any software programs, data or removable data storage media, or the restoration or
reinstallation of any software programs or data other than the software, if any, installed by
TSL during manufacture of the Product.
(E) Original Warranty Period Except for the warranty applying solely to the repaired
component arising from a repair service as provided in Section C above, the aforementioned
provisions do not extend the original warranty period of any Product that had either been
repaired or replaced by TSL.
(F) Warranty Provisions The above warranty provisions shall not apply to any Product
(i) which has been repaired, tampered with, altered or modified, except by TSL’s authorized
service personnel; (ii) in which the defects or damage to the Product result from normal wear
and tear, misuse, negligence, improper storage, water or other liquids, battery leakage, use of
parts or accessories not approved or supplied by TSL, or failure to perform operator handling
and scheduled maintenance instructions supplied by TSL;
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(iii) which has been subjected to unusual physical or electrical stress, abuse, or accident, or
forces or exposure beyond normal use within the specified operational and environmental
parameters set forth in the applicable Product specification; nor shall the above warranty
provisions apply to any expendable or consumable items, such as batteries, supplied with the
The stated express warranties are in lieu of all obligations or liabilities on the part of TSL for
damages, including but not limited to, special, indirect or consequential damages arising out
of or in connection with the use or performance of the Product or service. TSL’s liability for
damages to Buyer or others resulting from the use of any Product or service furnished
hereunder shall in no way exceed the purchase price of said Product or the fair market value
of said service, except in instances of injury to persons or property.
TSL is not responsible for any damages incurred during shipment if the approved shipping
container is not used. Shipping the units improperly can possibly void the warranty. If the
original shipping container was not kept, contact your local distributor or TSL to have another
sent to you.
TSL shall not be responsible for any injury, damage or loss of whatever kind caused directly
or indirectly by the goods whether as a result of their manufacture, operation, use or
otherwise and the customer shall indemnify TSL from any claim arising from any loss suffered
by any third party.